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1. F In ter nati onal trade is only the excha nge of goods betwee n n ati ons.

2. T Countries trade with each other partly because of cost advantages.

3. T Trade means countries can provide a wider variety of products for their consumers

4. T International trade can greatly expand the market, which enables the suppliers to take advantage of economies of scale.

5. T Exchange rate fluctuations may create many problems for international trade.Exchange rate fluctuations may create many problems for intern ati onal trade

6. T Still in some cases, political reas ons can outweigh econo mic con siderati ons betwee n cou ntries.

7. T When we provide shipp ing in sura nee service for foreig ners, it can be see n as an example of in visible trade.

8. F Trade surplus means that a country ' s imports exceed its exports.

9. T Tariff and quotas are the examples of trade barriers.

10. T A duty levied on a specific shipme nt can be an import, a protective and a compou nd duty at the same time.

1. _________ is the reas on why in ter nati onal trade first bega n. a. Un eve n distributi on of resources c. Econo mic

ben efit b. Patter n of dema nd d. Comparative adva ntage

2. If one cou ntry concen trates on the producti on of the goods in which it has a comparative adva ntage, and produces

more tha n it can use, the n it will sell the left to other cou ntries. This reas on for in ter nati onal trade is called . a. econo mies of scale c. specializati on b. variety of style d. patter ns of dema nd

3. The producti on cost will decrease if the goods are produced on a large scale. This is called _________ . a.

econo mies of scale c. specializati on b. variety of style d. patter ns of dema nd

4. The followi ngs are the special problems for in ter nati onal trade except for _______ . a. using foreig n lan guages

and foreign currency c. having risks b. under foreign laws, customs and regulations d. numerous cultural differe nces

5. _________ refers to an excha nge of services, labor or other non-physical goods betwee n cou ntries. a. In visible

trade c. I nternatio nal trade b. Visible trade d. Bala nee of trade

6. I nvisible trade con sists of the followi ng items except for _________ . a. tran sport services across n ati onal

borders c. in sura nee services across n ati onal borders b. foreig n tourist expe nses d. product excha nge across n ati onal borders

7. _________ is the differe nee betwee n the value of the goods and services that a cou ntry exports and the value of

the goods and services that it imports . a. Trade balanee c. Trade deficit b. Trade surplus d. Trade barrier

8. Each country has to earn __________ to pay for imports. a. money c. cash b. foreign exchange d. currency

9. _________ is collected according to physical quantity. a. Revenue tariff c. Specific duty b. Protection tariff d.

Alter native duty

10. Which is not the example of trade barriers? __________ a. Tariffs c. Import duties b. Quotas d. In come tax

1. 国际贸易intern ati onal trade

2. 比较优势comparative adva ntage

3. 规模经济econo mies of scale

4. 经济增长econo mic growth

5. 夕卜汇foreign currency

6. 有形贸易visible trade

7. 无形贸易in visible trade

8. 贸易差额bala nee of trade

9. 贸易顺差trade surplus

10. 贸易逆差trade deficit

11. 贸易壁垒trade barrier

12. 非关税壁垒.non-tariff barrier

13. 财政关税revenue tariff
