中元节英文简介-The Ghost Festival

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Main activities:
1.worship ancestors
Like the Pure Brightness Day, the Ghost Festival is also an occasion for people to honor anscestor, hoping they live happily in another world and bless the descents.
The origin of the Ghost Festival.
按佛教典故,关于“盂兰节”的起源,有着以下一个典故:相传佛祖 释迦牟尼在世时,收了十位徒儿,其中一位名叫目连的修行者,在得 道之前父母已死,由于目连很挂念死去的母亲,就用了天眼通去察看 母亲在地府生活的情况,原来他们已变成饿鬼,吃的、饮的都没有, 境况堪怜。目连看了后觉得很心痛,于是就运用法力,将一些饭菜拿 给母亲吃,可惜饭菜一送到口边,就立即化为火焰,目连看到这种情 境后非常心痛,就将这个情况告诉释迦牟尼,佛祖教训他说,他的母 亲在世时,种下了不少的罪孽,所以死后就堕入饿鬼道中,万劫不复, 这孽障不是他一人能够化解的,必须集合众人的力量,于是目连就联 同一众高僧,举行大型的祭拜仪式,以超渡一众的亡魂。后来,这个 传说一直流传后世,逐渐形成一种民间习俗,每年到了农历七月中, 人们都会宰鸡杀鸭,焚香烧衣,拜祭由地府出来的饿鬼,以化解其怨 气,不致于遗害人间,久而久之,就形成了鬼节的风俗。
The Ghost Festival
1.A brief introduction 2.The origin of the Ghost Festival 3.Main activities
In Chinese tradition, the fifteenth day (in someplace of south China it is the fourteenth day)of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called the Ghost Festival, and the seventh lunar month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month, in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm。In Taoism this festival is also called "Zhongyuan Festival",and in Buddism it is called "Obon Festival". It is also called"the Mid-July day" among Chinese people. It is believed during the seventh lunar month, the gates of hell are thrown open, releasing hungry ghosts to wander the earth in search of food and taking revenge upon those who wronged them in life. So this festival is also called " the Hungry Ghost Festival ".
the Ghost Festival, unlike the Pure Brightness Day which seeks to honor dead ancestors, the Ghost Festival seeks to pacify the ghosts, the ghosts of strangers and the un-cared-for dead. These are the ghosts of those who died by their own hands, by accidents, by drowning or hanging who have been denied entry into heaven. Angry because they are forced to dwell in hell without food or comfort, when released, they search for souls to take their place in misery.
2. Sacrifice to ghosts Many people will offer sacrifices such as meat, sugar, buns, fruit wine on one day between the first day and the 30th day of lunar july to pacify the ghosts, and pray for peace throughout the year. 3.Floate river lanterns