2016年云南师范大学333教育综合试题一、名词解释(每小题5分,共30分)1. 学校德育2. 学校管理3. 马礼逊学校4. 经世致用5. 欧洲新教育运动6. 《爱弥儿》二、简答题(每小题10分,共60分)1. 简要述评夸美纽斯的教学过程思想。
2. 简要分析教育的政治功能。
3. 简析教育目的的层次结构及其相互关系。
4. 简述中国古代选士和取士制度沿革。
5. 简要分析新文化运动影响下国家主义教育思潮的主要内涵。
6. 举例说明什么是定势?三、论述题(每题20分,共60分)1. 结合案例,论述如何在美育教育实践中有效运用活动性原则。
2. 论述杜威实用主义教育思想的主要观点。
3. 结合实际分析学习策略中的精细加工策略。
2015年云南师范大学333教育综合试题第一部分教育学原理(60分)一、名词解释(每小题5分,共10分)1. 螺旋式课程2. 学校教育制度二、简答题(每小题15分,共30分)1.简要述评杜威的教学过程思想。
第二部分中外教育史(共60分)一、名词解释(每小题5分,共10分)1. 癸卯学制2. “全人生指导”二、简答题(每小题15分,共30分)1.简述梁漱溟乡村建设与乡村教育理论。
(答案必须写在答题纸上、写在卷面上无效 )
一、名词解释 (每 小题 8分 ,共 们 分)
l。 历史教科书
3.J史 教学的间接性
4./佶 景复现教学模式
5.教 学媒体 二、简答题 (每 小题 zO分 ,共 们 分)
l。 简述新课改历史教科书的基本特点。
2.简 述中学历史学科的主要教学原则。 三、论述题 (每 小题 3s分 ,共 TO分 )
第 1页 共 1页
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
第 I页 共 1页
云南师范大学 ⒛16年硕士研究生入学考试 自命题科 目试卷
报 考 专 业: 考试科 目及代码:
学科教学 (历 史) 中学历史教学研究 8⒛
(答 案必须写在答题纸上 、写在卷面上无效 )
一 、名词解释 (每 小题 10分 ,共 sO分 )
1.学 习策略
丿 2。 学案 3.讲 读法
二 、简答题 (每 小题 ⒛ 分 ,共 sO分 ) 1.简 述历史课程 中英文资料教学的运用 。 2.简 述 中学历史教学板书设计 的常用类型。
1.教 学设计 2.讲 述法 3.史 料教学 茌。思维导 图 5.课 堂提 问
二、简答题 (每 小题 zO分 ,共 仞 分)
1,简 述中学历史教师校本进修的途径 。 2.简 述促进学生历史 自主学习的策略。
三、论述题 (每小题 35分 ,共 ⒛ 分)
1.试 论新历史课程改革的特点。 2.试 论历史素养培养是衔接初高中历史教育最根本的 “粘合剂 ”。
云南师范大学 zO15年 硕士研究生入学考试 自命题科 目试卷
报 考 专 业: 考试科 目及代码:
学科教学 (历 史 ) 中学历史教学研究 羽9
(答 案必须写在答题纸~L、 写在卷面上无效 )
云南师范大学2012年硕士研究生入学考试自命题科目试巻报考专业:考试科目及代码: _____ (答案必須写冠题最上」吗在卷面上无效〉痢一部分 教育学原理(共60分)名诃解科分.共2分)1. 社会本也2. 双轨剧 心二、 简答題(^1115分・共30分)1.程要分析人的发展及梵基本转從•2•代耍评述布鲁纳的软学过程恩炬・三、 论述畝(毎範20分,共20分) . 休介泾堂教学矣例.说明華握幷识与发展智力乙觴的关奚.八、' •第二胡分中外教育史(外敎史部分.共30分)一. 名称解释(每题5分,共20分)1、 学园2. 《爱弥儿》” 厶、珞丁文¥7敦育思想的主要待征及其对后世的影 响,9沐麺(共20分,人8卷_套选中教史、_套选外教史题口 丁応噩黑羔程观及其对我国雄础教有课程改革的启示・第三都分教肖心理学 <共切分)简爲蛊器爲罕Fuller & Brown 〉提出的敎师成长谕段的I 匸內容. 试论曽尔伯格CLKohlberg )的道徳发展險弩连;“厶、第四部分中国教育史節分(共30分)一. 名词解禅(毎小題5分.共】0分)1. 有教无类2. 京师同文馆二. 论述题(共20分) 心上池壬站试评述陈鹤琴教肖思想的特点及贡献.«1 K教育硕士 教育综合333云南师范大学2013 年硕士研究生入学考试自命题科目试卷第一部分教育学原理一、名词解释1、教育内在价值2、直线课程二、简答题1、信息时代对中小学生的素质要求2、教育的相对独立性是什么?三、论述题结合实际,谈谈理论理论联系实际原则。
第二部分中外教育史一、名词解释1、《教育漫话》2、习明纳3、“六艺” 4、科学教育思潮二、简答题1、夸美纽斯的教学原则2、简要评论杨贤江“全人生指导”的意义三、论述题什么是环境教育,结合实际谈谈环境教育的意义。
二、简述题《每小题 12 分,共 60 分) 1、教育目的构建依据及关系简析品德发展的一般规律 2、举例说明,启发式教学原则
3、简述现代人文主义思潮主要观点, 4、简述陶行知生活教育理论。 5、举例说明什么是正强化
三.论述题(每小题 20 分。共 60 分) 1、举例说明,教师的职业角色பைடு நூலகம்
2 0 1 8 年 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 自 命 题 科 目 试 卷
云南师范大学 2018 年硕士研究生入学考试自命题科目试卷
报 考 专 业: 教育硕士 考试科目及代码: 教育综合 333
(答家必须写在答题纸上、写在卷面上无效) 一、名词解释(每小题 6 分,共 30 分) 1、课程设计
1.请 简述 AECT94定 义 2.教 育技术的一般研究方法包含哪些? 3.按 媒体作用的感官和信息的流向对学习媒体有哪些分类? 4.简 述认知主义学习理论的基本观点。 5.简 述 “数据→信息→知识→智慧”的递进关系
6.多 媒体课件设计中,如 何进行反馈的设计?
第 2页 共 2页
⒛ 17年 硕士研究生入学考试 自命题科 目试 卷
报 考 专 业:
考试科 目及代码 :
教育技术基础理论 727
(答 案 必须 写在答题纸上 、写在 卷面上无 效 )
一、名词解释 (每 小题 5分 ,共 30分 )
1.信 息 2,五 段教学法 (赫 尔 巴特 ) 3.形 成性评价 4.终 身学 习 5.教 学设计 6.媒 体
云南师范大学 ⒛18年 硕士研究生入学考试 自命题科 目试卷
报 考 专 业:
考试科 目及代码:
教 育技 术 学 教育技术基础理论 ”6
(答 案必须写在答题纸上、写在卷面上无效 )
一 、名 词 解 释 (每 小题 5分 ,共 30分 )
1.信 息素养 2.系 统方法 3,虚 拟现实 (Virtual Reahty,VR)技 术 4.教 育传播 5.学 习动机 6,精 细加工策略
发、利用 、管理和评价 )。 4,斯 金纳程序教学理论包括哪些内容?
5.简 述虚拟现实 (vR)技 术在教学中的应用。
6.远 程教育的内涵和特征包括哪些内容?
三 、案 例 题 (每 小 题 15分 ,共 30分 )
1,有 人说混合学习就是多种学习方法的混合应用,对 吗?你 如何理解混合学
目 录2013年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)2013年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)及详解2014年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)2015年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)2017年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)2017年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)及详解2018年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)2018年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)及详解2013年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)第一部分 教育学原理一、名词解释1教育内在价值2直线课程二、简答题1信息时代对中小学生的素质要求。
第二部分 中外教育史一、名词解释1《教育漫话》2习明纳3“六艺”4科学教育思潮二、简答题1夸美纽斯的教学原则。
第三部分 教育心理学一、简答题概念学习是什么,举例说明。
二、论述题华莱士的“创造过程四阶段”论是什么?有什么意义?2013年云南师范大学333教育综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)及详解第一部分 教育学原理一、名词解释1教育内在价值答:教育的内在价值主要是指教育作为一种培养人的社会实践活动对受教育者身心发展过程中所产生的一定需要的满足,也称教育的本质价值。
2.选择题(第1-60)的答案必须用2B铅笔涂在机读答题卡上,做在试卷上无效!3.选择答案选出后,必须用2B铅笔在机读答题卡上相应的选项上划一横线, 划线要粗,要有一定浓度。
Part I Vocabulary (15 points))Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet witha single line through the center.1.He was one of the greatest writers _____ had ever lived.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. as2.Nobody _____ that something was wrong at that time.A. commentedB. committedC. noticedD. expressed3.Her address made a great _____ on the audience.A. expressionB. explanationC. suggestionD. impression4.He appeared _____ with our team's performance.A. satisfyingB. to be satisfyingC. to satisfyD. satisfied5.His companions have threatened to _____ his crimes to the police.A. imposeB. expressC. encloseD. expose6.His extravagance reduced him _____ for his living.A. to begB. from beggingC. to beggingD. into begging7.His death _____ with age.A. deterioratedB. determinedC. detectedD. detained8.His long service with the company was _____ with a present.A. admittedB. acknowledgedC. attributedD. accepted9.His novel _____ some light on life in China in Ming Dynasty.A. sendsB. providesC. throwsD. puts10. His tastes and habits _____ with those of his wife.A. combineB. competeC. coincideD. compromise11. Does brain power _____ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprisinganswers.A. descendB. declineC. deduceD. collapse12. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly _____ if the invitation to adinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.A. admiredB. regardedC. expectedD. worshipped13. ____ the whole, early American city planning was excellent.A. InB. FromC. OnD. Above14. ____ we are having these days!A. What a lovely weatherB. What lovely weathersC. What lovely weatherD. What lovely a weather15. ____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidlythan a man whose command of language is poor.A. Other things being equalB. Were other things equalC. To be equal to other thingsD. Other things to be equal16. ____, he does not love her.A. As he likes her very muchB. Though much he likes herC. Much although he likes herD. Much as he likes her17 Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ______ healthy.A. preserveB. stayC. maintainD. reserve18. A good many houses ____ knocked down by the earthquake.A. wasB. wereC. isD. are19. A good teacher must know how to ____ his ideas.A. conveyB. displayC. consultD. confront20. A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is____ conditions or events.A. in response toB. in favor ofC. in contrast toD. in excess of21. I can _____ some noise while I'm studying, but I can't stand loud noises.A. come up withB. catch up withC. put up withD. keep up with22. I cannot give you _____ for the type of car you sell because there is no demandfor it in the market.A. an expenseB. a chargeC. a purchaseD. an order23. I didn't quite _____ to what you had said. Would you mind repeating it?A. catch onB. get holdC. catch upD. go on24. I didn't say anything like that at all. You are purposely _____ my idea to proveyour point.A. revisingB. contradictingC. distortingD. distracting25. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _____ something occurredwhich attracted my attention.A. unlessB. untilC. whenD. while26. I have the honor of introducing to you Mr. Alan, who will _____ you on his recenttour abroad.A. addressB. speakC. talkD. converse27. He has failed me so many times that I no longer place any _____ on what hepromises.A. faithB. beliefC. creditD. reliance28. Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the _____ majority areinactive.A. tremendousB. demandingC. intensiveD. overwhelming29. I regret _____ so much time and money on stamps.A. to wasteB. for wastingC. having wastedD. at wasting30. I was greatly disappointed _____ that affair.A. outB. inC. toD. towardPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions:There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letteron the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneWhen companies do business overseas, they come in contact with people from different cultures. These individuals often speak a different language and have their own particular custom and manners. These differences can create problems.For example, in France, business meetings begin promptly at the designated time and everyone is expected to be there. Foreign business people who are tardy (迟到的) are often left outside to cool their heels as a means of letting them know the importance of promptness. Unless one is aware of such expected behaviors he may end up insulting the people with whom he hopes to establish trade relations.A second traditional problem is that of monetary conversions (兑换). For example, if a transaction is conducted with Russia, payment may be made in rubles (卢布). Of course, this currency is of little value to the American firm. It is, therefore, necessary to convert the foreign currency to American dollars. How much are these Russian rubles worth in terms of dollars? This conversion rate is determined by every market, where the currencies of countries are bought and sold. Thus there is an established rate, although it will often fluctuate from day to day. For example, the ruble may be worth '0.75 on Monday and '0.72 on Tuesday because of an announced wheat shortage in Russia. In addition, there is the dilemma associated with converting at '0.72. Some financial institutions may be unwilling to pay this price, feeling that the ruble will sink much lower over the next week. As a result, conversion may finally come at '0.69. These "losses" must be accepted by the company as one of the costs of doing business overseas.A third unique problem is trade barriers. For one reason or another, all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their borders. Some trade barriers are directly related to exports. For example, the United States permits strategic military material to be shipped abroad only after government permission has been obtained. Most trade barriers, however, are designed to restrict import. Two of the most common import barriers are quotas(配额)and tariffs.31. The best title for the passage would be ___.A. How to Succeed in International TradeB. Monetary ConversionC. Trade BarriersD. Unique Problems in International Trade32. In France, tardy business people ___.A. are often insultedB. often suffer from coldnessC. are often left outdoors waitingD. are often asked to polish their shoes33. According to the passage, conversion rates ___.A. are always changingB. are determined by financial institutionsC. are agreed upon by two trading countriesD. vary from day to day34. The intended audience of this passage are ______.A. professors of economicsB. postgraduate students of international tradeC. beginners of businessD. business people35. Which of the following is likely to be discussed in the next paragraph?A. Export trade barriers.B. Quotas and tariffs.C. Reasons for imposing trading barriers.D. Measures to break down trade barriers.Passage TwoAmong all cancers, lung cancer is the biggest killer; more than 100,100 Americans die of the disease each year. Giving up smoking is one way to reduce the risk, but another answer may lie in the kitchen, according to a report in the British medical journal The lancet.Since 1957, a team of researcher has mentioned the dietary habits and medical histories of 2, 000 middle-aged men employed by the Western Electric Co. in Chicago. Led by Dr. Richard Shekelle of Chicago’s Rush—Presbyterian—St. Luke’s medical Center, the team recently began to sort out the links between the subjects dietary patterns and cancers. Other animal and human studies have suggested that vitamin A might offer some protection against lung cancer, but did not distinguish vitamin A made in the body from that in carotene(胡萝卜素), which is abundant in a variety of vegetables and fruits, including carrots, spinach, broccoli, squash, tomatoes and apples.The Western Electric study showed little correlation between the incidence of lung cancer and the consumption of foods containing performed vitamin A. But the date on carotene intake revealed a significant relationship. Among the 488 men who had the lowest carotene consumption, there were 14 cases of lung cancer; in a group of the same size that ate the most carotene, only two cases developed. The apparent protective effect of carotene helps up even for longtime smokers.Further studies will be necessary before the link between lung cancer and carotene can be firmly established. Meanwhile, researchers warn against taking large amounts of vitamin A supplements, which can be extremely toxic in high doses. Instead, they advise a well- balanced diet that includes foods rich in carotene.36. The researchers carried out their studies _____.A. in the kitchenB.in BritainC.by investigating people’s habits and their medical historyD. by working together with the Western Electric Co37. Dr Richard Shekelle was _____.A.a journalist of “The Lancet”B.the head of the research teamC.the director of St. Luke’s CenterD.a British scientist38.According to the passage, which of the following contains less carotene?A. milkB. carrotsC. tomatoesD. broccoli39.The study revealed that if a person eats more food containing carotene, he ____ .A.is more likely to get lung cancerB.has the least possibility of getting lung cancerC.should take large amount vitamin A supplementsD.is advised to have a well-balanced diet40.The passage makes it clear that _____.A.the study has established the relationship of Vitamin A and cancerB.high doses of vitamin A supplements can greatly reduce danger of sufferingfrom lung cancerC.a lung cancer patient should eat less foods rich in caroteneD.the study has revealed the protective effect of carotenePassage ThreeOne thing we know about the brain is that it is vulnerable to the power ofsuggestion. There is a plenty of evidence that when young women are motivated and encouraged, they excel at science. For most of the 1800s, for example, physics,astronomy, chemistry and botany were considered gender-appropriate subjects formiddle -and upper-class American girls. Records from top school in Boston show thatgirls outperformed boys in physics in the mid-19th century. Latin and Greek,meanwhile, were considered the province of gentlemen – until the 20th century, whenlucrative(赚钱的)opportunities began to open up in the sciences.Today, in Iceland and Sweden, girls consistently outperform boys in math andphysics. In Sweden the gap is widest in the remote regions in the north. That may bebecause women want to move to the big cities farther south, where they need tocompete in high-tech economies, while men are focused on local hunting, fishing andforestry opportunities, says Niels Egelund, a professor of educational psychology atthe Danish University of Education. The phenomenon even has a name, the Jokkmokkeffect, a reference to an isolated town in Swedish Lapland.Back in the US, female professors have been catching up with the male professorsin their publishing output. Today, half of the chemistry and almost 60% of biologybachelors of science degrees go to females. Patience is required. And next, Summersmay want to take up the male question. In all seriousness. Why do so many more boysthan girls have learning disorders, autism(孤独症), attention-deficit(注意力集中障碍)problems and schizophrenia(精神分裂症)? Why are young men less likelyto go to universities than women are? And what to make of a 2003 survey that foundeighth-grade girls outperforming boys in algebra in 22 countries, with boys outscoringgirls in only three nations? If we are not careful, The next Einstein could find herselfworking as a high-powered lawyer who does wonders with estate-tax calculations instead of discovering what the universe is made of.41. Before the 20th century, ______ .A.a lot of girls from middle-and upper-class studied scienceB.girls were attracted to study science for it was profitableC.boys did better in science than girlsD.in addition to science, boys studied Latin and Greek to become gentlemen42. Why do girls outperform boys at school in math and physics in Sweden?A.Because they live in remote regions in the north.B.Because they are not satisfied with their traditional way of life and hope toseek opportunities in the southC.Because they cannot do fishing, hunting and seek forestry opportunitiesD.Because they are smarter than boys in the region43. According to the passage, which of the following statement is not true?A.The power of suggestion can change the way brain works.B.Physics, astronomy, chemistry and botany were once considered appropriatesubjects for girls.C.Jokkmokk is a remote town in SwedenD.Female professors have as many academic achievements as their malecounterparts44. What does the author imply about American females?A.They will do as well as or even better in science.B.They may take up male status.C.Half of the chemistry and almost 60% of biology science degrees go tofemales.D.There are fewer females in American universities than males.45. What is the main idea of the passage?A.Women outperform men in science when motivated and encouraged.B.Today, in Iceland and Sweden, girls consistently outperform boys in math andphysics.C.Young men less likely to go to universities than women are.D.In 20th century, when lucrative opportunities began to open up in the sciences,men began to take interest in science.Passage FourThe fitness(有氧健身)movement that began in late 1960s and early 1970s centered around aerobic(有氧的)exercise. Millions of individuals became engaged in a variety of aerobic activities, and literally thousands of health spas developed around the country to capitalize on this emerging interest in fitness, particularly aerobic dancing for females. A number of fitness spas existed prior to this fitness movement, even a national chain with spas in most major cities. However, their focus was not on aerobics, but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular(肌肉的)mass, strength, and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts. These fitness spas did not seem to benefit financially from the aerobic fitnessmovement to better health, since medical option suggested that weight-training programs offered few, if any, health benefits. In recent years, however, weight training has again become increasingly popular for males and for females. Many current programs focus not only on developing muscular strength and endurance but on aerobic fitness as well.Historically, most physical fitness tests have usually included measures of muscular strength and endurance, not for health-related reasons, primarily because such fitness components have been related to performance in athletics. However, in recent years, evidence has shown that training programs designed primarily to improve muscular strength and endurance might also offer some health benefits as well. The American College of Sports Medicine now recommends that weight training be part of a total fitness program for healthy Americans. Increased participation in such training is one of the specific physical activity and fitness objectives of Healthy People 2000: National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives.46. The word “ spas” (line 3, Para. 1) most probably refers to ______.A. sports activitiesB. recreation centerC. places for exercisesD. athletic training program47. Early fitness spas were intended mainly for _______.A. the promotion of aerobic exerciseB. the improvement of women’s figuresC. endurance and muscular developmentD. better performance in aerobic dancing48. What was the attitude of doctors towards weight training in health improvement?A. NegativeB. CautiousC. PositiveD. Indifferent49. Historically, people were given physical fitness tests in order to find out _______.A. what kind of fitness center was suitable for themB. whether they were fit for aerobic exerciseC. what their health condition was likeD.their muscular strength and endurance50. Recent studies have suggested that weight training ________.A. has become an essential part of people’s lifeB. will attract more people in the days to comeC. contributes to health improvement as wellD. may well affect that the health of the traineesPart III Cloze (10 points)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.If you look at science departments in U.S. universities, you will probably observefewer women professors than men. Several studies have proven 51 this is so. There are much 52 women in science departments than men today. And for the women 53 there now, it was not easy for them to get there.Why are there few women in science departments today? Some scientists believe that there are biological differences 54 males and females. They say that young boys and men can learn science more easily than girls and women. Others say that in school, girls have 55 self- confidence than boys. Teachers ask girls fewer questions in class 56 they ask boys. In addition, teachers do not often tell girls that they could become 57 . Later on, women do not see other women teaching science at the university. Finally, 58 there are not as many women _ 59 men in science departments, women may be afraid to be the first in their department. They believe that they will have to cope 60 more problems than the men in their departments.51. A. that B. what C. which D. how52. A. more B. fewer C. few D. less53. A. teach B. taught C. teaching D. had taught54. A. between B. among C. in D. for55. A. less B. fewer C. more D. much56. A. what B.than C. that D. where57. A. artists B. teachers C. scientists D. managers58. A. if B. though C. where D. since59. A. as B. so C. than D. that60. A. in B. with C. to D. forPart IV TranslationSection A ( 10 points)Directions: Read the following paragraph and then translate it into Chinese. Nowadays, a standard for measuring power has changed. These changes foretell a new standard for measuring power. No longer will a nation’s political influence be based solely on the strength of its military forces. Of course, military effectiveness will remain a primary measure of power. But political influence is also closely tied to industrial competitiveness. The new standard of power and influence that is evolving now places more emphasis on the ability of a country to compete effectively in the economic markets of the world. The competitiveness of America’s industrial base is an issue bigger than the Department of Defense and is going to require the efforts of the major institutional forces in our society – government, industry, and education. Section B (10 points)Directions: Translate the following passage into English中国要走向现代化,最大的障碍,并不是资源问题,也不是资金问题,更不是技术问题,而是十几亿人口的素质问题。
一、名词解释(每小题3分,共30分)1、时值2、动作电位3、晶体渗透压4、H b氧合作用5、心率储备6、氧亏7、消退抑制8、运动动力定型9、超量恢复10、等动练习二、简答题(每小题8分,共80分)1、肌肉的生理特性有哪些?2、简述神经的兴奋是如何传递给肌肉的。
2、第二信号系统在形成运动技能过程中有什么作用?第二部分考试科目及代码:学校体育学411一、名词解释(每小题5分,共30分)1、体育教学2、分解法3、适量性原则4、重复法5、战术6、持续训练法二、简答题(每小题10分,共30分)1、对学校体育口标多元化的认识?2、体育教学过程的基本要素?3、完整法有何优点?它适于在什么情况下采用?4、运动训练有何特点?5、体育教师的作用有哪些?6、快乐体育教学模式追求的教学目标?三、论述题与运用题(每小题20分,共60分) |、体育教学中示范法的运用?2、体育(实践)课质量的全面评价?3、初二年级某班有学生75人(其中女生25人),该班在上一节体育课时有篮球场、小运动场各一块,篮球10余个,三羊一个,踏跳板一块,垫子两块。
云南师范大学考研真题2021年研究生入学考试专业课试卷第一部分考试科目及代码:运动生理学317一、名词解释(每小题3分,共30分) 1、时值 2、动作电位 3、晶体渗透压 4、Hb氧合作用 5、心率储备 6、氧亏 7、消退抑制 8、运动动力定型 9、超量恢复 10、等动练习二、简答题(每小题8分,共80分)1、肌肉的生理特性有哪些?2、简述神经的兴奋是如何传递给肌肉的。
2、第二信号系统在形成运动技能过程中有什么作用?第二部分考试科目及代码:学校体育学411一、名词解释(每小题5分,共30分) 1、体育教学 2、分解法 3、适量性原则 4、重复法 5、战术 6、持续训练法二、简答题(每小题10分,共30分) 1、对学校体育目标多元化的认识? 2、体育教学过程的基本要素?3、完整法有何优点?它适于在什么情况下采用?4、运动训练有何特点?5、体育教师的作用有哪些?6、快乐体育教学模式追求的教学目标?三、论述题与运用题(每小题20分,共60分)1、体育教学中示范法的运用?2、体育(实践)课质量的全面评价?3、初二年级某班有学生75人(其中女生25人),该班在上一节体育课时有篮球场、小运动场各一块,篮球10余个,三羊一个,踏跳板一块,垫子两块。
教育硕士入学考试教育综合真题云南师范大学2013年第一部分教育学原理一、名词解释1. 教育内在价值答案:教育价值就是指教育活动的有用性或者说是“效用”,是人们有意识地掌握、利用、接受及享有教育时,对教育活动有用性的看法和评价。
2. 直线课程答案:直线式课程就是把一门课程的内容组织成一条逻辑上前后联系的直线,前后内容基本不重复。
二、简答题1. 简述信息时代对中小学生的素质要求。
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2. 简述蔡元培“五育”并举的教育方针。
第二十一部分中外教育史(共60分)十三、名词解释(每题5分,共10分)1. 马礼逊学校2.经世致用3.欧洲新教育运动4.《爱弥儿》十四、解答题(每题10分,共20分)1.简要述评夸美纽斯的教学过程思想。