单片机控制的简单计算器外文文献篇一:单片机控制的简单计算器任务书吉林化工学院信息与控制工程学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告基于单片机简易计算器设计与仿真Design and Simulation of a Simple Calculator Based onSingle Chip Microcomputer Control- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -1. 本报告前6项内容由承担毕业论文(设计)课题任务的学生独立撰写;2. 本报告必须在第八学期开学三周内交指导教师审阅并提出修改意见;3. 学生须在小组内进行报告,并讨论;4. 本报告作为指导教师、专业系或毕业论文(设计)指导小组审查学生能否承担该毕业设计(论文) 课题和是否按时完成进度的检查依据,并接受学校和教学院的抽查。
- 5 -篇二:基于STC89C52的简易计算器设计福建电力职业技术学院课程设计课程名称:《智能仪器》题目:基于STC89C52的简易计算器设计专业班次:姓名:学号:指导教师:学期:2019-2019学年第2学期日期:2019.2目录1.引言............................................................................................................... .................................................... 1 1.1 设计意义............................................................................................................... ................................... 1 1.2 设计任务和主要内容............................................................................................................... ............... 12. 硬件设计............................................................................................................... .......................................... 2 2.1 系统框图............................................................................................................... ................................... 2 2.2 最小系统............................................................................................................... ................................... 2 2.3 矩阵键盘............................................................................................................... ................................... 3 2.4LCD1602 ...................................................................................................... ............................................. 4 3. 软件设计............................................................................................................... .......................................... 5 3.1矩阵键盘扫描原理............................................................................................................... .................... 5 3.2 LCD1602的软件设计............................................................................................................... ............... 6 3.3 主程序设计............................................................................................................... ............................... 8 3.4 源程序............................................................................................................... ....................................... 9 3.5 调试结果............................................................................................................... ................................... 9 4. 设计小结............................................................................................................... .......................................... 9 参考文献............................................................................................................... ............................................. 10 附录............................................................................................................... .. (10)1.引言随着社会的发展,人们生活水平的提高,单片机的应用越来越贴近生活了,人们常用单片机来实现一些简单的电子设计。
关键词:压敏元件数字气压计单片机气压传感器The Design and Implementation of Digital Barometer Base onSingle Chip MicrocomputerAbstract: Digital barometer is a device that makes full use of pressure sensitive components,which can make the tested pressure change into current or voltage signal easily。
At the same time,pressure sensors is the core component for barometer.The ariticle introduces a excellent way that illustrated digital precision barometer can obtain the function of soft and hardware at the same time.The air pressure via MPX4105 which achieving the value of analong voltage,and the signal is converted by V/F converter,then coped with SCM。
Temperature Control Using a Microcontroller:James S. McDonaldDepartment of Engineering ScienceTrinity UniversitySan Antonio, TX 78212AbstractThis paper describes an interdisciplinary design project which was done under the author’s supervision by a group of four senior students in the Department of Engineering Science at Trinity University. The objective of the project was to develop a temperature control system for an air-filled chamber. The system was to allow entry of a desired chamber temperature in a prescribed range and to exhibit overshoot and steady-state temperature error of less than 1 degree Kelvin in the actual chamber temperature step response. The details of the design developed by this group of students, based on a Motorola MC68HC05 family microcontroller, are described. The pedagogical value of the problem is also discussed through a description of some of the key steps in the design process. It is shown that the solution requires broad knowledge drawn from several engineering disciplines including electrical, mechanical, and control systems engineering.1 IntroductionThe design project which is the subject of this paper originated from a real-world application.A prototype of a microscope slide dryer had been developed around an OmegaTM modelCN-390 temperature controller, and the objective was to develop a custom temperature control system to replace the Omega system. The motivation was that a custom controller targeted specifically for the application should be able to achieve the same functionality at a much lower cost, as the Omega system is unnecessarily versatile and equipped to handle a wide variety of applications.The mechanical layout of the slide dryer prototype is shown in Figure 1. The main element of the dryer is a large, insulated, air-filled chamber in which microscope slides, each with a tissue sample encased in paraffin, can be set on caddies. In order that the paraffin maintain the proper consistency, the temperature in the slide chamber must be maintained at a desired (constant) temperature. A second chamber (the electronics enclosure) houses a resistive heater and the temperature controller, and a fan mounted on the end of the dryer blows air across the heater, carrying heat into the slide chamber. The purpose of this paper isto describe the problem and the students’ solution in some detail, and to discuss some of the pedagogical opportunities offered by an interdisciplinary design project of this type. The students’ own report was presented at the 1997 National Confe rence on Undergraduate Research. Section 2 gives a more detailed statement of the problem, including performance specifications, and Section 3 describes the students’ design. Section 4 makes up the bulk of the paper. Finally, Section 5 offers some conclusions.2 Problem StatementThe basic idea of the project is to replace the relevant parts of the functionality of an OmegaCN-390 temperature controller using a custom-designed system. The application dictates that temperature settings are usually kept const ant for long periods of time, but it’s nonetheless important that step changes be tracked in a “reasonable” manner. Thus the main requirements boil down to·allowing a chamber temperature set-point to be entered·displaying both set-point and actual temperatures·tracking step changes in set-point temperature with acceptable rise time, steady-state error, and overshoot.Although not explicitly a part of the specifications in Table 1, it was clear that the customerdesired digital displays of set-point and actual temperatures, and that set-point temperature entry should be digital as well (as opposed to, say, through a potentiometer setting).3 System DesignThe requirements for digital temperature displays and setpoint entry alone are enough to dictate that a microcontroller based design is likely the most appropriate. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the students’ design.The microcontroller, a MotorolaMC68HC705B16 (6805 for short), is the heart of the system. It accepts inputs from a simple four-key keypad which allow specification of the set-point temperature, and it displays both set-point and measured chamber temperatures using two-digit seven-segment LED displays controlled by a display driver. All these inputs and outputs are accommodated by parallel ports on the 6805. Chamber temperature is sensed using apre-calibrated thermistor and input via one of the 6805’s analog-to-digital inputs. Finally, a pulse-width modulation (PWM) output on the 6805 is used to drive a relay which switches line power to the resistive heater off and on.Figure 3 shows a more detailed schematic of the electronics and their interfacing to the 6805. The keypad, a Storm 3K041103, has four keys which are interfaced to pins PA0{ PA3 of Port A, configured as inputs. One key functions as a mode switch. Two modes are supported: set mode and run mode. In set mode two of the other keys are used to specify the set-point temperature: one increments it and one decrements. The fourth key is unused at present. The LED displays are driven by a Harris Semiconductor ICM7212 display driver interfaced to pins PB0{PB6 of Port B, configured as outputs. The temperature-sensing thermistor drives, through a voltage divider, pin AN0 (one of eight analog inputs). Finally, pin PLMA (one of two PWM outputs) drives theheater relay.Software on the 6805 implements the temperature control algorithm, maintains the temperature displays, and alters the set-point in response to keypad inputs. Because it is not complete at this writing, software will not be discussed in detail in this paper. The control algorithm in particular has not been determined, but it is likely to be a simple proportional controller and certainly not more complex than a PID. Some control design issues will be discussed in Section 4, however.4 The Design ProcessAlthough essentially the project is just to build a thermostat, it presents many nice pedagogical opportunities. The knowledge and experience base of a senior engineering undergraduate are just enough to bring him or her to the brink of a solution to various aspects of the problem. Yet, in each case, real world considerations complicate the situation significantly.Fortunately these complications are not insurmountable, and the result is a very beneficial design experience. The remainder of this section looks at a few aspects of the problem which present the type of learning opportunity just described. Section 4.1 discusses some of the features of a simplified mathematical model of the thermal properties of the system and how it can beeasily validated experimentally. Section 4.2 describes how realistic control algorithm designs can be arrived at using introductory concepts in control design. Section 4.3 points out some important deficiencies of such a simplified modeling/control design process and how they can be overcome through simulation. Finally, Section 4.4 gives an overview of some of the microcontroller-related design issues which arise and learning opportunities offered.4.1 Mathematical ModelLumped-element thermal systems are described in almost any introductory linear control systems text, and just this sort of model is applicable to the slide dryer problem. Figure 4 shows asecond-order lumped-element thermal model of the slide dryer. The state variables are the temperatures Ta of the air in the box and Tb of the box itself. The inputs to the system are the power output q(t) of the heater and the ambient temperature T. ma and mb are the masses of the air and the box, respectively, and Ca and Cb their specific heats. μ1 and μ2 are heat transfer coefficients from the air to the box and from the box to the external world, respectively.It’s not hard to show that the (linearized) state equations corresponding to Figure 4Taking Laplace transforms of (1) and (2) and solving for Ta(s), which is the output of interest, gives the following open-loop model of the thermal system:where K is a constant and D(s) is a second-order polynomial.K, τz, and the coefficients of D(s) are functions of the various parameters appearing in (1) and (2).Of course the various parameters in (1) and (2) are completely unknown, but it’s not hard to show that, regardless of their values, D(s) has two real zeros. Therefore the main transfer function of interest (which is the one from Q(s), sinc e we’ll assume constant ambient temperature) can be writtenMoreover, it’s not too hard to show that 1=τp1 <1=τz <1=τp2, i.e., that the zero lies between the two poles. Both of these are excellent exercises for the student, and the result is the openloop pole-zero diagram of Figure 5.Obtaining a complete thermal model, then, is reduced to identifying the constant K and the three unknown time constants in (3). Four unknown parameters is quite a few, but simple experiments show that 1/tp1 << 1/tz << 1/tp2 so that tz;tp2≈0 are good approximations. Thus the open-loop system is essentially first-order and can therefore be writtenSimple open-loop step response experiments show that,for a wide range of initial temperatures and heat inputs, K≈0.14 and t≈295.4.2 Control System DesignUsing the first-order model of (4) for the open-loop transfer function Gaq(s) and assuming for the moment that linear control of the heater power output q(t) is possible, the block diagram of Figure 6 represents the closed-loop system. Td(s) is the desired, or set-point, temperature,C(s) is the compensator transfer function, and Q(s) is the heater output in watts.Given this simple situation, introductory linear control design tools such as the root locus method can be used to arrive at a C(s) which meets the step response requirements on rise time, steady-state error, and overshoot specified in Table 1. The upshot, of course, is that aproportional controller with sufficient gain can meet all specifications. Overshoot is impossible, and increasing gains decreases both steady-state error and rise time.Unfortunately, sufficient gain to meet the specifications may require larger heat outputs than the heater is capable of producing. This was indeed the case for this system, and the result is that the rise time specification cannot be met. It is quite revealing to the student how useful such an oversimplified model, carefully arrived at, can be in determining overall performance limitations.4.3 Simulation ModelGross performance and its limitations can be determined using the simplified model of Figure 6, but there are a number of other aspects of the closed-loop system whose effects on performance are not so simply modeled. Chief among these are·quantization error in analog-to-digital conversion of the measured temperature and· the use of PWM to control the heater.Both of these are nonlinear and time-varying effects, and the only practical way to study them is through simulation (or experiment, of course).Figure 7 shows a SimulinkTM block diagram of the closed-loop system which incorporates these effects. A/D converter quantization and saturation are modeled using standard Simulink quantizer and saturation blocks. Modeling PWM is more complicated and requires a customS-function to represent it.This simulation model has proven particularly useful in gauging the effects of varying the basic PWM parameters and hence selecting them appropriately. (I.e., the longer the period, the larger the temperature error PWM introduces. On the other hand, a long period is desirable to avoid excessive relay “chatter,” among other things.) PWM i s often difficult for students to grasp, and the simulation model allows an exploration of its operation and effects which is quite revealing.4.4 The MicrocontrollerSimple closed-loop control, keypad reading, and display control are some of the classic applications of microcontrollers, and this project incorporates all three. It is therefore an excellent all-around exercise in microcontroller applications. In addition, because the project isto produce an actual packaged prototype, it won’t do to use a si mple evaluation board with theI/O pins jumpered to the target system. Instead, it’s necessary to develop a complete embedded application. This entails the choice of an appropriate part from the broad range offered in a typical microcontroller family and learning to use a fairly sophisticated developmentenvironment. Finally, a custom printed-circuit board for the microcontroller and peripherals must be designed and fabricated.5 ConclusionThe aim of this paper has been to describe an interdisciplinary, undergraduate engineering design project: a microcontroller- based temperature control system with digital set-point entry and set-point/actual temperature display. A particular design of such a system has been described, and a number of design issues which arise—from a variety of engineering disciplines—have been discussed. Resolution of these issues generally requires knowledge beyond that acquired in introductory courses, but realistically accessible to advance undergraduate students, especially with the advice and supervision of faculty.Desirable features of the problem, from a pedagogical viewpoint, include the use of a microcontroller with simple peripherals, the opportunity to usefully apply introductorylevel modeling of physical systems and design of closed-loop controls, and the need for relatively simple experimentation (for model validation) and simulation (for detailed performance prediction). Also desirable are some of the technologyrelated aspects of the problem including practical use of resistive heaters and temperature sensors (requiring knowledge of PWM and calibration techniques, respectively), microcontroller selection and use of development systems, and printedcircuit design.References[1] M. Langsdorf, M. Rall, D. Schuchmann, and P. Rineh art,“Temperature control of a microscope slide dryer,” in1997 National Conference on Undergraduate Research,(Austin, TX), April 1997.[2] Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, Temperature Measure mentand Display Using theMC68HC05B4 and the MC14489,1990. Motorola Semiconductor Application Note AN431. [3] Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, HC05 MCU LED Drive Techniques Using theMC68HC705J1A, 1995. Motorola Semiconductor Application Note AN1238.[4] Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, HC05MCU Keypad Decoding Techniques Using theMC68HC705J1A, 1995. Motorola Semiconductor Application Note AN1239.[5] Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, RAPID Integrated Development Environment User’s Manual, 1993.单片机温度控制:JamesS.McDonald工程科学系三一大学德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市78212摘要本文所描述的是作者领导由四个三一大学高年级学生组成的团队进行的一个跨学科工程项目的设计。
关键词:数字气压计;软件实现方法;硬件实现方法;结构分析中图分类号: TN43⁃34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004⁃373X(2015)16⁃0100⁃03Design of digital barometer controlled by single chip microcomputerZHU Ye(Xi’an Railway Vocational and Technical Institute,Xi’an 710014, China)Abstract: Digital barometer is an accurate pressure measurement tool. The digital barometer with microcontroller is convenient to be carried, and has simple operation, high accuracy, good safety and good application prospect. The digital barometer controlled on single chip microcomputer is introduced in detail. The overall structure of the barometer is analyzed. then introduce The method to realize software and hardware of the barometer is described. The debugging and simulation methods of digital barometer system elaborated to guarantee the reliability and stability of digital barometer function.Keywords: digital barometer; software realization method; hardware realization method;structural analysis\0 引言气压计是一种运用压敏元件将待测气压转化成易被检测和传输的电压电流信号,通过后续电路处理将数据显示出来的一种测量工具。
中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述外文资料digital voltage meter Based on single-chip technology Single chip is an integrated on a single chip a complete computer system. Even though most of his features in a small chip, but it has a need to complete the majority of computer components: CPU, memory, internal and external bus system, most will have the Core. At the same time, such as integrated communication interfaces, timers, real-time clock and other peripheral equipment. And now the most powerful single-chip microcomputer system can even voice, image, networking, input and output complex system integration on a single chip.Also known as single-chip microprocessor, first because it was used in the field of industrial control. Only by the single-chip CPU chip developed from the dedicated processor. The design concept is the first by a large number of peripherals and CPU in a single chip, the computer system so that smaller, more easily integrated into the complex and demanding on the volume control devices. INTEL the Z80 is one of the first design in accordance with the idea of the processor, From then on, the MCU and the development of a dedicated processor parted ways.At present, single-chip to infiltrate all areas of our lives, which is very difficult to find the area of almost no traces of single-chip microcomputer. Missile navigation equipment, aircraft control on a variety of instruments, computer network communications and data transmission, industrial automation, real-time process control and data processing, are widely used in a variety of smart IC card, limousine civilian security systems, video recorders, cameras, the control of automatic washing machines, as well as program-controlled toys, electronic pet, etc., which are inseparable from the single-chip microcomputer. Not to mention the field of robot automation, intelligent instrumentation, medical equipment has been.Throughout the development process of single-chip, you can indicate the development trend of single-chip, generally are:1. Of low-power CMOSMCS-51 series of 8031 introduced the power consumption of 630mW, and now widespread in the single-chip 100mW or so, with the growing demand for low-powersingle-chip, and now all the basic single-chip manufacturers are use of CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor process). As the 80C51 on the use of HMOS (high density metal oxide semiconductor process) and CHMOS (high-density complementary metal oxide semiconductor process). Although the CMOS low power consumption, but because of its physical characteristics to determine its speed is not high enough, and then CHMOS with high-speed and low power consumption characteristics of these features, it is more suitable in low power consumption, as battery-powered applications . Therefore, the process for some time to come will be the main way to develop single-chip microcomputer.2.Singal-chip of micro-chipNow generally in conventional single-chip will be the central processing unit (CPU), random access data storage (RAM), read-only program memory (ROM), parallel and serial communication interface, system interruption, timing circuits, integrated circuit clock in a single chip, enhanced single-chip integration, such as A / D converter, PMW (pulse width modulation circuit), WDT (watchdog), and some will be single-chip LCD (LCD) driver integrated circuits are in a single chip, this unit includes single-chip circuits on more and more powerful features. Even single-chip manufacturers can also be tailored in accordance with the requirements of users, to create a single chip with its own chip characteristics.3. Mainstream and multi-species coexistenceAlthough a wide variety of single-chip, unique, but still single-chip microcomputer 80C51 prevailing at the core, compatible with its structure and command system of PHILIPS products, ATMEL company's products and China Taiwan's Winbond Series single-chip machine. Therefore, single-chip microcomputer as the core C8051 occupied the half. Microchip's PIC and reduced instruction set (RISC) has a strong development momentum of China Taiwan HOLTEK single-chip companies in recent years, increasing production, with its high quality low-cost advantages, to occupy a certain market share. MOTOROLA addition to the company's products, several large companies in Japan's exclusive single-chip microcomputer. A certain period of time, this situation will continue to be upheld, there will not be a single-chip monopoly domination, taking the complementary interdependence, complementarity and common development.AT89C51 is a flicker with 4K bytes EEPROM-programmable low-voltage, high-performance digital microprocessors CMOS8, commonly known as single-chip microcomputer. AT89C2051 is a flicker with 2K bytes EEPROM programmablemicrocontroller. MCU EEPROM erasure can be repeated 100 times. The device ATMEL manufacture high-density nonvolatile memory technology with industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set and pin compatible output. Owing to the multi-purpose 8-bit CPU and flash memory chips in a single portfolio, ATMEL's AT89C51 microcontroller is a highly efficient, AT89C2051 is a streamlined version of it. AT89C single-chip embedded control system for many provides a flexible and inexpensive program.AT89C51 performance :1. And MCS-51 compatible2.4K bytes of programmable Flash Memory3. Life expectancy: 1000 write / wipe cycle4. Data retention time: 10 years5. Static work of the whole: 0Hz-24MHz6. Three-level Program Memory Lock7.128 × 8-bit internal RAM8.32 Programmable I / O lines9. Two 16-bit timer / counter10.5 Interrupt Sources11. Programmable Serial Channel12. Low-power idle and power-down mode13. Chip oscillator and clock circuitryReferred to as digital voltage meter DVM, it is a digital measurement technology, the continuous analog (DC input voltage) into a non-continuous, discrete digital form and the instrument display.The characteristics of digital voltage meter:1.Show a clear intuitive, accurate readingsTraditional analogue instruments through the use of indicators must be carried out and dial readings in the reading process will be introduced to the inevitable human error. Digital voltage meter is the use of advanced digital display technology, so that the measurement results at a glance, as long as the meter jump phenomenon does not occur, the measurement results is unique.2.Show that the medianShow that the median is usually 31 / 2, 32 / 3, 33 / 4 / spaces, 41 / 2, 43 / 4, 51 / 2, 61 / 2, 71 / 2, 81 / 2 A total of 9. Determine the median number of instruments there are two principles:1. can display all the numbers 0 to 9 are the integer-bit; Score-bitnumerical value is based on the largest show the highest number of elements, with the highest number of full-scale as the denominator .3.High accuracyAccuracy of results is a measure of systematic error and random error of the integrated.4. High resolutionDigital voltage meter at the lowest voltage range on the bottom of a character represented by the voltage value, known as the instrument of the resolution, which reflects the level of instrument sensitivity. With the display resolution increases the median. Resolution refers to the smallest can be shown in the figures (except zero) and the largest percentage of the number. For example, 31 / 2 DVM of a resolution of1 / 1999 ≈ 0.05%. Be noted that the re solution and accuracy are two differentconcepts. From the measurement point of view, the resolution is "true" indicators (with measurement error has nothing to do), the accuracy is the "real" target (on behalf of the size of measurement error).5. Wide measuring rangeDVM generally more measurable range 0 ~ 1000V DC voltage, high voltage probe can be measured with the million-volt high-pressure.A / D converter [4] is a digital voltage meter, digital multimeter and measuringsystem the "heart." At present, domestic production of A / D converter has reached hundreds of species can be broadly divided into five main categories: 1. monolithic A / D converter; 2. DMM dedicated single-chip IC; 3. dedicated multi-display meter IC;4. for digital the use of special instrumentation IC (ASIC);5. other general-purpose A/ D converter, the chip can only complete A / D converter, not directly with the number of instruments.Digital voltage meter digital meter is a great core and foundation of the digital voltage meter as a continuous analog DC voltage to a discrete form of non-sequential numbers, which is different from traditional dial indicator readings to increase the ways to avoid errors in reading and visual fatigue. At present, the digital multimeter isa core component of the internal A / D converter, converter, to a large extent affectthe accuracy of the accuracy of the design of digital multimeter - Digital Voltage Meter A / D converter for converting analog signals ADC0804 input, AT89C51 controls the heart of the transformation and processing the results of operations, the final output device driver number of voltage signal. Digital voltage meter digital meter is a great core and foundation of the digital voltage meter as a continuousanalog DC voltage to a discrete form of non-sequential numbers, which is different from traditional dial indicator readings to increase the ways to avoid errors in reading and visual fatigue. At present, the digital multimeter is a core component of the internal A / D converter, converter, to a large extent affect the accuracy of the accuracy of the design of digital multimeter - Digital Voltage Meter A / D converter for converting analog signals ADC0804 input, AT89C51 controls the heart of the transformation and processing the results of operations, the final output device driver number of voltage signal. LED display can be carried out will be displayed after the decimal point voltage value of one.Adoption of new technologies, new processes, from LSI and VLSI constitute a new type of digital instrumentation and a large number of high-end smart devices available, the field of electronic devices marked a revolution in creating a modern pioneer of electronic measurement technology.中文译文基于单片机技术的数字电压表单片机是指一个集成在一块芯片上的完整计算机系统。
基于51单片机控制的数字气压计的设计AbstractIn this paper, we propose a design of a digital barometer based on 51 single-chip microcontroller (SCM) control. The design includes the measurement of pressure using a MEMS pressure sensor, analog signal conditioning using a Wheatstone bridge circuit, and digital signal processing and display using the 51 SCM. The design is low-cost, efficient, and accurate.IntroductionA barometer is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure. It is commonly used in weather forecasting, aviation, and many other applications. A digital barometer is more accurate and convenient than a traditional mercury barometer.The 51 SCM is a widely used microcontroller in many applications due to its low cost, ease of use, and availability. In this design, we utilize the 51 SCM to process the digital signal from the MEMS pressure sensor and display the pressure reading on an LCD screen.DesignThe design includes three main components: pressure measurement, analog signal conditioning, and digital signal processing and display.The pressure measurement is achieved using a MEMS pressure sensor. The MEMS pressure sensor converts pressure changes into electrical signals that can be measured and processed by the 51 SCM.The analog signal conditioning is achieved by using a Wheatstone bridge circuit. The Wheatstone bridge circuit converts the small analog signal from the MEMS pressure sensor into a larger, more usable voltage signal that can be easily processed by the 51 SCM.The digital signal processing and display is achieved using the 51 SCM. The 51 SCM processes the analog signal and converts it into a digital signal that can be displayed on an LCD screen. The pressure reading is updated every second.ResultsThe digital barometer design based on 51 SCM control is low-cost, efficient, and accurate. The pressure readings are displayed on an LCD screen with a resolution of 0.1 hPa. The design can measure pressures from 300 hPa to 1100 hPa with an accuracy of ±0.5 hPa.DiscussionThe digital barometer design based on 51 SCM control has many advantages over traditional barometers. It is more accurate, convenient, and cost-effective. The design can be easily modified and integrated into other systems.ConclusionIn conclusion, we have proposed a design of a digital barometer based on 51 SCM control. The design includes pressure measurement using a MEMS pressure sensor, analog signal conditioning using a Wheatstone bridge circuit, and digital signal processing and display using the 51 SCM. The design is low-cost, efficient, and accurate. It can be easily modified and integrated into other systems.。
目录摘要 (I)A BSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... I I 前言.. (1)第一章概述 (2)1.1课题背景 (2)1.2 技术概况及发展趋势 (2)1.3数字胎压计系统设计的意义 (3)1.4国内外相关技术 (3)第二章系统总体设计 (5)2.1设计思路分析 (5)2.1.1设计方案一: (5)2.1.2 设计方案二: (5)2.2系统总体结构 (6)2.3系统各功能模块的设计思想 (6)2.3.1 A/D转换模块 (6)2.3.2 数据处理模块 (6)2.3.3 显示模块 (6)2.4气压传感器的选择 (7)2.5A/D转换器件的选择 (7)2.6三端稳压器 (8)2.7数码管显示 (8)2.7.1 数码管静态显示 (8)2.7.2数码管动态显示 (8)2.8系统配置 (8)第三章硬件电路设计 (10)3.1单片机电路部分 (10)3.1.1 主要芯片介绍 (10)3.2气压传感和V/F转换电路部分 (12)3.3胎压计电源与单片机电路部分 (15)3.4 pcb制作 (16)第四章软件设计 (18)4.1用C语言开发单片机的优势 (18)4.2如何由频率计算出气压值 (18)4.3程序流程图 (19)第五章系统调试与仿真 (20)5.1K EIL软件介绍 (20)5.2PROTEUS软件介绍 (20)5.3 单片机调试仿真 (21)5.4原理图检查调试 (22)5.5 器件连接调试 (22)5.6 PCB检查 (23)5.7程序调试仿真 (25)第六章毕业设计总结 (26)6.1主要成果 (26)6.2经验总结和感谢 (26)参考文献 (27)致谢 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
【摘 要】 为了弥补传统气压表(空盒式、弯管式等)精度低、显示单一的缺点,开发了一种由 Phi l i ps 87C552 单
3 系统的软件设计
87C552 内部有 3 个定时 \ 计数器(T0、T1、T2),本
设计中,T0、T1 作为 16 位定时器使用,T2 作为串口通
信的波特率发生器,UART 工作在增强型半双工模式。
由于 87C552 具有 4 级中断优先级结构,故设定 T0 中
断优先级最高,T1 中断优先级次之,UART 中断优先级
一只液晶显示模块(LCM)构成,并在 P3.2- P3.4 上采用 74LS164 串行扩展了四个按键作为人机互动的输入。
利用 87C552 P0、P2 口扩展 32k RAM 作为系统数 据存储器,用来保存程序运行期间的数据和当月的历 史数据;利用 I2C 总线扩展 EEPROM 用来保存掉电后 的工作参数,扩展时钟日历芯片 PCF8583 来构成仪表 的日历电路,I2C 总线的使用进一步简化了电路;采用 RS485 协议一体化芯片 PS1480 与 87C552 内部的增强 型 UART 构成仪表的 RS485 接口电路,简化了硬件设 计,提高了可靠性;利用 P1.4 控制报警电路的启动;利 用了 87C552 内部集成的 A/D 转换器完成模数转换; DS1232 用来构成外置看门狗电路、复位电路和低电压 保护电路。
advanced algorithm is adopted to compensate silicon pressure transducer's inherent distortion so as to get a high precision, menu man- machine
外文文献原稿和译文原稿Front sideCopyright of this circuit belongs to smart kit electronics. In this page we will use this circuit to discuss for improvements and we will introduce some changes based on original schematicGeneral DescriptionThis is an easy to build, but nevertheless very accurate and useful digital voltmeter. It has been designed as a panel meter and can be used in DC power supplies or anywhere else it is necessary to have an accurate indication of the voltage present. The circuit employs the ADC (Analogue to Digital Converter) I.C. CL7107 made by INTERSIL. This IC incorporates in a 40 pin case all the circuitry necessary to convert an analogue signal to digital and can drive a series of four seven segment LED displays directly. The circuits built into the IC are an analogue to digital converter, a comparator, a clock, a decoder and a seven segment LED display driver. The circuit as it is described here can display any DC voltage in the range of 0-1999 Volts.Technical Specifications - CharacteristicsSupply Voltage: ............. +/- 5 V (Symmetrical)Power requirements: ..... 200 mA (maximum)Measuring range: .......... +/- 0-1,999 VDC in four rangesAccuracy: ....................... 0.1 %FEATURESSmall sizeEasy constructionLow cost.Simple adjustment.Easy to read from a distance.Few external components.How it WorksIn order to understand the principle of operation of the circuit it is necessary to explain how the ADC IC works. This IC has the following very important features: Great accuracy.It is not affected by noise.No need for a sample and hold circuit.It has a built-in clock.It has no need for high accuracy external components.Schematic (fixed 16-11-09)7-segment display pinout MAN6960An Analogue to Digital Converter, (ADC from now on) is better known as a dual slope converter or integrating converter. This type of converter is generally preferred over other types as it offers accuracy, simplicity in design and a relative indifference to noise which makes it very reliable. The operation of the circuit is better understood if it is described in two stages. During the first stage and for a given period the input voltage is integrated, and in the output of the integrator at the end of this period, there is a voltage which is directly proportional to the input voltage. At the end of the preset period the integrator is fed with an internal reference voltage and the output of the circuit is gradually reduced until it reaches the level of the zero reference voltage. This second phase is known as the negative slope period and its duration depends on the output of the integrator in the first period. As the duration of the first operation is fixed and the length of the second is variable it is possible to compare the two and this way the input voltage is in fact compared to the internal reference voltage and the result is coded and is send to the display.All this sounds quite easy but it is in fact a series of very complex operations which are all made by the ADC IC with the help of a few external components which are used to configure the circuit for the job. In detail the circuit works as follows. The voltage to be measured is applied across points 1 and 2 of the circuit and through the circuit R3, R4 and C4 is finally applied to pins 30 and 31 of the IC. These are theinput of the IC as you can see from its diagram. (IN HIGH & IN LOW respectively). The resistor R1 together with C1 are used to set the frequency of the internal oscillator (clock) which is set at about 48 Hz. At this clock rate there are about three different readings per second. The capacitor C2 which is connected between pins 33 and 34 of the IC has been selected to compensate for the error caused by the internal reference voltage and also keeps the display steady. The capacitor C3 and the resistor R5 are together the circuit that does the integration of the input voltage and at the same time prevent any division of the input voltage making the circuit faster and more reliable as the possibility of error is greatly reduced. The capacitor C5 forces the instrument to display zero when there is no voltage at its input. The resistor R2 together with P1 are used to adjust the instrument during set-up so that it displays zero when the input is zero. The resistor R6 controls the current that is allowed to flow through the displays so that there is sufficient brightness with out damaging them. The IC as we have already mentioned above is capable to drive four common anode LED displays. The three rightmost displays are connected so that they can display all the numbers from 0 to 9 while the first from the left can only display the number 1 and when the voltage is negative the «-«sign. The whole circuit operates from a symmetrical ρ 5 VDC supply which is applied at pins 1 (+5 V), 21 (0 V) and 26 (-5 V) of the IC.ConstructionFirst of all let us consider a few basics in building electronic circuits on a printed circuit board. The board is made of a thin insulating material clad with a thin layer of conductive copper that is shaped in such a way as to form the necessary conductors between the various components of the circuit. The use of a properly designed printed circuit board is very desirable as it speeds construction up considerably and reduces the possibility of making errors. To protect the board during storage from oxidation and assure it gets to you in perfect condition the copper is tinned during manufacturing and covered with a special varnish that protects it from getting oxidised and also makes soldering easier.Soldering the components to the board is the only way to build your circuit andfrom the way you do it depends greatly your success or failure. This work is not very difficult and if you stick to a few rules you should have no problems. The soldering iron that you use must be light and its power should not exceed the 25 Watts. The tip should be fine and must be kept clean at all times. For this purpose come very handy specially made sponges that are kept wet and from time to time you can wipe the hot tip on them to remove all the residues that tend to accumulate on it.DO NOT file or sandpaper a dirty or worn out tip. If the tip cannot be cleaned, replace it. There are many different types of solder in the market and you should choose a good quality one that contains the necessary flux in its core, to assure a perfect joint every time.DO NOT use soldering flux apart from that which is already included in your solder. Too much flux can cause many problems and is one of the main causes of circuit malfunction. If nevertheless you have to use extra flux, as it is the case when you have to tin copper wires, clean it very thoroughly after you finish your work.In order to solder a component correctly you should do the following:Clean the component leads with a small piece of emery paper.Bend them at the correct distance from the component’s body and insert the component in its place on the board.You may find sometimes a component with heavier gauge leads than usual, that are too thick to enter in the holes of the p.c. board. In this case use a mini drill to enlarge the holes slightly. Do not make the holes too large as this is going to make soldering difficult afterwards.Take the hot iron and place its tip on the component lead while holding the end of the solder wire at the point where the lead emerges from the board. The iron tip must touch the lead slightly above the p.c. board.When the solder starts to melt and flow wait till it covers evenly the area around the hole and the flux boils and gets out from underneath the solder. The whole operation should not take more than 5 seconds. Remove the iron and allow the solder to cool naturally without blowing on it or moving the component. If everything was done properly the surface of the joint must have a bright metallic finish and its edgesshould be smoothly ended on the component lead and the board track. If the solder looks dull, cracked, or has the shape of a blob then you have made a dry joint and you should remove the solder (with a pump, or a solder wick) and redo it.Take care not to overheat the tracks as it is very easy to lift them from the board and break them.When you are soldering a sensitive component it is good practice to hold the lead from the component side of the board with a pair of long-nose pliers to divert any heat that could possibly damage the component.Make sure that you do not use more solder than it is necessary as you are running the risk of short-circuiting adjacent tracks on the board, especially if they are very close together.When you finish your work, cut off the excess of the component leads and clean the board thoroughly with a suitable solvent to remove all flux residues that may still remain on it.0 - 2 V ............ R3 = 0 ohm 1%0 - 20 V ........... R3 = 1.2 Kohm 1%0 - 200 V .......... R3 = 12 Kohm 1%0 - 2000 V ......... R3 = 120 Kohm 1%When you have finished all the soldering on the board and you are sure that everything is OK you can insert the IC in its place. The IC is CMOS and is very sensitive to static electricity. It comes wrapped in aluminium foil to protect it from static discharges and it should be handled with great care to avoid damaging it. Try to avoid touching its pins with your hands and keep the circuit and your body at ground potential when you insert it in its place.Connect the circuit to a suitable power supply ρ 5 VDC and turn the supply on. The displays should light immediately and should form a number. Short circuit the input (0 V) and adjust the trimmer P1 until the display indicates exactly «0».If it does not workCheck your work for possible dry joints, bridges across adjacent tracks or soldering flux residues that usually cause problems.Check again all the external connections to and from the circuit to see if there is a mistake there.See that there are no components missing or inserted in the wrong places.Make sure that all the polarised components have been soldered the right way round.Make sure the supply has the correct voltage and is connected the right way round to your circuit. - Check your project for faulty or damaged components.Sample Power supply 1 Sample Power Supply 2译文引言这是一个很容易建立并且非常准确和有用的数字电压表。
单片机 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 基于单片机的超声波测距系统的研究与设计
单片机外文翻译外文文献英文文献基于单片机的超声波测距系统的研究与设计附录附录A外文翻译the equivalent dc value. In the analysis of electronic circuits to be considered in a later course, both dc and ac sources of voltage will be applied to the same network. It will then be necessary to know or determine the dc (or average value) and ac components of the voltage or current in various parts of the system.EXAMPLE 13.13 Determine the average value of the waveforms of Fig. 13.37.FIG. 13.37Example 13.13.Solutions:a. By inspection, the area above the axis equals the area below over one cycle, resulting in an average value of zero volts.b. Using Eq.(13.26):as shown in Fig. 13.38.26In reality, the waveform of Fig. 13.37(b) is simply the square wave of Fig. 13.37(a) with a dc shift of 4 V; that is v2 =v1 + 4 VEXAMPLE 13.14 Find the average values of the following waveforms over one full cycle:a. Fig. 13.39.b. Fig. 13.40.27Solutions:We found the areas under the curves in the preceding example by using a simple geometric formula. If we should encounter a sine wave or any other unusual shape, however, we must find the area by some other means. We can obtain a good approximation of the area by attempting to reproduce the original wave shape using a number of small rectangles or other familiar shapes, the area of which we already know through simple geometric formulas. For example,the area of the positive (or negative) pulse of a sine wave is 2Am. Approximating this waveform by two triangles (Fig. 13.43), weobtain(using area1/2 base height for the area of a triangle) a rough idea of the actual area:A closer approximation might be a rectangle with two similar triangles(Fig. 13.44):28which is certainly close to the actual area. If an infinite number of forms were used, an exact answer of 2Am could be obtained. For irregular waveforms, this method can be especially useful if data such as the average value are desired. The procedure of calculus that gives the exact solution 2Am is known as integration. Integration is presented here only to make the method recognizable to the reader; it is not necessary to be proficient in its use to continue with this text. It is a useful mathematical tool, however,and should be learned. Finding the area under the positive pulse of a sine wave using integration, we havewhere ? is the sign of integration, 0 and p are the limits of integration, Am sin a is thefunction to be integrated, and da indicates that we are integrating with respect to a.Integrating, we obtainSince we know the area under the positive (or negative) pulse, we can easily determine the average value of the positive (or negative) region of a sine wave pulse by applying Eq. (13.26):For the waveform of Fig. 13.45,29EXAMPLE 13.15 Determine the average value of the sinusoidal waveform of Fig. 13.46.Solution: By inspection it is fairly obvious thatthe average value of a pure sinusoidal waveform over one full cycle is zero.EXAMPLE 13.16 Determine the average value of the waveform of Fig. 13.47.Solution: The peak-to-peak value of the sinusoidal function is16 mV +2 mV =18 mV. The peak amplitude of the sinusoidal waveform is, therefore, 18 mV/2 =9 mV. Counting down 9 mV from 2 mV(or 9 mV up from -16 mV) results in an average or dc level of -7 mV,as noted by the dashed line of Fig. 13.47.EXAMPLE 13.17 Determine the average value of the waveform of Fig. 13.48.Solution:30EXAMPLE 13.18 For the waveform of Fig. 13.49, determine whether the averagevalue is positive or negative, and determine its approximate value.Solution: From the appearance of the waveform, the average value is positive and in the vicinity of 2 mV. Occasionally, judgments of this type will have to be made. InstrumentationThe dc level or average value of any waveform can be found using a digital multimeter (DMM) or an oscilloscope. For purely dccircuits,simply set the DMM on dc, and readthe voltage or current levels.Oscilloscopes are limited to voltage levels using the sequence of steps listed below:1. First choose GND from the DC-GND-AC option list associated with each vertical channel. The GND option blocks any signal to which the oscilloscope probe may be connected from entering the oscilloscope and responds with just a horizontal line. Set the resulting line in the middle of the vertical axis on the horizontal axis, as shown in Fig. 13.50(a).2. Apply the oscilloscope probe to the voltage to be measured (ifnot already connected), and switch to the DC option. If a dc voltage is present, the horizontal line will shift up or down, as demonstrated in Fig. 13.50(b). Multiplying the shift by the vertical sensitivity will result in the dc voltage. An upward shift is a positive voltage (higher31potential at the red or positive lead of the oscilloscope), while a downward shift is a negative voltage (lower potential at the red or positive lead of the oscilloscope). In general,1. Using the GND option, reset the horizontal line to the middle of the screen.2. Switch to AC (all dc components of the signal to whichthe probe is connected will be blocked from entering the oscilloscope—only the alternating, or changing,components will be displayed).Note the location of some definitive point on the waveform, such as the bottom of the half-wave rectified waveform of Fig. 13.51(a); that is, note its position on the vertical scale. For the future, whenever youuse the AC option, keep in mind that the computer will distribute the waveform above and below the horizontal axis such that the average value is zero; that is, the area above the axis will equal the area below. 3. Then switch to DC (to permit both the dc and the ac components of the waveform to enter the oscilloscope), and note the shift in the chosen level of part 2, as shown in Fig. 13.51(b). Equation(13.29) can then be used to determine the dc or average value of the waveform. For the waveform of Fig. 13.51(b), the average value is aboutThe procedure outlined above can be applied to any alternating waveform such as the one in Fig. 13.49. In some cases the average valuemay require moving the starting position of the waveform under the AC option to a different region of the screen or choosing a higher voltage scale. DMMs can read the average or dc level of any waveform by simply choosing the appropriate scale.3213.7 EFFECTIVE (rms) VALUESThis section will begin to relate dc and ac quantities with respect to the power delivered to a load. It will help us determine the amplitude of a sinusoidal ac current required to deliver the same power as a particular dc current. The question frequently arises, How is it possible for a sinusoidal ac quantity to deliver a net power if, over a full cycle, the net current in any one direction is zero (average value 0)? It would almost appear that the power delivered during the positive portion of the sinusoidal waveform is withdrawn during the negative portion, and since the two are equal in magnitude, the net power delivered is zero. However, understand that irrespective of direction, currentof any magnitude through a resistor will deliver power to that resistor. In other words,during the positive or negative portions of a sinusoidal ac current, power is being delivered at eachinstant of time to the resistor. The power delivered at each instant will, of course, vary with the magnitude of the sinusoidal ac current, but there will be a net flow during either the positive or the negativepulses with a net flow over the full cycle. The net power flow will equal twice that delivered by either the positive or the negative regions of sinusoidal quantity. A fixed relationship between ac and dc voltages and currents can be derived from the experimental setup shown in Fig. 13.52. A resistor in a water bath is connected by switches to a dc and an ac supply. If switch 1 is closed, a dc current I, determined by the resistance R and battery voltage E, will be established through theresistor R. The temperature reached by the water is determined by the dc power dissipated in the form of heat by the resistor.If switch 2 is closed and switch 1 left open, the ac current through the resistor will have a peak value of Im. The temperature reached by the water is now determined by the ac power dissipated in the form of heat by the resistor. The ac input is varied until the temperature is the same as that reached with the dc input. When this is accomplished, the average electrical power delivered to the resistor R by the ac source is the same asthat delivered by the dc source. The power delivered by the ac supply at any instant of time is33The average power delivered by the ac source is just the first term, since the average value of a cosine wave is zero even though the wave may have twice the frequency of the original input current waveform. Equating the average power delivered by the ac generator to that delivered by the dc source,which, in words, states thatthe equivalent dc value of a sinusoidal current or voltage is 1/2 or 0.707 of itsmaximum value.The equivalent dc value is called the effective value of the sinusoidal quantity.In summary,As a simple numerical example, it would require an ac current with a peak value of 2 (10) 14.14 A to deliver the same power to the resistorin Fig. 13.52 as a dc current of 10 A. The effective value of any quantity plotted as a function of time can be found by using the following equation derived from the experiment just described:34which, in words, states that to find the effective value, the function i(t) must first besquared. After i(t) is squared, the area under the curve isfound by integration. It is then divided by T, the length of the cycle or the period of the waveform, to obtain the average or mean value of thesquared waveform. The final step is to take the square root of the meanvalue. This procedure gives us another designation forthe effectivevalue, the root-mean-square (rms) value. In fact, since therms term isthe most commonly used in the educational and industrial communities,it will used throughout this text. EXAMPLE 13.19 Find therms values of the sinusoidal waveform in each part of Fig. 13.53.Solution: For part (a), Irms 0.707(12 10 3 A) 8.484 mA.For part (b), againIrms 8.484 mA. Note that frequency did notchange the effective valuein (b) above compared to (a). For part (c),Vrms 0.707(169.73 V) 120 V, the same as available from a home outlet.EXAMPLE 13.20 The 120-V dc source of Fig. 13.54(a) delivers 3.6 W to the load. Determine the peak value of the applied voltage (Em) and the current (Im) if the acsource [Fig. 13.54(b)] is to deliver the same power to the load.35Solution:EXAMPLE 13.21 Find the effective or rms value of the waveform of Fig.13.55.Solution:36EXAMPLE 13.22 Calculate the rms value of the voltage of Fig. 13.57.Solution:EXAMPLE 13.23 Determine the average and rms values of the square wave of Fig. 13.59.37Solution: By inspection, the average value is zero.The waveforms appearing in these examples are the same as thoseused in the examples on the average value. It might prove interesting tocompare the rms and average values of these waveforms.The rms values of sinusoidal quantities such as voltage or currentwill be represented by E and I. These symbols are the same as thoseused for dc voltages and currents. To avoid confusion, the peak valueof a waveform will always have a subscript m associated with it: Imsin qt. Caution: When finding the rms value ofthe positive pulse of asine wave, note that the squared area is not simply (2Am)24A2m; itmust be found by a completely new integration. This will always bethe case for any waveform that is not rectangular.A uniquesituation arises if a waveform has both a dc and an ac componentthat may be due to a source such as the one in Fig. 13.61. Thecombination appears frequently in the analysis of electronic networkswhere both dc and ac levels are present in the same system.38The question arises, What is the rms value of the voltage vT? Onemight be tempted tosimply assume that it is the sum of the rms valuesof each component of the waveform; that is, VT rms 0.7071(1.5 V) 6 V 1.06 V 6 V 7.06 V. However, the rms value is actuallydetermined bywhich for the above example is39直流值相等。
JIANGSU TEACHERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY本科毕业设计(论文)基于单片机的数字气压计设计学院名称:电气信息工程学院专业:电子信息工程班级:姓名:指导教师姓名:指导教师职称:年月摘要本文主要介绍的是基于单片机和气压传感器BMP085设计的数字气压计系统,主要介绍了本系统的硬件组成以及软件流程。
关键词:气压传感器;C语言;单片机;目录摘要 (2)目录 (2)前言 (3)1. 本系统设计意义以及目的 (3)2. 数字气压计发展趋势 (5)第一章数字气压计基本概述 6 1.1本系统基本结构 6 1.2本系统方案和器件选型方案论证 (6)第二章数字气压计系统的硬件电路设计 (9)2.1本系统硬件电路概述 (9)2.2系统硬件各模块设计简介 (9)第三章数字气压计系统的软件设计 (19)3.1本系统主程序设计流程 (19)3.2系统各子程序设计 (20)第四章数字气压计系统的软硬件调试 (28)4.1本系统硬件调试 (28)4.2本系统软件调试 (28)第五章总结 (30)5.1系统完成结果 (30)5.2 经验总结和感谢 (30)参考文献 32前言1.本系统设计意义以及目的随着时代的发展人们对事物的研究程度更加的深入,更加的细化了,以前我们研究的级别都还在毫米,微米级别上,而如今纳米级的精度都随处可见了,因此普通的物理级测量系统已经达不到如今社会对测量的要求了,因此高精度数字化的测量仪器就成为了现在社会测量领域中一项很重要的技术。
关键词:气压传感器;电压/频率转换;单片机;气压计;AbstractIntroduced in this paper, based on the precision of pressure sensor implementation method of digital barometer system (including the design of hardware and software). Obtained with the method of pressure sensor to MPX4105 chip car tire pressure corresponding to the analog voltage value, is converted to a digital signal through the voltage/frequency conversion module, to the single-chip microcomputer for processing after get the actual pressure value, the digital tube display circuit can show its value. This method made the barometer of portable, simple, reliable and cheap.Key words:Gs pressure transducer;V oltage / frequency conversion;SCM;Barometer;目录引言 (1)1 概述 (2)1.1课题背景 (2)1.2技术现状和发展趋势 (2)1.3数字轮胎压力计系统设计的意义 (3)1.4国内外相关技术 (4)2 系统的整体方案设计 (5)2.1系统方案的选择 (5)2.1.1方案一 (5)2.1.2方案二 (5)2.2系统的整体方案 (5)3 各功能模块的选择 (7)3.1设计思路 (7)3.2 A/D转换模块 (7)3.3数据处理模块 (7)3.4显示模块 (7)3.5压力传感器的选择 (7)3.6 A/D转换装置的选择 (8)3.7三端稳压器 (9)3.8数码管显示 (9)3.8.1数码管静态显示 (9)3.8.2数码管动态显示 (9)3.9报警模块 (9)4 部分电路的设计 (10)4.1单片机电路部分 (10)4.1.1AT89C52特点 (10)4.2压力传感和部分V/F转换电路 (12)4.2.1MPX4105压力传感器芯片 (12)4.2.2LM331电压/频率转换器 (13)4.2.3MC78L05电源电路 (13)4.3轮胎压力计电源和单片机电路部分 (17)4.4 生成PCB........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
单片机数字电压表论文中英文资料对照外文翻译Digital voltmeters based on single-chip XXX-chip technology integrates us components of a computer system。
including CPU。
internal and external bus systems。
and peripherals like n interfaces。
and real-time clocks。
The latest single-chip puters can even integrate complex systems like voice。
and input/output on a single chip。
the accuracy of digital voltmeters based on single-chip XXX like noise。
and power supply XXX accuracy。
XXX such as oversampling。
and filtering are used。
One example of a digital voltmeter based on single-chip XXX crystal display (LCD) screen。
The Arduino-based voltmeter is easy to use and can be programmed for XXX。
Another example is the digital voltmeter based on theMAX7219 chip。
This chip is a serially-interfaced。
eight-digit LED display driver that can drive up to 64 LEDs。
基于单片机的气压式高度计设计孟洪兵;陈熙源【摘要】The digital atmospheric pressure altimeter based on C805IF353 single chip microcomputer was designed by using piezoresistive silicon-barometric sensor and modulized design method. The measuring accuracy was improved by the aid of a simulation software and segment interpolation optimization. The intelligentization of digital atmospheric pressure altimeter was realized. Experiments show that the digital atmospheric pressure altimeter mentioned above can impnve the measurement accuracy remarkably and is applied to small aircrafts and instruments used in the ground equipments to perform the data acquisition%采用集成度高的压阻式硅气压传感器,运用模决化设计方法完成了基于C8051F353单片机的数字式气压高度计的设计.通过仿真软件采用分段插值方法优化提高测量精度.实现了数字式气压高度计的智能化.实验表明,本文设计的气压式高度计能够显著提高测量精度,非常适合对体积和功耗有要求的小型飞行器上使用,也可使用在地面仪表上,进行大气数据采集.【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2011(034)012【总页数】4页(P192-194,197)【关键词】气压传感器;误差补偿;C8051F353;非线性校正【作者】孟洪兵;陈熙源【作者单位】塔里木大学,信息工程学院,新疆阿克苏843300;东南大学,仪器科学与工程学院,江苏南京210096;东南大学,仪器科学与工程学院,江苏南京210096【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911-34;TP212高度是载体到某一基准水平面的垂直距离,是导航的一个重要依据。
5中断源11.programmableserialchannel12.low-poweridleandpower-downmode13.chiposcillatorandclockcircuitry参考数字电压表DVM,它是一种数字测量技术,将连续模拟(DCInput Voltage)转换为非连续、离散的数字形式和仪器显示。
Candisplayallthenumbers0至9aretheinteger位;得分位numericalvalueisbasedonthelargestshowthehighestnumberofelements,withthehighest numberoffull-scaleasthedenominator.3.高精度accuracyofresultsisameasureofsystematicerrorandrandomerroroftheintegrated.4.hi ghresolution数字电压表位于Evoltage Value所代表的每个字符的最低电压范围内,了解该解决方案的仪器,它反映了仪器的灵敏度水平。
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Design of Liquid Crystal Digital Voltmeter Based on Single Chip MicrocomputerWang Hui-feng 1 Liu Xiao-hua21 Hubei Institute of Technology, Xianning, China,2 Jiaozuo Teachers College,Jiaozuo,ChinaAbstractüThe design is based on Atmel51 microcontroller development platform and automatic control based on the principle of a digital voltage meter systemˊThe system uses Atmel89C52 microcontroller as the control core, ADC0832 for the sampled data system, The use of a zener diode for over voltage protection, and through the realization of analog switch achieves the input range automatic conversion, character liquid crystal display shows the measured voltage.Key words- Digital voltmeter;Atmel89C52; A/D converter;I.T HE OVERALL SYSTEM DESIGN SCHEMEThis system realize the function mainly through the hardware design and software programming. First, according to the design requirements to produce complete the design of circuit diagram. The hardware circuit uses ATMEL's AT89C52 as the main processor, the system is mainly composed of signal acquisition, A/D conversion, data processing and output, drive and display modules. Second, according to the circuit diagram of program control chip, the program design use assembly language programming, the compilation and simulation using Keil software. The SCM control A/D converter analog to digital conversion, and display the corresponding voltage value on the LED.Figure 1. System block diagram The measured DC voltage is collected and quantified byA/D conversion unit, then the results of the A/D conversion arescale transformatied by microcontroller to get the value ofmeasured voltage.SCM average logarithmicly over the resultsof all transformation, then output the average value through theSPI serial data interface to the display driving unit, the unitcomplete the decoding, and drive the digital display.II.T HE HARDWARE DESIGN AND THE CIRCUIT CHARTA.Power Supply CircuitThree terminal regulator composed by some triode and resistor is a kind of integrated circuit element.when analyzing circuit, we can think it is a element adjusting the resistance automatically.when load current is large, resistance of three terminal regulator automatically becomes small, and when the load current is smaller, the resistance of the three terminal regulator change automatically, so we can maintain the output voltage constant.Wanting to output the voltageof 5V,we so the selecte 7805. The letter in front of 7805 may be different due to manufacturers. the maximum output current of LM7805 is 1A, there is current limit short circuit protection in it,so a short period of time, such as a few seconds, short circuit of output to ground (2 feet) will not make 7805 burned out. Three terminal regulator followed by a 104 capacitor, the capacitor has the effect of wave filtering and damping.Figure 2. Ower Supply CircuitB.The A/D Conversion ModuleDue to the type of analog conversion circuit, based on the precision, the conversion speed and stability, this design uses the ADC0832 conversion chip. The ADC0832 connected whith Single chip microcomputer through 3 wire interface is a serial interface of 8 bit A/D converter produced by National Semiconductor Corporation Ns. Bing of low power consumption, high cost performance, the ADC0832 is suitable to be used in intelligent instruments in the pocket. The ADC0832 is 8 bits resolution A/D conversion chip, the highest resolution can reach 256 level, can meet the general requirements for conversion of analog quantity. Double data output of the chip can be used as data verification, to reduce the error,besides,fast switching speed and stronger stability, independent of the chip make multiple devices connection andprocessing control becomes more convenient. Channel function choice can be achieved easily through the DI data input, can easily achieve. Its main features are as follows:1.8 bit resolution, successive approximation, thereference voltage is 5V;2. A single 5V power supply;3.Analog signal input voltage range of 0 ~ 5V;4.Input and output level with TTL and CMOScompatibility;5.In the clock frequency of 250Khz, the conversion timeis 32us;6.With 2 alternative analog input channel;7.Low power consumption (15MW);8.Support SPI.C.The Interface ModuleAT89C52 MCU as the control unit system, convert analog to the amount of data into the single chip microcontroller through the A/D converter, and then sent to the display. In This scheme, all kinds of functions is easy to realize, low cost, low power consumption, stable display can set the power saving mode by software. The idle mode, the CPU suspended the work, while the RAM timing / counter, serial port, and interrupt system can continue to work.The power-down mode freezes the oscillator and preserve of the RAM data, causing all other chip functions until the external interrupt or hardware reset is activated. The main properties of AT89C52 are as follows:patible with the MCS-51 single-chip products;2.8K bytes of In-System Programmable Flash memory;3.1000 write cycle4.Fully static operation: 0Hz - 33MHz;5.32 programmable I/O mouth line;6. 3 16 timer / counter;7. 5 interrupt sources8.Full duplex UART serial channel;9.Low-power idle and power-down mode;10.The power-down after interruption awaken;11.Flexible ISP programming;12.4.0---5.5V voltage range;D.The Clock CircuitThe clock circuit is composed of an external clock and internal clock. The internal is composed of a single-chip computer and the external 12MHZ crystal and the two capacitor frequency of clock circuit, so the external power disconnecting, the clock is not stopped. As shown in fig.3:GNFigure 3. Clock circuit52 microcontroller EA/VPP (31 feet) is the internal and external program memory select pin. When EA remained high, visit internal program memory; when EA is held low, no matter whether there is an internal program memory, only access to external memory. For today's most MCU, its internal program memory (flash) capacity is very big, so basically does not need an external program memory, but the direct use of internal memory.E.LED Drive CircuitIn this system, light emitting diode (LED) access method is to take the power connected to the anode of the diode resistance received after the 1K microcontroller I/O port. Fig. 4 the resistance is 1K to limit the current,keeping the working current of light emitting diode is defined in the 2mA~10mA. The LED connection as shown in Fig.4Figure 4. Connection diagram of 4 LEDThe display part using the model of "LG5641BH 0.56" LED digital tube, the models of digital tube is one of 4 digital tube, a total of 12 pins, wherein the 8 segment is selected, 4 for bit selection.F.The Reset CircuitIn the SCM system, the reset circuit is very important, when the program is run fly (abnormal operation) or crash (stop), it needs reset.In MCS-5l Series MCU reset pin of the RST (Ninth pin) there are 2 high electric machine cycle more than usual, SCM can perform a reset operation. If RST continues at a high level, the MCU id in a circle on reset state.Reset operation usually have two basic forms: automatic power-on reset and reset switches. In this design the automatic power-on reset .On the electrying moment, at both ends of the capacitor voltage can not change, the electrode of the capacitance connecte with RESET, all voltage added to the resistance, the RESET input is high, the chip is reset. The +5V power supply to charge the capacitor, the voltage on resistor decreases, finally is approximately equal to 0,the chip work. Generally speaking, as long as the RST pipe maintain highlevel for more than 10ms, Single chip microcomputer can reset effectively. The reset circuit as shown in fig.5.Figure 5. Reset circuitIII.P ROCESS DESIGN AND SIMULATIONA.Design the Framework of SoftwareThe overall framework of system software, the main program with dead circulation structure, in which calls the three subroutines, AD conversion subroutine, data processing, dynamic display subroutine, power in the system to start before the measurement, to the voltage to be measured to estimate with the voltage meter, and then select the appropriate range, to prevent excessive voltage burn A/D converter. After the selection range of power system can be measured. Power system is initialization, first of all, MCU chip select A/D converter, and then send out a signal to start the A/D conversion. The MCU internal timer / counter are starting to work, constantly scanning the A/D conversion end port has no end signal. If have, namely start signal acquisition, the numerical value of the A/D converter output sent data storage, data processing, using look-up table method to the voltage value displayed. Process as shown in Figure 4-1, the data processing subroutine flow chart as shown in Fig.6.Figure 6. Software design flow chartFigure 7. Data processing flow chart B.SimulationProteus software is the EDA tool software published by a British Labcenter electronics. It has the simulation function thatEDA tools software has, and can simulate the single-chip microcomputer and peripheral devices. It is the simulation of single chip peripheral devices and the best tools. From the schematic layout, debugging code to the MCU and peripheral circuit simulation, switch to the PCB design, which realized the complete design from concept to product. The simulation results prove that the design theory is established.IV.M ATERIAL OBJECT DEBUGAfter the completion of the design, we have to debug the system. The debugging process can be used to measure some given voltage results to complete. First to check for zero: the input port is connected a power analog A/D converter, you can adjust the ADC0832 reference voltage value, until the display voltage and supply the same. After calibration, we can debug. Table 5-1 shows the test results of the system:TABLE I. TEST RESULTSThe actualvoltage˄V˅Display voltage˄V˅Absolute error˄V˅Relative error˄%˅0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00%1.00 0.99 0.00 1.00%1.50 1.49 0.01 0.70%2.00 1.98 0.02 1.00%2.50 2.48 0.020.80%V.S UMMARYDue to the design requirements of precision is not very high,we can fully meet the design requirements by 8 bit AD converter and procedures averaging multiple voltage value.Wanting to get higher measurement accuracy, we can achieve by improving program. For example: processing dataaccording to the calculation method of error theory.Design requirements the measuring range is 0V ~ +5V,Butthe actual range of measurement vary widely, the measure metric is not the same, such as temperature, pressure, humidity,and so on, so the voltmeter to applicated in practical need to be applied with proper circuit according to the specific environment to complete the required function. For example, tomeasure high voltage will need pressure circuit in addition, to measure the temperature,it is necessary to add temperature sensor (the temperature into a voltage), to measure the instable voltage ,sample and hold circuit etc. That is to say, the voltmeter in this designjust like a header which will be widelyused in digital display instrument.R EFERENCE[1]Zhang gang-yi,Peng xi-yuan㸬Principle and application of single chipmicrocomputer [M]㸬Beijing㸸Higher education press,2010㸬(InChinese)[2]Guo tianxiang㸬New concept 51 single-chip C language tutorial[M]㸬Beijing㸸Publishing House of electronics industry ,2009㸬(InChinese)[3]Han-jianguo,Liao-junbi,Guiyun tian㸬Foundation and Application ofMicrocontroller[M]㸬Beijing㸸Higher education press2004㸬(InChinese)[4]Richard R.Spencer㸬Introduction to Electronic CircuitDesign[M]㸬Beijing㸸Publishing House of electronics industry,2004㸬[5]Zhangzhi-liang,Mabiao. 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