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Unit 1 单词:


Britain 英国Australia 澳大利亚 New Zealand 新西兰France 法国 Germany 德国 Russia 俄罗斯 China中国 Canada 加拿大 America 美国 Singapore新加坡四会句子: 三会句子:

I'm Bob。I’m eleven。 I e from Britain、

Where are you from? Where doyoue from?

I’mfrom China。I e from New Zealand、

What’s your name? Where do you live?

My name is Carl。 I live onShanghai Street、

Unit 2


clever 聪明得 quiet 安静得 pretty漂亮得 smart 聪明得 cute可爱得 lovely 可爱得 active活泼得beautiful 漂亮得 handsome 英俊得


Eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子hair 头发ear耳朵 arm胳膊foot脚face 脸 mouth 嘴leg腿hand手

四会句子: 三会句子:

What’s his name? He’s clever.

His name is Peter、 She's pretty、

What’s her name?How old ishe?

Her name is ZhouPei。 Heis eleven、 He’s smart、

Howold are you? How old is she ?

I’m ten。She is twelve. She is cute、

She’sbeautiful。 Who’s that man?

He is my uncle. He ishandsome。

Who's that woman?

She is my aunt、

Unit 3


Writer作家singer歌手 dancer舞蹈家 worker 工人actor 演员 actress 女演员 policeman警察 policewoman女警察 reporter记者 police警察 driver 司机


Father 爸爸 mother妈妈 uncle叔叔 aunt阿姨 sister姐妹 brother兄弟grandfather爷爷grandmother奶奶 cousin表兄弟、姐妹

四会句子: 三会句子:

This ismy father、 He is a writer、

This is my mother。 She is a dancer。

He is an actor。What does your fatherdo ?

She is a worker。 What does your mother do?

Who’she?What’shis job?

He’smy uncle。He’s a policeman。

Who’s she?What’s her job?

She’s my aunt、 She’sa policewoman。

Unit 4


In 在..。里on在。..上 at在地点词语:

Cinema电影院bank银行hotel宾馆hospital医院 shopping mall 购物中

心 restaurant饭馆pany公司 library图书馆

四会句子: 三会句子:

Where do you work?Where do you study?

I work ina cinema。I study at Sunny School、

He works in Beijing Hospital。 Where does yourfather work? She works at CCTV. Where does your mother work?My grandfather is a taxidriver、 My mother is a teacher in aschool、

My father isa manager in abigpany. Unit 5


Fish 鱼 hen母鸡 goose鹅 cow母牛 horse马 elephant大象


Schoolbag 书包 ruler尺子 crayon蜡笔 dictionary字典 activitybook 活动手册


Sun cap 太阳帽 camera照相机umbrella雨伞 fan 扇子

四会句子: 三会句子:

Is this your schoolbag? Is this your ruler?

Yes, it is。No, it isn't。

Is that your elephant?Is that your fish?

No, it isn’t、 Yes, itisn’t。

Whose umbrella is t


It’s Peter’s umbrella.

Unit 6水果单词:

Coconut 椰子 grapefruit西柚 hami melon 哈密瓜 watermelon西瓜 cherry樱桃 strawberry 草莓 star fruit杨桃 peach 桃子 longan 龙眼、桂圆grape葡萄饮料:

Milk牛奶 water水 juice果汁 orange橙汁食物:

Noodle 面条 Hamburger 汉堡 bread面包 chicken鸡肉 hot dog 热狗 rice米饭四会句子: 三会句子:

What’sthis ? It's a pear。 Can I have one?

What’s that?It’s a watermelon、 Yes, I’llbuy one for you。

Is this a cherry? Yes,it is。

Is that a peach? No,it isn't.

What are these? They are grapes.

What are those?They are apples。


Unit 1


Meeting room会议室science lab科学实验室 language lab 语言试验室ar t club美术俱乐部music club音乐俱乐部


Science lesson科学课 Englishlesson英语课 music音乐课art美

术PE体育 math数学Chinese语文
