
相关单词:sit /sIt/ 坐ship /SIp/ 轮船it /It/ 它is /Iz/ 是pig /pIg/ 猪happy /?hZpI/ 快乐,幸福six /sIks/ 六miss /mIs/ 想念/i:/发音要领:发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/口形扁平。
相关单词:tree /tri:/ 树green /g ri:n/ 绿色sheep /ʃi:p/绵羊see /si:/ 看见,明白bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂three /O ri:/三eat /i:t/ 吃,吃饭tea /ti:/ 茶,茶叶/e/发音要领:发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。
相关单词:head /hed/ 头部bread /bred/ 面包ready /redI/ 准备就绪的desk /desk/ 书桌, 办公桌bed /bed/ 床,床位lesson /lesEn/ 功课,课better /betE/ 更好的 yes /jes/ 是/Z/发音要领:发音时舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高,舌位比/e/更低;双唇平伸,成扁平形。
相关单词:bag /bZg/ 袋,包hand /hænd/ 手and /ænd/ 和,与map /mæp/ 地图ant /ænt/ 蚂蚁bad /bæd/ 坏的,劣质的black /blæk/黑色的,黑暗的man /mæn/ 男人, 成年男子have /hæv/ 有,拥有that /ðæt/ 那,那个/A:/发音要领:发音时口张大,舌身压低并后缩,后舌稍隆起,舌尖不抵下齿。
相关单词:car /kA:/ 汽车,小轿车arm /A:m/ 手臂class /klA:s/ 班级fast /fA:st/ 快,快速/V/发音要领:发音时舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起,唇形稍扁,开口度较大,与/Z/相似。

1. /p/:pen(笔)2. /b/:bag(袋子)3. /t/:top(顶部)4. /d/:dog(狗)5. /k/:cat(猫)6. /g/:go(去)7. /f/:fish(鱼)8. /v/:vase(花瓶)9. /θ/:think(想)10. /ð/:this(这个)11. /s/:sun(太阳)12. /z/:zoo(动物园)13. /ʃ/:shop(商店)14. /ʒ/:television(电视)15. /tʃ/:church(教堂)16. /dʒ/:judge(法官)17. /h/:house(房子)18. /m/:man(男人)19. /n/:net(网)20. /ŋ/:song(歌曲)21. /r/:red(红色)22. /w/:window(窗户)23. /j/:yes(是的)24. /l/:love(爱)25. /j/:yellow(黄色)26. /ʔ/:uh-oh(哎呀)27. /ɫ/:milk(牛奶)28. /ŋ/:ring(戒指)这些辅音音标单词涵盖了常见的辅音音标,通过学习和掌握这些单词,我们可以更好地理解和运用辅音音标,提高自己的语音表达能力。

英语国际音标表48个元音20个长元音 /ɑ:/ /:/ /:/ /i:/ /U:/短元音 // // // // // /e/ // /e / /a / //双元音 // /e / // // /a /辅音28个清辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /e/ /z/清辅音 // /h/ /ts/ /t / /tr/浊辅音 // /r/ /dz/ /d / /dr/鼻音/m/ /n/ //半元音 /j/ / w/边音//新旧英语国际音标对照表备注:辅音新旧无变化;英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音1 i:字母组合:ee ea e ie ei ey单词举例:thr eeθri:三 tr ee tri:树 gr ee n grin绿色 sh ee p ip羊m ee t mit遇见 b ee bi蜜蜂 s ee si:看ea t t ea m ea t l ea ve l ea f t ea cher sp ea k 吃茶肉离开树叶教师说话cl ea n pl ea se h e sh e m e p ie ce rec ei ve干净的请他她我块收到2 I i发音字母: i y e ui u ey单词举例:s i t sit p i g piɡ b i g biɡ i t it i s iz f i sh fi bus y 'bz 坐猪大的它是鱼忙的man y happ y d i ctionar y mon ey许多的快乐的字典钱3发音字母: a单词举例:b a g b ɡh a nd h nd h a ppy 'h pi h a t h t m a p m p b a d b d 书包手快乐的帽子地图坏的bl a ck b a ck d a d m a n a t黑色后面爸爸男人在4e字母组合: ea e a ai单词举例h ea d hed br ea d bred b e ll bel l eg leg e gg eg rem e mber ri'memb头面包钟腿蛋记得P en l e sson b e tter d e sk hot e l y e s钢笔功课更好的书桌旅馆是5З: :字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir lɡ:l sh ir t t sk ir t sk:t th ir ty'θ:ti th ir dθ:d b ir d bd女孩衬衫裙子三十第三小鸟t ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sday l ear n ear th t er m h er w or k w or ld转动护士海龟星期四学习地球学期她的工作世界6 字母组合er or ar o a ur单词举例:teach er 'ti:t rememb er ri'membmoth er 'mefath er 'fɑ:e教师记得妈妈爸爸doct or act or auth or famili ar doll ar pand a pictu re t o gether t o morrow 医生男演员作家熟悉的美元熊猫图画一起明天t o day less o n a round a go pand a b a nan a今天功课周围以前的熊猫香蕉7 a: 字母组合: ar a au单词举例:c a r kɑ: f ar m fɑ:m l au gh lɑ:f p ar k pɑ:k st ar stɑ:小汽车农场笑公园星f a st cl a ss gl a ss gr a ss a unt快速的班级眼镜草姑妈8)发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:s u n sn b u t bt r u n rn l u ck lk c u p kp b u s bs太阳但是跑运气杯子公共汽车c o me m o ther l o ve ab o ve tr ou ble bl ood fl oo d来妈妈爱上面的烦恼血淹没9 : 字母组合: al or au our ar oor a单词举例:sm al l sm:l w al l w:l t al k t:k t al l t:l b al l bl w al k wk小的墙壁讲高的球走sh or t m or e h or se f or f or ty sp or t au thor au tumn c au ght f our w ar m 短的更多的马为了四十运动作家秋天捉住四暧和的fl oor d oor w a ter地面门水10 发音字母: o a单词举例:o n n h o t ht f o x fks d o g dɡ sh o p p st o p stp在...上面热的狐狸狗商店停止w a nt w a sh w a tch想要洗看11 u:字母组合: oo o u oe ui单词举例:f oo d fu:d r oo m ru:m t oo th tu:θ sch oo l sku:l m oo n mu:n 食物房间牙齿学校月球sh o e d o tw o tr u e bl u e r u ler鞋做二真实的蓝色尺12 u字母组合: u oo ou单词举例:p u t put f u ll ful p u sh pu l oo k g oo d f oo t b oo k w oo d 放,摆全部推看好足书木头sh ou ld c ou ld c oo k m o ve应该能煮移动13 ei 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例: n a me neim c a ke keik a ge eid pl a ne plein A pril'eipr l名字蛋糕年龄飞机四月pl ay s ay m ay w ay d a y l a ke gr ea t br ea k th ey gr ey g a me玩说可以路天湖重大的打破他们灰色游戏r ai n p ai nt pl ai n雨油漆普通的14 ai发音字母 i y单词举例:B i ke baik k i te kait r i ce rais f i nd faind l i ght'lait n i ght nait 自行车风筝米发现灯夜晚m y tr y fl y e y e kn i fe t i me我的试飞行眼睛刀时间15 au 字母组合:ou ow单词举例:h ou se haus ou t aut m ou th mauθ s ou nd saund m ou se maus 房子外面的口声音鼠bl ou se fl ow er d ow n n ow c ow h ow上衣花在下面现在母牛多么16)u发音字母: o ow oa单词举例: h o me h um c o ld k uld g oɡu h o pe h up n o se n uz家寒冷的走希望鼻子kn ow l ow bel ow gr ow b ow l b oa t c oa t g oa l知道低的在...下面生长碗小船外套目的17 i字母组合: oy oi单词举例: b oy bi t oy ti oi l il v o ice vis ch oi ce tis男孩玩具油声音选择18 I i 字母组合:eer ear单词举例:b eer biy ear jiear in ear niid ea ai'di啤酒年龄耳朵在....近旁主意19) e 字母组合: ear air ere单词举例:p ear pεb ear bεch air tεairεth ere wh ere梨子熊椅子空气在那里在哪里c are p air h air注意一双头发20 u字母组合: ure oor our单词举例:s ure up oor put our tu当然贫穷的旅行2、辅音清辅音:21. p 字母组合: p单词举例:p en pen p ig piɡp a p er'peipp lay plei a pp le'pl钢笔宠物纸玩苹果22. t 字母组合:t单词举例: boa t b ut t able'teibl coa t k ut goa tɡut t alk t:k小船桌子外套山羊谈话23. k 字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite kait k ing kik itchen'kitin c an k n c ar kɑ:c ake keik风筝国王厨房能小汽车蛋糕lo ck c up k ey mil k c oo k锁杯钥匙牛奶煮24. f 字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f ox fks f ish fi lau gh lɑ:f ph oto'futu ele ph ant'elif nt狐狸鱼笑照片象25. θ字母组合: th单词举例:th inθin th ankθ k th reeθri:瘦的感谢三26. s 字母组合: s c ss ce单词举例:s ix siks s ing sis now sn u c inema'sinm c ity'siti六唱雪电影院城市27. ts 字母组合: ts单词举例:ha ts ca ts coa ts boa ts studen ts帽子猫外衣小船学生28. tr 字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tri:tr ain trein tr y trai tr ousers'trauz树火车试裤子29. 字母组合: sh s单词举例:sh ip ip sh oe u: sh op p sh ort:t船鞋商店短的30. t 字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air tεch icken'tikin ch inese,tai'ni:z wat ch wt椅子小鸡中国人观看31. h 字母组合: h单词举例:h ot ht h e hi: h at h t h as h z热的他帽子有浊辅音32. b 字母组合: b单词举例:b oy bi b all b:l b ed bed b ag b ɡb ee bi:男孩球床书包蜜蜂33. d 字母组合: d单词举例:d og dɡd o du:d ate deit d octor dktd esk desk狗做日期医生书桌34. g 字母组合: g gg单词举例:g etɡet g lassɡlɑ:s g rassɡrɑ:s e gg eɡ g iveɡiv ba g b ɡ变成眼镜草蛋给书包35. r 字母组合: r单词举例:r ed red r ead ri:d r ain rein r un rn红读雨跑36. v 字母组合: v单词举例:V ery'veri v ase vɑ:z fi v e faiv lo v e lv wa v e weiv ele v en i'lev n 很花瓶五爱挥手十一37. e 字母组合: th单词举例:th is eis th at e t th ese ei:z th ose e uz这那这些那些38. z 字母组合: z s ze se单词举例:z oo zu:z ero'ziru the se ei:z tho se e uz动物园零这些那些39. dz 字母组合: ds单词举例: be ds han ds car ds ban ds床手牌乐队40. dr 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y drai dr ink dri k dr ess dres dr iver draivdr aw dr:干的喝女服驾驶员画41.字母组合: s sion单词举例:us u ally'ju:u li televi si on'teli,vin ca s ual'k ju l trea s ure'tre 通常电视机非正式的财宝42. d 字母组合: g ge j dge单词举例: oran ge'rind pa ge peid j ob db j eep di:p j ump dmp橙页工作吉普车跳跃其他辅音43. m 字母组合: m单词举例:m any'meni m eat mi:t m other'mem usic'mju:zik许多的肉妈妈音乐44. n 字母组合: n单词举例:n o n u n ot nt n oodle'nu:dl n ew nju: n ow nau不不面条新的现在45. l 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook luk l ong l l eft lft l ight lat l et let看长的左边的灯让46.字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng lsi ng si长的唱47. j 字母组合: y单词举例:y ear jiy ellow'jel u y ou ju: y es jes年黄色你是48. w 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w:d w inter'wintw indow 'wind u Wh at wh ere wh en字冬天窗口什么在那里什么时候49.j u:字母组合: u单词举例: M u sic'mju:zik yo u ju: T u esday'tju:zdei u se ju:z音乐你星期二使用辅音p pot pig put b bed bag book t tooth teacher tea d dog dig duckk cake keep cat g grandpa girl green f father fat foot v five very vent s small study bus z jazz zoo zero θ eighth forth tenth δ those these that ∫ cash shoe ship з measure pleasure leisuret∫chair chicken lunch dз jack job changetr tree truck train dr dress drink draints students coats cats dz beds odds codesm mum moon morning n moon nut needleink link ringh hello hurry hey l look leg lake r rain radio room w window wake week j yellow yes you单元音:e yes yellow bed ae cat bad dad a: are car farcut nut butpot got dog: call tall or:curtain further furmother color cooleri ink big pig i: jeep tea eat u good book look u: cool zoo tool双元音:ei age eight make ai ice bike nicei toy oil boyu old joke goldau cloud mouth cow εair fair chair iear near year ucure dure pure。


48个音标以及单词举例元音:[i:] eat [i:t] 吃 pea [pi:] 豌豆 bee [bi:] 蜜蜂 tea [ti:] 茶叶[ɜ:] bird [bɜːd] 鸟 girl [gɜːl] 女孩 nurse [nɜːs] 护士 skirt [skɜːt] 裙子[ɑ:] car [kɑ:]小汽车 star [stɑ:]星星 park [pɑ:k]公园[ɔ:] door [dɔ:] 门 ball [bɔːl] 球 fork [fɔ:k] 叉子[u:] zoo [zu:] 动物园 moon [mu:n] 月亮 spoon [spu:n] 匙[ɪ] it [ɪt] 它 lift [lɪft] 电梯 bit [bɪt] 一点儿[e] egg [eg] 鸡蛋 leg [leg] 腿 very ['verɪ] 非常[æ] bat[bæt]球拍 cap [kæp]帽子 apple ['æp(ə)l] 苹果》[ʌ] duck [dʌk] 鸭子 cup [kʌp] 杯子 bus [bʌs] 公共汽车[ɒ] pot [pɒt] 壶 dog [dɒg] 狗 box [bɒks] 箱子[ʊ] book [bʊk] 书 bull [bʊl] 公牛 cook [kʊk] 厨师[ə] rubber ['rʌbə] 橡皮 ruler ['ru:lə] 尺 doctor ['dɒktə] 医生 banana [bə'nɑːnə] 香蕉[eɪ] cake [k eɪk] 蛋糕 plane [pl eɪn] 飞机 table ['teɪb(ə)l] 桌子[aɪ] eye [aɪ] 眼睛 tie [taɪ] 领带 bike [baɪk] 自行车 tiger ['taɪgə] 老虎[ɔɪ] boy [bɔɪ] 男孩 oil [ɔɪl] 油 toy [tɔɪ] 玩具 boil [bɔɪl] 煮沸[ɪə] ear [ɪə] 耳朵 beer [bɪə] 啤酒 deer [dɪə] 鹿[eə] pear [peə] 梨 bear [beə] 熊 hair [heə] 头发 chair [ʧeə] 椅子[ʊə] tour [tʊə] 旅游 flower [`flaʊə] 花)[aʊ] cow [kaʊ] 奶牛 house [haʊs] 房子 mouth [maʊθ] 嘴[əʊ] coat [kəʊt] 外衣 goat [gəʊt] 山羊 bowl [bəʊl] 碗\辅音:[p] pen [pen] 钢笔 pig [pɪg] 猪 paper ['peɪpə] 纸[b] boy [bɒɪ] 男孩 bee [biː] 蜜蜂 bed [bed] 床[t] table ['teɪb(ə)l] 桌子 coat [kəʊt] 外衣 talk [tɔːk] 说话[d] doctor ['dɒktə] 医生 desk [desk] 桌子 dog [dɒg] 狗[k] key [ki:] 钥匙 kid [kid] 小孩[g] pig [pig] 猪 gray [greɪ] 灰色的 grape [greɪp] 葡萄[f] feet [fi:t] 脚 gift [gɪft] 礼物 fat [fæt]胖的[v] vet [vet] 兽医 vase [vɑːz] 花瓶[s] sea [si:] 大海 desk [desk] 桌子~[z] zip [zip] 拉链 zebra ['zebrə] 斑马[θ] thick[θɪk] 厚的 thin [θɪn] 瘦的 thirsty ['θɜːstɪ] 口渴的[ð] feather ['feðə] 羽毛 father ['fa:ðə] 爸爸 mother ['mʌðə] 妈妈[ʃ] sheep [ʃi:p] 绵羊 ship [ʃip] 轮船 shoe [ʃu:] 鞋 fish [fiʃ] 鱼[ʒ] measure ['meʒə] 量具 pleasure ['pleʒə] 开心的 television ['telɪvɪʒ(ə)n] 电视[ʧ] chick [tʃɪk] 小鸡 chess [ʧes] 象棋 picture ['pɪktʃə] 图画[ʤ] jam [ʤæm]果酱 bridge [brɪdʒ] 桥 cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] 卷心菜[tr] tree [tri:] 树 truck [trʌk] 卡车 train [treɪn] 火车[dr] dream [dri:m] 梦 drum [drʌm] 鼓 drop [drɒp] 扔 drink [drɪŋk] 喝[ts] boots [bu:ts] 靴子 cats [kæts]猫 gates [geɪt] 大门.[dz] beds [bedz] 床 birds [bɜ:dz] 鸟 hands [hændz]手[m] map [mæp]地图 man [mæn]男人 stamp [stæmp]邮票[n] gun [gʌn] 枪 fan [fæn]风扇 sun [sʌn] 太阳[ŋ] king [kɪŋ] 国王 sing [sɪŋ] 唱歌 monkey ['mʌŋkɪ] 猴子[h] hen [hen] 母鸡 head [hed] 脑袋 horse [hɔːs] 马hand[hænd]手[l] lamp [læmp]台灯 flag [flæg]红旗 clock [klɒk] 闹钟 ball [bɔ:l] 球 table ['teɪb(ə)l] 桌子[r] ring [rɪŋ] 戒指 red [red] 红色的 rat [ræt]老鼠 rabbit ['ræbɪt] 兔子[j] yard [jɑːd] 院子 young [jʌŋ] 年轻的 yellow ['jeləʊ] 黄色的[w] wall [wɔːl] 墙 watch [wɒtʃ] 手表 worker ['wɜːkə] 工人 window ['wɪndəʊ] 窗户。

带音标英语单词Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-199981、学习用品(schoolthings)pen/pen/钢笔pencil/'pensl/铅笔pencil-case/'penslkeis/铅笔盒ruler/'ru:l/尺子book/buk/书bag/bg/包postcard/pustkɑ:d/明信片newspaper/'nju:z,peip/报纸schoolbag/sku:lbg/书包eraser/i'reis/橡皮crayon/'krein/蜡笔sharpener/'ɑ:pn/卷笔刀story-book/'st:ri]buk/故事书notebook/'nutbuk/笔记本Chinesebook/'tai'ni:z/语文书Englishbook/'igli/英语书mathsbook/mθs/数学书magazine/,mg'zi:n/杂志newspaper/'nju:z,peip/报纸dictionary/'dikneri/词典2、身体部位(body)foot/fut/脚head/hed/头face/feis/脸hair/h/头发nose/nuz/鼻子mouth/mauθ/嘴eye/ai/眼睛ear/i/耳朵arm/ɑ:m/手臂hand/hnd/手finger/'fig/手指leg/leg/腿tail/teil/尾巴3、颜色(colours)red/red/红blue/blu:/蓝yellow/'jelu/黄green/gri:n/绿white/wait/白black/blk/黑pink/pik/粉红purple/'p:pl/紫orange/':rind/橙brown/braun/棕4、动物(animals)cat/kt/猫dog/dg/狗pig/pig/猪duck/dk/鸭rabbit/'rbit/兔子horse/h:s/马elephant/'elifnt/大象ant/nt/蚂蚁fish/fi/鱼bird/b:d/鸟snake/sneik/蛇mouse/maus/鼠kangaroo/,kg'ru:/袋鼠monkey/'mki/猴子panda/'pnd/熊猫bear/b/熊lion/'lain/狮tiger/'taig/老虎fox/fks/狐狸zebra/'zi:br/斑马deer/di/鹿giraffe/di'rɑ:f/长颈鹿goose/gu:s/鹅hen/hen/母鸡turkey/'t:ki/火鸡lamb/lm/小羊sheep/i:p/绵羊goat/gut/山羊cow/kau/奶牛shark/'ɑ:k/鲨鱼seal/si:l/海豹5、人物(people)friend/frend/朋友boy/bi/男孩girl/g:l/女孩mother/'me/母亲father/'fɑ:e/父亲sister/'sist/姐妹brother/'bre/兄弟uncle/'kl/叔叔man/mn/男人woman/'wumn/女人Mr先生Miss小姐lady/'leidi/女士mom/mm/妈妈dad/dd/爸爸parents/'prnts/父母grandma/'grndmɑ:/grandmother/'grn d,me/(外)祖母grandpa/'grndpɑ:/grandfather/'grnd,f ɑ:e/(外)祖父aunt/ɑ:nt/阿姨cousin/'kzn/堂兄妹son/sn/儿子baby/'beibi/婴儿kid/kid/小孩classmate/'klɑ:smeit/同学queen/'kwi:n/女visitor/'vizit/参观者neighbour/'neib/邻居principal/'prinspl/校长penpal/penpl/笔友tourist/'tu:rist/旅行者people/'pi:pl/人物robot/'rubt/机器人六、职业(job)teacher/'ti:t/教师student/'stju:dnt/学生doctor/'dkt/医生nurse/n:s/护士driver/'draiv/司机farmer/'fɑ:m/农民singer/'si/歌唱家writer/'rait/作家artist/'ɑ:tist/画家actor/'kt/男演员actress/'ktris/女演员TVreporter/ri'p:t/电视台记者engineer/,endi'ni/工程师policeman/p'li:smn/(男)警察salesperson/'seilz,p:sn/销售员cleaner/'kli:n/清洁工baseballplayer/'beis,b:l'plei/棒球运动员assistant/'sistnt/售货员6、食品(foodanddrink)breakfast/'brekfst/早餐lunch/lnt/中餐dinner/'din/晚餐egg/eg/鸡蛋rice/rais/米饭cake/keik/蛋糕bread/bred/面包jam/dm/果酱biscuit/'biskit/饼干sausage/'s:sid/香肠sandwich/'sndwit/三明治dumplings/'dmpli/饺子Frenchfries/frentfraiz/薯条meat/mi:t/肉chicken/'tikin/鸡肉mutton/'mtn/羊肉beef/bi:f/牛肉pork/p:k/猪肉fish/fi/鱼hamburger/'hmb:g/汉堡hotdog/htdg/热狗noodles/'nu:dl/面条soup/su:p/汤salad/'sld/沙拉milk/milk/牛奶water/'w:t/水ice-cream/aiskri:m/冰淇淋cola/'kul/可乐juice/du:s/果汁tea/ti:/茶coffee/'kfi/咖啡fruit/fru:t/水果apple/'pl/苹果banana/b'nɑ:n/香蕉pear/p/梨orange/':rind/橙watermelon/'w:t,meln/西瓜grape/greip/葡萄cherry/'teri/樱桃lemon/'lemn/柠檬mango/'mgu/芒果coconut/'kuknt/椰子peach/pi:t/桃strawberry/'str:bri/草莓vegetable/'veditbl/蔬菜eggplant/'egplɑ:nt/茄子greenbeans/gri:nbi:ns/青豆tomato/t'meitu/西红柿potato/p'teitu/土豆cucumber/'kju:kmb/黄瓜onion/'njn/洋葱pea/pi:/豌豆carrot/'krt/胡萝卜cabbage/'kbid/卷心菜pumpkin/'pmpkin/南瓜sweetpotato/swi:tp'teitu/红薯7、衣服(clothes)jacket/'dkit/夹克衫shirt/:t/衬衫T-shirtT恤衫skirt/sk:t/短裙子dress/dres/连衣裙jeans/di:nz/牛仔裤pants/pnts//trousers/'trauzz/裤子socks/sks/袜子shoes/u:z/鞋子sweater/'swet/毛衣coat/kut/外套raincoat/'reinkut/雨衣shorts/:ts/短裤sandals/'sndl/凉鞋boots/bu:ts/靴子hat/ht/有边帽cap/kp/无边帽tie/tai/领带sunglasses/'snglɑ:siz/太阳镜scarf/skɑ:f/围巾gloves/glvz/手套8、交通工具(vehicles)bike/baik/自行车bus/bs/公共汽车train/trein/火车boat/but/小船ship/ip/轮船yacht/jt/快艇car/kɑ:/小汽车taxi/'tksi/出租车jeep/di:p/吉普车van/vn/小货车plane/plein/飞机subway/'sbwei/地铁motorcycle/'mut'saikl/摩托车9、杂物(otherthings)window/'windu/窗户door/d:/门desk/desk/课桌chair/t/椅子bed/bed/床computer/km'pju:t/计算机board/b:d/写字板fan/fn/风扇light/lait/灯mirror/'mir/镜子teacher’sdesk/'ti:t desk/讲台picture/'pikt/图画photo/'futu/照片wall/w:l/墙壁floor/fl:/地板football/'futb:l/足球present/'preznt//gift/gift/礼物walkman/'w:kmn/随身听lamp/lmp/台灯phone/fun/电话sofa/'suf/沙发shelf/elf/书架fridge/frid/冰箱table/'teibl/桌子air-conditioner/kn'din/空调key/ki:/钥匙lock/lk/锁plate/pleit/盘子knife/naif/刀fork/f:k/叉spoon/spu:n/勺子chopsticks/'tpstiks/筷子pot/pt/锅toy/ti/玩具doll/dl/洋娃娃ball/b:l/球balloon/b'lu:n/气球kite/kait/风筝jigsawpuzzle/'digs:'pzl/拼图游戏box/bks/盒子umbrella/m'brel/伞zipper/'zip/拉链violin/,vai'lin/小提琴nest/nest/鸟窝hole/hul/洞toothbrush/'tu:θbr/牙刷menu/'menju:/菜单e-card/kɑ:d/电子卡片e-mail/meil/电子邮件money/'mni/钱trafficlight/'trfiklait/交通灯medicine/'medisin/药10、地点(locations)home/hum/家room/ru:m/房间bedroom/'bedrum/卧室bathroom/'bθrum/卫生间livingroom/'liviru:m/起居室/客厅kitchen/'kitin/厨房classroom/'klɑ:srum/教室school/sku:l/学校park/pɑ:k/公园library/'laibrri/图书馆postoffice/pust':fis/邮政局hospital/'hspitl/医院cinema/'sinim/电影院bookstore/'bukst:/书店farm/fɑ:m/农场zoo/zu:/动物园garden/'gɑ:dn/花园playground/'pleigraund/操场canteen/kn'ti:n/餐厅teacher’soffice/':fis/教师办公室gym/dim/体育馆washroom/'wrum/盥洗室artroom/ɑ:tru:m/美术室computerroom/km'pju:t/电脑房musicroom/'mju:zik/音乐教室TVroom电视房flat/flt/公寓company/'kmpni/公司factory/'fktri/工厂petshop/petp/宠物店sciencemuseum/'sainsmju:'zim/科学博物馆theGreatWall/greitw:l/长城supermarket/'sju:p,mɑ:kit/超市bank/bk/银行country/'kntri/乡村village/'vilid/村庄city/'siti/城市11、气象(weather)cold/kuld/冷的hot/ht/热的warm/w:m/温暖的cool/ku:l/凉爽的snowy/snui/下雪的sunny/'sni/晴朗的rainy/'reini/下雨windy/'windi/刮风的cloudy/'klaudi/多云的weatherreport/'weeri'p:t/天气预报12、景物(nature)river/'riv/河流lake/leik/湖泊stream/stri:m/小溪forest/'frist/森林path/pɑ:θ/小路road/rud/马路house/rud/房子bridge/brid/桥building/'bildi/建筑物rain/rein/雨cloud/klaud/云sun/sn/太阳mountain/'mauntin/大山sky/skai/天空rainbow/'reinbu/彩虹wind/waind/风air//空气13、植物(plants)flower/'flau/花grass/grɑ:s/草tree/tri:/树seed/si:d/种子leaf/li:f/树叶plant/plɑ:nt/植物rose/ruz/玫瑰14、星期(week)Monday/'mndei/星期一Tuesday/'tju:zdi/星期二Wednesday/wenzdi/星期三Thursday/'θ:zdi/星期四Friday/'fraidi/星期五Saturday/'stdi/星期六Sunday/'sndi/星期天weekend/'wi:k'end/周末15、月份(months)January/'dnjueri/一月February/'februri/二月March/mɑ:t/三月April/'eiprl/四月May/mei/五月June/du:n/六月July/du:'lai/七月August/:'gst/八月September/sep'temb/九月October/k'tub/十月November/nu'vemb/十一月December/di'semb/十二月16、季节(seasons)spring/spri/summer/'sm/fall/autumn/f:l':tm/winter/'wint/17、方位(directions)south/sauθ/南north/n:θ/北east/i:st/东west/west/西left/left/左right/rait/右。


英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例:three tree green sheep meet beef seeeat tea meat leave lead teacher speak clean please he she me piece receive ce iling twenty2) [ I ] [i] 发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例:sit pig big it is little sixmany happy dictionary defect decide delicious3) [ æ ] 发音字母: a单词举例:bag hand happy hat map mad badblack back glad man4) [e] 字母组合: ea e a单词举例:head breadbed red1 elephant remember selllesson better desk hotel yes5) [З:] ə: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:girl shirt skirt thirty third birdturn nurse turtle Thursday learn earth term her work world6) [ə] 字母组合 er or ar o a单词举例:teacher remember playerlearn earth term her work world6) [ə] 字母组合 er or ar o a单词举例:teacher remember player speakerdoctor actor author familiar collar dollartogether tomorrow today lesson around account ago elephant banana7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:car farm card armfast class glass plant8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:up lunch fun gun nut cup buscome mother dose love above trouble blood flood9) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:small wall talk tall ball walkshort more lord horse for forty sport author autumn caught four warm 10) [ ɔ ] 发音字母: o a([ɒ]) 单词举例:on hot lot fox box dog rockwant wash watch11) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u单词举例:food room goose toothshoe do two true blue full12) [u] 字母组合: u oo ou单词举例: put full pushlook good foot book wood should could13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例: name cake late plane Aprilplay say may way great break rain paint plain they grey14) [ai] 发音字母 i y单词举例:bike fine find nine light nightmy try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合: ou ow单词举例:house out ground sound loudaround mouseflower down now cow how16) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa[əu] 单词举例: home cold go noknow low below grow show boat coat goal17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合: oy oi[ɔi] 单词举例: boy toyoil soil voice choice18) [Iə] 字母组合: eer ear[iə] 单词举例:beer deerear near idea19) [ɛə] 字母组合: ear air ere[eə] 单词举例: pear bearchair air fair there where care20) [ʊə] 字母组合: ure [uə] 单词举例:sure2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:pen pet paper plant22. [ t ] 字母组合: t单词举例: time table stay toy23. [ k ] 字母组合: k c ck单词举例: kite king kitchen can car cake trick lock 24. [ f ] 字母组合: f ph gh单词举例: foot feet fog phone photo elephant25. [ θ ] 字母组合: th单词举例:thin thank three26. [ s ] 字母组合: s c单词举例:six sing snow cinema city27. [ ts ] 字母组合: ts单词举例:ants streets students28. [ tr ] 字母组合: tr单词举例: tree truck try29. [ ʃ ] 字母组合: sh单词举例: ship shoe shop short30. [ tʃ ] 字母组合: ch单词举例: chair chicken chinese31. [ h ] 字母组合: h单词举例: hot he hat has浊辅音32. [ b ] 字母组合: b单词举例:boy ball bed bag33. [ d ] 字母组合: d单词举例:dog do day doctor34. [ g ] 字母组合: g单词举例:get go girl good35. [ r ] 字母组合: r单词举例: red read rain run36. [ v ] 字母组合: v单词举例: van voice seven eleven37. [ ð ] 字母组合: th单词举例: this that these those38. [ z ] 字母组合: z s单词举例: zoo zero pizza these those39. [ dz ] 字母组合: ds单词举例: beds hands40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例: dry drink dress driver36. [ v ] 字母组合: v单词举例: van voice seven eleven37. [ ð ] 字母组合: th单词举例: this that these those38. [ z ] 字母组合: z s单词举例: zoo zero pizza these those39. [ dz ] 字母组合: ds单词举例: beds hands40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例: dry drink dress driver41. [ ʒ ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:42. [ dʒ ] 字母组合: g单词举例: orange gentle page其他辅音43. [ m ] 字母组合: m单词举例: many meat mother music44. [ n ] 字母组合: n单词举例: no not noodle new now45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例: look long left light let46. [ ŋ ] 字母组合: ng单词举例:long [l ɔŋ] sing47. [ j ] 字母组合: y单词举例: year yellow you yes48. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例: word winter window What where when。

英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e y单词举例:thr ee t ea m ea t t ea cher sp ea k cl ea n2) [ I ] [i] 发音字母: i y单词举例:s i t p i g b i g man y happ y d i ctionar y 3) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:w al l sh or t au tumn f our w ar m4) [ ɔ ] 发音字母: o a([ɒ]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t w a nt w a sh w a tch5) [З:] [ə: ]字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l sh ir t t ur n n ur se l ear n ear th w or k 6) [ə] 字母组合er or ar o a单词举例:teach er doct or t o gether a round7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d f a st cl a ss8) [ ʌ ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:u p l u nch f u n c o me l o ve tr ou ble9) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u单词举例:f oo d r oo m sh o e d o tw o bl u e f u ll 10) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例:p u t f u ll p u sh l oo k g oo d sh ou ld c ou ld11) [e]字母组合: ea e单词举例:h ea d br ea d b e d r e d e lephant s e ll12) [ æ ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a p13) [ai]发音字母i y单词举例:b i ke f i ne m y tr y fl y14) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例:n a me c a ke pl ay gr ea t br ea k r ai n th ey 15) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa[əu]单词举例: h o me c o ld kn ow l ow b oa t c oa t 16) [au] 字母组合:ou ow单词举例:h ou se ou t m ou se fl ow er d ow n n ow 17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合: oy oi[ɔi]单词举例: b oy t oy oi l s oi l v o ice18) [Iə] 字母组合:eer ear[iə]单词举例:b eer d eer ear near id ea19) [ɛə]字母组合: ear air ere[eə]单词举例:p ear b ear ch air air f air th ere wh ere 20) [ʊə] 字母组合: ure[uə]单词举例:sure2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant22. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t able s t ay t oy23. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchen c an c ar lo ck 24. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph one ph oto ele ph ant 25. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in th ank th ree26. [ s ]字母组合: s c单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inema c ity27. [ ts ] 字母组合: ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts28. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y29. [ ʃ]字母组合: sh单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op sh ort30. [ tʃ ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air ch icken ch inese31. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as浊辅音32. [ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag33. [ d ]字母组合: d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood35. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v an v oice se v en ele v en 37. [ ð ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose38. [ z ]字母组合: z s单词举例:z oo z ero pi zz a the se tho se 39. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例:be ds han ds40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver41. [ ʒ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:telivision42. [ dʒ ] 字母组合: g单词举例:oran ge g entle pa ge其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any m eat m other m usic 44. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ew n ow 45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et 46. [ ŋ]字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng [lɔŋ] si ng单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es48. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w inter w indow wh at wh ere wh en语音知识:1) 字母:语言的书写形式。

1、学习用品(school things)pen /pen/ 钢笔pencil /'pensl/ 铅笔pencil-case /'penslkeis / 铅笔盒ruler /'ru:l?/ 尺子book /buk/ 书bag /b?g/ 包post card /p?ust kɑ:d/ 明信片newspaper /'nju:z,peip?/ 报纸schoolbag /sku:lb?g/ 书包eraser / i'reis? / 橡皮crayon / 'krei?n / 蜡笔sharpener / '?ɑ:p?n? / 卷笔刀story-book / 'st?:ri] buk / 故事书notebook / 'n?utbuk / 笔记本Chinese book / 't?ai'ni:z / 语文书English book / 'i?gli? / 英语书maths book / m?θs / 数学书magazine / ,m?g?'zi:n / 杂志newspaper / 'nju:z,peip? / 报纸dictionary / 'dik??neri / 词典2、身体部位(body)foot / fut / 脚head / hed / 头face / feis / 脸hair / h?? / 头发nose / n?uz / 鼻子mouth / mauθ / 嘴eye / ai / 眼睛ear / i? / 耳朵arm / ɑ:m / 手臂hand / h?nd / 手finger / 'fi?g? / 手指leg / leg / 腿tail / teil / 尾巴3、颜色(colours)red /red/ 红blue /blu:/ 蓝yellow /'jel?u/ 黄green /gri:n/ 绿white /wait/ 白black /bl?k/ 黑pink /pi?k/ 粉红purple /'p?:pl/ 紫orange /'?:rind?/ 橙brown /braun/ 棕4、动物(animals)cat /k?t/ 猫dog /d?g/ 狗pig /pig/ 猪duck /d?k/ 鸭rabbit /'r?bit/ 兔子horse /h?:s/ 马elephant /'elif?nt/ 大象ant /?nt/ 蚂蚁fish /fi?/ 鱼bird /b?:d/ 鸟snake /sneik/ 蛇mouse /maus/ 鼠kangaroo /,k??g?'ru:/ 袋鼠monkey /'m??ki/ 猴子panda /'p?nd?/ 熊猫bear /b??/ 熊lion /'lai?n/ 狮tiger /'taig?/ 老虎fox /f?ks/ 狐狸zebra /'zi:br?/ 斑马deer /di?/ 鹿giraffe /d?i'rɑ:f/ 长颈鹿goose /gu:s/ 鹅hen /hen/ 母鸡turkey /'t?:ki/ 火鸡lamb /l?m/ 小羊sheep /?i:p/ 绵羊goat /g?ut/ 山羊cow /kau/ 奶牛shark /'?ɑ:k/ 鲨鱼seal / si:l / 海豹5、人物(people)friend /frend/ 朋友boy / b?i / 男孩girl /g?:l/ 女孩mother /'m?e?/ 母亲father /'fɑ:e?/ 父亲sister /'sist?/ 姐妹brother /'br?e?/ 兄弟uncle /'??kl/ 叔叔man /m?n/ 男人woman/ 'wum?n/女人Mr先生Miss小姐lady /'leidi/ 女士mom /m?m/ 妈妈dad /d?d/ 爸爸parents /'p??r?nts/ 父母grandma /'gr?ndmɑ:/ grandmother /'gr?nd,m?e?/(外)祖母grandpa /'gr?ndpɑ:/ grandfather /'gr?nd,fɑ:e?/(外)祖父aunt /ɑ:nt/ 阿姨cousin /'k?zn/ 堂兄妹son /s?n/ 儿子baby /'beibi/ 婴儿kid /kid/小孩classmate/'klɑ:smeit /同学queen /'kwi:n/ 女visitor /'vizit?/ 参观者neighbour /'neib? / 邻居principal /'prins?p?l / 校长pen pal / pen p?l / 笔友tourist /'tu:rist / 旅行者people /'pi:pl / 人物robot /'r?ub?t / 机器人六、职业(job)teacher /'ti:t??/ 教师student /'stju:d?nt/学生doctor /'d?kt?/ 医生nurse /n?:s/ 护士driver /'draiv? / 司机farmer /'fɑ:m?/ 农民singer /'si??/ 歌唱家writer /'rait?/ 作家artist /'ɑ:tist /画家actor /'?kt?/男演员actress/'?ktris/女演员TV reporter /ri'p?:t?/ 电视台记者engineer /,end?i'ni? / 工程师policeman / p?'li:sm?n /(男)警察salesperson /'seilz,p?:sn / 销售员cleaner /'kli:n? / 清洁工baseball player/'beis,b?:l 'plei?/棒球运动员assistant / ?'sist?nt / 售货员6、食品(food and drink)breakfast /'brekf?st / 早餐lunch /l?nt?/ 中餐dinner /'din?/ 晚餐egg /eg/ 鸡蛋rice /rais/ 米饭cake /keik/ 蛋糕bread /bred/ 面包jam /d??m/ 果酱biscuit /'biskit/ 饼干sausage /'s?:sid?/ 香肠sandwich /'s?ndwit?/ 三明治dumplings /'d?mpli?/ 饺子French fries /frent? fraiz/ 薯条meat /mi:t/ 肉chicken /'t?ikin/ 鸡肉mutton /'m?tn/ 羊肉beef /bi:f/ 牛肉pork /p?:k/ 猪肉fish /fi?/ 鱼hamburger /'h?mb?:g?/ 汉堡hot dog /h?t d?g/ 热狗noodles /'nu:dl/ 面条soup /su:p/ 汤salad /'s?l?d/ 沙拉milk /milk/牛奶water /'w?:t?/ 水ice-cream /ais kri:m/ 冰淇淋cola /'k?ul?/ 可乐juice /d?u:s/ 果汁tea /ti:/ 茶coffee /'k?fi/ 咖啡fruit/fru:t/ 水果apple /'?pl / 苹果banana / b?'nɑ:n? / 香蕉pear /p?? / 梨orange /'?:rind? / 橙watermelon /'w?:t?,mel?n / 西瓜grape / greip / 葡萄cherry/'t?eri / 樱桃lemon/ 'lem?n / 柠檬mango/ 'm??g?u /芒果coconut/'k?uk?n?t /椰子peach /pi:t?/ 桃strawberry / 'str?:b?ri / 草莓vegetable / 'ved?it?bl / 蔬菜eggplant / 'egplɑ:nt / 茄子green beans / gri:n bi:ns / 青豆tomato / t?'meit?u / 西红柿potato / p?'teit?u / 土豆cucumber / 'kju:k?mb? / 黄瓜onion / '?nj?n / 洋葱pea / pi:/ 豌豆carrot / 'k?r?t / 胡萝卜cabbage /'k?bid? / 卷心菜pumpkin / 'p?mpkin / 南瓜sweet potato / swi:t p?'teit?u / 红薯7、衣服(clothes)jacket /'d??kit/ 夹克衫shirt /??:t/ 衬衫T-shirt T恤衫skirt /sk?:t/ 短裙子dress /dres/ 连衣裙jeans /d?i:nz/ 牛仔裤pants /p?nts/ /trousers /'trauz?z / 裤子socks /s?ks/ 袜子shoes /?u:z/ 鞋子sweater /'swet?/ 毛衣coat /k?ut/ 外套raincoat /'reink?ut/ 雨衣shorts /??:ts/ 短裤sandals /'s?ndl/凉鞋boots /bu:ts/ 靴子hat /h?t/ 有边帽cap /k?p/ 无边帽tie /tai/ 领带sunglasses /'s?nglɑ:siz/太阳镜scarf /skɑ:f/ 围巾gloves /gl?vz/手套8、交通工具(vehicles)bike /baik/ 自行车bus /b?s/ 公共汽车train /trein/ 火车boat /b?ut/ 小船ship /?ip/ 轮船yacht /j?t/ 快艇car /kɑ:/ 小汽车taxi /'t?ksi/出租车jeep /d?i:p/ 吉普车van /v?n/ 小货车plane /plein/飞机subway /'s?bwei/地铁motor cycle /'m?ut? 'saikl / 摩托车9、杂物(other things)window /'wind?u/ 窗户door /d?:/ 门desk /desk/ 课桌chair /t???/ 椅子bed /bed/ 床computer/k?m'pju:t?/计算机board /b?:d/ 写字板fan /f?n/ 风扇light /lait/ 灯mirror /'mir?/ 镜子teacher’s desk / 'ti:t?? desk/ 讲台picture /'pikt??/ 图画photo /'f?ut?u/ 照片wall /w?:l/ 墙壁floor /fl?:/ 地板football /'futb?:l/ 足球present / 'preznt / /gift / gift / 礼物walkman / 'w?:km?n / 随身听lamp /l?mp/ 台灯phone /f?un/ 电话sofa /'s?uf?/ 沙发shelf /?elf/ 书架fridge /frid?/ 冰箱table /'teibl/ 桌子air-conditioner /?? k?n'di??n?/ 空调key /ki:/ 钥匙lock /l?k/ 锁plate /pleit/ 盘子knife /naif/ 刀fork /f?:k/ 叉spoon /spu:n/ 勺子chopsticks /'t??pstiks/ 筷子pot /p?t/ 锅toy /t?i/ 玩具doll /d?l/ 洋娃娃ball /b?:l/ 球balloon /b?'lu:n/ 气球kite /kait/ 风筝jigsaw puzzle /'d?igs?: 'p?zl/ 拼图游戏box /b?ks/ 盒子umbrella /?m'brel?/ 伞zipper /'zip?/ 拉链violin /,vai?'lin/小提琴nest /nest/ 鸟窝hole /h?ul/ 洞toothbrush /'tu:θbr??/ 牙刷menu /'menju:/菜单e-card /kɑ:d/电子卡片e-mail /meil/电子邮件money /'m?ni/ 钱traffic light /'tr?fik lait/ 交通灯medicine /'medisin/ 药10、地点(locations)home /h?um/ 家room /ru:m/ 房间bedroom /'bedrum/ 卧室bathroom /'b?θrum/卫生间living room / 'livi? ru:m / 起居室/客厅kitchen /'kit?in/ 厨房classroom /'klɑ:srum/ 教室school /sku:l/ 学校park /pɑ:k/ 公园library /'laibr?ri/ 图书馆post office /p?ust '?:fis/ 邮政局hospital /'h?spitl/ 医院cinema /'sinim?/ 电影院bookstore /'bukst?:/ 书店farm /fɑ:m/ 农场zoo /zu:/ 动物园garden /'gɑ:dn/ 花园playground /'pleigraund/ 操场canteen /k?n'ti:n/ 餐厅teacher’s office /'?:fis/ 教师办公室gym /d?im/ 体育馆washroom /'w??rum/ 盥洗室art room /ɑ:t ru:m/ 美术室computer room /k?m'pju:t?/ 电脑房music room /'mju:zik/ 音乐教室TV room电视房flat /fl?t/ 公寓company /'k?mp?ni/ 公司factory /'f?kt?ri/ 工厂pet shop /pet ??p/ 宠物店science museum/'sai?ns mju:'zi?m/科学博物馆the Great Wall /greit w?:l/ 长城supermarket /'sju:p?,mɑ:kit/ 超市bank /b??k/ 银行country /'k?ntri/乡村village /'vilid?/ 村庄city /'siti/ 城市11、气象(weather)cold /k?uld/ 冷的hot /h?t/ 热的warm /w?:m/ 温暖的cool /ku:l/ 凉爽的snowy /sn?ui/下雪的sunny /'s?ni/晴朗的rainy /'reini/ 下雨windy /'windi/ 刮风的cloudy /'klaudi/ 多云的weather report /'wee? ri'p?:t/ 天气预报12、景物(nature)river /'riv?/ 河流lake /leik/ 湖泊stream /stri:m/ 小溪forest /'f?rist/ 森林path /pɑ:θ/ 小路road /r?ud/马路house /r?ud/ 房子bridge / brid? / 桥building /'bildi?/建筑物rain /rein/ 雨cloud /klaud/ 云sun /s?n/ 太阳mountain /'mauntin /大山sky /skai/ 天空rainbow /'reinb?u/ 彩虹wind /waind/风air /??/ 空气13、植物(plants)flower /'flau?/ 花grass /grɑ:s/ 草tree /tri:/树seed /si:d/种子leaf /li:f/树叶plant /plɑ:nt/ 植物rose /r?uz/ 玫瑰14、星期(week)Monday/'m?ndei/ 星期一Tuesday/'tju:zdi/ 星期二Wednesday/wenzdi/ 星期三Thursday/'θ?:zdi/ 星期四Friday /'fraidi/ 星期五Saturday/'s?t?di/ 星期六Sunday /'s?ndi/ 星期天weekend/'wi:k'end/周末15、月份(months)January/'d??njueri/ 一月February/'febru?ri/ 二月March /mɑ:t?/ 三月April /'eipr?l/ 四月May /mei/ 五月June /d?u:n/ 六月July /d?u:'lai/ 七月August /?:'g?st/ 八月September /sep'temb?/ 九月October /?k't?ub?/ 十月November /n?u'vemb?/ 十一月December /di'semb?/ 十二月16、季节(seasons)spring /spri?/summer /'s?m?/fall/autumn/f?:l '?:t?m/winter/'wint?/17、方位(directions)south/sauθ/南north/n?:θ/北east/i:st/东west/west/西left/left/ 左right/rait/右。

音标及发音代表单词(单词注音标)本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March英语共有48个音素,其中元音20个,辅音28个.元音分为单元音和双元音.辅音分为清辅音和浊辅音.元音部分:1) 单元音[ i ] 发音组合:i代表单词:sit [sɪt] bit [bɪt] kick [kɪk] pick [pɪk] 采摘[ e ] 发音组合:e ea a代表单词:pen [pen] egg [eg] best [best] bread [bred] heaven ['hev(ə)n] many[æ] 发音组合:a代表单词:cap [kæp] map[mæp] bad[bæd][ʌ] 发音组合:u o代表单词:up [ʌp] cup [kʌp] but [bʌt; bət] monk [mʌŋk] onion['ʌnjən][ɔ] 发音组合:o代表单词:hot not[u] 发音组合:oo u ou代表单词:foot [fʊt] good [gʊd] pull[pʊl] full [fʊl] would[wʊd; wəd][ə] 发音组合:a er or代表单词:appear [ə'pɪə] again[ə'gen; ə'geɪn] alike [ə'laɪk]Teacher mother brother actor monitor[ i: ] 发音组合:e ee ea ie ei代表单词:me[miː] he[hiː] bee[biː] feel[fiːl] deep [diːp] seat[siːt] beat [biːt] lead[liːd]Chief [tʃiːf] believe [bɪ'liːv] achieve [ə'tʃiːv] receive [rɪ'siːv] [ɑ:] 发音组合:ar ear [ a:]代表单词:far [fɑː] dark [dɑːk] farm [fɑːm] heart [hɑːt] half [hɑːt][ɔ:] 发音组合:al oo aw ou ore au or ar代表单词:talk [tɔːk] ball [bɔːl] door [dɔː] floor [flɔː] law[lɔː] saw[sɔː]Bought [bɔːt] thought [θɔːt] before [bɪ'fɔː] ignore [ɪg'nɔː]caught [kɔːt] naughty ['nɔːtɪ] force [fɔːs] born [bɔːn] warn[wɔːn][u:] 发音组合:o oo ou u代表单词:food [fuːd] fool[fuːl] shoot [ʃuːt] tomb [tuːm] group [gruːp] blue [bluː] clue[kluː] [ə:] 发音组合:or ir er ur ear代表单词:work [wɜːk] worm [wɜːm] bird [bɜːd] dirty['dɜːtɪ] term [tɜːm] burn [bɜːn] surf [sɜːf] learn[lɜːn]2) 双元音[ei] 发音组合:ei a ai ay代表单词:eight [eɪt] cake[keɪk] lake [leɪk] make[meɪk]paid [peɪd] main [meɪn] day[deɪ] may[meɪ][ai] 发音组合:y i uy代表单词:cry[kraɪ] my [maɪ] bike[baɪk] time[taɪm] kite [kaɪt] buy [baɪ] guy[gaɪ][ɔi ] 发音组合:oy oi代表单词:boy [bɒɪ] toy[tɒɪ] noise[nɒɪz] voice[vɒɪs] coin[kɒɪn][iə] 发音组合:eer ear ere代表单词:beer [bɪə] deer [dɪə] hear [hɪə] near [nɪə] here[hɪə][ɛə] 发音组合:air [eə] ear[ɪə] are[ɑː] ere[eə]代表单词:hair[heə] fair [feə] chair [tʃeə] bear [beə] swear [sweə] dare[deə] hare[heə] there[ðeə; ðə][uə] 发音组合:oor our代表单词:poor [pɔː; pʊə] tour[tʊə][əu] 发音组合:o ow oa代表单词:host[həʊst] nose [nəʊz] cope [kəʊp] own[əʊn] low [ləʊ] boat [bəʊt] coat[kəʊt]代表单词:house [haʊs] out sound [saʊnd] town [taʊn] now[naʊ]二、辅音部分:[p] 发音组合:p代表单词:pay [peɪ] put [pʊt] speed[spiːd] spend[spend][t] 发音组合:t代表单词:tea [tiː] tip[tɪp] meet[miːt][k] 发音组合:c k ck代表单词:cake [keɪk] car[kɑː] can [kæn] kite [kaɪt] sky [skaɪ] pick[pɪk] back[bæk] [f] 发音组合:f ph代表单词:five[faɪv] life [laɪf] fat [fæt] photo['fəʊtəʊ] telephone['telɪfəʊn] [θ]发音组合:th代表单词:think[θɪŋk] thank [θæŋk] both [bəʊθ] mouth[maʊθ][s] 发音组合:s c代表单词:seem [siːm] set [set] say [seɪ] face[feɪs] race[reɪs] ice[aɪs] price[praɪs] [ʃ] 发音组合:sh s ss ch代表单词:ship[ʃɪp] fish [fɪʃ] sure [ʃɔː; ʃʊə] assure [ə'ʃʊə; ə'ʃɔː] machine[mə'ʃiːn] [h] 发音组合:h wh代表单词:hot [hɒt] home[həʊm] hate [heɪt] whole[həʊl][b] 发音组合:b代表单词:bird [bɜːd] big [bɪg] bag[bæg][d] 发音组合:d代表单词:do [duː] did [dɪd] deer [dɪə] bed[bed][g] 发音组合:g代表单词:go [gəʊ] gap[gæp] bag [bæg][v] 发音组合:v代表单词:vote [vəʊt] very ['verɪ] leave[liːv][ð] 发音组合:th代表单词:this [ðɪs] then [ðen] though[ðəʊ][z] 发音组合:z s代表单词:prize [praɪz] raise [reɪz] eyes[ʒ] 发音组合:s代表单词:pleasure ['pleʒə] usual['juːʒʊəl][m] 发音组合:m代表单词:some [sʌm; s(ə)m] come [kʌm] mother ['mʌðə][n] 发音组合:n代表单词:note [nəʊt] no[nəʊ] gun [gʌn][ŋ] 发音组合:ng n代表单词:king [kɪŋ] thing [θɪŋ] ink[ɪŋk] tank[tæŋk][l] 发音组合:l代表单词:late [leɪt] let[let] tell [tel] deal[diːl][r] 发音组合:r wr代表单词:rice [raɪs] right [raɪt] free [friː] write [raɪt] wrong[rɒŋ][j] 发音组合:y代表单词:year [jɪə; jɜː] yes [jes] you [juː][w] 发音组合:w wh代表单词:wait [weɪt] will [wɪl] wheel [wiːl] what [wɒt] when[wen][ʧ] 发音组合:ch代表单词:cheap [tʃiːp] catch [kætʃ] watch[wɒtʃ]代表单词:jeep [dʒiːp] joke [dʒəʊk] change [tʃeɪn(d)ʒ] judge[dʒʌdʒ] [dr] 发音组合:dr代表单词:dream [driːm] draw[drɔː][tr] 发音组合:tr代表单词:tree[triː] trip[trɪp] treat[triːt][ts] 发音组合:ts代表单词:sits parents['perənts][dz] 发音组合:ds代表单词:needs [niːdz] spends[spendz]。

英语语音共有48个音素, 其中元音音素20个。
辅音音素28个元音:发音时声带振动, 气流在通过口腔时不受发音器官阻碍的音素。
•其中声带振动的叫浊辅音, 声带不震动的•叫清辅音。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee n sh ee pm ee t b ee f s ee ea t t eam ea t l ea ve l ea d t ea chersp ea k cl ea n pl ea se h e sh em e p ie ce rec ei vetwent y2) [i] 发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例:s i t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttles i x man y happ yd i ctionar y de cidedel i cious3) [e]字母组合: ea e a单词举例:h ea d br ea db e d r e d e lephantrem e mber s e ll l e ssonb e tter d e sk hot e l y e s4) [ æ ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a tm a p m a d b a d bl a ckb a ck gl a d m a n5) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d ar m f a stcl a ss gl a ss pl a nt6) [ ɔ] 发音字母: o a([ɒ]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t f o x b o xd o g r o ck w a nt w a shw a tch7) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:sm al l w al l t al k t al lb al l w al k sh or t m or eh or se f or f or ty sp or tau thor au tumn c au ghtf our w ar m8) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例:p u t f u ll p u sh l oo kg oo d f oo t b oo kw oo d sh ou ld c ou ld9) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u单词举例:f oo d r oo m g oo set oo thsh o e d o tw otr u e bl u e f u ll10) [ ʌ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:u p l u nch f u n g u n n u tc u p b u s c o me m o therdose l o ve ab o vetr ou ble bl oo d fl oo d11) [З:] ə: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir ty th ir d b ir d t ur n n ur se Th ur sdayl ear n ear th t er m h er w or k w or ld 12) [ə] 字母组合er or ar o a单词举例:teach er rememb er play er speak er doct or act or famili ar coll ar doll ar t o gether t o morrowt o day less o n a round a go eleph a nt b a nan a13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例:n a me c a ke l a te pl a neA pril pl ay s ay m ayw ay gr ea t br ea k r ai np ai nt pl ai n th ey gr ey 14) [ai]发音字母i y单词举例:b i ke f i ne f i nd n i nel i ght n i ght m y tr y fl ye y e15) [ ɔɪ] 字母组合: oy oi[ɔi]单词举例: b oy t oy oi ls oi l v o ice ch oi ce16)[əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa[əu]单词举例: h o me c o ld g o n okn ow l ow bel ow gr owsh ow b oa t c oa t g oa l 17) [au] 字母组合:ou ow单词举例:h ou se ou t gr ou nds ou nd l ou d a rou ndm ou se fl ow er d ow nn ow c ow h ow18) [Iə] 字母组合:eer ear[iə]单词举例:b eer d eerear near id ea19) [ɛə]字母组合: ear air ere[eə]单词举例:p ear b earch air air f airth ere wh ere c are20)[ʊə] 字母组合: ure[uə]单词举例:sure2、辅音21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en p et p a p erp lant22. [ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag 23. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t able s t ayt oy24. [ d ]字母组合: d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor25. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchenc an c ar c akelo ck26. [ g ]字母组合: g27. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f oot f eet f ogph one ph otoele ph ant28. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v an v oice se v enele v en29. [ s ]字母组合: s c单词举例:s ix s ing s nowc inema c ity30. [ z ]字母组合: z s单词举例:z oo z ero pi zz athe se tho se31. [ θ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in th ank th ree32. [ ð ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose33. [ ʃ]字母组合: sh单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op34. [ ʒ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:televi sion deci sion35. [ tʃ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air ch icken Chinese36. [ dʒ] 字母组合: g单词举例:oran ge g entle pa ge37. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y38. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr essdr iver39. [ ts ]字母组合: ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts40. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例:be ds han ds41. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any m eat m otherm usic42. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ewn ow43. [ ŋ]字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng si ng44. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et46. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un47. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w inter w indowWh at wh ere wh en单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es。

英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e y单词举例:thr ee t ea m ea t t ea cher sp ea k cl ea n2) [ I ] [i] 发音字母: i y单词举例:s i t p i g b i g man y happ y d i ctionar y 3) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:w al l sh or t au tumn f our w ar m4) [ ɔ ] 发音字母: o a([ɒ]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t w a nt w a sh w a tch5) [З:] [ə: ]字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l sh ir t t ur n n ur se l ear n ear th w or k 6) [ə] 字母组合er or ar o a单词举例:teach er doct or t o gether a round7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d f a st cl a ss8) [ ʌ ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:u p l u nch f u n c o me l o ve tr ou ble9) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u单词举例:f oo d r oo m sh o e d o tw o bl u e f u ll 10) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例:p u t f u ll p u sh l oo k g oo d sh ou ld c ou ld单词举例:h ea d br ea d b e d r e d e lephant s e ll12) [ æ ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a p13) [ai]发音字母i y单词举例:b i ke f i ne m y tr y fl y14) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例:n a me c a ke pl ay gr ea t br ea k r ai n th ey 15) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa[əu]单词举例: h o me c o ld kn ow l ow b oa t c oa t 16) [au] 字母组合:ou ow单词举例:h ou se ou t m ou se fl ow er d ow n n ow 17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合: oy oi[ɔi]单词举例: b oy t oy oi l s oi l v o ice18) [Iə] 字母组合:eer ear[iə]单词举例:b eer d eer ear near id ea19) [ɛə]字母组合: ear air ere[eə]单词举例:p ear b ear ch air air f air th ere wh ere 20) [ʊə] 字母组合: ure[uə]单词举例:sure2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant22. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t able s t ay t oy23. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchen c an c ar lo ck 24. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph one ph oto ele ph ant 25. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in th ank th ree26. [ s ]字母组合: s c单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inema c ity27. [ ts ] 字母组合: ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts28. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y29. [ ʃ]字母组合: sh单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op sh ort30. [ tʃ ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air ch icken ch inese31. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as浊辅音32. [ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor34. [ g ]字母组合: g单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood35. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v an v oice se v en ele v en 37. [ ð ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose38. [ z ]字母组合: z s单词举例:z oo z ero pi zz a the se tho se 39. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例:be ds han ds40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver41. [ ʒ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:telivision42. [ dʒ ] 字母组合: g单词举例:oran ge g entle pa ge其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any m eat m other m usic 44. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ew n ow 45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et单词举例:lo ng [lɔŋ] si ng47. [ j ]字母组合: y单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es48. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w inter w indow wh at wh ere wh en语音知识:1) 字母:语言的书写形式。

英语写作1. 动笔之前,认真审题《中考考试说明》指出,书面表达要切中题意。
2. 围绕中心,拟定提纲书面表达评分原则有四条:(1)内容要点;(2)运用词汇和结构的数量;(3)运用语法结构和词汇的准确性;(4)上下文的连贯性。
3. 语言通顺,表达准确(1) 避免使用汉语式英语,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型。
(2) 多用简单句型,记事、写人一般都不需要复杂的句型。
1) 语态、时态要准确无误。
2) 主谓语要一致,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。
3) 注意人称代词的宾格形式。
4) 注意冠词用法,例如:He is an honest student.中的an不能写成a。
5) 注意拼写、标点符号和大小写,例如:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth,restaurant等。

48个英语音标中文发音及对照单词一、元音局部:1〕、单元音:[i:]依〔长音〕、[i]衣〔短音〕、[ɔ:] 袄〔长音〕、[ɔ]袄〔短音〕、[u:]雨〔长音〕、[u]屋〔短音〕、[ə:]额〔长音〕、[ə]鹅〔短音〕、[ɑ:]啊〔长音〕、[ʌ]阿〔短音〕、[e]唉、[æ] 矮2〕、双元音:[ei] 诶、[ai]啊矮、[ɔi]奥义、[ɛə]诶矮、[uə]喔、[iə]意而、[au]阿欧、[əu] 欧二、辅音局部:[p]皮、[b]比、[t]提、[d]敌、[k]克kei、[g] zhei、[f]福、[v] vei、[s]斯、[z] zei、[θ]斯、[ð] zei[tr]戳、[dr]拽、[ts]慈、[dz] de zi、[m]模、[n]嗯、[ŋ]en 、[h]喝、[l] le、[r]日、[j] zhei、[w]屋单元音[i:] [i]eat[i:t]吃it[it]它pea[pi:]豌豆sit[sit]坐bee[bi:]蜜蜂bit[bit]一点儿tea[ti:]茶叶big [big]大的[e] [æ]egg[eg]鸡蛋bat[bæt]球拍bed[bed]床cap[k æp]帽子pet[pet]宠物glad[glæd]快乐的head[hed]头map[mæp]地图[ə:] [ə]bird[bə:d]鸟rubber[`rʌbə]橡皮girl[gə:l]女孩ruler[`ru:lə]直尺nurse[nə:s]护士doctor[`dɔktə]医生skirt[skə:t]裙子banana[bə`na:nə] 香蕉[a:] [ʌ]car[ka:]小汽车duck[dʌk]鸭子star[sta:]星星dove[dʌv]鸽子cart[ka:t]马车cup[kʌp]杯子park[pa:k]公园bus[bʌs]公共汽车[u:] [ʊ]zoo[zu:]动物园book[bʊk]书moon[mu:n]月亮bull[bʊl]公牛spoon[spu:n]匙cook[kʊk]厨师stool[stu:l]凳子hook[hʊk]钩[ɔ:] [ɔ]door[dɔ:]门pot[pɔt]壶saw[sɔ:]锯子dog[dɔg]狗fork[fɔ:k]叉子cock[kɔk]公鸡sword[sɔ:d] 剑box[bɔks]箱子双元音[ei] [ai]cake[keik]蛋糕eye[ai] 眼睛plane[plein]飞机tie[tai]领带table[`teibl]桌子bike[baik]自行车snake[sneik]蛇tiger[taigə]老虎[ɔi] [aʊ]boy[bɔi]男孩bow[baʊ]鞠躬oil[ɔil]油cow[kaʊ] 奶牛toy[tɔi]玩具house[haʊs]房子boil[bɔil]煮沸mouth[maʊθ] 嘴[əʊ] [iə]coat[kəʊt]外衣ear[iə]耳朵goat[gəʊt]山羊beer[biə]啤酒comb[kəʊm]木梳deer[diə]鹿rose[rəʊz]玫瑰spear[spiə]矛[eə] [ʊə]pear[peə] 梨tour[tʊə]旅游bear[beə]熊poor[pʊə]贫穷hair[heə]头发brewery [`brʊəri] 啤酒厂chair[ʧeə]椅子sure[ʃʊə]肯定辅音[ p ] [ b ]hope[həʊp] 希望book[bʊk]书plane[plein]飞机bed[bed]床cap[cæp]帽子big [big] 大的happy[`hæpi]幸福的box[bɔks]盒子[ t ] [ d ]pretty[`priti] 漂亮的doctor[dɔktə]医生eat[i:t]吃door[dɔ:]门short[ʃɔ:t]短的dog [dɔg] 狗goat[gəʊt]山羊dance[da:ns]跳舞[k] [g]key[ki:]钥匙pig[pig]猪kid[kid]小孩dig[dig]挖kite[kait]风筝keg[keg]小桶cake[keik]蛋糕big[big]大的[f] [v]feet[fi:t]脚vet[vet]兽医five[faiv]五vat[væt]大桶gift[gift]礼物TV[`ti:`vi:]电视fatty[`fæti]胖子love [lʌv] 爱[θ] [ð]thick[θik]厚的feather [`feðə]羽毛thin[θin]瘦的father[`fa:ðə]爸爸thumb[θʌm]大姆指mother[`mʌðə]妈妈thread[θred]线brother[`brʌðə]兄弟[ʃ] [ʒ]sheep[ʃi:p]绵羊measure [`meʒə]量具ship[ʃip]轮船pleasure[`pleʒə]开心shoe[ʃu:]鞋garage[`gæra:ʒ]车库fish[fiʃ]鱼television[`teli`viʒn]电视[s] [z]sea[si:]大海zip[zip]拉链desk[desk]桌子vase[va:z]花瓶ducks[dʌks]鸭子peas[pi:z]豌豆cups[kʌps]杯子bags[bægz]书包[r] [h]ring[riŋ]戒指hen[hen]母鸡red[red]红色的head[hed]脑袋rat[ræt]老鼠horse[hɔs]马rabbit[`ræbit]兔子hand[hænd]手[ʧ] [ʤ]chick[ʧik]小鸡jeep[ʤi:p]吉普车chess[ʧes]象棋jam[ʤæm]果酱bench[benʧ]长凳bridge[briʤ]桥picture [`pikʧə]图画cabbage [`kæbiʤ] 卷心菜[tr] [dr]tree[tri:]树dream[dri:m]梦truck[trʌk]卡车drum[drʌm]鼓train[trein]火车drop[drɔp]扔trousers[`trauzəz]裤子drink[driŋk] 喝[ts] [dz]boots[bu:ts]靴子beds[bedz]床cats[kæts]猫swords[sɔ:dz]剑shirts[ʃə:ts]衬衫birds[bə:dz]鸟gates[geits]大门hands[hændz]手[m] [n]map[mæp]地图gun[gʌn]枪man[mæn]男人fan[fæn]风扇mop[mɔp]拖把sun[sʌn]太阳stamp[stæmp]邮票cent[sent]分币[ŋ] [l]king[kiŋ]国王lamp[læmp]台灯sing[siŋ]唱歌flag[flæg]红旗monkey[`mʌŋki]猴子clock[klɔk]闹钟long [lɔŋ] 长的ball[bɔ:l]球[w] [j]wall[wɔ:l]墙yard[ja:d]院子watch[wɔʧ]手表yacht[jɔt]游艇worker[wə:kə]工人youth[ju:θ] 青年window[`windəʊ] 窗户yellow[`jeləʊ]黄色的。
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英语国际音标表(48个)元音:发音时声带振动,呼出的气流通过口腔时不受阻碍,这样形成的语音称作元音.元音发音响亮,口腔中气流不受阻碍,是构成音节的主要音.辅音:不论声带振动与否,发声时呼出的气流通过口腔或鼻腔时受到一定阻碍,这样的语音称为辅音.辅音发音不响亮,口腔中气流受到阻碍,不是构成音节的主要音.元音(20个)长元音/ɑ://ɔ:// ɜ://i://U:/短元音/ ʌ//ɒ//ə//ɪ//ʊ//e//æ/ /eɪ//aɪ//ɔɪ/双元音/ɪə//eə//ʊə//əʊ//aʊ/辅音(28个)清辅音/p// t// k//f//θ//s/浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//ð/ /z/清辅音/ʃ// h//ts//tʃ//tr/浊辅音/ʒ// r/ /dz/ /dʒ//dr/鼻音/m//n/ /ŋ/半元音/ j// w/边音/ ǀ/元音字母 a e i o u辅音字母 b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z1.元音1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei ey单词举例:thr ee[θri:]tr ee[tri:]gr ee n[griːn]sh ee p[ʃiːp]m ee t[miːt]b ee[biː]s ee[si:]ea t t ea m ea t l ea ve l ea f t ea cher sp ea kcl ea n pl ea se h e sh e m e p ie ce rec ei ve2)[ I ] [i]发音字母: i y e ui u ey单词举例:s i t [sit]p i g [piɡ]b i g [biɡ]i t [it]i s [iz] f i sh [fiʃ] bus y ['bɪzɪ] man y happ y d i ctionar y mon ey3)[ æ ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g [[bæɡ]] h a nd [hænd] h a ppy ['hæpi]h a t [hæt] m a p [mæp]b a d [bæd] bl a ck b a ck d a d m a n a t4)[e]字母组合: ea e a ai单词举例h ea d [hed] br ea d[bred]b e ll [bel] l eg [leg]e gg[eg]rem e mber [ri'membə]p en l e sson b e tter d e sk hot e l y e s 5) [ ə: ] 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l [ɡə:l] sh ir t [ʃɜːt]sk ir t [skə:t] th ir ty['θə:ti] th ir d[θə:d]t ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sdayl ear n ear th t er m h er w or k w or ld6) [ə] 字母组合er or ar o a ureg:teach er ['ti:tʃə] rememb er [ri'membə] moth er ['mʌðə]fath er ['fɑ:ðə] doct or act or auth or famili ar doll ar pand a pictu re t o gether t o morrowt o day less o n a round a go pand a b a nan a7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a au单词举例:c a r[kɑ:] f ar m[fɑ:m]l au gh[lɑ:f]p ar k[pɑ:k] st ar[stɑ:]f a st cl a ss gl a ss gr a ss a unt8)[ ʌ ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:s u n[sʌn] b u t[bʌt]r u n[rʌn]l u ck[lʌk]c u p[kʌp]b u s[bʌs]c o me m o ther l o ve ab o ve tr ou ble bl ood fl oo d9) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar oor a单词举例:sm al l[smɔ:l] w al l[wɔ:l]t al k[tɔ:k] t al l[tɔ:l]b al l[bɔːl]w al k[wɔːk] sh or t m or e h or se f or f or ty sp or tau thor au tumn caught four warm floor door water 10) [ ɔ ] ([ɒ]) 发音字母: o a单词举例:o n[ɔn] h o t[hɔt]f o x[fɒks]d o g[dɔɡ] sh o p[ʃɔp]st o p[stɔp] w a nt w a sh w a tch11) [u:]字母组合: oo o u oe ui单词举例:f oo d[fu:d]r oo m[ru:m] t oo th[tu:θ]sch oo l[sku:l]m oo n [mu:n] sh o e d o tw o tr u e bl u e r u ler12) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例:p u t[put]f u ll[ful]p u sh[puʃ] l oo k g oo d f oo t b oo k w oo d sh ou ld c ou ld c oo k m o ve13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例:n a me[neim] c a ke[keik]a ge[eidʒ]pl a ne[plein]A pril['eiprəl] pl ay s ay m ay w ay d a y l a ke gr ea t br ea k th ey gr eyg a me r ai n p ai nt pl ai n14) [ai]发音字母i y单词举例:B i ke[baik]k i te[kait]r i ce[rais]f i nd[faind] l i ght['lait]n i ght[nait] m y tr y fl y e y e kn i fe t i me15) [au] 字母组合:ou ow单词举例:h ou se[haus]ou t[aut]m ou th[mauθ] s ou nd[saund]m ou se[maus] bl ou se fl ow er d ow n n ow c ow h ow16) [əʊ] [əu]发音字母: o ow oa单词举例: h o me[həum]c o ld[kəuld] g o[ɡəu] h o pe[həup] n o se[nəuz] kn ow l ow bel ow gr ow b ow l b oa t c oa t g oa l 17) [ɔi]字母组合: oy oi单词举例: b oy[bɔi] t oy[tɔi]oi l[ɔil]v o ice[vɔis]ch oi ce[tʃɔis]18) [iə]字母组合:eer ear单词举例:b eer[biə] y ear [jiə]ear[iə]n ear[niə] id ea[ai'diə]19) [ɛə]字母组合: ear air ere单词举例:p ear[pεə]b ear[bεə] ch air[tʃεə] air[εə] th ere wh erec are p air h air20)[uə]字母组合: ure oor our单词举例:s ure[ʃuə] p oor[puə] t our[tuə]2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en[pen]p ig[piɡ]p a p er['peipə] p lay[plei]a pp le['æpl] 22. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:boa t[bəut]t able['teibl]coa t[kəut]goa t[ɡəut]t alk[tɔ:k] 23. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite[kait] k ing[kiŋ]k itchen['kitʃin] c an[kæn] c ar[kɑ:]c ake[keik]lo ck c up k ey mil k c oo k24. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f ox[fɔks]f ish[fiʃ]lau gh[lɑ:f] ph oto['fəutəu] ele ph ant['elifənt] 25. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in[θin] th ank[θæŋk] th ree[θri:]26. [ s ]字母组合: s c ss ce单词举例:s ix[siks]s ing[siŋ]s now[snəu] c inema['sinəmə]c ity['siti]27. [ ts ]字母组合: ts单词举例:ha ts ca ts coa ts boa ts studen ts28. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee[tri:]tr ain[trein]tr y[trai] tr ousers['trauzə]29. [ ʃ]字母组合: sh s单词举例:sh ip[ʃip] sh oe[ʃu:] sh op[ʃɔp] sh ort[ʃɔ:t]30. [ tʃ ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air[tʃεə] ch icken['tʃikin]ch inese[,tʃai'ni:z]wat ch[wɔtʃ]31. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot[hɔt] h e[hi:] h at[hæt] h as[hæz]浊辅音32.[ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy[bɔi]b all[bɔ:l] b ed[bed]b ag[bæɡ]b ee[bi:]33.[ d ]字母组合: d单词举例:d og[dɔɡ]d o[du:]d ate[deit]d octor[dɔktə] d esk[desk]34. [ g ]字母组合: g gg单词举例:g et[ɡet]g lass[ɡlɑ:s] g rass[ɡrɑ:s]e gg[eɡ] g ive[ɡiv] ba g[bæɡ] 35. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed[red] r ead[ri:d] r ain[rein]r un[rʌn]36. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v ery['veri] v ase[vɑ:z] fi v e[faiv]lo v e[lʌv] wa v e[weiv] ele v en[i'levən] 37. [ ð ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is[ðis] th at[ðæt] th ese[ði:z]th ose[ðəuz]38.[ z ]字母组合: z] s ze se单词举例:z oo[zu:z ero['ziərəu] the se[ði:z] tho se[ðəuz]39. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例:be ds han ds car ds ban ds40. [ dr ]字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y[drai]dr ink[driŋk] dr ess[dres] dr iver[draivə] dr aw[drɔ:] 41.[ ʒ]字母组合: s si(on)单词举例:us u ally['ju:ʒuəli]televi si on['teli,viʒən] ca s ual['kæʒjuəl]trea s ure['treʒə] 42.[ dʒ字母组合: g ge j dge单词举例:oran ge['ɔrindʒ] pa ge[peidʒ]j ob[dʒɔb] j eep[dʒi:p]j ump[dʒʌmp]其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any['meni] m eat[mi:t] m other['mʌðə]m usic['mju:zik]44. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o[nəu]n ot[nɔt]n oodle['nu:dl] n ew[nju:] n ow[nau]45. [ l ]字母组合: l单词举例:l ook[luk] l ong[lɔŋ] l eft [lɛft]l ight[laɪt]l et[let]46. [ ŋ]字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng [lɔŋ] si ng[siŋ]47.[ j ]字母组合: y单词举例:y ear[jiə] y ellow['jeləu] y ou[ju:] y es[jes]48. [ w ]字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord[wə:d]w inter['wintə]w indow ['windəu]wh at wh ere wh en 47.[j u:]字母组合: u单词举例:m u sic['mju:zik] yo u[ju:] T u esday['tju:zdei]u se [ju:z]辅音[p] pot pig put [b] bed bag book [t] tooth teacher tea [d] dog dig duck [k] cake keep cat [g] grandpa girl green [f] father fat foot [v] five very vent [s] small study bus [z] jazz zoo zero [θ] eighth forth tenth [δ] those these that [∫] cash shoe ship [з] measure pleasure leisure[t∫]chair chicken lunch [dз] jack job change[tr] tree truck train [dr] dress drink drain[ts] students coats cats [dz] beds odds codes[m] mum moon morning [n] moon nut needle [ŋ] ink link ring[h] hello hurry hey [l] look leg lake [r] rain radio room [w] window wake week [j] yellow yes you单元音:[e] yes yellow bed [ae] cat bad dad [a:] are car far [۸] cut nut but[כ] pot got dog [כ:] call tall or [ə:]curtain further fur [ə]mother color cooler [i] ink big pig [i:] jeep tea eat [u] good book look [u:] cool zoo tool双元音:[ei] age eight make [ai] ice bike nice [כi]toy oil boy [əu] old joke gold [au] cloud mouth cow [εə] air fair chair [iə] ear near year [uə] cure dure pure。