

高中英语推荐课外阅读文章10篇A lifetime friendshipThomas Jefferson and James Madison met in 1776. Could it have been any other year? They worked together starting then to further American Revolution and later to shape the new scheme of government. From the work sprang a friendship perhaps incomparable in intimacy1 and the trustfulness of collaboration and induration. It lasted 50 years. It included pleasure and utility but over and above them, there were shared purpose, a common end and an enduring goodness on both sides. Four and a half months before he died, when he was ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend. His words and Madison's reply remind us that friends are friends until death. They also remind us that sometimes a friendship has a bearing on things larger than the friendship itself, for has there ever been a friendship of greater public consequence than this one?"The friendship which has subsisted between us now half a century, the harmony of our po1itical principles and pursuits have been sources of constant happiness to me through that long period. If ever the earth has beheld6 a system of administration conducted with a single and steadfast eye to the general interest and happiness of those committed to it, one which, protected by truth, can never known reproach, it is that to which our lives have been devoted. To myself you have been a pillar of support throughout life. Take care of me when dead and be assured that I should leave with you my last affections."A week later Madison replied-"You cannot look back to the long period of our private friendship and political harmony with more affecting recollections than I do. If they are a source of pleasure to you, what aren’t they not to be to me? We cannot be deprived of the happy consciousness of the pure devotion to the public good with Which we discharge the trust committed to us and I indulge a confidence that sufficient evidence will find in its way to another generation to ensure, after we are gone, whatever of justice may be withheld9 whilst we are here. "推荐词汇:1. intimacy n. 熟悉;亲近2. collaboration n. 合作3. impoverished adj. 穷困的;无力的4. beheld v. 注视着(原形为behold)5. devoted adj. 忠诚的;献身的6. withheld v. 克制;隐瞒(原形是withhold)God Had to Be FairWe always knew our daughter Kendall was going be a performer of some sort. She entertained people in our small town by putting on shows on our front porch when she was only three or four. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and beautiful, she sang like a little angel and mesmerized everyone.When Kendall was five, we began to notice that she was blinking a lot and clearing her throat frequently. We had her tested for allergies, but the doctor said she wasn't allergic to anything at all. After the problem worsened, we took her to our local children's hospital where she was diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome.It was pretty devastating because other children constantly made fun of her, and sadly, even a teacher teased her. When the tics were especially bad, Kendall had to wear a neck brace. She only had one or two friends, but that was okay because they were -- and continue to be -- real, the kind who stick by her, no matter what. Through all this, Kendall continued to sing and entertain. Remarkably, her tics disappeared when she sang.We took our daughter from doctor to doctor, but all they did was give her medication that just made it worse, so we decided to go the natural route. Through chiropractic therapy, changes in her diet, and other natural treatments, the tics gradually lessened.In 2005 when Kendall was sixteen, we thought she was pretty much out of the woods -- or at least heading in that direction. However, as if Tourette's Syndrome wasn't enough for a beautiful young girl to deal with, a freak accident happened.At a birthday party, Kendall hopped on a friend for a piggyback ride. He bent lower than she expected, and she jumped higher than he expected. Kendall flew over his back and landed on the cement floor -- on her neck. An ambulance rushed her to the hospital where she spent the next week, paralyzed from the neck down. Ironically, her biggest concern wasn't whether she would walk again, but whether she would be able to audition for American Idol.Doctors said Kendall had central cord syndrome. The pain was excruciating and required morphine tocontrol it. Sometimes it was so unbearable she had to bite down on a toothbrush to take her mind off it. As the days dragged on, feeling returned to her left side, but she was still paralyzed on the right. We didn't know for sure how much of her movement would ever come back.I believe Kendall wanted the American Idol audition so much that she willed herself to move again. One of her friends brought a microphone to the hospital and put it on her bed. Every day, Kendall tried hard to pick it up with her right hand. It was more important for her to pick up that mic than a spoon or fork.Sometimes we all cried because of the pain we witnessed. But on the day Kendall walked into the stadium to audition for American Idol -- a mere three months after her accident -- we cried tears of joy. And our tears turned into shouts when she was given a golden ticket to Hollywood.As a parent, you always think your child is the best ever -- that's just what parents do. But after seeing Kendall perform, I know she's one of the best, even though she didn't make it into the Top 24.Kendall is eighteen now, living every day to its fullest. She's recorded a CD with some of John Mellencamp's band members. She's also on CMT's Music City Madness for an original song and video, and is having some good success. I'm absolutely sure she's going to make it big some day. Kendall just puts it all in God's hands.When she was a little girl trying hard to be strong, she looked up at me, her big eyes brimming with tears, and asked me why she had to have Tourette's Syndrome. My heart ached to make the world right for mychild. But I looked right back at her and told her the truth as I see it."Kendall, God gave you a pure heart, an angelic voice, a strong mind, and a beautiful presence. With all of that, he had to make it fair for everyone else."推荐词汇:1. mesmerize v. 使……着迷2. allergy n. 过敏3. allergic adj. 过敏的(用法:be allergic to 对……过敏)4. devastating adj. 毁灭性的;令人震惊的5. brace n. 支架;括号v. 撑住6. remarkable adj. 不同寻常的7. lessened adj. 减少的8. hop v.跳9. idol n.偶像;红人10. mere adj. 仅仅的The Doll and the White RoseI hurried into the local department store to grab some last minute Christmas gifts. I looked at all the people and grumbled to myself. I would be in here forever and I just had so much to do. Christmas was beginning to become such a drag. I kind of wished that I could just sleep through Christmas. But I hurried the best I could through all the people to the toy department. Once again I kind of mumbled to myself at the prices ofall these toys, and wondered if the grandkids would even play whit4 them. I found myself in the doll aisle5. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy about 5 holding a lovely doll.He kept touching6 her hair and he held her so gently. I could not seem to help myself. I just kept looking over at the little boy and wondered who the doll was for. I watched him turn to a woman and he called his aunt by name and said, "Are you sure I don't have enough money?" She replied a bit impatiently, "You know that you don't have enough money for it." The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere that she had to go and get some other things and would be back in a few minutes. And then she left the aisle. The boy continued to hold the doll.After a bit I asked the boy who the doll was for. He said, "It is the doll my sister wanted so badly for Christmas. She just knew that Santa would bring it. "I told him that maybe Santa was going to bring it. He said, "No, Santa can't go where my sister is.... I have to give the doll to my Mama to take to her. "I asked him where his sister was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, "She was gone to be with Jesus. My Daddy says that Mamma is going to have to go be with her."My heart nearly stopped beating. Then the boy looked at me again and said, "I told my Daddy to tell my Mama not to go yet. I told him to tell her to wait till I got back from the store." Then he asked me if I wanted to see his picture. I told him I'd love to. He pulled out some picture he'd had taken at the front of the store. He said, "I want my Mama to take this with her so the doesn't ever forget me. I love my Mama so very much and I wish she did not have to leave me. But Daddy says she will need to be with my sister."I saw that the little boy had lowered his head and had grown so quiet. While he was not looking I reached into my purse and pulled out a handful of bills. I asked the little boy, "Shall we count that money one more time?" He grew excited and said, "Yes, I just know it has to be enough." So I slipped my money in with his and we began to count it. Of course it was plenty for the doll. He softly said, "Thank you Jesus for giving me enough money." Then the boy said, "I just asked Jesus to give me enough money to buy this doll so Mama can take it with her to give my sister. And he heard my prayer. I wanted to ask him give for enough to buy my Mama a white rose, but I didn't ask him, but he gave me enough to buy the doll and a rose for my Mama. She loves white rose so much. "In a few minutes the aunt came back and I wheeled my cart away.I could not keep from thinking about the little boy as I finished my shopping in a totally different spirit than when I had started. And I kept remembering a story I had seen in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting a car and killing a little girl and the Mother was in serious condition. The family was deciding on whether to remove the life support. Now surely this little boy did not belong with that story.Two days later I read in the paper where the family had disconnected the life support and the young woman had died. I could not forget the little boy and just kept wondering if the two were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not help myself and I went out and bought some white roses and took them to the funeral home where the young woman was. And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and the picture of the little boy in the store. I left there in tears, their life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sister and his mother was overwhelming. And in a split second a drunk driver had ripped the life of that little boy to pieces.推荐词汇1. grab v.抓住;理解2. grumble v. 抱怨;嘟囔3. mumble v.嘟囔;含糊的说4. whit n.一点;丝毫5. touching adj.令人感动的6. split v 劈开;adj.分开的7. rip v. 撕开8. ripped adj. 喝醉的;吸毒的(美国俚语)A Plate of PeasMy grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a room that doubled as my father's office, which we referred to as "the back room." She carried with her a powerful aroma. I don't know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barreled, ninety-proof, knockdown, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose-killing variety. She kept it in a huge atomizer and applied it frequently and liberally. It was almost impossible to go into her room and remain breathing for any length of time. When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lillian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the windows, strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs. Then they would spend several days washing and airing things out, trying frantically to make the pungent odor go away.This, then, was my grandmother at the time of the infamous pea incident.It took place at the Biltmore Hotel, which, to my eight-year-old mind, was just about the fancies place to eat in all of Providence. My grandmother, my mother, and I were having lunch after a morning spent shopping.I grandly ordered a salisbury steak, confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas. I do not like peas now. I did not like peas then. I have always hated peas. It is a complete mystery to me why anyone would voluntarily eat peas. I did not eat them at home. I did not eat them at restaurants. And I certainly was not about to eat them now. "Eat your peas," my grandmother said."Mother," said my mother in her warning voice. "He doesn't like peas. Leave him alone."My grandmother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eye, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life: "I'll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas."I had absolutely no idea of the impending doom. I only knew that five dollars was an enormous, nearly unimaginable amount of money, and as awful as peas were, only one plate of them stood between me and the possession of that five dollars. I began to force the wretched things down my throat.My mother was livid. My grandmother had that self-satisfied look of someone who has thrown down an unbeatable trump card. "I can do what I want, Ellen, and you can't stop me." My mother glared at her mother. She glared at me. No one can glare like my mother. If there were a glaring Olympics, she wouldundoubtedly win the gold medal.I, of course, kept shoving peas down my throat. The glares made me nervous, and every single pea made me want to throw up, but the magical image of that five dollars floated before me, and I finally gagged down every last one of them. My grandmother handed me the five dollars with a flourish. My mother continued to glare in silence. And the episode ended. Or so I thought.My grandmother left for Aunt Lillian's a few weeks later. That night, at dinner, my mother served two of my all-time favorite foods, meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Along with them came a big, steaming bowl of peas. She offered me some peas, and I, in the very last moments of my innocent youth, declined. My mother fixed me with a cold eye as she heaped a huge pile of peas onto my plate. Then came the words that were to haunt me for years."You ate them for money," she said. "You can eat them for love."Oh, despair! Oh, devastation! Now, too late, came the dawning realization that I had unwittingly damned myself to a hell from which there was no escape."You ate them for money. You can eat them for love."What possible argument could I muster against that? There was none. Did I eat the peas? You bet I did. I ate them that day and every other time they were served thereafter. The five dollars were quickly spent. Mygrandmother passed away a few years later. But the legacy of the peas lived on, as it lives on to this day. If I so much as curl my lip when they are served (because, after all, I still hate the horrid little things), my mother repeats the dreaded words one more time: "You ate them for money," she says. "You can eat them for love."推荐词汇1. aroma n.香气2. apply v.运用;申请3. frantically adv.坦诚地4. pungent adj. 刺激性的;刺鼻的5. infamous adj.声名狼藉的6. providence n. 深谋远虑;节俭7. jaw n.下巴8. impending adj. 即将到来的9. doom n 厄运v.注定要发生的An Angel Among UsI woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important.My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered forfree.Today I can fell sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste.Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive.Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns have roses.Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul.Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor6 who gets to do the shaping.What today will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day I will have!推荐词汇1. fulfill v. 实现;履行2. lament n.悲哀;v.哀悼3. embark v.上船;开始做4. murmur v./n. 低声说;耳语5. sculptor n. 雕塑家11 Benefits to be Single1. SINGLE PEOPLE EXERCISE MORE…If you're single, there's a good chance you're hitting the gym more often than your married peers: A 2011 study found that men and women who have never been married exercised more than people in any other marital1 category (including currently married men and women, as well as divorcees and widowers).2. …AND MAINTAIN A HEALTHIER WEIGHT.You're also more likely to maintain a healthy weight. Multiple studies have found that men and women tend to pack on the pounds after they get married. One study found that married men are more likely to be overweight than their single peers, while another found that women who lost weight in preparation for their weddings had a tendency to gain weight in the six months following the ceremony.3. THEY SLEEP BETTER.It should come as little surprise that sharing a bed with another human being can affect how much sleep you get. After all, having someone tossing and turning, snoring, and talking in their sleep beside you can affect even the deepest sleepers. Being single cuts down on nighttime disruptions and can help you get amore peaceful night's sleep.4. THEY DO LESS HOUSEWORK.If you hate doing chores, single life might be right for you. A 2008 study found that single men and women spend fewer hours a week doing basic housework than their married counterparts.5. THEY'RE CLOSER TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY.Single people are the glue that keeps families together. According to one study, single siblings are more likely to keep in touch with, and reach out to, their siblings than those who are married. Another study found that single people also spend more time with friends than those in long-term relationships.6. THEY HAVE LESS DEBT.Being single doesn't just benefit your waistline and social life: It also benefits your wallet. Researchers have found that married people have more credit card debt than single people, and people who are married with children have the most debt of all.7. THEY'RE LESS STRESSED.Staying single can help you prevent certain kinds of stress and depression. One 2014 study found that marital stress may make couples more prone to depression, while couples who experience severe, ongoing5 marital stress were less able to enjoy positive experiences.8. THEY'RE LESS LIKELY TO GET DIVORCED DOWN THE ROAD.Staying single now can benefit your romantic relationships in the future. In general, people who wait longer to get married have lower rates of divorce.9. THEY CAN AVOID CONFLICTS.For people who truly hate conflicts, staying single can have real psychological benefits. According to a 2015 study, people who are conflict-averse (those for whom relationship fights and arguments can cause severe stress) may experience less anxiety when they're single.10. THERE ARE SURPRISING HEALTH BENEFITS TO SINGLEDOM.A wide range of studies have looked at the impact marriage and singledom can have on health. While being single isn't necessarily healthier across the board, there are plenty of situations where being single seems to be beneficial. Single men, for instance, were found to experience less heart disease, while single women are less likely to take sick days and visited the doctor less frequently than married women. Being single can even help your chances of keeping off weight after surgery: One study found that unmarried men and women were 2.7 times more likely to keep to diet and exercise goals after weight loss surgery.11. ALONE TIME IS GOOD FOR YOU.Being alone doesn't necessarily mean being lonely. Spending time on your own gives you time to clear your mind, identify your own goals and priorities, and participate in activities that interest you. Research has even found that a bit of alone time can help us become more empathetic, foster creativity, and even improve our relationships.推荐词汇1. marital adj. 婚姻的;夫妻的2. sleepers n. 卧铺(经常用复数)3. siblings n. 兄弟姐妹(表亲或堂亲)4. prone adj. 有倾向的(用法为be prone to)5. ongoing adj. 持续的;进行中的Free to SoarOne windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites. Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds darting and dancing. As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a string kept them in check.Instead of blowing away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great heights. They shook and pulled, but the restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them in tow, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled and kept them in tow, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled and trembled against the string, they seemed to say," Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!" they soared beautifully even as they fought the restriction of the string. Finally, one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose. "Free at last," it seemed to say. "Free to fly with the wind."Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze. It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. "Free at last", free to lie powerless in the dirt, to be blown helplessly along the ground, and to lodge lifeless against the firstobstruction.How much like kites we sometimes are. The heaven gives us adversity and restrictions, rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength. Restraint is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition. Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained. We keep part of the commandment and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.Let us each rise to the great heights, recognizing that some of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve.推荐词汇1. restriction n. 限制2. tangle v. 纠缠3. lodge n. 临时住宿;躲避n. 传达室;小旅馆4. obstruction n. 阻塞;障碍5. opposition n. 反对6. cumbersome adj. 笨重的;不便携带的7. tug v. 拖;拉n. 苦力8. ascend v.上升Mom's SmileIt's an old photograph with bad composition and lousy color. The edges are curled up and brown. But none of that matters. The photo is laced with poignant memories so vivid that when my gaze slides across it, tears prick at the backs of my eyes. I am immediately transported to a place where only good and beautiful images can be found, a place where life revolves around lazy afternoons spent on the beach. In this magical place mothers share secrets with daughters, and grandchildren glean immeasurable bits of wisdom from the cadence of the waves and the soft tones of the women they love.A mere moment of our lives, tucked neatly into a small rectangle and preserved forever - years before anything bad came calling.In the photo, the beach spreads out on either side, a fishing dock to the left, one of Calcite's great limestone boats far out on the horizon, and on the right, miles and miles of undisturbed beach. The photo is alive with children and women: mothers, sisters, sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, grandchildren. The lone man in the photo is my father. His shadow stretches long and lean across the restless blue waters of Lake Huron. With immense patience, he casts his line, again and again. My toddler son, his blond curls bleached white, peers across the endless stretch of sand. Mesmerized by his grandfather, he jets down the wet beach as fast as his chubby legs can carry him. His sisters give chase.A million dancing whitecaps become myriad diamonds, straining to outshine one another. The glimmering trail sparkles on the vast and seemingly endless body of water that starts at my feet and disappears into the sky, where seagulls dip and swirl, calling to one another as an anxious mother calls to a wayward child.A chaise lounge dominates the photo. In it a woman - my mother - reclines. Mom is spread out in the chair like thick, sweet frosting on a cake. Languid, her arms raised above her head, her legs splayed, pant legs rolled up to expose a goodly length of pale skin. Her arms are bare, the undersides pasty in comparison to the tops. Her smile in repose is tender, sweet, unassuming, and peaceful.To my knowledge, Mom never owned a bathing suit. I don't recall ever seeing her step into the lake, and never before had she sunbathed17. That day, however, was different. It was as if all her cares had floated out to deep waters like the unattended beach ball had done just minutes before.We are a large family. When my siblings and I were young, Dad was the one who took us to the beach. He sat in the car and watched as we frolicked in the shallows. Mom stayed home to ensure we had a hot meal when we returned. Perhaps Mom was happy for the few moments of alone time at home in the kitchen, as was Dad, alone in the car.On this day, their grown children, with children of our own, treat them to dinner on the beach. Dad fishes off the dock, never swaying from his pleasantries. And, for once, Mom forgets about making dinner.It is a day of memories, a day never to be forgotten.My three children are in the photo, and Dad is in the background, as are two of my sisters and their children, but everyone who gazes at the poorly developed photo is drawn inexplicably to Mom's smile. In the photo, her face is raised up to the sky. To the sun or to our Creator, she alone knows. Her eyes are closed.I remember how warm it was that day and how she had squinted up at me, shielding her eyes with both hands."Are my legs getting red?" she'd asked.My eyes brim with unshed tears as I remember the feel of her skin on the palm of my hand. Hot. The scalding tears run down my face. How I wish I could touch her one more time."No, Mom," I replied. "But better put some sunscreen on before you get a burn." Reluctantly, she'd sat up, the peaceful smile disappearing, and rolled her pant legs down, again."Save it for the kids," she said, her eyes scanning the group of children splashing in and out of the water. The whisper of a smile touched her lips as she watched for a long, wistful moment. With a sigh, she rose from the chair and moved toward the car where the coolers awaited."Maybe we should get lunch going," she said as she opened the first cooler.Now it is my turn to smile. Mom was not ready to relinquish dinner duties, after all. On a whim, I turn my face heavenward and close my eyes. I draw a deep breath and search for the special place Mom found that afternoon. It comes to me easily. Without pomp or ceremony, there she is, smiling again. Tears squeeze from beneath my closed lids, and I fervently pray that anyone who might come upon me at this。

高中英语课外阅读经典记叙文英语记叙文(一):As a student,my main target is to study well and then make progress step by step。
When holiday es,it is time for me to play,and I should be happy,while playing all the time makes me feel empty in my heart。
I have done nothing at all。
I want to do something meaningful to enrich my life。
So a target is needed for me。
I set a small goal,such as,read a book,or help my mother with her work。
Everytime when I finish my target,I will feel so satisfied。
The meaningful life is to do something useful and make you feel happy。
英语记叙文(二):Today,early in the morning,when I woke up,I found it was later for half an hour than I usually did。

Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.2 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。
And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.3世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。
它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.4是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。
It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom.5无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。
The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.6如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。
If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.7跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。
你肯挟瘸足的泥沙而俱下么?The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness?8她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。

Treasure Island金银岛简介年轻的吉姆•霍金斯躺在床上,梦见宝藏和海上历险。
罗伯特•路易斯•史蒂文森1850 年生于苏格兰的爱丁堡。
他学过法律,但在21 岁时决定开始写作。
史蒂文森1894 年病逝于萨摩亚岛。
1 The old seaman SquireSquire Trelawney, Dr Livesey, and the others have asked me to write down all I know about Treasure Island .My name is Jim Hawkins, and I was in the story right from the start, back in 17-.I was only a boy then, and it all began at the time my father owned the Admiral Benbow inn, at Black Hill Cove .I remember so clearly the day when the old seaman came to stay-I can almost see him in front of me as I write.He arrived with his sea-chest, a tall, strong man with a cut across one cheek. He sang that old sea sang as he walked up to the inn door:Fifeen men on the dead man's chest-Yo-ho-ho,and a bottle of rum!The old seaman called for a glass of rum,and stood outside,drinking and looking around. Our inn was on me cliffs above Black Hill Cove, and was a wild ,lonely place. But第 1 页共70 页the seaman seemed to like it.‘Do many people come here?’ h e asked.‘No,’my father told him.‘Then it's the place for me,’said the seaman.‘I'll stay here for a bit. You can call meCaptain.’He threw down three or four gold coins.‘Tell me when I've spent all that.’He was a silent man. All day he walked around the cove, or up on the cliffs ;all evening he sat in a corner of the room, and drank rum and water .He only spoke to our other customers when he was drunk. Then he told them terrible stories of his wild and criminal life at sea. Our customers were mostly quiet ,farming people; the captain frightened them and they soon learned to leave him alone.Every day, he asked if any seamen had gone along the road. At first we thought he wanted friends of his own kind, but then we began to understand that there was a different reason .He told me to watch for a seaman with one leg and to let him know the moment when a man like that appeared. He promised to give me a silver coin every month for doing this .I dreamed about this one-legged seaman for many nights afterwards.The captain stayed week after week, month after month. His gold coins were soon used up, but my father was a sick man and afraid to ask for more.Dr Livesey came late one afternoon. After he had seen my father ,he had dinner with my mother, then stayed to smoke his pipe .I noticed the difference between the doctor with his white hair and pleasant way of speaking, and that dirty, heavy, red-faced seaman, drunk with rum.The captain began to sing his song:Fifteen men on the dead man's chest-Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!Drink and the devil had killed off the rest-Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of, rum!Dr Livesey did not like the song.He looked up angrily before he went on talking to old Taylor, the gardener. Others in the room took no notice of the song. The captain beat the table with his hand for silence. The voices in the room died away, all except Dr Livesey's.The doctor continued to speak.The captain swore softly, then said,‘ Silence!’‘Are you speaking to me ,sir?’asked the doctor.第 2 页共70 页‘Yes,’the captain told him, swearing again.‘I have only one thing to say to you, sir,’ replied the doctor.‘If you keep on drinking rum ,the world will soon be free of a dirty scoundrel!’The captain jumped to his feet with a knife in his hand ,but the doctor never moved .He spoke to the captain in a calm and clear voice so that others in the room could hear:‘If you don't put that knife away, I promise you shall die a criminal's death under the law.’Then followed a battle of looks between them, but the cap-tain soon put away his weapon and sat down like a beaten dog. Soon after Dr Livesey rode away on his horse. The captain was silent for the rest of the evening, and for many evenings after-wards.1 老海员乡绅屈利劳尼、李甫西大夫和其他几位绅士让我把金银岛的故事从头至尾写下来。

词数389建议阅读时间5分钟HOWlongwillyouwaittosucceedinyourdreamcareerTenyearsorlonger,TaiwanactorBolinChenwouldsay.The29-year-oldfinallyearnedbackallhishardworkwhenhewonBestLeadingActorforhisroleinthepopular TVseries InTimeWithYou(?我可能不会爱你?)atthe47thGoldenBellAwards,whichwasheldinTaipeionOct26.BolinChen,29,wonhisfirstawardaftertenyearsofacting.XINHUAFromaveryyoungage,wehaveadream,whetherit ’stobeapainter,ascientist orawriter. Butthedesire (渴望)topaint, discover ortellstories fades(消褪)aswegrowup,until that momentoffinding ourdeepcallinghitsus.ForChen,thiscamewhenhewasdiscoveredbydirectorYeeChih-Yeninfront ofanicecreamstore attheageof19.Chenhadconsidered becoming11可编辑可修改anexcellentdancer,amodelandasingerbeforeheplayedthemaleleadinYee’smovieBlueGateCrossing(?蓝色大门?).Hisfirst taste of famewiththewell-receiveddramashowedhimwhathereallywantedtobe.However,showbusinessdidn’tfavorhiminstantly(立刻).Famewasnotofinteresttohimashisrule for pickingroles wastotry something neweachtime.Overthenexttenyearsheengaged(使忙碌)himselfingenresasdifferent asfantasy(魔幻)actionin TheTwinsEffect II(2004),horror(恐怖片)inTheEye10(2005)andcoming-of-age dramainBuddhaMountain (2021).Nothingmademuchofanimpact until hesuccessfully playedathoughtfulanddedicated(忠心的)partnerinarelationshipofundeclaredlove(暗恋)withhisbestfriend(playedbyBestActresswinnerArielLin).TheTVdramawasthebiggestwinnerattheawardsceremony(仪式),sweepingsevenawardsoutofitseightnominations(提名).Like his winning role,Li Daren,critics sayChenis just like afinewinethat will get betterwith age.There’ssomethingaboutthewayhecarrieshimself–that sincere anddown-to-earth demeanor(气质)fans can’t helpbutfallfor.Manybelieve theGoldenBelltrophy(奖杯)will take Chen’sactingcareer tonewheights.ButChensaysthatthegreatest gains areactuallypersonal lessons.“You’llsucceedintimeaslongasyouloveit withapassion(热情) becauselifewillgivebackwhatyouputintoit,〞hetoldTaiwan newspaperTheChinaTimes.“Ifyourdreamrequirestimeandpatience,giveit.〞高考词汇22可编辑可修改succeedvi.成功Ifyoutryhard,youwillsucceedintheend.impactn./vt.影响Thecomputerhasmadeagreatimpactonmodernlife. Crossingtheline终结“中国式过马路〞到底需要什么词数377建议阅读时间7分钟THEtrafficlightturnsred.Asapedestrian(行人),whatdoyoudoTherule says“stopandwait,〞butweoften seegroupsofpeoplerunning redlights. Internetusershavejokinglynamed thisphenomenon“theChinese-stylestreetcrossing〞.Whilemanypeoplecriticizeitasbadmanners,recentresearchrevealsAgroupofpedestrians (揭示)anotherpossiblereason–thedurationjaywalkacrossaroadin (持续时间)ofredlightsinChinaexceeds(Taiyuan,capitalofShanxi 超过)whatprovince.CHINADAILYpeoplecanmentallybear.“Pedestrianshaveamaximum(最大)bearable(可忍受的)waitingtimeintheirmind,〞NiYing,amemberof aresearchteamatTongjiUniversity’sSchoolofTransportationEngineering, wasquoted(引述)byXinhuaNewsAgencyassaying.“If they waitlongerthanthat,theywillbem orelikelytoignorethelight.〞From2021to2021,Ni’steamca rriedoutresearchonpedestrians’waitingtimesatvariousroadcrossings.Theyfoundacorrelation(相33可编辑可修改互关系)betweenrunning redlights andthelengthof time they hadto waitbeforethelightchanged.Theyconcludedthat,onaverage,Chinesecan waitforthetrafficlightsnolongerthan70seconds,andindowntown areasthisnumbercouldextend(扩大)to90seconds.Manycountries workoutpedestrians’maximumbearable waiting timeanduseit to design traffic lights,accordingto Ni.Forexample,researchersfoundthat it is60secondsfor Germansand45secondsfor Britons.Seldomdoesaredlightinthesecountriesexceedthelimits.Buttheduration of red lights in Chinaoften exceedsthe70or90second limit.TakeBeijing for example.AtZhongguancunAvenueared light lasts longer than2minutes,duringwhichyoucould finish readingashort story onTeens.Pedestrians arethen givenjust30secondstocross the street.“Istopforredlights.ButifI’mreallyinahurryorthetrafficinterval(区间)is long enoughfor meto cross,Imoveslowlyforward(向前)secondsbeforethelightturnsgreen,〞saidQiXin,17,livingin FengtaidistrictinBeijing.However,the longwaiting time cannotserveasanexcuseforbreaking the rules,commentatorLiZhiyongwroteonthePeople’sDaily.“Aslong asthedesign of traffic lights remainsthesame,everyoneshould obeytherules,otherwise(否那么)thecountrywillbeoutoforderand dangerwillbeinc urredforpedestrians,〞wroteLi. RomanHolidaywithoutthesnacks44可编辑可修改INthemovieRomanHoliday,AudreyHepburnshowstheworldwhataromantic(浪漫的)sceneisallabout:wanderingaroundRomewithalover byyoursideandanicecreaminhand.Butthosewhowanttoexperiencethismaynowhave topay alargeprice.Rome’scity council(议会)passedanewlawinOctober.Itprohibits(禁止)touristsfromeatingpizza,sandwichesTouristseat infrontofthe oranyothersnacksorfastfoodaroundPantheoninthehistoricalsitesinthecity.Violators(违反者)willbefined(罚款)from25euros(202yuan)upto500euros(4,044yuan).Cityauthoritiesexplainedthat thelawaimstoimprovepeople’smannersandprotectsitesthathaveahistoricorarchitectural(建筑的)value.Similarbans(禁令)havebeenappliedinsomeotherItaliancities.InVenice,forexample,eatingsnacksinthestreetispro hibitedinStMark’sSquare.Criticssaysuchbansreflect(反映)Italians’attitudestowardpubliceating:theyrarelyeatordrinkinthestreet.StudentstrybrandneweyeexercisesDON’Tbepuzzledif agroupofstudents sit nearbyandstart rolling theireyeballsatyou.Theymaybedoingtheirneweyeexercises.Inarecentonlinevideo,agirldemonstrates(展示)aneweyeexerciseprogram.Shekeepshereyesopenandrolls hereyeballs aroundtothemusic,55可编辑可修改orcloseshereyesfirstandthenopensthemandtriesherbesttolookup.ThenewprogramwasdesignedbytheTaizhouOfficeoftheChinaSchoolHealthAction in Zhejiang Province andBrightAngelEye-Protecting CenterforStudents.Asapilot scheme(方案),someschools inShandongandHubei haveadopted(采用)thenewprogram.InaCCTVreport,somestudentswhotried theexercise said theyfelt dizzy(头晕的)andsleepyafter doingit.Somewereevenworried about turning cross-eyed.Doctorssaythattheprogramonlyexercisesexternalmuscles(外部肌肉)oftheeyes.Itcannotrelieveeyefatigue(疲劳)andhaslittleeffectinpreventingnearsightedness.重点讲解高考词汇mentallyadv.心理上Wemustequipthechildren m entally andphysically tomeetthetrial they willface.variousadj.各种各样的Therearevariouswaysofgettingtothestation.lengthn.长度,时间的长短Thelengthofyourtalkmustbeatleast10minutes.obeyvt.遵守,服从Ialwaysobeymyfather.长难句分析Whilemanypeople...,recentresearch...–thedurationofredlightsinChinaexceedswhatpeoplecanmentallybear.66可编辑可修改本句中的while表示“虽然,尽管〞;破折号后的分句进一步说明人们闯红灯的另一个原因,该句的主干为theduration exceedswhatpeoplecanmentallybear,what引导宾语从句,意思是“人们心理能够承受的范围〞。

英语美文欣赏17只有在乎你的人,才会对你啰嗦Everyone has that period in which they find those who are close to them start to seem annoying .每个人都会经历这样的时期:发现身边那些亲近的人开始变得有点烦了。
You suddenly realized that they've always been talking and talking.你会突然意识到,长久以来他们就一直不停地在说啊说。
They never stopped.他们从来就没有停过。
Some of us get angry with them, thinking they are trying too hard to intervene in our lives.我们中的有些人,会开始变得愤怒,觉得他们对我们的生活介入太多。
But don't.但是,请不要愤怒。
Only those who really care about you will bother saying so much to you.只有那些真正关心我们的人才会费劲对我们说这么多。
It's just that maybe they don't know the right way to put it.只是,他们可能并不知道正确的相处办法。
Some of them push too hard because they care too much.他们中有些人逼得太紧,那是因为他们太在乎。
Some of them speak too much because they worry about you too much.他们中的有些人说得太多,那是因为他们太担心你。
They do this because they love you.他们这么做,都是因为爱你。

黑布林分级英语阅读高一(呼啸山庄)Wuthering Heightsreading task: P 20-391. Who do you think the three Catherines are(多选)?A. Catherine EarnshawB. Catherine HeathcliffC. Catherine LintonD.Catherine Lockwood2.Who took Lockwood upstairs to a bedroom?A.ZillahB. CatherineC. HeathcliffD. Hindley3.Whose diary did Lockwood find in the bedroom?A.Catherine’sB. Edgar’sC. Nelly’sD. Heatchliff’s4.How might Catherine Earnshaw be related to Hareton Earnshaw?A.auntB. motherC. sister5.From the passage, we can conclude that Catherine is someone Heathcliff _________.A. lovedB. hatedC. feels indifferent aboutD. liked6.From the dialogue between Mrs Dean and “I”, we can safely say that _______.A. Heathcliff is a born gentlemanB. Hareton and Catherine are cousins while she and her husband are notC. Mrs Dean has lived at Thrushcross Grange for 18 yearsD. Catherine Linton is the ghost “I” came across at Wuthering Heights the other evening7.When did Mr. Earnshaw pass away?A.Saturday morningB. December eveningC. October eveningD. January evening8.Heatchcliff and Catherine are afraid of being punished. True False9.A bear had Catherine’s ankle in its mouth and she cried. True False10.When Catherine returned from Thrushcross Grange, she looked like a lady.True False11.Hindley was unhappy about Catherine’s changes, while Heatchcliff finds these changes pleasant.True Falsereading task: P 40-551. What will Catherine’s life be like if she marries Edgar? And if she marries Heathcliff?A. With Edgar: rich, comfortable but maybe boring life. With Heathcliff: poor, life of work but of love and friendship.B. With Edgar: poor and tough, but full of love and happiness. With Heathcliff: poor, life of work but of love and friendship.C. Either Edgar or Heathcliff can make Catherine lead a happy and wealthy life.2.From the passage, we can conclude that __________.A.Catherine loves Edgar more than she loves HeathcliffB.Catherine can’t marry Heathcliff because she dislikes himC.Heathcliff leaves because he think Catherine doesn’t love him and misunderstands herD.Deep inside Heathcliff’s heart he knows that Catherine does everything for his good3.Why did Catherine want to marry Edgar?A.S he loved Edgar.B.for sake of Edgar’s status and wealthC.In order to help Heathcliff to escape from Hindleys’ power.D. to satisfy Hindley’s demand.4.After the death of France, who has become the only visitor to the Wuthering Heights?A.LockwoodB. Edgar LintonC. HindleyD. Heathcliff5.Who caught the poor Hareton after he was threw from the banister rail by his father?A.LockwoodB. Edgar LintonC. HindleyD. Heathcliff6.Which word can describe Catherine and Edgar’s marriage?A.HappyB. bitterC. satisfiedD. bored7.We may guess that Catherine __________________ .A.has been loving Edgar ever since they get marriedB.has come to love Edgar ever since they get marriedC.love Edgar more than he does herD.at first had a bad temper because she was unhappy with Nelly and the servants8.Why did Catherine say that Isabella is unkind to her?A.She is trying to protect IsabellaB.She wants to keep Heathcliff for herselfC.She hates Isabella.9.Catherine says Heathcliff will never love a Linton, because ____________ ?A.She knows Heathcliff is a vindictive man and doesn’t mean well to LintonsB.She wants to keep Heathcliff for herself and says it to scare Isabella awayC.She doesn’t want Heathcliff to be married to a girl she hates so much.D.She doesn’t think Isabella will make a good wife for Heathcliff10.Why might Heathcliff want to marry Isabella?A.Because he loves IsabellaB.Because he wants to revenge.C. Because he wants to own her property.D. Because he wants to get more closer to Catherine.1.Who do you think want to hurt Isabella’s dog?A.HindleyB. NellyC. CatherineD. Heathcliff2.Isabella fell in love with Heatheliff because_____A.he behaved and dressed like a gentleman.B.he was kind to herC.she liked his wild passionate nature.3.Catherine became ill because_____A.she saw Heathcliff kiss Isabella.B.she couldn't live without HeathcliffC.she was expecting a babyD.she thought Nelly was a witch.4.Who was riding the horses that Nelly heard?A.HindleyB. NellyC. CatherineD. Heathcliff5.How was Isabella at Wuthering Heights with Heathcliff?A.MiserableB. happyC. Ordinary6.Who arranged a meeting for Heathcliff and Catherine?A.LintonB. LockwoodC.Nelly7.Catherine died after giving a birth to the baby. True False8.Nelly refused to arrange a meeting for Heathcliff initially, but in the end she gave in.True False9.Edgar Linton never replied to his sister’s letter. True False10.Isabella was regretful that she married Heathcliff. True False1.Why do you think Isabella calls her son Linton?A.To show her deep love for LintonB.To get back at Heathliff2.When Hindley died, who inherited Wuthering Heights?A.Hareton EarnshawB. Linton HeathcliffC. HeathcliffD. Isabella3.Hindley is Catherine Earnshaw’s _________ and Cathy Linton’s _______A.brotherB. nephewC. uncleD. aunt4. Linton Heathcliff is Edgar’s _______ and Isabella’s_________A. sonB. nephewC. uncleD. aunt5. Isabella is Cathy Linton’s _____ and Catherine’s _____A. cousinB. auntC. uncleD. sister-in-law6. Hareton is Cathy Linton’s _________A. cousinB. auntC. uncleD. sister-in-law7. After hearing Catherine’s death, Heathcliff’s attitude is ____A. happyB. grievedC. relievedD. apathy8. Which of the following sentences is true?A. Cathy and Hareton got married.B. Catherine died because of illness.C. Mr Earnshaw brought Heathcliff to live at Wuthering Heights.D. Hindley returns to Wuthering Heights with his wife Isabella.9.When was Catherine’s baby born?A.in the morningB. at noonC. in the afternoonD. at night.10. Which of the following sentences is wrong?A. Hindley Earnshaw came back to Wutheriing Heights with a wife.B. Heathcliff wanted Hareton and Cathy Linton to marry.C. Catherine did not want to marry Heathcliff because he was poor.D. When Hindley died, Heathcliff inherited Wuthering Heights.1.Who took care of Mr Linton and Nelly when they both were ill.B.Hareton Earnshaw B. Linton HeathcliffC. HeathcliffD. Cathy2.Where did Cathy go in the evenings?A.Wuthering HeightsB. Thrushcross GrangeC. the heath3.Why did Heathcliff lock Cathy and Nelly in the room?A.Because Heathcliff wanted Cathy and Linton to get married as soon as possible.B.Because Linton asked Heathcliff to do so.C.Because Heathcliff loved Cathy.4.Heathcliff wanted his son to marry Cathy becauseA.He knew they loved each other.B.He wanted her to live at Wuthering Heights.C.He wanted to own Thrushcross Grange.D.He thought she was lonely.5.Who helped Nelly to escape from Wuthering Heights?B.Hindley B. ZillahC. CatherineD. Heathcliff6.When did Heathcliff die?A.in SeptemberB. in JuneC. in JulyD. not mentioned7.Who has become the narrator of this story since Linton passed away?A.Mr LockwoodB. HindleyC. HeathcliffD. Cathy8.At first Cathy made fun of her cousin Hareton because he couldn’t read or write. But they gradually became friends. True False9.Nelly left the Wuthering Heights and Zillah became the housekeeper. True False10.At last, Heathcliff went mad. He didn’t eat or drinking anything. Sometimes he just sat and stared in front of him with a look of joy on his face. True False。


高中英语课外阅读材料经典高中英语课外阅读材料(一)加倍重视自己的价值Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.Amulberry leaf(桑叶) touched with the genius of man becomes silk.A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle.A Cyprus tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine.A cut of sheep's hair touched with the genius of man becomes raiment for a king.If it is possible for leaves and clay and wood and hair to have their value multiplied a hundred, yea a thousandfold by man, cannot I do the same with the clay which bears my name?Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.I am liken to a grain of wheat which faces one of three futures. The wheat can be placed in a sack and dumped in a stall until it is fed to swine. Or it can be ground to flour and made into bread. Or it can be placed in the earth and allowed to grow until its golden head dividesand produces a thousand grains from the one.I am liken to a grain of wheat with one difference. The wheat cannot choose whether it be fed to swine, ground for bread, or plantedto multiply. I have a choice and I will not let my life be fed to swine nor will I let it be ground under the rocks of failure and despair to be broken open and devoured by the will of others.Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.To grow and multiply it is necessary to plant the wheat grain in the darkness of the earth and my failures, my despairs, my ignorance,and my inabilities are the darkness in which I have been planted inorder to ripen. Now, like the wheat grain which will sprout and blossom only if it is nurtured with rain and sun and warm winds, I too must nurture my body and mind to fulfill my dreams. But to grow to fullstature the wheat must wait on the whims of nature. I need not wait forI have the power to choose my own destiny.Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.And how will I accomplish this? First I will set goals for the day, the week, the month, the year, and my life. Just as the rain must fall before the wheat will crack its shell and sprout, so must I have objectives before my life will crystallize. Insetting my goals I will consider my best performance of the past and multiply it a hundredfold. This will be the standard by which I will live in the future. Never will I be of concern that my goals are too high for is it not better to aim my spear at the moon and strike only an eagle than to arm my spear atthe eagle and strike only a rock?Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.The height of my goals will not hold me in awe though I may stumble often before they are reached. If I stumble I will rise and my falls will not concern me for all men must stumble often to reach the hearth. Only a worm is free from the worry of stumbling. I am not a worm.I am not an onion plant. I am not a sheep. I am a man. Let others builda cave with their clay. I will build a castle with mine.Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.And just as the sun must warm the earth to bring forth the seedling of wheat so, too, will the words on these scrolls warm my life and turn my dreams into reality. Today I will surpass every action which I performed yesterday. I will climb today's mountain to the utmost of my ability yet tomorrow I will climb higher than today, and the next willbe higher than tomorrow. To surpass the deeds of others is unimportant; to surpass my own deeds is all.Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.And just as the warm wind guides the wheat to maturity, the same winds will carry my voice to those who will listen and my words will announce my goals. Once spoken I dare not recall them lest I lose face.I will be as my own prophet and though all may laugh at my utterances they will hear my plans, they will know my dreams; and thus there willbe no escape for me until my words become accomplished deeds.Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.I will commit not the terrible crime of aiming too low.I will do the work that a failure will not do.I will always let my reach exceed my grasp.I will never be content with my performance in the market.I will always raise my goals as soon as they are attained.I will always strive to make the next hour better than this one.I will always announce my goals to the world.Yet, never will I proclaim my accomplishments. Let the world, instead, approach me with praise and may I have the wisdom to receive it in humility.Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.One grain of wheat when multiplied a hundredfold will produce a hundred stalks. Multiply these a hundredfold, ten times, and they will feed all the cities of the earth. Am I not more than a grain of wheat?Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.And when it is done I will do it again, and again, and therewill be astonishment and wonder at my greatness as the words of these scrolls are fulf in me.高中英语课外阅读材料(二)世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you don't know thatI love youThe furthest distance in the worldIs not when i stand in font of youYet you can't see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannotBe togehterThe furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when plainly can not resist the yearningYet pretendingYou have never been in my heartThe furthest distance in the worldIs notBut using one's indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死而是我就站在你的面前,你却不知道我爱你世界上最遥远的距离,不是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你而是明明知道彼此相爱,却不能在一起世界上最遥远的距离,不是明明知道彼此相爱,却不能在一起而是明明无法抵挡这股想念,却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里世界上最遥远的距离,不是明明无法抵挡这股想念,却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里而是用自己冷漠的心,对爱你的人掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠高中英语课外阅读材料(三)难忘的野营When I was a boy, I belonged to the Boy Scouts so I used to go camping every summer, and once something happened which I have never been able to explain.We were camping in a place above a river. After arriving, we all rushed down to the river and had a swim. Standing by the river, we noticed that it was surrounded(环绕) by cliffs(悬崖). If someone wanted to reach the river at this point, he had to walk past our camp.Several days later, the scoutmaster had to be away for a day. That afternoon, we had supper early. We were sitting round the fire, eating and talking, when a man walked past and went down towards the river. We all felt that this man looked very strange, but, because each of us was afraid of looking very stupid, no one said anything.We ate rather slowly, taking as long as possible. After finishing, we collected our plates together so that we could take them to the river where we always washed them. But no one moved towards the rivere stood looking at each other ashamed. Then all shouting at once, we began talking about the man who had walked past us. We agreed how strange he looked and we wondered what he could be doing by the river. We knew that he could only return by passing through our camp.An hour passed. Then one of the boys suggested we shouldcreep(悄悄移动) down by the river so that we could see what the man was doing. Moving very slowly and keeping in the shadow, we crept down towards the bank. One boy climbed a tree so that he could see everything clearly. He called to us that there was no one there, so we ran down to the bank, looking everywhere carefully. We could not understand where the man had gone.When it got dark, we went back to our camp feeling bewildered. We told the scoutmaster what had happened in the evening. Smiling, he doubted that we had seen the man, but finally suggested we go and look again. We did, but there was no one there.Many years have passed, but I still remember it as if it were yesterday. What did we see? I do not know.。

《了不起的盖茨比》由F. ScottFitzgerald创作,通过其优美的语言和深刻的社会洞察,展现了2 0世纪初美国社会的风貌。

英语美文欣赏79Making the tacks做鞋钉The hardworking blacksmith Jones used to work all day in his shop and so hard working was he that at times he would make the sparks fly from his hammer.The son of Mr. Smith, a rich neighbor, used to come to see the blacksmith everyday and for hours and hours he would enjoy himself watching how the tradesman worked."Young man, why don't you try your hand to learn to make shoe tacks, even if it is only to pass the time?" said the blacksmith. "Who knows, one day, it may be of use to you."The lazy boy began to see what he could do. But after a little practice he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.Old Mr. Smith died and the son on account of the war lost all his goods. He had to leave home and was forced to take up residence in another country. It so happened that in this village there were numerous shoemakers who were spending a lot of money to buy tacks for their shoes and even at times when they paid high prices they were not always able to get what they wanted, because in that part of the country there was a high demand for soldiers' shoes.Our young Mr. Smith, who was finding it difficult to earn his daily bread, remembered that once upon a time he had learned the art of making tacks and had the sudden idea of making a bargain with the shoemakers. He told them that he would make the tacks if they would help to get him settled in his workshop. The shoemakers were only too glad of the offer. And after a while, Mr. Smith found that he was soon making the finest tacks in the village."How funny it seems," he used to say, "even making tacks can bring a fortune. My trade is more useful to me than were all my former riches."琼斯是个非常勤劳的铁匠,常常一整天都在店里工作。

英语美文欣赏29我的生活,充满魔法When I was younger I was entranced with stories of magic. I devoured books where wizards and warriors battled the powers of darkness in strange worlds. I rejoiced when they triumphed bringing peace and happiness to their lands. I guess like most of the readers of these stories I secretly wished for magical powers for myself. I wanted to be able to magically make my pain disappear, to make my problems go away, and to have power over this world that so often has power over us.在我年轻的时候,我就对魔法故事深深着迷。
As I got older, however, I realized that there was no such thing as magic and the harsh reality of life set in. I struggled through a long period of poverty. I had daily pain from a back injury that never healed right. I felt sadness and sorrow when both of my sons were diagnosed with Autism. I still sometimes daydreamed of magic but in time even that faded away.然而,当我逐渐长大,我开始意识到,根本就不存在魔法,生活的残酷现实开始袭来。

1. 《典范英语》:这是一套英国学生学习英语的教材,共7册,内容丰富,难度适中,适合高一学生阅读。
2. 《新概念英语》:这是一套经典的英语学习教材,共4册,每册涵盖多个话题,内容丰富,难度逐渐递增,适合高一学生阅读。
3. 《普通高中英语课程标准实验教科书》:这是一套符合高中英语课程标准的教材,共5册,每册涵盖多个话题,内容丰富,难度逐渐递增,适合高一学生阅读。
4. 《牛津阅读树》:这是一套英国著名的英语分级阅读教材,适合不同水平的学生阅读,高一学生可以选择其中适合自己水平的级别进行阅读。
5. 《剑桥英语分级阅读》:这是一套由剑桥大学出版的英语分级阅读教材,适合不同水平的学生阅读,高一学生可以选择其中适合自己水平的级别进行阅读。

高中英语课外阅读文章(一)Hillary tours AsiaUS Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discusses trade and investment while on her Asia tour.US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, arrived in China last Friday, after stopping in Japan, Indonesia and the Republic of Korea, on her Asia tour. She met with President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao over the weekend. They discussed trade, investment (投资), China's 4-trillion-yuan stimulus (经济刺激) package and environmental issues.The China-US relationship is one of the most important international relationships in the world today. China is America's second-largest trading partner, after Canada. The US is also China's second largest trading partner, behind the EU.Last year, the US imported $252.3 billion worth of Chinese goods, while exporting $81.4 billion to China.In recent years, China's economic growth has given it new power on the diplomatic (外交的) front. It continues to be a key player in international attempts to seek a peaceful solution to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (朝鲜的) nuclear issue. And the US and the United Nations need China's help to solve the Iranian (伊朗的) nuclear issue.Climate change has become one place where the US can establish a positive working relationship with China. The two countries are the world's top greenhouse gas emitters (排放源).China hopes to cut its greenhouse-gas emissions through technology, something for which it needs US help.While the US has a long list of issues on which it wants China's support, China has a list of its own. China wants a greater say in the decision-making of the International Monetary Fund (国际货币基金组织), and tougher regulations on the financial system in wealthy countries to prevent future problems.The global financial crisis (危机) is likely to overshadow (使……失色) the human rights issue for now. Trade, security (安全), and environmental issues will be the key issues in the relationship between China and the US in the years ahead.BONUSWhen we address people formally we address them using their title before either their fullname or by their surname. For example Hillary Clinton is addressed as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or as US Secretary of State Clinton.高中英语课外阅读文(二)One of the greatestCRISTIANO Ronaldo has said new rumors (谣传) that he will move to Real Madrid are "lies". This follows months of speculation (猜测) over whether he will stay at Manchester United."Whoever says that [I want to move] is a liar because I am happy at Manchester United, I want to stay," Ronaldo said. "I feel at home here."In mid 2008, he announced a plan to move to Real Madrid, and there were rumors that the Spanish were willing to pay up to 70 million pounds for him. But the Red Devils wouldn’t let him go. United manager Sir Alex Ferguson even threatened to leave him off the field during games if he didn’t stop trying to negotiate a deal.On the field, it’s been an a mazing year for the 23-year-old winger.He had a stunning (惊人的) season for Manchester United in the English Premier League and UEFA Champions League, leading the team to victory in both, with an unheard-of 42 goals. The fact that he was the Premier League’s top scorer is even more impressive because he is a midfielder and not a striker.Then, earlier this month, Ronaldo was crowned European Footballer of the Year. He became only the third Portuguese star to win the honor.It hasn’t been all smooth sailing f or Ronaldo. On the field, he’s been accused of diving, or pretending other players have fouled (对……作了犯规行为) him. His performances for the Portuguese national team have also been criticized.Some critics say Ronaldo "chokes" in big games, and finds it difficult to perform against better opponents. A missed penalty (点球) in the European Cup final almost spelled disaster for his team.The pressure is now on for Ronaldo to redeem (挽救) himself and return to form. Sir Alex Ferguson maintains (主张) that he will be one of the greatest football stars the world has ever seen."There are a lot of things in his favor to go on and become a legend. The answers will come in the next few years."。

1.Different people spend their weekends in different ways. Some like to stay at home to read books or watch TV. Some like to go out with their families. As for(关于)a group of foreign and Chinese sports lovers in Guangzhou, they like to play a kind of ball game with their friends. And the name of the game may sound new to most of us. It’s floorball.(福乐球)Floorball is an indoor team sport. People use sticks and a ball to play the game on a court. Floorball started in America and is becoming more and more popular all over the world now. The sport came to Beijing, Shanghai and later some foreign people brought to Guangzhou to kill time for fun. People there set up the South China Taipan Club to play floorball together. Now there are over 40 members from different countries, such as Sweden, Japan, India, Iran, China and Mexico.2. In China, every book-lover must know Xinhua Bookstore, China’s largest chain bookstore. There are many branches all over China. Now its first branch in London opens. It is also the first Xinhua Bookstore in Europe.The store sells Chinese books and magazines, English books on China and other Chinese things such as chess and paintings. It can help the readers in the UK know more about China.The store is on Park Royal Road(皇家花园路)in the north of London. People can take the subway and get off at North Acton(阿克顿)station. Then take the Bus 440 to get off at Park Royal Road stop. Cross the road, and the store is on your right.3.Good afternoon, boys and girls. I have something to tell you. We’re going to do some cleaning after school this afternoon. It’s going to rain at night, so please don’t forgetto close the door and windows. It’s going to be very cold tomorrow morning. Please remember to put on more warm clothes. Mr. Wang isn’t here today. He’s ill in hospital. I hope you can go to see him. But you don’t need to buy anything for him. By the way, there’s lots of homework for you this evening. You must finish doing it and bring it to school tomorrow morning. So you’d better not watch TV. Now let’s begin our cleaning.4. Do you like travelling around the world and making friends?Y es? Then come to Shanghai in 2010. You can meet many people from all over the world and make friends with them. Why? Because the 2010 World Expo will be held in the city of Shanghai.Chinese people are doing many things in different ways to welcome it. About 1,000 young college students in Shanghai Jiao T ong University shape themselves into logo of EXPO 2010 Volunteer. That’s their way to show their love for the big event. The logo looks like the Chinese character “heart”. It also looks like the English letter “V”. The students hope it can tell the world that Chinese volunteers are getting ready to welcome all the people to Shanghai.4.World Car Free Day(世界无车日)is September 22. It started from France in 1998. Because of the air and noise pollution, some French young people wanted a day without cars. They called the idea “A day in the city without my car”and many people liked it very much. So on September 22, people in 35cities of France didn’t use their cars. They went to work or school by bike, bus or on foot. After that, September 22 became World Car Free Day. More and more cities in Europe, South America and Asia began to take part in the activity. Chengdu is the first Chinese city to join in it.5.What do you want to be when you grow up? Ask children this question, and we will get different answers. Some may say they want to be doctors and some want to be teachers. Some may say they want to be reporters, but the 18-year-old American boy Nick Jonas’dream is different from others’. He is one of the three members of the Jonas Brothers, a popular American boy band. The young singer has got a lot of fans all over the world now. But that’s not enough for him. He has a bigger dream—to be the President of the USAone day.Nick Jonas once took a trip to the White House. He said his trip was very cool and he wants to run for President. “I know it’s not an easy job. I will work hard at college first,” he said.。

高中学生英语课外阅读(一)Hip-hop spiritTURN on Channel V and you might find a singer in a baseball cap, baggy jeans and a big T-shirt rapping. Listening to hip-hop, it''s easy to swing your body to the rhythm (节奏), even if you have no idea what the lyrics are about.Hip-hop today is a worldwide movement. According to American professor S. Craig Watkins, hip-hop music is "a way to behave and an attitude". He says hip-hop is a rebellious (叛逆的) voice that resonates (共鸣) with young people.For Wang Liang, a 25-year-old DJ, hip-hop is a form of self-expression. "It''s free, like rock ''n'' roll. We can talk about our lives, what we''re thinking about and what we feel," Wang said in an interview with the New York Times.While American rappers have been popular in China since the 1990s, homegrown rap didn''t gain a following until a decade later. The group Yincang (meaning hidden) is one of the pioneers of Chinese rap. It is made up of music lovers from both sides of the Pacific Ocean: a Beijinger, a Chinese-Canadian and two Americans."The big change was when rappers started writing lyrics in Chinese, so people could understand," said Zhong Cheng, 27, a member of the group who was raised in Canada but born in Beijing, where he returned in 1997. "Before that, kids listened to hip-hop in English but maybe less than 1 percent could actuallyunderstand it."Yincang''s first hit song was In Beijing. It sets a melody (旋律) played on the Chinese traditional music instrument the erhu against a hip-hop beat. The song is an insider''s look at Beijing''s sights and sounds, such as traditional Siheyuan courtyard complexes, the bar area in Houhai, the Guijie food street and the clothes market near the zoo.However, making Chinese hip-hop is still relatively profitless. Members of Yincang still struggle to pay the bills after seven years together. But they haven''t stopped making hip-hop."When I met Jeremy Johnston (a member of the group), we were both so inspired by people here," said Zhong. "We wanted to drop some Chinese rhymes for the locals. From that day, we haven''t stopped rhyming. And we won''t stop."BONUSHip-hop is the culture from which rap emerged. Now the terms "rap" and "hip-hop" are,most of the time, interchangeable.Hip-hop culture: it''s a street culture that originated in the South Bronx, a district in New York City, in the mid 1970s. Hip-hop featured a group of uniquely dressed teenagers, rap music, breakdancing and graffiti art.高中学生英语课外阅读(二)Different ways we care for the deadTANG Dynasty writer Du Mu once wrote in a poem titled Qingming: "The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day; So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way。

Class: _________________ Name: ____________________Reading Log on FlippedChapter 12 The Dinner (P159-169)Activity 1. Vocabulary Learning Part 2 Match the words and phrases in bold with their English definitions.1) By the time I got home, I knew it would be selfish of me to boycott the Loskis' dinner party.2) Obviously she was looking forward to the dinner —not that I really understood that, but I didn't want to ruin everything by telling her about my newfound hatred of Bryce.3) So that night I went through the motions of baking pies with my mother and convinced myself that I was doing the right thing.4) I took a deep breath, wrapped up a pie, and shuffled across the street behind my brothers and parents.5) Then Mrs. Loski and my mother went off with the pies, my brothers vanished down the hall with Lynetta, and my father followed Chet into the living room.6) But in a desperate attempt to block Bryce Loski from my mind, I asked,“What's a perpetual -motion machine?”7) Instead, my father stuck out his hand and said, “Good evening, Rick. Nice of you to have us over.”8) I hesitantly finished the cracker, and before long I was having another.9) My dad was looking amused, although he was very reserved about it, and it took me until the end of the song to realize that he was proud.10) Looking across the table at him, all I got was a strange, detached , neutral feeling.11) She turned to go, then said, “By -the -by, Julianna, you have done a mighty fine job on that front yard. Most impressive!”scrutinize v.细看crackpot n.傻瓜flutter v.挥动foyer n.门厅sheepish adj.(因做错事或傻事而)窘迫的perpetual adj.永久的propulsion n.推动力tinkle v.发出叮咚声caviar n.鱼子酱 squeamish adj.神经脆弱的 peter out 逐渐停止,慢慢消失 yank v.猛拽 snap v.突然动怒 rendition n.诠释 restraint n.心平气和 entrenched adj.积重难返的 straddle v.跨坐 rancher n.大农场主12)It felt good to take charge of my own destiny!boycott hatred convince shuffle vanish desperate stick outhesitantly reserved detached mighty take charge of1)very great or extreme2)an extremely strong feeling of dislike3)to persuade someone or make someone certain4)to come forward from the rest of your body, or to make part of your body do this5)Reserved people do not often talk about or show their feelings or thoughts.6)to walk by pulling your feet slowly along the ground rather than lifting them7)in a way that is not immediate or quick because you are nervous or not certain8) A detached person does not show any emotional involvement or interest in a situation.9)to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval10)to disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way11)to accept responsibility for something and have control over it12)very large, powerful, or importantActivity 2. Read for Understanding1.Draw a curve to show the change of Juli’s feeling on the dinner’s day, and find evidence.2.What characters of Juli do the following descriptions show?I left him. Just walked into the living room and left him. If he was making it up, he was quite an actor. If he was telling the truth, then Chet was right—he was a coward. Either way, I didn't want to be anywhere near him. (para 6, P161)As I looked around, it struck me that we were having dinner with a group of strangers. We'd lived across the street for years, but I didn't know these people at all. Lynetta did know how to smile. Mr. Loski was clean and smooth on the outside, but there was a distinct whiff of something rotten buried just beneath the surface. (para 1, P166)I shook my head, then said, “They were just my chicks that grew into chickens and started laying eggs. I never really thought of it as a business.” (para 2 from the bottom, P168)3.Is Juli similar to someone in A Dream of Red Mansions? You can choose more than one character in the Chinese classic and analyze why they are alike.Activity3. Language ReinforcementThere are a number of vivid descriptions achieved by a flexible usage of words in this chapter. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and analyze the usage of the bold words.1.He said hi to me and I lost it.Translation:Analysis:2.Our eyes locked for a minute.Translation:Analysis:3.... and left him there with his apology hanging wounded in the air.Translation:Analysis:4.I sneaked a peek at him across the table...Translation:Analysis:5.Mrs. Loski was keeping a smile perched on her face, but she was blinking a lot, glancing nervously around the table.Translation:Analysis:。

高中年级英语课外阅读文章(一)Do you want a cupcake?YOUR mom might cook a bowl of noodles for you on your birthday. But in the US, a mom makes a cupcake (杯形蛋糕) for her children on their birthday.Cupcakes are small, round cakes topped with frosting (糖霜). It has been an American tradition that moms bring cupcakes to the classroom to celebrate th eir child’s birthday.But recently some doctors have called for this to be banned (禁止). They believe cupcakes contribute to child obesity (肥胖).Despite their good intentions, however, some people believe that experts are interfering (妨癨-) with American culture. The cupcake is seen as American as apple pie — only prettier.According to Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University, the cupcake is the most democratic (民主的) of desserts. As they are small enough for one person, you don’t have to share your cupcake with anyone —it’s all yours. They are also all the same size, so there can’t be any cries of “she got the bigger piece!”Each bite can taste different depending on how much icing you have. It is a lesson in self-determination (自主). Some people eat only a little of the frosting every time, others have it all in just one bite.In recent years, eating a cupcake has become as trendy as having a cup of Starbucks coffee.Democratic presidential candidate (候选人) Hillary Clinton jokingly promised on a talk show that if she was elected president, she would give everyone a cupcake on her birthday.Ruth Reichl, editor-in-chief (主编) of Gourmet magazine, explains that the rise of the cupcake is very much about going back to American national identity (认同感) in food, which is all about comfort. “People want to think about when they and their country were innocent (纯真的),” she said.高中年级英语课外阅读文章(二)Mourinho: I'm still the special oneUPON landing in the English Premier League (英超) three years ago, Jose Mourinho declared (宣称) he was the special one. “Please don’t call me arrogant (傲慢的), but I’m European champion and I think I’m a special one.”He was definitely different from other managers. Never before had a football manager entertained the world both on and off the pitch (球场). The 44-year-old Portuguese manager is arrogant, witty and brilliant, but never dull.Two league titles in two seasons suggested he was indeed special. Under Mourinho, Chelsea never lost a Premier League match at their home stadium, Stamford Bridge.But despite these achievements, Mourinho’s relationship with the club’s owner Roman Abramovich become fractured (破裂) beyond repair.Abramovich decided to buy players like Andri Shevchenko and Michael Ballack. But Mourinho did not always play them.Abramovich wanted Chelsea to play an aggressive, attacking style of football, but Mourinho also refused. When Mourinho found his authority was being weakened, he walked away.Off the pitch, Mourinho was arrested (逮捕) after an angryquarrel with police officers about his dog. But he was also the manager who would run off from an interview to open the door for an elderly woman who was struggling with it.Mourinho was born into a family with football tradition. Despite an academic record that could have opened many other doors, he never considered a career outside of football.When it became clear he didn’t have enough talent to be a great player, he began working towards a career in coaching. And he has built a great one.“I think I’m still special. I achieved good things and it was a fantastic period in my career. I’ll try to forget the bad things and remember the good ones,” he said.。
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作业32 B1U1 编制:邵明允姓名:班级:I ClozeA Night with the HomelessEvery Saturday night my family and I go out and feed the homeless people in the city of Orlando.We want to see 1 it is like in the life of a homeless person. One special thing I like to 2 is that my family and I do not eat before we begin our journey so we know how it feels to be 3 . We all get together in the 4 and prepare the food. Some of the meals are sandwiches and cookies and a bottle of water. Sometimes my mom 5 a steaming hot delicious meal. We then 6 them all up to feed 30 or more people.Before my family and I get into the car we ask God for protection in a family 7 . A lot of people 8 homeless people. Not all homeless people are drug addicts or bad people. Some are really nice; some of them just had 9 things happening to them.10 when my family and I went out on the street we had to earn their 11 , because a lot of people are 12 to them for no good reason. But 13 they see us every week they 14 us. We even know some of their names. We all have to remember that these are people with 15 . Some of them shake our hands for giving them food. Some of them do really funny dances because they are happy.We have become really close 16 the man named Tony and his wife. They have all of their personal 17 in shopping carts. After we 18 them several times he has told us a lot about his life. He graduated from Harvard University. He 19 teach French and Spanish.After we finished feeding the homeless, it makes me 20 what I have at home. I love feeding the homeless, and making a difference in someone's life.1. A. what B. how C. whether D. why2. A. talk B. imagine C. mention D. remind3. A. thirsty B. hungry C. homeless D. helpful4. A. hall B. yard C. kitchen D. street5. A. buys B. takes C. brings D. prepares6. A. make B. pack C. press D. add7. A. prayer B. ceremony C. party D. adventure8. A. disappoint B. misunderstand C. ignore D. dislike9. A. terrible B. normal C. personal D. common10. A. At last B. At least C. At first D. At once 11. A. trust B. thanks C. admiration D. love12. A. generous B. cruel C. unfriendly D. merciful13. A. in case B. now that C. for fear D. provided that14. A. care for B. believe in C. agree with D. worry about15. A. sympathy B. courage C. feelings D. determination16. A. to B. by C. of D. with17. A. belongings B. clothes C. groceries D. goods18. A. departed B. saved C. helped D. greeted19. A. would B. used to C. was to D. ought to20. A. remember B. realize C. recognize D. appreciate II Reading comprehensionAWind, water, fire and ice — these powerful natural forces have shaped the land of America in the past. They are still changing it today.The Colorado River slowly cut down through stone to make the Grand Canyon(大峡谷)Long ago, ice sheets cut Yosemite Valley and the Great Lakes, and glaciers (冰川) are still on the move in Alaska.Wind and rainstorm hit the land from time to time. Fires sometimes burn down forests and destroy the homes of wild animals: This happened in Yellowstone Park in 1988.Dead volcanic (火山的) mountains such as Haleakala on Maui and Carter Lake in Oregon are beautiful to look at. But there are several active volcanoes in the US, especially along the Pacific Coast. There are also many earthquakes in this area. Scientists can do nothing to control earthquakes or volcanoes. This was shown clearly on May 18,1980. At 8:32 that morning, Mount St Helens in Washington state broke out. The top of the mountain was blown off.Over 60 people —campers, scientists, journalists, forest workers —were killed. Hundreds of square miles of forests were knocked down. In towns over 100 miles away, day suddenly became night. An ash cloud hid the sun for many hours. Towns and fields in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho were covered with dirty gray ash.Scientists knew that Mt St Helens might erupt (喷发) soon. But no one could say when. And no one expected the terrible strength of the eruption. Many people were surprised and unready. Harry R. Truman, 84 , owned a small hotel in Mt St Helens. Scientists had asked people to move away because the volcano was becoming dangerous.But Harry R. Truman would not leave his home. Now it iscovered with many feet of dirty ash. A small cross stands above the place where Harry probably died. Perhaps it is better that he did not see the destruction of Mt St Helens, the once beautiful lake, and the forests.But slowly, life is returning to the dead area around the mountain. Grass and small plants are beginning to grow again. Deer and birds have been seen. The land will never be the same as it once was. Perhaps Mt St Helens will erupt again. But this is all part of nature's pattern of change, and man has little power to control it.21. What is the best title for this passage?A. Wind, Water, Fire and IceB. V olcano's Beauty and DangerC. The Power of NatureD. Natural Force Shapes Beautiful Land of America22. After the eruption of the volcano, what made the sky turn dark?A. The smoke.B. The earth.C. The fog.D. The ash.23. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 8 refers to ____ .A. the body of old HarryB. the place of Harry's homeC. the opening on top of Mt St HelensD. the place where Harry probably died24. We can infer from this article that ____.A. Washington and Oregon are neighboring statesB. Colorado River runs through Yosemite ValleyC. the eruption of Mt St Helens also caused trouble with the Yellowstone ParkD. scientists never knew Mt St Helens was activeBRestoring the quake-hit ecosystems is a question of balancing the interests of the local people and the environment. Rural methane (沼气) projects can reduce the number of locals taking firewood from the mountainsides. The use of straw as food for animals will ensure that vegetation can grow. In Sihai township and Dazhuangke village, in Beijing, they now have a forest coverage of 85% or more, compared to the 30% they had 15 years ago. Back then, land was used very inefficiently: one person would use 20 mu of forest just for firewood. With those pressures on the ecosystem, no amount of spending on reforestation will succeed. Then the government relocated the population and paid those who remained to tend the forest and provide coal. This reduced the pressures on the ecosystem and it was able to recover naturally.When an ecosystem has not been pushed past certain limits, it is able to recover on its own. Human involvement should only play a minor role, including after an earthquake. This is particularly the case for sandy grasslands, grasslands deserts, the mountains of the south and the northern sides of mountains in the north. In these areas soil remains and the water, light, heat and nutrients needed are available. Less human involvement is even more appropriate in areas with a small population, where it can avoid money being wasted on ineffective efforts, such as creating forests in dry areas.The creation of nature reserves should be a model to allow damaged ecosystems to recover. Funding can start at the national level; centrally-funded nature reserves can enforce environmental protection laws and help to promote the local economy. This will solve the problems of reserves being run to make money. When national reserves are funded, local governments will be able to adopt the same model and provide the funds for nature reserves from their own budgets. The first project should be established in nature reserves hit by the quake; these can then become models for other areas.25. To restore the quake-hit ecosystem, government should____.A. forbid locals from taking firewood from the mountainsidesB. encourage local people to feed their animals just with strawC. spend large amounts of money relocating the populationD. protect the environment without harming the locals interests26. The forest coverage in rural Beijing has increased greatly because ____.A. pressures on land were reducedB. a large amount of coal is providedC. no people live in that areaD. the locals take good care of the forest27. According to the passage ____ play(s) a majcir role in ecosystem recovery.A. local peopleB. nature itselfC. human involvementD. government's effort28. According to the last paragraph, which of the following is NOT true?A.Nature reserves could be helpful to recover the damagedecosystems.B. Centrally-funded nature reserves are beneficial to logicaleconomy.C. Some nature reserves are created for the purpose of making money.D. The first project on nature reserves should be set up in quake-hit areas.CIt is a plain fact that we are in a world where competition is going on in all areas and at all levels. This is exciting. Yet, on the other hand, competition breeds a pragmatic (实用的) attitude. People choose to learn things that are useful, and do things that are profitable. Today's college education is also affected by this general sense of utilitarianism(功利主义).Many college students choose business or computing programming as their majors convinced that these professions are where the big money is. It is not unusual to see the college students taking part-time jobs as a warming-up for the real battle. I often see my friends taking GRE tests, working on English or computer certificates and taking the driving lessons to get a license. Well, I have nothing against being practical. As the competition in the job market gets more and more intense, students do have reasons to be practical. However, we should never forget that college education is much more than skill training. Just imagine, if your utilitarianism prevails on campus, living no space for the cultivation (培养) of students' minds, or nurturing of their soul, we will see university is training out well trained spiritless working machines. If utilitarianism prevails society, we will see people bond by mind-forged medicals lost in the money-making ventures; we will see humanity losing their grace and dignity, and that would be disastrous. I'd like to think society as a carriage and people's pursuit for profit or fame as the horse that pulls the carriage. Yet without the driver picking direction the carriage would go straight and may even end up in a precarious situation.A certificate may give you some advantage, but broad horizons, positive attitudes and personal integrities (正直) ,these are assets you cannot acquire through any quick fixed way. In today's world, where highest level of competition is not of skills or expertise (专业技能), but of vision and strategy, your intellectual quality largely determines how far you can go in your career.29. The author's attitude toward today's college education isA. positiveB. cautiousC. criticalD. doubtful 30. Many college students choose to major in business becauseA. a businessman is very likely to make big moneyB. studying business is less competitiveC. too many students have chosen computing programmingD. computing programming is not a must for them31. The author does strongly suggest that _____.A. more competition be encouraged on college campusB. people not ignore the value of broad horizons, positive attitudes and personal integritiesC. intellectual quality determines how far one can go in his careerD. college students get as many part-time jobs as possible32. In the author's opinion, ____.A. college students are not pragmatic enoughB. college students should have drivers pick direction for themC. college education should provide students with more business coursesD. college education should value the cultivation of students' mindsDDo American children still learn handwriting in school? In the age of the keyboard, some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out. 90% of teachers say they are required to teach handwriting. But studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it. One study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting. Some teachers are teaching handwriting by providing instruction for ten to fifteen minutes a day, and then other teachers who basically teach it for sixty to seventy minutes a day—which really for handwriting is pretty much death.Many adults remember learning that way—by copying letters over and over again. Today's thinking is that short periods of practice are better. Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught by itself. Instead, they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas. After all, that is why we write.Handwriting involves two skills. One is legibility, which means forming the letters so they can be read. The other is fluency—writing without having to think about it. Fluency continues to develop up until high school.But not everyone masters these skills. Teachers commonly report that about one fourth of their kids have poor handwriting.Some people might think handwriting is not important any more because of computers and voice recognition programs.But Steve Graham at Vanderbilt says word processing is rarely done in elementary school, especially in the early years. American children traditionally first learn to print, and then to write in cursive (连笔,草书) , which connects the letters. But guess what we learned from a spokeswoman for the College Board, which administers the SA T college admission test—more than 75% of students choose to print their essays on the test rather than write in cursive.33. We can infer from the first paragraph that ____.A. teachers spend little time in teaching handwritingB. most teachers attach importance to teaching handwritingC. handwriting teaching is not commonly requiredD. most teachers are at a loss on how to teach handwriting34. Which of the following about traditional handwriting in the USA is NOT true?A. The students are taught by practicing a long period.B. Printing is taught first in preference to writing in cursive.C. Handwriting is taught for its own sake.D. Two skills get involved in handwriting.35. Some American people consider handwriting not important any more because ____.A. all the American children learn to print firstB. about 1/4 of the students choose to print their essays on the testC. it is unnecessary to use handwriting in the age of keyboardD. computers and voice recognition programs are widely used36. What could be the best title for the passage?A. Handwriting: Fascinating in Keyboard AgeB. Right or Wrong: the Death of HandwritingC. Two Skills Involved in HandwritingD. Handwriting Lessons on the Way OutIII Proof-readingOne snowy day, I fell over because carelessness on my way to school. And my feet were serious hurt. The doctor told me to lay in bed for a month or so, which was deeply frustrated me. Still worse, my classmates and I have planned a trip to Beihai Park to celebrate my birthday on Sunday. There was no doubt whether I would have a lonely and bored birthday.To my surprise, on the afternoon of my birthday, several classmate turned up in my home with some gifts. We had a happy chat, sang karaoke and played cards. Both of us had a good time. Their thoughtfulness or kindness really touched me. How moving and unforgettable!批改日期:2013. 12. _________。