
1. "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.
2. "If" by Rudyard Kipling.
3. "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou.
4. "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe.
5. "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas.

下面是由无忧考网带来的适合初二学生朗诵的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!【篇一】适合初二学生朗诵的英文诗歌Morning SongSylvia PlathLove set you going like a fat gold watch.The midwife slapped your footsoles, and your bald cryTook its place among the elements.Our voices echo, magnifying your arrival. New statue.In a drafty museum, your nakednessShadows our safety. We stand round blankly as walls.I'm no more your motherThan the cloud that distills a mirror to reflect its own slowEffacement at the wind's hand.All night your moth-breathFlickers among the flat pink roses. I wake to listen:A far sea moves in my ear.One cry, and I stumble from bed, cow-heavy and floralIn my Victorian nightgown.Your mouth opens clean as a cat's. The window squareWhitens and swallows its dull stars. And now you tryYour handful of notes;The clear vowels rise like balloons.【篇二】适合初二学生朗诵的英文诗歌Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-roundOr listened to the rain slapping on the ground?Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flightOr gazed at the sun into the fading night?You better slow down,Don't dance so fast.Time is short,The music won't last.Do you run through each day on the flyWhen you ask "How are you?", do you hear the reply?When the day is done, do you lie in your bedWith the next hundred chores running through your head?You'd better slow downDon't dance so fastTime is shortThe music won't lastWhen you run so fast to get somewhere,You miss half the fun of getting there.When you worry and hurry through your day,It is like an unopened gift....Thrown away...Life is not a race.Do take it slower,Hear the musicBefore the song is over.If you have known how to compose your life, you have done a great deal more than the person who knows how to compose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.【篇三】适合初二学生朗诵的英文诗歌Have Faith and Expect the Best 心怀信念并追求完美Faith begins by believing in your heart that what is right has a chance.信念始于内心对机缘深信不疑。

初一初二英语歌曲、经典诗文朗诵比赛淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节英语歌曲、经典诗文朗诵比赛获奖名单09级部:奖项节目名称班级表演者指导老师一等奖Edelweiss 09级4班周岫鲁赵英君苏兴博董士铖梁翠My love 09级10班李宇航张雨泽韩东霏,何静怡陈沂The day you went away 09级7班杨鑫丽董鑫怡陈德玲二等奖Past and present 09级5.6班夏乐琪冯堃等路燕God is a girl 09级3班孙珂翟君培陈园锌孙子玮刘晓梁翠Me and you 09级9班孙琳珂陈沂Take me to your heart 09级8班邢凯文陈德玲Nobody 09级2班张文孙鑫尧李程程毕妍宇任宜影胡彬Forever friendship 09级9.10班张维旭张艺文孟彬张雅婕张钰杨芳芳陈沂三等奖Proud of you 09级6班王荣钰仇子元路燕Saying goodbye to Cambridgeagain 09级7.8班黄子瑶邢艺林陈德玲The day you went away 09级1班张淑妍鲍秋亦胡彬Heal the world 09级1.2班沈然李雪萌耿宪峰等胡彬Knock Knock 09级5班庄晓涵赵西曼路燕Always have a dream 09级3.4班09.4 梁翠08级部奖项节目名称班级表演者指导老师一等奖The day you went away08级5.6班石静雯赵君宇石静祎张帅Hold fast to Mommy’s hand08级5.6班赵秉钰宋少捷等张帅Nobody 08级8班孙宁则李聿尧仇宏鲁袁建昊左晓倩二等奖Sorry Sorry 08级7班白玉陈晓一谭锦昊王英姿左晓倩Fire fly 08级4班范琳琳赵雨亭谭向谊刘艳芳The furthest love in the world08.级7.8班张明明刘香怡宋铭明等左晓倩三等奖The show 08级1班杨丹常艺馨魏志红Looking up the starring sky 08级3班王金然王雨晴姚娜朱嘉宁刘艳芳Proud of you 08级2班陈政孜张玉莹等魏志红淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节书法比赛一等奖名单09级1班:一等奖:司蜀君王嘉晨李奉雨王雩晴鲍秋亦09级2班:一等奖:仇雅茹张雪晴程晓薇毕研宇梁子桐09级3班:一等奖:翟君培陈园锌董雪王晶蕾苏惠09级4班:一等奖:闫闻达高维娜杨紫薇李鸿钰朱沫汝09级5班:一等奖:赵茜曼王艺凝郝蒙蒙庄晓涵金小万09级6班:一等奖:司芸荣徐斌张文轩董兰天黄向宇09级7班:一等奖:孙琪杨鑫丽魏晓凡肖蓉钰陈小雨09 级8班:一等奖:刑凯文赵月铭倚萱戚戚涵涵孙俪歌09级9班:一等奖:车秉瑜陈文菲张艺文杨芳芳王鸣飞09级10班:一等奖:张雨泽刘怡欣赵蕙新何静怡张雅婕08级1班:一等奖:张丹孙小蒲刘吉威宋雯雯王雪菲08级2班:一等奖:杨荟民李晗旭张雨晴赵映晨张玉莹08级3班:一等奖:姚娜石楚涵邢紫璇刘琬晴周梦婷08级4班:一等奖:高佳晴孙向郁吴舒怡谭向谊侯欣君08级5班:一等奖:吴学东赵君宇孟思琪胡雪迎刘瑞森08级6班:一等奖:刘长鑫宋少捷王文浩李瑶汪海08级7班:一等奖:王龙康王雪焦悦魏赛苏仕奇08级8班:一等奖:李聿尧王荣悦仇宏鲁孙筱孙如郁07级1班:一等奖:宋梦璐王孟张林川胡慧颖唐策07级2班:一等奖:孙维泽董英姿于跃蒲绘竹王静萱07级3班:一等奖:吕程李奥菲杨子禹杜凯旋程欣童07级4班:一等奖:王若冰张哲张晓迎袁月王亚楠07级5班:一等奖:刘世龙李丹丹袁敏常颢张琪07级6班:一等奖:刘程秦子力张磊王靖宜王雪07级7班:一等奖:陈曦王鹤群张晓彤赵镜宇吕俊歆07级8班:一等奖:闻至燏马铭堃赵瑛琪耿菽彤王丽媛07级9班:一等奖:李宁张馨月孙子涵许媛媛张璐瑶07级10班:一等奖:王梦晓孙茜茜高烨王荣吉陈汉光06级1 班:一等奖:李博涵石天张晓敏高婷婷车东琦06级2 班:一等奖:陈振宏宋双侯力铭孟小涵孙丽倩06级3 班:一等奖:司玉莹李欣轩唐迎昕卢云起孙鑫宇06级4班:一等奖:李瑶瑶张文超范轩吕宜聪司莹雪06级5班:一等奖:张连东李俊莹能小易袁铭高俊彧06级6班:一等奖:孙晓桐许福超王晓涵殷晓瑶周子程淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节09级部英语图文展获奖小组名单1班:组名:“夏狂热”亓晓晴杨凯栋栾宗奇冯钰涵耿文卓李柯瑞组名“原味夏天”李嘉敏彭潇漪姜静宜张淦耿鑫源孙宁浩许洋李明哲2班:组名:“夜,微凉”张雪晴王晨阳贾士煜崔旭辉李海林任宜影组名:“Lorn man”冯鲁津胡金泽苏乐天孙钰霖牛宇昂李雪萌王天萌程东浩3班:组名:天晴 Sunday Only One 白阳春李政皓李鹏宇宓倩文孙子玮郭文文李岩珂组名:唯独黑白翟君培陈园锌高骁岩孙珂王晶蕾孙宇飞张智超翟仕豪4班:组名:八上七下苏宴生赵英君王金洋苏兴博康鑫达刘保辰房正林曲小雨组名:飞羽天翔阎闻达翟子烨翟筱周岫鲁张心怡张衍钊蒲炜炜5班:组名:你的萝卜偶滴菜宗小琪武梓阳杨昊张鑫泽孙丰家郭黎阳庄晓涵李智全组名:达人总动员赵茜曼王天佑李蕉雨侯昊东李琳琳王怡晨赵岩松董沁雨6班:组名:创想未来王烁斐杨阳柏香媛董兰天赵杰黄铭泽卢洋仇子元组名:魅影追风朱晓妍刘一铭邹淦翟兢修张天龙仇子涵袁子清李瑶珈徐伟豪司婧林7班:组名:90后的星空王俊浩杨鑫丽翟泽国牛子玮汤译然张芷璇陈雨婷孙慧阎震张钧涛组名:青春的梦孙元浩郭欣萌杜文丽董鑫怡张宗阳宋泽王一帆魏晓凡蒲子豪黄冠华8班:组名紫梦夜李姿艳魏宇奇刘彦孜黄东长翟晨旗吕晓妍郭家丽戚涵涵组名凌阁玄机赵洪尧牟倚萱王文哲刘骁葳韩浩杰司书赫路裕琨蒋鹏戴世雄9班:组名:FI-Lsland 张艺文杨芳芳路惠君赵晓林王秀琳王茗伟陈士豪韩东澎组名:黑色的white 王鸣飞田惠彤齐文颂张越郇生岳周俊吉张东鑫高丰10班:组名:90后的天空张雨泽周美辰王男周楷轩张凡高玉茹王玉叶商智科郭雨辰组名:Only荣耀张维旭邢丰林魏鑫港宋翔宇张钰张昭孙国正卢梦琦李岳伦淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节英语词汇竞赛获奖小组09级1班“原味夏天”:李嘉敏彭潇漪姜静宜张淦耿鑫源孙宁浩许洋李明哲“限量版”:吴浩兴谭锦茹许紫薇曲程杰李扬李清扬王浩丁良瑜“椰子糖”:王嘉晨李卓轩袁灵均耿宪峰刘慧泽孙兆奇唐梦月刘淑涵09级2班有何不可”:狄聚伟仇雅茹冯晓燕明昂汗程晓薇“广场”:齐延泽毕研宇王修贤田泽堃张晓艺王志胜宓家辉蒲佳音“七号公园”:夏迎翔沈然马琰铭张昊杨自修贾茹梁子桐孙亚楠09级3班:残月无痕:毕妍睿张潇文郑乐平蒲昊天赵龙玺鹿骞方杨保鲁蒲志忠彼岸桃花开:翟羽佳苏惠孙楚谭启明顾艺伟闫新月丁若钰天晴 S unday Only One:白阳春李政皓组员:李鹏宇宓倩文孙子玮郭文文李岩珂09级4班:云海寻梦:张文睿李志洲高维娜赵信泽孙煦东肖静宜孙艳秋邢梦帆Happy 的源头:朱沫汝常凯孙艳秋翟俊杰司雨晴陈子贤郗文B-LANK :陈瑶李鸿钰张先孜高健宁孙成禹刘怡赫张仲淼09级5班六元人民币:赵伟壮王艺凝董昊聂静蕊贾曦濡任英娴天翼3g:张浩哲李梅雪郑朔李岚静李嘉康郝蒙蒙郭子煜崔泰琳达人总动员:赵茜曼王天佑李蕉雨侯昊东李琳琳王怡晨赵岩松董沁雨09级6班:勇往直前:朱晓妍刘一铭邹淦翟兢修张天龙仇子涵袁子清李瑶珈徐伟豪司景林理想:路泽杨景淦吕腾梓姜世豪高子玲刘洪银蒲靖宇司芸荣车天宇李光城快乐的微笑:孙嘉悦冯堃黄向宇任呈伦王子瑞张程硕司芸华谭晨09级7班:“风雨后的彩虹”:王铭浩王琳浩李猛常建秋朱烽瑜魏春晖谭睿刘家良“90后的天空”:王俊浩杨鑫丽翟泽国牛子玮汤译然张芷璇陈雨婷孙慧阎震张钧涛“糖果屋”:张冰心任君奇王资涵王印政司尚书孙琪周圣谕李润石“把苹果咬哭”:王雨轩黄子瑶于雯晔李航宇王健森苏宏博谢淑杉刘静刘效宇“紫梦夜”:李姿艳魏宇奇刘彦孜黄东长翟晨旗吕晓妍郭家丽戚涵涵“月夜孤痕”:司子林赵月铭张琬梅高含笑陈艺哲安雨欣郭英姿司书豪王子铭09级9班:FI-Lsland :张艺文杨芳芳路惠君赵晓林王秀琳王茗伟陈士豪韩东澎希望:车秉瑜王钰杨睿李瑞杜玉章王子艺车呈迅周昊文流星雨:陈文菲谭丽娣谭昌宇张岳董雨蝶田乾孙浩洋蒲厚刚09级10班:Elf:傅乐乐温文慧李宇航邢长宏司汶鑫曹振杰丁琦刘宝旭Sky:何静怡刘怡欣孟彬吕亚男孙守政隗继涵韩东霏李东罄90后的天空:张雨泽周美辰王男周楷轩张凡高玉茹王玉叶商智科郭雨辰08级1班二组:组长:孙小蒲组员:赵子涵、王德恩、尹海洋、杜梦雨五组:组长:张馨戈组员:张丹、张心怡、贾梦莹八组:组长:徐琦婕组员:常艺馨、赵一凡、辛欣08级2班九组:组长:齐紫凌组员:刘彦均、张玉莹、安子霆六组:组长:杨荟民组员:贾雨辰、丁文婷、张晓语十组:组长:司丽娜组员:陈政孜、司欣仪、谭扬08.级3班八组:组长:王金然副组长:黄亚军组员:赵广源,张承启五组:组长:罗慧文副组长:周梦婷组员:司岩,王子源九组:组长:李子贤副组长:王雨晴组员:武文斌,张敦桐、李敏08级4班三组:组长:吴舒怡组员:张舜恒,崔秋荧,董星宇,刘明鹤七组:组长:刘昱辉组员:谭向谊,张卓钰,蒋鋆凡十组:组长:翟一泽组员:魏怀宇,孙敏讷,杜东晓08级5班七组:组长:赵秉钰副组长:杨永祯组员:李莹吴学东孙玉涵唐文彪九组:组长:任宇豪副组长:杜轩组员:孙雨平王鑫哲韩育格于大城八组:组长:赵君宇副组长:邵静怡组员:杨方凯刘同张云轩王子奇08级6班六组:组长:宋少捷副组长:汪海组员:李瑶杨丰基王晶郁张东瀚一组:组长:贾宗副组长:李明昊组员:冀金杉孙梓涵国君茹张金辉四组:组长:谭明杨副组长:杨慕维组员:刘佳琪王潼古宇二组:组长:夏林泓副组长:董浩组员:翟晨晓赵阳梁应心娄书铭五组:组长:王艺霖副组长:刘昊东组员:曹汝泽宋铭明张泽坤张森一组:组长:焦悦副组长:王雪组员:张生坤谭锦昊李静宜李珂08级8班一组:组长:李聿尧副组长:梁晓坤组员:马昊王娈焦阳赵金尧四组:组长:孙宁泽副组长:张瑞彬组员:张同蒲金昊宋思敏杨振宇七组:组长:黄梦茹副组长:王旭组员:司淮睿沈卉李赫淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节08级部手抄报获奖小组名单08.1二组和三组组长;孙小蒲和宋雯雯组员:赵子涵尹海洋杜梦雨王德恩杨丹韩岳霖苏思朝七组和八组组长:董美宏和徐琦婕组员:刘玉刘明月刘鑫蕾赵一凡辛欣常艺馨08.2班四组:组长:刘子钰组员:车程钊吕晓烨司维坤五组:组长:杜凤麒组员:王泽民姜旭杨淑均汪琳琳、08.3四组:组长:薛子权副组长:赵自强组员:耿子尧李伊萌九组:组长:李子贤副组长:王雨晴组员:张敦桐武文斌李敏08.4二组:组长:赵雨凡组员:赵雨亭高亚男李嘉汇三组:组长:吴舒怡组员:崔秋荧董星宇张舜恒刘明鹤08.5五组:组长:胡雪迎副组长:高家睿组员:张文硕张然李赫孙玺九组:组长:任宇豪副组长:杜轩组员:孙雨平王鑫哲于大城八组:组长:杨方凯副组长:赵君宇组员:刘同张云轩邵静怡王子奇08.6九组:组长:刘长鑫副组长:李慧文组员:王天宇蒲昊徐嘉禾徐勤政三组:组长:石静祎副组长:刘佳琪组员:王君正孙鹤冯铭李星锐七组:组长:陈昕副组长:刘锦明组员:孙剑李培李子晨李鑫08.7四组:组长:谭宁副组长:陈晓一组员:韩颖慧陈静瑶王鑫徐川三组:组长:苏仕奇副组长:魏赛组员:宋元奇孙彤同孙红钰刘家良一组:组长:焦悦副组长:王雪组员:张生坤谭锦昊李静宜李珂08.8六组:组长:张钰副组长:赵心渝组员:刘阳司志达程德浩刘晓一组:组长:李聿尧副组长:梁晓坤组员:马昊王娈焦阳赵金尧五组:组长:袁建副组长:孙雪梅组员:刘春廷孙涵杜建平潘帅。

英文诗歌朗诵篇一If I were a snowflake,Dancing in the mid-air in elation,I must know where I'm going--Flying,flying,flying --Somewhere on the ground is my direction.I won't go to the cold valleys,Nor to the hills in desolation ,Nor to the empty streets for melancholy --Flying,flying,flying --You see I have my direction!Flying in the mid-air in elegance,I recognize that quiet residence,Waiting in the garden for her visiting --Flying,flying,flying --Ah,the plum aroma from her body is emitting!Then by my light-weight,I land on her lappet gently,Close to her soft breast --Melting,melting,melting --Melting into the soft wave of her mind!英文诗歌朗诵篇二The Goodness of LifeThough there is much to be concerned about, there is far, far more for which to be thankful. Though life’s goodness can at times be overshadowed, it is never outweighed.For every single act that is senselessly destructive, there are thousands more small, quiet acts of love, kindness and compassion. For every person who seeks to hurt, there are many, many more who devote their lives to helping and to healing.There is goodness to life that cannot be denied.In the most magnificent vistas and in the smallest details, look closely, for that goodness always comes shining through.There is no limit to the goodness of life. It grows more abundant with each new encounter. The more you experience and appreciate the goodness of life, the more there is to be lived.Even when the cold winds blow and the world seems to be covered in foggy shadows, the goodness of life lives on. Open your eyes, open your heart, and you will see that goodness is everywhere.Though the goodness of life seems at times to suffersetbacks, it always endures. For in the darkest moment it becomes vividly clear that life is a priceless treasure. And so the goodness of life is made even stronger by the very things that would oppose it.Time and time again when you feared it was gone forever you found that the goodness of life was really only a moment away. Around the next corner, inside every moment, the goodness of life is there to surprise and delight you.Take a moment to let the goodness of life touch your spirit and calm your thoughts. Then, share your good fortune with another. For the goodness of life grows more and more magnificent each time it is given away.Though the problems constantly scream for attention and the conflicts appear to rage ever stronger, the goodness of life grows stronger still, quietly, peacefully, with more purpose and meaning than ever before.英文诗歌朗诵篇三Oh Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done,The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won,The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim anddaring;But Oh heart! heart! heart!Oh the bleeding drops of red!Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.Oh Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;Rise up -for you the flag is flung -for you the bugle trills, For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths-for you the shores crowding,For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turing;Here, Captain! dear father!This arm beneath your head;It is some dream that on the deckYou've fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still, My father does not feel my arm , he has no pulse nor will;The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;Exult, Oh shores! and ring, Oh bells!But I,with mournful tread,Walk the deck my captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.。

下面是店铺带来的适合中学生朗诵的英语诗歌,欢迎阅读!适合中学生朗诵的英语诗歌篇一真爱是什么Love is Mom's kiss and Dad's pat.Love is sweet roses to a lover and tender caresses to a child.Love is the tree of friendship.Love is mutual understanding and support.Love is forgiveness and sacrifice.Love is the never-setting sun in the sky.Love is the spring of the inspiration.Love is a panacea that cures spiritual wounds.Love is the candle in the dark and the fireplace against the cold.Love is a key to open the door of a closed heart.Love is an oasis on a boundless desert which gives a tired walker strength and hope.Love is a harbor in a turbulent sea which makes a weary seaman safe and sound.Love is balmy wind that soothes pain and anxiety from the tempests of the life.Love is the teacher's persistence in giving lectures when he is ill.Love is passing a cup of tea to teachers during the break.Love is sending postcards to parents on their birthdays.Love is a kind of subtle and precious sensation among human beings.Love is all!爱是妈妈的亲吻,爸爸的抚拍。

"把苹果咬哭" : 王雨轩 黄子瑶 于雯晔 李航宇 王健森 苏宏博 谢淑杉 刘静 刘效宇
"紫梦夜": 李姿艳 魏宇奇 刘彦孜 黄东长 翟晨旗 吕晓妍 郭家丽 戚涵涵
" 月夜孤痕" : 司子林 赵月铭 张琬梅 高含笑 陈艺哲 安雨欣 郭英姿 司书豪 王子铭
09级1班:一等奖:司蜀君 王嘉晨 李奉雨 王雩晴 鲍秋亦
09级2班:一等奖:仇雅茹 张雪晴 程晓薇 毕研宇 梁子桐
09级3班:一等奖:翟君培 陈园锌 董雪 王晶蕾 苏惠
09级4班:一等奖:闫闻达 高维娜 杨紫薇 李鸿钰 朱沫汝
FI-Lsland : 张艺文 杨芳芳 路惠君 赵晓林 王秀琳 王茗伟 陈士豪 韩东澎
希望: 车秉瑜 王钰 杨睿 李瑞 杜玉章 王子艺 车呈迅 周昊文
流星雨: 陈文菲 谭丽娣 谭昌宇 张岳 董雨蝶 田乾 孙浩洋 蒲厚刚
07级4班:一等奖:王若冰 张哲 张晓迎 袁月 王亚楠
07级5班:一等奖:刘世龙 李丹丹 袁敏 常颢 张琪
07级6班:一等奖:刘程 秦子力 张磊 王靖宜 王雪
07级7班:一等奖:陈曦 王鹤群 张晓彤 赵镜宇 吕俊歆
07级8班:一等奖:闻至燏 马铭堃 赵瑛琪 耿菽彤 王丽媛
07级9班:一等奖:李宁 张馨月 孙子涵 许媛媛 张璐瑶
彼岸桃花开: 翟羽佳 苏惠 孙楚 谭启明 顾艺伟 闫新月 丁若钰
天晴 Sunday Only One: 白阳春 李政皓 组员:李鹏宇 宓倩文 孙子玮 郭文文 李岩珂
云海寻梦: 张文睿 李志洲 高维娜 赵信泽 孙煦东 肖静宜 孙艳秋 邢梦帆

下⾯是由带来的英⽂诗朗诵⽐赛稿,欢迎阅读!【篇⼀】英⽂诗朗诵⽐赛稿精选 He knows He Has Wings — Victor Hugo 他⾃知有翅膀——维克多·⾬果 What matter it though life uncertain be to all? 何必去管它,⼈⽣总是⽆定? What though its goal Be never reached? 有什么关系壮志难成? What though it fall and flee― ⼜何必计较你蹉跌并败奔― Have we not each a soul? 我们岂不是各⾃有灵魂? Be like the bird that on a bough too frail 要像那鸟⼉在柔弱的枝梢, To bear him gaily swings, 经不起它欢乐地跳跃; He carols though the slender branches fail― 虽然那细枝折断了它仍歌唱― He knows he has wings! 因为它知道⾃⼰有翅膀!【篇⼆】英⽂诗朗诵⽐赛稿精选 A Man and a Woman Sit Near Each Other — Robert Bly ⼀男⼀⼥促膝⽽坐——罗伯特·勃莱 A man and a woman sit near each other, and they do not long ⼀男⼀⼥促膝⽽坐,这样的时刻 at this moment to be older, or younger, nor born 他们不会渴求更⽼或更加年轻,抑或 in any other nation, or time, or place. ⽣在另⼀个国度、另⼀个时间或地点。

初一英文诗歌朗诵篇一:AutumnIn the fall,Golden ocean,All of the wold.Night,The moon from the harvest joy rises the summit of the mountain with a contented and fall,light rising from the top of the mountain,It makes it that bright light is aspersed to the earth like mist,like snow and frost,As if to talk to and a year of hard labor.The sky,Cloudless,On the ground,Mercedes car sound of a sharp,The moon is,Hanging in the air,Like a beacon,Guiding the nocturnal people to wards more brilliant tomorrow.初一英文诗歌朗诵篇二:The beautifuly of my memory forever Everyone may feel like thinking the future,it~s good and funny for us to do it.when the future will be become so hard that you must havecourage to beatingthe problem,and everything will be nice.it~s high time that we should build our belief, To regain the courage.and it~sthe fully of my depth love.the things are my best memory forever.初一英文诗歌朗诵篇三:where are youwhen I miss youI like to look at the cloudsthe ethereal layers veilslike your charming facewant to knowwhere are youwith whowhat's your storylook forward toyou and mewill we be therewhat's happen of uswhen I miss youI like to look at the cloudsIt's like seeingour future初一英文诗歌朗诵篇四:He's a friend of mine.He's a friend of mine.He's a friend of mine.I think of him.In the pain of the nightMy pain is fading awayBecause he is a friend of mine.Open button musicListen to the songs that you used to listen to Remember the time when he had a crush on Before you knew itI know everything about himFrom beginning to endBecause I have a crush on himEven though I'm not by his sideHe's so far away from meLike the stars in the distanceI'm longing to see every nightI will give my all初一英文诗歌朗诵篇五:hometownYesterday's heavy rain hit homeShe misses Chu YuhuangSmall Chu to liveHuanggang father into detailsTrinidad know nothing soundShe dispersed anxious mood看过“初一英文诗歌朗诵”。

适合初中朗诵表演的经典英语诗歌参加一些英语的朗诵大赛,不仅能提高我们的英语口语,还能从各个方面提升自身的气质,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些适合初中朗诵表演的经典英语诗歌,欢迎大家阅读!初中朗诵表演的经典英语诗歌篇一Stopping By Woods On a Snowy EveningWhose woods these are I think I know,His house is in the village though;He will not see me stopping hereto watch his woods filled up with snow.My little horse must think it queerto stop without a farmhouse nearbetween the woods and frozen lake.The darkest night of the year.He gives his harness bells a shaketo ask if there is some mistake.The only other sound's the sweepof easy wind and downy flake.The woods are lovely, dark and deep.But I have promises to keepAnd miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.雪夜停林边这是谁家的树林我想我知道,尽管他家住在村子里,他看不见我在这儿停住并观瞧他的林中雪栖树枝落满地我那匹小马肯定认为很古怪在这一年中最灰暗的黄昏湖面冰封,近无人家,林木雪盖停在这儿是什么原因它摇动缰铃,似乎在问你停在这里,有没有搞错此外别无任何的声音只有清风徐来,雪花飘落树林幽深,景色迷人不过,我有约要赴须走路程遥远才能投宿须走路程遥远才能投宿初中朗诵表演的经典英语诗歌篇二TODAY IS A NEW DAY--Donna LevineYour tomorrows are as brightas you want to make them.There is no reason to carrythe darkness of the pastwith you into today.Today is a wonderful new experience,full of every possibility to makeyour life exactly what you want it to be.Today is the beginning of new happiness,new directions and new relationships.Today is the day to remind yourselfthat you posses the powerand strength you needto bring contentment, love and joy into your life.Today is the day to understand yourselfand to give yourself the loveand the patience that you need.Today is the day to move forwardtowards your bright tomorrow.今天是新的一天----唐那·莱文你的明天充满阳光,如你心中所想。

下⾯是由带来的适合初中⽣的英⽂诗歌朗诵,欢迎阅读!【篇⼀】适合初中⽣的英⽂诗歌朗诵 Christmas with love Everytime, when I close my eyes I can't see the light of heaven.. Though, I can't deny there's God who have created this earth... Day by day, month by month... I'm very interested 'bout the light of heaven... But, there's no one can tell me 'bout that.. Till the eve came... The shadow of the Christmas was rise.. I saw in my dream a Baby, who was born to the earth to show the light of heaven... A Baby that have a pure smile, and the light of heaven surround Him... He was born to show us and let us know what the love is it... He loves me and u... I'll let them know You died for me.. And I have a merry little Christmas with luv... The luv that never die... Always in my heart... Now, I want to praise You, Lord.... Coz, U're d one in my heart that no one can take your place... Merry Christmas with love...【篇⼆】适合初中⽣的英⽂诗歌朗诵 For You I Wish I have looked at Christmas: holly red Secret Santa: rich pudding-fed: Standing with my eyes shut, on tip toe I’ve stood hopefully under mistletoe. Now, like scrooge, I look at the season new I smile less and party with few And all the words of love now lie Mock silently, ruffle and die. I have looked at Christmas from both sides now From happy and sad and still somehow It’s not the season that I see It’s my own candied fantasy. But for you I wish the happy red show, Stockings filled with family galore; Soul food cooked in kitchens known And sleep that is sound in a bed at home. Because the spirit is not in wishing for ones self you see, And the dreams and the hopes are for your fantasy So I wish you this Christmas old love anew And silent wishes that will do come true.【篇三】适合初中⽣的英⽂诗歌朗诵 Christmas Love! Is Christmas dying? Holly that hang from the door is disappearing, Lights don’t shine so bright. Christmas goodwill and spirit is hard to be found, Feeling I’ve found my scrooge. Is it now that I’ve grown I see a different picture, Not so tinted in green and gifts. Santa filling my stocking,考试⼤论坛 Everything such a dream through a child eyes. Nativity plays being played at school, The birth of Christ instilled into our lives. Life is changing with so many different cultures and beliefs. Will the true meaning be lost? When we have people digging a hole with their wallets. Christmas is not about the biggest present, Or how much money you’ve spent. Christmas for me is about love, Giving it through goodwill, with a smile or just being there. People may lose faith in religion, Never lose faith in Christmas, Christmas is love!。

初中生英文朗诵比赛范文The sun had barely risen when I woke up, excited for the day ahead. Today was the day I would stand on stage andrecite my piece in front of the whole school.As I walked through the school corridors, the walls seemed to whisper words of encouragement. I could feel the weight of my classmates' expectations, but it only fueled my determination.The auditorium was abuzz with anticipation. The bright lights on the stage were like a beacon, calling me to perform. My heart pounded in my chest, a rhythm that matched theverses I had memorized.The moment I stepped onto the stage, the world outside faded away. It was just me, the microphone, and the wordsthat I had chosen to share. Each syllable rolled off my tongue, carrying the emotions I had poured into them.The audience was silent, hanging on every word. I could see the flickers of understanding in their eyes, the nods of agreement. It was a connection, a bond forged through the power of language.As I reached the crescendo of my poem, my voice soared, echoing through the auditorium. The words were not justsounds anymore; they were a symphony, a testament to thebeauty of expression.When I finished, there was a pause, a collective breath held by the audience. Then, applause erupted, a thunderous acknowledgment of my performance.Walking off the stage, I felt a sense of accomplishment.I had not only recited words but had also shared a piece of my soul. The experience was humbling, a reminder of the impact that words can have when spoken with passion.The day ended with a sense of satisfaction. I had given my best, and that was all that mattered. As I lay in bed that night, the words of my poem still echoed in my mind, a reminder of the power of the spoken word.。

淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节英语歌曲、经典诗文朗诵比赛获奖名单09级部:奖项节目名称班级表演者指导老师一等奖Edelweiss09级4班周岫鲁赵英君苏兴博董士铖梁翠My love09级10班李宇航张雨泽韩东霏何静怡陈沂The day you went away09级7班杨鑫丽董鑫怡陈德玲二等奖Past and present09级5.6班夏乐琪冯堃等路燕God is a girl09级3班孙珂翟君培陈园锌孙子玮刘晓梁翠Me and you09级9班孙琳珂陈沂Take me to your heart09级8班邢凯文陈德玲Nobody09级2班张文孙鑫尧李程程毕妍宇任宜影胡彬Forever friendship09级9.10班张维旭张艺文孟彬张雅婕张钰杨芳芳陈沂三等奖Proud of you09级6班王荣钰仇子元路燕Saying goodbye to Cambridge again09级7.8班黄子瑶邢艺林陈德玲The day you went away09级1班张淑妍鲍秋亦胡彬Heal the world09级1.2班沈然李雪萌耿宪峰等胡彬Knock Knock09级5班庄晓涵赵西曼路燕Always have a dream09级3.4班09.4梁翠08级部奖项节目名称班级表演者指导老师一等奖The day you went away08级5.6班石静雯赵君宇石静祎张帅Hold fast to Mommy's hand08级5.6班赵秉钰宋少捷等张帅Nobody08级8班孙宁则李聿尧仇宏鲁袁建昊左晓倩二等奖Sorry Sorry08级7班白玉陈晓一谭锦昊王英姿左晓倩Fire fly08级4班范琳琳赵雨亭谭向谊刘艳芳The furthest love in the world08.级7.8班张明明刘香怡宋铭明等左晓倩三等奖The show08级1班杨丹常艺馨魏志红Looking up the starring sky08级3班王金然王雨晴姚娜朱嘉宁刘艳芳Proud of you08级2班陈政孜张玉莹等魏志红淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节书法比赛一等奖名单09级1班:一等奖:司蜀君王嘉晨李奉雨王雩晴鲍秋亦09级2班:一等奖:仇雅茹张雪晴程晓薇毕研宇梁子桐09级3班:一等奖:翟君培陈园锌董雪王晶蕾苏惠09级4班:一等奖:闫闻达高维娜杨紫薇李鸿钰朱沫汝09级5班:一等奖:赵茜曼王艺凝郝蒙蒙庄晓涵金小万09级6班:一等奖:司芸荣徐斌张文轩董兰天黄向宇09级7班:一等奖:孙琪杨鑫丽魏晓凡肖蓉钰陈小雨09 级8班:一等奖:刑凯文赵月铭倚萱戚戚涵涵孙俪歌09级9班:一等奖:车秉瑜陈文菲张艺文杨芳芳王鸣飞09级10班:一等奖:张雨泽刘怡欣赵蕙新何静怡张雅婕08级1班:一等奖:张丹孙小蒲刘吉威宋雯雯王雪菲08级2班:一等奖:杨荟民李晗旭张雨晴赵映晨张玉莹08级3班:一等奖:姚娜石楚涵邢紫璇刘琬晴周梦婷08级4班:一等奖:高佳晴孙向郁吴舒怡谭向谊侯欣君08级5班:一等奖:吴学东赵君宇孟思琪胡雪迎刘瑞森08级6班:一等奖:刘长鑫宋少捷王文浩李瑶汪海08级7班:一等奖:王龙康王雪焦悦魏赛苏仕奇08级8班:一等奖:李聿尧王荣悦仇宏鲁孙筱孙如郁07级1班:一等奖:宋梦璐王孟张林川胡慧颖唐策07级2班:一等奖:孙维泽董英姿于跃蒲绘竹王静萱07级3班:一等奖:吕程李奥菲杨子禹杜凯旋程欣童07级4班:一等奖:王若冰张哲张晓迎袁月王亚楠07级5班:一等奖:刘世龙李丹丹袁敏常颢张琪07级6班:一等奖:刘程秦子力张磊王靖宜王雪07级7班:一等奖:陈曦王鹤群张晓彤赵镜宇吕俊歆07级8班:一等奖:闻至燏马铭堃赵瑛琪耿菽彤王丽媛07级9班:一等奖:李宁张馨月孙子涵许媛媛张璐瑶07级10班:一等奖:王梦晓孙茜茜高烨王荣吉陈汉光06级1 班:一等奖:李博涵石天张晓敏高婷婷车东琦06级2 班:一等奖:陈振宏宋双侯力铭孟小涵孙丽倩06级3 班:一等奖:司玉莹李欣轩唐迎昕卢云起孙鑫宇06级4班:一等奖:李瑶瑶张文超范轩吕宜聪司莹雪06级5班:一等奖:张连东李俊莹能小易袁铭高俊彧06级6班:一等奖:孙晓桐许福超王晓涵殷晓瑶周子程淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节09级部英语图文展获奖小组名单1班:组名: "夏狂热" 亓晓晴杨凯栋栾宗奇冯钰涵耿文卓李柯瑞组名 "原味夏天" 李嘉敏彭潇漪姜静宜张淦耿鑫源孙宁浩许洋李明哲2班:组名: "夜微凉" 张雪晴王晨阳贾士煜崔旭辉李海林任宜影组名: "Lorn man" 冯鲁津胡金泽苏乐天孙钰霖牛宇昂李雪萌王天萌程东浩3班:组名:天晴 Sunday Only One 白阳春李政皓李鹏宇宓倩文孙子玮郭文文李岩珂组名:唯独黑白翟君培陈园锌高骁岩孙珂王晶蕾孙宇飞张智超翟仕豪4班:组名:八上七下苏宴生赵英君王金洋苏兴博康鑫达刘保辰房正林曲小雨组名:飞羽天翔阎闻达翟子烨翟筱周岫鲁张心怡张衍钊蒲炜炜5班:组名:你的萝卜偶滴菜宗小琪武梓阳杨昊张鑫泽孙丰家郭黎阳庄晓涵李智全组名:达人总动员赵茜曼王天佑李蕉雨侯昊东李琳琳王怡晨赵岩松董沁雨6班:组名:创想未来王烁斐杨阳柏香媛董兰天赵杰黄铭泽卢洋仇子元组名:魅影追风朱晓妍刘一铭邹淦翟兢修张天龙仇子涵袁子清李瑶珈徐伟豪司婧林7班:组名:90后的星空王俊浩杨鑫丽翟泽国牛子玮汤译然张芷璇陈雨婷孙慧阎震张钧涛组名:青春的梦孙元浩郭欣萌杜文丽董鑫怡张宗阳宋泽王一帆魏晓凡蒲子豪黄冠华8班:组名紫梦夜李姿艳魏宇奇刘彦孜黄东长翟晨旗吕晓妍郭家丽戚涵涵组名凌阁玄机赵洪尧牟倚萱王文哲刘骁葳韩浩杰司书赫路裕琨蒋鹏戴世雄9班:组名:FI-Lsland 张艺文杨芳芳路惠君赵晓林王秀琳王茗伟陈士豪韩东澎组名:黑色的white 王鸣飞田惠彤齐文颂张越郇生岳周俊吉张东鑫高丰10班:组名:90后的天空张雨泽周美辰王男周楷轩张凡高玉茹王玉叶商智科郭雨辰组名:Only荣耀张维旭邢丰林魏鑫港宋翔宇张钰张昭孙国正卢梦琦李岳伦淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节英语词汇竞赛获奖小组09级1班"原味夏天":李嘉敏彭潇漪姜静宜张淦耿鑫源孙宁浩许洋李明哲"限量版":吴浩兴谭锦茹许紫薇曲程杰李扬李清扬王浩丁良瑜"椰子糖 ":王嘉晨李卓轩袁灵均耿宪峰刘慧泽孙兆奇唐梦月刘淑涵09级2班有何不可":狄聚伟仇雅茹冯晓燕明昂汗程晓薇" 广场":齐延泽毕研宇王修贤田泽堃张晓艺王志胜宓家辉蒲佳音" 七号公园":夏迎翔沈然马琰铭张昊杨自修贾茹梁子桐孙亚楠09级3班:残月无痕:毕妍睿张潇文郑乐平蒲昊天赵龙玺鹿骞方杨保鲁蒲志忠彼岸桃花开:翟羽佳苏惠孙楚谭启明顾艺伟闫新月丁若钰天晴 Sunday Only One:白阳春李政皓组员:李鹏宇宓倩文孙子玮郭文文李岩珂09级4班:云海寻梦:张文睿李志洲高维娜赵信泽孙煦东肖静宜孙艳秋邢梦帆Happy 的源头:朱沫汝常凯孙艳秋翟俊杰司雨晴陈子贤郗文B-LANK :陈瑶李鸿钰张先孜高健宁孙成禹刘怡赫张仲淼09级5班六元人民币:赵伟壮王艺凝董昊聂静蕊贾曦濡任英娴天翼3g:张浩哲李梅雪郑朔李岚静李嘉康郝蒙蒙郭子煜崔泰琳达人总动员:赵茜曼王天佑李蕉雨侯昊东李琳琳王怡晨赵岩松董沁雨09级6班:勇往直前:朱晓妍刘一铭邹淦翟兢修张天龙仇子涵袁子清李瑶珈徐伟豪司景林理想:路泽杨景淦吕腾梓姜世豪高子玲刘洪银蒲靖宇司芸荣车天宇李光城快乐的微笑:孙嘉悦冯堃黄向宇任呈伦王子瑞张程硕司芸华谭晨09级7班:"风雨后的彩虹":王铭浩王琳浩李猛常建秋朱烽瑜魏春晖谭睿刘家良"90后的天空":王俊浩杨鑫丽翟泽国牛子玮汤译然张芷璇陈雨婷孙慧阎震张钧涛"糖果屋":张冰心任君奇王资涵王印政司尚书孙琪周圣谕李润石09级8班"把苹果咬哭" :王雨轩黄子瑶于雯晔李航宇王健森苏宏博谢淑杉刘静刘效宇 "紫梦夜":李姿艳魏宇奇刘彦孜黄东长翟晨旗吕晓妍郭家丽戚涵涵" 月夜孤痕" :司子林赵月铭张琬梅高含笑陈艺哲安雨欣郭英姿司书豪王子铭09级9班:FI-Lsland :张艺文杨芳芳路惠君赵晓林王秀琳王茗伟陈士豪韩东澎希望:车秉瑜王钰杨睿李瑞杜玉章王子艺车呈迅周昊文流星雨:陈文菲谭丽娣谭昌宇张岳董雨蝶田乾孙浩洋蒲厚刚09级 10班:Elf:傅乐乐温文慧李宇航邢长宏司汶鑫曹振杰丁琦刘宝旭Sky:何静怡刘怡欣孟彬吕亚男孙守政隗继涵韩东霏李东罄90后的天空:张雨泽周美辰王男周楷轩张凡高玉茹王玉叶商智科郭雨辰08级1班二组:组长:孙小蒲组员:赵子涵、王德恩、尹海洋、杜梦雨五组:组长:张馨戈组员:张丹、张心怡、贾梦莹八组:组长:徐琦婕组员:常艺馨、赵一凡、辛欣08级2班九组:组长:齐紫凌组员:刘彦均、张玉莹、安子霆六组:组长:杨荟民组员:贾雨辰、丁文婷、张晓语十组:组长:司丽娜组员:陈政孜、司欣仪、谭扬08.级3班八组:组长:王金然副组长:黄亚军组员:赵广源张承启五组:组长:罗慧文副组长:周梦婷组员:司岩王子源九组:组长:李子贤副组长:王雨晴组员:武文斌张敦桐、李敏08级4班三组:组长:吴舒怡组员:张舜恒崔秋荧董星宇刘明鹤七组:组长:刘昱辉组员:谭向谊张卓钰蒋鋆凡十组:组长:翟一泽组员:魏怀宇孙敏讷杜东晓08级5班七组:组长:赵秉钰副组长:杨永祯组员:李莹吴学东孙玉涵唐文彪九组:组长:任宇豪副组长:杜轩组员:孙雨平王鑫哲韩育格于大城八组:组长:赵君宇副组长:邵静怡组员:杨方凯刘同张云轩王子奇08级6班六组:组长:宋少捷副组长:汪海组员:李瑶杨丰基王晶郁张东瀚一组:组长:贾宗副组长:李明昊组员:冀金杉孙梓涵国君茹张金辉四组:组长:谭明杨副组长:杨慕维组员:刘佳琪王潼古宇08级7班二组:组长:夏林泓副组长:董浩组员:翟晨晓赵阳梁应心娄书铭五组:组长:王艺霖副组长:刘昊东组员:曹汝泽宋铭明张泽坤张森一组:组长:焦悦副组长:王雪组员:张生坤谭锦昊李静宜李珂08级8班一组:组长:李聿尧副组长:梁晓坤组员:马昊王娈焦阳赵金尧四组:组长:孙宁泽副组长:张瑞彬组员:张同蒲金昊宋思敏杨振宇七组:组长:黄梦茹副组长:王旭组员:司淮睿沈卉李赫淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节08级部手抄报获奖小组名单08.1二组和三组组长;孙小蒲和宋雯雯组员:赵子涵尹海洋杜梦雨王德恩杨丹韩岳霖苏思朝七组和八组组长:董美宏和徐琦婕组员:刘玉刘明月刘鑫蕾赵一凡辛欣常艺馨08.2班四组:组长:刘子钰组员:车程钊吕晓烨司维坤五组:组长:杜凤麒组员:王泽民姜旭杨淑均汪琳琳、08.3四组:组长:薛子权副组长:赵自强组员:耿子尧李伊萌九组:组长:李子贤副组长:王雨晴组员:张敦桐武文斌李敏08.4二组:组长:赵雨凡组员:赵雨亭高亚男李嘉汇三组:组长:吴舒怡组员:崔秋荧董星宇张舜恒刘明鹤08.5五组:组长:胡雪迎副组长:高家睿组员:张文硕张然李赫孙玺九组:组长:任宇豪副组长:杜轩组员:孙雨平王鑫哲于大城八组:组长:杨方凯副组长:赵君宇组员:刘同张云轩邵静怡王子奇08.6九组:组长:刘长鑫副组长:李慧文组员:王天宇蒲昊徐嘉禾徐勤政三组:组长:石静祎副组长:刘佳琪组员:王君正孙鹤冯铭李星锐七组:组长:陈昕副组长:刘锦明组员:孙剑李培李子晨李鑫08.7四组:组长:谭宁副组长:陈晓一组员:韩颖慧陈静瑶王鑫徐川三组:组长:苏仕奇副组长:魏赛组员:宋元奇孙彤同孙红钰刘家良一组:组长:焦悦副组长:王雪组员:张生坤谭锦昊李静宜李珂08.8六组:组长:张钰副组长:赵心渝组员:刘阳司志达程德浩刘晓一组:组长:李聿尧副组长:梁晓坤组员:马昊王娈焦阳赵金尧五组:组长:袁建副组长:孙雪梅组员:刘春廷孙涵杜建平潘帅。

古诗词朗诵比赛英语作文初中The Ancient Poetry Recitation CompetitionLast week, our school held an amazing ancient poetry recitation competition. It was a wonderful event that attracted many students to participate.The competition was held in the school hall. The stage was decorated beautifully with traditional Chinese elements like calligraphy and paintings. Before the competition started, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation.Participants came on stage one by one. They recited the ancient poems with great passion and expression. Some chose the famous poems of Li Bai, while others preferred the works of Du Fu. Their voices were clear and full of emotions, making the ancient poems come alive.The audience was deeply moved by their performances. We could feel the charm and wisdom of the ancient literature through their recitations. There were applauses and cheers after each performance.In the end, the judges selected the winners based on their pronunciation, intonation, and emotional expression. It was not only a competition but also a great opportunity for us to appreciate the beauty of ancient poetry.This competition made us realize the importance of inheriting and promoting traditional Chinese culture. We all look forward to more such activities in the future.。

英语美文 - All that is beautiful (上)第一篇:a grain of sand 一粒沙子 william blake/威廉.布莱克 to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild fllower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂,把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰。
第二篇:love your life 热爱生活 henry david thoreau/享利.大卫.梭罗 however mean your life is,meet it andlive it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.it is not so bad as you are.it looks poorest when you are richest.the fault-finder will find faults in paradise.love your life,poor as it is.you may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house.the setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.i do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palace.the town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.may be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.most think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means.which should be moredisreputable.cultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sage.do not trouble yourself much to get newthings,whether clothes or friends,turn the old,return to them.things do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. 不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。

初一英语诗歌朗诵稿初一英语诗歌朗诵稿多朗读英语诗歌可以帮助我们快速提高英语成绩,初一我们应该朗读哪些英语诗歌呢?下面是由店铺为大家整理的初一英语诗歌朗诵稿,希望可以帮助到大家!初一英语诗歌朗诵稿(一)The earth is a planet(星球),with water and trees,with flowers and dolphins(海豚). And mountains and seas. But now rivers are dirty. Woodlands are towns. The plants are all sick,and lie dead on the ground.The earth is our home, so we mest keep is clean. Pitch in and recycle, to keep the earth green.地球是一个星球有水有树,有花,还有海豚有山,还有海然而,河水变脏了森林变成了小镇植物病了枯萎在大地上地初一英语诗歌朗诵稿(二)球是我们的家我们要保持它的清洁行动起来让地球永远是绿色的Hold Fast To Dreams 把握梦想----by Langston Hughs ----作者:兰司敦·修司Hold fast to dreams 把握梦想For if dreams die 如果梦想消失Life is a broken-winged bird 生命将是折翼之鸟 That cannot fly 无法飞行Hold fast to dreams 把握梦想For when dreams go 如果梦想逝去Life is a barren field 生命将是一片荒原 Frozen with snow 大雪冰封Hold Fast To Dreams 把握梦想初一英语诗歌朗诵稿(三)Fame Is a Bee ---- Emily Dickinson Fame is a bee. It has a song. It has a sting. Oh, it has a wing, too. 名声是一只蜜蜂, 它有一首歌, 它有一根刺, 哦,它也有翅膀! (名声就想蜜蜂一样,要出名就要像蜜蜂那样辛勤地劳动,而蜜蜂劳动是会发出"嗡嗡"的唱歌声;名声有时会给人带来烦恼,就像蜜蜂的刺有时候会叮人;名声也像蜜蜂一样有翅膀,总有一天会离我们而去.) Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is: What if my leaves are falling like its own? The tumult of thy mighty harmonies Will take from both a deep autumnal tone, 60 Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce, My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one! Drive my dead thoughts over the universe, Likewither'd leaves, to quicken a new birth; And, by the incantation of this verse, 65 Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind! Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?Fame Is a Bee ---- Emily DickinsonFame is a bee.It has a song.It has a sting.Oh, it has a wing, too.名声是一只蜜蜂,它有一首歌,它有一根刺,哦,它也有翅膀!(名声就想蜜蜂一样,要出名就要像蜜蜂那样辛勤地劳动,而蜜蜂劳动是会发出"嗡嗡"的唱歌声;名声有时会给人带来烦恼,就像蜜蜂的刺有时候会叮人;名声也像蜜蜂一样有翅膀,总有一天会离我们而去.)Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:What if my leaves are falling like its own?The tumult of thy mighty harmoniesWill take from both a deep autumnal tone,60 Sweet though in sadness. Be thou,Spirit fierce, My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!Drive my dead thoughts over the universe,Likewither'd leaves, to quicken a new birth;And, by the incantation of this verse, 65 Scatter,as from an unextinguish'd hearth Ashes and sparks,my words among mankind!Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth The trumpet of a prophecy!O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?。

一、《The Ugly Duckling》(丑小鸭)这篇经典的安徒生童话讲述了出生时与众不同的小鸭子历经磨难,最终成长为美丽的天鹅的故事。
二、《The Emperor"s New Clothes》(皇帝的新装)这个故事通过一个自负的皇帝被两个骗子欺骗的荒诞情节,揭示了虚荣、自负和愚昧的本质。
三、《The Lion and the Mouse》(狮子和老鼠)这是一则伊索寓言,讲述了一只狮子放过了一只老鼠,后来老鼠救了狮子一命的故事。
五、《The Three Little Pigs》(三只小猪)这个故事讲述了三只小猪分别用稻草、木头和砖头建造房子,最后成功抵御了大灰狼的故事。
六、《The Tortoise and the Hare》(龟兔赛跑)这则寓言故事通过讲述一只乌龟和一只兔子赛跑的故事,告诉我们不要骄傲自满,只有脚踏实地,才能取得成功。

下⾯是由©⽆忧考⽹带来的中学⽣英语诗歌朗诵,欢迎阅读!【篇⼀】中学⽣英语诗歌朗诵 Homesick—By Yu Guangzhong 乡愁——余光中 When I was a child,my homesickness was a small stamp,Linking Mum at the other end and me this. ⼩时候,乡愁是⼀枚⼩⼩的邮票,我在这头,母亲在那头。
When grown up, I remained homesick,but it became a ticket by which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end. 长⼤后,乡愁是⼀张窄窄的船票,我在这头,新娘在那头。
Then homesickness took the shape of a grave,Mum inside of it and me outside. 后来呀,乡愁是⼀⽅矮矮的坟墓,我在外头,母亲呵在⾥头。
Now I’m still homesick,but it is a narrow strait Separating me on this side and the mainland on the other. ⽽现在,乡愁是⼀弯浅浅的海峡,我在这头,⼤陆在那头。
【篇⼆】中学⽣英语诗歌朗诵 Facing the Sea With Spring Blossoms ⾯朝⼤海,春暖花开 From tomorrow on, I will be a happy man. Grooming, chopping and traveling all over the world. From tomorrow on, i will care foodstuff and vegetable. Living in a house towards the sea, with spring blossoms. 从明天起,做⼀个幸福的⼈ 喂马,劈柴,周游世界。

初中英语诗歌朗诵稿3篇为别人开一盏灯没有人愿意夜行钻出温暖的小窝用双脚对付夜色里的泥泞没有人愿意夜行走完昼日里的行程用双眼寻找残存着的足印没有人愿意夜行除了这份爱点着的激情所以我走过风雨中的艰辛雾雪里的寒冷还有这深夜中的孤灯所以我爱上风和雨的洗礼雪和雾的晶莹还有这盏点给别人的孤灯初中英语稿(2):looking up at the stars, i know quite well 仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚,that, for all they care, i can go to hell, 尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府,but on earth indifference is the least 可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧we have to dread from man or beast. 人类或禽兽的那份冷漠。
how should we like it were stars to burn 倘若群星燃烧着关怀我们的激情,with a passion for us we could not return? 我们却无法回报,我们作何感想?if equal affection cannot be, 倘若无法产生同样的感情,let the more loving one be me. 让我成为更有爱心的人。
admirer as i think i am 尽管我自视为群星的崇拜者,of stars that do not give a damn, 它们满不在乎,i cannot, now i see them ,say 现在我看群星,我却难以启齿,i missed one terribly all day. 说我成天一颗星星。
were all stars to disappear or die 倘若所有的星星消失或者消亡,i should learn to look at an empty sky 我应该学会仰望空荡的天空,and feel its total dark sublime, 同时感受天空一片漆黑的崇高,though this might take me a little time. 虽然这样可能要花费一点时间。

十组:组长:司丽娜 组员:陈政孜、司欣仪、谭扬
八组:组长:王金然 副组长:黄亚军 组员:赵广源,张承启
五组:组长:罗慧文 副组长:周梦婷 组员:司岩,王子源
九组:组长:李子贤 副组长:王雨晴 组员:武文斌,张敦桐、李敏
勇往直前: 朱晓妍 刘一铭 邹淦 翟兢修 张天龙 仇子涵 袁子清 李瑶珈 徐伟豪 司景林
理想: 路泽 杨景淦 吕腾梓 姜世豪 高子玲 刘洪银 蒲靖宇 司芸荣车天宇 李光城
快乐的微笑: 孙嘉悦 冯堃 黄向宇 任呈伦 王子瑞 张程硕 司芸华 谭晨
组名:90后的天空 张雨泽 周美辰 王男 周楷轩 张凡 高玉茹 王玉叶 商智科 郭雨辰
组名:Only荣耀 张维旭 邢丰林 魏鑫港 宋翔宇 张钰 张昭 孙国正 卢梦琦 李岳伦
09级 10班:
Elf: 傅乐乐 温文慧 李宇航 邢长宏 司汶鑫 曹振杰 丁琦 刘宝旭
Sky: 何静怡 刘怡欣孟彬 吕亚男 孙守政 隗继涵 韩东霏 李东罄
90后的天空: 张雨泽周美辰王男 周楷轩 张凡 高玉茹 王玉叶 商智科 郭雨辰
有何不可": 狄聚伟 仇雅茹 冯晓燕 明昂汗 程晓薇
" 广场": 齐延泽 毕研宇王修贤 田泽堃 张晓艺 王志胜 宓家辉 蒲佳音
" 七号公园": 夏迎翔 沈然 马琰铭 张昊 杨自修 贾茹 梁子桐 孙亚楠
残月无痕: 毕妍睿 张潇文 郑乐平 蒲昊天 赵龙玺 鹿骞方 杨保鲁 蒲志忠
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The day you went away 09 级 1 班 张淑妍 鲍秋亦 胡彬
Heal the world 09 级 1.2 班 沈然 李雪萌 耿宪峰等 胡彬
Knock Knock 09 级 5 班 庄晓涵 赵西曼 路燕
组员:赵广源,张承启 组员:司岩,王子源 组员:武文斌,张敦桐、李
08 级 4 班 三组:组长:吴舒怡
七组:组长:刘昱辉 十组:组长:翟一泽
组员:谭向谊,张卓钰,蒋鋆凡 组员:魏怀宇,孙敏讷,杜东晓
08 级 5 班
七组:组长:赵秉钰 副组长:杨永祯 组员:李莹 吴学东 孙玉
Always have a dream 09 级 3.4 班 09.4 梁翠
08 级部 奖项 节目名称 班级 表演者 指导老师 一等奖 The day you went away 08 级 5.6 班 石静雯 赵君宇 石静祎 张帅
Hold fast to Mommy's hand 08 级 5.6 班 赵秉钰 宋少捷等 张帅
09 级 10 班:
傅乐乐 温文慧 李宇航 邢长宏 司汶鑫 曹振杰 丁琦 刘
何静怡 刘怡欣孟彬 吕亚男 孙守政 隗继涵 韩东
霏 李东罄
90 后的天空: 张雨泽周美辰王男 周楷轩 张凡 高玉茹 王玉叶 商
智科 郭雨辰
08 级 1 班 二组:组长:孙小蒲 五组:组长:张馨戈 八组:组长:徐琦婕
09 级 2 班
狄聚伟 仇雅茹 冯晓燕 明昂汗 程晓薇
" 广场":
齐延泽 毕研宇王修贤 田泽堃 张晓艺
王志胜 宓家辉 蒲佳音
" 七号公园": 夏迎翔 沈然 马琰铭 张昊 杨自修 贾
茹 梁子桐 孙亚楠
09 级 3 班: 残月无痕: 毕妍睿 张潇文 郑乐平 蒲昊天 赵龙玺 鹿骞方 杨保鲁 蒲志忠 彼岸桃花开: 翟羽佳 苏惠 孙楚 谭启明 顾艺伟 闫新月 丁若钰 天晴 Sunday Only One: 白阳春 李政皓 组员:李鹏宇 宓倩文 孙 子玮 郭文文 李岩珂
The day you went away
09 级 7 班 杨鑫丽 董鑫怡 陈德玲 二等奖 Past and present 09 级 5.6 班 夏乐琪 冯堃等 路燕
God is a girl 09 级 3 班 孙珂 翟君培 陈园锌 孙子玮 刘晓 梁翠
Me and you 09 级 9 班 孙琳珂 陈沂
5班 : 组名: 你的萝卜偶滴菜 庄晓涵 李智全 组名: 达人总动员 晨 赵岩松 董沁雨
宗小琪 武梓阳 杨昊 张鑫泽 孙丰家 郭黎阳 赵茜曼 王天佑 李蕉雨 侯昊东 李琳琳 王怡
6班 : 组名: 创想未来 仇子元 组名: 魅影追风
王烁斐 杨阳 柏香媛 董兰天 赵杰 黄铭泽 卢洋 朱晓妍 刘一铭 邹淦 翟兢修 张天龙 仇子
09 级 4 班:
张文睿 李志洲 高维娜 赵信泽 孙煦东 肖静宜 孙
艳秋 邢梦帆
Happy 的源头: 朱沫汝 常凯 孙艳秋 翟俊杰 司雨晴 陈子贤 郗
文 B-LANK : 淼
陈瑶 李鸿钰 张先孜 高健宁 孙成禹 刘怡赫 张仲
09 级 5 班
六元人民币: 赵伟壮 王艺凝 董昊 聂静蕊 贾曦濡 任英娴
20、非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远——诸葛 亮 淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节 英语歌曲、经典诗文朗诵比赛获奖名单 09 级部: 奖项 节目名称 班级 表演者 指导老师 一等奖 Edelweiss 09 级 4 班 周岫鲁 赵英君 苏兴博董士铖 梁翠
My love 09 级 10 班 李宇航 张雨泽 韩东霏,何静怡 陈沂
玉叶 商智科 郭雨辰
组名:Only 荣耀
张维旭 邢丰林 魏鑫港 宋翔宇 张钰 张昭 孙
国正 卢梦琦 李岳伦
淄博师专附中第五届英语文化艺术节 英语词汇竞赛获奖小组 09 级 1 班 "原味夏天": 李嘉敏 彭潇漪 姜静宜 张淦 耿鑫源 孙宁浩
许洋 李明哲 "限量版": 吴浩兴 谭锦茹 许紫薇 曲程杰 李扬 李清扬 王浩 丁良瑜 "椰子糖 ": 王嘉晨 李卓轩 袁灵均 耿宪峰 刘慧泽 孙兆奇 唐梦月 刘淑涵
Take me to your heart 09 级 8 班 邢凯文 陈德玲
Nobody 09 级 2 班 张文 孙鑫尧 李程程 毕妍宇 任宜影
Forever friendship 09 级 9.10 班 张维旭 张艺文 孟彬 张雅婕 张钰 杨芳芳 陈沂 三等奖 Proud of you 09 级 6 班 王荣钰 仇子元 路燕
08 级 3 班:一等奖:姚娜 石楚涵 邢紫璇 刘琬晴
周梦婷 08 级 4 班:一等奖:高佳晴 孙向郁 吴舒怡 谭向谊 侯欣君 08 级 5 班:一等奖:吴学东 赵君宇 孟思琪 胡雪迎 刘瑞森 08 级 6 班:一等奖:刘长鑫 宋少捷 王文浩 李瑶 汪海 08 级 7 班:一等奖:王龙康 王雪 焦悦 魏赛 苏仕奇 08 级 8 班:一等奖:李聿尧 王荣悦 仇宏鲁 孙筱 孙如郁 07 级 1 班:一等奖:宋梦璐 王孟 张林川 胡慧颖 唐策 07 级 2 班:一等奖:孙维泽 董英姿 于跃 蒲绘竹 王静萱 07 级 3 班:一等奖:吕程 李奥菲 杨子禹 杜凯旋 程欣童 07 级 4 班:一等奖:王若冰 张哲 张晓迎 袁月 王亚楠 07 级 5 班:一等奖:刘世龙 李丹丹 袁敏 常颢 张琪 07 级 6 班:一等奖:刘程 秦子力 张磊 王靖宜 王雪 07 级 7 班:一等奖:陈曦 王鹤群 张晓彤 赵镜宇 吕俊歆 07 级 8 班:一等奖:闻至燏 马铭堃 赵瑛琪 耿菽彤 王丽媛 07 级 9 班:一等奖:李宁 张馨月 孙子涵 许媛媛 张璐瑶 07 级 10 班:一等奖:王梦晓 孙茜茜 高烨 王荣吉 陈汉光 06 级 1 班:一等奖:李博涵 石天 张晓敏 高婷婷 车东琦 06 级 2 班:一等奖:陈振宏 宋双 侯力铭 孟小涵 孙丽倩 06 级 3 班:一等奖:司玉莹 李欣轩 唐迎昕 卢云起 孙鑫宇
家丽 戚涵涵
组名 凌阁玄机 赵洪尧 牟倚萱 王文哲 刘骁葳 韩浩杰 司书赫 路
裕琨 蒋鹏 戴世雄
9 班:
张艺文 杨芳芳 路惠君 赵晓林 王秀琳 王茗伟 陈
士豪 韩东澎
组名:黑色的 white 王鸣飞 田惠彤 齐文颂 张越 郇生岳 周俊吉 张东
鑫 高丰
10 班:
组名:90 后的天空 张雨泽 周美辰 王男 周楷轩 张凡 高玉茹 王
天翼 3g:
张浩哲 李梅雪 郑朔 李岚静 李嘉康 郝蒙蒙 郭子煜
达人总动员: 赵茜曼 王天佑 李蕉雨 侯昊东 李琳琳 王怡晨 赵岩松
09 级 6 班:
勇往直前: 朱晓妍 刘一铭 邹淦 翟兢修 张天龙 仇子涵 袁子清
李瑶珈 徐伟豪 司景林
路泽 杨景淦 吕腾梓 姜世豪 高子玲
刘洪银 蒲靖宇
" 月夜孤痕" : 司子林 赵月铭 张琬梅 高含笑 陈艺哲 安
雨欣 郭英姿 司书豪 王子铭
09 级 9 班:
FI-Lsland : 张艺文 杨芳芳 路惠君 赵晓林 王秀琳 王茗伟 陈士豪
车秉瑜 王钰 杨睿 李瑞 杜玉章 王子艺 车呈迅 周昊文
陈文菲 谭丽娣 谭昌宇 张岳 董雨蝶 田乾 孙浩洋 蒲厚
组员:赵子涵、王德恩、尹海洋、杜梦雨 组员:张丹、张心怡、贾梦莹 组员:常艺馨、赵一凡、辛欣
08 级 2 班 九组:组长:齐紫凌 六组:组长:杨荟民 十组:组长:司丽娜
组员:刘彦均、张玉莹、安子霆 组员:贾雨辰、丁文婷、张晓语 组员:陈政孜、司欣仪、谭扬
08.级 3 班 八组:组长:王金然 副组长:黄亚军 五组:组长:罗慧文 副组长:周梦婷 九组:组长:李子贤 副组长:王雨晴 敏
司芸荣车天宇 李光城
快乐的微笑: 孙嘉悦 冯
堃 黄向宇 任呈伦 王子瑞 张程硕 司芸华 谭 晨
09 级 7 班: "风雨后的彩虹": 王铭浩 王琳浩 李猛 常建秋 朱烽瑜 魏
春晖 谭睿 刘家良
"90 后的天空": 王俊浩 杨鑫丽 翟泽国 牛
子玮 汤译然 张芷璇 陈雨婷 孙慧 阎震 张钧涛
涵 唐文彪
九组:组长:任宇豪 副组长:杜轩
组员:孙雨平 王鑫哲 韩
育格 于大城
八组:组长:赵君宇 副组长:邵静怡 பைடு நூலகம்员:杨方凯 刘同 张云轩
Nobody 08 级 8 班 孙宁则 李聿尧 仇宏鲁 袁建昊 左晓倩 二等奖 Sorry Sorry 08 级 7 班 白玉 陈晓一 谭锦昊 王英姿 左晓倩
Fire fly 08 级 4 班 范琳琳 赵雨亭 谭向谊 刘艳芳
The furthest love in the world 08.级 7.8 班 张明明 刘香怡 宋铭明等 左晓倩 三等奖 The show 08 级 1 班 杨丹 常艺馨 魏志红
06 级 4 班:一等奖:李瑶瑶 张文超 范轩 吕宜聪 司莹雪
06 级 5 班:一等奖: 张连东 李俊莹 能小易 袁铭 高俊彧
06 级 6 班:一等奖:孙晓桐 许福超 王晓涵 殷晓瑶 周子程
09 级部英语图文展获奖小组名单