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expiry date 有效期限;终止日期wrapping 包装纸,包装材料compensate for 赔偿

net profit 净利,纯利

Trademark 商标Patent 专利Intellectual Property Rights 知识产权certificate 证书,证明

infringement 侵权

patent right 专利权

Patent Office 专利局

patent certificate 专利证书

exclusive right专有权, 专营权利breakage 破碎险

invoice 发票

invoice value 发票金额

economy class 经济舱

business class 商务舱

departure time 起飞时间

arrival time 到达时间

boarding card 登机牌

return ticket 往返票

Customs Declaration Card 海关申报卡overcome the jet leg 倒时差

get down to business 开始谈正事warehouse 仓库

stock 库存

delivery 递送,交货

conveyor belt 传送带

press release 新闻稿

cost-effective 节约成本的

prime-time 黄金时段

short clips 宣传短片

product launch show 产品发布会market share 市场份额

business advertising 商业广告

target audi9. refreshment 茶点ence 目标对象

take the minutes 作会议记录

gift voucher 礼券

free trial 免费试用

tie-in promotion 搭售

raffle sales 抽奖销售

outstanding debt 未偿债务economic outlook 经济前景purchasing power 购买力

profit margin 利润率

branch office 分公司

entrance fee 入场费

regular price 正常价格

special price 特价

warranty (质量)保证

head office 总公司

enquiry (或inquiry) 询价,询盘;询问enquiry note 询价单

sample 样品sample cuttings 剪样sample book 样品本

quotation n.行市;报价

catalogue 商品目录

illustrated catalogu带有插图或照片的目录brochure /pamphlet 商品小册子indicative price 参考价格

export n. 出口;出口货

export v. 出口

exporter n. 出口商

exportation n. 出口

order n. 订单,订购;所订货物(后面一般接介词for, 间或接of)

duplicate order 重复订单

fresh order 新订单

initial order 首批订货

outstanding/pending order 未完成订单trial order 试购订单

order v. 订购

specific enquiry 具体询盘,详细询盘general enquiry 一般询盘

offer… on FOB basis 按FOB价格报盘discount n. 折扣,贴现

trade discount 同行折扣,商业折扣discount v. 贴现;打折扣

make Shipment 装运,发货

book shipping space 订舱位

shipping advice 装船通知

shipping instructions 装船须知

cover insurance 投保

consign v. 运送;寄售

consignor 发货人

consignee 收货人

contract 合同

Sales Confirmation 销售确认书

counter offer n./v. 还盘,还价

close the deal = come to terms 成交,达成交易

packing n. 包装

packing charges 包装费用

packing instructions 包装要求,包装须知export packing 出口包装

inner packing 内包装

outer packing 外包装

shipping marks 装运标志,唛头improper packing 包装不当

container 集装箱

shipping instructions 装运须知multimodal transportation 多式联运payment 支付,付款

payment in advance 预付货款

shipping documents 装船单据

D/P= Documents against Payment付款交单D/A= Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单

credit status 信用状况

deposit 存款;保证金

balance 余额

collection 托收

honor a draft 兑付汇票

installment 分期支付的款项

issue an L/C 开立信用证

documentary draft 跟单汇票

clean draft 光票

cover insurance 投保

average 海损

premium 保险费

underwrite 承保

underwriter 承保人

breakage 破碎险

invoice 发票

invoice value 发票金额

China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau 中国进出口产品检验局Certificate of Origin 原产地证明Inspection Certificate of Quality 质量检验证书

Settle a claim 理赔

Register a claim 索赔

Insurance claim 保险索赔

Inferior quality 质量较差

Registered trademark 注册商标Intellectual Property Rights 知识产权Copyright 版权

Patent specification 专利说明

Sales Contract 销售合同

Contractor 订约人,承包人

Abide by the contract 遵守合同Expiration of contract 合同期满

Gross weight 毛重

Net weight 净重

Insurance policy 保险单

Insurance premium 保险费


Open account 赊账交易

Payment on delivery 货到付款

Letter of credit 信用证

Commercial invoice 商业发票

Payment by installation 分期付款

Inner packing 内包装

Outer packing 外包装

Shipping advice 装船通知

Bill of lading 提单

Port of shipment 装运港

Port of destination 目的港

Partial shipment分批装运

Bargain the price 讨价还价

Cut the price 削减价格

Favorable price 优惠价格

Wholesale price 批发价格

Retail price零售价格

Commission 折扣

Main products 主要产品

Terms and conditions 条款条件Consumer products 消费品

European main ports 欧洲主要港口
