富士卡相机 FUJICA STX-1N 富士卡 富士STX-1n中文说明书

功率因数改进用 电容器的撤销
即使在变频器的输入侧(初级侧)加入了功率因数改进用电容器也不会有效果,因 此请不要安装。变频器的功率因数改进可通过「直流电抗器」进行。
此外,请不要在变频器的输出侧(次级侧)加入功率因数改进用电容器。否则将会 发生「过电流跳闸」而无法运转。
浪涌抑制器的撤销 请不要在变频器的输出侧(次级侧)安装浪涌抑制器。
本操作说明书的著作权归富士电机机器制御株式会社所有。 本书中记载的公司名称和产品名称一般是各公司的商标或注册商标。 有时会在没有预告的情况下对规格进行变更。
非常感谢您选购本公司的通用变频器“FRENIC-Lift”系列。本产品是可使 3 相异步电动机(以下为异步电动机) 及永磁同步电动机进行可变速运转的装置,为上下搬运装置专用变频器。
〒141-0032 东京都品川区大崎一丁目 11 番 2 号(Gatecity 大崎 东塔) URL http://www.fujielectric.co.jp/fcs/
Copyright © 2004-2005 Fuji Electric FA Components & Systems Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
y FRENIC-Lift 不可用于生命维持装置等与人体事故直接相关的用途。 y 本产品是在严格的质量管理监督下生产的,将其适用于可能因偶发的故障而导致重大事故或损失的设备时,请设
y 请安装在金属等不可燃物上。 y 请不要安装在可燃物附近。

Coupled Shutter Speed Range: 2 sec 111000 sec., plus B, for both continuous and single-frame modes.
Auto AZ
Automatic Flash Photography
at any Lens aperture
The Fujica Auto Strobo AZ is one of the most automatic flash units available today. Film speed and aperture data are sensed directly from the camera. There's no need to make easily forgotten settings. And any lens aperture can be used. The GN17 (ASA100/meters) output is automatically adjusted in accordance with the aperture set, film speed and subject distance.
Guide Number: 30 (ASA 100/meter) Two flash tubes are used in bounce flash, with these guide numbers: Main flash unit: 25 (ASA 100lmeter) Sub·flash unit: 6 (ASA 100lmeter)
富士 AX1胶片相机 说明书

Camera care . . . . 57
This compact, lightweight, aperture-preferred AE camera has a built-in microcomputer, product of the latest in electronic engineering, to insure high-precision automatic exposure in candlelight to sunlight.
Taking automatic exposure pictures 1. Shutter speed selector settings .19 2. View finder information . . . .20 3. Procedure for taking automatic exposure pictures.......21 4. Focusing the lens .......23 5. Rewinding the film ......25
Back to my main Chinon information page
If you need more specific information on Fujica cameras.... try this U.K. site
Special features .... . . . 4 Names of parts .................... 5 Getting ready to take pictures . . . . . . 8 1 Attaching the strap and putting the camera in its case ......8 2. Mounting and dismounting the lens . . . . .9 3 Loading and checking the battery . .10 4. Loading the film ..............13 5. Setting the film speed selector . .17 6. Aiming the camera . . .18

• 閱讀完這些注意事項後,請將其妥善保管。
周圍溫度低於 +10 ℃或高於 +35 °C 時,充電時間將會延長。
請不要在溫度高於 40 °C 的環境下為電池充電;溫度低於 0 °C 時,電池將不會充電。
■電池壽命在常溫下,電池大約可以充電 300 次。
若準備長期不使用相機,請取出電池,並將其存放在比較乾燥的地方,且周圍環境溫度需在 +15 °C 至 +25 °C 之間。
■注意:電池使用注意事項• 請勿與項鍊、髮夾等金屬物品一起運輸或存放。
• 請勿將電池扔進火中或加熱。
• 請勿分解或改造電池。
富士Finepix F11相机中文用户手册

B 静止拍摄 拍摄功能
拍摄照片— 选择相机设置 ..................................................................................................................... 32 选择拍摄模式 ....................................................................................................................................... 34 B 自动 ............................................................................................................................................ 34 À 自然光/ ?场景定位 ....................................................................................................................... 34 s 手动/ M快门优先AE / <光圈优先AE ............................................................................................... 38 e 微距(特写)拍摄 ................................................................................................................................ 44 d 闪光灯拍摄 ...................................................................................................................................... 45

FUJI 智能供料器使用手册

标记表示有警告和注意事项。具体的警告内容表示在图标内部 (左图的示例表示小心触电)。
标记表示有禁止的行为。具体的警告内容表示在图标内部 (左图 的示例表示禁止接触)。
安全指南 >> 所有机型共同的注意事项
1.2 所有机型共同的注意事项
危险 警告 注意
定义 (危险等级的大小)
表示在不遵守的情况下,会造成死亡或重伤等人身伤亡事故的注意 事项。
表示在不遵守的情况下,有可能会造成死亡或重伤等人身伤亡事故的 注意事项。
表示在不遵守的情况下,会造成轻度或中度人身伤害事故,并可能导 致机械和设备受损的注意事项。
第 4 章清扫................................................................. 4-1
4.1 基准定位点................................................................................4-1 4.2 料带导盖丒链轮丒料带支撑 ......................................................4-2 4.3 通讯插头 ...................................................................................4-3 4.4 表面薄膜卷取部位 .....................................................................4-4 4.5 清扫部位一览表 ........................................................................4-5

>本系列變頻器體積雖小但性能高,0.5Hz時電動機的起動轉矩爲200%,~~ •一 ....... fJ 低速範圍轉矩脉動比以前的變頻器約小一半。
丨具有各種智能化功能,如自動節能、PID控制、自整定和RS485通彳I 奪,^ 並增强了維護/保護功能,如增加輸入電涌電流抑制和壽命預報等。
動態轉矩矢量控制■ Risk of Injury or Electric Shock;議:、Refer to the user's manual before installation arSope^oper. -Risk of Electric Shock* 動態轉矩矢量控制系統通過高速計算.確定電動機對^ 應負載狀態的所需功率,富士公司專有技術能最正确控1 11 (|1 1 11 I1 ' i '■1 J - I - ! 1;>wer ana-:w e r..•-;:[1j i J|辦?p制電壓和電流矢量,輸出最大轉矩。
轉矩特性電動機[r/minl100200-300危険2.小型化參統一高度尺寸對 3.7KW及以下容量機種的高度統一爲130mm,便於設計按裝。
轉速脉動特性以前的富士變頻器FVR-E11S 電動機速度丨r/min|參全機種都能連接制動電阻由於内部裝有制動晶體管.因此可以連接制動電阻選件.以提高再生制動能力,這樣能滿足應用在傳送帶和輸送機械時所需較大制動力的要求。

NXTInstructionManualChineseNXT QD063-01购⼊后如要转卖给第三⽅,请务必事先与本公司联系。
INS-NXTOF-1.0S⽬录⽬录Vol.1机械篇1. NXT构成部件 (1)1.1 贴装⼯作头的构成部件 (1)1.2 元件相机/元件相机光源的构成部件 (2)1.3 吸嘴更换器的构成部件 (3)2. 各部分的功能说明 (5)2.1 贴装⼯作头 (5)2.2 吸嘴更换器 (6)3. 传感器配置图 (7)3.1 关于I/O监视器软件 (7)3.2 贴装⼯作头传感器 (8)4. 基本操作 (9)4.1 在吸嘴置放台中放置吸嘴/吸⽖ (9)4.1.2 吸⽖ (10)4.2 拆下⼯作头上的吸嘴/吸⽖ (11)4.2.1 吸嘴的拆下 (11)4.2.2 吸⽖的取出 (11)5. 预防保养 (13)5.1 作业⼀览表 (13)5.2 每周(160⼩时)的操作 (14)5.2.1 吸嘴置放台的吸嘴.吸⽖收存孔的清扫 (14) 5.2.2 元件相机的标记部的清扫 (15)5.3 1个⽉(700⼩时)的操作 (16)5.3.1 吸嘴真空过滤器的清扫 (16)5.4 每12000⼩时的操作 (17)5.4.1 贴装⼯作头的加油 (17)6. 损耗品的更换 (19)6.1 贴装⼯作头电池 (19)6.1.1 更换周期 (19)⽬录INS-NXTOF-1.0S6.1.2 更换⽅法 (19)6.2 吸嘴置放台的荧光贴纸 (20)6.2.1 更换周期 (20)6.2.2 更换⽅法 (20)Vol.2程序篇7. Job 编辑器 (21)7.1 引⾔ (21)7.2 NXT 机器的设置步骤 (22)7.2.1 NXT机器OF⼯作头项⽬的配置 (22)7.2.2 料盘单元-L,供料托架的⾃动退避 (24)8. 元件数据设置 (25)8.1 引⾔ (25)8.2 外形数据 (26)8.2.1 外形信息标签页 (26)8.2.2 外形⼯序标签页 (26)8.2.3 外形信息的明细 (27)8.2.4 外形⼯序的明细 (27)INS-NXTOF-1.0S 1.NXT构成部件1.NXT构成部件这⾥叙述OF⼯作头的相关单元的插图和名称。

富士驱动器使用说明作者:Admin 时间:2009-8-31 11:20:40 访问次数:1104用于隔离栅双极性晶体管(IGBT)的富士混合IC驱动器使用说明一、介绍隔离栅双极性晶体管(IGBT)正日益广泛地应用于小体积,低噪音,高特性的电源,逆变器,不间断电源(UPS)以及电机速度控制装置之中。
二、特点∙不同的系列标准系列:最大10kHz运行高速系列:最大40kHz运行这些系列包括了全部IGBT产品范围∙内装用于高隔离电压的光耦合器:2500VAC一分钟∙单供电操作∙内装过流保护电路∙过流保护输出∙高密度安装的SIL封三、应用∙通用逆变器和电机控制∙伺服控制∙ 不间断电源(UPS )∙电焊机四、综合图表标准型 EXB850 EXB851 EXB850 EXB851注: 1.标准型:驱动电路信号延迟;大到 4μs (最大)2.高速型:驱动电路信号延迟;大到 1.5μs (最大)五. 尺寸,mmEXB850/EXB840EXB851/EXB841六 . 功能方框图①连接用于反向偏置电源的滤波电容③ 驱动输出⑤ 过流保护输出⑦ ⑧ 不接⑩ ⑾不接七. 额定参数和特性绝对最大额定值 (Ta=25o C)光耦合器输入电流I i 10 MA反向偏置输出电流I g2 PW=2μs duty at 0.05 or less 1.5 4.0 A工作表面温度T c -10 to +85oC∙推荐的运行条件供电电压V cc20 ± 1 V∙电特性(Ta=25o C)Turn-on time 1 导通时间t o n V cc=20V, IF=5mA 1.5 2.0 μsec过流保护电压t ocp V cc=20V, IF=5mA 7.5 7.5 V延迟t ALM V cc=20V, IF=5mA 1 1 μsec注:EXB850和EXB851(中速)需应用电路所示的IF过驱动。
FUJIFILM 富数码相机 说明书

拍摄照片 (q 自动模式)................................... 22 采用对焦和曝光锁定拍摄照片 ..................... 26 AF 辅助灯 .................................................... 28 调节构图显示内容 ....................................... 28 观看图像 .............................................................. 30 使用删除按钮................................................... 34
连接电视机 ....................................................... 102 将相机直接连接至打印机 — PictBridge 功能 .... 103
在 Windows 计算机中的安装 ............................ 在 Mac OS X 中的安装 ..................................... 连接计算机 ....................................................... FinePixViewer 的使用方法 ....................... 107 110 113 116
高级功能 — 拍摄
使用拍摄功能 — 设置步骤 ................................... 35 设置拍摄模式 ...................................................... 38 q 自动........................................................ 38 /? 场景定位......................................... 38 双重防抖 ................................................ 46 </M 光圈优先 AE/ 快门优先 AE ................. 46 s 手动 ...................................................... 50

* 自拍................................................................ 46 j 增加显示屏亮度............................................. 48 使用 p- 模式菜单 (拍摄) / 拍摄菜单 .............. 49
本手册将指导您正确使用富士数码相机 FinePix F20。 请严格按照指导说明进行操作。
准备工作 相机使用方法 高级功能 • 拍摄
• 回放 • 电影
设置 相机连接 软件安装
附录 故障排除
目录 ....................................................................... 2 前言 ....................................................................... 4 关于本手册 ............................................................ 5 配件 ....................................................................... 6 相机部件和功能 ..................................................... 7 LCD 显示屏文字显示举例...................................... 8
装入电池................................................................ 9 电池充电.............................................................. 11 装入 xD-Picture Card 卡................................. 13 开启和关闭 .......................................................... 15

4.1 运行准备.................................................................................................................................16 4.2 预热运行与运行 ......................................................................................................................16
ӿᬖ eఴֵ̖˝᭣ྏಪὋឯӇڙథྏཀবචͳᄉဖܑ˖ၸὋՠѶԺᑞ࠭ᒰྏ ཀNj༡༪ኍ᧗ܷ̂nj
eឯཱၸឬ˹˖ૈᇧᄉѶ߶ᜈὋᤤڣॸᮋᑞԩጙܰචͳѫౡ ̀ᄉ᧗᧙njᔩ߶ᜈڙʿԺ᭤ᄉڣὋ࠱͗࠭ᒰ̀ᛪᏡχڷᖿὋ̯Ꮺ̠ տԩ͝nj
eୂᡐጙܰචͳѫౡ̀ௐឯҫॸݒὋՠѶԺᑞ࠭ᒰԩ͝nj eឯݝ߿ڌᎳᄥՐвୂᤁὋʿሶ߿ᄉ࿃খʽୂᤁὋԺᑞ࠭ᒰ̠տԩ͝nj e߶ᜈஶࢹ˖Ὃซʿ᜵ႂጲܿኍఽྫྷᤈЙ̀ᛪЮὋՠѶԺᑞ࠭ᒰ༡༪Nj
eឯӇڙ੩धጙܰචͳѫౡ̀Ꮃᄥᄉ࿃খʽ᫁ௐᫍᤁᛠnjՠѶὋዟ࠹Njڥۇኍ ࠱͗ሤᐐ̀ڙᛪЮᦉὋ̯Ꮺ࠭ᒰᬩnj
e᧚࡚NjૈኍឯӇଋᝎᣤЙᣤѢቪߔᦉͮnjՠѶὋԺᑞ࠭ᒰᝎႂNjԩ͝nj eឯӇڙጙܰචͳѫౡ̀ᬃᤂխཎԢၸ༡njՠѶὋԺᑞ࠭ᒰ༡༪nj eឯӇපѫΥЙጙܰචͳѫౡ̀njՠѶὋԺᑞ࠭ᒰᝎႂ̀ᛪЮᦉ༡༪nj

富士门禁系统手册(总11页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除富士智能门禁管理系统技术手册目录一、解决方案.............................................................. 错误!未指定书签。
1.1 门禁系统简介 ..................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
1.2 系统方案描述 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2.1 门锁开/关控制.............................................. 错误!未指定书签。
1.2.2 远程控制与管理............................................. 错误!未指定书签。
1.4 系统功能特点 ..................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
二、门禁系统主要设备...................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2.1 门禁控制器 ....................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2.2 一卡通发行器 ..................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2.3 系统卡类(Mifare-1型IC卡) ............................................................................ 错误!未指定书签。
FCC Pneumatic Press FCP-C-kN系列用户手册 富士控制 说明书

FCC Pneumatic PressFCP-C-kN seriesInstruction Manual(Version2.02)Fuji Controls Co.,Ltd.April04,2013We thank you for the purchase of our products.In order to ensure proper equipment performance,please read this manual to the end before using our products.This manual should be carefully stored and referred to when necessary.Please use this equipment for ever.●In the case that this equipment is delivered to some other party,it is necessary to deliver the equipment together withthis instruction manual.●This equipment is produced for use in Japan.In the case that it is used in other countries,you should observe thelaws and regulations related to safety in such countries.Contents:Page In order to be used safely:1 It is necessary to observe:1 Press component names:3………………………………………………………………………………………………<Additional explanation>3 Unpacking5 Installation and pre-operational procedures5 <Installation>5……………………………………………………………………………………………………………<Pre-operational procedures>5……………………………………………………………………………………………Operation procedures:6 Die matching(inching,inching motion)6………………………………………………………………………………Maintenance inspection:7 Air circuit diagram:8 Electric circuit diagram(wiring diagram):8 Part table:8 Dimensions drawings and weights:9 Options:10 Output diagram:11 Air consumption amount:11In order to be used safely:The following notice items are described in order to ensure proper usage and to prevent injury to operators orequipment damage.Danger Misuse may cause death or serious injury.Warning Misuse may have a possibility of death or serious injury occurring.Caution Misuse may cause slight or minor injury.This is also indicated that property damage may occur when equipment is not used safely.It is necessary to observe:Business person responsibilityIn industrial safety and hygiene laws,air press is considered as a power press.Regarding business person using this press,the following duties are applied:●Safety and hygiene implementation law;article6,section7When stamping operation is carried out in workshop having a minimum of five presses,a“general foreman in charge of operations”(person completing technology training course for press operation general foreman)should be on duty.●Safety and sanitation rules;article134-3A‘Regular self inspection’should be periodically carried out minimum once a year by qualified personnel.Even if air press does not conform with structure standard,this is judged as a power press if this is used forbending,drawing or crimping.Since there are no guidelines for inspection,applicable items related to Industrial Safety rules;article134,section3.1)to9)are independently inspected.Warning:Power source Regarding power source,AC100V±10%50/60Hz should be used.After verifying the above,enter power.If other power source is connected with,there isa possibility of fire occurrence due to burnout.Air pressure for use Pressure range related to air used in this press should be0.2MPa to0.5MPa.If thisequipment is used at higher pressure than0.5MPa,there is a possibility of piping hosebreakage or press damage occurrence.Operation bench This press should be fixed for use on an operation bench which is sufficient to supportthe weight.If press is not fixed,there is a possibility that either death or serious injurymay occur due to press dropping or tumbling.Guards for preventing cutting Guards for preventing cutting chips from scattering should be established around the chips from scattering press when operation is conducted in circumstance that cutting chips are scattered. Caution related to operation wear Refrain from wearing loose clothing or accessories because there is a possibility ofbodily injury occurrence due to these being caught by press.Put on protectors such assafety cap,protector glasses,safety shoes,mask or gloves if necessary.Press operation,maintenance or Only trained operators should carry out press pre-operational inspection,operation, inspection by trained operator maintenance,die replacement or adjustment operation.It should be displayed for otheroperators to notice that operation is being carrying out.The operation should be carriedout while verifying that other operators do not touch any component.Prohibition of removing acrylic It is absolutely prohibited to remove acrylic cover for mechanical stopper or safety device cover or safety device and or to change installation position.If press is operated without cover or safety device, changing installation position there is a possibility of bodily injury occurrence due to a part of body being caught bypress.Mechanical stopper adjustment Mechanical stopper adjustment should be carried out when press ram stops after risingand no other operator should be in the vicinity of push button switch.If push button switch is mistakenly pushed by other operator when adjustment is carriedout,there is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to a part of bodybeing caught by press.In drawing operation that impact is added,mechanical stopper should not be used andbottom dead center positioning while using die-set should be used instead.Clearance between rotation Clearance between rotation stopping arm and cylinder bottom should be minimum stopping arm and cylinder bottom20mm.portion In the case of narrow clearance,there is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurringwhen press ram rises.Rotation stopping arm is not equipped for adjusting press ram top dead center.Press operation:For press operation,it should be carried out while verifying that no other operator(1)Safety verification when touches any press portion and no obstacles are in the vicinity.operation starts There is a possibility of bodily injury occurrence when preparation operation of diesetting up is carried out by multiple operators.Do not make contact with mechanical stopper,jig,die or rotation stopping arm.Press operation(2)For press operation,it is necessary to push button switches with both hands.If one push button switch is operative or the switch is modified to foot switch,there is apossibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to a part of body being caught by jigor die.In the case that it is necessary to operate switch with one hand or foot,you may do soonly after installing photo type press safety device.Piping is removed from air supply Do not touch jig or die when piping is removed from air supply inlet.inlet If air supply is stopped,there is a possibility that press ram may descend.There is apossibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to a part of body being caught by jigor die.Modification/disassembly/repair Please do not modify,disassemble or repair this equipment.In the case that any such work is carried out without our permission,we will have noresponsibility concerning any trouble or accidents.Press component names:<Additional explanation>(1)Speed controller (for ascending):Ram ascending speed is to be adjusted here.When the knob is turned clockwise,air exhaust is constrained to decrease the speed.If ascending speed is excessively increased,there is a possibility of equipment damage occurrence.(3)Inching valveIt is possible to stop ram ascending when valve is closed.Refer to ‘Operation procedures:die matching’on page 8.(5)Filter/regulatorPressure of air being supplied is adjusted.The adjustment should be carried out in range of 0.2MPa to 0.5MPa.In the case that this equipment is used at higher pressure than 0.5Mpa,there is a possibility of piping hose breakage or press body damage occurrence.(6)Speed controller (for descending)This is used for adjusting ram descending speed.When the knob is turned clockwise,air supply is constrained to decrease the speed.If descending speed is excessively increased,there is a possibility of equipment damage occurrence or inferior part occurrence.(7)Mechanical stopperThis is used for adjusting ram stroke and bottom dead center.The adjustment should be carried out when ram stops after ram ascending.This should be carried out while verifying that no other operator is in the vicinity of push button switches for both hands.If push button switch is mistakenly pushed by other operator when adjustment is carried out,there is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to a part of body being caught by press.In drawing operation that impact is added,mechanical stopper should not be used and bottom dead center positioning while using die-set should be usedinstead.(8)Acrylic coverThis is a safety cover for preventing hands from being caught by mechanical stopper.This should not be removed other than when bottom dead center is adjusted.If equipment is operated without cover or safety device,there is a possibility of bodily injury occurrence due to a part of body being caught by press.(10)Rotation stopperClearance between rotation stopping arm and cylinder bottom should be minimum10mm.In the case of narrow clearance,there is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to a part of body being caught by press when press ram rises.Stopper arm is not equipped for adjusting press ram top dead center.(14)Push button switches for both handsIf one push button switch is operative or the switch is modified to foot switch,there is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to a part of body being caught by jig or die.In the case that it is necessary to operate switch with one hand or foot,you may do so only after installing photo type press safety device.(It is necessary to consult with us)UnpackingPlease confirm contents since the following items are packed:●Press body●Acrylic cover●Instruction manual(this document)Installation and pre-operational procedures<Installation>(1)The equipment is packed in a wooden frame.The body is fixed using bolts and nuts.(2)Please carry the package to the setting area using a forklift or equivalent temporary carriage.(3)Please unpack the frame to remove fixing bolts and nuts.Warning When unpacking frame,there is a possibility of bodily injury occurrence due to nails or wood chips scattering.Please conduct carefully.(4)Press should be placed on bench while paying attention to other operators or obstacles.(5)Press and bench should be fixed using bolts and nuts.(Use the delivered bolts and nuts)(6)Setting area should have little or no dust or oil.Danger There is a possibility that press may tumble.Bench on which press is placed should be strongenough to sustain against the weight of press and jig and be stable.It is necessary for press to befixed using bolts(anchor bolts for bench).There is a possibility of either death or serious injuryoccurrence due to press tumbling.Danger Please refrain from using this equipment in environment having ignitable or inflammable materials or explosion.There is a possibility of fire or explosion.(7)Regarding air piping,select hose having enough diameter in order to supply air pressure in stable state.(8)Since rust inhibitor is applied on base surface,prior to use,wipe it off with cloth containing alcohol.<Pre-operational procedures>(1)Air should be supplied from plant inside air piping outlet to air inlet for filter®ulator.(2)Air pressure setting should be carried out.Supply air pressure should be0.2MPa to0.5MPa.Air pressure should beadjusted with regulator to the level which is necessary for stamping.Regulator knob is to be pulled once to be turned.When pressure setting ends,push the knob there and lock it.*Refer to the‘Output table’on page13.Warning Air should be supplied while verifying that no other operator makes contact with press body.There is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to a part of body being caught by jig ordie.Caution Air pressure should be from0.2MPa to0.5MPa.If this is otherwise established,it may become cause of failure.(3)Pog should be plugged into consent for AC100V50/60Hz.Caution Only AC100V50/60Hz should be used.In the case that no use is carried out for one hour ormore,power plug should be removed from consent.(4)This is the completion of the pre-operation procedures.Operation procedures:<Operation starts.Try to operate press>Die matching(inching,inching motion)Warning Please verify that no other operator or obstacles are in the vicinity of press.There is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to body or hands being caught by press.(1)Inching valve is closed.(2)Setting of jig and die on surface of ram and base should be carried out.(3)Ram descends when push button switches for both hands are simultaneously pushed and stops when either right orleft hand is released.(4)Ram ascends when inching valve is opened.Warning Please pay attention as there is a case that ram may suddenly ascend.There is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to body or hands being caught by press.(5)After repeating the above motions(3)and(4),when position for jig and die is determined,these should be fixedwith bolts.The operation is easily carried out if regulator or speed controller is appropriately throttled.Fine adjustment for jig matching:Under the condition that ram stops during inching operation,if air pressure is decreased with regulator,ram slowly descends and die matching is easily conducted.(6)Inching valve should be fully opened when die matching ends.Warning Please refrain from being too close to the equipment since ram ascends when inching valve is fully opened.There is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to body or hands being caughtby press.Warning Please verify that acrylic cover is installed.If the cover is not installed,there is a possibility of slight or serious injury occurrence due to body or hands being caught by press.(7)This is completion of die matching.Speed controller and air pressure should be returned to the proper position tostart operation.Maintenance inspection:(1)Water drainingIn the case that water stays in filter,carry out draining promptly.If draining is not carried out,there is a possibility that air instrument malfunctions and water spouts from silencer.In the case that humidity is high or air moisture content in supplied air is too much,it is easy for water to remain.Water draining is carried out under the condition of air being supplied.There is a knob(shaped like a ball-pen tip)under the filter.This knob should be lifted while cloth is placed on the knob bottom.Remaining water penetrates into the cloth.If water draining is carried out without cloth placement,the water may splash.(2)LubricationLubrication(machine oil)should be applied from time to time on ram guide shaft.Doing so ensures that Ram vertical motion becomes smooth.Either corrosion or improper(not smooth)Ram movement may occur iflubrication is not applied regularly.(3)Rust preventionSurface with which mechanical stopper makes contact,base surface and press body guide should be wiped from time to time with a cloth containing oil in order to prevent them from rusting.(4)After removing power plug from consent,screws for terminal box for cord and for push button switches for bothhands should be retightened once a month with driver.Warning When maintenance inspection or cleaning is carried out,power plug should be removed from consent and air supply should be shut off when other than draining is carried out.There is a possibility ofexperiencing electric shock,slight or serious injury occurrence due to body or hands being caught bypress.Contact telephone for user support(Engineering division):81-3-3265-5437(only in Japanese)Or,ask questions by e-mail please.E-mail:*****************Address:Iidabashi1-5-6,Chiyoda Ward,TokyoWhen contacting us,equipment type,manufacturing date and manufacturing No.will be requested.Air circuit diagram:Double acting cylinder(FCP-C-2kN,5kN);Tandem cylinder(FCP-C-10kN)Electric circuit diagram(wiring diagram):Part table:Type FCP-C-2kN FCP-C-5kN FCP-C-10kN Part nameFilter regulator AW30-03G AW30-03G AW30-03GSolenoid valve VFS3120-1G-03-F VFS3120-1G-03-F VFS3120-1G-03-FSpeed controller AS3201F-03-10S×2AS3201F-04-10S×2AS3201F-04-10S×2Silencer AN202-02×2AN202-02×2AN202-02×2&AN402-04 Inching valve T-1/4T-1/4T-1/4●Part type for use may be changed without notice.Dimensions drawings and weights:Type Weight(Kg) FCP-C-2kN98FCP-C-5kN100FCP-C-10kN105Options:Regarding the Air-Press which you purchased,it is possible to install the following instruments as options.These will display the power in quality control related to operation of crimping or press-fitting,quality improvement by controlling stamping pressure or improvement of work efficiency.Since a catalog and related documents have been prepared,please request them from us.(1)Timer box*Installation of circuit preventing from multiple shooting;*Counter integration;*Installation of die matching circuit;*Time setting of stopping at bottom dead center is easy(2)Low-high speed feedIt is possible for ram descending speed to switch between low-and high-speed by adding one electromagnetic valve.(When timer box and controller are installed)(3)Load control deviceWhen stamping,it is possible to simultaneously carry out operation and judgment of OK/NG product by measuring crimping or press-fitting force.This is useful for quality stabilization and cost reduction.(4)Order-made pressIn the case that the ready-made press is inadequate dimensions or time for re-designing is not enough,we can support you with order-made presses made by Fuji Controls(FCC)with our excellent manufacturing performance.Output diagram:Air consumption amount:TypeConsumption amount (L (ANR))FCP-C-2kN6FCP-C-5kN15FCP-C-10kN 22FCP-C-2KNFCP-C-5KNFCP-C-10KN。

概要1 - 1确认事项1 - 2伺服电机1 - 3 伺服放大器1 - 4 型号说明1-1(1) 警告标识的种类和意义安装、配线施工、维护、检查之前,请熟读和使用该手册及其它附属资料。
警 告 标 识 含 义危 险该标识表示若错误操作,则有可能发生危险情况,从而造成死亡或重伤。
注 意该标识表示若错误操作,则有可能发生危险情况,从而造成人身受到中度伤害、轻伤以及仅设备受损。
(2) 符号根据需要采用符号,以便一看就能理解显示的要点。
符 号 含 义 符 号 含 义一般禁止 指示一般使用者的行为禁止触摸 务必接地禁止拆解 小心触电小心燃烧 小心高温安全注意事项1.使用注意事项危 险1.请绝对不要用手触及伺服放大器的内部。
注 意1.请按指定的组合方式使用伺服电机和伺服放大器。

若电池电解液接触到皮肤或衣物,请用清水冲洗接触部位。若 电池电解液进入您的眼睛,请立即用清水进行冲洗并联系医务 人员。切勿揉擦眼睛,否则将可能导致永久性的视觉损伤。 ■ 镍氢电池
镍氢电池的性能在以下情况可能会暂时降低:电池为新电池时,长期闲置不 用后或在完全放电前重复充电。这属于正常现象而并非故障。反复使用照相 机设置菜单中的充电电池放电选项进行放电,然后使用电池充电器重新进行 充电,可提高电池性能。 Q 注意:使用碱性电池时,请勿使用充电电池放电选项。
感谢您购买本产品。本手册讲述了如何使用 FUJIFILM X-E1 数码照相机及安装附带的软件。 在使用照相机之前,请确定您已阅读并理解了本 手册内容。