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Unit3 Section A Period1(1a–1c)教学设计


本节课是新目标英语八年级下册第三单元第一课时,内容是谈论过去进行时的用法。围绕what were you doing when the UFO arrived,这一主题展开各种教学活动,让学生能在“做中学”。用英语叙述过去正在发生的事情。


3.教学难点when 引导的时间状语从句在过去进行时中的用法。




Key vocabulary: bathroom、bedroom、kitchen、UFO、alien、 barber’s chair.cutting hair、climbing 、jumping、land 、get out of 、take off、in front of .

Key sentences: When were you doing when the UFO arrived?

I was sitting in the barber’s chair.

The barber was cutting my hair.









六、教学方法:1.任务型教学法 2.情景教学法 3.互动合作教学法教学过程:

Step 1 Greeting (3m)

1. Exchange greetings with the Ss.

2. Duty report.

3. Enjoy the song Are you sleeping?


Step 2 Revision (5m)

1. Show four animation pictures on the screen

After showing the pictures, ask:

---What is Lily’s mother doing? ---She is cooking.

---What is lily’s father doing? ---He is watching TV.

---What is lily doing? ---She is sleeping late.

---What is Lily’s brother doing? ---He is doing his homework.

(Write the answers on the Bb.)

设计意图: 复习进行时态

2. Lead the students into the real situations:

(Ask one boy student.)

T:What are you doing now?

S: I am listening to you.

(Ask the whole class.)

T: What is he doing?

Ss: He is listening to you.

(Repeat this with one girl student. Practice with the whole class, trying to revise the tense with different personal pronouns.)

设计意图: 反复的操练,让学生更熟练的掌握现在进行时,并运用于现实中。

Step 3 Leading-in (11m)

1. Play a clip of film about the UFO for the students.

2. T: What’s UFO? How much do you know about UFO?

2. The whole class is divided into four teams. If one student knows the answer, he

must stand up quickly before the second one stands up. If he gives the answer

correctly, then his team can get one score.


Step 7 Role play.(policeman and suspect)(6m)

Design an imaginary situation: A bike was stolen in the park at 11:00 last Sunday.

A policeman is making a survey of this accident among you.

P: Where were you at 11:00 last Sunday?

A: I was at home (…)

P: What were you doing there?

A: I was…

1. I ask several students to make a model dialogue with me.

2. Students role play in groups of four.

3. Choose one student in each team as a policeman. They make a survey in their

team. They should write down their survey results.

These policemen ask: Where were you at 11:00 last Sunday? What were you doing there?

Then ask these policemen to report their survey results to the class.

The report may be like this: A was at… at 11:00 last Sunday. He was chatting with his friend. B was at…

设计意图: 我把4a和4b整合到这一环节。让学生做警察和嫌疑犯的游戏。这个活动风趣幽默,让学生把所学的知识用于现实生活中来,可以给枯燥的语言学习以丰富的内涵,模拟生活情景表演,体现了英语学习的时效性。在审讯过程中再一次复习了重点句型。

Step 9 Sum up(2m)

(After the students go through the tasks, it is the right time for me to help them sum up the usage of the past continuous tense. The summary can help them form a

full idea about the tense.)

设计意图: 最后的总结加深学生对重点难点的印象。
