
首届全国口译大赛初赛样题录音原文:Part I Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese(Brief to contestants: BP CEO’s Speech on Global Business and Global Poverty... I believe the ingredients of sustainable business success are transparency, the extension of opportunity, education and the improvement of environmental conditions. …)Opportunity is about providing an equal chance to everyone – on the basis of merit, so that if we are working in China or Russia, a Chinese or Russian woman joining at the age of 21 or 22 has an equal chance of rising through the company across the world as someone joining the company here in the UK or in the USA. Opening the door of personal opportunity within a global organization is very important because it demonstrates (that) globalization brings real practical benefits at a personal level.Part II Interpret the following passage from Chinese into English对于全世界的每个国家而言,城市友好关系的建立都是提升“软实力”的一个有效的途径。

第二届全国口译大赛(英语)初赛样题及参考答案Part I Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese(Brief to contestants: BP CEO’s Speech on Global Business and Global Poverty... I believe the ingredients of sustainable business success are transparency, the extension of opportunity, education and the improvement of environmental conditions. …)Opportunity is about providing an equal chance to everyone – on the basis of merit, so that if we are working in China or Russia, a Chinese or Russian woman joining at the age of 21 or 22 has an equal chance of rising through the company across the world as someone joining the company here in the UK or in the USA. Opening the door of personal opportunity within a global organization is very important because it demonstrates (that) globalization brings real practical benefits at a personal level.参考译文所谓机会,就是在业绩的基础上提供均等的机会给每个人。

英语口译考试题型及答案一、听力理解题1. 根据所听材料,选择正确的答案。
A. 材料一:[听力材料内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四B. 材料二:[听力材料内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四2. 根据所听对话,回答问题。
A. 材料一:[听力对话内容]问题1:[问题内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四问题2:[问题内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四二、口译实践题1. 将下列句子从英语翻译成中文。
- 句子一:[英语句子]- 句子二:[英语句子]- 句子三:[英语句子]2. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英语。
- 句子一:[中文句子]- 句子二:[中文句子]- 句子三:[中文句子]三、综合应用题1. 根据所给材料,进行口译。
- 材料:[口译材料内容]- 要求:[口译要求说明]2. 根据所给情景,进行模拟口译。
- 情景描述:[情景描述内容] - 口译任务:[口译任务说明]四、评分标准- 听力理解题:每题[分数]分。
- 口译实践题:每句[分数]分。
- 综合应用题:每题[分数]分。
- 总分为[总分]分。
答案:一、听力理解题1. A. [正确答案]B. [正确答案]2. A. 问题1:[正确答案]问题2:[正确答案]二、口译实践题1. 句子一:[中文翻译]句子二:[中文翻译]句子三:[中文翻译]2. 句子一:[英语翻译]句子二:[英语翻译]句子三:[英语翻译]三、综合应用题1. [口译答案示例]2. [模拟口译答案示例]注:以上内容仅为题型及答案的排版及格式示例,具体内容需根据实际考试材料进行填充。

口译练习题(打印版)一、听力理解与口译转换1. 题目一:国际会议开幕致辞- 背景信息:某国际会议开幕,主办方代表进行致辞。
- 练习要求:请在听到致辞后,立即进行口译,将致辞内容翻译成目标语言。
2. 题目二:科技产品发布会- 背景信息:某科技公司发布新产品,CEO进行产品介绍。
- 练习要求:在CEO介绍产品特性和市场前景时,进行实时口译。
3. 题目三:环境保护主题演讲- 背景信息:环保组织代表在一次公共演讲中讨论环境问题。
- 练习要求:在演讲者阐述环保重要性和行动计划时,进行口译。
二、专业术语口译1. 题目一:医学领域- 背景信息:医学专家在研讨会上讨论新型治疗方法。
- 练习要求:口译时需准确转换专业术语,如“基因编辑”、“免疫疗法”等。
2. 题目二:法律领域- 背景信息:法律专家讨论国际法律合作问题。
- 练习要求:在口译中准确使用法律术语,如“条约”、“司法管辖权”等。
3. 题目三:金融领域- 背景信息:金融分析师在投资论坛上分析市场趋势。
- 练习要求:口译时需准确表达金融术语,如“股票”、“债券”、“汇率”等。
三、文化差异与口译1. 题目一:文化交流活动- 背景信息:不同文化背景的代表在一次活动中交流各自文化特点。
- 练习要求:在口译时注意文化差异,避免直译,传达原意。
2. 题目二:国际美食节介绍- 背景信息:美食节组织者介绍各国特色美食。
- 练习要求:在口译时传达食物特色和文化内涵,注意食物名称的准确翻译。
3. 题目三:传统节日庆典- 背景信息:某国庆祝传统节日,介绍节日习俗和意义。
- 练习要求:在口译中传达节日的精神和传统习俗,注意文化表达的准确性。
四、时事政治与口译1. 题目一:国际政治论坛- 背景信息:政治领袖在论坛上讨论国际关系和合作。
- 练习要求:在口译时准确传达政治立场和外交政策。
2. 题目二:经济合作会议- 背景信息:各国代表在经济合作会议上讨论贸易和投资问题。
- 练习要求:在口译中注意经济数据和专业术语的准确使用。

主旨应涵盖以下内容:●Interest in skating in China has been boosted by the nation’s success in the WinterOlympics.●Skating can improve coordination,reduce the risk of heart disease,and help toimprove fitness.●Skating is more dangerous than conventional sports like running or swimming.●While skating,the skater should wear skates and keep the proper posture to avoidinjury.第二环节:会议口译要求:听一段长约1.5分钟的英文演讲并译为中文。
Ladies and gentlemen,The sharp global contraction is affecting both advanced and developing countries. According to the IMF,Global GDP will decline this year for the first time since World War II, with growth at least5percentage points below potential.In responding to the global financial crisis,developing and emerging market countries will face three main policy challenges.The first policy challenge is stabilization.Given the unprecedented severity of the crisis,the challenge for policymakers is to assess their ability to undertake countercyclical policies given the resources available to them as well as their capacity to adapt existing programs.The second polity challenge is protecting longer-term growth and development.An important lesson learned during the Asian financial crisis in the1990’s was that neglecting core development spending during a major crisis can have great long-term disadvantages. As we are responding to immediate fiscal pressures,we cannot reduce public spending on the maintenance of existing infrastructure essential for economic development.The third policy challenge lies in protecting the vulnerable.The crisis is projected to increase poverty by around46million people in2009.Inevitably,the crisis will impact social and human development objectives.This implies new spending needs and may warrant a re-prioritization of existing public spending.//第三环节:对话口译要求:译员为两位对话嘉宾的对话做双向口译。

2.必读书目《汉译英口译教程(修订本)》吴冰主编者外语教学与研究出版社1995年《英语高级口译资格证书考试口译教程》梅德明编上海外语教育出版社1996年3.考试样题及参考答案题样一A 汉译英朋友们,欢迎大学到北京来,从今天开始由我担任大家的陪同,我将尽力使朋友们在北京过得愉快。
// 我想朋友们都知道,北京是座有三千年历史的古城。
// 在以后的几千年里,北京又成为金、元、明、清各朝的国都。
// 北京市总面积16,800平方公里,人口1,000多万。
// 北京是座既古老又年轻的城市,有许多名胜古迹。
参考答案Friends, welcome to Beijing ! From today on I’ll act as your guide, and I’ll do my best to make your stay a pleasant one. // I believe you all know that Beijing is an ancient city with a history of 3,000 years. As early as the 11th century, B.C., it was the capital of the kingdom of Yan; that’s why Beijing is also known as Yanjing. // In the few thousand yearsafterwards, Beijing again served as the capital for the Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties.Beijing is one of China’s six ancient capitals; the other five are Xi’an, Nanjing, Luoyang, Kaifeng, and Hangzhou. Some of these cites you will also be visiting during your stay in China. // with an area of 16,800 sq. Km, It has a population of over ten million .The city proper in 1949(when the people’s Republic was founded) was 190 sq.km, but today it has expanded to 750 sq.km. // Beijing is a city both old and young, with many places of historic interest and scenic beauty. From the forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and Summer Palace, you can see that Beijing has retained a lot of the color of old Chinese life. But there are also a great number of new constructions in Beijing , including many skyscrapers, cloverleaf intersections and flyovers. These have given beijing the look of a modern metropolis.B英译汉Question : Mr. President, I’m sure millions of Chinese people are watching this program now . Iwonder if you would like to say a few words to them first.//Answer: Well, I do have an opening statement. But first let me thank you for this unique opportunity. It’s a great honor for me to be the first American president to speak to the Chinese people in a live broadcast. // And I feel as if I were talking to old friends, who, while teen years ageo, Barbara and Icame to your beautiful land when I was , as you said , Chief of the United States Liaison Office , And for us , returning to Beijing is a homecoming.// Our work here was a source of great personal satisfaction, a happy challenging time in our lives. And we actually went to church here, and indeed our daughter was baptized in our faith here. And we rode bicycles down the hutungs of Beijing, and came to have a general feeling of affection for the Chinese people.参考答案问:总统先生,我敢肯定此时此刻有亿万中国人正在观看这个节目。

With one-third of American children either overweight or obese, schools are searching for ways to help kids eat leaner, healthier meal. The New York City Department of Education has found a simple solution that made a big impact on its students. Between 2005 and 2006, the public schools phased out the use of whole milk, and replaced it with low-fat or skim milk. Even flavored milks such as chocolate were only available in reduced-fat form. Officials were somewhat concerned that students would stop drinking milk altogether, thereby lowering their intake of vital nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D. But in a new study, researchers from New York city’s health department found that milk drinking was actually up slightly in 2009. And the switch to low-fat and skim choices has saved each milk-drinking student nearly 6000 calories and 600 grams of fat each year.主旨⼝译参考译⽂:超过1/3的美国⼉童肥胖;学校想法改善饮⾷;简单解决办法是提供低脂和脱脂奶。

英语口译面试题目及答案一、词汇翻译题1. 请将下列中文词汇翻译成英文:- 一带一路:Belt and Road Initiative- 人工智能:Artificial Intelligence- 可持续发展:Sustainable Development2. 请将下列英文词汇翻译成中文:- Globalization: 全球化- E-commerce: 电子商务- Renewable Energy: 可再生能源二、句子翻译题1. 中译英:- 我们的目标是实现共同繁荣。
- Our goal is to achieve common prosperity.2. 英译中:- The company is committed to reducing its carbonfootprint.- 该公司致力于减少其碳足迹。
三、段落翻译题1. 请将以下中文段落翻译成英文:- 中国在国际舞台上发挥着越来越重要的作用,积极参与全球治理,推动构建人类命运共同体。
- China is playing an increasingly important role on the international stage, actively participating in globalgovernance and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.2. 请将以下英文段落翻译成中文:- The advancement of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives, from the way we communicate to the way we work and learn.- 技术的进步给我们的日常生活带来了显著的变化,从我们交流的方式到我们工作和学习的方式。

第三届海峡两岸口译大赛(大陆区级赛)赛 题第一环节:主旨口译1.汉译英近日一份由美国美世咨询公司公布的2011年全球生活成本调查报告,首次将北京的物价置于纽约之上。
2.英译汉For many people exercising outdoors, be it walking, jogging, or biking, musical devices are almost as essential as their sports outfit. The problem? When you concentrate on the music while exercising, your ability to perceive danger in your vicinity will be compromised, whether hearing a car approaching, or noticing an attacker, or seeing a lamppost in the way. When your brain is preoccupied with music, you are less likely to pick up on pain sensations from a minor injury, so the injury may end up being more serious. Exercising to music can also interfere with the quality of your workout. A song that gives a strong beat could cause you to overexert yourself, while music that’s too low-key may prevent you from pushing yourself to the next level. Some states are now trying to crack down on exercise multitasking. In New York, a pending bill would make it illegal for walkers and joggers to cross the street while using any kind of electronic device. Oregon and Virginia are planning to fine cyclists for riding while listening to music.第二环节:对话口译私人飞机在中国A:截至今年4月底,中国注册私人飞机已经有150架,中国将有望超越美国成为拥有私人飞机最多的国家。

口译决赛题目(C-EE-C-PPT))第一篇:口译决赛题目(C-E & E-C-PPT))Script for Interpretation contest(2011)1、中国出口商品交易会(Chinese Export Commodities Fair-CECF)创办于1957年,每年春秋举办两届,因为在中国南部最大城市广州举行,又称广交会(Canton Fair)。
Franklin Roosevelt was one of the most influential presidents in American history.He was elected president four times.He served more than twelve years, longer than any other president.He led the nation through its worst economic crisis, and through one of its worst wars.// Winston Churchill wrote about the day he heard the news of the death of his close friend: “I felt as if I had been struck with a physical blow.My relation with this shining man had played so large a part in the long, terrible years we had worked together.// Now that had come to an end.And I was overpowered by a sense of deep and permanent l oss.”(115)2、近几天,广州市到处洋溢着友好的气氛,参加美国商会亚太地区理事会年会(the Annual Meeting of Asia-Pacific American Chamber of Commerce)的各位工商界的朋友陆续来到广州,为我们这座美丽的海滨城市增添了光彩。

首届全国口译大赛(英语交替传译)复赛 Part I 英译中下面你将听到一段联合国秘书长潘基文在联合国维持和平人员国际日发布的电文:On the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, we honour the sacrifices of the men and women who lost their lives while serving under the UN flag. This year's commemoration is a somber one. The past 14 months have been especially deadly for UN peacekeeping.谨此联合国维持和平人员国际日之际,我们缅怀那些在联合国旗帜下以身殉职的维和人员。
As we honour such moving displays of courage and dedication, we also pay tribute to the more than 122,000 military, police and civilian personnel who serve with distinction in our operations across the world.Their efforts directly help millions of people...By providing security and promoting reconciliation...By clearing land-mines and demobilizing combatants...By strengthening institutions and the rule of law...By delivering aid and repatriating refugees and displaced personsBy supporting democratic elections, reforming the security sector... and so much more.Peacekeeping is an indispensable part of the UN’s work for a better world. Let us give it the support it needs to succeed.我们向如此令人感动的勇气和献身精神致敬,同时也向在世界各地联合国维和行动中杰出工作的122 000多名军事、警务和文职人员致意。

第一环节:主旨口译(注:不得记笔记)1)观看一段长约1 分钟的英文讲话视频,然后在45 秒内用中文概述其主要信息。
Thai Political Unrest Brings Economic UncertaintiesFrom VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.Economists are warning of slower growth in Thailand, southeast Asia's biggest economy. A major credit rating agency recently reported that continued political unrest in Thailand could hurt the country's economy.In its report, Fitch Ratings noted a reduction in manufacturing and sharply lower sales of goods and services. Fitch said, the trust of both Thai consumers and business is at its lowest level since the huge floods of 2011.A sign indicating the closure of a main touristic road can be seen next to barricades of anti-government protesters near a main stage of the protest in Bangkok, Feb. 5, 2014.The ruling party is seeking to break up the opposition Democrat Party. Opposition forces accused the ruling party led by Prime Mi nister Yingluck Shinwatra of being disloyal to the king, that is a serious accusation in Thailand. The opposition has also questioned the fairness of recent elections.Now foreign investors are getting concerned. The president of Toyota Motor Corp in Thailand has warned that long term investors may put their money in other areas, like Indonesia or Vietnam.Chris Baker is an expert on business in Thailand. He says major foreign investors are concerned about the elections. They feel the lack of a clear winner will frighteninvestors. He also says car makers and related businesses are concerned the government will be unable to make serious policy decisions.Thailand's government is under financial pressure to pay rice farmers more than $3 billion for rice it promised to buy at higher than market prices. Now, the government is having trouble finding the money to pay the farmers.Banks have been unwilling to loan money for the plan. Foreign investors have also been pulling back from the Thai stock market since political protests began in November. The leading measure of Thai stocks has lost 10 percent of its value since then.Andrew McBean is a partner with Grant Thornton Thailand, a business advisory service. He says the fact that the elections were largely peaceful was a hopeful sign.Still Thailand's tourist industry has been hurt by the unrest in the capital Bangkok. More than forty countries have announced travel alerts in recent weeks. And tourism officials estimated losses for the month of January alone at $685 million.The Thai economy has recovered from earlier political and economical problems, but the recent unrest may make it harder for foreigners to want to return as they have in the past.2)观看一段长约1 分钟的中文讲话视频,然后在45 秒内用英文概述其主要信息。

catti口译样题CATTI口译考试样题示例:1. 请将以下中文译成英文:中国政府采取了一系列措施来应对气候变化,包括实施绿色发展战略、推进能源结构优化、加强生态环境保护等。
The Chinese government has taken a series of measures to tackle climate change, including implementing a green development strategy, promoting the optimization of energy structures, and strengthening ecological and environmental protection. These measures not only help China achieve its own emission reduction targets, but also make positive contributions to the global response to climate change.2. 请将以下英文译成中文:The global economy is facing a number of challenges, including slowing growth, trade tensions, and geopolitical uncertainty. However, there are also opportunities for growth and development, such as technological innovation, green energy, and infrastructure investment. Countries need to work together to address these challenges and seize these opportunities.全球经济正面临一系列挑战,包括增长放缓、贸易紧张和地缘政治不确定性。

第四届海峡两岸口译大赛校级赛样题(文本)主旨口译(注:不得记笔记)1)观看一段长约1 分钟的英文讲话视频,然后在45 秒内用中文概述其主要信息。
It’s a second round of strike for cabin crew of British Airways. This one starts on Saturday morning and goes for four days. British airways news says it has put its contingency plans into effect and that will allow it to continue with most of its flights. The good news for travelers is that British Airways flights out of London’s Gatwick and City airports will not be affected. They will continue as scheduled. Here however at Heathr ow about 50% of British Airway’s flights will be affected but British Airways says that some cabin crew have been coming to work despite the strike and that together with leasing 11 airplanes on an emergency basis means that they’ve been able to go ahead with some of the scheduled flights here. British Airways estimates about 50% of short-haul flights will continue as normal and 70% of the long-haul flights here at Heathrow will also go ahead. Nonetheless, it is getting expensive for the company. It’s estim ated to cost about 10 million dollars a day for British Airways.主旨口译参考译文:英国航空的空乘人员开始第二轮罢工。

样题Part I Interpret the following passage from Chinese into English交通部门traffic department/authority发布的数据显示今年上半年全国有超过22万次醉酒驾车drunk driving,比去年增长百分之九。

历届全国英语翻译口译大赛试题第一环节:英译中Part I. Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You will hear the passage only once.下面是美国Verizon公司董事长的一次会议讲话节选,主题是展望新技术在卫生保健领域的应用前景。
And “Revolution” is not too strong a word for what technology can do for health care – but we need to act with more speed and more urgency to make this happen. Policy makers could accelerate the implementation of health IT dramatically with just a few critical reforms.If we get this right, we have the chance to dramatically improve the quality of life, not just in the U.S., but around the world. If you think about it, there are more than 5 billion wireless phones in use today around the world. Wireless networks cover more than 85 percent of the world’s population. In less developed countries, they’re more pervasive than roads and electricity.The World Health Organization has just published a report on the fantastic potential for using these wireless networks to deliver m- and e-health care solutions to the world’s population. They note that, while there are lots of small-scale m-health experiments going on, no one has really solved the security, interoperability and standardization problems that are getting in the way of delivering these vital services in asystem-wide,worldwide basis in a secure and interconnected way.At Verizon we think it’s time to scale up.We believe in the disruptive power of innovation to transform health care and dramatically improve the quality of life, for America and the world. This is not only one of the world’s great social and moral challenges, but also one of its greatest growth opportunities. We look forward to working with partners across throughout this industry to finally realize the full potential of the health IT revolution.Thank you.第二环节:中译英Part II. Interpret the passage from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You will hear the passage only once.下面是国家工商行政管理总局领导就2011年中国知识产权发展状况答记者问。

1. 翻译题
2. 口译题
1. 翻译题评分标准
2. 口译题评分标准

1. 录音中提到的会议是关于什么主题的?
2. 会议的主要参与者有哪些?
3. 会议达成了哪些共识?
- 产品发布的日期和地点
- 产品的主要特点
- 预期的市场影响

具体规则:第一轮 :中英对译(9:30开始)1、赛前分组组别由抽号码牌决定,顺序由字母代替(A1 B1等)2、比赛开始(9:30正式开始)本科组为6人一组,号码牌为A 组---J 组,第一组编号为A1、 A2、A3、A4、A5、A6。
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评分标准:样题Part I Interpret the following passage from Chinese into English交通部门traffic department/authority发布的数据显示今年上半年全国有超过22万次醉酒驾车drunk driving,比去年增长百分之九。
ChinaHe is fulfilling that promise today by visiting this most developed province of China – Guangdong – whose economy is comparable to some of the most developed economies in the world. PakistanChinaOur friendship is forever. It’s a friendship of all weathers and all times, which resonates in the hearts of the people in the two countries.The President’s visit to Guangdong and the warm hospitality of the Government and people of Guangdong will make this friendship even deeper, sweeter and stronger. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the dialogue only once.工作人员:先生,欢迎您来到我们的国家体育场!首先,您已经知道了,这个体育场是北京奥运会最重要的比赛场馆。
Visitor: Yes. I had done quite a bit a research on Beijing before I came and I have read a lot about his stadium. Still, I am quite amazed with this building in front my own eyes. Magnificent indeed! Tell me more about the stadium, please.工作人员:好。
Visitor: It looks like a huge bird’s nest. How creative! They say the designer of the stadium is from Switzerland. Is that right工作人员:不确切。
Visitor: I know what you mean. How would people feel when they sit in there for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games They would be moved like I am now, I guess. It is really a piece of grand and meaningful architecture. And it must be a very costly one. I was wondering how it will be used after the Games.工作人员:这是很多人都关心的问题。
Visitor: That would be great. By the way, do you happen to know how many venuesare going to serve the Beijing Olympic Games There must be quite a number of them. Tha t’s nothing unexpected. The previous Games did more or less the same thing. I suppose the venues may not be too far away from Beijing.参考答案:Part I Chinese to EnglishData released by the traffic authority show that there were more than 220,000 cases of drunk driving nationwide in the first half of the year, up nearly 9 percent year-on-year. As drunk driving has become increasingly serious in cities, many people have called for more severe punishment for violators.In China, drunk driving is currently considered a traffic violation, and drivers can only be detained for up to 15 days if they do not cause an accident. But many say the light penalty is the primary reason why drunk driving has been on the rise.A panel of legal experts recently suggested to the Supreme People’s Court that drunk driving should be treated as a crime regardless of whether or not the driver causes an accident. The Ministry of Public Security says it will start discussions with other government departments to determine whether it is necessary to increase the penalties for drunk driving.Part II English to Chinese去年,阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里总统在与胡锦涛主席会见后表示,他将每三个月到中国访问一次。
Part III DialogueStaff: Welcome to our National Stadium, sir! Well, to begin with, as you know, this venue will be the most important one in the Beijing Olympic Games.游客:是。
Staff: All right. The groundbreaking was made in December 2003, and the stadium covers an area of 258,000 square meters. This is a standard 400-meter-track stadium, and it has 91,000 seats.游客:这个体育场真像一个大鸟巢。