



材料科学基础_概念中英文材料科学基础重要概念(中英文)晶体学基础晶体学(crystallography)布喇菲点阵(Bravais lattice)晶体生成学(crystallogeny)体心化(body centering)晶体结构学(crytallogy)底心化(base centering)晶体化学(crystallochemistry)特殊心化(special centering)晶体结构(crystal structure)晶面(crystal plane)点阵平移矢量(lattice translation vector)晶(平)面指数(crystal – plane indice)初级单胞(primitive cell)晶带(zone)点阵常数(lattice parameter)倒易空间(reciprocal space)对称变换(symmetry translation)参考球(reference sphere)主动操作(active operation)经线(longitude)国际符号(international notation)赤道平面(equator plane)点对称操作(point symmetry operation)极网(pole net)旋转操作(rotation operation)结构基元(motif)二次旋转轴(two - fold axe, diad)晶体几何学(geometrical crystallography)四次旋转轴(four –fold axe, tetrad)晶体物理学(crystallographysics)镜像(mirror image)等同点(equivalent point)对形关系(enantiomorphic relation)点阵(lattice)反演(inversion)初基矢量(primitive translation vector)晶系(crystal system)复式初基单胞(multiple – primitive cell)单斜晶系(monoclinic system)对称元素(symmetry element)四方晶系(正方晶系)(tetragonal system)对称群(symmetry group)六方晶系(hexagonal system)被动操作(passive operation)熊夫利斯符号(Schoenflies notation)点阵有心化(centering of lattice)恒等操作(单位操作)(identity)面心化(face centering)旋转轴(rotation axe)单面心化(one – face centering)三次旋转轴(three – fold axe, triad)晶向(crystal direction)六次旋转轴(six – fold axe, hexad)晶向(方向)指数(crystal – direction indice)镜面(mirror plane)晶面族(form of crystal - plane)同宇(congruent)倒易点阵(reciprocal lattice)旋转反演(rotation - inversion)极射赤面投影(stereographic projection)三斜晶系(triclinic system)参考网络(reference grid)正交晶系(斜方晶系)(orthogonal system)纬线(latitude)立方晶系(cubic system)吴氏网(Wulff net)菱方晶系(rhombohedral system)标准投影网(standard projection)晶体结构晶体结构(crystal structure)鲍林规则(Pauling’s rule)结构符号(structure symbol)氧化物结构(oxide structure)致密度(空间填充效率)(efficiency of space 岩盐结构(rock structure)filling)纤维锌矿结构(wurtzite structure)配位数(coordination number)闪锌矿结构(zinc blende structure)配位多面体(coordination polyhedra)尖晶石结构(spinel structure)拓扑密堆相(topologically close –packed α-Al2O3型结构(corundum structure)phase)金红石结构(rutile structure)金属晶体(metal crystal)萤石结构(fluorite structure)离子晶体(ionic crystal)钙钛矿结构(perovskite structure)共价晶体(covalent crystal)钛铁矿结构(ilmenite structure)分子晶体(molecular crystal)氯化铯结构(cesium chloride structure)原子半径和离子半径(atomic radius and ionic 硅酸盐(silicate)radius)链状硅酸盐(chain silicate)原子结构体积(volume of structure per atom)层状硅酸盐(phyllo silicate)体密度(volumetric density,ρV)岛状硅酸盐(island silicate)面密度(planar density, ρP)骨架结构(framework structure)线密度(linear density, ρL)镁橄榄石结构(forsterite structure)金刚石结构(diamond structure)辉石(picrite)纳米碳管(carbon nano tube)粘土矿(clay mineral)置换固溶体(substitutional solid solution)高岭石(kaolinite)填隙固溶体(interstitial solid solution)云母(mica)尺寸因素(size factor)石英(quartz)价电子浓度(valance electron concentration)鳞石英(tridymite)电子化合物(electron compound)方石英(cristobalite)间隙化合物(interstitial compound)钙长石(anorthite)尺寸因素化合物(size–factor compound)分子筛(molecule sift)Laves相(Laves phase) 同素异构性(allotropy)σ相(σphase)多形性(polymorphism)有序固溶体(超结构)[ordered solid solution 准晶(quasicrystal)(super lattice) ] 彭罗斯拼砌(Penrose tiling)长程有序参数(long-range order parameter)短程有序参数(shot-range order parameter)晶体缺陷不完整性(imperfection)向错(disclination)点缺陷(point imperfection)沃特拉过程(V olterra’s process)空位(vacancy)刃型位错(edge dislocation)自间隙原子(self-interstitial)螺型位错(screw dislocation)构型熵(configuration entropy)混合型位错(mixed dislocation)肖脱基缺陷(Schottky defect)柏氏回路(Burgers circuit)弗兰克缺陷(Frenkel defect)柏氏矢量(Burgers vector)内禀点缺陷(intrinsic point defect)位错环(dislocation loop)非禀点缺陷(extrinsic point defect)位错密度(dislocation density)线缺陷(line imperfection)位错的弹性能(elastic energy of dislocation)位错(dislocation)位错线张力(tension of dislocation)位错宽度(width of dislocation)层错矢量(fault vector)保守运动(conservative motion)外延层错(extrinsic fault)非保守运动(nonconservative motion)层错能(stacking fault energy)滑移(slip)肖克莱部分为错(Shockley partial dislocation)滑动(glissile)铃木气团(Suzuki atmosphere)攀移(climb)弗兰克位错(Frank partial dislocation)自力(self-force)扩展位错(extended dislocation)渗透力(osmotic force)压杆位错(stair-rod partial dislocation)映像力(image force)Lomer-Cottrell 位错(Lomer-Cottrell弯结(kink)dislocation)割阶(jog)L-C阻塞(L-C Lock)柯垂尔气体(Cottrell atmosphere)赫斯阻塞(Hirth lock)史诺克气体(Snoek atmosphere)分位错(fractional dislocation)弗兰克-瑞德位错源(Frank-Read source)超点阵(superlattice)B-H位错源(Bardeen-Herring source)反相畴(Antiphase domain)位错塞积群(dislocation pile-up group)反相畴界(Antiphase boundary, APB)全位错(perfect dislocation)超位错(super-dislocation)堆垛层错(stacking fault)弗兰克-纳巴罗回路(Frank-Nabarro circuit)部分为错或不全位错(partial dislocation)向错强度(disclination strength)内禀层错(intrinsic fault)条纹织构(schlieren texture)表面能(surface energy) 适配(matching)晶界(grain boundary) 共格晶界(coherent boundary)小角度晶界(low angle grain boundary)非共格晶界(incoherent boundary)大角度晶界(high angle grain boundary 晶界迁移率(grain boundary mobility)倾转晶界(tilt boundary)取向关系(orientation relationship)扭转晶界(twist boundary)气泡(gas babble)相界(phase boundary) 空洞(void)扩散不可逆过程(irreversible process)传质过程(mass transport)扩散(diffusion)扩散距离(diffusion distance)唯象系数(phenomenological coefficient)间隙机制(interstitial mechanism)挤列结构(crowdion configuration)哑铃结构(dumbbell split configuration)空位机制(vacancy mechanism)换位机制(exchange mechanism)扩散流量(flux)参考系(reference frame)实验参考系(laboratory reference frame)点阵参考系(latticereference frame)菲克第一定律(Fick’s first law)菲克第二定律(Fick’s second law)扩散系数(diffusion coefficient)禀性扩散系数(intrinsic diffusion coefficient)互扩散系数(mutual diffusion coefficient)自扩散系数(self-diffusion coefficient)稳态扩散(steady state diffusion)Kirkendall 效应(Kirkendall effect)Matano 平面(Matano interface)热力学因子(thermodynamic factor)同位素(isotope)示踪物(tracer)扩散偶(diffusion couple)误差函数(error function)哑变量(dummy)数值方法(numerical method)有限差分(finite-difference)收敛性(convergence)截断误差(truncation error)舍入误差(round-off error)相关系数(correlation factor)高扩散率通道(high-diffusivity path)体扩散(volume diffusion)晶界扩散(grain boundary diffusion)位错扩散(dislocation diffusion)表面扩散(surface diffusion)迁移率(mobility)渗透率(permeability)凝固分配系数(partition coefficient)枝晶偏析(dendrite segregation)区域提纯(zone-refining)亚共晶合金(hypoeutectic alloy)胞晶的形成(cell formation)过共晶合金(hypereutectic alloy)胞状树枝晶(cellular dendrite)片状(lamellar)柱状树枝晶(columnar dendrite)棒状(rod-like)共晶凝固(eutectic solidification)共晶领域(eutectic colony)包晶凝固(peritectic solidification)伪共晶(pseudo-eutectic)偏析(segregation)离异共晶(divorced eutectic)熔焊(fusion welding)激冷区(chill zone)快速凝固(rapid solidification process)柱状晶区(columnar zone)连续铸造(continuous casting)等轴晶区(equiaxed zone)树枝状显微偏析(dendritic microsegregation)收缩晶区(shrinkage cavity)非平衡杠杆定律(non-equilibrium lever rule)疏松(porosity)组分过冷(constitutional supercooling)非金属夹杂物(non-metallic inclusion)胞状组织(cellular structure)熔池(weld pool)二次枝晶(secondary dendrite)混合区(composite region)一次支晶(primary dendrite)热影响区(heat-affected zone)。



学科分类和代码中英文对照表一、自然科学类1. 数学(Mathematics)代码:01012. 物理学(Physics)代码:01023. 化学(Chemistry)代码:01034. 天文学(Astronomy)代码:01045. 地球科学(Earth Sciences)代码:01056. 生物学(Biology)代码:01067. 农学(Agricultural Science)代码:01078. 林学(Forestry)代码:01089. 环境科学(Environmental Science)代码:010910. 气象学(Meteorology)代码:0110二、工程技术类1. 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)代码:02012. 电气工程(Electrical Engineering)代码:02023. 电子工程(Electronic Engineering)代码:02034. 计算机科学与技术(Computer Science and Technology)代码:02045. 建筑学(Architecture)代码:02056. 土木工程(Civil Engineering)代码:02067. 水利工程(Hydraulic Engineering)代码:02078. 化学工程(Chemical Engineering)代码:02089. 材料科学与工程(Material Science and Engineering)代码:020910. 航空航天工程(Aerospace Engineering)代码:0210三、人文社会科学类1. 哲学(Philosophy)代码:03012. 经济学(Economics)代码:03023. 法学(Law)代码:03034. 教育学(Education)代码:03045. 文学(Literature)代码:03056. 历史学(History)代码:03067. 管理学(Management)代码:03078. 心理学(Psychology)代码:03089. 社会学(Sociology)代码:030910. 新闻传播学(Journalism and Communication)代码:0310四、医学与健康类1. 基础医学(Basic Medical Sciences)代码:04012. 临床医学(Clinical Medicine)代码:04023. 口腔医学(Dental Medicine)代码:04034. 公共卫生与预防医学(Public Health and Preventive Medicine)代码:04045. 中医学(Traditional Chinese Medicine)代码:04056. 药学(Pharmacy)代码:04067. 护理学(Nursing)代码:04078. 医学影像学(Medical Imaging)代码:04089. 康复医学(Rehabilitation Medicine)代码:040910. 生物医学工程(Biomedical Engineering)代码:0410五、艺术与设计类1. 美术学(Fine Arts)代码:05012. 设计学(Design)代码:05023. 音乐学(Music)代码:05034. 舞蹈学(Dance)代码:05045. 戏剧与影视学(Theatre, Film and Television)代码:05056. 摄影(Photography)代码:05067. 书法(Calligraphy)代码:05078. 雕塑(Sculpture)代码:05089. 工艺美术(Arts and Crafts)代码:050910. 服装设计与工程(Fashion Design and Engineering)代码:0510六、军事学类1. 战略学(Strategic Studies)代码:06012. 战术学(Tactical Studies)代码:06023. 军事指挥学(Military Command)代码:06034. 军事后勤学(Military Logistics)代码:06045. 军事装备学(Military Equipment)代码:06056. 国防科技(National Defense Technology)7. 军事训练学(Military Training)代码:06078. 军事历史学(Military History)代码:06089. 军事心理学(Military Psychology)代码:060910. 军事法学(Military Law)代码:0610七、交叉学科类1. 生物信息学(Bioinformatics)代码:07012. 纳米科学与技术(Nanoscience and Technology)代码:07023. 金融工程(Financial Engineering)代码:07034. 能源科学与工程(Energy Science and Engineering)代码:07045. 智能科学与技术(Intelligence Science and Technology)代码:07056. 数据科学与大数据技术(Data Science and Big Data Technology)代码:07067. 空间科学与技术(Space Science and Technology)8. 材料基因工程(Material Genome Engineering)代码:07089. 环境科学与工程(Environmental Science and Engineering)代码:070910. 计算社会科学(Computational Social Science)代码:0710八、体育学类1. 体育教育训练学(Physical Education and Training)代码:08012. 运动人体科学(Sports Human Science)代码:08023. 运动康复(Sports Rehabilitation)代码:08034. 社会体育指导与管理(Social Sports Guidance and Management)代码:08045. 体育赛事管理(Sports Event Management)代码:08056. 体育新闻与传播(Sports Journalism and Communication)代码:08067. 体育休闲与旅游(Sports Leisure and Tourism)代码:08078. 武术与民族传统体育(Martial Arts and Traditional National Sports)代码:08089. 运动训练(Sports Training)代码:080910. 体育产业管理(Sports Industry Management)代码:0810九、语言学类1. 汉语言文学(Chinese Language and Literature)代码:09012. 外国语言文学(Foreign Languages and Literatures)代码:09023. 语言学及应用语言学(Linguistics and Applied Linguistics)代码:09034. 翻译学(Translation Studies)代码:09045. 对外汉语教学(Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language)代码:09056. 语音学与语音识别(Phonetics and Speech Recognition)代码:09067. 计算语言学(Computational Linguistics)代码:09078. 修辞学(Rhetoric)代码:09089. 文艺理论(Literary Theory)代码:090910. 比较文学与世界文学(Comparative Literature and World Literature)代码:0910。



A01-001 光学材料 Optical MaterialsA01-002 光学玻璃 Optical GlassA01-003 激光玻璃 Laser GlassA01-004 声光玻璃 Acousto-Optic GlassA01-005 红外线玻璃 Infrared GlassA01-006 红外线材料 Infrared MaterialsA01-007 紫外线材料 Ultraviolet MaterialsA01-008 石英镜片Fused Silica GlassA01-009 光学陶瓷 CeramicsA01-010 矽半导体材料Silicon Semiconductor MaterialsA01-011 化合物半导体材料Compound Semiconductor Materials A01-012 光纤材料Fiber Optic MaterialsA01-013 光纤预型体Fiber Optic PreformsA01-014 PLZT晶圆,钛酸锆酸铅晶圆 PLZT WafersA01-015 环氧树脂 EpoxiesA01-016 声光光学晶体 Acousto-Optic CrystalsA01-017 双折射/偏光晶体Birefringent and Polarizing Crystals A01-018 电光光学晶体 Electro-Optic CrystalsA01-019 红外线晶体 Infrared CrystalsA01-020 激光晶体(YAG) YAG Laser CrystalsA01-021 激光晶体(亚历山大) Alexandrite Laser CrystalsA01-022 激光晶体(GGG) GGG Laser CrystalsA01-023 激光晶体(GSGG,GSAG) GSGG GSAG Laser Crystals A01-024 激光晶体(YLF) YLF Laser CrystalsA01-025 激光晶体(其他) Other Laser CrystalsA01-026 非线性光学晶体 Nonlinear CrystalsA01-027 有机光学材料Organic Optical MaterialsA01-028 萤光放射晶体Fluorescent Emission CrystalsA01-029 结晶育成材料Crystals Growing MaterialsA01-030 镀膜材料 Coating MaterialsA01-031 光罩材料 Photomask MaterialsA01-032 真空蒸镀化学药品Vaccum Evaporation ChemicalsA01-033 感光剂 SensitizersA01-034 影像用材料Materials for ImagingA01-035 热色材料 Thermochromic MaterialsA01-036 光色材料 Photochromic MaterialsA01-037 稀土族材料Rare Earth MaterialsA01-038 光碟基板,基板材料Optical Disk Substrate Materials A01-039 光碟记录材料Optical Disk Data Storage MaterialsA02加工用其他材料:A02 加工用其他材料MATERIALS FOR PROCESSINGA02-001 光学用胶合剂/接著剂Optical Cements and Adhesives A02-002 光学用气体Gases for Optical ApplicationA02-003 激光用气体Gases for LasersA02-004 光学研磨材料(研磨布纸) Optical-Coated AbrasiveA02-005 光学研磨材料(砥粒) Optical-Powder or Grin AbrasiveA02-006 光学研磨材料(砥石) Optical-Wheel AbrasiveA02-007 研磨化合物 Polishing CompoundsA02-008 研磨衬垫及布Polishing Pads and ClothA02-009 全像底片及感光板Holographic Films and PlatesA02-010 红外线底片及感光板Infrared Films and PlatesA02-011 相片用化学药品 Photographic ChemicalsA02-012 折射率液Refractive Index LiquidsA02-013 显微镜浸液Microscope Immerison LiquidsA02-014 显微镜埋置用材料Microscope Imbedding MediaA02-015 激光用染料 Laser DyesA02-016 冷媒 CoolantsA02-017 拭镜纸 Lens TissueA03 显示器用材料:A03 显示器用材料MATERIALS FOR DISPLAYA03-001 液晶 Liquid CrystalsA03-002 导电膜玻璃基板ITO Glass SubstrateA03-003 彩色滤光片 Color FilterA03-004 偏光板/相位差板Polarizer/ Phase Shift LayerA03-005 显示面板用驱动IC Driver ICA03-006 背光源 BacklightA03-007 配向膜 Alignment FilmA03-008 间隔物SpacerB01 透镜:B01 透镜 LENSESB01-001 单透镜Simple (Single) LensesB01-002 球透镜 Ball LensesB01-003 歪像透镜 Anamorphic LensesB01-004 圆锥透镜 Conical LensesB01-005 柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal LensesB01-006 非球面透镜 Aspheric LensesB01-007 反射折射透镜 Catadioptric LensesB01-008 绕射极限透镜 Diffraction-Limited LensesB01-009 GRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)B01-010 微小透镜阵列Micro Lens ArraysB01-011 准直透镜 Collimator LensesB01-012 聚光透镜 Condenser LensesB01-013 多影像透镜Multiple Image LensesB01-014 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses B01-015 菲涅尔透镜 Fresnel Lenses B01-016 替续透镜 Relay LensesB01-017 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm)B01-018 复合透镜 Complex LensesB01-019 红外线透镜 Infrared LensesB01-020 紫外线透镜 Ultraviolet LensesB01-021 激光透镜 Laser LensesB01-022 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives LensesB01-023 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives LensesB01-024 接目镜 Eyepieces LensesB01-025 向场透镜 Field LensesB01-026 望远镜头 Telephoto LensesB01-027 广角镜头Wide Angle LensesB01-028 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesB01-029 CCTV镜头 CCTV LensesB01-030 影印机镜头Copy Machine LensesB01-031 传真机镜头 Facsimile LensesB01-032 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner LensesB01-033 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner LensesB01-034 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesB01-035 APS相机镜头APS Camera LensesB01-036 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera LensesB01-037 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector LensesB02 镜面:B02 镜面 MIRRORB02-001 平面镜 Flat MirrorsB02-002 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors B02-003 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors B02-004 非球面镜 Aspheric MirrorsB02-005 多面镜 Polygonal MirrorsB02-006 热镜 Hot MirrorsB02-007 冷镜 Cold MirrorsB02-008 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic MirrorsB02-009 双色向面镜 Dichroic MirrorB02-010 金属面镜 Metal MirrorsB02-011 多层面镜 Multilayer MirrorsB02-012 半涂银面镜 Half-Silvered MirrorsB02-013 激光面镜 Laser MirrorsB02-014 天文用面镜 Astronomical MirrorsB02-099 其他面镜 Other MirrorsB03 棱镜:B03 棱镜 PRISMB03-001 Nicol棱镜 Nicol PrismsB03-002 Glan-Thomson棱镜 Glan-Thomson PrismsB03-003 Wollaston棱镜 Wollaston PrismsB03-004 Rochon棱镜 Rochon PrismsB03-005 直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular PrismsB03-006 五面棱镜 Pentagonal PrismsB03-007 脊角棱镜 Roof PrismsB03-008 双棱镜 BiprismsB03-009 直视棱镜Direct Vision PrismsB03-010 微小棱镜 Micro PrismsB03-099 其他棱镜 Other PrismsB04 滤光镜:B04 滤光镜 FILTERB04-001 尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) FiltersB04-002 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters B04-003 干涉滤光镜 Interference FiltersB04-004 中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density FiltersB04-005 空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched FiltersB04-006 双色向滤光镜 Dichroic FiltersB04-007 偏光滤光镜 Polarizing FiltersB04-008 排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band FiltersB04-009 可调式滤光镜 Turnable FilterB04-010 超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband FiltersB04-011 色吸收滤光镜 Absorption FiltersB04-012 红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting FiltersB04-013 红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting FiltersB04-014 紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing FiltersB04-015 紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting FiltersB04-016 针孔滤光镜 Pinhole FiltersB04-017 有色玻璃滤光镜 Colored-Glass FiltersB04-018 塑胶滤光镜 Plastic FiltersB04-019 照像用滤光镜 Photographic FiltersB04-020 全像滤光镜 Holographic FiltersB04-021 微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference FiltersB06 激光:LASERS B06 激光 LASERSB06-100 气体激光 GAS LASERSB06-101 氦氖激光 He-Ne LasersB06-102 金属蒸气激光Metal Vapor LasersB06-103 氩离子激光 Argon LasersB06-104 氪离子激光 Krypton LasersB06-105 二氧化碳激光(气流型) CO2 (Gas Flow type) LasersB06-106 二氧化碳激光(脉冲,TEA型) CO2 (Pulsed,TEA) LasersB06-107 二氧化碳激光(密封型) CO2 (Sealed tube) LasersB06-108 二氧化碳激光(波导型) CO2 (Wave guide) LasersB06-109 一氧化碳激光 CO LasersB06-110 氦镉激光 He-Cd LasersB06-111 氮分子激光 Nitrogen LasersB06-112 准分子激光 Excimer LasersB06-113 氙分子激光 Xenon LasersB06-200 固体激光SOLID STATE LASERSB06-201 红宝石激光 Ruby LasersB06-202 玻璃激光 Glass LasersB06-203 Nd:YAG激光(脉冲式) Nd:YAG (Pulsed) LasersB06-204 Nd:YAG激光(连续式) Nd:YAG Laser (CW) LasersB06-205 Nd:YAG激光(半导体激光激发) Nd:YAG (LD Pumped) LasersB06-206 YLF激光 YLF LasersB06-207 亚历山大激光 Alexanderite LasersB06-208 铒固体激光 Erbium LasersB06-209 半导体激光激发式固态激光Solid State(LD pumped)LaserB06-210 其他固态激光 OthersB06-300 染料激光 DYE LASERSB06-301 染料激光(闪光灯激发) Dye (Flash lamp Pumped) LasersB06-302 染料激光(激光激发) Dye (Laser Pumped) LasersB06-400 半导体激光 SEMICONDUCTOR LASERSB06-401 半导体激光(1.55μm带) Semiconductor (1.55μm) LasersB06-402 半导体激光(1.30μm带) Semiconductor (1.30μm) LasersB06-403 半导体激光(0.85μm带) Semiconductor (0.85μm) LasersB06-404 半导体激光(0.78μm带) Semiconductor (0.78μm) LasersB06-405 半导体激光(0.60μm带) Semiconductor (0.60μm) LasersB06-406 半导体激光(其他波长带) Other Semiconductor LasersB06-407 半导体激光模组(长波长) Semiconductor (Long Wavelength) Laser Modules B06-408 半导体激光模组(短波长) Semiconductor (Short Wavelength) Laser Modules B06-409 半导体激光模组(可见光) Semiconductor (Visible) Laser ModulesB06-501 铁离子中心激光 F-Center LasersB06-502 化学激光(HF-DF) Chemical (HF-DF) LasersB06-503 平板激光 Slab LasersB06-504 远红外线激光 Far-Infrared LasersB06-505 真空紫外线激光Vacuum Ultraviolet LasersB06-506 多色激光Multi Colour LasersB06-507 稳频激光Frequency Stabilized LasersB06-508 自由电子激光Free Electron LasersB07 激光用元件:B07 激光用元件 LASER COMPONENTSB07-001 Q 开关 Laser Q-SwitchesB07-002 激光管Laser Tubes and BoresB07-003 激光棒 Laser RodsB07-004 激光板 Laser SlabsB07-005 气体再生设备,气体填充设备Gas Recyclers and Gas Handling Equipment B07-006 激光控制设备Laser Control EquipmentB07-007 激光用盒 Laser CellsB07-008 参数振汤器 Parametric OscillatorsB07-009 光脉冲产生设备Optical Pulse GeneratorsB07-010 激光用共振腔Resonators for LasersB07-011 磁铁 MagnetsB07-012 激光用冷却设备Cooling Systems for LasersB07-013 激光护眼镜Safty Equipment; Goggles Glasses and FilmsB07-014 激光光吸收体Safty Equipment; Laser AbsorbersB07-015 激光用安全设备Safty Equipment; Protective HousingsB08 发光二极体:B08 发光二极体LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES; LEDB08-001 通信用1.55μm发光二极体 1.55μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-002 通信用1.30μm发光二极体 1.30μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-003 通信用0.85μm发光二极体 0.85μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-004 通信用长波长发光二极体模组Long Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-005 通信用短波长发光二极体模组Short Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-006 可见光发光二极体(红色) Visible (Red) LEDsB08-007 可见光发光二极体(黄色) Visible (Yellow,Orange) LEDsB08-008 可见光发光二极体(绿色,多色) Visible (Green,Multi-Color) LEDsB08-009 可见光发光二极体(蓝色) Visible (Blue) LEDsB08-010 红外线二极体(非通信用) Infrared (not for Communication) LEDsB08-011 文数字表示用发光二极体 Alpha-Numeric LEDsB08-012 发光二极体晶圆(通信用) LED Wafers for CommunicationB08-013 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用) LED Wafers not for CommunicationB08-014 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) LED Chips for CommunicationB08-015 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用) LED Chips not for CommunicationB09 光源设备:B09 光源设备 LIGHT SOURCESB09-001 标准光源Standard Light SourcesB09-002 安定化光源Stabilized Light SourcesB09-003 弧光灯Arc Light SourcesB09-004 氪灯Krypton Light SourcesB09-005 卤素灯Halogen Light SourcesB09-006 氙灯Xenon /Xenon Flashlamps Light SourcesB09-007 紫外线光源Ultraviolet Light SourcesB09-008 真空紫外线光源VUV Light SourcesB09-009 红外线光源Infrared Light SourcesB09-010 闪光光源Stroboscopic Light SourcesB09-011 小型光源Miniature Light SourcesB09-012 光纤光源Fiber Optic IlluminatorsB10 显示器元件:B10 显示器元件 DISPLAY PANELB10-001 发光二极体显示器 LED DisplaysB10-002 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)B10-003 电浆显示器Plasma Display Panels(PDP)B10-004 电激发光显示器Electroluminescence Display (ELD)B10-005 电铬显示器Electrochromic Display (ECD)B10-006 真空萤光显示器Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)B10-007 平面阴极射线管 Flat CRTsB10-008 场发射显示器Field Emitter Display(FED)B10-099 其他平面显示元件Other Flat Panel DisplaysB11 检光元件及光纤混成元件:B11 检光元件及光纤混成元件DETECTORS & FIBEROPTIC HYBRID DEVICESB11-001 通信用PIN光二极体PIN Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-002 通信用崩溃光二极体Avalanche Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-003 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光元件Long-wavelength Detectors for Communication B11-004 通信用PIN光二极体模组PIN Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-005 通信用崩溃光二极体模组Avalanche Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-006 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光模组Long-wavelength Decector Modules for CommunicationB11-007 光二极体(近红外光) Near-infrafed PhotodiodesB11-008 光二极体(可见光) Visible PhotodiodesB11-009 光二极体(紫外光) Ultraviolet PhotodiodesB11-010 光电晶体 PhototransistorsB11-011 光电管 PhototubesB11-012 光电子增倍管(PMT) PhotomultipliersB11-013 光导电池 Photoconductive CellsB11-014 热电偶检测器 Thermocouple DetectorsB11-015 热堆检测器 Thermopile DetectorsB11-016 微道板 Microchannel PlatesB11-017 热电检测器 Pyroelectroic DetectorsB11-018 辐射热测定器 BolometersB11-019 其他红外线检测器 Infrared DetectorsB11-020 摄像管 Camera TubesB11-021 线型检光元件One Dimension Detector ArraysB11-022 面型检光元件Two Dimension Detector ArraysB11-023 光电耦合器 Photo CouplerB11-024 光断续器 Photo InterrupterB11-025 光反射器 Photo ReflectorB11-026 光闸流晶体管 PhotocyristorsB11-027 光感测元件 Photosensing UnitsB11-028 内藏电路之光感测器Detectors with CircuitB11-029 民用用太阳电池Solar Cells for Consumer UseB11-030 产业用太阳电池Solar Cells for Power & Space UseB12 光纤及光缆:B12 光纤及光缆FIBER OPTIC FIBERS & CABLEB12-100 光纤FIBER OPTIC FIBERSB12-101 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Step Index B12-102 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(50/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Graded Index,50/125B12-103 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(62.5/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,62.5/125B12-104 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(100/140) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,100/140B12-105 石英系单模态标准型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Single Mode,StandardB12-106 色散位移光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Dispersion – ShiftedB12-107 偏振恒持光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Polarization – MaintainingB12-108 其他单模态光纤Other Single Mode Optic FibersB12-109 石英系塑胶包覆光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Plastic - Clad SilicaB12-110 塑胶光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, PlasticB12-111 石英系影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Silica, ImagingB12-112 多成分影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Non-silica, ImagingB12-113 光导管Fiber Optic LightguidesB12-199 其他集束光纤Other Fiber Optic BundlesB12-200 光缆FIBER OPTIC CABLEB12-201 单模态标准型松包悬空式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, AerialB12-202 单模态标准型松包管路式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, DuctB12-203 单模态标准型松包直埋式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, Direct BuriedB12-204 单模态标准型紧包单心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, Single FiberB12-205 单模态标准型紧包多心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, MultifiberB12-206 光纤带 RibbonB12-207 色散位移光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Dispersion-ShiftedB12-208 偏振恒持光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Polarization – MaintainingB12-209 其他单模态光缆Other Single Mode Fiber Optic CableB12-210 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 50/125B12-211 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 62.5/125B12-212 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 100/140B12-213 塑胶光缆Fiber Optic Cable, PlasticB12-214 石英系塑胶包覆光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Plastic-Clad SilicaB12-215 其他多模态光缆Other Multimode Fiber Optic CableB12-216 光纤保护用管Protect Tubes for Fiber Optic FiberB13 光被动元件/光控制元件:B13 光被动元件/光控制元件OPTICAL PASSIVE DEVICES/CONTROL DEVICESB13-001 单模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, STB13-002 单模态Biconic光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, BiconicB13-003 单模态FC/PC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FC/PCB13-004 单模态APC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, APCB13-005 单模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FDDIB13-006 单模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, SCB13-007 单模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, D4B13-008 单模态光纤连接器插座(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, Adapter(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic)B13-009 单模态多心光纤连接器(MT) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode,Multi-Channel/MT B13-010 其他单模态光纤连接器Other Single Mode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-011 多模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, STB13-012 多模态FC/PC相容光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FC/PCB13-013 多模态SMA光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SMAB13-014 多模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FDDIB13-015 多模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SCB13-016 多模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, D4B13-017 多模态光纤连接器插座(ST,SMA,FC/PC) Fiber Optic Connectors,Multimode,Adapter(ST,SMA,FC/PC)B13-018 多模态多心光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, Multi-ChannelB13-019 其他多模态光纤连接器Other Multimode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-020 套筒 SleevesB13-021 金属箍(套管) Metal FerrulesB13-022 塑胶箍(套管) Plastic FerrulesB13-023 陶瓷箍(套管) Ceramic FerrulesB13-024 插座 ReceptaclesB13-025 插头 PlugsB13-026 光连接器(含光纤线) Optical Connectors with FiberB13-027 光纤耦合器(两分支) Optical Couplers, Tap/SplitterB13-028 光纤耦合器(树状分支) Optical Couplers, TreeB13-029 星状光纤耦合器(穿透形) Transmission Type Star Optical CouplersB13-030 星状光纤耦合器(反射形) Reflection Type Star Optical CouplersB13-031 其他光纤耦合器Other Optical CouplersB13-032 光分波合波器(两波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Dual-WavelengthB13-033 光分波合波器(多波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Over Two WavelengthB13-034 其他光分波合波器Other Optical WDM CouplersB13-035 光衰减器(固定) Fixed Optical AttenuatorsB13-036 光衰减器(可变) Adjustable Optical AttenuatorsB13-037 光隔离器(通信用) Optical Isolators for CommunicationB13-038 光隔离器(非通信用) Optical Isolators for Non-CommunicationB13-039 光环流器 Optical CirculatorsB13-040 光开关(机械式) Mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-041 光开关(非机械式) Non-mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-042 光纤光栅Fiber Bragg GratingB13-043 光移相器Optical Phase ShiftersB13-044 光共振器 Optical ResonatorsB13-045 空间调变元件Spatial Light ModulatorsB13-046 光影像转换元件(ITC) Incoherent to Coherent Devices(ITC)B13-047 光截波器,机械式光调变器Optical Choppers, Mechanical ModulatorsB13-048 磁光调变器 Maganeto-Optic ModulatorsB13-049 声光调变器 Acousto-Optic ModulatorsB13-050 电光调变器 Electro-Optic ModulatorsB13-051 波导形调变器,行波形调变器Optical Waveguide,Travelling-wave Modulators B13-052 类比/强度调变器 Analog/Intensity ModulatorsB13-053 数位调变器 Digital ModulatorsB13-054 其他调变器 Other ModulatorsB13-055 光弹性调变器 Photoelastic ModulatorsB13-056 机械式偏折/扫瞄器(Galvanometer方式) Mechanical OpticalDeflectors/Scanners(Galvanometer Mirror)B13-057 声光偏折/扫瞄器Acousto-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-058 电光偏折/扫瞄器Electro-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-059 机械式扫瞄器(回转多面镜方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Polygonal Mirrors) B13-060 机械式扫瞄器(全像方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Holographic)B13-061 光纤跳接线Fiber Optic Patchcord PigtailB13-062 光纤终端箱Fiber Optic Distribution BoxB13-063 光纤接续盒Fiber Optic ClosureB13-099 其他光被动元件/控制元件Other Optical Passive Devices/Control DevicesB14 积体光元件:B14 积体光元件INTEGRATED OPTICAL DEVICESB14-001 光IC Optical ICB14-002 OEIC Optoelectronic ICB14-099 其他光电元件 Other DevicesC01 光通讯设备:C01 光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTC01-100 电信用光通讯设备 OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONEQUIPEMNT(TELECOMMUNICATION)C01-101 同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-102 同步光纤网路光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-103 同步光纤网路数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SONET-based)C01-104 同步数位阶层光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transmission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-105 同步数位阶层光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment(SDH-Based)C01-106 同步数位阶层数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-107 光纤网路单体ONU(Optical Network Unit)C01-108 非同步光通讯设备Asynchronous Optical Communication EquipmentC01-199 其他公众用光通讯设备Other Optical Communication Equipment (Telecommunication)C01-200 数据通讯光纤网路设备OPTICAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK EQUIPMENT (PREMISES)C01-201 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备FDDI Network EquipmentC01-202 非同步传输模式网路设备ATM Network EquipmentC01-203 高速乙太网路设备Fast Ethernet Network EquipmentC01-204 光纤通道 Fiber ChannelC01-299 其他用户光数据通讯设备Other Optical Data Communication Network Equipment (Premises)C01-300 特殊用途光传输设备OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT(SPECIAL PURPOSE)C01-301 有线电视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, CATVC01-302 视讯/闭路监视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Video/CCTVC01-303 量测/控制信号光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Measure/ControlC01-304 空间(无线)光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Spatial (Wireless)C01-305 光放大器 Optical AmplifierC01-399 其他特殊用途光传输设备Other Optical Transmission Equipment (Special Purpose)C02 光测仪器设备:C02 光测仪器设备OPTICAL MEASURING EQUIPMENTC02-001 量测用标准光源Standard/Stabilized Light SourcesC02-002 光功率计(热转换型) Thermal Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-003 光功率计(光电转换型) Photoelectric Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-004 光谱分析仪Optical Spectrum AnalyzersC02-005 光波长计Optical Wavelength MetersC02-006 光谱幅宽量测器Spectral Width Measuring EquipmentC02-007 光时域反射计(OTDR) Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers(OTDR)C02-008 基频传输特性检测器Baseband Frequency Characteristics Evaluation EquipmentC02-009 波长色散量测器Wavelength Dispersion Measuring EquipmentC02-010 光纤测试设备Optical Fiber Test EquipmentC02-011 激光光束波形量测器Laser Beam Profile Measuring EquipmentC02-012 光纤尺寸量测器Optical Fiber Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-013 光纤模态参数测试器Optical Fiber Mode Field Parameters Test EquipmentC02-014 光纤强度测试器Optical Fiber Strength Test EquipmentC02-015 其他光纤相关量测设备Other Optical Fiber Measurement EquipmentC02-016 光连接器尺寸量测器Optical Connector Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-017 光碟测定检查设备(装置用) Optical Disk Drive Inspection EquipmentC02-018 光碟测定检查设备(碟片用) Optical Disk Inspection EquipmentC02-019 光度计 PhotometersC02-020 复光束光度计,复光束量测器Double Beam PhotometersC02-021 测微光度计 MicrophotometersC02-022 感光密度计 DensitometersC02-023 光泽度计 GrossmetersC02-024 照度计 Illuminance MetersC02-025 测距仪 RangefindersC02-026 曝光计 Exposure MetersC02-027 辉度计 Luminance MetersC02-028 比色计 Comparison ColorimetersC02-029 色彩计(分光型) Spectral ColorimetersC02-030 色彩计(光电型) Photoelectric ColorimetersC02-031 积分球 Integrating SpheresC02-032 折射计 RefractometersC02-033 椭圆计 EllipsometersC02-034 偏振光镜 PolariscopesC02-035 偏振计 PolarimetersC02-036 比较量测器 ComparatorsC02-037 焦距仪 FocometersC02-038 球径计 SpheremetersC02-039 OTF(光学转换函数)设备Optical Transfer Function InstrumentationC02-040 MTF分析/量测装置Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) Analysis/Measurement EquipmentC02-041 投影检查器 Profile ProjectorsC02-042 自动准直仪 AutocollimatorsC02-043 光弹性机器 Photoelastic InstrumentsC02-099 其他光(学)量测器Other Optical Measurement EquipmentC03 分光镜、干涉仪:C03 分光镜、干涉仪 SPECTROSCOPES, INTERFEROMETERSC03-001 分光计 SpectrometersC03-002 单色器 MonochromatorsC03-003 分光镜,干涉分光镜,摄谱仪 Spectroscopes, Interference Spectroscopes,Spectrographs C03-004 分光光度计,分光测光器 SpectrophotometerC03-005 Michelson干涉仪 Michelson InterferometersC03-006 Tywman Green干涉仪Tywman Green InterferometersC03-007 Mach-Zehnder干涉仪 Mach-Zehnder InterferometersC03-008 Fizeau干涉仪 Fizeau InterferometersC03-009 Fabry-Perot干涉仪 Fabry-Perot InterferometersC04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机:C04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, CAMERASC04-001 放大镜 MagnifiersC04-002 单接物镜双眼显微镜 Binocular MicroscopesC04-003 双眼实体显微镜,立体显微镜 Stereo MicroscopesC04-004 金属显微镜 Metallurgical MicroscopesC04-005 偏光显微镜 Polarizing MicroscopesC04-006 相位差显微镜 Phase-Contrast MicroscpoesC04-007 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对比显微镜 Interferences/Differential Interference Contrast MicroscopesC04-008 萤光显微镜 Fluorescence MicroscopesC04-009 激光显微镜 Laser MicroscopesC04-010 量测用显微镜,工具显微镜 Measurement MicroscopesC04-011 显微镜光度计 Microscope PhotometersC04-012 折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean Refracting TelescopesC04-013 反射望远镜 Reflecting TelescopesC04-014 反射折射望远镜 Catadioptric TelescopesC04-015 35mm焦平面自动对焦相机35mm AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-016 35mm焦平面手动对焦相机35mm NON-AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-017 35mm镜头快门多焦点相机35mm Multi Focal Points Lens Shutter CamerasC04-018 35mm镜头快门单焦点相机35mm Single Focal Point Lens Shutter CamerasC04-019 中,大型照相机Medium and Large Size CamerasC04-020 VTR摄影机 VTR CamerasC04-021 电视摄影机 TV CamerasC04-022 高画质电视摄影机High Definition(HDTV) CamerasC04-023 CCTV摄影机 CCTV CamerasC04-024 全像照像机 Holographic CamerasC04-025 眼镜 EyeglassesC04-026 夜视设备Night Vision EquipmentC04-027 照像机用之日期显示模组 Date moduleC04-028 照像机用之底片计数器 Film counterC04-029 APS相机 APS CamerasC05 光感测器:C05 光感测器 OPTICAL SENSORSC05-001 光电开关,光电感测器Photo Switches, Photo SensorsC05-002 标记感测器Mark Photo SensorsC05-003 色彩标记感测器Color Mark Photo SensorsC05-004 色彩感测器Color Photo SensorsC05-005 光学式编码器,角度感测器Optical Encoders, Angle SensorsC05-006 光遥控器Optical Remote Control EquipmentC05-007 影像感测器式量测设备Image Sensor Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-008 显微镜式量测设备Microscope Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-009 精密长度干涉仪Precise Length InterferometersC05-010 光波测距装置Electronic Distance MetersC05-011 三角测量法距离感测器Triangulation Distance MetersC05-012 激光调变测距方式距离感测器Laser Modulation Distance MetersC05-013 脉冲测距方式距离感测器Pulse Distance MetersC05-014 激光外径测定器Laser Outer Diameter Measuring SensorsC05-015 激光厚度计Laser Thickness GaugesC05-016 激光拉伸计Laser Extension MeterC05-017 红外线厚度计Infrared Thickness GaugesC05-018 水平仪 LevelsC05-019 激光水平仪 Laser LevelsC05-020 经纬仪 Theodlites/TransitsC05-021 激光经纬仪 Laser Theodlites/TransitsC05-022 激光标线设备Laser Marking-off EquipmentC05-023 位置光电感测器Position Sensors, Pattern Edge SensorsC05-024 半导体位置感测器Position Sensitive Devices(PSDs)C05-025 激光指示器 Laser PointersC05-026 激光都卜勒测速计Laser Doppler VelocimetersC05-027 环形激光流速计,光纤陀螺仪Ring Laser Velocimeters, Optical Fiber Laser Gyros C05-028 转速仪Rotational Speed MetersC05-029 激光都卜勒转速仪Laser Doppler Rotational Speed MetersC05-030 全像方式图样量测设备Holographic Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentsC05-031 激光移位计Laser Displacement MetersC05-032 激光指纹检测器Laser Fingerprint DetectorsC05-033 光学水质污染检测设备Optical Water Pollution Measurement and Detection EquipmentC05-034 光学大气污染检测设备Optical Air Pollution Measurement and Detection Equipment C05-035 红外线气体浓度感测器Infrared Gas Density MetersC05-036 光电式烟检知器Photo Smoke DetectorsC05-037 激光粉尘监视器,粒径量测器Laser Dust MonitorsC05-038 距离测定用激光雷达Rang-finding Lidar SystemsC05-039 环境监测用激光雷达Environment Monitoring Lidar SystemsC05-040 激光表面检查设备Laser Surface Inspection EquipmentC05-041 平面度测定系统 Flatness TestersC05-042 斑点图形量测设备Speckle Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-043 云纹图形量测设备Moire Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-044 影像分析仪 Image AnalyzersC05-045 激光缺陷检查设备Laser Defect Inspection EquipmentC05-046 红外线辐射温度感测器 Infrared ThermometersC05-047 人体检知感测器,激光保全设备Laser Security/Surveillance EquipmentsC05-048 光计数器 Photo CountersC05-049 激光公害检测设备Laser Pollution Detective DevicesC05-050 激光热常数量测设备Laser Thermal Constants Measurement EquipmentC05-051 全像非破坏检查设备Holographic Nondestructive Testing EquipmentC06 光纤感测器:C06 光纤感测器FIBER OPTIC SENSORSC06-001 光纤光电开关/感测器Fiber Optic Photo Switches/ SensorsC06-002 光纤式标记感测器Fiber Optic Mark Photo SensorsC06-003 光纤式色彩标记感测器Fiber Optic Color Mark Photo SensorsC06-004 光纤温度感测器Fiber Optic Temperature SensorsC06-005 光纤压力感测器Fiber Optic Pressure SensorsC06-006 光纤声波感测器Fiber Optic Acoustic SensorsC06-007 光纤变形感测器Fiber Optic Strain SensorsC06-008 光纤振动感测器Fiber Optic Vibration SensorsC06-009 光纤移位感测器Fiber Optic Displacement SensorsC06-010 光纤陀螺仪感测器Fiber Optic Gyro SensorsC06-011 光纤速度感测器Fiber Optic Velocity SensorsC06-012 光纤磁通量感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux SensorsC06-013 光纤磁场感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Field SensorsC06-014 光纤电流感测器Fiber Optic Current SensorsC06-015 光纤电场感测器Fiber Optic Electric Field SensorsC06-016 光纤浓度、成份感测器Fiber Optic Density,Constituent SensorsC06-017 光纤油膜感测器Fiber Optic Oil Film SensorsC06-018 光纤液位感测器Fiber Optic Liquid Surface Level SensorsC06-019 光纤光分布/放射线感测器Fiber Optic Light Distribution/Radiation Sensors C06-020 光纤显微镜Fiber Optic FiberscopesC06-021 光纤光栅应变感测器Fiber Grating Strain SensorC07 光储存装置:C07 光储存装置OPTICAL STORAGE PRODUCTC07-100 消费性光碟机CONSUMER OPTICAL DISC PLAYERSC07-101 激光唱盘Compact Disc (CD) PlayersC07-102 激光音响组合Products Incorporated CD(CD-Radio-Cassette Tape Recorders) C07-103 LD 影碟机Laser Disc (LD) PlayersC07-104 影音光碟机Video CD PlayersC07-105 DVD DVD 影碟机Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) PlayersC07-106 迷你音碟机Mini Disc (MD) PlayersC07-200 资讯用仅读型光碟机READ-ONLY OPTICAL DISC DRI597VESC07-201 CD-ROMCD-ROM光碟机 CD-ROM DrivesC07-202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 光碟机 DVD-ROM DrivesC07-300 资讯用仅写一次型光碟机RECORDABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-301 CD-R CD-R 光碟机 CD-R DrivesC07-399 其他仅写一次型光碟机Other Recordable Optical Disc DrivesC07-400 资讯用可覆写型光碟机REWRITABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-401 3.5" MO 光碟机3.5" MO Disc DrivesC07-402 5.25" MO 光碟机5.25" MO Disc DrivesC07-403 PD 光碟机 PD DrivesC07-404 CD-RW光碟机 CD-RW DrivesC07-499 其他可覆写型光碟机Other Rewritable Optical Disc DrivesC07-500 光碟机零组件DEVICES OF OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-501 光学头,光学读取头Optical Heads , Pick-up HeadsC07-502 光学头伺服装置,伺服用IC模组Optical Head Controllers, Control ICs/Modules C07-503 光学头驱动装置Optical Head ServomotorsC07-504 光碟匣Optical Disc CartridgesC07-505 主轴马达 Spindle MotorC07-600 光碟片 OPTICAL DISCSC07-601 CD 音碟片 Compact DiscsC07-602 LD 影碟片 Laser DiscsC07-603 影音光碟片 Video CDsC07-604 DVD光碟片Digital Versatile Discs : DVDsC07-605 迷你音碟片Mini Discs : MDsC07-606 CD-ROM 光碟片 CD-ROMsC07-607 DVD-ROM光碟片 DVD-ROMsC07-608 CD-R 光碟片 CD-RsC07-609 其他可写仅读型光碟片Other Recordable Optical DiscsC07-610 3.5" MO 光碟片3.5" MO DiscsC07-011 5.25" MO 光碟片5.25" MO DiscsC07-612 PD 光碟片 PD DiscsC07-613 CD-RW 光碟片 CD-RW DiscsC07-699 其他可复写型光碟片Other Rewritable Optical DiscsC08 光输出入装置:C08 光输出入装置OPTICAL INPUT &OUTPUT DEVICESC08-100 数位相机Digital Still CameraC08-200 光学印表机 OPTICAL PRINTERSC08-201 彩色激光印表机Laser Color PrintersC08-202 单色激光印表机Laser Monochrome PrintersC08-203 彩色LED印表机LED Color PrintersC08-204 单色LED印表机LED Monochrome PrintersC08-299 其他光学式印表机Other Optical PrintersC08-300 影印机 COPY MACHINESC08-301 彩色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Color Copy MachinesC08-302 单色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Monochrome Copy MachinesC08-400 传真机 FACSIMILESC08-401 热感纸传真机Termal Paper FacsimilesC08-402 热转写传真机Thermal Transfer FaxC08-403 喷墨普通纸传真机Inkjet Plain Paper FacsimilesC08-404 发光二极体传真机 LED FacsimilesC08-405 激光传真机 Laser FacsimilesC08-406 多功能复合事务机Multi-Function Products (MFPs)C08-500 条码扫描器BAR CODE SCANNERSC08-501 手持式激光条码扫描器Hand-Held Laser Bar Code ScannersC08-502 固定式激光条码扫描器Fixed Laser Bar Code ScannersC08-503 CCD 条码扫描器CCD Bar Code Scanners。



常见材料学专业名词中英文对译材料科学Material Science材料科学定义Material Science Definition 加工性能Machinability强度Strength抗腐蚀及耐用Corrosion & resistance durability金属特性Special metallic features抗敏感及环境保护Allergic, re-cycling & environmental protection化学元素Chemical element元素的原子序数Atom of Elements原子及固体物质Atom and solid material原子的组成、大小、体积和单位图表The size, mass, charge of an atom, and is particles (Pronton,Nentron and Electron) 原子的组织图Atom Constitutes周期表Periodic Table原子键结Atom Bonding金属与合金Metal and Alloy 铁及非铁金属Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal金属的特性Features of Metal晶体结构Crystal Pattern晶体结构,定向格子及单位晶格Crystal structure, Space lattice & Unit cell X线结晶分析法X – ray crystal analyics method金属结晶格子Metal space lattice格子常数Lattice constant米勒指数Mill's Index金相及相律Metal Phase and Phase Rule 固熔体Solid solution置换型固熔体Substitutional type solid solution插入型固熔体Interstital solid solution 金属间化物Intermetallic compound 金属变态Transformation变态点Transformation Point磁性变态Magnetic Transformation 同素变态Allotropic Transformation 合金平衡状态Thermal Equilibrium 相律Phase Rule自由度Degree of freedom临界温度Critical temperture共晶Eutectic包晶温度Peritectic Temperature包晶反应Peritectic Reaction包晶合金Peritectic Alloy亚共晶体Hypoeutetic Alloy过共晶体Hyper-ectectic Alloy金属塑性Plastic Deformation滑动面Slip Plan畸变Distortion硬化Work Hardening退火Annealing回复柔软Crystal Recovery再结晶Recrystallization金属材料的性能及试验Properties & testing of metal化学性能Chemical Properties物理性能Physical Properties颜色Colour磁性Magnetisum比电阻Specific resistivity & specific resistance 比重Specific gravity & specific density比热Specific Heat热膨胀系数Coefficient of thermal expansion导热度Heat conductivity机械性能Mechanical properties屈服强度Yield strength伸长度Elongation断面缩率Reduction of area金属材料的试验方法The Method of Metal inspection不破坏检验Non – destructive inspections渗透探伤法Penetrate inspection磁粉探伤法Magnetic particle inspection放射线探伤法Radiographic inspection 超声波探伤法Ultrasonic inspection显微观察法Microscopic inspection 破坏的检验Destructive Inspection 冲击测试Impact Test疲劳测试Fatigue Test潜变测试Creep Test潜变强度Creeps Strength第壹潜变期Primary Creep主要金属元素之物理性质Physical properties of major Metal Elements转变元素Transition element交换能量Positive energy exchange外价电子Outer valence electrons化学结合Chemical bond钢铁的主要成份The major element of steel钢铁用"碳"之含量来分类Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents铁相Steel Phases钢铁的名称Name of steel纯铁体Ferrite渗碳体Cementitle奥氏体Austenite珠光体及共释钢Pearlite &Eutectoid奥氏体碳钢Austenite Carbon Steel单相金属Single Phase Metal共释变态Eutectoid Transformation 珠光体Pearlite过共释钢Hype-eutectoid 珠光体Pearlite粗珠光体Coarse pearlite中珠光体Medium pearlite幼珠光体Fine pearlite磁性变态点Magnetic Transformation 钢铁的制造Manufacturing of Steel连续铸造法Continuous casting process 电炉Electric furnace钢铁生产流程Steel Production Flow Chart钢材的熔铸、锻造、挤压及延轧The Casting, Fogging, Extrusion, Rolling & Steel熔铸Casting锻造Fogging挤压Extrusion延轧Rolling冲剪Drawing & stamping特殊钢Special Steel简介General特殊钢以原素分类Classification of Special Steel according to Element特殊钢以用途来分类Classification of Special Steel according to End UsageSulphuric Free Cutting Steel硬化性能Hardenability钢的脆性Brittleness of Steel低温脆性Cold brittleness回火脆性Temper brittleness材料的加工性能Drawing abillity硬度Hardness表面处理Surface finishEnd usages, industrial standard, quality, condition and hardness of cold rolled steel strip硬度及拉力Hardness & Tensile strength test拉伸测试(顺纹测试) Elongation test曲面(假曲率) Camber防止生锈Rust Protection生锈速度表Speed of rusting焊接Welding气焊Gas Welding埋弧焊Submerged-arc Welding电阻焊Resistance Welding电解/电镀锌大大增强钢片的防锈能力Galvanic Action improving Weather & Corrosion Resistance of the Base Steel Sheet上漆能力Paint Adhesion电镀锌钢片的焊接Welding of Electro-galvanized steel sheet 点焊Spot welding滚焊Seam welding电镀锌(电解)钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet生产流程Production Flow Chart锌镀层质量Zinc Coating Mass表面处理Surface Treatment冷轧钢片Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet/Strip 热轧钢片Hot-Rolled Sheet/Strip电解冷轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of ElectrolyticCold-rolled sheet热轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Hot-rolled sheet 冷轧或热轧钢片阔度公差Width Tolerance of Cold or Hot-rolled sheet长度公差Length Tolerance理论质量Theoretical Mass简介General硬度Hardness钢的种类Type of Steel表面处理Surface Finish常用尺寸Commonly Used Size电器用硅[硅] 钢片Electrical Steel Sheet软磁材料Soft Magnetic Material硬磁材料Hard Magnetic Material最大能量积Maximum Energy Product 晶粒取向(Grain-Oriented)及非晶粒取向(Non-Oriented)Grain Oriented & Non-Oriented电器用硅[硅] 钢片的最终用途及规格End Usage and Designations of Electrical Steel Strip电器用的硅[硅] 钢片之分类Classification of Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use电器用钢片的绝缘涂层Performance of Surface Insulation of Electrical Steel Sheets 退火Annealing电器用钢片用家需自行应力退火原因Annealing of the Electrical Steel Sheet退火时注意事项Annealing Precautionary提防过份氧化No Excessive Oxidation 应力退火温度Stress –relieving Annealing Temperature 绝缘表面Surface Insulation镀铝硅合金钢片的特色Feature of Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet用途End Usages抗化学品能力Chemical Resistance公差Size Tolerance焊接能力Weldability钢板Steel Plate钢板用途分类及各国钢板的工业标准包括日工标准及美材试标准Type of steel Plate & Related JIS, ASTM and Other Major Industrial Standards钢板生产流程Production Flow Chart 钢板订货需知Ordering of Steel Plate不锈钢Stainless Steel不锈钢的定义Definition of Stainless Steel不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性Classification, Corrosion Resistant & Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel铁铬系不锈钢片Chrome Stainless Steel表面处理Surface finish不锈钢片机械性能(301, 304, 631, CSP) Mechanical Properties of Spring use Stainless Steel不锈钢–种类,工业标准,化学成份,特点及主要用途Stainless Steel – Type, Industrial Standard, Chemical Composition, Characteristic & end usage of the most commonly used Stainless Steel不锈钢薄片用途例End Usage of Thinner Gauge不锈钢片、板用途例Examples of End Usages of Strip, Sheet & Plate不锈钢应力退火卷片常用规格名词图解General Specification of Tension Annealed Stainless Steel Strips耐热不锈钢Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel镍铬系耐热不锈钢特性、化学成份、及操作温度Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel铬系耐热钢Chrome Heat Resistance Steel镍铬耐热钢Ni - Cr Heat Resistance Steel超耐热钢Special Heat Resistance Steel抗热超级合金Heat Resistance Super Alloy边缘处理Edge Finish硬度Hardness高碳钢化学成份及用途高碳钢片High Carbon Steel Strip分类Classification用组织结构分类Classification According to Grain Structure用含碳量分类–即低碳钢、中碳钢及高碳钢Classification According toCarbon Contains弹簧用碳钢片CarbonSteel Strip For Spring Use冷轧状态Cold Rolled Strip回火状态Annealed Strip淬火及回火状态Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision –Quenched Steel Strip贝氏体钢片Bainite Steel Strip弹簧用碳钢片材之边缘处理Edge Finished淬火剂Quenching Media碳钢回火Tempering回火有低温回火及高温回火Low & High Temperature Tempering 高温回火High Temperature Tempering退火Annealing完全退火Full Annealing扩散退火Diffusion Annealing低温退火Low Temperature Annealing 中途退火Process Annealing球化退火Spheroidizing Annealing光辉退火Bright Annealing 淬火Quenching时间淬火Time Quenching奥氏铁孻回火Austempering马氏铁体淬火Marquenching高碳钢片用途End Usage of High Carbon Steel Strip冷轧高碳钢–日本工业标准Cold-Rolled (Special Steel) Carbon Steel Strip to JIS G3311电镀金属钢片Plate Metal Strip电镀金属捆片的优点Advantage of Using Plate Metal Strip金属捆片电镀层Plated Layer of Plated Metal Strip镀镍Nickel Plated镀铬Chrome Plated镀黄铜Brass Plated基层金属Base Metal of Plated Metal Strip低碳钢或铁基层金属Iron & Low Carbon as Base Metal不锈钢基层金属Stainless Steel as Base Metal铜基层金属Copper as Base Metal黄铜基层金属Brass as Base Metal轴承合金Bearing Alloy易溶合金Fusible Alloy化学成份Chemical Composition机械性能Mechanical Properties化学成份Chemical composition Manufacturing Method应用材料Material Used特点Characteristic用途End Usages材料的类型Types of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer 部分材料性质复习Review of selected properties of materials,电导率和电阻率conductivity and resistivity,热导率thermal conductivity,应力和应变stress and strain,弹性应变elastic strain,塑性应变plastic strain,屈服强度yield strength,最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength, 延展性ductility,伸长率elongation,断面收缩率reduction of area,颈缩necking,断裂强度breaking strength,韧性toughness,硬度hardness,疲劳强度fatigue strength,蜂窝honeycomb,热脆性heat shortness,晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell, 点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point,点阵参数lattice parameter,密排六方hexagonal close-packed, 六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell,体心立方body-centered cubic,面心立方face-centered cubic,弥勒指数Miller indices,晶面crystal plane,晶系crystal system,晶向crystal direction,相变机理Phase transformation mechanism:成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition,斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition,有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation,成核nucleation,成核机理nucleation mechanism,成核势垒nucleation barrier,晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal,金属组织的)基体quay,基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix,子晶,雏晶matted crystal,耔晶,晶种seed crystal,耔晶取向seed orientation,籽晶生长seeded growth,均质核化homogeneous nucleation,异质核化heterogeneous nucleation,均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment,熟料grog,自恰场self-consistent field固溶体Solid solution:有序固溶体ordered solid solution, 无序固溶体disordered solid solution, 有序合金ordered alloy,无序合金disordered alloy.无序点阵disordered lattice,分散,扩散,弥散dispersal,分散剂dispersant,分散剂,添加剂dispersant additive, 分散剂,弥散剂dispersant agent缺陷defect, imperfection,点缺陷point defect,线缺陷line defect, dislocation,面缺陷interface defect, surface defect, 体缺陷volume defect,位错排列dislocation arrangement,位错阵列dislocation array,位错气团dislocation atmosphere,位错轴dislocation axis,位错胞dislocation cell,位错爬移dislocation climb,位错滑移dislocation slip, dislocation movement by slip,位错聚结dislocation coalescence,位错核心能量dislocation core energy, 位错裂纹dislocation crack,位错阻尼dislocation damping,位错密度dislocation density,体积膨胀volume dilation,体积收缩volume shrinkage,回火tempering,退火annealing,退火的,软化的softened,软化退火,软化(处理)softening, 淬火quenching,淬火硬化quenching hardening,正火normalizing, normalization,退火织构annealing texture,人工时效artificial aging,细长比aspect ratio,形变热处理ausforming,等温退火austempering,奥氏体austenite,奥氏体化austenitizing,贝氏体bainite,马氏体martensite,马氏体淬火marquench,马氏体退火martemper,马氏体时效钢maraging steel,渗碳体cementite, 固溶强化solid solution strengthening, 钢屑混凝土steel chips concrete,水玻璃,硅酸钠sodium silicate,水玻璃粘结剂sodium silicate binder,硅酸钠类防水剂sodium silicate waterproofing agent,扩散diffusion,扩散系数diffusivity,相变phase transition,烧结sintering,固相反应solid-phase reaction,相图与相结构phase diagrams and phase structures ,相phase,组分component,自由度freedom,相平衡phase equilibrium,吉布斯相律Gibbs phase rule,吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy,吉布斯混合能Gibbs energy of mixing, 吉布斯熵Gibbs entropy,吉布斯函数Gibbs function,相平衡phase balance,相界phase boundary,相界线phase boundary line,相界交联phase boundary crosslinking, 相界有限交联phase boundary crosslinking,相界反应phase boundary reaction,相变phase change,相组成phase composition,共格相phase-coherent,金相相组织phase constentuent,相分布phase distribution,相平衡常数phase equilibrium constant, 相平衡图phase equilibrium diagram,相分离phase segregation, phase separation,玻璃分相phase separation in glasses,相序phase order, phase sequence,相稳定性phase stability,相态phase state,相稳定区phase stabile range,相变温度phase transition temperature,相变压力phase transition pressure,同质多晶转变polymorphic transformation,相平衡条件phase equilibrium conditions, 显微结构microstructures,不混溶固溶体immiscible solid solution, 转熔型固溶体peritectic solid solution,低共熔体eutectoid,crystallization,不混溶性immiscibility,固态反应solid state reaction,烧结sintering,相变机理Phase transformation mechanism:成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition,斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition,有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation,成核nucleation,成核机理nucleation mechanism,成核势垒nucleation barrier,晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal,(金属组织的)基体quay,基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix,子晶,雏晶matted crystal,耔晶,晶种seed crystal,耔晶取向seed orientation,籽晶生长seeded growth,均质核化homogeneous nucleation, 异质核化heterogeneous nucleation, 均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment。



激光、光电、光学词汇中英文对照1. 激光(Laser)2. 光电效应(Photoelectric Effect)3. 光学(Optics)4. 光纤(Fiber Optic)5. 光谱(Spectrum)6. 折射率(Refractive Index)7. 透镜(Lens)8. 反射(Reflection)9. 干涉(Interference)10. 衍射(Diffraction)11. 偏振(Polarization)12. 激光切割(Laser Cutting)13. 激光焊接(Laser Welding)14. 光电探测器(Photoelectric Detector)15. 光电传感器(Photoelectric Sensor)16. 光学显微镜(Optical Microscope)17. 光学望远镜(Optical Telescope)18. 光学镜头(Optical Lens)19. 光学滤波器(Optical Filter)20. 光学编码器(Optical Enr)21. 光学通信(Optical Communication)22. 光学存储(Optical Storage)24. 光学子系统(Optical Subsystem)25. 光学设计(Optical Design)26. 光学加工(Optical Fabrication)27. 光学镀膜(Optical Coating)28. 光学检测(Optical Inspection)29. 光学成像(Optical Imaging)30. 光学治疗(Optical Therapy)31. 光学材料(Optical Materials)32. 光学元件(Optical Elements)33. 光学路径(Optical Path)34. 光学平台(Optical Platform)35. 光学子件(Optical Component)36. 光学连接器(Optical Connector)37. 光学开关(Optical Switch)38. 光学调制器(Optical Modulator)39. 光学衰减器(Optical Attenuator)40. 光学放大器(Optical Amplifier)41. 光学显示器(Optical Display)42. 光学子午线(Optical Meridian)43. 光学分辨率(Optical Resolution)44. 光学畸变(Optical Distortion)45. 光学厚度(Optical Thickness)46. 光学密度(Optical Density)48. 光学干涉仪(Optical Interferometer)49. 光学相干断层扫描(Optical Coherence Tomography)50. 光学扫描器(Optical Scanner)51. 光学跟踪(Optical Tracking)52. 光学遥感(Optical Remote Sensing)53. 光学成像系统(Optical Imaging System)54. 光学跟踪系统(Optical Tracking System)55. 光学定位系统(Optical Positioning System)56. 光学子午仪(Optical Meridian Instrument)57. 光学补偿器(Optical Compensator)58. 光学补偿器(Optical Corrector)59. 光学基准(Optical Reference)60. 光学基准面(Optical Reference Plane)这些词汇涵盖了激光、光电和光学领域的基本概念、技术和设备。



Ab = Albite 附录(Appendixes)一、矿物代号钠长石Kp = Kalinophilite 钾霞石Ac = AcmiteAct = ActinoliteAe = AegirineAf = Alkali feldspar Alm = AlmandineAls = Al2SiO5 mineral Am = AmphiboleAn = AnorthiteAnd = Andalusite Andr = AndraditeAnl = AnalciteAnn = AnniteAnt = AnthophylliteAr = AragoniteAug = AugiteBi = BiotiteBrc = BruciteCc = CalciteCh = ChloriteCld = ChloritoidCo=CorundumCoe = coesiteCpx = Clinopyroxene Crd = CordieriteCrs = CrossiteCum = Cummingtonite Der = DeeriteDi = DiapsideDia = DiamondDol = DolomiteEn = EnstatiteEp = EpidoteF = Fluid(H2O)Fa = FayaliteFo=ForsteriteFs = FerrosiliteGl = Glaucophane Gra = GraphiteGro = GrossularGt = GarnetHb = HornblendeHd = Hedenbergite Hu = HeulanditeHy = HyperstheneIll = IlliteJd=JadeiteJed=JedriteKao = KaoliniteKf = K-feldspar 锥辉石阳起石霓石碱性长石铁铝榴石Al2SiO5矿物角闪石钙长石红柱石钙铁榴石方沸石羟铁云母直闪石文石普通辉石黑云母水镁石方解石绿泥石硬绿泥石刚玉柯石英单斜辉石堇青石青铝闪石镁铁闪石迪尔石透辉石金刚石白云石顽火辉石绿帘石流体(H2O)铁橄榄石镁橄榄石铁辉石蓝闪石石墨钙铝榴石石榴石普通角闪石钙铁辉石片沸石紫苏辉石伊利石硬玉铝直闪石高岭石钾长石1Ky = KyaniteL = Liquid = meltLc=LeuciteLm = LaumontiteLw = LawsoniteMar=MargariteMc=MicaMgn = MagnesiteMi = MicroclineMm = MontmorilloniteMs = MuscoviteMt = MagnetiteNe = NepherineOl = OlivineOm =OmphaciteOpx = OrthophyroxeneOr = OrthoclasePg = ParagonitePhl = PhlogopitePhn = PhengitePie = PiemontitePig = PigeonitePl = PlagioklasePrh = PrehnitePrl = PyrophyllitePu = PumpellyitePx = PyroxenePyr = PyropeQ = QuartzRie = RiebeckiteSan = SanidineSps = SpessartineSt = StauroliteStp = StilpnomelaneTc=TalcTr=TremoliteTs=TschermakiteV =VapourVer=VermiculiteWm = White micaWo=WollastoniteWr=WairakiteSe = SericiteSer = SerpentineSil = SillimaniteSm=SmeciteSp = SpinelWu=WustiteZo = Zoisite蓝晶石液体= 熔体白榴石浊沸石硬柱石珍珠云母云母菱镁矿微斜长石蒙脱石白云母磁铁矿霞石橄榄石绿辉石斜方辉石正长石钠云母金云母多硅白云母红帘石易变辉石斜长石葡萄石叶腊石绿纤石辉石镁铝榴石石英钠闪石透长石锰铝榴石十字石黑硬绿泥石滑石透闪石契尔马克分子蒸汽蛭石白色云母硅灰石斜钙沸石绢云母蛇纹石夕线石蒙皂石尖晶石方铁矿黝帘石二、汉英对照岩石学名词索引AA′KF图(A′KF diagram)ACF图(ACF diagram)AFC 模式(assimilation and fractional crystallization)AFM图(AFM diagram)A 型花岗岩(A-type granites)I 型花岗岩(I-type granites)M 型花岗岩(M-type granites)P-T-t轨迹(P-T-t path)S 面(S-safaces 或S-planes)S 型花岗岩(S-type granites)阿波罗(Apollo)阿尔卑斯型超基性岩体(Alpine-type ultrabasic rocks)阿拉斯加型(Alaska-type)安山岩(andesite)岸礁(shore reef)暗拼岩(appinite)暗色体(melanosome)奥长花岗岩(tronndhjemite)B白榴石响岩(leucite phonolite)白榴岩(leucitite)白片岩(white schist)白云石化(dolomitization)斑点构造(spotted structure)斑脱岩(bentonite)斑杂构造(taxitic structure)斑状变晶结构(porphyroblastic texture)斑状结构(porphyritic texture)板块(plate)板劈理(slaty cleavage)板岩(slate)板状等粒结构(equant tabular texture)板状构造(slaty structure)板状交错层(plate cross-bedding)半晶质结构(hemicrystalline texture)半自形变晶(hypidioblastic)2 半自形晶粒状结构(hypidiomorphic-granular texture)包含结构(poikilitic texture)包卷层理(convoluted structure)包卷构造(convoluted structure)雹痕(hail print)堡礁(barrier reef)爆发(explosions)碧玄岩(basanite)碧玉岩(jasperite)变斑晶(porphyroblast)变晶(blast)变晶鲕(metacrystal ooid)变晶结构(blastic texture)变晶系(crystalloblastic series)变嵌晶(poikilolblast)变形(deformation)变形带(deformation band)变形结构(deformation texture)变形双晶(deformation twins)变形纹(deformation lamellae)变余构造(palimpsest structure)变余结构(palimpsest texture)变余糜棱岩(blastomylonite)变质带(metamorphic zone)变质反应(metamorphic reaction)。



amplitude 振幅
phase 相位
wavenumber 波数
wavefront 波前
wavevector 波矢
envelope 包络
Wave envelope 波包
Wave packet theory 波包理论
quarter wave plate 四分之一波片
grating 光栅
absorption 吸收
Fiber 光纤
Cladding 包层
Perfect image 完善像
Object(image) space 物(像)空间
magnification 放大率
Parallel plate 平行平板
focal plane 焦平面
stop 光阑
pupil 光瞳
ray tracing 光线追迹
Incident beam 入射光
电通量密度 磁通量密度
电位移 自由空间
介质 线性的 色散的 非色散的 各向同性的 各向异性的
refractive index 折射率
absorption coefficient 吸收系数
phase velocity 相速度
group velocity 群速度
Attenuation 衰减
alumina 氧化铝
Bell inequality 贝尔不等式
teleportation 隐形传态、离物传态
quantum cryptography 量子密码
Vocabulary 9
frequency conversion 频率转换
Down conversion 下转换
Parametric process 参量过程
Nonparametric process 非参量过程



absolute energy distribution 绝对能量分布abundance effect 丰度效应angular diameter—redshift relation 角径—红移关系asteroid astrometry 小行星天体测量bursting pulsar (GRO J1744-28 )暴态脉冲星Caliban 天卫十七canonical Big Bang 典型大爆炸Cepheid binary 造父双星CH anomaly CH 反常chromospheric plage 色球谱斑circumnuclear star-forming ring 核周产星环circumstellar astrophysics 星周天体物理CN anomaly CN 反常colliding-wind binary 星风互撞双星collisional de-excitation 碰撞去激发collisional ionization 碰撞电离collision line broadening 碰撞谱线致宽Compton loss 康普顿耗损continuous opacity 连续不透明度coronagraphic camera 日冕照相机coronal active region 日冕活动区cosmic-ray exposure age 宇宙线曝射法年龄count—magnitude relation 计数—星等关系Cousins color system 卡曾斯颜色系统dating method 纪年法DDO color system DDO 颜色系统deep sky object 深空天体deep sky phenomena 深空天象dense star cluster 稠密星团diagnostics 诊断法dissociative recombination 离解复合Doppler line broadening 多普勒谱线致宽epicyclic orbit 本轮轨道extragalactic background 河外背景extragalactic background radiation 河外背景辐射flare particle emission 耀斑粒子发射flare physics 耀斑物理Fm star Fm 星focal plane spectrometer 焦面分光计focusing X-ray telescope 聚焦X 射线望远镜Friedmann time 弗里德曼时间galactic chimney 星系通道Galactic chimney 银河系通道gas relention age 气体变异法年龄Gauss line profile 高斯谱线轮廓GCR (Galactic cosmic rays )银河系宇宙线Geneva color system 日内瓦颜色系统global oscilletion 全球振荡GW-Vir instability strip 室女GW 不稳定带Highly Advanced Laboratory for 〈HALCA〉通讯和天文高新空间Communications and Astronomy 实验室(HALCA )Hipparcos catalogue 依巴谷星表Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET )〈HET〉大型拼镶镜面望远镜Hoyle—Narlikar cosmology 霍伊尔—纳里卡宇宙学Hubble Deep Field (HDF )哈勃深空区human space flight 载人空间飞行、人上天imaging spectrograph 成象摄谱仪infrared camera 红外照相机infrared luminosity 红外光度infrared polarimetry 红外偏振测量in-situ acceleration 原位加速intercept age 截距法年龄inverse Compton limit 逆康普顿极限isochron age 等龄线法年龄Johnson color system 约翰逊颜色系统K giant variable (KGV )K 型巨变星kinetic equilibrium 运动学平衡large-scale beam 大尺度射束large-scale jet 大尺度喷流limb polarization 临边偏振line-profile variable 谱线轮廓变星long term fluctuation 长期起伏Lorentz line profile 洛伦兹谱线轮廓magnetic arm 磁臂Mars globe 火星仪massive black hole 大质量黑洞mean extinction coefficient 平均消光系数mean luminosity density 平均光度密度microwave storm 微波噪暴Milli-Meter Array (MMA )〈MMA〉毫米波射电望远镜阵molecular maser 分子微波激射、分子脉泽moving atmosphere 动态大气neutrino loss rate 中微子耗损率non-linear astronomy 非线性天文non-standard model 非标准模型passband width 带宽P Cygni type star 天鹅P 型星Perseus chimney 英仙通道planetary companion 似行星伴天体plateau phase 平台阶段primordial abundance 原始丰度protobinary system 原双星proto-brown dwarf 原褐矮星quiescent galaxy 宁静星系radiation transport 辐射转移radio-intermediate quasar 中介射电类星体random peculiar motion 随机本动relative energy distribution 相对能量分布RGU color system RGU 颜色系统ringed barred galaxy 有环棒旋星系ringed barred spiral galaxy 有环棒旋星系rise phase 上升阶段Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE )〈RXTE〉X 射线时变探测器RQPNMLK color system RQPNMLK 颜色系统Scheuer—Readhead hypothesis 朔伊尔—里德黑德假说Serpens molecular cloud 巨蛇分子云soft X-ray transient (SXT )软X 射线暂现源solar dynamo 太阳发电机solar global parameter 太阳整体参数solar neighbourhood 太阳附近空间spectral catalogue 光谱表spectral duplicity 光谱成双性star-formation process 产星过程star-forming phase 产星阶段Stroemgren color system 颜色系统Sub-Millimeter Array (SMA )〈SMA〉亚毫米波射电望远镜阵superassociation 超级星协supermassive black hole 特大质量黑洞supersoft X-ray source 超软X 射线源super-star cluster 超级星团Sycorax 天卫十七symbiotic recurrent nova 共生再发新星synchrotron loss 同步加速耗损time dilation 时间扩展tired-light model 光线老化宇宙模型tremendous outburst amplitude 巨爆幅tremendous outburst amplitude dwarf 巨爆幅矮新星nova (TOAD )Tycho catalogue 第谷星表UBV color system UBV 颜色系统UBVRI color system UBVRI 颜色系统ultraviolet luminosity 紫外光度unrestricted orbit 无限制性轨道uvby color system uvby 颜色系统VBLUW color system VBLUW 颜色系统V enus globe 金星仪Vilnius color system 维尔纽斯颜色系统Virgo galaxy cluster 室女星系团VLBA (Very Long Baseline Array )〈VLBA〉甚长基线射电望远镜阵V oigt line profile 佛克特谱线轮廓VRI color system VRI 颜色系统Walraven color system 沃尔拉文颜色系统waning crescent 残月waning gibbous 亏凸月waxing crescent 娥眉月waxing gibbous 盈凸月WBVR color system WBVR 颜色系统Wood color system 伍德颜色系统zodiacal light photometry 黄道光测光11-year solar cycle 11 年太阳周αCygni variable 天津四型变星δDoradus variable 剑鱼δ型变星Vainu Bappu Observatory 巴普天文台variable-velocity star 视向速度变星vectorial astrometry 矢量天体测量vector-point diagram 矢点图V ega 〈维佳〉行星际探测器V ega phenomenon 织女星现象velocity variable 视向速度变星V enera 〈金星〉号行星际探测器very strong-lined giant, VSL giant 甚强线巨星very strong-lined star, VSL star 甚强线星video astronomy 录象天文viewfinder 寻星镜Viking 〈海盗〉号火星探测器virial coefficient 位力系数virial equilibrium 位力平衡virial radius 位力半径virial temperature 位力温度virtual phase CCD 虚相CCDvisible arm 可见臂visible component 可见子星visual star 光学星VLT, Very Large Telescope 甚大望远镜void 巨洞V ondrak method 冯德拉克方法V oyager 〈旅行者〉号行星际探测器VSOP, VLBI Space Observatory 空间甚长基线干涉测量Programme 天文台计划wave-front sensor 波前传感器weak-line T Tauri star 弱线金牛T 型星Wesselink mass 韦塞林克质量WET, Whole Earth Telescope 全球望远镜WHT, William Herschel Telescope 〈赫歇尔〉望远镜wide-angle eyepiece 广角目镜wide binary galaxy 远距双重星系wide visual binary 远距目视双星Wild Duck cluster (M 11 )野鸭星团Wind 〈风〉太阳风和地球外空磁层探测器WIRE, Wide-field Infrared Explorer 〈WIRE〉广角红外探测器WIYN Telescope, Wisconsin-Indiana- 〈WIYN〉望远镜Yale-NOAO TelescopeWR nebula, Wolf-Rayet nebula WR 星云Wyoming Infrared Telescope 怀俄明红外望远镜xenobiology 外空生物学XMM, X-ray Mirror Mission X 射线成象望远镜X-ray corona X 射线冕X-ray eclipse X 射线食X-ray halo X 射线晕XTE, X-ray Timing Explorer X 射线计时探测器yellow straggler 黄离散星Yohkoh 〈阳光〉太阳探测器young stellar object (YSO )年轻恒星体ZAHB, zero-age horizontal branch 零龄水平支Zanstra temperature 赞斯特拉温度ZZ Ceti star 鲸鱼ZZ 型星γ-ray burster (GRB )γ射线暴源γ-ray line γ谱线γ-ray line astronomy γ谱线天文γ-ray line emission γ谱线发射ζAurigae binary 御夫ζ型双星ζAurigae variable 御夫ζ型变星TAMS, terminal-age main sequence 终龄主序Taurus molecular cloud (TMC )金牛分子云TDT, terrestrial dynamical time 地球力学时television guider 电视导星器television-type detector 电视型探测器Tenma 〈天马〉X 射线天文卫星terrestrial reference system 地球参考系tetrad 四元基thermal background 热背景辐射thermal background radiation 热背景辐射thermal pulse 热脉冲thermonuclear runaway 热核暴涨thick-disk population 厚盘族thinned CCD 薄型CCDthird light 第三光源time-signal station 时号台timing age 计时年龄tomograph 三维结构图toner 调色剂torquetum 赤基黄道仪TRACE, Transition Region and Coronal 〈TRACE〉太阳过渡区和日冕Explorer 探测器tracker 跟踪器transfer efficiency 转移效率transition region line 过渡区谱线trans-Nepturnian object 海外天体Trapezium cluster 猎户四边形星团triad 三元基tri-dimensional spectroscopy 三维分光triquetum 三角仪tuning-fork diagram 音叉图turnoff age 拐点年龄turnoff mass 拐点质量two-dimensional photometry 二维测光two-dimensional spectroscopy 二维分光UKIRT, UK Infrared Telescope Facility 联合王国红外望远镜UKST, UK Schmidt Telescope 联合王国施密特望远镜ultracompact H Ⅱregion 超致密电离氢区ultradeep-field observation 特深天区观测ultraluminous galaxy 超高光度星系ultrametal-poor star 特贫金属星Ulysses 〈尤利西斯〉太阳探测器unseen component 未见子星upper tangent arc 上正切晕弧unnumbered asteroid 未编号小行星Uranian ring 天王星环Ursa Major group 大熊星群Ursa Minorids 小熊流星群Sagittarius dwarf 人马矮星系Sagittarius dwarf galaxy 人马矮星系Sagittarius galaxy 人马星系Saha equation 沙哈方程Sakigake 〈先驱〉空间探测器Saturn-crossing asteroid 越土小行星Saturnian ringlet 土星细环Saturnshine 土星反照scroll 卷滚Sculptor group 玉夫星系群Sculptor Supercluster 玉夫超星系团Sculptor void 玉夫巨洞secondary crater 次级陨击坑secondary resonance 次共振secular evolution 长期演化secular resonance 长期共振seeing management 视宁度控管segregation 层化selenogony 月球起源学separatrice 分界sequential estimation 序贯估计sequential processing 序贯处理serendipitous X-ray source 偶遇X 射线源serendipitous γ-ray source 偶遇γ射线源Serrurier truss 赛路里桁架shell galaxy 壳星系shepherd satellite 牧羊犬卫星shock temperature 激波温度silicon target vidicon 硅靶光导摄象管single-arc method 单弧法SIRTF, Space Infrared Telescope 空间红外望远镜Facilityslitless spectroscopy 无缝分光slit spectroscopy 有缝分光slow pulsar 慢转脉冲星SMM, Solar Maximum MIssion 太阳极大使者SMT, Submillimeter Telescope 亚毫米波望远镜SOFIA, Stratospheric Observatory for 〈索菲雅〉机载红外望远镜Infrared Astronomysoft γ-ray burst repeater 软γ暴复现源soft γrepeater (SGR )软γ射线复现源SOHO, Solar and Heliospheric 〈索贺〉太阳和太阳风层探测器Observatorysolar circle 太阳圈solar oscillation 太阳振荡solar pulsation 太阳脉动solar-radiation pressure 太阳辐射压solar-terrestrial environment 日地环境solitary 孤子性soliton star 孤子星South Galactic Cap 南银冠South Galactic Pole 南银极space density profile 空间密度轮廓space geodesy 空间大地测量space geodynamics 空间地球动力学Spacelab 空间实验室spatial mass segregation 空间质量分层speckle masking 斑点掩模speckle photometry 斑点测光speckle spectroscopy 斑点分光spectral comparator 比长仪spectrophotometric distance 分光光度距离spectrophotometric standard 分光光度标准星spectroscopic period 分光周期specular density 定向密度spherical dwarf 椭球矮星系spin evolution 自旋演化spin period 自旋周期spin phase 自旋相位spiral 旋涡星系spiral arm tracer 示臂天体Spoerer minimum 斯珀勒极小spotted star 富黑子恒星SST, Spectroscopic Survey Telescope 分光巡天望远镜standard radial-velocity star 视向速度标准星standard rotational-velocity star 自转速度标准星standard velocity star 视向速度标准星starburst 星暴starburst galaxy 星暴星系starburst nucleus 星暴star complex 恒星复合体star-formation activity 产星活动star-formation burst 产星暴star-formation efficiency (SFE )产星效率star-formation rate 产星率star-formation region 产星区star-forming region 产星区starpatch 星斑static property 静态特性statistical orbit-determination 统计定轨理论theorysteep-spectrum radio quasar 陡谱射电类星体stellar environment 恒星环境stellar halo 恒星晕stellar jet 恒星喷流stellar speedometer 恒星视向速度仪stellar seismology 星震学Stokes polarimetry 斯托克斯偏振测量strange attractor 奇异吸引体strange star 奇异星sub-arcsec radio astronomy 亚角秒射电天文学Subaru Telescope 昴星望远镜subcluster 次团subclustering 次成团subdwarf B star B 型亚矮星subdwarf O star O 型亚矮星subgiant branch 亚巨星支submilliarcsecond optical astrometry 亚毫角秒光波天体测量submillimeter astronomy 亚毫米波天文submillimeter observatory 亚毫米波天文台submillimeter photometry 亚毫米波测光submillimeter space astronomy 亚毫米波空间天文submillimeter telescope 亚毫米波望远镜submillisecond optical pulsar 亚毫秒光学脉冲星submillisecond pulsar 亚毫秒脉冲星submillisecond radio pulsar 亚毫秒射电脉冲星substellar object 亚恒星天体subsynchronism 亚同步subsynchronous rotation 亚同步自转Sunflower galaxy (M 63 )葵花星系sungrazer comet 掠日彗星supercluster 超星团; 超星系团supergalactic streamer 超星系流状结构supergiant molecular cloud (SGMC )超巨分子云superhump 长驼峰superhumper 长驼峰星supermaximum 长极大supernova rate 超新星频数、超新星出现率supernova shock 超新星激波superoutburst 长爆发superwind galaxy 超级风星系supporting system 支承系统surface activity 表面活动surface-brightness profile 面亮度轮廓surface-channel CCD 表面型CCDSU Ursae Majoris star 大熊SU 型星SW AS, Submillimeter Wave Astronomy 亚毫米波天文卫星Satallitesymbiotic binary 共生双星symbiotic Mira 共生刍藁symbiotic nova 共生新星synthetic-aperture radar 综合孔径雷达systemic velocity 质心速度radial pulsator 径向脉动星radial-velocity orbit 分光解radial-velocity reference star 视向速度参考星radial-velocity standard star 视向速度标准星radial-velocity survey 视向速度巡天radio arm 射电臂radio counterpart 射电对应体radio loud quasar 强射电类星体radio observation 射电观测radio picture 射电图radio pollution 射电污染radio supernova 射电超新星rapid burster 快暴源rapidly oscillating Ap star 快速振荡Ap 星readout 读出readout noise 读出噪声recycled pulsar 再生脉冲星reddened galaxy 红化星系reddened object 红化天体reddened quasar 红化类星体red horizontal branch (RHB )红水平分支red nebulous object (RNO )红色云状体Red Rectangle nebula 红矩形星云redshift survey 红移巡天red straggler 红离散星reflex motion 反映运动regression period 退行周期regular cluster 规则星团; 规则星系团relaxation effect 弛豫效应reset 清零resonance overlap theory 共振重叠理论return-beam tube 回束摄象管richness parameter 富度参数Ring nebula (M 57、NGC 6720 )环状星云ring-plane crossing 环面穿越Rosalind 天卫十三ROSAT, Roentgensatellit 〈ROSAT〉天文卫星Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC )玫瑰分子云Rossby number 罗斯贝数rotating variable 自转变星rotational evolution 自转演化rotational inclination 自转轴倾角rotational modulation 自转调制rotational period 自转周期rotational phase 自转相位rotational pole 自转极rotational velocity 自转速度rotation frequency 自转频率rotation phase 自转相位rotation rate 自转速率rubber second 负闰秒rubidium-strontium dating 铷锶计年pan 摇镜头parry arc 彩晕弧partial-eclipse solution 偏食解particle astrophysics 粒子天体物理path of annularity 环食带path of totality 全食带PDS, photo-digitizing system、PDS、数字图象仪、photometric data system 测光数据仪penetrative convection 贯穿对流pentaprism test 五棱镜检验percolation 渗流periapse 近质心点periapse distance 近质心距periapsis distance 近拱距perigalactic distance 近银心距perigalacticon 近银心点perimartian 近火点period gap 周期空隙period-luminosity-colour relation 周光色关系PG 1159 star PG 1159 恒星photoflo 去渍剂photographic spectroscopy 照相分光photometric accuracy 测光精度photometric error 测光误差photometric night 测光夜photometric standard star 测光标准星photospheric abundance 光球丰度photospheric activity 光球活动photospheric line 光球谱线planetary biology 行星生物学planetary geology 行星地质学Pleiad 昴团星plerion 类蟹遗迹plerionic remnant 类蟹遗迹plerionic supernova remnant 类蟹超新星遗迹plumbicon 氧化铅光导摄象管pluton 类冥行星p-mode p 模、压力模pointimg accuracy 指向精度point spread function 点扩散函数polarimetric standard star 偏振标准星polarization standard star 偏振标准星polar-ring galaxy 极环星系Portia 天卫十二post AGB star AGB 后恒星post-core-collapse cluster 核心坍缩后星团post-coronal region 冕外区post-main-sequence star 主序后星post red-supergiant 红超巨后星post starburst galaxy 星暴后星系post T Tauri star 金牛T 后星potassium-argon dating 钾氩计年precataclysmic binary 激变前双星precataclysmic variable 激变前变星preceding limb 西边缘、前导边缘precessing-disk model 进动盘模型precession globe 岁差仪precession period 进动周期preflash 预照光pre-main-sequence spectroscopic 主序前分光双星binarypre-planetary disk 前行星盘pre-white dwarf 白矮前身星primary crater 初级陨击坑primordial binary 原始双星principle of mediocrity 折衷原则progenitor 前身星; 前身天体progenitor star 前身星projected density profile 投影密度轮廓proper-motion membership 自行成员星proper reference frame 固有参考架proper reference system 固有参考系proplyd 原行星盘proto-binary 原双星proto-cluster 原星团proto-cluster of galaxies 原星系团proto-earth 原地球proto-galactic cloud 原星系云proto-galactic object 原星系天体proto-Galaxy 原银河系proto-globular cluster 原球状星团proto-Jupiter 原木星proto-planet 原行星proto-planetary disk 原行星盘proto-planetary system 原行星系proto-shell star 原气壳星proto-sun 原太阳pseudo body-fixed system 准地固坐标系Puck 天卫十五pulsar time scale 脉冲星时标pulsation axis 脉动对称轴pulsation equation 脉动方程pulsation frequency 脉动频率pulsation phase 脉动阶段pulsation pole 脉动极pulse light curve 脉冲光变曲线pyrometry 高温测量QPO, quasi-periodic oscillation 似周期振荡quantum cosmology 量子宇宙学quantum universe 量子宇宙quasar astronomy 类星体天文quiescence 宁静态naked-eye variable star 肉眼变星naked T Tauri star 显露金牛T 型星narrow-line radio galaxy (NLRG )窄线射电星系Nasmyth spectrograph 内氏焦点摄谱仪natural reference frame 自然参考架natural refenence system 自然参考系natural seeing 自然视宁度near-contact binary 接近相接双星near-earth asteroid 近地小行星near-earth asteroid belt 近地小行星带near-earth comet 近地彗星NEO, near-earth object 近地天体neon nova 氖新星Nepturian ring 海王星环neutrino astrophysics 中微子天文NNTT, National New Technology Telescope国立新技术望远镜NOAO, National Optical Astronomical 国立光学天文台Observatoriesnocturnal 夜间定时仪nodal precession 交点进动nodal regression 交点退行non-destroy readout (NDRO )无破坏读出nonlinear infall mode 非线性下落模型nonlinear stability 非线性稳定性nonnucleated dwarf elliptical 无核矮椭圆星系nonnucleated dwarf galaxy 无核矮星系nonpotentiality 非势场性nonredundant masking 非过剩遮幅成象nonthermal radio halo 非热射电晕normal tail 正常彗尾North Galactic Cap 北银冠NOT, Nordic Optical Telescope 北欧光学望远镜nova rate 新星频数、新星出现率NTT, New Technology Telescope 新技术望远镜nucleated dwarf elliptical 有核矮椭圆星系nucleated dwarf galaxy 有核矮星系number density profile 数密度轮廓numbered asteroid 编号小行星oblique pulsator 斜脉动星observational cosmology 观测宇宙学observational dispersion 观测弥散度observational material 观测资料observing season 观测季occultation band 掩带O-Ne-Mg white dwarf 氧氖镁白矮星one-parameter method 单参数法on-line data handling 联机数据处理on-line filtering 联机滤波open cluster of galaxies 疏散星系团Ophelia 天卫七optical aperture-synthesis imaging 光波综合孔径成象optical arm 光学臂optical disk 光学盘optical light 可见光optical luminosity function 光学光度函数optically visible object 光学可见天体optical picture 光学图optical spectroscopy 光波分光orbital circularization 轨道圆化orbital eccentricity 轨道偏心率orbital evolution 轨道演化orbital frequency 轨道频率orbital inclination 轨道倾角orbit plane 轨道面order region 有序区organon parallacticon 星位尺Orion association 猎户星协orrery 太阳系仪orthogonal transformation 正交变换oscillation phase 振动相位outer asteroid belt 外小行星带outer-belt asteroid 外带小行星outer halo cluster 外晕族星团outside-eclipse variation 食外变光overshoot 超射OVV quasar, optically violently OVV 类星体variable quasar、optically violent variablevquasaroxygen sequence 氧序Kalman filter 卡尔曼滤波器KAO, Kuiper Air-borne Observatory 〈柯伊伯〉机载望远镜Keck ⅠTelescope 凯克Ⅰ望远镜Keck ⅡTelescope 凯克Ⅱ望远镜Kuiper belt 柯伊伯带Kuiper-belt object 柯伊伯带天体Kuiper disk 柯伊伯盘LAMOST, Large Multi-Object Fibre 大型多天体分光望远镜Spectroscopic TelescopeLaplacian plane 拉普拉斯平面late cluster 晚型星系团LBT, Large Binocular Telescope 〈LBT〉大型双筒望远镜lead oxide vidicon 氧化铅光导摄象管Leo Triplet 狮子三重星系LEST, Large Earth-based Solar 〈LEST〉大型地基太阳望远镜Telescopelevel-Ⅰcivilization Ⅰ级文明level-Ⅱcivilization Ⅱ级文明level-Ⅲcivilization Ⅲ级文明Leverrier ring 勒威耶环Liapunov characteristic number 李雅普诺夫特征数(LCN )light crown 轻冕玻璃light echo 回光light-gathering aperture 聚光孔径light pollution 光污染light sensation 光感line image sensor 线成象敏感器line locking 线锁line-ratio method 谱线比法Liner, low ionization nuclear 低电离核区emission-line regionline spread function 线扩散函数LMT, Large Millimeter Telescope 〈LMT〉大型毫米波望远镜local galaxy 局域星系local inertial frame 局域惯性架local inertial system 局域惯性系local object 局域天体local star 局域恒星look-up table (LUT )对照表low-mass X-ray binary 小质量X 射线双星low-metallicity cluster 低金属度星团;低金属度星系团low-resolution spectrograph 低分辨摄谱仪low-resolution spectroscopy 低分辨分光low - z 小红移luminosity mass 光度质量luminosity segregation 光度层化luminous blue variable 高光度蓝变星lunar atmosphere 月球大气lunar chiaroscuro 月相图Lunar Prospector 〈月球勘探者〉Ly-αforest 莱曼-α森林MACHO (massive compact halo 晕族大质量致密天体object )Magellan 〈麦哲伦〉金星探测器Magellan Telescope 〈麦哲伦〉望远镜magnetic canopy 磁蓬magnetic cataclysmic variable 磁激变变星magnetic curve 磁变曲线magnetic obliquity 磁夹角magnetic period 磁变周期magnetic phase 磁变相位magnitude range 星等范围main asteroid belt 主小行星带main-belt asteroid 主带小行星main resonance 主共振main-sequence band 主序带Mars-crossing asteroid 越火小行星Mars Pathfinder 火星探路者mass loss rate 质量损失率mass segregation 质量层化Mayall Telescope 梅奥尔望远镜Mclntosh classification 麦金托什分类McMullan camera 麦克马伦电子照相机mean motion resonance 平均运动共振membership of cluster of galaxies 星系团成员membership of star cluster 星团成员merge 并合merger 并合星系; 并合恒星merging galaxy 并合星系merging star 并合恒星mesogranulation 中米粒组织mesogranule 中米粒metallicity 金属度metallicity gradient 金属度梯度metal-poor cluster 贫金属星团metal-rich cluster 富金属星团MGS, Mars Global Surveyor 火星环球勘测者micro-arcsec astrometry 微角秒天体测量microchannel electron multiplier 微通道电子倍增管microflare 微耀斑microgravitational lens 微引力透镜microgravitational lensing 微引力透镜效应microturbulent velocity 微湍速度millimeter-wave astronomy 毫米波天文millisecond pulsar 毫秒脉冲星minimum mass 质量下限minimum variance 最小方差mixed-polarity magnetic field 极性混合磁场MMT, Multiple-Mirror Telescope 多镜面望远镜moderate-resolution spectrograph 中分辨摄谱仪moderate-resolution spectroscopy 中分辨分光modified isochrone method 改进等龄线法molecular outflow 外向分子流molecular shock 分子激波monolithic-mirror telescope 单镜面望远镜moom 行星环卫星moon-crossing asteroid 越月小行星morphological astronomy 形态天文morphology segregation 形态层化MSSSO, Mount Stromlo and Siding 斯特朗洛山和赛丁泉天文台Spring Observatorymultichannel astrometric photometer 多通道天测光度计(MAP )multi-object spectroscopy 多天体分光multiple-arc method 复弧法multiple redshift 多重红移multiple system 多重星系multi-wavelength astronomy 多波段天文multi-wavelength astrophysics 多波段天体物理Ida 艾达(小行星243号)IEH, International Extreme Ultraviolet 〈IEH〉国际极紫外飞行器HitchhikerIERS, International Earth Rotation 国际地球自转服务Serviceimage deconvolution 图象消旋image degradation 星象劣化image dissector 析象管image distoration 星象复原image photon counting system 成象光子计数系统image sharpening 星象增锐image spread 星象扩散度imaging polarimetry 成象偏振测量imaging spectrophotometry 成象分光光度测量immersed echelle 浸渍阶梯光栅impulsive solar flare 脉冲太阳耀斑infralateral arc 外侧晕弧infrared CCD 红外CCDinfrared corona 红外冕infrared helioseismology 红外日震学infrared index 红外infrared observatory 红外天文台infrared spectroscopy 红外分光initial earth 初始地球initial mass distribution 初始质量分布initial planet 初始行星initial star 初始恒星initial sun 初始太阳inner coma 内彗发inner halo cluster 内晕族星团integrability 可积性Integral Sign galaxy (UGC 3697 )积分号星系integrated diode array (IDA )集成二极管阵intensified CCD 增强CCDIntercosmos 〈国际宇宙〉天文卫星interline transfer 行间转移intermediate parent body 中间母体intermediate polar 中介偏振星international atomic time 国际原子时International Celestial Reference 国际天球参考系Frame (ICRF )intraday variation 快速变化intranetwork element 网内元intrinsic dispersion 内廪弥散度ion spot 离子斑IPCS, Image Photon Counting System 图象光子计数器IRIS, Infrared Imager / Spectrograph 红外成象器/摄谱仪IRPS, Infrared Photometer / Spectro- 红外光度计/分光计meterirregular cluster 不规则星团; 不规则星系团IRTF, NASA Infrared Telescope 〈IRTF〉美国宇航局红外Facility 望远镜IRTS, Infrared Telescope in Space 〈IRTS〉空间红外望远镜ISO, Infrared Space Observatory 〈ISO〉红外空间天文台isochrone method 等龄线法IUE, International Ultraviolet 〈IUE〉国际紫外探测器ExplorerJewel Box (NGC 4755 )宝盒星团Jovian magnetosphere 木星磁层Jovian ring 木星环Jovian ringlet 木星细环Jovian seismology 木震学jovicentric orbit 木心轨道J-type star J 型星Juliet 天卫十一Jupiter-crossing asteroid 越木小行星Galactic aggregate 银河星集Galactic astronomy 银河系天文Galactic bar 银河系棒galactic bar 星系棒galactic cannibalism 星系吞食galactic content 星系成分galactic merge 星系并合galactic pericentre 近银心点Galactocentric distance 银心距galaxy cluster 星系团Galle ring 伽勒环Galilean transformation 伽利略变换Galileo 〈伽利略〉木星探测器gas-dust complex 气尘复合体Genesis rock 创世岩Gemini Telescope 大型双子望远镜Geoalert, Geophysical Alert Broadcast 地球物理警报广播giant granulation 巨米粒组织giant granule 巨米粒giant radio pulse 巨射电脉冲Ginga 〈星系〉X 射线天文卫星Giotto 〈乔托〉空间探测器glassceramic 微晶玻璃glitch activity 自转突变活动global change 全球变化global sensitivity 全局灵敏度GMC, giant molecular cloud 巨分子云g-mode g 模、重力模gold spot 金斑病GONG, Global Oscillation Network 太阳全球振荡监测网GroupGPS, global positioning system 全球定位系统Granat 〈石榴〉号天文卫星grand design spiral 宏象旋涡星系gravitational astronomy 引力天文gravitational lensing 引力透镜效应gravitational micro-lensing 微引力透镜效应great attractor 巨引源Great Dark Spot 大暗斑Great White Spot 大白斑grism 棱栅GRO, Gamma-Ray Observatory γ射线天文台guidscope 导星镜GW Virginis star 室女GW 型星habitable planet 可居住行星Hakucho 〈天鹅〉X 射线天文卫星Hale Telescope 海尔望远镜halo dwarf 晕族矮星halo globular cluster 晕族球状星团Hanle effect 汉勒效应hard X-ray source 硬X 射线源Hay spot 哈伊斑HEAO, High-Energy Astronomical 〈HEAO〉高能天文台Observatoryheavy-element star 重元素星heiligenschein 灵光Helene 土卫十二helicity 螺度heliocentric radial velocity 日心视向速度heliomagnetosphere 日球磁层helioseismology 日震学helium abundance 氦丰度helium main-sequence 氦主序helium-strong star 强氦线星helium white dwarf 氦白矮星Helix galaxy (NGC 2685 )螺旋星系Herbig Ae star 赫比格Ae 型星Herbig Be star 赫比格Be 型星Herbig-Haro flow 赫比格-阿罗流Herbig-Haro shock wave 赫比格-阿罗激波hidden magnetic flux 隐磁流high-field pulsar 强磁场脉冲星highly polarized quasar (HPQ )高偏振类星体high-mass X-ray binary 大质量X 射线双星high-metallicity cluster 高金属度星团;高金属度星系团high-resolution spectrograph 高分辨摄谱仪high-resolution spectroscopy 高分辨分光high - z 大红移Hinotori 〈火鸟〉太阳探测器Hipparcos, High Precision Parallax 〈依巴谷〉卫星Collecting SatelliteHipparcos and Tycho Catalogues 〈依巴谷〉和〈第谷〉星表holographic grating 全息光栅Hooker Telescope 胡克望远镜host galaxy 寄主星系hot R Coronae Borealis star 高温北冕R 型星HST, Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃空间望远镜Hubble age 哈勃年龄Hubble distance 哈勃距离Hubble parameter 哈勃参数Hubble velocity 哈勃速度hump cepheid 驼峰造父变星Hyad 毕团星hybrid-chromosphere star 混合色球星hybrid star 混合大气星hydrogen-deficient star 缺氢星hydrogenous atmosphere 氢型大气hypergiant 特超巨星Eagle nebula (M 16 )鹰状星云earty cluster 早型星系团early earth 早期地球early planet 早期行星early-stage star 演化早期星early stellar evolution 恒星早期演化early sun 早期太阳earth-approaching asteroid 近地小行星earth-approaching comet 近地彗星earth-approaching object 近地天体earth-crossing asteroid 越地小行星earth-crossing comet 越地彗星earth-crossing object 越地天体earth orientation parameter 地球定向参数earth rotation parameter 地球自转参数eccentric-disk model 偏心盘模型effect of relaxation 弛豫效应Egg nebula (AFGL 2688 )蛋状星云electronographic photometry 电子照相测光elemental abundance 元素丰度elliptical 椭圆星系elliptical dwarf 椭圆矮星系emulated data 仿真数据emulation 仿真encounter-type orbit 交会型轨道enhanced network 增强网络equatorial rotational velocity 赤道自转速度equatorium 行星定位仪equipartition of kinetic energy 动能均分eruptive period 爆发周期Eskimo nebula (NGC 2392 )爱斯基摩星云estimated accuracy 估计精度estimation theory 估计理论EUVE, Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer 〈EUVE〉极紫外探测器Exclamation Mark galaxy 惊叹号星系Exosat 〈Exosat〉欧洲X 射线天文卫星extended Kalman filter 扩充卡尔曼滤波器extragalactic jet 河外喷流extragalactic radio astronomy 河外射电天文extrasolar planet 太阳系外行星extrasolar planetary system 太阳系外行星系extraterrestrial intelligence 地外智慧生物extreme helium star 极端氦星Fabry-Perot imaging spectrograph 法布里-珀罗成象摄谱仪Fabry-Perot interferometry 法布里-珀罗干涉测量Fabry-Perot spectrograph 法布里-珀罗摄谱仪face-on galaxy 正向星系face-on spiral 正向旋涡星系facility seeing 人为视宁度fall 见落陨星fast pulsar 快转脉冲星fat zero 胖零Fermi normal coordinate system 费米标准坐标系Fermi-Walker transportation 费米-沃克移动fibre spectroscopy 光纤分光field centre 场中心field galaxy 场星系field pulsar 场脉冲星filter photography 滤光片照相观测filter wheel 滤光片转盘find 发见陨星finder chart 证认图finderscope 寻星镜first-ascent giant branch 初升巨星支first giant branch 初升巨星支flare puff 耀斑喷焰flat field 平场flat field correction 平场改正flat fielding 平场处理flat-spectrum radio quasar 平谱射电类星体flux standard 流量标准星flux-tube dynamics 磁流管动力学f-mode f 模、基本模following limb 东边缘、后随边缘foreground galaxy 前景星系foreground galaxy cluster 前景星系团formal accuracy 形式精度Foucaultgram 傅科检验图样Foucault knife-edge test 傅科刀口检验fourth cosmic velocity 第四宇宙速度frame transfer 帧转移Fresnel lens 菲涅尔透镜fuzz 展云CAMC, Carlsberg Automatic Meridian 卡尔斯伯格自动子午环Circlecannibalism 吞食cannibalized galaxy 被吞星系cannibalizing galaxy 吞食星系。

矿物、岩石名称 中英文对照

矿物、岩石名称 中英文对照

埃洛石 halloysite安多矿 auduoite安康矿 ankangite奥长石 oligoclase白榴石 leucite白铅矿 cerussite白铁矿 marcasite白钨矿 scheelite白云鄂博矿baiyuneboite白云母 muscovite白云石 dolomite斑铜矿 bornite包头矿 baotite钡长石 celsian钡闪叶石barytolamprophyllite 钡铁钛石 bafertisite钡霞石 hexacelsian 冰长石 adularia,adular冰晶石 cryolite冰洲石 icespar柴达木石 chaidamuite长石 feldspar超显微条纹长石cryptoperthite辰砂 cinnabar赤路矿 chiluite赤铁矿 hematite赤铜矿 cuprite臭葱石 scorodite磁赤铁矿 maghemite 磁黄铁矿 pyrrhotite 磁铁矿 magnetite雌黄 orpiment次透辉石 salite大青山矿daqingshanite大隅石 osumilite丹巴矿 danbaite单斜辉石clinopyroxene单斜钠长石 monalbite 蛋白石 opal道马矿 daomanite迪尔石 deerite迪开石 dickite电气石 tourmaline钓鱼岛石diaoyudaoite冻蓝闪石 barroisite 毒砂 arsenopyrite独居石 monazite多硅白云母 phengite多铝红柱石 mullite 多水绿硼钙石hydrochloborite娥眉矿 omeiite额尔齐斯石 ertixiite鲕绿泥石 chamosite二连石 erlianite发夕线石 fibrolite钒钡铜矿 vesignieite钒钙铀矿 tyuyamunite钒铜矿 vanadinite钒云母 roscoelite方沸石 analcime,analcidite,analcite 方解石 calcite方镁石 periclase方钠石 sodalite方硼石 boracite方铅矿 galena方石英 cristobalite方铁矿 wustite方柱石 scapolite翡翠 chalchuite芙蓉铀矿 furongite 氟磷灰石fluorapatite氟碳铈矿 bastnaesite符山石 vesuvianite,idocrase斧石 axinite复稀金矿 polycrase 富勒烯 fullerite,fullerence钙长石 anorthite钙钒石榴子石goldmanite钙沸石 scolecite钙锆石榴子石kimzeyite钙铬石榴子石uvarovite钙铝黄长石 gehlenite 钙铝石榴子石grossularite,grossular钙镁橄榄石monticellite钙十字沸石phillipsite钙钛矿 perovskite钙铁辉石hedenbergite钙铁石榴子石andradite钙霞石 cancrinite钙柱石 meionite杆沸石 thomsonite橄榄石 olivine橄榄铜矿 olivenite 赣南矿 gananite刚玉 corundum高岭石 kaolinite高温钠长石 analbite 锆[英]石 zircon铬钾矿 lopezite铬尖晶石chrome-spinel铬铅矿 crocoite铬铁尖晶石 picotite 铬铁矿 chromite铬透辉石chrome-diopside汞铅矿 leadamalgam 古北矿 gupaiite古铜辉石 bronzite顾家石 gugiaite光卤石 carnallite硅钙石 rankinite硅灰石 wollastonite 硅孔雀石 chrysocolla 硅镁石 humite硅硼钙石 datolite硅锌矿 willemite贵橄榄石 chrysolite 海绿石 glauconite海泡石 sepiolite褐帘石 allanite,orthite褐铁矿 limonite黑电气石 schorl黑金刚石 carbonnado 黑硼锡镁矿magnesiohulsite黑钨矿(钨锰铁矿)wolframite黑硬绿泥石stilpnomelane黑云母 biotite红宝石 ruby红帘石 piedmontite,piedmontite红闪石 katoforite,taramite红砷镍矿 niccolite 红石矿 hongshiite红柱石 andalusite滑石 talc黄长石 melilite黄河石 huanghoite黄钾铁矾 jarosite黄砷榴石 berzeliite 黄水晶 citrine黄锑矿 cervantite黄铁矿 pyrite黄铜矿 chalcopyrite 黄玉 topaz灰硅钙石 spurrite辉铋矿 bismuthinite辉沸石 stilbite辉钼矿 molybdenite 辉砷钴矿 cobaltite 辉石 pyroxene辉锑矿 antimonite辉锑矿 stibnite辉铜矿 chalcocite辉银矿 argentite蓟县矿 jixianite钾霞石 kalinophilite 钾硝石 niter钾盐 sylvite,sylvine假白榴石pseudoleucite假蓝宝石 sapphirine 尖晶石 spinel碱性长石 alkali feldspar交沸石 barmotome胶磷矿 collophane角闪石 amphibole角银矿 chlorargyrite 金刚石 diamond金红石 rutile金沙江石jinshajiangite金云母 phlogopite堇青石 cordierite 晶质铀矿 uraninite 韭闪石 pargasite绢云母 sericite柯石英 coesite空晶石 chiastolite 孔雀石 malachite拉长石 labradorite 莱河矿 laihunite兰透闪石 winchite 蓝宝石 sappire蓝方石 hauyne蓝晶石 kyanite ,disthene蓝闪石 glaucophane 蓝铁矿 viviante蓝铜矿 azruite蓝线石 dumortierite 锂电气石 elbaite锂辉石 spodumene锂辉石 spodumene锂铍石 liberite锂云母 lepidolite 利蛇纹石 lizardite 粒硅钙石 tilleyite粒硅镁石 chondrodite 磷灰石 apatite磷钇矿 xenotime鳞绿泥石 thuringite 鳞石英 tridymite菱沸石 chabazite菱镁矿 magnesite菱锰矿 rhodochrosite 菱铁矿 siderite菱锌矿 smithsonite 硫砷钌矿 ruarsite六方钾霞石 kalsilite 铝石榴子石 sudoite 铝土矿 bauxite铝直闪石 jedrite绿钙闪石 hastingsite 绿辉石 omphacite绿帘石 epidote绿泥石 chlorite绿松石 turquoise绿脱石 nontronite绿纤石 pumpellyite 绿柱石 beryl氯磷灰石滦河矿 luanheite芒硝 mirabilite镁电气石 dravite镁橄榄石 forsterite 镁铝石榴子石 pyrope 镁钠闪石magnesioriebekite镁闪石magnesiocummingtonit e镁铁闪石cummingtonite镁星叶石magnesioastrophyllit e镁叶云母 eastonite 蒙钠长石 monalbite 蒙钠长石 monalbite 蒙脱石montmorillonite,smectite锰铝石榴子石spessartite蜜黄长石 meliphanite 明矾石 alunite莫来石 mullite墨晶 black quartz默硅钙镁石 merwinite 钼铅矿 wulfenite钠钡长石 banalsite 钠长石 albite钠沸石 natrolite钠锰电气石 tsilaisit钠闪石 riebeckite钠铁闪石(亚铁钠闪石) arfvedsonite钠透闪石 richterite 钠硝石 soda niter,nitronatrite,钠云母 paragonite钠柱石 marialite南平石 nanpingite霓辉石 aegirine-augite霓石 aegirine镍黄铁矿 pentlandite 培长石 bytownite彭志忠石pengzhizhongite硼镁石 szaibelyite 硼镁铁矿 ludwigite 硼砂 borax片沸石 beulandite坡缕石 palygorskite 葡萄石 prehnite普通辉石 augite普通角闪石hornblende骑田岭矿qitianlingite契尔马克分子tschermakite浅闪石 edenite蔷薇辉石 rhodonite蔷薇石英 rose quartz 羟钒锌铅石descloizite羟磷灰石hydroxylapatite羟砷锌石 adamite羟铁云母 annite青河石 qingheiite青金石 lazurite青铝闪石 crossite氢氧镁石(水镁石)brucite日光榴石 helvite日光石 sunstone蠕绿泥石 prochlorite乳石英 milky quartz软锰矿 pyolusite三水铝石 gibbsite三斜霞石 carnegieite 砂金石(富包体石英)aventurine闪锌矿 sphalerite烧绿石 pyrochlore烧石膏 polyhydrate (bassanite)蛇纹石 serpentine蛇纹石石棉serpentine asbestos 砷锑矿 stibarsen砷锌矿 reinerite石膏 gypsum石榴子石 garnet石墨 graphite石盐 halite,rock salt石英 quartz水晶 rock crystal水镁石(氢氧镁石)brucite水锰矿 manganite水碳硼石 carboborite 水星叶石hydroastrophyllite 水云母 hydromica丝光沸石 mordenite 四方铜金矿tetraauricupride似长石 feldspathoids似辉石 pyroxenoid燧石 chert索伦石 suolunite钛尖晶石 ulvospinel钛铁矿 ilmenite碳磷灰石 carbonate-apatite碳纳米管 carbon nanotube腾冲铀矿tengchongite天河石 amazonite天青石 celesitie天然碱 trona条纹长石 perthite铁白云石 ankerite铁橄榄石 fayalite铁硅白云母ferriphengite铁滑石 minnesotaite 铁辉石 ferrosilite 铁尖晶石 hercynite 铁锂云母 zinnwaldite 铁菱镁矿 breunerite 铁铝石榴子石almandite铁闪石 grunerite铁蛇纹石 greenolith 铁叶云母siderophyllite桐柏矿 tongbaite铜蓝 covellite铜砷铀云母 zeunerite 铜铀云母 torbernite 透长石 sanidine透辉石 diopside透锂长石 petalite透闪石 tremolite歪长石 anorthoclase 顽火辉石 enstatite 微斜长石 microcline 围山矿 weishanite文石 aragonite钨锰铁矿(黑钨矿)wolframite夕线石 sillimanite 西盟石 ximengite锡林郭勒矿xilingolite锡石 cassiterite锡铁山石xitieshanite喜峰矿 xifengite细晶石 microlite霞石 nepheline纤钡锂石 balipholite 纤锰柱石 carpholite 纤蛇纹石(温石棉)chrysotile显微条纹长石microperthite香花石 hsianghualite 湘江铀矿xiangjiangite肖钠长石 pericline 斜长石 plagioclase 斜发沸石clinoptilolite斜方硅钙石kilchoanite斜方辉石orthopyroxene斜方闪叶石ortholamprophyllite 斜锆石 baddeleyite斜硅钙石 larnite斜绿泥石 clinochlore 斜顽辉石clinoenstatite斜黝帘石clinozoisite泻利盐 epsomite榍石 sphene,titanite锌赤铁矾zincobotryogen锌氯钾铁矾zincovoltaite锌叶绿矾zincocopiapite兴安石 xinganite,hingganite雄黄 realgar亚铁钠闪石(钠铁闪石) arfvedsonite烟水晶 smoky quartz阳起石 actinolite氧黑云母 oxybiotite 氧角闪石oxyhornblende叶蜡石 pyrophyllite 叶绿泥石 penninite,pennine叶钠长石cleavelandite叶蛇纹石 antigorite伊利石 illite沂蒙矿 yimengite异极矿 hemimorphite 易变辉石 pigeonite 银金矿 electrum萤石 fluorite硬绿泥石 chloritoid 硬锰矿 psilomelane 硬石膏 anhydrite硬水铝石 diaspore 硬玉 jadeite硬柱石 lawsonite黝方石 nosean黝帘石 zoisite黝铜矿 tetrahedrite 鱼眼石 apophyllite 玉髓 chalcedony玉髓状方解石brunnerite原钾霞石(六方钾霞石) kalsilite月光石 moonstone云母 mica晕长石 peristerite 扎布耶石 zabuyelite 粘土矿物 clay mineral张衡矿 zhanghengite章氏硼镁石hungchaoite针沸石 mazzite针钠钙石 pectolite 针铁矿 goethite珍珠云母 margarite 正长石 orthoclase直闪石 anthophylite 蛭石 vermiculite中长石 andesine中沸石 mesolite中条纹长石mesoperthite中柱石 mizzonite重晶石 barite重夕线石 xenolith锥辉石 acmite浊沸石 laumontite紫硅镁铝石 yoderite 紫水晶 amethyste紫苏辉石 hypersthene 自然铋 bismuth自然铂 platinum自然铬 native chromium自然金 gold自然硫 sulphur自然铜 copper岩石学 Petrology火成岩石学 Igneous Petrology埃达克岩 adakite安山岩 andesite安山质 andesitic暗色矿物 dark-colored mineral暗色岩 melanocrate 奥长花岗岩trondbjemite白岗岩 alaskite白榴岩 leucitite斑晶 phenocryst斑岩 porphyry斑杂构造taxitic structure斑状 porphyritic斑状结构porphyritic texture 半晶质hemicrystalline半自形粒状hypidiomorphic tranular包含结构 poikilitic texture爆发指数 explosive index爆炸性喷发 explosive eruption碧玄岩 basanite玻基斑状结构vitroporphyritic texture玻晶交织结构hyalopilitic texture玻璃质glassy,vitreous玻屑(火山玻屑)vitric pyroclast捕虏体 xenolith斑状结构porphyritic texture 不等粒状inequigranular不整合侵入体discordant intrusion 部分熔融partial melting层状火山stratovolcano长英质 felsic超基性 ultrabasic超基性岩ultrabasic rock超镁铁质 ultramafic 超镁铁质岩ultramafic rock超酸性岩ultraacidic rock橙玄玻璃 palagonite 橙玄岩 palagonite炽热火山云nuée ardente雏晶 crystallite纯橄榄岩 dunite次变边结构kelyphitic texture 粗安岩trachyandesite粗粒的coarse-grained粗面结构trachytic texture粗面岩 trachyte粗玄岩 trachybasalt 等粒状 equigranular 地幔岩 pyrolite地幔柱 [mantle]plume地热梯度geothermal gradient 地震earthquake, seism 地震波 seismic wave 断层地震 fault earthquake盾形火山 shield volcano二长花岗岩monzonitic granite 二长结构monzonitic texture 二长岩 monzonite二辉橄榄岩lherzolite发光云 glowing cloud 反应边结构reaction rim texture 非爆炸性喷发 non-explosive eruption 霏细结构felsitic texture分离结晶作用fractionalcrystallization分异指数differentiation index, DI玢岩 porphyrite浮岩 pumice负荷压力lithostatic pressure 复合火山 compound (composite)volcano钙碱性系列 calc-钙碱指数 calc-alkali index橄榄岩 peridotite高铝玄武岩 high-alumina basalt工艺岩石学technological petrology构造 structure构造岩石学structural petrology 硅碱指数 silic-alkali index硅铝矿物 salic mineral硅质 silicic海底喷发 submarine eruption黑矅岩 obsidian横向冲击波 lateral blast烘烤带 “baked”zone花斑岩 granophyre花岗结构 granitic texture花岗闪长岩granodiorite花岗岩 granite煌斑结构lamprophyric texture 煌斑岩 lamprophyre 辉长结构 gabbro texture辉长岩 gabbro辉绿结构 diabasic texture辉绿岩 diabase辉石岩 pyroxenite活动构造带 active tectonic belt活火山 active volcano火成岩 igneous rock 火山 volcano火山带 volcanic belt 火山弹 [volcanic] bomb火山地震 volcanic earthquake火山构造 volcanic structure火山管 diatreme火山灰 [volcanic] ash火山灰凝灰岩 lapilli tuff火山活动 volcanic activity火山机构 volcanic apparatus火山机体 volcanic edifice火山颈 volcanic neck 火山口 crater火山口湖 caldera lake火山砾 lapilli火山砾岩lapillistone火山泥[石]流 lahar,volcanic mdflow火山喷[火]口volcanic vent火山穹隆 volcanic dome火山砂 volcanic sand 火山碎屑 pyroblast火山碎屑降落 tephrafall火山碎屑结构pyroclastic texture 火山碎屑流pyroclastic flow,ash flow火山碎屑岩pyroclastic rock火山碎屑锥pyroclastic(tephra)cone火山通道 volcanicfeeder(conduit)火山旋回 volcaniccycle火山学 volcanology 火山岩 volcanic rock 火山岩相 volcanic facies火山韵律 volcanicrhythm火山渣 cinder火山渣锥 cinder cone, scoria cone火山锥 volcanic cone 火山作用 volcanism 基性 basic基性岩 basic rock基质 groundmass,matrix集块岩 agglomerate 寄生火山锥 parasitic cone间粒结构intergranulartexture间隐结构 tholeiitictexture碱性辉长岩 essexite 碱性系列 alkaline碱性玄武岩 alkali basalt碱性岩 alkali rock 碱玄岩 tephrite溅落堤 spatter rampart溅落锥 spatter con 交织结构 pilotaxitic texture角斑岩 keratophyre 角闪石岩hornblendite接触晕 contact aureole结构 texture结晶指数crystallization index金伯利岩 kimberlite 晶洞构造 miarolitic structure晶屑(火山晶屑)crystal pyroclast科马提岩 komatiite 壳源[的] crust-derived苦橄岩 picrite块状构造 massive structure拉斑[玄武]结构intergranulartexture拉斑系列 tholeiitic series拉斑玄武岩 tholeiite 冷凝带 chill zone连续不等粒斑状结构seriate porphyritic texture裂隙式喷发 fissure鬣刺结构 spinifex texture磷霞岩 urtite流动构造 flow structure, fluidal structure流面构造 planar flow structure流纹结构 rhyotaxitic texture流纹岩 rhyolite流纹质 rhyolitic88流线构造 lilnearflow structure脉 vein幔源[的] mantle-derived镁铁质 mafic镁铁质岩 mafic rock 泥火山 mud volcano霓霞岩 ijolite凝灰结构 tuff texture, ashtexture凝灰岩 [lapilli]tuff喷出口 vent喷出相 extrusive facies喷出岩 extrusiverock喷发柱 eruption column破火山口 caldera气孔构造 vesicular潜火山相 subvolcanic facies潜火山岩 subvolcanic rock浅成侵入体 shallow intrusion浅成侵入岩hypabyssal intrusive facies浅成岩 hypabyssal rock浅色矿物 light-colored mineral浅色岩 leucocrate侵入接触 intrusive contact侵入体 intrusive body , intrusion侵入岩 intrusive rock侵入作用 intrusion 球状构造 orbicular structure全晶质holocrystalline全自形粒状panidiomorphic granular熔结凝灰结构 welded tuff texture熔结凝灰岩 welded tuff,ignimbrite熔融 melting熔岩 lava熔岩泛流 lava flood 熔岩高原 lava plateau熔岩管道 lava tube 熔岩湖 lava lake熔岩流 lava flow熔岩喷泉 lava89熔岩穹隆 lava dome熔岩隧道 lava tunnel 熔岩席(熔岩被)lava sheet蠕虫结构 myrmekitic texture色率 color index闪长岩 diorite闪斜煌岩 spessartite 闪正煌岩 vgesite深成侵入体 pluton深成侵入相 plutonic intrusive facies深成岩 plutonic rock, plutonite深熔作用 anatexis绳状熔岩 pahoehoe lava,ropy lava石泡构造 lithophysa structure石英安山岩 quartz andesite石英斑岩 quartz porphyry石英粗安岩 quartz trachyandesite石英粗面岩 quartz trachyte石英二长岩 quartz monzonite石英闪长岩 quartz diorite实验岩石学experimental petrology反应系列 reaction series死火山 extinct松脂岩 pitchstone苏长岩 norite酸性的 acidic,silicic酸性岩 acidic rock他形粒状 xenomorphic granular,allotriomorphic granular碳酸岩 carbonatite填间结构 intersertal texture条纹结构 perthitic texture铁镁矿物 mafic mineral铁镁指数ferromagnesian index 同化[作用] assimilation同化混染与分离结晶[作用] assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC)统计岩石学statisticalpetrology脱玻化[作用] devitrification90微晶 microlite围岩 country rock伟晶的 pegmatitic伟晶岩 pegmatite文象结构 graphic texture细碧岩 spilite细晶结构 aplitic细晶岩 aplite细粒的 fine-grained 霞石岩 nephilinite 霞石正长岩 nephilinesyenite霞斜岩 theralite陷落地震 collapse earthquake响岩 phonolite响岩结构 phonolitic texture斜长岩 anorthosite,plagioclasite斜方橄榄岩harzburgite杏仁构造amygdaloidal structure休眠火山 dormant volcano玄武安山岩 basaltic andesite玄武岩 basalt玄武质 basaltic岩鞍 phacolith岩层 layer岩床 sill岩盖 laccolith岩基 batholith岩浆 magma岩浆房 magma chamber, magmareservoir岩浆分异作用magmatic differentiation岩浆通道 magma岩浆作用 magmatism岩颈 neck岩脉 vein岩盆 lopolith岩墙 dyke, dike岩塞 plug岩省 rock province岩石成因论petrogenesis91岩石的产状occurrence of rocks 岩石化学petrochemistry岩石圈 lithosphere岩体 lithsome岩屑(火山岩屑)lithic pyroclast岩枝 apophysis岩株 stock颜色指数 color index 演化 evolution洋中脊 mid-ocean ridge液态不混溶作用liquid immiscibility 隐晶质cryptocrystalline英安岩 dacite英云闪长岩 tonalite 云煌岩 minette云斜煌岩 kersantite 渣块熔岩 a a lava粘度 viscosity珍珠岩 perlite枕状构造 pillow structure枕状熔岩 pillow lava 整合侵入体concordant intrusion 正长岩 syenite中色岩 mesocratic rock中心式喷发 central eruption中性 intermediate中性岩 intermediate rock柱状节理 columnar jointing紫苏花岗岩charnockite,hypersthene granite。



http://www.brocku.ca/earthsciences/people/gfinn/optical/CH. 1 Properties of Light∙Introduction∙Electromagnetic Radiation∙Wave Front, Wave Normal∙Phase and Interference∙Reflection and Refraction∙Polarization of LightCh. 2 Refractometry∙Relief∙Becke Lineo Definedo Lens Effecto Internal Reflectiono Becke Line MovementCh. 3 Isotropic Materials∙Optics∙Indicatrix∙Isotropic vs. AnisotropicCh. 4 Anisotropic Minerals∙Introduction∙Packing∙Interference Phenomenao Retardationo Interference at the Upper Polaro Monochromatic Lighto Polychromatic LightCh. 5 Optical Properties∙Extinction∙Accessory Plates∙Vibration Directions in Minerals∙Sign of Elongation∙Relief and PleochroismCh. 6 Uniaxial Minerals∙Uniaxial Optics∙Uniaxial Optic Sign∙Paths Followed by Light∙Uniaxial Indicatrix∙Birefringence and Interference Colours∙Extinction in Uniaxial Minerals∙Pleochroism in Uniaxial Minerals∙Interference figureso How to obtain an Interference Figureo Optic Axis Figure▪Interference Figure▪Formation of the Isochromes▪Formation of the Isogyres▪Optic Sign Determinationo Off-Centred Optic Axis Figureo Uniaxial Flash Figure∙Summary of Uniaxial Interference FiguresCh. 7 Biaxial Minerals∙Biaxial Optics∙Biaxial Indicatrix∙Optic Sign∙Crystallographic Orientation and the Indicatrix∙Biaxial Inteference Figureso Acute Bisectrix Figure (Bxa)▪Formation of the Isochromes▪Vibration Directions and Formation of the Isogyres▪Rotation of the Isogyreo Centred Optic Axis Figureo Obtuse Bisectrix Figure (Bxo)o Optic Normal or Biaxial Flash Figureo Off Centred Figures∙Optic sign determinationo Acute Bisectrix Figureo Obtuse Bisectrix Figureo Optic Axis Figureo Optic Normal∙Identifying Grains Which Will Produce Usable Interference Figures ∙Other Properties of Biaxial MineralsCh. 8 Other MineralsKnown Minerals - How to Describe Them?<<Optical Mineralogy>>Properties of Light1. INTRODUCTIONLight- a form of energy, detectable with the eye, which can be transmitted from one place to another at finite velocity.Visible light is a small portion of a continuous spectrum of radiation ranging from cosmic rays to radio waves.Fig. Light spectrumWhite or visible light, that which the eye detects, is only a fraction of the complete spectrum - produced by shining white light through a glass prism.Two complimentary theories have been proposed to explain how light behaves and the form by which it travels.1.Particle theory - release of a small amount of energy as a photon when an atom is excited.2.Wave theory - radiant energy travels as a wave from one point to another.Waves have electrical and magnetic properties => electromagnetic variations.Wave theory effectively describes the phenomena of polarization, reflection, refraction and interference, which form the basis for optical mineralogy.Fig. Components of a light ray2. ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONThe electromagnetic radiation theory of light implies that light consists of electric and magnetic components which vibrate at right angles to the direction of propagation.In optical mineralogy only the electric component, referred to as the electric vector, is considered and is referred to as the vibration direction of the light ray.The vibration direction of the electric vector is perpendicular to the direction in which the light is propagating.The behaviour of light within minerals results from the interaction of the electric vector of the light ray with the electric character of the mineral, which is a reflection of the atoms and the chemical bonds within that minerals.Light waves are described in terms of velocity, frequency and wavelength.The velocity (V) and the wavelength are related in the following equation,where:F = Frequency or number of wave crests per second which pass a reference points =>cycles/second of Hertz (Hz).For the purposes of optical mineralogy, F = constant, regardless of the material through which the light travels. If velocity changes, then the wavelength must change to maintain constant F.Light does not consist of a single wave => infinite number of waves which travel together.3. WAVE FRONT, WAVE NORMALWith an infinite number of waves travelling together from a light source, we now define:1.Wave front - parallel surface connecting similaror equivalent points on adjacent waves.2.Wave Normal - a line perpendicular to the wavefront, representing the direction the waveis moving.3.Light Ray is the direction of propagation of the light energy.Minerals can be subdivided, based on the interaction of the light ray travelling through the mineral and the nature of the chemical bonds holding the mineral together, into two classes:a)Isotropic MineralsIsotropic materials show the same velocity of light in all directions because the chemical bonds holding the minerals together are the same in all directions, so light travels at the same velocity in all directions.Examples of isotropic material are volcanic glass and isometric minerals (cubic) Fluorite, Garnet, HaliteIn isotropic materials the Wave Normal and Light Ray are parallel.b)Anisotropic MineralsAnisotropic minerals have a different velocity for light, depending on the direction the light is travelling through the mineral. The chemical bonds holding the mineral together will differ depending on the direction the light ray travels through the mineral.a)Anisotropic minerals belong to tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinicand triclinic systems.In anisotropic minerals the Wave Normal and Light Ray are not parallel.Light waves travelling along the same path in the same plane will interfere with each other.4. PHASE AND INTERFERENCEBefore going on to examine how light inteacts with minerals we must define one term:RETARDATION - (delta) represents the distance that one ray lags behind another. Retardation is measured in nanometres, 1nm = 10-7cm, or the number of wavelengths by which a wave lags behind another light wave.The relationship between rays travelling along the same path and the interference between the rays is illustrated in the following three figures.1.If retardation is a whole number (i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.) of wavelengths.The two waves, A and B, are IN PHASE, and they constructively interfere with each other. The resultant wave (R) is the sum of wave A and B.2.When retardation is = ½, 1½, 2½ . . . wavelengths.The two waves are OUT OF PHASE they destructively interfere, cancelling each other out, producing the resultant wave (R), which has no amplitude or wavelength.3.If the retardation is an intermediate value, the the two waves will:1.be partially in phase, with the interference being partially constructive2.be partially out of phase, partially destructive.In a vacuum light travels at 3x1010 cm/sec (3x1017 nm/sec).When light travels through any other medium it is slowed down, to maintain constant frequency the wavelength of light in the new medium must also changed.5. REFLECTION AND REFRACTIONAt the interface between the two materials, e.g. air and water, light may be reflected at the interface or refracted (bent) into the new medium.For Reflection the angle of incidence = angle of reflection.For Refraction the light is bent when passing from one material to another, at an angle other than perpendicular.A measure of how effective a material is in bending light is called the Index of Refraction (n), where:Index of Refraction in Vacuum = 1 and for all other materials n > 1.0.Most minerals have n values in the range 1.4 to 2.0.A high Refractive Index indicates a low velocity for light travelling through that particular medium.Snell's LawSnell's law can be used to calculate how much the light will bend on travelling into the new medium.If the interface between the two materials represents the boundary between air (n ~ 1) and water (n = 1.33) and if angle of incidence = 45°, using Snell's Law the angle of refraction = 32°.The equation holds whether light travels from air to water, or water to air.In general, the light is refracted towards the normal to the boundary on entering the material with a higher refractive index and is refracted away from the normal on entering the material with lower refractive index.In labs, you will be examining refraction and actually determine the refractive index of various materials.6. POLARIZATION OF LIGHTAll of this introductory material on light and its behaviour brings us to the most critical aspect of optical mineralogy - that of Polarization of Light.Light emanating from some source, sun, or a light bulb, vibrates in all directions at right angles to the direction of propagation and is unpolarized.In optical mineralogy we need to produce light which vibrates in a single direction and we need to know the vibration direction of the light ray. These two requirements can be easily met but polarizing the light coming from the light source, by means of a polarizing filter.Three types of polarization are possible.1.Plane Polarization2.Circular Polarization3.Elliptical PolarizationFig. Three types of Polarized lightIn the petrographic microscope plane polarized light is used. For plane polarized light the electric vector of the light ray is allowed to vibrate in a single plane, producing a simple sine wave with a vibration direction lying in the plane of polarization - this is termed plane light or plane polarized light.Plane ploarized light may be produced by reflection, selective absorption, double refraction and scattering.1.ReflectionUnpolarized light strikes a smooth surface, such as a pane of glass, tabletop, and thereflected light is polarized such that its vibration direction is parallel to the reflecting surface.The reflected light is completely polarized only when the angle between the reflected and the refracted ray = 90°.2.Selective AbsorptionThis method is used to produce plane polarized light in microscopes, using polarized filters.Some anisotropic materials have the ability to strongly absorb light vibrating in onedirection and transmitting light vibrating at right angles more easily. The ability toselectively transmit and absorb light is termed pleochroism, seen in minerals such astourmaline, biotite, hornblende, (most amphiboles), some pyroxenes.Upon entering an anisotropic material, unpolarized light is split into two plane polarizedrays whose vibratioin directions are perpendicular to each other, with each ray havingabout half the total light energy.If anisotropic material is thick enough and strongly pleochroic, one ray is completelyabsorbed, the other ray passes through the material to emerge and retain its polarization.3.Double RefractionThis method of producing plane polarized light was employed prior to selective absorption in microscopes. The most common method used was the Nicol Prism. See page 14 and Figure 1.14 in Nesse.4.ScatteringPolarization by scattering, not relevant to optical mineralogy, is responsible for the blue colour of the sky and the colours observed at sunset.Ch.2 Refractometry1. RELIEFThis section is covered in Chapter 3 of Nesse.Refractometry involves the determination of the refractive index of minerals, using the immersion method. This method relys on having immersion oils of known refractive index and comparing the unknown mineral to the oil.If the indices of refraction on the oil and mineral are the same light passes through the oil-mineral boundary un-refracted and the mineral grains do not appear to stand out.If n oil <> n mineral then the light travelling though the oil-mineral boundary is refracted and the mineral grain appears to stand out.Fig. Relief - the degree to which a mineral grain or grains appear to stand out from the mounting material, whether it is an immersion oil, Canada balsam or another mineral.When examining minerals you can have:1.Strong reliefo mineral stands out strongly from the mounting medium,o whether the medium is oil, in grain mounts, or other minerals in thin section,o for strong relief the indices of the mineral and surrounding medium differ by greater than 0.12 RI units.2.Moderate reliefo mineral does not strongly stand out, but is still visible,o indices differ by 0.04 to 0.12 RI units.3.Low reliefo mineral does not stand out from the mounting medium,o indices differ by or are within 0.04 RI units of each other.A mineral may exhibit positive or negative relief:∙+ve relief - index of refraction for the material is greater than the index of the oil.- e.g. garnet 1.76∙-ve relief n min < n oil- e.g. fluorite 1.433It is useful to know whether the index of the mineral is higher or lower that the oil. This will be covered in the second lab section - Becke Line and Refractive Index Determination.2. BECKE LINEIn order to determine whether the idex of refraction of a mineral is greater than or less than the mounting material the Becke Line Method is used.Fig. Becke line - a band or rim of light visible along the grain boundary in plane light when the grain mount is slightly out of focus.Becke line may lie inside or outside the mineral grain depending on how the microscope is focused.To observe the Becke line:e medium or high power,2.close aperture diagram,3.for high power flip auxiliary condenser into place.Increasing the focus by lowering the stage, i.e. increase the distance between the sample and the objective, the Becke line appears to move into the material with the higher index of refraction.The Becke lines observed are interpreted to be produced as a result of the lens effect and/or internal reflection effect.LENS EFFECTMost mineral grains are thinner at their edges than in the middle, i.e. they have a lens shape and as such they act as a lens.If n min > n oil the grain acts as a converging lens, concentrating light at the centre of the grain.If n min < n oil, grain is a diverging lens, light concentrated in oil.INTERNAL REFLECTIONThis hypothesis to explain why Becke Lines form requires that grain edges be vertical, which in a normal thin section most grain edges are believed to be more or less vertical.With the converging light hitting the vertical grain boundary, the light is either refracted or internally reflected, depending on angles of incidence and indices of refraction.Result of refraction and internal reflection concentrates light into a thin band in the material of higher refractive index.If n min > n oil the band of light is concentrated within the grain.If n min < n oil the band of light is concentrated within the oil.BECKE LINE MOVEMENTThe direction of movement of the Becke Line is determined by lowering the stage with the Becke Line always moving into the material with the higher refractive index. The Becke Line can be considered to form from a cone of light that extends upwards from the edge of the mineral grain.Becke line can be considered to represent a cone of light propagating up from the edges of the mineral.If n min < n oil, the cone converges above the mineral.If n min > n oil, the cone diverges above the mineral.By changing focus the movement of the Becke line can be observed.If focus is sharp, such that the grain boundaries are clear the Becke line will coincide with the grain boundary.Increasing the distance between the sample and objective, i.e. lower stage, light at the top of the sample is in focus, the Becke line appears:∙in the mineral if n min >n oil∙or in the oil if n min << n oilBecke line will always move towards the material of higher RI upon lowering the stage.A series of three photographs showing a grain of orthoclase:1. The grain in focus, with the Becke line lying at the grain boundary.2. The stage is raised up, such that the grain boundary is out of focus, but the Becke line isvisible inside the grain.3. The stage is lowered, the grain boundary is out of focus, and the Becke line is visibleoutside the grain.When the RI of the mineral and the RI of the mounting material are equal, the Becke line splits into two lines, a blue line and an orange line. In order to see the Becke line the microscope is slightly out of focus, the grain appears fuzzy, and the two Becke lines are visible. The blue line lies outside the grain and the orange line lies inside the grain. As the stage is raised or lowered the two lines will shift through the grain boundary to lie inside and outside the grain, respectively.Index of Refraction in Thin SectionIt is not possible to get an accurate determination of the refractive index of a mineral in thin section, but the RI can be bracket the index for an unknown mineral by comparison or the unknown mineral with a mineral whose RI is known.Comparisons can be made with:1.epoxy or balsam, material (glue) which holds the sample to the slide n = 1.5402.Quartzo n w = 1.544o n e = 1.553Becke lines form at mineral-epoxy, mineral-mineral boundaries and are interpreted just as with grain mounts, they always move into higher RI material when the stage is lowered.Ch.3 Isotropic Materials1. OPTICSThis section is covered in Chapter 4 of Nesse.In Isotropic Materials - the velocity of light is the same in all directions. The chemical bonds holding the material together are the same in all directions, so that light passing through the material sees the same electronic environment in all directions regardless of the direction the light takes through the material.Isotropic materials of interest include the following isometric minerals: Halite - NaClIf an isometric mineral is deformed or strained then the chemical bonds holding the mineral together will be effected, some will be stretched, others will be compressed. The result is that the mineral may appear to be anisotropic.2. ISOTROPIC INDICATRIXTo examine how light travels through a mineral, either isotropic or anisotropic, an indicatrix is used.INDICATRIX - a 3 dimensional geometric figure on which the index of refraction for the mineral and the vibration direction for light travelling through the mineral are related.Isotropic IndicatrixIndicatrix is constructed such that the indices of refraction are plotted on lines from the origin that are parallel to the vibration directions.It is possible to determine the index of a refraction for a light wave of random orientation travelling in any direction through the indicatrix.1. a wave normal, is constructed through the centre of the indicatrix2. a slice through the indicatrix perpendicular to the wave normal is taken.3.the wave normal for isotropic minerals is parallel to the direction of propagation of lightray.4.index of refraction of this light ray is the radius of this slice that is parallel to the vibrationdirection of the light.For isotropic minerals the indicatrix is not needed to tell that the index of refraction is the same in all directions.Indicatrix introduced to prepare for its application with anisotropic materials.3. ISOTROPIC vs. ANISOTROPICDistinguishing between the two mineral groups with the microscope can be accomplished quickly by crossing the polars, with the following being obvious:1.All isotropic minerals will appear dark, and stay dark on rotation of the stage.2.Anisotropic minerals will allow some light to pass, and thus will be generally light, unlessin specific orientations.Why are isotropic materials dark?1.Isotropic minerals do no affect the polarization direction of the light which has passedthrough lower polarizer;2.Light which passes through the mineral is absorbed by the upper polar.Why do anisotropic minerals not appear dark and stay dark as the stage is rotated?1.Anisotropic minerals do affect the polarization of light passing through them, so somecomponent of the light is able to pass through the upper polar.2.Anisotropic minerals will appear dark or extinct every 90° of rotation of the microscopestage.3.Any grains which are extinct will become light again, under crossed polars as the stage isrotated slightly.To see the difference between Isotropic vs. Anisotriopic minerals viewed with the petrographic microscope look atthe following images:1.Image 1- plane light view of a metamorphic rock containing three garnet grains, in amatrix of biotite, muscovite, quartz and a large stauroite grain at the top of the image.2.Image 2- Crossed polar view of the same image. Note that the three garnet grains are'extinct" or black, while the remainnder of the minerals allow some light to pass.Ch. 4 Anisotropic MineralsINTRODUCTIONAnisotropic minerals are covered in Chapter 5 of Nesse.Anisotropic minerals differ from isotropic minerals because:1.the velocity of light varies depending on direction through the mineral;2.they show double refraction.When light enters an anisotropic mineral it is split into two rays of different velocity which vibrate at right angles to each other.In anisotropic minerals there are one or two directions, through the mineral, along which light behaves as though the mineral were isotropic. This direction or these directions are referred to as the optic axis.Hexagonal and tetragonal minerals have one optic axis and are optically UNIAXIAL.Orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic minerals have two optic axes and are optically BIAXIAL.In Lab # 3, you will examine double refraction in anisotropic minerals, using calcite rhombs.Calcite Rhomb Displaying Double RefractionLight travelling through the calcite rhomb is split into two rays which vibrate at right angles to each other. The two rays and the corresponding images produced by the two rays are apparent in the above image. The two rays are:1.Ordinary Ray, labelled omega w, n w = 1.6582.Extraordinary Ray, labelled epsilon e, n e = 1.486.Vibration Directions of the Two RaysThe vibration directions for the ordinary and extraordinary rays, the two rays which exit the calcite rhomb, can be determined using a piece of polarized film. The polarized film has a single vibration direction and as such only allows light, which has the same vibration direction as the filter, to pass through the filter to be detected by your eye.1.Preferred Vibration Direction NSWith the polaroid filter in this orientation only one row of dots is visible within the area of the calcite rhomb covered by the filter. This row of dots corresponds to the light ray which has a vibration direction parallel to the filter's preferred or permitted vibration direction and as such it passes through the filter. The other light ray represented by the other row of dots, clearly visible on the left, in the calcite rhomb is completely absorbed by the filter.2.Preferred Vibration Direction EWWith the polaroid filter in this orientation again only one row of dots is visible, within the area of the calcite coverd by the filter. This is the other row of dots thatn that observed in the previous image. The light corresponding to this row has a vibration direction parallel to the filter's preferred vibration direction.It is possible to measure the index of refraction for the two rays using the immersion oils, and one index will be higher than the other.1.The ray with the lower index is called the fast rayo recall that n = V vac/V mediumIf n Fast Ray = 1.486, then V Fast Ray = 2.02X1010 m/sec2.The ray with the higher index is the slow rayo If n Slow Ray = 1.658, then V Slow Ray = 1.8 1x1010 m/secRemember the difference between:∙vibration direction - side to side oscillation of the electric vector of the plane light and∙propagation direction - the direction light is travelling.Electromagnetic theory can be used to explain why light velocity varies with the direction it travels through an anisotropic mineral.1.Strength of chemical bonds and atom density are different in different directions foranisotropic minerals.2. A light ray will "see" a different electronic arrangement depending on the direction ittakes through the mineral.3.The electron clouds around each atom vibrate with different resonant frequencies indifferent directions.Velocity of light travelling though an anisotropic mineral is dependant on the interaction between the vibration direction of the electric vector of the light and the resonant frequency of the electron clouds. Resulting in the variation in velocity with direction.Can also use electromagnetic theory to explain why light entering an anisotropic mineral is split into two rays (fast and slow rays) which vibrate at right angles to each other.PACKINGAs was discussed in the previous section we can use the electromagnetic theory for light to explain how a light ray is split into two rays (FAST and SLOW) which vibrate at right angles to each other.The above image shows a hypothetical anisotropic mineral in which the atoms of the mineral are:1.closely packed along the X axis2.moderately packed along Y axis3.widely packed along Z axisThe strength of the electric field produced by the electrons around each atom must therefore be a maximum, intermediate and minimum value along X, Y and Z axes respectively, as shown in the following image.With a random wavefront the strength of the electric field, generated by the mineral, must have a minimum in one direction and a maximum at right angles to that.Result is that the electronic field strengths within the plane of the wavefront define an ellipse whose axes are;1.at 90° to each other,2.represent maximum and minimum field strengths, and3.correspond to the vibration directions of the two resulting rays.The two rays encounter different electric configurations therefore their velocities and indices of refraction must be different.There will always be one or two planes through any anisotropic material which show uniform electron configurations, resulting in the electric field strengths plotting as a circle rather than an ellipse.Lines at right angles to this plane or planes are the optic axis (axes) representing the direction through the mineral along which light propagates without being split, i.e., the anisotropic mineral behaves as if it were an isotropic mineral.INTERFERENCE PHENOMENAThe colours for an anisotropic mineral observed in thin section, between crossed polars are called interference colours and are produced as a consequence of splitting the light into two rays on passing through the mineral.In the lectures we will examine interference phenomena first using monochromatic light and then apply the concepts to polychromatic or white light.RETARDATIONMonochromatic ray, of plane polarized light, upon entering an anisotropic mineral is split into two rays, the FAST and SLOW rays, which vibrate at right angles to each other.Development of RetardationDue to differences in velocity the slow ray lags behind the fast ray, and the distance represented by this lagging after both rays have exited the crystal is the retardation - D.The magnitude of the retardation is dependant on the thickness (d) of the mineral and the differences in the velocity of the slow (V s) and fast (V f) rays.The time it takes the slow ray to pass through the mineral is given by:during this same interval of time the fast ray has already passed through the mineral and has travelled an additional distance = retardation.。


Barite Barite Bauxite Bauxite
Calzirtite Carbonatite Carnallite Cassiterite Cassiterite Chalcedony Chalcocite Chip Chrome minerals Chrysoberyl Chrysocolla Coal Conchoidal fracture coriscos Corundum cryo Cryptomelane Cuprite Diabase Diamond Diopside Diorite Dolomite Dolomitic carbonatite Emerald Epidote Espelho da Lua Euclase Feldspathoids Ferro alloys Florencite Fluorite Fulgurite Garnet Geode Goethite Gorceixite hafnon hainite hamlinite harttite hiddenite hussakite hyaline quartz Hyaline quartz Hyderabad hydrargillite hydrated manganese Ichthyophthalmite ilmenite Imperial Topaz Imperial topaz Iridosmine Iron ore iron phosphate isolueshite isomertieite
jacutinga Jacutingaite jadeite joseite kamacite kieserite kimberlite Kimberlite kinoshitalite kunzite kyanite Kyanite labradorite lamproite lamprophylite lanthanite-(La) lanthanite-(Nd) lanthanum carbonate碳 lazulite Lead lepidolite lewisite limonite lipscombite magnesian ilmenite Magnesite magnetite Manganese manganese oxalate Manganite mantle Matazeunerite Menezesite menezesite, Mertieite-I metalliferous veins meta-uranocircite meurigite microcline micro-crystal microlite micro-mineral microscopic minerals milarite milky quartz millerite minasgeraisite-(Y) moissanite molybdenite Monazite monetite moraesite morganite Muscovite Native copper native elements minerals nepheline



Ab = Albite 附录(Appendixes)一、矿物代号钠长石Kp = Kalinophilite钾霞石Ac = AcmiteAct = ActinoliteAe = AegirineAf = Alkali feldspar Alm = AlmandineAls = Al2SiO5 mineral Am = AmphiboleAn = AnorthiteAnd = Andalusite Andr = AndraditeAnl = AnalciteAnn = AnniteAnt = AnthophylliteAr = AragoniteAug = AugiteBi = BiotiteBrc = BruciteCc = CalciteCh = ChloriteCld = ChloritoidCo=CorundumCoe = coesiteCpx = Clinopyroxene Crd = CordieriteCrs = CrossiteCum = Cummingtonite Der = DeeriteDi = DiapsideDia = DiamondDol = DolomiteEn = EnstatiteEp = EpidoteF = Fluid(H2O)Fa = FayaliteFo=ForsteriteFs = FerrosiliteGl = Glaucophane Gra = GraphiteGro = GrossularGt = GarnetHb = HornblendeHd = Hedenbergite Hu = HeulanditeHy = HyperstheneIll = IlliteJd=JadeiteJed=JedriteKao = KaoliniteKf = K-feldspar 锥辉石阳起石霓石碱性长石铁铝榴石Al2SiO5矿物角闪石钙长石红柱石钙铁榴石方沸石羟铁云母直闪石文石普通辉石黑云母水镁石方解石绿泥石硬绿泥石刚玉柯石英单斜辉石堇青石青铝闪石镁铁闪石迪尔石透辉石金刚石白云石顽火辉石绿帘石流体(H2O)铁橄榄石镁橄榄石铁辉石蓝闪石石墨钙铝榴石石榴石普通角闪石钙铁辉石片沸石紫苏辉石伊利石硬玉铝直闪石高岭石钾长石1Ky = KyaniteL = Liquid = meltLc=LeuciteLm = LaumontiteLw = LawsoniteMar=MargariteMc=MicaMgn = MagnesiteMi = MicroclineMm = MontmorilloniteMs = MuscoviteMt = MagnetiteNe = NepherineOl = OlivineOm =OmphaciteOpx = OrthophyroxeneOr = OrthoclasePg = ParagonitePhl = PhlogopitePhn = PhengitePie = PiemontitePig = PigeonitePl = PlagioklasePrh = PrehnitePrl = PyrophyllitePu = PumpellyitePx = PyroxenePyr = PyropeQ = QuartzRie = RiebeckiteSan = SanidineSps = SpessartineSt = StauroliteStp = StilpnomelaneTc=TalcTr=TremoliteTs=TschermakiteV =VapourVer=VermiculiteWm = White micaWo=WollastoniteWr=WairakiteSe = SericiteSer = SerpentineSil = SillimaniteSm=SmeciteSp = SpinelWu=WustiteZo = Zoisite蓝晶石液体= 熔体白榴石浊沸石硬柱石珍珠云母云母菱镁矿微斜长石蒙脱石白云母磁铁矿霞石橄榄石绿辉石斜方辉石正长石钠云母金云母多硅白云母红帘石易变辉石斜长石葡萄石叶腊石绿纤石辉石镁铝榴石石英钠闪石透长石锰铝榴石十字石黑硬绿泥石滑石透闪石契尔马克分子蒸汽蛭石白色云母硅灰石斜钙沸石绢云母蛇纹石夕线石蒙皂石尖晶石方铁矿黝帘石二、汉英对照岩石学名词索引AA′KF图(A′KF diagram)ACF图(ACF diagram)AFC 模式(assimilation and fractional crystallization)AFM图(AFM diagram)A 型花岗岩(A-type granites)I 型花岗岩(I-type granites)M 型花岗岩(M-type granites)P-T-t轨迹(P-T-t path)S 面(S-safaces 或S-planes)S 型花岗岩(S-type granites)阿波罗(Apollo)阿尔卑斯型超基性岩体(Alpine-type ultrabasic rocks)阿拉斯加型(Alaska-type)安山岩(andesite)岸礁(shore reef)暗拼岩(appinite)暗色体(melanosome)奥长花岗岩(tronndhjemite)B白榴石响岩(leucite phonolite)白榴岩(leucitite)白片岩(white schist)白云石化(dolomitization)斑点构造(spotted structure)斑脱岩(bentonite)斑杂构造(taxitic structure)斑状变晶结构(porphyroblastic texture)斑状结构(porphyritic texture)板块(plate)板劈理(slaty cleavage)板岩(slate)板状等粒结构(equant tabular texture)板状构造(slaty structure)板状交错层(plate cross-bedding)半晶质结构(hemicrystalline texture)半自形变晶(hypidioblastic)2 半自形晶粒状结构(hypidiomorphic-granular texture)包含结构(poikilitic texture)包卷层理(convoluted structure)包卷构造(convoluted structure)雹痕(hail print)堡礁(barrier reef)爆发(explosions)碧玄岩(basanite)碧玉岩(jasperite)变斑晶(porphyroblast)变晶(blast)变晶鲕(metacrystal ooid)变晶结构(blastic texture)变晶系(crystalloblastic series)变嵌晶(poikilolblast)变形(deformation)变形带(deformation band)变形结构(deformation texture)变形双晶(deformation twins)变形纹(deformation lamellae)变余构造(palimpsest structure)变余结构(palimpsest texture)变余糜棱岩(blastomylonite)变质带(metamorphic zone)变质反应(metamorphic reaction)。



◎ Massive 块状◎ Botryoidal 葡萄状◎ Reniform 肾状◎ Oolitic 鲕状◎ Pisolitic 豆状◎ Stalactitic 钟乳状◎ Crusty 皮壳状◎ Nodular 结核状◎ Dendritic 树枝状◎ Banded 条带状☆ Isometric System 等轴晶系(=Cubic System)☆ Trigonal System 三方晶系☆ Tetragonal System 四方晶系☆ Hexagonal System 六方晶系☆ Orthorhombic System 斜方晶系(正交晶系)☆ Monoclinic System 单斜晶系☆ Triclinic System 三斜晶系1. Feldspar(长石)comprises the bulk (approximately 65% by weight) of the Earth’s crust. Feldspar has two directions of imperfect cleavage at or nearly at 90°and a hardness of about 6.2. Quartz(石英)is another most common rock-forming mineral, accounting for ca. 15% of the Earth’s continental crust by weight. Quartz has no cleavage but a conchoidal fracture.3. Mica(云母)(primarily the minerals muscovite and biotite) is translucent to black (felsic to mafic), with one direction of perfect cleavage, making up about 8% of the crust by weight.4. Pyroxene(辉石)is green to black, nearly opaque, with cleavages at approximately 90°anda hardness of 5~6. About 11% of the volume of the crust is contributed by pyroxene.5. Amphibole(角闪石)mostly occurs as dark green, long, slender crystals with 2 directions of cleavage at 56°and 124°. The most common member of the amphibole family is hornblende.6. Olivine(橄榄石)is another ferromagnesian silicate having a very high crystallization temperature. Olivine has no cleavage planes and is olive green to black in color.Gold [^Euld]自然金Silver [5silvEr]自然银Copper [5kCpEr]自然铜Platinum [5plAtinEm]自然铂Osmium [5CzmiEm]自然锇Bismuth [5bizmEW]自然铋Sulfur [5sQlfEr]自然硫Diamond [5daiEmEnd]金刚石Graphite [5^rAfait]石墨Chalcocite[5kAlkEsait]辉铜矿Argentite[5B:dVEntait]辉银矿Sphalerite[5sfAlErait]闪锌矿Galena[^E5li:nE]方铅矿Cinnabar[5sinEbB:r]辰砂 Chalcopyrite[7kAlkE5paiErait]黄铜矿Stannite[5stAnait]黝锡矿Bornite[5bC:nait]斑铜矿Niccolite[5nikElait]红砷镍矿Pyrrhotite[5piErEutait]磁黄铁矿 Stibnite[5stibnait]辉锑矿 Bismuthinite[7bizmE5Wainait]辉铋矿Molybdenite[mE5libdEnait]辉钼矿 Orpiment[5C:pimEnt]雌黄Realgar[ri5Al^Er]雄黄Tetrahedrite[7tetrE5hi:drait]黝铜矿Pyrite[5paIEraIt]黄铁矿Marcasite[5mB:kEsait]白铁矿Cobaltite[5kEJbR:ltait]辉砷钴矿Arsenopyrite[7B:sinEu5pairait]毒砂 Covellite[kEJ5velait]铜蓝Proustite[5pru:stait]淡红(硫砷)银矿Pyrargyrite[pai5rB:dVirait]深红(硫锑)银矿Cuprite[5kju:prait]赤铜矿Corundum[kE5rQndEm]刚玉 Hematite[5hemEtait]赤铁矿Ilmenite[5ilminait]钛铁矿Bismite[5bizmait]铋华Arsenolite[B:5senEulait]砷华Valentinite[5vAlEntinait]锑华Rutile[5rU:tail]金红石Cassiterite[kE5sitErait]锡石 Pyrolusite[7paiErEu5lu:sait]软锰矿α-Quartz[5Alfa-kwC:ts]低温石英β-Quartz[5beita--kwC:ts]高温石英Tridymite[5traidEmait]鳞石英Coesite[5kEusait]柯石英Stishovite[5stiFE7vait]斯石英/超石英 Cristobalite[kris5tEubElait]方英石Uraninite[juE5rAninait]沥青(晶质)铀矿Opal[5EupEl]蛋白石/欧泊 Perovskite[pE5rCvz7kait]钙钛矿Spinel[spi5nel; 5spinEl]尖晶石 Chromite[5krEumait]铬铁矿 Magnetite[5mA^nitait]磁铁矿Wolframite[5wulfrEmait]黑钨矿Tantalite[5tAntElait]钽铁矿Columbite[kE5lQmbait]铌铁矿Fergusonite[5fE:^EsEnait]褐钇铌矿Formanite[5fC:mAnait]黄钇钽矿Brucite[5bru:sait]水镁石Diaspore[5daiE5spC:]硬水铝石Goethite[5^EuWait]针铁矿Lepidocrocite[7lepidEu5krEusait]纤铁矿Limonite[5laimE7nait]褐铁矿Manganite[5mAN^Enait]水锰矿Psilomelane[sai5lCmilein]硬锰矿Zircon[5zE:rkCn]锆石Olivine[5Clivi:n]橄榄石Garnet[5^B:rnit]石榴子石Almandine[5AlmEndi:n]铁铝榴石Pyrope[5pairEup]镁铝榴石Grossular[5^rCsju:lEr]钙铝榴石Staurolite[5stC:rElait]十字石Andalusite[7AndE5lu:sait]红柱石Kyanite[5kaiE7nait]蓝晶石Topaz[5tEupAz]黄玉Sphene[sfi:n]/Titanite[5taitE7nait]榍石 Hemimorphite[7hemi5mC:fait]异极矿Vesuvianite[vi5su:vjEnait]符山石Beryl[5beril]绿柱石Epidote[5epidEut]绿帘石Cordierite[5kC:diErait]堇青石Tourmaline[5tuEmEli:n]电气石Pyroxene[pai5rCksi:n]辉石Enstatite[5enstEtait]顽火辉石Bronzite[5brCnzait]古铜辉石Hypersthene[5haipE:sWi:n]紫苏辉石Ferrohypersthene[7ferE5haipE:sWi:n]铁紫苏辉石Orthoferrosilite[5C:WE7ferEusilait]斜方铁辉石Eulite[5ju:lait]易熔辉石Diopside[dai5Cpsaid]透辉石Augite[5C:dVait]普通辉石Spodumene[5spCdju7mi:n]锂辉石 Rhodonite[5rEudEnait]蔷薇辉石Jadeite[5dVeidait]硬玉Aegirine[5i:dVEri:n]霓石Wollastonite[5wulEstEnait]硅灰石Amphibole[5AmfibEul]角闪石Tremolite[5tremElait]透闪石Actinolite[Ak5tinEu7lait]阳起石 Nephrite[5nefrait]软玉Hornblende[5hC:nblend]普通角闪石Glaucophane[5^lC:kE7fein]蓝闪石Sillimanite[5silimEnait]矽(硅)线石Talc[tAlk]滑石Pyrophyllite[7pairEu5filait]叶蜡石Mica[5maIkE]云母Muscovite[5mQskEvait]白云母Biotite[5baiEtait ]黑云母Phlogopite[5flC^Epait]金云母Lepidolite[5lepidE7lait]锂云母Illite[5ilait]伊利石Vermiculite[vE:5mikjulait]蛭石Glauconite[5^lC:kEnait]海绿石Chlorite[5klC:rait]绿泥石Kaolinite[5keiElinait]高岭石Serpentine[5sE:pEntain]蛇纹石Asbestos[Az5 bestRs]石棉Montmorillonite[7mCntmE5rilE7nait]蒙托石Prehnite[5preinait]葡萄石Feldspar[5feldspB:]长石Potassium feldspar[pE5tAsiEm ~]钾长石Sanidine[5sAni7di:n]透长石 Orthoclase[5C:WEukleis]正长石 Microcline[5maikrEJklain]微斜长石 Plagioclase[5pleidViEukleis]斜长石Albite[5Albait]钠长石Anorthite[E5nC:Wait]钙长石Nepheline[5nefIlIn]霞石Leucite[5lu:sait]白榴石Hsianghualite 香花石Scapolite[5skApElait]方柱石Zeolite[5zi:Elait]沸石Calcite[5kAlsait]方解石Dolomite[5dClEmait]白云石Aragonite[E5rA^Enait]文石Magnesite[5mA^nEsait]菱镁矿Siderite[5sidE7rait]菱铁矿 Rhodochrosite[7rEudE5krEusait]菱锰矿 Smithsonite[5smiWsE7nait]菱锌矿Strontianite[5strCnFiEnaIt]菱锶矿Cerussite[sE5rusait]白铅矿Azurite[5A VErait]蓝铜矿Malachite[5mAlEkait]孔雀石Barite[5bZErait]重晶石Celestite[5selistait]天青石Anglesite[5AN^lsaIt]硫酸铅矿/铅矾Gypsum[5dVipsEm]石膏Anhydrite[An5haidrait]硬石膏Mirabilite[mi5rAbilait]芒硝Alunite[5Aljunait]明矾石Jarosite[5dV ArE7sait]黄钾铁矾Chalcanthite[kAl5kAnWait]胆矾Nitratine[5naitrEtain]钠硝石Borax[5bC:rAks]硼砂Boracite[5bC:rE7sait]方硼石Ascharite[5AskErait]硼镁石Monazite[5mCnEzait]独居石Apatite[5ApEtait]磷灰石Turquoise[5tE:kwCiz]绿松石Scorodite[5skC:rE7dait]臭葱石Mimetite[5maimi7tait]砷铅矿Vanadinite[vE5nAdinait]钒铅矿Scheelite[5Fi:lait; 5Feilait]白钨矿Wulfenite[5wulfEnait]钼铅矿Fluorite[5flu:Erait]萤石Sylvite[5silvait]钾盐Halite[5hAlait]石盐Carnallite[5kB:nElait]光卤石。



A01光学材料:A01-001 光学材料Optical MaterialsA01-002 光学玻璃Optical GlassA01-003 激光玻璃Laser GlassA01-004 声光玻璃Acousto-Optic GlassA01-005 红外线玻璃Infrared GlassA01-006 红外线材料Infrared MaterialsA01-007 紫外线材料Ultraviolet MaterialsA01-008 石英镜片Fused Silica GlassA01-009 光学陶瓷CeramicsA01-010 矽半导体材料Silicon Semiconductor MaterialsA01-011 化合物半导体材料Compound Semiconductor Materials A01-012 光纤材料Fiber Optic MaterialsA01-013 光纤预型体Fiber Optic PreformsA01-014 PLZT晶圆,钛酸锆酸铅晶圆PLZT WafersA01-015 环氧树脂EpoxiesA01-016 声光光学晶体Acousto-Optic CrystalsA01-017 双折射/偏光晶体Birefringent and Polarizing Crystals A01-018 电光光学晶体Electro-Optic CrystalsA01-019 红外线晶体Infrared CrystalsA01-020 激光晶体(YAG) YAG Laser CrystalsA01-021 激光晶体(亚历山大) Alexandrite Laser CrystalsA01-022 激光晶体(GGG) GGG Laser CrystalsA01-023 激光晶体(GSGG,GSAG) GSGG GSAG Laser Crystals A01-024 激光晶体(YLF) YLF Laser CrystalsA01-025 激光晶体(其他) Other Laser CrystalsA01-026 非线性光学晶体Nonlinear CrystalsA01-027 有机光学材料Organic Optical MaterialsA01-028 萤光放射晶体Fluorescent Emission CrystalsA01-029 结晶育成材料Crystals Growing MaterialsA01-030 镀膜材料Coating MaterialsA01-031 光罩材料Photomask MaterialsA01-032 真空蒸镀化学药品Vaccum Evaporation ChemicalsA01-033 感光剂SensitizersA01-034 影像用材料Materials for ImagingA01-035 热色材料Thermochromic MaterialsA01-036 光色材料Photochromic MaterialsA01-037 稀土族材料Rare Earth MaterialsA01-038 光碟基板,基板材料Optical Disk Substrate Materials A01-039 光碟记录材料Optical Disk Data Storage MaterialsA02加工用其他材料:A02 加工用其他材料MATERIALS FOR PROCESSINGA02-001 光学用胶合剂/接著剂Optical Cements and Adhesives A02-002 光学用气体Gases for Optical ApplicationA02-003 激光用气体Gases for LasersA02-004 光学研磨材料(研磨布纸) Optical-Coated AbrasiveA02-005 光学研磨材料(砥粒) Optical-Powder or Grin Abrasive A02-006 光学研磨材料(砥石) Optical-Wheel AbrasiveA02-007 研磨化合物Polishing CompoundsA02-008 研磨衬垫及布Polishing Pads and ClothA02-009 全像底片及感光板Holographic Films and PlatesA02-010 红外线底片及感光板Infrared Films and PlatesA02-011 相片用化学药品Photographic ChemicalsA02-012 折射率液Refractive Index LiquidsA02-013 显微镜浸液Microscope Immerison LiquidsA02-014 显微镜埋置用材料Microscope Imbedding MediaA02-015 激光用染料Laser DyesA02-016 冷媒CoolantsA02-017 拭镜纸Lens TissueA03 显示器用材料:A03 显示器用材料MATERIALS FOR DISPLAYA03-001 液晶Liquid CrystalsA03-002 导电膜玻璃基板ITO Glass SubstrateA03-003 彩色滤光片Color FilterA03-004 偏光板/相位差板Polarizer/ Phase Shift LayerA03-005 显示面板用驱动IC Driver ICA03-006 背光源BacklightA03-007 配向膜Alignment FilmA03-008 间隔物SpacerB01 透镜:B01 透镜LENSESB01-001 单透镜Simple (Single) LensesB01-002 球透镜Ball LensesB01-003 歪像透镜Anamorphic LensesB01-004 圆锥透镜Conical LensesB01-005 柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal LensesB01-006 非球面透镜Aspheric LensesB01-007 反射折射透镜Catadioptric LensesB01-008 绕射极限透镜Diffraction-Limited LensesB01-009 GRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)B01-010 微小透镜阵列Micro Lens ArraysB01-011 准直透镜Collimator LensesB01-012 聚光透镜Condenser LensesB01-013 多影像透镜Multiple Image LensesB01-014 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses B01-015 菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses B01-016 替续透镜Relay LensesB01-017 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) B01-018 复合透镜Complex LensesB01-019 红外线透镜Infrared LensesB01-020 紫外线透镜Ultraviolet LensesB01-021 激光透镜Laser LensesB01-022 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives LensesB01-023 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives LensesB01-024 接目镜Eyepieces LensesB01-025 向场透镜Field LensesB01-026 望远镜头Telephoto LensesB01-027 广角镜头Wide Angle LensesB01-028 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesB01-029 CCTV镜头CCTV LensesB01-030 影印机镜头Copy Machine LensesB01-031 传真机镜头Facsimile LensesB01-032 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner LensesB01-033 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner LensesB01-034 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesB01-035 APS相机镜头APS Camera LensesB01-036 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera LensesB01-037 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector LensesB02 镜面:B02 镜面MIRRORB02-001 平面镜Flat MirrorsB02-002 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors B02-003 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors B02-004 非球面镜Aspheric MirrorsB02-005 多面镜Polygonal MirrorsB02-006 热镜Hot MirrorsB02-007 冷镜Cold MirrorsB02-008 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic MirrorsB02-009 双色向面镜Dichroic MirrorB02-010 金属面镜Metal MirrorsB02-011 多层面镜Multilayer MirrorsB02-012 半涂银面镜Half-Silvered MirrorsB02-013 激光面镜Laser MirrorsB02-014 天文用面镜Astronomical MirrorsB02-099 其他面镜Other MirrorsB03 棱镜:B03 棱镜PRISMB03-001 Nicol棱镜Nicol PrismsB03-002 Glan-Thomson棱镜Glan-Thomson PrismsB03-003 Wollaston棱镜Wollaston PrismsB03-004 Rochon棱镜Rochon PrismsB03-005 直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular PrismsB03-006 五面棱镜Pentagonal PrismsB03-007 脊角棱镜Roof PrismsB03-008 双棱镜BiprismsB03-009 直视棱镜Direct Vision PrismsB03-010 微小棱镜Micro PrismsB03-099 其他棱镜Other PrismsB04 滤光镜:B04 滤光镜FILTERB04-001 尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) FiltersB04-002 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters B04-003 干涉滤光镜Interference FiltersB04-004 中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density FiltersB04-005 空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched FiltersB04-006 双色向滤光镜Dichroic FiltersB04-007 偏光滤光镜Polarizing FiltersB04-008 排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band FiltersB04-009 可调式滤光镜Turnable FilterB04-010 超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband FiltersB04-011 色吸收滤光镜Absorption FiltersB04-012 红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting FiltersB04-013 红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting FiltersB04-014 紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing FiltersB04-015 紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting FiltersB04-016 针孔滤光镜Pinhole FiltersB04-017 有色玻璃滤光镜Colored-Glass FiltersB04-018 塑胶滤光镜Plastic FiltersB04-019 照像用滤光镜Photographic FiltersB04-020 全像滤光镜Holographic FiltersB04-021 微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference FiltersB06 激光:LASERS B06 激光LASERSB06-100 气体激光GAS LASERSB06-101 氦氖激光He-Ne LasersB06-102 金属蒸气激光Metal Vapor LasersB06-103 氩离子激光Argon LasersB06-104 氪离子激光Krypton LasersB06-105 二氧化碳激光(气流型) CO2 (Gas Flow type) LasersB06-106 二氧化碳激光(脉冲,TEA型) CO2 (Pulsed,TEA) LasersB06-107 二氧化碳激光(密封型) CO2 (Sealed tube) LasersB06-108 二氧化碳激光(波导型) CO2 (Wave guide) LasersB06-109 一氧化碳激光CO LasersB06-110 氦镉激光He-Cd LasersB06-111 氮分子激光Nitrogen LasersB06-112 准分子激光Excimer LasersB06-113 氙分子激光Xenon LasersB06-200 固体激光SOLID STATE LASERSB06-201 红宝石激光Ruby LasersB06-202 玻璃激光Glass LasersB06-203 Nd:YAG激光(脉冲式) Nd:YAG (Pulsed) LasersB06-204 Nd:YAG激光(连续式) Nd:YAG Laser (CW) LasersB06-205 Nd:YAG激光(半导体激光激发) Nd:YAG (LD Pumped) LasersB06-206 YLF激光YLF LasersB06-207 亚历山大激光Alexanderite LasersB06-208 铒固体激光Erbium LasersB06-209 半导体激光激发式固态激光Solid State(LD pumped)LaserB06-210 其他固态激光OthersB06-300 染料激光DYE LASERSB06-301 染料激光(闪光灯激发) Dye (Flash lamp Pumped) LasersB06-302 染料激光(激光激发) Dye (Laser Pumped) LasersB06-400 半导体激光SEMICONDUCTOR LASERSB06-401 半导体激光(1.55μm带) Semiconductor (1.55μm) LasersB06-402 半导体激光(1.30μm带) Semiconductor (1.30μm) LasersB06-403 半导体激光(0.85μm带) Semiconductor (0.85μm) LasersB06-404 半导体激光(0.78μm带) Semiconductor (0.78μm) LasersB06-405 半导体激光(0.60μm带) Semiconductor (0.60μm) LasersB06-406 半导体激光(其他波长带) Other Semiconductor LasersB06-407 半导体激光模组(长波长) Semiconductor (Long Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-408 半导体激光模组(短波长) Semiconductor (Short Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-409 半导体激光模组(可见光) Semiconductor (Visible) Laser ModulesB06-501 铁离子中心激光F-Center LasersB06-502 化学激光(HF-DF) Chemical (HF-DF) LasersB06-503 平板激光Slab LasersB06-504 远红外线激光Far-Infrared LasersB06-505 真空紫外线激光Vacuum Ultraviolet LasersB06-506 多色激光Multi Colour LasersB06-507 稳频激光Frequency Stabilized LasersB06-508 自由电子激光Free Electron LasersB07 激光用元件:B07 激光用元件LASER COMPONENTSB07-001 Q 开关Laser Q-SwitchesB07-002 激光管Laser Tubes and BoresB07-003 激光棒Laser RodsB07-004 激光板Laser SlabsB07-005 气体再生设备,气体填充设备Gas Recyclers and Gas Handling EquipmentB07-006 激光控制设备Laser Control EquipmentB07-007 激光用盒Laser CellsB07-008 参数振汤器Parametric OscillatorsB07-009 光脉冲产生设备Optical Pulse GeneratorsB07-010 激光用共振腔Resonators for LasersB07-011 磁铁MagnetsB07-012 激光用冷却设备Cooling Systems for LasersB07-013 激光护眼镜Safty Equipment; Goggles Glasses and FilmsB07-014 激光光吸收体Safty Equipment; Laser AbsorbersB07-015 激光用安全设备Safty Equipment; Protective HousingsB08 发光二极体:B08 发光二极体LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES; LEDB08-001 通信用1.55μm发光二极体1.55μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-002 通信用1.30μm发光二极体1.30μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-003 通信用0.85μm发光二极体0.85μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-004 通信用长波长发光二极体模组Long Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-005 通信用短波长发光二极体模组Short Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-006 可见光发光二极体(红色) Visible (Red) LEDsB08-007 可见光发光二极体(黄色) Visible (Yellow,Orange) LEDsB08-008 可见光发光二极体(绿色,多色) Visible (Green,Multi-Color) LEDsB08-009 可见光发光二极体(蓝色) Visible (Blue) LEDsB08-010 红外线二极体(非通信用) Infrared (not for Communication) LEDsB08-011 文数字表示用发光二极体Alpha-Numeric LEDsB08-012 发光二极体晶圆(通信用) LED Wafers for CommunicationB08-013 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用) LED Wafers not for CommunicationB08-014 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) LED Chips for CommunicationB08-015 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用) LED Chips not for CommunicationB09 光源设备:B09 光源设备LIGHT SOURCESB09-001 标准光源Standard Light SourcesB09-002 安定化光源Stabilized Light SourcesB09-003 弧光灯Arc Light SourcesB09-004 氪灯Krypton Light SourcesB09-005 卤素灯Halogen Light SourcesB09-006 氙灯Xenon /Xenon Flashlamps Light SourcesB09-007 紫外线光源Ultraviolet Light SourcesB09-008 真空紫外线光源VUV Light SourcesB09-009 红外线光源Infrared Light SourcesB09-010 闪光光源Stroboscopic Light SourcesB09-011 小型光源Miniature Light SourcesB09-012 光纤光源Fiber Optic IlluminatorsB10 显示器元件:B10 显示器元件DISPLAY PANELB10-001 发光二极体显示器LED DisplaysB10-002 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)B10-003 电浆显示器Plasma Display Panels(PDP)B10-004 电激发光显示器Electroluminescence Display (ELD)B10-005 电铬显示器Electrochromic Display (ECD)B10-006 真空萤光显示器Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)B10-007 平面阴极射线管Flat CRTsB10-008 场发射显示器Field Emitter Display(FED)B10-099 其他平面显示元件Other Flat Panel DisplaysB11 检光元件及光纤混成元件:B11 检光元件及光纤混成元件DETECTORS & FIBEROPTIC HYBRID DEVICESB11-001 通信用PIN光二极体PIN Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-002 通信用崩溃光二极体Avalanche Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-003 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光元件Long-wavelength Detectors for CommunicationB11-004 通信用PIN光二极体模组PIN Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-005 通信用崩溃光二极体模组Avalanche Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-006 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光模组Long-wavelength Decector Modules for Communication B11-007 光二极体(近红外光) Near-infrafed PhotodiodesB11-008 光二极体(可见光) Visible PhotodiodesB11-009 光二极体(紫外光) Ultraviolet PhotodiodesB11-010 光电晶体PhototransistorsB11-011 光电管PhototubesB11-012 光电子增倍管(PMT) PhotomultipliersB11-013 光导电池Photoconductive CellsB11-014 热电偶检测器Thermocouple DetectorsB11-015 热堆检测器Thermopile DetectorsB11-016 微道板Microchannel PlatesB11-017 热电检测器Pyroelectroic DetectorsB11-018 辐射热测定器BolometersB11-019 其他红外线检测器Infrared DetectorsB11-020 摄像管Camera TubesB11-021 线型检光元件One Dimension Detector ArraysB11-022 面型检光元件Two Dimension Detector ArraysB11-023 光电耦合器Photo CouplerB11-024 光断续器Photo InterrupterB11-025 光反射器Photo ReflectorB11-026 光闸流晶体管PhotocyristorsB11-027 光感测元件Photosensing UnitsB11-028 内藏电路之光感测器Detectors with CircuitB11-029 民用用太阳电池Solar Cells for Consumer UseB11-030 产业用太阳电池Solar Cells for Power & Space UseB12 光纤及光缆:B12 光纤及光缆FIBER OPTIC FIBERS & CABLEB12-100 光纤FIBER OPTIC FIBERSB12-101 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Step IndexB12-102 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(50/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Graded Index,50/125B12-103 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(62.5/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,62.5/125B12-104 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(100/140) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,100/140B12-105 石英系单模态标准型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Single Mode,StandardB12-106 色散位移光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Dispersion – ShiftedB12-107 偏振恒持光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Polarization – MaintainingB12-108 其他单模态光纤Other Single Mode Optic FibersB12-109 石英系塑胶包覆光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Plastic - Clad SilicaB12-110 塑胶光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, PlasticB12-111 石英系影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Silica, ImagingB12-112 多成分影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Non-silica, ImagingB12-113 光导管Fiber Optic LightguidesB12-199 其他集束光纤Other Fiber Optic BundlesB12-200 光缆FIBER OPTIC CABLEB12-201 单模态标准型松包悬空式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, AerialB12-202 单模态标准型松包管路式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, DuctB12-203 单模态标准型松包直埋式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, Direct BuriedB12-204 单模态标准型紧包单心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, Single FiberB12-205 单模态标准型紧包多心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, MultifiberB12-206 光纤带RibbonB12-207 色散位移光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Dispersion-ShiftedB12-208 偏振恒持光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Polarization – MaintainingB12-209 其他单模态光缆Other Single Mode Fiber Optic CableB12-210 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 50/125B12-211 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 62.5/125B12-212 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 100/140B12-213 塑胶光缆Fiber Optic Cable, PlasticB12-214 石英系塑胶包覆光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Plastic-Clad SilicaB12-215 其他多模态光缆Other Multimode Fiber Optic CableB12-216 光纤保护用管Protect Tubes for Fiber Optic FiberB13 光被动元件/光控制元件:B13 光被动元件/光控制元件OPTICAL PASSIVE DEVICES/CONTROL DEVICESB13-001 单模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, STB13-002 单模态Biconic光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, BiconicB13-003 单模态FC/PC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FC/PCB13-004 单模态APC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, APCB13-005 单模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FDDIB13-006 单模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, SCB13-007 单模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, D4B13-008 单模态光纤连接器插座(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, Adapter(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) B13-009 单模态多心光纤连接器(MT) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode,Multi-Channel/MTB13-010 其他单模态光纤连接器Other Single Mode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-011 多模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, STB13-012 多模态FC/PC相容光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FC/PCB13-013 多模态SMA光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SMAB13-014 多模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FDDIB13-015 多模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SCB13-016 多模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, D4B13-017 多模态光纤连接器插座(ST,SMA,FC/PC) Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode,Adapter(ST,SMA,FC/PC)B13-018 多模态多心光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, Multi-ChannelB13-019 其他多模态光纤连接器Other Multimode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-020 套筒SleevesB13-021 金属箍(套管) Metal FerrulesB13-022 塑胶箍(套管) Plastic FerrulesB13-023 陶瓷箍(套管) Ceramic FerrulesB13-024 插座ReceptaclesB13-025 插头PlugsB13-026 光连接器(含光纤线) Optical Connectors with FiberB13-027 光纤耦合器(两分支) Optical Couplers, Tap/SplitterB13-028 光纤耦合器(树状分支) Optical Couplers, TreeB13-029 星状光纤耦合器(穿透形) Transmission Type Star Optical CouplersB13-030 星状光纤耦合器(反射形) Reflection Type Star Optical CouplersB13-031 其他光纤耦合器Other Optical CouplersB13-032 光分波合波器(两波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Dual-WavelengthB13-033 光分波合波器(多波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Over Two WavelengthB13-034 其他光分波合波器Other Optical WDM CouplersB13-035 光衰减器(固定) Fixed Optical AttenuatorsB13-036 光衰减器(可变) Adjustable Optical AttenuatorsB13-037 光隔离器(通信用) Optical Isolators for CommunicationB13-038 光隔离器(非通信用) Optical Isolators for Non-CommunicationB13-039 光环流器Optical CirculatorsB13-040 光开关(机械式) Mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-041 光开关(非机械式) Non-mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-042 光纤光栅Fiber Bragg GratingB13-043 光移相器Optical Phase ShiftersB13-044 光共振器Optical ResonatorsB13-045 空间调变元件Spatial Light ModulatorsB13-046 光影像转换元件(ITC) Incoherent to Coherent Devices(ITC)B13-047 光截波器,机械式光调变器Optical Choppers, Mechanical ModulatorsB13-048 磁光调变器Maganeto-Optic ModulatorsB13-049 声光调变器Acousto-Optic ModulatorsB13-050 电光调变器Electro-Optic ModulatorsB13-051 波导形调变器,行波形调变器Optical Waveguide,Travelling-wave ModulatorsB13-052 类比/强度调变器Analog/Intensity ModulatorsB13-053 数位调变器Digital ModulatorsB13-054 其他调变器Other ModulatorsB13-055 光弹性调变器Photoelastic ModulatorsB13-056 机械式偏折/扫瞄器(Galvanometer方式) Mechanical Optical Deflectors/Scanners(Galvanometer Mirror)B13-057 声光偏折/扫瞄器Acousto-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-058 电光偏折/扫瞄器Electro-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-059 机械式扫瞄器(回转多面镜方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Polygonal Mirrors)B13-060 机械式扫瞄器(全像方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Holographic)B13-061 光纤跳接线Fiber Optic Patchcord PigtailB13-062 光纤终端箱Fiber Optic Distribution BoxB13-063 光纤接续盒Fiber Optic ClosureB13-099 其他光被动元件/控制元件Other Optical Passive Devices/Control DevicesB14 积体光元件:B14 积体光元件INTEGRATED OPTICAL DEVICESB14-001 光IC Optical ICB14-002 OEIC Optoelectronic ICB14-099 其他光电元件Other DevicesC01 光通讯设备:C01 光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTC01-100 电信用光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPEMNT(TELECOMMUNICATION)C01-101 同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based) C01-102 同步光纤网路光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-103 同步光纤网路数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SONET-based)C01-104 同步数位阶层光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transmission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-105 同步数位阶层光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-106 同步数位阶层数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-107 光纤网路单体ONU(Optical Network Unit)C01-108 非同步光通讯设备Asynchronous Optical Communication EquipmentC01-199 其他公众用光通讯设备Other Optical Communication Equipment (Telecommunication)C01-200 数据通讯光纤网路设备OPTICAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK EQUIPMENT (PREMISES) C01-201 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备FDDI Network EquipmentC01-202 非同步传输模式网路设备ATM Network EquipmentC01-203 高速乙太网路设备Fast Ethernet Network EquipmentC01-204 光纤通道Fiber ChannelC01-299 其他用户光数据通讯设备Other Optical Data Communication Network Equipment (Premises)C01-300 特殊用途光传输设备OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT(SPECIAL PURPOSE)C01-301 有线电视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, CATVC01-302 视讯/闭路监视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Video/CCTVC01-303 量测/控制信号光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Measure/ControlC01-304 空间(无线)光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Spatial (Wireless)C01-305 光放大器Optical AmplifierC01-399 其他特殊用途光传输设备Other Optical Transmission Equipment (Special Purpose)C02 光测仪器设备:C02 光测仪器设备OPTICAL MEASURING EQUIPMENTC02-001 量测用标准光源Standard/Stabilized Light SourcesC02-002 光功率计(热转换型) Thermal Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-003 光功率计(光电转换型) Photoelectric Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-004 光谱分析仪Optical Spectrum AnalyzersC02-005 光波长计Optical Wavelength MetersC02-006 光谱幅宽量测器Spectral Width Measuring EquipmentC02-007 光时域反射计(OTDR) Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers(OTDR)C02-008 基频传输特性检测器Baseband Frequency Characteristics Evaluation EquipmentC02-009 波长色散量测器Wavelength Dispersion Measuring EquipmentC02-010 光纤测试设备Optical Fiber Test EquipmentC02-011 激光光束波形量测器Laser Beam Profile Measuring EquipmentC02-012 光纤尺寸量测器Optical Fiber Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-013 光纤模态参数测试器Optical Fiber Mode Field Parameters Test EquipmentC02-014 光纤强度测试器Optical Fiber Strength Test EquipmentC02-015 其他光纤相关量测设备Other Optical Fiber Measurement EquipmentC02-016 光连接器尺寸量测器Optical Connector Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-017 光碟测定检查设备(装置用) Optical Disk Drive Inspection EquipmentC02-018 光碟测定检查设备(碟片用) Optical Disk Inspection EquipmentC02-019 光度计PhotometersC02-020 复光束光度计,复光束量测器Double Beam PhotometersC02-021 测微光度计MicrophotometersC02-022 感光密度计DensitometersC02-023 光泽度计GrossmetersC02-024 照度计Illuminance MetersC02-025 测距仪RangefindersC02-026 曝光计Exposure MetersC02-027 辉度计Luminance MetersC02-028 比色计Comparison ColorimetersC02-029 色彩计(分光型) Spectral ColorimetersC02-030 色彩计(光电型) Photoelectric ColorimetersC02-031 积分球Integrating SpheresC02-032 折射计RefractometersC02-033 椭圆计EllipsometersC02-034 偏振光镜PolariscopesC02-035 偏振计PolarimetersC02-036 比较量测器ComparatorsC02-037 焦距仪FocometersC02-038 球径计SpheremetersC02-039 OTF(光学转换函数)设备Optical Transfer Function InstrumentationC02-040 MTF分析/量测装置Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) Analysis/Measurement EquipmentC02-041 投影检查器Profile ProjectorsC02-042 自动准直仪AutocollimatorsC02-043 光弹性机器Photoelastic InstrumentsC02-099 其他光(学)量测器Other Optical Measurement EquipmentC03 分光镜、干涉仪:C03 分光镜、干涉仪SPECTROSCOPES, INTERFEROMETERSC03-001 分光计SpectrometersC03-002 单色器MonochromatorsC03-003 分光镜,干涉分光镜,摄谱仪Spectroscopes, Interference Spectroscopes,SpectrographsC03-004 分光光度计,分光测光器SpectrophotometerC03-005 Michelson干涉仪Michelson InterferometersC03-006 Tywman Green干涉仪Tywman Green InterferometersC03-007 Mach-Zehnder干涉仪Mach-Zehnder InterferometersC03-008 Fizeau干涉仪Fizeau InterferometersC03-009 Fabry-Perot干涉仪Fabry-Perot InterferometersC04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机:C04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, CAMERASC04-001 放大镜MagnifiersC04-002 单接物镜双眼显微镜Binocular MicroscopesC04-003 双眼实体显微镜,立体显微镜Stereo MicroscopesC04-004 金属显微镜Metallurgical MicroscopesC04-005 偏光显微镜Polarizing MicroscopesC04-006 相位差显微镜Phase-Contrast MicroscpoesC04-007 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对比显微镜Interferences/Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes C04-008 萤光显微镜Fluorescence MicroscopesC04-009 激光显微镜Laser MicroscopesC04-010 量测用显微镜,工具显微镜Measurement MicroscopesC04-011 显微镜光度计Microscope PhotometersC04-012 折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean Refracting TelescopesC04-013 反射望远镜Reflecting TelescopesC04-014 反射折射望远镜Catadioptric TelescopesC04-015 35mm焦平面自动对焦相机35mm AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-016 35mm焦平面手动对焦相机35mm NON-AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-017 35mm镜头快门多焦点相机35mm Multi Focal Points Lens Shutter CamerasC04-018 35mm镜头快门单焦点相机35mm Single Focal Point Lens Shutter CamerasC04-019 中,大型照相机Medium and Large Size CamerasC04-020 VTR摄影机VTR CamerasC04-021 电视摄影机TV CamerasC04-022 高画质电视摄影机High Definition(HDTV) CamerasC04-023 CCTV摄影机CCTV CamerasC04-024 全像照像机Holographic CamerasC04-025 眼镜EyeglassesC04-026 夜视设备Night Vision EquipmentC04-027 照像机用之日期显示模组Date moduleC04-028 照像机用之底片计数器Film counterC04-029 APS相机APS CamerasC05 光感测器:C05 光感测器OPTICAL SENSORSC05-001 光电开关,光电感测器Photo Switches, Photo SensorsC05-002 标记感测器Mark Photo SensorsC05-003 色彩标记感测器Color Mark Photo SensorsC05-004 色彩感测器Color Photo SensorsC05-005 光学式编码器,角度感测器Optical Encoders, Angle SensorsC05-006 光遥控器Optical Remote Control EquipmentC05-007 影像感测器式量测设备Image Sensor Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-008 显微镜式量测设备Microscope Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-009 精密长度干涉仪Precise Length InterferometersC05-010 光波测距装置Electronic Distance MetersC05-011 三角测量法距离感测器Triangulation Distance MetersC05-012 激光调变测距方式距离感测器Laser Modulation Distance MetersC05-013 脉冲测距方式距离感测器Pulse Distance MetersC05-014 激光外径测定器Laser Outer Diameter Measuring SensorsC05-015 激光厚度计Laser Thickness GaugesC05-016 激光拉伸计Laser Extension MeterC05-017 红外线厚度计Infrared Thickness GaugesC05-018 水平仪LevelsC05-019 激光水平仪Laser LevelsC05-020 经纬仪Theodlites/TransitsC05-021 激光经纬仪Laser Theodlites/TransitsC05-022 激光标线设备Laser Marking-off EquipmentC05-023 位置光电感测器Position Sensors, Pattern Edge SensorsC05-024 半导体位置感测器Position Sensitive Devices(PSDs)C05-025 激光指示器Laser PointersC05-026 激光都卜勒测速计Laser Doppler VelocimetersC05-027 环形激光流速计,光纤陀螺仪Ring Laser Velocimeters, Optical Fiber Laser GyrosC05-028 转速仪Rotational Speed MetersC05-029 激光都卜勒转速仪Laser Doppler Rotational Speed MetersC05-030 全像方式图样量测设备Holographic Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentsC05-031 激光移位计Laser Displacement MetersC05-032 激光指纹检测器Laser Fingerprint DetectorsC05-033 光学水质污染检测设备Optical Water Pollution Measurement and Detection Equipment C05-034 光学大气污染检测设备Optical Air Pollution Measurement and Detection EquipmentC05-035 红外线气体浓度感测器Infrared Gas Density MetersC05-036 光电式烟检知器Photo Smoke DetectorsC05-037 激光粉尘监视器,粒径量测器Laser Dust MonitorsC05-038 距离测定用激光雷达Rang-finding Lidar SystemsC05-039 环境监测用激光雷达Environment Monitoring Lidar SystemsC05-040 激光表面检查设备Laser Surface Inspection EquipmentC05-041 平面度测定系统Flatness TestersC05-042 斑点图形量测设备Speckle Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-043 云纹图形量测设备Moire Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-044 影像分析仪Image AnalyzersC05-045 激光缺陷检查设备Laser Defect Inspection EquipmentC05-046 红外线辐射温度感测器Infrared ThermometersC05-047 人体检知感测器,激光保全设备Laser Security/Surveillance EquipmentsC05-048 光计数器Photo CountersC05-049 激光公害检测设备Laser Pollution Detective DevicesC05-050 激光热常数量测设备Laser Thermal Constants Measurement EquipmentC05-051 全像非破坏检查设备Holographic Nondestructive Testing EquipmentC06 光纤感测器:C06 光纤感测器FIBER OPTIC SENSORSC06-001 光纤光电开关/感测器Fiber Optic Photo Switches/ SensorsC06-002 光纤式标记感测器Fiber Optic Mark Photo SensorsC06-003 光纤式色彩标记感测器Fiber Optic Color Mark Photo SensorsC06-004 光纤温度感测器Fiber Optic Temperature SensorsC06-005 光纤压力感测器Fiber Optic Pressure SensorsC06-006 光纤声波感测器Fiber Optic Acoustic SensorsC06-007 光纤变形感测器Fiber Optic Strain SensorsC06-008 光纤振动感测器Fiber Optic Vibration SensorsC06-009 光纤移位感测器Fiber Optic Displacement SensorsC06-010 光纤陀螺仪感测器Fiber Optic Gyro SensorsC06-011 光纤速度感测器Fiber Optic Velocity SensorsC06-012 光纤磁通量感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux SensorsC06-013 光纤磁场感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Field SensorsC06-014 光纤电流感测器Fiber Optic Current SensorsC06-015 光纤电场感测器Fiber Optic Electric Field SensorsC06-016 光纤浓度、成份感测器Fiber Optic Density,Constituent SensorsC06-017 光纤油膜感测器Fiber Optic Oil Film SensorsC06-018 光纤液位感测器Fiber Optic Liquid Surface Level SensorsC06-019 光纤光分布/放射线感测器Fiber Optic Light Distribution/Radiation SensorsC06-020 光纤显微镜Fiber Optic FiberscopesC06-021 光纤光栅应变感测器Fiber Grating Strain SensorC07 光储存装置:C07 光储存装置OPTICAL STORAGE PRODUCTC07-100 消费性光碟机CONSUMER OPTICAL DISC PLAYERSC07-101 激光唱盘Compact Disc (CD) PlayersC07-102 激光音响组合Products Incorporated CD(CD-Radio-Cassette Tape Recorders)C07-103 LD 影碟机Laser Disc (LD) PlayersC07-104 影音光碟机Video CD PlayersC07-105 DVD DVD 影碟机Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) PlayersC07-106 迷你音碟机Mini Disc (MD) PlayersC07-200 资讯用仅读型光碟机READ-ONLY OPTICAL DISC DRI597VESC07-201 CD-ROMCD-ROM光碟机CD-ROM DrivesC07-202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 光碟机DVD-ROM DrivesC07-300 资讯用仅写一次型光碟机RECORDABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-301 CD-R CD-R 光碟机CD-R DrivesC07-399 其他仅写一次型光碟机Other Recordable Optical Disc DrivesC07-400 资讯用可覆写型光碟机REWRITABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-401 3.5" MO 光碟机3.5" MO Disc DrivesC07-402 5.25" MO 光碟机5.25" MO Disc DrivesC07-403 PD 光碟机PD DrivesC07-404 CD-RW光碟机CD-RW DrivesC07-499 其他可覆写型光碟机Other Rewritable Optical Disc DrivesC07-500 光碟机零组件DEVICES OF OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-501 光学头,光学读取头Optical Heads , Pick-up HeadsC07-502 光学头伺服装置,伺服用IC模组Optical Head Controllers, Control ICs/Modules C07-503 光学头驱动装置Optical Head ServomotorsC07-504 光碟匣Optical Disc CartridgesC07-505 主轴马达Spindle MotorC07-600 光碟片OPTICAL DISCSC07-601 CD 音碟片Compact DiscsC07-602 LD 影碟片Laser DiscsC07-603 影音光碟片Video CDsC07-604 DVD光碟片Digital Versatile Discs : DVDsC07-605 迷你音碟片Mini Discs : MDsC07-606 CD-ROM 光碟片CD-ROMsC07-607 DVD-ROM光碟片DVD-ROMsC07-608 CD-R 光碟片CD-RsC07-609 其他可写仅读型光碟片Other Recordable Optical DiscsC07-610 3.5" MO 光碟片3.5" MO DiscsC07-011 5.25" MO 光碟片5.25" MO DiscsC07-612 PD 光碟片PD DiscsC07-613 CD-RW 光碟片CD-RW DiscsC07-699 其他可复写型光碟片Other Rewritable Optical DiscsC08 光输出入装置:C08 光输出入装置OPTICAL INPUT &OUTPUT DEVICESC08-100 数位相机Digital Still CameraC08-200 光学印表机OPTICAL PRINTERSC08-201 彩色激光印表机Laser Color PrintersC08-202 单色激光印表机Laser Monochrome PrintersC08-203 彩色LED印表机LED Color PrintersC08-204 单色LED印表机LED Monochrome PrintersC08-299 其他光学式印表机Other Optical PrintersC08-300 影印机COPY MACHINESC08-301 彩色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Color Copy MachinesC08-302 单色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Monochrome Copy MachinesC08-400 传真机FACSIMILESC08-401 热感纸传真机Termal Paper Facsimiles。



maacles 双晶同twin Mabe 马⽩贝,马⽩珍珠 Macassar shell 马喀萨贝 macha stone 苔藓⽯,苔⽯同mocha stone macle 短空晶⽯同chiastolite macles 双晶同maacles Madagascar alexandrite 马达加斯加变⽯ Madagascar amethyst 马达加斯加紫晶 Madagascar aquamarine 马达加斯加海蓝宝⽯ Madagascar citrine 马达加斯加黄⽔晶 Madagascar garnet 马达加斯加⽯榴⽯同garnet Madagascar morganite 马达加斯加粉红⾊绿宝⽯ Madagascar pearl 马达加斯加珍珠 madanku 异形珠 Madeira topaz 马代拉黄宝⽯ Madras pearls 马德拉斯珍珠 madre pearl 珍珠贝,珠母贝同mother of pearl magic stone 魔法⽯,透蛋⽩⽯同透蛋⽩⽯(hydrophane) magnes 磁⽯,磁铁矿同magnetite magnetic bort 磁性下等⾦刚⽯同stewartite bort magnetite 磁铁矿亦称lodestone,magnetic iron ore mahar 波斯湾珍珠贝同lingahs maharatnani 印度五⼤宝⽯ mahogany ore 密铜铁矿 maiden pearl 处⼥珠 main facet 主菱形⾯,⼤菱形⾯ make 完成型 malachite 孔雀⽯(⽯绿,青琅) malacolite ⽩辉⽯同透辉⽯(diopsid) malakon(malacon)⽔锆⽯(变⽔锆⽯) malchit-jade 绿⾊⽟同chrysodor male sapphire 男性蓝宝⽯ male ruby 男性红宝⽯ Maltese cross 马取他交叉型 Maltesite 空晶⽯ mammalian pearl 哺乳动物珍珠 Manaar Bay 马纳尔湾 manganese silicate 蔷薇辉⽯同rhodonite manganese spar 菱锰矿同rhodochrosite Manila gum 马尼拉树脂 Mantle 外套膜 Manchurian(Manzhou)jade 满洲⽟ manganese garnet 锰铝榴⽯同spessartite manufactured stone ⼈造宝⽯ manul 海底沙滩 Maori stone ⽑利⽯ Marambaya 马兰巴亚 marble ⼤理⽯ marcasite ⽩铁矿 marekanite 珠状珍珠岩 margaritae 珍珠 margarita margaritifera,Linne 林纳贝 marialite 钠柱⽯亦称meionite mari-diamond 马利钻⽯ mariposite 铬硅云母 Marmarosch diamond 马马罗斯钻⽯ marmora diamond 马尔⽑拉钻⽯ marquise ⽔雷型,算盘珠型亦称navette Marran Diamond 马兰钻⽯ marriage ring 结婚戒指 masanku 马桑克 mascot emerald 吉祥祖母绿 masculine 男性⽯ mass aqua 块状蓝玻璃 mass opal 块状欧泊⽯ master diamond 标⾊钻⽯同key diamond Matara diamond 马塔腊钻⽯ materna ring 母亲戒指 matrix 胍⽯ Mattan Stone 马丹王宝⽯ Matura diamond 马塔腊钻⽯ mauve jade 紫⽟ Maximillian Diamond 马克西⽶利安钻⽯ Maxixe-aquamarine 马克西克塞海蓝宝⽯ Maxwell Stuart Topaz 马斯图亚特王朝黄宝⽯ mayaite 马雅⽯ Mazarin cut 马扎林琢型 Mazarin Diamond 马扎林钻⽯亦称Mirror of Portugal medfordite 梅德福德⽯ Medina emerald 麦地ê祖母绿 meerschaum 海泡⽯ meionite 钠柱⽯同marialite melange 混合品 melanite ⿊榴⽯ melee ⼩钻⽯ melichrysos ⾦绿⽯ mellow amber 松软琥珀同gedanite menaccanite(menachanite)钛铁矿同ilmenite menilite 硅乳⽯ Meshed turguoise(Meshhed tur-quoise)马什哈德绿松⽯同Persian turquoise mesolite 中沸⽯ metallic lustre ⾦属光泽 metamict 蜕晶质 meteoric glass 陨玻璃同moldavite meteorite 陨⽯ metric carat ⽶制克拉 Maxican black diamond 墨西哥⿊钻⽯同hematite Mexican diamond 墨西哥钻⽯ Mexican jade 墨西哥⽟ Mexican onyx 墨西哥缟玛瑙 Mexican opal 墨西哥欧泊 Mexican turquoise 墨西哥绿松⽯同American turquoise Mexican water opal 墨西哥⽔蛋⽩⽯ mica 云母 microcline 微斜长⽯ microlite 微晶 micron 微⽶ midge stone 午蚊⽯ midnight star 午夜之星 milgraining(millegraining)打点线 milky opal 乳蛋⽩⽯ milky quartz 乳⽯英 millerite 针镍矿 Milliona 百万钻⽯ Millionaire Diamond 百万富翁钻⽯ minas Geraes Diamond ⽶纳斯吉拉斯钻⽯ Minas Triangle ⽶ê斯叁à地带 mineral turquoise 矿物绿松⽯ mirror of Portugal 葡萄⽛之镜同Mazarin diamond mitilus crassitesta,Lischke ⾥次克珍珠贝 mitrax 脉⽯ mixed cut 混合琢型 mizpak(mizpeh)望楼戒指 mocha atgate 苔玛瑙同moss agate mocha stone 苔⽯同moss agate mock pearl 莫克珍珠 Moe's gauge 莫⽒测量 Mogok 抹é Mogok diamond 抹é钻⽯ Mohave(Mojave)moonstone 莫哈夫⽉光⽯ Moh's scale 摩⽒硬度计 Moissan Henri 亨利*莫埃桑 moldavite 莫尔道玻陨⽯,莫尔道熔融⽯ molded cameo 打型浮雕 mole-stone ⿏⽯ molochites 孔雀⽯同malachite monazite 独居⽯ Monel metal 莫涅尔合⾦ money stone 货币⽯ monoclinic system 单斜晶系 monogram ⽂织字母 monogrammos 缟碧⽯ monster pearl ⼤圆珍珠同Paragon pearl Montana agate 蒙⼤拿玛瑙 Montana jet 蒙⼤拿⿊⽟ Montana ruby 蒙⼤拿红宝⽯ Montana sapphire 蒙⼤拿蓝宝⽯ Mont Blanc ruby 勃朗峰红宝⽯ Moon of the Mountains ⼭之⽉ moonstone ⽉长⽯,⽉光⽯ Moor's head 摩尔⼈头 Mora diamond 摩拉钻⽯ Morales Pearl 摩拉来斯珠 morallion(morallons,moralla)摩拉拉⽯ morganite 铯绿柱⽯,粉红⾊绿宝⽯ Moriah stone 莫利亚⽯ morion ⿊⽔晶,墨晶 mormorion 墨晶,⿊⽔晶同mo-rion moro coral 摩洛珊瑚 moroxite 绿⾊磷灰⽯ mosaic agate 镶嵌玛瑙 mosquito amethyst 针铁矿紫晶同amatista mosquito mosquito stone 蚊形⽯ moss achat 苔玛瑙,苔藓玛瑙 moss agate 苔玛瑙,苔藓玛瑙同moss achat moss jasper 苔碧⽯,苔藓碧⽯ moss opal 苔蛋⽩⽯,苔藓蛋⽩⽯ mossy 莫西祖母绿 mother of emerald 祖母绿之母 mother of opal 欧泊之母 mother of pearl 珍珠母 mother of ruby 红宝⽯之母同Spinel mother's gem 母亲宝⽯ mottled stone 斑点宝⽯ mound pearls 冢珍珠 mountain crystal ⽔晶同rock crystal mountain jet ⿊⽟ Mountain Lily topaz ⾥利⼭黄宝⽯ mountain mahogany 纹带⿊曜岩,纹带⿊曜⽯ Mountain of Light Diamond 光之⼭钻⽯同Koh-I-noor mountain ruby ⼭红宝⽯ mourning jewelry 丧礼珠宝,丧礼⾸饰 mouth jade 含⽟ mucket pearl 淡⽔珍珠 mud-saw 沙⽔锯,沙⽔⼑⽚ muddy 弱闪光钻⽯ muller's glass ⽟滴⽯ multi-facet diamond 多⾯钻⽯ muntenite 黄树脂,琥珀 Murra(Murrha,Murrhina,Murrhine)罗马饰⽯ Mursinka aquamarine 姆尔⾟卡海蓝宝⽯ Mursinka topaz 姆尔⾟卡黄宝⽯ muscle pearl 筋珍珠 Museum Gem Collection 博物馆宝⽯藏品 mussel pearl 淡⽔珍珠 mussite 透辉⽯同diopside mutton fat jade ⽺脂⽟ Mutzchen diamond ⽊茨⾟钻⽯同⽔晶 Muzo emerald ⽊佐祖母绿 mya yay 密阿亚 myrickite 鲜红⽟髓,含ò砂玛瑙 mytilidae 贻贝科 mytilus pearl 贻贝珍珠亦druggists' pearls naaats 扁平钻⽯ nacre 珍珠层亦称mother of pearl nacreous layer 珍珠层同nacre nacrescope 珍珠镜 naifes 奈富斯 Nanyang jade 南阳⽟ naoratna(nararatna)仪式九宝 Napoleon 拿破仑钻⽯ napoleonite 正长⽯ Nassak 纳萨克钻⽯。



材料学专业名词中英文对译材料学专业名词中英文对译常见材料学专业名词中英文对译材料科学Material Science材料科学定义Material Science Definition加工性能Machinability强度Strength抗腐蚀及耐用Corrosion & resistance durability金属特性Special metallic features抗敏感及环境保护Allergic, re-cycling & environmental protection化学元素Chemical element元素的原子序数Atom of Elements原子及固体物质Atom and solid material原子的组成、大小、体积和单位图表The size, mass, charge of an atom, and is particles (Pronton,Nentron and Electron)原子的组织图Atom Constitutes 周期表Periodic Table原子键结Atom Bonding金属与合金Metal and Alloy铁及非铁金属Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal金属的特性Features of Metal晶体结构Crystal Pattern晶体结构,定向格子及单位晶格Crystal structure, Space lattice & Unit cellX线结晶分析法X – ray crystal analyics method金属结晶格子Metal space lattice格子常数Lattice constant米勒指数Mill's Index金相及相律Metal Phase and Phase Rule固熔体Solid solution置换型固熔体Substitutional type solid solution插入型固熔体Interstital solid solution 金属间化物Intermetallic compound 金属变态Transformation变态点Transformation Point磁性变态Magnetic Transformation 同素变态Allotropic Transformation合金平衡状态Thermal Equilibrium相律Phase Rule自由度Degree of freedom临界温度Critical temperture共晶Eutectic包晶温度Peritectic Temperature包晶反应Peritectic Reaction包晶合金Peritectic Alloy亚共晶体Hypoeutetic Alloy过共晶体Hyper-ectectic Alloy金属塑性Plastic Deformation滑动面Slip Plan畸变Distortion硬化Work Hardening退火Annealing回复柔软Crystal Recovery再结晶Recrystallization金属材料的性能及试验Properties & testing of metal化学性能Chemical Properties物理性能Physical Properties颜色Colour磁性Magnetisum比电阻Specific resistivity & specific resistance 比重Specific gravity & specific density比热Specific Heat热膨胀系数Coefficient of thermal expansion导热度Heat conductivity机械性能Mechanical properties屈服强度Yield strength伸长度Elongation断面缩率Reduction of area金属材料的试验方法The Method of Metal inspection不破坏检验Non – destructive inspections渗透探伤法Penetrate inspection磁粉探伤法Magnetic particle inspection放射线探伤法Radiographic inspection超声波探伤法Ultrasonic inspection 显微观察法Microscopic inspection 破坏的检验Destructive Inspection 冲击测试Impact Test疲劳测试Fatigue Test潜变测试Creep Test潜变强度Creeps Strength第壹潜变期Primary Creep主要金属元素之物理性质Physical properties of major Metal Elements转变元素Transition element交换能量Positive energy exchange外价电子Outer valence electrons化学结合Chemical bond钢铁的主要成份The major element of steel钢铁用"碳"之含量来分类Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents铁相Steel Phases钢铁的名称Name of steel纯铁体Ferrite渗碳体Cementitle奥氏体Austenite珠光体及共释钢Pearlite &Eutectoid 奥氏体碳钢Austenite Carbon Steel 单相金属Single Phase Metal共释变态Eutectoid Transformation 珠光体Pearlite过共释钢Hype-eutectoid珠光体Pearlite粗珠光体Coarse pearlite中珠光体Medium pearlite幼珠光体Fine pearlite磁性变态点Magnetic Transformation 钢铁的制造Manufacturing of Steel连续铸造法Continuous casting process 电炉Electric furnace钢铁生产流程Steel Production Flow Chart钢材的熔铸、锻造、挤压及延轧The Casting, Fogging, Extrusion, Rolling & Steel熔铸Casting锻造Fogging挤压Extrusion延轧Rolling冲剪Drawing & stamping特殊钢Special Steel简介General特殊钢以原素分类Classification of Special Steel according to Element特殊钢以用途来分类Classification of Special Steel according to End UsageSulphuric Free Cutting Steel硬化性能Hardenability钢的脆性Brittleness of Steel低温脆性Cold brittleness回火脆性Temper brittleness材料的加工性能Drawing abillity硬度Hardness 表面处理Surface finishEnd usages, industrial standard, quality, condition and hardness of cold rolled steel strip硬度及拉力Hardness & Tensile strength test拉伸测试(顺纹测试) Elongation test曲面(假曲率) Camber防止生锈Rust Protection生锈速度表Speed of rusting焊接Welding气焊Gas Welding埋弧焊Submerged-arc Welding电阻焊Resistance Welding电解/电镀锌大大增强钢片的防锈能力Galvanic Action improving Weather & Corrosion Resistance of the Base Steel Sheet上漆能力Paint Adhesion电镀锌钢片的焊接Welding of Electro-galvanized steel sheet点焊Spot welding滚焊Seam welding电镀锌(电解)钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet生产流程Production Flow Chart 锌镀层质量Zinc Coating Mass表面处理Surface Treatment冷轧钢片Cold-Rolled SteelSheet/Strip热轧钢片Hot-Rolled Sheet/Strip电解冷轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Electrolytic Cold-rolled sheet热轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Hot-rolled sheet 冷轧或热轧钢片阔度公差Width Tolerance of Cold or Hot-rolled sheet 长度公差Length Tolerance理论质量Theoretical Mass简介General硬度Hardness钢的种类Type of Steel表面处理Surface Finish 常用尺寸Commonly Used Size电器用硅[硅] 钢片Electrical Steel Sheet软磁材料Soft Magnetic Material硬磁材料Hard Magnetic Material最大能量积Maximum Energy Product 晶粒取向(Grain-Oriented)及非晶粒取向(Non-Oriented)Grain Oriented & Non-Oriented电器用硅[硅] 钢片的最终用途及规格End Usage and Designations of Electrical Steel Strip电器用的硅[硅] 钢片之分类Classification of Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use电器用钢片的绝缘涂层Performance of Surface Insulation of Electrical Steel Sheets退火Annealing电器用钢片用家需自行应力退火原因Annealing of the Electrical Steel Sheet 退火时注意事项AnnealingPrecautionary提防过份氧化No Excessive Oxidation 应力退火温度Stress –relieving Annealing Temperature绝缘表面Surface Insulation镀铝硅合金钢片的特色Feature of Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet用途End Usages抗化学品能力Chemical Resistance公差Size Tolerance焊接能力Weldability钢板Steel Plate钢板用途分类及各国钢板的工业标准包括日工标准及美材试标准Type of steel Plate & Related JIS, ASTM and Other Major Industrial Standards钢板生产流程Production Flow Chart 钢板订货需知Ordering of Steel Plate 不锈钢Stainless Steel不锈钢的定义Definition of Stainless Steel不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性Classification, Corrosion Resistant & Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel铁铬系不锈钢片Chrome Stainless Steel表面处理Surface finish不锈钢片机械性能(301, 304, 631, CSP) Mechanical Properties of Spring use Stainless Steel不锈钢–种类,工业标准,化学成份,特点及主要用途Stainless Steel – Type, Industrial Standard, Chemical Composition, Characteristic & end usage of the most commonly used Stainless Steel不锈钢薄片用途例End Usage of Thinner Gauge不锈钢片、板用途例Examples of End Usages of Strip, Sheet & Plate不锈钢应力退火卷片常用规格名词图解General Specification of TensionAnnealed Stainless Steel Strips耐热不锈钢Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel镍铬系耐热不锈钢特性、化学成份、及操作温度Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel铬系耐热钢Chrome Heat Resistance Steel镍铬耐热钢Ni - Cr Heat Resistance Steel超耐热钢Special Heat Resistance Steel抗热超级合金Heat Resistance Super Alloy边缘处理Edge Finish硬度Hardness高碳钢化学成份及用途高碳钢片High Carbon Steel Strip分类Classification用组织结构分类Classification According to Grain Structure用含碳量分类–即低碳钢、中碳钢及高碳钢Classification According to Carbon Contains弹簧用碳钢片CarbonSteel Strip For Spring Use冷轧状态Cold Rolled Strip回火状态Annealed Strip淬火及回火状态Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision – Quenched Steel Strip贝氏体钢片Bainite Steel Strip弹簧用碳钢片材之边缘处理Edge Finished淬火剂Quenching Media碳钢回火Tempering回火有低温回火及高温回火Low & High Temperature Tempering 高温回火High Temperature Tempering退火Annealing完全退火Full Annealing扩散退火Diffusion Annealing低温退火Low Temperature Annealing 中途退火Process Annealing球化退火Spheroidizing Annealing光辉退火Bright Annealing淬火Quenching时间淬火Time Quenching奥氏铁孻回火Austempering马氏铁体淬火Marquenching高碳钢片用途End Usage of High Carbon Steel Strip冷轧高碳钢–日本工业标准Cold-Rolled (Special Steel) Carbon Steel Strip to JIS G3311电镀金属钢片Plate Metal Strip电镀金属捆片的优点Advantage of Using Plate Metal Strip 金属捆片电镀层Plated Layer of Plated Metal Strip镀镍Nickel Plated镀铬Chrome Plated镀黄铜Brass Plated基层金属Base Metal of Plated Metal Strip低碳钢或铁基层金属Iron & Low Carbon as Base Metal 不锈钢基层金属Stainless Steel as Base Metal铜基层金属Copper as Base Metal 黄铜基层金属Brass as Base Metal轴承合金Bearing Alloy易溶合金Fusible Alloy化学成份Chemical Composition机械性能Mechanical Properties化学成份Chemical composition Manufacturing Method应用材料Material Used特点Characteristic用途End Usages材料的类型Types of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer部分材料性质复习Review of selected properties of materials,电导率和电阻率conductivity and resistivity,热导率thermal conductivity,应力和应变stress and strain,弹性应变elastic strain,塑性应变plastic strain,屈服强度yield strength,最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength,延展性ductility,伸长率elongation,断面收缩率reduction of area,颈缩necking,断裂强度breaking strength,韧性toughness,硬度hardness,疲劳强度fatigue strength,蜂窝honeycomb,热脆性heat shortness,晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell,点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point,点阵参数lattice parameter,密排六方hexagonal close-packed,六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell,体心立方body-centered cubic,面心立方face-centered cubic,弥勒指数Miller indices,晶面crystal plane, 晶系crystal system,晶向crystal direction,相变机理Phase transformation mechanism:成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition,斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition,马氏体相变martensite phase transformation,成核nucleation,成核机理nucleation mechanism,成核势垒nucleation barrier,晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal,金属组织的)基体quay,基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal,耔晶,晶种seed crystal,耔晶取向seed orientation,籽晶生长seeded growth,均质核化homogeneous nucleation,异质核化heterogeneous nucleation,均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment,熟料grog,自恰场self-consistent field固溶体Solid solution:有序固溶体ordered solid solution,无序固溶体disordered solid solution, 有序合金ordered alloy,无序合金disordered alloy.无序点阵disordered lattice,分散,扩散,弥散dispersal,分散剂dispersant,分散剂,添加剂dispersant additive, 分散剂,弥散剂dispersant agent缺陷defect, imperfection,点缺陷point defect,线缺陷line defect, dislocation,面缺陷interface defect, surface defect, 体缺陷volume defect,位错排列dislocation arrangement,位错阵列dislocation array,位错气团dislocation atmosphere,位错轴dislocation axis, 位错胞dislocation cell,位错爬移dislocation climb,位错滑移dislocation slip, dislocation movement by slip,位错聚结dislocation coalescence,位错核心能量dislocation core energy, 位错裂纹dislocation crack,位错阻尼dislocation damping,位错密度dislocation density,体积膨胀volume dilation,体积收缩volume shrinkage,回火tempering,退火annealing,退火的,软化的softened,软化退火,软化(处理)softening,淬火quenching,淬火硬化quenching hardening,正火normalizing, normalization,退火织构annealing texture,人工时效artificial aging,细长比aspect ratio,形变热处理ausforming,等温退火austempering,奥氏体austenite,奥氏体化austenitizing,贝氏体bainite,马氏体martensite,马氏体淬火marquench,马氏体退火martemper,马氏体时效钢maraging steel,渗碳体cementite,固溶强化solid solution strengthening, 钢屑混凝土steel chips concrete,水玻璃,硅酸钠sodium silicate,水玻璃粘结剂sodium silicate binder, 硅酸钠类防水剂sodium silicate waterproofing agent,扩散diffusion,扩散系数diffusivity,相变phase transition,烧结sintering,固相反应solid-phase reaction,相图与相结构phase diagrams and phase structures ,相phase,组分component, 自由度freedom,相平衡phase equilibrium,吉布斯相律Gibbs phase rule,吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy,吉布斯混合能Gibbs energy of mixing, 吉布斯熵Gibbs entropy,吉布斯函数Gibbs function,相平衡phase balance,相界phase boundary,相界线phase boundary line,相界交联phase boundary crosslinking, 相界有限交联phase boundary crosslinking,相界反应phase boundary reaction,相变phase change,相组成phase composition,共格相phase-coherent,金相相组织phase constentuent,相分布phase distribution,相平衡常数phase equilibrium constant, 相平衡图phase equilibrium diagram, 相分离phase segregation, phase separation,玻璃分相phase separation in glasses, 相序phase order, phase sequence,相稳定性phase stability,相态phase state,相稳定区phase stabile range,相变温度phase transition temperature, 相变压力phase transition pressure,同质多晶转变polymorphic transformation,相平衡条件phase equilibrium conditions,显微结构microstructures,不混溶固溶体immiscible solid solution, 转熔型固溶体peritectic solid solution, 低共熔体eutectoid,crystallization,不混溶性immiscibility,固态反应solid state reaction,烧结sintering,相变机理Phase transformation mechanism:成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition,斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition,马氏体相变martensite phase transformation,成核nucleation,成核机理nucleation mechanism,成核势垒nucleation barrier,晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal, (金属组织的)基体quay,基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal,耔晶,晶种seed crystal,耔晶取向seed orientation,籽晶生长seeded growth,均质核化homogeneous nucleation, 异质核化heterogeneous nucleation, 均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment。

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光波Optical wave
可见光Visible light
单色光Homogeneous light
白光White light
自然光Natural light
偏振光Polarized light
平面偏振光Plane polarized light
不透明矿物Opaque mineral
薄片Thinned section
透明矿物Transparent mineral
折射率Refractive index
全反射Total reflection
光性均质体Optical isotropic substance
光性非均质体Optical anisotropic substance
双折射Double refraction
光轴Optic axis
一轴晶Uniaxial crystal
二轴晶Biaxial crystal
常光Ordinary ray
非常光Extraordinary ray
主折射率Principal refraction index
最大双折射率Maximum birefringence
光率体Optic indicatrix
主轴Principal axis
主轴面Principal section
园切面Circular section
光性符号Optical sign
主截面Principal section
主折射率Principal refractive index
光轴面Optic axial plane
光轴角Optic axial angle
锐角等分线Acute bisectrix
钝角等分线Obtuse bisectrix
光轴角公式Optic angle equation
光性方位Optic orientation
折射率色散Refractive index dispersion
色散曲线Dispersion curve
双折射率色散Birefringence dispersion
光率体色散Indicatrix dispersion
孔径N*A numerical aperture
贝克线Becke line
糙面Rough surface
突起等级Relief grade
解理纹Trace of cleavage
临界角Critical angle
极完全解理Eminent cleavage
完全解理Perfect cleavage
不完全解理Imperfect cleavage
多色性公式Pleochroic formula
吸收性公式Absorption formula
正吸收Positive absorption
反吸收Negative absorption 第四章透明造岩矿物及宝石在正交偏光镜下的晶体光学性质消光Extinction
全消光Complete extinction
消光位Extinction position
光程差Path difference
石英楔quartz wedge
干涉色Interference color
色序Color sequence
级序Gradation sequence
补色法则Compensation principle
消色Subtractive color
试板Accessory plate
云母试板Mica plate
石膏试板Gypsum plate
倾斜消色器Tilting compensator
中村试板Nakamura half-shadow plate 莱特目镜Wright eyepiece
消光类型Types of extinction
平行消光Parallel extinction
斜消光Inclined extinction
对称消光Symmetrical extinction
消光角Extinction angle
正延性Positive elongation
负延性Negative elongation
延性符号Sign of elongation
双晶面Twin plane
双晶纹Trace of twin plane
简单双晶Simple twin
复式双晶Combined twin
聚片双晶Polysynthetic twin
轮式双晶Cyclic twin
格子双晶Tartan twinning
第五章透明造岩矿物及宝石在锥偏光镜下的晶体光学性质干涉图Interference figure
勃氏镜Bertrand lens
黑十字Dark cross
干涉色圈Interference color circles
闪图Flash figure
瞬变干涉图Transient axial figure
