










第一、二章1、有程序代码如下:Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Pict.bmp"),则Picture1、Picture和LoadPicture分别代表()。


A、Text1.ForeColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)B、Text1.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)C、Text1.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)D、Text1.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)3、在立即窗口中运行以下语句,其输出结果是()。

a = "BeiJing"b = "ShangHai"Print a, bPrint a; bA、BeiJing ShangHaiBeiJingShangHaiB、BeiJingShangHaiBeiJing ShangHai C、BeiJing;ShangHaiBeiJing,ShangHai D、BeiJing,ShangHaiBeiJing;ShangHai4、要使标签控件显示时不覆盖其背景内容,要对()属性进行设置。




大学化学_重修班 (天津大学)资料

大学化学_重修班 (天津大学)资料
在某温度T 和标准压力下,单位物质的
量的某纯物质的规定熵称为该物质的标准摩 尔熵。其符号为 :
Sm (B,相态,T) ,单位是J·mol-1 ·K-1
Sm (单质,相态,298.15K)>0
2.化学反应熵变的计算 对于化学反应:
0=ΣνBB △ rSm (T,K)
根据状态函数的特征,利用标准摩尔熵, 可以计算298.15K时的反应的标准摩尔熵变。
1906年,[德]W.H.Nernst提出,经 [德]Max Planck 和[美]G.N.Lewis等
纯物质完整有序晶体在0K时的熵值为零。 (热力学第三定律)
S (完整晶体,0K)=0
纯晶体物质经温度变化 0K T K时,其 熵变值,即为该物质在T时的规定熵.
△S = ST - S 0 = ST ST---规定熵(绝对熵)
• 标准摩尔生成焓:标准态下某温度时,有稳 定单质生成1摩尔某物质的反应热,称为该物 质在温度时的标准生成热或标准生成焓。
以ΔfHmθ (物质,相态) 表示 稳定单质:在298K和标准压力下,元素的最稳
标准态:压力Pø = 100kPa的条件
由标准生成焓的定义可知:ΔfHmθ(稳定物质)= 0
ΔrHmθ=ΣΔfHmθ (产物)- ΣΔfHmθ (反应物)
例1.已知: N2H4(l) + O2(g)=N2(g)+2H2O(l)
ΔfHmθ/kJmol-1 50.63








6、如第6题图所示,已知力F=20kN,则其在x、y轴上的投影分别为Fx=+10√2 kN,Fy=-10√2 kN.7、如第5题图所示,作用在C点处的力偶m对C点的矩为40 kN.m,对B点的矩为40 kN.m。















重修复习任务说明1、本复习内容包括:1框架梁、板平面整体表示识读课考查课2框架结构施工图绘制课考查课3建筑施工技术课考试注:请重修考试复习同学对应自己的重修科目复习第一部分框架梁、板平面整体表示识读课考查课作业1、图集11G101-1第34页任选4根梁进行施工图识读2、图集11G101-1第41页任选4块板进行施工图识读2、图集11G101-1第11页任选4根柱进行施工图识读第二部分框架结构施工图绘制课考查课作业将图集11G101-1第34页图绘制在一张2号图纸上第三部分建筑施工技术复习题考试课选择题1、建筑节能工程是单位工程的一个C、分部工程;A、分项B、单项C、分部2、一个井管一个泵的井点降水是C、管井井点降水;A、轻型B、电渗C、管井3、扣件式钢管脚手架支搭时,大横杆应在立杆的A、内侧;A、内侧B、外侧C、随意4、后浇带宽度以A、1m为宜;A、1mB、C、2m5、地下室钢筋砼外墙板施工缝形式目前多用C、平缝加止水带;A、高低缝B、企口缝C、平缝加止水带6、当梁跨大于等于C、4m时,底模应起拱;A、2mB、3mC、4m7、上层楼板正在浇筑砼时,下一层楼板的模板支柱B、不得拆除;A、可以B、不得C、随意8、悬臂构件拆除底模板必须待砼达到设计强度C、100% ;A、50%B、75%C、100%9、当大体积砼结构平面面积较大时,宜采用B、分段分层浇筑方案;A、全面分层B、分段分层C、斜面分层10、无粘结预应力筋张拉,当无设计要求时,砼强度应达到设计强度B、75%方可开始张拉;A、50%B、75%C、100%11、基坑开挖时,两个人操作间距应大于B、;A、 B、 C、12、当室外日平均气温连续5d稳定低于B、5℃时,在结构工程应采取冬施措施;A、-5℃B、5℃C、-10℃13、外墙保温重点是A、外墙外保温系统;A、外墙外保温B、外墙内保温C、外墙内外保温14、屋面用满粘法铺贴SBS防水卷材时,搭接宽度为B、80mm ;A、70mmB、80mmC、100mm15、安装与拆除A、5m 以上的模板,应搭脚手架,并设防护栏,防止上下在同一垂直面操作;A、5mB、6mC、10m16、当最高气温低于25℃时,砼浇筑完后应在C、12h 以内加以覆盖和浇水;A、6hB、9hC、12h17、砼集中搅拌站,目前的供应半径约;A、15~20kmB、5~10kmC、25-40km18、HPB235级钢筋端部每个半圆弯钩长度增加值为;A、 B、 C、2d19、在任何情况下,受拉钢筋绑扎搭接长度不应小于;A、100mmB、200mmC、300mm20、大模板适用于高层结构施工;A、框架B、剪力墙C、钢管砼21、水泥砂浆的最小水泥用量不宜小于;A、400kg/m3B、200kg/m3C、300kg/m322、当梁的跨度等于及大于时,应起拱;23、在砌筑工程中,水泥砂浆中水泥用量不应小于;kg/m3 B. 200 kg/m3 C. 150 kg/m324、对于防渗砼养护时间不得少于;天天 C. 14天25、现浇砼的施工缝宜留在结构剪力的部位,单向板应留在平行于任何位置;A.剪力大B.剪力小C.长边D.短边26、砖墙砌筑的灰缝为A. 6-8mm C. 8-12mm27、大体积砼浇筑时产生泌水层应采用和可减少泌水现象;A.抽吸B.不同坍落度砼C.掺减水剂D.增加水泥润28、钢筋加工时箍筋弯钩平直段有抗震要求应;C. 15 d29、在任何情况下,受拉钢筋的搭接长度不应小于;30.某基坑开挖土方量为1000m3,基础在坑内占体积为800m3,土的最初可松性系数和最终可松性系数分别为和;则该基坑除留下回填用土外,多余土方外运量为;A.220m3 B.C.D.31.砌体墙砌筑时按照要求需设置构造柱,则构造柱部位墙体必须砌成;A.踏步槎B.马牙槎C.直槎D.斜槎32.有主、次梁的现浇楼盖,砼宜顺次梁方向浇筑,施工缝应留设在;A.主梁跨中1/3范围内B.次梁跨中1/3范围内C.与次梁平行任意位置D.主梁支座附近33.锤击沉桩法正常打桩方式采用;A.重锤高击,高锤重打B.重锤低击,低锤重打C.轻锤高击,高锤轻打D.重锤低击,低锤轻打34.已知某基坑边坡的高度为1m,底宽为,则该边坡的坡度系数为;当拆除构件跨度为8m的混凝土梁的底模板时,该混凝土的强度应达到设计的混凝土立方体抗压强度标准值的以上;A.50% B.75% C.80% D.100%36.当土的渗透系数在~50m/d之间、降水深度小于6m时,可选用降水方法;A.一级轻型井点B.多级轻型井点C.管井井点D.深井井点37.当室外日平均气温连续5d稳定低于时,在结构工程应采取冬施措施;℃ B. 0℃ C. 5℃ D. 10℃38.浇筑砼时,砼自由下落高度不应超过;39.跨度为6m 的现浇钢筋混凝土梁、板,支模时应按没计要求起拱;当设计无具体要求时,起拱高度可以采用mm;40当拆除构件跨度为8m的混凝土梁的底模板时,该混凝土的强度应达到设计的混凝土立方体抗压强度标准值的以上;A.50% B.75% C.80% D.100%41 HPB300级钢筋端部设180°弯钩,弯钩增加值为;A.B.3d C.D.5d42.泥浆护壁成孔灌注桩施工时,要求端承桩孔底沉渣厚度不得大于mm;A.40 B.50 C.80 D.15043.砌块砌筑时,竖向灰缝的砂浆饱满度应不小于;A.70% B.80% C.90% D.100%44.钢筋备料、加工的依据是A、构件配筋图B、钢筋施工图C、钢筋配料单D、钢筋下料单填空题1、土方工程降水方法分集水坑排水施工法和井点降水施工法两类;2、土方工程中常用的施工机械有推土机、铲运机、单斗挖土机包括正铲、反铲、拉铲、抓铲等、多斗挖掘机、装载机等;3、填土压实的影响因素主要有压实功、土的含水量以及铺土厚度;4、土方开挖应遵循开槽支撑,先撑后挖,分层开挖,严禁超挖的原则;5、常用的人工地基处理方法有换土垫层法、堆载预压、重锤表层夯、化学加固写4种;6、常用的浅基础类型有独立基础、条形基础、筏型基础、箱型基础;7、普通砖墙的砌筑形式主要有一顺一丁、梅花丁、三顺一丁、三三一砌法、、;8、屋面防水常用的方法有细石混凝土防水、、和刚性防水;9、大体积砼的浇注方案有、和等方案;10、混凝土的养护方法分为和两大类;11、钢筋的连接方式有、、;12、提高推土机工作效率的措施有、、和多刀送土;13、砌体在砌筑时要求灰缝横平竖直、、、;14、混凝土的投料顺序有一次投料法、和;15、多立杆式脚手架的承力结构有、、和纵向构架;简答题1、大体积砼裂缝控制技术措施有哪些大体砼若合理选择配合比,加强施工中的温度控制,运用合理的施工方法,改善约束条件就能有效控制裂缝产生;2、砌体哪些部位不得留脚手眼不得在下列墙体或部位设置脚手眼1 120MM厚墙、料石清水墙和独立柱;2 过梁上与过梁成60°角的三角形范围及过梁净跨度1/2的高度范围内;3 宽度小于1M的窗间墙;4 砌体门窗洞口两侧200MM石砌体为300MM和转角处450MM石砌体为600MM范围内;5 梁或梁垫下及其左右500MM范围内;6 设计不允许设置脚手眼的部位;3、简述流砂产生的原因及防治方法;水在土中渗流所产生的动水压力对土体作用的结果,防治方法:1水下挖水法,2枯水期施工法,3打版桩法,4地下连续墙法,5人工降低地下水位4、.简述钢筋工程隐蔽验收的内容;钢筋分项要点:1 按施工图核查,检查钢筋品种、直径、数量、位置、间距、形状和尺寸;2 检查厚度,和埋件等是否符合要求;3检查钢筋接头:如绑扎搭接,要检查搭接长度、接头位置和数量错开长度、接头百分率,或机械连接,要检查外观质量、取样试件试验是否达到要求、接头位置相互错开、数量接头百分率;4做好钢筋记录;5、试分析混凝土蜂窝、麻面、露筋产生的原因,工程中如何处理剔除疏松部分,清理干净,然后用细石砼浇筑;如果孔洞深度很浅,可以剔除清理后用收光;注意这要一拆除模板后就要进行;时间长了的话后补砼外观很难看还要用调配至原砼表面颜色才能补6、对于脚手架的搭设有什么要求脚手架的基本要求: 1足够强度、刚度、稳定性;2足够面积; 3 安全,符合高空作业要求; 4 构造简单,装拆方便;5因地制宜,就地取材;7、砌筑工程施工的主要工序有那些抄平,放线,摆砖样,砌转角,,清理,对于清水砖墙8、大体积混凝土浇筑后为什么会产生裂缝,有那些措施可以减少裂缝优先选用低水化热的矿渣水泥拌制混凝土,并适当使用缓凝;2、在保证混凝土设计强度等级的前提下,适当降低,减少水泥用量;3、降低混凝土的入模温度,控制混凝土内外温差当设计无要求时,控制在25度以内4、及时对混凝土覆盖保温、保湿材料;5、可在基础内预埋管,通入,强制降低混凝土水化热产生的温度;6、在拌合混凝土时,还可掺入适量的或,使混凝土得到补偿收缩,减少混凝土的温度应力;7、设置后浇缝;当平面尺寸过大时,可以适当设置后浇缝,以减小外应力和温度应力,同时也有利于散热,降低混凝土的内部温度;9. 简述配筋砌体构造柱施工工艺及构造要求10、配筋砌体的主要施工工序有哪些11、什么是施工缝留设施工缝的原则是什么柱子、次梁施工缝应各留在何处12、简述脚手架搭设步骤;13、大体积混凝土浇筑过程中后浇带如何留设与处理;14、什么是皮数杆,有什么作用皮数杆,可以为方木,塑料尺条等直且有一定刚度的物品,在上面画上砌墙每皮砖的尺寸,一般这个尺寸包括砌体的厚度与灰缝的厚度,在划尺寸时注意考虑砌墙的高度,合理的分配灰缝的厚度,一般烧结普通砖的灰缝应控制在8mm-12mm之间,每一皮砖的尺寸在皮数杆上画定以后,在墙体砌筑时放在直型墙的两端,然后将最底下的一皮砖的位置抄平固定好,砌墙时只需要在两头的皮数杆上带上一条线然后按照线砌砌块,可以保证墙体的灰缝水平均匀15、什么是灰土地基简述其施工工艺计算题1、某工程实验室配合比为1::水泥:砂:石,水灰比W/C=,每m3砼水泥用量300kg,现场砂含水率3%,石子含水率1%,求施工配合比,若采用250公升搅拌机,求每拌一次材料用量;2、某工程基坑坑底尺寸30mX40m,基坑深,边坡均按1:放坡,试计算该基坑的体积;识图计算题已知:框架柱尺寸为500×500,轴线均为正中,混凝土强度等级C30,保护层25mm抗震等级二级;要求:1用语言说明该梁钢筋平法表示的含义;5分2计算该梁第二跨即③~④轴线间箍筋的总个数;5分3计算梁上部通常筋单根下料长度;5分4计算梁右边跨上部第二排非通长筋单根下料长度;5分案例分析题1、某工程建筑面积25000m2,采用现浇混凝土结构,基础为筏板式基础,地下3层,地上12层,基础埋深,该工程位于繁华市区,施工场地狭下;基坑开挖到设计标高后,施工单位和监理单位共同对基坑进行验槽,并对基地进行了钎探;发现有部分软弱下卧层,施工单位于是针对此问题制订了处理方案并进行了处理;墙体采用混凝土砌块,并设置构造柱;问题:1施工单位与监理单位两家共同进行工程验槽的做法是否妥当说明理由;2简述构造柱质量控制要求;2、背景:某工程为框架结构,底层大厅有18根柱,高度,从基础顶到一层大梁止,断面为750mm×500mm;浇筑混凝土混凝土设计强度为C30后,拆模时发现13根柱有严重的蜂窝、孔洞、露筋现象,特别是在地面以上1m处尤其集中与严重;其中严重的蜂窝部位露筋面积占到㎡,露筋位置正好是钢筋的连接部位;同时在浇筑该层混凝土时,留置了三组标养试块,其数据如下单位为MPa:第一组:第二组:第三组:问题:1引起这一质量事故的原因是什么5分2判定混凝土试块强度是否合格如果试块强度不合格,怎么处理10分3对此事故采取何种补强加固措施;5分。






5、当机件上被放大的部位仅一个时,在局部放大图的上方只需注明(所采用的比例)。6、图样中所标注的尺寸,为该图样所示机件的(最后完工)尺寸,否则应(另加说明)。7、标注线性尺寸时,尺寸线必须与所标注的线段(平行)。8、正投影法是投射线与投影面垂直的平行投影法,其基本特性(),( )和( )。9、剖切面的种类可分为(单一)剖切面、(几个平行)的剖切面、几个相交的剖切面。





















Part II Reading Comprehension (40%) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The United States court system, as part of the federal system of government, is characterized by dual hierarchies(双重等级): there are both state and federal courts. Each state has its own system of courts, composed of civil and criminal trial courts, sometimes intermediate courts of appeal(上诉), and a state supreme court. The federal court system consists of a series of trial courts (called district courts) serving relatively small geographic regions (there is at least one for every state), a tier of circuit courts of appeal that hear appeals from many district courts in a particular geographic region, and the Supreme Court of the United States. The two court systems are to some extent overlapping(重叠), in that certain kinds of disputes (such as a claim that a state law is in violation of the constitution) may be initiated in either system. They are also to some extent hierarchical, for the federal system stands above the state system in that litigants (persons engaged in lawsuits) who lose their cases in the state supreme court may appeal their cases to the Supreme Court of the United States. Thus, the typical court case begins in a trial court--a court of general jurisdiction(审判权)-- in the state or federal system. Most cases go no further than the trial court: for example, the criminal defendant is convicted (by a trial or a guilty plea) and sentenced by the court and the case ends; the personal injury suit results in a judgment by a trial court (or an out-of-court settlement by the parties which the courts suit is pending) and the parties leave the court system. But sometimes the losing party at the trial court cares enough about the cause may appeal to the next higher court 26. What does the passage mainly discuss? A) Civil and criminal trial courts. B) Trial court cases. C) The court system in the United States. D) The appeal court process. 27. According to the passage district courts are known as ________. A) circuit courts B) supreme courts C) intermediate courts D) trial courts 28. In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the phrase "engaged in" could best be replaced ________. A) committed to B) involved in C) attentive to D) engrossed in 29. The passage indicates that litigants who lost their cases in the state trial court may take them to a ________. A) different trial court in the same state B) court in a different geographic region C) federal trial court D) state supreme court 30. It can be inferred from the passage that typical court cases are ________.学院: ________________ 姓名: ________________ 学号: ________________ 任课教师: ______________ 考试科目: ________________- ------------------- ------------ ----------------------密封线-------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A) always appealedB) usually resolved in the district courtsC) always overlappingD) usually settled by the supreme courtPassage TwoQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking. I'd ask whether anyone in class had ever taken such a course. Invariably a few hands would go up."What did you learn in that course?" I'd ask."Well, the main thing was learning how to face an audience ... not to be inhibited(拘谨) ... not to be nervous ..."Exactly, when you take a course in public speaking nowadays, you don't hear much about grammar and vocabulary. Instead, you’re taught how not to be afraid or embarrassed, how to speak without a prepared script, how to read out to the live audience before you. Public speaking is a matter of overcoming your long-standing nervous inhibitions.The same is true of writing. The point of the whole thing is to overcome your nervous inhibitions, to break through the invisible barrier t hat separates you from the person who’ll read what you wrote. You must learn to sit in front of your typewriter or dictating machine and read out to the person at the other end of the line.Of course, in public speaking, with the audience right in front of you, the problem is easier. You can look at them and talk to them directly. In writing, you’re alone. It needs an effort of your experience or imagination to take hold of that other person and talk to him or her. But that effort is necessary--or at least it's necessary until you've reached the point when you quite naturally and unconsciously "talk on paper".31. The topic of the passage is ________.A) how to be a good writerB) how to be a good speakerC) how to express yourself with your wordsD) how to get rid of nervousness in public speaking32. The public speech course mainly teaches students ________.A) how to make an attractive speech using perfect grammar and vocabularyB) how to express themselves exactly and vividlyC) how to collect data needed and organize itD) how to get over their nervousness when making a speech.33. The similarity between making a public speech and writing is that ________.A) you have to do a lot of preparation work beforehandB) you should get over your nervous inhibitionsC) you should know grammar and vocabulary well to accomplish themD) both of them have audience34. In the opinion of the author, public speaking is much easier than writing because ________.A) public speaking requires less effort than writingB) it's unnecessary for you to write a lot for speech and you can say anything as you likeC) you face the audience directly in public speaking; while writing is otherwiseD) in public speaking, the audience has to listen to you whether they like it or not35. The author of this passage probably is a ________.A) boss B) politician C) writer D) professorPassage ThreeQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you're "hot". That's true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. For some people the peak comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why it is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues(自言自语) as: "Get up, John! You’ll be late for work again!" The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature - and - energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.You can't change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe you’re sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway. Counteract(对抗) your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This won't change your cycle, but you'll get up steam and work better at your low point.Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.36. If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably ________.A) he is a lazy personB) he refuses to follow his own energy cycleC) he is not sure when his energy is lowD) he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening37. Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage?A) Unawareness of the energy cycles.B) Familiar monologues.C) A change in a family member's energy cycle.D) Attempts to control the energy cycle of other family members.38. If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should ________.A) change his energy cycleB) overcome his lazinessC) get up earlier than usualD) go to bed earlier39. You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will ________.A) help to keep your energy for the day's workB) help you to control your temper early in the dayC) enable you to concentrate on your routine workD) keep your energy cycle under control all day.40. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A) Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save one's energy.B) Dr. Kleitman explains why people reach their peaks at different hour of day.C) Habit helps one adapt to his own energy cycle.D) Children have energy cycles, too.Passage FourQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Today, more and more people are using credit cards instead of money to buy the things they need. Almost anyone who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card.If you have a credit card, you can buy a car, eat a dinner, take a trip, and even get a haircut by charging the cost to your account. In this way you can pay for purchases a month or two later, without any extra charge. Or you may choose to spread out your payments over several months and pay only part of the total amount each month. If you do this, the credit card company or the bank that sponsors(经办) the credit card will add a small service charge to your total bill. This is very convenient for the customer. With the credit card in your wallet or purse, you don't have to carry much cash. This saves you trips to the bank to cash checks or withdraw cash. Also if you carry credit cards instead of a lot of cash, you don't have to be concerned about losing your money through carelessness or theft. The card user only has to worry about paying the final bill. This of course can be a problem if you charge more than you can pay for.Credit cards are big business. Americans spend $ 16 billion a year on cards and there are already 590 million of them in circulation. Many banks sponsor their own credit card companies and issue cards free to their customers. Other credit card companies charge their member annual dues(费用). The stores that accept credit cards must pay a small fee to the credit card company--a percentage of the purchase price of the merchandise or service. In turn, the credit card company promptly pays the store for the merchandise or service. Credit card companies make a profit from the fees they charge the store and also from the fees collected from customers who pay for their charges in monthly installments. However, credit card companies sometimes have problems collecting undue payments from unreliable customers. Also the use of stolen, lost, or counterfeit(伪造的) credit cards by criminals has become a big headache for the credit card company that is responsible for the goods and services illegally charged to its customers' account.41. The main purpose of this passage is ________.A) to promote the sale of credit cardsB) to persuade you not to buy credit cardsC) to explain credit card economyD) to give you some instructions on how to use the credit card42. Why are more and more people using credit cards?A) Because they are becoming richer and richer.B) Because everyone can apply for the credit card.C) Because it is cheap to buy goods by using a credit card.D) Because it is convenient for them to buy goods.43. According to the author, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A) With a credit card you can pay for purchases two months later.B) With a credit card you can charge the cost to your account.C) With a credit card you don't have to be worried about a thief.D) With the credit card you don’t have to worry about your final bill.44. In the passage, "Credit cards are big business" means thatA) credit card banks earn a lot of moneyB) credit cards are sold at a high priceC) every customer has bought a credit cardD) customers must pay a lot of money to the credit card companies45. The credit card companies have difficulties in ________.A) charging goods and services to their customers' accountB) gathering overdue paymentsC) finding the owners of lost credit cardsD) selling their cards。

2013 C重修复习资料 (1)

2013 C重修复习资料 (1)

//切记使用 fabs(x)否则有误
#include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> double fun1(double x) { /**/
double f; f=(1+sin(x)+exp(x))/(1+x);
return f;
/**/ } void main() {
clrscr(); printf("fun1(0.76) = %8.3lf\n", fun1(0.76)); printf("fun1(3.00) = %8.3lf\n", fun1(3.00)); printf("fun1(3.76) = %8.3lf\n", fun1(3.76)); }
C 语言重修复习资料
1. 数据类型、运算符与表达式
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
void main()
int x;
/**/ float f;
printf("Input an integer: "); scanf("%d",&x);
f = /**/ (fabs(x)-2)/(x*x+1)
3.补充程序,完成其中函数 fun1,该函数的数学表达式是:
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料电试力卷保相护互装作置用调与试相技互术关,系电,通力根1保过据护管生高线产中敷工资设艺料技高试术中卷0资不配料仅置试可技卷以术要解是求决指,吊机对顶组电层在气配进设置行备不继进规电行范保空高护载中高与资中带料资负试料荷卷试下问卷高题总中2体2资,配料而置试且时卷可,调保需控障要试各在验类最;管大对路限设习度备题内进到来行位确调。保整在机使管组其路高在敷中正设资常过料工程试况1卷中下安,与全要过,加度并强工且看作尽护下可1都关能可于地以管缩正路小常高故工中障作资高;料中对试资于卷料继连试电接卷保管破护口坏进处范行理围整高,核中或对资者定料对值试某,卷些审弯异核扁常与度高校固中对定资图盒料纸位试,置卷编.工保写况护复进层杂行防设自腐备动跨与处接装理地置,线高尤弯中其曲资要半料避径试免标卷错高调误等试高,方中要案资求,料技编试术写5、卷交重电保底要气护。设设装管备备置线4高、调动敷中电试作设资气高,技料课中并3术试、件资且中卷管中料拒包试路调试绝含验敷试卷动线方设技作槽案技术,、以术来管及避架系免等统不多启必项动要方高式案中,;资为对料解整试决套卷高启突中动然语过停文程机电中。气高因课中此件资,中料电管试力壁卷高薄电中、气资接设料口备试不进卷严行保等调护问试装题工置,作调合并试理且技利进术用行,管过要线关求敷运电设行力技高保术中护。资装线料置缆试做敷卷到设技准原术确则指灵:导活在。。分对对线于于盒调差处试动,过保当程护不中装同高置电中高压资中回料资路试料交卷试叉技卷时术调,问试应题技采,术用作是金为指属调发隔试电板人机进员一行,变隔需压开要器处在组理事在;前发同掌生一握内线图部槽 纸故内资障,料时强、,电设需回备要路制进须造行同厂外时家部切出电断具源习高高题中中电资资源料料,试试线卷卷缆试切敷验除设报从完告而毕与采,相用要关高进技中行术资检资料查料试和,卷检并主测且要处了保理解护。现装场置设。备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。



Part 1 受力分析1 分别画出以下两图中物体AB 的受力图。

b2. 分别画出以下两图中物体AB 的受力图。

qbPart 2 刚体系平衡3. 如图所示,结构所受外力为:集中力F ;分布荷载,集度aF q =;外力偶,力偶矩aF M=。

求:A 、B 、C 支座对结构的约束力。

4. 如图所示结构,分布荷载集度aF q =,外力偶矩aF M=。

求:A 、C 两个支座对结构的约束力。

5. 如图所示,阴影部分为一均质薄板,试建立恰当坐标系,求该薄板重心的坐标。

6. 如图所示,阴影部分为一均质薄板,试建立恰当坐标系,求该薄板重心的坐标。

GF EDDE F G第五题图第六题图Part 4 轴向变形F第七题图 第八题图7. 下图所示结构,杆CF、ED面积均为A,且材料杨氏模量为E,作用在刚性杆AB上的均布荷载集度为q。




求:1. A点竖向位移;2. D点竖向位移;3. DE杆绕E点转角。

9. 如图所示,等截面直杆AD受如图所示轴向荷载作用,已知横截面面积A=400mm2,Ⅱ-Ⅱ截面倾角为45度。

求:1. 作杆件AD的轴力图;2. 计算Ⅰ-Ⅰ截面正应力及切应力;3. 计算Ⅱ-Ⅱ截面正应力及切应力。

10. 等截面直杆AD横截面面积为A=250mm2,其所受外力及相关几何尺寸如下图所示。


求:1. 杆件AD的轴力图;2. Ⅰ-Ⅰ截面正应力及切应力。

11. 下图所示结构中,1杆面积为A,材料杨氏模量为E,AB为刚性杆。


求:1. B点竖向位移;2. C点竖向位移;3. BA杆绕A点转角。

12. 下图所示结构中,1、2杆面积均为A,材料杨氏模量为E,AC为刚性杆。





广西科技大学(重修班复习材料)(考试时间:120分钟)一、语法词汇(每小题1分,共30分)this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1. Many difficulties have_____ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.A. risenB. raisedC. arousedD. arisen2. There is an undesirable_____ nowadays to make films showing violence.A. directionB. traditionC. phenomenonD. trend3. Mrs. King is an _____ housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.A. economicB. economyC. economicalD. economized4. Mr. Fox has a good temper. It is _____ to see him fly into rage like this.A. seldomB. leastC. rareD. scarce5. The early morning delivery didn’t_____ to the traffic jam of the busy city.A. aidB. amountC. leadD. add6. She kept _____ by dieting and by exercising diligently.A. thinB. leanC. slimD. get by7. The busy manager_____ a doctor about his headache a week ago.A. ought to seeB. ought to have seenC. should seeD. should have seen8. Could you find someone_____?A. for me to play tennis withB. for me to play tennisC. play tennis withD. playing tennis with9. He obtained a position in a government office through the _____ of friends.A. helpB. agencyC. influenceD. assistance10. Across the river_____.A. lies a new built bridgeB. lies a newly built bridgeC. a new built bridge liesD. a newly built bridge lies11._____, if he does not learn he knows nothing.A. Be a man ever so cleverB. A man is ever so cleverC. So clever as a man everD. Not matter how clever he12. Although he had got the scholarship, he decided to_____ his efforts on his study.A. hold upB. hold onC. keep onD. keep up13. More than 30 applicants____ for the post of sales manager but only one will bethe lucky winner.A. competeB. challengeC. intendD. ruin14. The Hope Project is aimed to help those who are too poor to go to school. Untilnow, many girls _____ the project.A. benefit ofB. benefit fromC. benefit atD. benefitin15. The young wife was so____ that she forgot to turn off the gas and went out.A. carelessB. carefulC. careD. carefully16. Learning that John had found a girlfriend online, I was ___ with surprise.A. speechB. speechfulC. speechifyD.speechless17. The excited children ______loudly when their mother asked them to go to bedearly.A. objectedB. opposedC. protestedD. proposed18. The latest development of the manned spaceship was ______to the mediayesterday and made all of us excited.A. releasedB. relievedC. removedD. relaxed19. During the vacation, business at the snack bars near the school _____ to almostnothing.A. shrankB. fadedC. contractedD.downsized20. Developed countries had a responsibility to _____ global economic growth tohelp new democracies.A. influenceB. affectC. urgeD. foster21. From this Chinese cross-talk, we can see that humor is an effective way to _____differences.A. make upB. set upC. grow upD. patch up22. The businessman was too busy, _____ he had no time to read and reply all theemails he had received.A. forB. soC. as well asD. but23. The young computer wizard was arrested by the police_____ held forquestioning.A. thereforeB. andC. forD. yet24. Nathan Hale would rather die_____ live without television, telephone andcomputer.A. norB. thanC. yetD. then25. Various forms of social pathology(病态,变态), _____, the abandonment ofchildren, robbery_____ murder, frequently occur in crowded areas.A. for example; andB. both; andC. so; andD. namely; aswell26. Jack’s friends all know that if he makes a promise, he will_____ it and this iswhy he is so popular among his friends.A. insist onB. stick toC. keep onD. focus on27. English learning is really a painful_____ to our Chinese students, who seldom use it in our daily life.A. professB. protestC. processD. procedure28. “Austria” and “Australia” are so alike in spelling and pronunciation that studentseasily get_____ about them.A. confusedB. confusingC. confuseD. to confuse29. If you are asked to introduce a main speaker at a conference, remember that youshould avoid_____ too much.A. to speakB. speakingC. speakD. in speaking30. Under no circumstances and in no way_____ any other country’s internal affairs.A. should any country interfere withB. should interfere withC. any country should interfere withD. interfere with any country should二、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneOne day in 1754, a man went to the market in Florence, Italy, and bought some meat. The shopkeeper wrapped the meat in a piece of paper and the man took it home. When he unwrapped the meat, he was surprised to see some old writing on the paper.This man was in charge of the public library, so he knew a lot about old books and old writing. He realized that the paper was a page of scientific notes."Only one man wrote like that," the librarian said to himself. "It was Galileo who wrote these notes!"Who was Galileo? Galileo was a famous Italian scientist. He was a man of ideas, but he was also a man of action. He made many experiments in order to find out more about the earth and the universe. Galileo believed that scientists should not only sit in universities and talk about theory; they should also make practical experiments and learn from the results.Galileo wrote down notes of all the experiments he made. After Galileo's death in 1642, Viviani, one of his students, collected the notes together and put them into his own library. However, when Viviani died, nobody looked at Galileo's notes any longer. For many years, people forgot about them.The librarian hurried back to the market and asked the shopkeeper where he had got the paper from. The shopkeeper led him to the house where he bought the paperfrom. In the house, the librarian found many more of Galileo's notes. The family gave them to him.In this way, a large number of important notes about Galileo's experiments were saved.31.The librarian got Galileo's notes from ____.A the butcherB VivianiC a family living in Viviani's houseD the market near Viviani's house32.Which statement about Galileo is NOT true?A He was full of ideas.B He did a lot of experiments.C He was an Italian.D He gave his notes to Viviani.33.Which statement about Viviani is NOT true?A He kept Galileo's notes.B He was Galileo's student.C He passed on the notes to his daughter.D He was as famous as Galileo.34.After Viviani's death, the notes ____.A were given to one of his friendsB were left somewhere in his houseC were lostD lost its value35.It can be inferred from the story that ____.A the family was unaware that they had Galileo's notesB the librarian bought the notesC Viviani gave the notes to the familyD the shopkeeper informed the librarian of the notesPassage TwoA favorite story among acoustical (声学的) experts concerns a noisy Long Island suburb where, day and night, huge trucks thundered down a freeway, jet planes roared overhead, and a pumping station maintained a low, continuous thumping. One night all mechanical sounds stopped briefly; immediately half the people in the neighborhood awoke, sat upright, and exclaimed: "What was that?"Americans are drowned in noise, one of the unwanted and unnecessary waste products of the twentieth century. Scientists speak of noise in decibels -- units by which they measure the intensity levels of the sound waves that beat against our eardrums. The shuffling of paper in silent surroundings represents about 15 decibels;a low conversation, 40 decibels; and the sound of an automobile horn, 90 decibels. In general, sounds above 80 decibels begin to irritate the human ear. Noise also causes increased muscular tension, which at night may deprive the body of rest.Experiments have shown that 160 decibels of noise are fatal for small fur-bearing animals. Although equal exposure is not fatal to man, it may destroy hearing. Over the past thirty years the loudest sounds to which man has been exposed have increased from 120 decibels, the equivalent of the roar of a two-engine propeller plane, to 150 decibels, the blast of a four-engine jet. This is an average increase in volume of one decibel a year, and constitutes a potentially dangerous source of physical damage.36.The story about a Long Island suburb is retold in order to show that ______.A we may find it easier to fall asleep in noisy surroundingsB contrary to popular belief, mechanical sounds are bearableC nowadays suburbs are not just as quiet as we expectD noise pollution has become a very serious problem37.The author refers to noise as ______.A an undesirable waste productB an unnecessary mechanical soundC a source of mental illnessD a measurement of the intensity ofsound waves38.Noise may interfere with man's sleep by ______.A causing him to have terrible dreamsB distracting his attentionC increasing his muscular tensionD keeping him restless39.Sounds of 160 decibels may ______.A be the loudest man can imageB do physical damage to manC cause certain small animals to dieD Both B and C.40.The author's purpose in writing this passage is to ______.A draw our attention to the importance of controlling noiseB show that man has more tolerance than animals when exposed to noiseC give a brief introduction to sound measurementD illustrate that noise is a by-product of modernizationPassage ThreeIn recent years, large numbers of people are living a single life, at least temporarily, for this reason or other. However, they are often pressured to marry by their families and friends, who regard single adults as irresponsible and unfortunate.Rose and Bill talk about the frustrations and disagreements. Rose has quarreled with her family. Her parents continually ask her why she doesn’t get married and have been putting pressure on Rose to find a husband. This makes Rose angry.Bill understands how Rose feels. He has also been upset about how his friends react to his single life. His women friends usually find him dates even if he doesn’t want them. They introduce him to new people as the eligible bachelor. Sometimes Rose and Bill feel they might be better off financially if they each found a marriage partner. They know that two people living together and earning two salaries can afford more than a single person can. They also know about the income tax advantages that married couples enjoy. However, for the moment, each of them is committed to remaining single.Young people feel man pressures not to get married. Rose has a very good job at the bank and there is a possibility of a promotion in the near future. A promotion means a higher salary and more responsibility.She questions whether she can combine success in business with marriage. How can she fully and completely take care of a wife’s duties while she can also succeed brilliantly in her office? Both demand a great amount of time and work.Bill, too, is hesitant about getting married because of his active social life. He has many friends and is out with one of them almost every night. Hoe can he ever settle down and stay home with one person? Will he lose his friends?At this point Rose and Bill are each trying to settle the questions of whether to get married or stay single. After all, marriage means responsibility. Both Rose and Bill know they will reach a decision without being pressured.41. Rose is frustrated by her family’s______.A. constant pressure on her to get marriedB. unwillingness to accept Bill into the familyC. ignorance of her career potentialD. all of the above42. Bill understands______.A. his friends’ attitudesB. the feeling of being pressuredC. that a dingle person dos better financiallyD. that he is better of setting down with one person43. Both Rose and Bill______.A. will probably live togetherB. will come to a decision togetherC. are trying to decide whether or not to get marriedD. are ignor ing their friends’ advice44. the sentence” they might be off financially if they each found a marriagepartner.” can be best replaced by” ______”A. Married couples usually enjoy more luxuries.B. Married couples may enjoy better tax advantageC. Married couples can afford more than a single personD. both A and B45. Bill and Rose both feel the pressure placed upon them by______.A. close relativesB. friends who find them datesC. employers who want to hire only married persons三、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best fits into the passage. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Little children have somehow got the impression that the definition of song is “what you hear 46 singing on the radio”. And when teachers try to 47 these children that they 48 sing, the kids just don’t see the point. Why should they struggle to perform a graceless version that only their mothers could possibly love? It’s so much easier to buy a CD and hear someone do it really well! Their logic is hard to argue 49 and it’s a direct result of our society’s obsession with competence. Pleasure is no longer the 50 of our leisure activities; in fact no one even sees anything pleasant 51 doing something less than perfectly well. This is crazy. And it’s 52 a terrible toll. Not only 53 depriving ourselves of creative satisfaction and discouraging our children from finding joy in 54 they can do themselves, we’re also destroying our artists. In a word where we expect all our art to be supplied 55 highly competent professionals, the pressure on the professionals becomes too great to bear.46. A professions B professional C professionally D professionals47. A convince B confront C discourage D encourage48. A are able to B can as well C can too D too would49. A at B for C with D /50. A attention B possibility C aim D consideration51. A at B by C in D with52. A doing B having C making D taking53. A are we B have we C it is D we are54. A that B what C which D whereB us byC with us byD /四、英译汉(共15分)answer sheet.56. Students in out school might differ greatly in their personality and interests but they have one thing in common—an interest in sport. Almost everyone goes in for sports or is a sport fan of one kind or another.According to their different intentions in taking part in sports, they fall into three groups: study-oriented participants, fun- oriented sports participants and beauty-oriented sports participants.五、汉译英(共15分)Directions: Translate the following five sentences into English. Write your answer on the answer sheet.57.当乔丹回到家里,看到可爱的孩子们,他所有的烦恼一下子都不见了。



重修复习题 第二章 烷烃课后题P21 一、二、三、四、五、六、七一、命名下列化合物1.CH CH 3CH 3C CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 32. C 2H 5CH CH 3CH 3C CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 2CH 22,2,3-甲基己烷 4,4-二甲基-5-乙基辛烷三、回答问题3.将下列烷烃按其沸点由高到低的顺序排列 。

(A) 正戊烷 (B) 异戊烷 (C) 正丁烷 (D) 正己烷 D >A >B >C9.下列自由基中最稳定的是( ),最不稳定的是( )。

(A) CH 3·(B) C(CH 3)3· (C) CH(CH 3)2· (D) CH 2CH 3· 最稳定的为:B ,最不稳定的为: A ; 10. 下列自由基中最稳定的是( )。

(A)CH 2CH (CH 3)2CH 2·(B) CH CH 3CH (CH 3)2· (C)CH 2CH 3(CH 3)2C · (D) CH 2CH 3CH CH 2CH 3· 最稳定的为:C17.试将下列烷基自由基按其稳定性大小顺序排列 。

(A) CH 3· (B) (C 2H 5)3C · (C) (C 2H 5)2CH · (D) CH 2C 2H 5· B >C >D >A19.下列烷基自由基按稳定性由大到小排列成序 。

(A)CHCH 2CH 3CH CH 3CH 3· (B) CHCH 2CH 3CH 3CH 2CH 2· (C) CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 3C CH 2· (D) CH 3·C >A >B >D第三章 烯烃课后题 P45 一(1,3,5)二(2,4,6)四、五(1,3,5,7,8)、六、七、十、十一、十三一、写出下列各化合物名称1. CH 2CH 3CH 3C CH 3CH(CH 3)2C 2. CH 2CH 3H HC CH(CH 3)2C (Z)-2,3,4-三甲基-3-己烯 (E)-5-甲基-2-己烯7. CH 2CH 3H 3C C Br C 2H 5CCH 2 8. CH CH CH 2C 2H 5C 2H 5(E)-3-乙基-2-溴-2-己烯 3-乙基-1-戊烯9. CH 2CH 3CH 3(CH 2)2C10. CH32-甲基-1-戊烯 3-甲基环己烯 三、完成下列反应式1.(1)(2)CH 22H 2SO 4C (CH 3)2 OH CH 3C (CH 3)25.℃Br 2300Br9.C 2H 5C 2H 5CH=CH COOH 2CH 2CH 317.NBS+CH 3Br CH 3 27.HI F 3C +CH=CH 2 CH 2CH 2IF 3C29.CH 2H +I +ClC (CH 3)2CH 2(CH 3)2CH ICl四、回答下列问题1.下列碳正离子稳定性由大到小的顺序为 C>B>D>A 。



《三坐标测量技术与应用》复习卷1一. 判断题(5*2=10)1.在PC-DMIS 软件中评价2维尺寸时一定要切换到正确的工作平面。

( T ) 2.手动测量二维元素时一定要切换工作平面。

( F ) 3.测头校验的目的是为了得到测针的准确直径和测针位置坐标。

( T ) 4.圆度公差属于形状公差。

( T ) 5.测量软件在进行测头补偿时都能自动找到正确的半径补偿方向。

( F ) 二.选择题(10*2=20)1.测量机系统包含( D )。

A)测量机主机、控制系统、探测系统、测量软件 B )测量机主机、探测系统、控制系统、计算机C )测量机主机、控制系统、探测系统 、配有测量软件的计算机D )测量机主机、探测系统、控制系统、特定配置并安装了测量软件的计算机 2.在定义测头测座系统是,以下哪个部件不一定会使用到?( B )A)测座 B)测头传感器 C)测针 3.φ30g6, φ30g7,φ30g8三个公差带( B )A )上、下偏差都相同B )上偏差相同但下偏差不同C )上偏差不同,下偏差相同D )上、下偏差各不相同 4.尺寸精度的高低是由( B )决定的。

A)基本偏差 B)尺寸公差 C)实际偏差 5.位置误差按其特征分为( A )类误差。

A)三 B)五 C)二 D)四6.以下哪个元素不可以用于建立坐标系的第一轴?( D ) A)圆柱 B)圆锥 C)直线 D)圆 7.下列公差项目中属于形状公差的是( A )。

A)平面度 B)平行度 C)径向跳动 D)同轴度8.在PC-DMIS 软件中评定轴上键槽的对称度时,必须要使用的步骤( D )。

A)构造直线 B)构造中心平面 C)构造点 D)构造特征组 9. 常用的机械式触发测头型号是( C )。

A )TP200B )TP7C )TP20D )TP800装 订 线10. 专门用于检测齿轮、叶片、凸轮用的测量软件为( B )。

A )普通版软件 B )专用版软件 C )统计分析软件 D )补偿软件 三. 简答题(4*5=20)1.简述三坐标测量机中探测系统(即测头测座系统)的组成结构。



You can get free, fair and expert advice about making your home more energy efficient from your local Energy Saving Trust advice centre.As they are experts in energy saving, they will be able to advise you on which energy saving measures are most suitable to your home. Our experts:•Have good knowledge of your area and understand the local housingconditions—for example, they can help you find out whether or not your house has cavity walls (空心墙).•Can advise you on any grants(拨款)and offers that may be available to help towards the cost of re-structuring measures.•Know your local labor market and so can recommend suitable qualified workers.·Have experience of helping people like you take effective energy saving actions, from the start of the process to the end.A driver stopped his car on a street side to have a rest. As he lay down in the seat and closed his eyes, a man came up and knocked at the window to ask the time. The driver opened his eyes and looked at his watch. --It's 8 a.m.,he said. Then he went to sleep again. But soon he woke up because a second person was knocking at the window. --Sir do you have the time?I he asked. The driver looked at his watch again, and told the man it was 8:30 a.m.At this rate( HRLt T #) , he could not have a good rest, so he wrote a short note and put it up on the window for all to see. It said, -I don't have the time. Again the man lay down in the seat for his sleep. A few minutes later, a third person came along, began knocking at the window and said:I Hey, sir. It's a quarter to nine.The contract of employment is the agreement made between the employer and the employee. This could be a written agreement or in an oral form.In addition, the contract will also include “custom and practice” agreements. These are how things usually done in the workplace, for example, if the employeralways gives the employees a day’s holiday in August. Even though this is not mentioned in the written contract, this will form part of the contract as it is the usual practice.A trade union may have negotiated (谈判达成) an agreement with an employer about conditions at work. The negotiated agreement will often form part of a contract.Some contract will be illegal if:* the employee gets all or part of their wages in cash;* tax and national insurance contributions (国民保险税) are not paid; and* the employee knows they are getting paid in this way to avoid paying national insurance and tax.Technology companies usually focus their employee benefits around making people stay in the office longer, ping-pong tables, game rooms, on-site training rooms, some even offer laundry services. We, ABC Company, don' t do any of these.Instead, we focus on benefits that get people out of the office as much as possible. We designed our benefits system to reflect that. Here are some of the benefits we offer to get people away from the computer.. Vacations: For the last three years in a row, we've worked with a professional travel agent to prepare different travel packages that employees could pick from as a holiday gift. Everything is paid for and included. Specific, pre-arranged trips· -whether for a family to go to Disneyland or a couple to tour Spain -have helped make sure people actually take their vacations.4-day Summer Weeks: From May through October, everyone who's been with the company for more than a year gets to work just four days in a week. This started out as "Friday's off", but roles like customer support and operations need to cover all hours.To come up with the best ideas, you need a fresh mind. These travel and time-off benefits help everyone stay sharp.ITaP Instructional Lab Etiquette(守则)✧This lab is a study zone---please limit your noise. Cell phones and otherelectronic communication devices should be turned off while inside the lab.✧Group studying--- limit group studying to non-busy times. Give chairs to othersso they can use available computers.✧Log off from your computer---workstations left idle (空闲状态的) for more than10 minutes will be reset to the log-in screen.✧Printouts are limited to 10-minute printing time—break large print jobs intosmaller print jobs.✧Customer’s forms or paper are not permitted in ITap printers---this can damagethe printers.✧Computers are available on a first-come-first-serve basis only during computerlab hours of operation and when no classes are scheduled in the room.。



大学英语3重修复习资料Coaching Your Kids in Sports and Extracurricular ActivitiesMany parents ― especially fathers ― enjoy coaching their kids’ sports teams and leading children’ scout troops (童子军). It is a great way to get to know your child in a social envir onment, and to actively involve yourself in your child’s life outside the home. Sports and other extracurricular activities are vehicles by which your child learns how to interact with other people and how to observe the fairness of games and activities. They learn valuable childhood lessons during these activities, and who could blame you for wanting to be a part of it?Some children are excited about the prospect of having Mommy or Daddy involved in their activities, and others fight against it as though it were the worst thing in the world. I was a member of the latter group of kids because I wanted to express my independence and learn how to handle myself without the watchful eyes of my parents. I’m sure I hurt their feelings in my adamancy (固执)on the issue, but they respected my feelings once I reached a certain age.If you are thinking about coaching or leading an activity, it’s important to talk with your kids and determine their feelings. Find out how they react to the prospect of your involvement, and ask why they feel the way that they do. Your decision on the issue is entirely up to you, but it is still a good idea to ask your children what they think.But not matter how they feel, there are a few guidelines that you should follow when coaching and leading activities. These guidelines will help create a better relationship between you and your child, and prevent any problems from arising in the future.1. Treat your child exactly the way you treat the other children.As an authority figure, it is your job not to play favorites, which includes your child. If you favor your child above the others, you will create tension in the team or group, and the other players will become hostile toward your child for getting the advantage. It i sn’t that you should pretend that you aren’t a parent, but choose teams fairly and give everyone an equal opportunity in the activity.2. Make time for the activity.There is nothing worse for a child than to have their parent fail their team. If you commit to coaching or leading, ensure that you can meet every obligation and that you have time in your busy schedule to stay active with the group. If you think that you might have conflicts with time, then wait for another opportunity.3. Enjoy the activity.If you want to coach your son’s basketball team, but you hate the sport, then you probably won’t be very good at it, and you will make your son miserable. Coaching a sport just to have time with your child isn’t the right way to go. If you want to help with an activity or sport, make sure that it’s something that you enjoy and that you are knowledgeable about.4. Don’t tell lots of stories.If you spend half of practice regaining the group with stories from your childhood and how you played the sport, then your child will be embarrassed. Keep it completely focused on the kids during the activity, and save your stories for the home. It will make for a better relationship with your child and a higher team morale (士气).5. Be prepared to deal with other parents.Even if you coach or lead fairly, be prepared for angry phone calls accusing you of playing favorites. Unfortunately, parents are often more passionate about kids’ activities than the children, and you should be cognizant (认识到的)of what you are getting yourself into. Keep your cool and handle every situation calmly.6. Cultivate the talent of every child.Your job as a coach or leader is to assist everyone with their talents and to encourage everyone to work and play bet ter. It is not your job to be your child’s personal cheerleader, or to spend more time cultivating their talents than those of the other kids. Talk with your child about this, and make sure that he or she is comfortable with the scenario.7. Never take practice home.If you have a bad practice, or if things went poorly at the scout meeting, leave it on the field or in the community center. You can’t punish your child for the problems with activities. Home should be a place where your child feels safe and welcome, not a continuation of soccer practice. Leave practice on the field. Make time for the activity.Keep “War Stories” to a minimum.1. It can be assumed that the target audience of this article is parents.2. By doing sports and other extracurricular activities children can learn how to interact with other people and how to observe the fairness of games and activities.3. Your decision on whether to coach or lead an activity is entirely up to what your childrenthink.4. In coaching or leading an activity, you should be fair to every player.5. The worst thing for a child is that his parent leads his team to failure.6. Telling stories from your childhood and how you played the sport can help to stimulate thechildren and boost their team morale.7. As a coach or leader your job is to be your child’s personal cheerleader.8. When the author was young he fought against his parents’ involvement in his activitiesbecause he _____________.9. If you want to help with an activity or sport, make sure that it’s something _____________.10. In case any problem comes up during the activity, you should leave it _____________.选词填空Attitudes towards __1___ are changing in much the same way that attitudes towards night dreaming have changed. Once it was thought that nighttime dreams_2__ with our needed rest. But then researchers tried interrupting the dreams of sleepers. They learned that sleepers who aren’t allowed to dream lose the__3___ of rest. They become tense and anxious. They become _4__. They have trouble concentrating. Their mental health is temporarily damaged. To feel well again, they must be allowed to dream.Now researchers are finding that daydreaming may also be important to mental health. Daydreaming, they tell us, is a good means of __5___. But its benefits go beyond this. A number of psychologists have _6__ experiments and have reached some __7_ conclusions.Dr. Joan T. Freyberg has concluded that daydreaming contributes to __8__ growth. It also improves concentration, attention span, and the ability to get along with others, she says. In an experiment with school children, this same researcher found that daydreaming led the children to pay more attention to_9__. They had more happy feelings. They worked together better. Another researcher reported that daydreaming seemed to produce improved _10__ and creative abilities.阅读理解Passage OneThey may look green, with their manicured (修剪过的) lawns and tree-lined streets ― and in fact suburbs were once considered a healthy alternative to grimy, crowded urban living. But over time, the American dream of owning a house in the suburbs has become an environmental nightmare .“Suburbs are laid out so that you can’t get to most places without a car,” says Phili p Langdon, who studied suburban developments in 18 states for his book, A Better Place to Live: Reshaping the American Suburb. Typical suburban zoning places houses at a distance from retail and commercial buildings ― making a car a necessity. With cars co mes air pollution; shopping districts with huge, paved parking areas; and houses fronted by big garages instead of congenial porches. Cars aren’t cheap, either. According to figures fromthe American Automobile Association, a typical suburban family has two vehicles, whichtogether eat up about 25% percent of the household’s after-tax income.Suburbs also use more developed land to house people than urban areas, because each family has a separate dwelling and yard. Most yard space is devoted to growing lawns thatare inhospitable to native wildlife. And per acre, far more chemicals are applied tosuburban lawns than to the nation’s farmland.Lastly, suburbs aren’t ideal places for socializing. Although the majority of Americans arenow suburbanites, “there is a lack of gathering places and community life,” says Langdon.“Life is more satisfying when you can get together with people.”1. According to the author, living in suburbs is ________ to living in urban areas now.A) not a healthy alternative C) not an environmental alternativeB) a healthy alternative D) an environmental alternative2. A car is a ________ for suburban living.A) substitute B) necessity C) token D) sign3. The word “suburbanites” means ________ in suburbs.A) plants B) animals C) surroundings D) people living4. Yard space which is devoted to growing lawns is not an ideal place to host ________.A) human beings B) plants C) guests D) animals5. It can be inferred that an ideal residential area should have ________ for socializing.A) churches B) supermarkets C) gathering places D) communities1. C2. B 3 D 4 D 5 CPassage TwoEarthquakes may rightly be ranked as one of the most destructive forces known to man: since records began to be written down, it has been estimated that earthquake-relatedfatalities (死亡) have numbered in the millions, and that earthquake-related destruction hasbeen beyond calculation. The greater part of such damage and loss of life has been due tofalling down of buildings and the effects of rock slides, floods, fire, disease, gigantic seawaves, and other phenomena resulting from earthquakes, rather than from the quakesthemselves.The great majority of all earthquakes occur on two specific areas, along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean and from the East Indies to the Atlas Mountains. But they may, however,it happens anywhere at any time.This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the fear and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent times there have been indications that earthquakeprediction may be possible. By analyzing changes in animal behavior, patterns ofmovements in the earth’s surface, and other unusual phenomena, scientists have shownincreasing success in predicting when and where earthquakes will strike. As a result, aworldwide earthquake warning network is already in operation and has helped to preparefor the vast destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected.It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and do away with the destructiveness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happen become betterunderstood, man will become more and more able to deal with their possible destructionbefore it occurs.1 Most destruction brought about by earthquakes is the results of the following EXCEPT________.2 Most destruction brought about by earthquakes is the results of the following EXCEPT________.A) the collapsing of buildings and the fire it causesB) the floods and huge sea waves resulting from earthquakesC) the disease that often follows earthquakesD) the panic brought about by earthquakes3 ”This element of the unknown” in paragraph 3 refers to the fact that ________.A) earthquake-related destruction has been beyond calculationB) millions of people have died during earthquakesC) earthquakes may occur anywhere at any timeD) there are other phenomena resulting from earthquakes4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A) A worldwide earthquake warning network has been set up to avoid majorearthquakes.B) Unusual behavior of animals may be an indication of possible earthquakes.C) It seems possible now for scientists to predict when and where earthquakes willoccur.D) Most earthquakes take place on some specific areas of the earth.5. The author believes that the prediction of earthquakes ________.A) should be more accurate in future C) is as a matter of factimpossibleB) is of some help D) is really reliable6 It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author is chiefly interested in________.A) controlling earthquakesB) making earthquakes harmlessC) getting prepared and handling the possible destruction beforehandD) having a better understanding of earthquakes1 D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. CPassage threeQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.Perhaps the most important defining characteristic of a human being is culture. The term culture as used here is not limited to operas, paintings, and other artistic endeavors. These are seen by anthropologists (人类学家) as examples of culture: culture itself is the customary manner in which human groups learn to organize their behavior and thought in relation to their environment. Defined in this manner, culture has three principal aspects: behavioral, perceptual and material. The behavioral component refers to how people act, especially how they interact with each other. Inchild rearing (养育) , for example, parents and children tend to interact in a relatively patterned fashion. Then there is the manner of perception, the ways people perceive the world. For example, parents have a limited range of ideas about how they should act, and what significance parenthood carries in the scheme of things. Finally, there is the material component of culture — the physical objects that we produce.Most of what goes into making up culture is a result of learning —modifying behavior in response to experience within an environment. Learning is practically universal among organisms. But no other organism has a greater capacity for learning than a human, or depends as much on learned behavior for its survival.While the survival of most other organisms is to some extent safeguarded by instincts, humans rely heavily on culture for their survival. People must learn how to live in a particular social and physical setting, biology playing but a minimal (最小限度的) role.The ideas and modes of behavior that constitute culture are transmitted largely by a complex system of symbols that includes language. Humans have evolved an extremely complex system of communication that is unique to our species. Without it the creation of human culture as we know it would be impossible.1. What is the definition of culture by anthropologists?A)Operas, paintings and may other artistic activities as a whole.B)Customary manners of behavior and thought related to the environment.C)Behavioral, perceptual and material components interacting with each other.D)The different ways people perceive the physical world.2. According to the passage, the behavior of making tools for producing materialobjects should fall within the category of _________ component of culture.A) behavioral B) perceptual C) material D) artistic3. Learning is most essential for _________.A)all the organisms to surviveB)all the organisms to acquire learned behaviorC)human beings to respond to experience within an environmentD)human beings to survive and live in a society4. What’s the element to human culture?A)Communication in language.B)Biological adaptation to the environmentC)Safeguarding by instinctsD)Learning to survive5. Which of the following statements is True?A)The capacity for learning can only be observed in human beings.B)Biology plays an important role in humans’ living in a social and physicalsetting.C)Human behavior and thought do not have anything to do with culture.D)If there were no language communicatio n, humans couldn’t have created thepresent culture.1. B2. C3. D4. A5. D翻译句子1. The subsequent events _______________________(证明了我的猜疑)once again.2. Besides reading materials, the use of films and multimedia can____________ (激发学生学习的兴趣).3. I was___________________(努力地写学期论文), but my baby sister kept interrupting me by bursting into my room.4. We didn’t like his attitude that he________________(应得到特殊待遇).5. It is said that the area________________________ (农业就很先进) as early as 2,000 years ago.6.The bus was already out of sight, but Jenny was still standing at the gate (凝视着路的尽头)________________.7.We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we ___________(离开时却大失所望).8. ____________(如果有机会), John would have become an outstanding painter.9.I asked him several times, but he_____________ (拒绝回答我的问题).10. As far as I know, they_________(相互感情上疏远) for a period of time.11. Even if you are one of the best students in class, in order to_______________ (保住成绩)you must review your lessons often.12. He insisted that the failure of the experiment was largely ____________(由于准备不足).13. Sorry time is running out, I suggest______________(我们跳到最后一章).14. The spokesman made it clear that the President________________(在任何情况。


4)若泵的效率 ,求泵的轴功率
5、用双U形管测压计测量两点的压强差,已知h1=600mm,h2=250mm,h3=200 mm,h4=300mm,h5=500mm,ρ1=1000㎏/m3,ρ2=800㎏/m3,ρ3=13598㎏/m3,试确定A和B两点的压强差
A. ;B. ;
C. ;D.









(d) 力对于物体有两种作用效应:运动效应和变形效应,理论力学只研究效应。









(k) 力对于物体有两种作用效应:外效应和内效应,理论力学只研究。







(c)在点的合成运动中,把动点相对于的运动称为绝对运动,动点相对于动参考系的运动称为 ,而把动参考系相对于固定参考系的运动称为。




热工基础重修复习资料一、选择题( )1. 燃油喷入内燃机缸内进行燃烧,最后推动曲轴作功的过程是属于________。

A. 热能转化为机械能B. 化学能直接转化为机械能C.化学能、热能、机械能及光能的相互转换D.化学能转化为热能,热能又转化为机械能( )2. 把热能转化为机械能, 通过______的膨胀来实现。

A. 高温气体B. 工质C. 液体D. A 、B 、C 均不对( )3. 作为工质应具有良好的________和_________。

A.流动性/多变性B.膨胀性/多变性C. 膨胀性/流动性D. 膨胀性/分离性( )4. 封闭系统是指_________的系统。

A. 与外界没有热量交换B. 与外界没有物质交换C. 与外界没有功的交换D. 与外界既没有物质交换也没有热量交换( )5. 开口系统是指________的系统。

A. 与外界有功的交换B. 与外界有物质交换C. 与外界有热量交换D. 与外界有物质交换没有热量交换( )6. 描述工质所处状态的特性物理量,称为:A. 状态参数B. 热力学参数C. 性能参数D. 特性参数( )7. 若封闭系统处于热力学平衡状态,则内部工质的_______。

A. 压强肯定到处均匀一致,温度可能不均匀一致B. 温度肯定到处均匀一致,压强可能不均匀一致C. 压强和温度肯定到处都均匀一致D. 压强和温度可能都不均匀一致( )8. 焓是状态参数,指工质的——之总和A、压力+比容 B、内能+比容 C、内能+流动能 D、内能+压力( )9. ______是热量和温度导出的状态参数。

A. 焓B. 熵C. 内能D. 热能( )10. 下列参数哪一个不是状态参数_______A.压力B. 内能C. 热量D.比容( )11. 下列参数中,______的变化量只与初终状态有关,而与变化过程无关。

A. 内能B. 热效率C.压缩比D.热容量( )12. 工质经过一个循环,又回到初态,其焓值_______。

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1、空气的动力粘度随温度升高 。

A .增大;
B .降低;
C .不变;
D .不定。

2、与牛顿内摩擦定律有关的因素是 。

A .压强、速度和粘度; B .流体的粘度、切应力与速度梯度; C .切应力、温度、粘度和速度; D .压强、粘度和速度梯度。

3、流体内部某点存在真空,是指: 。

A .该点的绝对压强为正值 B .该点的相对压强为正值
C .该点的绝对压强为负值
D .该点的相对压强为负值
4、实际流体在等直径管道中流动(右图示),在过流断面1,2上有A ,B ,C 点,则下面关系式成立的是:
A .;
B .;
C .;
D .
5、总水头线与测压管水头线的基本规律之一,是: 。

A .总水头线总是沿程下降的。

B . 总水头线总是在测压管水头线的下方。

C. 测压管水头线沿程升高。

D. 测压管水头线总是沿程下降的。

6、文丘里管用于测量 。

A .流体点流速;
B .流体密度;
C .流体流量;
D .流体点压强 7、1、2两等径管并联,沿程阻力系数相同,长度122l l ,流量为 。

A .
1V V q q =;B .
1414.1V V q q =;C .
14V V q q =;D .
12V V q q =。

8、下图的两种孔口(孔径相同)出流方式,则Q 1和Q 2的关系式正确的为: 。

A .左图21Q Q >,右图 21Q Q =; B .左图21Q Q <,右图 21Q Q =;
C .左图21Q Q <,右图 21Q Q >;
D .左图21Q Q >,右图 21Q Q <;
9、水和空气两种不同流体在圆管内流动,临界雷诺数Re cr 的关系是( ) A .r c Re 水.>r c Re 空气 B .r c Re 水<r c Re 空气 C .r c Re 水=r c Re 空气 D .因温度和压力不同而不同 10、在圆管流中,层流的断面流速分布符合( )
A .均匀规律;
B .直线变化规律;
C .抛物线规律;
D .对数曲线规律 11、压力表的读值是( )
A .绝对压强;
B .绝对压强-当地大气压;
C .绝对压强 + 当地大气压;
D .当地大气压 -绝对压强。

12、毕托管用于测量( )。

A .流体点流速;
B .流体密度;
C .流体流量;
D .流体点压强
13、在封闭容器上装有U 形测压计,其中1、2、3点位于同一水平面上,其压强关系为( )。

A .3
21p p p >>; B .
21p p p ==;
C .
12p p p <<; D .
21p p p <<
14、用U 形水银测压计测A 点压强,m m 5001=h

m m 3002=h ,A 点的压强是( )
A .637002m N ;
B .666402m N
C .695802m N ;
D . 607602m N
15、图示为水泵管路系统,断面2-3分别为水泵进出口断面,水泵扬程的计算公式为( ): A .z H = B .4
3205--++=w w h h z H
C .g
V h h z H w w 2244
320+++=-- D .g
p g p H ρρ2
3-= 二、判断题:对的打“√”,错的打“×”

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( ) 10、在某根直径为d 的圆管流动时,流量越大,则边界层厚度越薄。

( ) 11、稳定水头情况下,孔口出流流量必定小于相同直径的管嘴出流。

( ) 12、、压力管路中的水击现象通常有害,开关阀门时速度一定要足够快速。

( ) 13、应用动量方程解题时,不用考虑沿程阻力损失和局部阻力损失 ( ) 14、发生水击现象的物理原因,是由于液体具有粘性。

( )
15、水力直径是过水断面的面积A 与周长S 的比值。

( ) 16、缝隙两端的压差或配合件间发生相对运动,流体在缝隙中就会产生流动。

( ) 17、粘性底层厚度δ随着湍流程度的加强而变薄。

( )
1、管径d=5cm ,管长L=6m 的水平管中有相对密度为0.9油液流动,水银差压计读数为h=14.2cm ,三分钟内流出的油液重量为5000牛顿。


2、已知:一个水平放置的90º弯管输送水, d1=150mm ,d2=75mm, p1=2.06×105Pa ,Q =0.02m 3/s. 求:水流对弯管的作用力大小和方向(不计水头损失)

已知水箱内压力P 4为30米水柱,
所有管道的直径100mm 。

泵前真空度为6米水柱,吸入管沿程损失不计,排出管沿程损失h L3-4=16m 水柱,滤网处局部损失为4倍速度水头,每个弯头局部损失均为1倍速度水头,排出管进入上水箱的局部损失为1倍速度水头。

求:(18分) 1)泵的排量Q ; 2)泵的扬程E m ; 3)3-3截面处压力p 3;
4. 如图示,水平短管从水深H=16m 的水箱中排水至大气中,管路直径d1=50mm ,
d2=70mm ,阀门阻力系数 ,

5、用双U形管测压计测量两点的压强差,已知h 1=600mm ,h 2=250mm ,h 3=200 mm ,h 4=300mm ,h 5=500mm ,ρ1=1000㎏/m 3,ρ2=800㎏/m 3,ρ3=13598㎏/m 3,试确定A 和B 两点的压强差
h 1
h 3
h 2
h 4
h 5。
