

join in六上教材分析

join in六上教材分析

剑桥小学英语Book 3》教材教法分析来源:发布时间:2010年11月06日阅读次数:14 【字体:大中小】《剑桥小学英语Book 3》教材教法分析——吴一小范婷婷一、《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》教材介绍:《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》是英国剑桥大学出版社2000年的最新版本教材,该教程是以非英语国家少年儿童为学习对象的,本套教材非常显着的特点之一是借鉴了Gardner的多元智能理论,是以20世纪末国际教育心理学,语言教学理论的最新研究成果——多元智能理论(Theory of Multiple Intelligences)作为编写的主导思想。


《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》特别注重对少年儿童认知系统与心理机制的开发,教材的设计力图让他们的各种智能特征得以表现,如:用生动的卡通画和有声有色的语言夸张表现的方式,启动孩子们对英语的感知能力;用强烈音乐节奏刺激的英语韵文,让孩子们轻松自然地形成良好的发音习惯和标准的发音;用易学而又优美动听的英语歌曲,使孩子们在艺术的陶冶中得到英语表现的美感;用模仿、做游戏、表演等多种活动形式,激发每个孩子的兴趣,培养他们的合作精神。


二、《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》的特点1、.以学生为主体,全面提高学生素质学生的发展是学科教材及其教学过程设计的出发点和归宿。

《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》教程的书名及其设计,确立了其教学过程必须是学生参与学习的过程。


剑桥(join in)版小学英语六年级下册配套教案(全册)

剑桥(join in)版小学英语六年级下册配套教案(全册)

教案设计教案设计Unit 1 My cousins and I教学设计(第1课时)【教学内容】Part 1, Part 2, Part 3【教学目标】(一)知识与技能1.能借助图片听懂、读懂介绍自己、家庭成员以及家乡的短文,并完成填空等练习;2.能读懂询问个人及家庭的问句,进行简单交流,并能简单记录和书面表达朋友及其家庭信息;3.能听懂描述个人外貌及性格特征的句子,并能准确认读和书写形容词nice,kind,pretty,lovely,friendly,outgoing,tall,short,strong,cool,clever,beautiful等。





【教学准备】教材相配套的录音带【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up1.利用照片、课件创造情境,引导学生猜测单词词义。

2.呈现本课人物图片,引导学生提问,如“Who’s she? Where is she from? How old is she? What does she look like?”等。

Step 2 Listen and read老师播放录音,学生跟读课文,训练学生口语。

Step 3 Listen and practice1.老师再次播放录音,补充一些问题引导学生进一步理解短文。

如:Answer the questions:1) Where was she born?2) How old is she?3) What does she like?4) When did she start playing the piano?5) How many people are there in her family? Who are they?6) Where is her dad from? What about her mum?7) What do her parents do? And there where do they work?8) How old is her brother?2.学生独立完成1b练习,师生共同核对答案。



《剑桥小学英语Join in —入门阶段》教材教法分析(上)一、教材分析:(一).教材特点:《Join in 》教材的突出特点表现在以下几个方面:1.以学生为主体,全面提高学生的素质。

















剑桥join in3课文分析

剑桥join in3课文分析

一、《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》教材介绍:《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》是英国剑桥大学出版社2000年的最新版本教材,该教程是以非英语国家少年儿童为学习对象的,本套教材非常显著的特点之一是借鉴了Gardner的多元智能理论,是以20世纪末国际教育心理学,语言教学理论的最新研究成果——多元智能理论(Theory of Multiple Intelligences)作为编写的主导思想。


《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》特别注重对少年儿童认知系统与心理机制的开发,教材的设计力图让他们的各种智能特征得以表现,如:用生动的卡通画和有声有色的语言夸张表现的方式,启动孩子们对英语的感知能力;用强烈音乐节奏刺激的英语韵文,让孩子们轻松自然地形成良好的发音习惯和标准的发音;用易学而又优美动听的英语歌曲,使孩子们在艺术的陶冶中得到英语表现的美感;用模仿、做游戏、表演等多种活动形式,激发每个孩子的兴趣,培养他们的合作精神。


二、《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》的特点1、.以学生为主体,全面提高学生素质学生的发展是学科教材及其教学过程设计的出发点和归宿。

《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》教程的书名及其设计,确立了其教学过程必须是学生参与学习的过程。


2、《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》教程的教学目标循序渐进,设置科学该教材的编写依据语言学习的客观规律,充分体现不同年龄段和不同语言水平学生的学习特点和学习需要。

剑桥小学英语《Join In》(Book 3) 邱灿

剑桥小学英语《Join In》(Book 3) 邱灿

说课设计Join in 3 剑桥小学英语六下REVISION 1 阅读课东西湖区吴家山第三小学:邱灿各位评委老师们,你们好!我是来自吴家山第三小学的邱灿老师。

我今天说课的主题是剑桥小学英语《Join in》book 3中Revision 1 part 8 《children on the Internet》。



根据动态生成课堂模式教学的特点,将阅读课的教学基本模式分为:(1)、激趣导入,初步感知(2)、主动学习,精讲点拨(3)、多维操练,合作分享 (4)、拓展生成,反馈评价二、背景分析1、教材分析六年级上学期Revision1单元是本册书的第一个复习单元,内容涉及对:数字,食物,There be句型,daily life短语的复习和整合。


本节课属于六年级上学期Revision 1的第八部分,体裁为应用文中的电子邮件。


这三个主题都是学生较为熟悉的内容,其中,I like computers and swimming.句型中, swim要求双写m再加ing,学生容易出现书写错误;like后接动词ing形式也是学生很容易遗忘的知识点。


但通过比较,一篇使用了句型I live in …;另一篇使用的是I’m from…,学生容易将两句意思弄混,应重点讲解。

3.学情分析兴趣方法能力对阅读材料非常感兴趣能根据上下文有一定的语言意思推测单词意思基础不知如何少部分同学不愿积极参与阅读三、教学目标和重难点根据教材内容的特点以及学生语言现状的分析,我设计以下教学目标:教学目标1、知识与能力目标知识目标:学生能正确听、说、读、写生词:home page Sydney opera house start end能正确运用短语 get up go to school go to bed使学生能正确运用句型 School starts at…School ends at…I like doing sthI’m from… I live in…能区别Where are you from? 以及Where do you live?能力目标:(1) 能根据提示,写出自己的home page.(2) 能采用跳读、找读等阅读方法提高阅读速度2.过程与方法目标(1)能与他人合作,共同完成阅读任务。

Join In剑桥小学英语

Join In剑桥小学英语

Join In剑桥小学英语(改编版)入门阶段Unit 1Hello,hello第1单元嗨,嗨and mime.1 听,模仿Stand up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down站起来说"嗨" 拍手坐下来Good. Let's do up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down好. 我们来再做一遍.站起来说"嗨"拍手坐下来the pictures.2 再听一遍给图画编号.up "hello" hands down1 站起来2 说"嗨"3 拍手4 坐下来说3. A ,what's yourname3 一首歌嗨,你叫什么名字Hello. , what's yourname Hello. Hello.嗨. 嗨. 嗨, 你叫什么名字嗨,嗨.Hello, what's yourname I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello,hello.嗨, 你叫什么名字我叫托比. 我叫托比. 嗨,嗨,嗨.I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello, let's go!我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨, 我们一起!Hello. , what's yourname I'm 'm Toby.嗨.嗨.嗨, 你叫什么名字我叫托比.我叫托比. Hello,hello,hello. I'm 'm Toby. Hello,hello,let's go!嗨,嗨,嗨.我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨,我们一起!4 Listen and stick4 听和指What's your name I'm Bob.你叫什么名字我叫鲍勃.What's your name I'm Rita. What's your name I'm Nick.你叫什么名字我叫丽塔. 你叫什么名字我叫尼克.What's your name I'm Lisa.你叫什么名字我叫利萨.5. A story-Pit'sskateboard.5 一个故事-彼德的滑板.Pa:Hello,Pit.Pa:好,彼德.Pi:Hello,:What's thisPi:嗨,帕特.Pa:这是什么Pi:My new :Look!Pi:Goodbye,Pat!Pi:这是我的新滑板.Pi:看!Pi:再见,帕特!Pa:Bye-bye,Pit!Pi:Help!Help!pi:Bye-bye,skateboard!Pa:再见,彼德!Pi:救命!救命!Pi:再见,滑板!Unit 16. Let's learnand act第1单元6 我们来边学边表演.Hello! What's yourname Hello! I'mXiaoqing. Let's go ,Lisa. Ok! Bye-bye!嗨!你叫什么名字嗨!我叫小晴.丽莎,我们走吧.好的!再见!Good-bye,Xiaoqing!Hi!My name's 's your nameHello!I'm Jiefeng.再见,小晴!嗨!我叫汤姆.你叫什么名字嗨!我叫杰风.In FocusHello!/Hi!Good moring./Moring.重点嗨!/嗨!早上好./早上好.What's your nameI'm...你叫什么名字我是......Unit 17. Let's new skateboardWhat's this第1单元7 我们来说一说.我的新滑板.这是什么my book my pencilmy pen my schoolbag我的书我的铅笔我的钢笔我的书包Unit 's say Bb Cc Dd第1单元8 读字母Aa Bb Cc DdUnit 2Numbers第2单元数字Unit song .A ,two ,three.第2单元1 一首歌.一首数字歌.一, 二, 三.Hop,hop,,five ,six ,Now let's stop.跳,跳,跳.四,五,六,现在我们停下来.One ,two ,,hop,,five ,Six ,Now let's stop.一,二,三,跳,跳,跳.四,五,六,现在我们停下来.One ,two ,,hop,,five ,Six ,Now let's stop.一,二,三,跳,跳,跳.四,五,六,现在我们停下来.One ,two ,,hop,,five ,Six ,Now let's stop.一,二,三,跳,跳,跳.四,五,六,现在我们停下来.Unit chant. 第2单元2 吟诵.青蛙.听.嗄.One , ,croak,croak.一只青蛙.嗄.嗄.两只青蛙.嗄,嗄,嗄.Three ,croak,croak, frogs.三只青蛙.嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄.四只青蛙.Croak,croak,croak,croak, frogs.嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄.五只青蛙.Croak,croak,croak,Croak,croak, frogs.嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄,嗄.六只青蛙.Look!A crocodile!Bye-bye ,frogs!看!一条鳄鱼!再见,青蛙!Unit and 's balloonis number four.第2单元3 听和写丽塔的气球是4号.Toby's balloon isnumber 's balloon isnumber one.托比的气球是六号.帕特的气球是一号.Sandra's balloon isnumber 's balloon isnumber five.桑德拉的气球是三号.彼德的气球是五号.Lisa's balloon isnumber two.利萨的气球是二号.Unit 's 's the numberIt's one-one-zero.第2单元6 我们来说一说.这个号码是多少是110.My number is five-six-zero-two-four.我的电话号码是56024.Unit 's learn theletters and say thechant.第2单元8 学字母,读儿歌.Ee Ff GgA, B ,C , D , E ,Please look at thistree.Ee Ff GgA, B ,C , D , E ,请看这棵树.A,B,C,D,E,F,G,In front of it ,two,three,four,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,绵羊们都在它的前面.一,二,三,四,The tree is very ,two,three,four,five,The sheepare fat and white.树很高.一,二,三,四,五,绵羊又肥又白.In 's the numberIt's book one dog重点1 号码是多少是六.2 一本书一只狗one pen two booksfive dogs six pens一只钢笔两本书五只狗六只笔Unit 3 ToysUnit 31. Listen and your ball.第3单元玩具第3单元1 听,模仿.拿起你的球.Throw it to hear a up.扔给你的朋友.你听到飞机的声音.你抬头看.The ball comes !'s do itagain:球飞了回来.哎哟.好的.我们再来一遍:Take your it to hear a plane.拿起你的球.扔给你的朋友.你听到飞机的声音.Look ball comes !你抬头看.球飞了回来.哎哟!Unit again .Number the :Take your ball.第3单元2 再听一遍.给图画编上号码.1 拿起你的球. Two:Throw it toyour :You hear aplane.2 扔给你的朋友.3 你听到飞机的声音.Four:Look :The ball :Ouch!4 你抬头看.5 球飞了回来.6 哎哟!Unit ,two,three,four,第3单元3 听.玩个游戏.一,二,三,四,five,six ,seven,eight,nine,'s start ,two,three,五,六,七,八,九,十.我们再来一遍.一,二,三,Four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,'s start again.四,五,六,七,八,九,十.我们再来一遍.One,two,three,Four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,'s start again.一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十.我们再来一遍.Unit and stickOne Two ThreeFour Five Six Seven第3单元4 听和指出来一二三四五六七Eight Nine Ten八九十Unit and checkNumber one is theball.第3单元5 听,检查一号是一个球.Number two is three is theskateboard.二号是青蛙.三号是滑板.Number four is five is thetrain.四号是洋娃娃.五号是火车.Number six is seven is thecar.六号是自行车.七号是汽车.Number eight is nine is theboat.八号是飞机.九号是船.Number ten is thecrocodile.十号是鳄鱼.Unit 37. Let's ask 's five and five第3单元7 问和答.五加五等于多少Five and five is 's three minustwoIt's one.五加五是十.三减二是多少是一.In is seven andthreeTen.重点1 七加三是多少是十.'s five minusfiveZero.2 五减五是多少是零.Unit 38. Learn and sayOne,two,three,four,We've got some balls.第3单元8 边学边说一,二,三,四,我们有一些球.Five,six,seven,eight,Let's pass and ,ten; nine,ten,Let's be good friends.五,六,七,八,我们传球和打球玩.九,十;九,十,我们成为好朋友.Unit birthday song第3单元9 生日歌Revision Unit and has got a has got a doll.复习第1单元3 听和检查尼克有一个球.丽塔有一个布娃娃. Bob has got a has got a has got a has got鲍勃有一条船.利萨有一辆汽车.彼德有一列火车.桑德拉有一辆自行车. Ken has got a has got askateboard.肯有一架飞机.托比有一个滑板.Revision Unit and checkThere is one train.复习第1单元5 听和检查那里有一列火车.There are are three are four planes.有两个滑板.有三辆自行车.有四架飞机.There are five are six are seven dolls.有五只船.有六辆汽车.有七只布娃娃.There are eight are nine are tenballoons.有八个球.有九只青蛙.有十个汽球.Unit 4 song The ButterflyLook at the butterfly,The lovely butterfly. [27:]第4单元颜色1 一首歌蝴蝶看那只蝴蝶,可爱的蝴蝶. [27:]Hello,hello, at the butterfly,The lovely ,hello,hello.[27:]嗨,嗨,嗨.看那只蝴蝶,漂亮的蝴蝶.嗨,嗨,嗨.[27:]It's green and red,It's pink and 's brown and yellow,too.它是绿色和红色的,它是粉红色和蓝色的.它也是棕色和黄色的.It's green and red,It's pink and 's brown and yellow,too.它是绿色和红色的,它是粉红色和蓝色的.它也是棕色和黄色的.Oh,little butterfly,My little butterfly,Bye-bye,bye-bye,bye-bye.噢,小蝴蝶,我的小蝴蝶再见,再见,再见.Oh,little butterfly,My lilttle butterfly,Bye-bye,bye-bye,bye-bye.噢,小蝴蝶,我的小蝴蝶再见,再见,再见.Unit and paints the boatblue.第4单元2 听和着色托比把船涂成蓝色.Then he paints thecar he paints thetrain red.然后他把汽车涂成绿色然后他把火车涂成红色Then he paints thedoll he paints theball pink.然后他把布娃娃涂成黄色.然后他把球涂成粉红色Then he paints theskateboard he paints thebike brown.然后他把滑板涂成橙色然后他把自行车涂成棕色.Then he paints theplane blue and red.然后他用蓝色和红色来涂飞机.Unit story-the and stick.第4单元4 一个故事-猫.听和贴.Pi:lzzy ,wizzy pat's milk :My milk!It's blue!Pi:Hee hee hee!Pi:力兹,为兹,喔.把帕特的牛奶变成蓝色Pa:我的牛奶!它成蓝色了!Pi:嘿嘿嘿! Pa:lzzy,wizzy,Kingand Pit'smilk :My milk!It's green!Pa:力兹,为兹.国王和王后.把彼德的牛奶变成绿色. Pi:我的牛奶!它变成绿色了! Pa:Hee hee hee!Pi:Look at the cat!Pa:Oh,no!Pa:嘿嘿嘿!Pi:看那只猫!Pa:噢,不!Unit 's learn orange yellow第4单元5 我们边学边说.红色橙色黄色green blue brownpink blackWhat colour is thisIt's white.绿色蓝色棕色粉红色黑色这是什么颜色这是白色的.In FocusWhat colour is thisIt's white.重点这是什么颜色这是白色的.Unit 's point andtalk.第4单元6 我们边指边说.What's thisIt's the letter colour is itIt's blue.这是什么就是字母d.它是什么颜色它是蓝色的.What's the numberIt's the number colour is itIt's yellow.这个数字是几这是数字4.它是什么颜色它是黄色的.Unit 47. Let's talk andcolour.第4单元7 说并着色What letter is thisIt's the letter it red,.这是什么字母这是H.请把它涂成红色.好的.Hh Ii Jj KkHh Ii Jj KkUnit 48. Let's say 's Flag第4单元8 我们来读儿歌.中国国旗We're standing sideby red flag flieshigh.我们肩并肩站着.红旗高高飘扬.The five-star redflag,It flies in theblue sky.五星红旗,它在蓝色天空里飞扬.China's flag 's sing out withgreat pride.中国国旗高高飞扬.我们唱出我们的自豪.We all love china'sflag,And safeguard isas our eyes.我们都爱中国国旗.像保护我们的眼睛一样保护它.This is china's 's a five-star redflag. I love love china's flag.这是中国的国旗.它是五星红旗.我爱中国.我爱中国国旗.Unit 5School thingsUnit and colour第5单元学习用品第5单元1 听并涂色.Colour Toby's pencilcase Toby's pen red.把托比的铅笔盒涂成蓝色.把托比的钢笔涂成红色Colour Toby's Toby's bookorange.把托比的铅笔涂成粉红色.把托比的书涂成橙色.Colour Toby'sschoolbag yellowand green.用黄色和绿色来涂托比的书包.Unit and ,what colour's yourschoolbag green.第5单元2 听,贴.彼德,你的书包是什么颜色绿色的.Pat,what colour'syour schoolbagred.帕特,你的书包是什么颜色红色的.Pit,what colour's yourpencil caseIt's .彼德,你的铅笔盒是什么颜色是粉红色的.P-I-N-K .Pat,what colour'syour pencil caseMy pencil caseHee hee hee.帕特,你的铅笔盒是什么颜色我的铅笔盒嘿嘿嘿.It's ,what colour'syour book是橙色的.彼德,你的书是什么颜色One and two,my bookis hee ,what colour'syour book一加二,我的书是蓝色的.嘿嘿嘿.帕特,你的书是什么颜色It's green,green,green,,what colour'syour pen是绿色,绿色,绿色,绿色的.彼德,你的钢笔是什么颜色My pen is ,what colour'syour penIt's blue,blue,blue.我的钢笔是黄色的.帕特,你的笔是什么颜色是蓝色,蓝色,蓝色的. Pit ,what colour'syour pencilbrown.彼德,你的铅笔是什么颜色棕色的.Pat ,what colour'syour pencil've got anorange pencil.帕特,你的铅笔是什么颜色橙色的.我有一只橙色的铅笔.Unit and 's a caterpillaron your desk.第5单元3 听并模仿.你的书桌上有一只毛毛虫.It crawls over it crawls overyour pencil case.你爬过你的书.然后爬过你的铅笔盒.Then it crawls intoyour ,look intoyour schoolbag.然后你爬进你的书包.现在,朝你书包里看.The caterpillar'seating your . Let's do itagain:毛毛虫正在吃你的苹果呢.好的.现在我们再做一遍.There's a caterpillaron your crawls over yourbook.你的书桌上有一只毛毛虫.你爬过你的书.Then it crawls overyour pencil it crawls intoyour schoolbag.然后爬过你的铅笔盒.然后你爬进你的书包.Now ,look into caterpillar'seating your apple.现在,朝你书包里看.毛毛虫正在吃你的苹果呢.Unit the pictures.第5单元4 再听一遍.给图画编上号.'s acaterpillar on yourdesk.1 你的书桌上有一只毛毛虫.crawls over it crawls overyour pencil case.2 你爬过你的书.3 然后爬过你的铅笔盒it crawls intoyour ,look into yourschoolbag.4 然后你爬进你的书包5 现在,朝你书包里看.caterpillar'seating your apple.6 毛毛虫正在吃你的苹果呢.Unit 55. A chantSee you tomorrow第5单元5 吟诵明天见.Open your in your pencil in your pencils.打开你的书包.把你的书放进去.打开你的铅笔盒.把你的铅笔放进去. Put in your you youtomorrow. Bye-bye.把你的钢笔放进去.明天见.再见.明天见.再见.Unit 's point pencil a pen第5单元6 边指边说一支铅笔一支钢笔a book a pencil casea schoolbag一本书一个铅笔盒一个书包In FocusWhat's this inEnglishIt's a pencil.重点这个用英语怎么说这是钢笔.Unit 's read Mm Nn Oo Pp第5单元7 我们边读边学.Ll Mm Nn Oo PpUnit 's say andspell. Hello!I'm Bill,B-I-L-L,Bill.第5单元8 说,拼写.好啊!我是比尔,B-I-L-L,比尔.In FocusBill,B-I-L-L,!I'm !Good morning.重点比尔,B-I-L-L,比尔.你好!我是迈克.好!早上好.I'm ! I'm pat,P-A-T,Pat. What'syour name,please我是尼克.好!我是帕特,P-A-T,帕特.请问你叫什么名字Hello!I'm Bob,B-O-B, to meet you, to meet you,too.好!我叫鲍勃,B-O-B,鲍勃.认识你很高兴,鲍勃.认识你也很高兴. CultureBoys' namesTom Bob NickMike Pit Pat习俗男孩的名字汤姆鲍勃尼克迈克彼德帕特Unit 6My classroomUnit and write.第六单元我的教室第六单元1 听和写One: Lisa,put thePencil case in .1 利萨,把你的铅笔盒放进书包里.好的.Two:Tom,close thewindow, 汤姆,请关上窗户.好的.3 鲍勃Yes Clean the board, thebook on your .什么事请把黑板擦干净.好的.4 利萨,把书放在你的课桌上.好的. Five:NickYesOpenthe window,,Miss.5 尼克什么事请打开窗户.好的,小姐.Six:Rita,close thedoor,.6 丽塔,请关上门.好的.Unit 62. A songOur happy classroomIn our classroom,第6单元2 一首歌我们幸福的教室在我们的教室里,In our classroom,In our happy, our classroom,在我们的教室里,在我们幸福的,幸福的教室里.在我们的教室里, In our classroom,In our happy, floor is brown.在我们的教室里,在我们幸福的,幸福的教室里.地板是褐色的. The board is door is pink chairs are red.黑板是黑色的.门是粉红色和蓝色的.椅子是红色的.The desks are windows aregreen our classroom,书桌是绿色的.窗户也是绿色的.在我们的教室里,In our classroom,In our happy, our classroom,在我们的教室里,在我们幸福的,幸福的教室里.在我们的教室里, In our classroom,In our happy,happyclassroom.在我们的教室里,在我们幸福的,幸福的教室里.Unit 63. Listen and a plane.第6单元3 听,模仿画一个飞机.Colour it red it it on your desk.用红色和黄色来涂它.把它剪出来.把它放上你的桌子.'s aloud plane flies outof the window.听.有一阵大的嘈杂声.飞机飞出了窗口.'s do itagain. Draw a it red andyellow.好的.我们再做一遍.画一个飞机.用红色和黄色来涂它.Cut it out .Put it on your ,there's aloud .把它剪出来.把它放上你的桌子.听.有一阵大的嘈杂声.The plane flies outof the window.飞机飞出了窗口.Unit 64. Listen the :Draw a plane.第6单元4 再听一遍.把图画编上号.1 画一个飞机.Two:Colour it redand :Cut it out.2 用红色和黄色来涂它3 把它剪出来.Four:Put it on :'sa loud .4 把它放上你的桌子.5 听.有一阵大的嘈杂声.Six:The plane fliesout of the window.6 飞机飞出了窗口.Unit 's read and !Yes第六单元6 读并表演它.巴迪!什么事Put the book in yourbag,'s go right.把书放进你的包里.好的.我们回家吧.好的.Open the door,! Close the door,,Mum.开门,妈妈.好的!关上门,巴迪.好的,妈妈.Put your bag on thetable, you !巴迪,把你的包放在桌子上.好的.明天见.再见!In Focus重点What colour is theboard colour is theboard这个黑板是什么颜色1 黑板是什么颜色It's colour arethe chairsThey're yellow.是黑色的.2 椅子是什么颜色它们是黄色的.Unit 's Rr Ss Tt第6单元8 我们来学Qq Rr Ss TtRevision unit and :Colour thebutterfly pink.复习的第二单元5 听,作记号.1 把蝴蝶涂成粉红色. Two:Put the planeon your :Open the window.2 把飞机放在你的桌子上.3 打开窗户.Four:Cut out :Draw a :Take a pencil.4 把青蛙剪出来.5 画一辆汽车.6 拿一只铅笔. Revision unit 's say up.复习的第二单元6 我们说并作相应的动作.坐下.站起来. Listen, the a boat, please.请听一听.打开门.关上窗户.请画一只船.Clean the car, the panda out,please.请把汽车擦干净.请把熊猫剪出来.Unit chantWhat's for breakfastWhat's for breakfast第7单元1 吟诵早餐吃什么早餐吃什么I'm 's forbreakfastI'm hungry.我饿了.早餐吃什么我饿了.Milk and cornflakes,toast and jam,teaand juice,rolls andham.牛奶和脆玉米片,烤面包和果酱,花卷和火腿.Yummy,yummy,I ,yummy,I lovebreakfast.美味,美味,我喜欢早餐.美味,美味,我喜欢早餐.I love breakfast,yeah.我喜欢早餐,是的.Unit and 's time forbreakfast. Listen.第七单元3 听并模仿.是吃早餐的时间了.听.Open the is a littledog.打开门.发现一只小狗.It's your a bite.它饿了.拿起你的香肠.咬了一口.Give the rest tothe 's do itagain.把剩下的留给了小狗.好的.我们再做一遍.It's time the door.是吃早餐的时间了.听.打开门.There is a littledog. It's your sausage.发现一只小狗.它饿了.拿起你的香肠.Take a the rest tothe dog.咬了一口.把剩下的留给了小狗.Unit thepictures.第7单元4 再听一遍.把图画编上号码.One:It's time ::Open the door.1 是吃早餐的时间了.2 听.3 打开门.Four:There is alittle :It's :Get your sausage.4 发现一只小狗.5 它饿了.6 拿起你的香肠.Seven:Take a :Give the restto the dog.7 咬了一口.8 把剩下的留给了小狗Unit story-Breakfastfor Pit and Pat.第7单元5 一个故事-彼德和帕特的早餐.Pi:I'm 's forbreakfastPi:我饿了.早餐吃什么Pa:Cornflakes,rollsand ::Woof,woof.Pa:脆玉米片,花卷和香肠.Pi:美味.D:低吠声.Pa:Let's watch :、Pa:Hee,hee,hee.Pa:我们来看卡通片.Pi:好的.Pi、Pa:嘿嘿嘿Pi:I'm :Me 、Pa:Oh,no!D:ZZZZZZZZPi:我饿了.Pa:我也是的.Pi、Pa:噢,不!D:ZZZZZZZZUnit 's learn love juice.第7单元6 学和说.我喜欢果汁.What about youI don't like like Focus你呢我不喜欢果汁.我喜欢茶.重点I like love don't like juice.我喜欢茶.我喜欢果汁.我不喜欢果汁.milk tea juicerice bread ice-creamapples eggs cakesbananas牛奶茶果汁米面包冰淇淋苹果蛋蛋糕香蕉Unit 's learn Vv Ww第7单元7 学,读Uu Vv WwUnit 's learn and is 'm from china.第7单元8 学和说.这是中国.我来自中国.I love is 'm from love china.我喜欢中国.这是天安门.我从北京来.我喜欢中国.This is my like it .I love school.这是我的学校.我喜欢它.我爱我的学校.P:Hello,Toby!T:Hi,Panda!Where are you fromP:I'm from China.P:你好,托比!T:你好,熊猫!你从哪儿来P:我来自中国.What about you T:I'm from :I love you ,:I love you ,too.你呢T:我从英国来.P:我喜欢你,托比.T:我也喜欢你.Unit 8 SweetsUnit and stick.第八单元糖果1 听和贴.Have some chocolates, you . I have an orange吃一些巧克力,汤姆.谢谢.美味.我能要一个桔子吗Here you are , some ice cream,Nick.给你,桑德拉.吃一些冰淇淋,尼克.Thank you .I loveice I havea lollipopHere you are,Lisa.谢谢你.我喜欢冰淇淋.我能要一个棒棒糖吗给你,丽塔.Have some Popcorn, I have a bananaHere you are ,Rita.鲍勃,吃一些爆米花.谢谢.好吃.我能有一个香蕉吗给你,丽塔.Unit songYummy, yummyLots of lollipops.第8单元2 一首歌美味,美味好多棒棒糖.Lots of of ice of of lollipops.好多爆米花.好多冰淇淋.好多巧克力.好多棒棒糖.Lots of of ice of chocolates.好多棒棒糖.好多冰淇淋.好多巧克力.Oh,my tummy,tummy,tummy,tummy,,my tummy,tummy,tummy,tummy,tummy.噢,我的肚子,肚子,肚子,肚子,肚子啊.噢,我的肚子,肚子,肚子,肚子,肚子啊. Have an apple,apple,apple,apple, an orange,orange,orange, orange,orange.吃一个苹果,苹果,苹果苹果,苹果.吃一个桔子,桔子,桔子桔子,桔子. Yummy, yummy, yummy,yummy, an apple,havean ,yummy.美味,美味,美味,美味,美味.吃一个苹果,吃一个桔子.美味,美味.Unit and 're thirsty.第8单元3 听并模仿.你渴了.Look!There's . Ouch!Take off you cap.看!有一个桔子.跳起来.哎哟!脱下你的帽子.Throw it at theorange. Catch theorange.扔向桔子.抓住了桔子.Oh,no!Your cap is inthe orange tree!'s do itagain.噢,不!你的帽子挂在了桔子树上.好的.我们再做一遍.You're !There's .你渴了.看!有一个桔子.跳起来.Ouch!Take off you it at theorange.哎哟!脱下你的帽子.扔向桔子.Catch the ,no!Your cap is inthe orange tree!抓住了桔子.噢,不!你的帽子挂在了桔子树上.Unit :You're thirsty.第8单元4 再听一遍.把图画编上号码.1 你渴了.Two:Look!There's ::ouch!2 看!有一个桔子.3 跳起来.4 哎哟!five:Take off yur capSix:Throw it at theorange.5 脱下你的帽子.6 扔向桔子.Seven:Catch :Oh,no!Your capis in the orange tree!7 抓住了桔子.噢,不!8 你的帽子挂在了桔子树上.Unit story-Oh,my tummy!Pi:Let's climb thetree.第8单元5 一个故事-噢,我的肚子!Pi:我们来爬树吧.Pa::Look,there's ahole.Pa:好的.Pi:看,有一个洞.Pa:There's somethingin the :A gold :Wow!Pa:洞里面好像有个东西.Pa:是个金戒指.Pi:哇!Pa:Is this your ringW:Let me see...Oh,yes,it you verymuch. Just a minute. Pa:是你的金戒指吗让我看看...噢,是的.太谢谢你们了.等一下.W:These are for 、Pa:Chocolate,:My tummy hurts.W:这是给你们的.Pi、Pa:巧克力,美味啊Pi:我的肚子痛.Pa:I feel :Have an ice 、Pa:No,thank you.Pa:我觉得难受.W:再吃一个冰淇淋.Pi、Pa:不了,谢谢了.Unit 's read and :Sit down,please,Lisa.第8单元6 读并表演.B:请坐下,丽塔.L:Thank :Have some Wuchangfish,:.L:谢谢.B:吃一些武昌鱼吧,丽塔.L:谢谢.好吃.B:Can I have an apple,LisaL: you :Thank you very much.B:我能吃一个苹果吗,丽塔L:是的.给你.B:太感谢了.L:That's all :Let's have someice-cream.L:不用谢.B:我们来吃冰淇淋吧.L:No, don'tlike : like it verymuch.L:不,谢谢.我不喜欢吃B:好的.我很喜欢吃.In FocusHave some you you very much.重点喝果汁.给你.太谢谢你了.you .That'sall right/OK.谢谢.谢谢.不用客气.不用客气.Unit 's play a ball.第8单元7 我们来做个游戏.画一个球.Colour yor it in your colour is myball It is red给你的球涂上色.把它夹在书里.你的球是什么颜色是红色的吗No,it's not it orangeYes,it's good!不,它不是红色的.是橙色的吗是的,是橙色的.太好了!What colour is myballPlease go no withthe game.你的球是什么颜色请继续游戏.Draw another thingby yourself and colourit.你自己画另一个东西,涂上色.Unit 's read andlearn.第八单元8 边读边学It's the letter X .It's 's the letter 's blue.这是字母X.它是红色的.这是字母Y.它是蓝色的.It's the letter 's Yy Zz这是字母Z.它是绿色的.Xx Yy ZzRevision unit and :Get a :Take a bite.复习的第三单元3 听并作记号.1 拿一根香肠.2 咬一口.Three:Give a bananato :You're :Jump.3 给托比一根香蕉.4 你渴了.5 跳起来.Six:Throw your cap.6 扔掉你的帽子.Revision unit Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg复习的第三单元5 英语字母表.Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff GgHh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt UuVv Ww Xx Yy ZzLet's say the ABC. Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt UuVv Ww Xx Yy Zz我们来说ABC. Revision unit 's Hh Jj Kk复习的第三单元6 我们来读.Aa Hh Jj KkEe Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp TtVv Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss XxZzIi YyEe Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp TtVv Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss XxZzIi YyOoUu Qq WwOoUu Qq WwUnit 9ChristmasUnit 91. A song第9单元圣诞节第9单元1 一首歌Christmas is nearChristmas is is near.圣诞节快来了.圣诞节快来了.圣诞节快来了.A Merry, a Happy New is near.圣诞快乐,快乐.还有新年快乐.圣诞节快来了. Christmas is Merry , a Happy New Year.圣诞节快来了.圣诞快乐,快乐.还有新年快乐. Christmas is is Merry,MerryChristmas.圣诞节快来了.圣诞节快来了.圣诞快乐,快乐. And a Happy New Christmas.还有新年快乐.圣诞快乐.Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐.圣诞快乐.圣诞快乐.圣诞快乐.Unit 94 .Let's say HappyNew Year to eachother.第9单元4 我们来相互祝福新年快乐.Happy New Year,Xiaoqing!The same to you,Sandra.新年快乐,小晴!你也是,桑德拉.Culture习俗Christmas DayDecember 25New Year's DayJanuary 1圣诞节12月15日新年1月1日In Focus重点。

外研社《join in3》六年级全一册unit2 28part1

外研社《join in3》六年级全一册unit2 28part1
b.Learn tosaythenew words(rings, shells,silver bellsnecklace,friendship bandsetc.)and Part 2 of the song.
T:Emma’s mascots every where. What are they?Guess?(出示物品背影图)
Ss:They’re soft.(在教师有趣的动作引导下学生边模仿动作边说出词汇)
StepⅡ.Learn to say new words andsingthe song
a.new words(soft,mascot)andPart1of the song
T:There arefull ofsoft toys in the bag. Look, soft elephant,soft------
一、Warming up
·Say a chant:My room
·Free talk
Have students talk about theirroom.

剑桥小学英语join in六年级下册StarterUnit-Unit1 综合练习

剑桥小学英语join in六年级下册StarterUnit-Unit1 综合练习

六年级下册Starter Unit-Unit 1 综合练习班级: ________ 姓名:________ 等级:________Ⅰ. Read and choose. 选出不同类的单词(20分)( ) 1. A. Australia B. China C. Canada D. Canberra ( ) 2. A. clever B. grandmother C. aunt D. uncle ( ) 3. A. driver B. uncle C. clown D. policeman ( ) 4. A. May B. Mary C. August D. November ( ) 5. A. strong B. cousin C. kind D. cool ( ) 6. A. PE B. Art C. USA D. ICT ( ) 7. A. cute B. friendly C. brown D. outgoing ( ) 8. A. when B. where C. how D. does ( ) 9. A. bear B. fish C. koala D. monkey ( ) 10. A. three B. seven C. sixth D. elevenⅡ. Read and choose. 读句子,选择正确的选项(20分)( ) 1. My father′s father is my ______________.A. uncleB. grandfatherC. grandparent ( ) 2. My mother has got a sister. She is my______.A. auntB. uncleC. dad( ) 3. I was born ________July in China.A. inB. onC. at( ) 4. My sister ____ got black hair and brown eyes.A. haveB. isC. has( ) 5. My parents________ playing table tennis.A. likesB. isC. like( ) 6. I started playing _______ piano at four.A.anB./C.the( ) 7. He is eight ________ old.A.monthsB.a monthC.month( ) 8. People are _______ cool clothes there.A.wearB.wearingC.wears( ) 9. Summer ______ in December in Australia.A.startB.startsC.starting( ) 10. Australia is the world’s _____ biggest country.A.sixB.sixtyC.sixthⅢ. Read and match. 读句子,选择相应的答句(10分)( ) 1. Where are you born? A.There are three. ( ) 2. When were you born ? B. He is a doctor. ( ) 3. How many people are there in your family ? C. Martin. ( ) 4. What does your father do ? D. I was born in Guangzhou. ( ) 5. Who is your uncle? E.I was born on June 3rd ,2006.IV. Look and write. 将单词进行分类(20分)grandfather、Australia、Maths、cousin、Science、Canberra、nurse、Sydney、pilot、China1.cities:2.family members:3.countries:4.jobs:5.subjects:V. Study family tree. Then fill in the correct words. (20分)根据家族树,填入合适的单词1. Sarah is my___________. Tracy is my__________.2. My dad has got a _________. He is my uncle.3. William and Katherine are myfather’s __________ and __________.4.Andrew’s dad is my____, and his mum is my ____.5. William and Katherine are my ______ and ______ .They are also my ____________.VI. Read the text and judge “T” or “F”. 阅读短文,判断正误(10分)I am Liza, a girl from Australia. What do you know about Australia? Here are some facts about my country.Australia is the world’s sixth biggest country. Its capital is Canberra. There are many Chinese Australians in the country.My home town Sydney is a beautiful city. It is the biggest city in Australia. There are many gardens and parks around the city. You can also see many street trees. You are welcome to visit Sydney.( ) 1. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia.( ) 2. Sydney is the capital of Australia.( ) 3. Australia is the world’s fifth biggest country.( ) 4. Sydney is a very beautiful city.( ) 5. Lisa is American.参考答案Ⅰ. Read and choose. 选出不同类的单词(20分)1.D2. A3. B4. B5. B6.C7. C8. D9. B 10. CⅡ. Read and choose. 读句子,选择正确的选项(20分)1.B2. A3. A4. C5. C6.C7. A8. B9. B 10. CⅢ. Read and match. 读句子,选择相应的答句(10分)1.D2. E3. A4. B5. CIV. Look and write. 将单词进行分类(20分)1. Canberra Sydney2. grandfather cousin3. Australia China4. nurse pilot5. Maths ScienceV. Study family tree. Then fill in the correct words. (20分)1. mother cousin2. brother3. father mother4. uncle aunt5. grandfather grandmother grandparentsVI. Read the text and judge “T” or “F”. 阅读短文判断正误(10分)1. T2. F3. F4. T5. F。

剑桥JOIN IN小学英语三年级起点 start开始单元

剑桥JOIN IN小学英语三年级起点 start开始单元
come on 过来呀 listen to听 join in参加(活动)
I'm=I am let's=let us what's=what is
1 Good morning!早上好! 2 Hello!你好! 3 How are you today? I'm fine。你今天好吗?我很好。 4 Goodbye。 5 Are you ready?你准备好了吗?
例句:The car is easy to drive.这辆车开起来很容易. 短语:easy life 安逸的生活 so easy如此简单 反义词:hard困难的 拓展:Take it easy常用于口语中,意为"别着急,别紧张,慢慢来.用于安慰别人不要 紧张.
例句:The kids are playing games in the park.孩子们正在公园里做游戏. 拓展:kid还可作动词,意为"开玩笑,戏弄”.例如:Are you kidding?(你在开玩笑吗?)
Starter unit Let's begin
2a录音稿及文章大意 Stand up. ——起立。 Say"Hello". ——说“你好”。 Slap hands. ——拍手。 Sit down. ——坐下。 Good ,let's do it again. ——很好,让我们再做一次。 Stand up. ——起立。 Say"Hello". ——说“你好”。 Slap hands. ——拍手。 Sit down. ——坐下。
Starter unit Let's begin
3录音稿及文章大意 Join in ——加入进来 English is easy,——英语是很简单的, Come on and join in.——过来一起加入我们吧。 English is easy,——英语是很简单的, Let's begin.——我们开始吧。

Join in外研剑桥英语六年级上册Starter unit A第三课时课件

Join in外研剑桥英语六年级上册Starter unit A第三课时课件
2. —What’s the weather like in your place? —Oh, it’s sunny. The sky is clear and blue.
3. —How’s the weather today, Lily? —It’s cloudy.
4. —Hi, Carl! I’ll get to Beijing tomorrow morning. —Oh, great! —How’s the weather there? —It’s windy and cold. You have to bring your warm clothes.
Starter Unit A plan for the new
school year
第三课时 (Parts 3,4,5a&5b)
Warm up
get along
Look and say
What is Toby doing?
Phrases: turn on, cry out, get on, get off, put on, take off
Sentences: —What’s the weather like? /How’s the weather?
—It’s ...
friend love
w__a_n_t_s to see Kevin Dee, her _fa_v_o_u_r_i_te_ TV star. Kevin says on TV, “I _lo_v_e_ these sweets,” and he eats and eats and eats. So Kate Lee also wants

join in 六年级上册Starter__unit__第3课时教学设计

join in 六年级上册Starter__unit__第3课时教学设计

Starter unit A plan for the new school year第3课时教学设计【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)六上Starter unit【主题】part6,7,8【课时】第3课时一、教学目标(Teaching aims)1. 能读懂、理解句子,并在地图上标上相应的序号。

2. 能读懂对话,并在地图上标上相应的序号。

3. 能读懂句子,并将句子排序,组成对话。

二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)复习不同建筑物的位置关系。

三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载)四、教学过程Step 1: Review老师呈现一幅街区平面简图,要求学生用所学过的内容描述不同建筑物的位置关系。

Step 2: Presentation6. Read and fill in the numbers on the map.读一读,写数字。





7. Read and number. Then listen and check.读一读,标序号。






录音稿:—Excuse me, where’s the post office?—Go straight ahead. Then turn right.—Thank you.—That’s OK.—Excuse me, where’s the hospital?—Turn left and then left again. It’s on the left side of the street.—Thank you.—Excuse me, where’s the museum?—Go straight ahead. It’s on the left, opposite the park.—Thank you.—That’s all right.—Excuse me, where's the cinema?—Turn left and it’s on the right. It’s next to the church.—Thank you.—That’s OK.答案:4 3 1 28. Make a dialogue. Put the sentences in the correct order. Then listen and check.编对话。



Starter Unit A PIaIl for the new SChOOI year 第1 课时教学设计【内容来源】JOin In三起点(2013年版)六上Starter Unit【主题】Partl,2【课时】第1课时一、教学目标(TeaChing aims)1.能听懂、理解文本,并对句子做出相应判断。


二、教学重难点(TeaChing POintS and difficulties)复习现在一般过去时与一般将来时的构成。

三、教学准备(TeaChing PreParatiOn)课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载)四、教学过程SteP 1: ReVleW师生自由对话,交流昙假生活(最好能提前通知学生准备儿张假期生活的照片),HOW WaS your SUmmer holiday?与学生一起分享美好的昌•假。

接着老师问HaVe you got a Plan for year 6?引出本节课话题。

SteP 2: PreSentatiOn老师提出问题:HOWWaS MaIk,s SUmmer IIOliday?学生带着问题听录音,找出问题的答案。




录音稿:Linda: Hello t Mark!Mark: Hi, LUlda. It ⅛ good to See you again.Linda: YOU ,re looking WelH HoW WaS your SHInlner holiday?AlId there Were many fruit trees and birds. It WaS SO beautiful!1/9HoW about yoιι9 Linda?Linda: Er, it WaS OK. I WaS at Iiome9 in FoShan City. Mm9 have you got a PIan for Year 6? Mark: No, I haven ,t. WJI(It are you going to do UI Year 6?Linda: Γm going to WOrk harder at English.Mark: M匕too. I WiIl do more IiStenmg and reading.答案:1.T2.T3.T4. F5. T6. T老师借助课件、图片等多种形式谈论自己的新学期汁划,帮助学生初步感知、理解计划书的内容,然后根据自己的实际悄况制订一份新学期讣划。

外研社剑桥Join in三起点六年级上册Unit2_Big_cities第1课时ppt课件

外研社剑桥Join in三起点六年级上册Unit2_Big_cities第1课时ppt课件

Let’s learn. Beijing is the capital of China.
London is the capital of the UK.
Washington DC is the capital of the US.
Ask and answer. Talk about the city where you live.
1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第14 页第1a,1c部分录音3遍。会背诵。
2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。
Join In 六年级上册
Unit2 Big cities
Part1a, 1b, 1c
Free talk. Talk about these countries.
the USA the UK>>Presentation
Let’s learn. the Great Wall
the Palace Museum
Let’s learn. Tower Bridge
the London Eye
Let’s learn. the White House
the Smithsonian Castle
Let’s read.
Beijing is in the north of China. It is the capital of our country.



英语阶段测试题听力部分1、听录音排序()()()()()2、听录音,找出与你所听到的单词同一类的单词()1、A. Thursday B. June C. English( ) 2、A. chair B. face C. money( ) 3、A. wolf B. like C. noodles( ) 4、A. happy B. fox C. skirt( )5、A. chicken B. bed C. thirty3、听录音,判断句子是否正确( )1、You see a beautiful girl.( )2、I can wait.( )3、The boy laughs.( )4、Pass the ball.( )5、We’re having an English party.4、听录音,给下面句子编号。

( )1、Wow, how pretty.( )2、Bake a cake.( )3、The cake is on the floor.( )4、Carry it to the girl.( )5、Break an egg.5、听短文,在要购买的物品下的括号内打勾。


()1、A. Yes, you can. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, I can.( ) 2、A. She’s 6. B. It’s six o’clock. C. Six.( ) 3、A. On the wall. B. England. C. Canada.( ) 4、A. Monday. B. In January. C. One.( )5、A. Ten. B. Eleven. C. Twelve.7、听短文选择正确答案。

( )1、What’s the boy’s name?A. BillB. PitC. Pat.( )2、How old is he?A. SevenB. TenC. Eleven( )3、What’s he doing on Saturday?He is going to play and watch TV.A.footballB.bastetballC. ping pong ball( )4、Is he going to Zhongshan Park on Sunday?A.Yes, he is.B. No, he isn’t.C. Sorry, I don’t know.( )5、Dose he like the weekend?A. No, he doesn’t.B. No, I don’t.C. Yes, he does.笔试部分1、找出画线部分读音不同的单词。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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剑桥小学英语J o i n-
i n-3六年级-
S t a r t e r-U n i t--
U n i t-1复习题
2011-2012学年度上学期六年级阶段复习题(Starter unit-Unit 1)
()1、A. Thursday B. June C. English
( ) 2、A. chair B. face C. money
( ) 3、A. wolf B. like C. noodles
( ) 4、A. happy B. fox C. skirt
( )5、A. chicken B. bed C. thirty
( )1、You see a beautiful girl.
( )2、I can wait.
( )3、The boy laughs.
( )4、Pass the ball.
( )5、We’re having an English party.

( )1、Wow, how pretty.
( )2、Bake a cake.
( )3、The cake is on the floor.
( )4、Carry it to the girl.
( )5、Break an egg.


()1、A. Yes, you can. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, I can. ( ) 2、A. She’s 6. B. It’s six o’clock. C. Six.
( ) 3、A. On the wall. B. England. C. Canada.
( ) 4、A. Monday. B. In January. C. One.
( )5、A. Ten. B. Eleven. C. Twelve.

( )1、What’s the boy’s name?
A. Bill
B. Pit
C. Pat.
( )2、How old is he?
A. Seven
B. Ten
C. Eleven
( )3、What’s he doing on Saturday?
He is going to play and watch TV.
C. ping pong ball
( )4、Is he going to Zhongshan Park on Sunday?
A.Yes, he is.
B. No, he isn’t.
C. Sorry, I don’t know. ( )5、Dose he like the weekend?
A. No, he doesn’t.
B. No, I don’t.
C. Yes, he does.

()1、A. Saturday B. catch C. cake
( ) 2、A. then B. pen C. he
( ) 3、A. box B. nose C. frog
( ) 4、A. blue B. bus C. money
( )5、A. bike B. pig C. ride

()1、A.seventy B. socks C. nine
( ) 2、A. shoes B. leg C.arm
( ) 3、A. sad B. red C. tired
( ) 4、A. skirt B. green C. shirt
( )5、A. swim B. play C.chips

1、 l mp A. o B. u C. a
2 、 st mp A. a B. o C. i
3、 p r A. ee B. ea C. oa
4、 sq re A. ua B. au C. oa
5、 p l c m n A. o,i,e,a B. i,a,e,e C. a,e,i,a 4. 将下列各小题所给的单词排成一句话。

1. is going to mum some cooking do
2. don’t weekend the at we work
3. play let’s football.
4. for you thank helping.
5. are you what doing Sunday on
6. cake a piece of her get.
7. kitchen it’s Brysons’

What about noodles?
What do we need?
Great idea.
And I’ll bring the cola and the orange juice.
Hot dogs, oranges, cola and orange juice.
I’ll bring the hot dogs, the oranges and the noodles.
1、No.1 is a fox. No.2 is a frog. No.3 is a fish. No. 4 is a tiger. No. 5 is a cow.
2、1.May 2.knees 3.sheep 4.jeans 5.ninety-nine
3、1. You see a beautiful girl.
2. I can write.
3.The boy laughs.
4. pass the ball.
5.we’re having an English class.
4. 1、Carry it to the girl.
2、Bake a cake.
3、Wow, how pretty.
4、Break an egg.
5、The cake is on the floor.
5. We’re having a big party at our school. I’m going to buy chocolates and ice creams. I’m going to buy pears, apples and plums.
6. 1.Can you ride a bike?
2.what time is it,please?
3.where is my picture?
4.when is your birthday?
5.what’s one and five and five
7. Hi,my name is Pit. I’m eleven years old. I can’t wait till the weekend. The weekend is so cool. I don’t work at the weekend. On Saturday, I’m going to play football and watch TV. On Sunday, I’m going to Zhong shan’s party.。
