
快速阅读:1.每天读1~2篇课文;2.十遍+;3.3、180+WPM听力短时记忆:1.雅思考细节(details),所以注意单句!!2.走神:不要边听边译!3.了解题干,寻找“答案”4.听到——马上写;听不到——放弃;听力训练:1.不玩着听;2.每次不要过长——每天不间断;3.不能看着原文听;(一)题型:常考题型:1.表格题:个人信息表有横纵抽表格※表格完成句子eg. blanket+ 名词复数/集合名词,people/crew/stuff!! 此时很可能加数字2.完成句子:单句填空;提纲填空;※总结填空:这种题比较难,选择“开始”&“结束”时的题多找3.问答题:4.选择题:单选:多选;1+2+3+4类题:需要边听边写能力!次常考题型:1.地图题:选字母/写地名※方向感:如果从上方开始,那么左右相反!!!2.搭配题:几个题干、几个选项/抽象思维不常考题型:1.判断改错题;2.图画题:识图能力3.图例题:4.推理题:以选择题的形式推断,eg. Lacation; relationship;综合题型:1.表格+判断改错;2.表格+多选3.表格+搭配(二)场景1.SURVIVAL场景1)住宿:hotel/motel/youth hostel2)家乡:where are you from? Where do you come from?Location;weather;products;people3)度假:where to go? Mountains,desertHow to go?4)活动:who? when? where? what?Welcome party; farewell party; midterm party; summer/winter2.ACADEMIC1)新生入学:registration过程2)图书馆:图书馆结构structure图书馆书目※1+2主要介绍性@ section 1& section 23.Section 3涉及:1)作业:2)研究:questionaire3)选课:optional、selective、elective、non-subject4.Section 4 讲课(三)评分标准1)拼写不能出现错误;2)答案要完整,在允许字数内不能丢掉出现的内容!!;eg.$£符号3)不能重复题干中已知;4)不要超过字数;连字符。

TOEFL听⼒选项原则(适⽤于PART A)1.迅速看选项,找出其中相同、相似、相关的东西,确定场景,预测内容。
如:A. go to the park B. park the car park在对话中的含义不⼀样。
场景:who what where why中段:细节题结尾题TOEFL段落题解题思路:1.确定段落的主题(找相同相似相关的东西)2.反推段落的问题如果两个选项相似,正确答案必居其⼀段落第⼀条是n./名词性短语,则是IC题段落中间是n/名词性短语,只要⽂中提到,就是正确答案。
TOEFL错题原因:慢热(听时不看) Part A⾛神(延长时间)连错(学会放弃)读题(先紧后松)⽼题重要题型:中间带but转折题:1.语⽓转折: 90.1.33/96.12.A142.表单词多种含义 89.8.24/96.10.A2对⼀般疑问句的回答:1.听清第⼆句开头的短结构 89、8、322.间接回答⼀定表⽰反对 96、10、A123.听不懂没关系(第⼆句长⽽绕),选⼀个否定答案就可以 96、8、30 4.第⼀句语调特征:最后为升调5.第⼆句习语。

2、看⼀下题⽬在哪⾥,有些题⽬在⽂章的前⾯,所有选项式List of Headings题⽬都在⽂章的前⾯。
6、对于Yes/No/Not given题型,每⼀道题都有考点词和定位词。
7、i.e.(that is)的前⾯⼀定是某个主概念,后⾯⼀定是分⽀概念。
8、对于Yes/No/Not given题型,only⼀般为考点词,其答案⼤多数是No,少部分是Notgiven。
3、空格概率:名词 > 数字 > 时间 > 动词 > 形容词。

如:表示向上、提高、增加;表示向下、下降、减少; 表示后退; 表示向前、前往; 表示大于关系;表示小于关系;∵表示因为;表示所以;⊙表示里;○表示外;文字下的着重符号?表示强调;△表示附加信息;‖表示并列或者平行等。
如:用 a.m.代替morning;p.m.代替afternoon;ad 代替advertisement;uni代替university;prof代替professor;sth代替something 等。
没有缩略语的词,字母较少的话可以写出该词,如go、dog、sit 等;字母较多的词,可只写该词的前几个字母,如用beau代替beautiful;clar代替classroom 等。
有时自己可以独创一些简略记法,如用M代替man和male;用W代替woman和female;T代替teacher;S代替student;用L 代替language等。

三.两个基本范围1.survival english (社会生活,人际交往等)2.academic english (学术类,教育类,热点话题)四.问题1.利用停顿时间抢读后面题目2.直接书写答案3.区分考试安排者声音,根据指导做题4.手眼耳并用,听看写一体五.雅思听力四大特点1. 国际口音:(英、美、澳)(英音50%,澳20%,美20%,其他10%)不利:习惯美音,不习惯英音,必须熟悉英音;有利:新口音(大西洋口音,适于中国人);动词短语不是考试重点(掌握一般程度:第一个意思即可),去掉了很多地域性的方言。
2. 四段叙述:1、3section是对话,2、4section是陈述,一般来说难度递增。
有利:不是每句话都要听懂,应试图听懂每一句包含答案的句子(先看题,再猜答案,然后做题)3. 边听边做:不利:a.阅读量大——要求快速阅读(技巧+能力)——速读b.写量大——要求手眼耳并用(加强听写能力,掌握四级单词听写)有利:a.不考推理、总结、归纳题,主要考查细节,所听即所得。
4. 题型多样:10种题型不利:不熟悉题型有利:难度较低六、听力应试策略短期目标:1.紧扣9套题,十种题型,十种场景。

雅思听力符号缩写G 表示效率:efficient, effective。
Q 表示“通货膨胀”:inflation因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。
A 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。
B 表示商业:business。
C× 表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation “C×”中的“×”表示反对,字母“C”将反对的概念缩小为conflict 和 confrontation。
高分笔记 雅思听力(新东方版本)

雅思听力讲义第一讲雅思听力应注意的问题1,学习英语的基本方法2,考试与技巧3,计划4,机经1, 如何习得英语▪学习英语的5个方面:▪听,说,读,写,译.▪其中读和听是基础,而读是最基础的,是习得的主要方法2,四门考试之间的关系听,读---被动说,写---主动听,读---平均分比说,写---高半分▪SOUNDS-SYLLABLES-WORDS-PHRASES-SENTENCES-PARAGRAPHS-PASSAGES▪语音-词汇-语法-记忆-走神▪同时,听懂的过程正好是说的逆过程3,问题及解决问题方法1,语音:1)48个基本音素英语与汉语发音的不同/元音/辅音/易混音2)吞音和连读相邻辅音,前者有口型不送气/例外一般连读/辅音连读/元音连读/例外3)口音和语调英音/美音/澳音/杂音句子重音/单词重音/结构与节奏1),2),3)问题的解决方案纠音:1,学过的配有磁带的3-5篇课文2,录下自己的声音,与磁带反复对比,模仿3,同性的声音4)读音规则一个字母组合发不同的音不同的字母组合发同一个音读音规则问题的解决方案1, 找到读音规则2, 多举不同的例子2,词汇:1)内涵和外延不要只记一个意思,否则在其它地方遇到就不认识了2)用法要记住单词的语境,否则即便记住了也不会用3)同义词听说读写都需要同义词听力中有20-40%的题目需要听同义词4)派生词熟悉单词:词根/词缀3,语法:1)句子结构只有抓住句子结构才能抓住完整的含义.2)代词还原这需要我们更强的短时记忆3)动词形式的含义熟悉动词的含义以及每一种形式的含义词汇和语法问题解决方案快速阅读:1,每天1-2篇学过的课文(10+遍)2,养成抓句子结构的习惯3,180+WPM4,记忆---听写1)单句2)边听边写和听完再写3)两遍一句5,走神:1)边听边走---听着玩每一部分犯的错误都不少2)先走后不走---躺着听S1没有进入状态S2刚刚开始S3,S4比前面两部分好3)先不走后走---边听边译S1不走神S2累了,开始走神S3,S4太累了一直在走神4)自信听力考的是短时记忆听到:写,选听不到:放弃走神问题的解决方案不要:1)听着玩2)躺着听3)时间长或间断4)看着原文听5)听太难的材料(新闻)6)犹豫第二讲考题分析考试介绍I 考试题型1,常考题型1,表格题:个人信息表格/有横纵轴的表格/表格中的完成句子2,完成句子:1)单句填空2)提纲填空3)总结填空3,问答题前三种题型需要我们边听边写的能力4,选择题1)单选2)多选选择题需要我们边听边读的能力2,次常考题型1,地图题:选字母/写地名需要方向感2,搭配题需要边听边读/抽象思维3,不常考题型1,判断改错题:判断/判断改错1)肯,否定词2)专有名词3)数字2,图画题:识图能力3,图例题:工作原理4,推理题:演绎推理4,综合题型1,表格+判断改错2,表格+多选3,表格+搭配II 常考场景home run 本垒打touchtowm 触地得分birdie 小鸟球eagle 比标准杆少两杆的球curling 冰壶运动1,SURVIV AL1)住宿hotel 旅馆motel 汽车旅店youth hotel 青年旅馆b and b 供应住宿和早餐bedlinen 床上用品TV 电视refrigerator 电冰箱2)家乡location 位置weather 天气product 产品people 人3)度假where to go?how to go there?4)活动2,ACADEMIC:新生入学/图书馆---上述6个话题一般在S1和S2出现,比较简单,因为都是介绍性的话题S3 1)作业2)研究3)选课S4 讲课III 评分标准1,13-16=4.5-517-23=5.5-624-30=6.5-731-35=7.5-82, 写答案注意事项1) 拼写不能出现错误,但是英美拼写均可接受2) 答案要完整3) 不能重复题干中已知信息4) 不要超过字数要求5) 相似答案只能写一个6) 答案可以写标准缩写7) 数字、金钱可以写各种符号IV 计划1, 每天计划1)30分钟/次2)2-4次/天2, 1个月计划使用剑桥系列3,4,5册1)熟悉题型2)列出错误清单3)听写4)预测5)适应考试(考试前2周):心理(8.45听力/9.25阅读/10.30写作)生理(饮食/主场作战)3, 2个月计划▪加上雅思听力特训▪比一般考试难5题左右,能够发现更多问题,考试能够避免更多错误4, 3-6个月计划▪加上LISTEN TO THIS▪半本/月(初级:5-6.5;中级7-8.5)第三讲习题讲解PRACTICETEST 1LISTENINGPRACTICE TEST 1NUMBER OF QUESTIONS: 40APPROX. TIME: 30 MINUTESInstructionsYou will hear a number of conversations and talks and you must answer questions on what you hear.The conversations are recorded and you will have time to read the instructions and questions, and to check your work. The tape will be played ONCE only.The test is organised in 4 sections.You can write your answers on the question paper and at the end of the test you will be given time to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.Section 1 Questions 1 - 10Questions 1 - 3Choose the correct letters A - D.1 Sergeant Brown isA the community patrol officer.B the university security officer.C the community police adviser.D the university liaison officer.2 Sergeant BrownA lives locally and is not married.B lives on the campus and has two daughters.C has a son at the university.D doesn't live on the campus with his daughters.3 Sergeant Brown has been a police officer forA 5 years.B 10 years.C 15 years.D 20 years.Questions 4 - 6Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.4 The most dangerous place around the campus is ________ .5 The most dangerous place in town is ________ .6 It is dangerous because of ________ .Questions 7 - 8Choose TWO letters A - E.Which TWO items should a student always carry?A a personal alarmB valuablesC a passportD jewelleryE some identificationQuestions 9 - 10Choose TWO letters A - E.Which TWO things does Sergeant Brown recommend a student should do?A walk home in pairsB use public transportC drive homeD not carry a lot of cashE arrange to be home at a certain timeSection 2 Questions 11-20Questions 11 - 13Choose THREE letters A - E.What are John and Sarah discussing?A the amount of work in the second yearB the importance of medieval historyC studying material in a different languageD when their exams will finishE the level of work in the second yearQuestions 14 and 15Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.14 Why is Sarah working in the market?________________________________________________________________________ 15 How many courses must John and Sarah choose?________________________________________________________________________ Questions 16 - 20Section 3 Questions 21 - 30Questions 21 - 25Choose the correct letters A - C21 Dr Mullet was particularly impressed by Fayed'sA final year dissertation.B personal tutor.C exam results.22 After he took his exams, Fayed feltA nervous.B anxious.C happy.23 Dr Mullet accepts people for the MA course because ofA their exam results.B their ability to play games.C a variety of reasons.24 What did Fayed initially go to university to Study?A economics.B booms and crashes.C history.25 The course Fayed is applying for is concerned withA the developing world.B the development of banks.C the economics of work.Questions 26 - 30Complete Dr Mullet's notes on his interview with Fayed in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each space.INTERVIEW WITH FAYEDWorried! Far from his country. ________ (26) ?Will go to study in ________ (27)if not accepted here.After university wants to work ________ (28).Now going to visit ________ (29).My decision - when? ________ (30)选择题的解题思路1、扫描题干,划出核心词2、听时综合扫描选项3、用核心词定位,听到什么选什么4、抄完答案之后检查①同义相斥②相反的有一个是对的③常识选择题的解题技巧1、听到词就选2、结合核心词3、生词原则Section 4 Questions 31 - 40Questions 31 - 35Complete each sentence with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.31 The public has more knowledge of vitamins than other parts ________ .32 The public doesn't always eat ________ .33 There is a widespread belief that Vitamin C can ________ .34 Vitamin A helps you see ________ .35 Many people wrongly think that taking vitamin supplements can ________ .完成句子题的注意事项:1、扫描题干,划出核心词,注意空格前后2、判断所需句子成分及词性3、注意核心词同义词替换,句子结构变化的情况用核心词定位占50%,用同义词替换的占30%,句子结构定位为0%-5%4、注意简写答案,再补全在听写的时候练习5、检查答案的词性总结起来就是:读、猜、听、写、查本套题答案:Listening Test 1You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and you will have a chance to check your answers. The test is in four sections. Record all your answers in your test book and at the end of the test you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to a special answer sheet.Now turn to Section 1.____________Section 1——————You will hear a policeman giving a talk to some students. First you will have some time to look at questions 1 to 6 (pause for 30 seconds).You will see that there has been an example written for you. On this occasion only the conversation relating to the example will be played first (listen to example).Sergeant Brown is going to speak about safety, so answer B has been circled on the question page.Now we will begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, as you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen to thetalk carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.[Mr Fogarty:] ... and so I'd like to hand you over now to Sergeant Brown. Thank you.[Sergeant Brown:]Thank you, Mr Fogarty. Er, yes, as you know my name is Sergeant Jeff Brown, and as Mr Fogarty has indicated, I'll be speaking to you briefly today about security (example), about how to make your time at this university safer and more comfortable.I am officially the university liaison officer (Q1), which means I have a specific brief to act as a go-between for the university and the police, if there are problems, and also to offer an official presence on or around campus and give individuals advice if they need it.Now, my job is very important to me. I take security and reducing the threat of crime on this campus very seriously because, although I don't actually live on the campus, both my daughters attended this university, and my son is still here (Q2). So I am a local policeman in every respect. I have been the university liaison officer for the last five years but I have been in the police force for 15 in all (Q3).Now, on to some advice. The first thing I want to stress is that this university is a comparatively safe place to live. We have had no serious crimes here in the five years I've been here. In fact, crime of any sort is very rare on the campus. We have good security here and although there are a lot of staff and students, the security staff, including myself, are making an effort to get to know your faces!However, as students it is of course wise for you to take precautions to protect yourselves against crime when you are off the campus. As I said, the campus itself is really very safe, but there is a large park right behind it, MacGowan Fields (Q4), and although this is a beautiful place to sit or walk during the day, at night you must be careful. One or two students have reported unpleasant incidents at night while walking in the park, although it must be said that no major incidents have been reported. Now, there are no areas in town which I advise students to avoid as a general rule, but the town centre (Q5) is more hazardous than other areas, especially in the evenings on Friday and Saturday. On these days there is often fighting after people have had too much to drink in the pubs and clubs in the area. There have also been a number of robberies and muggings (Q6).Before the talk continues you have some time to read questions 7 to 10 (pause for 20 seconds). Now listen carefully and answer questions 7 to 10.Well, that was my advice to you. Most of it is common sense but remember crime always happens when you least expect it. But there are ways to protect yourself. First of all, the university provides all students with personal alarms (Q7). If you are attacked, you can use this to put off your attacker. Secondly, don't take anything with you that cannot easily be replaced like a passport or things of sentimental value. Leave jewellery and other valuables in your room when you go out. Always make sure you take something which will identify you (Q8), perhaps your student card or your driving licence. Thirdly, when you are out late at night, come home in twos (Q9). It's much safer if you're with a friend than on your own. And obviously, don't have very much money on you (Q10). Finally, if you do know you'll be late back and can't use public transport, tell someone else when you expect to be home and if there's a problem, they can raise the alarm. So, that's about all from me and I wish you a pleasant and safe stay here. Thank you.That is the end of Section 1. You will have half a minute to check your answers (pause for 30 seconds).Now turn to Section 2.____________Section 2——————You will hear two students, Sarah and John discussing their choices of courses to study. First you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15 (pause for 30 seconds).Now listen carefully to the discussion and answer questions 11 to 15.Sarah: Hi, JohnJohn: Hello, Sarah. What are you doing in here? Haven't all you exams finished?Sarah: Well, yes, they have, but I've got to make my decisions for next year. I still haven't chosen what courses I'm going to do. John: That's why I'm here. Why don't we have a look through the brochure together?Sarah: That's a good idea. I'm not sure about some of these courses on medieval history.John: No. In fact, I'm not sure about the whole second year. I was talking to Peter Lily the other day - you know, he's just finished the second year - and he was saying that the work load is higher in (Q11) the second year because you have to read all these medieval documents in Latin (Q12). I mean, the first year's been pretty hard but next year will be worse. There are more assignments in the second year - it goes up to six a year for each course, doesn't it?Sarah: Yes But we've got the experience of the first year to build on, so it must get easier. And there isn't so much secondary material in the second year. There aren't so many books about the medieval period.John: Don't you believe it! I think this year's going to be hard work (Q13)!Sarah: Well, perhaps I'd better give up my job then.John: You're working as well?Sarah: Yeah, I've been working in the same place for over a year now. Only part-time, you know. Just Saturday mornings in the market. I mean, it doesn't pay much, but it's interesting and it gives me a bit of extra cash for my text books (Q14). Anyway, what about these courses? How many do we have to take? I remember Professor bolt saying something about four courses in the second year, is that right? Or do we have to do a certain number of credits?John: Both. We have to select four courses (Q15), but for some courses there are two parts. They count as one course. It's six in total, because everyone has to do Europe 1100-1500 and Chronicles of the Church. Anyway, when you've chosen your four courses, they should add up to 80 credits. Have you got the course brochure there?Sarah: Yes. Look ... under ... second year history ... There it is.You now have some time to read questions 16 to 20 (pause for 20 seconds).Now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 16 to 20.John: Right. Yes, look. Most of these courses are 20 credits each, except for the two short courses about the Crusades (Q16). They're 10 each. Now, Medieval Society ... Hmm. What do you think?Sarah: Well, actually, I think it looks really good. Dr Smith is OK, and you don't have to buy any books except a study pack. The best thing is, there are no special requirements (Q17) - no Latin or medieval English!John: The next one is Development of Technology with Mr Mills. Ah ... this is a good one. Peter recommended it. It's all about the way printing developed, and early science. In fact, I think I could get a copy of Bouchier's 'History of Science' (Q18) from him. That means I wouldn't have to buy it.Sarah: That does look interesting. And that doesn't have any special requirements either. What's next ...? Ah, here they are. 10 credits each, the Crusades. You need French to do them. I suppose a lot of the documents are in French.John: That's strange - look. There are different teachers for each part. I expect that's why it's two modules. Dr Clare does the first part (Q19), but it's Dr Shaker and Professor Lord for the second one.Sarah: So that only leaves Peasants and Kings, with Dr Reeves. ... Oh, look, you have to know French (Q20) for this one. John: Well, I must say I don't fancy any course that asks you to have Latin, but I think my French is good enough to readoriginal sources.Sarah: Yes, mine too. Well, what shall we choose?That is the end of Section 2. You will have half a minute to check your answers (pause for 30 seconds).Now turn to Section 3.____________Section 3——————You will hear an interview between Dr Mullet, a university lecturer and a student, Fayed. First you have some time to look at questions 21 to 25 (pause for 30 seconds).Now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 21 to 25.Dr Mullet: So, Fayed, you found my office quite easily.Fayed: Yes, thank you.Dr Mullet: Thank you for coming such a long way for the interview. I believe you are from the Middle East. Now, Fayed, I really wanted to speak to you during this interview about two things - your exam results and your final-year dissertation. Your thesis, your dissertation, that was something quite special. Your personal tutor actually sent me a copy, and I must say that for a third year undergraduate it's a very polished piece of work.Fayed: Thank you.Dr Mullet: Yes, it's very promising (Q21). Now, the thing is, you tutor tells me that you weren't all that happy with your exams ...Fayed: Well ... The results aren't out yet, as you know. The first four were fine, but in the last three I lost my nerve a bit and didn't do so well. I know I didn't do as well as I could. I was worried (Q22) when I'd handed in my exams.Dr Mullet: Right. Well, exams are a bit of a game anyway. We can't all do well on the day. But here exam results are not everything, as you know - I set great store by other factors in deciding whether we offer you a place on the Master's course (Q23). Perhaps you could tell me a little about how you became interested in economics.Fayed: Yes, of course. Well, I've always been interested in social and economic history, so from a very young age I read about the booms and crashes of the 19th and 20th centuries. I originally applied to study history at university (Q24), but when I got there I realised I had the chance to study economics at a high level, so I changed. My mother used to be an economist at the World Bank, so I had her to help me and guide me. Although she didn't help me write my final-year paper!Dr Mullet: No, quite. Now, you're applying for the Master's course in the Economics of the Developing World (Q25), taught by myself and Dr Branigan. Why this particular course?Fayed: Well, I've read some of your work on-the development of rural banks and I thought this was a good place to be. I mean, this is my first choice.Now you have some time to read questions 26 to 30 (pause for 20 seconds).Now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 26 to 30.Dr Mullet: And you're not worried about feeling homesick? You are still young, and Australia is a very long way from your home (Q26). I mean, your English is fine, there are no problems with language or attitude, but the distance from your family may make it hard for you at first.Fayed: I've thought about that. But it's a problem wherever I go. If I don't get in here, I'll probably take a place at a university inEngland (Q27). That's just as far from home!Dr Mullet: I see, I see. And what are your long-term ambitions, Fayed? What do you want to do ultimately with your Qualifications and your life?Fayed: I want to work in my country (Q28). You know there are some problems there, and I want to try to right some of them in the economic infrastructure.Dr Mullet: I see. And this is your last interview, I believe. That gives you four weeks before the next term starts. What will you do during your holidays?Fayed: Oh, I'm going to relax. I was going to work on my English, but in fact I've got a couple of friends in Hamburg, so I think I'll go and stay with them (Q29) instead as I've never been to Germany.Dr Mullet: I see. Well, Fayed, as you know I can't give you a decision right away. However, I can tell you that you've made quite an impression with your application, and I think you should not worry too much about the place. My decision will be made tomorrow (Q30) after I've seen the last candidate, and I'll let you know within the next two weeks.Fayed: Thank you very much.Dr Mullet: Well, thank you for attending the interview.That is the end if Section 3. You now have half a minute to check your answers (pause for 30 seconds).Now turn to Section 4.____________Section 4——————You will hear a lecturer give a talk on nutrition. First you have some time to look at questions 31 to 40 (pause for 40 seconds). Now listen carefully to the talk and answer questions 31 to 40.Now, the topic of today's talk is nutrition - specifically, vitamins and minerals. I'll be dealing first with some of the most common misconceptions about them. Then I'm going to talk about what vitamins there are, where they come from, and the quantities we need. We'll have some time at the end of the talk for any questions you may have.OK Well, vitamins are known to the general public - in fact, the public knows more about them than it does about certain other key aspects of nutrition (Q31). One reason for this is that vitamins have been in the public eye for quite a while - at least since the middle of the 20th century, when their importance first became widely recognised. This awareness does mean that the public knows how important vitamins are - even if it doesn't mean that we all eat a healthy diet all the time (Q32). However, a problem does arise that is associated with this, which is the number of old wives' tales about vitamins. Usually these fallacies are not dangerous, but they do lead to an unnecessarily high intake of vitamin supplements. For example, it is widely held that high doses of vitamin C will cure colds and flu (Q33). I'd like to hit this one on the head - there is no evidence that any vitamin can cure anything! No, I'm afraid you'll just have to let time sort out your cold. And of course, the body can't store vitamin C, so those tablets you take are just an expensive waste of time.Another common belief with no evidence is the idea that vitamin A helps you see in the dark (Q34). Actually, there is some truth in this one, because vitamin A is necessary for good vision. But in the dark, in real darkness, nobody can see. And of course, taking too much vitamin A can actually be bad for you. But perhaps the most misleading idea, heavily promoted by certain companies, is that vitamins will make you intelligent (Q35). Now, while a healthy diet is essential if you are to make the most of your intelligence, there is no evidence whatsoever that vitamin supplements can make the slightest bit of difference (pause for 3 seconds).So what can vitamins do? Or, perhaps more accurately, why do we need them? Well, the answer is that we need them for all sorts of reasons.Vitamin A, for example, also called retinol, is essential for good eyesight, especially at night, and to help us fight off (Q36) infection and illness. We get it from liver, butter, egg yolks and milk.Vitamin D, as is well known, is used to build strong teeth (Q37) and bones, but it also helps us absorb calcium. Vitamin D is mainly formed in the skin through the action of sunlight. How much you need depends on different factors such as age and health.Vitamin E, tocopherol, is less well-known, but is necessary in maintaining a healthy balance of fats in the body. We need 10-12 mg (Q38) every day, and although some people take supplements, you can normally get what you need from a balanced diet. The B complex includes vitamins B1, thiamine, B2, riboflavine, B6, pyridoxine and B12, cyanocobalamin. It performs many functions, including allowing our bodies to metabolise carbohydrates, forming healthy tissue, and perhaps most importantly, forming red blood cells (Q39) to prevent pernicious anaemia. We need varying amounts of the B complex, and while most of us can get enough from a well-balanced diet, vegetarians may find themselves deficient in B12, which is only found in any noticeable quantity in meat, especially liver.Finally, vitamin C is the one everyone knows. Ascorbic acid, as it's also known, helps fight infection, which perhaps accounts for the myth about preventing colds. It also helps protect against scurvy. We need 30 mg a day, and can only really get this amount from eating plenty of citrus fruit (Q40) and fresh vegetables. Now, in a moment I'll be moving on to talk about how we can plan a diet which will supply all our vitamin needs. But before that, I'd like to look at some of the recent advances in our knowledge of the ways vitamin deficiencies can affect us ...(fade)That is the end of Section 4. You will have half a minute to check your answers (pause for 30 seconds).That is the end of the Listening Test.You now have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the Listening answer sheet (pause for 10 minutes).Please stop writing.TEST 2LISTENINGPRACTICE TEST 1NUMBER OF QUESTIONS: 40APPROX. TIME: 30 MINUTESInstructionsYou will hear a number of conversations and talks and you must answer questions on what you hear.The conversations are recorded and you will have time to read the instructions and questions, and to check your work.The tape will be played only ONCE.The test is organised in 4 sections.You can write your answers on the question paper and at the end of the test you will be given time to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.本套题题型分析:Section 1 Questions 1 - 12Questions 1 - 8表格题Questions 9 - 12单选题Section 2 Questions 13 - 20Questions 13 - 16多选题Questions 17 - 20问答题Section 3 Questions 21 - 30Questions 21 - 26 搭配题Questions 27 - 30单选题Section 4 Questions 31 - 40Questions 31 - 40地图题&完成句子题Section 1 Questions 1 – 12个人信息表格题做题关键:1、信息修正:注意否定词、转折词及表示修改的词2、速度陷阱:①答案前后语速慢,答案加快②紧张导致定位失败解决办法:①速度的练习:主要是对吞音、连读等语音的练习和单位时间处理信息量的练习②预测的练习:在听之前预测缺省信息3、计算的问题:单位的换算:fortnight两周,decade十年,dozen十二,score二十要特别注意时间的计算4、地名:其他题中可能提供要写的地名①常见地名:英、澳、加、美常见地名②常用地名:Fountainroad、Spring Court、BrookstreetQuestions 1 - 8For questions 1 - 8 complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Questions 9 - 12Circle the correct letters A - C.9 When does the travel agent advise Sunil to book his ticket?A the following monthB after seven daysC straightaway10 Which airline provides the quickest route home?A English AirwaysB Air BroncoC DGB Airlines11 Which airline provides the cheapest route home?A English AirwaysB Air BroncoC Karachi Air Tours12 What is the reason for Sunil's choice?A the flight is the cheapestB the flight allows him to visit his auntC the flight is best overallSection 2Questions 13 - 20Questions 13 and 14Circle TWO thing you MUST NOT take on board with you.A cigarettesB lighter fuelC matchesD gifts wrapped by a friendE mobile phonesQuestions 15 and 16Circle TWO things you MUST take on board with you.A passportB booksC boarding passD foreign currencyE sandwichesQuestions 17 - 20Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.17When is the check-in time for the flight?...................................................................................................................................................... 18What is the best means of transport to the airport?...................................................................................................................................................... 19How much baggage can Sunil take?...................................................................................................................................................... 20Where is the best place to change money?...................................................................................................................................................... Section 3Questions 21 - 30Questions 21 - 26做好搭配题要注意:1、扫描题干注意有没有“more than once”,如有则配搭会比较混乱2、划核心词,注意题干和选项中较为复杂的3、判断展开顺序,一般将题干和选项中有具体含义的一方为依据判断Match the ideas to the lecturers in the box below.21 An abstract should describe the contents of each section.22 An abstract should immediately attract the attention of the reader.23 An abstract should be of the same written standard as the dissertation.24 An abstract should describe the methods used in the research.25 An abstract should not describe all results or no-one will read the dissertation.26 An abstract should state the main points clearly and concisely.Questions 27 - 30Circle the correct letters A - C.27 The female student will put her findings first because。

雅思听力笔记技巧——缩写词缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:F拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receiveF保留前几个字母INFO :informationINS :insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/OF保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK:weekRM:roomPL:peopleF根据发音R :areTHO:thoughTHRU:through缩略词原词APT :ApartmentACC:AccountantACDG :AccordingACPT: AcceptAD :AdvertisementADS :AddressADV: Advice雅思听力答案要点怎么掌控1.听一遍没法抓到答案,怎么办?人都有惰性,依赖多了便成了劣根性。
建议考生们在备考雅思听力时,每次听录音就强迫自己只能听一遍,还要规定自己一周至少进行两次NOTE TAKING,也就是所谓的速记。
材料可以选择剑桥系列里自己做得比较差的Section,由浅入深,从Section 1 到 Section 4 都要有所涉猎。
新东方雅思听力老师王超伟 听力笔记

听力总结(课堂笔记补充版)SECTION 1常考题型:表格,填空,小地图常考场景:租房,度假,娱乐,图书馆,地理,看病,求职,银行,保险,邮局,健身,申请表共同考点:数字,日期,时间,电话,邮编,金钱,订金,付款方式(现金,支票,信用卡)驾照号,护照号,信用卡号,人名,地名题目难度:6+2+2提升空间1.数字中的分数,小数,百分比敏感度,2.十几和几十的区别3.数字的非常规读法以及金钱的读法4.日期中1、4、5号,13号和30号相似音的辨析5.拼写的速度6. J/G,M/N,0/L,A/ESECTION 2常考题型:表格,填空,地图,选择常考场景:购物日常介绍(景点+节日+组织+会议)新生入学(校园+机构+独立学习+准时)题目难度:4+3+3提升空间购物:注意节奏较快和单词,也有些物品不常见,但不影响做题新生入学:熟悉学校的人员设置,及国外学生生活不同于国内的一些常识日常介绍把握通常的考试思路是时间,地点内容及注意事项SECTION 3常考题型:表格,填空,搭配,选择常考场景:选课(语言课+回校学习)论文研究(论文写作+小实验,调查,报告,展示)题目难度:3+4+3提升空间1,场景比较单一, 所以规律性更强2,单词偏难偏学术,但重复率高SECTION 4常考题型:填空,表格,选择常考场景:授课:动物,环保,历史,社会,商业,地理,+S3题目难度:3+3+4n 前易后难n 借鉴机经提升空间1,借鉴机经,广泛阅读第四部分,把握出题思路及规律,扩充背景知识和信息2,保证容易题目做对,这就要求训练题目难易辨析能力和节奏意识的培养(容易题为数字题和列举题)。

6.噪⾳场景 96.12.12/97.8.北美.6规律:室内:调⼩⾳量(turn down) 宿舍隔⾳(sound proof) 意识到噪⾳没有(didn’t realize)室外:⽆能为⼒ 96、5、18噪⾳来源:交通,室友/邻居 (93.10.23)影响:睡觉睡不着,学习受⼲扰I can’t heat myself think.解决:rraffic:学⽣只能忍受,或者向学校反映,或者换地⽅学习 soundproof室友/邻居:ake him to turn down the musicdorm supervise / apartment manager 宿舍管理员7.修理场景fix repair思路:什么坏了,找谁修(修理⼯及故障的表达,96、1、北美、11),修理费贵,修不如买(96、12、28)结合housing场景的:厕所,电话,洗澡。
window is stack 窗户打不开the sink will be clogged⽔池堵了pipe will be clogged管道堵了wiring电线出问题shutters→loose 百叶窗松了8.打⼯场景四个步骤及关键词 96、5、6打⼯职责、感受(段落) 96、1、国内、C2/98、5、B2⾯视者招聘员⼯:⼯作经验,学历被⾯视者(学⽣):时间、⼯资、经验三要素 96、5、12 hour salary experience9. High-way场景常塞车(怎么办) 96、5、20 be tired up traaffic gam be backed up拐错弯 96、8、24 should have turned从哪出 get out of it考违章 98.5.23 ticket 罚单10.借钱还钱场景 98.10.22不愿借,不想还,为什么注意听语⽓,注意听第⼆句时间副词(soon later some other time)吃喝玩乐篇1.⾳乐会场景规律:永远好听 97、1、8/97、10、10喜欢古典⾳乐,不喜欢摇滚⾳乐提前买票,学⽣折扣作为好坏,是否调换去不是因为学习或考试(语⽓特征:不情愿)剧院座位:谈座位是否好坏,要不要换。

新东方雅思听力笔记要点注意: 1. 替换的出现。
at no time = never 2. 否定说法。
at no time , never ,can’t,must not , by no means , be free of 3. 程度限定词。
如:all , some 之类。
如:all ,must , must not , only , can , can not , at no ti me, by no means , already , have done,等。
相对性限定:part of , some , may ,can , sometimes , maybe , might , unless , except , Only…unless…,in the process of , no t yet 等。
比如题目为: The Macintosh computer network can only be used by seco nd and third year students. A I N The Macintosh computer network is reserved only for second year and third year st udents unless you are a first year student of the Graphic Design course. 此题最后出现的是相对性限定,故应以之为准进行判断,答案为 -------- 填表题填表题是常考题型,最常考论文关键字:。
新东方雅思 精品笔记

谬见mistaken/wrong view 定语从句状语从句名词性从句:1.主语从句2.宾语从句3.同位语从句4.表语从句主语+ 谓语动词5大常见句型6种基本成分动词:1)Vt2)Vi3) 连系动词(be动词)remain, keep, turn4) 双宾语动词5)复合宾语动词1.主语+ 谓语(vt)+ 宾语Eg: Alan bought a computer.2. 主语+ 谓语(vi)Eg: Alan cries.The students laugh.3. 主语+谓语(系动词)+ 表语Eg:I am a teacher.Alan is a lawyer.4. 主语+谓语(双宾语动词)+宾语1+宾语2Eg: I want to tell you a secret.Alan bought her a present.Evans lent her 10,000 dollars.5. 主语+ 谓语(复合宾语动词)+ 宾语+ 宾补(即修饰宾语的成分)Eg: The students consider Alan naïve/innocent.补语:1)主语补足语= 表语2)宾语补足语长句是怎么写成的?!1.在简单句的范畴内写长。
1) 加定语(即修饰名词)I nnocent Alan is a naïve teacher.Every family with or without a computer is familiar with the powerful Internet.2)加状语(即修饰动词,整个句子)To our great surprise,innocent and impoverished Alan bought an expensive computer in the Computer City last week2. 从句简单句1,简单2。
I am Alan and I am 21 years old.1) 加连词,把句子连起来。

以下是雅思听力场景词汇生活方向left 、right 、behind 、beside、shortcut 、cut across 、get across、gothrough 、go along 、in the corner of 、on the corner of 、around thecorner 、parallel to 、directlyopposite 、clockwise 、detour 、goup、access、annex 、pedestrian、c orridor 、flyover 、intersection 、landm ark 、overpass、underpass 、sidewalk城市地名U.K.\the United Kingdom \Great Britain: England:London 、Liverpool 、Manchester 、Sheffi eld 、Birmingham 、Coventry 、Leeds、Scotland: Glasgow 、EdinburghIreland: Belfast 、DublinAustralia:Canberra 、Queensland 、Brisbane 、New south Wales 、Sydney、M elbourne 、PerthThe United States of America: Washington 、NewYork 、Boston 、Atlanta 、Seattle、Los Angeles\L.A.\ ChicagoCanada:Ottawa 、BritishColumbia 、Vancouver 、Toronto 、Montre al旅游目的地Cities 、 mountains 、、 deserts 荒漠、hilly areas 丘陵地带、 wetlands 沼泽地、bush land 灌木丛、 tropical rain forests 热带雨林、 resorts 胜地、 beaches、coastal areas 沿海地域、 village 、water fall 瀑布、river 、lake 、交通工具public transport公共交通、privatetransport个人交通、car、airplane 、ferry 渡船、underground/subway/tube/Metro地铁、river cruise 巡游、 boattrips 、ferryman 、ferryboat 、train 、flight、t ube 、 first class 、businessclass、standard class 、 economicclass、single ticket 、 round or returnticket 、、 outward 、backward 、departure 、destination 、花费及支付方式book the room (make a reservation )订房间、currency 钱币、 Canadian dollars 加元、Australian dollars 、Pounds 镑、 JapaneseYen 日元、credit card 信誉卡( Visa 维萨卡、 MasterCard 万事达、 American Express 美国运通)景点hotsprings 温泉、 fountain 泉水、喷泉、beaches 海滩、 spotlight tour 聚光灯旅游、four-wheel drive 四驱车、 crocodile cruise 、waterfalls 瀑布、 castle 城堡、 museum 博物馆、 art gallery 画廊活动swimming 、diving 潜水、跳水、 Scuba Diving 器材潜水、 surfing 冲浪、 water skiing 滑水、 hang gliding悬挂滑翔、water polo 水球、 skiing滑雪、hiking徒步旅游、行的人、bag-packerhitch-hike肩背大包进行自助旅搭便车旅游地理场景Antarctica 南极洲、 north pole 北极、Ski-equippedplanes 、helicopter 、kilocalories 、carboh ydrate 、Asia 亚洲、 America 美洲、Europe 欧洲、 Africa 非洲、 Oceania 大洋洲租房场景房屋种类 :flat 、apartment 、dormitory (dorm )、student hotel 、youth hostel 、basement房屋家电或设备 :balconybedroom 、kitchen 、stove、fridge 、micro wave oven、washing machine 、air-condition 、electricfans 、radiator 、electric stoves 、vacuum cleaner 、water heater床上用品 :Pillow 、pillow case 、bed linen 、sheet、mattress 、blanket 、towel房屋地点 :Road (rd. )、 street (st.)租金和帐单 :rent 、deposit 、telephonebill 、gas bill 、water/electricity bill健康场景 :医院及医生 :clinic 诊所、 physician 内科医生、oculist/eye doctor 眼科医生、 surgeon 外科医生、 dentist 牙医、 vet 兽医、 see a doctor 看病、 send for a doctor 请医生、make an appointment预定症状 :symptom 症状、 have/catch a cold感冒、have a sore throat 嗓子痛、 stomachache胃痛、 fever 发热、 cough 咳嗽、 headache 头痛、 toothache 牙痛、 have a runny nose 流鼻涕、 depression 丧气、低沉、vomit/throw up/ 呕吐、 dizzy 头晕、 feel chilly 感觉发冷、 phlegm 痰疾病 :liver trouble 肝炎、 pneumonia 肺炎、 flu流感、 allergy 过敏症、 twisted 扭伤的、asthma 哮喘、 diabetics 糖尿病患者、cramps 抽筋、 diarrhea 腹泻、 have astuffed nose 鼻子不通、 cholera 霍乱、 stiff neck 脖子发僵、 yellow fever 黄热病、 hay fever 枯草热药剂 :pills 药丸、 tablet 药片、 capsule 胶囊、mixture 合剂、 eye drops 眼药水、 syrup 糖浆、 pad 药棉块、 vitamin 维他命、penicillin 盘尼西林、 antibiotic 抗生素、ointment 药膏、 medication 药物、 aspirin阿司匹林、 cold cure 感冒药、 sweating medicine 发汗药、 febrifuge 退烧药治疗 :bandage 绷带、 syringe 注射器、 stethoscope 听诊器、 injection 注射、 preventive injection 预防针、 gauze 纱布、 case history 病历、 extract 拔牙、 take one ’ s temperature 量体温、 feel one ’ s pulse量脉搏、 take one ’s blood pressure量血压、give a prescription 开药方、 have an operation 着手术医疗 :Make appointment、detect disease看病、headache under the weather外感风寒、under temperature 、badcold 、cough 、chestinfection 、prescription 、medicine 、antib iotics; allergic 、itch 、sideeffects、drowsiness 、chemist 、pharmacy 重生入学场景 :entrance 、main reception 、reception desk、main hall 、mainbuilding 、secretary 、info desk 、enquiry desk、orientation week 、in between 、student advicecenter 、library 、corridor 、computer laboratory 、languagelaboratory 、staff 、ball图书室 :catalog/catalogue 、title 、authors 、subjec ts、call slip 、check out 、library/borrower ’ s/admissioncard 、deadline/date of expiry、overdue and pay a fine 、renew 、available 、out on loan 、inter-library service(loan)、short loan 、reserve/book 、incirculation 、out circulation、not for circulation 、on shelvescategory 、bibliography 、、 newspapers 、j ournals 、periodical 、current/back issue、Reception 、information desk、enquiry desk、circulation desk 、closedreserve、copy machine 、photocopy、printer 、laser printer 、books cassettes、videos 、journals 、periodical 、current issues 、catalogue 、be due、on loan 、be overdue 、pay fines 、reserve book 、recall book 、get hold of、refreshment places.librarian 、encyclopedia 、touch-screen service 、 information desk、delivery desk/circulation desk、short loan、long loan 、photocopyingroom 、lockers 、carrel试验 :Experiment 、laboratory 、analysis 、meth odology 、dissertation 、conclusion 、refer ences and bibliography 、qualitative research method 、quantitative research method 、casestudy 、interview 、questionnaire 、hypoth esis、pilot study 、data collection 、research findings课程学习 :enrolment 注册、selective/elective/option 选修课、required course/compulsory course 必修课、course arrangement 课程安排、application form.申请表、letter ofrecommendation 介绍信、program 某一专业的课程总称、school 学院、graduate school 研究生院、undergraduate 本科、postgraduate 研究生、 school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院、 score 成绩、 credit 学分、 degrees 学位、 assessment 对学生的学习状况进行评估、 handout 上课老师发的印刷品、 assignment 作业、presentation 针对某一专题进行的讲话、project 需要学生进行独立研究的课外课题、paper/thesis/dissertation 论文 / 硕士论文 / 博士论文、 essay 短论文语言French 法语、 Cantonese 粤语、 Mandarin 一般话、 Russian 俄语、 Italian 意大利语、German 德语、 Portuguese 葡萄牙、Japanese 日日语、 Arabic 阿拉伯语选课场景 :basic course 基础课、 specialized course 专业课、 required course 必修课、optional/selective course 选修课、 full-time course 、part-time course 、a modular course 。
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训练方式:平时每天不停的听30-40分钟的听力,中间不能停考前的两个月要集中训练Tips:记单词时要注意发音和音标背住200-300个地名或人名碰到这种题先通过名字判断性别,再通过声音特质判断每个人分别是谁下面分别分别介绍4个sectionSection1 主要考的生存场景咨询信息银行服务学校了解购房信息保险申请医疗健康工作面试购物活动旅游计划Section 2 主要考文化背景旅游介绍、节目介绍、培训课程介绍、社交生活Section 3 学术研究·形式:对话·内容:学术讨论作业讨论、学术经验交流、请教咨询、调查研究、如何写论文Section4 课堂学习形式:独白内容:学术讲座环境、资源能源、天文考古、生物、历史、健康、其他难点主要在section2、3Tips:这些分类平时要一个个准备好而难点主要在section 2、3若考试时间允许,先看section3若时间不允许,顺着看训练方式:听读结合法1、不看原文先听n遍(2≤n≤5)2、n+1遍时看解析2、n+2遍时检验n+3 n+n …跟读知道读的一样训练的基本原则:先看题,带着问题听录音,有的放矢三大元素1、单词(·新单词·搭配主要词组·习语)3、结合语法3、注意语音搭配take (up off over)Show(up off around)习语(自己多收集一些)like:Cross you fingers for me 祝我好运Get cold feet 后怕Get under ones skin 让某人非常生气语调的差别比如what a man 这个词组不同的语调来说会有好和坏的意思音标d+j →dʒt+j→tʃ(收集音标的差别)跟读的资源(no Cambridge!美式口语跟读VOA 英式口语跟读 BBC下载VOA的一些网站:旺旺音乐可可听力 slierles 39注意其他的口音比如印度口音 r读成 l清浊音部分元音短促❤老师推荐电影法国一个购物狂的自白米国时空线索俄国夺宝奇兵天生一对消防犬Tips:so long是指后会无期的意思雅思听力的特点:1、口音多(英美澳为主,要适应这三种口音)甚至会有日本口音方法:听真题,听广播,看西片(适应口音)2、场景多(常考的场景有十种)旅游、租房…后面会提到方法:熟悉场景词汇(听力词汇熟悉)3、题多(常考的体型十种)方法:熟悉题型,熟能生巧4、顺序原则方法:练习快速阅读(tips:如果没听到就放弃那一部分而且也有可能出现乱序5、出题思路固定6、所听到的就是所得到的,但是要注意单词的拼写Tips :注意一个单词多种的意思 like:Stable adj 1、稳定的 n 2、马厩Pen 1、钢笔 2、猪圈 3、母天鹅雅思听力常考的内容数词(日期,电话,邮编等)、名词(人名,地名)、修饰词△雅思解题原则:定位核心词(不可替换的)关于pronunciation 的一些tips:1、升降调找到重音,向上读,后面轻音结束 eg: important[imˈpɔ:tənt]p往上读2、关于爆破Ask bob to sit together with usK 不读t连读前一个单词以/p,b,t,d,k,g/结尾,后一单词以不同的辅音开头,此时/p,b,t,d,k,g/只做口型不送气;若后一个单词以相同的辅音开头,则前面的辅音略读Eg:(试着读出来)1、do you want ted to go there and get the paper?2、She is just too old to be a teacher反推a thriller about a boat destroyed数字1、尽量使用阿拉伯数字2、注意缩写(别人不给缩写的例子就用全写)3、注意格式4、常识原则题型一表格题听前要做的准备A 听前看题(要在短时间内留下印象)B 看表格双向内容并找出规律→看题目要求以及表格的标题C看出题空格并对照对等信息对等:1、格式对等2、性质对等3、单位符号对等Some tips1、英语和美式英语的差异ground floor是指一楼first floor是指二楼2、2 bedrooms=double bedrooms 区分好这三类两个卧室double-bed room 双床间double bedroomSome words bonusSpring 弹簧、喷泉bracelet 手镯手链About names:George W bushGeorge是given name 也是first nameW 是Middle name bush 是family name ,surname,last name一些特殊的名字Mc后面的字母一定要大写McDonald McMillan McGraw McDull名字1、可以用字母来代替2、like…一些租房常用的词汇租房:for lease(租约),for rent (to let法招租)电气设施refrigerator 冰箱/furnished/unfurnished/Washing machine /microwave/oven/air-conditioner /electric fan /toaster/water heater/cable TV 有线电视/stereo 立体声/electric cooker 电炊具(注意主厨应该用chef这个词)/coffee makerTips:注意一些缩写词比如PE→physical educationLab→laboratory床上用品bed linen([ˈlinin]家庭日用织品)/carpet 地毯rug 小地毯/towel 毛巾/cabin 小屋/pillow/sheet 被单,床单/mattress 床垫/blanket 毛毯垫子/curtain 窗帘/guilt 被子/velvet ['velvit]天鹅绒/nylon/canvas 帆布/cotton房子结构lobby ['lɔbi] 大厅/porth 木廊/kitchen /balcony 阳台/study 书店/dining room 餐厅/bed sit 卧室兼起居室/hall bedroom 〈美〉走廊尽头隔成的窄小寝室/sitting room /living room/dining room/parlor[ˈpɑ:lə] 客厅,起居室地理位置Rural 农村的/downtown商业区/village 村庄/out of town/isolated isolation 偏僻点/center/suburb学生公寓international house/ hall of resident /youth hostel 青年旅馆/boarding 寄宿/student flat/apartment/dormitory/home stay 寄宿家庭关于取暖制冷的设施fire place壁炉/fire wood 柴火/central heating中心供暖/radiator (暖气设备的)散热器/heater 加热器;炉子/air conditioner 空调/electric blanket电热毯搬家get a shift关于搬家的原因too noisy/no privacy/bus time班车太少/no big shop around/club house 俱乐部会所Test 1 section 2选择题p 64 Q10-14 看选项确定答案地图题解题方法1、看地图的起始点2、看街道,标志性的建筑物3、看题目以及例子,并找出例子在图中的位置Tips:注意说话人的方位以及前进的方向判断正误并改错p661、看要求Y yes T TRUE2、划题干词推测考点3、听题时注意题目前是否有否定词(1、not no none 2、hardly scarelySeldom hardly almost nearly 3、虚拟4、used to…but now/at present/at the moment 5、Beyond eg:it is beyond my~ 6、last eg:you are the last person I wanna seea 改错的语法结构(注意时态要保持一致)△b 注意重复音,重读音,以及停顿音(这时可能是出现重要信息的时候)C 对的是多数的·简单总结:section 3 课外研究场景/咖啡场景·常用词汇1、课外研究常用场景Research deadline analyze results conclusion interpretation (阐释演奏口译)opinion hypothesis(有文化的猜测survey investigationquestionnaire 调查问卷interview (ee被采访者er采访者)同样的还要trainer和trainee ,employee和employer ee要重读Statistics valid 有效地,正当的respondents 回答者,受采访者Inverstigator 调查员Tips:candidate有两个意思候选人和考生FBI全称federal bureau of investigation federal['fedərəl]联邦制的bureau ['bjuərəu]局办事处2、咖啡场景常用词汇Coffe break (coffee break 休息时间)coffee bean/ coffee grinder咖啡研磨器/coffee stan /stand 冷饮机café/coffee house 咖啡厅/咖啡机coffee makerCoffee的种类:instant coffee 即溶咖啡/real coffee 苦咖啡/espresso coffee 蒸馏咖啡(浓咖啡)/blended coffee混合咖啡/brewed coffee 现煮的咖啡/Nuclear family 核心家庭extended family 延伸家庭(大家庭)参见p92 Section 4 表格加多选解题方法:1、看表格双向内容并找规律3、找题干核心词避免出现陷阱问答题解题思路(看题目要求)1、判断问句类型(特殊问句/一般问句)2、预测答案的词性3、划核心词About 英式美式口音英→美ɔ→ʌi:→I ʌ→əu:→u ə: →əSentence practice; dance bath a lot hot pot love very much niece leaveBird are for her问句形式轻辅音后面的音要浊化典型的美式口音 a l o t ofLesson fourTed did→a lot of experiments at school(did和a要连读)1、情形一:当后一个单词是以元音开头时,要与前一个单词的结尾辅音连读情形二、如果前一个辅音是清辅音,则此处要浊化,清辅音位于单词非重读音节,且不在单词开头或结尾时,也要浊化情形一:对应的浊音e.g.:find→it talk→(g)about→(d)itStop→(b)itt→d k→g s→z f→v t→ʃd→ʒd→z ʃ→ʒθ→ð情形二:take a(ei)walk(ə)walk(爆破)the dog(ɔ变ʌ)Sho pp ing cen t er 浊化peo p le mee t ing 浊化Pos t pone t被爆破掉delay的意思Sentence practice:I will think it overPlease put→an apple into the ba(ʌ)sketan(辅音)→i(元音)ce-cream连读the little nice boy us eating an ice cream and→an→egg together红本听力书p711、地理场景常见内容Location:数字题(kilometers,Miles)东西南北方向(northeast southwest)远近(distant,far away,remote,neigboring ,adjacent相邻的,border,etcVocabulary supplement:border v 接壤e.g Canada borders USA n 边界2、shape:square ,rectangle ['rektæŋɡl]长方形,triangle,oval['əuvəl]椭圆3、weather:chilly寒冷的,freezing weather,wet,humit(潮湿的)Light/heavy rain 经典的一对反义词后面还可加比如industry sleeper…Heavy rain可以替换为it’s raining cats and dogs4、population:million thousand5、main attraction景点:吸引人的原因:scenery spots ,culture,festival,island ,beachs,coastline,parks,museums,library,art ,gallery对应p99Q13-14 单句填空题1、解题方法2、找出句中核心词并且预测答案3、找题干特殊句型结构1)if 结构2)there be 3)定语从句4)因果结构5)转折关系6)否定结构→形式主语(it…to)选项长的到题干中找核心词p74选择题:1、先看题,划核心词2、从看选项并找出区别(注意相似和相反的选项,排除绝对、无效和无关的选项)※注意常识原则的运用上面提到的相似:1、结构相似2、意义相似(look like,look unlike)3、发音相似相反:意义相反绝对词汇:everyone,all,only ,etc无效词汇:不大可能成为选择项总结填空题适用单句填空解题原则注意1、书写速度(原词原句)→抓几个关键核心词2、短暂记忆能力→p75 24题3、拼写和格式要正确提纲填空题p76·看小标题,把握主题·找空格前后的核心词图例法之解题方法1、扫描图例,推测描述顺序2、看example,推测可能要填内容常考场景:个人健康内容Diet ,vegetarian, dietitianSymptom: headache( stomach, toothache, bellyache 腹痛,dizzy晕(faint 昏),vomit,Insomnia 失眠,amnesia失忆,homesickDrowsy(sleepy,drowsiness n)昏昏欲睡Clinic:temperature,blood pressure ,pulse,pill,tablet ,capsule ,injection,antibiotic 抗生(abuse~),immune,immune ,vitamin ,therapy,lifestyle ,disease,leprosy 麻风病,yellow fever 黄热病,I got a feverBonus:intern(实习生)ship实习AIDS: acquired immune deficiency ,syndrome综合症Test 4 p87个人信息表格题·考察写人名、地名、数字、日期(日月年or月日年)、专有名词(比如书名、电影植物n建筑物某部分)的能力(姓名、电话、号码、学生号,账号,信用卡类型,日期,邮编,车牌etc)注意信息修正和非直接信息Street, road, avenue, boulevard ,walk ,lane ,driveCredit card→VISA,master(万事达),American express (表达,快速的)Fedex联邦快递,museum,plaza 广场,square ,gallery画廊度假Make/confirm/cancel a reservation/book ,one-way ticket /travel agent /passport, visa ,credit card ,driving licenseBeach walk ;bushwalking; cycling; hiking(hitchhike搭便车旅行)/backpack 动词背包旅行~somewhere 名词背包/tent/camp/campfire(thumb a ride) /sleeping bag /suntan 晒黑(my skin is suntanned 小麦色)/ferry 渡船/plane/hovercraft 气垫船导游模式walking guide/bus guide/train guide/plane guideP89 section2 图画题(人物/物体)→新生报道会场景P120 p121 p15专门练习sports suite 一套/套房正装suit /男shirt 女blouse /连衣裙dress ,半身裙skirt解题方法1、先看问题再看图,人物是先分男女2、看图找差别:人物题看配饰,服装,高矮,胖瘦(好看瘦slender,slim不带感情的瘦thin strong/big),胡子,发型,其他类型先找有明显标志性特征卷发(curly 小卷wavy 大卷)胡子:下胡子beard ,络腮胡子moustache Sideburns 连鬓胡子pigtail麻花辫猪尾/pongtail 马尾bun 发簪bobo 头crew cut 寸头flat top 平头clean-shaped 光头bald 秃头eagle 秃鹰---filling the form /fill out the form新生报到:Register,registration/orientation 方向talk /meeting /tour week/opening (graduation )ceremony /commencement 毕业典礼;开始overseas students/ teachers and faculty ;校长president/chancellor 名誉校长/student affairs officer 学工处处长;coordinator 协调员(辅导员)/teaching affairs officer·facilities;health center;clinic;fitness center ;administration building 行政大楼/student union 学生会/bulletin board 公告牌/tuition fee 学费/culture and history …P90 搭配题解题方法1、确定搭配类型2、抓核心词,预测将听内容3、听录音,确定演讲展开顺序(要么以选项为逻辑,要么以题型为逻辑)※选项 4 4 4题号 4 6 3 等于小于大于课程名称Mathematics ,geology地质,physics,PE,psychology心理学,physiology 生理学,archeology 考古,botany 植物学,zoology 动物学,ecology 生态学,anthropology 人类学,meteorology 气象学,astronomy 天文,astrology占星,pathology 病理学,pharmacology 药理学,algebra 代数,geometry几何语言:Spanish,French ,Italian,Portuguese ,Mandarin 中文;Cantonese 粤语;Arabic 阿拉伯语;German 德国语;Greek 希腊语;Vietnamese 越南语 .:'vjetnə'mi:z] /elementary ,fundamental 低级Intermediate 中级/advanced 高级找工作Tob title;manager ;doctor;professor;engineer;lawyer ;attorney news reporter/journalist/commentator 解说员/researcher ,receptionist 接待员/clerk 员工/sales 销售/freelancer 自由作家,记者/part-time/restaurant work/laboratory work 假释期(试用期)·working experience :internship, probation 试用期;social investigation,surveySalary:starting salary ,payday ,welfareWorking hours:working day,weekday,weekend,coffee break ,bank holiday(公共假期)/年假annual leave最后总结+大场子(文档里有)。