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摘要 ............................................................................................................................. I II Abstract ..................................................................................................................... I V 1 绪论 (1)

1.1 课题的背景和科学意义 (1)

1.2 国内外马铃薯播种机的发展现状 (1)

1.2.1国外马铃薯播种机的发展现状 (1)

1.2.2我国马铃薯播种机的发展现状 (2)

1.3设计的主要内容 (3)

2 整体机构的设计. (3)

2.1整体设计方案 (3)

2.1.1设计原则 (3)

2.1.2基本结构 (3)

2.1.3工作原理 (3)

2.2勺链式播种机的主要技术参数要求 (4)

2.3配套动力的选用 (4)

3 排种装置的设计 (5)

3.1马铃薯播种机对排种性能的要求 (5)

3.2目前各排种器的结构及性能特点 (5)

3.3 种箱结构参数 (6)

3.3.1种箱尺寸及容积的确定. (6)

3.4排种器的选型及确定 (6)

3.4.1排种勺的方案设计与分析 (7)

3.4.2勺链式排种器的选型及结构 (9)

3.4.3升运链相关系数的确定 (10)

4 传动装置的设计 (10)

4.1 地轮的选型设计 (10)

4.2 传动路线的确定 (11)

4.3各传动路线传动比的计算与分析 (11)

4.4变速箱齿轮的设计 (12)

5 马铃薯播种机开沟器的设计 (16)

5.1 开沟器的性能要求 (16)

5.2目前各开沟器的特点 (16)

5.3 开沟器的选型 (17)

5.3.1 排种开沟器 (17)

5.3.2排肥开沟器 (17)

6 排肥装置的结构设计 (18)

6.1目前各排肥器的特点分析 (18)

6.2 排肥器的性能要求 (18)

6.3排肥器的选型. (19)

7.整地机构的设计 (19)

7.1 覆土器的选型 (19)

8 结论及建议 (20)

8.1 结论 (20)

8.2建议 (20)

9 参考文献 (22)

10 致谢 (23)





Potato planted have characteristics of long history, distribute widely, area heavily and the output highly in our country, can be used as the grain, vegetables and fodder, occupying very important position in agricultural production. But the traditional method of sowing is restricting the development of production of potatoes seriously, so need realizing it sows mechanization of the homework badly.At present our

ountry's existing potatoes seeder work was serious leakage replay rate, work is not stable, common need artificial auxiliary sowing seeds, the proportion of people work take leading part, it threw a restricted the potato mechanization planting operation in China. Combining domestic and foreign research achievements of existing potatoes machine designed to completion at the planting operation/luck chain potatoes, this machine machine completion at open ditch, fertilization, plant seeds, and turns the soil, etc, and greatly reduce the working intensity and improve the mechanical work degree. The device to rise up the chain with the device, simple structure, stable work, sow uniform, the injury rate, leakage of broadcast heavy dial the rate is low, strong ability to; the spoon greatly reduced the potato planting leakage of planting the replay rate, make potato planting process more stable, reduce people's working ratio; The whole chain organizations to adopt, stable and reliable, the structure is simple, easy to manufacture and maintenance.
