





1. Greetings在职场中,适当的问候是很重要的。

以下是一些常用的问候口语单词:•Hello: 你好•Hi: 嗨•Good morning: 早上好•Good afternoon: 下午好•Good evening: 晚上好•How are you?: 你好吗?•Nice to meet you: 很高兴认识你•Good to see you: 很高兴见到你2. Meetings在工作中,开会是很常见的情况,以下是一些和会议相关的口语单词:•Agenda: 议程•Minutes: 会议记录•Action items: 行动项•Presentation: 演示•To brainstorm: 脑力激荡•To discuss: 讨论•To follow up: 后续跟进•To summarize: 总结3. Emails电子邮件在职场中也是必不可少的沟通工具,以下是一些常用的邮件口语单词:•Attachment: 附件•Cc: 抄送•Bcc: 密送•Subject: 主题•Reply: 回复•Forward: 转发•To confirm: 确认•To reply all: 全部回复4. Office Environment办公室环境中也有一些常用的口语单词,让你更好地适应工作环境:•Cubicle: 小隔间•Desk: 办公桌•Chair: 椅子•Meeting room: 会议室•Deadline: 截止日期•Briefing: 简报•Project: 项目•Task: 任务5. Social Events在职场中,社交也是十分重要的,以下是一些社交活动相关的口语单词:•Networking: 社交网络•Cocktail party: 鸡尾酒会•Team-building: 团队建设•Happy hour: 快乐时光•Lunch break: 午餐时间•Company outing: 公司外出活动•Business dinner: 商务晚宴•Icebreaker: 破冰结语以上是一些在职场中常用到的英语口语单词,希望能够帮助你提升在职场中的沟通能力和适应能力。

职场 英文 词汇

职场 英文 词汇

职场英语词汇1.POC(point of contact)|对接人/接口Barry is our POC for the s ales team.Barry是我们在销售部的对接人。

2.PIC(person in charge)|负责人Barry is the PIC for this project.Barry是这个项目的负责人。

3.XFN(cross-functional)|跨部门XFN collaboration is essential to the operations of big companies.跨部门协作对于大公司的运作至关重要。

4.local team|海外团队Our HQ(headquarter)team is located in China,but we have local teams based in Europe and India too.我们的总部团队在国内,但也有位于欧洲和印度的海外(当地)团队。

5.team member/report|下属In the workplace,you should call people who report to you "reports"or"team members",instead of"subordinates".在职场,应该称向你汇报的人为reports或者team members,而不是subordinates。

6.supervisor/leader/line manager|直属上级I have to get my line manager to agree first before I can go.我去之前,需要我的直属上级同意才行。

7.skip leader|+上级(领导的领导)Both my line manager and skip leader will be in tomorrow’s meeting,so I have to prepare well for it.我的直属上级和+老板都会参加明天的会,所以我得好好准备。



1、ASAP:as soon as possible / 尽快
Please do check the status asap.常用于提醒某人尽快确认事情状态。

2、FYI:for your information / 仅供参考

3、Prompt reply:及时答复
Look forward your prompt reply!常用于邮件结尾,期待对方及时答复。

4、CC:carbon copy / 抄送

5、Bcc:blind carbon copy / 密抄


6、BR:Best Regards / 真诚问候


7、KPI:key performance indicator / 业绩考核指标

8、make sense:清楚,明白,有意义。


It doesn't make sense.
9、back up:支持,支撑。

邮件中的结论是需要一些材料去back up.
10、AL:annual leave / 年假




下面是小编收集的`职场英语基础篇,希望大家认真阅读!1、Please have a seat.请坐。

2、How do you feel about working on weekends?你觉得周末上班怎么样?3、The yacht market is slow this time of the year.一年中的这个时候,游艇市场很低靡。

4、You haven’t made a single sale in the past 3 weeks.过去的三个星期里,你一笔销售业务也没有做成。

5、I’ll try to help you make a dent in some of that work.我会尽量帮你着手其中的一些工作。

6、How does this fax machine work?这传真机效果如何?7、Is the repairman coming to fix the photocopier?修理人员来修复印机了吗?8、I’m going on a break to get some coffee.我要休息一下,去喝点咖啡。

9、These accounts need to be paid immediately.这些账单要马上付。

10、I heard there’re going to lay off some people this quarter.我听说这个季度要裁一些人。

11、Sales have gone way up this month.这个月销售上升很快。

12、I left the papers on my desk.我把文件放在桌子上了。

13、We need to cut costs somewhere in this office.我们办公室必须削减开支了。

14、Has the outgoing mail left for the day? 要寄出的邮件今天寄出了吗?15、Can someone answer that phone?有谁能去接一下电话吗?【生词解读】1. yacht n. 快艇;游艇2. fax machine 传真机3. repairman n. 修理工4. immediately adv. 立即;即刻;马上5. outgoing n. 外出;流出;支出。



职场常用英语口语汇总1. Hello, how may I assist you?2. Thank you for your input.3. I look forward to hearing from you.4. Excuse me, could you please clarify that?5. Shall we proceed as planned?6. Let's brainstorm for a minute.7. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need help.8. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.9. It's been a pleasure working with you.10. Have a great day!11. Could you please repeat that?12. I'll get back to you on that.13. I see what you mean.14. I agree with you.15. Let me think about it.16. Sounds good to me.17. I'm all ears.18. I'm sorry to hear that.19. I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.20. I'm here for you.21. How do you feel about this?22. I appreciate your honesty.23. I believe we can work together on this.24. I believe it's time for a change.25. I can understand your point of view.26. I could use some help here.27. I did my best.28. I disagree with you.29. I don't follow.30. I don't think it's a good idea.31. I enjoy working with you.32. I expect more from you.33. I feel confident in your abilities.34. I feel good about this decision.35. I feel proud of you.36. I for one, am excited about it.37. I fully support you.38. I give up.39. I had a change of heart.40. I have high hopes for you.41. I have to be honest with you.42. I have trust in you.43. I hope you understand.44. I knew I could count on you.45. I need some time to think.46. I need your assistance.47. I prefer to do it this way.48. I promise to take care of it.49. I recommend you try this.50. I respect your decision.51. I seriously doubt it.52. I should have known better.53. I think we need to reevaluate.54. I think you're onto something.55. I think you'll like this.56. I think we can pull this off.57. I think we need a fresh start.58. I think you made the right choice.59. I think you'll be happy with the results.60. I think we're on the right track.61. I'm behind you all the way.62. I'm counting on you.63. I'm excited for you.64. I'm here for you.65. I'm impressed.66. I'm listening.67. I'm not sure I agree.68. I'm not sure yet.69. I'm open to suggestions.70. I'm optimistic about this.71. I'm Proud of you.72. I'm sorry to hear that.73. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.74. I'm sorry, I didn't understand.75. I'm sorry, I was wrong.76. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble.77. I'm sorry if my actions hurt you.78. I'm sorry, I can't do that.79. I'm sorry, I don't agree.80. I'm sorry, I disagree.81. I'm sorry, I misunderstood.82. I'm sorry, I was confused.83. I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.84. I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention.85. I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.86. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.87. I'm sorry, I didn't think it through.88. I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you.89. I'm sorry, I didn't realize.90. I'm sorry, I didn't understand.91. I'm sorry, I misjudged you.92. I'm sorry, I was insensitive.93. I'm sorry, I was thoughtless.94. I'm sorry, I was wrong。



职场常用英语词汇以下是约100个职场常用英语词汇及其解释:1. Resume/CV(简历): 求职者提供的教育背景、工作经历和其他相关信息的文档,用于申请工作。

2. Interview(面试): 求职者与潜在雇主之间的对话,用于评估求职者的能力和适应性。

3. Job Description(职位描述): 详细说明工作职责、要求、工作环境等的文档。

4. Salary(薪水): 员工因工作而获得的报酬。

5. Benefits(福利): 除薪水外,雇主提供的额外待遇,如医疗保险、退休金等。

6. Deadline(截止日期): 任务或项目必须完成的最后期限。

7. Responsibility(职责): 工作中的任务或职责。

8. Teamwork(团队合作): 与他人协作以完成任务或项目的能力。

9. Leadership(领导力): 指导和激励团队成员的能力。

10. Communication Skills(沟通技巧): 有效地传达和接收信息的能力。

11. Problem-solving Skills(解决问题的能力): 分析和解决工作中的问题的能力。

12. Performance Review(绩效评估): 对员工工作表现的评估,通常用于决定晋升或加薪。

13. Promotion(晋升): 员工在职位或薪水上的提升。

14. Demotion(降级): 员工在职位或薪水上的下降。

15. Resignation(辞职): 员工主动离开工作。

16. Termination(解雇): 雇主终止员工的工作合同。

17. Training(培训): 为提高员工技能或知识而提供的课程或活动。

18. Mentor(导师): 为新员工或经验较少的员工提供指导和支持的经验丰富的员工。

19. Colleague(同事): 在同一公司或部门工作的其他人。

20. Supervisor(主管): 负责监督和管理员工的人。

21. Manager(经理): 负责管理团队和项目的人。






1. 会议 Meetings•Agenda: 议程•Chairperson: 主持人•Minutes: 会议纪要•Action items: 行动事项•Proposal: 提议•Consensus: 共识•Resolution: 决议2. 工作交流 Communication•Follow up: 跟进•Feedback: 反馈•Collaboration: 合作•Clarification: 澄清•Deadline: 截止日期•Priority: 优先级3. 职业发展 Career Development•Networking: 社交网络•Skill set: 技能•Professional development: 职业发展•Promotion: 晋升•Performance review: 绩效评估•Career path: 职业道路4. 项目管理 Project Management•Timeline: 时间表•Milestone: 重要节点•Budget: 预算•Risk assessment: 风险评估•Scope: 范围•Stakeholder: 利益相关者5. 人际关系 Interpersonal Relations•Teamwork: 团队合作•Conflict resolution: 冲突解决•Empathy: 同理心•Respect: 尊重•Trust: 信任•Diplomacy: 外交手腕结语 Conclusion职场英语口语词汇是提高职业竞争力的重要一环。




十四句常用职场英语口语1. You're in the pink!要想说人气色好,"You look fine!"当然不错,可如果你说"You're in the pink!"就妙得多了,实际上,在英语口语中,巧妙使用一些表示颜色的词能使得句子非常形象生动。

2. He is bouncy."他精力充分"美国人通常说:"He is bouncy.",而不说"He is energetic",牢记一些日常对话中的句式是你生活中一把必备的钥匙。

如:久仰,"I get mind of you"比"I heard a lot about you."轻松得多。

3. Did you get lost?有人开会迟到了,你假设对他说"You are late.",听起来像是废话。

假设说"Did you get lost?",那么更能让他感到歉疚,可千万别说成"Get lost!",那可是让人滚蛋的意思。

4. Do you have the time?别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要是说"You can do that."就有点土了,用一句"Do you have the time?"就好多了。

实际上,问他人的姓名,地址都可以这么用:"May I have your name?"要比"What's your name?"礼貌得多,不过警察例外。

5. I would rather not say.别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用"It's my secret, don't ask such a personal question."答复,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方觉得你气短。



职场英语常用词汇一、职位相关(n. - 名词)1. manager:[ˈmænɪdʒə(r)],经理。

2. employee:[ɪmˈplɔɪiː],员工。

3. colleague:[ˈkɒliːɡ],同事。

4. boss:[bɒs],老板。

5. secretary:[ˈsekrətri],秘书。

6. director:[dəˈrektə(r)],主管;董事。

7. executive:[ɪɡˈzekjətɪv],行政人员;高管。

二、工作任务相关(v. - 动词;n. - 名词)1. assign:[əˈsaɪn](v.),分配;指派。

- e.g. The manager will assign tasks to employees.(经理将给员工分配任务。

)2. complete:[kəmˈpliːt](v.),完成。

- e.g. You need to complete this project on time.(你需要按时完成这个项目。

)3. task:[tɑːsk](n.),任务。

4. project:[ˈprɒdʒekt](n.),项目。

5. deadline:[ˈdedlaɪn](n.),截止日期。

- e.g. The deadline for this report is next Monday.(这份报告的截止日期是下周一。

)三、会议相关(n. - 名词;v. - 动词)1. meeting:[ˈmiːtɪŋ],会议。

2. conference:[ˈkɒnfərəns],会议;大会(规模较大、较正式)3. attend:[əˈtend](v.),参加。

- e.g. He will attend the meeting tomorrow.(他明天将参加会议。

)4. present:[prɪˈzent](v.),陈述;展示;[ˈpreznt](n.),礼物;目前(adj.),现在的。






1. 自我介绍•Hello, I’m [your name]. Nice to meet you. 你好,我是[你的名字],很高兴见到你。

•I work as a [job title] at [company name]. 我在[公司名]担任[职位]。

•My responsibilities include [responsibilities]. 我的责任包括[职责]。

2. 会议讨论•Could you please recap what we have discussed so far? 你能总结一下我们到目前为止讨论的内容吗?•I have a few points to add on this topic. 我有几点要在这个话题上补充。

•Let’s move on to the next agenda item. 让我们继续进行下一个议程。

•I would like to propose a different approach. 我想提出一种不同的方法。

•Do you have any objections to this proposal? 对于这个提议,你有任何异议吗?3. 商务谈判•We would like to negotiate the terms of the contract. 我们希望就合同条款进行谈判。

•Our budget is limited, so we need to find a mutually beneficial solution. 我们的预算有限,所以我们需要找到一个互利的解决方案。

•We are willing to offer a discount if you place a larger order. 如果您订购更大数量,我们愿意提供折扣。






职场常用英语口语一:1. What are you up to?你正在作什么?我们都会说What are you doing?。

What are you up to? 同样也是问人家正在作什么。

有时候老美见面时也会问What are you up to?,意思就是问"你最近在做什么啊?'跟另一句〔问候语〕Whats up? 意思上很接近。

但是你要听清对方的语气喔! 有时候What are you up to? 指的虽然还是What are you doing?,但它却是你在搞什么鬼啊?的意思。

例如当你看到别人在乱翻你的东西, 你就可以责问他:Hey, what are you up to?,也就是骂他你在搞什么鬼啊?。

What are you up to? 还有一个比较常用的解释是:进展的如何了?例如伴侣告知你他正在写一部科幻小说,你就可以问他:What are you up to?。

2. In the middle of something?正在忙吗?很多人都会说Are you busy?。

其实老美也常用In the middle of something?。

但这句话比较接近于Are you busy right now?,是问人家如今是不是正在忙。

Are you busy? 的含意比较广,也可指最近忙不忙。

3. Shelly just called in sick.Shelly 刚打电话来请病假。

Call in sick 是一个在办公室内常会用到的〔短语〕, 指的是有人打电话来说他/她生病了不能来上班。

那假如是正常的请病假(sick leave/ medical leave) 要怎么讲? 你可以说I need two days sick leave.(我需要请两天病假。




下面将介绍一些在职场中常用到的英语词汇,希望对您有所帮助:专业术语1.Collaboration:合作2.Deadline:截止日期3.Feedback:反馈4.Innovation:创新5.Productivity:生产力6.Remote:远程7.Workload:工作量工作相关1.Meeting:会议2.Presentation:展示3.Task:任务4.Project:项目5.Report:报告6.Email:电子邮件7.Progress:进展沟通1.Clarify:澄清2.Discuss:讨论3.Summarize:总结4.Highlight:强调5.Verify:核实6.Confirm:确认职场礼仪1.Punctuality:准时2.Etiquette:礼仪3.Professionalism:职业素养4.Dress code:着装规范5.Respect:尊重6.Courtesy:礼貌管理1.Delegate:委派2.Prioritize:优先考虑3.Decision-making:决策4.Accountability:责任5.Motivate:激励6.Performance review:绩效评估职业发展1.Skillset:技能组合2.Opportunity:机会working:人际关系4.Training:培训5.Promotion:晋升6.Feedback:反馈总结以上是一些在职场中常用到的英语词汇,希望这份列表能够帮助您更好地适应国际化的工作环境,提升自己的职业素养和表达能力。








关于工作1.deadline:截止日期2.deliverables:可交付成果3.meeting agenda:会议议程4.action items:行动项5.key performance indicators (KPIs):关键绩效指标6.prioritize:优先考虑7.feedback:反馈8.performance review:绩效评估9.benchmarking:基准对照10.skill set:技能组合与同事沟通1.team player:团队合作2.interpersonal skills:人际交往能力3.conflict resolution:解决冲突4.collaboration:合作munication skills:沟通能力6.active listening:积极倾听7.respecting diversity:尊重多样性8.empathy:同理心9.constructive criticism:建设性批评10.professionalism:职业素养工作场景常用语1.make a proposal:提出建议2.follow up:跟进3.attend a conference:参加会议4.send out an email:发送邮件5.set a meeting:安排会议6.give a presentation:做演讲7.analyze data:分析数据8.conduct market research:进行市场调研9.prepare a report:准备报告10.negotiate a deal:谈判交易职业发展1.career advancement:职业晋升2.continuous learning:持续学习3.professional development:专业发展4.mentorship:导师指导working:建立人际关系6.career path:职业发展道路7.work-life balance:工作与生活平衡8.leadership skills:领导技能9.self-improvement:自我提升10.upskill:提升技能总结掌握一定的职场用词英语对于事业发展至关重要。



工作中常用的英语一、开场与问候1、Good morning/afternoon/evening! —早上好/下午好/晚上好!2、How are you today? —今天怎么样?3、I hope you are doing well. —希望你一切都好。

4、Nice to meet you. —很高兴认识你。

5、It's a pleasure to meet you. —很荣幸见到你。

二、日常沟通1、Can you help me with this? —你能帮我一下吗?2、I’m having trouble with this task. —我在这项任务上遇到困难。

3、Let me know if you need anything. —如果你需要什么,请告诉我。

4、Could you clarify that for me? —你能给我澄清一下吗?5、I’ll get back to you on that. —我会再回复你这个问题。

6、Thanks for your patience. —感谢你的耐心。

三、会议与讨论1、Let’s schedule a meeting. —咱们安排个会议吧。

2、Can we discuss this in the meeting? —我们可以在会议上讨论这个问题吗?3、I agree with you on that. —我同意你的看法。

4、I have a suggestion. —我有一个建议。

5、Let’s follow up on this next week. —我们下周再跟进这个事情。

6、Could you elaborate on that? —你能详细说明一下吗?四、电子邮件表达1、Dear [Name], —尊敬的[名字],2、I hope this email finds you well. —希望你收到这封邮件时一切安好。



职场常用英语词汇-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1职场常用英语词汇P1练习1.计算机:Computer制造业:Manufacturing industry机械制造业:Machinery manufacturing设备制造业:Equipment manufacturing耐用消费品:Durable consumer goods/consumer durables 服装:Clothing纺织业:Textile products (fabrics, goods)家具:Furniture家电:Household electrical appliances工艺品:Handicrafts电子技术:Electronic technology生物:Biology制药:Pharmacy保健:Health care医药:Medicine咨询业:Consulting industry贸易:Trade房地产:Real estate (property)快速消费品:Fast moving consumer goods食品:Foods饮料:Beverages (drink)化妆品:Cosmetics建筑:Construction industry设计:Design装潢:Decoration designP1 练习2.广告:advertisement广告行业:advertising industry酒店:wine shop(liquor shop)餐饮业:restaurant (eating industry)服务行业:service trade/industry房地产:real property物业:property艺术:art设计:design文字:writing language/characters销售:sales industry市场:marketing公关:public relations金融:finance贸易:trade财务:financial affairs工程技术:engineering and technology物流:logistics采购:purchaseP2 练习3.销售类 sales市场类 marketing金融类 financial affairs财金类 finance工程技术类engineering and technology人事行政类 personnel administrationP2 练习4.繁忙工作 busy work激烈竞争 cut-throat competition人际关系 interpersonal relationship入不敷出 unable to make ends meet/to live beyond one’s income 家庭矛盾 family conflict情感问题 emotional problemP3 练习2外商独资企业(非欧美)foreign investment(Non-Euro-American)合资/合作企业(非欧美)joint venture/cooperation (Non-Euro-American)民营/私营企业 privately owned enterprise国营企业state-owned enterprise上市公司 listed company/firm非上市公司 non-listed company/firmP4 练习1招聘市场:recruitment fair/ career fair/ job fair计算机硬件:computer hardwareIT多领域:IT multi-field通讯技术:communication technology计算机软件:computer software广告:advertising industry公关:public relations咨询:consulting industry房地产:real estate建筑业:construction industry/building trade制造业:manufacturing industry银行:bank保险:insuranceP6 练习1要素:an essential factor/a fundamental element/a key element分解图:decomposition map优秀的企业:excellent enterprise创新能力:innovation ability技术与产品创新:technology and product innovation业务和服务创新:business and service innovation利润增长:profit growth资金回收:capital recovery产品销售:product sales业务收入:business income优质服务:good service客户满意:customer satisfaction客户响应:customer response人力资源:human resources/manpower员工开发:employee development优质网络:network quality网络建设:network construction网络维护:network maintenanceP7 练习2.交际能力:communicative ability生活能力:life skills/ life ability工作能力:working ability学习能力:learning ability/learning capacity高:high低:low晋升:promotion危机:crisis磨合:running-in淘汰:eliminated/ washed out/weeded out/through competition。



职场常用英文1. IntroductionIn the modern workplace, proficiency in English is often essential for effective communication. This document aims to provide a comprehensive list of common English phrases and expressions that are frequently used in the workplace. By familiarizing oneself with these terms, individuals can enhance their professional communication skills and succeed in their careers.2. Greetings and Introductions•Hello!: A standard greeting used to start a conversation.•Good morning/afternoon/evening: Polite greetings used at different times of the day.•Nice to meet you: An expression used when meeting someone for the first time.•How are you?: A common question used to inquire about someone’s well-being.3. Meetings and Presentations•Agenda: A list of topics to be discussed in a meeting.•Minutes: A written record of what was discussed and decided in a meeting.•To make a point: To express an opinion or idea.•To give a presentation: To deliver information to a group of people.•To brainstorm: To generate ideas or solutions through group discussion.•To follow up: To check on the progress of a task or project.4. Email Etiquette•Subject line: A brief description of the email’s content.•Cc (Carbon copy): To send a copy of the email to another recipient.•Bcc (Blind carbon copy): To send a copy of the email to another recipient without the others knowing.•Attachment: A file that is included with the email.•To reply all: To respond to all recipients of the email.5. Professional Development•Networking: Building relationships with other professionals.•Mentor: An experienced person who provides guidance and support to a less experienced individual.•Skill set: The range of abilities and knowledge that a person possesses.•Professional growth: The process of developing one’s skills and knowledge in a career.6. Workplace Communication•Feedback: Information provided about one’s performance.•Conflict resolution: The process of resolving disagreements or conflicts in the workplace.•Teamwork: Collaborative efforts of a group to achieve a common goal.•Deadline: The date by which a task or project must be completed.•To delegate: To assign tasks or responsibilities to others.7. ConclusionIn conclusion, mastering common English phrases used in the workplace can significantly i mprove one’s professional communication skills and contribute to success in a career. By incorporating these expressions into daily interactions, individuals can enhance their effectiveness in meetings, presentations, emails, and overall workplace communication. Developing proficiency in workplace English is a valuable asset that can open up new opportunities and facilitate career growth.。





1. Communication•Email:电子邮件•Conference call:电话会议•Meeting:会议•Presentation:演示、报告•Feedback:反馈•Collaboration:合作•Conversation:对话、交谈2. Leadership•Manager:经理•Supervisor:主管•Team leader:团队领导•Director:主管、董事•CEO (Chief Executive Officer):首席执行官•Teamwork:团队合作•Delegate:委派、授权3. Office Supplies•Printer:打印机•Scanner:扫描仪•Computer:计算机•Stationery:文具•File:文件•Document:文件、文档•Folder:文件夹4. Work Environment•Deadline:截止日期•Overtime:加班•Productivity:生产力•Efficiency:效率•Workspace:工作空间•Workload:工作量•Flexibility:灵活性5. Business Terms•Client:客户•Revenue:收入、营收•Budget:预算•Profit:利润•Market:市场•Strategy:战略•Negotiation:谈判、协商以上是一些在职场中常用的英语单词,希望能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用英语,提升在职场中的沟通能力和工作表现。



职场英语必须背诵记忆的常用词汇1. Greetings and Introductions(问候和介绍)* Good morning / afternoon / evening - 早上好 / 下午好 / 晚上好* Hi / Hello - 你好* How are you? - 你好吗?* Nice to meet you - 很高兴认识你* My name is [name] - 我叫[name]* What is your name? - 你叫什么名字?* Where are you from? - 你是哪里人?2. Work and Job(工作和职位)* Job - 工作* Career - 职业生涯* Employment - 就业* Promotion - 晋升* Colleague - 同事* Team - 团队* Department - 部门* Manager - 经理* Meeting - 会议* Email - 电子邮件* Phone call - 电话* Meeting - 会议* Presentation - 演讲* Discuss - 讨论* Negotiate - 谈判* Listen - 听* Speak - 说* Understand - 理解* Clarify - 澄清4. Cooperation and Teamwork(合作与团队合作)* Collaboration - 合作* Teamwork - 团队合作* Support - 支持* Share - 分享* Trust - 信任* Respect - 尊重* Responsibility - 责任* Deadline - 截止日期* Problem-solving - 解决问题* Decision-making - 决策5. Business and Meetings(商务和会议)* Business trip - 出差* Client - 客户* Contract - 合同* Proposal - 提议* Agenda - 议程* Minutes - 会议纪要* Budget - 预算* Target - 目标* Report - 报告* Presentation - 展示以上是职场英语常用词汇的简要介绍,希望对您有帮助!。

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I made it! 赶上了!
Not quite. 那可未必。

I'm on time! /I arrived on time!
Be punctual! 要严格遵守时间。

You are late again. 你又迟到了.
I was only late by five minutes.
I was only five minutes late.
Did u punch in/out? 打卡了吗?*上下班时
Can we meet on Tuesday?
Let me check my schedule.
Let me look over my schedule.
Let me confirm my schedule.
I've got so much to do. 我有好多事要干
Don't worry. You can do it.
I have so much to do.
I have many things to do.
I'm extremely busy.
I'm pressed for time. 我的时间安排很紧. I'm an ordinary office worker.
I do office work.
I'm a regular office worker.
The work doesn't need much effort.
Lucky you! 你太幸运了
It's an easy job.
Don't neglect your duties! 干活别偷懒。

Okay. I won't.
I'm in charge of the west side.
I'm responsible for the west side.
I'm done with the work.
我已经结束哪项工作了. --Already?
I'm finished with the work.
I'm all done with the work.
I can still work for a long time.

I'll be able to work for many more years.
I still have many years of work.
Our boss has been fired.我们的上司被解雇了.
You're kidding! 你不是在开玩笑吧!
Our boss has been dismissed.
Our boss has been let go.
Please staple these together. 请把这个订在一起 *stapler 是“订书器”。

Would you copy these papers?
This copy machine doesn't work.

This copy machine isn't working.
This copier is broken.
I think it ran out of paper. *run out用完
I think it's out of paper.
When is this due? 付款截止到什么时候?
When do I have to pay this by?
When is the last day I can pay for this?
How long is the pay period?
When is the pay period over?
When does this have to be finished by?
It's due on the thirtieth.付款日期截止到三十号.
Let's take a break, shall we? --Yes, let's. 让我们休息一会儿吧.
Shall we take a break?
Get me a cup of coffee, will you?
Would u bring me a cup of coffee?
Would you like some coffee?
Would you care for some coffee?
Do you want some coffee?
How about some coffee?
That would be great. 那真是太好了.
That would be perfect.
That would hit the spot.
It's almost lunchtime.快到午饭时间了。

It's almost time for lunch.
We took an hour lunch break. 我们有1小时的午休时间
Where were you? 你去哪儿了?
Let's get started.我们开始吧。

Let's begin! /Here we go.
Let's get down to business. 我们开始吧? *谈生意进入正题时使用。

Let's get down to work.
Let's take a vacation soon.
I can't leave this job at the moment.
I'm tied up at the moment.
I'm too busy to bother with such details.我太忙了,顾不上那些琐碎的事。

I'm so busy, I'd really appreciate any help I could get.我忙的四脚朝天.
Don't slack off! 别偷懒!
Do your best! 尽你的全力.
Don't work too hard.悠着点。

Pull yourself together. 打起精神来。

But I just made a big mistake.
Get a hold of yourself.
I need more help with the project.
You can count on me. 你可以找我呀! *count on...“指望”、“依赖”。

How's work?
I don't even have time to catch my breath.我连喘口气的机会都没有.
I don't have time to breathe.
What's keeping you? Hurry up. 你怎么耽搁了,快点儿! I'll be over soon. 马上就来。

Changing jobs is the only way out. 出路(换个工作是唯一的解决办法)
You'd better work harder.你应该更加努力的工作。
