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阶段性测试题(Units 5~7)


( )1.(2019•合肥市四十五中期中)-What's this?

-It's_______apple._______apple is red.

A, a;The B. an;The C. a;An D. the;An

( )2. (2019•南昌市新建区朕考)I have two ping-pong bats,_______I play them every day.

A. and

B. or

C. but

D. because

( )3.(2019.长沙市湘一外国语期末)Most of the shoes in the store_______ on sale and this pair of shoes_______very cheap.

A. ares;is

B. are;are

C. is;are

( )4. My sister doesn't like playing baseball. She thinks it's_______.


B. relaxing

C. boring

D. easy

( )5.-Do you like watching ping- pong matches?

一Yes,and _______ favorite ping-pong player is Ma Long.

A.we B, us C. Our D, ours

( )6.-Do you want_______a book?

一Yes.I do.

A. Buy

B. Buys

C. to buy

D. take

( )7. (2019•南昌市新建区朕考)We often eat rice_______lunch in China.

A. in

B. on

C. for


( )8. We have_______ in the middle of the day.

A. breakfast


C. supper

D. dinner

( )9. (2019•安庆市大观区期末)一Let's play basketball together.


A. Sounds good

B. That's all right

C. Yes,please

D. Thank you

( )10, This T-shirt looks_______ and sells_______.

A. nice ;well

B. well ; nice

C. well;well D, good; nice

( )11. My mother always_______ clothes for me_______a very good price.

A. buy;to

B. buys;in

C. ells;to

D. buys;at ( )12.-_______going to play basketball after class?

-It's great.

A. How about

B. How

C. What D, Let's

( )13. The small T-shirt is________.

A.ten dollar

B. ten dollars

C. ten

D.healthy ( )14. (2019 .长沙市长郡教育集团期末)-_______your mother_______ dancing on the square?


A. Is;like;is

B. Does;liker;does

C. Does;likes,does

( )15.-Thank you for your help!


A. Good morning

B. You are welcome

C. Fine. thank you

D. Nice to meet you.


Hello,my name is David.I ____1___a student in No, 1 I Middle School. In my spare(空闲的) time, I like doing sports. I like playing __ 2__ tennis and basketball.

Look___3____my bedroom. I have a tennis racket. ____4___ is on the table.

I have two____5___.They are____6___ the bed Playing sports is very___7____, so I like it very much. I also like eating. Among(在…之中) fruits,I like__ 8__ best. But I___9____like vegetables. I like French fries very much.So I am a little fat, The doctor asks me to eat more___10____food.

( )1.A. is B. are C. am D. do

( )2.A. the B.a C./ D.an

( )3.A. at B. in C. for D. to

( )4. A. It B. Its C. They D. Them

( )5. A. basketballs B. basketball C. volleyball D. soccer ( )6. A. in B. at C. to D. under

( )7. A. boring B. interesting C. difficult D. bad

( )8. A. carrots B. ice-cream C. bread D. bananas ( )9. A. do B. don’t C. does D. doesn’t ( )10. A. relaxing B. healthy C. bad D. healthy



Maria : I like carrots and bananas. I don’t like hamburgers or French fries. I have two eggs and a banana for breakfast.

Bill: I like salad and chicken. I don't like ice-cream. I have chicken and tomatoes

for dinner.

Bob: l like hamburgers and ice-cream. I don’t like to matoes. I eat lunch at school. I have hamburgers and oranges for lunch.

( )1. Does Maria like carrots?

A.Yes,she does.

B. No, she doesn’t.

C. Yes,l do.

D. We don't know

( )2. What does Bill have for dinner?

A. Salad and chicken.

B. Ice-cream.

C. Tomatoes and chicken.

D. Hamburgers and oranges.
