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(1)People usually drink too much on .

A. Friday

B. Saturday

C. Sunday

(2)The two speakers are probably .

A. mother and son

B. teacher and student

C. policewoman and driver

(3)From the dialogue, we can know that the boy .

A. is less than seventeen years old

B. always brings his ID card with him

C. is going to a movie with his girlfriend


(1)The weather is .

A. sunny

B. snowy

C. rainy

(2)The children are .

A. in the hotel

B. in the hospital o

C. in a restaurant

(3)Alice enjoys .

A. staying in the hotel

B. being together with the farmily

C. the delicious food at the beach


Tony's First Earthquake

He saw (1)

were barking.

chickens were



a horse was

standing on its



He heard a(4)was


He learned the ground



7.(1.5分)﹣Is this_____________dictionary?

﹣Yes, it's mine.()

A.my B.your C.his D.her

8.(1.5分)Dad____________TV when it began to rain yesterday.()

A.watches B.watched

C.is watching D.was watching

9.(1.5分)May I have some more chicken? It___________so delicious.()A.feels B.smells C.tastes D.sounds

10.(1.5分)﹣Linda______her mother.

﹣Yeah. Both of them have curly hair and blue eyes.()

A.looks like B.looks at

C.looks after D.looks for

11.(1.5分)Oh! Mum, where's my notebook? I_______find it.()

A.can't B.needn't C.shouldn't D.mustn't

12.(1.5分)﹣What do you think of Mr.Liu?

﹣He is quite_________, but he is good at telling funny stories.()

A.friendly B.patient C.serious D.humorous

13.(1.5分)﹣What is the___________of your excellent Taiji?

﹣Practice makes perfect!()

A.result B.purpose C.choice D.secret

14.(1.5分)﹣________do you go to the library?

﹣Twice a week.()

A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How far

15.(1.5分)﹣Would you like to come to my birthday party tonight?


A.Yes, I'd like to.B.It doesn't matter.

C.Have a good time! D.You're welcome.

16.(1.5分)﹣I'm afraid I can't dance.

﹣_____________! Just for fun.()

A.Sounds great B.Take it easy

C.What a pity D.My pleasure


17.(15分)Long ago, when the world was young, a spider was given a pot (罐子) containing all the wisdom (智慧) of the world. Each day, he reached into the pot and learned(1)new.

But Spider would not(2). He wanted to keep all the wisdom to(3). Spider made a plan.He began to climb a tall tree."I will hide the wisdom pot way up high,"he said."I will be the(4) one in the world."

As he climbed, he had a lot of trouble. The pot kept(5) stuck in the branches (树枝).

From(6),Spider's son watched. He called out,"(7) the pot to your back,Father. That way, it will be easier to climb."

Spider got mad.He thought,"My young son is wiser than I.I have the wisdom pot,yet he
