2、将带有特征性形象的词译 成该形象所代表的属性的词。
1) Rich and powerful, he always goosesteps on the street.
1) Goosestep的原义是从名词 “鹅步、正步” 转化而来的动 词,根据上下文引申,译成: “他有钱有势,在街上总是耀 武扬威,横行霸道。”
2)He is in critical condition, see-sawing between life and death.
2) See-saw原义是“跷跷 板”,这里引申译为:他的病 况危急,时好时坏,在生死之 间徘徊。
2)He is a Shylock!
2) Shylock是莎士比亚笔下 的人物,其人刻薄歹毒,故该 句引申译为:他凶险狡诈。
Every life has its roses and thorns.
这里把玫瑰和刺引申,译为: “每个人的生活有苦有甜。”
2)他的学位成了他进入那家 公司获得高薪的敲门砖。
2. 英语中有些词在特定的上 下文中,含义是清楚的,但译 成汉语时还必须作具体化引申, 否则就不够清楚。
1) The car in front of me broke down and I missed the green.
She is a good Christian, a good parent, a good wife, a good daughter and a good teacher.
Edison invented the electric light lamp. 爱迪生发明了电灯。 He invented a story to explain why he was late. 他编造一个谎话,解释为什么迟到。 The beauty of the evening seduced me abroad. 傍晚的美景把我吸引到户外去。 The vile guy tried to seduce the young girl. 那无耻的家伙企图勾引那个女孩。
2. 根据语境及搭配关系判断词义
动词和名词搭配 形容词和名词搭配
develop the heavy industry develop a method develop an interest develop a habit develop a plan develop one’s competence
我从不喝酒。 Wine
我不喝烈性酒。 spirits
The atrocity of Japanese army’s aggression roused the people to great indignation.
He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest street, hearts, vows and librettos.
他在一个市区停了下来,那里的夜晚有最明亮的街道, 最愉快的心情,最轻易出口的誓言和最轻松的歌曲。
He is the last man to come.
He is the last person to do it.
He is the last person for such a job.
He should be the last (man) to blame. He is the last person to consult. This is the last place where I expected to meet you.
• He took off his coat and sat down. • She took the pupils off to the art exhibition.
• The professor took off for Shanghai this morning.
• Both students and teachers took Christmas off.
• The plane took off from the airport and headed south towards Hong Kong. • She took off a few pounds in a month.
• Food costs took off.
• Their first major design took off in high schools and colleges.
第四章 英汉译常用的方法和技巧(上)
• • • • • • • • •
一、词义的选择、引申和褒贬 二、词类转译法(一) 三、词类转译法(二) 四、增词法(一) 五、增词法(二) 六、重复法(一) 七、重复法(二) 八、省略法 九、正反、反正表达法
• 第一节 词义的选择、引申和褒贬 • 一、词义的选择:
Grey hair should be respected(synecdoche) The pen is mightier than the sword. (metonymy) The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era---the Industrial Age. Money had become King. (metonymy) 机器的发明使世界进入到一个新纪元即工业时 代,金钱成了主宰一切的权威。 He is a rolling stone. I don’t think he can go far. 他是个见异思迁的人,我想他不会有多大出息。
有些词义是中立的,本身不表示褒义或者贬义, 但在一定的上下文中可能有褒贬的意味. demanding He found that being a CEO was a demanding job. 他发现当首席执行官是个费力的工作。 As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication from his employers. 他是个苛刻的老板,要求手下的人对他忠心耿 耿,鞠躬尽瘁。
词义的选择: 根据词性来选择词义(word meaning) 根据上下文来选择词义(context) 根据搭配关系来选择词义(collocation)
引申的方法:抽象化引申 & 具体化引申 抽象化引申:具体——抽象 Do you think this dictionary of English is the supreme court in all matters concerning English words? 你认为这本英语词典是英语词汇的权威词典吗? See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct. 在那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而 又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗 化。
Basic Course on English-Chinese Translation
词义选择 词义引申 词义褒贬 练习
英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指一个词 往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义。一词多义就是说同一个词在 同一个词类中,又往往有几个不同的词义。在英汉翻译过程中,我们在 弄清原句结构后就要善于选择和确定原句中关键词的词义。
“正确的用词同几乎正确的用词之区别就好比闪电同萤火虫之区 别”。 ——马克吐温
选择了恰当的词语,真乃犹如闪电,让你眼前一亮,仿佛看到智慧 的光芒。
I got on horseback within ten minutes after I got your letter. When I got to Canterbury, I got a chaise for town, but I got wet through, and have got such a cold that I shall not get rid of it in a hurry. I got to the Treasury about noon, but first of all got shaved and dressed.
week 7 第四章1词义的选择、引申和褒贬
![week 7 第四章1词义的选择、引申和褒贬](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7d40ef49767f5acfa1c7cd5b.png)
轻音乐 轻微的损失 轻便的汽车 轻松的心情 轻快的脚步 轻浮的举止 轻巧的装备 轻松的工作 轻柔的声音
Reasons for using diction: Polysemy and different collocation
eat soup heavy rain
strong wind
black tea
第一节 词义的选择、引申和褒贬
一、词义的选译 Diction
By ―diction‖ we mean the proper
choice of words and phrases in
translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original.
brown sugar
strong tea prime time
喝汤 大雨 大风 红茶 红糖 浓茶 黄金时间
1. 根据词性选择词义
2. 根据上下文及逻辑关系选择词义 3. 根据搭配选择词义
1. 根据词性选择词义
Every penny I earned from the work was
– 抽象化引申 – 具体化引申 – 典故的词义引申
2.1 抽象化引申
I was practically on my knees but he still
refused. 我几乎是苦苦哀求,但他依然拒绝。 The two sisters were usually in agreement on most issues, but they were at swords’ points on the matter of abortion. 在很多问题上姐妹俩的意见通常是一致的, 但在人工流产问题上,她们是有激烈争 执的。
(三) 根据全文或句子的知识内容
There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. These are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. These are things we don’t know. 我们懂得我们知道一些人所知的情况,我们也懂得我们还不知道 众所周知的不可预测的形势,但还存在我们没有意识到我们不懂的 尚未了解的未知局面。
The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 该险种对残疾人无效。形容词,无效的;名词,残疾人
The wind was too strong to wind the soil. 风太大以至于吹不起风帆。名词,风;动词,吹动
The dump was full to refuse more refuse. 垃圾堆已堆满,不能再堆了。动词,拒绝;名词,垃圾
(二) 根据搭配
Excuse me. / Please let me pass. 她让我在雨里等了两个钟头。
She kept me waiting in the rain as long as two hours. 大夫让我卧床。
The doctor advised me to stay in bed. 他把客人让进来。
剧痛 急转弯 激烈的斗争
4. 尖刻,苛刻,易怒: A sharp tongue A sharp temper A sharp criticism
5. 刺骨,刺鼻,刺耳: A sharp frost A sharp smell A sharp voice
英汉互译常用技巧(一)词义的选择、引申和褒贬课后练习一、词义选择与延伸1.Japanese army killed millions of innocent people during the war.2.Three men were killed in the accident .3.The engine was killed by the flood .4.Y our joke nearly kill me .5.He is a man of confidence.6.He walked at the head of the funeral procession,and every now and then wiped away hishypocritical tears with a big handkerchief.7.We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.8.Watergate consumes Richard Nixon’s presidency.9.The lack of confidence failed her in the competition.二、词义甄别1.数以万计的中外客商云集申城。
三、词义褒贬1、The president was respected by his people for his foresightedness.2、The politician was notorious for his double dealing.3、Y ou flattered me!4、She felt greatly flattered when she received the invitation to deliver a lecture.5、Edison invented the gramophone and the electric light.6、People sometimes invent excuses to go out of work.7、The years steal by.8、That thermometer must be lying.9、对不起,我还没有请教您的尊姓大名呢?段落练习:A Translate the underlined part of the following text into English.我想不起来哪一个熟人没有手机。
writing 1.1 英汉词汇的对比词义的选择引申和褒贬
![writing 1.1 英汉词汇的对比词义的选择引申和褒贬](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4ed0d2dc50e2524de5187ed1.png)
不对应 the Trojan horse the heel of Achilles the sword of Damocles to meet one’s Waterloo
-----内部颠覆者 -----致命的弱点 -----临头的危险 ----一败涂地
1、词义的选择 、
这些葡萄酒是法国生产的。但用巨大的容器进口到中国后,还得先 进行瓶装,然后在中国市场出售。(n.—v.)
1.3 词类语际转换 词类语际转换(inter-language conversion)
2. 词义对比
从传统词汇学的角度来看,词义包括概念意义和内涵意义。概念 意义也叫指称意义,外延意义(denotative meaning),就是词汇最 基本的意义,是语言符号所代表事物的基本特征的抽象概括;内 涵意义也叫联想意义(connotative meaning),是隐含于或附加于 概念意义上的意义。社会,群体或个人都可以使一个词具有特定 的内涵意义,有时还可能有不同的内涵意义。 2.1 外延意义的对比 人类观察、分析、反映自然界和种种社会活动往往有相同和相似 之处,因而对客观世界相同事物,相同现象描述的词语常常是对 应相同的;然而由于不同的历史、文化背景和不同的思维方式, 不同民族认识和描述客观世界的方式和角度就可能不尽相同,因 此词汇的外延意义也就存在一定的差异。
1.2 词类语内转换 词类语内转换(intro-language conversion )
在语内交际过程中,英汉两种语言在词类/词性方面均 会发生转换。 Examples: My father is a regular in that restaurant, and all of the waiters know him. 我父亲经常光顾那家饭店,因此店里的服务员都认识 他。(adj.—n.) For the last two decades there has been a rise in the number of single-parent families because of the everrising divorce rate in the country. 在过去的20年里,由于离婚率持续上升,这个国家的 单亲家庭数量有增无减。(v.—n.) This wine was produced in France, but it was imported in large containers and bottled in China before it was sold.
1)做人误译:do person正译:be a man2)The child was in his birthday suit and ran about the yard.误译:那个孩子穿着生日服装在院子里到处跑。
解析:“in his birthday suit”是一种戏谑的说法,意为“光着身子”。
3)His father is forty something.误译:他父亲有40件事缠身。
e.g. Annie didn’t catch the six som ething train.David spent fifty something on a new pair of glasses.4)Every tom, Dick and Harry danced in the hall then.误译:当时,汤姆,迪克和哈里三人都在大厅里跳舞。
解析:在英美国家,Tom, Dick 和Harry等人名是很普通的,就像中国的“张三,李四,王五”那样,因此,every T om, Dick and Harry (口语)意为“人人”,“一般人”,“不管张三李四什么人”等。
5)This car is in repair.误译:这辆车在修理中。
解析:in repair 意为“完好”,“修好”,“情况良好”。
“This car is under repair.”才表示“这辆车在维修中”。
例如,在like charges repel; unlike charges attract一句中,like用作形容词,它的汉语对应意义是“相同的”,因此全句可以译为:“相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸”。
但在下面各句中,like又分属其他几个不同词类:1)He likes mathematics more than physics.他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理学。
(动词)2)In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold.在射入窗内的阳光里,细微的尘埃像金子一般在闪闪发亮。
(前置词)3)Like knows like.英雄识英雄。
第4章英译汉常用的方法和技巧(上)4.1 词义的选择、引申和褒贬一、试译下列各句,注意根据上下文和逻辑关系对特定词汇作进一步引申。
1. violence【译文】暴力事件2. confusion【译文】混乱状态3. individualism【译文】个人主义4. public security【译文】社会治安问题5. inflation【译文】通货膨胀问题6. trade volume【译文】成交情况7. independence【译文】独立地位8. R&D【译文】研发活动9. to do evil things openly【译文】明火执仗10. to be full of anxiety and worry【译文】牵肠挂肚11. a great and thorough-going change 【译文】翻天覆地的变化12. great in momentum and irresistible 【译文】声势浩大,不可阻挡13. A good conscience is a soft pillow.【译文】良心过得去,睡觉才安稳。
14. Love lives in cottages as well as courts.【译文】爱情不分贵贱。
15. You should not show your hand to a stranger.【译文】对陌生人要保持戒心。
16. Please don’t wake a sleeping dog.【译文】请不要惹是生非。
17. I have no head for music.【译文】我没有音乐方面的天赋。
18. Vietnam War was his entree to the new Administration as a foreign policy consultant.【译文】越南战争成了他进入新政府的敲门砖,他成了新政府的对外政策顾问。
19. Action and foresight will be needed as well as learning and reputation.【译文】不但需要德高望重的学者,而且需要有远见卓识的实干家。
一. 词义的选择
• 5). back: adv. / v. / n.
I'll be back in a couple of days. It was said that they would back the plan. It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
6). light: n. / adv. / adj. / v.
Light travels faster than sound. travel light 轻装旅行 I had a light meal. The bird lit on a branch.
一. 词义的选择
2. 根据上下文及搭配确定词义
---Is the emigration of intelligence to become an issue as absorbing as the immigration of strong muscle?
知识分子移居国外是不是会和体力劳动者迁居国内同样构成问 题呢?
二. 词义的引伸
---Under those conditions, all international morality or international laws become impossible.
I never see you but I think of my brother.
我没有一次见到你不想起我的兄弟来。 I cannot but laugh to hear such a story.
听到这样的故事,我禁不住发笑。 What I need is nothing but a good rest.
一、词义的选择、引申和褒贬1.一词多义(Polysemy)regularregular reading / regular job / regular flight / regular visitor / regular speed / regular army / gasolinedelicatedelicate skin / porcelain / upbringing / living / health / stomach / vase / diplomatic question / difference / surgical operation / ear for music / sense of smell / touch / food2.注意有线词的词义He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.He now saw plainly the meaning of all. In the beginning, he had got a job the first day; but now he was second-hand, a damaged article, and they did not want him. They had got the best out of him, and now they had thrown him away. The situation had now become desperate. Then came another incident.3.词义的引申(Extension or Generalization)1) Extend the word meaning to cover an abstraction conceptHis novel is a mirror of the times.The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine.2) Extend the word meaning to cover a specific conceptIn two years, he was a national phenomenon.Public opinion is demanding more and more that something be done about noise.Mary’s father, by his first marriage, had a daughter, Jane, Mary’s half-sister.4.词义的褒贬(Commendatory and Derogatory)The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.Poor Joe’s panic lasted for two or three days; during which he did not visit the house.It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well.The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people.She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.5.ExercisesI have no opinion of that sort of man.She put five dollars into my hand. “You have been a great man today.”I’m afraid you’re being too particular about your food.I was the youngest son, and the youngest but two.The picture flattered her.The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England.二、词类转译法(一)转译成动词(1)名词转译动词(Convert nouns into verbs)My admiration for him grew more.He said he did not know whether Tom was ready for a showdown.To some extent it gets into the question of the chicken or the egg.The Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry were rewarded to Americans, giving the U.S. a clean sweep of all the 1976 Nobel prizes in the sciences.Television is the transmission and reception of image of moving objects by radio waves.In the absence of friction, the vehicle could not even be started.Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.I am no drinker, nor smoker.The application of electronic computers makes a tremendous rise in labor productivity.(2)介词转译成动词(Convert prepositions into verbs)There are many substances through which electric currents will not flow at all.We are fortunate in our opponent.Captain Ford was between the sheets by 9 last night.The most he is after at this time is a chance to get more money.I tried to talk him out of the idea, but he was unpleasant.Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty.“Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.(3)形容词转译成动词(Convert adjectives into verbs)He said the meeting was informative.They were news-hungry.It was a very informative meeting.(4)副词转译成动词(Convert adverbs into verbs)The experiment in chemistry was ten minutes behind.It has snowed over.Why should we let in foreign goods when Americans walk the streets because they can’t sell their own goods?(二)转译成名词(1)动词转译成名词(Convert verbs into nouns)She knows what’s what.They thought differently.TV differs from radio in that it sends and receives pictures.The computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations.He roared, which threatened his enemies away.The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American.(2)形容词转译成名词The new treaty would be good for ten years.The language of the poem is colloquial, yet it’s deep in its understanding of human emotions.Then the monkeys were trained according to different plans so as to make them highly individualized.Everyday experience shows us that heavy objects are more stable than light ones.(三)转译成形容词名词转译成形容词Their physical experiment was a success.The nuclear power system designed in China is of great precision.Said a New York bullion trader, “The market’s gone banana.”He found on this issue, as on Taiwan, an identity of approach.In Europe, his name was well known, if not a household word.(四)其他词类转译副词转译成名词The air-conditioning unit is shown schematically on Page 2.Oxygen is one of the important elements in the physical world, it is very active chemically.The image must be dimensionally correct.三、被动语态的`译法(一)大量的英语被动句要化成汉语的主动句1. He said the pact had now been reduced to less than a shadow.2. She had no knowledge of this and had not been consulted on these reported plans.3. What has just been written runs the risk of oversimplification.4. Many voices have been raised demanding the setting up of an Arab common market.(二)以by为着眼点,进行多种译文1. But real influence is not built up by striking attitude or by throwing insults.2. Its sincerity is illustrated not only by its proposal but also by its deeds.3. What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring.4. Many expect that he will be outed by one of his rivals.5. He said he was assured by the State Department that the U.S. is willing to normalize relations with his country.(三)“it + be + p.p. + that clause”的句型,常以下列形式表达1. It should be noted that he and she were academically more than just friends.2. It should be understood that to err is human.(四)汉译中需用被动式时,也最好多找一些字眼来取代“被”字1. The visitor was flattered and impressed.2. Everybody was fed up with her gossip.3. He was set upon by two naked men.4. If the expenditure is really necessary, the money can be found somehow.5. He was released immediately after Batista fled Cuba.四、增词法(一)名词、动名词前增补动词1. We often go to the school-run factory for labor.2. Testing is a complicated problem and long experience is required for its mastery.(二)英语抽象名词的翻译1. He was still reluctant to talk substance.2. Many changes take place during the transformation.3. Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall.4. From the evaporation of water people know that liquid can turn into gases under certain conditions.(三)将具体形象的词译成该形象所具有的属性和特征,这是一种引申,需增词1. It was a Godsend to him.2. If you dare to play the fox with me, I’ll shoot you at once.(四)增添“概括”性的词1. He had slept there before, in July and again in October.2. Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed health.3. The government is doing its best to ease the tension in that area.4. Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen andnitrogen.5. This report summed up the achievements in technology and education.(五)英文中为避免重复而省略之词,汉译时需补上,作必要的重复1. I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time.(六)汉译文根据原文意思增加一些必要的解释性文字1. And he launched into a speech, eloquently advocating his university of the future.2. Those were the words that were to make the world blos som for, “like Aaron’s rod, with flowers”.(七)增补量词1. Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler, a piece of glass, a metal spoon, a coin, a piece of paper, a pin, a plastic comb,a key, a pencil, a tin lid and a rubber eraser.2. On April 24th 1970, China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite.(八)增补表示复数含义的词1. But that the old workers helped us, we should have failed.2. The moving parts of a machine are often oiled so that friction may be greatly reduced.【英译汉常用的方法和技巧】。
3 词义的选择
英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。一词 多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义。 一词多义就是说同一个词在同一个词类中,又往往有几个不 同的词义。在英汉翻译过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后就要 善于选择和确定原句中关键词的词义。选择和确定词义通常 从以下几个方面着手:
as drunk as a fiddler 酩酊大醉 (在古英格兰,民间小提琴手在公共场合为舞 蹈伴奏,人们往往以酒酬谢,因此往往会喝得 大醉.后人用此成语时,常常重意不重形与典, 因此,不必直译为 "像小提琴手一样酩酊大醉 ",采用释义法即可.)
bring down the house 全场喝彩 (不能直译为 "把房子都弄倒了")
第四章 翻译技巧1
• • • • • 加注 释义 词义的选择 词义的引申 词义的褒贬
1. 加注(annotation)
由于英汉文化存在许多差异,因此译入语 中某些文化词语在译出语中根本就没有对 等词,形成了词义上的空缺。在这种情况 下,英汉互译时常常要采用加注法来弥补 空缺。加注通常可以用来补充诸如背景材 料、词语起源等相关信息,便于读者理解。 加注法可分为音译加注和直译加注两种。
下海 jumping into the sea of business (若直译为 jumping into the sea容易引起误解) 拜堂 perform the marriage ceremony
(1) It's not easy to become a member of that club-they want people who have plenty of money to spend, not just every Tom, Dick, and Harry. 要参加那个俱乐部并非易事──他们只吸收手头阔 绰的人,而不是普通百姓。 (Tom, Dick, Harry都是英美常见的人名,这里泛指 任何人,相当于汉语中的"张三、李四、王五"。 所以,这里不宜直译为"汤姆、迪克、哈里"。)
He is the last person for such a job. 他最不配(最不适合)干这工作。
He should be the last to blame. 怎么也不应该去怪他。
He is the last man to consult. 根本不宜找他商量。
Administration, his third incarnation as a foreign policy consultant.
任政府的对外政策顾问,那是第三次了。 11 11 第十一页,共21页。
2、英语中有些词在特定的上下文中,其含义时 清楚的,但是译成汉语时还要作具体化的引 申,否则就不够清楚。 The car in front of me stalled and I missed
2. E-commerce has not yet enthusiastically
embraced. 3. The music industry is getting raided by
the Internet because it is so easy to make unauthorized of songs.
2、需要用贬义的词来表达 1) He was a man of integrity, but
unfortunately he had a certain reputation. I believe the reputation was not deserved. 他是一个正直诚实的人,但不幸有某种坏名 声。我相信他这个坏名声是不该有的。
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(二) 根据搭配
Don’t pick up strange boys. 别和不认识的男 before six? 你能不能在6点以前来接我? She picked up a used camera at the flea market. 她在跳蚤市场买了一架旧照相机。
(二) 根据搭配
I won’t take all this lying down. 他要请我们吃馆子。
He is going to invite us out to dinner. 这种纸不吃墨水。
This kind of paper doesn’t absorb ink. 这件事你如果说出去,我叫你吃不了兜着走。
If you let this leak out, I’ll make you sorry for it. 只要技术好,到哪儿都吃得开。 A person who has expertise is welcome anywhere. 他在银行存款,吃利息。 He deposits money in the bank to get interests.
(四) 根据词性不同,词义不同
I want to present everyone present a present. 我想给在场的各位赠送一份礼物。 动词,赠送;形容词,在场的;名词,礼物 He was too close to the door to close it. 他离门太近以至于关不了门。 形容词,接近的;动词,关
It is wise to object to the unknown object. 拒绝不明物体是明智的。 动词,拒绝;名词,物体 Peter decided to desert his wife in the desert. 彼得决定把妻子抛弃在沙漠里。 动词,抛弃;名词。沙漠
The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 该险种对残疾人无效。形容词,无效的;名词,残疾人
The wind was too strong to wind the soil. 风太大,吹动了风帆。名词,风;动词,吹动
The dump was full to refuse more refuse. 垃圾堆已堆满,不能再堆了。动词,拒绝;名词,垃圾
(二) 根据搭配
Excuse me. / Please let me pass. 她让我在雨里等了两个钟头。
She kept me waiting in the rain as long as two hours. 大夫让我卧床。
The doctor advised me to stay in bed. 他把客人让进来。
(三) 根据全文或句子的知识内容
There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. These are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. These are things we don’t know. 我们懂得我们知道一些人所知的情况,我们也懂得我们还不知道 众所周知的不可预测的形势,但还存在我们没有意识到我们不懂的 尚未了解的未知局面。
His health picked up after a week in hospital.
他在医院住了一个星期,身体有所恢复。 How did you manage to pick up the language in such a short period of time? 你怎么能在这么短的时间里学会这种语言? There are men in the factory picking up eighty pounds a week? 那个工厂的工人一周能挣80英镑?
一 词义的选择
Toilet table 梳妆台 Toilet water 花露水 Toilet powder 爽身粉 An elaborate toilet 盛装
Make way 让路 Make progress 取得进步 Make bed 铺床 Make a dictionary 编字典
(一) 根据名词的单复数 (二) 根据搭配 (三) 根据全文或句子的知识内容 (四) 根据词性不同,词义不同 (五) 根据词性相同,词义不同
(一) 根据名词的单复数
air 空气 airs 神气 time 时间 times 时代 good 好的 goods 货物 wood 木材 woods 森林 work 工作 works 著作 salt 食盐 salts 泻药 custom 习俗 customs 关税 minute 分钟 minutes 会议记录
He invites the guest in. 他是你弟弟,你该让着他点儿。 He is your brother. You should humor him a little. (迁就,迎合)
店主让我父亲一天干16个小时的活。 The shop-owner made my father work 16 hours a day.
吃喜酒 吃醋 吃香
吃透 吃不消
Attend the wedding banquet Be jealous
Be very popular Have a thorough grasp more than one can stand
征求意见 Ask one’s suggestion 取得一致意见 Reach an agreement 补充几点意见 Add some points to 对某人很有意见 Have complaints about/of