
C:什么竟敢怀疑我的能力,好歹我也是在咱们寝室积极推广LOL文化第一人好不好B: 哎哎,你两别吵了,我在跟媳妇视屏呢,声音小点好不。

情景剧剧本:College Life08会计1班第三小组全体成员人物:Cast George Mancy Ken Tida AnnieCharacter descriptions:(G)George -He majors in Environment Science. His roommates are Ken and Ti da. They have a bad relationship. He thinks happiness is more important. His gir lfriend is Mancy.(K)Ken -He fools around all the time. He doesn’t know what kind of life he wants. He hates studying and doesn’t like to be blamed.(T)Tida -He doesn’t want to spend time making friends with Ken and George. He likes to communicate with others by computer. Computer is his life.(M)Mancy-She is George’s girlfriend. She doesn’t have her own ideas. She wan ts to be with George all the time. Because of the reason, she ignores Annie’s fe elings.(A)Annie -She is Mancy’s good fr iend. She likes Mancy. She is very weird so she hates Mancy’s friends. She wishes Mancy and George to break up. But she doesn’t like her evil thinking.Plot:There are three roommates who have a bad relationship, but a motorcycle accide nt changes their l ives…..SceneⅠ(In Girls’ Dorm)M: I like to eat noodles at Hung-Lin because everything’s so cheap there.A: I know your favorite food is noodles because you can eat it as much as you can. So your lunch is noodles, and dinner noodles, too. You always say, “Annie, let’s go eat at Hung-Lin. (They walk hand in hand.)M: We’re friends. Our friendship will last forever. (They look at each other, and cross their fingers.)OS: Contrary to the girls, Tida, Ken and George have a bad relationship. They d on’t like each other.SceneⅡ(Boys’ Dorm)Mancy and George go to the room with laughter.M: What’s the most important thing for you?G: Happiness. I think happiness is the most important thing in the world.M: Wow….I like your point. When you laugh, the whole world laughs with you. But when you’re sad, you’re the only one that’s sad.T: Be quiet, OK? I can’t concentrate on playing the computer games. Oh! I lost. K: It’s too lousy for me to fall asleep.(George and Mancy just keep talking.)M: George, you’re so humorous.T: (hits the desk) No more talking.(At the same time, Ken runs out of the room by slamming the door loudly. Annie calls Mancy.)M: Hello, this is Mancy.A: Mancy, it’s Annie. Where are you? I’ve been waiting for you for an hour. W hat happened?M: I’m sorry, Annie, I forgot our appointment. Now I’m with …George…..A: It’s okay, but I hope you can spend some time with your friends.M: I know. Next time we’ll go out to have fun together.SceneⅢ(In class)K: Sorry, I’m late.(Everyone laughs at Ken because he looks funny.)K: Why did you lock me out? I could’t take my book bag, or change. I told yo u that I was just going to the toilet for a minute.G: Oh. It’s not my fault. I went out first, you can ask Tida.T: I didn’t hear what you said. I just concentrated on my comp uter games.K: Come on! Are you kidding? I’m not happy about that. Please don’t do that a gain.T: Oh…OK.A: Hey, Mancy. How was the movie yesterday?M: Hmm…I’d like to see the movie, but I had a date.A: Who was with you? George?M: Yes….A: Mancy, I’m s o disappointed that you fell in love with George, and you forgo t me. You said we were friends forever. But ….now George is all your life. M: No matter what you said, we are friends forever.A: I don’t think so.K: Hey, Tida, George and Mancy are glued together all day. I think they come t o our room too often to bother me doing homework.T: I agree with you. I can’t play my computer games well.(The bell is ringing. Everyone is out of class.)Scene Ⅳ(On the road)M: Where are we going?G: We’re going to a nice place. I have a big surprise for you. You’ll be very i nterested in it.M: Wow, I’m so excited. But you’re riding too fast.G: That’s OK.Oh, no! ( George and Mancy have a motorcycle accident.)SceneⅤ(In the hospital)M: Are you OK?G: Oh…I’m OK. Don’t worry. How about you?M: Just a little hurt.G: I’m so sorry.M: No, don’t say that.G: But the surprise ….M: That’s OK. We can go to that special place next time. The doctor said we c an leave. Can you walk by yourself?G: Maybe I need a walking stick.Scene Ⅵ(In the boys’ dorm)K: What happened to you?G: I had a motorcycle accident.T: Are you OK?G: I’m fine, but it hurts a lot..K: How did it happen?G: When I was making a turn, I was riding too fast, so I skidded.T: Oh. Why did you ride so fast?G: Because I like the feeling of riding motorcycles fast. That’s so exciting!K: But it’s dangerous. You might get killed.T: Yeah, Ken’s right. Safety is the only way to go home.G: Well, I’ll be more careful in the future. Thanks for your advice.T: You’re hurt. How are you going to class later?K: We can help him go to class.T: That’s a good idea.G: I really appreciate your help. In the past we had a bad relationship, but now we’re good friends.K: Yeah, I should find something meaningful to do, and make my life happy lik e yours.T: I think that I should open my mind, then life will be happier than before.Scene Ⅶ(In the girls’ dorm)A: Oh, my…Are you OK?M: I feel just a little painful.A: Can you forgive me that I misunderstood you?M: I've already forgiven you. Anyway, we’re best friends.A: Thanks, I’ll treat you to dinner….M: Really? Where will we go?A: Hung-Lin, of course.M: Oh, no!The end。

Living in harmonyPart 1: 六个人回到宿舍A:OH,I’m so sleepy ! I want to sleep now! Be quiet。
(B、C、D、E、F):ok!C:hey!It is a nice day!Shall we go to play basketball?I didn’t play basketball for a long time.F:ok,So did I. Let’s change clothesD:I have a lot of homework to do and it is very hard.what shall I do?E:The game will begin !ha ha ,The game is very fun ! I would play the computer game all the day.Part 2: B在打电话、E在玩游戏,声音弄的很大.E: come on!come on,god damn it!B:hello, this is xiao B ,I have something to tell you.ok,ok,yesterday&%#$%......A:Oh,God.can you be quiet for a little while ?I want to sleep !please be quiet! quiet!Part 3:some time later C、F打球回来,摔门而进C:shit!A bad day!We had almost won the game ,but you lost the chanceF:oh,gay.it’s not my fault,don’t make trouble with me. You also lost many chance.don’s blame me for everything,ok?C:what? Your mean that it is my false?oh fuck !give me out!Part 4:A: Enough!I can’t stand it!you are too noisy!I can’t sleep at all!C: gay.what’s wrong with you ?don’t be louldly?ok?you are so impolite. A: B,you should be quiet ,you talk louldly when you make a phone call. B: what?what’s mean?I just I just make a phone in our spare time,you can’t tube me!D: Stop! Stop! B ,you and E make noise and I can’t concentrate on doing my homework.it is you fault.E: What?I play computer game,it is none of my business,D,you can go to the library to study!F: ok!stop arguing ,now,do your own things,E can you play computer game in a low voice?E: ok!Part 5:C:Today,we should clean the room! AandE sweep the floor.D and B clean the windowsA:what? I don’t want to do anything now,I have many things to do,I have to go in advance!D: me too!It’none of my business.E:fuck !he is a big fool, I am going out now,It’none of my business,too! C:what about you?BB:I don’t want to stay here now!F:what ‘s the matter? There are not my things,I want to go to sleep,now! 教室:A:E is so annoying !what do you think ?B:A ,your thought is a mistake,he is you friend after all,you should be tolerant to him ,you make a mistake,what do you think?A:But,E made a noise,I can’t stand it!B:A,don’t quarrel for a little thing,Endures for a while uneventfully, and draws back a step of boundlessnessA:I konw,thank you.校园某处E:A is a big fool!B:Don’t say that,he is your good friend!you should forgivehim ,what’s more ,you and me make a noise when A is sleeping.E:yes,It’s my fault,I kown that ,thank you !宿舍:A:I am so sorry E,It’s my faultE:No!I am so sorry E,It’s my fault,let’s be good friendsF:In the collective in our school,we should understand each other and make progress together,Living in harmony!(A、B、C、D、E):yes!。

大学英语话剧剧本,适合4~5个人演(不用修改,建议和ppt一起下)第一篇:大学英语话剧剧本,适合4~5个人演(不用修改,建议和ppt一起下)The Tale of Aladdin Characters: Aladdin, Genie, Jasmine, and Sultan Scene 1旁白: Welcome to my store.What are you in need of today? What about this(Hold up a strange item)Or this?(Holds up another item)Or look at this…(Holds the third item)Wait don’t go… I can see that you are only interested in special things.Why not consider this?(He pulls out the magic lamp)This… t his is no ordinary lamp!It once changed a young man's life.His name was Aladdin.SCENE 2(白 when Aladdin is on the way home)Aladdin:(Notices the lamp)Hey what’s this?(He picks it up)Wow… it’s so dirty.(He rubs the lamp clean)Genie:(Genie appears.Aladdin is astonished.后退,倒下,惊叫,向门外逃被无形的力量牵住)Who are you and why call me from my lamp? Aladdin: please don’t kill me,I’m Ala ……Aladdin.Ah… I am sorry to disturb you(Genie interrupt Genie:(Bows to Aladdin)I am the genie of the lamp and I will obey you.I will do anything you ask.What is your command? Aladdin: You mean that you live in this lamp and when I rub it you will come out and do any thing I say? Genie:(Nods)That is correct!Aladdin: As-sah(松了一口气)Genie: As-sah…? I’m sorry.I don’t understand.Aladdin:慢慢起身 Never mind.OK.First I want to wish for some different clothes, some new shoes… no,wait… first I wish that I could leave this place to see the rest of the world… no,I wish I can see the most beautiful girl in the world Genie:Are you sure?(A 点点头)that’s easy!Mirror mirror talk to me,who is the most beautiful girl inmy world如花出A:呕吐Genie:对A)sorry,may be I should ask(对mirror)who is the most beautiful girl in his world?A:wow G:let’s go 变身城堡旁边的湖岸上on the lake shore besides the castle Aladdin Wow, She is so beautiful!but why is she crying?Aladdin:(makes a sign to the genie to keep quiet and crosses to her)Why are you crying? SCENE 3 Jasmine:Well wouldn’t you? Aladdin:Wouldn’t I what? Jasmine:Cry if you were me? Aladdin:Oh I don’t know.Could you tell me what is wrong with yo u Jasmine:But he has such small mean eyes…胖将军图Aladdin:Who is he,it seems that I have seen him somewhere?(He looks piture)Jasmine:…and he’s bald.And just because he is a general in the army my father says , I have to marry him.Aladdin:oh,I know.Well you do n’t always have to do what your father says.Jasmine:I have no choice.My father is the Sultan… you know he is the king Aladdin:Wow… I guess being a princess isn’t so great after all.There must be something that I can do to help you.(Aladdin suddenly has an idea.He looks over at the Genie and at his magic lantern.)Hey, I’ve got an idea!(Suddenly there is the sound of footsteps)Who’s that?Jasmine:Oh no… it’s my father.I shouldn’t be talking with you.If he finds you,you will be in big trouble.Hurry… Hide… Over there…(Aladdin runs and hides.The Sultan enters.Aladdin watches.)Sultan: I have been looking all over for you.Well my foolish daughter.Have you thought about my decision? You will marry the general right? Jasmine:I suppose so father.What else can I do? Sultan: Wonderful!A wise decision.There is nothing to cry about.You will have a magnificent ceremony,then and we shallhave a parade in the streets… a band… music… delicious foods…/沉醉状好像出嫁的是他加幻灯Sultan:沉醉中没听见)I’m sure you will enjoy this that I will invite the most luxurious /lʌɡˈʒʊəriəs/star line-up add to the fun,look(指着幻灯Jasmine:(厌恶的)yeah,it can’t be better if you marry him Sultan刚想发作,Aladdin出场Aladdin:Excuse me, Mr.Sultan, Sultan: Who are you? What are you doing here? Guards!Guards!Aladdin:Wait please.I came here to give you a very high honor.Sultan: A high honor.What kind of high honor? Aladdin:I will offer a more worthy husband for your daughter ,sir.Sultan: Better than a general(嘲讽的语气轻蔑的眼神)? Aladdin:Oh yes it is, sir.It is the most amazing man.He is brave and honorable and has mysterious and magical power.Sultan: Hmmm… And who is this person that you are speaking of? Aladdin:This person is(看了看神灯,犹豫了一下)……is me.(Says it weakly)S:You? A: Yes, it is me(Says it stronger.旁白 At first the Sultan frowns, but then he smiles, and then he starts to laugh.Sultan:(He finally stops laughing)Guards take him away!Aladdin:No……!wait!Please sir, listen to me.I am telling the truth… I can prove it!Sultan: All right then, if you want to marry my daughter you must pass a test.There is a dragon that has been killing many of the villagers in my e to my palace before sunset tomorrow with the dragon’s head.If you kill him, you can marry my daughter Aladdin: Very well sir.(He bows to the Sultan and winks at Jasmine.)Jasmine:(The Sultan is dragging her out)Oh you shouldn’t have done this!SCENE 4 Aladdin:(Rubs lamp.Genie comes to life.)you must heard the things just happened Genie:yet,What can I do for you Aladdin: Come with me into the village tonight… and we must defeat t he dragonGenie: 拍拍阿拉丁的肩)No problem Aladdin:Come on we don’t have much time!(They run out.)SCENE5 Aladdin:where is the dragon ,I can,t see anything? Genie:look!指着天空A:my god,what a huge monster!what should I do? G(鼓励顽皮的眼神play with it and enjoy the fun A: Are you kidding?Come on ,I need you help G 想了一下)枪how about this A:(压得喘不过气)What’s this ,so heavy G oh you are so weak, my master, What do you think of it火箭筒A :perfect ,but I can,t use itG:I will show you , aiming and press here, 照做A:wow……后摔倒,扶住 A;oh ,she discovers us , G :别担心,since she was in the air,we should fight against she in the air 飞龙毯出,两人做飞向空中动作A:It is so strange ,she is circling the magic carpet and the angry in her eyes disappear,but the love instead G:笑she must fall in love with the carpet SCENE 6(in the Palace Sultan:(Looking at his watch)Well, it seems as if Mr.Aladdin has disappeared.I guess that he must bethe end of your foolish friend.Probably dead…(Just then Aladdin enters)Aladdin: I have passed your test,sir.Sultan:Really?But where is the head of the dead dragon.Aladdin tells him the course of the incident(幻灯).Sultan :oh,you did a good job.I underestimated you.But Only when you answer my questions, you can marry my daughter Music!拍手Sultan :Welcome to lucky 52,mr.Aladdin.Now I will ask you five question ,if you can’t deal ,I will give you one chance to get help from the people beside you and one chance to seek the help of the audience,understand? A :, that is to say I have to answer three of them by myself,right? S:yes,ok,now begin Q1:What's the difference between a monkey and a flea跳蚤? A: A monkey canhave fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys S:good,Q2 What fruit is never found singly ?(什么水果永远不会是单个的?)ˈ—— A pear S: you are so lucky,ok,Q3 What part of London is in France? A:the letter N 马上接着问,语速加快S: Eleven and two can make one.Why(旁白:Aladdin have thought for a long time ,but have no idea,then he say)A:I can seek the help of the audience ,right? S:but you have only one chance 下面要临场应变A:ok,is there anyone can help me ?(如无人回答,则说the princess may be give the people who solve the question a kiss,若此时才有人回答,则飞吻)如无人能回答,G变身观众,回答S:good luck comes to you again!Q5 Why are young men unwilling to date the daughter of the Fortunes ?(年轻人为什么不愿意和福琼家女儿约会?)A:I believe J ,who is beside me,can answer the questionˈ S: but it’s your last chance A:信任的眼神看J)I have made up my mind S: ok,what’you answer,my daughter? J:向A自信的笑了笑 Because she is Miss FortuneS:看着A含笑不语 2s)My son,you win ,I’m very honored to be your father Jasmine:Oh thank you father!(She runs to embrace him)Aladdin Oh I almost forgot.I have a present for you.look.贝克汉姆J :惊叫)David Beckham’s signature!A: I know you will like it , J:指着幻灯Is that his phone number?A:en(挠挠头)……May be。

大学四人英语小短剧各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢篇一:英语短剧剧本——大学生活的意义True meaning of college life 旁白一:What’s the true meaning of the life? This question is hovering in my mind when I entered the college。
(开始回忆最开始进入大学的时候)I still remember that day when I came here first day.(提着行李箱,站在南门,抬头着校门对大学充满了期望)As time goes by, I feel more and more confused about the college life. Because this problem has been bothering me for long. I try my best to find the answer, but everybody has hisown feeling.我仍然记得我第一天来到这里的情形。
Scene 1第一人:旁白:Hey, guy, may I ask what university life is like in your mind?同学,请问你心中的大学生活是什么样子的?A: well, speaking of university life, it should be rich. In my opinion, we shouldn’t waste the time. What we should do is to make good use of every minute. What’more, young as we are, university life should be filled with passion. We should go out for the outside world, experiencing something new.A:奥,大学生活啊,应该是充实的。

人物•大卫 (David): 一个勇敢而聪明的大学生。
•莉莉 (Lily): 大卫的好朋友,善于寻找冒险的机会。
•马克(Mark): 大卫的室友,喜欢大自然和户外活动。
•教授 (Professor): 一位严肃而古板的教授。
•怪物 (Monster): 一个友善而好玩的怪物。
情节第一幕:大学生活(Scene: 大学宿舍,大卫和马克正在房间里聊天)大卫:嘿,马克,你觉得大学生活跟高中不一样吗?马克:当然不一样!在大学里我们有更多的自由和机会去探索自己的兴趣爱好。
(Scene: 莉莉走进房间)莉莉:听说你们在聊话剧社?大卫你不是唯一的新人,我也是第一次尝试表演呢!我们可以互相帮助。
第二幕:试镜和冒险开始(Scene: 话剧社排练室,教授正在评估学生们的表演)教授:下一个,请你上台演出。
大卫:(紧张地上台演出)(Scene: 大卫成功通过试镜后,大家欢呼雀跃)莉莉:你太棒了,大卫!我们都相信你一定会成功的。
(Scene: 排练室外面,大卫发现一个看起来很奇怪的门)大卫:嘿,你们看那边有个奇怪的门,你们有兴趣去看看吗?莉莉:当然!我喜欢冒险!我们一起去吧!第三幕:奇幻世界(Scene: 大卫、莉莉和马克一起进入了奇幻世界,遇见了友善的怪物)怪物:欢迎来到我的世界!我是怪物,你们是怎么来到这里的?大卫:我们不知道,我们只是发现了一个奇怪的门,然后进来了。

大学英语6人话剧剧本:Peach BoyCastPeach boy:KennyMrs. Rudolph:YumecoMr. Rudolph:RyanHen:ChristyDog:MaggieMonkey:Jimm--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SummaryMrs. Rudolph picked up a kid inside a drifting peach on the river. She and her husband brought up the boy and named him Peach. Peach grew stronger and stronger. Once, he even survived after drinking a glass of poisonous milk! Unfortunately, the outbreak of the war brought Mrs. Rudolph to sorrow, for an of ficer took Mrs. Rudolph away to the army. To save Mrs. Rudolph‟s life, Peach made his way toward the army base. On his way to the destination, he met a dog, a hen and a monkey, and then they became his attendants. Finally, he found the Mrs.Rudolph.PrologueNarrator: Long time ago, in remote mountains, there was a small village by the river. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph were the oldest couple in the village and they always got along with each other. Most unluckily, they didn‟t have a child.SceneⅠNarrator: Mrs. Rudolph usually did her laundry by the river. But one day, somethingweird happened…Mrs. A: How are you doing today? How come you are here so late (noticing the child)?Wow! What a handsome boy! But, it‟s a pity that he was picked-u p…Mrs. R: Well, I‟m actually fine, but you know what…?Mrs. A: What? …Don‟t tell me you stepped on a cockroach or crashed an ant or something.Mrs. R: No…There‟s something worse- My flowers. I planted them with my ownhands, but they‟ve all died.Mrs. A: There you go again. You always make a fuss over very tiny things… Youshould try to focus on something more significant. Hey, I‟ve done my work…I‟mgonna go home.Mrs. R: But, I haven‟t told you the reason that…Mrs. A: Oh, I …I …uh…I have to feed my dog… good-bye!Mrs. R: Bye…since when did she have a dog? How come everybody consider me too sensitive? It‟s just that I‟m more observant than you they are…(talking to the boy) Oh, dear…um…you must be hungry. Ok… Grandma is going to go home soon…Don‟t cry…don‟t cry…DON‟T CRY!!! What a noisy kid you are! Oh, not another peach! No, no, no…don‟t think I‟ll take you home. I already have a cute boy to take care of (considering). Should I take it home? I don‟t want it and I don‟t need it!Better get home!Mrs. R: But if there…s a child in it, what will happen if nobody picks it up and it flows to thesea…if there‟s a child in it…to be or not to be, that is the question! Okay…just a peek. It‟s such a heavy one ! Let me see what‟s inside… Gee, a boy again? I want a girl most…But he seems to be more handsome than my boy…Let me name you "Peach." (Women exits)Narrator: Peach went on his journey…SceneⅡNarrator: Sixteen years passed, and as the boy grew into manhood, he was immensely filial. The Rudolphs led a peaceful life until one day…Peach: Grandpa? Grandma? (no answer) Ha! I happen to be thirsty (notice a glass on the table). Mr. R: (Enter Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph) Where is that cup of poison?Mrs. R: I remember putting it over here.Mr. R: Dear me! It was poisonous milk!Mrs. R: (puzzled) Who would take that? It‟s no valuable treasure!Mr. R: Oh! Don‟t worry about it. It‟s just for killing mice…Mrs. R: I heard that drinking poisonous milk will cause terrible symptoms…Mr. R: Like what? Spitting up blood? Passing out?Mrs. R: Not exactly. First, the poisoned man will be abnormally excited. And then, he will dance with joy. But finally, his body will turn black, and he‟ll pass out and died!Mr. and Mrs. R: (Looking at each other suddenly!) Peach!!!(Peach fainted, but, for unknown reason, he recovered right away and became stronger and stronger ever since).Mr. R: I should have a glass of that milk!SceneⅢNarrator: The outbreak of the war between two countries has destroyed the peace of the village. Crowds from the weapon-holding army have invaded and are robbing the residents whatever they want. One day, a tyrannous officer comes to visit the Rudolphs.Officer 1: Anybody home?Mrs. R: Yes. Oh! Is there a problem (worried)? Has something happened to my family?Officer 1: There‟s a war. Our country needs more strong young men to serve in the army.Mrs. R: But my husband is over 70 and my grandson i s just 16. There‟s no one….Officer 1: No matter what you say, I‟ll take the fittest one back with me to the army.Mrs. R: What can I do? What can I do?Officer 1: Hurry up! Call your husband or grandson right now! I don‟t have the whole day to wait for you – Sluggish old woman!Mrs. R: Can I go with you? My husband is too old to fight for the country, and my…Officer 1: Don‟t tell me that your grandson is also too old to work too? How about 10,000 dollars? If you donate some money, I can help you and go on to next family.Mrs. R: 10,000 dollars? I can‟t even earn 10 dollars a day (deadedly). I‟ll go with you. I can cook and do some needlework. I can do something for the army.Officer 1: Ok! Ok! Just follow me! We can use some cooks…(Exits Mrs. Rudolph and the officer)Mr. R: Honey, we‟re home…Peach: Grandma?Mr. R: She‟s supposed to be cooking…Mrs. A: I saw an officer take your wife away…Mr. R: But how come?Peach: (bravely) I‟ll go and bring Grandma home.Exit allSceneⅣNarrator: On Peach's way to save his grandma, he has nothing but Grandpa's homemade dumplings. The base of the army is close at hand.Peach: What a tough job! I've walked so far and no one is accompanying. How can I beat these soldiers all by myself? (rubbing his tummy)It's time to get something to eat (opens his dumpling)…....(Enter dog)Dog: Hey, buddy. I've had nothing to eat for several days. Could you spare me one of those? Peach: No ...I'm so hungry that I can eat a horse. Spare you one? NO W AY!!!Dog: Please. If you do. I'll be your attendant. I know you are heading for the army.Peach: Ok! Just one!Dog: Thank you very much, and you can call me Douglas.(Enter Hen)Hen: Hey, buddy. Do you have an extra one of those? I've had nothing to eat for several days. Could you spare me one?Peach: Ok, now, let me tell you something. I only have three of these. When I was gonna eat one of them, this dog came and I spare him one. Now when I was gonna eat another one, then you came. This is my lunch, not the relief!Hen: Please, if you do so, I'll be your attendant. I know you are heading for the army.Peach: Alright…Just one.Hen: Thanks. And my name is Henna.Monkey: Do you...Peach: Let me guess…you want to ask “do you have an extra one? Right?”Monkey: How did you know? But if you do...Peach: If I do, you'll be my attendant, right?Monkey: Wow, you're an amazing guy... so, do you...Peach: Ok, ok! Just take it.Monkey: You're so nice. And just call me Macaque.Peach: (Sigh) Let's go!Narrator: They arrive at the camp (Enter S1 and S2)Soldier 1: You guys! Freeze! This is not a zoo! Go away!Peach: We're here to save my grandma.Soldier 1: Go.....away!Peach: Okay, it's you, Macaque. Use your monkey boxing!Monkey: Macaque, Macaque!Soldier 2: Who are you? Show me your permit.Peach: Where's my grandma? She's the old lady who was captured by you guys.Soldier 2: An old lady? Oh, the woman... now she is in the general's room.Peach: What? How can you do that to her? She is just a normal, old woman!Soldier 2: Yeah, I agree... but I think that's why the general likes her...Peach: I'll kill him!Soldier 2: ( Stand in front of Peach) You‟ll have to beat me first!Peach: All right. It's your turn, Henna.Henna: Henna, Henna!(Henna wins the fight.)The four head towards the gener al‟s room.Soldier 3: Who are you (Stand at the door)?Peach: Let‟s break into the room!Soldier3: Hey, you can‟t…(Douglas kicks the soldier. When Peach goes into the room, he finds Mrs. R punishing and fussing at the general)Peach: Grandma?Mrs. R: Peac h? Who let you in? And…how come you‟re here?Officer 2: Oh, help me…Peach: Grandma! What‟s the matter with you? Why have you become so…so…strange? Let‟s go home, Grandpa has been waiting for you.Officer 2: No, no, no. You should take me far from this r oom first! She is terrible…I regret bringing her here…Mrs. R: (Glaring angrily at officer) Shut up! This is no time for you to talk. Ha, ha, ha… you think that I‟ll let you go like this? IMPOSSIBLE! I‟ll treat you just as you treated me. Don‟t forget how I begged you and what you had said to me…(gently turning to Peach) Peach, Grandma will go home soon, I just want to teach him a lesson.Every body: YA!! We win, we win. That‟s go home and hold a party to celebrate it.。

人物简介老师(T):强悍凶猛滑稽监考学生(S):圆滑爱管理考生A:书呆子考生B:人缘好成绩好做事圆滑考生C,D:善于作弊SCENE ONE:IN THE CLASSROOMThe teacher goes into the classroom with text paper, meanwhile students are talkingT: Stop, stop. Before exam I would like to say something which has been mentioned hundred and thousand times. That is the discipline of the exam. Remember never to cheat! Never! If someone is caught by me , the result will be bad. C .What is wrong with your eyes?C:Eh ~ my eye had got contagion .T: So sit in the corner, be away from others.C: Ok that is good for everyoneT: Well, the exam begins.Ling~~.(20 minutes past)The teacher gets sleepy.C begins to take the cover off when teacher turns around. Immediately, C stops.D looks around and then ask for A without any response. In a instance, C turns to B.C: Hey, hey. Answer, give me the answer.B: Wait a minute, I will give you the answer when I am finished.C try to ask for A to pass piece pf paper .At the same time, T wakes up and feels strange.T: what are you doing?(the chalk hit D)T goes outside for a call.C:S.do me a favor.S:OK.A tears it off and throws it about after a glance.(15 minutes left)T: It is 15 minutes before the exam over. Please check your papers.D moves his body close to AD: Let me have a look. Just fifteen seconds.A covers the paper on purpose.B andC use the mobile phone directly.Virtually, B and C exchange their papers .S helps them..SCENE TWO: AT HOMETen years later C and D get married. They both are ordinary works. T are still the teacher of the certain college. A turn to another T. B becomes a top manager . S is a government officer.C: Well ,we had been graduated for almost 1o years. some are rich.some are poor. rich and poor families have no relationship. The emotion among students can not be fogot. so we host the gathering only for the exchange of emotions, do not care how much we drink .huh, huhD: Go to cook, hurry up, our classmates are coming. Hey, I have to tell you something: This time is not late, remember that B is the key of today's party, he is the manager of a certain enterprise now, a moneybag. If he is happy today, we will cling to the golden rice bowl, wow haha!C: How can you become greedy at the sight of money. Must the money be mantiond today?D: Why are you so stupid, students, students, we are all students, but we have different learning attitudes. Did not work hard in study made us get this result, while he studied hard, he has proved himself. For example, we had no hope in A because of his poor communication, but his is so hard, and at least for now to live a secure and respected life.(A and T enter)A&T: Oh, you are married. It is surprising.CDAT are seated.S:Hi! Everyone. Long time no see. I am so sorry to having you waiting for me . No word can take the place of drinking. I go first.(B comes in lately.)B: Sorry, sorry, I am talking about the business with my customers just now. Really big favor recently.T: You were always busy when you were in the university.A: Let us first give the teacher a cup of respect ,you know the teachers work really hard .If we go back and look the situation of cheating in our class we can know that.May our teacher has the best health ,litter temper and get younger.S: Nowadays, our society are on the harmony road .Long live socialism.D: Hey, our great manager, I heard that you have made a fortune recently, have identity and status, we respect you here. We have many things need your help in the future. It’s too late to regret for our remiss study. How shame we are. Oh no, not today, we are going to give a dinner party at a big hotel another day and would like to invite you.T: When we were in the university, we did not know how to use the time. Some wasted it , some worked hard. The kind of the university leads to the kind of the life. Now you will know what the mean of time, money and life.ABCDTS:let’s treature the time from now on.。

校园四人英语话剧剧本(One day, the class is over ,student A and B walk together.)A: Labour Day is coming, we should relax a little on vacation, what are you going to do.B: I have no idea no. How about you?A:I intend to go to the Baotu Spring ,It’s said that it is a good interest of place. B: En ,yes ,it is the first spring of the world.A: Why not go with me? I believe you will be satisfied with it.B: About it let me think.(Student A and B come across C.)C: Hi!What do you discuss?A: Hi!We are tal about the plan of the Labor Day.C: Where do you plan to go?A: Baoto Spring.Visit together?C: Oh! No! I have been there in the Tomb Sweeping Day.B: Really?How about the sight of it?C: Very great! There are so many birds and trees. When I go there I was attracted by the beauty of the scenery deeply.B: Really?C: Yes.The surroundings is so good,beyond description.There are some photoes in my moblephone,have a look.B:How great!Is this Baotu Spring?C:Oh,no!It is Baizheng Spring.In fact,there are many other springs,such as Mapao Spring,Dukang Spring whose funtain(泉水) is so clear and sweet.A:It sounds great!Are there some fishes in these springs?You know I like fish very much.C: Oh.There are many kinds of fishes with different colors, red, black, even colorful .I am sure you will be lost in the beautiful scenery.B:En,it is a great meal to eyes.My desire to visit there become stronger and stronger.C:It is only a part of the Baotu Spring.A:It is said that there are many historical relics,such as Memorical Hall of Li Qingzhao.C:Oh,yes!Except it,Jinan Massacre(惨案) Memorical Hall is also worth visiting.The Massacre is our stigma(耻辱),which happened on May Third.A: It is of great significance to pay a visit on Labor Day.B: Wonderful! I decide to visit there.A:Ok!C:May you have a good time!A:Thank you!What about you ?C:En,I want to climb Mount Tai.A:Mount Tai?Unattainable feeling!B:It is so famous for its majesty(雄伟).A:When you go there?I mean when you climb the Mount Tai,Evening?C:Of course.I intend to watch the sunrise.The view from the top of the hill was superb(美丽极了).B:A good pursuit!I hear that the top of the Mount Tai is very cold,you’d better wear enough clothes.A: en, health and strength is above all gold.C: Oh, yes! Thanks for your advice.Now I have to search some informationabout how to get to Mount Tai. See you later!A:Take care of yourself!B:See you!D: Hi, what are you doing? Is it Student C?B: Oh, he is busy preparing to go on holiday.D: Holiday?A: En, yes, Labor Day, we intend to go to Baotu Spring. What’s your plan?D: Oh, I don’t have an idea. Now I’m not sure if I have a free time.B: Why? What happened?D: you know, I have applied for the National Sports Volunteer, the train may be started recently.B: That is a pity!D: Yeah, I’ve always wanted to climb Mount Tai. As a Shandong person, it is very pity not to climb Mount Tai.A: Never mind. It’s also meaningful to train as a volunteer.D: Of course, on the other hand, my dream can also come true on Summer Day, in a word; I believe I can reach the top of Mount Tai some day.B: May you make it!A: Where there is a will there’s a way.D: Thanks, have a wonderful time, see you later.A: See you!From: :// hxen /yingyujuben/2011-06-18/146772.html。

英语话剧表演3个剧本5篇范文第一篇:英语话剧表演3个剧本英语短剧剧本The Pocket MoneyCharacters: Narrator(N), Salesman(S), Dad(D), Maggie(M), Alice(A), Candy(C), Policeman(P)Preparation: 学校布景,做糖果用桌及相关材料,小贩家布景Scene1(At Salesman’s home)N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman.He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students.He has a lot of money now.But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming!S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you.I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate.My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why.The foolish students always come here.I’ll be a boss soon!Candy, money, candy, money……Oops!It’s time to make candies now.(看表)First, put the flour on the table.Then, water, sugar, flour.(边说边做)Now press, press……Oh, my dirty hands!Never mind!Just do it!(满不在意的神情)Press, press……Oh, my god!(鼻涕)Never mind!Just do it!Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe…… Now let me cut it into pieces!One, two, three, four, five……(用脏菜刀)Wow, everything is ready!糖果钻出来(跳舞),跳完后,非常难过地说:Oh, I’m so dirty and ugly!What can I do? The students will eat me!And they will be ill!Wuwuwu…S: Mmmm…It looks dirty, let me give you a nice coat!(给它穿上)Wow!Now it’s so beautiful!Haha……C: Oh, no!Don’t sell me!I’m dirty!(拖糖果下场)Scene2(At the school gate)N: The next day, when the class is over, all the students come out happily and the salesman goes to the school gate as usual.(Maggie和Alice 欢快地跑出校门,看到小贩)(小贩拉着糖上场,吆喝):Candies!Candies!Sweet candies!…… M: Oh, Alice!Look!Candies!A: Yeah!I think they are yummy!M: Let’s ask him.A: OK!C: Don’t buy me!(非常焦急)M&A: Why? C: I’m dirty!M: No, you look nice!C: What can I do?(面向观众)Wuwuwu…(小贩将她拉在后面)S: Candies!Candies!(引诱两个女孩)M&A: How much are they? S: Do you have money?(轻蔑)M&A: Money?(对视)M:Oh, I’ve no money!(失落之极)A: Me too.S: No money? So sorry!(吆喝着走开,下场)M: What can we do now? A: Let’s ask dad for money.M: But how to ask?A: How?…Oh,I know ,let’s make him happy ,and he will give us money.(自信)M: Good idea!(全部下场)Scene 3:(At Maggie’s home)N: The children have to go home and ask dad for some money, and they know their father is good at playing guitar, so they will do something clever.(爸爸看报)M: Dad,dad,let’s sing a song ,OK?(同时Alice去取吉他准备拿给爸爸)A: And play the guitar for us!M: We know you play so well!(爸爸诧异地看着孩子)D: Oh? What a bright day today!M&A: Please, dad!(哀求)D:OKOK!Let’s.(取吉他,开始准备)D: Which song do you like? How about Edelweiss? M&A: Of course!(开始弹,第一段孩子随节奏起舞,第二段孩子开始轻声讨论起来“you first”之类的话,爸爸停止弹琴。

爱的旋律The rhythm of loveActors: 展思杰王士铨姜壮胡俊郭媛媛毛亚兰X:胡俊J: 郭媛媛W:毛亚兰D: 姜壮Y: 展思杰Z: 王士铨(总道具:一个可以撕页的卡)第一幕:道具:凳子两个,棒棒糖.人物:x j w(j and w 唱歌入场《Girlfriend》艾薇儿)(j and w 唱完后找个凳子坐下做聊天状)X: Today, there is a dance party, I join in and want to find my girl!! Where are you, my girl!!!(手势动作) (x走到w面前端详,当w伸出手以为要请她跳舞时候,x马上跳到J面前,给棒棒糖, 唱老鼠爱大米英文版,然后两人到台前)X: I have fell in love with you!J: It’s too rapid! I can’t confront it.X: Ok! Shall we try to live some day to be suitable to each other?J: Although I admit you are a food boy, but…X: Ok. So much for today. I will send text messages to you tonight, wait for me, my sweet! J:…….(x j退下w起身上前走一步,先回头张望)(背景音乐响起《Right Here Waiting》)W: Not every one you loved is suitable to you, and you will lose a chance to get a better one.. I will be waiting for you until I change my mind….(语速变缓)第二幕:道具:凳子两个,外套一件(先放在地上),饭盒一个,英语书.人物:x w j(w先进来,带上饭盒放在x的座位上,恋恋不舍离开并一边回头张望,然后坐到自己位置上,拿起书看)(x入场,先是看到了饭盒,很奇怪,端起)X:It’s strange! 毛亚兰,is it yours?W: No ! it’s yours.X: O k that’s fine . No matter who it belongs , I’m hungry now , eating is a good choice.(j进来,看到x在吃饭)J: Is it delicious? Wish you have a good time!(j然后走开走到门外)(x 走向前台指着J)X: It’s she bring the food! She is concerned about me!!(高兴状,然后回去,睡觉了)(w看到x睡觉了就偷偷摸摸的过去,给他加衣服,此时j在门口进来刚好看到)(w做出可爱状恋恋不舍状,慢慢走开碰到j)W: Hi 郭媛媛!J: Hi 毛亚兰! Nice to meet you .(w急急忙忙走开,j走进去,回了回头很用力的砸书,x被惊醒)第三幕:道具: 纸做的棒子一个,木棒子一个,水桶(纸做的也可以),新华字典,新华字典书皮,大话西游草稿。

1 大学英语短剧剧本-College Life(大学生活大学生活) Character: Nellsion (我)(K)Ken (康)(T)Ted(强勇) Willim (伟楠)旁白:建斐Time Time flies! flies! flies! after after after graduated graduated from from high high high school school school ,we ,we ,we has has has been been a a college college college student student student two two two years. years. years. A Acollege life was remember all our times including all kinds of happy , quareel , and moving time. Part 1 Time : Noon in Time : Noon in monday monday Place : Dorm Ken and Willim go to the room with laughter and at that time ken: wo~ do ken: wo~ do you you see the girl see the girl in in front of me while eating just now . Willim: yeah ~ she looks so beautiful! Ken: actually ,you are right , if we ignore her face ! ha ha~ Willim: may be …Nellsion Nellsion: Be quiet, OK? I can’: Be quiet, OK? I can’ t concentrate on dota . Oh! I . Oh! I lost, fucking shit. lost, fucking shit. ted : foolish~ foolish ~ foolish ~ (reciting the words) Nellsion: (angery) stop talking! (and this time ted go to the tailot And a perty well voice of reciting words from the tailot ), Ted: foolish ~ foolish ~ foolish~…. Part 2 (In class) Time: before English class Place: classroom Ken: have you saw the new three kingdoms last night? Nellsion: rubbish ~there is nothing more than the war3 and dota , you see this is the new book about the method which will teach you how to kill more hero. Ted , come here ,I will teach you Ted : really? Nellsion: of course ….. but ,e (做拿钱的动作)。

大学英语小组表演剧本第一篇:大学英语小组表演剧本POLICE AND THIEF-“First-rank Police”旁白:这是一个安静而又漆黑的夜晚,一名行踪不明的男子在街上游荡。
A: it’s a quiet and unusual night, one suspicious man is wandering in a street.小偷:最近手头有点紧,去商店偷点东西,当做这几天伙食了,随便再弄点高档货,变卖赚点钱。
嘿嘿,好主意!T:These days, I don’t have some money.I think I should steal something that be my meals in a shop.And I can also get something, sale them for my pocket money.Yeah, it’s a good idea.旁白:过了会后,小偷若无其事的走进商店,偷了点东西(我想是个惯犯)。
A: After a while, the thief get into the shop as usual, steal something.(I think he is a recidivist)Getting out the shop ,the thief walk along the street , soon ,a passerby A is coming who is in drink.路人A:呵呵。
我醉了吗?不,我没醉!哈哈!PA: oh, I’m drunk? No, No, I’m not drunk.Wu …旁白:小偷与路人甲撞在了一起。
A: The thief runs into the passerby A.小偷:哦,我的天啊,你在做什么啊!你闻起来味道好难闻啊!T: Oh, my god!What are you doing? You are so smelly.路人甲:哦?对不起啊,我不知道我为什么会撞到你。

大学生英语话剧剧本(一)《May Dream Won't Come Ture》Scene1(学校食堂里,下课铃刚响)Narrator:又一个上午过去了,食堂里迎来了新一轮的抢饭风暴。
"襄樊学院广播台提醒各位抢饭同学注意形象,注意排队秩序".(人潮涌进,餐桌上迅速被书和包占领,卖饭窗口前排成N条长龙,A与B小跑上场)A:Oh,no!There is no foodagain!We have already ran as fast as we can.B:(看看手表)25 seconds today.We'd better run quickly tomorrow.A:What a wonderful thing if we needn't(指那堆挤来挤去的人)like this!B:Well.Let's go ,back to dormitory,eat the junk food!What's lesson this afternoon?A:We have a listening examination.It's boring!I may sleeping again~Scene2(A的办公室内)Narrator:果然,下午的听力课上,A又睡着了,这次,她梦到了她的理想生活……(A坐在办公桌前,秘书走进)秘书:Good morning,A.I'll tell you today's arrangement:You have two lessons in the morning,they aremusic class and P.E.Then a computer less on after lunch.That's all.(秘书退至一旁,音乐老师推门进)A:Morning.Please sit down.音:(拿着几张CD)That's no need.I have nothing to teach today.Your homework is listen to theseCDs.Among them,Jay Chou's new record is the most important.If you have nothing to answer,I'll go.A:(翻看CD)All right.Goodbye!(停顿片刻)The next one!(体育老师上)A:Oh,should I wear athleteuniform?体:Of course you needn't.In my class,you can just sit here and watch some sports match.So,which doyou prefer,football or basketball? A:Er…Baskerball is Okay.体:Good!Boys,come on!(演员上场,表演花式篮球,配乐)体:Are you satisfied?A:Em…just so-so.I hope to watch football next time.You may go now.体:Ok.Have a good week!(体育老师下,秘书和服务员上)秘:A,It's time to have lunch.(退到一旁)服:Good afternoon.What do you want today?A:Mmm…Today I just want to eat something cheap.Beafsteak and red wine,please.服:Thank you.(鞠躬)Wait a moment,please.(下场,秘书上前整理书桌 ,A翻看杂志)秘:(整理完毕,打开文件夹)The computer teacher just called me that he would replace the lesson with a practise one in theNetwork Bar.So you can play the Crazy Dance on-line well.A:Really?That's great.(饭菜送上)That's tips.服:Thank you very much.(退场)Scene3Narrator:A下午的计算机课变成了网吧的实践课,这不,只见她奔腾地冲进了奔腾网吧,用183迈的速度将上下楼搜了个遍,猛然地发现座无虚席,于是她又奔腾地冲出了奔腾网吧,剑一样地射进了183.她今天的任务是练好劲舞团!(A跑进网吧,找台电脑迅速坐下,开始游戏。

情景对话小组成员:杨瑞洁李淑琴韩正宇梁含玉王凤婷田立芸大:It’s December 21st 2012.The scientists had predicted that it’s the end of the world.Everybody becomes very afraid and nervous about it except some heroes who have special powers.They decide to save the world.(12月21日2012.The科学家曾预言,就显得很害怕,除了一些特殊powers.They决定拯救世界的英雄们,神经,它的world.Everybody结束。
)双怡:At the same time,an ET from another planet comes to help them .She comes here by UFO(指着六)(与此同时,来自另一个星球的ET来帮助他们。
她来这里飞碟)..六:“Hello,everyone,I want to use my UFO to take people away from the earth.”朗:The four heroes have different kinds of abilities.Now,let’s know about them.苏:“Hi,my name is Susan ,I can fly.It’s cool,I think.”燕:“I’m Niki ,maybe you won’t believe that I have amazing powers to make what I want appear by my side or appear around the one I think about .”大:“Good afternoon,call me Claire.I’m able to stop the time and travel the space.”双怡:“The last one is me,Molly.I can read others’ minds.So do not lie to六:But in the world,not everyone will use what they can to help people.Here is one,Landy .朗:“I’m a bad guy .I have supernatural power to destroy all of this they(指着那四个人) want to protect. I can make things bomb.I’m proud of this.( 笑)”Situation oneSusan and Niki are walking along the street.“Look,there are many peole there .What happened?I’m curious about it.Let me have a look.”Susan said.(飞走状)At the same time,Niki found a strange thing around the cover.She walked there.(蹲下来看)“Oh my god,what’s this?So huge,so excellent?”She doubted.(思索中……)A girl walked out from it and said,“Nice to meet you,(招手)my dear friend,I’m from another planet named HOPE.My name is Happy.This is my flymachine,usually you call it UFO. ”she smiled.“So you are an ET?Why are you here?The earth is going to die.”Niki said.“I’m here to help you all.Most people on earth are kind and clever.I want to take them away from this disaster.I can take them to the HOPE.”Happy“Thank you very much.I want to save the world with my friends,too.When we prepare all things,we’ll come to find you ,OK?”Niki asked.“Of course.I’m always here waiting for you.”Happy said.Then Susan came back.She said,“Niki,the people there are very poor,they are hungry,thisty,sick.Would you like to use your power to help them.Bring them some food,drink and medicine.Just from the nearest supermarket.It’s special times.Nobody will be shamed to you. ”“Certainly.Wait a minute.”(一袋子东西出现在眼前)“Bring these to them.I wish they can help.”Niki said with a sad mood.Situation two大:A tall building in the central of the city.朗:“Oh,so many people here.God helps me.I will make the building bomb.These people will go to the Heaven together.They will thank me.It’s me that saves their souls.”Landy said.燕:Then the building becomes hot and begins to shine.“What’s up?Why is the temperature here so high?”Claire said.“Let’s go to find the truth.If this condition continues,everyone here will die.”Molly said.They two walked deep to the building.“Do you hear someone saying?”Molly said.“It’s silent here.I can’t hear anyone.”Claire said.“haha,it’s so powerful.I believe that nobody will survive after the fire.”Landy thinked.“I knew.I can read others’ minds.”Molly said.“Read minds?What do you mean?”Claire asked.“It means I can hear what others think,their true thoughts,clearly.”Molly answered.“you have powers,too?”Claire asked.“yeah,how do you know?aren’t you surprised?”Molly’s words. “because we are the same kind of person.I have powers too.”Claire’s words.“what kind of power do you have?”Molly asked.“I can stop the time and travel the space.”Claire answered. “wonderful!so we can save these people here.”Molly becomes very happy.“we can come back to the past and stop the bad guy.”Claire suggested. “Good idea,we should bring Susan and Niki together.both of them can help.”Molly said.“Let’s go.Situation three六:It was half an hour ago.The four heroes had come back to the past to stop the bad guy,who Molly heared her thoughts.Niki also asked Happy,the ET together with them.“Where do we find the bad guy?the building is such a big place.”Susan asked.“I have an idea.”Happy said.“what?”the four heroes asked together.“Susan,you can fly,you could fly to the sky and look aroud the building.if there is sth wrong,you should come to make us clear as soon as possible,understand?”“I know.then when you find her,let me informed.”she flew away. “you,niki,use your powers now.put a letter in front of the bad guy.it says ‘we can help you to destroy the world.please meet with us. ’it can make her confused.”Happy said.“No problem.I can do it.”Niki said.“what should I do then?”asked Claire.“and me ?”also Molly.“Molly,you continue to listen carefully aroud and try to find her.and you Claire,if the condition that after we find the bad guy is out of contral,you must stop the time to prevent it immediately.”Happy said.Another part of the building.Landy picked up a piece of paper from the floor,read it.“We know whatyou want to do,we can help you.shall we have a date?”she read the words on the paper.“who are you?how do you know my plan?are you special,too?”she said to herself.“I heard her.she’s around the corner.”Molly said.They walked there.Landy was very surprised.“who are you?what do you want to do ?oh,I remembered,this(拿起那张纸) is yours.you came to help me,right?”“No!we came to stop you!”Susan said.“Yeah,we can stop you .”Claire said.“you?you can’t.in 5 minutes ,the building will bomb,everyone here will die,including you five.”landy said.“no,we won’t.they will be safe,and you.”Molly said,“I heard your thought.you are a good person,you’re just worried about the prediction.don’t worry,look,this is Happy,she’s from another planet named HOPE.she’ll help us and we can help ourselves,too.”“she’s right.you can use your power to help the people and save the world.”Susan said.“help people?my power is to make things on fire and bomb,maybe I’ll make a big explosion.I can just destroy things.”landy said.“you can.your power should be used when we take people away from the earth.you can remove the barriers and help people make fire.”Happy said. “yes,so you can help others.”Claire said.“ok.I trust you once.what should we do now? ”landy asked.“In my opinion,we should first put off the fire.”Niki said.双怡:so Claire stops the time and they had put off the fire. “Everything is ready.let’s go to help people.”Happy said.“we will do our best.the earth won’t disappeare.”they said together.。

大学英语情景剧三打白骨精剧本范文七人Title: University English Situation Drama Three Strikes Against the White Bone Demon Script Sample - Seven CharactersAct OneScene One: University Campus(The stage is set with a university campus backdrop. Students are seen walking back and forth, chatting and laughing. Seven characters, Monk Tang, Monkey King, Pigsy, Sandy, White Bone Demon, Red Boy, and Little White Dragon) are on stage.)Monk Tang: (to Monkey King) It seems that we have a new challenge ahead of us. The White Bone Demon has been causing chaos on campus.Monkey King: (excitedly) Don't worry, Monk Tang! We'll take care of this demon in no time.Pigsy: (eagerly) Yeah, let's show that demon who's boss!Sandy: (calmly) Let's not be too overconfident. The White Bone Demon is a formidable opponent.White Bone Demon: (entering) Ah, the famous Monk Tang and his companions. I've been waiting for this moment.Red Boy: (arrogantly) You dare challenge us, White Bone Demon? You'll regret it!Little White Dragon: (timidly) Can't we all just get along?Scene Two: The Confrontation(The White Bone Demon and her minions stand on one side of the stage, while Monk Tang and his companions stand on the other.)Monk Tang: White Bone Demon, your reign of terror ends today. Surrender peacefully or face the consequences.White Bone Demon: (laughing) You think you can defeat me?I am the White Bone Demon, ruler of darkness!Monkey King: (charging forward) We'll see about that! Three strikes against the White Bone Demon!(They engage in a fierce battle, with the stage filled with martial arts moves and special effects. The fight continues until the White Bone Demon is defeated.)Monk Tang: (triumphantly) We did it! The White Bone Demon has been vanquished!Pigsy: (proudly) Another victory for the good guys!Sandy: (smiling) It was a team effort. We couldn't have done it without each other.Scene Three: The Aftermath(The White Bone Demon lies defeated on the stage, while Monk Tang and his companions gather around.)Monk Tang: (to the White Bone Demon) It's not too late to change your ways. Repent for your sins and seek redemption.White Bone Demon: (weakly) I...I understand now. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.Red Boy: (surprised) She's actually repenting? I didn't see that coming.Little White Dragon: (pleased) It's never too late to turn over a new leaf.Monkey King: (nodding) We may have defeated the White Bone Demon, but what truly matters is that she has seen the error of her ways.(The scene ends with a message of redemption and forgiveness, as the characters exit the stage.)Act Two(Scene One: University Campus)(The stage is set with a university campus backdrop. Students are seen walking back and forth, chatting and laughing. Monk Tang and his companions are on stage, discussing their next adventure.)Monk Tang: (to Monkey King) It seems that another challenge awaits us. This time, it's the Red Lotus Demon causing trouble.Monkey King: (determined) We'll show that demon who's boss!Sandy: (calmly) Let's proceed with caution. The Red Lotus Demon is known for her cunning ways.Pigsy: (eagerly) I can't wait to take her down!Scene Two: The Confrontation(The Red Lotus Demon and her minions stand on one side of the stage, while Monk Tang and his companions stand on the other.)Monk Tang: Red Lotus Demon, your reign of terror ends now. Surrender peacefully or face the consequences.Red Lotus Demon: (sneering) You think you can defeat me? I am the Red Lotus Demon, mistress of deception!Monkey King: (charging forward) We'll see about that! Three strikes against the Red Lotus Demon!(A fierce battle ensues, with martial arts moves and special effects filling the stage. The fight continues until the Red Lotus Demon is defeated.)Monk Tang: (triumphantly) Another victory for justice! The Red Lotus Demon has been defeated!Pigsy: (proudly) We make a great team, don't we?Sandy: (smiling) Indeed we do. Together, we can overcome any obstacle.Scene Three: The Aftermath(The Red Lotus Demon lies defeated on the stage, while Monk Tang and his companions gather around.)Monk Tang: (to the Red Lotus Demon) It's not too late to change your ways. Repent for your sins and seek redemption.Red Lotus Demon: (weakly) I...I understand now. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.Little White Dragon: (pleased) Redemption is always possible, no matter how dark one's past may be.(The characters exit the stage, leaving behind a message of forgiveness and redemption.)(The curtain falls as the audience applauds, moved by the powerful message of the play.)End of Script.。

大学四人英语小短剧篇一:大学生英语短剧剧本(4人)Scene ⅰ:地点(at campus)人物:kevin Jason and RitaJason: Oh ,I’m sorry ,are you ok ? 对不起,你还好吗?Rita: How familiar! 好眼熟啊!J: you pick? 是你捡的吗?Kevin: Shut up !谁说的!R and J: Kevin ? 是Kevin 吗?K: Jasson ? Rita ?Rita:Kevin! Do you know ? I miss you so much. we have lost muchromantic without you 你知道吗? 我太想你了kevin,没有你我们少了很多浪漫Jason:It’s so nosiy here ,let’s find a quiet place to talk.这里太吵了,我们找个安静的地方聊吧K to R: Is it convenient for you to share your department with me during my finding job?在我找工作期间方便让我住你的宿舍吗?R: Sure ,no problem,as long as avoid dormitory administrator当然没问题,只要躲过宿管就可以了J: But why? What happened to you ? I thought that aftergraduation you will live well.但是为什么啊?你怎么了?我以为你毕业后会过的很好R: You’re such a dream catcher .why are you come back to the place where you were sick of?你那么有梦想的人,怎么还要回到你曾经连做梦都不爽的地方?K: Because no money ,no job,even there’s no place to live.Nothing at all. 因为我没钱、没工作,甚至连住的地方都没有,一无所有。

大学生英语话剧剧本 Michael: 泽泓Scolfield: 仲铨 Lincoln: 桂帆 T-bag: 捷驰宿舍 3人: M:(reading book) rules for students the book is so hard to understand,it's a little boring..Scolfield,what are you doing ?S: (刚开始没应对,忙于dota)-大学生英语话剧剧本Michael: 泽泓Scolfield: 仲铨Lincoln: 桂帆T-bag: 捷驰宿舍3人:M:(reading book) "rules for students" the book is so hard to understand,it's a littleboring..Scolfield,what are you doing ?S: (刚开始没应对,忙于dota) i'm dotaing...Oh,no..I lost again(中文说:队友不给力啊).what a day! I lost five times today.I couldn't dota any more..And Lincoln ,what areyou busy with ?大学生英语话剧剧本L: nothing,just watching video.M: which kind of video are you watching ?I guess it's American,right?L: Yeah,American .. of course.clever boy,you know I like American movies very much.but this movie I'm watching is not thatfunny.Hey..guys,it's holiday ,is there anyfun we can have?S: Say..I remember there's a party tonight atE502.M: Oh,yes,I almost gorget it.there's a fellowship gathering tonight,which can be a goodchance to make some friends..you know..L: with some beautiful girls,right?S: Yeah,that's really wonderful,you know ,I like this kind of gathering party..pretty girls are everywhere..M & L :haha..we know what you mean.L : all right.it's a deal.four of us should go to the party together.M: OK..but where is T-bag ?S: T-bag..T-bag 进来L: T-bag,where have you been?M: we have a good news .S: Yeah,there's a party tonight,and we can have fun ,would you come with us?T-bag: (装悲惨剧ing..)sorry ,I don't want to,I'm not in a good mood.L: come on ,man,what's wrong with you?T: oh,well it's about my father;my family told me that he got hurt when riding a bike.S、M、L: it's really a pity.3人将进入PARTY场所时:S: look at those four beautiful girls,as Isay:pretty girls are everywhere!M: Yeah,you are actually right,I really wanna make acquaintance with them.L:不悦。

大学生英语话剧剧本(一)《May Dream Won't Come Ture》Scene1(学校食堂里,下课铃刚响)Narrator:又一个上午过去了,食堂里迎来了新一轮的抢饭风暴。
"襄樊学院广播台提醒各位抢饭同学注意形象,注意排队秩序".(人潮涌进,餐桌上迅速被书和包占领,卖饭窗口前排成N条长龙,A与B小跑上场)A:Oh,no!There is no foodagain!We have already ran as fast as we can.B:(看看手表)25 seconds today.We'd better run quickly tomorrow.A:What a wonderful thing if we needn't(指那堆挤来挤去的人)like this!B:Well.Let's go ,back to dormitory,eat the junk food!What's lesson this afternoon?A:We have a listening examination.It's boring!I may sleeping again~Scene2(A的办公室内)Narrator:果然,下午的听力课上,A又睡着了,这次,她梦到了她的理想生活……(A坐在办公桌前,秘书走进)秘书:Good morning,A.I'll tell you today's arrangement:You have two lessons in the morning,they aremusic class and P.E.Then a computer less on after lunch.That's all.(秘书退至一旁,音乐老师推门进)A:Morning.Please sit down.音:(拿着几张CD)That's no need.I have nothing to teach today.Your homework is listen to theseCDs.Among them,Jay Chou's new record is the most important.If you have nothing to answer,I'll go.A:(翻看CD)All right.Goodbye!(停顿片刻)The next one!(体育老师上)A:Oh,should I wear athleteuniform?体:Of course you needn't.In my class,you can just sit here and watch some sports match.So,which doyou prefer,football or basketball? A:Er…Baskerball is Okay.体:Good!Boys,come on!(演员上场,表演花式篮球,配乐)体:Are you satisfied?A:Em…just so-so.I hope to watch football next time.You may go now.体:Ok.Have a good week!(体育老师下,秘书和服务员上)秘:A,It's time to have lunch.(退到一旁)服:Good afternoon.What do you want today?A:Mmm…Today I just want to eat something cheap.Beafsteak and red wine,please.服:Thank you.(鞠躬)Wait a moment,please.(下场,秘书上前整理书桌 ,A翻看杂志)秘:(整理完毕,打开文件夹)The computer teacher just called me that he would replace the lesson with a practise one in theNetwork Bar.So you can play the Crazy Dance on-line well.A:Really?That's great.(饭菜送上)That's tips.服:Thank you very much.(退场)Scene3Narrator:A下午的计算机课变成了网吧的实践课,这不,只见她奔腾地冲进了奔腾网吧,用183迈的速度将上下楼搜了个遍,猛然地发现座无虚席,于是她又奔腾地冲出了奔腾网吧,剑一样地射进了183.她今天的任务是练好劲舞团!(A跑进网吧,找台电脑迅速坐下,开始游戏。

大学生英语话剧剧本(一)《May Dream Won't Come Ture》Scene1(学校食堂里,下课铃刚响)Narrator:又一个上午过去了,食堂里迎来了新一轮的抢饭风暴。
"襄樊学院广播台提醒各位抢饭同学注意形象,注意排队秩序".(人潮涌进,餐桌上迅速被书和包占领,卖饭窗口前排成N条长龙,A与B小跑上场)A:Oh,no!There is no food again!We have already ran as fast as we can.B:(看看手表)25 seconds today.We'd better run quickly tomorrow.A:What a wonderful thing if we needn't(指那堆挤来挤去的人)like this!B:Well.Let's go ,back to dormitory,eat the junk food!What's lesson this afternoon?A:We have a listening examination.It's boring!I may sleeping again~Scene2(A的办公室内)Narrator:果然,下午的听力课上,A又睡着了,这次,她梦到了她的理想生活……(A坐在办公桌前,秘书走进)秘书:Good morning,A.I'll tell you today's arrangement:You have two lessons in the morning,they are music class and P.E.Then a computer less on after lunch.That's all.(秘书退至一旁,音乐老师推门进)A:Morning.Please sit down.音:(拿着几张CD)That's no need.I have nothing to teach today.Your homework is listen to these CDs.Among them,Jay Chou's new record is the most important.If you have nothing to answer,I'll go.A:(翻看CD)All right.Goodbye!(停顿片刻)The next one!(体育老师上)A:Oh,should I wear athlete uniform?体:Of course you needn't.In my class,you can just sit here and watch some sports match.So,which do you prefer,football or basketball?A:Er…Baskerball is Okay.体:Good!Boys,come on!(演员上场,表演花式篮球,配乐)体:Are you satisfied?A:Em…just so-so.I hope to watch football next time.You may go now.体:Ok.Have a good week!(体育老师下,秘书和服务员上)秘:A,It's time to have lunch.(退到一旁)服:Good afternoon.What do you want today?A:Mmm…Today I just want to eat something cheap.Beafsteak and red wine,please.服:Thank you.(鞠躬)Wait a moment,please.(下场,秘书上前整理书桌 ,A翻看杂志)秘:(整理完毕,打开文件夹)The computer teacher just called me that he would replace the lesson with a practise one in the Network Bar.So you can play the Crazy Dance on-line well.A:Really?That's great.(饭菜送上)That's tips.服:Thank you very much.(退场)Scene3Narrator:A下午的计算机课变成了网吧的实践课,这不,只见她奔腾地冲进了奔腾网吧,用183迈的速度将上下楼搜了个遍,猛然地发现座无虚席,于是她又奔腾地冲出了奔腾网吧,剑一样地射进了183.她今天的任务是练好劲舞团!(A跑进网吧,找台电脑迅速坐下,开始游戏。
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监考学生( S) :圆滑爱管理
考生C, D善于作弊
The teacher goes into the classroom with text paper, meanwhile students are talking
T: Stop, stop. Before exam I would like to say something which has been mentioned hundred and thousand times. That is the discipline of the exam. Remember never to cheat! Never! If someone is caught by me, the result will be bad. C .What is wrong with your eyes?
C: Eh ~ my eye had got contagion .
T: So sit in the corner, be away from others.
C: Ok that is good for everyone
T: Well, the exam begins.
(20 minutes past)
The teacher gets sleepy.
C begins to take the cover off when teacher turns around. Immediately, C stops.
D looks around and then ask for A without any response. In a instance, C turns to
C: Hey, hey. Answer, give me the answer.
B: Wait a minute, I will give you the answer when I am finished.
C try to ask for A to pass piece pf paper .At the same time, T wakes up and feels strange.
T: what are you doing?(the chalk hit D) T goes outside for a call.
C:S.do me a favor.
A tears it off and throws it about after a glance.
(15 minutes left)
T: It is 15 minutes before the exam over. Please check your papers.
D moves his body close to A
D: Let me have a look. Just fifteen seconds.
A covers the paper on purpose.
B and
C use the mobile phone directly.
Virtually, B and C exchange their papers . S helps them..
Ten years later C and D get married. They both are ordinary works. T are still the teacher of the certain college. A turn to another T. B becomes a top manager . S is a government officer.
C: Well ,we had been graduated for almost 1o years. some are rich.some are poor.
rich and poor families have no relationship. The emotion among students can not be fogot. so we host the gathering only for the exchange of emotions, do not care how much we
drink .huh, huh
D: Goto cook, hurry up, our classmates are coming. Hey, I have to tell you something: This time is not late, remember that B is the key of today's party, he is the manager of a certain enterprise now, a moneybag. If he is happy today, we will cling to the golden rice bowl, wow haha!
C: Howcan you become greedy at the sight of money. Must the moneybe mantiond today?
D: Why are you so stupid, students, students, we are all students, but we have different learning attitudes. Did not work hard in study made us get this result, while he studied hard, he has proved himself. For example, we had no hope in A because of his poor communication, but his is so hard, and at least for now to live a secure and respected life.
( A and T enter )
A&T: Oh, you are married. It is surprising.
CDAT are seated.
S:Hi! Everyone. Long time no see. I am so sorry to having you waiting for me . No word can take the place of drinking. I go first.
(B comes in lately.)
B: Sorry, sorry, I am talking about the business with my customers just now. Really big favor recently. T: You were always busy when you were in the university.
A: Let us first give the teacher a cup of respect ,you know the teachers work really hard .If we go back and look the situation of cheating in our class we can know that.May our teacher has the best
health ,litter temper and get younger.
S: Nowadays, our society are on the harmony road . Long live socialism.
D: Hey, our great manager, I heard that you have made a fortune recently, have identity and status, we respect you here. We have many things need your help in the future. It 'stoo late to regret for our remiss study. How shame we are. Oh no, not
today, we are going to give a dinner party at a big hotel another to invite you . T: When we were in the university, we did not know how to use the time. it , some worked hard. The kind of the university leads to the kind of the life. Now you will know what the mean of time, money and life.
ABCDTS:let 's treature the time from now on.day and would like