

(完整word版)英语国家概况 谢福之 复习资料(word文档良心出品)

(完整word版)英语国家概况  谢福之 复习资料(word文档良心出品)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern IrelandChapter 1 Geography, People and Language全名: the United Kingdom of Great Britain(大不列颠联合王国)and Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰).由成千上万的小岛组成(the British Isles). 两大岛屿:Great Britain(大不列颠)and Ireland(爱尔兰)The River Thames(second longest and most important), originates(起源于)in southwestern England -----North Sea.Scotland ( Edinburgh爱丁堡) important river:Clyde River kilts(苏克兰小短裙)Wales( Cardiff加迪夫,著名港口). The Severn River is the longest river of Britain------flow through western England.Northern Ireland(Belfast贝尔法斯特,首府) Lough Neagh----the largest lake in the British Isles.Climate: temperate, with warm summers, cool winters and plentiful precipitation(降雨量),冬暖夏凉,降雨充沛Three major features: winter fog, rainy day, instability 冬天多雾,常年多雨,天气不定London---Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫), Guildhall (市政厅), St. Paul’s Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂), The Tower Bridge of London(伦敦塔桥)The majority of the population is descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people from Europe.大部分的人口是盎格鲁-撒克逊人的后裔,从欧洲来的日耳曼人Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people, including the Irish people威尔士和苏格兰的大多数人都是凯尔特人的后裔,包括爱尔兰人English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. English is in the Germanic group.英语属于日耳曼语语系Germanic group: East Germanic, North Germanic, West Germanic. English evolved from the West Germanic group.日耳曼语系:东日耳曼语,北日耳曼语,西日耳曼语。



英语国家概况考试重点复习1. p.5 英国全称和地理位置2. p.6 英国的国旗,国歌,国鸟3. p.7 美国的全称,国土,首都4. p.8 美国的国旗,国歌5. p.21 加拿大的位置,著名景点6. p.22 加拿大的天气,加拿大的经济特点(第二段3-5行)7. p.23 澳大利亚的地理位置,特点,首都和最大的城市8. p.24 澳大利亚的经济(第二段)9. p.26 新西兰的地理位置和首都,最大城市10. p.41 第一段,英国有记载的历史是什么时候开始的。

11. p.42 谁是英国海军之父,第四段12. p.43 大宪章是什么,其目的是什么,黑死病是什么,结果怎样,农民起义的意义,玫瑰之战是什么13. p.44 英国文艺复兴时期的杰出人物,英国什么时候成为世界工厂的。

14. p.45 英国的衰落是什么原因造成的15. p.49 黄金时期指的是什么时期16. p.53 Mount Rashmore上的四位雕刻人物分别是谁。

17. p.55 美洲大陆是谁发现的,英国殖民美国的时期,(整段)18. p.56 美国独立战争的导火索以及颁布独立宣言的时间,南北战争的目的及著名宣言是什么19. p.58 美国在两次世界大战开始时的态度是什么。


美国战后的经济情况20. p.87 英国的政治体制是什么,女王的工作是什么21. p.88 英国的公务员是什么人,英国的国会由什么组成22. p.89 英国的下议院议员23. p.90 权利法案是什么,三权分立是什么,国会是什么机构,由什么组成(整段)24. p.91 美国总统任期,美国总统大选在什么时候,美国的司法部门是什么部门25. p.94 英国的主要政党26. p.98 美国的主要政党27. p.103 加拿大的议会(整段)28. p.104 澳大利亚的议会组成及其功能,澳大利亚的政治体制是什么29. p.106 新西兰的议会有什么特点。



英语国家概况精讲:第一章英国的国土与人民Chapter 1: Land and People 英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。

2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。

3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。

4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。

(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。

(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。



英语国家概况复习纲要I.Term Explanations.1. British Isles2. British Commonwealth3. Highland Zone4. Lowland Zone5. Domesday Book6. Black Death7. Greater London8. Indo-European Language Family9. Stonehenge 10. Julius Caesar 11. Hadrian’s Wall 12. King Arthur 13. Gunpowder Plot 14. Great Fire of London 15. Protestantism16. Constitutional Monarchy 17. Parliament 18. Prime Minister19. Cabinet20. The Great Lakes 21. Western Myth22. The Pilgrim Fathers 23. American Revolution 24. Civil War25. Cold War26. Hispanics 27. W ASP 28. Ethnic Minorities 29. Gold Rush30. The New World31. Federalism 32. Separation of Powers 33. General Election34. Public Schools/Universities 35. Bilingual EducationII. Simple Questions.1.What is the United Kingdom geographically and politically composedof?2.Why can’t the term “English” be used to address all the people of theUK?3.What are the two major natural regions in the UK? What does eachzone consist of ?4.How does the weather in the UK affect British life?5.What patterns of settlement and immigration has the UK demonstratedin history?6.How has English language evolved in history? Why is it said that it isimportant to the UK’s class structure?7.What are the Celtic languages? Are they still living?8.What are the key elements in “Britishness” that the citizens of the UKshare?9.Who were the main foreign invaders of Britain at different times inBritish history? What contributions have they respectively made to the British culture, or what impacts have they had?10.What was the social background for the Reformation to take place inEngland?11.What major achievement did the Elizabethan era witness?12.How did the UK Parliament come into being? How did the majorpolitical parties evolve?13.How did Christianity emerge and develop in English society? Whatrole has it played throughout English history?14.How did the English Industrial Revolution proceed form the mid-18thcentury to the mid-19th century and beyond? How has it impactedBritish society?15.What are the characteristics of the British Constitution?16.What are the functions of Parliament? How does the law-makingprocess work?17.What is the most pronounced feature of the United States in terms ofits geography?18.What are the characteristics of “Middle America”, geographically,culturally, and politically?19.What makes the Northeast stand out as a unique cultural region?20.In terms of cultural geography, what is the image of the Midwest inthe American mind?21.How did the South and the North differ from each other in theireconomic development before the Civil War?22.What were the main reasons that made the United States the world’sleading industrial power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?23.What were the chief causes of the Great Depression? Did the NewDeal solve the problems brought about by the Depression? Why or Why not?24.In your opinion, why did the United States end its isolationist policyand adopt, instead, and interventionist policy in international affairs after World War II?25.Why is the United States called “a nation of immigrants”?26.What kind of discrimination do minority people nowadays face in theUnited States, now that no formal or legal discrimination exists in the land? In what forms does discrimination against ethnic minorities show itself?27.What kind of life do Native Americans live on the “IndianReservations”? Why do they live there?28.The United States is one of the youngest nations in the world, and yetit has the world’s oldest written constitution in force. Why is that?29.What does federalism mean in American politics?30.How often is the general election held, and how often is the midtermelection held in the U.S.?31.。



考试题型:1、Choices 20 * 1.5’ =30’2、True or False 20 * 1.5’ =30’3、Blank Filling 10 * 2’=20’4、Short answers 4 * 5’=20’Part One: General IntroductionMemo:Constitutional monarchy: 君主立宪政体Federal republic: 联邦共和国Parliament: 议会、国会Monarch: 君主Whit Sunday: 圣灵降临节◆UK consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.◆USA is known as the “melting pot”.National Flag:UK——Union FlagScotland: White saltine on the blue field——Saint AndrewIreland: Red saltine on the white field——Saint PatrickEngland: Red cross on the white field——Saint GeorgeThe fifty stars on the flag, represent the fifty American states and the 13 stripes represent the original 13 colonies the rebelled against the British Crown and become the first states in the Union.1. The largest continental state is Texas. 德州2. The largest state is Alaska.3. The smallest state is Rhode Island. 罗得岛4. The north most state is Alaska.5. The south most state is Florida.6. The most densely populated state is California.7. The most scarcely is Wyoming. 怀俄明州Part Two: HistoryMemo:Magna Carta: 《大宪章》◆ King Arthur: 阿瑟王。





二、考试目标英语国家概况考试主要考察以下几个方面的知识:1. 地理知识:包括英语国家的地理位置、主要城市、自然地理和地理特点等。

2. 历史知识:包括英语国家的历史沿革、重要事件和历史人物等。

3. 政治知识:包括英语国家的政治制度、行政结构、政党体系和选举制度等。

4. 经济知识:包括英语国家的经济发展状况、主要产业和经济特点等。

5. 文化知识:包括英语国家的文化传统、宗教信仰、节日习俗和艺术形式等。



四、备考建议1. 充分了解考纲要求:仔细阅读考试大纲,了解各个方面的考察内容和重点。

2. 多途径获取信息:通过阅读相关书籍、报纸、杂志和观看纪录片等多种途径获取所需信息。

3. 制定合理的学习计划:根据考试大纲的要求,制定合理的学习计划,合理分配时间,保证每个方面都有足够的时间进行学习。

4. 做好笔记整理:在学习过程中,及时做好笔记整理,方便复习和回顾。

5. 多练习,提高应试能力:通过做相关练习题,加强对知识点的理解和掌握,提高解题能力和应试能力。

五、考试注意事项1. 仔细审题:在答题之前,要仔细审题,确保理解题意,明确要求,避免解题偏差。

2. 合理安排答题时间:根据题目的分值和难度,合理安排答题时间,避免因时间不够而影响到其他题目的完成。

3. 语言表达准确清晰:在回答简答题时,要注意语言表达的准确性和清晰度,避免出现理解困难或模糊不清的情况。




---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语国家概况(谢福之版)总复习资料.The United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern IrelandChapter 1 Geography, People and Language全名: the United Kingdom of Great Britain(大不列颠联合王国)and Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰) . 由成千上万的小岛组成(the British Isles). 两大岛屿:Great Britain(大不列颠) and Ireland (爱尔兰)The River Thames (second longest and most important),originates(起源于)in southwestern England -----North Sea. Scotland ( Edinburgh 爱丁堡) important river:Clyde River kilts(苏克兰小短裙) Wales( Cardiff 加迪夫,著名港口).The Severn River is the longest river of Britain------flow through western England. Northern Ireland (Belfast 贝尔法斯特,首府)Lough Neagh----the largest lake in the British Isles. Climate: temperate, with warm summers, cool winters and plentiful precipitation(降雨量),冬暖夏凉,降雨充沛 Three major features: winter fog, rainy day, instability 冬天多雾,常年多雨,天气不定 London---Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫), Guildhall (市政厅),St. Paul’s Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂), The Tower Bridge of London(伦敦塔桥) The majority of the population is descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people from Europe. 大部分的人口是盎格鲁-撒克逊人的后裔,从1/ 18欧洲来的日耳曼人Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people, including the Irish people 威尔士和苏格兰的大多数人都是凯尔特人的后裔,包括爱尔兰人English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. English is in the Germanic group.英语属于日耳曼语语系Germanic group: East Germanic, North Germanic, West Germanic. English evolved from the West Germanic group.日耳曼语系:东日耳曼语,北日耳曼语,西日耳曼语。



III. Term Explanation1、Standard EnglishStandard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. It is preferred by the educated and is widely used in the media and taught at schools. It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct British English. It is also the norm carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.2、Bill of Rights (in U.S.)When the Constitution was first drawn up in 1787, nothing was mentioned about the rights of individuals. Then , in 1791, the first 10 amendments were created. This is the well-known Bill of Rights, which guarantees freedom of religion, speech and the press, the right of peaceful assembly and petition, the right to keep and bear arms, and freedom against unreasonable search and seizure, among others. Altogether, 27 amendments have been added to the Constitution since 1789.3、Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving is celebrated in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday in November and became an official holiday in 1863. In 1620, when the Pilgrims first arrived, they had met a very cold winter and many of them died. Native Americans showed them how to plant crops, so next year they had a good harvest. They held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans for helping them survive the harsh winter. Today people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember the early days. The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that come from North American. 4、Norman ConquestOn September 27, 1066, William crossed the English Channel with a formidable army. On October 14, 1066, William and his army defeated the English army, killing Harold at the battle of Hastings. On Christmas Day, 1066, William was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey. It is believed that the Norman Conquest of England marked the establishment of feudalism in England.5.British ParliamentIt includes three elements: the Crown, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It is the Supreme law-making authority in Britain. The real center of parliamentary power lies in the House of Commons. Its functions include: to draft new laws; to scrutinize the actions of the goverment;to influence future government policy.6. Lost generationAfter World War I,many novelists produced a literature of disillusionment. F.scott Fitzgerald and Erbest Hemingway are the spokensmen for the Lost Generation,whichrefers to the yong American writers caught up in the war and cut off from the old values, yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilzation has gone mad.7. Melting potItIt meant that as immigrants from different regions and cultures came to live in the United States, their old ways of life melt away and they became part of the American culture.However,the melting pot metaphor was doomed to lose its credibility because its anglophilic values no longer held for the majority of the American people.8.RenaissanceThe word “Renaissance” means “rebirth”. It meant the reintroduction into Western Europe of the full cultural heritage of Greece and Rome. The essence of the Renaissance is Humanism. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama.9.the Commonwealth of NationsThe Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements, It has no special powers. The decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is left to each nation. At present there are 50 member countries within the Commonwealth(1991)10.A-levelA-level means General Certificate of Education Advanced Level.the A Level—is an academic qualification offered by educational bodies in the United Kingdom and the British Crown dependencies to students completing secondary or pre-university education.The qualification is generally studied for over two years and split into two parts, with one part studied in each year.IV. Questions and discussions.1.What made the United States a powerful country by the end of World War II?In the early days of World War II, the U.S. government adopted a sit-on-the-fence policy. The American capitalists wanted to continue their profitable trade with the warring countries, including the aggressors. Therefore, they not only retained their military forces, but also accumulated great wealth. When American entered the wars, it was almost at the end of the wars. By sharing the fruit of victory with other allies, American greatly strengthened its power and became a powerful country by the end of World War II.2.How is the American President voted into office?Each party holds its national convention every four year to choose a candidate for the presidency. To win a presidential election, a candidate has to spend millions of dollars, travel all over the country to make speeches and debate on television with the rival. The general election is technically divided in two stages. During the first stage, presidential electors for each state will be chosen. In the second stage the electors meet and vote a President. Since the second stage is only a kind of formality, everyone knows who will be the next President as soon as the first stage is over.3.How does an American university choose its applicants?In American, there is no annual college entrance examination. College applicants are chosen on the basis of :a) their high school records. Once a student has reached high school, they are very conscious of the need to obtain good marks on their schoolwork if they wish to go on to a competitive university. b) recommendations from their high school teachers; c) the impression they make during interview at the university; d) their scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Of all the high school graduates, more than 60% continue college after graduation.4.What were the major causes of Britain’s relative economic decline in the postwar period?for several reasons:first,britain suffered great losses in the two world war and had gone heavily into debt to finance the war. second, the era of the british empire was over. india and other british colonies, which provided raw material and large market fot british goods, gained their independence. third, britain was forced to mainrain an expensive military presence in many overseas locations until the end of 1960s.fourth,britain had to make substantial financial contributions to NATO and UN security council. finally,britain failed to invest in industry after world war II whereas ote competitors like germany and japan caught up with britain by investing in the most modern equipment and means of priduction.5.Elaborate the rise and fall of the British Empire.Colonization of Newfoundland in 1583 marked the beginning of the British Empire. By 1837, Britain had been an empire which included the colonies in Canada, India and many small states in the West Indies. During the mid-19th century, the British government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government. By the end of 19th century, the British Empire included about a quarter of the global popu lation and a quarter of the world’s landmass. Before World War I, Britain was the largest colonial empire in the world. However, Britain suffered a great loss of its manpower in the two World Wars and exhausted its reserves of gold, dollars and overseas in vestment. Most of Britain’s colonies gained independence as a resultof World War II, which inevitably led to the fall of the British Empire.6. What was the cause of the American Civil War?The Southern planters of America needed a large number of black African slaves to manage their plantations and they regarded the slaves as their property. In the North, with the development of industry, there was a growing demand for free labor. What’s more, the Northerners demanded a law to protect tariffs and asked the government to finance the building of railways and roads. But the Southerners were against it and advocated free trade so as to purchase cheaper goods from foreign countries. The accumulating conflicts led to the division of the North and the South and finally the American Civil War.。



英语国家概况的复习要点概况的复习要点题型:一.搭配题(15分)二.选择题(30分)三.判断题(10分)四.名词解释(20分)五.问答题(25分)(一)问答题1.英国全称及各个部分,和四核部分的首都:全称:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 简称:the United Kingdom,the UK or BritainFour constituent countries:国家名称 England Scotland苏格兰Wales威尔士NorthernIreland首都 London Edinburgh爱丁堡Cardiff加的夫Belfast贝尔法斯特2.According to an “objective”approach,British society is divided into occupational groups arranged in a class hierarchy: (1)upper-middle class(2)Middle class(3)Lower middle class(4)Skilled working class(5)Semi-skilled and unskilled working class(6)The lowest level of subsistence(7)The underclass3.American higher education system is divided into the following categories:(1)Public colleges/universities,(2)private colleges/universities,(3)religious affiliated colleges宗教附属学院,(4)proprietary colleges.4.Three branches of the federal government:(美国联邦政府的三个机构)(1)the Executive执行部门——the President(2)The Legislative立法部门——Congress(3)The Judiciary司法部门——The Supreme Court(main instrument主要执行机构)5.The Power of Congress:(1)T o make laws 立法(2)T o decide upon taxes 决定税收(3)T o decide how money is spent 决定如何花费资金(4)To regulate commerce among the states and with foreignCountries. 管理各国与外国之间的商业往来(5)T o set rules for the naturalisation of foreign citizens.为外来公民的迁入设定法规(二)名词解释1.Constitutional monarchy:A monarchy in which the power of the ruler are restricted to those granted under the constitution and laws of the nation.君主立宪制:一个将统治者的权利受制于宪法和国家法律授予的君主制。



可编辑修改精选全文完整版英语国家概况复习整理一、单选题知识点:1.英国部分英国的主要岛屿:Great Britain and IrelandEdinburgh(爱丁堡)是苏格兰的首都英国有超过60 million的人口Northern Ireland是4个英国组成部分中最小的一个1/4 人口住在southeastern England英语属于Indo-European 语系中的Germanic(日耳曼语)基督教额引入为英国添加了第一笔 Latin and Greek色彩中世界英语被Norman influence强化塞缪尔.约翰逊的词典的意义是建立了Spelling的标准目前,将近a quarter的世界人口讲英文The Gremanic对罗马的进攻结束了罗马人占领英国在7世纪晚期,Roman Christianity(天主教会)处于英格兰的主导地位Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂)建立在Edward the confessor(忏悔者爱德华)时期The Norman conquest 标志着Feudalism(封建制度)在英国的建立玫瑰花战争带来the House of Tudor的统治宗教改革(Religious Reformation)的直接原因是亨利三世国王divorce his wife英国革命在1642年爆发于Royalists and Parliamentarians(保皇党人和国会议员)之间Bill of Right(人权法案)在Glorious Revolution (光荣革命)后被通过19世纪中期英国的Industrial Revolution完成英国在20世纪初期面临着强烈的全球帝国统治挑战英国政府的三权分立:judiciary(司法),legislature(立法)及executive(行政),而不包括momarchy(君主) 英国君主的重要性体现在他在public attitude方面的影响British Cabinet(内阁)在Collective responsibility(集体负责制)的原则下工作英国Priry Council(枢密院)的主要责任是Give advice英国议会大选每5年举行一次Scotland拥有建立在罗马法律基础上的独特的法律系统英国议会的经营是two-party(两党的)模式保守党的政策是典型的Pragmatism(实用主义)和 a belief in individualism(个人主义的信仰)工会党(The Labor Prty)的影响是建立了全国健康服务体制(National Health Service)英国经济到1800s实现了全球统治在1946年,英国议会通过了两个重要法案,建立了福利规定1970s早期的The oil crisis(石油危机)恶化了本来已经不景气的英国经济布莱尔政府没有在reducing inequality方面获得成功英国开垦了74%的土地用于发展农业英国的渔业地区不包括The sea area between Britain and Ireland在英国,煤矿产业提供了1/4的能源英国汽车产业几乎全部是Foreign-owned(外企)英国文艺复兴时期最光辉的成就是drama(戏剧)"Preface to Lyrical Ballads"是浪漫诗的开篇之作Thomas Hardy 是19世纪批判现实主义的代表Waiting for Godot是Samuel Bekett 写的2.美国部分美国大陆上有48个statesAlaska是最大的州美国在 central North America ,加拿大在它的北面,墨西哥在南面,大西洋在它的东面,太平洋在它的西面美国最大的河流是Mississippi River哈佛、耶鲁和MIT等著名大学位于New EnglandNiagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布)位于美国-加拿大边境上阿拉斯加人口中没有the Blacks美国最大的少数民族是the Blacks1924年的移民法案限制美国的进一步移民,尤其是来自欧洲的美国文化主流的特点是:English-speaking,Western European,Protestant and Middle-class第一个北美殖民地建立在Jamestorn,VirginiaPilrim Fathers 是一群Paritans(清教徒),他们为了逃避在英国的迫害而来到美国7年战争发生在French and British之间"No taxation without represtation"是The people of 13 colonies的口号美国独立战争的第一枪在Lexingto (列克星顿)打响1775年5月,The second continenta congrsee 在Philadelphia举行林肯签发了Declaration of Independence承诺给予所以奴隶自由第二次世界大战开始时,美国是neutrality(中立的)政策Roosevelt(罗斯福)新政处理了大萧条的问题越南战争继续受Eisenhower,kennedy and johnson的影响美国的ore(矿石)只占世界很小部分现代美国经济经历了faming economy,handcraft economy,最终形成industrial economy第一家国家银行是在Alexander Hamilton时期建立的美国1/3粮食用于出口目前,美国出口占世界10%美国常规教育包括elementary,secondary and higher education美国高等教育开始于Harvard University 的建立MIT没有出过总统美国国庆节在July 4thWashington Irving 是美国文学之父Tony Morrison是第一个获得诺贝尔奖文学奖的非裔美国人二、名词解释:1. American Civil War(美国内战)American Civil War is a war that was fought in the US between 1861 and 1865 when 11 southern states rebelled against the federal government. The southern states were beaten, and as a result of the war, slaves became free.2.Melting pot and salad(大熔炉)The melting pot is an analogy for the way in which homogeneous societies develop, in which the ingredients in the pot (people of different cultures, races and religions) are combined so as to develop a multi-ethnic society. The term, which originates from the United States, is often used to describe societies experiencing large scale immigration from many different countries.3.American Constitution(美国宪法)American Constitution,which was drawn up in 1787 and came into effect in 1789,is the basic law of the land.For over two centuries,it has guided the development of government institution and has the basis for the nation,s political stability,economic growth and social progress.4.Cold War(冷战)In the spring of 1947 ,for the purpose of establishing the U.S.hegenmiony(霸权) in postwar world,President Truman declared the "Tueman Doctrine",aiming at expanding American sphere of influence.This marked the beginning of the Cold War period.the Cold War exerted great influence in Europe,and two Germanys were founded.Then,in April 1949,the U.S.allied with other Western countries,forming the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.While seeking to prevent Communist ideology from gaining further adherents(追随者) in Europe, the U.S.also responded to the challenges elsewhere.5.Thanksgiving(感恩节)Thanksgiving is a associated with the time when Europeans first came to the New World.In1620,the Mayflower arrived and brought about 150 Pilgrims.Life at the beginning was very hard and there was not enough food,so many of them died.During the following summer the Native Americans helped them and then they had a bountiful harvest.So they held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans.6.British Labor Party(英国工会党)British Labor Party known as a party of high taxation,was created by the growing trade union movement at the end of the 19th century.It quickly replaced the Liberal Party as one of the two largest political parties.The Labor government that come to power in 1945 had a major effort on British society. It set up the National Health Service.The party activities are largely funded by the trade unions.7.British Conservative Party(英国保守党)By and large, the Conservative Party is supported by those who have something to "conserve".Economically,the Conservative Party supports free enterprise and privatization of state-owned enterprise.It is against too much government intervention,especially nationalization.The Conservative Partyfavors reducing the influence of trade unions and minimizing expenditures on social welfare.Its policies are charactized by pragmatism and a belied in individualism.monwealth of Nations(联邦国家)The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign statse,all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the head.The Commonwealth is not a political union of any sort,and its member states have full autonomy to manage their internal and external affairs.It is primarily an organization in which countries with diverse economic backgrounds have an opportunity for close and equal interaction after gaining independence.The major activities of the Commonwealth are designed to advocate democracy,human rights,and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its members.9.Critical Realism(批判现实主义)The Critical Realism of the 19th centry flourished in the 1840s and the early 1850s.The Critical Realism described the chief traits of the society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint.The greatest English realist was Charles Dickens.10.Standard English (标准英语)Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England.It is widely used in media and taught at school .It is preferred by the educated,middle-class people .It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct British English .It is also the norm carried overseas.Today Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is thought and used.三、简答题:1.what is the full name of the UK?The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2.why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery ,to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.3.How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they ?The development of the English language can be divided into three periods : Old English ,Middle English and Modern English.4.Why did English become more important after the Black Death?The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death,so English also grew in importance compare to French.。



英语国家概况复习指南一、各章重点练习上册:Unit 1,PP. 15-17Part 1. 1,Britain is no longer an imperial country.2,the Commonwealth of Nations includes all European countries.4, the stereotype of the English gentleman never applied to the majority of the British people.5. When people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britain sometimes. 6, the Scots and Welsh have a strong sense of being British.12 the title of Prince of Wales is held by a Welsh according to tradition.Part 2. 2, characteristics of London: the culture centre, the business centre, the financial centre5, the Tower of London, is historical sight, located in the centre of London, was built by William the Conqueror6, the Anglo-Saxons were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England9the majority of people in Scotland live in the Upland.Part 3. 6 Britain is a country with a history of invasions. In 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman Empire, in the late 8th century they experienced raids from Scandinavia and in the 11th century they suffered invasions from NormansUnit 3, PP. 46-48Part 1. 1. It is no doubt that the Britain is the oldest representative democracy in the world2. In Britain, the process of the state-building has been one of evolution rather than revolution, in contrast to France and the US3,the oldest institution of government in Britain is the Monarchy.4, the divine right of kings means the sovereign derived his authority from his subject7. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy8. Britain, like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have.9. Common laws are laws which have been established through common practice in the courts.Part 2.1, characteristics of British government: it is both a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy, it is the oldest representative democracy in the world, it has no written form of constitution.2, Charles I , the king, was executed in the civil war.4, about the Great Council: it included barons and representatives from countries and towns, it was sometimes summoned by the kings to contribute money, it represented the aristocrats as well as communities.6, about the Constitution: it is the foundation of British governance today, Conventions and laws passed by Parliament are part of the Constitution, the common laws are part of the Constitution.8. The descriptions of the Queen‟s role: the Queen symbolizes the tradition and unity of the British state, acts as a confidante to the Prime Minister, is the temporal head of the Church of England.Part 3. 2, The doctrine of the …divine right of kings‟ held that the sovereign derived his authority from God, not from his subject8, in Britain, the official head of state is the Queen while the real centre of political life is in the House of Commons9 The British constitution consist of statute law, the common law and the conventions.11. Strictly speaking the Parliament today consist of the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.12. life peer should be nominated by Prime Minister and appointed by the sovereignPart 4. 1(In 1688, King James Ⅱ‟s daughter Mary and her husband William were invited by the politicians and church authorities to take the throne, on condition that they would respect the politicians of Parliament. The Bill of Rights was passed in 1689 to ensure that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament.)Unit 4, PP. 65-68Part 1.1, In the UK, a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional circumstances.2, anyone who is eligible to vote with 500 pounds as deposit can stand as an MP8, children from the upper-middle-class usually have a better education than those from the working or middle-class.10, one of the distinctive features about the British class-system is that it has also retained a hereditary aristocracy.11. the majority of Br itain‟s recent immigrants have mainly come from North Asia and Caribbean countries.Part 2. 1. Lords in the House of Lords cannot voted in the general election, members in the House of Commons, the UK citizens above the age of 18, the UK resident citizens of the Irish Republic.2, the House of Commons is a” vote of no confidence” decided.4, at least 326 seats in the House of Commons should a party hold in order to win the election5 the description about the Conservative party: it has been in power for an unusually long period of time, it prefers policies that protect individual‟s rights and it receives a lot of the funding from big companies, 8, about the life peer: they are not from the aristocratic families, they earned their titles through their outstanding achievement, the titles cannot be inherited by their children.10 the characteristic of the hereditary aristocracy in the UK: the noble titles can be inherited by the children, they usually own historic houses in the country, the senior members can be lords in the House of LordsPart 3. 2, the party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms the government and its party leader becomes the Prime Minister.7, There are three major parties in the UK; the Conservative party, the Labour party and the Liberal Democratic party11. A university teacher would probably read a newspaper like The Guardian while a manual worker would probably read The SunPart 4. 1(General election are very important in western democracy.According to the author, they provide opportunities for people to influence future government policies and to replace those incompetent political leaders.)Unit 5, PP. 82-83Part 1. 1,by the 1880‟s the Britain economy was dominant in the world.3, by the end of the World War II, Britain had gone heavily into debt in order to develop its manufacturing industry and borrowed large amounts from the US and France5 in the 1970s, with the soaring price of oil and high rates of inflation, Britain went through a bad period. In 1979, the Labour party had to step down from the government., 6the leaders of Conservatives, Margaret Thatcher started a series of reforms. An extensive programme of privatization was carried out, and she was successful in and all-round way Part 2. 1, about the UK economy: Britain remains one of the Group of Seven large industrial economies, Britain has experienced a relative economic decline in1945, some smaller economies have overtaken the UK in terms of output per capita2. the reason for the relative economic decline since 1945: Britain did not invest modern equipment and new products, Britain spend a high proportion of its national wealth on the military, Britain had been heavily in debt to finance the war.Part 3. 2, a low rate of domestic industrial investment coupled with a very high rate of overseas investment is a characteristic of the UK economy.3, since 1945, the UK economy has experienced relative decline rather than absolute decline. 5, in1979, the Conservative party under Margaret Thatcher came into power and carried out a programme of reform.7the UK economy can be divided into three main sectors: primary industries, second industries and tertiary industriesPart 4.1, 2(The UK has experienced an economic decline since 1945. But this is a relative decline rather than an absolute one. Britain is wealthier and more productive than it was in 1945, but since other countries developed more rapidly, it has slid from being the second largest economy to being the sixth.The British economy went through a particularly bad period in the 1970s, with high rates of inflation and devaluation of the Pound. Therefore, in the 1980s, when the Conservative party under Margaret Thatcher was in power, an extensive programme of privatization was carried out. Many state-owned business (such as steel, telecom, gas, aerospace) were turned into private companies. Privatisation was successful in controlling inflation but at the same time unemployment rate increased rapidly.)Unit 7, PP. 116-118Part 2. 1, in Britain, the great major of parents send their children to state schools 2, in Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can legally receive completely free education 4, The University of Buckingham is a privately funded university in Britain8,National Curriculum included: children must study the subject like English, mathematics, science and so on. Children must pass the national tests, and teachers must teach what they are told9. About the British education system: it‟s run, funded, supervised by the state,Part 3. 1, the two oldest universities in Britain are Oxford and Cambridge2,two famous public schools mentioned in the text are Eton and Winchester8 Comprehensive schools provide a general education, teaching students everything from academic subjects like literature and science to more practical subjects like cooking and carpentryUnit 8, PP. 129-131Part 1. 1, when the Second World War ended, Britain no longer was the largest military power in Western Europe4, the Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain‟s foreign policy.5,the main government department involved is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office(FCO)9. Britain is not a member of the NATO due to its disagreement with some European countries on defence policy.Part 2.2, China, Russia, France, Britain, and the United States are the permanent members of the UN Security Council3, Britain ruled a third of the globe in its imperial prime4,the present British foreign policy is mainly influenced by some of the following factors: its imperial history, its geopolitical traits, and its special relationship with the United States6 Nowadays the British foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in the United Nations, the EU, NATO, etc.Part 3. 1, when the Second World War was over, Britain was active in setting up the United Nations and became one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council2,the present foreign policy of Britain is greatly influenced by its imperial history and also by its geopolitical traits5, the general direction of Britain‟s foreign policy is decided by the Prime Minister and Cabinet7. According to the author, Britain is a parliamentary democracy, so the government‟s foreign policy in theory represents the desires of its electorate.10Britain spends more money on defence than most other developed nations and it is the third largest spender in the world and is ranked the fifth or the sixth in terms of its military powerPart 4.5(In the author‟s opinion, the Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up of Britain and mostly of former British colonies.There are 54 members of the Commonwealth including one currently suspended member: many of these are developing countries like India and Cyprus; others are developed nations like Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Commonwealth was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sort of support network.)Unit 9, PP. 144-146Part 1. 5, The Advertising Code ensures that advertisements are legal, decent, honest and truthful.7. the Telegraph readers, for example, will be soft on crime, be quite feminist and interested in green politics.Part 2. 3, About British media: they supply people with news, keeping them informed of w hat‟s happening in the world, they help shape British culture, they provide entertainment.10. about the tabloids: they are often called “the gutter press”, they mainly deal in scandals and gossip about famous people, they carry stories with colour photos and catchy headlines.Part 3.8. for a long time the BBC had two channels. BBC One entertains people with sports, drama, current affairs, etc.; BBC Two provides special interest audience with documentaries and shows12. the media have many functions. They provide people with information about political and social problems. They carry advertising and also play an important role in forming a national culture.Unit 11, PP. 183-185Part 1. 3. Most of the people in Northern Ireland are Catholics while the majority of the people in the republic are Protestants6. After the Great Famine, there was a rapid decline of population and many Irish people emigrated to other country.8. Although the language of the Celts survived through history, their language is not the official language.Part 2. 2. In 1541, Henry VII declared to be the king of Ireland, the first English monarch to do so6. the word …Ireland‟ is used ambiguously to mean both the Republic and Northern Ireland 9.The Celts were warrior peoplePart 3. 1. Ireland is situated off the northwest coast of Great BritainUnit 12, PP. 202-204Part 1. 3. In Ireland, the President is only a symbolic Head of State and does not have executive powers8. The highest in ranking in the Irish legal system is the High Court, which has full jurisdiction and power in all matters of law.Part 2. 4, Up until 1970‟s the Irish economy was inward-looking6. All residents of Ireland, regardless of citizenship are qualified to vote at local elections Unit 15, PP. 254-255Part 1. 4. Dreaming is shared by the members of an indigenous group about how the features of their land were created.5. Dreaming helps the indigenous people to survive in the harsh environment of the desert of Australia7. European travelers declared the continent of Australia terra nullius before the British didPart 2. 1. Wombat, Koala and Kangaroo are native Australia animal,5. In late 18th century, British take over the continent of Australia and dec lare it “terra nullius”7. Under the assimilation policy, the aboriginal people should forget their own culture and take on the white culture.Part 3. 4. Most of Australia‟s population lives in the Mediterranean and temperate climates.8. Young indigenous women were forced to help the white settlers in sealing, which was one of the first industries of AustraliaPart 4.5(The policy of assimilation was implemented at the beginning of the 20th century. It was founded on the belief that the white culture was progressive and superior while the indigenous culture was inferior. To implement the policy, indigenous children were taken away from their parents to be put into protected reserves, whose purpose was to destroy the culture of the Dreaming and replace it with Christianity. The impact of the policy is devastating on the indigenous people, as their children grew up losing both their families and culture. In nature, it is the extension of the policy of segregation.)Unit 16, PP. 271-273Part 1.1, Dreaming is about a people being at one with the country which means that people do not own the land, but the land owns the people who have responsibilities of guardianship towards it2 Anglicanism is the British particular form of ProtestantismPart 2. 1, Salvation Army, Methodism and Congregationalism are different versionsof Protestantism2 Islam, Judaism and Hinduism are not, but Buddhism is now the fastest growing non-Christian belief system in AustraliaUnit 17, PP. 283-285Part 1. 1, The European settlement in Australia started in 1788 in Sydney5. The convict husbands of free wives could be assigned to work for their own families as ticket-of –leave servantsPart 2. 6, The Wakefield Scheme was implemented most thoroughly in South Australia8Today there are more” blended families” as people separate and remarry, bringing their two sets of children into their new partnershipUnit 18, PP. 295-297Part 1. 1, The Australia political system follows the Western democratic tradition, reflecting British and Northern American experience7. The …shadow cabinet‟ of the opposition can take over the government when there is a constitutional crisis10. Difference in Australia is now represented by three political parties whose basic conflicts now centre around both class and environmental issuesPart 2.1The gold rush helped to increase the population of Australia significantly 5. Tariff rates have lowered has happened in Australia economyPart 3. 3,.In the massive post-World War 11 immigration programme, Australia favoured the migrants from Britain than those from Southern and Eastern Europe7. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are at the centre of the Australian parliamentary power下册Unit1Part 13. Most of New Zealanders live in cities and towns with more people living in the South Island than the North Island4. Maori people have given up their cultural tradition and have adopted many aspects of western life5. New Zealanders are keen to get involved in environmental protectionPart 2.3. Factors contribute to New Zealand‟s environmental achievement: Favorable geographic features, Low population and a late development of industry4. New Zealand‟s three largest ethnic groups in term of population are new Zealanders with European ancestry, Maori and people from the Pacific Island8. In 1769, James Cook visited New Zealand and claimed it for BritainUnit 2, PP. 28-29Part 1. 2, New Zealand Parliament has two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Representatives8. New Zealand has now four major markets, with the United States being the biggest onePart 2. 1. The House of State of New Zealand is the British monarch4. The three levels of local government are regional councils, territorial authorities, and community boards6. Major exports of New Zealand: dairy products, fish, woolUnit 3, PP. 48-49Part 1. 3.The first English permanent settlement was founded in California4. Massachusetts was established by English puritans who separated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church5. the state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers7. by the early 1760s, the 13 English colonies in North America were ready to separate themselves from Europe8 .George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln were regarded as thefounding fathers of the United States of AmericaPart 2.1, the American had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants was correct around the time of the American Revolution4, some of the characteristics of Protestantism; challenging the authority of the Pope, salvation through faith .establishing a direct contact with God5, American values come from Puritanism: respect of education, intolerant moralism, a sense of mission8 the theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly from John LockePart 3.6, Martin Luther was the first to star the Religious Reformation and next important leaders of the Reformation was John Calvin11, two most important principles of the Holy Experiment were the spirit of liberty and equality, and separation of state and church,13name two of the taxes imposed in North American colonies by the British Parliament on the event of the American Revolution: the stamp tax and the tea taxUnit 4, PP. 60-621.When the war of independence was over, the Unite State was one unified nation as it istoday3.the US Constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government6, the president has the authority to appoint federal judges, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives9. Today, the United State has two major political parties, one is the Democratic Party formed before 1800, the other is the Republican Party, formed in the 1850s, by people in the states of the North and West10, Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate for public officePart 2. 5. The legislative is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes(it can also declare war or put foreign treaties into effect)6. The powers of the president: can vote any bill passed by Congress, has the authority to appoint federal judges when vacancies occur. Has broad powers, with the executive branch, to issue regulations and directives regarding the work of the federal department9. The powers of the president is written into the Constitution in 1787 the Bill of Rights, the judicial review, the political party system are notPart 3. 5, A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constitution parts with some rights reserved to each.6. The US federal government consist of the following three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial.7. The Congress is divided into the House of Representatives with 435 members who serve two-year terms, and the Senate with 100 lawmakers who serve six-year terms9. The Supreme Court is composed of 1 chief justice and 8 associate justices.Part 4. 2, (A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constitution parts, with some rights reserved to each.4.The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to theConstitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.)Unit 5, PP. 77-79Part 1. 1. Alexander Hamilton was the third president of the United States3.The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill.5.Many people believe that the economic freedom of capitalism is crucial to America‟seconomic success.6.The stockholders make profits even when the company loses money7.One reason for America‟s affluence is that a lot of people have inherited wealth from theirparentsPart 2. 2. T he …American system‟ of mass production was first used in firearms industry 5. A part of the service industry: Banking, Management consultation, AirlinePart 3. 4. The best-known stock exchange is the New York Stock Exchange located in the Wall Street area of New York City6. The Constitution of The United State bars all kinds of internal tariffs, so manufacturers do not have to worry about tariff barriers when shipping goods from one part of the country to anotherPart 4.4(Corporation is a form of business organization. Compared with the sole proprietorship and the partnership, the corporation may survive the death of its founder or founders. Because it could draw on a pool of investors, it is a much more efficient tool for raising the large amounts of capital needed by expanding business.And it enjoys limited liability, so investors only risk the amount of their investment and not their entire assets.)Unit 8, PP. 130-131Part 1. 4. One of the things that decides whether an applicant can be accepted bya college is his/her scores on the School Aptitude Tests5. According to the author, lager universities are always better, and more desirable universities are always more expensive.6. It takes at least four years to get a bachelor‟s degree from an institution of higher learning in the USPart 2. 3. In the US school systems, the divisions are Elementary school and Secondary school8.In order to go to university, secondary school students must meet the followingrequirements: high school records and recommendations from their teachers get good scores in the SAT.9.Harvard University, Yale University and Princeton University have large endowmentsfrom wealthy benefactors.10.T o get a bachelor‟s degree, an undergraduate student is required to do the following:attending lecture and complete assignments, passing examinations, earning a certain number of credits at the end of the four years at collegeUnit 14, PP. 232-235Part 1. 1. American foreign policy has been swinging between isolationism andinterventionism since World War II2.The founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949 and theWarsaw Pact in 1955 split the world into two military blocs. And the Cold War began 6, when Ronald Reagan become president in 1982, he wanted to beat the Soviet Union in the space of technology race and so he initiated the Star Wars project7, in 1948 President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine, which is generally regarded as the formal declaration of the implementation of the US containment foreign policy8. After Korean War, the US made necessary adjustment and adopted a strategy of contraction.9. At the end of the Second World War, a concrete wall, separating East and West Berlin, was built which became the symbol of the Cold War11. After the Step.11 terrorist attack, anti-terrorism became a priority on the agenda of the majority of the countries all over the world.Part 2. 1, the American foreign policy up to WW II can be described as swinging between isolationism and internationalism.6, what did US mean by containment? It would use whatever means to prevent the Soviet Union from breaking out of its sphere of influence.7, Vietnam War last about 20 years8. In 1972, President Nixon made a trip to China to improve relations with People‟s Republic of China10The Clinton Administration made the following elements: national security, economic prosperity, promotion of democracy. the three pillars of American foreign policy Part 3. 1. Up to the Second World War, American foreign policy can be described as swinging between isolationism and interventionism2, The founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949 and the Warsaw Pact in 1955 split the world into two military blocs with a large number of non-aligned countries in between. Arms race began11.U nder the Clinton Administration, the US national strategy was engagement andexpansion, which means the US would take a more active part in world affairs and would more actively promote market economic and American style democracy in the world. Part 4. 2, (The US put into effect the containment policy in the late 1940s. By containment, the US meant that it would use whatever means, including military force, to prevent the Soviet Union from breaking out of its sphere of influence. In order to contain communism, the US fought two was in Asia: the Korean War and the Vietnam War.3.When George W. Bush became president in 2001, he said his top advisers pursued astrategy that has significantly changed some of the principles that have been practiced in American foreign policy for years. This strategy has two prominent elements: unilateralism and faith in military strength. The review policies and international agreements from the point of view of American national interests. If they think any international agreement is not in line with American national interests, they will not hesitate to discard it.))Unit 17, PP. 294-295Part 1. 1, Canada is the largest country in North America continent3, the majority of Canadian population live in an area not far away from the Canadian-US border4.Newfoundlanders have an Irish accent because their ancestors came from Ireland8. Canada became a country in 1949 with the entry of Newfoundland into the Union.Part 2. 1. Contrast to its physical size, Canada has a small population.5.French colonists first came and settled in Canada6.Statements about Central Canada: early European settlements started from here, morethan half of Canada‟s population live in here, it has the largest cities like Toronto and MontrealUnit 18. PP. 308-310Part 1. 3, the Governor-General is the representative of the Queen and is the head of the government4,the Canadian parliament is divided into an upper house called the House of Commons, anda lower house called the Senate.6. the Constitution Act was introduced by Brian Mulroney to ensure Canadian‟s legal rightsPart 2. 1. The Prime Minister is the most influential person in the Canadian government2,The Bloc Quebecois party represents the most interest of Quebec.5. Ontario and Quebec are densely populated in Canada9. Quebec is the home of the most French-speaking people in Canada翻译1.2.Britain is a country with a history of invasions. In 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman Empire, in the late 8th century they experienced raids from Scandinavia and in the 11th century they suffered invasions from Normans3. The doctrine of the …divine right of kings‟ held that the sovereign derived his auth ority from God, not from his subject4. The British constitution consist of statute law, the common law and the conventions.5.There are three major parties in the UK; the Conservative party, the Labour party and the Liberal Democratic party6.7.8.910.It consists of a Congress that is divided into the House of Representatives with 435 members who serve two-year terms, and the Senate with 100 lawmakers who serve six-year terms, the legislative branch is made up of elected representatives from all of the states and is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes, declare war or put foreign treaties into effect11. The Supreme Court is composed of 1 chief justice and 8 associate justices.。



英语国家概况知识点(绝对全)3投一票第一部分英国第一章英国地理1. The official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2. There are three political divisions on the islands of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.3. About a hundred years ago, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and one fourth of the world’s land area.4. The Britain Empire was replaced by the Britain commonwealth in 1931,which is a free association of independent counties that were once colonies of Britain.5. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.6. Britain has, for centuries, been tilting with the northwest slowly rising, and the southeast slowly sinking. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands. The southeast and east are mainly lowlands.7. The pennies, a range of hills running from north midlands to Scottish border, are the principal mountain chain.8. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain in Britain, and the Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland is the largest lake in Britain.9. There are three natural zones in Scotland: the highlands in the north, the central lowlands, and the southern uplands. The lowlands in the center comprise mostly the forth and Clyde valleys.10. Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast are the capitals of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.11. Scotland has about 800 islands, including the Orkney, Shetlands and Hebrides.苏格兰有800座岛屿,包括奥克内群岛,谢特兰群岛和赫不里德群岛。










三、考试依据教材、课件PPT、历年八级考试中关于英语国家概况试题四、考试重点1、重点翻译术语:(1) New Frontier 新边疆(2) the Civil Rights Movement 民权运动(3) the Great Society 伟大社会(4) the Counterculture Movement 反主流文化运动(5) the New Left Movement 新左派运动(6) the Anti-War Movement 反战运动(7) the Strategic Defence Initiative 战略防御措施(8) the Populist Party人民党(9) Star Wars星球大战(10) Monroe Doctrine门罗主义(11) Truman Doctrine 杜鲁门主义(12) the Marshall Plan 马歇尔计划(13) the Missile Crisis 导弹危机(14) the House Un-American Activities Committee 众议院非美活动调查委员会(15) WASP 白人盎格鲁—撒克逊新教徒(16) indentured servants 契约佣工(17) the Civil War 美国内战(18) the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 全国有色人种协进会(19) model minority 模范少数族裔(20) Indian Reservations 印第安人保留区(21) Gold Rush淘金热(22) Supreme Court最高法院(23) the Court of Appeals 上诉法院(24) the District Court地区法庭(25) judicial review 司法复审(26) the House of Representatives 众议院(27) chief justice 首席大法官(28) associate justice 大法官(29) the Articles of Confederation 《邦联条例》(30) winner-take-all 赢者通吃/ (美国总统选举中)胜者获得所有选举人选票(31) grants-in-aid programs联邦拨款项目(32) the midterm election中期选举(33) Watergate Scandal水门事件丑闻(34) Electoral College选举人团(35) laissez faire自由放任(36) post-industrial society后工业社会(37) Sherman Antitrust Act谢尔曼反托拉斯法(38) New Deal新政(39) National Labor Relations Board全国劳工关系委员会(40) Social Security system 社会保障制度(41) Food Stamp食物劵(42) Aid to Families with Dependent Children未成年人家庭援助计划(43) original jurisdiction 初审管辖权(44) grand jury 大陪审团(45) petit jury 小陪审团(46) the Department of Justice 司法部(47) the Attorney General 司法部长/ 总检察长(48) the Solicitor General 司法部副部长/副总检察长(49) Common Law 习惯法(50) civil law 民法(51) criminal law 刑法(52) the Federal Bureau of Investigation美国联邦调查局(53) due process of law 正当法律程序(54) charter school 特许公立学校(55) school voucher 教育劵(56) associate degree 准学位(57) community college 社区大学(58) the Bilingual Education Act 双语教育法(59) affirmative action program 积极行动方案(60) reverse discrimination 反向歧视(61) compulsory education 义务教育(62) city upon a hill 山巅之城(63) the Great Awakening 大觉醒运动(64) rummage sales 旧杂物义卖(65) the Grand Canyon 大峡谷(66) British Commonwealth英联邦(67) God save the King /Queen 天佑吾王(68) the Stars and Stripes星条旗(69) E pluribus unum合众为一(70) the Good Friday Agreement北爱尔兰和平协议(71) Magna Carta(英国)大宪章(72) shadow cabinet影子内阁(73) the House of Lords 贵族院/ 上议院(74) Lords Spiritual 神职贵族(75) Lords Temporal 俗职贵族(76) the House of Commons下议院(77) Constitutional Monarchy君主立宪制(78) the Prime Minister首相(79) the Department of State国务院(80) Secretary of Commerce商务部长2、重点名词解释术语(1) American Dream(2) WASP(3) judicial review(4) federalism(5) the midterm election(6) Electoral College(7) laissez faire(8) New Deal(9) Medicare(10) Medicaid(11) grand jury(12) petit jury(13) the adversary system(14) affirmative action program(15) reverse discrimination(16) Manifest Destiny(17) British Commonwealth(18) protestantism(19) Group Eight(20) the Union Flag3、简答题复习范围(共24题)1. 关于英国部分(1) What influences the climate in the UK? (Unit 1)(2) What are the key elements in “Britishness” that the citizens of the UK share? (Unit 2)(3) It is said that British history has been a history of invasions. What are the major invasions in the history? (Unit 3)(4) What are the four major characteristics of the British Constitution? (Unit 4)(5) What are the functions of Parliament? How does the law-making process? (Unit 4)2. 关于美国部分(6) Describe the four recognizable and definable topographic regions in the United States. (Unit 1)(7) What makes the Northeast stand out as a unique cultural region? (Unit 1)(8) How did the South and the North differ from each other in their economic development before the Civil War? (Unit 2)(9) From what parts of Europe did immigrants mainly come in the 17th, 18th and much of the 19th centuries? (Unit 3)(10) How is the President elected? What are the presidential election’s proceedings? (Unit 4)(答案以ppt为准)(11) What qualifications does one need in order to vote in the U.S.? (Unit 4)(12) What are the powers of the US president? (Unit 4)(13) What was Alexander Hamilton’s plan for the development of the new Republic? (Unit 5)(14) What are the main characteristics of the post-industrial society? (Unit 5)(答案以ppt为准)(15) What were the two key traditional attitudes of Americans towards social services? (Unit 6)(16) What are the main areas covered by social security in the U.S.? (Unit 6)(17) The U.S. has a three-tiered national court system. What are the three levels? (Unit 7)(18) What are the four categories of institutions in the higher education system in the United States? (Unit 8,参考答案见ppt)(19) What reforms have been made in the United States over the past several decades for its public schools? (Unit 8)(20) What are the major differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism? (Unit 9)[Answer for reference: Both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism are branches of Christianity. Their differences lie mainly in two aspects. First, according to Roman Catholicism, the Pope is the authority of God’s revelation, while Protestantism believes that the Bible is the only source of revelation. Second, in Roman Catholicism, there is an episcopal hierarchy, while Protestantism believes in the universal priesthood of all the believers.](21) In what ways do American parents try to instill independent spirit in their children? (Unit 10)[Answer for reference: America parents try to instill independent spirit in their children in three ways. First, they expect their children to find part-time jobs. Second, they expect their children to leave home at an earlier age than in most other countries. Third, they expect their children to contribute to or pay for things that go beyond food, clothing, and shelter when they are above a certain age.](22) Describe the symbols in the national flag of the U.S. and their respective symbolic meanings.(参见ppt的Introduction)(23) Describe the major symbols in the grand seal of the U.S. and explain their respective symbolic meanings. (参见ppt的Introduction)(24) What were the major ideas in the Declaration of Independence?[Answer for reference: The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It also explained the philosophy of government: the power of government came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of government was to secure the rights mentioned above. The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.]。



---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语国家概况(谢福之版)总复习资料.The United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern IrelandChapter 1 Geography, People and Language全名: the United Kingdom of Great Britain(大不列颠联合王国)and Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰) . 由成千上万的小岛组成(the British Isles). 两大岛屿:Great Britain(大不列颠) and Ireland (爱尔兰)The River Thames (second longest and most important),originates(起源于)in southwestern England -----North Sea. Scotland ( Edinburgh 爱丁堡) important river:Clyde River kilts(苏克兰小短裙) Wales( Cardiff 加迪夫,著名港口).The Severn River is the longest river of Britain------flow through western England. Northern Ireland (Belfast 贝尔法斯特,首府)Lough Neagh----the largest lake in the British Isles. Climate: temperate, with warm summers, cool winters and plentiful precipitation(降雨量),冬暖夏凉,降雨充沛 Three major features: winter fog, rainy day, instability 冬天多雾,常年多雨,天气不定 London---Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫), Guildhall (市政厅),St. Paul’s Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂), The Tower Bridge of London(伦敦塔桥) The majority of the population is descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people from Europe. 大部分的人口是盎格鲁-撒克逊人的后裔,从1/ 18欧洲来的日耳曼人Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people, including the Irish people 威尔士和苏格兰的大多数人都是凯尔特人的后裔,包括爱尔兰人English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. English is in the Germanic group.英语属于日耳曼语语系Germanic group: East Germanic, North Germanic, West Germanic. English evolved from the West Germanic group.日耳曼语系:东日耳曼语,北日耳曼语,西日耳曼语。



一、翻译题分constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制the Monarch 君主Parliament 议会House of Commons 平民院/下议院The Government Party执政党Royal Assent御准(女王批准)Shadow Cabinet 影子内阁jury system 陪审团制the Conservative Party 保守党the Labour Party 工党common law 习惯法Crown Courts 王室法院The Celts 凯尔特人Anglo—Saxons 盎格鲁萨克逊人Norman Conquest 诺曼征服The Great Charter 大宪章The Hundred Years’ War 百年大战The Black Death黑死病Renaissance 文艺复兴Humanists 人文主义者the Great Lakes大湖区Secretary of State国务卿The US Congress 国会the House of Representatives众议院The Judicial Branch司法部门the Supreme Court最高法院the Boston Tea Party波士顿倾茶事件、The Bill of Rights人权法案The Star-Spangled Banner星条旗The Monroe Doctrine门罗主义Emancipation Proclamation解放宣言/废奴宣言Frontiersman拓荒者The Civil War内战The Westward Movement西进运动英语国家概况精讲系列(一)Chapter 1第一章Land and People英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1。



英语国家概况知识点(绝对全)第一部分英国第一章英国地理1. The official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2. There are three political divisions on the islands of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.3. About a hund red years ago, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and one fourth of the world’s land area.4. The Britain Empire was replaced by the Britain commonwealth in 1931,which is a free association of independent counties that were once colonies of Britain.5. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.6. Britain has, for centuries, been tilting with the northwest slowly rising, and the southeast slowly sinking. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands. The southeast and east are mainly lowlands.7. The pennies, a range of hills running from north midlands to Scottish border, are the principal mountain chain.8. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain in Britain, and the Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland is the largest lake in Britain.9. There are three natural zones in Scotland: the highlands in the north, the central lowlands, and the southern uplands. The lowlands in the center comprise mostly the forth and Clyde valleys.10. Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast are the capitals of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.11. Scotland has about 800 islands, including the Orkney, Shetlands and Hebrides.苏格兰有800座岛屿,包括奥克内群岛,谢特兰群岛和赫不里德群岛。


7. Black Death was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England in the summer of 1348, and killed between one half and one third of the population of England. 黑死病是致命性淋巴腺鼠疫的现代名称。这是--种经由鼠蚤传播的传染性疾病,在 14 世纪传 播到欧洲。1348 年夏天,它横扫全英国,并夺去三分之一到一半的英国人的生命。
2022 年自考 00522 英语国家概况核心考点资料
第一章 国土与人民
1. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire land. 官方名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
2. Great Britain is the largest island in Europe. It is made up of England, Scotland, and Wales. Together with Northern lreland, it forms the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 大不列颠是欧洲最大的岛屿,由英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成。它和北爱尔兰-起构成了大不 列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
的土地,并将其分发给追随他的诺曼人。他用强大的诺曼政府取代了薄弱的撒克逊统治。 于是,封建制度在英国完全确立。


















英语国家概况的复习重点英语国家概况六国比较国英语国家概况 - 地理、人口、气候篇 [UseMoney=8]一、地理位置,面积: 英国:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Britain is an island country. It is surounded by the sea. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the Borth sea in the east. The Britain covers an area of 244,100 square kms. It runs 1,000 kms from north to south and extends, at the widest part, about 500 kilometres. 美国:the United States of America The continental United States lies in central North America with Canada to its north.Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to its South,the Atlantic Ocean to its east and the Pacific Ocean to its west.The two newest states Alaska and Hawaii are separated from the continetal United States.(Joined in 1959) The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometres(the 4th largest country in the world).It streches 2,575 kilometres from north to south and 4,500 kilometres from east to west. 爱尔兰:the Republic of Ireland(Eire) The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.km.The cuntry's total boundary si 3,603 km long,of which its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km. It is bounded on the northeast by Northern Ireland,on the east and southeast by the Irish Sea and St. Geogore's Channel and on the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean. 加拿大:Canada Canada is the world's second largest country after Russia. It has a land area of about 10 million sq.km. It covers about two fifths of North American comtinent.North to South(3,200 kilometres),east to west(6,400 kilometres).Canada and United States share a 6,378 kilometre boundary that has not been fortified for over a hundred years. Canada lies to the north of the United States.The 45th parallel marks the boundary between Canada and norhtern Vermont and New York of the United States. 澳大利亚:Australia Australia streches from 10 south to 44 south of latitude and 113 east to 154 east of longitude. Australia is the world's smallest continent with an area of 7.7 milion sq.km. But Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It surrounded by the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the east,by the Indian Ocean to the west,by the Coral Sea,the Atlantic Sea and Timor Sea to the north,and the Southern Indian Ocean and the Great Australian Bight to the south. 新西兰:New Zealand New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean,halfway between the equator and South Pole. About 1,500 km to the northwest,across the Tasman Sea,is Australia. To the east,10,600 km of the Pacific Ocean separate New Zealand from South America.The icy continent of Antarctica lies 2,300 km to the south. The latitude of the capital city,Wellington,is 40S;the latitude of China's capital is 40N.It is just west of the International Date line,so it is the first country to get the new day. The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan.三、气候,人口英国: Britain has a population of 57,411,000(1990). A maritime type of climate. Winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool,not too hot,and it has a steady reliable rainfullthroughtout the whole year. It has a small range of temperature. 美国: The United States of America,with a population of 255.5 million in July 1992,is the third most populous country in the wrold. By the year 2050,the population is expected to climb to 383 million,a50% increase. The United States is located in the middle latitudes north of the equator. And there are different types of climate in different regions. 1)A humid continental climate is found in the north-eastern part of the country.(New England) 2)In the south-eastern United States you can find a humid subtropical climate. *these two zones stretch westward across the United States until they approach the 100th meridian. 3)Beyond this point they gradually give way to the continental steppe climate of the Great Plains. 4)The Pacific northwest is favoured with a maritime climate. 5)The souther part of the Pacific coast in California has a Mediterranean climate. 爱尔兰: The population of Ireland in 1990 was estimated at 3.5 million. It is expected to grow to 4 million by 2000. The weather of Ireland is described as "mild,moist and changeable".Extreme cold,long frosts,heavy snows in winter and scorching days in summer are uncommon. 加拿大: Canada has a population of only a little over 29 million(1994).Toronto(3.4 million),Montreal(2.9 million)and Vancouver(1.3 million) are the most populous cities in Canada. Except for southwestern Saskatchewan and southeastern Alberta,Canada recieves adequate rainfall.However the climate throughout Canada is varied. 1)A maritime climate similar to that of Washington and Oregon states in the United States is found in the southwestern part of British Colombia. 2)North of these regions lie the evergreen forests of the subarctic taiga. 3)In the far north there is a polar climate with a treeless tundra zone Generally speaking the climate in Canada is unfavourable.Much of Cananda has long and cold winters with deep snow. 澳大利亚: Today(1996) Australia's population is about 18 million or about two people to the square kilometre. Most Australia do not know their continent very well because they live on the cool,wet,forested south-east coastland. This is the most pleasant part of the country and the forests are unique but it is not Australia's most common environment. Two thirds of the coutry is hot and dry. 新西兰: The population of New Zealand is 3.5 million. Approximately 10% are Maori,or part Maori. The climate in New Zealand is generally temperate,but becasue the country runs northsouth,the climate is varied. In the far north it is subtropical and in some mountainous areas of South island it is almost subarcitc.Seasonal variations are less extreme than in many other countries. 英语国家概况 - 政治篇一、基本政治制度和国家元首[UseMoney=8]英国: The United Kingdome is a constitutional monarchy:the head of States is a king or a queen. In practice,the Sovereign reigns,but does not rule:the United Kongdom is governed,in the name of the Sovereign,by His or Her Majestty's Government--a body of Ministers who are the leading members of whichever political party the electorate has voted into office,and who are responsible to Parliament. The present Sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. 美国: The American Consitution set up a federal systerm of government which has two layers of rule.(central of federal government for the nation ,state and local governments.) The President of the Unites States is head of the executive branch. The White House is hisofficial residence. He is also head of state elected by the whole nation.(4years,two times at the most) 爱尔兰: Ireland is a parliamentary republic and a unitary state under the 1937 Consitution. The head of the state is the president.(7years) 加拿大: Canada,a self-governing memeber of the Commonwealth of Nations,is a federation of 10 povinces and two territories. Canada, along with Australia, New Zealand and some other Commonwealth countries, recognizes Britain' monarch, Queen Elizabath II, as Head of State. 澳大利亚:The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation.The Six colonies joined together as sovereign States. 新西兰: New Zealand is a sovereign independent State,which a parliament government and a constitutional monarchy立法机构 ,执法机构[UseMoney=8]二、立法机构英国:Parliament(maximum 5 years duration)Parliament consisted of the Sovereign,the House of Lords(made up of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal) and House of Commons(651).美国:CongressArticle I of the Constitution grants all legislative power of the federal government to a Congress composed of two chambers,a Senate(two members from each state,six year term and every even year,one-third of the Senate stands for re-election ) and a House of Representatives(based on population and its size is therefore not specified in the Constitution.435).爱尔兰:All the legislative power are vested in the national parliament.(Oireachats) Oireachats has two houses. They are the Senate(Seanad) and the House of Representives(Dail Eireann)加拿大:All the legislative power of the federal administration are vested in the Parliament of Canada,which consists of the Crown,the Senate(104) and the House of Commons(295).Therefore,laws must be passed by both Houses of Parliament and signed by the Governor-General in the Queen's name.澳大利亚:The Australian Federal Parliament is modelled on the Westminster system.It is the Legislature.It consists of the Queen and two Houses of Parliament:the House of Representatives and the Senate. 新西兰:New Zealand follows the British Parliamentary system with some varitions.Since 1950 the New Zealand Parliament has had only one chamber,the House of Representatives. (every 3 years)三、执法机构英国:The Prime Minister is apointed by the Queen.He always sits in the House of Commons.And his residence is No.10 Downing Street in London.The party which wins sufficient seats at a General Election to command a majority of supporters in the House of Commons usually forms the Government.Ministers are appointedby the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The most senior ministers compose the Cabinet.美国:The head of the departments,chosen by the President and approved by the Senate,form a council of advisers generally known as the President. This inculdes the White House staff,the Office of Management and Budget,the Council of Economic Advisers,and the Office of Emergerency Preparedness. The department are as follows(不打上来了,是书上的P305)爱尔兰:The Article 13 of the Constitution provides that the president shall appoint the prime minister(toiseach) on the nomination of the House of Representatives(Dail) and that he shall appoint the other members of the government on the nomination of the prime minister with the previous approval of the Dail.The prime minister holds office either until he chooses to resign or until he loses the support of the majority in the Dail.加拿大:Queen is represented in Canada by the Governor-General,who is appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. In practice, the Governor-General acts only the advice of the Canada Prime Minister and the Cabinet, who also sit in the federal parliament.The Prime Minister and other members of the Cabinet exercise executive power as the "Government".澳大利亚:In Australia the Queen is represented by the Govenor-General.(这里和加拿大是完全一样的) The executive is the government of the day.It is formed by the party or coalition of parties,which has a majority of seats in the House of Representatives.The Executive consists of the Prime Minister and the other members of the ministry.新西兰:The leader of the party with a majority of members in the House of Representatives becomes Prime Minister.He or she and about 20 other chosen members,form the Cabinet.党派,司法机构[UseMoney=8]四、党派英国:Since the 1945 eiher the Conservative Party or the Labour Party has held power.A new party--the Social and Liberal Democratic Party was formed in 1988.美国:In general,America has a two-party system.The Democrats(the major party now) and the Republicans.爱尔兰:Ireland has a bipolar political system with two major paries,Finna Fail and Fine Gael.The Irish Labour Party is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland. The Progressive Democrats is the largest of the minor partiesafter 1987 election.加拿大:Two party system and one party rule.There are two main federal parties in Canada.They are the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservative Party.澳大利亚:We can say that Australia has a two-and-half party system of the ALP(Australia Labour Party) on one side and the Liberal Party and National parties on the other.新西兰:For the last 50 years the two main parties have been the National party and the Labour Party.五、司法机构英国: Criminal Courts in England and Wales including: Magistrates Courts,Youth Courts and the Crown CourtsScotland: 1.the High Courts of Justiciary 2.the sheriff court 3. the district court Northern Ireland: Magistrates' courts,Country courts and the Crown CourtCivil Courts in England and Wales: are the Country Court of which there are 270.The High Court deal with the more complicated cases.Scotland:the civil courts are the sheriff court and the Court of Session.Northern Ireland:Country courts are primarily civil law courts. The magistrates' court also deals with certain limited classes of civil cases.The High Court of Justice is the superior civil law court.Appeals from country courts are dealt with by the High Court or the Court of Appeal.美国:The judicial,consists of a system of courts headed by the Supreme Court and including subordinate courts throughtout the country.And it is the organ which has the power to interpret the Constitution.The judicial system has evovlved into the present structure:the Supreme Court,11 courts of appeals,91 district courts,and three courts of special jurisdiction.爱尔兰:Statutes passed by the British Parliament before 1921 have the force of law except those repealed by the Irish Oireachats.The high court has full origianal jurisdiction and power in all matters of law.It also can determine the validity of any law within the provisions of the Constitution.The Supreme Court is the court of final appeal.(a chief jusice and six other jusices)加拿大:Canada law has its source in acts and judicial decisions,and also in British common law. Quebec is an exception since its system is based on the French civil law.The provincial and federal governments have the power to establish courts. The federal Parliament created the Supreme Court of Canada,the Federal Court and various of special jurisdiction.澳大利亚:The High Court is the most superior.It consists of a chief jusice and six other jusices.The Federal Court of Australia was established in 1977.The Family Court was established in 1976.In each state there is a Superior Court. Below it are intermediate courts commonly called District or County Courts. Below them are Magistrates Courts,Local Courts or Courts of Petty Session. 二、农业[UseMoney=8]英国: The Britain were pioneers in modern agriculture and were among the first to bring science and machinery to farming.The new farming has been called "agribusiness".There are mainly six farming types in Britain.They are arable farning,dairy fariming,stock farming,mixed farming,hill farming and market gardening. Because of the cool climate,apples,pears and plums grwo very well in Britain. The North Sea has very good fishing grounds. 美国: Yet the United States grows nearly one fourth of the world's grain and supplies a half of all the exports of grain in the world. It ranks first,second,or third in the production and export of corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, oranges, meat,milk, apples,oats,cotton,tobaoo, peanuts,and edible vegetable oil.(具体的在什么地方种什么东西可以参照书上P289-291) 爱尔兰: Agriculture generates anestimated 11% of the Ireland GNP,employs 17% of the labour force and produces 25% of total exports. The most signigicant recent development in Irish agriculture has been membership in the European Community. 加拿大: The land used for agriculture makes up only 7% in Canada. Canada farms specialize in producing wheat,food crops for animals dairy products,and fruit.Fishing and mining are quite important. The Canada Prairie is the centre of a rich wheat belt. Eastern Canada is noted for a variety of farm products. Dairying is in the lowlands of Quebec and Ontario. Fruits are grown in Western Nova Scotia. 澳大利亚: Today,agriculture is the nation's largest and most diverse industry.Australia is one of the world's leading producers of foodand natural fibres.Australia is the world's largest exporter of wool,the second largest exporter of meat,the third largest exporter of wheat and a major international supplier of sugar,dairy products,fruits,cotton and rice. Australia's agriculture importance has declined in recent years. 新西兰: Vineyards produce international award-winning red and white wines. 四、对外贸易[UseMoney=8]英国: Britain is the fifth largest trading country in the world.Napoleon called it a "nation of shopkeepers" Britain's foreign trade is mainly with other developed countries. Which accounts for 79% of exports and 85% of imports. About half with EC. Traditionally,Britain has had a deficit on visible trade and a surplus on invisible trade. 美国: Currenty U.S. exports are about 15% of the world's total.The Unites States imports about 13% of all world imports. Canada is the largest single source og goods imported by the U.S.,accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Outside of North America,Europe is the largest source of imports with about 30%,Asia provides about 18%,with smaller percentages from Latin America,Africa,and Australia. 爱尔兰: Successive Irish governments have adopted a consistent and postive approoach toward attracting overseas investment. The new foreign firms now account for over 70% of manufactured exports. Ireland is new an industrial exporter. Manufactured goods account for about two-thirds of total wxports. 加拿大: A total about four fifths of all foreign investments in Canada are American. 澳大利亚: Australia is a middle-level trading nation. The main feature of Australia's trade is that it has always involved the exchange of raw materials for finished products. Australia's trade relations with China have been developing rapidly in recent years. China accouts for about 3% of Australian total exports. 新西兰: Trade is New Zealand's linelihood.Foreign investment is increasing and financial markets are active. Western Europe and particularly Britain have traditionally been New Zealand's major export market. The main imports are industrial raw materials,capital equipment and consumer goods. New Zealand is the world's largest exporter of lamb and mutton as well as dairy products. 五、当今面临的问题[UseMoney=8]英国: Britain is the oldest industrial country in the world.The term "Britain disease" is noew often used to characterise Britain's economic decline. The Evolution of the Britain Economy since the War:1.Steady development in the 50s and 60s.2.Economic recession in the 70s.3.Economic recovery in the 80s. 这里有一部分是撒切尔的宏,微观措施比较重要(P91-92) 美国: The Untied States has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector So the economy system of the United States is principally privately owned.But today,many of American people still live under the poverty line. Unemployment,inflation,finacial deficit,and trade deficit are the troubles that alwaysface the United States. 爱尔兰: The value of imports generally exceeds that of exports. That's why Ireland has a chronic negative balance of trade. Continuing dependence on imported oil is one of the reasons for the high import bill. 加拿大: In the past few years however,Canada's unemployment rate has been high.But what is worth nothing is that the cost for manufacturing has increased while the productivity per worker has decreased as compared with the United States or with its ten trading partners. While Canada has one of the world's highest standards of living,not all regions of the country have enjoyed the same degree of prosperity. Some measures have been taken by the Federal government to help those slow grownth regions. 澳大利亚: Problems of Australia economy:1.Over-reliance on commodity exports.2.Failure to share in the expansion of international trade.3.The decline of manufaturing industries and the effects of tariffs. 二、教育[UseMoney=8]英国: Education is compulsory for between the ages of 5(4 in Northern Ireland) and 16.The protortion of young people entering higher education in universities and colleges was one in four(one in three in Northern Ireland) in 1994.There are 90 universities,including the Open University. The government education departments formulate education policies and are also responsible for the supply and trainging of teachers. Most state school education is the responsibility of local education authorities (LEAs);the rest is provided by self-governing grant-maintained(GM) schools.The British universities are governed by royal charters or by Act of Parliament and enjoy academic freedom. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the 12th and 13th centries. 美国: In the United States,education is regarded as both an individual benefit and a social necessity. Formal education in the United States consisteds of elementary,secondary and higher education. Diversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education.The America Constitution makes it clear that education is a funcation of the state,not the federal government. Higher education in the United States began with the founding of Harvard College in 1636. The system of higher education in the United States has three principle funcations:teaching,research,and public serivce. Another aspect of American higher education that has drawn the world's attention is the community college and the role it plays. 爱尔兰: Schooling is complusory between ages 6 and 15. The chief lanugage of instruction is English. Ireland's oldest university is the University of Dubin. It was founded in 1591. 加拿大: Virtually all Canadians devote at least ten years to formal cation is a provincial responsibility. Canadian education is divided into three seccessive levels:elementary,secondary,and post-secondary.The oldest university is Laval University in Quebec City,origianlly founded in1663. The largest is the Universityfo Torontao with full-time enrolment of over 31,000 students. 节日、社会福利篇一、社会福利[UseMoney=8]英国: Britain is a welfare state.(The welfare state is a system of government by which the state provides the economic and social security of its citizens through its organization of health services,pensions and other ficilities.)The system is funded out of national insurance and contributions and taxation.In Britain the term applies mainly to the National Health Service--NHS(1948,the largest single employer of labour in the U.K.),national insurance and social security. Personal Social Services assist elderly people,disabled people,people with learning disabilities or mental illness,children ,and families facing special problems. The Social Security is designed to secure a basic standard of living for people in financial need.(Contributory social security benefit: Retirement pension,Unemployment Benefit,Sickness and Invalidity Benefit,Maternity Allowance and Widows' Benefit.Non-contributory social security benefits: War Pensions,Industrial injuries Disablement Benefit,Child Benefit,Family Credit) 加拿大: National health policies and programs have developed in Canada as a result of joint efforts by federal and provincial governments.A universal program for hospital care was introduced in 1958,followed ten years later by universal insurance to meet the cost of physicians'service.The Federal Government paid the provinces one-half the cost of the insurance programs.No Canada lacks access to hospital and medical care for finacial reasons. Federal,provincial and local governements provied a wide range of publicly funded and administered income security and social programs,which are complemented by the serivce of voluntary agencies. 新西兰: Treatment at public hospital is free.A percentage of doctor's fees is paid by the state.The Accident Compensation Corporation provides immediate benefits of free medical trearment for everyone who suffers personal injury by accident. New Zealand was one of the first countries in the world to establish a free national dental service for young people. Infants and pre-school children receive free health care and free immunization against a range of diseases. The social support system helps people with personal,family and financial difficulties. 二、节日(按照时间的排列,不是按照国家排列,主要是英美两国,其他国家没有涉及,因为其实和他们都是一样的)[UseMoney=8]1.New Years Day/January 1st(所有国家) New Year's Day is part of Scotish "Hogmanay"(New Year's eve)festival,which is more important than Christmas to Scots. It is a legal holiday in U.S. and most people have a day off from work.One of the biggest and most exciting places in the United States on New Year's Eve is Time Square in New Year City.On the first day of the New Year,there are a lot of activities.(Mummers Parade in Philadelphiaand the Rose Tournament in Pasadena,California.) 2.Martin Luther King's Day/Third Monday of January (美国) Martin Luther King was a black minister,who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He delivered his best-know speech "I have a dream" before the Lincoin Memorial and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964. By the vote of Congress in 1968,the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in his honour. 3.Lincoln's Birthday/February 12 (美国) Lincoln led the country during the difficult time of Civil War and he issued the Emancipation Proclamation which officially freed all slaves in the United States. 4.Valentine's Day/February 14 (美国) Valentine's Day is a day for lovers. 5.Washington's Birthday/February 22 (美国) George Washington is remebered as a great general,as one of the founders of the Republic,as the first President of the United States of America,and also as "the Father of his Country." 6.April Fool's Day/April 1st (英国) April Fool's Day is hardly a festival,but on that day you may find that someone has tied your shoe-lace together,ot given you a false message from your employer,or play some practice jokes on you to make you an "April Fool" 7.Easter Sunday/A Sunday in March or April (英国,美国) East is the chief Christian festival,which celebrates the Resurrection of Christ,on the first Sunday after the first full moon that conincides with,or comes after,the sprign equinox. Easter Sunday,which comes from the ancient Norweigian festival of Spring sun,is the second of the two most important holidays for Christians. There are several symbols for Easter.(Egg and the hare) The Easter Parade is very popluar in the United States.The most famous one is along the Fifth Avenue in New Year City. University students susally have a week-long "Spring Break" to return home to spend the holiday with thier parents. 8.Whit Sunday/falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter(英国) It is a major festival in the Christian church. It celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to Christ's apostles seven weeks after his death. 节日(二)。

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三、考试依据教材、课件PPT、历年八级考试中关于英语国家概况试题四、考试重点1、重点翻译术语:(1) New Frontier 新边疆(2) the Civil Rights Movement 民权运动(3) the Great Society 伟大社会(4) the Counterculture Movement 反主流文化运动(5) the New Left Movement 新左派运动(6) the Anti-War Movement 反战运动(7) the Strategic Defence Initiative 战略防御措施(8) the Populist Party人民党(9) Star Wars星球大战(10) Monroe Doctrine门罗主义(11) Truman Doctrine 杜鲁门主义(12) the Marshall Plan 马歇尔计划(13) the Missile Crisis 导弹危机(14) the House Un-American Activities Committee 众议院非美活动调查委员会(15) WASP 白人盎格鲁—撒克逊新教徒(16) indentured servants 契约佣工(17) the Civil War 美国内战(18) the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 全国有色人种协进会(19) model minority 模范少数族裔(20) Indian Reservations 印第安人保留区(21) Gold Rush淘金热(22) Supreme Court最高法院(23) the Court of Appeals 上诉法院(24) the District Court地区法庭(25) judicial review 司法复审(26) the House of Representatives 众议院(27) chief justice 首席大法官(28) associate justice 大法官(29) the Articles of Confederation 《邦联条例》(30) winner-take-all 赢者通吃/ (美国总统选举中)胜者获得所有选举人选票(31) grants-in-aid programs联邦拨款项目(32) the midterm election中期选举(33) Watergate Scandal水门事件丑闻(34) Electoral College选举人团(35) laissez faire自由放任(36) post-industrial society后工业社会(37) Sherman Antitrust Act谢尔曼反托拉斯法(38) New Deal新政(39) National Labor Relations Board全国劳工关系委员会(40) Social Security system 社会保障制度(41) Food Stamp食物劵(42) Aid to Families with Dependent Children未成年人家庭援助计划(43) original jurisdiction 初审管辖权(44) grand jury 大陪审团(45) petit jury 小陪审团(46) the Department of Justice 司法部(47) the Attorney General 司法部长/ 总检察长(48) the Solicitor General 司法部副部长/副总检察长(49) Common Law 习惯法(50) civil law 民法(51) criminal law 刑法(52) the Federal Bureau of Investigation美国联邦调查局(53) due process of law 正当法律程序(54) charter school 特许公立学校(55) school voucher 教育劵(56) associate degree 准学位(57) community college 社区大学(58) the Bilingual Education Act 双语教育法(59) affirmative action program 积极行动方案(60) reverse discrimination 反向歧视(61) compulsory education 义务教育(62) city upon a hill 山巅之城(63) the Great Awakening 大觉醒运动(64) rummage sales 旧杂物义卖(65) the Grand Canyon 大峡谷(66) British Commonwealth英联邦(67) God save the King /Queen 天佑吾王(68) the Stars and Stripes星条旗(69) E pluribus unum合众为一(70) the Good Friday Agreement北爱尔兰和平协议(71) Magna Carta(英国)大宪章(72) shadow cabinet影子内阁(73) the House of Lords 贵族院/ 上议院(74) Lords Spiritual 神职贵族(75) Lords Temporal 俗职贵族(76) the House of Commons下议院(77) Constitutional Monarchy君主立宪制(78) the Prime Minister首相(79) the Department of State国务院(80) Secretary of Commerce商务部长2、重点名词解释术语(1) American Dream(2) WASP(3) judicial review(4) federalism(5) the midterm election(6) Electoral College(7) laissez faire(8) New Deal(9) Medicare(10) Medicaid(11) grand jury(12) petit jury(13) the adversary system(14) affirmative action program(15) reverse discrimination(16) Manifest Destiny(17) British Commonwealth(18) protestantism(19) Group Eight(20) the Union Flag3、简答题复习范围(共24题)1. 关于英国部分(1) What influences the climate in the UK? (Unit 1)(2) What are the key elements in “Britishness” that the citizens of the UK share? (Unit 2)(3) It is said that British history has been a history of invasions. What are the major invasions in the history? (Unit 3)(4) What are the four major characteristics of the British Constitution? (Unit 4)(5) What are the functions of Parliament? How does the law-making process? (Unit 4)2. 关于美国部分(6) Describe the four recognizable and definable topographic regions in the United States. (Unit 1)(7) What makes the Northeast stand out as a unique cultural region? (Unit 1)(8) How did the South and the North differ from each other in their economic development before the Civil War? (Unit 2)(9) From what parts of Europe did immigrants mainly come in the 17th, 18th and much of the 19th centuries? (Unit 3)(10) How is the President elected? What are the presidential election’s proceedings? (Unit 4)(答案以ppt为准)(11) What qualifications does one need in order to vote in the U.S.? (Unit 4)(12) What are the powers of the US president? (Unit 4)(13) What was Alexander Hamilton’s plan for the development of the new Republic? (Unit 5)(14) What are the main characteristics of the post-industrial society? (Unit 5)(答案以ppt为准)(15) What were the two key traditional attitudes of Americans towards social services? (Unit 6)(16) What are the main areas covered by social security in the U.S.? (Unit 6)(17) The U.S. has a three-tiered national court system. What are the three levels? (Unit 7)(18) What are the four categories of institutions in the higher education system in the United States? (Unit 8,参考答案见ppt)(19) What reforms have been made in the United States over the past several decades for its public schools? (Unit 8)(20) What are the major differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism? (Unit 9)[Answer for reference: Both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism are branches of Christianity. Their differences lie mainly in two aspects. First, according to Roman Catholicism, the Pope is the authority of God’s revelation, while Protestantism believes that the Bible is the only source of revelation. Second, in Roman Catholicism, there is an episcopal hierarchy, while Protestantism believes in the universal priesthood of all the believers.](21) In what ways do American parents try to instill independent spirit in their children? (Unit 10)[Answer for reference: America parents try to instill independent spirit in their children in three ways. First, they expect their children to find part-time jobs. Second, they expect their children to leave home at an earlier age than in most other countries. Third, they expect their children to contribute to or pay for things that go beyond food, clothing, and shelter when they are above a certain age.](22) Describe the symbols in the national flag of the U.S. and their respective symbolic meanings.(参见ppt的Introduction)(23) Describe the major symbols in the grand seal of the U.S. and explain their respective symbolic meanings. (参见ppt的Introduction)(24) What were the major ideas in the Declaration of Independence?[Answer for reference: The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It also explained the philosophy of government: the power of government came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of government was to secure the rights mentioned above. The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.]。
