第二章实训项目PLC基本技能实操实训一 PLC认知实训一、实训目的1.了解PLC软硬件结构及系统组成2.掌握PLC外围直流控制及负载线路的接法及上位计算机与PLC通信参数的设置二、实训设备序号名称型号与规格数量备注1可编程控制器实训装置THPFSM-1/2 12实训导线3号若干3PC/PPI通讯电缆 1 西门子4计算机 1 自备三、PLC外形图四、控制要求1.认知西门子S7-200系列PLC的硬件结构,详细记录其各硬件部件的结构及作用;2.打开编程软件,编译基本的与、或、非程序段,并下载至PLC中;3.能正确完成PLC端子与开关、指示灯接线端子之间的连接操作;4.拨动K0、K1,指示灯能正确显示;五、功能指令使用及程序流程图1.常用位逻辑指令使用标准触点常开触点指令(LD、A和O)与常闭触点(LDN、AN、ON)从存储器或过程映像寄存器中得到参考值。
2.程序流程图六、端口分配及接线图1.I/O端口分配功能表序号PLC地址(PLC端子)电气符号(面板端子)功能说明1.I0.0 K0 常开触点012.I0.1 K1 常开触点023.Q0.0 L0 “与”逻辑输出指示4.Q0.1 L1 “或”逻辑输出指示5.Q0.2 L2 “非”逻辑输出指示6.主机1M、面板V+接电源+24V 电源正端7.主机1L、2L、3L、面板COM接电源GND电源地端2.控制接线图七、操作步骤1.按下图连接上位计算机与PLC;2.按“控制接线图”连接PLC外围电路;打开软件,点击,在弹出的对话框中选择“PC/PPI 通信方式”,点击,设置PC/PPI属性;3.点击,在弹出的对话框中,双击,搜寻PLC,寻找到PLC后,选择该PLC;至此,PLC与上位计算机通信参数设置完成;4.编译实训程序,确认无误后,点击,将程序下载至PLC中,下载完毕后,将PLC模式选择开关拨至RUN状态。
(主回路调试主要是验证脉冲板、IGBT工作是否正常,主回路有无短路情况?)3、整流调试:预充正常→由调节部分进行手动操作整流启动开关→整流进行自动启动实验4、逆变调试:预充正常合定子电并给出相应方向→PLC输出逆变启动→变流柜启动二、PLC调试步骤:远斗近斗1、设置井深减速段和爬行段:①BH-PLC的OB100:NW1L 1.538400e+002T "Encode".zxc //井深度②XC-PLC的OB100:NW6L 1.538400e+002T "XC".Szxc //井深度T MD 104L 3.100000e+001T "XC".S0 //主减速段L 4.000000e+000T "XC".Sp1 //第一爬行段L 2.000000e+000T "XC".Sp2 //第二爬行段L 3.900000e+001T "XC".SP1JX2 //检修第一爬行段,一般比正常方式要长L 1.200000e+001T "XC".SP2JX2 //检修第二爬行段L 6.000000e+000T "XC".GD_xccd //进罐道距离③CZT-PLC的OB100:NW2L 1.538400e+002T MD 1702、确定编码器加减计数是否与PLC程序一致?方法两种:①XC-PLC的FC9 : NW8程序定义为:编码器校正开关打开时,提一勾近斗到位程序:L "KANAL1".ACT_CNTVT "XC".MaxPlus //将当前值放到最小值提一勾远斗到位程序:L "KANAL1".ACT_CNTV //记忆齐平时编码器1的脉冲T "XC".MaxPlus2 //将当前值放到最大值OB100 :NW9L "XC".MaxPlus2L "XC".MaxPlus-DT "XC".ZZ_BMQ1 //最大值-最小值=编码器终值,值为正。
·声 明·
所有国电南京自动化股份有限公司的 PS 系列数字式保护及自动化产品符合严格的技术规 范和 ISO9001 产品质量标准,经得起恶劣的现场工作环境的考验。拥有丰富的数字式保护及 自动化设备的开发经验、对用户常年 24 小时的技术支持,您尽可以信赖国电南京自动化股份 有限公司的产品。 PS 系列产品采用完全汉化的显示技术, 人机界面友好, 使您免除查找说明书操作的烦恼。 每款产品均配置了基于 PC 机调试界面的接口,结合本公司提供的 Psview 调试软件包,大大 改善了现场调试手段。 PS 640 系列产品采用防水、防尘、抗振动设计,适合安装于开关柜等环境条件较为恶劣 的现场运行。机箱面板采用先进的工业美学设计,使用方便,倍感亲切。 通过尽心的研究和设计,PS 640 系列数字式保护及自动化产品具有如下特点: ◆ 大资源、高起点
● ●
摩托罗拉 32 位单片机技术,使产品的稳定性和运算速度得到保证 保护采用 14 位的 A/D 转换器、可选配的专用测量模块其 A/D 转换精度更 是高达 24 位,各项测量指标轻松达到
配置以大容量的 RAM 和 Flash Memoryห้องสมุดไป่ตู้可记录 8 至 50 个录波报告,记录 的事件数不少于 40 次。
PST 640 系列 数字式变压器保护装置
技术说明书 使用说明书
编写 王胜 王家华 审核 马文龙 批准 郭效军
2003 年 11 月
* 本公司保留对此说明书修改的权利,请注意最新版本资料 * 由国电南自技术部监制
h).放大器外形图: αi (PSM-SPM-SVM3)
βi-SVU SVU-4,20 型 (βi 2,4,8 电机用)
SVU-40,80(βi12,22 电机用)
注意:伺服电机动力线是插头,用户要将插针连接到线上,然后将插针插到插座 上,U,V,W 顺序不能接错,一般是红,白,黑顺序,如下所示。
1. 核对
立即和 FANUC 联系。 2. 硬件安装和连接
1)在机床不通电的情况下,按照电气设计图纸将 CRT/MDI 单元,CNC 主机箱,伺服放
大器,I/O 板,机床操作面板,伺服电机安装到正确位置。
-8 -
右上 左上 右下 左下
标记:XX,XY,YY 分别表示 1,2,3 轴。各轴不能互换
3. 其它设备的安装和连接 3.1 和电脑的连接 * OiB/Oi-Mate C 可以通过 232 口和电脑相连,实现 DNC 加工,如下所示:
232 通讯电缆
CZ7-2 CZ7-3
SVU1-40/80 CZ4(前)
L2/L1 */L3 DCN/DCP
V/U */W * /L3 L1/L2 * /V W/U R1/RC RE/RC
连接图如下(以 SVM1-20/40 为例)
第一个接口只接电源 (A1,B1-24V,A1,B2-0V) , 后面的正常连接。
项目 类别
5△△源自▲△△※ ●: 必须运营
▲:表单替代 △: 选择运营
4. PLC Process开发等级
4.5 每个节点的专决权限
4. PLC Process开发等级
4.5 每个节点的专决权限
4. PLC Process开发等级
4.5 每个节点的专决权限
4. PLC Process开发等级
4.6 每个节点控制文档有哪些?
为开发阶段进行必须制作的文件只有以下10个。 其他文档是为提高完善开发阶段,提高开发的完成度研讨/检证的文档,可以不制作。
• 构筑通过Postmortem 制度的 Reusable IP
Concept (商品化企划)
Plan (开发计划)
Development (开发体现)
Production (量产)
• 为达成制品要求事项, 确定开发目标(Q,C,D), 构成开发费用及开发CFT
• 开发给顾客带来价值的产品
工控编程吧 tnirperrofton工控编程吧 2 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnosticsRequirementsTraining modules: TM610 – The Basics of ASiVSoftware:Automation Studio 3.0.80 Automation Runtime 3.00Hardware:[optional] Power Panel 4PP420.1043-75n o t f o rr e pr i n tASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics TM640Table of contents1. INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 Objectives52. THE VISUAL COMPONENTS ALARM SYSTEM 62.1 Alarm system terminology 6 2.2 Task82.3 Configuring the alarm system10 2.4 Viewing alarms during runtime 14 2.5 Interaction with the alarm system202.6 Acknowledging alarms 26 2.7 Bit and value alarms28 3. THE VISUAL COMPONENTS TREND SYSTEM 30 3.1 Trend system terminology 31 3.2 Task32 3.3 Configuring the trend system 34 3.4 Displaying an online trend35 3.5 Interact with the trend system50 4. USING THE SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS MANAGER 53 4.1 Task54 4.2 Enabling the System Diagnostics Manager55 4.3 Displaying the SDM HTML pages56 4.4 Interaction with the SDM 58 5. SUMMARY59n o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics1. INTRODUCTIONA visualization project also contains components for diagnosing data, process sequences or the status of the machine.Visual Components allows you to record the machine status or datachanges over time, and to display them in the form of event messages or curves.The Visual Components alarm and trend system can record this data and display it on a screen.Fig. 1: Visual Components - alarms, trends and diagnosticsWith Automation Runtime V3.00 and higher, the S ystem D iagnosticsM anager integrated in the operating system can be used to perform web-based diagnostics of the controller. These diagnostics pages can be implemented easily in any Visual Components application.n o t f o rr e pr i n tASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics TM6401.1 ObjectivesSelected examples will help you learn how to create pages for evaluating and analyzing data and system states in Visual Components.You will learn how to… … Configure the alarm system … Display messages and alarms … Configure the trend system … Display online trend data… Integrate the System Diagnostics Manager into a visualizationFig. 2: Overviewn o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics2. THE VISUAL COMPONENTS ALARM SYSTEMAlarms are used to record and respond to certain system states. System states can be divided into in messages, warnings, and alarms by dividing them into alarm groups.The alarm system is a resource used by all visualizations in a project, and is configured under the "Alarm Groups " node.Features of the alarm system: • Active alarms and historical alarms displayed differently • Manage alarm texts and their configuration in alarm groups • Color-coded identification of alarm priorities•Use touch screen or keys to scroll through alarm lists, acknowledge and bypass alarm states• Manage all alarms in the system in the alarm overview • Language switching for all alarm system display modes • API functions for processing alarm data (TM670)2.1 Alarm system terminologyThis chapter describes the terminology used in the alarm system.Alarm texts show an event in the form of a message, warning or alarm. Theseevents, referred to below as alarms, are displayed when the corresponding process variable switches from 0 to 1.• Messagesare non-critical system or machine messages. Acknowledgement is not required. • Warningsare error states that do not require any action from the operator, but must be acknowledged. • Alarmsare critical error states in the system that require action by the user and must be acknowledged.n o t f o rr e pr i n tASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics TM640Alarm groups are containers for events of the same type, priority and appearance.Alarm states are formed in the application program with a freely definable array with the type "Bit".Acknowledge means that the user must confirm an alarm that has occurred. Thisaction can be evaluated in the application program, so that e.g. a bell linked with the alarm state can be switched off.Bypassing means that the alarm can be shut off intentionally by the userregardless of the alarm state. Bypassed alarms can be monitored in the application program.Latched alarms are given the date and time of the first time they occur. If thealarm is acknowledged (or bypassed) and then triggered again, the date and time is not updated.System alarms indicate errors and status information from the Visual Componentsruntime environment. These include, for example, the switch on message and the battery status.Story involving an alarm systemIn 1994 an explosion and subsequent fires at the Texaco refinery in Milford Haven, Wales, injured twenty-six people and caused material damages of around £48 million and considerable production downtime. In the course of investigations by the British Health and Safety Executive (HSE) the following factors were found to have contributed to the catastrophe:• There were too many alarms, and they were poorly prioritized.• The displays in the control room didn't help the operators understand what was happening.In the 11 minutes leading up to the explosion, the two operators were faced with 274 alarms that had to be detected, acknowledged and responded to appropriately.n o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics2.2 TaskThe task in this training module is based on the visualization application created in TM610.Fig. 3: "AlarmSystem“ sample programIn this sample, the application program already generates alarm states, which are configured in the "CoffeeMachine" alarm group. The following tasks will be performed in this training manual:• Create a new alarm page• Understand the "CoffeeMachine" alarm group • Display active alarms • Display historical alarms • Acknowledging alarms• Display bit and value alarmsThe procedure for creating a new page for displaying alarms and for changing from the main page to this new page are described in the TM610 training manual.n o t f o rr e pr i n tASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics TM640Before we begin configuring the alarm system, let's consider the following issues with respect to the handling of an alarm system:The experiences of users and safety experts raise the following questions:• What can be done to prevent floods of alarms?• Are false alarms triggered frequently?•Are alarms "acknowledged" without being responded to accordingly? • Is the operator's response clearly defined and easy to trace? • Are alarm texts informative and easy to understand? • How can help be provided for alarm texts? •How easy is it to navigate the alarm pages?Task: Create a new page called "AlarmPage"Under the "Pages " node, create a new page and name it "AlarmPage ". Then connect it to the global image layer "globalArea ".The "Alarm " button on the "MainPage " takes you to the alarm page using the "ChangePage " key action.To get from the alarm page back to the main page, a button must be created there to change the page back to "MainPage ".ResultPressing the "Alarm " button opens the alarm page. From there it is also possible to change back to the "MainPage ".Fig. 4: Changing to the "Alarm" pagen o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics2.3 Configuring the alarm systemIn Visual Components, alarms are managed and configured under the "AlarmGroups " node.A new alarm group can be inserted by pressing the <Insert > button, or by selecting <Add Alarm Group > from the shortcut menu.Fig. 5: Alarm groupsEvents of the same type (alarm, warning, message) and the same priority are grouped in alarm groups. As a result, all the alarms in a group have the same appearance during runtime.The alarm system contains two predefined alarm groups, which contain the group alarms and system alarms.Visual Components Help:Shared resources / Alarm groups / Alarm groupsThe group alarms and system alarms cannot be deleted. Only the alarm texts can be changed and translated when using language switching.Visual Components Help:Shared resources / Alarm groups / Alarm groups / Predefined alarm groupsn o t f o rr e pr i n t2.3.1Management of alarms in the user taskAll alarms that belong to a group must be arranged into a BOOL array inthe user task.In the sample, the application program maps the "CoffeeMachine" alarms to the local process variable "visAlarm:alarmCoffee".Fig. 6: Alarm states mapped to process variable "alarmCoffee"2.3.2"CoffeeMachine" alarm groupThe process variable used to form the alarms Array of an alarm group is connected to the property"Value / AlarmImage".This data point must be connected, but theother data points are optional.The properties of the "Appearance" group canbe used to define the colors that indicate thevarious alarm states in this group.Visual Components Help:Shared resources / Alarm groups / Alarm groups / Configuring alarm groups2.3.3Alarms in the "CoffeeMachine" alarm groupThe alarms in an alarm group are created like the texts in a text group.The properties of an alarm text determine its behavior during runtime.Fig. 8: Alarms in the "CoffeeMachine" alarm groupThe "Acknowledge" property defines whether or not an alarm requiresacknowledgement.•AcknowledgeDefines whether this alarm needs to be acknowledged when itoccurs during runtime (warning, alarm) or not (message). If an alarmrequires acknowledgement, it must be acknowledged by the userduring runtime so that it can be removed from display once thealarm state becomes "inactive" again.•WhileActiveThis property specifies whether an acknowledgeable alarm isallowed to be acknowledged while it is still pending.Visual Components Help: ArrayShared resources / Alarm groups / Alarms / Configuring alarmsThe alarm bit field connected to the alarm group must be at least aslarge as the maximum index of the alarm text.TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics2.3.4Static and dynamic alarm textThe most basic alarm text contains only text."TextSnippets" can be used to display a value in an alarm text.This allows you to display the cause of an alarm when it occurs (e.g. Over-temperature at 140.00°C).This type of alarm text will be used later on (see 2.7 Bit and value alarms).Fig. 9: Displaying an alarm with a valueVisual Components Help: ArrayShared resources / Alarm groups / Alarms / Text snippetsFacts about the alarm systemWhen a process is disrupted, the cause of the disruption can trigger alarge number of related alarm states.Such a flood of alarms puts the operator under a huge amount of stress.To prevent this, the number of alarms generated after a disturbanceshould be minimized.The number of alarms can be reduced by filtering alarms (messages)during normal processing using different priorities.tnirperroftonTM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnosticsWhen an alarm list is inserted it has a simplified column arrangement by default.Simply configuring the arrangement of columns allows you to design the alarm list according to you individual needs.Fig. 11: Adjust the columns of the alarm listResultAll pending alarms are displayed in the alarm list. Once theCoffeeMachine is switched on and the water reaches the defined temperature, alarms are automatically removed from this list (acknowledgement not required).Fig. 10: "Current" alarm listSection 2.5 "Interaction with the alarm list" describes how to use the alarm list.<Number of alarm group> <Index of alarm text> <Alarm text>n o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics 2.4.2 Configure the columns of the alarm listThe "Columns" properties define the order of the alarm information in the corresponding columns and how they are displayed. Selecting one of the columns "Column <n>" assigns the event to the respective position. The width of each column [pixels] can be adjusted using the "Width " property.Avaliable alarm information: • Alarm status• Time with time format • Alarm text • Alarm event • Group number • Alarm number • Priority• Acknowledgement status • Bypass statusVisual Components Help: Control reference / Alarm / ColumnsTask: Define the columns for the "Current" alarm listYour task is to configure the columns of the "Current" alarm list. Remove the columns for the group and alarm numbers.• Column 1: Time• Column 2: Alarm text• Column 3: Acknowledgement status as bitmap •Column 4:Alarm event as bitmap n o t f o rr e pr i n tThe colors used for the alarm texts to display thedifferent alarm states can be defined in the properties of the alarm group.Each status can be assigned a different foreground andbackground color.Default: Appearance of an unacknowledged inactive alarm.Active : Appearance of an active alarm (Alarm = 1).Acknowledge : Appearance of an acknowledged alarm. Bypass : Appearance of a bypassed alarm.Latched : Display of the latched alarm.As can be seen in the image above, the first alarm has been acknowledged, and the second one is still active.The acknowledge bitmap is also displayed accordingly. The alarm event bitmap indicates that the alarm is active.ResultAn event can be displayed in any form.Using the bitmap groups for the alarm system that are contained in the default project makes it easy to display graphic information in the alarm line.Fig. 13: Displaying the "Current" alarm listFig. 14: Color designn o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics 2.4.3 "History" alarm listThe "History " alarm list records all changes to the alarm status and user actions that occur from the time the visualization application is started in a configurable ring buffer.This image is compiled from the historical alarm list while starting up the visualization.The historical alarm list can be configured in the global properties of the "Alarm Groups " node.This view is selected from the "Value / Source " property.Task: Insert alarm control to display the "History" alarm listOn the "AlarmPage ", have the "History " alarm list appear in the bottom half of the page.Draw the alarm list in the bottom half of the page. Leave about 50 pixels free to the right of the alarm list.Set up the columns so they are the same as the "Current " alarm list.Visual Components Help:Shared resources / Alarm groups / Alarm historyFig. 15: Configuring the alarm historyn o t f o rr e pr i n tProcedure: • Insert an "Alarm " control on the "AlarmPage "• Adjust the size and align with the "Current " alarm list • Change the "Value / Source " property • Change the "Columns " propertiesUse the Automation Studio Copy / Paste function to copy the "Current " alarm list. All that needs to be changed for this task is the "Value / Source " property.ResultThe pending alarms are displayed in the top alarm list. The bottom alarm list shows all alarm status changes that have occurred since the alarm server was started by the Visual Components runtime system.Fig. 16: "History" alarm listIf the alarm text doesn't fit on one line, it will be displayed on multiple lines.To fit the text on one line, you can adjust the width of the "Alarm text " column.n o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics2.5 Interaction with the alarm systemIn the previous exercises, we have focused on simply displaying the alarms.Alarm !What do I do ?The alarm system can be operated using a configurable touchpad, buttons or the keyboard.You can interact with the alarm system in the following ways: • Scroll in the alarm list• Acknowledge an alarm that requires acknowledgement • Acknowledge all alarms • Bypass an alarmFig. 17: Example of acknowledging an alarmIn our example, buttons placed next to the "Current " alarm list are used to interact with it.The integrated touchpad is used to interact with the "History " alarm list.n o t f o rr e pr i n t2.5.1 Interaction using buttons / keysIn order to be able to operate the alarm list, you must set the property "Input = True ".Key actions that operate another control must have the type"ControlDependent ". For this type of key action, the "Control " property is set to the control that the action itself is connected.Fig. 18: Selecting the alarm listAfter the alarm list is selected, the "Action " property appears, showing the possible actions for the control.Task: Draw three buttons for the alarm system scroll up, scroll down and acknowledge Draw three buttons to the right of the "Current " alarm list.•Scroll up ("Line Up " action)• Scroll down ("Line Down " action)• Acknowledge selected alarm ("Acknowledge " action)For the acknowledge button, the "AlarmQuit " bitmap should be shown instead of a text.The "ControlDependent " task action only affects controls with the property setting "Input = True ".Fig. 19: Alarm list actionsn o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics Procedure:• For the current alarm list, set the "Input " property to "True " • Insert three buttons as shown in the template for scrolling andacknowledging• Create a new virtual task for each button• Select the key action "ControlDependent " for each button • Select the control for the "Current " alarm list • Configure the respective actionsVisual Components Help:Key action reference / ControlDependentControl reference / Alarm / InputResultWhen the "Current " alarm list contains more than one alarm, it is possible to scroll through the list.Fig. 21: Scroll in the "Current" alarm listPressing the acknowledge button acknowledges the selected alarm. An acknowledged alarm is displayed with the colors defined for the"Appearance " property.Fig. 21: Acknowledge the selected alarmButtons are used to adapt operation of the alarm lists to a GUI (Graphical User Interface) template.Another possibility is to use predesigned touchpads, which allow a wide range of interface designs.When a key action is performed on the alarm list, it changes to "Edit " mode. This sets the pages colors to the colors defined for this mode.Fig. 22: Page propertiesFacts about the alarm systemThe many configuration options available for the alarm list allow it to be adapted to the requirements of a particular situation.Messages that don't require any action from the operator should not be displayed in the list of active alarms.The challenge of ensuring efficient alarm management begins with the planning and design of the user applications.An alarm system changes over the course of a machine's life cycle, and should be subject to continuous improvement along the way.n o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics 2.5.2 Interaction using the touchpadAn alarm list can also be operated using the default touchpad contained in the project, or a one you create yourself.In this example, the touchpad named "NavigationPad_ver " is used to operate the historical alarm list.Task: Configure the historical alarm list for operation using a touchpadThe historical alarm list is operated by the "NavigationPad_ver " touchpad.This touchpad can be selected from the "Input / Touchpad " property.ResultThe touchpad opens automatically when the historical alarm list is selected. The touchpad allows you to scroll up and down.Fig. 23: Scrolling up in the historic alarm listn o t f o rr e pr i n tVisual Components Help:Control reference / Alarm / Value / FilterShared resources / Alarm groups / Alarm groups / Configuration / PriorityThe only action possible in the historical alarm list is scrolling. It is not possible to acknowledge or bypass an alarm in this view.Facts about the alarm systemEfficient operation of an alarm system permits a maximum of 10 alarmsper minute.Control room operators are often confronted with up to 2000 messages and alarms per day. Filtering and prioritizing messages and alarms helps ensure that only the most important alarms are displayed.Fig. 24: Ability to react to alarmsAlarm group and priority filters can be set in the alarm list using the "Value / Filter " property.TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics2.6 Acknowledging alarmsAn alarm normally requires an action from the operator.This action can be "forced " using the alarm's acknowledgement settings. This means that the alarm remains in the alarm list - even after the event that triggered it is no longer active - until the system operator confirms (acknowledges) it.Procedure:• Open the "CoffeeMachine " alarm group• Change the acknowledgement behavior for the alarm text with Index[0]Visual Components Help:Shared resources / Alarm groups / Alarms / Configuring alarms / AcknowledgeTask: Change the acknowledgement behavior of an alarmIn the "CoffeeMachine " alarm group, change the acknowledgementimage for the alarm with Index [0], so that the alarm text remains in the alarm list until the user acknowledges the alarm independent of the alarm status.ResultWhen the visualization application is started, the "CoffeeMachine " is still off. This causes an alarm to be entered in the "Current " alarm list. If the acknowledgement behavior is not changed, the alarm text would be automatically removed from the list when the CoffeeMachine isturned on. Changing the acknowledgement behavior keeps the entry inthe list until the user acknowledges it.TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics 2.7 Bit and value alarmsAn event or alarm is generated in the Visual Components alarm system by setting a bit in a bit array.If an alarm should be triggered when an upper or lower limit is exceeded, the alarm line can display the corresponding value of a variable in addition to the bit event.An alarm text is made up of a static text and an optional dynamic text and/or value. The dynamic parts of the alarm text are created as "TextSnippets " and inserted anywhere in the alarm text. TextSnippets can be inserted in the alarm text editor under the "TextSnippets " tab.Fig. 27: Inserting TextSnippetsIn this example, an alarm is generated when the water temperature drops below a certain value. In the following task, you will add the temperature limit to the alarm text.Task: Display the temperature limit in the alarm textIn the "CoffeeMachine " alarm group, edit the alarm text with Index [1] so that it displays the temperature from the process variable "gHeating.status.actTemp ".Instead of the text "Water temperature not OK", the temperature value at the time of the alarm should be displayed.n o t f o rr e pr i n tProcedure:• Insert a new TextSnippet with the name "WaterTemp " and the type "Numeric "• Connect the process variable "gHeating.status.actTemp " to the "Datapoint" property• Under the "Alarms" tab, add the TextSnippet to the respective alarmtext using the shortcut menu (check edit mode of the text)Fig. 28: Insert TextSnippet at the desired position in the alarm textVisual Components Help:Shared resources / Alarm groups / Alarms / Text snippetsThe "Persistent " property of the TextSnippet "freezes" the value when the alarm is entered in the historical alarm list.ResultWhen the visualization is started, an alarm is generated showing the current water temperature. This alarm starts by displaying 0°C or 32°F (initial value), and shows the limit value when the alarm is turned off.Fig. 29: Alarm with limit valueTM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnosticsTM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics 3.2 TaskThe task in this training module is based on the visualization application created in TM610.Fig. 31: "Trend system" sample programIn this sample program, a function block in the application program controls the water temperature after the CoffeeMachine is turned on. The closed-loop control depends on the type of coffee, and is started after the CoffeeMachine is switched on.The following tasks will be performed in this training manual:• Create a new trend page• Develop a trend page with the "Trend Wizard " • Display a temperature curve in the trend system • Add a second curve with a different scale • Interact with the trend systemThe procedure for creating a new page for displaying a trend and for changing from the main page to this new page are described in the TM610 training manual.n t f o rr e pr i n tTask: Create a new page called "TrendPage"Under the "Pages" node, create a new page and name it "TrendPage". Then connect it to the global image layer "globalArea ".The "Trend " button on the "MainPage " takes you to the alarm page using the "ChangePage " key action.To get from the trend page back to the main page, a button must be created there to change the page back to "MainPage ".ResultPressing the "Trend " button opens the trend page. From there it is also possible to change back to the "MainPage".Fig. 32: Changing to the "Trend" pagen o t f o rr e pr i n t工控编程吧 TM640 ASiV alarms, trends and diagnostics3.3 Configuring the trend systemThere are two ways to configure the trend system: • Express configuration using the Trend Wizard• Manual configuration of trend objects (user-defined)The "Trend Wizard " is used to create a new trend curve. The Trend Wizard can be opened by selecting the Wizard icon in the property editor toolbar for the "Trend " control.Fig. 33: Creating a trend configuration using the "Trend Wizard"Visual Components Help:Visualization resources / TrendsControl reference / Trend / Trend Wizard。
CB 640 冷却系统产品说明书
![CB 640 冷却系统产品说明书](
Ref. 1 - Foamed Cabinet Assy Version 1
Kind of Cube
18 g. (Standard) 33 g. 13 g.
C11009/E C11009/E C11009/ED
Ref. 1 - Foamed Cabinet Assy Version 2
See Table
14 Hot Gas Valve Body
Code 10213 10014 10448 10039
14007 14005 14006
Parts for Air Cooled Version Only
220/240V 50 Hz 220/230V 60 Hz 110/115V 60 Hz
23010 23010 23261
23010 23781 23758
23781 23781 23758
Ref. 1 - Pump Tension
Version 1 Version 2
220/240V 50 Hz 220/230V 60 Hz 110/115V 60 Hz
See Table See Table
Current Version Till s/n. 62739 Till s/n. 227891
Version 2 Version 2 Version 2 Version 2 Version 1 Version 1
D20002 10012 10305 10133 20233 10471 13006 10034 13007 10096 13109 13017 10472 10009 13005 20005 10405 13140 10404 13143 13015 13016 20009
b) 本使用说明书适用于以上各装置的标准版本及工程更改版本,除非存在以下情况: — 附加更改说明; — 使用说明书更新,版本升级。
* 技术支持
电话:(025)83537262 传真:(025)83537200
* 本说明书可能会被修改,请注意核对实际产品与说明书的版本是否相符 * 2008 年 03 月 第 1 版 第 1 次印刷 * 国电南自技术部监制
1.4 测控及其他功能 ..................................................................... 5 1.4.1 测量控制功能 ................................................................... 5 1.4.2 程序在线升级 ................................................................... 6 1.4.3 打印接口 ....................................................................... 6
• 通讯地址的设定。 当变频器调试结束后需要重新设置变频器的通讯地址 (必须确认快速调试结束,即P0010=0,否则无法进入其 他参数,只能进入快速调试的参数)。变频器的通讯地址 设定方法如下: • P0003=2 • P0004=20 • P0918=通讯地址(需要在PLC中查看)
• P1910选择电动机数据辨识。(由于电动机 数据辨识是在环境温度20度左右,所以我 们现场调试时一般设置p1910=0禁止辨识电 动机数据) • P3900结束快速调试。(更换变频器后一般 选择1,选择1后变频器在自动调试结束后 将自动将P0010和P3900参数恢复为默认的 出厂设置。调试结束后请查看确认参数 P0010=0及P3900=0)
P0311电动机的额定转速。根据电动机铭牌上的数据数据输入电 动机的额定转速。 P0320电动机的磁化电流。是以电动机电流的百分比来表示的。, P0335电动机的冷却方式。电动机的冷却方式分为4种。分别是: P0335=0的自冷冷却方式(即采用电机轴上加装轴流风叶来冷却); P0335=1的强制冷却方式(即采用不同于电动机的独立驱动电路来冷却); P0335=2的自冷加强制冷却方式以及P0335=4的强制冷却加内置风扇冷却。 我们两线的两台吹气风机一台采用自冷方式即P0335=0一台为强制冷却方 式即P0335=1. P0500工艺应用。工艺应用分为P0500=0恒定转矩和P0500=1的风机 和水泵的抛物线式转矩。所以我们的设置应是P0500=1.(转矩与转速之间 的关系) P0640电动机过载系数。这个参数需要手动输入,过载系数的范围是 小于400%,即电机额定电流(P0305)的400%,正常我们的设定值是110%。
操 作 手 册
第一章 简介...................................................................................................................................4 1.1 产品描述.............................................................................................................................4 1.2 操作特征.............................................................................................................................4 第二章 控制器的使用...................................................................................................................5 2.1 简介.....................................................................................................................................5 2.2 系统状态指示 LED 灯......................................................................
RCU640 遥控器用户手册说明书
![RCU640 遥控器用户手册说明书](
ENUser manualRCU640 Remote ControlUnit1IntroductionSafety Information● If device is moved from warmer place to a colder one some problem might occur. Please switch off the receiver and turn it on after 1 or 2 hours.● Don’t put any objects on the device.● The product purchased is a sophisticated electronic device which is not suitable for children under 18 years.● We do not assume responsibility for dam-ages caused to people or object, deriving from use of the device made by people under 18 years.give a warranty regarding the contents of this User Manual and waives any implied warranties regarding market value or fitness for specific purposes. The information contained herein provide guidelines allowing the operation and maintenance of the receiver.Ferguson reserves the right to make changes, corrections or to translate the User Manual without giving prior notice of such changes. Therefore, it is recommended that users visit our website regularly to receive the latest information.RCU640Setup TV via brand name code1. Switch on the TV for which you wish to use the remote control.2. Find the code number of your TV brand in the code list (e.g. LG 0075; 0082; 0083; …).3. Press TV button for three seconds The POWER button on your remote control lights up, i.e. RCU640 is in set-up mode.4. You now have to enter the 4-digit device code (e.g. 0075 for LG TV set). If an entry does not occur within 15 seconds, the set-up mode is automatically terminated.5. The POWER button LED goes out if the remote control accepts the code.If the POWER button LED flashes twice the code is incorrect; and you need to start from step 2.If this occurs, re-enter the correct code from the list.6. Check the function of the buttons on your remote control. If the majority of the buttons on your new remote control do not function correctly, enter another 4-digit device code (e.g. 0082…) from the list under the same brand name. Repeat steps 3 to 6 until all the basic functions operate correctly. The TV is set up correctly as soon as you enter the correct code. NOTE:Exit the set-up mode by pressing the TV button or OK button. The set-upmode is automatically terminated if a button is not pressed during a 15 second period.NOTE:After entering the state of setup, ONLY the numeric keyboard, OK, POWER and TV button can work accordingly, the other buttons do not have response when you press them.Setup TV via auto searchIf the set up via brand name and code was not successful or you were unable to find your brand name in the list, you can use the auto search function to find the correct TV code for your remote control.1. Switch on the TV for which you wish to use the remote control.2. Point the remote control at the TV. Press and hold down the the TV button for 3 seconds, (or just press TV button for three seconds). The POWER button should start to flash, i.e. the RCU640 is in Auto Search mode.3. Press MUTE button and then release, the OFF signal is automatically transmitted from the remote control to the TV (code scan). As soon as the TV switches off, immediately press OK button or TV button to terminate Auto Search, now the POWER button LED light goes out.4. Switch on the TV via the POWER button. Check whether the other buttons on your remote control function correctly. If none of the buttons function (i.e. the search was not be stopped at the correct time) or the majority of the buttons do not function correctly, restart the search (see steps 3 to 4) to find a suitable code. If the majority of the buttons function correctly, set up has been successful. Re-press the TV button to save the code and to terminate the set-up mode. NOTE:After entering the state of setup, ONLY the MUTE, OK, LEFT, RIGHT and TV button can work accordingly, the other buttons did not have response when you press them.NOTE: Entering the auto searching mode, it will search backward from the current code backwards ,but you can press LEFT (forward) or RIGHT (backward) to change Search direction.NOTE:After all codes have been gone through, The POWER button will flash three times and go off. The RCU640 exit from auto search automatically.23RCU640Setup TV via manual search1. Switch on the TV for which you wish to use the remote control.2. Point the remote control at the TV. Press and hold down the TV button. (or just press TV button for three seconds). Then release the button.3. The POWER button lights up and the remote control is in set-up mode.4. Press the POWER button approx. every 1.5 seconds. The device should start to flash, i.e. the device is in Manual Search mode.5. As soon as the TV switches off (or is reac-tive), press OK or TV button to save the codes and exit from Manual Search mode, now the POWER button light goes off.6. Check whether the other buttons on the remote control function correctly. If the majority of the buttons do not function correctly, press the POWER button approx. every 1.5 seconds to initiate the reactive code (manual search is continued, see steps 4 to 5).NOTE: The Manual Search is automatically terminated if no entry occurs during a 15 second period.NOTE: After entering the state of setup, ONLY the POWER, OK, LEFT and RIGHT button, and TV button can work accordingly, the other buttons did not have response when you press them.NOTE: Entering the manual searching mode, it will search backward from the current code backwards, but you can press LEFT (forward) or RIGHT (backward) to change Search direction1. Press and hold down the TV button simultaneously press number button 1 to display the thousands of the 4-digit code. Count how often the POWER button flashes. If the POWER button does not flash, the number is ZERO.2. Press and hold down the TV button simultaneously press number button 2 to display the hundreds of the 4-digit code.3. Press and hold down the TV button simultaneously press number btutton 3 to display the tens of the 4-digit code.4. Press and hold down the TV button simultaneously press number button 4 to display the ones of the 4-digit code.Example for code 0075:1. Press TV and 1 LED flashes Zero times.2. Press TV and 2 LED flashes Zero times.3. Press TV and 3 LED flashes Seven times.4. Press TV and 4 LED flashes Five times.Reset / delete function1. Press TV button for three seconds the POWER button on your remote control lights up.2. You now have to enter the 4-digit device code 9990.All the set-up data and commands for TV in the remote control are deleted and the POWER button light goes off.RCU640RCU64056RCU640RCU6407RCU640RCU640910RCU640RCU64011www.ferguson-digital.euv1.21。
火灾报警控制器NFS-640编程手册目录第一章简介 (5)1.1 控制器介绍 (5)1.2 特性 (5)1.3 编程方式的选择 (5)1.4 密码 (5)第二章编程 (7)2.1 编程菜单 (7)2.2 进入编程 (8)2.3 基本编程 (8)2.3.1 清除内存(0=CLR) (9)2.3.2 自动编程(1=AUTO) (9)2.3.3 修改或删除点(2=POINT) (12)2.3.4 修改密码(3=PASSWD) (16)2.3.5 建立系统信息(4=MESSAGE) (16)2.3.6 建立用户区标签(5=ZONE) (17)2.3.7 特殊区编程(6=SPL FUNCT) (17)2.3.8 改变系统功能(7=SYSTEM) (20)2.3.9 检查编程错误(8=CHECK PRG) (28)2.3.10 网络配置 (29)2.3.11 实用编程 (29)2.3.12 FlashScan™协议 (30)2.3.13 串口波特率 (32)第三章状态改变 (34)3.1 状态改变的功能 (34)3.2 进入状态改变画面 (34)3.3 屏蔽或使能点 (34)3.4 改变探测器灵敏度 (35)3.5 清除火警校验计数器 (36)3.6 清除历史纪录 (36)3.7 设置系统时间和日期 (36)3.8 步行测试 (37)附录A:释放应用 (39)释放区 (39)释放区编程 (39)延时定时器编程 (39)停止开关编程 (40)停止开关的定义 (40)停止开关应用 (40)ULI停止开关 (41)IRI停止开关编程 (42)AHJ停止开关 (44)交叉区 (45)编程设置释放计时器 (47)释放区使用的类型编码 (47)编程设置停止开关 (48)编程设置手动释放开关 (49)编程设置手动释放延迟开关 (50)编程设置第二释放开关 (51)编程设置释放结束铃声报警电路 (52)编程设置ULC释放电路 (53)编程设置释放电路 (54)编程设置C型释放电路 (55)编程设置释放音频电路 (56)编程设置立即释放电路 (57)编程设置释放编码铃声报警电路 (58)3.9 触发设备 (59)3.10 告警音响器 (59)3.11 ACS告警器 (60)附录B:特殊区输出 (61)预告和正相报警序列(PAS) (61)什么是预告和PAS (61)选择预告和PAS输出 (61)定时控制区 (62)NACS和多线制电路编码功能 (62)附录C:AW ACS TM应用 (64)AW ACS概述 (64)AW ACS特征 (64)预警 (67)探测器灵敏度设置 (68)探测器维护特点 (70)附录D:CBE(事件控制) (73)说明 (73)输入和输出 (73)等式输入 (73)等式 (73)逻辑函数 (74)等式构成举例 (74)等式求值 (75)变量 (75)时间延迟函数 (75)CBE举例 (76)附录E:探测器初始化 (77)概述 (77)更换探测器 (77)手动初始化探测器 (78)附录F:类型编码 (79)什么是类型编码 (79)选择类型编码 (79)输入设备类型编码 (79)输出设备类型编码 (83)术语 (86)1第一章简介1.1控制器介绍NFS-640是一种智能、可现场编程的火灾报警控制器。
1.通信参数设置 选中以太网模块,双击出现下面界面
在参数一栏勾上设置MAC地址,填写设备MAC地址;正在使用的ip协议里面配置计 划分配的IP地址和掩码。确定
在新插入的程序块中,可以选择FC105(模拟输入)或FC106(模拟 输出)的参考块模型。
采集结果存放地址数 据块或者寄存器
二、软硬件组态及下载 软件部分
点击测量型号,可出现下面选项 ,按实际需要进行配置。
完成测量型号配置后,点击测量 范围进行测量范围的配置,不同 的测量型号有不同的测量范围, 须据实选择。
知识回顾 Knowledge Review
如上图检索所示,列出了检索323时查到的所有模块 ,可选择合适的模块,红色区域是所选模块的订货号 。找到正确的模块,双击,出现下面的对话框,可根 据需要选择是否替换。
海德汉系统数控机床调试资料(总19页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除机床安装调试1、机床的机、电装完工后,在通电前需进行安全检查。
NC系统上电后TNC I530进行数据更新和安装机床备份数据子为:NET123。
升级后的新版本为:340 490-003,升级后要删除旧的文件。
在TNC 530硬盘下有\NC、\PLC等子目录,根据文件属性将数据文件传输到相应的目录。
MP4310.0 (W976)MP4310.1 (W978)MP4310.2 (W980)MP4310.3 (W982)MP4310.4 (W984)MP4310.5 (W986)MP4310.6 (W988)定义语言参数:MP7230.0;0—ENGLISH;温度控制参数:MP4210.8;700改为0用于调试时用。
TNC 简明调试手册 PLC
![TNC 简明调试手册 PLC](
PLC部分1.PLC的基本知识PLC主要是用于辅助数控系统进行外部输入和输出的控制,完成相应的逻辑任务. PLC 程序的运行有几个特点:在执行下一行程序之前,前一行程序必须执行完毕。
PLC 程序在固定的时间间隔内重复运行。
2.Heidenhain的PLCHeidenhain的PLC同样具备一般PLC的特点. PLC 程序可以直接在系统中创建,也可以使用计算机软件PLCdesignNT 软键在PC 上创建。
常见的PLC主要使用梯形图或是语句表进行PLC程序的编写,海德汉PLC除了一般PLC通常的逻辑控制语句还允许使用一些高级控制功能,因此采用的是语句表格式进行编写的,不支持梯形图.3.学习PLC前的准备a.HEIDENHAIN 数控系统和PLC 的接口关系:图中NC指的是数控系统的数控部分,PLC指的是数控系统中的PLC部分,箭头表示数据的流向。
我们进行PLC编辑的主要工具有:PLCdesign (PLCdesignNT): 用于创建,编辑,管理PLC项目的主程序。
PLCtext: 用于管理,编辑PLC项目中的报警信息和提示信息的数据库程序。
IOconfig: 用于系统各组件配置(组态)的程序。
CycleDesign: 用于管理和编辑竖排软按键或OEM循环的程序。
BMXdesign: 用于制作软按键图标和帮助图形的程序。
TNCremo: 用于文件传输以及系统备份和还原的程序。
This document guides you through the setup of proprietary vendor specific software installed on you PC. Your supervisor may provide you with addi-tional or alternative instructions.The document consists of standard instructions that may not fit your particu-lar solution. Please visit our support website for latest revisions of documen-tation and firmware:Version: 1.2, February 2011Table of Contents1.Prerequisite for this guide 32.Logon the LinkManager 43.Click and Choose in the LinkManager 44.Online with Beckhoff and TwinCAT 5 Appendix A, Connecting to PLC on Uplink port 9Appendix B, Dealing with DHCP assigned PLC address 12 B1: Using DHCP on the SiteManager DEV port 12 B2: Set a fixed IP address on the PLC via LinkManager using CERHOST 14Notices 171. Prerequisite for this guideThe following guide will assist you to setup a remote and online connectionto the equipment placed on the customer site using your proprietary vendorspecific software installed on you PC. A prerequisite for this guide is:▪You have an operational LinkManager installed on your PC and you are able to see the vendor specific equipment.▪You have the proprietary vendor specific software installed on your PC▪You have the Beckhoff device agent installed and configured towards a PLC on the DEV port of the SiteManager.Note: If you are connecting to a PLC on the Uplink port of the SiteManagerplease follow the guide, and additionally refer to Appendix A for special pre-cautions.System overviewThe Remote Device Management system is a complete end-to-end solutionfor easy and secure remote access, monitoring and management of industri-al equipment for the automation- and machine builder industry.The Remote Device Management solution enables machine builders, serviceproviders and end-users to instantly access, monitor, and manage machinesand equipment remotely and effectively over secure high speed internetconnections.The following system overview is with a SiteManager 3034 or 3134 at thecustomer location:Figure 1 - System overview.2. Logon the LinkManagerThis describes how to logon your LinkManager software. If you are already logged on, please go to number 3.1. Start the LinkManager from the START > Programs > Secomea Link-Manager.2. Select Console menu from the LinkManager Tray Icon menu.3. Login uses the GateManager certificate and password which is ob-tained from you GateManager administrator. Then please click Login.Figure 2 LinkManager login Screen3. Click and Choose in the LinkManagerThis describes how to click and choose the device you wish to get online with. If you are already online, please go to number 4.1. Click <Connect all> to connect to all devices or click a specific deviceto connect to only this single device:Figure 3 LinkManager Screen (example) Access to all devices or to a single de-vice4. Online with Beckhoff and TwinCATGet online with your Beckhoff PLC:1. Start up your TwinCAT System MangerFigure 4 TwinCAT System Manager Screen2. Click >> Choose Target <<3. Click >> Search (Ethernet)Figure 5 TwinCAT Add Route Dialog Screen4. Enter Host Name / IP – Enter IP address5. Click >> Refresh Status <<6. If this is the first time to connect to this route and no “X” appear in the“Connected”, please see Figure 6Figure 6 TwinCAT Add Route Dialog Screen7. Select IP Address8. Press “Add Route”Figure 7 TwinCAT System Manager Screen9. Choose Target System10. Press “OK”Figure 7 TwinCAT System Manager Screen11. Target System choosen – in this guide “CX_022623”Figure 8 TwinCAT PLC Control Screen12. Start up your TwinCAT PLC Control13. Open projectFigure 9 TwinCAT PLC Control Screen14. Press “Online” in the top menu and select “login”Figure 10 TwinCAT PLC Control Screen15. Press “Online” in the top menu and select “Run”16. You are now online with the PLCAppendix A, Connecting to PLC on Uplink portWith RDM firmware 11017 or earlier it is not possible automatically to install the necessary route in the Beckhoff PLC if the PLC is attached to the UPLINK interface, and not the DEV interface of the SiteManager.This must currently be solved manually by the following procedure (keep up-dated on new firmware updates that may solve this issue).1. In the TwinCat System Manager, select System Manager > ChoseTarget.. > Search Ethernet >2. If there is NOT an “X” in column “Connected” after the Add Route ispressed then the route table in the PLC is not updated correctly, andyou must manually enter it through the PLC Web interface. Follow thebelow steps to do so.Important: if there is an “X” in column “Connected” do NOT press”Add Route” this might overwrite the already working connection.icon, which will launch the WEB interface of the Beckhoff PLC4. Press: TwinCat > Routes, Select the PC Name (in the below example“RDM-HKK”). ”Address” must show the DEV1 IP address of the Site-Manager. If not then the route is installed wrong (If the PLC is attached via the Uplink interface, the address will most likely be the LinkManag-er IP address, which will not work.)5. Select Add Route to add the route manually: (If a route already exist itshould be deleted)Name = RDM-HKKAddress= AMS Router can be found on the PC’s TwinCat program):Appendix B, Dealing with DHCP assigned PLC ad-dressAs default the CXxxx type Beckhoff PLCs are default delivered with DHCP enabled.This Appendix explains how you can use the SiteManager to ensure the DHCP address is always the same, or alternatively how you can access the PLC with the CERHOST program to change the DHCP setting to a fixed IP address.B1: Using DHCP on the SiteManager DEV portIf you are connecting the PLC to the DEV port of the SiteManager, it is rec-ommended to leave the DHCP setting, and make the IP address “static” in the SiteManagers DHCP lease table.This will ensure that the PLC will always receive the same IP address.1. In the SiteManager GUI, enter the DEV port on which the DHCPenabled PLC is attached.2. Ensure that DHCP is enabled. If not just enable it and it will automati-cally suggest a DHCP range. You may have to reboot the SiteManager to activate the DHCP:3. Make sure the Beckhoff PLC is connected to the DEV1 port and is po-wered on after the DHCP server has been enabled.4. Go to the DHCP Leases >>5. You should now be able to identify the PLC in the lease list by its MACaddress or it’s Hostname. Select the Lock check box and press Save.6. The MAC address of the PLC is now associated with a Static DHCPlease, which means the PLC will always receive the same IP address from the SiteManager. You are also able to change it here, in case it conflicts with another device in the network.B2: Set a fixed IP address on the PLC via LinkManager us-ing CERHOSTThe CERHOST client software is provided by Microsoft for obtaining remote display control of a Windows CE device.This tool is typically used for establishing access to a CX1xxx type Beckhoff PLC to change the IP address of the PLC from the DHCP assigned IP, to a static IP address.The CERHOST.exe utility is freeware and can be downloaded from the Beckhoff website, and various other public sites.1. Connect with LinkManager to the PLC2. State the CERHOST.exe utility, and select Connect3. Type in the IP address of the PLC and password if needed, otherwiseleave it blank. Press OK to connect.Note: You cannot use the DNS name (e.g. CX_022632), as indicatedin some guides, since you do not have access to the DNS server thatcan resolve it.4. You are now online with the PLC.5. Select Start → Settings → Network and Dial-up Connections.6. If there is more than one Ethernet adapter, you can double click eachof the adapter icons in the system tray, to determine which has the IP address you have connected to.7. Right-click and select properties for the adapter, and select “Specify anIP address”, and enter relevant settings:8. Press OK, and Restart the PLC to activate the new address..Secomea A/S DenmarkCVR No. DK 31 36 60 38 E-mail:*****************NoticesPublication and copyright© Copyright Secomea A/S 2011Trademarks. All rights reserved. You may download and print a copy for your own use. As a high-level administrator, you may use what-ever you like from contents of this document to create your own instructions for deploying our products. Otherwise, no part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any way, without the written consent of Secomea A/S. We would appreciate getting a copy of the material you produce in order to make our own material better and – if you give us permission – to inspire other users.SiteManager™, LinkManager™ and GateManager™ are trademark of Se-comea A/S. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.DisclaimerSecomea A/S reserves the right to make changes to this publication and to the products described herein without notice. The publication of this document does not represent a commitment on the part of Secomea A/S. Considerable effort has been made to ensure that this publication is free of inaccuracies and omis-sions but we cannot guarantee that there are none.The following paragraph does not apply to any country or state where such pro-visions are inconsistent with local law:SECOMEA A/S PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSESECOMEA A/S SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHER DAMAGE ALLEGED IN CONNECTION WITH THE FURNISHING OR USE OF THIS INFORMATION.。
FMC640 快速手册说明书
![FMC640 快速手册说明书](
Table of ContentsKnow your device (3)Pinout (4)Wiring scheme (5)Set up your device (6)How to insert Micro-SIM card and connect the battery (6)PC Connection (Windows) (7)How to install USB drivers (Windows) (7)Configuration (Windows) (7)Quick SMS configuration (9)Mounting recommendations (10)LED indications (11)Characteristics (11)Basic characteristics (11)Electrical characteristics (13)Safety information (14)Certification and Approvals ....................................................... 15Warranty .. (16)Warranty Disclaimer (16)Know your deviceFigure 1 FMC640 device viewPinoutPin n umber Pin n ame Description1 GND (-) Ground2 CAN 1L SAE J1939 CAN interface Low channel 13 1WIRE POWER Power supply pin for Dallas 1-Wire® devices4 DIN4 Digital input, channel 15 DIN2 Digital input, channel 26 CAN 2L SAE J1939 CAN interface Low channel 27 AIN2 Analog input, channel 2. Input range: 0-30V/0-10V DC8 DOUT3 Digital output. Open collector output9 DOUT2 Digital output. Open collector output10 AIN3 Analog input, channel 3. Input range: 0-30V/0-10V DC11 VCC (+) Power supply (+10-30 V DC)12 CAN 1H SAE J1939 CAN interface High channel 113 1WIRE DATA Data channel for Dallas 1-Wire® devices14 DIN3 Digital input, channel 315 IGN (DIN1) Digital input, channel 1. DEDICATED FOR IGNITION INPUT16 CAN 2H SAE J1939 CAN interface High channel 217 AIN1 Analog input, channel 1. Input range: 0-30V/0-10V DC18 DOUT4/AIN4 Digital output. Open collector output OR Analog input, channel 4. Input range: 0-30V/0-10V DC19 DOUT1 Digital output. Open collector output20 K-Line K-LINE interface for online Tachograph VehicleData transferFigure 2 FMC640 pinoutWiring scheme1Figure 3 FMC640 Wiring scheme 1 Automotive relaySet up your deviceHow to insert SIM card and connect the battery1. Unscrew 4 screws counterclockwise that are located on the bottom of the device.2. Remove the cover .3. Insert SIM card as shown with PIN request disabled or read Security info how to enter it later in Teltonika Configurator . Make sure that SIM card cut-off corner is pointing forward to slot. SIM slot 1 is closer to PCB, SIM slot 2 is the upper one.4. Connect battery as shown to device.5. After configuration , see “PC Connection (Windows)”, attach device cover back.6. Screw in all screws. Device is ready to be mounted.Figure 8 Attaching cover backFigure 9 Device is readyFigure 6 SIM card insertFigure 7 Battery connectionFigure 4 Unscrew screwsFigure 5 Cover removalPC Connection (Windows)1.Power-up FMC640 with DC voltage (10 – 30 V) power supplyusing power wires. LED’s should start blinking, see “LEDindications”.2.Connect device to computer using Micro-USB cable:▬You will need to install USB drivers, see “How to install USB drivers (Windows)”3.You are now ready to use the device on your computer. How to install USB drivers (Windows)1.Please download COM port drivers from here.2.Extract and run TeltonikaCOMDriver.exe.3.Click Next in driver installation window.4.In the following window click Install button.Setup will continue installing the driver and eventually the confirmation window will appear. Click Finish to complete the setup. Configuration (Windows)At first FMC640 device will have default factory settings set. These settings should be changed according to the user's needs. Main configuration can be performed via Teltonika Configurator software. Get the latest Configurator version from here. Configurator operates on Microsoft Windows OS and uses prerequisite Framework. Make sure you have the correct version installed.Table 1 MS .NET requirementsDownloaded Configurator will be in compressed archive. Extract it and launch Configurator.exe. After launch software language can be changed by clicking in the right bottom corner (Figure 10 Language selection).Configuration process begins by pressing on connected device (Figure 11 Device connected via USB ).After connection to Configurator Status window will be displayed (Figure 12 Configurator Status window ).Various Status window tabs display information about GNSS , GSM , I/O , Maintenance and etc. FMC640 has one user editable profile, which can be loaded and saved to the device. After any modification of configuration the changes need to be saved to device using Save to device button. Main buttons offer following functionality: 1. Load from device – loads configuration from device. 2. Save to device – saves configuration to device. 3.Load from file – loads configuration from file. 4. Save to file – saves configuration to file.5. Update firmware – updates firmware on device.6. Read records – reads records from the device.7. Reboot device – restarts device.8.Reset configuration – sets device configuration to default.Most important configurator section is GPRS – where all yourserver and GPRS settings can be configured and Data Acquisition – where data acquiring parameters can be configured.More details about FMC640 configuration using Configurator can be found in our Wiki .Figure 11 Device connected via USBFigure 10 Language selectionFigure 12 Configurator Status windowQuick SMS configurationDefault configuration has optimal parameters present to ensure best performance of track quality and data usage.Quickly set up your device by sending this SMS command to it:Note: Before SMS text, two space symbols should be inserted. GPRS settings:•2001 – APN•2002 – APN username (if thereare no APN username, emptyfield should be left)•2003 – APN password (if thereare no APN password, emptyfield should be left)Server settings:•2004– Domain•2005 – Port•2006 – Data sending protocol(0 – TCP, 1 – UDP) Default configuration settingsMovement and ignition detection:Vehicle movement willbe detected byaccelerometerIgnition will be detectedby vehicle power voltagebetween 13,2 – 30 V Device makes a record On Moving if one of these events happen: 300 seconds passes Vehicle turns 10 degreesVehicle drives 100metersSpeed differencebetween last coordinateand current position isgreater than 10 km/h Device makes a record On Stop if:1 hour passes whilevehicle is stationaryand ignition is offRecords sending to server:If device has made arecord it is sent to theserver every 120secondsAfter successful SMS configuration, FMC640 device will synchronize time and update records to configured server. Time intervals and default I/O elements can be changed by using Teltonika Configurator or SMS parameters." setparam 2001:APN;2002:APN_username;2003:APN_password;2004:Domain;2005:Port;2006:0;"Mounting recommendations•Connecting Wires▬Wires should be connected while module is not plugged in.▬Wires should be fastened to the other wires or non-moving parts. Try to avoid heat emitting and moving objects nearthe wires.▬The connections should not be seen very clearly. If factory isolation was removed while connecting wires, it should beapplied again.▬If the wires are placed in the exterior or in places where they can be damaged or exposed to heat, humidity, dirt, etc.,additional isolation should be applied.▬Wires cannot be connected to the board computers or control units.•Connecting power source▬Be sure that after the car computer falls asleep, power is still available on chosen wire. Depending on car, this mayhappen in 5 to 30 minutes period.▬When module is connected, be sure to measure voltage again if it did not decrease.▬It is recommended to connect to the main power cable in the fuse box.▬Use 3A, 125V external fuse. •Connecting ignition wire▬Be sure to check if it is a real ignition wire – power does not disappear while starting the engine.▬Check if this is not an ACC wire (when key is in the first position, most electronics of the vehicle are available).▬Check if power is still available when you turn off any of vehicles devices.▬Ignition is connected to the ignition relay output. As alternative, any other relay, which has power output, whenignition is on, may be chosen.•Connecting ground wire▬Ground wire is connected to the vehicle frame or metal parts that are fixed to the frame.▬If the wire is fixed with the bolt, the loop must be connected to the end of the wire.▬For better contact scrub paint from the place where loop is connected.PAY ATTENTION! Connecting the power supply must becarried out in a very low impedance point of on-boardvehicle network. Connecting the GND at an arbitrarypoint to the mass of the car is unacceptable, as staticand dynamic potentials on the line GND will beunpredictable, which can lead to unstable FMC640operation and even its failure.LED indications Table 2 Navigation LED indicationsTable 3 Status LED indicationsCharacteristics Basic characteristics Table 4 Basic characteristicsTable 5 Electrical characteristicsSafety informationThis message contains information on how to operate FMC640 safely. By following these requirements and recommendations, you will avoid dangerous situations. You must read these instructions carefully and follow them strictly before operating the device!•The device uses SELV limited power source. The nominal voltage is +12 V DC. The allowed voltage range is +10...+30 V DC.•To avoid mechanical damage, it is advised to transport the device in an impact-proof package. Before usage, the device should be placed so that its LED indicators are visible. Theyshow the status of device operation.•When connecting the 2x10 connector cables to the vehicle, the appropriate jumpers of the power supply of the vehicle should be disconnected.•Before dismounting the device from the vehicle, the 2x10 connector must be disconnected.•The device is designed to be mounted in a zone of limited access, which is inaccessible to the operator. All related devices must meet the requirements of EN 62368-1 standard.•The device FMC640 is not designed as a navigational device for boats.Do not disassemble the device. If the device is damaged, the power supply cables are notisolatedor the isolation is damaged, DO NOTtouch the device before unplugging the powersupply.All wireless data transferring devices produce interference that may affect other devices which are placed nearby.The device must be connected only by qualified personnel.The device must be firmly fastened in a predefined location.The programming must be performed using a PC with autonomic power supply.Installation and/or handling during a lightning storm is prohibited.The device is susceptible to water and humidity.Certification and Approvals• FMC640 CE / RED • FMC640 E-Mark • FMC640 REACH•FMC640 Declaration of IMEI assignment• FMC640 Declaration of device operation temperatureThis sign on the package means that it is necessary to read the User ‘s Manual before your start using the device. Full User ‘sManual version can be found in our Wiki.This sign on the package means that all used electronic and electric equipment should not be mixed with general household waste.Hereby, Teltonika declare under our sole responsibility that the above described product is in conformity with the relevant Community harmonization: European Directive 2014/53/EU (RED).WarrantyTELTONIKA guarantees its products to be free of any manufacturing defects for a period of 24 months. With additional agreement we can agree on a different warranty period, for more detailed information please contact our sales manager.Contact us /about-us/contacts/All batteries carry a reduced 6 month warranty period.If a product should fail within this specific warranty time, the product can be:•Repaired•Replaced with a new product•Replaced with an equivalent repaired product fulfilling the same functionality•TELTONIKA can also repair products that are out of warranty at an agreed cost.Warranty DisclaimerTELTONIKA PRODUCTS ARE INTENDED TO BE USED BY PERSONS WITH TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE. ANY OTHER USE RENDERS THE LIMITED WARRANTIES EXPRESSED HEREIN AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES NULL AND VOID AND SAME ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. ALSO EXCLUDED FROM THIS LIMITED WARRANTY ARE ANY AND ALL INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF USE OR REVENUE, LOSS OF TIME, INCONVENIENCE OR ANY OTHER ECONOMIC LOSS.More information can be found at teltonika-iot-/warranty-repair/。
胸章机PLC编程与功能调试发布时间:2022-10-21T08:39:17.967Z 来源:《科技新时代》2022年9期5月作者:方汉宏[导读] 本文主要介绍世界技能大赛综合机械与自动化项目的PLC编程与功能模块的技术操作与编程研究方汉宏广东省机械技师学院广东省广州市 510450摘要:本文主要介绍世界技能大赛综合机械与自动化项目的PLC编程与功能模块的技术操作与编程研究。
本文主要是对项目的PLC编程与功能模块进行研究关键词:电气安装气动控制 PLC编程功能调试1.绪论本人于2015年获得维修工技师证,在第43届世界技能大赛综合机械与自动化项目铜牌。