Unit6 Life in the future 公开课一等奖课件 高中英语
生活中,常常听到有人抱怨:我怎么这么倒霉啊,幸福竟然和自己擦肩而过。其实,真的是自己没有幸福吗?不是,每一个人总会生活在幸福里,只不过自己对幸福的体味不够而已。简单地说,幸福, 一直就在我们的身边悄悄流淌。 我家楼下有一对小夫妻,日子过得倒也清闲自在,但不知怎么的,就是和父母相处不融洽,没有办法,父母不忍心看到儿子与媳妇为了他们而争吵,于是就找出一个借口在城里不适应回到了乡下。父母 离开了,他们才发现比以前忙碌了,油盐酱醋茶等都要自己去做了,外出时也担心家里的门窗了。有几次,儿子忘带钥匙,大声喊着爸爸妈妈,后才想起他们都离开了。于是,小两口又下乡,将父母请 上来。他们才也知道,原来他们一直就被幸福包裹着,幸福就像一条小河,在他们身边悄悄地流淌。 不管在家里,还是在单位或外地,我们总会听到幸福悄悄流淌的声音。 看,路上一位骑车人不慎跌倒,总会有好多的好心人将他扶起,查看伤情,甚至还会送他去医院,然后默默地离去。在街上,经常有一些衣衫褴褛、满面尘垢、沿街乞讨的人,他们举着碗向行人或是一 些店铺乞讨,神情里满是哀求和悲伤。然而,他们并没有遭到白眼,常常收获一些怜悯与同情。
其实,他知道,她比自己过得更辛苦。并发誓以后一定要让她幸福 不知不觉,他毕业了。在毕业后一年,他向她求婚,她很高兴,此刻,她觉得自己是就是两个人在一起时的那种快乐的感觉。 仅此而已。
母亲,您一直是我的软肋,想到您,我的心是柔软甜蜜的。您也是我的铠甲,想到您,我就有无穷无尽的力量,去抵抗人生路上遇到的风风雨雨。可是您不在了,您走后的一年时间以来,盛世繁华, 又与我有何关系,没有人能听见,我心底的哭泣声。于我而言,没有您与我共同分享的美好,只是一个表象的词,没有任何实际上的意义。您不在了,我有再多的苦,也只能自己咽,我流再多的泪,也 只能自己擦,没有母亲疼爱的孩子,再也没有撒娇的权利与资格了,这种疼与痛,说不出来,咽不下去,只能一个人硬扛着。足球论坛
母亲,没有您在的娘家,女儿再回去,也只是客人,母亲在,家的感觉就在,母亲走了,心就空了,没有娘在家,怎能叫家?以前,看到过这么一句话:人到中年,有妈可叫,有妈唠叨,是一种莫 大的幸福。您在的时候,没有意识到这种幸福是如此的可贵,您走后,才真切地体会到,这句话所蕴含的意义,可一切都太迟了,醒悟的太晚,没法补救了。子欲养而亲不待的遗憾,被辜负的父母亲情, 循环上演着。古往今来,有多少人想去做好,可事实上又有几个人,能真正做好?
母亲,您知道吗?在您走后这一年,每次回到我们曾经共同的家时,我都会忍不住,一个人绕着房前屋后转几圈。院墙老窗,一草一木,都还残留着您的气息。每逢我的目光,不经意落在门前那棵 葡萄树下,您以前常坐的石凳上时,就会如条件反射般,出现您还坐在上面的幻影。总感觉您还坐在那,等着我来,等着我喊一声妈,一直不曾离开。因此,我总会傻傻地,对着那个空荡荡的位置,对 着老屋漂浮的空气,喊上几句:妈,我回来了,您听见了吗?听见了吗?喊着喊着,当我意识到,等不来期待中的回应时,泪就下来了。
母亲,没有您在的娘家,女儿再回去,也只是客人,母亲在,家的感觉就在,母亲走了,心就空了,没有娘在家,怎能叫家?以前,看到过这么一句话:人到中年,有妈可叫,有妈唠叨,是一种莫 大的幸福。您在的时候,没有意识到这种幸福是如此的可贵,您走后,才真切地体会到,这句话所蕴含的意义,可一切都太迟了,醒悟的太晚,没法补救了。子欲养而亲不待的遗憾,被辜负的父母亲情, 循环上演着。古往今来,有多少人想去做好,可事实上又有几个人,能真正做好?
母亲,您知道吗?在您走后这一年,每次回到我们曾经共同的家时,我都会忍不住,一个人绕着房前屋后转几圈。院墙老窗,一草一木,都还残留着您的气息。每逢我的目光,不经意落在门前那棵 葡萄树下,您以前常坐的石凳上时,就会如条件反射般,出现您还坐在上面的幻影。总感觉您还坐在那,等着我来,等着我喊一声妈,一直不曾离开。因此,我总会傻傻地,对着那个空荡荡的位置,对 着老屋漂浮的空气,喊上几句:妈,我回来了,您听见了吗?听见了吗?喊着喊着,当我意识到,等不来期待中的回应时,泪就下来了。
Unit 6 Life in the Future,B2_j3traveller,etc精选教学优质PPT课件
![Unit 6 Life in the Future,B2_j3traveller,etc精选教学优质PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e5bfbafc80eb6294dd886cd8.png)
allow us…. 4. New discoveries in …and … may
lead to….
How will the schools of the future be different from what they are today? There may be more “schools on the air” and “e-schools”.
If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared forwhatever the future may have in store.
1. Public transportation is already well developed in most areas of China.
Health and medicine
regularly; advances in medical science.
E-schools; distance
and healthier life ; remain active
Can study at home;
Education education
lifelong learners.
How will the way we view learning and knowledge change?
We will become lifelong learners.
What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future?
Ex 4 on P46:
lead to….
How will the schools of the future be different from what they are today? There may be more “schools on the air” and “e-schools”.
If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared forwhatever the future may have in store.
1. Public transportation is already well developed in most areas of China.
Health and medicine
regularly; advances in medical science.
E-schools; distance
and healthier life ; remain active
Can study at home;
Education education
lifelong learners.
How will the way we view learning and knowledge change?
We will become lifelong learners.
What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future?
Ex 4 on P46:
人教版高中英语第二册Unit6 Life in the future(ppt)
![人教版高中英语第二册Unit6 Life in the future(ppt)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e5f206175a8102d276a22fbc.png)
Picture 3 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. Where is Li Qiang? 3. What is Li Qiang doing? 4. What is the table and chairs made of? 5. What is the wall made of? What function does it have?
Task 5: Read the passage and discuss in pairs which
changes are good or bad and write down your ideas in the chart. Good changes and Bad changes and reasons reasons
Task 3: Talking about the pictures
Picture 1 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. What are the people doing? 3. Where do you think they are going? Picture 2 1. How many people can you see in the picture? 2. Who are they, do you know? 3. What else can you see in the picture? 4. What can you use them for?
Time travel Transport Houses Towns
Can travel to different times as you which Can move swiftly Save living space Busy; look like markets O-effects of travel Disorganized; difficult to find way Short of space Easy to get lost Poor quality in public places
高二英语Unit6 Life in the future bai课件
![高二英语Unit6 Life in the future bai课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/983bb6a5f524ccbff1218422.png)
Language points:
1, Advances in medical science also allow us to deal with new diseases, such as SARS. … 1) have relations with: 与 …往来. That man is easy to deal with. 那人容易相处。 2) behave towards; treat; How would you deal with an armed burglar? 遇到持有武器的窃盗,你将如何对付?
2 If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future m…ay have in store. … 如果我们学会善于接受变化并欣赏新颖而 又不同寻常的东西的话,那就等于我们已 经充分做好了接受未来给我们的储备的任 何东西的准备。
3)manage;tends to;处理; How shall we deal with this problem? 我们将如何处理这个问题?
2 If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future m…ay have in store. 如果我 们学会善于接受变化并欣赏新颖而又不同 寻常的东西的话,那就等于我们已经充分 做好了接受未来给我们的储备的任何东西 的准备。
Read para5&Para6
life in the future(Anna) 公开课课件
![life in the future(Anna) 公开课课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e42cf9f5c8d376eeaeaa3124.png)
morning & night market
street stall online shopping
It is obvious that our society has developed greatly nowdays. However………………
To take up too much room to park… To cause car accidents To cause environmental pollution
Make a list of the problems human are facing today.
education in poor condition
teaching with multi-media
distance education
• past
MSN QQ Celephones
Para.4 Read the fourth paragraph quickly, then answer the following questions: 1.What did Wang Ping’s house look like? 2.What was the green wall made of ? 3. What’s the purpose of building this kind of green wall?
1. What did Wang Ping’s house look like? His house is a large bright, clean room. It had a green wall,
孩子他妈说,“罗一正在课余绘画班学习,看来不会难倒他。但对应恰当与否,要看他了。”只见罗一胸有成竹,先画一列火车,远远地开来,用绿色的(火车以前不是别称“绿皮车”嘛);马路 两旁的高楼林立,用蓝色的(不是有“蓝屋”的招牌嘛);近处的汽车奔驰而来,用黑色的(恰当);路边的一个大人正迎面走来,用红色的。我看后问:“为什么画人用红色?”罗一指指妈妈,“喏, 她不是红色的吗?”噢,原来就近取材——吾生那天正穿了一件红色外套。罗一画完,嚷着要爷爷打分。我拿起四彩笔,用红色慷慨地打了个100分。孩子高兴了,孩子他妈也乐了。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
别看各种型号的圆珠笔当道,在笔的谱系中,它曾经是“小字辈”。1884年,美国人沃特曼发明钢笔,逐渐取代中国的毛笔和西方的羽毛笔,通达天下百年之久。圆珠笔后来居上,在笔的王国里称 雄,钢笔却被冷落了。不是吗?检索我这两个笔筒,只找到一支钢笔。拿起这支笔,拂去岁月积埃,我却情不自禁想起半个世纪前一段刻骨铭心的笔缘。
且看:某日,在苏州工作的吾生携子罗一来访。罗一是二年级小学生,聪颖异常,来后在我家四处翻动,寻找玩具无果。终于发现我放在写字台上的四彩笔,他就不断地拨弄弹簧键,在红与黑的变 幻中画人,在蓝与绿的交替中画物,他找到了乐趣。此刻我想,再让这个“小赤佬”不断耍弄下去,不等几分钟,这支笔也许就散架了。我便拿出一张打印纸,叫他用四彩对应高铁、大厦、汽车、行人, 组成一幅画。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
别看各种型号的圆珠笔当道,在笔的谱系中,它曾经是“小字辈”。1884年,美国人沃特曼发明钢笔,逐渐取代中国的毛笔和西方的羽毛笔,通达天下百年之久。圆珠笔后来居上,在笔的王国里称 雄,钢笔却被冷落了。不是吗?检索我这两个笔筒,只找到一支钢笔。拿起这支笔,拂去岁月积埃,我却情不自禁想起半个世纪前一段刻骨铭心的笔缘。
且看:某日,在苏州工作的吾生携子罗一来访。罗一是二年级小学生,聪颖异常,来后在我家四处翻动,寻找玩具无果。终于发现我放在写字台上的四彩笔,他就不断地拨弄弹簧键,在红与黑的变 幻中画人,在蓝与绿的交替中画物,他找到了乐趣。此刻我想,再让这个“小赤佬”不断耍弄下去,不等几分钟,这支笔也许就散架了。我便拿出一张打印纸,叫他用四彩对应高铁、大厦、汽车、行人, 组成一幅画。
unit6 life in the future 课件.ppt
![unit6 life in the future 课件.ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/afc45ebcaef8941ea66e0502.png)
Unit6 Life in future
Period4 Word study and Grammar
By He Lihui
forecast ensure trend physician
Making sure A general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving. A medical doctor
7. It is not a good idea to carry to much___c_a_s_h__when you travel. You had better use a bank card.
8. Some people like c_o_n_t_e_m_p_o_r_a_r_y_literature more because writers of our time often write about their ideas an opinions of modern life.
considered too, for they have never known before.
4.She want to know if\ whether her e-pail is worth being a friend. If they meet,
5.The problem is When they would meet and how they could recognize each other. So
C 5.The problem is When they would meet and how they could recognize each other. So
Period4 Word study and Grammar
By He Lihui
forecast ensure trend physician
Making sure A general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving. A medical doctor
7. It is not a good idea to carry to much___c_a_s_h__when you travel. You had better use a bank card.
8. Some people like c_o_n_t_e_m_p_o_r_a_r_y_literature more because writers of our time often write about their ideas an opinions of modern life.
considered too, for they have never known before.
4.She want to know if\ whether her e-pail is worth being a friend. If they meet,
5.The problem is When they would meet and how they could recognize each other. So
C 5.The problem is When they would meet and how they could recognize each other. So
高中英语第二册上Unit06 Life in the future Reading04 ppt
![高中英语第二册上Unit06 Life in the future Reading04 ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0732b366daef5ef7bb0d3cb2.png)
opinion for his group. 2. If there is no student to stand up to debate from one
group in six seconds, the chance will be given to the other group. 3. Every form is welcomed.( sing a song, give an example etc.)
On Mars.
3. What happened to the people on the earth?
They had to leave because the population was growing too large and there was so much pollution.
4. Why is she writing you this letter?
1.The people on Mars have lived there for 58
( T)
2. Mekanika doesn’t like her life on Mars.( F )
3. They don’t keep in touch with the people
on earth because of long distance.
Task3: Debate
The year is 2089 and scientists have discovered how to make“ doubles”, exact copies of a person that can do everything the original can do……
3. At _t_hr_e_e_ _th_ir_ty__ she catches the _s_ch_o_o_l _sp_a_c_e_sh_i_p and _fli_e_s __t_o__ class.
group in six seconds, the chance will be given to the other group. 3. Every form is welcomed.( sing a song, give an example etc.)
On Mars.
3. What happened to the people on the earth?
They had to leave because the population was growing too large and there was so much pollution.
4. Why is she writing you this letter?
1.The people on Mars have lived there for 58
( T)
2. Mekanika doesn’t like her life on Mars.( F )
3. They don’t keep in touch with the people
on earth because of long distance.
Task3: Debate
The year is 2089 and scientists have discovered how to make“ doubles”, exact copies of a person that can do everything the original can do……
3. At _t_hr_e_e_ _th_ir_ty__ she catches the _s_ch_o_o_l _sp_a_c_e_sh_i_p and _fli_e_s __t_o__ class.
高中英语第二册上Unit 6 Life in the future(ppt)
![高中英语第二册上Unit 6 Life in the future(ppt)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5bcaad38650e52ea551898b5.png)
lesson 67 Another opinion(2) Step3 Explaining 1.new possessions that they do not need: For example, goods for the house, extra clothes, luxury goods, etc. Possession n. 所有,拥有,财产,所有物 Possess v. :have
1.What three things does the writer suggest in the text? Spend less money, look after your health better, use less engergy. 2.What’s wrong with new possessions. This is a waste of money,energy and materials,and also cause pollution. 3.How much energy does USA use? It uses 30% of the world’s energy.
Lead-in Reading
Explain Discuss Grammar
Our country satisfies the people’s needs first. 4.waste v. n. adj. 1)The writer thought people wasted lots of money 2)His talk is just a waste of time. 3)He wasted his money and time on( trying to helps )worthless people.
life in the future(Anna) 公开课课件
![life in the future(Anna) 公开课课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/545410bf87c24028905fc352.png)
D. the introduction of the “ Future Tours” company.
Step 2. Scanning Read the whole text quickly, then put the
following sentences into correct order:
a. We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.
Para.4 Read the fourth paragraph quickly, then
answer the following questions:
1.What did Wang Ping’s house look like? 2.What was the green wall made of ? 3. What’s the purpose of building this kind of green wall?
b. I arrived at Wang Ping’s home and everything in his house made me surprised.
c. I won a travel to the year AD 3008. d. I have my first try to master a hovering
In the hovering carriage: ◆It is driven by computer.
◆By bending and _p_r_e_s_si_n_g_down in our seat, we
1. What did Wang Ping’s house look like? His house is a large bright, clean room. It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting.
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Making sure A general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving. A medical doctor
purchase Buy, buying
Of or in a city or town
Anne lives in a small town. She studies hard and helps her parents with the housework. She is fond of surfing the internet._in__g_e_n_e_ra_l_, she spends about an hour a day on line. To her, it is a wonderful place because you never know what it may havein__st_o_r_e__ for you. Last Friday, she found an e-pal. He called himself ”future”. They promised to _K_e_e_p_i_n_t_o_u_c_h_w__it_h_each other. Anne’s parents and friends told her to be careful. “what will it _le_a_d__to__?”they asked. “a happy ending,” Anne said and continued typing, _pa_y_i_n_g_n_o__a_tt_e_n_t_io_n_t_o_them. One month passed and “future” asked Anne to meet him at the school gate.
contemporary Existing or happening now; modern
Money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards.
Extremely small
Unit6 Life in future
Period4 Word study and Grammar
By He Lihui
forecast ensure trend physician
Making sure A general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving. A medical doctor
Fill in the blanks with the given words’ right forms :
ensure urban purchase consumer cash tiny
forecast contemporary trend physician
1. Have you listened to the weather_f_o_r_e_c_a_s_t__?what will be the weather like tomorrow?
Discussion: what happened next? Give an ending to the story.
Choose the correct phrases to fill in the blanks in the
following story.
in general keep in touch with lead to pay (no) attention to in store
(宾语) Clause
Predicative (表语) Clause
Appositive (同位语) Clause
Noun Clause
What’s the function of the part in red in the Noun Clauses below?
A. Subject (主语) B. Object (宾语) C. Predicative (表语) B 1.It’s hard for Anne to decide whether she should
2. Young people are always interested in the__t_r_e_n_d_s_of fashion.
3. Many people want to work in__u_rb_a_n__ areas but still live in the countryside.
Choose the correct phrases to fill in the blanks in the
following story.
in general keep in touch with lead to pay (no) attention to in store
Anne lives in a small town. She studies hard and helps her parents with the housework. She is fond of surfing the internet._in__g_e_n_e_ra_l_, she spends about an hour a day on line. To her, it is a wonderful place because you never know what it may have _in__s_to_r_e_ for you. Last Friday, she found an e-pal. He called himself ”future”. They promised to _K_e_e_p_i_n_t_o_u_c_h_w__it_h_each other. Anne’s parents and friends told her to be careful. “what will it _le_a_d__to__?”they asked. “a happy ending,” Anne said and continued typing, _pa_y_i_n_g_n_o__a_tt_e_n_t_io_n_t_o_them. One month passed and “future” asked Anne to meet him at the school gate.
Extremely small
Free talk
study, job, friends,health, love , family ……
Enjoy and value each moment of your life;
taste each feeling …
forecast ensure trend physician
purchase Buy, buying
Of or in a city or town
contemporary Existing or happening now; modern
Money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards.
4. This company promise that_c_o_n_s_u_m_e_r_s_ who have been cheated by it can get double their money back.
5. The fast food restaurant tries to_e_nickly.
9. A_p_h_y_s_ic_i_an_is doctor who examines patients and gives advice on general medicine.
10. You are required to pay for your_p_u_r_ch_a_s_e__before you leave the supermarket.
Fill in the blanks with the given words’ right forms :
ensure urban purchase consumer cash tiny forecast contemporary trend physician 6. Computers are getting smaller and smaller, some day we’ll wear___t_in_y___computers around our neck or on our wrist.
C 5.The problem is When they would meet and how they could recognize each other. So
A 6.When they would meet needs to be decided. A 7.How they recognize each other needs to be
6.When they would meet needs to be decided.
7.How they recognize each other needs to be considered too, for they have never known before.
Subject (主语) Clause
What’s the function of the part in red in the Noun Clauses below?
A. Subject (主语) B. Object (宾语) C. Predicative (表语) 1.It’s hard for Anne to decide whether she should meet her e-pal . Because 2.She is not sure what kind of person he is. But 3.The fact is that she really wants to know him.