情态动词can, could will与would的用法和区别

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情态动词can, could will与would的用法和区别


1. 表示能力,意思是:能,会。如:

I can't swim. 我不会游泳。

Can you drive?你会开车吗?

2. 表示客观可能性,意思是:可以,可能。如:

That big cinema can seats 2,000 people. 那家大电影院能坐2000人。

He can be very friendly at times. 有时他会很友好。

3. 表示允许(和may意思相近),意思是:可以,能够。如:

You can have the book when I have finished it. 书我看完了可以给你。Can I use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗?

4. 表示惊异、不相信等(用于疑问句、否定句或感叹句中),意思是:会,可能。如:

This can't be true. 这不可能是真的。

Can it be true?这可能是真的吗?


1. 表示“能力”或“可能性”,作为can的过去形式。如:

Could you speak English then?那时你能讲英语吗?

He said he couldn't follow me. 他说他跟不上我。

2. 表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等情绪。如:

Who could have taken them?谁会把它们拿走了呢?

She couldn't have left so soon. 她不可能这么快就走了。


3. 比较委婉客气地提出问题或陈述看法。如:


—Could you let me have your passport?

—Yes, here it is.



I could come earlier, if necessary. 如果必要我可以早点来。


4. 在虚拟条件句中构成谓语。如:

I would certainly do it for you if I could. 要是我能做得到,我一定会为你们做这事儿。

How I wish I could go with you! 我多么希望和你们一道去!

三、can, could和be able to的区别与联系。

1. can的过去式是could,但could 除了可作can的过去式外,还可表比can 更委婉的语气,因此在回答由could 表示请求的问句中,不能用could,但可用can。如:

—Could you lend me a hand?

—Of course I can.

2. 在表示现在或过去的智力、体力、技能等方面的“能力”时,can, could 常可与be able to互换。如:


He could (or was able to) swim five miles when he was a boy.

3. be able to有比can更多的形式,如"will be able to","have (has) been able to" "had been able to" 等等。因此be able to常被用来表示can所不能表示的将来或完成的概念。如:


They will be able to run this machine on their own in three months. 他们过三个月就能自己开这台机器了。

4. 在表示成功地做了某事时,不用could,而用was / were able to (或managed to, succeeded in doing sth )来表示。如:

He was able to (or managed to) finish the job yesterday。

但是couldn't和wasn't / weren't able to 常可互换。如:

I couldn't / wasn't able to finish the job yesterday.

5. 与感觉动词连用时,can,could亦可与be able to互换。如:

We could/were able to smell something burning in the kitchen.


1. 表示意愿时的区别

will 表示现在的意愿,would 表示过去的意愿:

Go where you will. 你愿到哪里就到哪里。

She asked if I would go with them. 她问我是否愿意同他们一起去。

2. 表示征求意见或提出请求的区别

主要用于第二人称的疑问句中,will 和 would 均可用,would 此时并不表示过去,而表示委婉语气:

Won’t you take off your coat? 你要不要把大衣脱掉?

Will [would] you please post the letter for me? 请帮我寄了这封信好吗?

3. 表示习惯和倾向性的区别

will 表示现在的习惯,would 表示过去的习惯:

This window won’t open. 这扇窗户经常打不开。

When he was a child, he would often go skating. 他小时候经常去滑冰。

would like / would love可视为习语,意为“想要”,其后接名词、代词或不定式:

I would like a cup of tea. 我想要杯茶。

We would love to go with him. 我们想同他一起去。
