



介绍毕加索的英语作文简单英文:Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous artists in the world. He was born in Spain in 1881 and lived until 1973. Picasso was a painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer. He is known for his co-founding of the Cubist movement, which revolutionized the world of art.Picasso's work is characterized by bold colors, sharp angles, and distorted shapes. He often used everyday objects in his art, such as guitars, bottles, and chairs. One of his most famous paintings is "Les Demoisellesd'Avignon," which depicts five nude women in a brothel. This painting is considered a masterpiece of the Cubist movement.Picasso was also known for his many romantic relationships and his bohemian lifestyle. He was a prolific artist, creating over 50,000 works of art in his lifetime.He was a true innovator in the world of art and hisinfluence can still be seen today.中文:毕加索是世界上最著名的艺术家之一。



西方绘画大师134巴勃罗.毕加索...巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881-1973)是一位图画教师的儿子。




毕加索从亨利·马蒂斯(Henri Matisse,1869-1954)、高更(Pual Gauguin,1848-1903)的作品中学到怎样用几个简单的要素去构成一张面孔或一个物体的图像。


“有没有办法既能避免这种平面性,又能使简单物体的图画不失去立体感和深度感?”正是这个问题,引导着毕加索返回塞尚(Paul Cezanne,1839-1906)的作品。












Idyllic period 1946-1973
• Artistic features: still with cubism, realism and surrealism combined with abstract painting, more flexible and skillful use of techniques, the picture is rough and energetic, harmonious and unified. Representative works: Gonggola's Twenty Poems, Carmen Series, Variations of Delacroix's Algerian Women
• 1881-1900 realistic painting style • 1900-1906 the work depicts the lonely and sad poor, the disabled and the artists of rivers and lakes. It belongs to the category of critical realism, which contains strong tragic elements and national characteristics. • 1906-1973 Still with cubism, realism and surrealism combined with abstract painting, more flexible and skillful use of techniques, the picture is rough and energetic, harmonious and unified.



Farm woman (1908)
Farm woman (1908)
CUBISM - Portrait
Woman Mandolin (1909)
Head and shoulders of a man (1909)
CUBISM – Still Life
Pitcher and bowls (1908)
Friendship (1908)
CUBISM - Portrait
Head of a woman (1907)
Head of a man (1907)
CUBISM - Portrait
Queen Isabella (1908)
Woman with a fan (1909)
CUBISM - Portrait
(1906 – 1915)
• He created an art style called ‘Cubism’ around 1907. • He simplified form. • Presenting reality as composition of shapes. • Stripped it down to essentials. • Broke it down into blocks of color. • These artists were called ‘Cubists’. • He experimented painting portraits, still life, landscapes and sculpture in this art style.
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard (1910)



中文名:巴勃罗·鲁伊斯·毕加索外文名:Pablo Picasso国籍:西班牙西班牙画家、雕塑家。








Spanish painter, sculptor. The French Communist Party members. Is the founder of modern art, the main representative of the western modern painting.Picasso is a real genius. Twentieth Century is the century of Picasso. He is at the beginning of this changeable century came from Spain to the world art in Paris, began his brilliant artistic journey of discovery. In twentieth Century, no artists like Picasso, style variety known as. Picasso's reputation, not only because of his very early fame and "Yawei farm girl", "Guernica" and otherworks of masterpiece, but also because he is creative and colorful life, he left a lot of multi level of works of art.《梦》女人是他艺术祭台上的牺牲品,也是他艺术创造的源泉。



英语作文介绍一个艺术家英文回答:Renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to theart world and profound influence on contemporary artistic practices, Pablo Picasso stands as an iconic figure in the annals of art history. His innovative techniques and bold experimentation have left an indelible mark on the aesthetic landscape of the 20th century and continue to inspire generations of artists and art enthusiasts alike.Born in Málaga, Spain, in 1881, Picasso's artistic journey commenced at a tender age. His prodigious talent was evident from the outset, and he exhibited exceptional skill in drawing and painting while still a young child. Formal training at the prestigious Barcelona School of Fine Arts honed his technical abilities, and early exposure to the works of old masters ignited a passion for artistic exploration.Picasso's artistic career can be broadly divided into distinct periods, each characterized by unique stylistic approaches and thematic preoccupations. The Blue Period (1901-1904) is marked by somber hues and introspective subjects, reflecting a time of personal struggles and emotional turmoil. The subsequent Rose Period (1904-1906) brought a shift towards warmer colors and more optimistic themes, influenced by his experiences in bohemian Paris.A pivotal moment in Picasso's artistic trajectory came with the advent of Cubism, a groundbreaking movement he pioneered alongside Georges Braque. Cubism sought to deconstruct objects into geometric forms, shattering traditional notions of perspective and representation. Works like "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" (1907) and "Guernica" (1937) exemplify the radical nature of Picasso's Cubist experiments.Beyond painting, Picasso's artistic endeavors extended into diverse media, including sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, and stage design. His prolific output and versatility attest to his boundless creativity andrelentless pursuit of innovative expression. Throughout his career, he maintained a keen interest in traditional techniques and materials, often incorporating found objects and collage into his works.Picasso's impact on the art world is immeasurable. He revolutionized artistic conventions, challengingestablished norms and opening up new possibilities for artistic expression. His pioneering spirit and relentless exploration continue to inspire contemporary artists, who find endless sources of inspiration in his groundbreaking works.中文回答:巴勃罗·毕加索,以其对艺术界的开创性贡献和对当代艺术实践的深远影响而闻名,是艺术史上的标志性人物。


Friendship (1908)
CUBISM - Portrait
Queen Isabella (1908)
Woman with a fan (1909)
CUBISM - Portrait
Farm woman (1908)
Farm woman (1908)
• Key element of his style – Cubist geometry was his own creation.
• This marked the real beginning of Abstract art.
Three women (1908)
• He placed his outlines and areas of color boldly, making no attempt to flesh out an appearance of a living person.
• He was stylizing it into something that was less and less naturalistic.
• His new approach put an end to the traditional scheme of foreground, middle ground and background and the demarcation of subject and setting.
CUBISM – Still Life
Bread, fruit and table (1908)
Fruit in a vase (1909)

巴伯罗毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881~1973年)西班牙,

巴伯罗毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881~1973年)西班牙,

这是格尔尼卡大轰炸的幸存者路易斯· 伊里翁多在 格尔尼卡城边描述当年的景象。2009年4月26日, 格尔尼卡迎来大轰炸72周年纪念日。
《格尔尼卡》 毕加索(西班牙) (1937年,壁画,349.3×776.6 米) 现藏于西班牙马德里苏菲亚王妃艺术中心
赏 析
耀眼的电灯看起来好似一只惊恐、孤独的眼睛,发出锯齿状的 光 芒,强化了扭曲的痛苦和悲剧的气氛,就像一个“冷酷的梦境”。原来 这是一个太阳,毕卡索在最后完稿时加进一只灯泡作瞳孔。他的用心是 什么?有人说这代表“上帝的眼睛”,暗示着罪行发生在光天化日之下, 有上帝作证。也有人说灯泡标志现代技术,巴黎博览会的主题就是现代 科学技术,而正是这现代技术被利用制造了这场大屠杀.还有人说灯泡就 象征着燃烧的炸弹。它的确切含义毕卡索守口如瓶,秘而不宣,因为艺 术就要给观赏者广阔的想象空间和理解的馀地...
《人生》 《拿烟斗的男孩》
Hale Waihona Puke 童年时期 1881—1900
蓝色时期 1900—1903
立体主义时期 1907—1916
古典时期 1917—1924
超现实主义时期 1925—1932

《格尔尼卡》采用了什么手法,画家的用 意何在?
本画构图和以前我们见到的构图有什么不 同?用什么样的词来形容你对该画构图的 感受更为恰当?
(采取象征性的手法有力地揭露了侵略战争的罪恶和法西斯 的暴行,史诗般的悲壮触动着观众的视觉和心灵。)

乍看起来,这幅画在形象的组织及构图的安排上显得十分随意,我们甚至会觉得它有些杂乱。 这似乎与轰炸时居民四散奔逃、惊恐万状的混乱气氛相一致。然而,当我们细察此画,却发现在 这长条形的画面空间里,所有形体与图像的安排,都是经过了精细的构思与推敲,而有着严整统 一的秩序。虽然诸多形象皆富于动感,可是它们的组构形式却明显流露出某种古典意味。我们看 见,在画面正中央,不同的亮色图像互相交叠,构成了一个等腰三角形;三角形的中轴,恰好将 整幅长条形画面均分为两个正方形。而画面左右两端的图像又是那样地相互平衡。可以说,这种 所谓金字塔式的构图,与达芬奇(最后的晚餐)的构图,有着某种相似的特质。另外,全画从左至右 可分为四段:第一段突出显示了公牛的形象;第二段强调受伤挣扎的马,其上方那盏耀眼的电灯 看起来好似一只惊恐、孤独的眼睛;第三段,最显眼的是那个举着灯火从窗子里伸出头来的“自 由女神”;而在第四段,那个双臂伸向天空的惊恐的男子形象,一下于就把我们的视线吸引,其 绝望的姿态使人过目难忘。毕加索以这种精心组织的构图,将一个个充满动感与刺激的夸张变形 的形象,表现得统一有序,既刻画出丰富多变的细节,又突出与强调了重点,显示出深厚的艺术 功力。 在这里,毕加索仍然采用了剪贴画的艺术语言。不过,画中那种剪贴的视觉效果,并不是以 真正的剪贴手段来达到的,而是通过手绘的方式表现出来。那一块叠着另一块的“剪贴”图形, 仅限于黑、白、灰三色,从而有效地突出了画面的紧张与恐怖气氛。


He started painting and drawing at a very young age
Picasso`s father was also a painter himself and recognized Pablo`s talent at his young age
His frist painting at age of 8(1889)
Pablo Picasso
童年时期 蓝色时期 玫瑰时期 立体主义时期 古典时期 超现实主义时期 蜕变时期(在世界大战期间) 田园时期
Early Years
Pablo Picasso was born on October , 25, 1881 in Malaga Spain
Late work
Throughout Picasso's lifetime, his work was exhibited on countless occasions. Most unusual, however, was the 1971 exhibition at the Louvre, in Paris, honoring him on his 90th birthday; until then, living artists had not been shown there. In 1980 a major retrospective showing of his work was held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Picasso died in his villa Notre-Dame-de-Vie near Mougins on April 8, 1973.



Preview statementTitle-Rare talent in art—PicassoGeneral purpose To inform my audience about Pablo Ruiz Picasso.Specific purpose To introducehis some influence works in paintings.Central idea Picasso is one of the main representatives of modern art in twentieth Century.Main points1. A revolutionary achievement-Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.2.Significant painting- Guernica3.Most expensive paintings- Garçon à la pipeIntroduction1-Tell storyPicasso’s paintings are recognized by people. In his lifetime, his paintings always make collectors to buy in very high price. One day, some friends came to Picasso’s house to visit him.And they found that in the walls there are all the paintings of other painters, no one is Picasso’s painting. “Why?”Someone asked,” Don’t you like your picture?” “No, just the opposite,” the artist said,” I reallylike, but they are too expensive, I can’t afford.2question audience, use quotation, or Relate topic to audience -- hook the audienceWhich picture do you think is the most famous work of Picasso? And how much do you know about it?2-Reinforce central idea & establish main points(preview the body)Picasso is the most creative and influential artist in Contemporary Western. And his works have made a great contribution to the development of modern art.Preparation outlineⅠ. Les Demoiselles d'AvignonA-It is created in 1907, is the first painting of cubist tendencies. Now hidden in the New York Museum of Modern Art.B-By pai nting Les Demoiselles d’Avignon Picasso provoked Cubism. It was the spontaneous and, as always, primitive insurrection out of which, for good historical reasons, the revolution of Cubism developed.Ⅱ. GuernicaA-This painting shows the bombing of Guernica by the German during the Spanish Civil War.B-Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians. This work has gained a monumental status, becoming a perpetual reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. Guernica has become a universal and powerful symbol warning humanity against the suffering and devastation of war.C-Little story- During World War II, German generals and soldiers frequently go to visit Picasso Museum of Art in Paris. Once, at the exit of the Museum of Art, Picasso sent to every German soldier one of his famous painting "Guernica". A German Gestapo leader asked, pointing to the painting of Picasso: "Is this your masterpiece?” "No," Picasso s aid, with grim look, "This is your masterpiece!"Ⅲ. Garçon à la pipeA-It was painted in 1905. The oil on canvas painting depicts a Parisian boy holding a pipe in his left hand and wearing a garland or wreath of flowers.B-"Boy with a Pipe," hailed by critics: a Leonardo da Vinci "Mona Lisa" like a mystery, Van Gogh, "Dr Gachet" like melancholy aesthetic work.The painting was sold for US$104,168,000 at Sotheby's auction in New York City On May 5, 2004. It broke the record for the amount paid for an auctioned painting (when inflation is ignored)..。


He started painting and drawing at a very young age
Picasso`s father was also a painter himself and recognized Pablo`s talent at his young age
His frist painting at age of 8(1889)
The blue period work is quite sentimental , but we must keep in mind that Picasso was still in his late teens , away from home for the first time ,and living in very poor conditions.
Late work
In the last two decades of his long career, Picasso produced more work than at any other time of his life. During this period, some works are not only dated by month and day, but with a numeral (I, II, III, etc.) indicating multiple works created that single day!
Between the Wars
The collaboration between Picasso and Braque was ended by the First World War. After the war, Picasso, reflecting society's disillusionment and shock with the technological horrors of the war, reverted to a Classicist mode of representation. At the same time, however, he was continuing to push Cubism into new paths. During the '30s Picasso became tangentially connected with the Surrealist movement. Although Andre Breton tried to recruit Picasso, he remained ultimately aloof from any school of art throughout his career



托福口语素材:毕加索Picasso 毕加索E: Eleanor J: JulesE:埃莉诺 J:朱尔斯E:Jules, just look at this amazing painting.E:朱尔斯,过来看看这幅画,真令人叫绝。

J: It is amazing, but what is it exatly?J:真的太让人惊讶了,不过这究竟画的是什么?E: It's a Picasso! The style you are looking at is called "Cubism", it does look kind of strange, I must admit.E:是毕加索的画!你看到的这种风格叫立体派,我得承认确实看起来有点古怪。

J: Yes, strange but beautiful. What's it called?J:是的,有点怪但很漂亮。

这幅画叫什么名字?E: Let me see ....this one is Les Demoiselles de Avignon, painted in 1907.E:我看看……叫:《亚威农的少女》,画于1907年。

J: 1907? That's one hundred years ago, but his work looks so modem!J:1907年?那是l00年前了,可是他的作品看起来那么现代!E: Well. he was born in 1881 , so I guess all of his pieces are old. Did you know he created over 20, 000 paintings, prints, drawings, sculptures, ceramics, theatre sets and costumes?E:的确是。

毕加索生于1881年,所以我想他所有的作品都是年代很久远的口他创作了20,000多幅油画,还有版画、素描、雕刻、陶艺.舞台设计和服装,你知道这些吗?J: He muse have lived to be a very old man to do all of that during his life.J:他一定是毕生都在创作,而且很长寿。



毕加索英文简介小作文英文,Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor,and printmaker who is considered one of the mostinfluential artists of the 20th century. He was born on October 25, 1881, in Malaga, Spain, and showed an early talent for art. He moved to Paris in 1900 and became a key figure in the development of modern art, particularly the Cubist movement. His works are characterized by bold colors, distorted shapes, and fragmented forms.Picasso's artistic career spanned over seven decades, during which he produced thousands of works in a variety of mediums, including paintings, sculptures, prints, and ceramics. Some of his most famous works include "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon," "Guernica," and "The Old Guitarist." He was also known for his collaborations with other artists, including Georges Braque and Henri Matisse.Picasso's influence on modern art cannot be overstated. His innovative use of color, form, and perspectiverevolutionized the art world and paved the way for future generations of artists. He died on April 8, 1973, in Mougins, France, at the age of 91.中文,巴勃罗·毕加索是一位西班牙画家、雕塑家和版画家,被认为是20世纪最具影响力的艺术家之一。



Rose Period
In 1905-6, Picasso's palette began to lighten considerably, bringing in a distinctive beige or "rose" tone. The subject matter also is less depressing. Here are the first appearances by the circus performers and clowns that will populate Picasso's paintings at various stages through the rest of his long career.
Late work
In the last two decades of his long career, Picasso produced more work than at any other time of his life. During this period, some works are not only dated by month and day, but with a numeral (I, II, III, etc.) indicating multiple works created that single day!
Picasso was the most famous artist in the world. He was called upon to depict the brutality of fascist aggression in the Spanish Civil War with his monumen年时期 蓝色时期 玫瑰时期 立体主义时期 古典时期 超现实主义时期 蜕变时期(在世界大战期间) 田园时期



KUBIZEM (cube=kocka)
• stvarni svet razstavljen na osnovne geometrijske oblike (krogla, stožec,valj). • Picasso, Georges Braque, • 2D -> 3D prostor,
• V tej dobi modernega slikarstva: novo razmerje med telesom in prostorom v ploskvi, • človeško telo in predmeti so razčlenjeni na posamezne (osnovne) geometrijske elemente, • barva le še pripomoček, za določanje strukture tistega dela ploskve, ki obdaja volumen figure. • Tako so bili slikarji tistega časa stvarniki posebnega slikarskega sveta.
• Sedemnajstletna Marie-Therese Walter naj bi bila slikarjeva največja muza. Posvetil ji je delo Vollard Suite. Štiri leta po njegovi smrti se je Marie obesila v svoji garaži.
• • • • • •
1.880 slik, 1.230 skulptur, 2.880 keramik, mnogo risb, na tisoče grafik, veliko število tapiserij in odej.



Impact on popular culture
Influenced pop icons
Picasso's English Introduction Courseware has had a profound impact on popular culture. His work has been a source of inspiration for pop icons such as musicians, actors, and filmmakers, who have used his ideas and images in their creative output.
Legacy and Influence
Impact on art
Pioneering style
Picasso's English Introduction Courseware has had a profound impact on the development of modern art. His unique style, which merged traditional painting techniques with cubism, has been highly influential in pushing the boundaries of what defines art.
超现实主义是Picasso在1925年左右开始尝 试的一种艺术风格。这一时期的作品运用超 现实主义的手法,将现实与梦境、真实与虚 构相结合,创造出充满想象力和神秘感的画 面,展现出艺术家对潜意识世界的探索Paintings


(1881 – 1973)
• Picasso was the most famous living artist. • He was born in Spain. • He lived to the age of 92. • He worked mostly in France. • He showed exceptional diversity in his work. • He was a painter, graphic artist, sculptor,
• Key element of his style – Cubist geometry was his own creation.
• This marked the real beginning of Abstract art.
Three women (1908)
• He placed his outlines and areas of color boldly, making no attempt to flesh out an appearance of a living person.
Self – Portrait (1907)
• He tried to break up the visual world into blocks of color – squares, triangles, cubes, cones etc.
• Restructured the subject into angular planes.
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3.Picasso'artistic contribution
The third part of the book
This essay discusses the outstanding achievement of genius artist Picasso who rewrote the art history of the20th century, and considers his artistic background and artistic opinions philosophicially. To summarise,Picasso is the most creative and contemporary western most far-reaching artist, he and his paintings took art history in the world the immortal status. He was the most famous and prolific artist of the 20th century and exercised enormous influence on his contemporaries.
2.Picasso Painting Style
The second part of the book
His painted such paintings can make our own view of the world sharper. For they force us to say to ourselves, “What does he see that makes him paint like that?” And we begin to look beneath the surface of the things we see. Picasso painted thousands of pictures in many different styles. Sometimes he painted the natural look of things. Sometimes he seemed to break them apart. He demanded the right to show us what the mind knows as well as what the eye sees.
3.Picasso's artistic contribution
1.Biography of the author
The first part of the book
Biography of the author
Picasso was born into a middle-class family. He took after his father, who was also a painter and a professor of art. From the age of seven, Picasso had formal art lessons from his father. Picasso threw everything into art and his school grades went down. Aged 16, the family sent Picasso to study at Madrid’s Royal Academy of Art.In the summer of 1918, Picasso married ballerina Olga Khokhlova. She introduced him to the rich people of Paris in the 1920s. He became a celebrity and a very respected artist.
Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest artist of the 20th century
I want to introduce the book is Pablo Picasso
There are three parts of this book.
The first part of the book
1.Biography of the author
The second part of the book
2.The second part of the book
The third part of the book
That's the end of my speaking,
Pablo Picasso
Picasso was the most famous living artist.
He was born in Spain. He worker mostly inFrance. He showed exceptional diversity in his work.
Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest artist of the 20th century, and was the cofounder of the cubist artist movement.