



试卷二:固定收益分析和估值衍生产品分析和估值组合管理试题ACIIA®试题最终考试 II – 2009年9月问题 1:固定收益分析与估值(46分) 作为固定收益分析师,你正面临如下市场环境:金融市场持续动荡,导致了大量信用连接产品定价混乱。

飞往高品质(flight to quality)的投资行为压低了政府债券收益率,而利差(信用)产品在经历评级下调和利差扩大后,损失惨重。


a) 在这种背景下,你需要对一只剩余期限为2年、评级为A的公司债券(息票:4.0%;债券于一年前以面值发行,发行时评级为AA,利率计算惯例:30/360)进行绩效分析。

a1) 在不考虑利差扩大的情况下,仅基于政府债券收益率的变动,计算去年的持有期回报。

(5分)a2) 在只考虑信用利差扩大(忽略政府债券收益率变化)的情况下,计算去年公司债券的回报。

(5分)a3) 计算包括上述政府债券收益率变化和利差变动两者导致的总回报。

(5分)a4) 假设由于市场流动性不足,而不能卖出公司债券。



b1) 计算一年后政府债券的一年期远期利率。

(4分)b2) 计算一年后A级公司债券的一年期远期利率(提示:综合考虑上面给出的政府债券收益率曲线和利差曲线)。



金融数学基础题集一、选择题1. 下列哪项是利息的本质?A. 货币的存储成本B. 借贷资本的增值额C. 银行的服务费用D. 投资的风险补偿答案:B2. 名义利率与实际利率的区别主要在于?A. 通货膨胀率B. 存款准备金率C. 贷款期限D. 利率浮动范围答案:A3. 在复利计算中,如果年利率为10%,本金为1000元,投资期限为2年,则两年后的终值是多少?(使用复利公式计算)A. 1100元B. 1210元C. 1200元D. 1020元答案:B4. 哪种计息方式使得利息收益在投资期限内更加均匀?A. 单利B. 复利C. 贴现率D. 浮动利率答案:B5. 当名义利率高于通货膨胀率时,实际利率为?A. 负值B. 零C. 正值D. 不确定答案:C6. 下列哪种情况会导致债券价格下跌?A. 市场利率下降B. 债券信用等级提升C. 预期通货膨胀率上升D. 债券到期期限缩短答案:C7. 年金是指在一定期限内,每隔相等时间(如每年、每季、每月等)收入或支出相等金额的款项。

以下哪项不属于年金?A. 养老保险金B. 房屋租金(每季度固定支付)C. 一次性奖金D. 每月房贷还款答案:C8. 假设年利率为5%,每季度复利一次,则年化有效利率是多少?(使用公式(1 + r/n)^n - 1计算,其中r为年利率,n为每年复利次数)A. 5.00%B. 5.13%C. 5.25%D. 5.38%答案:B9. 利率平价理论主要解释了什么?A. 汇率与利率之间的关系B. 股票价格与利率之间的关系C. 债券价格与通货膨胀率之间的关系D. 货币供应量与利率之间的关系答案:A10. 假设某债券的面值为1000元,息票率为6%,每年支付一次利息,到期期限为5年。

如果当前市场利率为5%,则该债券的市场价格(使用适当的方法估算)大致为?A. 小于1000元B. 等于1000元C. 大于1000元D. 无法确定答案:C11. 贴现函数在连续复利下与累计函数的关系是?A. 贴现函数是累计函数的倒数B. 贴现函数是累计函数的导数C. 贴现函数是累计函数的积分D. 两者无直接关系答案:A12. 如果贴现率增加,那么使用贴现函数计算得到的债券当前价格会?A. 增加B. 减少C. 不变D. 无法确定答案:B13. 在考虑信用风险时,贴现率应该如何调整?A. 保持不变B. 根据信用风险降低C. 根据信用风险增加D. 与信用风险无关答案:C14. 下列哪个选项正确地描述了贴现函数的应用场景?A. 预测股票价格B. 计算股票的内在价值C. 评估债券的当前市场价格D. 估算未来现金流的终值答案:C15. 若债券的票面利率高于市场贴现率,则该债券的当前市场价格将?A. 低于票面价值B. 等于票面价值C. 高于票面价值D. 无法确定答案:C16. 累计函数和贴现函数在金融数学中的主要用途是?A. 预测未来利率变动B. 管理市场风险C. 对金融产品进行定价D. 评估股票波动率答案:C17. 当计算一笔贷款在不同利率下的累计还款额时,通常使用的是?A. 贴现函数B. 累计函数C. 现值函数D. 收益率函数答案:B18. 在复利计算中,若名义年利率为12%,每年复利4次,则有效年利率约为?A. 12.00%B. 12.36%C. 12.55%D. 12.75%答案:C19. 有效率利率与名义利率之间的关系主要取决于?A. 初始投资金额B. 利息支付频率C. 贷款期限D. 利率类型(固定或浮动)答案:B20. 当名义年利率固定,但复利频率增加时,有效年利率会?A. 保持不变B. 减少C. 增加D. 先增后减答案:C21. 在连续复利计算中,有效年利率与名义年利率相等的情况发生在?A. 名义年利率为0%时B. 名义年利率为无穷大时C. 利息支付频率为无限大时D. 利息支付周期为无限短时答案:A(注意:这里A选项其实是一个特殊情况,通常连续复利下两者不等。



09年SOA北美精算师考试第二门FM官方样题第一部分(主要是金融数学)答案SAMPLE SOLUTIONS FOR DERIVATIVES MARKETSQuestion #1Answer is DIf the call is at-the-money, the put option with the same cost will have a higher strike price.A purchased collar requires that the put have a lower strike price. (Page 76)Question #2Answer is C66.59 – 18.64 = 500 – K exp(–0.06) for K = 480 (Page 69)Question #3Answer is DThe accumulated cost of the hedge is (84.30-74.80)exp(.06) = 10.09.Let x be the market price.If x < 0.12 the put is in the money and the payoff is 10,000(0.12 – x) = 1,200 – 10,000x. The sale of the jalapenos has a payoff of 10,000x –1,000 for a profit of 1,200 –10,000x + 10,000x – 1,000 – 10.09 = 190.From 0.12 to 0.14 neither option has a payoff and the profit is 10,000x – 1,000 – 10.09 = 10,000x – 1,010.If x >0.14 the call is in the money and the payoff is –10,000(x – 0.14) = 1,400 – 10,000x. The profit is 1,400 – 10,000x + 10,000x – 1,000 – 10.09 = 390.The range is 190 to 390. (Pages 33-41)Question #4Answer is BThe present value of the forward prices is 10,000(3.89)/1.06 + 15,000(4.11)/1.0652 +20,000(4.16)/1.073 = 158,968. Any sequence of payments with that present value is acceptable. All but B have that value. (Page 248)Question #5Answer is EIf the index exceeds 1,025, you will receive x – 1,025. After buying the index for x you will have spent 1,025. If the index is below 1,025, you will pay 1,025 – x and after buying the index for x you will have spent 1,025. One way to get the cost is to note that the forward price is 1,000(1.05) = 1,050. You want to pay 25 less and so must spend 25/1.05 = 23.81 today. (Page 112) Question #6Answer is EIn general, an investor should be compensated for time and risk. A forward contract has no investment, so the extra 5 represents the risk premium. Those who buy the stock expect to earn both the risk premium and the time value of their purchase and thus the expected stock value is greater than 100 + 5 = 105. (Page 140)Question #7Answer is CAll four of answers A-D are methods of acquiring the stock. The prepaid forward has the payment at time 0 and the delivery at time T. (Pages 128-129)Question #8Answer is BOnly straddles use at-the-money options and buying is correct for this speculation. (Page 78)Question #9Answer is DThis is based on Exercise 3.18 on Page 89. To see that D does not produce the desired outcome, begin with the case where the stock price is S and is below 90. The payoff is S + 0 + (110 – S) –2(100 – S) = 2S – 90 which is not constant and so cannot produce the given diagram. On the other hand, for example, answer E hasa payoff of S + (90 – S) + 0 – 2(0) = 90. The cost is 100 + 0.24 +2.17 – 2(6.80) = 88.81. With interest it is 93.36. The profit is 90 –93.36 = –3.36 which matches the diagram.Question #10Answer is D[rationale-a] True, since forward contracts have no initial premium[rationale-b] True, both payoffs and profits of long forwards are opposite to short forwards.[rationale-c] True, to invest in the stock, one must borrow 100 at t=0, and then pay back 110 = 100*(1+.1) at t=1, which is like buying a forward at t=1 for 110. [rationale-d] False, repeating the calculation shown above in part c), but with 10% as a continuously compounded rate, the stock investor must now pay back100*e.1 = 110.52 at t=1; this is more expensive than buying a forward at t=1for 110.00.[rationale-e] True, the calculation would be the same as shown above in part c), but now the stock investor gets an additional dividend of 3.00 at t=.5, which theforward investor does not receive (due to not owning the stock until t=1). [This is based on Exercise 2-7 on p.54-55 ofMcDonald][McDonald, Chapter 2, p.21-28]Question #11Answer is CSolution: The 35-strike call has future cost (at t=1) of 9.12*(1+.08) = 9.85The 40-strike call has future cost (at t=1) of 6.22*(1+.08) = 6.72The 45-strike call has future cost (at t=1) of 4.08*(1+.08) = 4.41If S1<35, the profits of the 3 calls, respectively, are -9.85, -6.72, and -4.41.If 35<s1<="" -6.72,="" 3="" and="" are="" bdsfid="114" calls,="" of="" p="" profits="" respectively,="" s1-44.85,="" the=""></s1If 40<s1<="" 3="" and="" are="" bdsfid="116" calls,="" of="" p="" profits="" respectively,="" s1-44.85,="" s1-46.72,="" the=""></s1If S1>45, the profits of the 3 calls, respectively, are S1-44.85, S1-46.72, and S1-49.41.The cutoff points for when the relative profit ranking of the 3 calls change are:S1-44.85=-6.72, S1-44.85=-4.41, and S1-46.72=-4.41, yielding cutoffs of 38.13, 40.44, and 42.31.If S1<38.13, the 45-strike call has the highest profit, and the 35-strike call the lowest.If 38.13<s1<="" p="" profit,="" the=""></s1If 40.44<s1<="" p="" profit,="" the=""></s1If S1<42.31, the 35-strike call has the highest profit, and the 45-strike call the lowest.We are looking for the case where the 35-strike call has the highest profit, and the 40-strike call has the lowest profit, which occurs when S1 is between 40.44 and 42.31.[This is based on Exercise 2-13 on p.55-56 of McDonald][McDonald, Chapter 2, p.33-37]Question #12Answer is BSolution: The put premium has future value (at t=.5) of 74.20 * (1+(.04/2)) = 75.68 Then, the 6-month profit on a long put position is: max(1,000-S.5,0)-75.68. Correspondingly, the 6-month profit on a short put position is 75.68-max(1,000-S.5,0). These two profits are opposites (naturally, since long and short positions have opposite payoff and profit). Thus, they can only be equal if producing 0 profit. 0 profit is only obtained if 75.68 = max(1,000-S.5,0), or 1,000-S.5 = 75.68, or S.5 = 924.32. [McDonald, Chapter 2, p.39-42]Question #13Answer is DSolution: Buying a call, in conjunction with a short position in a stock index, is a form of insurance called a cap. Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because they relate to a floor, which is the purchase of a put to insure against a long position in a stock index. Answer (E) is incorrect because it relates to writing a covered call, which is the sale of a call along with a long position in the stock index, so that the investor is selling rather than buying insurance. Note that a cap can also be thought of as ‘buying’ a covered call. Now, let’s calculate the profit: 2-year profit = payoff at time 2 – the future value of the initial cost to establish the position = (-75 + max(75-60,0)) –(-50 + 10)*(1+.03)2 = -75+15+40*(1.03)2 = 42.44-60 = -17.56. Thus,we’ve lost more from holding the short position in the index (since the index went up) than we’ve gained from owning the long call option.[McDonald, Chapter 3, p.59-65]Question #14Answer is ASolution: This consists of standard applications of the put-call parity equation on p.69. Let C be the price for the 40-strike call option. Then, C + 3.35 is the price for the 35-strike call option. Similarly, let P be the price for the 40-strike put option. Then, P –x is the price for the 35-strike put option, where x is what we’re trying to find. Using put-call parity, we have:(C + 3.35) + 35*e-.02 - 40 = P – x (this is for the 35-strike options)C + 40*e-.02 – 40 = P (this is for the 40-strike options)Subtracting the first equation from the second, 5*e-.02 – 3.35 = x = 1.55.[McDonald, Chapter 3, p.68-69]Answer is CSolution: The initial cost to establish this position is 5*2.78 –3*6.13 = -4.49. Thus, you are receiving 4.49 up front. This grows to 4.49*e .08*.25 = 4.58 after 3 months. Then, the following payoff/profit table can be constructed at T=.25 years: S T : 5*max(S T – 40, 0) – 3*max(S T – 35, 0) + 4.58 = Profit S T <35 0 - 0 + 4.58 = 4.58 35 <= S T <= 40 0 - 3*(S T – 35) + 4.58 = 109.58-3S T S T > 40 5*(S T -40) - 3*(S T – 35) + 4.58 = 2S T -90.42Thus, the maximum profit is unlimited (as S T increases beyond 40, so does the profit) Also, the maximum loss is 10.42(occurs at S T = 40, where profit = 109.58-120 = -10.42) [Notes] The above problem is an example of a ratio spread.[McDonald, Chapter 3, p.73]Question #16Answer is DSolution: The ‘straddle’ consists of buying a 40-strike call and buying a 40-strike put. This costs 2.78 + 1.99 = 4.77 at t=0, and grows to 4.77*e .02 = 4.87 at t=.25. The ‘strangle’ consists of buying a 35-strike put and a 45-strike call. This costs 0.44 + 0.97 = 1.41 at t=0, and grows to 1.41*e .02 = 1.44 at t=.25. For S T <40, the ‘straddle’ has a profit of 40-S T -4.87 = 35.13, and for S T >=40, the ‘straddle’ has a profit of S T -40-4.87 = 44.87. For S T <35, the ‘strangle’ has a profit of 35-S T -1.44 = 33.56, and for S T >45, the ‘strangle’ has a profit of S T -45-1.44 = 46.44. However, for 35<=S T <=45, the ‘strangle’ has a profit of -1.44 (since both options would not be exercised). Comparing the payoff structures between the ‘straddle’ and ‘strangle,’ we see that if S T <35 or if S T >45, the ‘straddle’ would outperform the ‘strangle’ (since 35.13 > 33.56,and since -44.87 > -46.44). However, if 35<=S T <=45, we can solve for the two cutoff points for S T , where the ‘strangle’ would outperform the ‘straddle’ as follows:-1.44 > 35.13 – S T, and -1.44 > S T - 44.87. The first inequality gives S T > 36.57, and the second inequality gives S T < 43.43. Thus, 36.57 < S T < 43.43.[McDonald, Chapter 3, p.78-80]Answer is B[rationale I] Yes, since Strategy I is a bear spread using calls, and bear spreads perform better when the prices of the underlying asset goes down.[rationale II] Yes, since Strategy II is also a bear spread – it just uses puts instead! [rationale III] No, since Strategy III is a box spread, which has no price risk; thus, the payoff is the same (1,000-950 = 50), no matter what the price of theunderlying asset.[Note]: An alternative, but much longer, solution is to develop payoff tables for all 3 strategies.[McDonald, Chapter 3, p.70-73]Question #18Answer is BSolution: First, let’s calculate the expected one-year profit without using the forward. This would be .2*(700+150-750) + .5(700+170-850) + .3*(700+190-950) = 20 + 10 - 18 = 12. Next, let’s calculate the expected one-year profit when buying the 1-year forward for 850. This would be 1*(700+170-850) = 20. Thus, the expected profit increases by 20 - 12 = 8 as a result of using the forward.[This is based on Exercise 4-7 on p.122 of McDonald][McDonald, Chapter 4, p.98-100]Question #19Answer is DSolution: There are 3 cases, one for each row in the above probability table.For all 3 cases, the future value of the put premium (at t=1) = 100*e.06 = 106.18.In Case 1, the 1-year profit would be: 750 - 800 - 106.18 + max(900-750,0) = -6.18In Case 2, the 1-year profit would be: 850 - 800 - 106.18 + max(900-850,0) = -6.18In Case 3, the 1-year profit would be: 950 - 800 - 106.18 +max(900-950,0) = 43.82 Thus, the expected 1-year profit = .7 * -6.18 + .3 * 43.82 = -4.326 + 13.146 = 8.82.[This is based on Exercise 4-3 on p.121 of McDonald][McDonald, Chapter 4, p.92-96]Answer is BSolution: This is an example of pricing a forward contract using discrete dividends. Thus, we need the future value of the current stock price minus the future value of each of the 12 dividends, where the valuation date is T=3. Thus, the valuation equation is: Forward price = 200*e.04(3) –[1.50*e.04(2.75) + 1.50*1.01*e.04(2.5) + 1.50*(1.01)2*e.04(2.25) + …1.50*(1.01)12] = 200*e.12 - 1.50*e.11{[1-(1.01*e-.01)12]/[1-(1.01*e.01)]}, using the geometric series formula from interest theory. This simplifies numerically to 225.50 -1.67442*11.99666 = 205.41.[This problem combines the material from interest theory and derivatives, although one could also simplify the above expression by brute force (instead of geometric series), since there are only 12 dividends to accumulate forward to T=3.] [McDonald, Chapter 5, p.133-134]Question #21Answer is ESolution: Here, the fair value of the forward contract is given by S0 * e(r-d)T =110 * e(.05-.02).5 = 110 * e.015 = 111.66. This is 0.34 less than the observed price. Thus, one could exploit this arbitrage opportunity by selling the observed forward at 112 and buying a synthetic forward at 111.66, making 112-111.66 = 0.34 profit.[This is based on Exercise 5-8 on p.163-164 of McDonald][McDonald, Chapter 5, p.135-138]Answer is BSolution: First, we must determine the present value of the forward contracts. On a per ton basis, this is: 1,600/1.05 + 1,700/(1.055)2 + 1,800/(1.06)3 = 4,562.49.Then, we must solve for the level swap price, which is labeled x below, as follows:4,562.49 = x/1.05 + x/(1.055)2 + x/(1.06)3 = x*[1/1.05 + 1/(1.055)2 + 1/(1.06)3] =2.69045*x.Thus, x = 4,562.49 / 2.69045 = 1,695.81.Thus, the amount he would receive each year is 50*1,695.81 = 84,790.38. [McDonald, Chapter 8, p.247-248]Question #23Answer is ESolution: First, note that the notional amount and the future 1-year LIBOR rates (not given) do not factor into the calculation of the swap’s fixed rate. All we need at the various zero-coupon bond prices P(0, t) for t=1,2,3,4,5, along with the 1-year implied forward rates, which are given by r0(t-1,t), for t=1,2,3,4,5. These calculations are shown in the following table:t 1 2 3 4 5P(0,t) (1.04)-1(1.045)-2 (1.0525)-3 (1.0625)-4 (1.075)-5=.96154 =.91573 =.85770 =.78466 =.69656 r0(t-1,t) s1[1.0452/1.04]-1 [1.05253/1.0452]-1 [1.06254/1.05253]-1 [1.0755/1.06254]-1 =.04000 =.05002 =.06766 =.09307 =.12649 Thus, the fixed swap rate = R = [(.96154)*(.04)+…+(.69656)*(.12649)] / [.96154 +…+.69656]= [.03846 + .04580 + .05803 + .07303 + .08811]/[.96154 + .91573 + .85770 + .78466 +.69656]= .30344 / 4.21619 = .07197 = 7.20% (approximately).[Note: This is much less calculation-intensive if you realize that the numerator (.30344) for R can also be obtained by taking 1- P(0,n) = 1 – P(0,5) = 1 - .69656 = .30344. Then, you would not need to calculate any of the implied forward rates!][McDonald, Chapter 8, p.255-258]Answer is D[rationale-a] True, hedging reduces the risk of loss, which is a primary function of derivatives.[rationale-b] True, derivatives can be used the hedge some risks that could result in bankruptcy.[rationale-c] True, derivatives can provide a lower-cost way to effect a financialtransaction.[rationale-d] False, derivatives are often used to avoid these types of restrictions. [rationale-e] True, an insurance contract can be thought of as a hedge against the risk of loss.[McDonald, Chapter 1, p.2-3]Question #25Answer is C[rationale-a] True, both types of individuals are involved in the risk-sharing process. [rationale-b] True, this is the primary reason reinsurance companies exist.[rationale-c] False, reinsurance companies share risk by issuing rather than investing in catastrophic bonds. In effect, they are ceding this excess risk to thebondholder.[rationale-d] True, it is diversifiable risk which is reduced or eliminated when risks are shared.[rationale-e] True, this is a fundamental idea underlying risk management andderivatives.[McDonald, Chapter 1, p.5-6]Question #26Answer is B[rationale-I] True, the forward seller has unlimited exposure if the underlying asset’s price increases.[rationale-II] True, the call issuer has unlimited exposure if the underlying asset’s price rises.[rationale-III] False, the maximum loss on selling a put is FV(put premium) – strike price. [McDonald, Chapter 2, p.43 (Table 2.4)]Answer is A[rationale-I] True, as prices go down, the value of holding a put option increases.canbe thought of as a put option.insuranceHomeowner’s[rationale-II] False, returns from equity-linked CDs are zero if prices decline, but positive if prices rise. Thus, owners of these CDs benefit from rising prices. [rationale-III] False, a synthetic forward consists of a long call and a short put, both of which benefit from rising prices (so the net position also benefits as such). [McDonald, Chapter 2, p.44-48]Question #28Answer is E[rationale-a] True, derivatives are used to shift income, thereby potentially lowering taxes.[rationale-b] True, as with taxes, the transfer of income lowers the probability ofbankruptcy.[rationale-c] True, hedging can safeguard reserves, and reduce the need for external financing, which has both explicit (e.g. – fees) and implicit (e.g. –reputational) costs.[rationale-d] True, when operating internationally, hedging can reduce exchange rate risk. [rationale-e] False, a firm that credibly hedges will reduce the riskiness of its cash flows, and will be able to increase debt capacity, which will lead to tax savings, since interest is deductible.[McDonald, Chapter 4, p.103-106]Question #29Answer is ASolution: If S0 is the price of the stock at time-0, then the following payments are required: Outright purchase – payment at time 0 – amount of payment = S0.Fully leveraged purchase – payment at time T – amount of payment = S0*e rT.Prepaid forward contract – payment at time 0 – amount of payment = S0*e-dT.Forward contract – payment at time T – amount of payment = S0*e(r-d)T.Since r>d>0, it must be true that S0*e-dT < S0 < S0*e(r-d)T < S0*e rT.Thus, the correct ranking is given by choice (A).[McDonald, Chapter 5, p.127-134]Answer is C[rationale-a] True, marking to market is done for futures, andcan lead to pricedifferences relative to forward contracts.[rationale-b] True, futures are more liquid; in fact, if you use the same broker to buy and sell, your position is effectively cancelled.[rationale-c] False, forwards are more customized, and futures are more standardized. [rationale-d] True, because of the daily settlement, credit risk is less with futures (v.forwards).[rationale-e] True, futures markets, like stock exchanges, do have daily price limits. [McDonald, Chapter 5, p.142]。



数学09,计算09金融数学试题(河海大学理学院13-01-15)姓名__________学号__________专业________成绩_______一.填空题(每空2分,36%)1.已知累积函数的形式为a(t)=at2+b,若0时刻投入100元累积到3时刻为172元则a=_________;b=_________;又设5时刻投入100元,则在10时刻的终值为________;2.已知600元投资两年产生利息264元(复利方式)则i=______;若2000元以同样的利率投资3年的终值为_________;3.如果δt=0.01t,则100元在第10年末的累计值=___________;4.已知基金A以单利10%累积则累积函数为a A(t)=_______;基金B以单贴现率5%累积则累积函数为a B(t)=_______;5. 在证劵交易中,卖出的一方称为_____头;而买入的一方称为____头;6.在年利率i=_______时,每月初支付100元的永久年金的现值为20644.22元。

7.已知i(4)=0.16,则的d(2)=_________;8.期货合同与远期合约的理论定价采用的是_________定价法;9.证劵的风险主要可分为________风险和_________风险;它们是以收益率的_____________来衡量;10.按期权买方的权利划分,期权可划分为_________期权和__________期权;二.计算题(52%)1某人以年实际利率5%借款100万元,并承诺分30次付清,后20次的付款是前10次的2倍,在第10年末,他可以选择一次性付清全部剩余款项X,,这会使借款人在10年间获得的年实际利率为5.5%,求X (8%)2一笔60万元的贷款,计划在今后的5年内按月偿还,如果年实际利率为5%,试计算每月初的付款金额。












(参考N(1.060)=0.85546.股票衍生产品定价的三种方法:______________, ________________, ______________.7.Black-Scholes微分方程_________________________________________________。







1、给定股票价格的二项模型,在下述情况下卖出看涨期权 S 0 S u S d X r τ 股数50 60 40 55 0.55 1/2 1000(1)求看涨期权的公平市场价格。

(2)假设以公平市场价格+0.10美元卖出1000股期权,需要买入多少股股票进行套期保值,无风险利润是多少?答案:(1)d u d r S S S e S q --=τ0=56.0406040505.005.0=--⨯⨯e (2)83.2>73.2,τr e S V -∆+∆='0083.2> τr e S -∆+∆'0406005--=--=∆d u S S D U =25.0股 104025.00'-=⨯-=∆-=∆d S D 753.9975.0105.005.0'-=⨯-=∆⨯-e 美元则投资者卖空1000份看涨期权,卖空250股股票,借入9753美元所以无风险利润为1.85835.005.0=⨯e 美元2、假定 S 0 = 100,u=1.1,d=0.9,执行价格X=105,利率r=0.05,p=0.85,期权到期时间t=3,请用连锁法则方法求出在t=0时该期权的价格。


波动率σ为0.318.问题:(1)、他要支付多少的期权费?【参考N(0.506)=0.7123;N(0.731)=0.7673 】{提示:考虑判断在不派发红利情况下,利用美式看涨期权和欧式看涨期权的关系}解析:在不派发红利情况下,美式看涨期权等同于欧式看涨期权!所以利用B—S公式,就可轻易解出来这个题!同学们注意啦,N(d1)=N(-0.506),N(d2)=N(-0.731)。




2009 年金融学硕士研究生招生联考“金融学基础”试题一、单项选择题(每小题各有4 个备选答案,请选出最合适的1 个答案。

本题共30 小题,每小题1.5 分,共计45 分)1.边际替代率递减要求偏好满足()。

A.单调性B.凸性 C.完备性和传递性 D.单调性和凸性2.科斯定理是关于()A.不对称信息对市场效率的影响 B.公共决策的特性C.股票市场的无套利条件 D.产权界定和外部效应的关系3.已知某商品的需求函数和供给函数分别为:QD =14 −3P,QS = 2 + 6P,该商品的均衡价格是()。

A.4/3 B.4/5 C.2/5 D.5/24.某个国家在充分就业情况下的产出是5000 亿美元,而自然失业率是5%。

假定现在的失业率为8%,那么奥肯系数为2 时,根据奥肯法则,该国目前的产出()。

A.4500 亿美元 B.4900 亿美元 C.4800 亿美元 D.4700 亿美元5.下列关于需求函数说法错误的是()。



A.劳伦斯曲线和基尼系数 B. 劳伦斯曲线和恩格尔系数C.罗尔斯曲线和基尼系数 D. 罗尔斯曲线和恩格尔系数7.根据IS-BP-LM 模型,在浮动汇率且资本完全流动下()。

A.财政政策有效 B. 财政政策无效C.货币政策无效 D. 货币政策有效8.国内生产总值总值是指()。





大学金融数学试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 金融数学中,以下哪个概念是用来描述资产未来价值的?A. 现值B. 终值C. 贴现率D. 复利答案:B2. 在连续复利情况下,如果本金为P,利率为r,时间为t,那么资产的未来价值FV的计算公式是:A. FV = P(1 + r)^tB. FV = P(1 - r)^tC. FV = P * e^(rt)D. FV = P / e^(rt)答案:C3. 以下哪个不是金融衍生品?A. 期货B. 期权C. 股票D. 掉期答案:C4. 标准普尔500指数的计算方式是:A. 算术平均B. 加权平均C. 几何平均D. 调和平均答案:B5. 以下哪个不是金融市场的基本功能?A. 资金融通B. 风险管理C. 价格发现D. 产品制造答案:D6. 以下哪个不是金融市场的参与者?A. 银行B. 保险公司C. 政府机构D. 制造业公司答案:D7. 以下哪个不是金融市场的分类?A. 货币市场B. 资本市场C. 外汇市场D. 商品市场答案:D8. 以下哪个不是金融监管机构的职能?A. 制定和执行金融政策B. 维护金融市场稳定C. 促进金融创新D. 保护消费者权益答案:C9. 以下哪个不是金融风险管理的工具?A. 套期保值B. 风险转移C. 风险分散D. 风险接受答案:D10. 以下哪个不是金融数学中常用的数学工具?A. 概率论B. 统计学C. 微分方程D. 线性代数答案:D二、计算题(每题10分,共40分)1. 假设某投资者以10%的年利率投资10000元,投资期限为5年,请计算5年后的终值。


2. 假设某投资者希望在10年后获得50000元,年利率为5%,请问现在需要投资多少本金?答案:现在需要投资32,143.68元。

3. 假设某公司发行了一张面值为1000元的债券,年利率为6%,期限为3年,每年支付利息,到期还本。




2009年金融联考(A)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 6. 计算题9. 分析与论述题单项选择题1.如果政府大力提倡先进的机器代替劳动,这将导致( )。

A.劳动的供给曲线向右移动B.劳动的供给曲线向左移动C.劳动的需求曲线向右移动D.劳动的需求曲线向左移动正确答案:D2.( )是对凯恩斯的货币预防需求理论的发展。

A.托宾模型B.鲍莫尔模型C.惠伦模型D.卢卡斯模型正确答案:C3.下列说法正确的是( )。

A.一般情况下,总效用最大时,边际效用最小B.需求曲线斜率为正的充要条件是收入效应大于替代效应C.消费者需求曲线上的点都代表了效用最大化D.L型的无差异曲线代表了消费者对两种商品的消费都达到了饱和正确答案:C4.根据菲利普斯曲线,失业率与( )。

A.收入水平之间反方向变动B.货币工资变化率之间反方向变动C.收入水平之间同方向变动D.货币工资变化率之间同方向变动正确答案:B5.康德拉季耶夫周期是( )。

A.长周期B.中周期C.短周期D.以上都不是正确答案:A6.垄断厂商采用价格歧视的原则是( )。

A.根据不同市场的人均收入决定不同的价格B.不同市场上的边际收益分别等于厂商的边际成本C.保证边际收益高于平均收益以获得超额利润D.保证边际收益高于边际成本以获得超额利润正确答案:B7.在完全竞争的产品和要素市场中经营的厂商,设厂商以要素生产商品,其中利润达到最大的条件为( )。

A.Px=MCx,且MCx上升B.MPPa/Pa=MPPb/PbC.MPPa/Pa=MPPb/Pb=1/MCxD.MPPa/Pa=MPPb/Pb=1/MCx=1/Px正确答案:D8.消费者只购买面包和黄油,如果面包价格下降,那么( )。

A.收入效应与替代效应都引起黄油消费的上升B.收入效应与替代效应都引起黄油消费的下降C.收入效应使黄油的消费上升,但替代效应作用相反D.收入效应和替代效应将相互低效,从而商品需求保持不变正确答案:A9.如果劳动的边际产值大于工资率,可能是因为( )。



2009年《中级金融》考试真题及答案解析2009-11-19 15:54【大中小】【打印】【我要纠错】2009年《中级金融》考试真题及答案解析一、单项选择题(共60题,每题1分,每题的备选项中,只有一个最符题意的)1.在金融市场中,既是重要的资金需求者和供给者,又是金融衍生品市场上重要的套期保值主体的是()。


















1、假设A(t)=2t2+2为总量函数,那么累积函数a(t)= ;2、假设半年换算名利率为10%,那么年实利率为;3、假设期末年金的现值为a,期初年金的现值为b,且这两个年金现金流的时间间隔和期数相同,单期利率为i,那么a和b的等式关系为;4、传统的利率期限结构主要有预期理论、流动性偏好理论和理论;5、按照债券的登记方式分类,可以将债券分为记名债券和债券;6、资本资产定价模型将风险分为系统风险和风险;7、衍生证券中规定买卖的资产称为;8、四大衍生证券中,的违约风险最大;9、在风险中性的假设下,投资者的期望收益率为;10、在Black—Scholes期权定价模型中,期权的价格与主观概率关。


1、如果年利率为10%,货币价值增加一倍的时间大概是();(A)6年 (B)7年 (C)8年 (D)9年2、现金流(-0.1,0,0.4)的内部收益率为();(A)0 (B)0.5 (C) 1 (D)1.53、若即期利率s1=2%、s2=3%,按照动态预期的规律,则远期利率f1,2=();(A)2% (B)3% (C)4% (D)5%4、下列衍生证券中权力义务不对称的是();(A)远期 (B)期货 (C)互换 (D)期权5、现有一投资组合:△股股票多头和一份以该股票为标的资产的买入期权空头,股票当前价格为30美元,期权中的执行价格也是30美元,股票在期末的价格可能上升为33美元,或者下跌到27美元,要使该组合是一个无风险组合,那么△=()。

(A)0.5 (B)2 (C)1.5 (D)1三、计算题。









1、给定股票价格的二项模型,在下述情况下卖出看涨期权 S 0 S u S d X r τ 股数50 60 40 55 0.55 1/2 1000(1)求看涨期权的公平市场价格。

(2)假设以公平市场价格+0.10美元卖出1000股期权,需要买入多少股股票进行套期保值,无风险利润是多少?答案:(1)d u d r S S S e S q --=τ0=56.0406040505.005.0=--⨯⨯e (2)83.2>73.2,τr e S V -∆+∆='0083.2> τr e S -∆+∆'0 406005--=--=∆d u S S D U =25.0股 104025.00'-=⨯-=∆-=∆d S D 753.9975.0105.005.0'-=⨯-=∆⨯-e 美元 则投资者卖空1000份看涨期权,卖空250股股票,借入9753美元 所以无风险利润为1.85835.005.0=⨯e 美元2、假定 S 0 = 100,u=1.1,d=0.9,执行价格X=105,利率r=0.05,p=0.85,期权到期时间t=3,请用连锁法则方法求出在t=0时该期权的价格。


波动率σ为0.318.问题:(1)、他要支付多少的期权费?【参考N (0.506)=0.7123;N (0.731)=0.7673 】{提示:考虑判断在不派发红利情况下,利用美式看涨期权和欧式看涨期权的关系}解析:在不派发红利情况下,美式看涨期权等同于欧式看涨期权!所以利用B—S公式,就可轻易解出来这个题!同学们注意啦,N(d1)=N(-0.506),N(d2)=N(-0.731)。




1. 某人借款1000元,年复利率为9%,他准备利用该资金购买一张3年期,面值为1000元的国库券,每年末按息票率为8%支付利息,第三年末除支付80元利息外同时偿付1000元的债券面值,如果该债券发行价为900元,请问他做这项投资是否合适?2. 已知:1) 16565111-++=+))(()()()(i i mim 求?=m 2) 16565111---=-))(()()()(d d md m 求?=m由于i nn i mm i n m +=+=+111)()()()( 由于d nn d mm d n m -=-=-111)()()()(3. 假设银行的年贷款利率12%,某人从银行借得期限为1年,金额为100元的贷款。


试分析两种还款方式有何区别?哪一种方案对借款人有利?4. 设1>m ,按从小到大的顺序排列δ,,,,)()(m m d d ii解:由d i d i ⋅=- ⇒ d i >)()(m m d d >+1 ⇒ )(m d d < )()(n m d i > ⇒ )()(m m i d < )()(m m i i <+1 ⇒ i i m <)(δδ+>=+11e i , δ==∞→∞→)()(l i m l i mm m m m d i ⇒ i i d d m m <<<<)()(δ5. 两项基金X,Y 以相同的金额开始,且有:(1)基金X 以利息强度5%计息;(2)基金Y 以每半年计息一次的名义利率j 计算;(3)第8年末,基金X 中的金额是基金Y 中的金额的1.5倍。

求j.6. 已知年实际利率为8%,乙向银行贷款10,000元,期限为5年,计算下列三种还款方式中利息所占的额度:1)贷款的本金及利息积累值在第五年末一次还清; 2)每年末支付贷款利息,第五年末归还本金; 3)贷款每年年末均衡偿还(即次用年金方式偿还)。





1 与黄金完全脱钩,仅作为一种价值符号的货币形态为()。

(A)商品货币(B)信用货币(C)代用货币(D)实物货币2 商业银行向企业支付现金,用于发放职工工资、津贴等形成的现金运动,属于现金流通的()渠道。

(A)现金发行(B)现金投放(C)现金归行(D)现金回笼3 依据马克思的货币需求理论,某一时期若流通中需要的货币金属价值为800亿,单位银行券所代表的货币金属价值量为4,假定社会经济中只流通银行券,则银行券的发行量应为()亿。

(A)200(B)400(C)800(D)32004 在凯恩斯的货币需求函数中,与利率呈负相关关系的货币需求为()货币需求。

(A)交易性(B)预防性(C)消费性(D)投机性5 在决定货币供给的因素中,称为“货币流通的总闸门和调节器”的是()。

(A)财政收支(B)商品流通(C)银行信贷(D)资本市场6 如果其他情况不变,中央银行提高商业银行法定存款准备金率会导致()。

(A)货币供应量增加(B)货币供应量减少(C)外汇储备增加(D)外汇储备减少7 把通货膨胀解释为“过多的货币追求过少的商品”的理论是()通货膨胀理论。

(A)需求拉上型(B)成本推进型(C)结构型(D)抑制型8 银行给予持卡人一定的信用额度,持卡人可在信用额度内先消费、后还款的银行卡类型是()。

(A)转账卡(B)贷记卡(C)借记卡(D)储值卡9 国内某银行2008年8月18日向某公司发放贷款100万元,贷款期限为1年,假定月利率为4.5‰,该公司在2009年8月18日撩期偿还贷款时应付利息为()元。

(A)54000(B)13300(C)6000(D)450010 某储户2008年8月5日存入银行定期存款3000元,存期为1年,如果存入时该档次存款月利率为2.25‰,该储户于2009年8月5日支取,银行应付税前利息为()元。



2009年金融联考(B)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 6. 计算题9. 分析与论述题单项选择题1.无差异曲线上的任意一点的商品X和商品y的边际替代率等于它们的( )。

A.价格之比B.数量之比C.边际效用之比D.边际成本之比正确答案:C2.完全竞争市场条件下,如果厂商把产量调整到平均成本曲线最低点对应的水平,厂商将( )。

A.获取最大利润B.无法获得最大利润C.一定亏损D.无法确定是否获得最大利润正确答案:D3.某人在工资为10元/小时的条件下,工作50/lJ、时/周;工资率为15元/d、时的条件下,工作45 小时/周。

由此可以断定,该人闲暇的( )。

A.收入效应大于替代效应B.收入效应等于替代效应C.收入效应小于替代效应D.收入效应与替代效应的作用方向一样正确答案:A4.根据菲利普斯曲线,失业率与( )。

A.收入水平之间反方向变动B.货币工资变化率之间反方向变动C.收入水平之间同方向变动D.货币工资变化率之间同方向变动正确答案:B5.当利率弹性越大,边际进口倾向m越大时,BP曲线越( )。

A.平坦B.陡峭C.BP曲线与m无关D.不确定正确答案:D6.长期成本曲线是无数短期平均成本曲线的包络线,所以( )。

A.长期成本曲线与最低短期平均成本相等B.长期成本曲线与最低短期平均成本的平均数相等C.长期成本曲线只有一个点上与最低短期平均成本相等D.长期成本曲线与短期平均成本相等正确答案:C7.按照凯恩斯的货币理论,当市场利率相对稳定时,人们的货币需求决定因素是( )。

A.预防动机B.交易动机与投资动机之和C.交易动机D.交易动机与预防动机之和正确答案:D8.索洛模型中的黄金分割率是指( )。

A.资本的边际产品等于劳动的增长率B.资本的边际产品等于储蓄的增长率C.储蓄的增长率等于投资的增长率D.消费的增长率等于劳动的增长率正确答案:A9.假设已实现充分就业,且总供给曲线为一条垂直线,则税收减少会导致( )。




考试时间为2小时)1.假设累积函数为a(t) = t2 + kt + 1,且a(2) = 11,请计算:(1)t= 10时的利息力;(2)下述年金的现值:从第一年末开始,每年末支付400,一共支付5次。












6. A borrows $20,000 from B and agrees to repay it with equal quarterly installment of principle and interest at 8%, convertible quarterly over five years. At the end of two years B sells the right to receive future payments to C at a price, which produces a yield rate of 10% convertible quarterly for C. Find the total amount of interest received by B.7. Suppose that the three-month LIBOR rate is 6% and six-month LIBOR rate is 6.5% with continuous compounding. Consider an FRA (forward rate agreement) where we will receive a rate of 8%, measured with quarterly compounding, on a principal of 1 million between the end of month 3 and the end of month 6. Calculate the value of the FRA.8.以105元做空A公司的股票,并卖出一个执行价格为105元的1年期的看跌期权,该期权的期权费为7.20元,实际年利率是5%。

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4.已知基金A以单利10%累积则累积函数为a A(t)=_______;
基金B以单贴现率5%累积则累积函数为a B(t)=_______;
5. 在证劵交易中,卖出的一方称为_____头;而买入的一方称为____头;

10.按期权买方的权利划分,期权可划分为_________期权和__________期权; 二.计算题(52%)
为%,求X (8%)


5. 甲基金按6%的年利率增长,乙基金按8%的年利率增长,
在第20 年的年末两个基金之和为200000,在第10 年末
甲基金是乙基金的一半,求第5 年年末两基金之和。

6. 某人留下遗产100000元,第一个10年将每年的利息

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∞+=- 2.|||)1()()(n n n a n Da Ia +=+。
