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环 境 科 学 学 报 Acta Scientiae C ircu mstanti a e
V o.l 27,N o .11N ov .,2007
基金项目:饮用水处理与输配过程中铜管管材对水质的影响效应研究与评价(No .2004-2006)
Supported by W aterQu alit y A ssess m en t -E ffect of Copper Pipes i n Dri nk i ngW ater T reat m ent and Trans m issi on Process es (No .2004-2006)作者简介:崔勇(1979)),男,硕士,E -ma i :l c u iyong_2078@;*通讯作者(责任作者),E -ma i :l j hqu@rcees .ac .cn Biography :CU I Yong (1979)),m al e ,E -m ai :l cu i yong_2078@163.co m;*Corres pondi ng author ,E-m ai:l j hqu @rcees .ac .cn
崔勇,曲久辉,乐林生,等.2007.铜管模拟输配系统中氯胺衰减过程与模拟[J].环境科学学报,27(11):1761-1766C u iY ,Qu J H,Le L S ,
et a l .
2007.M od eli ng d ecay of ch l ora m i nes residua l s by copper p i pe d istri bu ti on test loop s yste m [J ].Acta Scienti ae
C i rcum stanti ae ,27(11):1761-1766
收稿日期:2006-07-09 修回日期:2007-11-21 录用日期:2007-11-21
摘要:研究了氯胺在铜管模拟输配系统中的衰减过程,并利用一级反应动力学模型对氯胺衰减规律进行了模拟;考察了p H 、初始氯胺浓度等水质条件与流速等水力条件对氯胺衰减速率的影响.结果表明,p H 值是影响氯胺衰减速率与金属铜溶出的重要因素,p H 越低氯胺衰减越快;提高氯胺初始浓度可加快氯胺衰减速度,也可增加金属铜的溶出量;流速对氯胺衰减速率的影响不大.此外,衰减动力学过程模拟结果表明,采用一级反应动力学模型可以较好地拟合不同条件下的氯胺衰减规律,从而对于工程中不同条件下消毒剂浓度预测具有重要意义.关键词:氯胺;铜管;模拟输配系统;衰减动力学
文章编号:0253-2468(2007)11-1761-06 中图分类号:X131.2 文献标识码:A
M odeli ng decay of chlora m i nes resi duals by copper pi pe distri buti on test l oop syste m
C U I Yong 1,3
,QU Jiuhu i 1,*
,LE Linsheng 2
,KANG Lany ing 2
,DA I Jie 2
,LI U Ru i p i n g 1
,HUANG Y i 2
,F U Jun 1
,LE I Peng j u n 1
,WANG Shu ji a ng
1.State k ey Laboratory of E nvironm ental Aquatic Ch e m istry ,Research C enter for E co -Env i ronm ental Sciences ,C h i nes e A cade m y of S ci ences ,
Beijing 100085
2.ShanghaiW ater W orks Sh i b eiL i m i ted C o .,Shangha i200086
3.Changchun Un i versit y ofTechnol ogy ,Changchun 130012
R ecei ved 9July 2006; recei ved i n revised for m 21N ove mber 2007; a ccepted 21Nove m ber 2007
A bs tract :Copper p i pe d i s tri buti on test l oop syste m w as e m p l oyed to i nvesti gate t he ch l ora m i nes decay processes ,and first order k i neti c modelw as used t o fi t experi m en tal res u lts .The eff ect s of differen t factors ,i ncludi ng pH,i n iti al ch l ora m i nes concen tration and fl ow rate ,on ch l ora m i nes decay rates w ere i nvesti gated.pH s ho w s i m pact on chlora m i nes decay ,and t he l ow er pH lead s t o h i gher chlora m i nes decayi ng rates and m ore s i gn ifican t Cu rel ease fro m p i pelines .Ch l oram i n es d ecay obviously accelerat es at h i gher i n i ti al ch l ora m i nes con cen trati on and m ore Cu releas e i s accord i ngly observed.F l o w rates have no obv i ous effects on chlora m ines d ecay .F i rst order k i n eti c m odel fitw ellw it h ch l ora m i nes decay processes under d ifferent cond itions ,w h ic h cou l d be val uab le for ch l ora m i ne res i duals pred i cti on in engi neeri ng practi ce .
K eywords :c h lora m i n es ;copper p i pe ;d i stri bu tion test l oop sys t e m s ;decayi ng k i n eti cs
1 引言(Introducti o n)