one projectPPT教学课件
高中英语Module 1 unit 1 project 课件必修一
Two years ago.
3) Why did the radio club start? CD players were not allowed in school, and they wanted to play music during break time.
Read the passage again, and finish note-making.
对孩子们来说,她不止是一位老师,她爱孩子们,好像他 们是她自己的孩子一样。
②Peace is much more than the absence of war.
③ That’s more than I can tell you,sir.
④ The cold was more than the children could bear(忍受).
1. What does your club do? 2. How does it attract new members? 3. How does it help members achieve their goals?
1. What does the poster consist of? 2. How does it attract its viewers?
1. It started two years ago as CD players were not allowed in school. ( 18 ) (1)allow+n. (2)allow+doing (3)allow sb. to do
They don’t allow smoking here.
英语M1U1 Project1(牛津译林版必修1)精品PPT课件
Now Let’s watch a video carefully and try to know what we should do to start a club .
What should we do to start a club?
1. Form groups. 2. Suggest clubs you will start. 3. Give your reasons and have discussion. 4. Vote to decide. 5. Have it approved by the teacher. 6. Write down the name. 7. To fix a place and time to meet. 8.To design activities in a club. 9. Take on responsibility for tasks.
Let’s try to learn something about thห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ school club by listening to the following article.
Two years ago
Not mentioned
Played music; Talked about the weather and recent news;……
–Culture –Academics –Sports –Music –Special Interest –Others
What activities can we have in clubs?
shows Activities
精选高中牛津Unit1 project 1公开PPT课件
凡 事都 是 多 棱镜 , 不 同 的角 度 会 看 到不 同 的 结 果。 若 能 把 一些 事 看 淡了 , 就 会 有 个 好心 境 , 若 把很 多 事 看开 了 , 就 会有 个 好 心 情。 让 聚 散 离合 犹 如 月 缺月 圆 那 样寻 常 , 让 得失 利 弊 犹 如花 开 花 谢 那样 自 然 , 不计 较 , 也不 刻 意 执 着 ; 让生 命 中 各 种的 喜 怒 哀乐 , 就 像 风儿 一 样 , 来了 , 不 管 是清 风 拂 面 ,还 是 寒 风凛 冽 , 都 报以 自 然 的 微笑 , 坦 然 的接 受 命 运 的馈 赠 , 把是 非 曲 折 , 都 当作 是 人 生 的定 数 , 不因 攀 比 而困 惑 , 不为 贪 婪 而费 神 , 无论 欢 乐 还是 忧 伤 ,都 用 平 常心 去 接 受; 无 论 得到 还 是 失去 , 都 用坦 然 的 心去 面 对 ,人 生原 本 就 是在 得 与 失中 轮 回 的, 让 一 切所 有 的 经历 , 都 化作 脸 上 的云 淡 风 轻。
a fresh wound bright
on the nose
Stick eye
Read para.5
You are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightening than be attacked by a shark.
E. Suggestions on how to raise pigeons.
Read paras. 1-4
1st What is the story about?
牛津译林版 选修 十 unit 1 project 课件
Read for the details
2. Compared with previous forms of development, what are the advantages of sustainable development? A. Sustainable development lays stress on preserving the environment and natural resources.
Useful expressions:
• powerelectrical equipment (P3 L31) • mostly depend on fuels...(P3 L34) • ed up...(P4 L38) • a much higher rate (P4 L39) • on top of (P5 L44) • contribute to (P5 L47) • push for the use of alternative energy sources
destruction of the environment and be good for
M10 Unit1 Project A gift for the future
Read for the structure
Skim the article and match the main idea of each part.
Part 1 (Para 1-2 ) Part 2 (Para 3-5 )
B. Sustainable development means creating better health care, education and housing.
Read for the details
2. Compared with previous forms of development, what are the advantages of sustainable development? A. Sustainable development lays stress on preserving the environment and natural resources.
Useful expressions:
• powerelectrical equipment (P3 L31) • mostly depend on fuels...(P3 L34) • ed up...(P4 L38) • a much higher rate (P4 L39) • on top of (P5 L44) • contribute to (P5 L47) • push for the use of alternative energy sources
destruction of the environment and be good for
M10 Unit1 Project A gift for the future
Read for the structure
Skim the article and match the main idea of each part.
Part 1 (Para 1-2 ) Part 2 (Para 3-5 )
B. Sustainable development means creating better health care, education and housing.
高中英语:Unit 1 project 课件 (牛津译林版选修11)(共35张PPT)
This will tell you what type of person
you are and what careers would
probably suit you best. If there was
no one letter clearly chosen most,
look at the two most frequently chosen.
f. keep accurate records
6. I like to __________.
a. be around animals
b. solve problems
c. use my imagination d. work with people to help them e. work with people to make money f. work with data
c= Artistic ( The creators) These people have artistic, freethinking or intuitive abilities and like to work in free and open situations (without regular office hours) using their imagination and creativity. Suitable jobs include: actor, architect, dancer, designer, hairdresser, fashion designer, photographer, theatre studies, music/ language teacher and writer.
2. I am __________.
高二英语one project PPT教学课件
It is in the physical style. Actors use body language to perform the play.
How many characters are there in the play? Who are they?
Three. The king, the Queen and the servant
Who do you think is the main character in the play?
The King
What does the King actually want?
Toilet paper.
Why are the others unable to understand him?
Small things can be considered important ones in special occasions and thus they couldn’t be neglected.
Let’s play!
Let’s play!
Which play will you choose? Who will play each character? Who will be the director? What kind of scenery will you need? Who will make it? Will you need costumes? Who will make them?
The important papers
characters ( actors / actresses) The King, the Queen, Servant
setting in the palace
How many characters are there in the play? Who are they?
Three. The king, the Queen and the servant
Who do you think is the main character in the play?
The King
What does the King actually want?
Toilet paper.
Why are the others unable to understand him?
Small things can be considered important ones in special occasions and thus they couldn’t be neglected.
Let’s play!
Let’s play!
Which play will you choose? Who will play each character? Who will be the director? What kind of scenery will you need? Who will make it? Will you need costumes? Who will make them?
The important papers
characters ( actors / actresses) The King, the Queen, Servant
setting in the palace
步骤:点击工具——更改工作时间或将鼠标放在甘特图上的时间刻度,右键选 “更改工作时间”
选定需要修 改的日历
设置工 作日
自定义日历 类型
视图:主要是设置视图的显示型式 常规:主要对资源的费率进行设置 保存:主要是实现文件的自动保存 日历: 主要是工作时间的设置
1. 根据任务,显示参加此任务的资源信息,并可对资源进行再修改。 2. 显示每个任务、摘要任务的工时量 3. 根据工时量、资源成本费率计算任务的成本及项目成本 4. 通过跟踪任务进度,显示实际、计划工时差异,包括实际、计划成
定义 显示方式 作用
点击窗口——拆分 1. 方便任务的资源分配、任务信息的输入等 2. 对比查看、修改项目计划和任务信息。
制定项目时间计划 任务的限制类型和优先级设置
任务的限制类型: 限制类型
指在特定的原则下 越早越好
对于此类限制,Project将鉴于其他日程参数来尽可能早地排定任务日程。 对于从开始日期进行日程排定的项目,这是默认的限制
译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 1 Project 教学公开课课件PPT
messages from
译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 1 Project 教学课件【公开课课件】
graduates; events
译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 1 Project 教学课件【公开课课件】
Step 3 Project
Starting a new school club & making a poster (海报) advertising(宣传) your club Group work (5-6 people each group)
译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 1 Project 教学课件【公开课课件】
译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 1 Project 教学课件【公开课课件】
Step 3 Project Planning
Discuss and decide: 1. What's the name of the club? 2. What's the goal of the club?
译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 1 Project 教学课件【公开课课件】
Step 2 Examples of school clubs
Two examples of how a school club works 1. Watch the video, and then fill in as many blanks as possible.
译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 1 Project 教学课件【公开课课件】
1. Students guess what club it is. 2. Show your poster. 3. Introduce your club.
牛津译林必修一unit 1 Project 课件(共26张PPT)
Step 3 How to make a booklet
Case study: look at the example and summarize the features of a good booklet
picture *neat
layout *creative *….
Step 1 How to nail down a topic School events
Step 1 How to nail down a topic
Decide on a topic in your group.
Our topic is: __________
Step 2 How to get information
• When was the main teaching building built? (specific)
Step 2 How to get information
Teachers or schoolmates
What kind of questions should you ask in an interview? Tip: It’s a good idea to start with general questions and then move on to specific ones.
Step 3 How to make a booklet
Put together all the information.
Tips: 1. Use clear and precise language. 2. Use clear and beautiful pictures. 3. Use neat and creative layout.
Step 3 How to make a booklet
Case study: look at the example and summarize the features of a good booklet
picture *neat
layout *creative *….
Step 1 How to nail down a topic School events
Step 1 How to nail down a topic
Decide on a topic in your group.
Our topic is: __________
Step 2 How to get information
• When was the main teaching building built? (specific)
Step 2 How to get information
Teachers or schoolmates
What kind of questions should you ask in an interview? Tip: It’s a good idea to start with general questions and then move on to specific ones.
Step 3 How to make a booklet
Put together all the information.
Tips: 1. Use clear and precise language. 2. Use clear and beautiful pictures. 3. Use neat and creative layout.
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课堂课件(28页)
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
Read the last two paragraphs (paras 7-8) and answer the following questions: 1.What solution does the author offer?
Relationships are nearly always quite shallow.
ToMpodhuloe n7 Uenito1rLivninogtwitthotepchhnoolongyep?roject
Main point 1 There is something important about being together and sharing life that cannot be found over a telephone wire. Main point 2 The calls destroy the peace one has or waste one’s
What’s the main idea of these four paragraphs (3-6) ?
Para 3
Para 4
the disadvantages of using phones
Para 5
Para 6
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
2. There is something important about being together and sharing life that cannot be found over a telephone wire. L41
牛津版高二英语Unit1 Project课件
Girls always seem to have a lot to talk about with their best friends. They seem to have more friendships than boys. Boys cannot name a single best friend.
puzzle Vt. 困惑;苦思
This mystery puzzles me. 这件神秘事情使我百思不解. I am puzzled by the difficult questions. puzzle out 经过苦思想出; 猜出 puzzle over 苦思苦想
2. 2. What puzzles Robert?
Some things about Amanda and her friends. For example , he can’t understand what girls can talk about for so long.
3. What’s the difference between boys and girls in their attitudes towards friendship?
Fill in the blanks using the words from the box below. Change the form where necessary.
get along worldwide support quality in the world
base on suppose share reply
Girls seem to have a lot to talk about with their best friends than boys.
puzzle Vt. 困惑;苦思
This mystery puzzles me. 这件神秘事情使我百思不解. I am puzzled by the difficult questions. puzzle out 经过苦思想出; 猜出 puzzle over 苦思苦想
2. 2. What puzzles Robert?
Some things about Amanda and her friends. For example , he can’t understand what girls can talk about for so long.
3. What’s the difference between boys and girls in their attitudes towards friendship?
Fill in the blanks using the words from the box below. Change the form where necessary.
get along worldwide support quality in the world
base on suppose share reply
Girls seem to have a lot to talk about with their best friends than boys.
精选高中牛津十unit 1 project公开PPT课件
B. otuerxtfu.ture and the lives of our children will be in danger without it.
C. creating better health care, education, house and improved standards of living.
1.This should set alarm bells ringing, since the bare fact is that in order for everyone to survive, serious adjustments need to be made in worldwide development. (para1)
energy in Para.10? (细节题) B. two C. three
Nigeria (尼日利亚) Costa Rica (哥斯达黎加)
D. four
Task three
Underline the following sentences and choose the similar meaning of underlined words
Task one Read for structure
Para 1-2 I_n__t_r_o_d_u__c_t_i_o_n_ to the problem and its_s_o__lu__t_io__n Para 3-5 _R__e_a_s_o_n__s_ why people are pushing for the use
1. What is the current problem? (line 9)The past development polluted the environment and wasted natural resources.
C. creating better health care, education, house and improved standards of living.
1.This should set alarm bells ringing, since the bare fact is that in order for everyone to survive, serious adjustments need to be made in worldwide development. (para1)
energy in Para.10? (细节题) B. two C. three
Nigeria (尼日利亚) Costa Rica (哥斯达黎加)
D. four
Task three
Underline the following sentences and choose the similar meaning of underlined words
Task one Read for structure
Para 1-2 I_n__t_r_o_d_u__c_t_i_o_n_ to the problem and its_s_o__lu__t_io__n Para 3-5 _R__e_a_s_o_n__s_ why people are pushing for the use
1. What is the current problem? (line 9)The past development polluted the environment and wasted natural resources.
unit1 project公开课课件(29张ppt)
photography painting
English dancing
school radio club
Fast Reading
1.Who started the radio club? 2.When was the radio club started? 3.Why was the radio club started?
4.When the author attended the first meeting, how did he feel? A. a little excited B. a bit happy C. a little nervous
Careful Reading
Useful expressions
3. When do the members of the school club meet? A. the last Friday of every month B. the first Friday of every month C. the last Sunday of every month
Maths Club
radio club
If you have a chance to start a school club with your schoolmates, what club would you like to have?
radio basketball literature poetry Wushu
Different activities
Playing basketball
Playing football
Different clubs
One Project One Dream.ppt
宿舍管理员 设备管理员
• 一、项目立项 准备充分 • 立项的主要工作就是可行性分析。大项目要反复论证、层层审批,
遵循公司决策审批管理流程即可。项目要有利于企业目标的实现 和价值增值。偏离这个宗旨的项目不予立项。
二、项目报批 预算先行
• 项目可不可行是第一步,可行才能报批,报批必须预算先行。 光有项目可行的结论,没有项目实施的预算,这样的项目不能批 准。企业运行的实际告诉我们,没有预算的项目最容易开支失控。
很少或 没有 几乎没 有
弱矩阵 平衡矩阵
有限 小到中等
0 - 25 15 – 60
强矩阵型 项目型
中等到大 几乎全权
50 – 90 95 –100
项目经理角色常用头 衔
项目经理行政管理时 间
部分时 间
项目协 调员/项 目负责 人
部分时 间
部分时 间
项目协 调员/ 项目负 责人
部分时 间
全时 项目经理/ 项目主任
全时 项目经理 计划经理
全时 项目经理 计划经理
• 项目是为创造某一产品或服务所做的暂时性努力。项目组成员中 人力可在其他项目中复用,并不影响其他项目中工作。该项目结 束,则该项目所有人员人力释放。
• 需要集权领导和建立专门的项目组织;项目进行中可能出现的各 种问题多半是贯穿于各组织部门的,它们要求这些不同的部门作 出迅速而且想到关联、相互依存的反应。
• 其实这是因为什么? • 没有全局感。 • 一方面,是不知道自己的工作对于整个项目或
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
It is in the physical style. Actors use body language to perform the play.
How many characters are there in the play? Who are they?
Three. The king, the Queen and the servant
栖这 霞又 山是 吗哪 ?儿
啊 ?
夷告 山诉 !你
, 这 是 武
究 竟 是 什 么 地 方 ?
这是 长白 山!
儿这 味个 道地 吧方 !,
这是 峨嵋 山!
识这 了个 吧地 !方
, 总 该 认
天山 昆仑山
阴山 秦岭
北:天山--阴山 中:昆仑山--秦岭
A person can fall into embarrassment if he expresses his opinions in a roundabout way.
People tend to think power or authority means importance or significance.
I must have my important papers RIGHT NOW!!!” However, like the first and second time, the servant failed to bring the King what he wanted several times. Even the Queen didn’t know what her husband wanted and just (5)__to_r_e__ a page from her book and offered it to King.
The important papers
characters ( actors / actresses) The King, the Queen, Servant
setting in the palace
the important papers
What does the King really mean by saying “the important papers”?
Small things can be considered important ones in special occasions and thus they couldn’t be neglected.
Let’s play!
Let’s play!
Which play will you choose? Who will play each character? Who will be the director? What kind of scenery will you need? Who will make it? Will you need costumes? Who will make them?
The King moved around in his chair,
crossed and (6)_u_n_c_r_o_s_s_e_dhis legs and seemed very anxious. At last, the servant (7)_h_e_l_d___ out a roll of toilet
Who do you think is the main character in the play?
The King
What does the King actually want?
Toilet paper.
Why are the others unable to understand him?
the King?
Are you ready?
这 么 陡 的 地 方
这 种 地 方 , 你
了过这 !要个
是地 掉方 下很 去好 就看 不吧 好! 看不
山没 !错
, 这 就 是 华
米离错 !我了
们。 只这 有是 三黄 百山 多, 千距
Because he was a king and he says that he wants important papers. The others would mistake them for some official documents.
In what style of stand-up comedy is this play?
Let’s practise!
doubt, happen, see, hold, uncross, you, surprise, tear The important papers Once upon a time, there (1)_h_a_p_p_e_n_e_d a very funny story among three people, the King, the Queen and a servant. One day, as soon as the King entered the palace, he called in a servant and told him he had to have some important papers immediately. Soon came back the servant with a stack of
paper. He was puzzled and (8)_d_o_u_b_t_e_dwhether the King needed
it or not. On the contrary, upon getting
it, the King ran out as fast as possible.
So can you guess what happened to
basic requirements
lines plot
stage directions
actors/ actress
costumes props
vivid perform/ances
Exaggerated expressions
The invisible bench
Read the first play and try to ask the following questions:
Is there a bench in the courtyard? Actually no What does the word ‘invisible’ mean? It means ‘can’t be seen’ Is this a comedy? Why or why not? Yes, it is a comedy because it is very funny.
official-looking papers, but (2)_s_e_e_i_n_g__this, the King threw them away at once and shouted: “No, no, no bring my important papers!” The servant dashed out and in a minute re-entered with a newspaper in his hand. This time, to his (3)_s_u_r_p_ri_s_e__, the King tore it into halves and cried: “No, (4)_y_o_u__fool!
你错了! 很遗憾!
4、横断山是什么走向? A.南北走向 B.东西走向 C.西北-东南走向 D.东北-西南走向
大兴安岭 太行山 巫山
内蒙古高原 黄土高原 四川盆地 青藏高原
华北平原 长江中下游平原
天山 塔里木盆地 准噶尔盆地
昆仑山 青藏高原 塔里木盆地
It is in the style of prop. Actors use the prop — toilet paper and some other papers to perform the play.
How does the playwright make the play funny?
The playwright uses a play upon words— important paper and toilet paper--- to make people laugh.
阿尔泰么走向的山脉? A.南北走向 B.东北-西南走向 C.东西走向 D.东南-西北走向
喜马拉雅山是什么走向? A.东西走向 B.弧形走向 C.南北走向 D.东南-西北走向
原来不只我一个菜 鸟啊!
3、长白山-武夷山是什么走向? A.南北走向 B.东西走向 C.东北-西南走向 D.弧形走向
白 山
巫山 雪 峰 山
武夷山 台湾山脉
中:长白山--武夷山 西:大兴安岭-太行山 -巫山-雪峰山