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课题:必修二Unit 4知识点 年级:一年级 学科:英语 编写人:朱佳 审核人:______ 审批人:______ 使用时间:






1. contain___________

易混辨析contain include including included

The bowl contained a variety of fruit.这个碗里盛着各种各样的水果。 His writings include poetry and prose. 他的作品包括诗和散文。 There are 10 people including you. 包括你有十个人。

All of us, myself included, had been totally committed to the Party. 我们大家,包括我本人在内,一直都对党绝对忠诚。

(1)contain 意为“包含,含有;容纳;里面装有”,指的是包含的全部内容或容量, 也可指里面所含的成分。其宾语与主语常是同位关系,不用于进行时态。此外, contain 还有“控制,克制”之意。

(2)include 意为“包含;连……在内;计入,算入;包括”,只能用于表示所包含


(4)included 是过去分词性质的形容词,放在所包括的东西之后。 即学即用

(1)She was too angry to______________ .她气急了,无法控制自己。

(2)Many people like tennis, _________________许多人喜欢网球,也包括我/我也在内。 (3)His school bag __________ a lot of books, _________ a cartoon book. 2. appreciate_______________ 翻译

(1) They deeply appreciated his kindness. __________________________________ (2) We shall appreciate hearing from you again. _____________________________ (3)

I'd appreciate it if you can help. _______________________________________

appreciate+___________________ appreciate _____+if 从句

(1)I really appreciate _____________________


(2)___________if you will do me a favor. 若是你肯帮那个忙,我会非常感激的。

3. employ _________________

He was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done 他忙着把要做的所有工作列一个清单。 He employed himself doing his homework. 他忙于做他的家庭作业。


be employed in___________________________ employ oneself doing sth. __________________ 即学即用

She was ________________(忙于)cleaning the house. She employed herself __________(wash) her clothes. 扩展

雇用 employment 失业 unemployment 雇主 employer 雇员employee 4. succeed__________


He succeeded in making her happy.他成功地使她开心起来。

Paul has succeeded to all his father ’s property. Paul 已经继承了他父亲所有的财产。 归纳

succeed in doing sth _____________________ succeed to sth _____________________ 即学即用

She succeeded ________ the problem at last.

A. in solving

B. at solving

C. to solve

D. to be solved He succeeded ______ the throne in 1558. 5. harm _________________ 观察

Overwork will do harm to your health. =Overwork will be harmful to your health. 工作过度会伤害你的身体。

He may say no, but there is no harm in asking. =He may say no, but it does no harm to ask. 他可能会拒绝,但问一问也无妨。


do harm to=be harmful to _____________________

It does no harm to do sth.=there is no harm in doing sth. _________ 即学即用

Smoking _______________________吸烟对健康有害

There ’s no harm in trying.________________________________
