在足球比赛中,人们经常使用一些特定的术语和短语,这些术语和短语中英文对照如下:1. 进球 Goal2. 罚角球 Corner kick3. 罚任意球 Free kick4. 犯规 Foul5. 越位 Offside6. 控球 Possession7. 挡球 Block8. 过人 Dribble9. 直传 Long pass10. 传球 Pass11. 头球 Header12. 门将 Goalkeeper13. 防守 Defense14. 进攻 Offense15. 运动战攻势 Counter-attack16. 射门 Shot17. 守门员出击 Rush out18. 守门员扑救 Save19. 倒地跳 Lucarne20. 防守球员 Defender21. 前锋 Forward22. 中场 Midfielder23. 球迷 Fans24. 裁判 Referee25. 第四官员 Fourth official26. 补时临场裁判 Overtime referee27. 足球场球门方向 Goal side28. 球场边线 Sideline29. 球场底线 End line30. 半场 Half time31. 加时赛 Extra time32. 点球 Penalty33. 入门球 Door line goal34. 入门柱 Crossbar35. 禁区 Penalty area36. 投球 Throw-in37. 补时 Injury time38. 角球球员 Corner taker39. 任意球球员 Free kick taker40. 队长 Captain41. 比分 Score42. 成功成功率 Success rate43. 常规比赛 Regular match44. 客队 Away team45. 主队 Home team46. 射正 On target47. 点球命中率 Penalty conversion rate48. 公用公着率 Goal conversion rate49. 击中横梁 Hit the crossbar50. 罚罚点球 Penalty kick以上就是足球常用语的中英文对照。
足球术语(中英韩对照)1.어드밴티지룰(advantage rule,攻方有利原则) : 반칙을범한수비팀에게벌칙을부여하는것이공격팀에게불이익을준다고판단되었을경우그공격그대로유지시키는규칙2.어택(attack,进攻) : 공격3.어태커(attacker,攻击手) : 공격자4.백힐링(back heeling,脚后跟踢球) : 발뒤꿈치로하는킥5.백패스(back pass,回传) : 후방에있는자기편에패스하는것6.볼콘트롤(ball control,控球) : 볼다루기7.블록(인터셉트) (block(intercept),抢断球) : 차단,저지8.보디콘택트(body contact,身体接触) : 신체접촉9.불리(bully,混战) : 선수들이한곳에모여볼을혼잡하게다루는상태10.코션(caution,注意、警告) : 주의11.센터써클(center circle,中圈) : 중앙원12.센터링(centering,传中) : 공격측선수가볼을문전으로차올리는것13.센터포워드(center forward,中锋) : 중앙공격수14.센터하프백(center half-back,中后卫) : 중앙수비수15.센터라인(center line,中线) : 중앙선16.체인징포지션(changing position,交换位置) : 시합중에각선수가위치를바꾸는것17.차징(charging,撞人犯规) : 신체접촉에의한반칙행위18.칩킥(chip kick,过顶球) : 볼을상대방의머리위로차넘겨자기편에게보내주는킥19.클리어(clear,大脚解围) : 혼전또는위기에서벗어나기위하여수비선수가볼을차내는것20.코너(corner,底线和边线交叉处(角球)) : 사이드라인과앤드라인이겹쳐진부분21.코너플랙(corner flag,角球旗) : 코너에있는기22.코너킥(corner kick,角球) : 볼이수비측의신체접촉에의해앤드라인밖으로나갔을경우공격측이코너에볼을놓고공격하는것23.코너킥에어리어(corner kick area,角球区) : 코너킥을행하는지역24.크로스바(cross-bar,横梁) : 골포스트(门柱)사이에가로로설치된장대25.대인저러스플레이(dangerous play,危险动作) : 위험한플레이26.대쉬(dash,短距离冲刺跑) : 단거리를빠르게뛰는것27.데드볼(dead ball,死球) : 경기가잠시중단된상태의볼, 또는경기장밖으로나간볼28.디펜스(defence,防守) : 수비29.디펜더(defender,后卫) : 수비선수30.디펜시브월(defensive wall,人墙) : 수비벽31.다이렉트프리킥(direct freekick,直接任意球) : 직접프리킥(직접슈팅을할수있는프리킥)32.도징(dodging,假动作) : 기만동작33.더블스위퍼(double sweeper,双后卫) : 최종수비선수로2명을배치하는것34.드리블(dribble,运球) : 공을몰고나가는동작35.드롭볼(drop ball,下旋球) : 볼이날아가다갑자기아래로떨어지는볼(탑스핀으로생기는회전볼)36.드롭킥(drop kick,落地踢,返弹踢) : 공을떨어뜨려튀어오르는순간을이용하여차내는킥의일종37.듀레이션오브게임(duration of game,比赛时间) : 경기시간38.페이크(fake,假动作) : 상대선수를속이기위한몸놀림39.필드오브플레이(field of play,竞技场) : 경기구역40.파이널(final,决胜局) : 결승전41.풋볼플레이어(football player,足球选手) : 축구선수42.포워드(forward,前锋) : 공격진43.프리킥(free kick,任意球) : 자유킥(파울이나반칙에의해부여되는킥)44.프론트태클(front tackle,正面抢截(抬脚过高)) : 정면태클45.프론트킥(front kick,脚背踢) : 발등으로차는킥46.풀백(full back,防守球员(英国)) : 수비수47.골(goal,得分) : 득점48.골에어리어(goal area,端线) : 골라인안쪽지역49.골게터(goal getter,得分手) : 득점을잘하는선수50.골라인(goal line,(点球)发球点) : 골라인51.골네트(goal net,球网) : 골망52.골킥(goal kick,球门球) : 골라인아웃이된후수비측에서행하는킥53.골포스트(goal-post,立柱) : 골양쪽지주대54.해킹(hacking,绊人犯规) : 고의적으로상대방선수를차는행위55.하프백(half back,中后卫) : 중간수비수총칭56.하프웨이라인(halfway line,中线) : 중앙선57.핸들링(handling,手球犯规) : 손으로공을잡거나터치하는것58.햇트릭(hat trick,帽子戏法) : 한선수가한게임에서3골을성공시키는것59.인다이렉트프리킥(indirect free kick,间接任意球) : 간접프리킥(직접슛을할수없고반드시제3자의몸에볼이닿은후슛을할수있는킥)60.인사이드포워드(inside forward,内锋) : 인사이드레프트와라이트를포함하는총칭61.인사이드레프트(inside left,左内锋) : 센터포드왼쪽에위치한공격선수62.인사이드라이트(inside right,又内锋) : 센터포드오른쪽에위치한공격선수63.인스텝(instep,脚背) : 발등64.인사이드킥(inside kick,脚内侧踢球) : 발안쪽으로볼을차는것65.인터셉트(intercept,截球) : 볼을가로채기66.인터벌(interval,中场休息时间) : 하프타임의쉬는시간을말함67.킥(kick,踢球) : 볼을차는동작68.킥오프(kick off,开球) : 시합개시때중앙선에서볼을차는것69.킥킹(kicking,故意踢人) : 상대방을발로차는반칙행위70.레프트백(left back,左后卫) : 왼쪽수비선수71.레프트하프백(left half back,左前卫) : 왼쪽중간수비선수72.레프트윙(left wing,左边锋) : 왼쪽공격선수73.라인즈먼(linesman,边裁) : 선심74.로빙(lobbing,高调传球) : 골대앞으로공을높이차올리는것75.롱패스(long pass,长传) : 길게연결하는패스76.맨투맨디펜스(man-to-man defence,一对一防守) : 대인방어77.미드필드(midfield,中场) : 필드의중앙부분78.미드필드플레이어(midfield player,中场队员) : 주로필드중앙에서플레이하는선수79.옵스트럭션(obstruction,站在对方带球方向以图抢断) : 진로방해80.오프사이드(off-side,越位) : 공격자가수비자(1인이하) 보다골에가까이있는상태81.오프사이드포지션(off-side position,越位位置) : 오프사이드위치82.오프사이드트랩(off-side trap,越位战术) : 상대방을오프사이드반칙으로유도하는전법83.온사이드(on-side,非越位) : 오프사이드의위치가아니고플레이에참가하여도좋은위치84.오픈플레이(open-play,拉开球) : 공을길게차서선수들이모이지않는곳으로플레이를넓히는것85.오픈스페이스(open-space,开阔地带) : 상대방의방해를받지않고플레이하기에용이한곳86.옵셔널플랙(optional flag,中线旗) : 하프웨이라인양쪽에세우는기87.아웃오브플레이(out of play,暂停比赛) : 경기가일시중단된상태88.아웃사이드레프트(outside left,左边锋) : 레프트윙을말함89.아웃사이드라이트(outside right,右边锋) : 라이트윙을말함90.아웃사이드킥(outside-kick,脚外侧踢球) : 발등의외측으로볼을치는방법91.오버헤드킥(overhead kick,倒钩球) : 자기의머리뒤로넘겨차는킥92.패스인투스페이스(pass into space,空中传球) : 공간패스93.페널티(penalty,处罚) : 벌칙94.페널티에어리어(penalty area,小禁区) : 반칙을하면페널티킥이부여되는지역95.페널티킥(penalty kick,点球) : 페널티에어리어에서반칙이일어났을경우볼을페널티마크에놓고행하는킥96.페널티킥마크(penalty kick mark,禁区) : 페널티킥을하는지점,골대로부터11m되는지점97.페널티스포트(penalty spot,点球点) : 페널티킥을하기위한지점,벌칙을일으킨위치98.퍼뮤테이션(permutation,换人) : 선수교체99.플레이스킥(place kick,定位球) : 땅위에다볼을놓고차는것100.플레잉포메이션(playing formation,阵型) : 경기를하기위한선수의포지션형태101.펀칭(punching,守门员用手击球) : 골키퍼가볼을손으로쳐내는것102.레드카드(red card,红牌) : 붉은색카드(퇴장명령카드)103.리턴패스(return pass,回传) : 자기편선수에게되돌려주는패스104.라이트백(right back,左后卫) : 최후방오른쪽수비수105.라이트하프백(right half-back,右前卫) : 오른쪽중간수비수106.라이트윙(right wing,右前锋) : 오른쪽공격수107.로크라이크디펜스(rocklike defence,铁壁防守) : 철벽수비108.세이빙(saving,守门员飞身救球) : 골키퍼가몸을던져볼을막아내는것109.센딩오프(sending off,退场) : 퇴장110.신가드(shin guard,护腿) : 정강이를보호하기위해스타킹안에대는보호대111.슈팅레인지(shooting range,射门范围) : 득점가능지역112.쇼트펀트(short punt,短传球) : 공을낮게공중으로차올리는기술113.슬라이딩태클(sliding tackle,铲球) : 상대방이패스및드리블을하고있을때몸을던져미끄러지면서공을막는태클114.스피어헤드(spearhead前锋(国内翻译)) : 최종경기115.스타트오브플레이(start of play,比赛开始) : 경기개시116.스토퍼(stopper,盯人中卫) : 스위퍼바로전방의수비수로서상대편의공격을일단저지하는역할을함117.스트레이트패스(straight pass,直传) : 직선패스118.스트라이커(striker,攻击手) : 공격을잘하는선수119.스위퍼(sweeper,清道夫(拖后中卫)) : 최종수비선수120.스위칭플레이(switching play,切换) : 신속하게위치와역할을바꾸면서공격하는형태121.스루패스(through pass,渗透球) : 상대방선수사이로패스하는것,땅볼패스122.스로인(throw-in,掷界外球) : 터치라인밖으로부터경기장안으로볼을던져넣는동작123.타임업(time up,终场) : 경기종료124.토킥(toe kick,脚后跟踢球) : 발끝으로차는것125.토스오브어코인(toss of a coin,掷硬币) : 진영선택을위한동전던지기126.터치라인(touch line,边线) : 경기장세로선, 사이드라인이라고도함127.트래핑(trapping,接球) : 날아온볼을stopping하여다루기용이하게하는기술128.트라이앵글패스(triangle pass,三角传球) : 3각패스129.트리핑(tripping,绊人犯规) : 상대방의발을걸어넘어지게하는반칙행위130.발리패스(volley pass,凌空传球) : 공이땅에떨어지기전에행하는패스131.발리샷(volley shot,凌空射门) : 공이땅에떨어지기전에행하는슛132.월패스(wall pass,撞墙式传球) : 자기편을벽으로이용하여부분적으로돌파하는패스133.윙(wing,翅膀) : 날개134.윙포워드(wing forward,边锋) : 양날개공격수135.윙하프백(wing half-back,边前卫) : 양쪽수비수136.윙플레이(wing play,边锋战术) : 윙을이용한공격137.옐로카드(yellow card,黄牌) : 노란색카드(경고카드)138.존디펜스(zone defence,区域防守) : 지역방어。
足球术语(中英对照)elimination match ,knock-out 淘汰赛competition rules 比赛规则close watch 紧盯人战术)protest 对不公平裁判的抗议offside 越位first(second )half 上(下) 半场overhead throw 过顶掷球indicator, score board 记分牌sliding tackle 铲球kick off 开球sellout 球票卖完free kick 任意球throw in 掷界外球wall 人墙riot 球场骚乱corner kick 角球handclap 鼓掌yell 观众的喊声hat-trick 帽子戏法draw 平局direct(indirect)kick 直接(间接)球eighth-finals 八分之一决赛semi-final 半决赛quarterfinal 四分之一决赛first round 第一轮one-sided game 一边倒的比赛round-robin 循环赛competition regulations 比赛条例doping test 药检disqualification 取消比赛资格draw,sortition 抽签sportsmanship 运动员的道德风格overhead kick 倒勾球heading 顶球half time 中场休息kick-out 踢出界sending-off 罚下场place kick 定位球pass 传球red card 红牌yellow card 黄牌The goal is disallowed. 进球无效。
foul 犯规goal kick 球门球hand ball 手球header 头球penalty kick 点球offside 越位to set a wall 筑人墙hat trick 帽子戏法coach 教练Stop holding. 不许拉人。
后卫: Back前卫: Midfielder前锋: Forward中锋: Striker自由人: libero中后卫: Center Back全能选手: Utility player守门员: Goalkeeper, Goalie左(右)后卫: Left (Right) Back清道夫, 拖后中卫: Sweeper左(右)前卫: Left (Right) Midfielder攻击型前卫, 前腰: Attacking Midfielder 防守型前卫, 后腰: Defending Midfielder 足球: football, soccer足球场: field, pitch中场: Midfield中圈: kickoff circle,center circle中线: Halfway line边线: touchline底线: goal line(点球)发球点: penalty mark禁区: penalty area小禁区: goal area开球: Kick-off倒钩球: bicycle kick, overhead kick半高球: chest-high ball角球: corner ball, corner球门球: goal kick地面球: ground ball, grounder手触球: hand ball头球: header点球: penalty kick罚点球: spot kick罚任意球: free kick胸部停球: chesting连续传球: consecutive passes鱼跃顶球: diving header盘球,带球: dribbling(守门员)接高球: clean catching边线传球: flank pass高吊传球: high lobbing pass凌空传球: volley pass铲球: tackle地滚球: rolling pass, ground pass射门: shoot贴地射门: grazing shot近射: close-range shot远射: long drive未射中: mishit越位: offside传球: pass the ball接球: take a pass球传到位: spot pass拦截球: intercept掷界外球: throw-in红牌: red card黄牌: yellow card正面抢截: block tackle阻挡: body check球门前混战: bullt合理冲撞: fair charge盯人防守: close-marking defence短传: close pass, short pass假动作: deceptive movement跃起争顶: flying headar解围: clearance kick摆脱防守: break loose搅乱防守: disorganize the defence筑人墙: set a wall全攻全守足球战术: total football拉开的足球战术: open football越位战术: off-side trap边锋战术: wing play积极的抢射战术: shoot-on-sight tactics 拖延战术: time wasting tactics433阵型: 4-3-3 formation442阵型: 4-4-2 formation进球荒: goal drought反越位成功: beat the offside trap判罚出场: send a player off中场休息: half time interval加时赛: extra-time伤停补时: injury time掌握比赛节奏: set the pace控救技术: ball playing skill。
足球术语中英文翻译足球术语中英文翻译足球术语中英文翻译boot 球鞋jersey 球衣shorts 短裤stockings 球袜pad 护具球场篇center/cross 中场penalty area 禁区side line/ touch line 边线goal line/ post line 底线flank/ wing 辅位woodwork 球门框crossbar/ bar 门楣goalpost/ post - 门柱player 球员striker/ forward 前锋center/ midfielder 中场winger 边锋wing-back 边卫defender 后卫sweeper 清道夫goalkeeper/ goalie 守门员scorer 入球者keyman 球队重心球员referee 裁判assistant referee 助理裁判substitute/ reserve 替补journalist 记者ball picker 拾球童crowd/ fans 球迷linesman 司线员offending 攻击型central breakthrough 中央突破defending 防守型counter attack 反攻side attack 边线侧击overlap 叠瓦式助攻wall pass/ one-two 撞墙式传球chip 削球dribble 运球fake action 假动作heading 头球volley 抽射dead chick 补射half-volley 凌空抽射clear 大脚解围nutmeg 把球穿过对方两脚之间shielding 用身体保护球obstruction 站在对方带球方向以图抢断marking 盯人save 扑救shootout 射门tackle/ hard tackle 拦截/硬朗拦截sliding tackle 铲球back heel pass 脚后跟传球man wall 排人墙trap 控球pass 传球hands 手球penalty 点球offside 越位onside 没有越位professional/ technical foul 技术犯规yellow card/ caution/ booking 黄牌警告red card 红牌sent off 驱逐离场足球术语中英文翻译相关内容:。
elimination match ,knock-out 淘汰赛competition rules 比赛规则close watch 紧盯人战术)protest 对不公平裁判的抗议offside 越位first(second )half 上(下) 半场overhead throw 过顶掷球indicator, score board 记分牌sliding tackle 铲球kick off 开球sellout 球票卖完free kick 任意球throw in 掷界外球wall 人墙riot 球场骚乱corner kick 角球handclap 鼓掌yell 观众的喊声hat-trick 帽子戏法draw 平局direct(indirect)kick 直接(间接)球eighth-finals 八分之一决赛semi-final 半决赛quarterfinal 四分之一决赛first round 第一轮one-sided game 一边倒的比赛round-robin 循环赛competition regulations 比赛条例doping test 药检disqualification 取消比赛资格draw,sortition 抽签sportsmanship 运动员的道德风格overhead kick 倒勾球heading 顶球half time 中场休息kick-out 踢出界sending-off 罚下场place kick 定位球pass 传球red card 红牌yellow card 黄牌The goal is disallowed. 进球无效。
foul 犯规goal kick 球门球hand ball 手球header 头球penalty kick 点球offside 越位to set a wall 筑人墙hat trick 帽子戏法coach 教练Stop holding. 不许拉人。
1.Goal (进球) - 射门得分2.Penalty kick (点球) - 罚球3.Header (头球) - 用头顶球4.Foul (犯规) - 触犯比赛规则5.Corner kick (角球) - 角球6.Free kick (任意球) - 任意球7.Offside (越位) - 越位8.Yellow card (黄牌) - 黄牌警告9.Red card (红牌) - 红牌罚下10.Substitution (换人) - 换人11.Injury time (伤停补时) - 伤停补时12.Extra time (加时赛) - 加时赛13.Own goal (乌龙球) - 乌龙球14.Hat-trick (帽子戏法) - 连进三球15.Clean sheet (零封) - 保持不失球16.Tackle (抢断) - 抢断17.Dribble (带球) - 带球18.Cross (传中) - 传中19.Save (扑救) - 扑救20.Counterattack (反击) - 反击21.Long pass (长传) - 长传22.Through ball (直塞) - 直塞23.Nutmeg (过人) - 过人24.Bicycle kick (倒钩) - 倒钩25.Golden Boot (金靴奖) - 射手榜第一26.Golden Glove (金手套奖) - 最佳守门员27.World Cup (世界杯) - 世界杯28.Champions League (欧冠) - 欧洲冠军联赛29.Europa League (欧联杯) - 欧洲联盟杯30.Super Cup (超级杯) - 超级杯31.Derby (德比) - 德比战32.Relegation (降级) - 降级33.Promotion (升级) - 升级34.Manager (教练) - 教练35.Captain (队长) - 队长36.Transfer window (转会窗口) - 转会窗口37.In-form (状态火热) - 状态火热38.Midfielder (中场球员) - 中场球员39.Striker (前锋) - 前锋40.Defender (后卫) - 后卫41.Goalkeeper (守门员) - 守门员42.Assistant referee (边裁) - 边裁43.VAR (视频助理裁判) - 视频助理裁判44.Injury (受伤) - 受伤45.Warm-up (热身) - 热身46.Formation (阵型) - 阵型47.Yellow card accumulation (累积黄牌) - 累积黄牌48.Red card suspension (红牌停赛) - 红牌停赛49.National team (国家队) - 国家队50.Friendly match (友谊赛) - 友谊赛。
装备篇boot 球鞋jersey 球衣shorts 短裤stockings 球袜pad 护具球场篇center/cross 中场penalty area 禁区side line/ touch line 边线goal line/ post line 底线flank/ wing 辅位woodwork 球门框crossbar/ bar 门楣goalpost/ post - 门柱人物篇player 球员striker/ forward 前锋center/ midfielder 中场winger 边锋wing-back 边卫defender 后卫sweeper 清道夫goalkeeper/ goalie 守门员scorer 入球者keyman 球队重心球员referee 裁判assistant referee 助理裁判substitute/ reserve 替补journalist 记者ball picker 拾球童crowd/ fans 球迷linesman 司线员战术篇offending 攻击型central breakthrough 中央突破defending 防守型counter attack 反攻side attack 边线侧击overlap 叠瓦式助攻wall pass/ one-two 撞墙式传球技术篇chip 削球dribble 运球fake action 假动作heading 头球volley 抽射dead chick 补射half-volley 凌空抽射clear 大脚解围nutmeg 把球穿过对方两脚之间shielding 用身体保护球obstruction 站在对方带球方向以图抢断marking 盯人save 扑救shootout 射门tackle/ hard tackle 拦截/硬朗拦截sliding tackle 铲球back heel pass 脚后跟传球man wall 排人墙trap 控球pass 传球犯规篇hands 手球penalty 点球offside 越位onside 没有越位professional/ technical foul 技术犯规yellow card/ caution/ booking 黄牌警告red card 红牌sent off 驱逐离场。
足球新闻评论常用短语:1. 当守门员Play the goal / in goal2. 中坚力量: pillars of the team3. 补射close in/ rack up4. 欧洲杯:UEFA Euro 2008---------- 2008 UEFA European Football Championship5. 欧洲冠军联赛UEFA Champions’ League----6. 出局Greece crashed out of Euro 2008 after a 1-0 defeat by Russia7. 东道主直接晋级(Austria and Switzerland )automatically qualified as hosts8. Others are determined through qualifying matches 资格赛9. Beckham is warming up preparing to come on pitch 热身11. lightening quick 闪电般的速度12. Strike rate 进球率13. Keep his temperament 控制情绪14. Must-win game 必赢的比赛15. Punch of the corner flag 甩角旗16. Putting on England shirt 穿上英格兰的战袍17. Keep a clean sheet ( no goals were scored) 未丢球18. Form and fitness 状态和健康19. Play the first team 在一线队20. Have sth under your belt: to have already achieved or obtained sth---------he already has a couple of trophies under his belt 将奖杯收入囊中21. It’s all over for Owen/ is this the end of Owen-Rooney partnership 搭档22. Beckham’s re-inclusion in this squad 重回国家队23. With a target man up front 目标人,即单前锋24. Lampard plays more holding role 兰帕德趋防守/后腰型25. Can you play them both 同时派两人上场26. Make any position of his own 打任何位置27. In the set-up I want 战术体系28. On his own ground 主场29. Play the ball through 直塞30. Gerrad play more attacking role趋前腰型31. The outfield player 非门将球员32. Don(-nn-): to put clothes,etc ---------If a goalkeeper is sent off or injured, and there is no substitute goalkeeper available, an outfield player must take the goalkeeper's place and don the appropriate identifying uniform 球员穿上门将球衣33. (back-pass rule)回传条例34. the ball is stationary 固定的35. infringe the rule 违反规则36. kit---装备In association football, as in a number of sports, refers to the standard equipment and attire worn by players37. attacking third 、Defending Third、Middle Third 进攻区域、防守区域、中间区域/ 前场、后场、中场38. raise the roof with a goal----引爆全场: to make sb produce or to produce lots of noise(该词组在01年贝克哈姆任意球绝杀希腊时评论员所说—Beckham could raise the roof with a goal here39. Midfielders typically expend the most energy(耗费最多的能量)during a match because of the distance they cover on a pitch场上跑动的路程40. setting up attacks 组织进攻41. 2 holding midfielders 后腰.42. 后腰-------A defensive midfielder or a holding midfielder is a central midfielder who is stationed in front of the back defenders for defensive reasons, thus "holding back" the freedom of the opponents to attack43. getting upfield along the wings and providing crosses 走边路到前场助攻队友44. stamina to get up and down the field 前后场跑动耐力.45. switched him to a left-back.让他打左后卫This move proved to a bemaster-stroke(something clever)46. wingers cutting infield 边锋内切.47. anticipation (of player and ball movement) to excel 预判能力48. on-field players 场上队员50. attributes of a deep-lying playmaker 后场进攻组织者51. spot openings and opportunities to build up play. 看到空挡和组织进攻机会52. sustained opposition pressure 对方持续施压53. tactical changes 战术调整54. free kick specialist 任意球大师55. offensive pivot 核心56. dynamic (体力充沛)all-round/complete midfielders,The most versatile of players 最全能57. lone striker 单前锋58. In a three-man midfield 三人中场59. The stereotypical winger is fast, tricky and enjoys 'hugging' the touchline, that is, running downfield close to the touchline and delivering crosses 正印边锋有速度、灵巧、喜欢走边路60. players with different attributes can thrive on the wing as well 有特点的球员也可在边路发展61. playing diagonal passes (斜传)to forwards or taking a shot at goal 打门62. Crossing ability when out wide 拉边时传中能力63. right-footed players and left-footed players 左/右脚球员64. score a brace:梅开二度例Manchester u forward Wayne rooney scored a brace to cap an impressive individual performance as The Three Lions secured a valuable 3 points on the road to South Africa 201065. team color,white shirts, white shoes, white socks 队服颜色66. The ball hit the post and bounced in击在门柱上弹进去67. in the final minute to seal the victory 锁定胜局68. newly-introduced phillps 刚上场的69. advance down the left flank 左路向前带70. fail to find the back of the net barely three yards out 无法破门71. blaze over the bar 踢飞72. despite being unable to break the deadlock/stalemate sooner 打破僵局73. lenon easily outpaced his opponents 超车74. a flurry/succession of corners and free kicks 连续的角球和任意球75. in the opening 25 minutes 开场25分钟76. altercation with fans (a noisy argument or disagreement with) 与球迷争执77. FIFA---the federation internationale del football association/ international federation of association football 国际足联78. burst forward to chip in for Torress to head the winner 挑传给托雷斯,后者头球打进制胜球79. the goal was scored with a deflection off the goalkeeper 这个球是打在守门员身上反弹入网80. a resounding/emphatic 4-1 win 大胜81. three point clear at the top 以三分优势领跑82. they are this year winner of the coveted trophy 令人垂涎的奖杯83. turn around 逆转84. contest: to formally oppose a decision or statement例contest charge against van persie 提出异议85. at club level, he cut his managerial teeth at fulham: cut yout teeth on sth初次当教练86. play away客场打87. hold a slender lead at half time 微弱领先优势88. autographs 签名89. exquisite control : extremely beautiful or carefully done 极佳的控球90. pinpoint cross 精准传中91. run up a bit longer 助跑92. if it is mathematically possible 理论还有可能93. close down pass 封堵94. actively win the ball 积极抢球95. physical speed 跑动速度、decision-making speed决策速度96. step over 脚绕/跨球97. dummy/trick/feint 假动作、虚晃98. sole of the feet 脚掌99. losing an opponent/ get away from marker of you 摆脱防守100. lofted pass挑传101. arsenal/has leveled the score at two all 扳成2-2平102. a stunner 世界波103. one step run up 一步助跑104. if he hadn’t score, England would slump to the play off 陷入附加赛105. galaxy/ galatical 银河106. arguably the best/按理说107. super club/ club giant 豪门108. eradicate racism in football 消除种族歧视109. armband袖标110. the team is looking good for a shot at the title夺冠势头不错111. turn/sprain one’s ankle 脚踝扭伤112. fracture of his ankle/骨折113. MRI: magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振成像114. on his journey back to fitness 康复之路115. metatarsal 跖骨cramps抽筋stiffness 僵硬muscle soreness肌肉疼痛116. wearing heavy strapping on his right knee/厚厚绷带;have to keep my legs strapped for 6 weeks 打着绷带117. fifteen minutes from time 离终场还有15分钟118. charity shield 慈善盾杯119. step up training 加强训练120. Mohican cut 莫稀干发型121. in-form man 正在状态122. dispute between player and coach 矛盾123. come back three times 三度扳平124. portmouth were in rock bottom 积分垫底125. hotly-contested derby battle 德比大战126. rise above Barry 力压巴里127. nail down the win 锁定胜局128. slick: done quickly and smoothly例the crowd enjoy the team’s slick passing/娴熟传接配合129. England has taken huge strides forward under capello 取得巨大进步130. lenon jostling for postion with beckham, theo Walcott and wright争夺右路位置131. encounter交锋an encounter that was totally one-sided from the opening exchange132. England secured qualification for the next summer’s world cup in SA in the most emphatic way as they thrashed croatia at wembley 锁定南非入场券,横扫克罗地亚133. cement lead in the group 巩固小组领先优势134. seal a place in SA/ for the first time in 40 years 锁定南非入场券135. the team has been plagued/beset by injury 受伤病困扰136. automatic qualifying place 直接晋级席位137. regain initiative/positive in our hand 主动权138. trident trio/threesome / three prong attack三叉戟139. tapping up player: is an attempt to persuade a player contracted to one team to transfer to another team without the knowledge or permission of the player’s current team “窃童门”140. provide passes to forward to set up goals 形成射门141. going for goal起脚射门142. big-name stars 大牌143. Vierra had an unsuccessful campaign last season and is felt by many to be past his best 已过巅峰144. grazing shot 贴地射门145. triangular pass 三角传球146. lob the ball ov er the defender’s head 高挑过防守队员头顶147. round of 16 /eighth final 16进八148. round robin : every team play every other team循环赛149. sliding tackle 滑铲150. beat offside trap 反越位、disorganize the defense 搅乱防守151. rooney is at the top of his profession 职业生涯巅峰152. what price china winning the world cup 这可能吗153. reversal: a change from being successful to having a problem or defeated例:team’s recent reversal 下滑154. clinch the title 问鼎155. second leg at home 主场次回合156. eagerly- waited match 备受期待的157. make short work of sb: to defeat or deal with sth quickly例Liverpool made short work of the opposite干净利落击败158. home-grown players国内球员159. youth academy 青训营160. training session/practice match 训练课161. grudge: a feeling of anger or dislike towards sb cause of sth they have done to you in the past积怨例:england beat new Zealand in a grudge match 势不两立的比赛162. be taken off/brought on 被换下/派上场163. come on/off the pitch 上场/下场164. concede only 5 in a qualifying campaign 丢5球165. cruise/sweep to victory 轻易取胜166. try-out试训try sb out/ try sth out on sb 例capello are trying out new players for the coming matches 用新人167. points on aggregate总比分168. Charlton signed china captain zheng, the two-time china player of the year 两届中超/中国足球先生169. relegated from the top-flight 从顶级联赛降级170. join reading on loan 租借171. celtic secured zheng’s work permit 劳工证172. play in defence and midfield 可打后卫和前卫173. free agent 自由人174. first team 一线队reserve team预备队---youth team 青年队175. he palyed 5 times出场5次for the youth team and twice for the youth team in his second season before it was brought to an abrupt end in when he suffered a double 176. lodge a complain with FIFA after Chelsea sign sb 上诉177. the blues 蓝军178. jointly and severally liable for the compensation 共同并分别承担赔偿179. the punishment was meted out(to give sb a punishment)by world governing body fifa after the club was found guilty of inducing sb to break his contract with lens in 2007180. big-spending Madrid 大手笔181. the England team was completely outgunned 毫无还手之力182. tempo/pace例don’t let the other team dictate the tempo of the game主导、控制场上节奏183. annihilate: defeat sb completely 击溃184. misconduct report 球员不良行为报告185. match steward 球场保安tunnel球员通道186. dismantle the team in the manner they did 狂屠对手187. messi is turning into the the wonderful player we expect he would do 成为巨星188. knock out a lot of goals 进很多球189. he looks more like his oldself 更像以前的自己190. the team builts up an impregnable 5-1 lead 巨大领先优势191. mass brawl群殴192. ran the length of the pitch to celebrate in front of the visiting fans, revoking a furious reaction 满场飞奔193. preparation cry备战口号194. fans in full cry: shouting loudly and in an enthusiastic way 球迷情绪高涨195. write owen on his team sheet 大名单196. how did he get that in 怎么打进那球197. the team scrape into the semi-final 勉强进入半决赛198. double-winning year双冠王199. what a way to claim the hat trick 上演帽子戏法200. go to 1-0 down 0-1落后201. slide his knees on the ground 跪地滑行202. in the second minute of the first half stoppage time 伤停补时203. he hopes to imorove his tally of three goals in the past nine games 提高过去九场进三球的记录204. upset 冷门:spring a surprise by winning the tourment205. referee denies, ordering a retake 重罚206. lost /drop it 门将脱手208. unassailable/impregnable 例:the ten-point put the team in an almost unassailable难以撼动的位置209. instep 足背210. two players to take on 面对两防守球员211. flexible formation灵活多变的阵型/ fluid interchangeable 流畅而多配合212. come back from 4-2 down to level at 4-4 从2-4落后到扳成4平213. put man united ahead/ in front 让曼联领先214. beckham standing over the ball 站在球旁215. a bit too far out距球门有点远216. block the ball 挡球217. aim for sb朝某人传球218. good covering from beckham回防219. clear it away to safety解围220. set up sb助攻221. slide into the net 滚入球门222. third-choice goal-keeper 三号门将223. ronaldo, Portuguese international 国家队队员224. passing through the legs/ netmeg穿裆过人225. slumping to a heavy defeat遭到重创226. visiting team客队227. body contact接触、confrontation 对抗229. mindless and malicious foul无谓而恶意230. match-fit 可打比赛231. make the space for the shot 创造打门空挡232. consistency稳定性233. take over the ball接过球234. opposite half对方半场;own half 自己半场235. hardcore fans铁杆球迷236. rifle shot 劲射237. fit in the team融入球队238. score at the last minute最后一分钟绝杀239. carried off on a stretcher 担架抬下240. cut back towards gerrad 回敲241. the team are now just 6 points adrift of the leaders 六分落后领头羊242. shin pad / shin guard护腿板243. get into position 门将回位244. any hope of arsenal come back was extinguished 扳平无望245. feed it to the striker 喂球246. smash the ball into the net/ smasher 劲射、smash the world record(broken it by a large amount) 大破记录247. arsenal are suddenly running away with it: win sth easily and clearly 轻易获胜248. three games running/ in a row in which Thierry score 连续三场进球249. running commentary on the game (as it happened) 实况报道250. has no shortage of assistance 不乏助攻251. companion in misfortune患难之交252. the winner of the PFA players’ player of the year for 2003 职业球员协会最佳球员253. beckham’s flick(a small sudden movement or hit)into the penalty area helped to creat the goal 突入禁区254. with a talent like his, the sky’s limit 前途无量255. skied it 踢飞了256. carling cup=league cup 联赛杯257. coach staff 教练组258. community shield 社区盾杯259. rehabilitation 康复260. injure during the tussle for the ball争球、mass tussle混战261. work it back to a goal scoring position 调整到射门位置262. lethal/deadly finish 致命一脚263. world-class strike 世界波264. player on/off上下场的球员265. chest it up/down 胸部停球266. open up on the right 撕开防线267. elementary mistake 低级失误268. not an ideal site/ free kick position 理想位置269. kahn came out 出击270. hit back 回击271. pass right into his strike 传到射门路线272. confidence ripping through the team全队信心满满273. beckham acknowledge to the supporters 向球迷致意274. prolific goalscorer 多产射手275. cushion header头球摆渡276. gigantic victory 大胜277. instructions given by coach to players 指示278. cover lots of grounds 满场跑动279. pushed out by goalkeeper 扑出280. to partner roooney 与鲁尼搭档281. repays wenger’s faith 对温格的信任予以回报282. lack of understanding 默契283. defeat would mean automatic qualification for germany直接晋级284. set up an equalizer against the run of play after 16 minutes(though the other team seems more likely to score)在不占优情况下扳平285. tevz endeared himself even more to(使更受欢迎) the city fans when he helped set up an equalizer286. winning goal 决胜球287. sticking point 症结288. break free inside the area 禁区轻松突破289. evra to set up rooney for a close-range finish助攻鲁尼近距离打门290. he almost cashed in on hesitation (捞到好处)on the edge of the area between foster and vidic/ cash on the mistake 捡漏291. attempt a snapshot 突然起脚292. despite the scoreline, the visitors did cause England a few problems 比分293. bow out of international football 退出国际足坛294. head home a lampard corner at the far post 远点295. lampard fierce shot on the turn flies just over the bar 转身后的劲射稍稍高出横梁296. t evez was named in city’s line-up 列入大名单297. the ball deflected off sb’s body into the goal 碰到身上变向入网298. Walcott curled a left-footed shot narrowly over the bar after cutting in from the right 左脚打弧线球稍稍高出299. a neat link-up (配合)een rooney and Walcott on the rifht ends with the latter being brought down(放倒)for a free kick300. strike a half volley over the bar 抽射301. slide-slid-slid: slide home from 18 yards 推射302. start brightly launching a first foray 突袭303. cut out the danger(化解险情) for England304. a galaxy of England payers 众星云集305. owen last-gasp winner 绝杀306. make a good point-blank save to keep the header out近身扑救307. defoe adds a fifth goal, racing onto heskey’s flick to calmly slide home a shot from outside the area 接赫斯基妙传308. beckham was introduced in place of Walcott 换下309. pull a goal back 扳平一球310. strike a low shot past james from just inside the area 低射311. rooney drags a shot wide of the post from z5 yards 打偏312. owen comes on for Fowler ten minutes before the end of the end 上场换下313. England make it three wins out three in their qualifying campaign to date 三战全胜314. the referee sounds the final whistle吹响终场哨音315. but capello will know better than anyone that on this evidence, world cup qualification is some way off当卡佩罗比任何人都清楚,根据目前的表现晋级世界杯决赛圈还有一段路要走316. there was still time for a brief glimpse of beckham, the former captain coming on for his 1ooth cap 还可目睹前队长为他的第106场而战317. level with sir bobby Charlton and reciving the loudest ovation of the night接触当晚最热烈的掌声318. cole embarrassingly gifted sb possession, the forward expertly keep his composure to fire into the corner past james 白白将球权送给对方319. the FA board unanimously terminate the contract of the England head coach 解除合同320. macalen sacked as England boss 下课321. 40 million central defensive pairing中场组合of a and b struggled to cope with a constant bombardment of crosses322. 25-yard screamer clumsily tipped around the post by on-rushing (出击的)James 用指尖挡出323. his third goal wearing the three lions 身穿三狮军团战袍的第三粒进球324. conceding such a sloppy goal in their best period of the game在形势大好的情况下丢球325. from the resulting set-piece, Ferdinand climed highest to nod into the net高高跃起,一记头槌破门326. hammer his shot over 打高327. respond by hauling off barry and replace with philps, reverting back to 4-4-2 换下巴里,换成442328. boos at the interval 嘘声329. Walcott’s cameo could not mask a disjointed England 沃特科尔的小角色无法掩盖英格兰队形脱节330. rooney isolated down the left 鲁尼在左路被孤立331. heskey ploughs a lone furrow up front :to do things that others do not do or to be interested in things that other people are not interested in 在前锋线上孤军奋战332. city still have some way to go to achieve boss Hughes’ stated aim of knocking their rival off the perch 丧失名位:to make sb lose their position as sb successful or admired333. sell-out wembley crowd 温布利爆满的球迷334. his name was cheered loudest before the kick off335. raced past his marker 快速过了防守队员,sent over a cross,narrowly failed to bundle in at the far post336. cut in on his weaker left foot and shooting marginally over the cross bar 以其并不擅长的左脚往内切,起脚打门稍稍高出横梁337. it was not a comfortable evening for coach Fabio capello as the score line suggests 当这个夜晚对卡佩罗来讲并不像比分所示的令他舒心338. next wee k’s final looks like a sell-out 下周的决赛球场将会爆满339. the team has made some positional changes because two players injured 位置人员调整340. headed into his own net 头球自摆乌龙341. rooney headed in a sb cross and then tapped in(hit sth slightly and quickluy 轻巧的打门) after a beckham free kick342. defoe finished off the scoring with a late low finish 低平球锁定比分343. rig 操纵top clubs were rigging matches344. clubs can appeal against decisions to the football association 上诉345. overturn 撤消it is rare that decisions were overturned346. budding / rising star 新秀347. strip: to take away property or honors from sb as a punishment 例juventus was stripped of the league title 剥夺348. long-sleeved shirt 长袖349. well -swirled goal 极具旋转的350. clothes imprinted with the logo of the team 印着351. fans will be disappointed on the ticketing front , because demand will be so much greater than supply 球票方面353. beckham’s pinpoint cross 贝克汉姆精准横穿354. the goal was scored midway through the first half 上半场中段攻入的355. well-placed 站位好356. in the group stage 小组赛阶段357. england has not lifted the trophy since 1966 捧杯358. beckham, a player so often heralded / hailed as his country’s savior 救星359. new era of english football 新时代360. walcot was substituted to a standing ovation 起立鼓掌361. lighting speed and accurate shooting have turned the teenage into an overnight sensation一夜轰动世界362. as a player, he is experience something of an indian summer 大器晚成363. acquisition 球员收购:the two primary acquisitions this season ;transfer 转会364. one of the greatest players of all time 史上最佳365. awards dinners 颁奖晚宴366. gripping derby game 扣人心弦的德比战367. we come from 2-0 down to draw level but we eventually lost on penalties 扳平368. the honors are even 势均力敌369. organizing committee 组织委员会、executive committee 执委会370. hone one’s skill at the youth academy 磨练技术371. five -a- side football五人制足球372. grip: control :the home team took a firm grip on the game 控制比赛373.world cup finals 决赛圈场上位置(position):1. 后卫: Back /defender2. 前卫: Midfielder3. 前锋: Forward/ Striker4. 单前锋:lone striker5. 中锋: Center forward6. 边锋Wingers7. 二前锋/影子前锋second striker8. 自由人: Libero9. 中后卫: Center Back/ center half10. 全能选手: utility player11. 守门员: Goalkeeper, Goalie12. 左(右)后卫: Left (Right) Back 13. 清道夫, 拖后中卫: Sweeper14. 左(右)前卫: Left (Right) Midfielder15. 攻击型前卫, 前腰: Attacking Midfielder16. 防守型前卫, 后腰: Defending Midfielder17. 边后卫Wingback足球比赛用语:1. (点球)发球点: penalty mark2. 禁区: penalty area / six-yard box3. 小禁区: goal area4. 开球: Kick-off5. 倒钩球: bicycle kick, overhead kick6. 半高球: chest-high ball7. 角球: corner ball, corner8. 球门球: goal kick9. 地面球: ground ball, grounder10. 手球: hand ball ((动词-handle the ball ))11. 头球: header (动词-head the ball)12. 点球: penalty kick / spot kick13. 点球: spot kick14. 任意球: free kick15. 主罚(任意球):take (free kick)16. 胸部停球: chest (chest up, chest down)17. 连续传球: consecutive passes18. 鱼跃顶球: diving header19. 盘带: dribbling20. (守门员)接高球: clean catching21. 边线传球: flank pass22. 高吊传球: high lobbing pass23. 凌空传球: volley pass24. 铲球: tackle25. 地滚球: rolling pass, ground pass26. 射门: shoot27. 贴地射门: grazing shot28. 近射: close-range shot29. 远射: long drive30. 未射中: mishit31. 越位: offside3 2. 不越位:onside33. 传球: pass the ball34. 接球: take a pass35. 球传到位: spot pass36. 拦截球: intercept37. 界外球: throw-in38. 红牌: red card39. 黄牌: yellow card40. 正面抢截: block tackle41. 阻挡: body check42. 合理冲撞: fair charge43. 盯人防守: close-marking defense44. 短传: close pass, short pass45. 假动作: dummy, feint46. 假摔:simulation/ diving47. 跃起争顶: flying header48. 解围: clear9. 摆脱防守: break loose50. 搅乱防守: disorganize the defence51. 筑人墙: set a wall。
英汉足球术语1.football, soccer, Association football 足球2.field, pitch 足球场3.midfield 中场4.kick-off circle 中圈5.half-way line 中线6.football, eleven 足球队7.football player 足球运动员8.goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员9.back 后卫10.left 左后卫11.right back 右后卫12.centre half back 中卫13.half back 前卫14.left half back 左前卫15.right half back 右前卫16.forward 前锋17.centre forward, centre 中锋18.inside left forward, inside left 左内锋19.inside right forward, inside right 右内锋20.outside left forward, outside left 左边锋21.outside right forward, outside right 右边锋22.kickoff 开球23.bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球24.chest-high ball 平胸球25.corner ball, corner 角球26.goal kick 球门球27.ground ball, grounder 地面球28.hand ball 手触球29.header 头球30.penalty kick 点球31.spot kick 罚点球32.free kick 罚任意球33.throw-in 掷界外球34.ball handling 控制球35.block tackle 正面抢截36.body check 身体阻挡37.bullt 球门前混战38.fair charge 合理冲撞39.chesting 胸部挡球40.close-marking defence 钉人防守41.close pass, short pass 短传42.consecutive passes 连续传球43.deceptive movement 假动作44.diving header 鱼跃顶球45.flying headar 跳起顶球46.dribbling 盘球47.finger-tip save (守门员)托救球48.clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好49.flank pass 边线传球50.high lobbing pass 高吊传球51.scissor pass 交叉传球52.volley pass 凌空传球53.triangular pass 三角传球54.rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球55.slide tackle 铲球56.clearance kick 解除危险的球57.to shoot 射门58.grazing shot 贴地射门59.close-range shot 近射60.long drive 远射61.mishit 未射中62.offside 越位63.to pass the ball 传球64.to take a pass 接球65.spot pass 球传到位66.to trap 脚底停球67.to intercept 截球68.to break through, to beat 带球过人69.to break loose 摆脱70.to control the midfield 控制中场71.to disorganize the defence 破坏防守72.to fall back 退回73.to set a wall 筑人墙74.to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏75.to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势76.to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势77.ball playing skill 控球技术78.total football 全攻全守足球战术79.open football 拉开的足球战术80.off-side trap 越位战术81.wing play 边锋战术82.shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术83.time wasting tactics 拖延战术84.Brazilian formation 巴西阵式,4-2-4 阵式85.four backs system 四后卫制86.four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式87.four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式88.red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)89.yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)90.。
场地名称篇field / pitch 足球场midfield 中场backfield 后场kickoff circle / center circle 中圈halfway line 中线touchline / sideline 边线goal line 球门线end line 底线penalty mark (点球)罚球点penalty area 禁区(罚球区)goal area 小禁区(球门区)禁区分为大禁区和小禁区。
1. 进球 - Goal这是足球比赛中最重要的事件之一,表示球队成功踢进对方球门的动作。
2. 射门 - Shot球员向对方球门发出的射击动作。
3. 传球 - Pass球员将球传递给队友的动作。
4. 防守 - Defense球队或球员试图阻止对方得分的行动。
5. 犯规 - Foul球员违反比赛规则的行为。
6. 越位 - Offside球员在接球时处于对方防线之后的位置,被判定为越位。
7. 角球 - Corner kick球队在对方球门附近踢出的球,角球通常由进攻方发起。
8. 界外球 - Throw-in足球越过场边线后,由场边球员将球再次放回比赛区域内的动作。
9. 任意球 - Free kick根据裁判所判定的犯规行为,被判给被犯规方的一次机会。
10. 点球 - Penalty kick根据裁判所判定的严重犯规行为,在球门前点球点处进行的一次射门。
11. 扑救 - Save门将成功挡住对方射门的动作。
12. 救险 - Clearance防守方为了阻止对方得分,将球远离自家球门的动作。
13. 过人 - Dribble球员运球过对手的动作。
14. 策应 - Assist球员成功传球,帮助队友完成进球的动作。
15. 翻盘 - Comeback在比赛中处于劣势的一方成功逆袭,获得胜利的情况。
16. 补时 - Extra time裁判根据比赛中发生的停顿或延时情况,决定延长比赛时间。
17. 加时赛 - Overtime在正常比赛时间结束后,进行的额外时间比赛。
18. 点球大战 - Penalty shootout在加时赛结束后,用于决定胜负的一系列点球射门。
19. 前锋 - Forward负责在对方半场进攻的球员。
足球英语专业术语词汇大全搞懂这些基本上英文解说就能听懂了,对听其他比赛也有帮助,很多都是通用的first half 上半场internal中场休息second half 下半场allowance 补时extra time 加时choice of ends and the kick-off are decided by the toss of a coin掷币挑边和开球kick off 开球kick-off-time开赛时间close game with long forward passes长传急攻short pass短传combination passed短传配合double pass二过一drive down the side-lines before centering the ball沉底传中pass-and receive combinations传接配合center传中cross pass横传one-touch pass一脚球ground pass地面传球scissors kick倒钩球lofted ball高吊球head ball顶球ferocious tackle拼抢block堵截support策应side tackle侧面抢截dash forward插上excessive dribbling盘带过多pincers movement两翼包抄playmaker进攻组织者outflank边路进攻fast break快攻volley shot凌空射门man-for-man marking盯人防守fill gap 补位balancing defense防守补位“blanket” defense 密集防守off side越位trip opponent绊人charge opponent 冲撞charge opponent from behind背后铲人fair charge合理冲撞send off the field of play将球员驱逐出场tackle铲球penalty-mark罚点球点take kick主罚点球sudden death突然死亡法determine the winner by penalty kicks以点球决胜负 make space 制造空档off-side trap造越位战术total play全攻全过打法Football soccer Association football 足球杯赛Cup 杯FIFA 国际足联arch-rival 主要对手defending champion 卫冕冠军qualify for the next round 出线eliminate 淘汰final eight 前八强favorites 夺标热门dark horse 黑马、爆冷门Underdog - 黑马group round robin 小组循环赛group preliminaries 小组预赛联赛league 联赛ranking 排名次,名次aggregate score 总积分league table 联赛积分表away ground 客场场地away match 客场比赛on a home and away basis 主客场制home team 主队visitors team 客队promotion 升级relegation 降级first division team 甲级队second division 乙级队golden ball 金球golden boots 金靴奖top scorer 得分最高的队员transfer 转会其它比赛warming up competition 热身赛charity soccer match 慈善足球赛return leg 回访赛exhibition match 表演赛friendly match 友谊比赛invitational tournament 邀请赛场地stadium 体育场stands 看台field pitch 足球场midfield 中场 center fieldhalf-way line 中线halfway flag 中线旗byline 边线 by-line 边线end line 底线back line卫线、端线kick-off circle 中圈,开球区corner area 角球区corner flag 角球旗penalty area 禁区 penalty box 禁区penalty mark (点球)发球点goal 球门,进球数goal area 球门区goal line 球门线goal net 球门网crossbar 球门横杆、门楣goal post 球门柱baxxxxse of post 柱脚locker room (运动员)休息室、更衣室Boardroom 会议室Changing-room 更衣室Corporate boxes 团体席Dugout 教练席Bench 替补席Clubshop 俱乐部店Running-track 跑道Scoreboard 记分牌Hoardings 广告牌Tannoy 广播Ticket-office 售票厅Treatment room 治疗室Trophy room 纪念品展室Tunnel 球员通道Turnstiles 球场旋转门赛程Fixture list 赛程表half,halftime 半场first half 上半场half-time break 中场休息second half 下半场injury time伤停补时extra time 加时赛first leg 第一回合full time 全场比赛时间time out 暂停Warm-down 赛后休息Teamtalk 教练训话时间Press conference 记者招待会裁判referee 主裁判assistant助理裁判lineman 巡边员,边裁final whistle 终场哨声球员1professional soccer plaxxxxyer 职业球员 uniform number 球衣号码in red strip 身穿红色条衫fitness 身体素质stamina 体力、耐力in great form 竞技状态极佳football eleven 足球队captain leader 队长football plaxxxxyer 足球运动员key plaxxxxyer 主力队员plaxxxxyer in 上场队员substitute,reserve plaxxxxyers替补队员 goalkeeper goaltender goalie 守门员back 后卫 defender 后卫 full back 后卫 left back左后卫right back 右后卫centre half back 中卫midfield 中场half back 前卫 downfield 前卫left half back 左前卫right half back 右前卫forward 前锋 strikercentre forward centre 中锋inside left forward inside left 左内锋inside right forward inside right 右内锋 outside left forward outside left 左边锋 outside right forward outside right 右边锋球员2后卫: Back前卫: Midfielder前锋: 中锋: Striker自由人: libero中后卫: Center Back全能选手: utility plaxxxxyer守门员: Goalkeeper Goalie左(右)后卫: Left (Right) Back清道夫拖后中卫: Sweeper左(右)前卫: Left (Right) Midfielder攻击型前卫前腰: Attacking Midfielder 防守型前卫后腰: Defending Midfielder球员3freeman 自由人sweeper 自由中卫march in 列队入场encounter 交锋winger 锋线队员offensive plaxxxxyer 进攻队员striker 攻击手playmaker 组织进攻者supporting plaxxxxyer 接应队员goal-buster 杰出射手up-rising star 后起之秀budding star 初露锋芒的明星star-studded 明星荟萃的观众fan 球迷aficionado (球)迷、狂热爱好者spectator 观众Crowd - 观众cheering squad拉拉队 cheering team 啦啦队 football hooligan 足球流氓rioter 骚乱者capacity crowd 观众满座VIP box 重要人物席Supporters 支持者教练head coach 主教练coach 教练 instructorskipper 领队 guidetrainer 助理教练其他人员soccer commentator 足球评论员Groundsman 修理草皮人员Ballboys - 捡球者Mascots - 滑嵇小丑判罚kick-off 开球goal kick 球门球corner ball corner 角球corner kick 发角球goal kick 球门球header 头球hand ball 手球penalty kick 点球 spot kickpenalty for a foul 犯规罚点球free kick 任意球direct free kick 直接任意球indirect free kick 间接任意球defensive wall 防守人墙line up a wall 筑人墙to set a wall 筑人墙place kick 定位球kick-out 踢出界throw-in 掷界外球offside 越位 off-side 越位red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)penalise 处罚banish罚出场sending-off 罚下场 send-off 罚下场send a plaxxxxyer off判罚出场match ban 禁赛命令suspend 停赛、禁赛to cheat作弊violent conduct 粗鲁行为foul 犯规foul marker 犯规指示旗to breaks the rules犯规foul play严重犯规The goal is disallowed进球无效deny a goal 判射无效delay the game 拖延比赛refuse obedience to the referee 不服裁判 score 得分goals 射中次数Substitute 换人技术long pass 长传close pass short pass 短传flank pass 边线传球high lobbing pass 高吊传球scissor pass 交叉传球volley pass 凌空传球hook pass 弧形传球triangular pass 三角传球rolling pass ground pass 滚地传球back pass转身传球steep forward pass 大脚直传cross传中send in a cross from the left 左路传中 send in a cross from the right 右路传中 line pass 横传back-heel pass 脚后跟传球flick-on header 头球摆渡back pass 转身传球ball playing skill 控球技术deceptive movement 假动作bicycle kick overhead kick 倒钩球chest-high ball 平胸球ground ball grounder 地面球,地滚球 ball handling 控制球block tackle 正面抢截interception 拦截body check 身体阻挡fair charge 合理冲撞chesting 胸部挡球close-marking defence 钉人防守consecutive passes 连续传球diving header 鱼跃顶球flying headar 跳起顶球dribbling 盘球,带球beat an opponent过人、越过对手slide tackle 铲球steal a ball 断球bullt 球门前混战clearance kick 解除危险的球make a powerful clearance kick 大脚解围goalkeeping守门finger-tip save (守门员)托救球clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好,接高球 beat out a shot将球击出(守门员)to shoot 射门course of action 球路rebound 反弹球banana shot弧线射门、香蕉球volley shot 凌空射门grazing shot 贴地射门close-range shot 近射long drive 远射mishit 未射中own goal 踢入本方球门(对方得分),乌龙球 equalizer 造成平分的射门free shot 射空门tap in the ball 轻拨入网open net 空门solo drive 单刀直入wall pass 二过一to pass the ball 传球running off the ball 跑位support 接应to take a pass 接球trapping 停球spot pass 球传到位make a spot pass 传球到位to trap 脚底停球to intercept 截球to break through to beat 带球过人to break loose 摆脱 shake off 摆脱break through 突破down-the-middle thrust 中路突破empty space 空档make space 制造空档blanket defence 密集防守man to man defence 人盯人防守mark space 区域联防offensive on the wings 从两翼进攻aerial duel向前场推进fast break 快攻fast counterattack 快速反攻be level with与……站在一条线上beat the offside trap反越位成功drop-ball(足球中的)争球to control the midfield 控制中场to disorganize the defence 破坏防守to fall back 退回to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏tempo of the game 比赛节奏to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势one-sided game 一边倒的比赛close game 比分接近的比赛an incident-packed game 一场事故叠出的比赛 tie-breaker 平分决胜的比赛rough play 粗野的比赛level the score 将比分扳平solid defence 防守坚固break the deadlock 打破僵局goal drought进球荒战术all-out attacking 全攻型打法total football 全攻全守足球战术open football 拉开的足球战术off-side trap 越位战术wing play 边锋战术shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术time wasting tactics 拖延战术阵法formation 阵型line-up 阵容back line 卫线、端线forward line 锋线Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式four backs system 四后卫制four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式赛制competition regulations 比赛条例disqualification 取消比赛资格extra time 加时赛golden goal sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法 penalty shoot-out 罚点球决胜负the away goals rule 客场进球规则draw sortition 抽签 drawing lots 抽签grouping 分组eighth-finals 八分之一决赛quarterfinal 四分之一决赛semi-final 半决赛round-robin 循环赛five-a-side-football 五人制室内足球结果goalless draw 未得分,不分胜负a hat trick帽子戏法,连中三元Draw - 平局装备Ball 球Gloves 手套knee pads 护膝Socks 袜子Shinguards 护具Tracksuit 运动套装Studs 鞋钉Adaptor 转拉器Boots 足球鞋Cycling-shorts 自行车短型紧身裤First-aid kit 急救包Nets 网兜Notebook 小笔记本Pump 气筒Shinguards/Shinpads 护胫Shirts 足球上衣Shorts 短裤Socks 短袜Stopwatch 秒表Strips 服装以上。
足球术语(中英韩对照)1.어드밴티지룰(advantage rule,攻方有利原则) : 반칙을범한수비팀에게벌칙을부여하는것이공격팀에게불이익을준다고판단되었을경우그공격그대로유지시키는규칙2.어택(attack,进攻) : 공격3.어태커(attacker,攻击手) : 공격자4.백힐링(back heeling,脚后跟踢球) : 발뒤꿈치로하는킥5.백패스(back pass,回传) : 후방에있는자기편에패스하는것6.볼콘트롤(ball control,控球) : 볼다루기7.블록(인터셉트) (block(intercept),抢断球) : 차단,저지8.보디콘택트(body contact,身体接触) : 신체접촉9.불리(bully,混战) : 선수들이한곳에모여볼을혼잡하게다루는상태10.코션(caution,注意、警告) : 주의11.센터써클(center circle,中圈) : 중앙원12.센터링(centering,传中) : 공격측선수가볼을문전으로차올리는것13.센터포워드(center forward,中锋) : 중앙공격수14.센터하프백(center half-back,中后卫) : 중앙수비수15.센터라인(center line,中线) : 중앙선16.체인징포지션(changing position,交换位置) : 시합중에각선수가위치를바꾸는것17.차징(charging,撞人犯规) : 신체접촉에의한반칙행위18.칩킥(chip kick,过顶球) : 볼을상대방의머리위로차넘겨자기편에게보내주는킥19.클리어(clear,大脚解围) : 혼전또는위기에서벗어나기위하여수비선수가볼을차내는것20.코너(corner,底线和边线交叉处(角球)) : 사이드라인과앤드라인이겹쳐진부분21.코너플랙(corner flag,角球旗) : 코너에있는기22.코너킥(corner kick,角球) : 볼이수비측의신체접촉에의해앤드라인밖으로나갔을경우공격측이코너에볼을놓고공격하는것23.코너킥에어리어(corner kick area,角球区) : 코너킥을행하는지역24.크로스바(cross-bar,横梁) : 골포스트(门柱)사이에가로로설치된장대25.대인저러스플레이(dangerous play,危险动作) : 위험한플레이26.대쉬(dash,短距离冲刺跑) : 단거리를빠르게뛰는것27.데드볼(dead ball,死球) : 경기가잠시중단된상태의볼, 또는경기장밖으로나간볼28.디펜스(defence,防守) : 수비29.디펜더(defender,后卫) : 수비선수30.디펜시브월(defensive wall,人墙) : 수비벽31.다이렉트프리킥(direct freekick,直接任意球) : 직접프리킥(직접슈팅을할수있는프리킥)32.도징(dodging,假动作) : 기만동작33.더블스위퍼(double sweeper,双后卫) : 최종수비선수로2명을배치하는것34.드리블(dribble,运球) : 공을몰고나가는동작35.드롭볼(drop ball,下旋球) : 볼이날아가다갑자기아래로떨어지는볼(탑스핀으로생기는회전볼)36.드롭킥(drop kick,落地踢,返弹踢) : 공을떨어뜨려튀어오르는순간을이용하여차내는킥의일종37.듀레이션오브게임(duration of game,比赛时间) : 경기시간38.페이크(fake,假动作) : 상대선수를속이기위한몸놀림39.필드오브플레이(field of play,竞技场) : 경기구역40.파이널(final,决胜局) : 결승전41.풋볼플레이어(football player,足球选手) : 축구선수42.포워드(forward,前锋) : 공격진43.프리킥(free kick,任意球) : 자유킥(파울이나반칙에의해부여되는킥)44.프론트태클(front tackle,正面抢截(抬脚过高)) : 정면태클45.프론트킥(front kick,脚背踢) : 발등으로차는킥46.풀백(full back,防守球员(英国)) : 수비수47.골(goal,得分) : 득점48.골에어리어(goal area,端线) : 골라인안쪽지역49.골게터(goal getter,得分手) : 득점을잘하는선수50.골라인(goal line,(点球)发球点) : 골라인51.골네트(goal net,球网) : 골망52.골킥(goal kick,球门球) : 골라인아웃이된후수비측에서행하는킥53.골포스트(goal-post,立柱) : 골양쪽지주대54.해킹(hacking,绊人犯规) : 고의적으로상대방선수를차는행위55.하프백(half back,中后卫) : 중간수비수총칭56.하프웨이라인(halfway line,中线) : 중앙선57.핸들링(handling,手球犯规) : 손으로공을잡거나터치하는것58.햇트릭(hat trick,帽子戏法) : 한선수가한게임에서3골을성공시키는것59.인다이렉트프리킥(indirect free kick,间接任意球) : 간접프리킥(직접슛을할수없고반드시제3자의몸에볼이닿은후슛을할수있는킥)60.인사이드포워드(inside forward,内锋) : 인사이드레프트와라이트를포함하는총칭61.인사이드레프트(inside left,左内锋) : 센터포드왼쪽에위치한공격선수62.인사이드라이트(inside right,又内锋) : 센터포드오른쪽에위치한공격선수63.인스텝(instep,脚背) : 발등64.인사이드킥(inside kick,脚内侧踢球) : 발안쪽으로볼을차는것65.인터셉트(intercept,截球) : 볼을가로채기66.인터벌(interval,中场休息时间) : 하프타임의쉬는시간을말함67.킥(kick,踢球) : 볼을차는동작68.킥오프(kick off,开球) : 시합개시때중앙선에서볼을차는것69.킥킹(kicking,故意踢人) : 상대방을발로차는반칙행위70.레프트백(left back,左后卫) : 왼쪽수비선수71.레프트하프백(left half back,左前卫) : 왼쪽중간수비선수72.레프트윙(left wing,左边锋) : 왼쪽공격선수73.라인즈먼(linesman,边裁) : 선심74.로빙(lobbing,高调传球) : 골대앞으로공을높이차올리는것75.롱패스(long pass,长传) : 길게연결하는패스76.맨투맨디펜스(man-to-man defence,一对一防守) : 대인방어77.미드필드(midfield,中场) : 필드의중앙부분78.미드필드플레이어(midfield player,中场队员) : 주로필드중앙에서플레이하는선수79.옵스트럭션(obstruction,站在对方带球方向以图抢断) : 진로방해80.오프사이드(off-side,越位) : 공격자가수비자(1인이하) 보다골에가까이있는상태81.오프사이드포지션(off-side position,越位位置) : 오프사이드위치82.오프사이드트랩(off-side trap,越位战术) : 상대방을오프사이드반칙으로유도하는전법83.온사이드(on-side,非越位) : 오프사이드의위치가아니고플레이에참가하여도좋은위치84.오픈플레이(open-play,拉开球) : 공을길게차서선수들이모이지않는곳으로플레이를넓히는것85.오픈스페이스(open-space,开阔地带) : 상대방의방해를받지않고플레이하기에용이한곳86.옵셔널플랙(optional flag,中线旗) : 하프웨이라인양쪽에세우는기87.아웃오브플레이(out of play,暂停比赛) : 경기가일시중단된상태88.아웃사이드레프트(outside left,左边锋) : 레프트윙을말함89.아웃사이드라이트(outside right,右边锋) : 라이트윙을말함90.아웃사이드킥(outside-kick,脚外侧踢球) : 발등의외측으로볼을치는방법91.오버헤드킥(overhead kick,倒钩球) : 자기의머리뒤로넘겨차는킥92.패스인투스페이스(pass into space,空中传球) : 공간패스93.페널티(penalty,处罚) : 벌칙94.페널티에어리어(penalty area,小禁区) : 반칙을하면페널티킥이부여되는지역95.페널티킥(penalty kick,点球) : 페널티에어리어에서반칙이일어났을경우볼을페널티마크에놓고행하는킥96.페널티킥마크(penalty kick mark,禁区) : 페널티킥을하는지점,골대로부터11m되는지점97.페널티스포트(penalty spot,点球点) : 페널티킥을하기위한지점,벌칙을일으킨위치98.퍼뮤테이션(permutation,换人) : 선수교체99.플레이스킥(place kick,定位球) : 땅위에다볼을놓고차는것100.플레잉포메이션(playing formation,阵型) : 경기를하기위한선수의포지션형태101.펀칭(punching,守门员用手击球) : 골키퍼가볼을손으로쳐내는것102.레드카드(red card,红牌) : 붉은색카드(퇴장명령카드)103.리턴패스(return pass,回传) : 자기편선수에게되돌려주는패스104.라이트백(right back,左后卫) : 최후방오른쪽수비수105.라이트하프백(right half-back,右前卫) : 오른쪽중간수비수106.라이트윙(right wing,右前锋) : 오른쪽공격수107.로크라이크디펜스(rocklike defence,铁壁防守) : 철벽수비108.세이빙(saving,守门员飞身救球) : 골키퍼가몸을던져볼을막아내는것109.센딩오프(sending off,退场) : 퇴장110.신가드(shin guard,护腿) : 정강이를보호하기위해스타킹안에대는보호대111.슈팅레인지(shooting range,射门范围) : 득점가능지역112.쇼트펀트(short punt,短传球) : 공을낮게공중으로차올리는기술113.슬라이딩태클(sliding tackle,铲球) : 상대방이패스및드리블을하고있을때몸을던져미끄러지면서공을막는태클114.스피어헤드(spearhead前锋(国内翻译)) : 최종경기115.스타트오브플레이(start of play,比赛开始) : 경기개시116.스토퍼(stopper,盯人中卫) : 스위퍼바로전방의수비수로서상대편의공격을일단저지하는역할을함117.스트레이트패스(straight pass,直传) : 직선패스118.스트라이커(striker,攻击手) : 공격을잘하는선수119.스위퍼(sweeper,清道夫(拖后中卫)) : 최종수비선수120.스위칭플레이(switching play,切换) : 신속하게위치와역할을바꾸면서공격하는형태121.스루패스(through pass,渗透球) : 상대방선수사이로패스하는것,땅볼패스122.스로인(throw-in,掷界外球) : 터치라인밖으로부터경기장안으로볼을던져넣는동작123.타임업(time up,终场) : 경기종료124.토킥(toe kick,脚后跟踢球) : 발끝으로차는것125.토스오브어코인(toss of a coin,掷硬币) : 진영선택을위한동전던지기126.터치라인(touch line,边线) : 경기장세로선, 사이드라인이라고도함127.트래핑(trapping,接球) : 날아온볼을stopping하여다루기용이하게하는기술128.트라이앵글패스(triangle pass,三角传球) : 3각패스129.트리핑(tripping,绊人犯规) : 상대방의발을걸어넘어지게하는반칙행위130.발리패스(volley pass,凌空传球) : 공이땅에떨어지기전에행하는패스131.발리샷(volley shot,凌空射门) : 공이땅에떨어지기전에행하는슛132.월패스(wall pass,撞墙式传球) : 자기편을벽으로이용하여부분적으로돌파하는패스133.윙(wing,翅膀) : 날개134.윙포워드(wing forward,边锋) : 양날개공격수135.윙하프백(wing half-back,边前卫) : 양쪽수비수136.윙플레이(wing play,边锋战术) : 윙을이용한공격137.옐로카드(yellow card,黄牌) : 노란색카드(경고카드)138.존디펜스(zone defence,区域防守) : 지역방어。
.elimination match ,knock-out 淘汰赛competition rules 比赛规则close watch 紧盯人战术>protest 对不公平裁判的抗议offside 越位first<second >half 上<下> 半场overhead throw 过顶掷球indicator, score board 记分牌sliding tackle 铲球kick off 开球sellout 球票卖完free kick 任意球throw in 掷界外球wall 人墙riot 球场骚乱corner kick 角球handclap 鼓掌yell 观众的喊声hat-trick 帽子戏法draw 平局direct<indirect>kick 直接<间接>球eighth-finals 八分之一决赛semi-final 半决赛quarterfinal 四分之一决赛first round 第一轮one-sided game 一边倒的比赛round-robin 循环赛competition regulations 比赛条例doping test 药检disqualification 取消比赛资格draw,sortition 抽签sportsmanship 运动员的道德风格overhead kick 倒勾球heading 顶球half time 中场休息kick-out 踢出界sending-off 罚下场place kick 定位球pass 传球red card 红牌yellow card 黄牌The goal is disallowed. 进球无效.foul 犯规.goal kick 球门球hand ball 手球header 头球penalty kick 点球offside 越位to set a wall 筑人墙hat trick 帽子戏法coach 教练Stop holding. 不许拉人.Stop pushing. 不许推人.Don't hold up the game.不要延误时间.match fixing 非法操纵比赛足球词汇:世界杯英式足球锦标赛 The World Cup Soccer Championship 国际足联 FIFA: the Federation International de Football Assn 取得决赛资格的最后十六支球队 the draw of 16 teams半决赛球队 semi-finals足球 football, soccer, Association football足球场field, pitch中场midfield中圈kick-off circle中线half-way line足球队football, eleven足球运动员football player比赛时的队员阵容 lineup守门员goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie除守门员外的其余十位球员 outfielder后卫back左后卫left back右后卫right back中卫center half back前卫half back左前卫left half back右前卫right half back前锋forward中锋center forward, center左内锋inside left forward, inside left右内锋inside right forward, inside right左边锋outside left forward, outside left右边锋outside right forward, outside right右翼Right wing左翼Left wing开球kick-off倒钩球bicycle kick, overhead kick平胸球chest-high ball.角球corner ball, corner球门球goal kick地面球ground ball, grounder手触球hand ball头球header点球penalty kick罚点spot kick球罚任意球free kick掷界外球throw-in控制球ball handling正面抢截block tackle身体阻挡body check球门前混战bullt合理冲撞fair charge胸部挡球chesting假动作deceptive movement未射中mishit越位offside接球to take a pass球传到位spot pass脚底停球to trap截球to intercept带球过人to break through, to beat摆脱to break loose控制中场to control the midfield破坏防守to disorganize the defence退回to fall back筑人墙to set a wall越位战术off-side trap边锋战术wing play积极的抢射战术shoot-on-sight tactics拖延战术time wasting tactics巴西阵式,4-2-4 阵式Brazilian formation四后卫制four backs system4-3-3 阵式four-three-three formation4-2-4 阵式 four-two-four formation红牌〔表示判罚出场〕red card黄牌〔表示警告〕yellow card球胆bladder足球赛场地Football field有看台球场Stadium场外跑道Track球门柱Goal post球门横梁Cross bar球门网Goal net球门门口Goal mouth进球线Goal line边线Touch line中线Halfway line中点Center spot罚球区Penalty area罚球点Penalty spot角球区Corner kick area角旗Corner flag.裁判员Referee边线裁判员,巡边员,司线员 assistant referee, linesman 阻人犯规Obstruction blocking手球犯规Hand ball失水准Off-form绊脚Hacking有意绊脚Intentional tripping无意绊脚Unintentional tripping踢罚球Penalty kick罚界外球Throw-in放弃罚球Declined penalty危险动作Dangerous play粗暴行为Rough警告Caution warning被裁判记名Taken name by referee擅自离场Leave the court驱逐离场Marching order expeled上半场First half半场Half time休息Interval暂停Out of play time out下半场Second half加时比赛Extra game接近完场Closing minutes时间到Time up终场Full-time射入一球Scored a goal首开记录On the scoreboard一面倒Lopsided win oneside game攻势Attack守势Defense对抗Versus实力相等Deadlock巅峰状态Fitness form一比零One to naught得分相等Tie score平Draw零分Shut out skunk险胜Narrow victory胜Win败Lose和局Tie game突破 thrust劲射 thump跟进 trail短距离快速传球 flip令人猝不与防的速射 snap shot盯人 mark an opponent三角传球 triangular passing倒钩球 overhead volley头球 header掷界外球 throw-in拿球 vie for the ball踢凌空球 volley kick漏球 lose长/短传 long/short pass回传 passback守门员救球 save粗野的比赛 rough play犯规的踢球动作 a foul kick抱人犯规 holding打人犯规 striking绊人犯规 tripping故意踢人 intentional kicking铲球 tackle补罚下场 ejection越位 offside金球 gold goal 也叫 sudden death 突然死亡法则〔踢球双方在加时赛以先进球方为胜方〕乌龙球〔队员不慎将球踢进自家大门〕own goal足球流氓 soccer hooligans足球迷 soccer fans啦啦队 roosters, cheering squad队长袖标<足球> skipper's armband。
后卫:Back前卫:Midfielder前锋:Forward中锋:Striker⾃由⼈:libero中后卫:Center Back全能选⼿:utility player守门员:Goalkeeper,Goalie左(右)后卫:Left (Right) Back清道夫,拖后中卫:Sweeper左(右)前卫:Left (Right) Midfielder 攻击型前卫,前腰:Attacking Midfielder 防守型前卫,后腰:Defending Midfielder ⾜球:football,soccer⾜球场:field,pitch中场:midfield中圈:kickoff circle,center circle中线:halfway line边线:touchline底线:goal line(点球)发球点:penalty mark禁区:penalty area⼩禁区:goal area开球:Kick-off倒钩球:bicycle kick,overhead kick半⾼球:chest-high ball⾓球:corner ball,corner球门球:goal kick地⾯球:ground ball,grounder⼿触球:hand ball头球:header点球:penalty kick罚点球:spot kick罚任意球:free kick胸部停球:chesting连续传球:consecutive passes鱼跃顶球:diving header盘球,带球:dribbling(守门员)接⾼球:clean catching 边线传球:flank pass⾼吊传球:high lobbing pass凌空传球:volley pass铲球:tackle地滚球:rolling pass,ground pass 射门:shoot贴地射门:grazing shot近射:close-range shot远射:long drive未射中:mishit越位:offside传球:pass the ball接球:take a pass球传到位:spot pass拦截球:intercept掷界外球:throw-in红牌:red card黄牌:yellow card正⾯抢截:block tackle阻挡:body check球门前混战:bullt合理冲撞:fair charge盯⼈防守:close-marking defence 短传:close pass,short pass假动作:deceptive movement跃起争顶:flying headar解围:clearance kick摆脱防守:break loose搅乱防守:disorganize the defence 筑⼈墙:set a wall-全攻全守⾜球战术:total football拉开的⾜球战术:open football越位战术:off-side trap边锋战术:wing play积极的抢射战术:shoot-on-sight tactics 拖延战术:time wasting tactics433阵型:4-3-3 formation442阵型:4-4-2 formation进球荒:goal drought反越位成功:beat the offside trap判罚出场:send a player off中场休息:half time interval加时赛:extra-time伤停补时:injury time掌握⽐赛节奏:set the pace控救技术:ball playing skill。
足球术语中英文对照,火速送上!!后卫:Back前卫:Midfielder前锋:Forward中锋:Striker自由人:libero中后卫:Center Back全能选手:utility player守门员:Goalkeeper,Goalie左(右)后卫:Left (Right) Back清道夫,拖后中卫:Sweeper左(右)前卫:Left (Right) Midfielder攻击型前卫,前腰:Attacking Midfielder防守型前卫,后腰:Defending Midfielder足球:football,soccer足球场:field,pitch中场:midfield中圈:kickoff circle,center circle中线:halfway line边线:touchline底线:goal line(点球)发球点:penalty mark禁区:penalty area小禁区:goal area开球:Kick-off倒钩球:bicycle kick,overhead kick 半高球:chest-high ball角球:corner ball,corner球门球:goal kick地面球:ground ball,grounder手触球:hand ball头球:header点球:penalty kick罚点球:spot kick罚任意球:free kick胸部停球:chesting连续传球:consecutive passes鱼跃顶球:diving header盘球,带球:dribbling(守门员)接高球:clean catching 边线传球:flank pass高吊传球:high lobbing pass凌空传球:volley pass铲球:tackle地滚球:rolling pass,ground pass 射门:shoot贴地射门:grazing shot近射:close-range shot远射:long drive未射中:mishit越位:offside传球:pass the ball接球:take a pass球传到位:spot pass拦截球:intercept掷界外球:throw-in红牌:red card黄牌:yellow card正面抢截:block tackle阻挡:body check球门前混战:bullt合理冲撞:fair charge盯人防守:close-marking defence短传:close pass,short pass假动作:deceptive movement跃起争顶:flying headar解围:clearance kick摆脱防守:break loose搅乱防守:disorganize the defence筑人墙:set a wall-全攻全守足球战术:total football拉开的足球战术:open football越位战术:off-side trap边锋战术:wing play积极的抢射战术:shoot-on-sight tactics 拖延战术:time wasting tactics433阵型:4-3-3 formation442阵型:4-4-2 formation进球荒:goal drought反越位成功:beat the offside trap判罚出场:send a player off中场休息:half time interval加时赛:extra-time伤停补时:injury time掌握比赛节奏:set the pace控救技术:ball playing skill。
足球英文专业术语总览1. 球队和球员- 足球队:football team- 主队:home team- 客队:away team- 队长:team captain- 守门员:goalkeeper- 后卫:defender- 中场:midfielder- 前锋:forward- 替补球员:substitute player- 替补席:subs' bench2. 比赛和裁判- 比赛:match, game- 裁判:referee- 观众:spectators- 观众席:stands, bleachers- 球场:football field- 半场休息:half-time break- 加时赛:overtime- 点球:penalty kick- 裁判员:linesman, assistant referee 3. 进球和比分- 进球:goal- 射门:shot- 球门:goalpost- 球网:net- 射中门柱:hit the post- 角球:corner kick- 界外球:throw-in- 丢球:concede, let in- 平局:draw- 净胜球:goal difference4. 犯规和红黄牌- 犯规:foul- 任意球:free kick - 界外球:throw-in - 点球:penalty kick - 红牌:red card- 黄牌:yellow card - 警告:caution- 禁赛:suspension - 罚下场:send off5. 战术和技术- 进攻:attack- 防守:defense- 控球:possession - 过人:dribble- 空中传球:cross - 抢断:tackle- 触球:touch- 扑救:save- 封堵:block6. 赛制和联赛- 单场赛制:single match format- 锦标赛:tournament- 联赛:league- 积分榜:league standings- 升级降级赛:promotion/relegation playoffs- 冠军:champion- 亚军:runner-up- 排名:ranking- 淘汰赛:knockout stage7. 足球机构和比赛规则- 国际足球联合会:FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association)- 欧洲足球协会联盟:UEFA (Union of European Football Associations)- 世界杯:World Cup- 足球规则:football rules- 场外球:out of bounds- 越位:offside- 禁区:penalty area以上为一些常见的足球英文专业术语总览,希望对您有帮助。
足球英文专业术语-—To Start a Conversation来源:刘博垠的日志搞懂这些基本上英文解说就能听懂了,对听其他比赛也有帮助,很多都是通用的first half 上半场internal中场休息second half 下半场allowance 补时extra time 加时choice of ends and the kick-off are decided by the toss of a coin掷币挑边和开球kick off 开球kick—off—time开赛时间close game with long forward passes长传急攻short pass短传combination passed短传配合double pass二过一drive down the side-lines before centering the ball沉底传中pass—and receive combinations传接配合center传中cross pass横传one—touch pass一脚球ground pass地面传球lofted ball高吊球head ball顶球ferocious tackle拼抢block堵截support策应side tackle侧面抢截dash forward插上excessive dribbling盘带过多pincers movement两翼包抄playmaker进攻组织者outflank边路进攻fast break快攻volley shot凌空射门man—for—man marking盯人防守fill gap 补位balancing defense防守补位“blanket” defense 密集防守off side越位trip opponent绊人charge opponet 冲撞charge opponent from behind背后铲人fair charge合理冲撞send off the field of play将球员驱逐出场penalty—mark罚点球点take kick主罚点球sudden death突然死亡法determine the winner by penalty kicks以点球决胜负make space 制造空档off-side trap造越位战术total play全攻全过打法Football, soccer,Association football 足球杯赛Cup 杯FIFA 国际足联arch—rival 主要对手defending champion 卫冕冠军qualify for the next round 出线eliminate 淘汰final eight 前八强favourists 夺标热门dark horse 黑马、爆冷门Underdog - 黑马group round robin 小组循环赛group preliminaries 小组预赛league 联赛ranking 排名次,名次aggregate score 总积分league table 联赛积分表away ground 客场场地away match 客场比赛on a home and away basis 主客场制home team 主队visiters team 客队promotion 升级relegation 降级first division team 甲级队second division 乙级队golden ball 金球golden boots 金靴奖top scorer 得分最高的队员transfer 转会其它比赛warming up competition 热身赛charity soccer match 慈善足球赛return leg 回访赛exhibition match 表演赛invitational tournament 邀请赛场地stadium 体育场stands 看台field,pitch 足球场midfied 中场center fieldhalf-way line 中线halfway flag 中线旗byline 边线by-line 边线end line 底线back line卫线、端线kick-off circle 中圈,开球区corner area 角球区corner flag 角球旗penalty area 禁区penalty box 禁区penalty mark (点球)发球点goal 球门,进球数goal area 球门区goal line 球门线goal net 球门网crossbar 球门横杆、门楣goal post 球门柱locker room (运动员)休息室、更衣室Boardroom 会议室Changing—room 更衣室Corporate boxes 团体席Dugout 教练席Bench 替补席Clubshop 俱乐部店Running-track 跑道Scoreboard 记分牌Hoardings 广告牌Tannoy 广播Ticket-office 售票厅Treatment room 治疗室Trophy room 纪念品展室Tunnel 球员通道Turnstiles 球场旋转门赛程Fixture list 赛程表half,halftime 半场first half 上半场half—time break 中场休息second half 下半场extra time 加时赛first leg 第一回合full time 全场比赛时间time out 暂停Warm—down 赛后休息Teamtalk 教练训话时间Press conference 记者招待会裁判referee 主裁判assistant助理裁判lineman 巡边员,边裁final whistle 终场哨声球员1professional soccer player 职业球员uniform number 球衣号码in red strip 身穿红色条衫fitness 身体素质stamina 体力、耐力in great form 竞技状态极佳football, eleven 足球队captain,leader 队长key player 主力队员player in 上场队员substitute,reserve players替补队员goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员back 后卫defender 后卫full back 后卫left 左后卫right back 右后卫centre half back 中卫midfield 中场half back 前卫downfield 前卫left half back 左前卫right half back 右前卫forward 前锋strikercentre forward, centre 中锋inside left forward,inside left 左内锋inside right forward, inside right 右内锋outside left forward,outside left 左边锋outside right forward, outside right 右边锋球员2后卫: Back前卫:Midfielder前锋:中锋: Striker中后卫:Center Back全能选手:utility player守门员:Goalkeeper,Goalie左(右)后卫:Left (Right) Back清道夫,拖后中卫: Sweeper左(右)前卫:Left (Right)Midfielder攻击型前卫,前腰:Attacking Midfielder 防守型前卫, 后腰:Defending Midfielder球员3freeman 自由人sweeper 自由中卫march in 列队入场encounter 交锋winger 锋线队员offensive player 进攻队员striker 攻击手playmaker 组织进攻者supporting player 接应队员goal—buster 杰出射手up—rising star 后起之秀budding star 初露锋芒的明星star-studded 明星荟萃的(完整word版)足球英文专业术语观众fan 球迷aficionado (球)迷、狂热爱好者spectator 观众Crowd —观众cheering squad拉拉队cheering team 啦啦队football hooligan 足球流氓rioter 骚乱者capacity crowd 观众满座VIP box 重要人物席Supporters 支持者教练head coach 主教练coach 教练instructorskipper 领队guidetrainer 助理教练其他人员soccer commentator 足球评论员Groundsman 修理草皮人员Ballboys - 捡球者Mascots - 滑嵇小丑判罚kick—off 开球goal kick 球门球corner ball, corner 角球corner kick 发角球goal kick 球门球header 头球hand ball 手球penalty kick 点球spot kick penalty for a foul 犯规罚点球free kick 任意球direct freekick 直接任意球indirect free kick 间接任意球defensive wall 防守人墙line up a wall 筑人墙to set a wall 筑人墙place kick 定位球kick-out 踢出界throw-in 掷界外球offside 越位off—side 越位red card 红牌(表示判罚出场) yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)penalise 处罚banish罚出场sending-off 罚下场send-off 罚下场send a player off判罚出场match ban 禁赛命令suspend 停赛、禁赛to cheat作弊violent conduct 粗鲁行为foul 犯规foul marker 犯规指示旗to breaks the rules犯规foul play严重犯规The goal is disallowed进球无效deny a goal 判射无效delay the game 拖延比赛refuse obedience to the referee 不服裁判score 得分goals 射中次数Substitute 换人技术long pass 长传close pass,short pass 短传flank pass 边线传球high lobbing pass 高吊传球scissor pass 交叉传球volley pass 凌空传球hook pass 弧形传球triangular pass 三角传球rolling pass,ground pass 滚地传球back pass转身传球steep forward pass 大脚直传cross传中send in a cross from the left 左路传中send in a cross from the right 右路传中line pass 横传back—heel pass 脚后跟传球flick—on header 头球摆渡back pass 转身传球ball playing skill 控救技术deceptive movement 假动作bicycle kick,overhead kick 倒钩球chest—high ball 平胸球ground ball,grounder 地面球,地滚球ball handling 控制球block tackle 正面抢截interception 拦截body check 身体阻挡fair charge 合理冲撞chesting 胸部挡球close-marking defence 钉人防守consecutive passes 连续传球diving header 鱼跃顶球flying headar 跳起顶球dribbling 盘球,带球beat an opponent过人、越过对手slide tackle 铲球steal a ball 断球bullt 球门前混战clearance kick 解除危险的球make a powerful clearance kick 大脚解围goalkeeping守门finger-tip save (守门员)托救球clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好,接高球beat out a shot将球击出(守门员)to shoot 射门course of action 球路rebound 反弹球banana shot弧线射门、香蕉球volley shot 凌空射门grazing shot 贴地射门close-range shot 近射long drive 远射mishit 未射中own goal 踢入本方球门(对方得分),乌龙球equalizer 造成平分的射门free shot 射空门tap in the ball 轻拨入网open net 空门solo drive 单刀直入wall pass 二过一to pass the ball 传球runing off the ball 跑位support 接应to take a pass 接球trapping 停球spot pass 球传到位make a spot pass 传球到位to trap 脚底停球to intercept 截球to break through,to beat 带球过人to break loose 摆脱shake off 摆脱break through 突破down—the—middle thrust 中路突破empty space 空档make space 制造空档blanket defence 密集防守man to man defence 人盯人防守mark space 区域联防offensive on the wings 从两翼进攻aerial duel向前场推进fast break 快攻fast counterattack 快速反攻be level with与……站在一条线上beat the offside trap反越位成功drop—ball(足球中的)争球to control the midfield 控制中场to disorganize the defence 破坏防守to fall back 退回to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏tempo of the game 比赛节奏to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势one-sided game 一边倒的比赛close game 比分接近的比赛an incident—packed game 一场事故叠出的比赛tie—breaker 平分决胜的比赛rough play 粗野的比赛level the score 将比分扳平solid defence 防守坚固break the deadlock 打破僵局goal drought进球荒战术all—out attacking 全攻型打法total football 全攻全守足球战术open football 拉开的足球战术off-side trap 越位战术wing play 边锋战术shoot—on—sight tactics 积极的抢射战术time wasting tactics 拖延战术阵法formation 阵型line—up 阵容back line 卫线、端线forward line 锋线Brazilian formation 巴西阵式,4-2—4 阵式four backs system 四后卫制four—three—three formation 4—3—3 阵式four—two—four formation 4—2-4 阵式赛制competition regulations 比赛条例disqualification 取消比赛资格extra time 加时赛golden goal,sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法penalty shoot—out 罚点球决胜负the away goals rule 客场进球规则draw, sortition 抽签drawing lots 抽签grouping 分组eighth-finals 八分之一决赛quarterfinal 四分之一决赛semi—final 半决赛round—robin 循环赛five—a—side-football 五人制室内足球结果goalless draw 未得分,不分胜负a hat trick帽子戏法,连中三元Draw —平局装备Ball 球Gloves 手套knee pads 护膝Socks 袜子Shinguards 护具Tracksuit 运动套装Studs 鞋钉Adaptor 转拉器Boots 足球鞋Cycling—shorts 自行车短型紧身裤First-aid kit 急救包Nets 网兜Notebook 小笔记本Pump 气筒Shinguards/Shinpads 护胫Shirts 足球上衣Shorts 短裤Socks 短袜Stopwatch 秒表Strips 服装。
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field / pitch 足球场
midfield 中场
backfield 后场
kickoff circle / center circle 中圈halfway line 中线
touchline / sideline 边线
goal line 球门线
end line 底线
penalty mark (点球)罚球点
penalty area 禁区(罚球区)
goal area 小禁区(球门区)
coach 教练
head coach 主教练
football player 足球运动员
referee 裁判
lineman 巡边员
captain / leader 队长
forward / striker 前锋
midfielder 前卫
left midfielder 左前卫
right midfielder 右前卫
attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)center forward 中锋
full back 后卫
center back 中后卫
left back 左后卫
right back 右后卫
sweeper 清道夫,拖后中卫goalkeeper / goalie 守门员
cheer team 拉拉队
libero自由后卫utility player 全能选手
kick-off 开球
bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩球chest-high ball 半高球
corner ball / corner 角球
goal kick 球门球
handball 手球
header 头球
penalty kick 点球
place kick 定位球
own goal 乌龙球
hat-trick 帽子戏法
free kick 任意球
clearance kick 解围球
direct free kick 直接任意球indirect free kick 间接任意球stopping 停球
short pass 短传
long pass 长传
cross pass 横传
spot pass 球传到位consecutive passes 连续传球close/short pass 短传
pass the ball 传球
spot pass 球传到位
take a pass 接球
triangular pass 三角传球
flank pass 边线传球
lobbing pass 高吊传球
volley pass 凌空传球
slide tackle 铲球
rolling pass / ground pass 地滚球flying header 跳起顶球
shoot 射门
grazing shot 贴地射门
mishit 未射中
close-range shot 近射
long shot 远射
offside 越位
throw-in 掷界外球
block tackle 正面抢截
body check 阻挡
fair charge 合理冲撞
diving header 鱼跃顶球
flying header 跳起顶球
dribbling 盘球,带球
clean catching (守门员)接高球finger-tip save (守门员)托救球deceptive movement 假动作
break through 突破
kick-out 踢出界
intercept 拦截球
set the pace 掌握进攻节奏
ball playing skill 控救技术
ward off an assault 击退一次攻势break up an attack 破坏一次攻势disorganize the defence 搅乱防守total football 全攻全守足球战术open football 拉开的足球战术
off-side trap 越位战术
wing play 边锋战术
time wasting tactics 拖延战术
shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术4-3-3 formation 433阵型
4-4-2 formation 442阵型
beat the offside trap 反越位成功
foul 犯规technical foul 技术犯规
break loose 摆脱防守
control the midfield 控制中场
set a wall 筑人墙
close-marking defence 盯人防守
half-time interval 中场休息
round robin 循环赛
group round robin 小组循环赛
extra time 加时赛
elimination match 淘汰赛
injury time 伤停补时
golden goal / sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法
eighth-final 八分之一决赛
quarterfinal 四分之一决赛
semi-final 半决赛
final match 决赛
preliminary match 预赛
one-sided game 一边倒的比赛competition regulations 比赛条例disqualification 取消比赛资格
match ban 禁赛命令
doping test 药检
draw / sortition抽签
send a player off 判罚出场
red card 红牌
yellow card 黄牌
goal 球门,进球数
draw 平局
goal drought 进球荒
ranking 排名(名次)。