

c语言程序设计 教学大纲 中英

c语言程序设计 教学大纲 中英

c语言程序设计教学大纲中英C 语言程序设计教学大纲一、介绍1. C 语言程序设计是计算机科学与技术专业的重要基础课程,也是其他计算机相关专业的入门课程之一。

2. 本文将围绕 C 语言程序设计教学大纲展开讨论,旨在帮助读者全面了解该课程的内容和要求。

二、课程目标3. 通过学习 C 语言程序设计,学生应该能够掌握基本的编程思想和技能,具备编写简单程序的能力。

4. 学生应该能够理解程序设计的基本原理和方法,为进一步学习更高级的编程语言打下坚实的基础。

三、教学内容5. C 语言程序设计教学大纲包括但不限于以下内容:(1)基本语法和数据类型(2)流程控制与循环结构(3)函数与模块化编程(4)数组与指针(5)文件操作与输入输出(6)结构体与链表(7)综合实践与项目开发四、教学方法6. 为了达到课程目标,可以采用理论教学与实践操作相结合的教学方法。

通过讲解、示范和练习,帮助学生逐步掌握 C 语言程序设计的技能及应用。

五、考核方式7. 考核方式可以包括平时成绩、考试成绩和课程设计成绩,以全面评价学生的学习效果。

六、教学建议8. 在教学过程中,可以充分利用案例分析和实际项目,激发学生的兴趣,增强实际操作能力。


七、个人观点9. C 语言程序设计是计算机专业学生必修的一门重要课程,其内容涵盖了计算机编程的基本知识和技能。


10. 在教学中,我认为应该注重理论与实践相结合,引导学生通过实际操作来巩固所学知识,培养解决问题的能力和编程的创造性思维。

总结经过对 C 语言程序设计教学大纲的全面介绍,可以看出这门课程的重要性和必要性。


一、介绍1. C 语言程序设计是计算机科学与技术专业的重要基础课程,也是其他计算机相关专业的入门课程之一。



课程编号:“VC++程序设计”课程教学大纲Visual C++ Programming Course Outline50学时 2.5学分一、课程的性质、目的及任务VC++程序设计是计算机科学与技术专业软件方向学生的一门选修课程。

Visual C++作为一个功能非常强大的可视化应用程序开发工具,是计算机界公认的最优秀的应用开发工具之一。


Visual C++作为一种程序设计语言,它同时也是一个集成开发工具,提供了软件代码自动生成和可视化的资源编辑功能。


学习者在学习过程中可以通过大量的程序实例和相关练习,逐步掌握利用微软的基本类库MFC,在Visual C++环境下,开发出功能强大的Windows应用程序。


二、适用专业——计算机科学与技术三、先修课程——C程序设计语言、C++程序设计语言四、课程的基本要求通过本课程的学习,学生应能达到下列要求:1.熟悉VC++编程环境,掌握VC++中多种向导的使用2. 掌握Windows环境下常用控件的使用方法和技巧3. 掌握Windows编程环境下的一些基本概念和方法4. 学会在Visual C++编程环境下,利用基础类库MFC开发多种类型的应用程序五、课程的教学内容(一)课堂讲授的教学内容1.Windows应用程序Windows编程基础知识,Windows中的事件驱动程序设计,Windows应用程序的基本组成2.GDI及其应用GDI的特点及其应用,绘图工具简介,常用绘图函数,应用实例。


《VC 程序设计》教学大纲概要

《VC  程序设计》教学大纲概要

《VC++程序设计》教学大纲课程编号:020770课程性质:专业基础课先修课程:C语言程序设计,面向对象程序设计总学时数:36 学分:2.0 讲课:26 上机:10适合层次:本科适合专业:计算机科学与技术,信息管理与信息系统等一、课程的目的与任务《VC++程序设计》是一门专业基础课程。


通过本门课程的学习,完善了C、C++、VC++语言学习链,使学生掌握VC++的基本语法以及W indows程序设计方法,了解搭建MFC程序框架的基本方法,熟悉简单界面设计,掌握各种常用的类以及类的属性和方法,为今后实际工作中大型工程应用软件的设计与开发打下坚实的基础。

二、理论教学要求(一)概述了解Windows编程特点,熟悉VC++编程环境,了解MFC,掌握MFC AppWizard。














vc 程序设计 课程教学大纲.doc

vc  程序设计 课程教学大纲.doc

《VC++程序设计》课程教学大纲(2009年制订)课程编号:英文名:Programming with Visual C++课程类别:任选课-前置课:数据结构、面向对象程序设计、操作系统后置课:(无)学分:2课时:32学时主讲教师:李炳银选定教材:《Visual C++6.0教程》,于涛等编著,2002,科学出版社课程概述:《VC++程序设计》是面向计算机专业的计算机专业选修课程。

该课程介绍基本的使用Visual C++和MFC开发WINDOWS应用程序的技术。

通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握现代程序设计的基本理论和方法,能用Visual C++进行基本的WINDOWS应用程序设计。

本课程的重点在培养学生的实际应用软件开发能力.教学目的:通过本课程的学习,主要培养学生WINDOWS应用程序开发和MFC编程能力,并达到以下基本要求:1.理解WINDOWS的消息机制和WINDOWS应用程序的基本结构;2.掌握MFC的基本概念,窗口、资源、图形设备接口、文档/视图结构、对话框和控件等对象的程序设计方法,Visual Studio中的AppWizard、ClassWizard、资源编辑器和调试器等工具的方法,可用 Visual C+ +开发基本的WINDOWS应用程序。



各章教学要求与教学要点第一草Viual c++概述(2学时)教学要求:介绍Viual C++的总体功能和特点,具体讲述Viual c++6. 0版的安装过程,并详细介绍 Viualc++6. 0版的开发环境。

教学内容:—、V i sua I c++简介教学要点:Visual c++开发环境、Visual c++向导、Visual c++应用程序环境。

二、Visual C++的安装教学要点:Visual c++安装过程。







二、授课对象英语系11级英语专业软件方向本科本课程以学习C语言为根本目的,采用Visual C++ 6.0为开发环境。


五、先修课程《计算机文化基础》六、教材及参考书教材:《C语言程序设计(第二版)》, 谭浩强著,清华大学出版社《C语言程序设计教程》,邱建华等著,东软电子出版社参考书:《C Primer Plus(第五版)中文版》,[美] Stephen Prata,人民邮电出版社《C语言程序设计》,巫家敏等著,高等教育出版社七、各章节教学内容、基本要求及各章节教学时间分配第1单元C语言概述及基础知识1.教学内容1.1 C程序的基本结构及开发环境使用1.2 C语言的数据类型1.3 运算符与表达式1.4 运算符与表达式续1.5 特殊运算符与表达式2.教学要求掌握C语言开发工具的使用方法,掌握C程序的结构及特点,掌握基本数据类型,变量,运算符与表达式的使用。

3.教学重点与难点重点:C语言的发展和特点C程序的基本结构C程序的开发过程visual c++开发环境介绍数据类型常量与变量运算符与表达式难点:visual c++开发工具的使用和C程序的结构及特点数据类型常量与变量运算符与表达式第2单元程序设计结构及应用1.教学内容2.1 顺序结构2.2 if语句2.3 swith语句2.4 if嵌套2.5 while语句2.6 do-while语句2.7 for语句2.8 循环的综合运用2.教学要求掌握简单函数的编写方法掌握常用的运算符掌握选择和循环结构的程序设计3.教学重点与难点重点:if嵌套、switch分支结构、循环结构函数的使用自编写函数的调用难点:if嵌套、switch分支结构、循环结构函数的使用自编写函数的调用第3单元初级应用能力1.教学内容3.1 数组的定义及数组元素的引用3.2 数组的输入输出及遍历3.3 数组元素的查询3.4 数组元素的排序(1)3.5 数组元素的排序(2)3.6 字符串(1)3.7 字符串(2)3.8 字符串(3)2.教学要求了解数组的应用掌握一维数组的定义、引用、初始化、输入、输出掌握数组的查询、排序等算法掌握字符串的定义、字符串的常用函数的使用等3.教学重点与难点重点:掌握一维数组的定义、引用、初始化、输入、输出掌握数组的查询、排序等算法掌握字符串的定义、字符串的常用函数的使用等。



Object Oriented ProgrammingCourse SyllabusCourse Code: 03874Home Department: School of Information Technology Constitutor: Ding JulingExaminant: Yang YongDate of Constituting (or Verifying): September 2, 2008Teaching Affair Department Jiangxi University of Finance & EconomicsObject Oriented ProgrammingCourse SyllabusI Course OverviewII. Teaching ScheduleII. Schedule DetailsChapter 1.A tour of C++ (2H in Class and 2H in Lab)Learning ObjectivesAfter this chapter, students will know the relationship between C and C++, and their differences; the basic C++ language syntax, and programming the first C++ application.Contents1.1Procedural program and modular program1.2Data abstraction definition1.3Language and programming1.4Introduction to C++ grammarTeaching EssentialsThe essential parts are C++ syntax, programming and using. The hard parts are the relationship and the differences between C and C++.Chapter 2.A tour of the standard library (2H in Class and 2H in Lab) LearningObjectivesAfter this chapter, students will know the basic input and output of C++, and the standard libraries.Contents2.1Output and input in C++2.2The iterators of standard library2.3Algorithms and the function of STLTeaching EssentialsThe essential part is to know the common standard libraries, such as string, vector, list & map.Chapter 3.Array and pointer (2H in Class and 2H in Lab)Learning ObjectivesAfter this chapter, students will know the definition of array and pointer, how to use them.Contents3.1One dimension array3.2Two dimension array3.3Multi dimension array3.4Array and functions3.5Pointer operation3.6New and delete operation Teaching EssentialsThe essential part is the use of array and pointer.Chapter 4.Functions, Pointer to Function (2H in Class and 4H in Lab) LearningObjectivesAfter this chapter, students will know the definition of function, argument passing and the use of pointer to function.Contents4.1Function declarations and definitions4.2Inline function4.3Static variables4.4Argument passing in the function4.5Function overloading4.6Default argumentTeaching EssentialsThe essential parts are augment passing, use of inline function; and the hard part is overloaded function.Chapter 5.Macros, Namespace (2H in Class) Learning ObjectivesFather this chapter, students will know the use of macros in C++, the definition and use of namespace.Contents5.1Macros in C++5.2The definition of namespace5.3Using declarations and directives for namespace Teaching EssentialsThe essential part is the use of macro and namespace.Chapter 6.Templates (2H in Class) Learning ObjectivesAfter this chapter, students will know templates and how to use templates to program.Contents6.1Templates and instantiations6.2Function templates and function template overloading6.3Derivation and templates6.4Member templates and source code organizationTeaching EssentialsThe essential part is the use of template.Chapter 7.OOP (4H in Class and 4H in Lab)Learning ObjectivesAfter this chapter, stuedents will know the concept of OOP, the OOP approach ,and itsfeatures.Contents7.1From Structured Programming to OOP7.2Introduction to OOP7.3Abstract7.4Encapsulation7.5Inheritance7.6PolymorphismTeaching EssentialsThe essential part is the transfer from procedure-oriented programming to object-oriented programming.Chapter 8.Classes and Objects (4H in Class and 4H in Lab)Learning ObjectivesAfter this chapter, students will know the definition, declare and use of classes and objects, the definition of constructor and destructor, and applying them to analyze and solve the practical problem.Contents8.1The definition and declaration of Class8.2Accessing Manners8.3Member of class8.4Copy-constructor8.5Destructor8.6Class combination8.7Static membersTeaching EssentialsThe essential parts are the use of classes, the access of member in class, and use of constructor and destructor.Chapter 9.Operator Overloading (4H in Class and 4H in Lab)Teaching ObjectivesAfter this chapter, students will know the meaning of overloading, and the use of overload operation, converstion operator, and friens.Contents9.1The requirement of operator overloading9.2Operator function9.3How to overload operator9.4Conversion operator9.5Members and friends9.6Overloading for other operatorsTeaching EssentialsThe essential parts are the use of overload operator and friends.Chapter 10.Derived Classes (4H in Class and 4H in Lab)Learning ObjectivesAfter this chapter, students will know deriving new class from base class, the access to derived class from base classes, the call sequence of constructor and destructor in derived classes, and multi-inherit and its ambituity.Contents10.1Introduction10.2Single-inherit10.3Modes of inherit10.4Multi-inherit10.5Multi-inherit with inline object10.6AmbiguityTeaching EssentialsThe essential parts are the access to inheret, the call of constructor and destructor; and the hard aprt is the ambiguity in multi-inherit.Chapter 11.Virtual Functions and Pure Virtual Functions (4H in Class and 6H in Lab)Learning ObjectivesAfter this chapter, students will know the concepts of virtual function and pure virtual function, and how to use them.Contents11.1Virtual base class11.2Rules of assignment in inherit11.3Virtual functions11.4Pure virtual functions and Abstract Classes Teaching EssentialsThe essential parts are the design and use of virtual function; and the hard parts are the design and use of pure virtual function.。

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Huang Shuying
Reviewed by
Bai Yaohui
Bjarne Stroustrup,The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition,Addison Wesley,2002年
Ivor Horton,Beginning Visual C++ 2010,Wiley, 2010
1.Bruce Eckle,Thinking in C++,vol.1Prentice Hall, 2000
2.Stanley B. Lippman C++ primer, Publish House of Electronic Industry, 2013
3.黄维通, Visual-C++面向对象与可视化程序设计清华大学出版社,2010年
Course Name
VC Programming(BL)
Course Code
Course Type
Basics of computer applications, C Prgrramming
Coure Hours
Hours / Week
School of Software&Communication Engineering
Huang Shuying
Prepared by
Huang Shuying
On Charge
Scp; Final examination
Daily:10%,(assignment and class presence )
Final Exam:60%
4.王育坚,Visual C++面向对象编程教程,2007年10月
6. Bjarne Stroustrup著,裘宗燕译,C++程序设计语言(特别版),机械工业出版社,2002年
This optional course is for majors of Electronics and Information Engineering & Communications Engineering bachelor students. The C++ language is an Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) language with characteristics of data abstraction, encapsulation, inherence and polymorphism. It helps programmers to development software with higher data abstraction, and the softwares thus developed are safer , more reusable、more revisiable and more extendible. MFC developed by Microsoft facilitates Windows programmers with highly-efficient、reusable and encapsulated C++ libraries used in Windows program development. The basic concepts of OOP are presented in this course mainly. The Object-Oriented scheme of the C++ language are covered thruout the course with the use of encapsulated windows programming objects in MFC. Students can learn the C++ language and windows programming using MFC in the same time. By examples,exercises,and experiments, which are plenty, students can grasp basic windows programming skills using controls and other windows programming elements. This is important for further study of other OOP languages and techniques of software development.
(5)Dialog-based programming using App-Wizard
(6)MFC document-viewstructure;
(7)Windows GDI programming
Difficult points:
(1)Pointers & references;
(2)Definition of classes;
Main points:
(1)The concept of class and object;
(2)Inherence vs. polymorphism;
(3)Encapsulation and data hiding;
(4)Concepts inWindowsprogramming;
(3)Inherence and multi-inherence;
(4)Polymorphism and virtual function;
(5)Operator overload vs. function overload;
(6)MFCdocument-view structure;
(7)The use of variousWindows GDI objects。