如何应对地震 英文

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Groundwater anomalies 地下水异常
Main abnormal have hair, bubbling, turn over the muddy flowers, temperature, color and stale, jumpstart, micro drop, well hole deformation, suddenly dried up or out of a fountain
It is also important to have something that can clean water and kill bacteria .and earthquake survival supplies include a radio receiver , a torch ,extra batteries, first aid supplies ,a spade ,a tent ,some ropes ,and warm clothing .
Before the earthquake, some abnormal phenomenon is worth our concern
现在 象地 值震 得前 我, 们一 关些 注反 常 •
biological anomaly 生物异常
Hundreds of animals are found that their behavior will change before an earthquake.
In the wild:
• avoid the foot of the steep cliff, and the steep hillside, in case of landslide and debris flow landslide, etc.;
• 在野外:要避开山脚、 陡崖和陡峭的山坡, 以防山崩、泥石流滑 坡等;
Check the conditions of the house where you live
● an I-joint: can’t move without breaking
● the building’s columns and horizontal beams are of equal strength, and vertical support columns are inserted deep into solid soil. ● light roofs and strong walls.
● take earБайду номын сангаасhquake drill regularly
● family should make earthquake emergency plans: agree on a meeting point outside of the area. Arrange a way to communicate if there is an earthquake.
What should we put in the first-aid kit ?
• We should consider all the situation, the accidental danger . We should have supplies of water and food .
prepared for a great earthquake
1.Work to improve building structures
Most of the people died in earthquakes are killed by falling buildings.
Most of the people died in earthquakes are killed by falling buildings.
What animals show what signs of earthquakes?
I can predict earthquakes!
震前动物有预兆,群测群防很重要。 牛羊骡马不进厩,猪不吃食狗乱咬。 鸭不下水岸上闹,鸡飞上树高声叫。 冰天雪地蛇出洞,大鼠叼着小鼠跑。 兔子竖耳蹦又撞,鱼跃水面惶惶跳。 蜜蜂群迁闹轰轰,鸽子惊飞不回巢。 家家户户都观察,发现异常快报告。
主要异常有发浑、 冒泡、翻花、升温、 变色、变味、突升、 突降、井孔变形、泉 源突然枯竭或涌出等
井水是个宝, 地震有前兆。 无雨泉水浑, 天干井水冒。 水位升降大, 翻花冒气泡。 有的变颜色, 有的变味道。
Weather anomalies (天气异常)
Sound and flashes of light of earthquake
in the public place :
• Don't panic to run to the exit, stay away from the crowded, avoid being packed to the wall or fence place.千万不要慌乱
拥向出口,避开人流的拥挤,避免被挤到墙 或栅栏处.
In the playground outside, can freeze squat, protect the head with both hands. Dodge the tall buildings or dangerous things.在操场室外时,
可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部。注意避 开高大建筑物或危险物。
Earthquake safety
• if you are outside:
1. stay ouside and move away from buildings,trees,lights and power lines. 2.crouch down and cover your head.
wait in your safety spot until the shaking stops and
What should people need for their earthquake survival supplies?
water & food
radio receiver first-aid supplies
extra batteries
Expert suggest:
● keep a fire extinguisher handy, and make sure that you can use it. ● arrange an auxiliary cooking and heating source that can be used outside ● keep a pair of heavy, comfortable shoes or boots in your home, at work, and in your vehicle
Earthquake safety
• If you are indoors: 1.Drop,cover and hold
on.Get under a table or bench,hold on to one of the legs and close your eyes. 2.If there is no table or bench,sit against a wall away from things that may fall on you ,away from heavy furnitures.
● keep it easy to go outside all the time
● whether there is a tall building near your house that is easy to fall down in earthquakes.
3.Prepare yourself
• Don‘t run to the outside from the classroom, you should protect your head with bag, and close your eyes, hiding under the desk.不要向教室外面跑,应迅速
2. Prepare your house
● regularly check and reinforce your homes
● place heavy objects in low positions
● attach cupboards and cabinets to walls ● fasten doors so that they will not open accidentally during an earthquake. ● put something dangerous in the right place
● have the ability to identify omens before an earthquake
• In terms of general preparedness, have an 'emergency bag' in an accessible place - it should contain, at a minimum, your important documents (passport, bank book, insurance certificates, etc.), a torch, bottled water and some nonperishable food that doesn't need cooking. Items such as a small firstaid kit and a space blanket are also useful.
check to see if you are injured. There may be aftershocks-smaller earthquakes quiet soon after.So be prepared to return to your safety spot.
In school:
The most important :
you should store several gallons of water and one week’s food per person
fire extinguisher
heavy shoes or boots
auxiliary cooking & heating source
• Prepare your living or working space don't store heavy or sharp items above head height. Make sure top-heavy or tall pieces of furniture are secured to the wall. Make sure you have a clear path to the exit. A small fire extinguisher or fire blanket are useful to have. Check that your gas supply has an automatic shut-off.