



改变生活的十个小技巧英文1. Practice gratitude: Take a moment every day to reflect on the things you are grateful for in your life. This can help shift your focus to the positive aspects and improve your overall well-being.2. Prioritize self-care: Make sure to set aside time for yourself every day. Whether it's for exercise, meditation, or simply relaxing with a good book, taking care of your own needs is essential for a balanced life.3. Set goals: Having clear goals can give you a sense of purpose and direction. Break down your goals into smaller, achievable tasks to make them more manageable.4. Create a daily routine: Establishing a routine can add structure to your life and increase productivity. Plan your days ahead, including time for work, leisure, and rest, to make the most of your time.5. Declutter and organize: Take some time to declutter your living space.A clean and organized environment can help reduce stress and improve your overall mood.6. Practice mindfulness: Be present in the moment and fully engage withyour surroundings. Mindfulness can help reduce anxiety and increase your overall sense of well-being.7. Try new things: Step out of your comfort zone and seek new experiences. Whether it's trying a new hobby, exploring a new place, or learning a new skill, trying new things can expand your horizons and bring excitement to your life.8. Surround yourself with positive people: Choose to spend time with people who uplift and inspire you. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can have a significant impact on your own mindset and outlook.9. Practice effective communication: Improve your communication skills to build more meaningful relationships with others. Effective communication can enhance your personal and professional life.10. Take care of your physical health: Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. Taking care of your physical health is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and energy levels.。



双语美文:17步帮你轻松get更好的生活双语美文:17步帮你轻松get更好的生活Have you been stuck in a rut lately, feeling like genuine happiness is virtually impossible to obtain? Whatever trialsyou are facing at this very moment will surely pass. Happiness is right before our eyes. Here are 17 simple ways to seekout happiness in your every day lives, and how I managed to keep my sanity during a period of turmoil:你是否曾经深陷窘境,觉得真正的幸福无处可寻?不论你当下的境遇如何,这一切都会过去。




1. Get outside.1. 出去看看It has been scientifically proven that being outdoors helps alleviate feelings of sadness and depression. Sit for awhile and pay close attention to your surroundings; I guarantee you'll soon be reminded of the beauty of life.科学研究表明,出门看看能够帮助缓和悲伤及抑郁。


2. Forgive and forget.2. 原谅、释怀Holding grudges serves absolutely no purpose in life. We've all been bruised before, some worse than others, but nomatter the situation, you will always be better off leaving it in the past. If not for their sake, forgive them for yourown.怨恨毫无用处。



















美文欣赏:改善你的生活 Michael Lee迈克尔 李双语

美文欣赏:改善你的生活 Michael Lee迈克尔 李双语

Don't just stand there/改善你的生活Michael Lee/迈克尔李Many people think that they have to accept whatever life throws at them. They'll say, “This is my fate, my destiny. I cannot change it.”许多人认为人应该认命接受生活抛给自己的一切。



”Of course not!当然不是这样!You don't have to suffer needlessly. Your destiny depends on you, not on any other external factors.你不必委曲求全。


I know someone who says she just accepts what life gives her because she has done everything she can to improve it.我认识的一个人说她只不过是接受生活所给予的一切,因为她已经尽全力去改善生活了。

Guess what her lifestyle is?大家猜猜她过的是一种怎样的生活?She wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes back home, relaxes, chats with people, watches TV, then goes to sleep. Next day, the same routine cycle ensues.她早上醒来,去上班,回家,休息,和别人聊天,看电视,然后上床休息。


Huh?!? Is this what she calls “doing her best?”哈,这就是她所谓的“竭尽全力”?She believes she has tried her best and just accepts it in her heart that this isthe life that God has intended for her to live; that her luck can only change if God wills it.她认为她已经尽了力,在心里接受了这种想法,即这就是上帝为她安排的生活,只有上帝愿意,她的运气才会改变。



改变你的生活技巧英语作文I always try to change up my daily routine to keep things interesting. Whether it's trying out a new recipefor dinner or taking a different route to work, I find that small changes can make a big difference in my day.One of the best life hacks I've discovered is using a planner to stay organized. I write down everything I need to do each day, from work tasks to personal errands. It helps me stay on top of things and ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.I've also started practicing mindfulness and meditation to help reduce stress and improve my overall well-being. Taking just a few minutes each day to clear my mind and focus on the present has made a huge difference in my mental health.Another game-changing skill I've learned is how to meal prep. Spending a few hours on the weekend preparing mealsfor the week saves me so much time and stress during the week. It's also helped me eat healthier and save money on takeout.I've recently started incorporating regular exercise into my routine, and it's made a world of difference in my energy levels and mood. Even just a quick walk or yoga session can do wonders for my overall well-being.Lastly, I've been working on improving my communication skills, both at work and in my personal relationships. I've found that being a better listener and expressing myself clearly has helped me avoid misunderstandings and build stronger connections with others.。



生活不只是生存:教你学会生活的30种方式"The proper function of man is to live - not to exist." -- Jack London “人应该生活,而不仅仅是生存。


Too often we go through life on autopilot, going through the motions and having each day pass like the one before it.很多时候我们的生活就好像是开着自动挡,像是在敷衍了事,每天的生活都和前一天一模一样。

That's fine, and comfortable, until you have gone through another year without having done anything, without having really lived life.这样的日子过得不错、很舒坦,直到你发现这一年又什么也没做,没有真正地享受生活。

That's fine, until you have reached old age and look back on life with regrets. That's fine, until you see your kids go off to college and realize that you missed their childhoods.这样的日子过得不错,直到你变老,回首往事,满是遗憾。


It's not fine. If you want to truly live life, to really experience it, to enjoy it to the fullest, instead of barely scraping by and only living a life of existence, then you need to find ways to break free from the mold and drink from life.这样的日子其实过得并不好。






一起来做这个有趣的改变生活的实验吧:)Feeling Stuck? 100 Ways to Change your Life你觉得被困住了吗?100种方法让你改变你的生活You've got 20 minutes to change your life in 100 ways. Go.你有20分钟的时间,用100种方式改变生活。

现在就开始吧!This is the premise of an exercise I tried once, when I was feeling stuck in life. I wasn't sure what was amiss, but the routine I had fallen into was not satisfying the inner voice in me that insisted there was something else out there for me.这是当我觉得被生活困住时,我试过的一个练习。



After trying (forcefully) to understand what was going on, reading self-help books, filling out aptitude tests, and working with business and life coaches, I was given a suggestion that became a catalyst for some pretty big personal changes.在试着(强迫)去了解到底发生了什么事,阅读了自我帮助的书,填写了性向测验,接受事业及生活上的咨询,我得到的建议是,去催化一些非常重要的个人转变发生。



100天改变你生活的60个小方法2016-05-19 十点读书会文| MARELISA FABREGA翻译| 寒云阳来源| 译言网十点解读,不止读书我们读痛点、人物、风物、历史、美学...今日解读:小的改变★家庭★1.做一个“100天战胜混乱的日程表”,内容是在计划的100天里,每天计划要整理的物品,例如:第一天:整理杂志第二天:整理DVD第三天:整理书第四天:整理厨具2.生活咒语:每个物品都有自己的位置,并且每个物品都在合适的位置。






6-21 Best Ways to Boost Your Self Confidence(中英文)演讲稿

6-21 Best Ways to Boost Your Self Confidence(中英文)演讲稿

Number 1:You celebrate yourself. Many people with low self-esteem have a hard time celebrating themselves. Even when they accomplish something amazing, they tend to focus on all the things they did wrong. This can be a huge hurdle for even the most motivated individuals. Imagine you spent months on a project, you poured your heart and soul into it, but when it finished, you wouldn't let anyone see it. Despite caring so much about your work you feel embarrassed, you might compare yourself to others in their field, which can breed feelings of inadequacy. You might be incredibly talented and ambitious, but still lack the confidence to realize your goals. To overcome this obstacle, you have to learn to celebrate yourself. When you accomplish a goal, take time to reflect on all the hard work you put into it. A few months ago, you might have thought you'd never finish but you did. Be proud of the simple fact that you followed through because most people can't. A little celebration can break you out of that paralyzing cycle of over analysis and perfectionism. Sometimes you need a little fun to realize how much you have to be proud of.第一,为自己喝彩。





下面是一些能够给你生活方式带来巨大变化的日常习惯,也能帮你达到目标哦:1. Visualize想象I used to find it hard to fall asleep until I began visualizing how I wanted the next day to go. Instead of my mind wandering from topic to topic, focusing on what “might” go wrong, I started focusing on what “would” go right. If you not only list in your mind what you’re going to do th e next day but visualize yourself doing it, this matter-of-fact planning process helps keep uncertainty at bay (and the next day goes much smoother!).在我开始想象第二天需要如何度过之前,我总是非常难以入眠。



2. Define Your Priorities确定你的“第一优先”One of the big reasons why you’re not reaching your goals is likely to do with how much you have on your plate, professionally and personally. It’s likely you’re trying to do too many things at the same time. Ask yourself: what are your ultimate goals? Once you’ve defined them, drop everything that doesn’t cater to them. You can always come back to these things later, after you’ve established what’s most important toyou.你还没能实现目标的最大原因之一,有可能就是要处理的公事私事实在太多。



改变一生的20个技巧英文1. Set clear goals: Define what you want to achieve in life and create a plan to reach those goals.2. Develop a growth mindset: Embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for learning and growth.3. Practice gratitude: Take time each day to appreciate the good things in life.4. Build self-confidence: Focus on your strengths and work on improving your weaknesses.5. Learn to manage your time effectively: Prioritize tasks and avoid procrastination.6. Stay healthy: Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.7. Cultivate positive relationships: Surround yourself with supportive and positive people.8. Become a lifelong learner: Continuously seek knowledge and new skills.9. Face your fears: Step out of your comfort zone and take risks.10. Practice mindfulness: Be present in the moment and cultivate inner peace.11. Develop good communication skills: Learn to express yourself clearly and listen actively.12. Take care of your finances: Learn about saving, budgeting, and investing.13. Practice empathy: Put yourself in others' shoes and show compassion.14. Embrace failures: Learn from your mistakes and use them as stepping stones to success.15. Practice self-care: Take time for yourself and do activities that bring you joy and relaxation.16. Foster a positive mindset: Focus on the bright side of life and choose to see challenges as opportunities.17. Develop problem-solving skills: Learn how to analyze problems and find effective solutions.18. Set boundaries: Learn to say no when necessary and prioritize your own well-being.19. Embrace change: Adapt to new situations and embrace opportunities for personal growth.20. Cultivate resilience: Develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward.。



自己的一百种方法英语作文1. Call a friend and have a long chat about anything and everything.2. Go for a run to clear your mind and get some exercise.3. Cook a new recipe and try something different for dinner.4. Write a letter to someone you haven't spoken to in a while.5. Take a yoga class and focus on your breathing and stretching.6. Watch a funny movie that always makes you laugh.7. Go for a walk in nature and enjoy the peacefulness.8. Read a book that you've been meaning to start.9. Write in a journal and reflect on your thoughts and feelings.10. Take a bubble bath and relax in the warm water.11. Listen to your favorite music and sing along at the top of your lungs.12. Learn a new skill or hobby, like knitting or painting.13. Play a board game with your family or friends.14. Take a nap and recharge your energy.15. Visit a museum or art gallery to appreciate different forms of art.16. Go to a local café and enjoy a cup of coffee while people-watching.17. Take a road trip and explore a new city or town.18. Volunteer at a local charity and give back to your community.19. Have a picnic in the park with your loved ones.20. Take a day off from work and do absolutely nothing.21. Go to a comedy show and laugh until your stomach hurts.22. Take a dance class and let loose on the dance floor.23. Have a DIY spa day at home with face masks and relaxation.24. Visit a farmer's market and try new fruits and vegetables.25. Write a poem or short story and let your creativityflow.26. Have a movie marathon and watch all your favorite films.27. Go to a concert and sing along to your favorite songs.28. Visit a local library and discover new books to read.29. Take a photography walk and capture beautiful moments.30. Have a game night with your friends and play card or board games.31. Go for a bike ride and enjoy the fresh air.32. Try a new workout class, like Zumba or kickboxing.33. Have a picnic on the beach and watch the sunset.34. Take a day trip to a nearby town and explore new surroundings.35. Write a gratitude list and appreciate the things you have.36. Have a DIY craft day and make something unique.37. Visit a zoo or aquarium and learn about different animals.38. Take a cooking class and learn to make a new dish.39. Go to a flea market and find hidden treasures.40. Write a letter to your future self and set goals for the future.41. Take a day to declutter and organize your living space.42. Go to a karaoke night and sing your heart out.43. Try a new restaurant and indulge in delicious food.44. Take a painting class and create your own masterpiece.45. Have a picnic in your backyard and enjoy the sunshine.46. Visit a botanical garden and admire the beautiful flowers.47. Take a day trip to a nearby hiking trail and enjoy nature.48. Write a song or compose a piece of music.49. Have a BBQ party with your friends and family.50. Take a pottery class and make your own pottery.51. Go to a sports game and cheer for your favorite team.52. Have a pajama day and stay in bed all day.53. Visit a theme park and enjoy thrilling rides.54. Take a wine tasting tour and discover new flavors.55. Write a letter to your favorite author or artist and express your admiration.56. Have a picnic in your backyard and stargaze at night.57. Take a meditation class and practice mindfulness.58. Go to a comedy club and laugh at the stand-up comedians.59. Try a new hairstyle or experiment with different makeup looks.60. Visit a historical site and learn about the past.61. Take a pottery class and make your own pottery.62. Have a BBQ party with your friends and family.63. Take a photography class and learn new techniques.64. Go to a music festival and dance to your favorite bands.65. Visit a local farm and pick your own fruits and vegetables.66. Write a letter to your future self and set goals for the future.67. Have a DIY craft day and make something unique.68. Take a cooking class and learn to make a new dish.69. Go to a flea market and find hidden treasures.70. Take a day to declutter and organize your living space.71. Go to a karaoke night and sing your heart out.72. Try a new restaurant and indulge in delicious food.73. Take a painting class and create your own masterpiece.74. Have a picnic in your backyard and enjoy the sunshine.75. Visit a botanical garden and admire the beautiful flowers.76. Take a day trip to a nearby hiking trail and enjoy nature.77. Write a song or compose a piece of music.78. Have a BBQ party with your friends and family.79. Take a pottery class and make your own pottery.80. Go to a sports game and cheer for your favorite team.81. Have a pajama day and stay in bed all day.82. Visit a theme park and enjoy thrilling rides.83. Take a wine tasting tour and discover new flavors.84. Write a letter to your favorite author or artist and express your admiration.85. Have a picnic in your backyard and stargaze at night.86. Take a meditation class and practice mindfulness.87. Go to a comedy club and laugh at the stand-up comedians.88. Try a new hairstyle or experiment with different makeup looks.89. Visit a historical site and learn about the past.90. Take a pottery class and make your own pottery.91. Have a BBQ party with your friends and family.92. Take a photography class and learn new techniques.93. Go to a music festival and dance to your favorite bands.94. Visit a local farm and pick your own fruits and vegetables.95. Write a letter to your future self and set goals for the future.96. Have a DIY craft day and make something unique.97. Take a cooking class and learn to make a new dish.98. Go to a flea market and find hidden treasures.99. Take a day to declutter and organize your living space.100. Go to a karaoke night and sing your heart out.。







1. 早睡早起,身体好。

2. 练习冥想和放松技巧,缓解焦虑和压力。

3. 坚持锻炼身体,提高心肺功能。

4. 每天读书至少30分钟,拓展自我认知和知识面。

5. 注重家庭关爱,和家人共度美好时光。

6. 做一份自己喜欢的工作,增强自我成就感。

7. 拒绝浪费时间,高效工作和生活。

8. 常旅行,开拓天地和见识。

9. 注重节约资源,环保行动从我做起。

10. 换一个新的发型,尝试不同的造型和形象。

11. 培养一种新的兴趣爱好,拓展自己的生活兴趣。

12. 学习新的技能,提升自己的职业能力。

13. 关注自己的心理健康,谨防情绪波动和抑郁症。

14. 坚持每天喝足够的水,让身体充满活力。

15. 保持温和乐观的心态,面对生活的挫折。

16. 吸收健康饮食和膳食搭配的知识,尝试新的菜式和口味。

17. 睡前放松技巧,缓解压力和改善睡眠。

18. 制定合理有效的时间任务计划,增强工作学习效率。

19. 积极招募志愿者,服务社区和社会。

20. 学会更好的沟通技巧,与同事,家人以及朋友建立良好的人际关系。

21. 学习新语言,增加沟通交流和文化素养。

22. 保持身心健康和良好习惯,不逆行和纵欲。

23. 坚持每天锻炼口腔卫生,清洗牙齿和牙缝。

24. 留意化妆品和药品的成份,做有科学依据的选择。

25. 坚持每天写日记,记录人生足迹。

26. 学会新的手工艺技能,制作自己的家居小物件。

27. 保持良好的站姿和姿势,防止颈椎和腰椎受伤。

28. 保持乐观积极的心态,增强坚韧和适应力。

29. 坚持整理家里和办公环境,增强空间美感和效率。

30. 每天自我期许,保持目标和动力。

31. 学会新的舞蹈和动作技巧,增添生活乐趣。

32. 分享自己的知识和经验,推动社区和社会的成长。




Establishing clear goals is the first step to organizing your life.2.制定详细的计划,将目标分解成小步骤。

Create a detailed plan to break down your goals into smaller steps.3.淘汰不必要的物品和习惯,保持简单的生活方式。

Get rid of unnecessary items and habits to maintain a simple lifestyle.4.给每件事情找到合适的归属地点,避免杂乱无章。

Find a proper place for everything to avoid clutter.5.制定每日清单,保持高效的工作和生活状态。

Create a daily to-do list to maintain a productive work and life state.6.学会拒绝无关紧要的事情,保持专注。

Learn to say no to unimportant things and stay focused.7.将电子文件整理成清晰的文件夹和命名规范。

Organize electronic files into clear folders with standardized names.8.定期清理和整理个人和家庭的物品。

Regularly clean and organize personal and household items.9.摆脱拖延习惯,提高工作和生活效率。

Get rid of procrastination habits to improve work andlife efficiency.10.建立良好的时间管理习惯,充分利用每一天。

Establish good time management habits to make the most of each day.11.保持积极健康的生活态度,排除负能量。



6种积极心态调节法:从今天起改变你的生活(英汉对照)1. Start each day by making a list of things youre grateful for.列个感恩清单,用感恩开启每一天。

You can do this while youre lying in bed just before you get up, in the shower, or while driving to work. Can you create a grateful habit?起床前躺在床上时、淋浴时或开车上班时,你就能搞定。

养成感恩的习惯,你做得到吗?2. Love life, not stuff.爱生活,而不是物质。

Simpler is better. The feeling of excitement when you buy something wears off pretty fast, so focus more on living your life and create memories. The quality of your life itself is what will bring you the most happiness, not the quantity or quality of your stuff.简单的生活更美好。


3. Be patient.请耐心。

Enjoy the journey of creating the life you desire. Each day will bring you one step closer.学会享受创造你所希望的生活的过程。


4. Believe and have faith in yourself.相信自己,对自己有信心。



改变从今天开始:7个小改变告别单调重复的生活(英汉对照)Its a new week. However, is your life repeating itself? Are you doing the same things that you did last week?又是新的一周。

可是,你的生活是否又在循环往复呢?你是否又在重复上周做过的事情?Performing the same actions and giving the minimum to get by. After all, you have done all this before. Same Actions, Same Results.老调重弹,聊以度日。



If you are just going through the motions, you are wasting your time. Same actions. Different day. Repeat. Repeat. Same low effort. Same low results.如果你每天都经历着同样的过程,那就是在浪费时间。





You could probably do it in your sleep. (Many people in the workplace appear to do this.) If you do the same things every day, then your life is going to be boring by definition.甚至在睡梦里你都在重复着一切。


After all, you do the same things. Eat the same foods. Go to the same places. Talk to the same people. And you wonder why your life is boring? Average, even.毕竟,你做的事情都千篇一律。





49 Simple Ways to Make Your Life Better Right Now!49个简单的⽅式⽴刻改变你的⽣活If you want to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life, you must be intentional about doing the little things to make your life better. Seems obvious, right? But how intentional are you about doing that to improve the quality of your life?Improving your life is about doing the little things along your journey that bring joy, happiness, and fulfillment into your life. Little Things Matter is all about helping you become the person you need to be to achieve your goals and live the life you desire.In a special contest, members of the Little Things Matter Facebook community were asked to share their #1 little thing that could improve someone’s life today. Over 300 people responded with outstanding ideas, practical suggestions, and life affirmations.While it was difficult to choose among them, the Little Things Matter team selected the entries that best represent the inspiring themes that characterized the majority of responses.I invite you to join me in putting a different one of these suggestions into action every day.1. Radiate JoySmile at everyone—yourself in the mirror, your boss, your family, strangers, co-workers, the clerk at the store. Smile, just because. Smiling creates friendship, acceptance, understanding, and it’s more fun! (Kalama Hochreiter )2. Take a RiskDo something outside your comfort zone. Whether it’s talking to someone outside your social circle at a party when you’re shy, offering to help someone with a project that will require learning new skills at work, or trying a new ethnic restaurant instead of the usual Pie ‘n Burger, you’ll expand your horizons and, with them, your ideas about who you are and what you can do. (Liz Pruyn)3. Look for Ways to Be Kind to PeopleDo a random act of kindness at least daily. Open a door, send an “I Love You” to a loved one you haven’t seen in a while, help an elderly person to their seat, etc. If you pay attention to their responses, it will brighten your day! (Michael Lindsay) 4. Learn Something New TodayStay open to learning. Be accepting of growth and change. There is something to learn every day. From an experience, a person you know, a book, a course, a film, your child, your parents…stay open. Life is about growth and learning. Growth and change bring us life. The more we learn, the more alive we are. And remember, your mind is like a parachute, it functions better when open. (Elizabeth McCollum )5. Respect Those Who Make Your Life EasierBe kind and polite, especially to service workers. They are just making their money like everyone else. (Judy Dawn Bentley Schroeder)6. Listen to UnderstandIn order to make life better today, keep your opinions to yourself. Don’t necessarily agree or disagree with another, but listen intently. Allowing others to confide in you or even vent can pave the way for future friendships. At the very least, you will gain the trust of another and even an ally when it is most needed. (John R. Fritts)7. Reach out to Loved OnesStay connected with your family (all generations) and your friends. These are the ties that matter most and will follow you through life. Don’t let things get in the way of your relationships with people! (Lori Peakall-Cote)8. Consider Points of View Other Than Your OwnIf you judge people, you’ll have no time to love them; so try not to judge or make assumptions until you know the whole story. Be thankful for everyone you know. People are our greatest assets, so be kind and generous to one another. What comes around goes around. We tend to get back what we put forth, so if we plant seeds of faith in one another, we will receive anabundance of faithful friends. (Roberto Hemerez)9. Learn to TrustBe vulnerable with those you’ve found to be trustworthy and closest to you in life. It will develop much deeper relationships and can lead to very meaningful conversations. (Valerie McClintock Gipe)10. Show Your AppreciationLet no one be invisible, some people spend their lives searching to be heard, appreciated, and valued. Sometimes it just takes 5 seconds to make someone’s day brighter. Whether it is asking how a person’s family is, or complimenting someone on their new haircut. Try not to let anyone go without stopping and showing interest in them. (Hannah Smith)11. Embrace SpontaneityDo something spontaneous, whether going to a restaurant you’ve never been to before, waking up earlier in the morning to spend a few minutes with someone before they go to work, saying hello to someone new. These little things, however trivial, may have surprising results—results that unequivocally change your life for the better. (Kyle Bilbray)12. Look for the Best in PeopleCommit every day to giving out a genuine compliment to a minimum of ten people. Whether it is their smile, clothes, makeup, or a recent accomplishment, recognize it. You are positively impacting their lives and yours as well. (Dana Olmsted Theisen) 13. Practice, Practice, PracticeStart one small discipline and build on it daily. Even if you don’t do it all the way, each time you practice a discipline, it builds on the last, even if it’s just character. (Michael Mowad)14. Become SelflessTake “I” and “Me” out of your vocabulary, and watch how life will reward you. Watch how your anxieties wither away while your determination hits overdrive. If your character is defined by what you do for yourself, it’s worthless. Let the life you breathe into others define your character, and watch your life soar. (Matt Priddle)15. Break the Elevator Code of SilenceSmile, say hello, and engage with everyone you meet. Your positive and genuine connection with others will teach greatness by example, and your efforts will not only lift another person, you will win all sorts of new friends. (Alicia Warner Blickfeldt) 16. Set Your Standards HighDraw a line…then live above it. The negatives you encounter fall below the line—doubt, fear, resignation and defeat. Joy, gratefulness, faith, belief and trust rise above it. Strive to live above it. (Carole Chalmers)17. See It, Be ItUse the power of vision to orchestrate your future. Too often, we live our lives day to day without thinking about the future. Taking the time out each day to actually visualize yourself obtaining your goals will make it easier to obtain them. You are more likely to take the steps to get there if you can actually see the mental template in your mind. This one little thing, picturing the life you want, can actually be the biggest key to achieving your dreams. (Patti Phelan Clapp)18. Energize Your DayTake the road less travelled…or the stairs. By walking up stairs, you not only contribute to an eco-friendly means of getting to an upper level floor; you increase the muscle building hormone in your body and you get your heart rate up, which increases the blood pumping which in effect makes you more alert. So skip the coffee and energy drinks; take the stairs. (Chris McCants)19. Adopt a Positive PerspectiveView everyone and everything as being supportive of you. This simple shift of viewpoint can create miracles. When I first started this practice, my mind was sure these people were criticizing and not supporting me. When I thanked them for being so supportive, walls broke down and all my major relationships shifted. (Barbara Kantor)20. Be Better Than OkayWhen someone asks how you’re doing, say “Great!” (along with a smile and eye contact) instead of “okay” or “pretty good” orother things. Pretty soon, it will become a habit and change your attitude and help others too! (Michelle Amy Joyce Hodge) 21. Do Ordinary Tasks With ZestDo not overlook the everyday tasks, do them with vigor. I have found it easier to master the small details then proceed to ignore them, all too often at my detriment. Stay focused on the “little things” and the big things will be manageable. (David Porter)22. Give Yourself a Pep TalkEach morning when you look in the mirror repeat: I choose to be the person I want to be and to make a difference in my life and the lives of others. (George Sharp)23. Live a Fruitful LifeSee every challenge as an opportunity for growth. Things in life can make us bitter or better…choose to let your life be lived out by lessons that lead to the strengthening of your character. So much of the battle is in our minds that we need to take captive every wrong thought, bad attitude, and defeated outlook and replace it with what will bring life to us…and by life I mean—joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control. (Jessica Smith)24. Let Nature Lift Your SpiritsTake 15 minutes during your work day and go outside and really look around. Sit somewhere and just observe nature. Look closely at a plant, a bug even a cloud. Just breathe and focus. At the end of your break you will feel calmer, refreshed and have that much more appreciation for nature. (Susan Feder)25. Become Accepting of OthersAvoid being hurt / disappointed. Accept people for who they are, where they are in life and not where you want them to be or what you want them to be doing. (Laurel Cherwin)26. Choose to Make a DifferenceMy mom always said to leave a place better than you found it. I try to be sure I don’t leave behind messes for someone else to pick up. Along with that, I try to pick up where I am so the next person sees a better place, even if I didn’t do it—like litter ata park that someone else left. (Monica McGregor Huyser)27. Become a People PersonLearn from people, talk to people, help people. This will give you purpose and confidence and will help you develop new skills and achieve any goal you can think of while you fill your life with great experiences and results bigger than doing it alone. (Lenny Ramirez)28. Tidy up Your TasksGet your life in order! “Undone” things keep our lives cluttered and prevent us from being or becoming the person we want to be. Choose one task and finish it. Throw out the old magazines, glue the handle on the mug, touch up the paint in the hall, etc. Your self-esteem will soar! (Leslie Rowe Novak)29. Begin Each Day AnewYou can improve your present life by letting go of your past. The more time you spend thinking about the should’ves, could’ves, would’ves of your past, the less time you have to live in the present. There is nothing you can do to undo or change the past, but you can surely make your future a better one, a great one, and you can start now. (Imelda R T a n ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 4 " > 3 0 . G r a t i t u d e R o c k s ! / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 5 " > C a r r y a G r a t i t u d e R o c k . L e a v e i t i n a s p e c i a l p l a c e . W h e n y o u g e t d r e s s e d i n t h e m o r n i n g , g i v e t h a n k s f o r s o m e t h i n g y o u r e g r a t e f u l f o r . T h e n k e e p i t i n y o u r p o c k e t a l l d a y . W h e n y o u g e t u n d r e s s e d , g i v e t h a n k s a g a i n w h e n y o u p u t i t a w a y . T h i s w a y , y o u s t a r t a n d e n d e v e r y d a y w i t h g r a t i t u d e . ( D u n c a n R o b e r t s o n ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 6 " > 3 1 . B e a B e t t e r L i s t e n e r / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 7 " > Y o u c a n i m p r o v e s o m e o n e s l i f e r i g h t n o w b y s i m p l y l i s t e n i n g w h e n y o u a r e w i t h s o m e o n e ! B e m o r e f o c u s e d o n w h a t t h e y h a v e t o s a y , h o w t h e y a r e f e e l i n g a n d w h a t t h e y a r e r e a l l y t r y i n g t o t e l l y o u . B l o c k o u t a n y t h o u g h t s t h a t y o u w a n t t o s a y , s i m p l y l i s t e n . Y o u h o n o r a n o t h e r p e r s o n w h e n y o u f o c u s s o l e l y o n t h e m , t h e i r t h o u g h t s , f e e l i n g s a n d b e l i e f s w i t h o u t a n y j u d g m e n t o r i n t e r r u p t i o n !A n d t h r o u g h t h i s s i m p l e a c t , y o u n o t o n l y e m p o w e r t h e m a n d m a k e t h e m f e e l s p e c i a l , b u t y o u c o m e a w a y f e e l i n g e x a c t l y t h e s a m e . ( C h r i s S c h w a n ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 8 " > 3 2 . S h o w Y o u r L o v e i n U n e x p e c t e d W a y s / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 9 " > D o s o m e t h i n g s m a l l f o r y o u r s p o u s e e v e r y w ee k . I t c a n b e a s s i m p l e a s w r i t i n g a l i t t l e l o v e n o t e , o r b u y i n g a s m a l l b o x of c h o c o l a t e s . B e u n s e l f i s h . M y w i f e i s m a k i ng m e s o u p r i gh t n o w b e c a u s e I h a v e n t b e e n f e e li n g g o o d . I t s t h e l i t t l e t h i n g s t h a t m a k e g r e a t m a r r i a g e s , t o o . ( G e r r i d S m i t h ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 0 " > 3 3 . F a c e C h a l l e n g e s W i t h C o u r a g e / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 1 " > L i f e i s f u l l o f c h a l l e n g e s , b u t h o w y o u f a c e t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s d e f i n e s y o u rj o u r n e y . T h e m o s t a r d u o u s a n d d a n g e r o u s p a r t o f t h e j o u r n e y f o r a c a t e r p i l l a r i s i t s e m e r g e n c e f r o m t h e c h r y s a l i s t o b e c o m e a b u t t e r f l y . C h o o s e t o b e h a p p y !C h o o s e t o b e o p t i m i s t i c ! T h e s e c h o i c e s w i l l a l l o w y o u t o e m e r g e a s t h e a m a z i n g b u t t e r f l y t h a t y o u w e r e d e s t i n e d t o b e ! ( A n g e l i n a G h r i s t ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 2 " > 3 4 . F o r g i v e a W r o n g / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 3 " > M a k e l i f e b e t t e r t o d a y f o r y o u r s e l f a n d o t h e r s b y p a s s i n g o n a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o g e t p a y b a c k w h e n a n i n d i v i d u a l h a s h a r m e d y o u i n t h e p a s t . F o r g i v i n g a n o t h e r f o r a p a s t w r o n g c a n f o r m t h e b a s i s f o r a s t r o n g a n d l a s t i n g b u s i n e s s o r p e r s o n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p . B e i n g t h e b i g g e r p e r s o n i s e v i d e n c e o f s t r o n g l e a d e r s h i p . ( J o h n R . F r i t t s ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 4 " > 3 5 . B e a R o l e M o d e l / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 5 " > B e a r o l e m o d e l f o r y o u r c h i l d r e n . N o t o n l y w i l l t h e y m o d e l t h e m s e l v e s a f t e r e v e r y t h i n g y o u d o , b u t a l s o w h a t y o u d o n t d o . (D a n a O l m s t e d T h e i s e n ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 6 " > 3 6 . A d d a L i t t l e M o r e L o v e / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 7 " > T h i n k o f t h e w o r l d a s a b i g g l a s s o f w a t e r w i t h s o m e s a l t i n i t . Y o u h a v e a c h o i c e . Y o u c a n t r y t o p i c k o u t a l l t h e s a l t o r y o u c a n k e e p p o u r i n g i n m o r e w a t e r s o e v e n t u a l l y i t g e t s l e s s b i t t e r . A s y o u c o n t i n u e y o u r j o u r n e y i n l i f e , I h o p e y o u d o n t j u s t t r y t o r e m o v e e v e r y t h i n g t h a t y o u f i n d d i s t a s t e f u l i n t h e w o r l d , b u t r a t h e r j u s t p o u r i n m o r e l o v e . I t s t h e o n l y t h i n g t h a t t h e m o r e y o u g i v e a w a y , t h e m o r e y o u h a v e . ( G o r d o n S m i t h ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 8 " > 3 7 . Y o u r e I n C o n t r o l / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 9 " > N o o n e c a n m a k e y o u f e e l i n f e r i o r w i t h o u t y o u r p e r m i s s i o n . ( M i c h e l l e M i l l e r ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 3 0 " > 3 8 . T a k e 1 0 0 % R e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r Y o u r C o m m u n i c a t i o n / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 3 1 " > W h e n y o u g e t a r e s p o n s e y o u d i d n o t a n t i c i p a t e , d o n t b l a m e t h e o t h e r p e r s o n . C h a n g e y o u r w o r d s a n d s t a t e y o u r i n t e n t i o n u n t i l y o u g e t t h e o u t c o m e / r e s p o n s e y o u w a n t ! Y o u w i l l g a i n a s t r o n g e r f r i e n d s h i p . S o m a n y u n n e c e s s a r y d i s a g r e e m e n t s o r m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g s c a n b e a v o i d e d w i t h t h i s e a s i l y a d o p t e d b e l i e f . ( J o h n M i l a n o s k i ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 3 2 " > 3 9 . C e l e b r a t e ! / p > p b d sf i d = " 1 3 3 " > S h o w t h e m i n d , b o d y , a n d s o u l t h a t a l l t h e e n d u r i ng ,h a r d w o r k , a n d p e r s e v e ri ng a r e w o r t h i t a n d h a v e a p a y o f f ! W h e n p e o p l e d o n t c e l e b r a t e t h e i r a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s , t h e y e n d u p w i t h a b i t t e r g l a s s o f v i c t o r y . ( C h r i s M c C a n t s ) / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 3 4 " > 4 0 . G o o n a L o w I n f o r m a t i o n D i e t / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 3 5 " > I f , b y l i s t e n i n g t o t h e d a i l y n e w s , r e a d i n g t h e n e w s p a p e r , o r l i s t e n i n g t o t a l k r a d i o , y o u g e t t h e f e e l i n g t h a t t h e s k y i s f a l l i n g , q u i t ! A s l o n g a s y o u t a k e i n t h i s n e g a t i v e i n f o r m a t i o n , t h a t s w h a t y o u w i l l d w e l l o n , a n d t h a t s w h a t y o u w i l l c r e a t e i n y o u r l i f e . R e m e m b e r , o n l y t a k e i n i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t i s h e l p i n g y o u r e a c h y o u r g o a l s ! ( M i c h a e l L i n d s a y ) / p >。

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回台湾的路上,一路顺风:)Feeling Stuck? 100 Ways to Change your Life你觉得被困住了吗?100种方法让你改变你的生活by Nora DunnYou've got 20 minutes to change your life in 100 ways. Go.你有20分钟的时间,用100种方式改变生活。

现在就开始吧!This is the premise of an exercise I tried once, when I was feeling stuck in life. I wasn't sure what was amiss, but the routine I had fallen into was not satisfying the inner voice in me that insisted there was something else out there for me.这是当我觉得被生活困住时,我试过的一个练习。



After trying (forcefully) to understand what was going on, reading self-help books, filling out aptitude tests, and working with business and life coaches, I was given a suggestion that became a catalyst for some pretty big personal changes.在试着(强迫)去了解到底发生了什么事,阅读了自我帮助的书,填写了性向测验,接受事业及生活上的咨询,我得到的建议是,去催化一些非常重要的个人转变发生。

Here is how you can change your life in 20 minutes, step by step:以下是你能在20分钟内改变生活的步骤:1. Clear all distractions. Turn off the phone, the tv, the computer. Lock your door, and go to a quiet place.排除所有会让你分心的事物。



2. Sit down comfortably at a desk or table, with a blank piece of paper and a pen in front of you.舒适地安坐在书桌或桌子旁,在你的面前摆上一张空白的纸及一支笔。

3. Set a timer for 20 minutes.将定时器设定为20分钟。

4. Go. Write down 100 things you want to do. Or careers you want to have. Or people you would like to meet. The sky is thelimit.计时开始。




5. Don’t be realistic. Dream big. Write down the craziest things you can think of, as well as the things that you don't eventhink bear mentioning because they are so simple. Write it all down.不需要太实际。





6. Work quickly. 20 minutes isn't very long, and you have 100 items to get through, if you can. Don't think about whether or not towrite down an idea - just write. Write everything that comes to mind, even if it doesn't make sense. Just keep on writing, and don't stop until that timer goes off.动作快一点。







Something happens after about 10 or 15 minutes if you employ the exercise to its full potential. You stop caring about what specifically the ideas are, and you start to release an inner creativity that may have been locked away for a while. In an effort to get through 100 things in 20 minutes, you start to write outlandish things down that you aren't even really sure you want, but that areideas that came to you nonetheless.如果你有将这个练习的效果发挥到极致,10到15分钟后,就会有改变发生了。



Ding! The timer goes off. No matter where you are in the process, or how many items you have written down, stop. (Okay, if you are really on a roll and have a few more to write down because the juices are flowing, keep going. I won't tell). 叮! 时间到了。



)Leave the list alone for a day. Try not to look at it, and certainly don't revise it in any way. The following day, sit down and look at your list. How many of the items on it are feasible? Can you see your way to accomplishing any of it? Did anything come out of the list that you hadn't actually really thought of until you wrote it down in a hurried attempt to get to 100 items in the time limit? Any surprises in there?把这张单子放个一天。



有多少项目是可行的? 你知道该如何去实践它吗?有多少项是你从没想过直到你把它列在单子上只为了要在时间内凑足100项? 有任何惊喜隐藏其中吗?The point of this exercise is not to create a giant and outlandish "to-do" list that never gets ticked off. Instead, it is simply to open up your mind to the idea that anything is possible, and to give you ideas that will help you to become unstuck in life.这个练习的重点是,不要去创造出一个巨大古怪的“待办“清单。


Personally after feeling stuck and making out my list, I identified a few ways to make positive changes in my life at the time; I joined Toastmasters because an item I wrote down was to become a public speaker. I also eventually started a blog to satisfy an inner wordsmith in me that has blossomed into a career. And ultimately, the list helped lead me to the decision to sell off everything I owned to live out my dreams of travel and adventure now.就我个人来说,在我列出了我的清单后,我找出了一些方式让我的生活有正向的转变。
