
稍 稍深 入接 触过 计算 机 的人 都 有一 个共 好 的学生认 为 自己看看 书 , 能跟着 老师在课堂 识, 计算 机 和 英语 紧 密相连 。从计 算 机开 机 上一 起翻译就 足够学好本 门课程 , 不需要花什 的 提 示 信 息 , B OS设 置 , 到 一 系 列 编 程 语 么课 外时间 ; 到 I 再 基础 差的学生则越 发感 到课 堂学 言, 无一 不 跟英 语 相关 。随 着 信息 社 会的 迅 习枯燥 乏味 , 失去学 习兴趣 。 速发展 , 要 了解 最前 沿的计 算机技术 , 必 2 3 教师方面 想 就 . 须阅读 大量 的英文 论著 , 如果仅 仅 阅读 译著 , 由于计算 机专业 英语课程 的特殊性 , 任教 则会受 到翻 译时差 和译 者对 原著 不同 理解 的 计算机专业英语的教 师一定要有扎 实的英语 基 影响, 无法 准确把握最新技 术的发展 动向。 同 础和计算 机专业知 识基础 , 这就给 教师的 选拔 时, 很多很 好的计算 机软件 也是 英文版 的 , 要 带来 了一定的难 度。 语教师虽然具 备较 高的 英 能 比较 高 效 的应 用 也需 要一 定的 英语 基 础 。 英语教学能力 , 因缺乏计算机专业知识 , 但 任教 因此 , 计算机 专业英语对 于计 算机专业 的学生 该课程 会如 同任 教公共 英语 一般 , 在词 汇 、 重 来 说有着非常 重要的意 义。 语法的语言教学 , 难以突 出计算机专业的特点 ; 专业 英语 承担 着 “ 指导 学生 阅读 有 关专 计算 机教师虽然在计算机专业知识方面能很好 业 的英语 书TS 文献 , Iu 进一步 提高学生 阅读英 的给学生进行讲解 、 指导 , 但任教该课程 , 又苦 语科技 资料的能 力 , 并能 以英 语为 工具 获取专 于英语水 平不够 , 难以实现双 语教学 。 业 所需 要的信 息 ”等任 务… 。计算 机专 业英 2 4 学 生方 面 , 语到底是 英语课 , 还是计算机 课?教学 侧重点 高 职高 专院 校计 算 机专 业 的学 生 由于 中 是英语语 言学习的加深 , 还是 计算机知 识的扩 学 阶段英语基 础不好 , 导致入 校后对英语 的学 充 ?计算 机专业 英语 教学 目的是 什 么?计算 习兴趣 不高 。加 之计算 机 专业 英语 的教材 多 机 专业英 语教 学中所 面临 着怎样 的 问题? 如 为说明文 、 议论 文, 文章 中多长 句、 句 , 难 多专 何 更有效 的开展 计算 机专 业英语 的教 学? 这 业 词汇 、英 文缩 写 , 求学生在 阅读时查 找大 要 些都是 我 们从事 计算 机专业 英语 教学 的人 员 量 的资料 , 耐心 的分析 句子 、理解 文章 , 容易 直在探索 的问题 , 笔者就这几 个方面进行 了 使学生 产生 了畏难的 心理 。

不应 再 以语音 、 词法 句法 、 常用 词汇 和 词组 的扩 充 为
主 , 应 以分 析 和 理 解 科 技 英 语 特 点 为 主 , 悉 并 了 而 熟
解描 述专 业 知识 的 复杂 语 言现 象 , 以扩 充 技 术 术 语 和专业 词 汇为 主 , 同时 辅 以专 业 论 文 写 作 与 英 语 学
*本 文为广 东工 业 大 学高教 研 究重 点项 目“ l 纪 宽 口径 信息 工 程 专 业 的 办 学方 针 与 办 学特 色 研 究” 文 , 2 世 论
术 口语 交 流 等 内 容 。
六级 英语 考 试成 绩 作 为 衡 量 学 生 外 语 水平 的标 准 , 很 多用 人单 位也 把 四 、 级通 过 与 否作 为衡 量 学 生 六 综 合素 质 的尺度 或 录 用 与 否 的 必 要 条件 , 对 专 业 但
英 语 的重视 则 远 远 不 够 … 教 材 陈 旧 , 学 方 法 落 l。 教
拓 宽 知 识 面 , 大 对 外 交 流 能 力 的 一 门 课 程 。 目前 扩 各 院校都 非 常重 视基 础英 语 的学 习 , 少学 校将 四 、 不
的 目的 。与公 共英 语相 比 , 专业 英 语不 仅 在 词汇 、 结
构 、 法 、 体 等 方 面 引 入 了 更 多 的 专 业 特 征 , 内 语 文 其 容 也 形 式 多 样 , 以 是 学 术 论 文 、 术 报 告 、 教 书 可 技 科 节 选 、 术 说 明 书 、 品 广 告 等 。 因此 专 业 英 语 教 学 技 产
Vo1. p l me t 2 Su p e n Ju 2 0 n. 0 2
信 息 工 程 专 业英 语 课 程 的 改 革 *

analog-- digital :模拟的--数字的 continuous-- discrete: 连续的--离散的
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words
Transfered words
有些单词的通用含义很接近,但它们的专业含义却完全不 同,如:
bus network rectifier regulator monitor
田野, 场地, 领域
公共汽车 网、网状组织 修正者 调整者 班长
总线 网络 整流器 稳压器 显示器、监视器
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words
依据谓语动词把复合句分解成一组简单句。 Insulation 绝缘,insulated ,insulating 依据关键词简化词组。 dielectric constant 介电常数 e.g. The ratio of the capacitance with some material other than air between the plates, to the capacitance of the same capacitor with air insulation, is called the dielectric constant of that particular material. ratio is called constant
Interactive-network → internet
transmitter-receiver → transceiver 收发器

2 本门课程在整个专业中的地 位
本门课程的性质 , 在专业 中的定位为专业基础课程 。主要是由就 业 岗位需求所决定的。经过市场调研 . 本专业就业岗位主要定位为三 个方 向 : 电子产品开发初 级工程师 、 电子产 品检修及售后服务 技术员 电子生产工艺设 计员。 为实现与行业 、 企业对接 , 实现“ 毕业 即就业” . 具备解决工程 中实际问题的能力 . 因此需要学生具备 电子专业英语文
21 0 2年
第 2 期 7
S IN E&T C N L G F R T O CE C E H O O YI O MA 子 息 程 业 语 学 模 的 索 于 职电 信 工 专 英 教 新 式 探
刘阳京 ( 南理 工职业 技术 学院信 息工 程 系 湖
4 1 4) 1 0 1
【 摘 要】 以我院电子信息工程专业学生为例 , 从就业 岗位的需求 出 , 发 以培养 学生利用工具 和翻译技巧来解决实际问题的 能力为重点 . 改 革教学方法, 采用 1 种 多样的教学手段 , 高学生学习的主观能动性 。 0 提
【 关键词】 高职; 电子信 息工程 ; 专业英语 ; 学新模式 ; 教 模块化教 学
必须说 :In s r。a t M y o en” “’loyI m le a cm ?在得 到 r a. I i 《 大学英语》 课程 的翻版 , 日常生活的单词不认识 , 国际音标不会读 , 每 生进入教室前 . 次参加英语 A级考试都通不过 . 丧失了学习外语 的兴趣和信心。 老师的许可下 。 方可进入教室。因男孩子 I语差 , Y l 面子薄 , 从 实行此 自 方 法后 , 迟到学生的数量大大减少 。 4 改革 教 学 模 式 48 考核方式 以过程性考核为主 . 以往学生学期总评成绩由平 时成绩与期考成绩两个部分构成 , 比 经过三年 的教学摸索 . 总结 , 了以往 的教学模式 , 改革 明确该 门课 : 7 改革考核方式 , 加大 程的教学指导思想是 : 以学生为主体 、 教师为辅 ; 以工作场景 中的实际 例为 3 为真实考核学生实际运 用语言的能力 , 使得学生 总评成绩 中过程性考核成 要求为主要教学 内容 、 教材为辅 ; 以提高学生学习的积极 性为 目的 , 鄙 了过程性考核在 总成绩 中的 比重 , : 3 弃以往的填鸭式: 以培养学生利用工具和翻译 技巧来解决实际问题的 绩和终结性考核成绩 比例达到 7 。其 中过程性考核主要对课程划分 终结性考核 以期末最终一次理 能力为重点。在此思想 的指导下 , 我主要采用 了以下 l 种教学手段 , 的四个模块及职业 素养方面进行考核 , 0 论笔试方式考核。弱化 了期末理论笔试 的作用 , 让学生把大部分精力 提高学生 自主学习的能力 , 在此供大家探讨。 集 中在课堂上 . 习的积极性更强 。 学 41 模块化教学 . . 9 加强与学生课后 的互动交流 改革教学模 式 . 门课程划分为 4 把该 个模块 。这 4 个模块分别是 4 以世界大学生空间为平 台. 现在全 国范 围内掀 起了以“ 世界大学生城 空间” 这个 网络平 台为 电 子技 术 专 业英 语词 汇 、电子 行 业英 语 术 语识 别 、电 子元 器 件 进行授课和教学互 动的新型教育模式。新 的教学模 式让 学生上 dt h e 文件阅读与理解、 a set a 电子产 品英文说 明书阅读与理解 。本 门课 手段 . 授课 内容不仅仅局 限于课 本。世 界大学 程共 3 个学时 . O 在学 时划分时 , 充分考 虑了学生 的学情 , 当的增加 课 的场所不仅仅局限于教室 , 适 教师通过上传课 程相关的视 了第一个模块——电子技术专业英语词汇 的课时 。 使得各个模块 的课 生城平 台拉近了教师和学生之 间的距离 , 频、 专业 资料 、 布置作 业 、 成立班级课程讨论 群 、 公布上课考勤及 测验 时 比例 为 1 : : : 。每个模块都分别从技术知识 、 6446 职业 能力 、 职业素 培养 把有 限的课 堂时间拉长成 为无 限 养3 个方面提出具体要求 , 内容灵活 . 教学 与实际工程实例结合 , 改变 情况等 手段 . 学生的 自学能力 。
电子信息工程专业英语教程(第四版)Lesson 4 Operation Amplifiers摘要

Harry Black为解决放大器的增益稳定性而提出负反馈的概念到早期运算放大器在模拟计算器中的巨大作用,晶体管的出现大大减小了运算放大器的体积,集成运放在模拟应用中有着巨大的作用。
The article focuses on the operational amplifiers. In this paper, we canfind that the op amps was born on the daywhen Harry Black put forward the concept of negative feedbackin order to solve the problem of the gain’s instability.It played a great role in the early phase’s development of the analog computer, which became popular until the emergence of the transistor. The IC op amps showed up as soon as the transistor greatly reduced the volume of operational amplifiers. To this day, the op amp still has a strong vitality in the areas of analog design.
Key words:
op ampstransistornegative feedback analog circuitry。

以信息工程为主题的英语作文200字English:Information engineering plays a crucial role in our modern society, as it involves the study and application of information technology in various fields such as communication, computing, and data management. It focuses on the design, development, and maintenance of software systems, networks, and databases to ensure efficient and effective information processing and communication. Information engineering utilizes a wide range of tools and techniques to analyze, organize, and manage data to support decision-making and problem-solving. With the rapid advancement of technology, information engineering has become increasingly important in driving innovation and improving productivity in industries such as healthcare, finance, and education. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing, information engineering has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, communicate, and interact with each other in the digital age.Translated content:信息工程在我们现代社会中发挥着至关重要的作用,它涉及在通信、计算和数据管理等各个领域应用信息技术的研究和应用。

Unit3 computer architecture and microprocessors3--1 Computer Architecture1) Computer architecture , in computer science , is a general term referring to the structure of all or part of computer system . The term also covers the design of system software , such as the operating system (the program that controls the computer) , as well as referring to the combination of hardware and basic software that links the machines on a computer network . Computer architecture refers to an entire structure and to the details needed to make it functional . Thus , computer architecture covers computer systems , microprocessors , circuits , and system programs . Typically the term does not refer to application programs , such as spreadsheets or word processing , which are required to perform a task but not to make the system run .2)1.Design Elements3) In designing a computer system , architects consider five major elements that make up the system's hardware : the arithmetic /logic unit , control unit , memory , input , and output . The arithmetic /logic unit performs arithmetic and compares numerical values . The control unit directs the operation of the computer by taking the user instructions andtransforming them into electrical signals that the computer 's circuitry can understand . The combination of the arithmetic /logic unit and the control unit is called the central processing unit (CPU) . The memory stores instructions and data . The input input and output sections allow the computer to receive and send data , respectively .4) Different hardware architectures are required because of the specialized needs of systems and users . One user may need a system to display graphics extremely fast , while another system may have to be optimized for searching a database or conserving battery power in a laptop computer .5) In addition to the hardware design , the architects must consider what software programs will operate the system . Software , such as programming languages and operating systems , makes the details of the hardware architecture invisible to the user . For example , computers that use the C programming language or a UNIT operating system may appear the same from the user's viewpoint , although they use different hardware architectures .6)2.Processing Architecture7) When a computer carries out an instruction , it proceeds through five steps . First ,the control unit retrieves theinstruction from memory , for example , an instruction to add two numbers . Second , the control unit decodes the instruction into electronic signals that control the computer . Third , the control unit fetches the data (the two numbers) . Fourth , the arithmetic/logic unit performs the specific operation ( the addition of the two numbers ) . Fifth , the control unit saves the result ( the sum of the two numbers ) .8) Early computers used only simple instructions because the cost of electronic capable of carrying out complex instructions was high . As this cost decreased in the 1960s , more complicated instructions became possible . Complex instructions ( single instructions that specify multiple operations ) can save time because they make it unnecessary for the computer to retrieve additional instructions . For example , if seven operations are combined in one instruction , then six of the steps that fetch instructions are eliminated and the computer spends less time processing that operation . Computers that combine several instructions into a single operation are called complex instruction set computers ( CISC ) .9) However , most programs do not often use complexinstructions , but consist mostly of simple instructions . When these simple instructions are run on CISC architectures , they slow down processing because each instruction--whether simple or complex --takes longer to decode in a CISC design . An alternative strategy is to return to designs that use only simple , single--operation instruction sets and make the most frequently used operations faster in order to increase overall performance . Computers that follow this design are called reduced instruction set computers ( RISC ) .10) RISC designs are especially fast at the numerical computations required in science , graphics , and engineering applications . CISC designs are commonly used for non-numerical computations because they provide special instruction sets for handling character data , such as text in a word processing program . Specialized CISC architectures , called digital signal processors , exist to accelerate processing of digitized audio and video signals .11)3.Open and Closed Architectures12) The CPU of a computer is connected to memory and to the outside world by means of either an open or a closed architecture . An open architecture can be expanded after the system has been built , usually by adding extra circuitry ,such as a new microprocessor computer chip connected to the main system . The specifications of the circuitry are made public , allowing other companies to manufacture these expansion products .13) Closed architectures are usually employed in specialized computers that will not require expansion , for example , computers that control microwave ovens . Some computer manufacturers have used closed architectures so that their customers can purchase expansion circuitry only from them . This allows the manufacture to charge more and reduces the options for the consumer .14)work Architecture15) Computers communicate with other computers via networks . The simplest network is a direct connection between two computers . However , computers can also be connected over large networks , allowing users to exchange data , communicate via electronic mail , and share resources such as printers .16) Computers can be connected in several ways . In a ring configuration , data are transmitted along the ring and each computer in the ring examines this data to determine if it is the intended recipient . If the data are not intended fora particular computer , the computer passes the data to the next computer in the ring . This process is repeated until the data arrive at their intended destination . A ring network allows multiple messages to be carried simultaneously , but since each message is checked by each computer , data transmission is slowed .17) In a bus configuration , computers are connected througha single set of wires , called a bus . One computer sends data to another by broadcasting the address of the receive and the data over the bus . All the computers in the network look at the address simultaneously , and the intended recipient accepts the data . A bus network , unlike a ring network , allows data to be sent directly from one computer to another . However , only one computer at a time can transmit data . The others must wait to send their messages .18) In a star configuration , computers are linked to a central computer called a hub . A computer sends the address of the receiver and the data to the hub , which then links the sending and receiving computers directly . A star network allows multiple messages to be sent simultaneously , but it is more costly because it uses an additional computer , the hub , to direct the data .19)5.Recent Advances20) One problem in computer architecture is caused by the difference between the speed of the CPU and the speed at which memory supplies instructions and data . Modern CPUs can process instructions in 3 nanoseconds ( 3 billionths of a second ) . A typical memory access , however , takes 100 nanoseconds and each instruction may require multiple accesses . To compensate for this disparity , new computer chips have been designed that contain small memories , called caches , located near the CPU . Because of their proximity to the CPU and their small size , caches can supply instructions and data faster than normal memory . Cache memory stores the most frequently used instructions and data and can greatly increase efficiency .21) Although a large cache memory can hold more data , it also becomes slower .To compensate , computer architects employ designs with multiple caches . The design places the smallest and fastest cache nearest the CPU and locates a second large and slower cache farther away . This arrangement allows the CPU to operate on the most frequently accessed instructions and data at top speed and to slow down only slightly when accessing the secondary cache . Using separatecaches for instructions and data also allows the CPU to retrieve an instruction and data simultaneously .22) Anther strategy to increase speed and efficiency is the use of multiple arithmetic/logic units for simultaneous operations , called super scalar execution . In this design , instructions are acquired in groups . The control unit examines each group to see if it contains instructions that can be performed together . Some designs execute as many as six operations simultaneously . It is rare , however , to have this many instructions run together ,so on average the CPU does not achieve a six-fold increase in performance . 23) Multiple computers are sometimes combined into single systems called parallel processors . When a machine has more than one thousand arithmetic/logic units , it is said to be massively parallel . Such machines are used primarily for numerically intensive scientific and engineering computation .Parallel machines containing as many as sixteen thousand computers have been constructed .3-3 VLIW Microprocessors24) When Transmeta Corp. revealed its new Crusoe of processors last month ,experts weren’t surprised to learn that the chips are based on Very Long Instruction Word(VLIW)technology .VLIW has become the prevailing philosophy of microprocessor design , eclipsing older approaches such as RISC and complex instruction set computing(CISC) .25) All microprocessor designs seek better performance within the limitations of their contemporary technology. In the 70s of 20th century ,for example ,memory was measured in kilobytes and very expensive .CISC was the dominant approach because it conserved memory .26) In the CISC architecture . there can be hundreds of program instructions-simple commands that tell the system to add numbers, store values and display results. If all instructions were the same length , the simple ones would waste memory .Simple instructions require as little as 8 bits of storage space , while the most complex consume 120 bits .27) Variable-length instructions are more difficult for a chip to process, though, and the longer CISC instructions are especially complex. nonetheless ,to maintain software compatibility, modern chips such as Intel’s Pentium III and Advanced Micro Devices Inc.’s Athlon must still work with all troublesome CISC instructions that were designed in the 1980s , even though their original advantage-memory conservation-isn’t as important .28) In the 1980s , RAM chips got bigger and bigger in capacity while their prices dropped . The emphasis in CPU design shifted to relatively simple , fixed-length instructions , always 32 bits long .Although this wastes some memory by making programs bigger ,the instructions are easier and faster to execute .29) The simplicity of RISC also makes it easier to design superscalar processors-chips that can execute more than one instruction at a time .This is called instruction-level parallelism. Almost all modern RISC and CISC processors are superscalar. But achieving this capability introduced significant new levels of design complexity.30) VLIW chips can cost less , burn less power and achieve significantly higher performance than comparable RISC and CISC chips But there are always trade-offs. One is code expansion-programs grow larger , requiring more memory. Far more important , though , is that compilers must get smarter .A poor VLIW complier will have a much greater negative impact on performance than would a poor RISC or CISC compiler .31) VLIW isn’t a magic bullet , but it’s the new wave in microprocessor design .Within a few years , it’s certain that at least some of your software will be running on VLIW chips .单元3 电脑体系和微处理器3-1 电脑体系电脑体系,在电脑科技中,是一个依据整个或部分电脑结构的通用术语,这个术语也包含软件系统的设计,例如这个操作系统(控制电脑的程序),以及依据这个在电脑网络中连接主机的硬件和基本的软件的结合体。

3 G的 发展情 况 。讲 解 3 G 三大 标准 : D — S C D MA、 C D .
MA 2 0 0 0及 WC D M A等相关 知识 . 拓展 学生视野 . 激 发
学生兴趣[ “ 。
听说 .局 限于阅读 和汉译 .缺乏对语 言技 能的综合训 练. 忽略 了专业英语与专业 知识 紧密结合 的特点 这种
的填鸭式 的构词法 学习方式 单纯依 赖教 师的灌 输 . 学
生 上 课 感 觉乏 味 . 收获 不 大 , 旷 课 现 象 比较 严 重 。 ( 2 ) 教 学 模 式 单 一 目前 大 多 数 专 业 英 语 的教 学 仍 采 用 基 础 英 语 的教
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业英语教 学为例 .集 中探讨专业英 语教学活 动中存在
的 一 些 问题 及 解 决 方 案
王 宇
( 桂 林 理 工 大学 信 息科 学 与 工程 学 院 , 桂林 5 4 1 0 0 4 ) 摘 要 :专 业 英 语 作 为 高 等 院 校 各 专 业 的一 门重要 课 程 ,具 有 语 言应 用 与 专 业 知 识 紧 密 结 合 的特 点。 如 何 培 养 学 生 学 习专 业 领 域 知 识 的 兴趣 . 提 高 学 生 阅读 、 理 解 外 文 资料 能 力 和 掌握 专 业

电子信息工程专业英语写作范文The field of electronic information engineering has become increasingly crucial in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. As the demand for advanced digital solutions continues to grow, the importance of effective English writing skills within this discipline cannot be overstated. Proficiency in technical communication is not only essential for academic success but also a valuable asset in the professional realm.One of the key aspects of electronic information engineering is the ability to convey complex technical information in a clear and concise manner. This requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, as well as the ability to translate technical jargon into language that can be easily understood by a diverse audience. Whether it's writing a research paper, a project proposal, or a technical report, the ability to communicate effectively in English is a crucial skill.In the realm of academic writing, electronic information engineering students are often tasked with producing well-researched and well-structured papers that showcase their knowledge and analytical skills. These papers may cover a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of electronic circuits and systems to the latest advancements in fields such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things.Effective academic writing in electronic information engineering requires a strong grasp of the technical concepts, as well as the ability to organize and present information in a logical and coherent manner. This may involve the use of various rhetorical strategies, such as problem-solving approaches, comparative analysis, or case studies, to illustrate key points and support the overall argument.Moreover, the ability to effectively communicate research findings and conclusions is essential for success in the academic world. This may involve the presentation of research at conferences, the publication of papers in peer-reviewed journals, or the defense of a thesis or dissertation. In these scenarios, the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and concisely, while also responding effectively to questions and critiques, is crucial.Beyond the academic realm, the field of electronic information engineering also demands strong English writing skills in the professional context. Engineers in this field may be tasked with writing technical reports, project proposals, or even marketingmaterials to communicate the capabilities and benefits of their products or services to potential clients or stakeholders.Effective professional writing in electronic information engineering requires a deep understanding of the target audience and the ability to tailor the message accordingly. This may involve the use of clear and concise language, the incorporation of relevant data and technical specifications, and the effective use of visual aids, such as diagrams or charts, to enhance the overall communication.Moreover, the ability to write clear and compelling emails, memos, or other forms of professional correspondence is also essential for success in the electronic information engineering field. These forms of communication often serve as the first point of contact between engineers and their clients or colleagues, and the ability to convey information effectively can make a significant impact on the overall success of a project or initiative.In conclusion, the importance of effective English writing skills in the field of electronic information engineering cannot be overstated. Whether it's in the academic or professional context, the ability to communicate technical information clearly and concisely is a crucial skill that can contribute to both individual and organizational success. By developing and honing these skills, students and professionals inthe field of electronic information engineering can position themselves for greater success and advancement in their careers.。

关于电子信息工程的英语作文英文回答:Electronic Information Engineering (EIE) is adiscipline that integrates electronics, information, and communication technologies to design, develop, and analyze electronic systems. It encompasses a wide range of subfields, including:Electronics: The study of electronic circuits, devices, and systems.Information Technology (IT): The use of computers, networks, and software to store, process, and transmit data.Communications: The transmission of information over long distances using various technologies such as radio, microwave, and fiber optics.Signal Processing: The manipulation of electricalsignals to extract useful information or improve their quality.EIE plays a crucial role in modern society, enabling advancements in fields such as telecommunications, healthcare, transportation, and industrial automation.中文回答:电子信息工程。

Structure and function of the smoke alarm series北京联合大学电科1201B Today, fire is a common catastrophic facing the world. It caused a lot of serious damage to human life and property. Fire is one of the disaster threats to public safety and people's life. Many fires are caused by not timely discovery that led to serious consequences. Discovering the fire opportunely play an important role in stop the fire or reduce the loss. For this reason the smoke sensor has been created and it is vital to detect the fire and harmful gases. Because of its unique advantages, the fire alarm on the smoke sensor comes with the requirements. The smoke alarm overcame a lot of uncertainty, which greatly reduces the false alarm rate. There is great value in real life. What constitute the smoke alarm? It mostly combines the six simulations that are ionization smoke sensor, key debug module, AT89C51 module, PC-connectivity, display module and 18B20 temperature When the the is The (1)Ionization smoke sensor used to find mist.will smoke occurs, the ionization sensor can senses then smoke it thetransform the physical signal to the electricity signal and pass the signalto the AT89C51 module.signal the can display (2)The module transform voltage to signal numberthen demonstrate the signal.Display uses the method of dynamic LED digital tube to display. The cost of the dynamic display is very low, but the dynamic display occupies more resources1 / 3of the CPU interface. The design uses 12 lines.(3) The 18B20 temperature sensor senses and controls the temperature.AT89C51 module and PC-connectivity are the staple structure in the system.(4) The Key debug module is like the bridge that link out world and inside system. In other words it is the input system. The user can input the system variable by the key debug module to change the variable in order to achieve aim.In my essay, I introduced the most important structure of the smoke alarm --module and PC-connectivity mostly. AT89C51Firstly, let's acquaint with the microcontrollers. They are the integrated circuitchip that use of VLSI technology to combine the CPU, random access memory, read only memory, a variety of I / O ports and interrupt system to a small but perfect piece of silicon micro-computer system constituted. The microcontrollers widely used in industrial control. From the 1980s ,there are mainly 4-bit or 8-bit microcontroller. With the development of science and technology, it is now the main 300M high-speed microcontroller. The principle of the microcontrollers is an online real-time control of the computer. In other words is on-line control that needs strong anti-jamming capability and low cost. This is the main difference between off-line computers (such as a home PC).Then we can talk about the chips of the microcontrollers. Chips are the coremodel in the microcontrollers. There are many varieties of chips for us to choose, such as STC series, SONIX series, AT89 series、AT90 series and so on. In my system I choose the AT89C51 chip.The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with4K bytes of In-System Programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atm high-density nonvolatile memory technolel'sogy and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pinot. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventionalnonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with In-System Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, th2 / 3e Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications.The AT89C51 provides the following standard features: 4K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five-vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C51 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes.There is my designpicture of module and PC-connectivity module.A T89C51All in all, my essay briefly introducing the smoke alarm that contains the smoke alarm's background of produce, composition, the function of every part. In our life the smoke alarm become more and more important. It exists in our home, school and company. When the danger coming, it will send out alarm to give rise to the danger. We can say that smoke alarm is our fire disaster guardian. I have faith in its development that it can become more advanced and sensitive.3 / 3。

信息科学与电子工程专业英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Information Science and Electronic Engineering: A Kid's ViewHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Today, I want to tell you all about this really cool thing called Information Science and Electronic Engineering. It's a big fancy name, but it's actually really awesome and fun to learn about!So, what is Information Science and Electronic Engineering? Well, it's basically the study of how we use computers, electronics, and technology to process, store, and share information. It's kind of like how we use our phones, tablets, and computers to send messages, watch videos, play games, and do all sorts of other cool stuff!One of the main parts of Information Science and Electronic Engineering is something called computer science. This is all about how computers work and how we can make them do amazing things. Computer scientists create the software and programs that make our devices work. They also develop things like video games, apps, and websites. How cool is that?Another important part is electronic engineering. This is where people design and build the actual hardware and physical components that make up our computers and other electronic devices. Electronic engineers create things like microchips, circuit boards, and even robots! They have to understand a lot about electricity, physics, and materials to make all these awesome gadgets.Now, you might be thinking, "That sounds really complicated and boring!" But trust me, it's actually super interesting and fun to learn about. There are so many incredible things that Information Science and Electronic Engineering has brought us.For example, did you know that your favorite video games and apps were all created using computer science and electronic engineering? The people who make those games have to know a lot about programming, graphics, and how to make the game run smoothly on different devices. It's like they're modern-day wizards creating these amazing virtual worlds for us to explore!And what about the internet? The internet is basically one huge network of computers and devices all connected together. It's thanks to Information Science and Electronic Engineeringthat we can send messages, watch videos, and access information from anywhere in the world with just a few clicks!But that's not all! Information Science and Electronic Engineering is also helping to make our world a better place. Scientists and engineers are using these technologies to develop things like:Renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbinesMedical devices that can help diagnose and treat diseasesRobots that can assist people with disabilities or perform dangerous tasksSystems that can help predict and prepare for natural disastersSee? It's not just about making cool gadgets and games (although those are pretty awesome too). Information Science and Electronic Engineering is also helping to solve real-world problems and make people's lives better.Maybe one day, you could even become an Information Scientist or Electronic Engineer yourself! Just think about how cool it would be to create the next big video game, design a new type of robot, or help build a better, more sustainable world.Well, that's about all I have to say on this topic for now. I hope I was able to give you a better understanding of what Information Science and Electronic Engineering is all about. It's a fascinating field that combines creativity, problem-solving, and a passion for technology. Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to make the next big breakthrough!Thanks for listening, and happy exploring the amazing world of Information Science and Electronic Engineering!篇2Information Science and Electronic Engineering: A World of Wonder!Hi there! My name is Tommy, and I'm an 8-year-old kid who loves learning about science and technology. Today, I want to share with you my thoughts on something called Information Science and Electronic Engineering. It's a big name, but it's all about using computers and electronics to make our lives better!Let me start by telling you about my favorite thing in the world – video games! I love playing them on my console or tablet. Did you know that all those amazing games we enjoy are created by people who study Information Science and Electronic Engineering? They use computers and coding to design thegraphics, sounds, and gameplay that make these games so much fun.But it's not just about games! Information Science and Electronic Engineering also help us in so many other ways. Have you ever used a smartphone or a tablet? Those cool devices are packed with tiny electronic parts that make them work. Engineers design these parts and put them together in a way that lets us take pictures, send messages, and even watch movies on the go!Speaking of movies, did you know that special effects in movies are also created using Information Science and Electronic Engineering? They use computers to make things like explosions, spaceships, and even giant monsters look super realistic. Isn't that amazing?Another thing I find really cool is how Information Science and Electronic Engineering help us communicate with people all over the world. Think about the internet – it's like a giant network that connects computers and devices everywhere. Engineers make sure this network works properly, so we can send emails, watch videos, and even video chat with our friends and family who live far away.But it's not just about fun stuff like games and movies. Information Science and Electronic Engineering also help us in really important ways. For example, doctors use special machines and computers to take pictures of our bodies and diagnose illnesses. Engineers make sure these machines work correctly, so doctors can give us the right treatment.And did you know that even the cars we drive and the planes we fly on have computers and electronic systems inside them? Engineers design these systems to make sure our vehicles are safe and work properly.As you can see, Information Science and Electronic Engineering are all around us, making our lives easier and more exciting. But it's not just about using computers and electronics –it's also about solving problems and coming up with new ideas.Engineers have to think creatively and work hard to design new technologies that can help people in different ways. Maybe one day, they'll even invent a flying car or a robot that can do our homework for us! (Just kidding, but you never know!)Who knows, maybe some of you reading this will grow up to become the next great Information Science and Electronic Engineering experts! You could create the next big video game,design a faster computer, or even help build a rocket that goes to Mars. The possibilities are endless!So, if you love technology and want to make a difference in the world, keep learning and exploring. Ask questions, experiment with coding and electronics, and never stop being curious. The future of Information Science and Electronic Engineering is waiting for you!篇3My Favorite Things to Learn About - Information Science and Electronic Engineering!Hi everyone! My name is Tommy and I'm 9 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite topics to learn about in school - information science and electronic engineering! I find this stuff super fascinating.Let's start with information science. This is all about how we collect, store, and use data and information. In class, we've learned about databases, which are like giant collections of information all stored together. Databases allow you to keep track of lots and lots of data in an organized way.For example, let's say you have a database of all the books in a library. The database would have an entry for each book, with details like the title, author, year it was published, and what section of the library it's located in. With a database, you can easily search for a specific book or books on a certain topic.We've also learned about data mining, which is how you can analyze all the data in a big database to find hidden patterns and trends. It's like being a detective and using clues to crack a case, except the clues are all the data points! Companies use data mining on their customer databases to better understand what people want to buy.Another key part of information science is data visualization. This is how you take data and present it in easy-to-understand visual ways like charts, graphs, and infographics. One of the coolest data viz techniques I've learned about is heat mapping, where you use different colors almost like a weather map to show things like website traffic or prices across a geographic area.Information science is all about turning giant pools of raw data into useful information and insights. Pretty amazing stuff when you think about just how much data exists today between the internet, business records, scientific research, and more!Now let's talk about the other topic I love - electronic engineering. This is figuring out how to design and build all the awesome electronic devices and systems that make the modern world go round.We've covered basic circuits in class, like how a simple circuit has a power source like a battery that provides the energy to make electrons flow through a conductor like a metal wire. By adding other components like switches, resistors, and lightbulbs, you can control and manipulate that flow of electricity to do useful things.From there, we've built up to more complex circuits using transistors, which are like solid-state switches that can amplify or transform electrical signals. Transistors are one of the fundamental building blocks of all modern electronics and computing. Billions of teeny tiny transistors are crammed into the microchips that act as the "brains" of smartphones, computers, and so much more.In addition to circuits and microchips, we've learned about other electronic devices and components like capacitors for storing electric charge, transformers for increasing or decreasing voltage, and all sorts of sensors for detecting things like light,sound, and motion. We even built our own basic robots by wiring up little motors and sensors to a microcontroller chip!Another amazing area of electronic engineering is communications systems - things like radio, television, internet, and wireless data networks. We learned how data can be encoded into electromagnetic waves and transmitted through the air, along cables, or via fiber optic lines. Multiplexing techniques allow tons of separate signals and channels to be combined together and transmitted simultaneously.On the receiving end, devices like radios and modems decode the incoming signals to recover the original data. Routers, switches, and other networking gear help route the data to its intended destination. Just think about how much electronic wizardry has to happen for you to simple send a text message or stream a video!My absolute favorite part of electronic engineering is imagining and designing all the cool future technologies that will one day exist. Technologies like laser-powered data transmission, quantum computers, and lifelike robotics and artificial intelligence seem like total science fiction now. But I can't wait to see what incredible new electronic marvels get invented as scientists and engineers keep pushing the boundaries.Well, that's my overview of why I find information science and electronic engineering so amazing. At their core, both fields are all about harnessing data and electricity to create powerful tools and technologies that can reshape how we live and understand the world around us. Just imagining where these disciplines will go next gets me incredibly excited!I have so much more to learn, but I feel like I'm getting a great foundation. Who knows, in 20 years I may be the one helping design quantum computer microchips or developing new data mining techniques to analyze zettabytes of information! For now though, I better get back to studying. This stuff is just endlessly fascinating to me. Thanks for reading, talk to you later!篇4My Big Sister Is An EngineerI love my big sister Emily! She's the coolest and smartest person I know. Emily is studying to be an engineer at university. At first, I didn't really understand what that meant, but now I think it's super awesome!Emily studies something called "Information Science and Electronic Engineering." That's a really long name, but she explained it to me in a way I could understand. You see,engineers are like modern-day wizards who use science and math to create amazing things that make our lives easier and more fun!Information Science is all about computers, the internet, and how we share and use information. Emily learns how to build websites, write computer programs, and keep our data safe from bad guys trying to steal it. Can you imagine a world without computers or the internet? I can't! It would be so boring.The Electronic Engineering part is even cooler. Emily gets to learn about electricity, circuits, and all the cool gadgets we use every day, like smartphones, TVs, and video game consoles. She knows how they work and can even build her own!One time, Emily let me visit her university lab, and it was like stepping into a magical workshop. There were tables filled with tiny electronic components, circuit boards, and tools I'd never seen before. Emily showed me a little robot she had built from scratch, and it could move around and follow simple commands.I thought that was the coolest thing ever!But being an engineer isn't just about building robots and gadgets. Emily also learns about communication systems, like how our voices travel through phone lines or how we can sendpictures and videos over the internet in seconds. It's like having a superpower!Emily says that engineers have to be good at math, science, and problem-solving. They have to think logically and creatively to find solutions to all kinds of problems. Sometimes, she has to work on projects with her classmates, which teaches her how to collaborate and communicate well with others.One of the things I admire most about Emily is how hard she works. She spends hours studying, doing homework, and working on projects. But she doesn't seem to mind because she's so passionate about what she's learning. She says that every day is an opportunity to discover something new and exciting.I can't wait until Emily graduates and gets a job as an engineer. Who knows, maybe she'll design the next big video game console or help build a rocket that takes people to Mars! The possibilities are endless when you're an engineer.Sometimes, when I'm playing with my Lego sets or trying to figure out a puzzle, I imagine myself as an engineer like Emily. I pretend that I'm building a giant robot or designing a new kind of computer. It's so much fun to let my imagination run wild and think about all the amazing things I could create someday.Emily says that the world needs more engineers to help solve problems and make life better for everyone. She always encourages me to study hard, especially in math and science, because those subjects will help me become a great engineer too if I want.I'm not sure yet if I want to be an engineer when I grow up, but I know that whatever I choose to do, I want to be just like my big sister Emily – smart, creative, hardworking, and always eager to learn new things.For now, I'll keep playing with my Legos, tinkering with my toys, and dreaming big dreams. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be the one building amazing robots or designing the next generation of computers and gadgets. With an engineer like Emily as my role model, anything seems possible!篇5My Big Sister's Awesome JobHi there! My name is Tommy, and I'm eight years old. I want to tell you all about my big sister Sarah and her really cool job. She's an Information Science and Electronic Engineering professional, which sounds super fancy and complicated, but I'lldo my best to explain it in a way that even a kid like me can understand.Sarah works with computers and electronics, which are like magic boxes that can do all sorts of amazing things. She helps make them work better, faster, and smarter. Isn't that awesome? Sometimes, she even gets to build new gadgets and gizmos from scratch!One of the things Sarah does is something called "coding." Now, I know what you're thinking – "Coding? That sounds boring!" But trust me, it's actually really exciting. Coding is like giving instructions to computers, sort of like telling your dog to sit or roll over, but way more complicated. Sarah uses special languages (not like French or Spanish, but like computer languages) to tell the machines what to do.For example, she might tell a computer to sort through a bunch of data and find specific information, or to control a robot arm in a factory. It's like she's a master magician, waving her wand (which is actually a keyboard) and making the computers do whatever she wants!Another part of Sarah's job is something called "hardware engineering." This means she gets to design and build the physical parts of computers and other electronic devices. It's likebeing a super-cool construction worker, but instead of building houses, she builds tiny little cities inside the machines!Sarah has shown me some of the gadgets she's worked on, and let me tell you, they're mind-blowing. There was this one thing that looked like a regular old box, but it could actually control the lights and temperature in our house just by talking to it. How crazy is that?But Sarah's job isn't just about coding and building stuff. She also has to solve lots of problems and figure out how to make things work better. Sometimes, things go wrong with computers or electronics, and it's her job to figure out what's causing the issue and fix it. It's like being a detective, but instead of looking for clues at a crime scene, she's investigating the inner workings of machines.Sarah says that one of the best parts of her job is getting to work with other really smart people. She's part of a team, and they all collaborate to come up with new ideas and solutions. It's like having a whole group of super-genius friends who all love computers and electronics as much as she does.Now, you might be thinking, "Wow, that sounds like a lot of hard work!" And you'd be right. Sarah has to study and learn new things all the time, and she often has to work late nights orweekends to meet deadlines. But she says it's all worth it because she loves what she does.You see, Sarah has always been fascinated by technology and how things work. When she was little, she used to take apart her toys and put them back together again (sometimes they even worked after!). She was always asking questions and trying to figure out how things worked.So, when it came time to choose a career, Information Science and Electronic Engineering was the perfect fit for her. She gets to work with the latest and greatest technology, and she's constantly learning and growing.Honestly, I'm still not entirely sure what Sarah does every day at her job, but I know it's something really important and exciting. And who knows, maybe one day I'll follow in her footsteps and become an Information Science and Electronic Engineering professional too!For now, though, I'm content to just listen to Sarah's stories and play with the cool gadgets she brings home from work. I might not understand all the technical details, but I know that my big sister has one of the coolest jobs in the world. And that's something to be proud of!篇6My Big Dream of Becoming an Awesome EngineerHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I just finished 4th grade and can't wait for summer vacation! You know what I really love? I love science and building things. That's why I dream of becoming an amazing engineer when I grow up.Engineering is just the coolest thing ever. Do you know what engineers do? They get to design and create all sorts of awesome machines, robots, computers, phones, and other crazy gadgets! How awesome is that? Way better than being a boring teacher or accountant if you ask me.There are different types of engineers too. Information science engineers are like the brains behind all the technology we use every day. They design the software and programs that make our phones, laptops, and video games work. Without them, our devices would be basically just hunks of plastic and metal. Boring!Then you have electronic engineers who design the actual electronics and hardware inside our gadgets. They get to build circuit boards, processors, and all the tiny components that makeeverything run. It's like they get to play with ultra-tiny building blocks and wires all day long. So fun!I can't decide if I want to be an information science engineer or electronic engineer when I grow up. Maybe I'll do both! I'll design the software AND the electronics. Then I can create the whole product from scratch - nothing could stop me!Just imagine if I designed the next big gaming console or smart phone. I'd put in a blazing fast processor, tons of memory, and high-def graphics that would blow your mind. And I'd code all the games and apps too so you'd never get bored. It would be the hottest device ever and all the kids would beg their parents for one. I'd be rich AND famous!Or maybe I'll design robots instead. Not lame little robots that just vacuum, but awesome robots that can talk, play sports, or even fight crime. I'd make them super strong but also program them with artificial intelligence to be really smart. My robot squad could handle any problem or rescue any person in need. We'd be like a team of robotic superheroes protecting the world!Heck, if I'm really ambitious, I could even engineer entire cities of the future. Self-driving car systems, renewable energy grids, ultra-fast communication networks - I'd design it all. Thecities would basically run themselves with minimal human effort required. Everyone would live in modern, efficient luxury thanks to my brilliant engineering.Whoa, sorry, I got a little carried away dreaming there. Sometimes my big imagination gets the best of me. But isn't it crazy all the potential that engineers have? With their skills and knowledge, they can literally design our future world. That's why I'm going to study my butt off in math, science, and technology so I can grow up to be one.I may only be in elementary school now, but I'm already tinkering with electronics and coding as much as I can. My parents got me a basic robotics kit and I've been building simple rovers and robotic arms. I've also been teaching myself coding by making basic games and messing around on coding websites. It's never too early to start prepping to become an engineering prodigy!My friends think I'm a little weird always playing with circuits and computers instead of going outside. But who cares? I have huge plans that involve much more than just running around at the park all day. With hard work and perseverance, I'll get through all the tough engineering classes in college. Then I'llland my dream job designing the latest must-have technologies alongside other geniuses. We'll change the world together!Just you wait and see. In a couple decades, I may have engineered crazy holographic smartphones, sentient robot assistants, or self-sustaining colonies on Mars. The possibilities are endless because I'm going to be an engineering master of the future! Maybe you'll see my name in headlines or I'll become a legendary tech billionaire. Or maybe I'll just be quietly working behind the scenes, dreaming up must-have gadgets from my Silicon Valley lab. Whichever path I take, the world better brace itself for the insane creations of Timmy the Engineer!So yeah, that's my huge, epic dream career. What's your dream? Astronaut? Artist? Veterinarian? Whatever it is, just never stop dreaming big! Study hard, stay focused, and amazing things can happen, just like my coming engineering awesomeness. Okay, gotta go - I need to put some finishing touches on theAI-powered robotic puppy。

positive 阳性的、正的、正数 negative阴性的、负的、负数
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words
Speciality vocabularies
diode 二极管 triode 三极(真空)管 transistor 晶体管、三极管 field-effect transistor 场效应晶体管(FET) amplifier 放大器 oscillator 振荡器 oscilloscope 示波器 oscillo- 波动 Ohm’s law 欧姆定律 radio 无线电、收音机 radar 雷达 laser 激光
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
合成词: 词汇的特点: multimeter 万用表,interface 接口、界面 大量使用专业词汇、转意词汇;
较多使用词性转换adj→n,n→v,等等; code n.码 → v.→codec 编解码 code-decode 编码 GSM , GPRS , CDMA , GPS , CPU , USB , LCD 较多使用词缀、词根,甚至用词缀词根创造新词; variable adj.可变的,易变的→ n.变量 大量使用专业缩写词; coder-decoder →codec 编解码器 新专业词汇、缩写词不断出现。 multiple adj.多样的→ n.倍数 the least common ~ modulator-demolator→modem 调制解调器
differential :微分
probability :概率
difference :差分
possibility :可能性

专业英语复习Lesson3Microprocessors (1)Lesson4Operational Amplifiers (2)Lesson8Clock Sources (3)Lesson12Personal Computer Systems (4)Lesson13Overview of Modern Digital Design (5)Lesson16Basic Concepts of DSP (6)Lesson19High Fidelity Audio (8)Lesson22Digital Image Fundamentals (9)Lesson25Choosing the right core (10)Lesson26Design Languages for Embedded Systems (11)Lesson27Choosing a Real-Time Operating System (12)Lesson28Signal Sources (13)Lesson3Microprocessors1.micron是“微米(百万分之一米)” width是指算术逻辑单元ALU的字长3.MIPS Million Instructions Per Second每秒百万条指令4.Reset复位5.tri-state buffer三态缓冲器A tri-state buffer is a device that allows you to control when an output signal makes it to the bus.When the tri-state buffer's control bit is active,the input of the device makes it to the output.When it's not active,the output of the device is Z,which is high-impedance or,equivalently,nothing.There is no electrical signal is allowed to pass to the output.6.PipeliningA technique where the microprocessor fetches the next instruction before completing execution of the previous instruction,in order to increase processing speed.)流水线是一种在前一条指令全部执行完之前就开始取下一条指令,以提高处理速度的技术。

教学方法 参与式教 学 根据专业英语课程培养 目标 和学生特 点 ,我们在专业英语教学实 践 中适时采用 了参与式教学模式。 , 电子专业英语课程要求学生既要有较 深厚 的专业 知识又要有较扎 实的英语基础 ,并在学习 中继续强化和培养 阅读 理解 和翻译 写作等能 力 。因此 , 课程开始之初 , 学生普遍对该课程 的学 习表现出 比较消极的 态度。他们大多认为 : 学好电子专业 课程几乎是不 可能任 务 , 因此基础 不是很 扎实 , 另外 , 工科学生 的英 语普遍不是很 好 , 故学好专业 英语是 种奢望 。针对学生 的心理 , 开始没有对 学生强调 , 我 学习专业英语需 要多么扎实的专业基础也没有强调要学习好需要 怎样努力等等, 而是从 学生的 自身特点——上海学生普遍具有较好的英语 基础 出发, 让他们相 信基于 自己 良好的英语功底 ,只要 能在 阅读中扩 大词汇量就一定能学
电子专业英语是专 为电子专业学 生设 置的一门课程 ,其教学 目的 是让学生掌握一定 的专业 词汇 、 具备英语 专业文献的理解和翻 译写作 能力 ,以便在 以后的工作和学 习中能够做 到 自如 地查阅英文原版资料 并以英 文撰写学术论文 。 由此 可见 , 专业英语是一 门实践性很强 的课 程 , 只有在教学 中积极 调动起学生 的主动性和参与性 , 才能出色完成课程教学任务 。 笔者遗憾地发现, 很多教师在电子专业英语 的教学 中习惯采 用传统 的填鸭式教学方法, 即教师在课堂上的主要任务是对英文原文进 行翻译
博士・ 专家论 坛
蚕 与 式教 学 在 电 子 信 息 工 程 毫 业英 语 教 学 【 的 应 用 l 】

理念和最新 的教育模 式相结合, 以适应不断发展 的全球环境。 基于 “ 教育创造学生价值” 的理念 , 大连 东软信息学院借鉴
C D I O教育模式 , 将其 中国化和本 校化 , 形成了具 有 自身特 色的
T O P C A R E S — C D I O  ̄, 力培养 目 标体系, 如表1 所示。
表1 T DP C A R E S能力培养目标对应表
L e t t e r s E n g l i s h Me a n i n g 能力
T e c h n i c a l K n o wl e d g e a n d
Re a s o n i n g
由麻省 理工、 瑞典皇 家工学院等多所大学联 合提 出的一种教育 模 式, 由C o n c e i v e 、 D e s i g n 、 I m p l e me n t 和O p e r a t e 构成 , C D I O 和现 代产 品的构思、 研发、 实施和运行整个过程是一 —对应的关 系。 学生在其学 习过程 中不断积 累专业基础知识 、 团队能力、 个人能 力和工 程系统能力等 , 成为具 有职 业素养和创新 能力的工 程实 践 人才。 迄今为止, 已有几十所全球知名大学加入了C D I O 组织 , 并取得了良好效 果。 截 止 ̄2 0 1 0 年, 全 国共有3 O 多所院校成为了 C D I O 教育试点 , 在 此大环境下, 大 连东软信息学院把C D I O 教育
Байду номын сангаас
随着信息技术 的发 展 , 国际社会对工程 技术人才 的知识和 能力结构的要求正在发生根本变化。 许 多用人单位需求具 有沟通 能力、 团队协同、 思辨能力及工程实践能力的复合型创新人才。

5. The sampling rate limit the frequency range of the audio file; to reproduce a given frequency, the sampling rate must be at least twice that frequency. For example, if the audio contains audible frequencies as high as 8,000 Hz, your need a sample rate of 16,000 samples per second to reproduce this audio accurately in digital form. This calculation comes from the Nyquist Theorem, and the highest frequency that can be reproduced by a given sample rate is known as the Nyquist Frequency. CDs have a sampling rate of 44,100 samples per second that allows samples up to 22,050 Hz, which is higher than the limit of human hearing, 20,000Hz.
分子等等,导致一波高压进入空气; 高压力波通过空气移动,他们身后留下低压区域。当这 些压力低点和高点——或波动——到达我们,他们在我们的耳朵振动接收,我们听到时发 出的震动声。
信息工程专业英语 习题参考答案

2. Put the Phrases into Chinese (1) 一个抗混叠滤波器; (2) 新式数字设备; (3) 有序样本值; (4) 间距相等的时间间隔; (5) 采样点; (6) 低通量化滤波器; (7) 人类听觉的限制; (8) 不规则跳动。
3. Translation (1) 采样值表示振幅,由一些决定如何准确测量样品的 位数编码而成。 (2) 当信号被数字-模拟转换器(DAC)转换成音频信号后, 会有锯齿状的不规则波形(显示如下)即量化错误。 (3) 最右边的波形频率特别高,所以采样波将被看做(被 混叠为)缓慢的虚线(这与最左边的曲线相同)。 (4) 输出信号将较为平缓直到下一个采样进来。 (5) 如果采样率是商业的CD标准,那么这种噪音会高于 人类听觉的限制,所以你自己的耳朵可以作为低通量化滤波 器。
Unit 3
1. Put the Phrases into English
Hale Waihona Puke (1) shared access to printers; (2) dominant cabling;
(3) backbone links;
(4) discrete packets;
(5) central controlling device.
(4) 面向连接并不意味着通信的计算机之间存在着物理 电路。它意味着在两个主机之间必须来回传送第四层的字段, 以便在可传送数据之前建立逻辑连接。这层有时也被称为主 机到主机层。
(5) 当你想寄一封信,你并不知道它是怎样到达对方的 (可能会有多条路由),但你会关心它是否到达。
Unit 5 1. Put the Phrases into English (1) digital signal processing system; (2) continuous sound wave; (3) analog low-pass filter; (4) sample values; (5) audio signal; (6) quanization errors.
信息工程专业英语(黄小莉)章 (9)

Unit 9 Wavelet Analysis
An example would be sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean (Fig 9.1). The dominant “mode” of variability is the EL Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), shown by the high-frequency “spikes” on a time scale of 2-7 years. Superimposed on this signal are much longer interdecadal fluctuations. The interdecadal fluctuations have the effect of modulating the amplitude and frequency of occurrence of El Niño events.
stationarity in their statistics. While the series may contain dominant periodic signals, these signals can vary in both amplitude and frequency over long periods of time.
Unit 9 Wavelet Analysis
Unit 9 Wavelet Analysis
9.1 Text 9.2 Reading Materials
Unit 9 Wavelet Analysis
9.1 Text
An Introduction to Wavelet Analysis Many time series in geophysics exhibit non-
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鲁东大学信息与电气工程学院2015 -2016 学年第-----2----学期《 专业英语 》课程论文 课程号: 220821071任课教师 贾世祥 成绩论文题目:专业科技论文翻译对给定的发表在正规外文期刊上的电子信息类专业科技论文进行翻译,包含Title 、Introduction 、Algorithm 、Result 、Discussion 、Reference 等内容。
教师评语:教师签字: 年 月 日一个简单、快速、有效的多边形减面算法Stan MelaxAbstract :This article describes a new type of 3D model to optimize the reduction surface algorithm. Previousalgorithms although it can reduce operating surface, but it in the reduction process will generate a lot of only makes processing speed becomes slow excess facet. This new algorithm is mainly through the edge collapse operation toachieve the effect of reducing the surface. This paper explains the characteristics and advantages of this algorithm by means of examples. The advantages and disadvantages of the new algorithm are also analyzed. Our initial goal is simple: we want to find a method can be reduced due to excessive blasting effects of polygons, now our art personnel only need to create a detailed model for every game objects. But there are limitations, this algorithm can only be applied to thetriangle, if you need to be able to other more edges of the polygon into a simple triangle, in addition to this there is no other restrictions on the.Keywords :Polygon reduction;Edge Collapse ;Pretreatment ;Optimization model ;Optimization model; Application algorithm ;如果你是一个游戏开发者,那么3D 多边形模型非常有可能是日常生活中的一部分,而且你对多少个多边形每秒、少多边形建模、细节层次等概念非常熟悉。
在我们开始之前,我建议你去下载我的一个程序:BUNNYLOD.EXE ,它展示了我将要阐述的这项技术。
你可以在Game Develop 网站上找到它。
问题的由来在深入这个很厉害的3D 算法之前,你可能会问你自己真的有必要关注它吗?要知道,已经有一些商业的插件和工具来为你减少多边形数量了。
然而,下面的几条理由会告诉你为什么需要实现自己的减面算法:学院 信息与电气工程学院 专业 信息工程 班级 信息1301班 本学号 20132213652 20132213664 姓名 李惠梁 吴海峰● 你使用的多边形减面工具生成的结果无法满足你的特殊需求,因此你希望做一个自己的工具。
● 你当前使用的多边形减面工具可能无法产生减面过程中的变化信息,而你却希望利用这些变化信息来使不同的细节层次之间的转换更加平滑。
● 你希望将生产过程自动化,这样的话美术人员就仅仅需要创建一个细节适当的模型,然后游戏引擎就能自动创建模型其余的细节层次。
● 你正在制作一个VRML 浏览器,你希望提供一个菜单项来简化那些巨大的VRML 文件。
● 你在你的游戏中使用的特效改变了物体的几何形状,增加了多边形的数量,你需要一个方法来使你的引擎能够实时地快速减少多边形数量。
图1 爆炸效果对多边形数量的影响在Bioware ,我实现了实时的爆炸效果,并且把它们应用在了我们开发的一个游戏原型上,以便给我们的出版商留下深刻印象。
坍塌边图2 边塌陷在我着手处理这个问题之前,我跟亚伯达大学图形实验室的一些人学习了多边形减面。
)最近这个领域出现了很多研究成果,但其中大多数比较好的技术都是 H.Hpppe 的渐进网格算法的改进和变形(参见“更多的信息”)。
下面这些步骤说明如何实现这个操作:1. 去除所有既包含顶点u又包含顶点v的三角形(换一种说法,去除所有以uv为边的三角形)。
2. 更新所有剩下的三角形,把所有用到顶点u的地方都用顶点v代替。
3. 移除顶点u。
图2 边塌陷选择下一条边进行坍塌要产生效果比较好的底面模型的诀窍在于要正确地选择坍塌的边,能够在坍塌的时候最小程度的影响模型的视觉变化。
详见源码(你可以在Game Developer网站上下载到源代码)。
方程式1 求边坍塌值的方程式你可以看到,这个算法在决定哪一条边坍塌的时候对于面的曲率和大小做了平衡。
图4 好的和差的边坍塌如果你正在实作你自己的减面算法,你可能希望能够用这个公式做实验,来看看是否满足你的要求。
如果对于你来说,模型质量比减面算法所需要的执行时间更重要的话,你应该考虑使用Hoppe 的函数。
对于3D 游戏来说,更恰当(并且跟有挑战性)的测试是生成一个只有几百个多边形的模型,以此展示算法的强大威力。
图5 453个、200个以及100个顶点的小兔子模型(从左到右)图6 随机选择坍塌边(200个顶点)举个例子,图5展示了一个小兔子的模型,它是从一个由 Viewpoint Datalabs 制作的VRML文件中提取出来的。
图7 一个女性的人物模型,左边100%多边形数量,中间20%多边形数量,右边是4%多边形数量当我们完成了动物实验之后,就要开始把这种算法应用在人物模型上了。