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Senior Book I units 21-22

Period 1

Teaching aims and demands:

1 To review words and expressions in the units.

2 To help students master the important drills.


1 avoid sth./ doing sth. 避免某事/做某事

2 I can manage it 我能,我行。


3 be in contact with与…有接触,

4. focus…on…把…集中于…focus one’s attention on

5. express one’s thoughts and opinions 表达思想和观点

6. occur to sb. 使某人突然想到

7. in a hurry 匆忙的

8. make a story 编故事

9.fold one’s arms 抱臂; fold one’s hands

fold a letter_____________;fold sth (up) in paper 用纸把某物包起来

10. look directly into one’s eyes直视着某人

11. put …in order 按顺序排放

12 .get through difficult situations 摆脱困境

get through the exam ___________

get through the work ___________

get through the tunnel ____________

get through to the president’s office _____________

get through all the money _____________________


get through 度过,通过到达/go through 经历/live through 活过,度过,经受住break through 突破/look through 浏览,仔细查看

13. feel down 感到闷闷不乐

14. divide...into…把…分成/divide up 分配

15. take/run the risk of doing sth.冒…得危险

16. cut off 切断,突然中止

scream one’s way 一路尖叫着

mend one’s way改邪归正

fight one’e way打出道路;奋斗前进

force one’s way______________

make one’ way前进,行进;成功,发迹

feel one’s way 摸索着走;谨慎行事

in the way 挡道;防碍人的

on the way 在—的路上;即将到来;即将成为

in a way 在某种程度上in no way

by the way顺便说;在途中,在路旁

by way of 途经,经由

18. combine fun with the opportunity to learn sth 把…与…结合

19. to one’s amusement ____________

20. in danger 处于危险之中

21. get it 明白了,猜中了

22. look for thrills and entertainment 寻求刺激和娱乐/be thrilled with/to do sth one’s attention吸引某人的注意pay attention to /fix one’s attention on

sb(from) doing sth.阻止某人做= stop sb (from) doing=keep sb from doing

25. take a risk/risks to do sth.冒险做某事

26. limit…to…把…限制在…

27. has a good imagination有丰富的想象力

28. do an injury to sb.危害/损害某人

29. have a conversation with sb与…交谈

sb. into doing sth.恐吓某人做某

31. communicate with sb_____________/communicate news to sb___________

32. imagine doing/one’s doing设想/料想做某事

33. feel like doing sth.喜欢做…;想做…;


34. turn left at the crossing在十字路口向左

35 make great achievements取得巨大成

36 .step into the world of your favorite movie 步入你最喜欢的电影世界

down this street. 沿着这条街走.

straight ahead and…一直往前走,然后..

39 go to a theme park just for entertainment 仅仅为了娱乐

40 race against your friends 与朋友竞争

41 get a wonderful view of the coast and the sea 看到海岸的美景


42 the customs and culture of China’s fifty-five minorities.中国55个少数民族的风俗文化

43. a state carved from (由----雕刻成)a single piece of white jade

44 tickets to the finest theme parks

45 ahead of在---前,比---强

46 give/lend sb a hand 帮某人一个忙


1 While there are many different interpretations of our body language,some gestures seem to be universal.



2 Pressing one’s palms together and resting one’s head on the back of one’s hand while closing the eyes as if sleeping (sleep) means(mean) “I’m tired.”
