国际经济学,选择题集(含答案)ContentsChapter 3 Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian Model 2 Chapter 4 Specific Factors and Income Distribution 13 Chapter 5 Resources and Trade: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model 22 Chapter 6 The Standard Trade Model 31 Chapter 7 Economies of Scale, imperfect Competition, and International Trade 41 Chapter 8 International Factor Movements 50 Chapter 9 The Instruments of Trade Policy 60Chapter 3: Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage - The Ricardian ModelMultiple Choice Questions1.Countries trade with each other because they are _______ and because of______.A. different, costsB. similar, scale economiesC. different, scale economiesD. similar, costsE.None of the above.2.Trade between two countries can benefit both countries ifA.each country exports that good in which it has a comparative advantage.B.each country enjoys superior terms of trade.C.each country has a more elastic demand for the imported goods.D.each country has a more elastic supply for the supplied goods.E.Both C and D.3.The Ricardian theory of comparative advantage states that a country has acomparative advantage in widgets ifA.output per worker of widgets is higher in that country.B.that country's exchange rate is low.C.wage rates in that country are high.D.the output per worker of widgets as compared to the output of some otherproduct is higher in that country.E.Both B and C.4.In order to know whether a country has a comparative advantage in theproduction of one particular product we need information on at least ____unitlabor requirementsA.oneB.twoC.threeE.five5. A country engaging in trade according to the principles of comparative advantage gains from trade because itA.is producing exports indirectly more efficiently than it could alternatively.B.is producing imports indirectly more efficiently than it coulddomestically.D.is producing imports indirectly using fewer labor units.E.None of the above.6.Given the following information:Unit Labor RequirementsCloth WidgetsHome 10 20Foreign 60 30A.Neither country has a comparative advantage.B.Home has a comparative advantage in cloth.C.Foreign has a comparative advantage in cloth.D.Home has a comparative advantage in widgets.E.Home has a comparative advantage in both products.7.If it is ascertained that Foreign uses prison-slave labor to produce its exports, then home shouldA.export cloth.B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.E.All of the above.8.If the Home economy suffered a meltdown, and the Unit Labor Requirements in each of the products quadrupled (that is, doubled to 30 for cloth and 60 for widgets) then home shouldA.export cloth.B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.E.All of the above.9.If wages were to double in Home, then Home should:B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.E.All of the above.10.If the world equilibrium price of widgets were 4 Cloths, thenA.both countries could benefit from trade with each other.B.neither country could benefit from trade with each other.C.each country will want to export the good in which it enjoys comparative advantage.D.neither country will want to export the good in which it enjoyscomparative advantage.E.both countries will want to specialize in cloth.11.Given the following information:Number of Units Produced by one Unit of LaborCloth WidgetsHome 10 20Foreign 60 30A.Neither country has a comparative advantage.B.Home has a comparative advantage in cloth.C.Foreign has a comparative advantage in cloth.D.Foreign has a comparative advantage in widgets.E.Home has a comparative advantage in both products.12.The opportunity cost of cloth in terms of widgets in Foreign is if it is ascertained that Foreign uses prison-slave labor to produce its exports, then home shouldA.export cloth.B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.E.All of the above.13.If wages were to double in Home ,then Home shouldA.export cloth.B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.14.If the world equilibrium price of widgets were 4 Cloths, thenA.both countries could benefit from trade with each other.B.neither country could benefit from trade with each other.C.each country will want to export the good in which it enjoys comparativeadvantage.D.neither country will want to export the good in which it enjoyscomparative advantage.E.both countries will want to specialize in cloth.15.If the world equilibrium price of widgets were 40 cloths, thenA.both countries could benefit from trade with each other.B.neither country could benefit from trade with each other.C.each country will want to export the good in which it enjoys comparativeadvantage.D.neither country will want to export the good in which it enjoyscomparative advantage.E.both countries will want to specialize in cloth.16. In a two product two country world, international trade can lead to increases inA.consumer welfare only if output of both products is increased.B.output of both products and consumer welfare in both countries.C.total production of both products but not consumer welfare in bothcountriesD.consumer welfare in both countries but not total production of bothproducts.E.None of the above.17.As a result of trade, specialization in the Ricardian model tends to be/doc/3e771cc58bd63186bcebbcb7.html plete with constant costs and with increasing costs./doc/3e771cc58bd63186bcebbcb7.html plete with constant costs and incomplete with increasing costs.C.incomplete with constant costs and complete with increasing costs.D.incomplete with constant costs and incomplete with increasing costs.E.None of the above.18. A nation engaging in trade according to the Ricardian model will find itsconsumption bundleA.inside its production possibilities frontier.B.on its production possibilities frontier.D.inside its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.E.on its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.19.In the Ricardian model, if a country's trade is restricted, this will cause all except which?A.Limit specialization and the division of labor.B.Reduce the volume of trade and the gains from tradeC.Cause nations to produce inside their production possibilities curvesD.May result in a country producing some of the product of its comparative disadvantageE.None of the above.20.If a very small country trades with a very large country according to the Ricardian model, thenA.the small country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.B.the large country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.C.the small country will enjoy gains from trade.E.None of the above.21.If the world terms of trade for a country are somewhere between the domestic cost ratio of H and that of F, thenA.country H but not country F will gain from trade.B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.E.None of the above.22.If the world terms of trade equal those of country F, thenA.country H but not country F will gain from trade.B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.E.None of the above.23. If the world terms of trade equal those of country ,F thenA.country H but not country F will gain from trade.B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.24.If a production possibilities frontier is bowed out (concave to the origin), then production occurs under conditions ofA.constant opportunity costs.B.increasing opportunity costs.C.decreasing opportunity costs.D.infinite opportunity costs.E.None of the above.25.If two countries have identical production possibility frontiers, then trade between them is not likely ifA.their supply curves are identical.B.their cost functions are identical.C.their demand conditions identical.D.their incomes are identical.E.None of the above.26.If two countries have identical production possibility frontiers, then trade between them is not likely ifA.their supply curves are identical.B.their cost functions are identical.D.their incomes are identical.E.None of the above.27.The earliest statement of the principle of comparative advantage is associated withA.David Hume.B.David Ricardo.C.Adam Smith.D.Eli Heckscher.E.Bertil Ohlin.28. If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wage exceeding the relative productivity ratios), then if they both use the same currencyA.neither country has a comparative advantage.B.only the low wage country has a comparative advantage.C.only the high wage country has a comparative advantage.D.consumers will still find trade worth while from their perspective.29.If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wageexceeding the relative productivity ratios), thenA.it is not possible that producers in each will find export marketsprofitable.B.it is not possible that consumers in both countries will enhance theirrespective welfares through imports.C.it is not possible that both countries will find gains from trade.D.it is possible that both will enjoy the conventional gains from trade.E.None of the above.30.The Ricardian model is based on all of the following exceptA.only two nations and two products.B. no diminishing returns./doc/3e771cc58bd63186bcebbcb7.html bor is the only factor of production.D.product quality varies among nations.E.None of the above.31. Ricardo's original theory of comparative advantage seemed of limited real-world value because it was founded on the/doc/3e771cc58bd63186bcebbcb7.html bor theory of value.B. capital theory of value.C. land theory of value.D. entrepreneur theory of value.E.None of the above.32.According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in theproduct in which its/doc/3e771cc58bd63186bcebbcb7.html bor productivity is relatively low. /doc/3e771cc58bd63186bcebbcb7.html bor productivity is relatively high. /doc/3e771cc58bd63186bcebbcb7.html bor mobility is relatively low. /doc/3e771cc58bd63186bcebbcb7.html bor mobility is relatively high.E.None of the above.33.In a two-country, two-product world, the statement "Germany enjoys acomparative advantage over France in autos relative to ships" is equivalent toA.France having a comparative advantage over Germany in ships.B.France having a comparative disadvantage compared to Germany inautos and ships.D.France having no comparative advantage over Germany.E.None of the above.34.Assume that labor is the only factor of production and that wages in the UnitedStates equal $20 per hour while wages in Japan are $10 per hour. Productioncosts would be lower in the United States as compared to Japan ifA.U.S. labor productivity equaled 40 units per hour and Japan's 15 units perhour.B.U.S. productivity equaled 30 units per hour whereas Japan's was 20.C.U.S. labor productivity equaled 20 and Japan's 30.D.U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 and Japan's 25 units per hour.E.None of the above.35.If the United States’ production possibility frontier was flatter to the widget axis,whereas Germany's was flatter to the butter axis, we know thatA.the United States has no comparative advantageB.Germany has a comparative advantage in butter.C.the U.S. has a comparative advantage in butter.D.Not enough information is given.E.None of the above.36.Suppose the United States' production possibility frontier was flatter to thewidget axis, whereas Germany's was flatter to the butter axis. We now learn that the German mark is sharply depreciated against the U.S. dollar. We now knowthatA.the United States has no comparative advantageB.Germany has a comparative advantage in butter.C.the United States has a comparative advantage in butter.D.Not enough information is given.E.None of the above.37.Suppose the United States' production possibility frontier was flatter to thewidget axis, whereas Germany's was flatter to the butter axis. We now learn that the German wage doubles, but U.S. wages do not change at all. We now knowthatA.the United States has no comparative advantage.B.Germany has a comparative advantage in butter.C.the United States has a comparative advantage in butter.D.Not enough information is given.Essay Questions1.Many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have very low labor productivities inmany sectors, in manufacturing and agriculture. They often despair of eventrying to attempt to build their industries unless it is done in an autarkic context,behind protectionist walls because they do not believe they can compete withmore productive industries abroad. Discuss this issue in the context of theRicardian model of comparative advantage.2.In 1975, wage levels in South Korea were roughly 5% of those in the UnitedStates. It is obvious that if the United States had allowed Korean goods to befreely imported into the United States at that time, this would have causeddevastation to the standard of living in the United States.,because no producer in this country could possibly compete with such low wages. Discuss this assertion in the context of the Ricardian model of comparative advantage.3.The evidence cited in the chapter using the examples of the East Asia NewIndustrializing Countries suggests that as international productivities converge,so do international wage levels. Why do you suppose this happened for the EastAsian NICs? In light of your answer, what do you think is likely to happen tothe relative wages (relative to those in the United States) of China in the comingdecade? Explain your reasoning.4.When we examine the 2 Good 2 Country version of the Ricardian model ofcomparative advantage, we note that comparative advantage is totallydetermined by physical productivity ratios. Changes in wage rates in eithercountry cannot affect these physically determined comparative advantages, andhence cannot affect, which product will be exported by which country. However, when more than 2 goods are added to the model (still with 2 countries), changesin wage rates in one or the other country can in fact determine which good orgoods each of the countries will export. How can you explain this anomaly?5.An examination of the Ricardian model of comparative advantage yields theclear result that trade is (potentially) beneficial for each of the two tradingpartners since it allows for an expanded consumption choice for each. However, for the world as a whole the expansion of production of one product mustinvolve a decrease in the availability of the other, so that it is not clear that tradeis better for the world as a whole as compared to an initial situation of non-trade(but efficient production in each country). Are there in fact gains from trade forthe world as a whole? Explain.Quantitative/Graphing ProblemsCloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30What is the opportunity cost of Cloth in terms of Widgets in Foreign?2. Given the following information:Unit Labor RequirementsCloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30If these two countries trade these two goods in the context of the Ricardianmodel of comparative advantage, then what is the lower limit of the wo rldequilibrium price of widgets?3. Given the following information:Unit Labor RequirementsCloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30If these two countries trade these two goods with each other in according to the Ricardian model of comparative advantage, what is the lower limit for the price of cloth?4. Given the following information:Units Produced by One Worker/HourCloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30What is the opportunity cost of cloth in terms of Wwdgets in Foreign?5. Given the following information:Cloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30If these two countries trade these two goods with each other in the following the Ricardian model of comparative advantage, then what is the lower limit for theworld equilibrium price of cloth?1. Home has 1200 units of labor available. It can produce two goods, apples and bananas. The unit labor requirement in apple production is 3, while in banana production it is2.c. In the absence of trade, what would the price of apples in terms of bananas be? Why?2. Home is as described in problem 1. There is now also another country, Foreign, with a labor force of 800. Foreign's unit labor requirement in apple production is 5, while in banana prod uction it is 1.a. Graph Foreign's production possibility frontier.b. Construct the world relative supply curve.3. Now suppose world relative demand takes the following form: Demand for apples / demand for bananas = price of bananas / price of applesa. Graph the relative demand curve along with the relative supply curve.b. What is the equilibrium relative price of apples?c. Describe the pattern of trade.d. Show that both Home and Foreign gain from trade.4. Suppose that instead of 1200 workers, Ho me had 2400. Find the equilibrium relative price. What can you say about the efficiency of world production and the division of the gains from trade between Home and Foreign in this case?5. Suppose that Home has 2400 workers, but they are only half as productive in both industries as we have been assuming. Construct the world relative supply curve and determine the equilibrium relative price. How do the gains from trade compare with those in the case described in problem 4?6. “ Korean workers earn only $2.50 an hour; if we allow Korea to export as much as it likes to the United States, our workers will be forced down to the same level. You can’t import a $5 shirt without importing the $2.50 wage that goes with it.” Discuss.7. 请对下列观点加以评价:(1)只有当⼀个国家的⽣产率达到⾜以在国际竞争中⽴⾜的⽔平时,它才能从⾃由贸易中获益;(2)如果来⾃外国的竞争是建⽴在低⼯资的基础上,那么这种竞争是不公平的,⽽且会损害其他参与竞争的国家;(3)如果⼀个国家的⼯⼈⽐其他国家⼯⼈的⼯资低,那么贸易就会使这个国家受到剥削并使福利恶化。
第1章绪论重点问题:国际经济学的产生、发展、对象及其其他经济学科的关系单选1.国际经济学分析的最基本的出发点是(B)A经济增长 B经济自然增长 C制度创新的经济增长 D经济发展2.经济发展是(D)A经济结构的变革 B社会和政治体制的变革 C经济自然增长 D制度创新的经济增长3.国际经济最基本的出发点是(B )A社会分工 B国际分工 C产业内分工 D产业之间的分工和合作4.国际经济交往的主要方式是(A)A生产要跨国界流动 B国际分工 C商品跨国界流通 D开放经济第2章古典国际贸易理论重点问题:绝对利益说的基本内容及其评价比较利益说的基本内容及其评价单选1.在斯密的绝对优势贸易理论中,(C)。
A制造大量出口顺差 B以较低的机会成本进口商品而不是在国内生产C本国比贸易伙伴强大 D本国相对于贸易伙伴具备绝对效率优势5.比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是( A )A.劳动生产率的差异B.技术水平的差异C.产品品质的差异D.价格的差异6.在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价( C )A.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之上B.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之下C.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之间D.与贸易前的任何一个国家的国内比价相同简答:1.请从国际贸易实际出发评价绝对利益说 P20斯密的绝对利益学说揭示了在自由市场经济条件下,国际贸易产生的原因在于两国之间劳动生产率的绝对差异,按照绝对利益学说的原则进行国际分工,贸易的参与者与整个世界会因此而获得利益。
选择题:1、首先用机会成本理论来解释比较优势原理的学者是: C、A、李嘉图B、罗布津斯基C、哈伯勒D、穆勒第三章:1、要素禀赋理论最初是由赫克歇尔和俄林提出的,后经萨缪尔森等人加工不断完善。
五.根据H-O-S定理,国际贸易将会 ( ) 六.提高劳动力丰裕国家的劳动力价格
降低资本丰裕国的劳动力价格 提高劳动力丰裕国家的资本价格 降低资本丰裕国的资本价格 以上说法都对
谜的有 (
古典国际贸易理论的政策主 张是
亚当·斯密关于国际分工与国际贸易 学说的观点是
一.特定要素模型研究的是( ) 二.国际贸易的交换比例
八.根据S-S定理,如果劳动密集型产品的 相对价格上升,劳动力的实际报酬将 ()
九.上升 不变 下降 上述说法都不准确
九.根据H-O-S定理,国际贸易对相对要素 价格和绝对要素价格的影响是 ( )
一○.都无影响 都均衡化 绝对价格均等,相对价格不确定 相对要素价格均等,绝对价格不确定 上述说法都不正确
Word格式《国际经济学》习题集商务学院《国际经济学》课程组448 打印店有售绪论一、单项选择题1、国际经济学是以()为其研究对象的。
A. 国际贸易B. 国际经济关系C. 国际金融D. 贸易政策2、国际经济学的国际贸易部分又分为()两大部分。
A. 宏观与微观B. 实物面与货币面C. 理论与政策D. 开放与封闭3、在封闭条件下,一个经济社会生产均衡的条件是()。
A.MRT = P X/PYB.MRS = P X/PYC.XC=XP,YC=YPD.P X(XC-XP)= PY(Y P-YC)4、在开放条件下,一个经济社会贸易均衡的条件是()。
A.MRT = P X/PYB.MRS = P X/PYC.XC=XP,YC=YPD.P X(XC-XP)= P Y(YP-Y C)二、多项选择题1、国际经济学的研究内容包括()两部分。
A. 宏观与微观B. 实物面与货币面C. 理论与政策D. 开放与封闭E. 国际贸易与国际金融2、在封闭条件下,一个经济社会均衡的条件是()。
A.MRT = P X/PYB.MRS = P X/PYC.X C=XP,YC=YPD.PX(XC-XP)= PY(YP-Y C)E.P X=PY3、在开放条件下,一个经济社会均衡的条件是()。
A.MRT = P X/PYB.MRS = P X/PYC.X C=XP,YC=YPD.PX(XC-XP)= PY(YP-YC)E.P X=PY三、名词解释生产可能性边界无差异曲线机会成本边际替代率边际转换率四、判断改错1、在开放经济条件下,只有市场出清才能实现开放的均衡。
ContentsChapter 3 Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian Model 2 Chapter 4 Specific Factors and Income Distribution 13 Chapter 5 Resources and Trade: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model 22 Chapter 6 The Standard Trade Model 31 Chapter 7 Economies of Scale, imperfect Competition, and International Trade 41 Chapter 8 International Factor Movements 50 Chapter 9 The Instruments of Trade Policy 60Chapter 3: Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage - The Ricardian ModelMultiple Choice Questions1.Countries trade with each other because they are _______ and because of______.A. different, costsB. similar, scale economiesC. different, scale economiesD. similar, costsE.None of the above.2.Trade between two countries can benefit both countries ifA.each country exports that good in which it has a comparative advantage.B.each country enjoys superior terms of trade.C.each country has a more elastic demand for the imported goods.D.each country has a more elastic supply for the supplied goods.E.Both C and D.3.The Ricardian theory of comparative advantage states that a country has acomparative advantage in widgets ifA.output per worker of widgets is higher in that country.B.that country's exchange rate is low.C.wage rates in that country are high.D.the output per worker of widgets as compared to the output of some otherproduct is higher in that country.E.Both B and C.4.In order to know whether a country has a comparative advantage in theproduction of one particular product we need information on at least ____unitlabor requirementsA.oneB.twoC.threeD.fourE.five5. A country engaging in trade according to the principles of comparativeadvantage gains from trade because itA.is producing exports indirectly more efficiently than it could alternatively.B.is producing imports indirectly more efficiently than it coulddomestically.D.is producing imports indirectly using fewer labor units.E.None of the above.6.Given the following information:Unit Labor RequirementsCloth WidgetsHome 10 20Foreign 60 30A.Neither country has a comparative advantage.B.Home has a comparative advantage in cloth.C.Foreign has a comparative advantage in cloth.D.Home has a comparative advantage in widgets.E.Home has a comparative advantage in both products.7.If it is ascertained that Foreign uses prison-slave labor to produce its exports,then home shouldA.export cloth.B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.E.All of the above.8.If the Home economy suffered a meltdown, and the Unit Labor Requirements ineach of the products quadrupled (that is, doubled to 30 for cloth and 60 forwidgets) then home shouldA.export cloth.B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.E.All of the above.9.If wages were to double in Home, then Home should:A.export cloth.B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.E.All of the above.10.If the world equilibrium price of widgets were 4 Cloths, thenA.both countries could benefit from trade with each other.B.neither country could benefit from trade with each other.C.each country will want to export the good in which it enjoys comparativeadvantage.D.neither country will want to export the good in which it enjoyscomparative advantage.E.both countries will want to specialize in cloth.11.Given the following information:Number of Units Produced by one Unit of LaborCloth WidgetsHome 10 20Foreign 60 30A.Neither country has a comparative advantage.B.Home has a comparative advantage in cloth.C.Foreign has a comparative advantage in cloth.D.Foreign has a comparative advantage in widgets.E.Home has a comparative advantage in both products.12.The opportunity cost of cloth in terms of widgets in Foreign is if it is ascertainedthat Foreign uses prison-slave labor to produce its exports, then home shouldA.export cloth.B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.E.All of the above.13.If wages were to double in Home ,then Home shouldA.export cloth.B.export widgets.C.export both and import nothing.D.export and import nothing.E.All of the above.14.If the world equilibrium price of widgets were 4 Cloths, thenA.both countries could benefit from trade with each other.B.neither country could benefit from trade with each other.C.each country will want to export the good in which it enjoys comparativeadvantage.D.neither country will want to export the good in which it enjoyscomparative advantage.E.both countries will want to specialize in cloth.15.If the world equilibrium price of widgets were 40 cloths, thenA.both countries could benefit from trade with each other.B.neither country could benefit from trade with each other.C.each country will want to export the good in which it enjoys comparativeadvantage.D.neither country will want to export the good in which it enjoyscomparative advantage.E.both countries will want to specialize in cloth.16. In a two product two country world, international trade can lead to increases inA.consumer welfare only if output of both products is increased.B.output of both products and consumer welfare in both countries.C.total production of both products but not consumer welfare in bothcountriesD.consumer welfare in both countries but not total production of bothproducts.E.None of the above.17.As a result of trade, specialization in the Ricardian model tends to beplete with constant costs and with increasing costs.plete with constant costs and incomplete with increasing costs.C.incomplete with constant costs and complete with increasing costs.D.incomplete with constant costs and incomplete with increasing costs.E.None of the above.18. A nation engaging in trade according to the Ricardian model will find itsconsumption bundleA.inside its production possibilities frontier.B.on its production possibilities frontier.C.outside its production possibilities frontier.D.inside its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.E.on its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.19.In the Ricardian model, if a country's trade is restricted, this will cause all exceptwhich?A.Limit specialization and the division of labor.B.Reduce the volume of trade and the gains from tradeC.Cause nations to produce inside their production possibilities curvesD.May result in a country producing some of the product of its comparativedisadvantageE.None of the above.20.If a very small country trades with a very large country according to theRicardian model, thenA.the small country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.B.the large country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.C.the small country will enjoy gains from trade.E.None of the above.21.If the world terms of trade for a country are somewhere between the domesticcost ratio of H and that of F, thenA.country H but not country F will gain from trade.B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.E.None of the above.22.If the world terms of trade equal those of country F, thenA.country H but not country F will gain from trade.B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.E.None of the above.23. If the world terms of trade equal those of country ,F thenA.country H but not country F will gain from trade.B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.E.None of the above.24.If a production possibilities frontier is bowed out (concave to the origin), thenproduction occurs under conditions ofA.constant opportunity costs.B.increasing opportunity costs.C.decreasing opportunity costs.D.infinite opportunity costs.E.None of the above.25.If two countries have identical production possibility frontiers, then tradebetween them is not likely ifA.their supply curves are identical.B.their cost functions are identical.C.their demand conditions identical.D.their incomes are identical.E.None of the above.26.If two countries have identical production possibility frontiers, then tradebetween them is not likely ifA.their supply curves are identical.B.their cost functions are identical.D.their incomes are identical.E.None of the above.27.The earliest statement of the principle of comparative advantage is associatedwithA.David Hume.B.David Ricardo.C.Adam Smith.D.Eli Heckscher.E.Bertil Ohlin.28. If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wageexceeding the relative productivity ratios), then if they both use the samecurrencyA.neither country has a comparative advantage.B.only the low wage country has a comparative advantage.C.only the high wage country has a comparative advantage.D.consumers will still find trade worth while from their perspective.E. None of the above.29.If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wageexceeding the relative productivity ratios), thenA.it is not possible that producers in each will find export marketsprofitable.B.it is not possible that consumers in both countries will enhance theirrespective welfares through imports.C.it is not possible that both countries will find gains from trade.D.it is possible that both will enjoy the conventional gains from trade.E.None of the above.30.The Ricardian model is based on all of the following exceptA.only two nations and two products.B. no diminishing returns.bor is the only factor of production.D.product quality varies among nations.E.None of the above.31. Ricardo's original theory of comparative advantage seemed of limited real-world value because it was founded on thebor theory of value.B. capital theory of value.C. land theory of value.D. entrepreneur theory of value.E.None of the above.32.According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in theproduct in which itsbor productivity is relatively low.bor productivity is relatively high.bor mobility is relatively low.bor mobility is relatively high.E.None of the above.33.In a two-country, two-product world, the statement "Germany enjoys acomparative advantage over France in autos relative to ships" is equivalent toA.France having a comparative advantage over Germany in ships.B.France having a comparative disadvantage compared to Germany inautos and ships.C.Germany having a comparative advantage over France in autos and ships.D.France having no comparative advantage over Germany.E.None of the above.34.Assume that labor is the only factor of production and that wages in the UnitedStates equal $20 per hour while wages in Japan are $10 per hour. Productioncosts would be lower in the United States as compared to Japan ifA.U.S. labor productivity equaled 40 units per hour and Japan's 15 units perhour.B.U.S. productivity equaled 30 units per hour whereas Japan's was 20.C.U.S. labor productivity equaled 20 and Japan's 30.D.U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 and Japan's 25 units per hour.E.None of the above.35.If the United States’ production possibility frontier was flatter to the widget axis,whereas Germany's was flatter to the butter axis, we know thatA.the United States has no comparative advantageB.Germany has a comparative advantage in butter.C.the U.S. has a comparative advantage in butter.D.Not enough information is given.E.None of the above.36.Suppose the United States' production possibility frontier was flatter to thewidget axis, whereas Germany's was flatter to the butter axis. We now learn that the German mark is sharply depreciated against the U.S. dollar. We now knowthatA.the United States has no comparative advantageB.Germany has a comparative advantage in butter.C.the United States has a comparative advantage in butter.D.Not enough information is given.E.None of the above.37.Suppose the United States' production possibility frontier was flatter to thewidget axis, whereas Germany's was flatter to the butter axis. We now learn that the German wage doubles, but U.S. wages do not change at all. We now knowthatA.the United States has no comparative advantage.B.Germany has a comparative advantage in butter.C.the United States has a comparative advantage in butter.D.Not enough information is given.E.None of the above.Essay Questions1.Many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have very low labor productivities inmany sectors, in manufacturing and agriculture. They often despair of eventrying to attempt to build their industries unless it is done in an autarkic context,behind protectionist walls because they do not believe they can compete withmore productive industries abroad. Discuss this issue in the context of theRicardian model of comparative advantage.2.In 1975, wage levels in South Korea were roughly 5% of those in the UnitedStates. It is obvious that if the United States had allowed Korean goods to befreely imported into the United States at that time, this would have causeddevastation to the standard of living in the United States.,because no producer in this country could possibly compete with such low wages. Discuss this assertion in the context of the Ricardian model of comparative advantage.3.The evidence cited in the chapter using the examples of the East Asia NewIndustrializing Countries suggests that as international productivities converge,so do international wage levels. Why do you suppose this happened for the East Asian NICs? In light of your answer, what do you think is likely to happen tothe relative wages (relative to those in the United States) of China in the coming decade? Explain your reasoning.4.When we examine the 2 Good 2 Country version of the Ricardian model ofcomparative advantage, we note that comparative advantage is totallydetermined by physical productivity ratios. Changes in wage rates in eithercountry cannot affect these physically determined comparative advantages, andhence cannot affect, which product will be exported by which country. However, when more than 2 goods are added to the model (still with 2 countries), changesin wage rates in one or the other country can in fact determine which good orgoods each of the countries will export. How can you explain this anomaly?5.An examination of the Ricardian model of comparative advantage yields theclear result that trade is (potentially) beneficial for each of the two tradingpartners since it allows for an expanded consumption choice for each. However, for the world as a whole the expansion of production of one product mustinvolve a decrease in the availability of the other, so that it is not clear that tradeis better for the world as a whole as compared to an initial situation of non-trade(but efficient production in each country). Are there in fact gains from trade forthe world as a whole? Explain.Quantitative/Graphing Problems1. Given the following information:Unit Labor RequirementsCloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30What is the opportunity cost of Cloth in terms of Widgets in Foreign?2. Given the following information:Unit Labor RequirementsCloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30If these two countries trade these two goods in the context of the Ricardianmodel of comparative advantage, then what is the lower limit of the worldequilibrium price of widgets?3. Given the following information:Unit Labor RequirementsCloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30If these two countries trade these two goods with each other in according to the Ricardian model of comparative advantage, what is the lower limit for the price of cloth?4. Given the following information:Units Produced by One Worker/HourCloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30What is the opportunity cost of cloth in terms of Wwdgets in Foreign?5. Given the following information:Units Produced by One Worker/HourCloth WidgetsHome 100 200Foreign 60 30If these two countries trade these two goods with each other in the following the Ricardian model of comparative advantage, then what is the lower limit for the world equilibrium price of cloth?1. Home has 1200 units of labor available. It can produce two goods, apples and bananas. The unit labor requirement in apple production is 3, while in banana production it is2.a. Graph Home's production possibility frontier.b. What is the opportunity cost of apples in terms of bananas?c. In the absence of trade, what would the price of apples in terms of bananas be? Why?2. Home is as described in problem 1. There is now also another country, Foreign, with a labor force of 800. Foreign's unit labor requirement in apple production is 5, while in banana production it is 1.a. Graph Foreign's production possibility frontier.b. Construct the world relative supply curve.3. Now suppose world relative demand takes the following form: Demand for apples / demand for bananas = price of bananas / price of applesa. Graph the relative demand curve along with the relative supply curve.b. What is the equilibrium relative price of apples?c. Describe the pattern of trade.d. Show that both Home and Foreign gain from trade.4. Suppose that instead of 1200 workers, Home had 2400. Find the equilibrium relative price. What can you say about the efficiency of world production and the division of the gains from trade between Home and Foreign in this case?5. Suppose that Home has 2400 workers, but they are only half as productive in both industries as we have been assuming. Construct the world relative supply curve and determine the equilibrium relative price. How do the gains from trade compare with those in the case described in problem 4?6. “ Korean workers earn only $2.50 an hour; if we allow Korea to export as much as it likes to the United States, our workers will be forced down to the same level. You can’t import a $5 shirt without importing the $2.50 wage that goes with it.” Discuss.7. 请对下列观点加以评价:(1)只有当一个国家的生产率达到足以在国际竞争中立足的水平时,它才能从自由贸易中获益;(2)如果来自外国的竞争是建立在低工资的基础上,那么这种竞争是不公平的,而且会损害其他参与竞争的国家;(3)如果一个国家的工人比其他国家工人的工资低,那么贸易就会使这个国家受到剥削并使福利恶化。
D.它是为了某个选择而放弃的所有选择2、如果两个人在商品的生产中具有不同的机会成本,那么他们能够从专业化与交换中()a、 B.一人受益,一人受损C.既没有受益,也没有受损D.都可以受益3。
a、没有任何时候b、在充分就业的情况下c、 D.当所有生产要素投入生产时5、供给曲线除了表示不同的价格水平下所提供的商品最大数量外,还可以被认为是()a、愿意并有能力支付曲线B、边际收入曲线C、最高供给价格曲线D、最低供给价格曲线6、在封闭条件下,一国生产技术的改进降低了棉花的生产成本,那么棉花的价格(),棉花的生产数量()。
国际经济学习题集一、选择题1.AC.美国的布匹生产有绝对优势D.美国的布匹生产有相对优势2. 按照产品生命周期理论,新产品时期的产品通常是()产品。
A.劳力密集型B.土地密集型C.资本密集型D.技术密集型3 当某个产品的进口大国减少进口量时,其贸易条件将会()。
A.改善B.恶化C.不变D.变化不定4. 一国的本币升值,其出口将会()。
A.增加B.减少C.不变D.变化不定5. 根据赫俄理论,一国应该出口()产品。
A.丰裕要素密集型B.比较优势C.绝对优势D.稀缺要素密集型6. “贫困化增长”的一个必要条件为:()A.国家的增长偏向于出口产业。
7、从国际贸易对生产要素收入分配的短期影响来看,自由贸易会导致()A.生产进口竞争品部门使用的专门生产要素收入水平提高B.生产进口竞争品部门使用的共同生产要素收入水平下降C.生产出口品部门使用的共同生产要素收入水平提高D.生产出口品部门使用的专门生产要素收入水平提高8、在商品的国际比价保持不变的情况下,偏向出口的生产要素增长会()A.扩大出口品生产规模 B.扩大进口品生产规模C.使贸易规模保持不变 D.使贸易规模缩减9、不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论是()A.重叠需求理论 B.规模经济理论C.要素禀赋理论 D.相互倾销理论10、成员国间实行自由贸易优惠协定并统一外部关税,但成员国间要素尚未实现自由流动的是()A. 自由贸易区B. 关税同盟C. 共同市场D. 经济联盟11、通常与进口替代战略相配合的政策措施包括()A.降低关税壁垒 B.高估本币价值C.放松外汇管制 D.减少非关税壁垒12、征收进口关税对于进口国来说()A.不利于与进口产品相竞争的生产者B.使国内同类产品的生产减少C.有利于与进口产品相竞争的生产者D.使生产者剩余减少13、下列不属于绝对技术差异论与相对技术差异论共同的假设条件的是()A.生产要素在一国范围内各部门间可以自由流动B.生产要素都被充分利用C.生产要素在各国之间自由流动D.生产要素流动时机会成本不变14、国际贸易使得价格上升部门所密集使用要素的实际收入提高,价格下降部门密集使用要素的实际收入下降,这是()A.赫克歇尔-俄林定理(Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem)B.罗伯津斯基定理(Rybczynski Theorem)C.斯托尔珀-萨谬尔森定理(Stolper-Samuelson Theorem)D.赫克歇尔-俄林-萨谬尔森定理(Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Theorem)15. 根据重叠需求理论,两国的人均国民收入水平差距越大,则()A. 其需求的档次越接近B. 其贸易的基础越雄厚C. 其贸易的可能性越小D. 其需求重叠的部分越大16. 如果一个贸易小国发生进口偏向型要素增长,则()A. 其出口数量增加,进口数量减少B. 其出口数量增加,进口数量增加C. 其出口数量减少,进口数量增加D. 其出口数量减少,进口数量减少17. 其他条件不变,贸易大国征收关税,将导致()A. 世界价格提高B. 世界价格降低C. 该国的社会福利水平提高D. 该国的社会福利水平降低18. 对于贸易小国而言,实施出口补贴将导致其的是:( )A. 本国生产者福利受损B. 本国消费者福利受损C. 外国消费者福利受损D. 世界市场价格下降19. 下列那种理论无法解释产业内贸易()A. 特定要素理论B. 重叠需求理论C. 相互倾销理论D. 寡头垄断市场下的贸易理论20. 当贸易伙伴的提供曲线缺乏弹性时,该国经济增长将导致( )A. 贸易条件改善B. 出口减少C. 进口增加D. 进口减少21. 下列不属于产生外部规模经济的原因的是()A. 生产设备的专业化B. 共同的要素市场C. 产业集聚产生的技术外溢D. 管理费用的节约22. 国际贸易中理论模型中得贸易小国假设与贸易大国的区别在于:()A. GDP的值B. 人口和地域的大小C. 贸易额的大小D. 该国经济变量变化对世界变量是否具有影响23. 根据相对购买力平价理论,对于一个小国经济,其他条件不变,本国名义利率提高将导致本国货币()A. 贬值B. 升值C. 汇率不变D. 不确定24. 根据利率平价理论,对于一个小国经济,其他条件不变,本国名义利率提高将导致本国货币()A. 贬值B. 升值C. 汇率不变D. 不确定25.如果A国可用1个工时生产3单位的X产品或3单位的Y产品,B国可用1个工时生产1单位的X产品或1单位的Y产品,假定劳动是唯一的投入,那么:()A.A国在两种商品的生产上均具有绝对优势。
2、如果一个阿根廷工人能生产3浦式耳小麦或1辆汽车,而一个巴西工人能生产4浦式耳小麦或2辆汽车,则能促进阿根廷和巴西双方贸易并各自受益的易货交换率是()a、 1辆B车使用3个Pu型穗小麦,2辆C车使用4个Pu型穗小麦,2辆D车使用5个Pu型穗小麦,2辆3车使用3个Pu型穗小麦。
5、不存在free lunch,但却存在free trade。
10、我们或许可以通过更为细分化的生产要素定义而解决Leontief Paradox。
国际经济学习题集一、选择题1.AC.美国的布匹生产有绝对优势D.美国的布匹生产有相对优势2. 按照产品生命周期理论,新产品时期的产品通常是()产品。
A.劳力密集型B.土地密集型C.资本密集型D.技术密集型3 当某个产品的进口大国减少进口量时,其贸易条件将会()。
A.改善B.恶化C.不变D.变化不定4. 一国的本币升值,其出口将会()。
A.增加B.减少C.不变D.变化不定5. 根据赫俄理论,一国应该出口()产品。
A.丰裕要素密集型B.比较优势C.绝对优势D.稀缺要素密集型6. “贫困化增长”的一个必要条件为:()A.国家的增长偏向于出口产业。
7、从国际贸易对生产要素收入分配的短期影响来看,自由贸易会导致()A.生产进口竞争品部门使用的专门生产要素收入水平提高B.生产进口竞争品部门使用的共同生产要素收入水平下降C.生产出口品部门使用的共同生产要素收入水平提高D.生产出口品部门使用的专门生产要素收入水平提高8、在商品的国际比价保持不变的情况下,偏向出口的生产要素增长会()A.扩大出口品生产规模 B.扩大进口品生产规模C.使贸易规模保持不变 D.使贸易规模缩减9、不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论是()A.重叠需求理论 B.规模经济理论C.要素禀赋理论 D.相互倾销理论10、成员国间实行自由贸易优惠协定并统一外部关税,但成员国间要素尚未实现自由流动的是()A. 自由贸易区B. 关税同盟C. 共同市场D. 经济联盟11、通常与进口替代战略相配合的政策措施包括()A.降低关税壁垒 B.高估本币价值C.放松外汇管制 D.减少非关税壁垒12、征收进口关税对于进口国来说()A.不利于与进口产品相竞争的生产者B.使国内同类产品的生产减少C.有利于与进口产品相竞争的生产者D.使生产者剩余减少13、下列不属于绝对技术差异论与相对技术差异论共同的假设条件的是()A.生产要素在一国范围内各部门间可以自由流动B.生产要素都被充分利用C.生产要素在各国之间自由流动D.生产要素流动时机会成本不变14、国际贸易使得价格上升部门所密集使用要素的实际收入提高,价格下降部门密集使用要素的实际收入下降,这是()A.赫克歇尔-俄林定理(Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem)B.罗伯津斯基定理(Rybczynski Theorem)C.斯托尔珀-萨谬尔森定理(Stolper-Samuelson Theorem)D.赫克歇尔-俄林-萨谬尔森定理(Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Theorem)15. 根据重叠需求理论,两国的人均国民收入水平差距越大,则()A. 其需求的档次越接近B. 其贸易的基础越雄厚C. 其贸易的可能性越小D. 其需求重叠的部分越大16. 如果一个贸易小国发生进口偏向型要素增长,则()A. 其出口数量增加,进口数量减少B. 其出口数量增加,进口数量增加C. 其出口数量减少,进口数量增加D. 其出口数量减少,进口数量减少17. 其他条件不变,贸易大国征收关税,将导致()A. 世界价格提高B. 世界价格降低C. 该国的社会福利水平提高D. 该国的社会福利水平降低18. 对于贸易小国而言,实施出口补贴将导致其的是:( )A. 本国生产者福利受损B. 本国消费者福利受损C. 外国消费者福利受损D. 世界市场价格下降19. 下列那种理论无法解释产业内贸易()A. 特定要素理论B. 重叠需求理论C. 相互倾销理论D. 寡头垄断市场下的贸易理论20. 当贸易伙伴的提供曲线缺乏弹性时,该国经济增长将导致( )A. 贸易条件改善B. 出口减少C. 进口增加D. 进口减少21. 下列不属于产生外部规模经济的原因的是()A. 生产设备的专业化B. 共同的要素市场C. 产业集聚产生的技术外溢D. 管理费用的节约22. 国际贸易中理论模型中得贸易小国假设与贸易大国的区别在于:()A. GDP的值B. 人口和地域的大小C. 贸易额的大小D. 该国经济变量变化对世界变量是否具有影响23. 根据相对购买力平价理论,对于一个小国经济,其他条件不变,本国名义利率提高将导致本国货币()A. 贬值B. 升值C. 汇率不变D. 不确定24. 根据利率平价理论,对于一个小国经济,其他条件不变,本国名义利率提高将导致本国货币()A. 贬值B. 升值C. 汇率不变D. 不确定25.如果A国可用1个工时生产3单位的X产品或3单位的Y产品,B国可用1个工时生产1单位的X产品或1单位的Y产品,假定劳动是唯一的投入,那么:()A.A国在两种商品的生产上均具有绝对优势。
选择题:1、首先用机会成本理论来解释比较优势原理的学者是: C、A、李嘉图B、罗布津斯基C、哈伯勒D、穆勒第三章:1、要素禀赋理论最初是由赫克歇尔和俄林提出的,后经萨缪尔森等人加工不断完善。
15、国际收支的调节理论有(弹性理论、吸收理论) (货币理论)等。
A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)4、在开放条件下,一个经济社会贸易均衡的条件是()。
A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)二、多项选择题1、国际经济学的研究内容包括()两部分。
A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)E.P X=P Y3、在开放条件下,一个经济社会均衡的条件是()。
A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)E.P X=P Y三、名词解释生产可能性边界无差异曲线机会成本边际替代率边际转换率四、判断改错1、在开放经济条件下,只有市场出清才能实现开放的均衡。
5、不存在free lunch,但却存在free trade。
10、我们或许可以通过更为细分化的生产要素定义而解决Leontief Paradox。
国际经济学习题集新 Last revised by LE LE in 2021《国际经济学》习题集商务学院《国际经济学》课程组448打印店有售绪论一、单项选择题1、国际经济学是以()为其研究对象的。
= PX/PY = PX/PY=XP,YC=YP (XC-XP)= PY(YP-YC)4、在开放条件下,一个经济社会贸易均衡的条件是()。
= PX/PY = PX/PY=XP,YC=YP (XC-XP)= PY(YP-YC)二、多项选择题1、国际经济学的研究内容包括()两部分。
= PX/PY = PX/PY =XP,YC=YP (XC-XP)= PY(YP-YC) =PY3、在开放条件下,一个经济社会均衡的条件是()。
= PX/PY = PX/PY =XP,YC=YP (XC-XP)= PY(YP-YC) =PY三、名词解释生产可能性边界无差异曲线机会成本边际替代率边际转换率四、判断改错1、在开放经济条件下,只有市场出清才能实现开放的均衡。
第一章传统的国际贸易理论一、单项选择题1、重商主义理论是一种()A.国际金融的“乘数理论”B.国际贸易的“零和理论”C.国际金融的“杠杆理论”D.国际贸易的“绝对利益理论”2、绝对技术差异论的提出者是( )A.斯密B.李嘉图C.俄林D.魁奈3、在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价( )A.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之上B.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之下C.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之间D.与贸易前的任何一个国家的国内比价相同4.在绝对技术差异理论与相对技术差异理论的论证过程中,机会成本( )A.递增B.递减C.先递增后递减D.不变5、本国生产1、2、3、4四种产品的单位劳动投入分别为1、2、4、15,外国生产这四种产品的单位劳动投入分别为12、18、24、30,根据李嘉图模型,本国在哪种产品上拥有最大比较优势在哪种产品上拥有最大比较劣势 ( )A. 4、1 、2 C.1、4 、36、比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是( )A.劳动生产率的差异B.技术水平的差异C.产品品质的差异D.价格的差异7、赫克歇尔—俄林模型认为国际贸易的根本原因是()A.各国生产要素禀赋不同B.各国劳动生产率不同C.各国技术水平不同D.各国产品技术含量不同8、赫克歇尔---俄林模型说明()A.相对于其他资源,劳动力比较丰裕的国家并不具备比较优势B.一个劳动力丰裕的国家,应当减少对国际贸易的参与C.一个非劳动力资源丰裕的国家将不会从国际贸易中的获利D.国际市场力量将引导各国专业化生产并出口大量使用其丰裕要素生产的产品9、对于赫克歇尔---俄林理论来说,导致不同国家间相对商品价格差异的最主要的因素是( )A.要素禀赋B.国民收入C.技术D.消费偏好10、第一位系统阐述比较优势原理的经济学家是()A.俄林B.赫克歇尔C.凯恩斯D.李嘉图11、赫克歇尔---俄林理论成功的解释了( )A.发生在除美国以外的产品创新过程和产业的布局和发展。
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A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)4、在开放条件下,一个经济社会贸易均衡的条件是()。
A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)二、多项选择题1、国际经济学的研究内容包括()两部分。
A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)E.P X=P Y3、在开放条件下,一个经济社会均衡的条件是()。
A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)E.P X=P Y三、名词解释生产可能性边界无差异曲线机会成本边际替代率边际转换率四、判断改错1、在开放经济条件下,只有市场出清才能实现开放的均衡。
第一章传统的国际贸易理论一、单项选择题1、重商主义理论是一种()A.国际金融的“乘数理论”B.国际贸易的“零和理论”C.国际金融的“杠杆理论”D.国际贸易的“绝对利益理论”2、绝对技术差异论的提出者是( )A.斯密B.李嘉图C.俄林D.魁奈3、在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价( )A.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之上B.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之下C.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之间D.与贸易前的任何一个国家的国内比价相同4.在绝对技术差异理论与相对技术差异理论的论证过程中,机会成本( )A.递增B.递减C.先递增后递减D.不变5、本国生产1、2、3、4四种产品的单位劳动投入分别为1、2、4、15,外国生产这四种产品的单位劳动投入分别为12、18、24、30,根据李嘉图模型,本国在哪种产品上拥有最大比较优势?在哪种产品上拥有最大比较劣势?( )A. 4、1B.3、2C.1、4D.2、36、比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是( )A.劳动生产率的差异B.技术水平的差异C.产品品质的差异D.价格的差异7、赫克歇尔—俄林模型认为国际贸易的根本原因是()A.各国生产要素禀赋不同B.各国劳动生产率不同C.各国技术水平不同D.各国产品技术含量不同8、赫克歇尔---俄林模型说明()A.相对于其他资源,劳动力比较丰裕的国家并不具备比较优势B.一个劳动力丰裕的国家,应当减少对国际贸易的参与C.一个非劳动力资源丰裕的国家将不会从国际贸易中的获利D.国际市场力量将引导各国专业化生产并出口大量使用其丰裕要素生产的产品9、对于赫克歇尔---俄林理论来说,导致不同国家间相对商品价格差异的最主要的因素是( )A.要素禀赋B.国民收入C.技术D.消费偏好10、第一位系统阐述比较优势原理的经济学家是()A.俄林B.赫克歇尔C.凯恩斯D.李嘉图11、赫克歇尔---俄林理论成功的解释了( )A.发生在除美国以外的产品创新过程和产业的布局和发展。
A.专业化利益B.交换利益C.生产者利益D.消费者利益二、多项选择题1、下列对于绝对优势理论的评价,正确的是()A.第一次从生产领域阐述国际贸易的基本原因B.首次明确肯定国际贸易可以为参与双方带来经济利益C.将劳动分工的概念扩大到了国际范围,提出了国际分工和专业化生产能使资源得到更有效地利用D.该理论是以机会成本不变为前提的,因而需进一步完善E.每个国家都有绝对优势的前提在现实中有很大的局限性2、国际贸易理论要解决的基本问题是()A.国际贸易的技术差异B.国际贸易的要素禀赋差异C.国际贸易的原因D.国际贸易的利益分配E.国际贸易的结构3、古典的国际贸易理论包括( )A.绝对技术差异论B.相对技术差异论C.生产要素禀赋论D.规模经济理论E.相互需求贸易理论4、假定每单位A 产品的生产需要20 单位劳动与4 单位土地,每单位B产品的生产需要1单位劳动与4 单位土地,如果本国有1200单位劳动与2000 单位土地,外国有400 单位劳动与500 单位土地,根据H-O 理论可推出()A. 本国出口A产品、进口B产品B. 本国出口B产品、进口A产品C. 外国出口A 产品、进口B产品D. 外国出口B产品、进口A产品E. 两国不发生贸易5、根据H--O定理,如果一国资本丰裕,劳动稀缺,那么该国应()A.进口劳动密集型产品B.出口劳动密集型产品C.出口资本密集型产品D.进口资本密集型产品E.专门生产资本密集型产品,不生产劳动密集型产品6、经济学家们从以下哪些角度解释了里昂惕夫之谜( )A.人力资本B.自然资源C.需求逆转D.要素密集度逆转E.贸易壁垒7、下列哪些理论涉及了国际贸易对要素收入分配的影响()A.H—O定理B.要素价格均等化定理C.S—S定理D.特定要素模型E.相对技术差异论8、要素价格均等化的条件是()A.商品价格均等化B.生产技术条件相同C.没有关税及运输成本D.商品的国际自由流动E.要素的国际不完全流动性9、生产要素价格均等化理论认为国际贸易能够使各国相同的生产要素的价格趋于均等化,然而现实远非如此,其原因是( )A.国际贸易远不是自由的B.各国生产的产品并不相同C.各国生产的产品所使用的生产要素有差异D.国际贸易存在各种形式的交易成本E.生产要素并非都能得到充分利用10、从国际贸易利益产生的角度看国际贸易利益包括()A.专业化利益B.交换利益C.生产者利益D.消费者利益E.政府利益三、名词解释重商主义绝对优势相对优势要素禀赋要素密集度斯托帕—萨缪尔森定理里昂惕夫之谜要素密集度逆转需求逆转机会成本递增交换利益专业化利益贸易条件提供曲线四、判断改错1、绝对优势理论第一次从生产领域揭示了贸易产生的原因。
()2、当ax>bx by>ay,则A国在X的生产上具有绝对优势,B国在Y的生产上具有绝对优势。
()16、假设生产X产品所需的资本投入量为K X,劳动投入量为L X;生产Y产品所需的资本投入量为K Y,劳动投入量为L Y,如果K X/L X﹤K Y/L Y,则X是资本密集型产品,Y 是劳动密集型产品。
()17、假设W A,W B分别表示A、B两国的工资率,I A、I B分别表示A、B两国的利息率,如果W A/I A﹤W B/I B,那么A国劳动丰裕,B国资本丰裕。
( )22、国际交换比价是由供求双方的供应条件决定的。