
剑桥雅思12Test7雅思写作Task2真题+参考范⽂剑桥雅思12Test7雅思写作Task2真题+参考范⽂推荐:剑桥雅思12Test7雅思写作Task1真题+参考范⽂题⽬:In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.题⽬分析,包括写作中需要讨论的观点以及考⽣可能对题⽬产⽣的错误理解。
要点1. 考⽣需要去分析“为什么要花⼤最的资⾦去建造新型⾼速铁路”;2. 考⽣也需要分析“投资现有公共交通设施的理由”。
错误理解1. 考⽣可能会只写新型⾼速铁路的好处,⽽忽略了为什么要花⼤量资⾦的问题;2. 考⽣可能会过多地描写交通问题(如交通堵塞和污染),⽽不是去描写改善现有交通⼯具的好处。
参考范⽂⼀In some countries, high-speed rail is welcomed by many people because it can carry passengers between cities within a shorter period of time. Some think the government should allocate a large sum of money into such railway lines, while others believe that the money should go to existing public transport.Supporters of building high-speed rail argue that new railway lines can help save commuting time despite the massive investment. With urban areas expanding further, more people may live in suburbs or even live in neighboring cities, and this means a new railway line between cities is especially important for those who need to travel to and from city centre for work. If there were not such high-speed rail, it is impossible for many people living in rural areas to commute in and out of the city every day. Therefore, a significant investment in the construction of high-speed railway lines is justified.However, there are also some opponents against such investment, myself included, and they think the funds should go to existing public transport. One major reason is lhat high-speed trains are expensive and the same amount of funds can be used to improve most of the current transport, including buses and underground trains. These are still the main transport by which thousands of people use every day. Another possible reason is related to the demand. It is reported that there are still a large percentage ofpeople living in cities and a new railway line outside of the town can only serve a small percentage of people. This means the investment is not a sensible decision. Ultimately there would be not enough funds to run the new railway system.In conclusion, I believe that although there are benefits to some people living outside of the city if high-speed trains are developed, the number of rural population is still relatively low and existing public transport is still the main choice for most of population and should therefore be the priority of the investment.参考译⽂⼀在⼀些国家,⾼速铁路受到了⼤家的欢迎,因为它能在更短的时间内将乘客送往另⼀个城市。
剑桥雅思IELTS第二篇大作文task 2 讲义

如何通过有效审题来提高写作速度!关于审题1. 30s 读懂题目生词: 现场—猜在家—通读机经2. 1m 判断题型—回忆结构—预计文章body段篇幅3. 3m-8m 列出body段的提纲(points/ideas)列出—筛选—对于驳论文决定立场—重新排序Brainstorming: 越多越好筛选: 没有词汇支持、很难讲清楚的、论证力度较弱的选择立场: 论据充分,容易写重新排序: 分段At home VS nursing house优点1. 与家人情感交流1. friends: topic & interest2. 方便照顾2. pro. Medical care→ Customized emergency3. 尽孝道→责任义务3. colorful life→ 单身4. share house work 4. we won’t be distracted→ adult children can 同左focus on career反方缺点5. 右边费用高5.子女工作忙,在家孤独服务不好排序1. pro medical care→ healthproblem→ facility+equipment+staff→ care→emergency→quicklyrespond→ accident/tragedy2. adult children don’t need to worryabout…→ focus on career3. friends+activity→ peers→ share same topic and interest→ psychological problems can be avoided. → children have little time→ job to dobody段1示范Most obviously and importantly, aged parents can be well tended in nursing houses. As is known to all, old people, usually suffering from the pain of diseases or the potential health hazards, can receive professional care in nursing houses, where first-class medical facilities are equipped and experienced staff are always available. Furthermore, when emergency happens, nursing houses will definitely responde more promptly than children who are not likely to be with their parents all the time, and for this reason, accidents and tradegy can be avoided. At a deeper level, adults don’t have to be distracted to worry about their parents, so they can better focus on their career, which benefits the society to some extent.Admittedly, staying in home and being taken care of by their own children can give old people a stronger sense of family bound. However, for most people, nursing houses offer more advantages and minimize the possible risks. Therefore, …重申立场Some people think that the use of aircraft is not practical and causes many problems thus should be reduced. Do you agree or disagree?***驳论文段落结构1. 开头段: 话题引入(背景句)+考题观点改写+ 本人立场中立--清晰写明2. body段(2-3paras): 支持/反对的原因3. 让步:(反方观点的理由) (yes and no 中立时应该和正面篇幅相当)4. 结尾段: 重申立场(yes or no/ A or B 可以和让步合并在一段)Some people think that the use of aircraft is not practical and causes many problems thus should be reduced. Do you agree or disagree?I. 开头段A: 背景句思路—话题引出Tips:1. 逻辑完整2. 可以借助功能句: 内容决定语言Nowadays, …are playing increasingly ***part/role in /when…⏹ In the present days, with the development of (thanks to ***)…, *** is becoming more and more *** …⏹ Today the way we do ……is heavily influenced by XXXX.⏹ Recent years has witnessed the great development/changes of XXX.3. 开头句思路从论据联想(把正文中可能不需要详细拓展的论据,写在开头段)4. 名人名言,举例,报道,新闻,故事。

选自新西兰华人雅思王汝涛著《最新雅思疑难问答精选》(天津科技翻译出版公司出版)在雅思写作考试中,在TASK TWO部分曾出现这样一道考题大致如下: There is an issue of what are the purposes of the places like museums. Some people suggest that the government should invest a small amount of money, others think the museum is a financial burden to society. What is your opinion? And how should they be funded? 假设您是一名考生, 您会如何构思和作答? 你可否写一篇例文?答: 现根据你提供的题目, 谈一谈我的写作思路, 并提供一篇我写的例文仅供参考。
首先, 我们来分析一下考题。
题目是关于博物馆的作用以及政府是否需要资助的问题, 有些人认为政府应给博物馆提供一些资金,也有些人认为博物馆已成为政府的财政负担,你的观点如何? 对博物馆应如何资助? 审题这一步非常重要,考生可将题目中的关键词划出以加深印象。
此题要求考生就政府是否需要资助博物馆的问题提出自己的分析, 根据题目类型, 考生要在较短的时间内(一般2-3分钟)确定赞同或反对的观点及论据,这一般要根据个人的经验,选择较为大众化、内容充实、容易表述的观点,考生要尽量选择符合西方人生活态度和对事物看法的论点, 这样既安全又省力。
以下是我根据自己的理解所写的例文:Currently a growing number of governments are investing some money in museums. Some people believe this will benefit the whole society while others maintain that the government should tighten its budget and spend the money on more important things. T o my mind, the former view does make sense.We can hardly lose sight of the fact that every country prides itself on the glory of its own history. Undoubtedly, the museum,which usually boasts a collection of objects of artistic and historical value, plays a vital role in recording a country’s history. By visiting museums, we can not only learn about our history and civilization, but gradually cultivate a sense of social responsibility, which normally stems from a clear understanding of mankind’s history. For instance, if young people come to know what their ancestors have contributed to the development of their country, they will be inspired to dedicate themselves to the economic well-being of society. Moreover, in the museum, they will also learn something that can not be acquired from books. In addition, revelling in nostalgic memories is likely to be a sort of great enjoyment and relaxation. Therefore, it will be beneficial to the whole society if the government takes the lead in funding museums.However, we have to admit that some countries, especially poor ones, may have difficulty spending a large sum of money in this respect, but they are able to organize fundraising activities so that wealthy members of society can donate money to public facilities such as museums. As far as I know, this is common practice in many countries.In the final analysis, it is quite clear that museums are treasure troves of mankind. The government, as well as the individuals, should endeavour to provide enough funds for them to be on the right track. (300 words)在上面的例文中,我使用的从句占了主体,同时使用了一些书面惯用语,如We can hardly lose sight of the fact that…, boast a collection of objects of artistic and historical value, reveling in nostalgic memories, is likely to be…等等。

雅思写作Task2思路解析雅思写作Task 2思路准备有二个关键:一是内容;二是内容组织。
内容上,思路贫乏的原因有三:一是中国同学在现行的教育体系中更容易被塑造成盲从权威的知识刻录机,独立思考能力没有得到很好训练,即使是对自己正在经历的教育,也缺乏critical thinking,如雅思中的教育类话题“孩子是否应完全听从父母和老师?”和“学校应提供通才教育还是职业教育?”。
内容组织上,相当多的同学要么是根本无法清晰地表达观点(深层次原因恐怕还是中国同学所接受的教育在输出性语言能力的锻炼上仍显不足,学校里提出观点并支持观点的逻辑训练太少,相应的benchmark是有些国家的小学生已经开始独立写研究报告);要么是表达观点的方式受中文习惯影响,比如先分析后总结;高度概括而不是case by case;用冰冷的第三人称而不是亲切的第一、二人称。
这里给出了中国大陆考区2006年至2008年6月共95道雅思写作Task 2的思路。
所给出的观点囿于见识、思考经验和悟性,不一定具备普适性,但观点的本质属性就是见仁见智,目的不过是抛砖引玉,毕竟一个脑袋去想思路总是有限,只有大家互动才会不断产生新的想法,大家可以留言发表观点、质疑观点、寻求帮助、在讨论中不断进步,That is the magic of group learning.PS: 思考能力的真正提高,不是一日之功,应长期关注相关领域,训练一针见血抓住问题本质的直觉和基于常识的判断。

雅思作文Task 2真题思路(1)--教育教育 1 - 学点啥?060318 061014 070707 070113 071208 080522 0806051.Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judge right andwrong and how to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (060318)翻译:学做人vs 学做事有些人认为老师应当负责教给学生如何判断对错和如何行为得体;有些人说老师应当只教给学生学术科目,讨论两个观点给出你的意见。
抛砖:(题目比较抽象,论证时要具体化)有些人觉得老师应当只关注(focus on)学术科目,这是老师的基本职责(fundamental responsibility),比如幼儿园(nursery school)和小学的识字、算术、美术、音乐、体育;中学的外语、物理、化学、自然、生物、历史、地理;大学的各种专业知识(specialist knowledge)。
所以,我认为老师也有责任教学生如何判断对错和行为得体,比如守时(punctual)是好习惯,而浪费是坏习惯;应当重视家庭,尊重长辈;应当相信工作,相信人,相信神(believe the God,西方人常见世界观之一)。
这些做人方面的内容(How to be a qualified citizen)对学生在未来职业的帮助甚至超过专业知识。
雅思写作TASK 2之教育类话题万能思路

智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思写作TASK 2之教育类话题万能思路教育类话题一直以来都是雅思大作文中的一个高频话题类型,涉及学校教育、家庭教育和社会教育等不同层面,从教育方法、教育内容和教育目的等各种角度加以考查,出题方式多样繁杂,对考生的快速构思能力要求较高。
分析如下:“德”关乎提高道德标准(improve moralstandard),在此过程中我们需要优秀的道德模范(moral model);“智”涉及理论知识/书本知识(theoretical knowledge / book knowledge),以及培养独立思考、创造性思维、分析和解决问题的能力(independent and critical thinking, analyzing skills and problem-solving ability);“体”关注如何提高身体素质(develop physicalfitness),养成健康的生活方式(healthy lifestyle);“美”则通过对文学和艺术的欣赏(an appreciation of art and li terature),来提升文化修养(self-cultivation),使人心灵充实健康;“劳”需要学习实用知识(job-relatedknowledge),提高动手能力(practicalskills),从而加强就业竞争力(to be more competitive in the job market);“社交”要求提高人际交往和社交能力(communication and social skills),积累社会经验(socialexperience),适应社会(adapt to the society)。

剑桥雅思9写作Test2Task2真题解析智课⽹雅思备考资料剑桥雅思9写作Test2 Task2真题解析剑桥雅思9写作Test2 Task2真题解析。
剑桥雅思9写作Test2 Task2题⽬分析:这个题⽬是2008, 2009和2010年多次出现的旧题,属于argument ation的⽴论型题,具体⽽⾔,题⽬的要求To what extent do you agree or disagree?属于传统的表达砚点或对现象发表看法并进⾏论证的形式。
剑桥雅思9写作Test2 Task2⾼分范⽂:As a vital component of high school education, community service should always be a part of whole educational system. Thus, some advocate that the community service should add to the compulsory agenda. Personally, I couldn't agree more.Admittedly, unpaid jobs for charity organizations take up some time of students who need to spend more valuable time on their study. Namely, in a short term, this activity can't bring any reward for those participants. However, people should never judge some activities with a short-sighted view; instead,long-sighted perspective becomes more reasonable and smarter. With sufficient social experiences and working skills, students may be more competitive in the job market after graduation in the foreseeable future.Obviously, establishing community service as a compulsory part in high school education is not only helpful for students but also meaningful for the whole society. Firstly, both text-based and society-based methods make up the whole structure of the high school education. The community service perfectly combines both parts in order to accomplish a better outcome for those students, because they have the opportunity to put theirnewly-learnt theories into practice. Secondly, throughout these charitable activities, students can understand those disabled people better, so they will pay more attention to these special groups in their daily life. More importantly, it will shape their strong and independent personality gradually. Namely, offering helps to others teaches the young to understand and support each other in the community.In sum, it is a must to add community service to the compulsory education, especially in high schools. I strongly recommend the government and some organizations involved take the advice into consideration.剑桥雅思9写作Test2 Task2作⽂结构分析:此范⽂根据题⽬的要求相应地分为四段,第⼀段介绍题⽬背景并表明个⼈⽴场:第⼆段通过让步试图说明社区服务的不⾜,最终进⾏反驳;第三段介绍社区服务的两个必要性,也就是好处,从⽽进⼀步肯定⾃⼰的⽴场;第四段作为结尾,归纳总结⾃⼰的观点并提出⾃⼰的期许。
Task 2 真题思路-科技发展

雅思作文Task2真题思路–科技发展科技发展 1 - 生活改进(6)060114 070210 070310 070331 070609 0806281.There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobbile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of the mobile phone? (060114)翻译:手机的使用和一些社会、医学和技术问题联系在一起。
2.Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since the computer technology is replacing their function. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (070210)翻译:维持公共图书馆是对金钱的浪费,因为计算机科技正在代替公共图书馆的功能。
Task 2 真题思路-抽象问题和艺术

雅思作文Task2真题思路–抽象问题、艺术一、抽象问题:060422 061216 080119 080216二、艺术:060121 060805一、抽象问题:1.Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believethat studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss these views and gi ve your own opinion. (060422)翻译:一些人认为历史对我们几乎或者完全没用。
2.Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic su ccess. Others believe that happiness depends on other factors. Discuss both view s and give your opinion. (061216)翻译:一些人认为个人幸福与经济成功直接关联。

雅思写作(留学类)——Task 2新东方网络课堂主讲人:张驰新第一节:文章题型判断Task2是考试的重头戏,首先来看审题的过程:浏览文章出题的最后一句话(写作指令句),一个有经验的考生就会这样做,现在现行的考题一共有四种题型:一,discursive (50%)讨论性题型凡是以下五种,都被认为是discursive,前三种回答没有任何限制1, T o what extent do you agree (or disagree)2, How far do you agree (or disagree)3, What`s your opinion towards the statement?4, Discuss both opinions/statements (and give your own one)5, Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?discursive的四种写法:,1,单边同意一个观点2,单边反驳一个观点3,两个观点一起论述,支持观点可以多写一点(有倾向性)4,同时论证两个观点,表示中立(无倾向性)总体来说是两种大的写法,单边写和双边写,单边写就是同意不同意,双边写就是七三开和五五开。
二,agree or disagree(只能单边写)三,PRR(Problem + Reason + Recommendation)why + what 25%给你一个问题,你提出原因和解决方案,这种文法类似why+what,考生在写作过程中一定要注意比例,原因和建议的比例控制在6:4。
Reason : Recorn = 6:4,如果原因很多,建议很少甚至没有那是不可能高于5分的。
四,A&D(双边写,五五开,保持中立的写法)A: advantageB: disadvantage这样的文法是直接问好坏处,只要把好坏处加在一起,各写50%就到位了,是保持中立的一种写法,本身比较极限,没有自由,最近已经没落了下来,07年也只考了两次。

2. 支持观点一:随着科技的发展,人们更多地依赖科技,日常生活中的传统技能需求减少。
3. 举例说明:例如,随着手机和平板电脑的普及,人们不再需要记住电话号码;由于有网络搜索,人们也不需要记住大量信息。
4. 支持观点二:尽管科技的发展使传统技能的需求有所减少,但一些技能仍然是必不可少的。
5. 举例说明:例如,数学和语言技能仍然是重要的生活技能,这些技能不可能由技术取代;此外,一些手工技能,如木工、缝纫、烹饪等技能,也仍有很多人学习和使用。
6. 结论:科技的发展确实使得一些传统技能的需求减少,但一些生活必备技能还是继续得到重视和使用,因此传统技能的重要性不会随着时间的推移而减弱。
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针对雅思作文Task 2审题深度剖析

针对雅思作文Task 2审题深度剖析朗阁海外考试研究中心雅思写作的Task 2部分出题范围相当广泛,写作主题的重复率也相当高,解题的方法同样需要掌握技巧,接下来朗阁名师对于雅思作文TASK2的解题进行分析。
在官方给出的Band descriptors的Band 7和Band 6评分标准中,明确提出了关于LR 的要求:Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision. Uses less common lexical items with some awareness of styles and collocation. (7) / Uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task. Attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy. (6) 和GRA的相关要求:Uses a variety of complex sentences. (7) / Uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms. (6) 但是学生始终有个理解的误区:在书写段落时再注意语法和词汇。
其实不然,当学生看到题目的瞬间就要先做好以下几项工作:关键词(一)找到需要同义转换的单词:形容词、动词...请看这个题目:Some people believe governments should spend money on measures of languages with few people from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinions.考生们可以把题目中的类似于这样的单词划出来并同义改写它们,因为在接下来的开头段或段落中心句或结尾段将用到单词的同义改写:spend—fund/ finance/ launch somewhat sum of fund/ investdying out—be endangered/ be likely to vanish/ tend to disappeara waste of financial resources—it is no use doing/ meaningless/ make no sense/ uselessness关键词(二)变换句式备考雅思的过程中,相信绝大多数学生仅仅一味地备素材而忽视了语法的重要性。

、IELTS-Cam10-T est2-W-Task11.图表类型:表格1999年和2004年两种贴有公平贸易标签的产品销售量,并对比1999-2004之间,两种产品的销售产量变化2.主体段时态:一般过去时3.题目要求:4.描述重点:图表一:coffee销量的变化①1999年Switzerland的销量最多,达到 3 millions of euros;Sweden的销量最少,只有0.8 millions of euros②2004年UK的销量最多,为20 millions of euros;Sweden的销量依然最少,只有1 millions of euros③从表格中可见,相比于1999年,2004年coffee销量涨幅最大的国家是UK,涨幅最小的是Denmark和Sweden,只有0.2 millions of euros。
图表二:bananas销量的变化①1999年销量最多的是Switzerland,达到15 millions of euros;销量最少的是Belgium,只有0.6 millions of euros。
②2004年销量最多的是Switzerland,达到47 millions of euros;销量最少的是Denmark,只有0.9 millions of euros。

例:Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training?
Another reason can be seen by everyone is that_______________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________
The argument I support in the first paragraph is also ina position of advantage because_________________. Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B,I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious。Such as________________。
Sentence 3:personal opinion or brief description of the main body
支持:As far as I know, its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.
IELTS大作文讲解:agree & disagree/what's your opinion类作文
雅思写作Task2 customs主题之范文及解析

雅思写作Task2 customs主题之范文及解析一、雅思写作真题再现:The customs and traditional ways of behavior are no longer relevant to the modern world. So they are not worth keeping any more. To what extent do you agree or disagree?二、雅思写作Task2解析:本题问:很多传统习俗和行为方式已经与现代社会格格不入,于是有人认为这些东西没有必要保存下来了,你是否同意这个观点?这个题目中的传统习俗和行为方式实际上就是指广义的文化,因此,这个题目其实问的就是:古老的传统文化是否值得保存下来? 看惯了好莱坞打打杀杀电影的新新人类,往往会认为,中国古老的传统文化有什么值得保留的嘛,我都懒得看!这其实是一代人的误区,甚至也是过往中国人的误区。
那么,为什么呢?首先,从浅层次说,这些东西是历史的产物,通过它们我们可以了解历史(比如在中国,划龙舟,吃粽子就可以让我们记住战国时期那段历史,否则,我们可能忘记; 其次,从深层次说,延续这些传统习俗和行为方式有助于形成一个国家的民族身份。
(完整word版)雅思作文写作Task 2 第六课时—causes+solutions类

3。 学习写作思路
5)…越多,似乎…越少 As more and more…, there would seem to be less and less…
6)但是对于这个问题的解决,在世界范围内毫无进展 Yet little has been done to solve this problem worldwide。
Among a myriad of suggested solutions t/plans for _____ /moves toward _____ /ideas on _____), three have begun to stand (/stick) out。 First of all, _____. An equally effective measure (/solution/recipe) is _____. Last but not least, _____。
审题关键:严重注意写作指引,写作过程中一定要体现出causes and solutions。
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雅思作文Task 2真题思路”■教育教育学点啥?060318 061014 070707 070113 071208 080522 0806051.Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judgeright and wrong and how to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (060318)翻译:学做人vs学做事有些人认为老师应当负责教给学生如何判断对错和如何行为得体;有些人说老师应当只教给学生学术科目,讨论两个观点给岀你的意见。
抛砖:(题目比较抽象,论证时要具体化)有些人觉得老师应当只关注(focus on)学术科目,这是老师的基木职责(fundamental responsibility),比如幼儿园(nurseryschool)和小学的识字、算术、美术、音乐、体育;屮学的外语、物理、化学、自然、生物、历史、地理;大学的各种专业知识(specialist knowledge)。
但学生和老师相处时间长,除了学习学术科目,在为人处世方面也会潜移默化(unconsciously)地受老师影响(in flue nee)。
所以,我认为老师也有责任教学生如何判断对错和行为得体,比如守吋(punctual) 是好习惯,而浪费是坏习惯;应当重视家庭,尊重长辈;应当相信工作,相信人,相信神(believe the God,西方人常见世界观之一)。
这些做人方面的内容(How to be a qualified citizen)对学生在未来职业的帮助甚至超过专业知识。
2.Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to teach children to be a goodcitizen or worker rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (061014)翻译:教孩子如何做好公民而不是对孩子有益有些人人为学校的主要目的是教学生做一个好市民或好工人而不是对学生个体有益,你在多大程度上同意或反对?抛砖:(又是个抽象话题)学校目的是教学生做个好市民或好工人,这是从政府的角度考虑问题(Viewed from government aspect),比如英国中学里的确有一门citizenship课,讲的就是如何做一个好公民,比如应诚实守信,勤奋努力,遵守法律,为国家做贡献,也算是一种“愚民政策” O学校目的是对学生个体有益,这是从个体教育消费的角度考虑问题(Viewed from individual aspect)。
学生接受教育,学会基本的数学和读写技能,掌握通才知识(General knowledge like history)和专才知识(Specialist knowledge like law and accounting),为未来的事业发展铺路,live a decent life.In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects;in others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. Fortoday, s world, which system is more appropriate? (070707)翻译:通才教育vs专才教育在一些国家,学校冃的是提供包括一系列科冃的通才教育;在另一些国家,孩子们关注与某个职业相关的很窄的一些科目。
在本科阶段,广泛的学习和实际工作关系似乎不大的各领域知识,比如心理、经济、历史等学科;而在研究生阶段, 再具体学习职业技能,比如进商学院business school,医学院medical school和法学院law school o这种教育首先把学生培养成一个视野广阔的人,然后再根据兴趣选择合适领域深造。
4.Some people think that universities should provide knowledge and skills related to thefuture career, but others think the true function of university is to give access toknowledge for its own sake・ What is your opinion of the main function of university?(070113)翻译:职业知识和技能vs纯粹传递知识有些人认为大学应当提供和未来职业相关的知识技能,但是另一些人认为大学的真正功能是纯粹的提供知识。
5.Some people believe that the main aim of university education is to help graduates findbetter jobs, while others think that university education has much wider benefits forindividuals and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (071208)翻译:大学目的是帮毕业生找到工作VS对个体和社会有更广泛的益处学校应具备职业教育功能,之前的文章已分析,不赘述。
大学的更广泛好处:对个人,全面学习知识,拓展视野,提高追求层次;交朋友, 寻找人生伴侣;一种生活方式,对于很多工作后重返校园的人而言,大学里的学习生活就是一个vacation.对社会,科研机构的老巢brood,思考者的汇集地collection point ,伟大思想和技术的孵化池incubator。
6.Some people suggest that schools should pay more attention to academic subjects forchildren because these subjects are useful for their future career. They think that subjects like music and sports are not useful and should be reduced. What is your opinion?(080522)翻译:重视职业学术科目,音乐体育类科目无用,应减少有些人建议学校应当更加注意孩子们的学术科目因为这些科目对孩子们未来的职业有用。
咅乐和体育课Z类的课程对未來职业发展也都有帮助,比如,音乐课可以培养人的审美能力,激发人的创造力,这对未来从事创造性行业,比如时尚设计师fashion designer ,建筑师architect有帮助;体育课能促进身体协调能力的发展,对未来的户外运动教练outdoors sports guiders ,警察policemen ,-上兵soldiers 等职业都有益。
7.Some people think that university students should only study one specialist subject.Others think that universities should encourage students to study a range of subjects in addition to a specialist area. Give your opinion. (080605)翻译:专业vs专业+辅修一些人认为大学生应当只学习专业学科,另一些人认为人学应当鼓励学生除了专业领域之外学习一系列学科。
你的观点是?抛砖:(类似通才和专才)其实也分人,Nobel Prize winner John Nash那样的就适合专才教育,而大多数人,还是通才教育容易快乐。
教育2 -学科选择060916 060923 061118 070512 0803011.Some people think that the government should decide the subject for students to study inuniversity. Others believe that students should be allowed to apply for the subjectthey prefer. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (060916)翻译:政府决定大学生学科or个人决定一些人认为政府应该决定学生在大学所学的学科。