
江苏开大大学英语A形成性考核作业2答案客观题满分:2分得分:2分学生答案:B1B-1.I XXX't answer the phone because I didn't hear it ring.2B-2.In his report of the accident。
XXX.3B-3.What a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China!4B-4.We're going to carry on the task that we haven't finished.5B-5.She didn't receive the n form。
it was sent to the wrong address.6B-6.XXX at the age of 10.7B-7.It is XXX.8B-8.Time goes by very fast and a new year will begin soon. B-16.What is the date of the letter in Passage One?A。
April 10.2018B。
April 10.2019C。
April 10.2020D。
April 10.2021Letter TwoB-17.Who is the recipient of Letter Two?A。
XXX writer's bossXXXB-18.What is the purpose of Letter Three?A。
To request a meetingXXXD。
XXXLetter FourB-19.What is the main topic of Letter Four?XXXB。
A job interviewXXXD。

选择一项:a. for题目2在switch语句的每个case块中,假定都是以break语句结束的,则此switch语句容易被改写成的语句是()。
选择一项:b. if题目3for语句能够被改写成的语句是()。
选择一项:d. while题目4下面循环语句执行结束后输出的i值为()。
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) if(i>n/2) {cout<<i<<endl; break;}选择一项:b. n/2+1题目5在下面循环语句中,内层循环体S语句的执行总次数为()。
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)for(int j=i; j<n; j++) S;选择一项:d. n(n+1)/2题目6在下面的do循环语句中,其循环体被执行的次数为()。
int i=0; do i++; while(i*i<10);选择一项:a. 4题目7在下面的一维数组定义中,有语法错误的选项是()。
c. int a[];题目8在下面的二维数组定义中,语法正确的选项是()。
选择一项:c. int a[][3]={{1,3,5},{2}};题目9假定一个二维数组的定义语句为“int a[3][4]={{3,4},{2,8,6}};”,则元素a[1][1]的值为()。
选择一项:d. 8题目10假定一个二维数组的定义语句为“int a[3][4]={{3,4},{2,8,6}};”,则元素a[2][1]的值为()。
选择一项:a. 0二、判断题(共20分,每小题1分。
叙述正确则回答“是”,否则回答“否”)题目11在执行“typedef int DataType;”语句后,标识符DataType与保留字int具有完全相同的含义和作用。


选择一项:A. 行政法规和地方性法规B. 单行条例C. 规章D. 民族自治条例2.构成经济法律关系性质的第一要素是()。
选择一项:A. 内容B. 行为C. 主体D. 客体3.根据《合伙企业法》的规定,下列各项中不属于普通合伙人当然退伙情形的是()。
选择一项:A. 合伙人在合伙企业中的全部财产份额被人民法院强制执行B. 合伙人丧失偿债能力C. 合伙人未履行出资义务D. 合伙人被宣告破产4.我国《公司法》规定:一人有限责任公司的注册资本最低限额为人民币()。
选择一项:A. 5万元B. 1万元C. 2万元D. 10万元5.下列各项中不属于破产实体性法律规范的是()。
选择一项:A. 抵销权B. 破产财产6.在我国制定和执行货币政策的银行是()。
选择一项:A. 中国银行B. 中国建设银行C. 中国人民银行D. 中国工商银行7.下列选项中属于可再生能源的是()。
选择一项:A. 太阳能B. 天然气C. 煤炭D. 石油8.我国现实中的限定交易行为主要体现在()。
选择一项:A. 外资企业B. 公用企业C. 民营企业D. 合伙企业9.以下产品中,属于我国产品质量法所界定的产品范围的是()。
选择一项:A. 天然成品B. 建设工程的建筑材料C. 初级农产品D. 军工产品10.下列主体中,属于我国《消费者权益保护法》所指的“消费者”的是()。
选择一项:A. 为自己开办的个人独资企业购买原料的自然人刘某B. 购买化肥的农民许某C. 在某汽车维修站维修公务用车的某市公安局A. 实现经济指标行为B. 商业银行和保险公司缴付存款准备金和未到期责任准备金的行为C. 政府间转移支付行为D. 纳税人纳税行为2.传统的企业法律形态包括()。
选择一项或多项:A. 国有企业B. 合伙企业C. 公司D. 个人独资企业3.国债发行的主要方式包括()。


国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语(2)》形考网络课网考作业及答案(第二套) 课程总成绩 = 形成性考核×100% ;形考任务1(40分);形考任务(30分);形考任务3(30分)形考任务1题目1She _____ crying when she got her exam results.选择一项:A. burst intoB. set offC. burst outD. took off题目2Clarissa's failed all her exams! What ___?选择一项:A. is she going to doB. had she doneC. is she doingD. does she do题目3A: I don't like watching TV soaps. I think they are a waste of time.B: I ____ that. Millions of people are addicted to them!选择一项:A. can tellB. agree withC. wouldn't sayD. ‘d never thought of题目4She _____ in the town for ten years before she met him.选择一项:A. has livedB. livedC. livesD. had been living题目5By the time he was twenty-five, he _____ his first million. 选择一项:A. had earnedB. was earningC. will earnD. earns题目6Now you've made the decision, you must _______.选择一项:A. stick itB. stick to itC. to stick itD. stick it to题目7Why are you ___ your lunch? Aren't you hungry?选择一项:A. pigging outB. parting withC. pointing outD. picking at题目8________ of having ratings for so many different age groups. 选择一项:A. The way I seeB. It might not necessarily be the caseC. I really don't see the pointD. Bear in mind题目9_________ it, it's all about money – it's pure greed.选择一项:A. The way I seeB. Talk aboutC. As far as I seeD. You have to say题目10Many people are worried about the effect of _________ on local culture. 选择一项:A. globalisedB. globaliseC. globalizationD. global题目11Last night's storm was the most _________ we've had all year.选择一项:A. destructB. destructiveC. destructedD. destruction题目12I wonder what qualifications you need to be a business _________ .选择一项:A. analysisB. analyzingC. analyzeD. analyst题目13If he _________ a crash helmet, his injuries would be much worse.选择一项:A. wasn't wearingB. hadn't wornC. didn't wearD. doesn't wear题目14If he _________ driving like that, he'll have a crash.选择一项:A. keepB. have keptC. keepsD. kept题目15Cherie seems quiet, but she can be very entertaining when the_________takes her.选择一项:A. wineB. magicC. starD. mood题目16You look a bit _________ . Maybe you should take some extra vitamins.选择一项:A. outragedB. run-downC. confidentD. worried题目17I know you hate your job, but you'll have to live _________ it for the time being.选择一项:A. withB. awayC. outD. off题目18When our excitement finally died _________ , we realised what the million-pound win meant. 选择一项:A. awayB. offC. inD. out题目19There are _________ mistakes in this TV guide: I've found one on every page so far.选择一项:A. almost noB. not too manyC. quite a fewD. very few题目20I'd really like to be a photographer and spend the _________ day taking photographs!选择一项:A. allB. firstC. bestD. whole形考任务2请同学们从以下口语交流任务中,选择一个口语任务,按照要求在自己的手机或者电脑上进行录音,然后将录制好的音频文件上传到课程平台。

开大作业2题目及参考答案 (2)

练习五一.单选题:1. 一个企业若要识别其竞争者,通常可从以下(A )方面进行。
A. 产业和市场B. 分销渠道C. 目标和战略D. 利润2. 某些竞争者对不同的市场竞争策略作出有区别的反应,这类竞争者称为(B )A. 迟缓型竞争者B. 选择型竞争者C. 凶猛型竞争者D. 随机型竞争者3. 选择跟随策略的突出特点是(D )A. 仿效B. 低调C. 合适地保持距离D. 跟随与创新并举4. 当一个企业规模较小,人力、物力、财力都比较薄弱时,应当采取(B )竞争策略。
A. 进攻策略B. 专业化经营C. 市场多角化D. 防御策略5. 杜邦公司发明尼龙后,不断发现这种产品的新用途,从最初的制作降落伞绳、到妇女丝袜,再到用于制作汽车轮胎、地毯等,使其产品用途不断增加,这是市场领先者采取的(A )策略。
A. 扩大市场需求总量B. 保护原有市场份额C. 提高市场占有率D. 专业化6. 精心服务于总体市场中的某些细分市场,避开与占主导地位的企业竞争,只是通过发展独有的专业化经营来寻找生存与发展空间的企业称为(D )A. 市场领先者B. 市场挑战者C. 市场跟随者D. 市场补缺者7. 企业对市场竞争因素变化作出的反应是随机的,使竞争对手觉得不可捉摸。
这类竞争者称为(D )A. 迟缓型竞争者B. 选择性竞争者C. 凶猛型竞争者D. 随机型竞争者8. 当规模较小、力量较弱的小企业发动进攻时,比较适合的策略是(C )A. 正面进攻B. 侧翼进攻C. 游击进攻D. 围堵进攻9. 市场补缺者的策略是(C )A. 多角化B. 一体化C. 专业化D. 无差异化10. 以进攻为核心是(B )的竞争策略。
A. 市场领先者B. 市场挑战者C. 市场跟随者D. 市场补缺者二. 多选题:1. 以下哪几个是市场领先者的策略?(ABD )A. 开辟产品的新用途B.提高市场占有率C.市场多角化D. 阵地防御E. 正面进攻2. 补缺基点的特征主要有:(ACE )。


一、单选题1、If he ____________, he ____________ that food.A.-- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.B.was warned; would not takeC.had been warned; would not have takenD.would be warned; had not takenE.would have been warned; had not taken2、_________ you change your mind, I won’t be able to help you.A.WhenB.UnlessC.IfD.As3、If the weather had been good, the children ________ out for a walk.A.had goneB.would goC.could have goneD.went4、These new processes _____________.A.should be controlledB.should controlC.should be controllingD.should controlled5、We missed the performance. We should have been here five minutes earlier.A.What a pity!B.That’s quite OK.C.That’s all.D.All right.6、Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?A.Yes, you may borrow.B.Yes, go on.C.Yes, help yourself.D.It doesn’t matter.7、I feel dizzy and sometimes I’ve got a headache.A.How long ago did you get it?B.How long have you been like this?C.How long have you got it?D.How long have you liked this?8、The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition.A.to makeB.with makingC.being makingD.making9、Let’s hurry up, Jane, shall we ?A.Yes, let’s.B.Yes, we shall.C.Yes, we do.D.No, we can’t.10、We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.A.to rearrangeB.rearrangeC.rearrangedD.rearranging11、How do you like the club, David ?A.Yes, I like it.B.It’s terrific, Annie.C.What about you ?D.Do you like it ?12、There is a lot of crime on television. _________ other issues are pushed out.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ButD.Furthermore13、You will get used to ________ here when you have settled down.A.livingB.liveC.livesD.lived14、This mistake _____ the loss of 13,000 pounds.A.has resulted inB.has resulted toC.has led inD.has resulted from15、Why don’t we pay a visit to our former teacher?A.Yes, I think so.B.No, you can’t.C.That’a good idea.D.I’m thirsty. Let’do.16、That dinner was the most expensive meal we _____________.A.would haveB.have hadC.have ever hadD.had ever had17、Could you tell me ________?A.how long you live hereB.how long have you lived hereC.how long you have lived hereD.how long did you live here18、Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now ?A.Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B.No, you can’t.C.Sorry, you can’t.D.I don’t know.19、What a nice dress you are wearing!A.No, not at all.B.It’s not nice at all.C.Thank you, Mary.D.No, I don’t like it.20、Robert is said __________ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.A.to have been studyingB.to studyC.to be studyingD.to be studied、单选题1、_______ of them has a bedroom and a study.A.EveryB.BothC.EachD.All2、_____ the city, _____ to migrants it is.A.Richer... more attractiveB.Richest... most attractiveC.The richer... the more attractiveD.The richest... the most attractive3、If the weather had been good, the children ________ out for a walk.A.had goneB.would goC.could have goneD.went4、My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs .A.cleaningB.to cleanC.cleanedD.to be cleaning5、We missed the performance. We should have been here five minutes earlier.A.What a pity!B.That’s quite OK.C.That’s all.D.All right.6、Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?A.Yes, you may borrow.B.Yes, go on.C.Yes, help yourself.D.It doesn’t matter.7、I feel dizzy and sometimes I’ve got a headache.A.How long ago did you get it?B.How long have you been like this?C.How long have you got it?D.How long have you liked this?8、The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition.A.to makeB.with makingC.being makingD.making9、Let’s hurry up, Jane, shall we ?A.Yes, let’s.B.Yes, we shall.C.Yes, we do.D.No, we can’t.10、We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.A.to rearrangeB.rearrangeC.rearrangedD.rearranging11、How do you like the club, David ?A.Yes, I like it.B.It’s terrific, Annie.C.What about you ?D.Do you like it ?12、There is a lot of crime on television. _________ other issues are pushed out.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ButD.Furthermore13、You will get used to ________ here when you have settled down.A.livingB.liveC.livesD.lived14、Why don’t we pay a visit to our former teacher?A.Yes, I think so.B.No, you can’t.C.That’a good idea.D.I’m thirsty. Let’do.15、Could you tell me ________?A.how long you live hereB.how long have you lived hereC.how long you have lived hereD.how long did you live here16、I have taken many photos. I’m going to get the film ________A.being developedB.developedC.developingD.to be developed17、Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now ?A.Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B.No, you can’t.C.Sorry, you can’t.D.I don’t know.18、What a nice dress you are wearing!A.No, not at all.B.It’s not nice at all.C.Thank you, Mary.D.No, I don’t like it.19、They were asked to avoid _______ any water which had not been boiled.A.drinkingB.to drinkC.havingD.not to be drunk20、What do you think of the play?A.Yes, I like.B.Wonderful, indeed.一、单选题1、_____ the city, _____ to migrants it is.A.Richer... more attractiveB.Richest... most attractiveC.The richer... the more attractiveD.The richest... the most attractive2、If the weather had been good, the children ________ out for a walk.A.had goneB.would goC.could have goneD.went3、My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs .A.cleaningB.to cleanC.cleanedD.to be cleaning4、These new processes _____________.A.should be controlledB.should controlC.should be controllingD.should controlled5、China is no longer what it ___________.ed to beB.was used to beinged to beingD.was used to be6、Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?A.Yes, you may borrow.B.Yes, go on.C.Yes, help yourself.D.It doesn’t matter.7、I feel dizzy and sometimes I’ve got a headache.A.How long ago did you get it?B.How long have you been like this?C.How long have you got it?D.How long have you liked this?8、The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition.A.to makeB.with makingC.being makingD.making9、We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.A.to rearrangeB.rearrangeC.rearrangedD.rearranging10、How do you like the club, David ?A.Yes, I like it.B.It’s terrific, Annie.C.What about you ?D.Do you like it ?11、There is a lot of crime on television. _________ other issues are pushed out.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ButD.Furthermore12、I’m sorry to take your seat by mistake.A.You’are welcome.B.It doesn’t matter.C.Nothing bad.D.That’s OK.13、You will get used to ________ here when you have settled down.A.livingB.liveC.livesD.lived14、This mistake _____ the loss of 13,000 pounds.A.has resulted inB.has resulted toC.has led inD.has resulted from15、Why don’t we pay a visit to our former teacher?A.Yes, I think so.B.No, you can’t.C.That’a good idea.D.I’m thirsty. Let’do.16、That dinner was the most expensive meal we _____________.A.would haveB.have hadC.have ever hadD.had ever had17、I have taken many photos. I’m going to get the film ________A.being developedB.developedC.developingD.to be developed18、What a nice dress you are wearing!A.No, not at all.B.It’s not nice at all.C.Thank you, Mary.D.No, I don’t like it.19、They were asked to avoid _______ any water which had not been boiled.A.drinkingB.to drinkC.havingD.not to be drunk20、Robert is said __________ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.A.to have been studyingB.to studyC.to be studyingD.to be studied一、单选题1、If he ____________, he ____________ that food.A.-- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.B.was warned; would not takeC.had been warned; would not have takenD.would be warned; had not takenE.would have been warned; had not taken2、_______ of them has a bedroom and a study.A.EveryB.BothC.EachD.All3、John was bored, _________ he left his life in England.A.in additionB.soC.howeverD.furthermore4、_________ you change your mind, I won’t be able to help you.A.WhenB.UnlessC.IfD.As5、_____ the city, _____ to migrants it is.A.Richer... more attractiveB.Richest... most attractiveC.The richer... the more attractiveD.The richest... the most attractive6、My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs .A.cleaningB.to cleanC.cleanedD.to be cleaning7、These new processes _____________.A.should be controlledB.should controlC.should be controllingD.should controlled8、China is no longer what it ___________.ed to beB.was used to beinged to beingD.was used to be9、They like to spend money _____ exciting holidays.A.inB.atC.onD.with10、We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.A.to rearrangeB.rearrangeC.rearrangedD.rearranging11、How do you like the club, David ?A.Yes, I like it.B.It’s terrific, Annie.C.What about you ?D.Do you like it ?12、There is a lot of crime on television. _________ other issues are pushed out.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ButD.Furthermore13、I’m sorry to take your seat by mistake.A.You’are welcome.B.It doesn’t matter.C.Nothing bad.D.That’s OK.14、You will get used to ________ here when you have settled down.A.livingB.liveC.livesD.lived15、Why don’t we pay a visit to our former teacher?A.Yes, I think so.B.No, you can’t.C.That’a good idea.D.I’m thirsty. Let’do.16、That dinner was the most expensive meal we _____________.A.would haveB.have hadC.have ever hadD.had ever had17、Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now ?A.Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B.No, you can’t.C.Sorry, you can’t.D.I don’t know.18、What a nice dress you are wearing!A.No, not at all.B.It’s not nice at all.C.Thank you, Mary.D.No, I don’t like it.19、They were asked to avoid _______ any water which had not been boiled.A.drinkingB.to drinkC.havingD.not to be drunk20、What do you think of the play?A.Yes, I like.B.Wonderful, indeed.C.No, I don’t .D.I had no time.一、单选题1、If he ____________, he ____________ that food.A.-- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.B.was warned; would not takeC.had been warned; would not have takenD.would be warned; had not takenE.would have been warned; had not taken2、_______ of them has a bedroom and a study.A.EveryB.BothC.EachD.All3、John was bored, _________ he left his life in England.A.in additionB.soC.howeverD.furthermore4、_________ you change your mind, I won’t be able to help you.A.WhenB.UnlessC.IfD.As5、_____ the city, _____ to migrants it is.A.Richer... more attractiveB.Richest... most attractiveC.The richer... the more attractiveD.The richest... the most attractive6、If the weather had been good, the children ________ out for a walk.A.had goneB.would goC.could have goneD.went7、These new processes _____________.A.should be controlledB.should controlC.should be controllingD.should controlled8、China is no longer what it ___________.ed to beB.was used to beinged to beingD.was used to be9、Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?A.Yes, you may borrow.B.Yes, go on.C.Yes, help yourself.D.It doesn’t matter.10、I feel dizzy and sometimes I’ve got a headache.A.How long ago did you get it?B.How long have you been like this?C.How long have you got it?D.How long have you liked this?11、The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition.A.to makeB.with makingC.being makingD.making12、Let’s hurry up, Jane, shall we ?A.Yes, let’s.B.Yes, we shall.C.Yes, we do.D.No, we can’t.13、We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.A.to rearrangeB.rearrangeC.rearrangedD.rearranging14、How do you like the club, David ?A.Yes, I like it.B.It’s terrific, Annie.C.What about you ?D.Do you like it ?15、There is a lot of crime on television. _________ other issues are pushed out.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ButD.Furthermore16、I’m sorry to take your seat by mistake.A.You’are welcome.B.It doesn’t matter.C.Nothing bad.D.That’s OK.17、Why don’t we pay a visit to our former teacher?A.Yes, I think so.B.No, you can’t.C.That’a good idea.D.I’m thirsty. Let’do.18、That dinner was the most expensive meal we _____________.A.would haveB.have hadC.have ever hadD.had ever had19、I have taken many photos. I’m going to get the film ________A.being developedB.developedC.developingD.to be developed20、Robert is said __________ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.A.to have been studyingB.to studyC.to be studyingD.to be studied一、单选题1、If he ____________, he ____________ that food.A.-- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.B.was warned; would not takeC.had been warned; would not have takenD.would be warned; had not takenE.would have been warned; had not taken2、John was bored, _________ he left his life in England.A.in additionB.soC.howeverD.furthermore3、_________ you change your mind, I won’t be able to help you.A.WhenB.UnlessC.IfD.As4、These new processes _____________.A.should be controlledB.should controlC.should be controllingD.should controlled5、We missed the performance. We should have been here five minutes earlier.A.What a pity!B.That’s quite OK.C.That’s all.D.All right.6、China is no longer what it ___________.ed to beB.was used to beinged to beingD.was used to be7、I feel dizzy and sometimes I’ve got a headache.A.How long ago did you get it?B.How long have you been like this?C.How long have you got it?D.How long have you liked this?8、Let’s hurry up, Jane, shall we ?A.Yes, let’s.B.Yes, we shall.C.Yes, we do.D.No, we can’t.9、We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.A.to rearrangeB.rearrangeC.rearrangedD.rearranging10、How do you like the club, David ?A.Yes, I like it.B.It’s terrific, Annie.C.What about you ?D.Do you like it ?11、I’m sorry to take your seat by mistake.A.You’are welcome.B.It doesn’t matter.C.Nothing bad.D.That’s OK.12、This mistake _____ the loss of 13,000 pounds.A.has resulted inB.has resulted toC.has led inD.has resulted from13、Why don’t we pay a visit to our former teacher?A.Yes, I think so.B.No, you can’t.C.That’a good idea.D.I’m thirsty. Let’do.14、That dinner was the most expensive meal we _____________.A.would haveB.have hadC.have ever hadD.had ever had15、Could you tell me ________?A.how long you live hereB.how long have you lived hereC.how long you have lived hereD.how long did you live here16、I have taken many photos. I’m going to get the film ________A.being developedB.developedC.developingD.to be developed17、Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now ?A.Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B.No, you can’t.C.Sorry, you can’t.D.I don’t know.18、What a nice dress you are wearing!A.No, not at all.B.It’s not nice at all.C.Thank you, Mary.D.No, I don’t like it.19、They were asked to avoid _______ any water which had not been boiled.A.drinkingB.to drinkC.havingD.not to be drunk20、Robert is said __________ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.A.to have been studyingB.to studyC.to be studyingD.to be studied一、单选题1、If he ____________, he ____________ that food.A.-- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.B.was warned; would not takeC.had been warned; would not have takenD.would be warned; had not takenE.would have been warned; had not taken2、John was bored, _________ he left his life in England.A.in additionB.soC.howeverD.furthermore3、_________ you change your mind, I won’t be able to help you.A.WhenB.UnlessC.IfD.As4、If the weather had been good, the children ________ out for a walk.A.had goneB.would goC.could have goneD.went5、My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs .A.cleaningB.to cleanC.cleanedD.to be cleaning6、These new processes _____________.A.should be controlledB.should controlC.should be controllingD.should controlled7、We missed the performance. We should have been here five minutes earlier.A.What a pity!B.That’s quite OK.C.That’s all.D.All right.8、China is no longer what it ___________.ed to beB.was used to beinged to beingD.was used to be9、I feel dizzy and sometimes I’ve got a headache.A.How long ago did you get it?B.How long have you been like this?C.How long have you got it?D.How long have you liked this?10、The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition.A.to makeB.with makingC.being makingD.making11、Let’s hurry up, Jane, shall we ?A.Yes, let’s.B.Yes, we shall.C.Yes, we do.D.No, we can’t.12、We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.A.to rearrangeB.rearrangeC.rearrangedD.rearranging13、How do you like the club, David ?A.Yes, I like it.B.It’s terrific, Annie.C.What about you ?D.Do you like it ?14、There is a lot of crime on television. _________ other issues are pushed out.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ButD.Furthermore15、I’m sorry to take your seat by mistake.A.You’are welcome.B.It doesn’t matter.C.Nothing bad.D.That’s OK.16、This mistake _____ the loss of 13,000 pounds.A.has resulted inB.has resulted toC.has led inD.has resulted from17、Why don’t we pay a visit to our former teacher?A.Yes, I think so.B.No, you can’t.C.That’a good idea.D.I’m thirsty. Let’do.18、That dinner was the most expensive meal we _____________.A.would haveB.have hadC.have ever hadD.had ever had19、Could you tell me ________?A.how long you live hereB.how long have you lived hereC.how long you have lived hereD.how long did you live here20、They were asked to avoid _______ any water which had not been boiled.A.drinkingB.to drinkC.havingD.not to be drunk一、单选题1、If he ____________, he ____________ that food.A.-- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.B.was warned; would not takeC.had been warned; would not have takenD.would be warned; had not takenE.would have been warned; had not taken2、_____ the city, _____ to migrants it is.A.Richer... more attractiveB.Richest... most attractiveC.The richer... the more attractiveD.The richest... the most attractive3、If the weather had been good, the children ________ out for a walk.A.had goneB.would goC.could have goneD.went4、My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs .A.cleaningB.to cleanC.cleanedD.to be cleaning5、These new processes _____________.A.should be controlledB.should controlC.should be controllingD.should controlled6、China is no longer what it ___________.ed to beB.was used to beinged to beingD.was used to be7、Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?A.Yes, you may borrow.B.Yes, go on.C.Yes, help yourself.D.It doesn’t matter.8、I feel dizzy and sometimes I’ve got a headache.A.How long ago did you get it?B.How long have you been like this?C.How long have you got it?D.How long have you liked this?9、The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition.A.to makeB.with makingC.being makingD.making10、Let’s hurry up, Jane, shall we ?A.Yes, let’s.B.Yes, we shall.C.Yes, we do.D.No, we can’t.11、We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.A.to rearrangeB.rearrangeC.rearrangedD.rearranging12、How do you like the club, David ?A.Yes, I like it.B.It’s terrific, Annie.C.What about you ?D.Do you like it ?13、There is a lot of crime on television. _________ other issues are pushed out.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ButD.Furthermore14、I’m sorry to take your seat by mistake.A.You’are welcome.B.It doesn’t matter.C.Nothing bad.D.That’s OK.15、This mistake _____ the loss of 13,000 pounds.A.has resulted inB.has resulted toC.has led inD.has resulted from16、Why don’t we pay a visit to our former teacher?A.Yes, I think so.B.No, you can’t.C.That’a good idea.D.I’m thirsty. Let’do.17、That dinner was the most expensive meal we _____________.A.would haveB.have hadC.have ever hadD.had ever had18、Could you tell me ________?A.how long you live hereB.how long have you lived hereC.how long you have lived hereD.how long did you live here19、I have taken many photos. I’m going to get the film ________A.being developedB.developedC.developingD.to be developed20、They were asked to avoid _______ any water which had not been boiled.A.drinkingB.to drinkC.havingD.not to be drunk一、单选题1、If he ____________, he ____________ that food.A.-- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.B.was warned; would not takeC.had been warned; would not have takenD.would be warned; had not takenE.would have been warned; had not taken2、John was bored, _________ he left his life in England.A.in additionB.soC.howeverD.furthermore3、_________ you change your mind, I won’t be able to help you.A.WhenB.UnlessC.IfD.As4、_____ the city, _____ to migrants it is.A.Richer... more attractiveB.Richest... most attractiveC.The richer... the more attractiveD.The richest... the most attractive5、My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs .A.cleaningB.to cleanC.cleanedD.to be cleaning6、These new processes _____________.A.should be controlledB.should controlC.should be controllingD.should controlled7、We missed the performance. We should have been here five minutes earlier.A.What a pity!B.That’s quite OK.C.That’s all.D.All right.8、Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?A.Yes, you may borrow.B.Yes, go on.C.Yes, help yourself.D.It doesn’t matter.9、The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition.A.to makeB.with makingC.being makingD.making10、We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.A.to rearrangeB.rearrangeC.rearrangedD.rearranging11、How do you like the club, David ?A.Yes, I like it.B.It’s terrific, Annie.C.What about you ?D.Do you like it ?12、There is a lot of crime on television. _________ other issues are pushed out.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ButD.Furthermore13、I’m sorry to take your seat by mistake.A.You’are welcome.B.It doesn’t matter.C.Nothing bad.D.That’s OK.14、You will get used to ________ here when you have settled down.A.livingB.liveC.livesD.lived15、This mistake _____ the loss of 13,000 pounds.A.has resulted inB.has resulted toC.has led inD.has resulted from16、Why don’t we pay a visit to our former teacher?A.Yes, I think so.B.No, you can’t.C.That’a good idea.D.I’m thirsty. Let’do.17、I have taken many photos. I’m going to get the film ________A.being developedB.developedC.developingD.to be developed18、They were asked to avoid _______ any water which had not been boiled.A.drinkingB.to drinkC.havingD.not to be drunk19、What do you think of the play?A.Yes, I like.B.Wonderful, indeed.C.No, I don’t .D.I had no time.20、Robert is said __________ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.A.to have been studyingB.to studyC.to be studyingD.to be studied。

A、市场法B、收益法C、插值法D、成本法正确答案:D 学生答案:D2、2-11.2×15年12月5日赊销一批商品,当日市场汇率为1美元=6.30元人民币,合同规定的信用期为2个月。
A、调增主营业务收入B、调减主营业务收人C、调整递延损益D、调整财务费用正确答案:D 学生答案:D3、2-10.()是指外币买卖成交后,约定在一定期限内进行交割时所采用的约定汇率。
C、A、即期汇率B、市场汇率C、远期汇率D、固定汇率正确答案:C 学生答案:C4、2-9.间接标价法的特点是(A)。
A、外币数随汇率高低而变化B、本国货币数随汇率高低而变化C、本国货币金额大小与汇率的高低正相关D、本国货币金额大小与汇率的高低负相关正确答案:A 学生答案:A5、2-8.直接标价法的特点是(B)。
A、本国货币数固定不变B、本国货币数随汇率高低而变化C、本国货币币值大小与汇率的高低无关D、本国货币币值大小与汇率的高低正相关正确答案:B 学生答案:B6、2-7.企业因经营所处的主要经济环境发生重大变化,确需变更记账本位币的,应当采用(D),将所有项目折算为变更后的记账本位币。
A、当期期末汇率B、变更当日的即期汇率的近似汇率C、当期平均汇率D、变更当日的即期汇率正确答案:D 学生答案:D7、2-6.我国某企业记账本位币为美元,下列说法中错误的是(C)。
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一.单选题:1. 一个企业若要识别其竞争者,通常可从以下(A )方面进行。
A. 产业和市场B. 分销渠道C. 目标和战略D. 利润2. 某些竞争者对不同的市场竞争策略作出有区别的反应,这类竞争者称为(B )A. 迟缓型竞争者B. 选择型竞争者C. 凶猛型竞争者D. 随机型竞争者3. 选择跟随策略的突出特点是(D )A. 仿效B. 低调C. 合适地保持距离D. 跟随与创新并举4. 当一个企业规模较小,人力、物力、财力都比较薄弱时,应当采取(B )竞争策略。
A. 进攻策略B. 专业化经营C. 市场多角化D. 防御策略5. 杜邦公司发明尼龙后,不断发现这种产品的新用途,从最初的制作降落伞绳、到妇女丝袜,再到用于制作汽车轮胎、地毯等,使其产品用途不断增加,这是市场领先者采取的( A )策略。
A. 扩大市场需求总量B. 保护原有市场份额C. 提高市场占有率D. 专业化6. 精心服务于总体市场中的某些细分市场,避开与占主导地位的企业竞争,只是通过发展独有的专业化经营来寻找生存与发展空间的企业称为(D )A. 市场领先者B. 市场挑战者C. 市场跟随者D. 市场补缺者7. 企业对市场竞争因素变化作出的反应是随机的,使竞争对手觉得不可捉摸。
这类竞争者称为(D )A. 迟缓型竞争者B. 选择性竞争者C. 凶猛型竞争者D. 随机型竞争者8. 当规模较小、力量较弱的小企业发动进攻时,比较适合的策略是(C )A. 正面进攻B. 侧翼进攻C. 游击进攻D. 围堵进攻9. 市场补缺者的策略是(C )A. 多角化B. 一体化C. 专业化D. 无差异化10. 以进攻为核心是(B )的竞争策略。
A. 市场领先者B. 市场挑战者C. 市场跟随者D. 市场补缺者二. 多选题:1. 以下哪几个是市场领先者的策略(ABD )A. 开辟产品的新用途B.提高市场占有率C.市场多角化D. 阵地防御E. 正面进攻2. 补缺基点的特征主要有:(ACE )。
A. 有足够的市场潜量和购买力B. 生产和消费都比较集中C. 对主要竞争者不具有吸引力D. 产品的需求具有较强的季节性E. 企业具有占据该补缺基点所必需的资源和能力3. 一般来说,竞争者的市场反应可以分为这样几种类型(ABDE )A. 迟缓型竞争者B. 选择型竞争者C. 无所谓型竞争者D. 凶猛型竞争者E. 随机型竞争者4. 市场领先者扩大市场需求总量的途径有(ABC )A. 发现新的使用者B. 开辟产品的新用途C. 增加产品的使用量D. 正面进攻E. 专业化经营5. 紧密跟随策略的特点是(AC )A. 仿效B. 合适地保持距离C. 低调D. 跟随与创新并举E. 创新三、是非题1. 市场挑战者的策略核心是进攻。
(对)2. 通过产品差异化进行的竞争称为非价格竞争。
( 对)3. 没有任何需求刺激,不开展任何市场营销活动时不存在产品的市场需求。
(错)4. 企业进行价格竞争的条件是降低生产和经营成本。
(对)5. 市场跟随者因为模仿、追随市场领先者的产品策略和营销策略,所以没有自己的策略。
(错)一、单选题1. 以调查某一时期某种产品的销售量为何大幅度滑坡为目的的市场调查研究是(A )。
A. 探测性调研B. 描述性调研C. 因果性调研D. 预测性调研2. 最适宜于探测性调研的方法是( B )。
A. 人员访问B. 观察法C. 实验法D. 邮寄问卷3. 在企业市场营销信息系统中,营销调研系统( B )。
A. 主要研究环境变化B. 是为了解决特定问题进行的间断的作业C. 是提供连续不断的管理信息D. 是决策者使用的最基本的系统4. 实验法最适宜( C )。
A. 收集描述性信息B. 实地观察C. 收集因果方面信息D. 专家调查5. 当市场调研人员分析问题时,除了亲自采集原始资料外,先前为了一定的目的收集的资料也是一个重要的信息来源,这些资料被称为( B )。
A. 单一来源B. 二手资料C. 最初数据D. 便利数据6.市场营销经理要了解顾客的态度,了解顾客是怎样看待他们的产品和服务的,了解顾客是如何看待他们的竞争对手的,了解哪些客观因素对他们有利等等,他就需进行(C )。
A. 市场营销规划B. 市场营销组合设计C. 市场营销调研D. 预测市场需求7. 由人、计算机和程序组成,为营销决策者收集、挑选、分析、评估和分配其所需要的、及时的和准确的信息的系统是( A )。
A. 市场营销信息系统B. 单一来源调研系统C. 市场营销数据库系统D. 决策支持系统8. 市场营销调研的第一步是( D )。
A. 确定一个抽样计划B. 收集信息C. 进行调研设计D. 确定问题和研究目标9. 在市场营销信息系统中,向管理人员提供有关销售、成本、存货、现金流程、应收账款等各种反映企业经营状况信息的子系统是( A )A. 内部报告系统B. 营销情报系统C. 营销调研系统D. 营销决策支持系统10. 在市场营销信息系统中,市场营销管理人员用以了解有关外部环境发展趋势的信息的子系统是( B )A. 内部报告系统B. 营销情报系统C. 营销调研系统D. 营销决策支持系统11. 在调查法中,可获取最迅速、最及时信息的是( B )A. 邮寄问卷B. 电话访问C. 人员访问D. 观察法12. 一定的顾客在一定的地理区域、一定的时间、一定的市场营销环境和一定的市场营销方案下购买的总量,我们称为( D )A. 市场预测B. 市场潜量C. 企业潜量D. 市场需求13. 市场需求是(B )A. 需求量B. 一个函数C. 一个固定的数D. 不可控因素二、多选题1. 德尔非法是(BC )预测方法。
A. 定量B. 定性C. 专家意见D. 特殊E. 因果分析2. 对购买者意向调查法的叙述正确的是(BD )A. 预测消费品的未来需要,其准确性比用在产业用品方面的要高B. 预测消费品的未来需要,其准确性比用在产业用品方面的要低C. 预测非耐用消费品需要的可靠性比用在耐用消费品方面稍高D. 预测非耐用消费品需要的可靠性比用在耐用消费品方面稍低E. 可树立企业关心购买者需要的形象3. 市场营销信息系统是由(ABCD )构成的。
A. 营销调研系统B. 营销决策支持系统C. 内部报告系统D. 营销情报系统E. 营销网络系统4. 抽样设计涉及的问题有(ABC )A. 抽样总体B. 抽样方法C. 样本数目D. 电话访问E. 人员访问三、是非题1. 在专家意见法中,现在应用较普遍的方法是德尓菲法。
(对)2. 市场营销系统处于环境与市场营销管理人员之间。
(对)3. 没有任何需求刺激,不开展任何市场营销活动时不存在产品的市场需求。
(错)4. 用购买者意向调查法预测非耐用消费品的需求可靠性最高,用在产业用品方面可靠性最低。
(错)练习七一.单选题1. 市场营销组合、目标市场、市场细分、市场定位四者之间的关系为:(C )。
A. 市场营销组合、市场定位、市场细分、目标市场B. 市场定位、市场细分、目标市场、市场营销组合C. 市场细分、目标市场、市场定位、市场营销组合D. 市场细分、市场定位、目标市场、市场营销组合2. 一个市场是否有价值,主要取决于该市场的(C )。
A. 需求状况B. 竞争能力C. 需求状况和竞争能力D. 中间商的多少3. 收入、种族、性别和年龄是消费者市场细分变数中的(A )。
A. 人口因素B. 行为因素C. 地理因素D. 心理因素4. 最适于实力不强的小企业或出口企业在最初进入外国市场时采用的目标市场策略是(C )。
A. 无差异性营销策略B. 差异性营销策略C. 集中性营销策略D. 大量市场营销 5. 企业根据目标市场的特点,提供适当的产品或服务,以适应目标顾客的需要,此时企业的营销战略发展到了(B )A. 集中性营销策略B. 目标市场营销C. 差异性营销策略D. 市场渗透6. 市场营销人员把具有一种或多种共同的特征,并引起他们具有非常相似的产品需求的一组个人或组织称为(B )。
A. 社会市场营销B. 一个细分市场C. 市场份额D. 一个顾客基础7. 在普通食盐市场上,消费者所表现的需求、欲望、购买行为以及对企业营销策略的反应都相似,这类产品的市场被称为(A )A. 同质性市场B. 异质性市场C. 消费者市场D. 目标市场8. “七喜”饮料一问世就向消费者宣称:“我不是可乐,我可能比可乐更好”,突出宣传自己不含咖啡因的特点,其采取的市场定位策略是:(D )。
A. 阵地防御策略B. 对抗定位策略C. 非价格竞争策略D. 避强定位策略9. 目标市场营销是(A )观念的体现。
A. 市场营销B. 销售C. 产品D. 生产10. 企业为使产品获得稳定销路,培养产品特色,树立市场形象,以求取得顾客的特殊偏爱,这叫做(D)A. 市场营销组合B. 寻找市场机会C. 市场细分D. 市场定位11. 消费者对某品牌的忠诚程度,在市场细分变量中属于(D )A. 地理因素B. 人口因素C. 心理因素D. 行为因素12. 对于水泥、平板玻璃等标准化产品,一般情况下应实行(A )A. 无差异性营销策略B. 差异性营销策略C. 集中性营销策略D. 区别性市场策略13. 资源雄厚的企业可以考虑的目标市场策略是(B )A. 无差异性营销策略B. 无差异性和差异性营销策略C. 集中性市场策略D. 无差异性或集中性营销策略14. 不属于消费者市场细分依据的是(C )A. 地理因素B. 人口因素C. 最终用户D. 心理因素15. 不属于市场细分有效标志的是(D )A. 稳定性B. 可衡量性C. 可进入性D. 可持续性16. 麦当劳集中力量开拓快餐市场,占有了较大的市场份额。
这种目标市场策略的主要不足是(B )A. 细分市场范围小B. 潜伏的风险大C. 企业资源有限D. 成本费用高17. 在市场营销实践中,利益细分是一种行之有效的细分战略,它属于(D )A. 地理细分B. 人口细分C. 心理细分D. 行为细分二. 多选题1. 地理细分变量有:(ABCD )A. 地形B. 气候C. 城乡D. 交通运输E. 经济2. 除了对某些同质商品外,消费者的需求总是各不相同的,这是由消费者的(ABCDE )差异所决定的。
A. 个性B. 年龄C. 地理位置D. 文化背景E. 购买行为3. 面对整个市场的目标市场策略有(AB )。
A. 无差异性营销策略B. 差异性营销策略C. 集中性营销策略D. 市场渗透E. 一体化增长4. 若强大的竞争对手采用的是无差异性营销策略,企业要想打进市场,一般应采用(BD )。
A. 大量市场营销B. 集中性市场营销C. 无差异性营销策略D. 差异性营销策略E. 目标市场营销5. 企业在选择目标市场策略时需要考虑的因素有(ABCDE )A. 企业实力B. 产品的同质性C. 市场的同质性D. 产品所处的生命周期阶段E. 竞争对手的策略6. 目标市场营销全过程包括(ABD )A. 市场细分B. 目标市场选择C. 利用市场机会D. 市场定位E. 发现和评价市场机会7. 实行差异性营销策略的优点是(ABDE )A. 降低经营风险B. 有利于提高企业的市场占有率C. 经营成本低D. 能更好地满足市场深层次的需求E. 增强消费者对企业的信任感8. 消费者市场细分的依据有(ABCD )A. 地理因素B. 人口因素C. 心理因素D. 行为因素E. 最终用户9. 可作为国内某钢铁企业的市场细分依据的是(ABC )A. 最终用户B. 用户规模C. 地理位置D. 心理因素E. 收入水平三、判断题1、差异性营销策略的主要缺点是使企业的生产成本和营销费用增加。