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通过对文章要讨论的主题,尤其是人们不太熟 悉的主题进行释义来引出议论。
Should Euthanasia be Advocated?
Euthanasia, a quiet and easy death, or “mercy killing”,(下定义) has become a heated topic among people recently. Many people applaud it and argue that euthanasia should be advocated in our society.(主题)
通过提问来引出要讨论或有争议性的问题。由 于作者的问答针对性很强,所以此开头具有较 强的逻辑性。
Is Money All Powerful
Is money all powerful? If someone asks me such a question (引言句提出问题),my answer is always the same: No money is by no means all powerful. (通过回答问题引出全 文主题)
“三明治“作文 段落写作方法介绍
整理:廖述霞 北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院
“三明治“作文 引言段: 开门见山引出话题,阐述个人观点
正文段:详细叙述支持观点的理由,论证或阐 述理由
“虎头” “猪肚” “豹尾”
文章的开头通常为引言部分,应开门见山地提 出论点,明确主题,即文章的中心思想。由于 受时间和字数的限制,引言段的第一句话—引 言句非常重要,它将引出全文的主题。以下为 引言段的写作中常用的写作技巧:
Teenagers are spending far too much time and money in video arcades these days (现象 陈述). In my opinion, video games should be done away with. They are nothing but a waste of time, money and energy.(主题)
对立法是指文章一开头列举人们对所讨论的问 题所持有的不同观点。然后笔锋一转,点出作 者自己对这个问题的看法,此方法一般用于议 论文。
My View on Easing School Children’s Study Burden
Ever since the easing of school children’s study burden is advocated by educators. Some teachers and parents frown at it, saying that it will exert bad effects on the children (引言先引出某些人的观点). But (通过 转折引出自己的不同观点,也是全文的主题) I think easing school children’s study burden will do good to school children both physically and mentally.
引用权威性的统计数字,把问题或现象显现于 读者面前,然后进行分析,使得作者的观点显 得客观,有说服力。
The Advantages and Disavantages of Private Tutoring
A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of the primary school pupils have private tutors and about half of the university undergraduates have the experience of being private tutors(数据法做引言句).Private tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages, yet in my opinion, it does more harm than good to students(主题)
描写法 现象法 数据法 定义法 对立法 问题法
Baidu Nhomakorabea
描写法是指通过生动的描写把文章要讨论的主 题、事物、现象反映出来,以引起读者的兴趣。 此方法既可以用于记叙文,也可用于论说文。
Why College Students Take a Part-time Job
Nowadays college students are seen waiting on tables, cleaning in stores, advertising in streets, teaching in families and doing whatever work they can find.(描写引言). It has become fashionable for college students to do some odd jobs in their spare time.(中心 思想)
注意:上述几种方法开头,都要做到言简意赅, 不能花太多笔墨,适宜用一二句话自然过渡到 主题上来。否则会影响到主体段和结语段的字 数安排,有头重脚轻之嫌。
要避免以下不良倾向:说话兜圈子、主题不明 确、辞不达意
在引言段确立全文的主题(中心思想)之后,就 可以开始主体段的写作。请充分考虑以下三点:
注意:不要花太多笔墨 “为描写而描写”, 毕竟描写是个铺垫,目的是引出全文主题,不 能本末倒置。一般来说,只能用一两个句子对 某一现象做一简约描写就可。
现象法是指言简意赅地陈述某一现象作为引言 句,然后直接进入主题。这种方法比较适用于 议论文的写作,便于抓住主题,避免离题。
No More Video Games