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Rooms Terminology


Accommodation: Description of bed type and location of a particular room.


Adjoining Rooms : Adjacent rooms that are not serviced by a connection door. 相邻房间:相邻房间,但不设有相互连通的连接门。

Advance Deposit:

Money received by the hotel in advance of th e guest ' s arrival to

guarantee the room accommodations.


Advance Payment:

Money requested by the Guest Services Agents at check-in of a guest

who did not make an advance reservation and who is unable to produce

any of the credit cards accepted by hotel.


Allotment: Certain number of rooms allocated to travel agents for free sale purpose. 房间分配:酒店分配给旅行社一定数量的房间作为供其使用的免费房间。

Amenity: A gift for a guest . compliments of the hotel, liquor, fruit basket, newspapaer, etc.


Arrival : Date of check-in. 到达:客人的入住时间

Average Room Rate : Total Rooms Revenue divided by Total Number of Revenue/Occupied

Rooms (excluding house-use and complimentary rooms.) 平均房价: 用总客房收入除以收入产生房间总数/入住房间总数(办公用房及,免费房间除外。)

Average House Rate :Total Rooms Revenue divided by Total Saleable Rooms. 酒店平均房价:用客房总收入除以可销售客房总数。

Billing Instructions : Specific instructions for the charging of a guest unt to his ' s acco

company or home address.



Block: A room that is being held for a certain guest on a certain date. 预留:特定的房间在特定的日期为宾客保留。

Booked to Capacity/ Refers to a situation when the hotel has accepted the maximum

Fully Booked: number of reservations and is unable to take any more without being

placed in an overbooked situation.

房间订满/ 完全预定:是指酒店已经接受了在允许范围内的全部预定,不可再进行任何预定,


Bucket: The space, box, drawer allocated for Registration cards, correspondences, supporting documents, etc. Located at Front Desk (Pre-registration or Folio) 前台桶:位于前台的特定位置、架子或抽屉等用于放置登记卡、刊物、单据等等。

Cancellation: A reservation which is no longer required by the client.

Non-guaranteed reservations will be released by 6:00pm on day of arrival.

For guaranteed reservations, no charge will be levied if booking is

cancelled before 6:00pm of scheduled arrival.



宾客取消已经提出的预定。非保证预定在到达当天下午 6 点之前可以取消。对于


Cash Advance: To give money to guest obtained from guest credit card', as nominal


surcharge is added, normally between 3% to 5%.

从客人的信用卡中提取,为客人支付的现金。会收取一定手续费,一般为3% 至

Cash Credit: Written verification of cash received from a guest and apply to his account. 担保放



Cash Float: A fixed amount of funds allotted to a Guest Services Assistant for foreign exchange, change for cash transactions and refund of cash deposit.


Cash Overage: A condition whereby the cash remitted if more than the expected amount

stated in the cashier ' s report.


Cash Remittance: The day ' s collection in local and foreign currencies to be submitted to

General Cashier.


A condition whereby the cash remitted is less than the expected amount stated

in the cashier ' s report.


Cash Shortage:
