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(A) The Company and Manufacturer wish to enter into an agreement for a business collaboration as well as the manufacture and supply of the Products (as defined below).


NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:现达成协议如下:

1. Definitions定义

1.1 In this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:


“Affiliates” means, in relation to any person, any other person which, directly or indirectly, controls or is controlled by or is under common control with such person and for the purposes of this definition “control” when used with respect to any specified person means the power to direct the management and policies of such person, directly or indirectly, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise, and the terms “controlling” and“controlled” have meanings correlative to the foregoing.


“Copyright” means all copyright and rights in the nature of copyright to which either party may now be or may subsequently become entitled in or in respect of all drawings and other documents, recordings in any form and all other materials bearing or embodying any part of the Technical Information, including without limitation any such materials consisting of or containing software or databases.


“Improvements” means all improvements, modifications or adaptations to any part of the Technical Information which might reasonably be of commercial interest to either party in the design manufacture or supply of the Products or in the operation of the process and which may be made or acquired by either party during the term of this Agreement.


“Intellec tual Property Rights” means all patents, registered designs, utility models, design rights, copyrights (including copyright in computer software and databases), database rights, semi-conductor topography rights, inventions, confidential information, know-how and all other intellectual and industrial property and rights of a similar or corresponding nature in any part of the world, whether registered or not or capable of registration or not, together with all applications for, and the right to sue for infringements of, any of the foregoing rights.


“Know-How” means the Company’s and/or its Affiliates’ knowledge, experience and technical information relating to the manufacture, sale and use of the Products and the benefit thereof to be provided pursuant to this Agreement.


“Product IPR” means any and all Intellectual Property Rights subsisting in the Products which are beneficially owned by the Company and/or its Affiliates, including without limitation the Copyright and the rights of confidence in the Technical Information.

