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1.Martin is always c__________ problems to the people around him. He is often called the “problem child”.

2.I think the students’ p___________ is not very good. It needs to be improved, and then they can speak better.

3.It’s true that the i_________population can be the greatest problem of the world today.

4.We were i___________ by what the boy had done. He looked very common but he was so great.

5----Its very important to keep a b__________ of work and rest.

----Yes, I think so.

6.Don’t be so s____________ abo ut what he said. He just told a joke.

7.I’m sure that teenagers are always e___________ and seem never tired.

8.Do you want a nature trip? Call us at 443627349 for more i_________ about it,please.

9.I have some things in c___________ with Mike. For example, we both like playing soccer.

10.Whatever you do here, I will believe you and s_______ you.

11.Don’t put yourself in danger. S_________ is always the first.

12.By c_________ yourself to your parents, you will find you are much happier than them. 13Don’t get too near to the fire please, I m___________ that you’d better stay away from it, instead.

14.What Miss Zhen said at the party r____________ me of the country life in Da Bie Shan mountains, Hubei province.

15.Nowadays, many college students would like to find some p__________ jobs to train themselves before they get into companies or factories.

16.Though she is a d___________ girl, she has a strong will to get over every difficulty she faces.

17.I had a really p__________ trip to Kunming last week. I really enjoyed myself.

18.Although the air isn’t fresh, and it’s usually c____________ with lots of people at the mall,

I prefer being there.

19.Bad luck! I missed the early bus because I o_______ this morning.

20.Sorry, Mike! We don’t have enough money. T herefore, we can’t a_____to buy the new car.

21.Be c___________. Some animals are really aggressive(攻击性的), such as tigers, lions. Stay away, please.

22.Now parents always tell their children not to speak to s________

23.they a_______ him for his bravery and regarded him as a hero.

24.The spirit of Christmas is to s__________ love and joy to people.

25.Mike was p_________ because he broke the windows when he played basketball.

26.Jim is so h___________ that he is always making us laugh.

27.A good teacher has a good i________ on his students.

28.I know you’ll have an i________ tomorrow. I hope you can get the job.

29.Thanks for your advice. I’m sure it will be h_______ to me.

30.You can’t get into p_______ rooms if you aren’t allowed. That’s impolite.

31.Lucy is a________. She had a bad fever and her mother sent her to the hospital, so he missed the class.

32.These new types of energy cost very little and p________ little pollution.

33.Gas is now w________ used for cooking and heating.

34.She tries to a_________ answering my questions and she was too shy to say anything.

35.There was a l_________ discussion in our class. Everybody gave his or her ideas.

36.During visiting Chengdu, I tasted some l_________ food. They are really delicious.

37.The boy has no money on him, so he has no c________ but to wait.

38.Children should be e___________ to care for the environment.

39. I got the l______ through the driving test.

st night he had an a_________ dream, and he couldn’t sleep well all the night.

41.I r________ not taking his advice, otherwise (否则)I would have succeed in passing the
