





























以下是整理的⾼级商务英语⼝语考试题型,欢迎阅读!1.⾼级商务英语⼝语考试题型 第⼀项:询问个⼈信息 本项考试的时间:3分钟左右。






第⼆项:话题的讨论 本项考试的时间:6分钟左右 本项考试的形式:每个考⽣从给定的三个话题中任选⼀个进⾏⼀分钟的阐述,在阐述之前有⼀分钟进⾏准备,可以做笔记。




第三项:问题的讨论和解决 本项考试的时间:7分钟左右 本项考试的形式:每个考⽣得到相同的⽂字资料,按照要求对需要解决的问题进⾏讨论,并最终得出结果。








bec考试题型BEC(Business English Certificate)是由剑桥大学出版社开发和主办的一项商务英语考试。

























BEC 商务英语考试题型介绍
BEC 商务英语开考以来,其权威性得到国人的一致认可,对于即

下面是小编为大家带来的BEC 商务英语考试题型介绍,欢迎阅读。

Bec,全称是business English certificate,是剑桥的考试,分听、
说、读和写四个部分,每个部分25 分,总分100 分,拿60%就及格。

分5 个等级,ABCDE ,其中C 以上包括C 是及格。

然后根据标准给ABCDE 的等级,其中阅读和听力对50%就是C,75%


9 点开始考试,9 点到10 点考阅读,10 点到10 点10 分发卷收
卷,中途可以去洗手间,10 点10 分到11 点20 分是作文,11 点20 分
到11 点半,break,11 点半到12 点20 分,听力。



1、阅读(52 小题,1 个小时)
阅读总共有6 个部分:matching 有8 个句子和5 段短文章,把
句子和文章配对起来,比如说A 篇有提到第一个句子的内容,你就要把两个配对起来;完形填句,一篇文章抽了6 个句子出来,后面给出7
个句子,要从中选出6 个句子放回合适的位置;文章阅读,这个和平时的阅读题目一样,就是一篇文章,后面有6 个问题,根据理解选abcd;。


















考生应该能够分析图表数据,了解图表之间细微的差别,同时理解各句子的准确含义,尤其是某些描述图表走势的动词短语,例如:“rose steadily”(稳定上升),“remained stable”(保持稳定),“decreased slowly”(缓慢减少),“reached a peak”(达到最高点)等描述图表用语。


这部分选择题的三个选项是固定的(A.Right, B.Wrong, C.Doesn’t say)。



商务英语BEC考试题型介绍商务英语BEC考试题型介绍一、考试介绍Bec,全称是business English certificate,是剑桥的考试,分听、说、读和写四个部分,每个部分25分,总分100分,拿60%就及格。

分5个等级,ABCDE ,其中C以上包括C是及格。






1、阅读(52小题,1个小时)阅读总共有6个部分:matching 有8个句子和5段短文章,把句子和文章配对起来,比如说A篇有提到第一个句子的内容,你就要把两个配对起来;完形填句,一篇文章抽了6个句子出来,后面给出7个句子,要从中选出6个句子放回合适的位置;文章阅读,这个和平时的阅读题目一样,就是一篇文章,后面有6个问题,根据理解选abcd;完形填空,和平时做的完形填空形式一样,只不过文章内容都是和商务有关,有10道题;填词,一篇短文中空出了10个词,基本上是介词、冠词等小词,要根据上下文和固定搭配,把词补上;改错题,一篇短文,里面有很多赘余的词,差不多每一行都有一个,其中两到三行是正确的,把赘余的词删掉。




剑桥商务英语中级(BEC Vantage)是一个专业英语考试,主



1. 选择题:根据听到的对话或文章内容选择最适合的选项。

2. 填空题:根据听到的对话或文章内容填写所缺的单词或短语。

3. 匹配题:根据听到的对话或文章内容将相关信息进行匹配。

4. 多项选择题:根据听到的对话或文章内容选择最佳答案。

5. 句子改写题:根据指定的要求将给定的句子改写成符合语法和语义要求的句子。

6. 作文:根据指定的主题或任务要求写作一篇短文或邮件。





分5个等级,ABCDE ,其中C以上包括C是及格。








想问题的思路有:a) 五官法。





b) 身临其境法,比方说如何定价一个产品才是适宜的,你可以想象你买东西的时候觉得什么样的产品的价格才是适宜的,当然质量要好啦,品牌要好啦,效劳要好啦,这样的产品价格才可以高,这样答案就很快出来了。







商务英语BEC阅读技巧Part 1 (Questions 1-7)这部分有7个问题和4段文章。




Part 2 (Questions 8-12)这部分较难,主要考学生对文章结构的理解。














每题1分,共10 分。

1 ・ Which of the following is NOT an external barrier to communication?A. Motivation or interests.B. Environmental factors such as lighting and heat.C・ A closed or authoritarian climate.D. An open climate in which communication flows easily.题目问的是哪一项不属于交际的外部障碍,B,C,D三项都是外部障碍,只有A项是内部障碍,答案是A。



商务交际英语考试样题与讲评商务交际英语考试样题与讲评商务交际英语(Business Communication English)是国际商务领域中使用最广泛的语言之一。
















此致,敬礼![您的名字] [您的职位] [公司名称] [联系信息]二、讲评1、文章结构清晰,语言得体,符合商务交际英语的规范。










Ⅰ. 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)阅读理解是商务英语考试的重要考点,常见的题型包括选择题、填空题、匹配题等。


注意事项:1. 阅读材料篇幅一般较长,考生需要把握主题,快速浏览全文,确定重点。

2. 阅读材料中可能包含专业术语和复杂句子,考生要注意理解每个句子的含义,可以根据上下文进行推断。

3. 对于选择题,要仔细阅读每个选项,注意细微的差异,进行正确选择。

4. 填空题要注意词性和上下文的搭配,确保所填单词符合语法和语义的要求。

5. 对于匹配题,要认真读题,找出对应的信息进行对应。

Ⅱ. 听力理解(Listening Comprehension)听力理解是商务英语考试中的重要组成部分,主要考察考生对于商务场景下的听力理解能力。


注意事项:1. 在听力过程中,考生要注意提前预测信息,有针对性地聆听有关的内容。

2. 听力过程中会有干扰信息,考生要学会排除无关选项。

3. 填空题要注意词性和语法要求,确保填入的词语符合句子结构和意思的要求。

4. 判断题要准确理解所听内容的核心意思,进行正确判断。

Ⅲ. 口语表达(Speaking)口语表达是商务英语考试中的实际应用环节,考生需要根据题目要求进行回答或演讲。


注意事项:1. 在口语表达过程中,流利且准确的语言表达很重要,考生需要提前练习口语表达技巧。

2. 自信和自然是口语表达的重点,要放松心态,保持良好的语调和语速。

3. 针对不同的题目,考生可以提前准备一些相关的商务英语词汇和常用表达,以便顺利应对考试。

Ⅳ. 写作(Writing)写作是商务英语考试的重要组成部分,主要考察考生的书面表达能力。



商务交际英语上考试题型说明商务交际英语上考试题型说明考试题型与复习资料的一致,共五大题,各大题分值说明如下:I.Choose the best answer,10题,每题2分,共20分II.True or False, 10题,每题2分,共20分III.Answer the questions, 4题,每题5分,共20分IV.Translation, 4题,每题5分,共20分V.写作题,1题,共20分商务交际英语上册2011复习资料I Choose the correct answer1. What five roles must team members fill in order to create an effective team?A. A leader, challenger, doer, supporter.B. A leader, challenger, doer, thinker.C. A leader, challenger, doer, thinker, supporter.D. A leader, challenger, doer, teacher.2. What does “heterogeneous” and “homogeneous” mean?A. Dissimilar and domestic.B. Dissimilar and creative.C. Dissimilar and similar.D. Dissimilar and harmonious.3. Virtual team means the one_____.A. Whose members share a physical work space.B. Whose members don’t share a team spirit and belong to different department.C. Whose members don’t share a physical work space but communicate with communication technology.D. Whose members do n’t have identity but communicatewith communication technology.4. What is the short term for memorandum?A. MemorB. MemorandC. MemorandumD. Memo5. What is the opposite phrase to “closed and authoritarian climate” ?A. Open climateB. Open and friendly climateC. Open and free climateD. Open and casual climate6. The note-book is ______.A. User-convenientB. User-kindC. User-friendlyD. User-useful7. Our _____ is located in Shanghai.A. HeadquartersB. HeadquarterC. QuarterD. Headquart8. Which country perceive OK sign as poor manners, and what does it mean there?A. France, obscene commentB. America, verbalC. America lewd commentD. France, worthless9. We will ____ the road tomorrow.A. GoC. HitD. Walk10. It is important not to patronize or _____ people who do not speak your language fluently.A. Look down onB. Talk down toC. Look intoD. Look up on11. What are gender biased words ?A. Actress, female vocalist; salesperson,; manpowerB. Actress, manmade, serverC. Actress, salesman, congressman, stewardessD. Actress, office workers, waiter, manmade12. What are words of disability bias?A. Crippling defect, condition, b. Afflicted with, hasC. Crippling defect, disease d. Afflicted with, condition13. What are the four standard components in a memo heading?A. To, from, enclosed, subjectB. To, from, date, subjectC. To, from, subject, enclosed, signatureD. To, from, enclosed, signature14. We intend to keep the _____.A. Status quoB. Status quoteC. Standard quoD. Status question15. Memos are messages that supervisors and peers will use to judge your ______.B. Job performanceC. On-the-jobC. On-the-job-performance16. Memos are less expensive, _____ and complex than conference calls or meetings.A. Time savingB. Time usingC. Time consumingD. Time honored17. What are the two most common internal documents with an organization?A. Memos and messagesB. Memorandums and e-mail messageC. Letters and memosD. Letters and e-mails18. Memos can be sent via _____ or _____.A. Hard copy, easilyB. Soft copy, electronicallyC. Hard copy, electronicallyD. Soft copy, easily19. When to use memos?A. Provide a record, advise, direct, or state policy, promote goodwillB. Provide a record, inform, promote goodwillC. Provide a record, inform, advise, direct,D. Provide a record, advise, direct, or state policy, inform, promote goodwill20. in _____, all lines begin at the left margin.A. Block formatB. Modified block formatC. Simplified block formatD. Simplified format21. What are the proper ways to imply the bad news and to avoid using negative-toned words?A. Use an negative voiceB. Use clausesC. Use an passive voice and use clausesD. Use an passive voice and “if” clause22. Primary research involves _____.A. Gathering useful dataB. Locating data that has been gatheredC. Gathering fresh dataD. Gathering data that has been reported23. How many parts are included in an informal report and what are they?A. Three, opening, introduction, closingB. Three, opening, body, introductionC. Three, opening, body, closingD. Two, opening, body24. Too many ____ spoil the broth.A. PeopleB. CooksC. CookersD. Students25. What are external barriers to communication process?A. Lighting, heat, personalityB. Lighting, comfort, statusC. Lighting, noise, closed climateD. Closed climate, humidity, educational background26. What are the responsibilities of the sender?A. Audience analysis, study message environment, readingB. Audience analysis, study message environment, listen, solicit feedbackC. Audience analysis, solicit feed back, study message environmentD. Audience analysis, listen, read27. What are the components of the communication process?A. The sender, the message, the receiver, the channel, goodwillB. The sender, the receiver, the message, the feedback, informationC. The sender, the message, the receiver, the channel, the feedbackD. The sender, the receiver, information, goodwill28. What are the purposes of communication?A. Persuade, obtain information, establish personal effectiveness, build self-esteem, build goodwillB. Persuade, share information, build up self-esteem, obtain benefitC. Persuade, obtain benefit, build up self-esteemD. Persuade, share information, build self-esteem, share benefit29. Specific facts and details should appear in ______.A. Developmental paragraphsB. Closing paragraphC. Opening paragraphD. Topic sentence30. Sentences written with courteous words should be ____.A. Bias-freeB. NegativeC. ObjectiveD. Passive31. Most American prefer to stand ____ when talking to others.A. Less than 18 inchesB. More than 3 feetC. 18 inches to 3 feetD. Closer than a couple of feet32. ____ is the oral version of e-mail and replace answering machine.A. TeleconferenceB. VideoconferenceC. PagerD. V oice mail33. ____ are two types of routine letter.A. Order and friendship letterB. Claims and orderC. Claims and friendship letterD. Claims and routine requestsII True of False1.All business messages should promote goodwill.2.Generally, business communications that contain positive messages are organizedin direct-indirect order.3.The supporting information contains the closing.4.Once you run your word processor’s spell checker, your writing will be free ofspelling errors./doc/2810429371.html,ing only short,simple sentences is best for business messages.6. A paragraph must have at least three sentences to be complete.7.The population of the united states is becoming culturally diverse.8.Even a simple gesture such as a smile or ok sign can have different meanings indifferent cultures.9.It is best to avoid drawing pictures for people whose first language is not english;they will more than likely be insulted.10. A multinational company simply sells products or purchases goods from anothercountry.11.Members of effective work teams have a strong group identity and fosterimprovement by reviewing both successes and failures.12.Cultural differences can be communication barriers.13.Ok sign has different meanings in different cultures.14.Japanese and American prefer less eye contact in communication.15.In most situations, office party would be a good place to conduct office business.16.Introverts are apt to express ideas and appear to be active.17.Motivation or interests of the receiver can be internal barrier to communication.18.Chinese people take business cards very seriously and exchange them after ameeting./doc/2810429371.html,n coworkersoffer you card at the beginning of the meeting.20.Most American prefer crowded elevators or center seats in buses or cars.21.When you plan a message, you should choose supporting information at first.22.Practice empathy means to put yourself in the place of the receiver when youadjust the content of a message to your receiver.23.Courteous words are passive, considerable and bias-free.24.“In all probability” is a concise phrase.25.Redundancies can add formality and meaning to sentences.26.Empty phrases clutter sentences without adding meaning.27.“In my opinion” is an example of empty phrase./doc/2810429371.html,munication overload is a physical condition that occurs when a person receives so many messages and fails to read them.29.Minutes are the official record of the proceedings of a meeting./doc/2810429371.html,ually the minutes begin with the time, location and the names of people present and absent.31. A nod always means yes.32. A smile is universal and means the same in any culture.33.Standing committee means permanent group that meets regularly.34.Agendas and schedules are two internal documents used in meetings.35.An agenda is the order of business to be discussed duringa particular meeting.36.In modified block format, all lines begin at the right margin except for thedateline, the signature block.37.The simplified block format omits the salutation and the complimentary close.38.The three basic letter formats are block, modified block and simplified block./doc/2810429371.html,munication is sender-oriented.40. A routine request is a request for an action that will be done reluctantly.III.Answer the following questions1.What are the four steps to planning a message?2.What are the four basic objectives of a business message?3.What is a receiver-oriented message?4.What are four types of biases to avoid in business communications?5.Why is it important for all business communications to promote goodwill?6.What are two basic questions to consider when selecting supporting information?7.What are the three ways to organize written communication?8.What are three ways to make a sentence concise?9.What is the purpose of a memo that tells an employee to make a specificpurchase?10.What is the purpose of an e-mail message in which a supervisor suggests anoption for handling a disciplinary problem?11.List six guidelines for writing effective memos and email messages.12.What are four common abuses of memos?13.What is cultural diversity?14.Why is the American workplace likely to become an increasingly multicultural?15.How will the continuing development of a global marketplace affect Americanworkers?16.How can cultural differences become communication barriers?IV. Translation/doc/2810429371.html,munication skills are especially important when you communicate with people of diverse backgrounds. In addition to just writing or speaking effectively, you need to add elements of sensitivity, understanding and tolerance in yourcommunication.2.Feedback is the response of a receiver to a message. Feedback may be nonverbalor it may be verbal. Any response – even no response – is feedback.3.Courteous words are positive, considerate, and bias-free. Courteous businesscommunications address receivers by their proper titles, capture the receiver s’attention, and encourage a positive response.4. Before writing a report, you must do some preliminary work. Even if you aresimply reporting facts, you must gather those facts and thenarrange them in an easy-to-follow, logical sequence.5. The two most common internal document—those written for use with anorganization--- are memos and email messages. The memo is a business document that has traditionally been the most common communication inside a co mpany’s walls. However, with the advent of internet technology, electronically sent email messages are quickly replacing the memo as the communication of choice.6. Memos are messages that supervisors and peers will use to judge your on-the-jobperformance; therefore, use them with care. Also, choose carefully the people to whom you send these internal documents. The content and tone of your memos must not be offensive to anyone. Knowing how and when to use memos is critical to success in your career.7. Business letters are used to communicate written messages to persons outside anorganization. Letters are also used to communicate formal written messages to employees within an organization. Business letters are considered to be more formal than memos.8. Communication is receiver-oriented, therefore, senders should view messagesfrom the receiver’s perspective. Perspective helps the sender obtain the desired response from the receiver. The four steps in planning letters that contain neutral or positive message are to identify the objective, identify the main idea, determine the supporting information, and adjust the content to the receiver.9. The tone of a letter that contains a negative messageshould reflect a sincereconcern for the receiver’s interests. Your aim is to present the un favorable news positively and in a manner the receiver will view as fair and, if possible, in the receiver’s best interests.10. Businesses and organizations need diverse sources of talent and information to besuccessful. Diverse groups are better at problem solving, decision making, and generating creative ideas.11. To cut down wordiness, use the active voice rather than the passive voice. Usingthe active voice helps you be direct and keeps your sentences from being too wordy.12.There are several advantages to sending email memos.Messages can be sent to several people simultaneouslyEmail can be sent readily to anyone listed in your address bookMessages are sent in real time--- information is exchanging instantaneously. 13. Communication skills are especially important when you communicate withpeople of diverse backgrounds. In addition to just writing or speaking effectively, you need to add elements of sensitivity, understanding and tolerance in your communication.14. Successful teams are made up of individuals who have different backgrounds. Inan organization, effective work teams have to be based on function, purpose, individual expertise rather than on personality.15. a virtual tem is one whose members don’t share a physical work space but worktogether on specific or long-term projects using communication technology.V. writing1. Write a letter to decline to supply the information requested.Situation: Andrew Ban has written to you, his supervisor---- the Vice President of Communication of Galson, and asked for names and addresses of 100 of your stockholders. Because of privacy laws and the lawsuits that followed, your company can’t do as he required. Write to him and deny his request. (his address: 567 North Road, Brand way Street, GD 51000)2. Write a memo to your supervisor, Mr. Bob Jill, managing director of informationsystems, using the following information.Subject: selection of Quick-Click Processing Software.As assistant manager of the word-processing department, you have to select new word-processing software. You choose a powerful, word-processing package. Although you have many reasons for choosing this kind, price and function are major factors in your decision. This software will cost just over $ 15,000 (the budget allocated $20,000). You will have to buy a site license for your company so that everyone in the company can legally use this package. A site license permits everyone in an organization to use the software. Consequently, an organization does not have to buy a copy of the software for each other.3. Edit the following message. Reformat the memo into a letter using the block format and open punctuation.From: Angela Gray, Purchasing Manager, Ile Manufacturing To: Daniel Scott, Sales manager, Soon Company, 49 Palm Place, Jacksonville, FL 3401-6741Date: May 21st, ____ Typed by: V. CollinSubject: Laser Printer PaperOur company has purchased six Printfast laser printer which will be delivered next month. We now need printer paper for use with these laser printers.Please send me price quote’s for buying one case, two cases, and higher quantities. For your ease and convenience, I am enclosing our company’s standard quote form. In addition, it would be especially helpful to see samples of the paper you may recommend.If possible, I would like to receive these samples and quotes by Monday, thank you for your help.4.Rewrite the following paragraph so that it has sentence variety and effectivetransitions.Electronically prepared letters are becoming commonplace in today’s society. Electronically prepared communications are an expected part of today’s society. A major challenge for communicators will be to make these electronically prepared communications successful. They can make them effective by using the same skill as those needed for preparing communications in the traditional manner.。

商务英语 口语考试部分

商务英语  口语考试部分




通常,为了核对考生资格,考官会问以下问题:What’s your name?/can you spell your family name?/can you spell your surname?/ what’s your number? 回答范例:My name is Ray. Tha t’s R-A-Y, Ray.本项考试的目的是:考官借助于对考生个人信息的提问,核对考生考试资格,并通过与考生之间的交流,考察考生的发音,语法和用词。








方法:使用I am sorry but could you repeat your question?/I beg your pardon, Madam(Sir)?等句型。


实用技巧:A. 对于考官提出的特殊疑问句,首先使用单词、词组或句子给予明确的答复。


B. 对于考官提出的一般疑问句,首先答复yes或者no,然后阐述理由。

C. 对于考官提出的选择疑问句,方法同A。




Part One (interviews)In the first part of the test the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference.General ProcedureExaminers’ greeting and self-introductionCandidate’s names and hometownsMarksheets requiredQuestions for referenceCan you tell me about yourself?Can you tell me about your hometown?Can you tell me about your friends?Could you tell me about the facilities in your hometown?Could you tell me about your reasons for learning English?Could you tell me about your interests outside college or work?Could you tell me about your ambitions for the future?Could you tell me why you chose this type of work?/these studies?Could you tell me how much you use English at work?/in your studies?Could you tell me what you like best about your work?/studies?Could you tell me what you like least about your work/studies?Could you tell me how important you think English is in business life in China? Could you tell me how important you think imports and exports are to China? Could you tell me what effect you think technology is having on business life in China?Could you tell me what effect you think advertising has on people in China? Could you tell me how working life is changing in China?Could you tell me how important you think the tourist industry is to China?Can you tell me about your reasons for choosing your profession or studies?Can you tell me what you hope to achieve professionally in the next five years? Can you tell me how important a foreign language is to you in your work or studies?Can you tell me how you relax from your work or studies?Can you tell me what you would like to change about your work or studies?Can you tell me whether you would like to work or study in a foreign country? Can you tell me which foreign language you think will be most important in the future for business in China?Can you tell me what you think is the biggest change in working life in China? Can you tell me how important you think it is for people who work in business in China to be familiar with information technology?Can you tell me which professions are most useful for China?Can you tell me how pe ople’s attitudes to work are changing in China?Can you tell me which you think are the most important new commercial activities in China?第二项:话题的讨论本项考试的时间:6分钟左右本项考试的形式:每个考生从给定的三个话题中任选一个进行一分钟的阐述,在阐述之前有一分钟进行准备,可以做笔记。




学习除了要努力认真,还要学会巧学巧思,以下是店铺为大家搜索整理商务英语BEC初级考试题型解析,希望大家能有所收获,Further contactSocial English 21. Listening A Responding appropriately in social situations is an important part of communication. Below is an example of an appropriate and an inappropriate response.Appropriate response:A: Can I come in? B: Yes, of course.Inappropriate response:A: Can I come in? B: Really? How interesting.On the tape you will hear a number of responses. Decide whether the responses you hear are appropriate Y or not N. The first one has been done for you.1. (Y)2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )6. ( )7. ( )8. ( )9. ( ) 10. ( )11. ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( )B Now listen again. This time all the responses are appropriate.Listening Task1. Thanks for the lovely evening. Glad you enjoyed it.2. How about a drink? Don't mention it.3. Do you mind if I smoke? Yes, I do.4. Could you hand me that pen? Of course. Here you are.5. My father died last night. Oh, I am sorry to hear that.6. Have a good weekend. So do I.7. Thanks for your help. Never mind.8. I'm sorry, I must have got the wrong number. It doesn't matter.9. Best of luck in your new job. Not at all.10. He's 95, you know! Really?11. I think we should leave now. So do I.12. We've had a very good year. I'm glad to hear that.13. Can I ask you a question? Don't mention it.14. Would you like to go to a concert this evening? Yes, I'd love to.15. I didn't get the job. That's true.Answers to the listening task1. Y2. N3. N4. Y5. Y6. N7. N8. Y9. N 10. Y11. Y 12. Y 13. N 14. Y 15. NAppropriate responses1. Thanks for the lovely evening. Glad you enjoyed it.2. How about a drink? That would be nice.3. Do you mind if I smoke? No, of course not.4. Could you hand me that pen? Of course. Here you are.5. My father died last night. Oh, I am sorry to hear that.6. Have a good weekend. You too.7. Thanks for your help. Your are welcome.8. I'm sorry, I must have got the wrong number. It doesn't matter.9. Best of luck in your new job. Thanks very much.10. He's 95, you know! Really?11. I think we should leave now. So do I.12. We've had a very good year. I'm glad to hear that.13. Can I ask you a question? Yes, of course.14. Would you like to go to a concert this evening? Yes, I'dlove to.15. I didn't get the job. Never mind. Better luck next time.2. Presentation Polite responses can be grouped into several categories. This section gives examples of different situations and tells you what you can say.(1) SituationThankingThanks for your help.Thanks for the lovely meal.ResponseNot at all.You're welcome.Glad you liked/enjoyed it.(2) SituationApologizingSorry, I must have got the wrong number.ResponseIt doesn't matter.Don't worry.Never mind.(3) SituationInvitingWould you like to come to dinner?How about a drink?ResponseYes, I'd like/love to.That would be nice.That's a good idea.(4) SituationAsking permissionIf the answer is 'yes'May I come in?Do you mind if I smoke?If the answer is 'no'Do you mind if I smoke?ResponseYes, of course.Please do.Certainly.No, of course not.No, not at all.Well. Actually, I'd prefer you didn't /not to. I'd rather you didn't.(5) SituationGiving newsBad newsI didn't get that job.My father died last night.Good newsWe've had a fantastic year.Surprising newsShe's 99 years old, you know. ResponseNever mind. Better luck next time.Oh, I am sorry to hear that.I'm glad to hear that. Congratulations.Really?(6) SituationAgreeingI think we should leave now.I hope it doesn't rain.ResponseSo do I.I hope so too.Me too.(7) SituationGiving good wishesHave a good weekend.ResponseYou too.Same to you.3. Controlled practiceWrite down an appropriate response. The first one has been down for you.1.A:We lost the match.B:Never mind. Better luck next time.2.A:Do you mind if I open the window?B:3.A:Would you like to go to a concert this evening?B:4.A:Sorry, I interrupted you.B:5.A:Could you pass me the file?B:6.A:I hope he gets the job.B:7.A:Have a good Christmas.B:8.A:She's only 22 and she's already head of the SalesDepartment.B:9.A:I think it's going to rain.B:10.A:Thanks. That was a delicious meal.B:11.A:My car broke down again this morning.B:12.A:Can I see you for a moment?B:13.A:How about something to eat?B:14.A:You must come round for dinner.B:15.A:I'm sorry. I've taken the wrong file.B:Note: There are other appropriate answers.1. Never mind. Better luck next time.2. No, of course not.3. Yes, I'd love/like to.4. It doesn't matter/Don't worry/Never mind.5. Of course. Here you are.6. So do I / Me too/ I hope so too.7. You too/ Same to you.8. Really?9. Me too/ So do I / I think so too.10. Glad you liked / enjoyed it.11. I am sorry to hear that / Hard luck.12. Yes, of course/ Certainly.13. That would be nice/ That's a good idea.14. I'd love / like to.15. Don't worry/ Never mind / It doesn't matter.课文注释及词汇讲解* exchange 交换,交流e.g. An exchange of views 交换意见* thanks of (doing) sth. 为……而感谢e.g. Thanks for the lovely dinner.谢谢你的款待。




分5个等级,ABCDE ,其中C以上包括C是及格。






阅读总共有6个局部:matching 有8个句子和5段短文章,把句子和文章配对起来,比方说A篇有提到第一个句子的内容,你就要把两个配对起来;完形填句,一篇文章抽了6个句子出来,后面给出7个句子,要从中选出6个句子放回适宜的位置;文章阅读,这个和平时的阅读题目一样,就是一篇文章,后面有6个问题,根据理解选abcd;完形填空,和平时做的完形填空形式一样,只不过文章内容都是和商务有关,有10道题;填词,一篇短文中空出了10个词,根本上是介词、冠词等小词,要根据上下文和固定搭配,把词补上;改错题,一篇短文,里面有很多赘余的词,差不多每一行都有一个,其中两到三行是正确的,把赘余的词删掉。








以下是商务英语中级考试的几种常见题型及其特点:1. 阅读理解题:这类题型要求考生阅读一篇关于商务相关的短文或文章,并回答相关问题。



2. 完形填空题:这类型的题目给出了一篇文章,但其中有一些空白需要考生填写适当的单词或短语。


3. 补全对话题:这类题目通常给出一段对话,其中有一些句子被省略了。



4. 功能句子匹配题:这类题目要求考生根据所提供的几个句子,选择与给定题目最佳匹配的句子。


5. 交际往来题:这种题型涉及到模拟商务交际场景,要求考生根据给定情景,进行书面或口语表达。







prefer it in my office. Every day of this
week except Thursday is all right for me,
but Wednesday is my favourite. Thank you!

(45 words)
❖ Memo(备忘录)主要是用于提醒、督促对方,或 者向对方表示自己对某件事的看法等等。
meeting. ❖Write 30-40 words ❖Write on you Answer Sheet.
❖ 9:30a.m.Monday

Please arrange a meeting for me. I am
meeting Mike from our Cambridge Branch. I
❖ 切忌没有根据的创造性发挥,添油加醋。 ❖ 最好留出1到2分钟时间检查答案。
❖(03):The managing director of your company wants the sales figures for last year to be presented at a shareholder’s meeting.
❖Write a memo to the sales manager, David: ❖Telling him to prepare the sales figures ❖Explaining why the managing director needs
them ❖Saying when and where he should present
❖ we can allow you a 2% discount on all orders exceeding $6,000 and are prepared to review this once we have established firm trading relationship with you. The shirts you asked aout are available in white, yellow, red, navy blue and black.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

商务交际英语上考试题型说明考试题型与复习资料的一致,共五大题,各大题分值说明如下:I.Choose the best answer,10题,每题2分,共20分II.True or False, 10题,每题2分,共20分III.Answer the questions, 4题,每题5分,共20分IV.Translation, 4题,每题5分,共20分V.写作题,1题,共20分商务交际英语上册2011复习资料I Choose the correct answer1. What five roles must team members fill in order to create an effective team?A. A leader, challenger, doer, supporter.B. A leader, challenger, doer, thinker.C. A leader, challenger, doer, thinker, supporter.D. A leader, challenger, doer, teacher.2. What does “heterogeneous” and “homogeneous” mean?A. Dissimilar and domestic.B. Dissimilar and creative.C. Dissimilar and similar.D. Dissimilar and harmonious.3. Virtual team means the one_____.A. Whose members share a physical work space.B. Whose members don’t share a team spirit and belong to different department.C. Whose members don’t share a physical work space but communicate with communication technology.D. Whose members don’t have identity but communicate with communication technology.4. What is the short term for memorandum?A. MemorB. MemorandC. MemorandumD. Memo5. What is the opposite phrase to “closed and authoritarian climate” ?A. Open climateB. Open and friendly climateC. Open and free climateD. Open and casual climate6. The note-book is ______.A. User-convenientB. User-kindC. User-friendlyD. User-useful7. Our _____ is located in Shanghai.A. HeadquartersB. HeadquarterC. QuarterD. Headquart8. Which country perceive OK sign as poor manners, and what does it mean there?A. France, obscene commentB. America, verbalC. America lewd commentD. France, worthless9. We will ____ the road tomorrow.A. Gob. TakeC. HitD. Walk10. It is important not to patronize or _____ people who do not speak your language fluently.A. Look down onB. Talk down toC. Look intoD. Look up on11. What are gender biased words ?A. Actress, female vocalist; salesperson,; manpowerB. Actress, manmade, serverC. Actress, salesman, congressman, stewardessD. Actress, office workers, waiter, manmade12. What are words of disability bias?A. Crippling defect, condition, b. Afflicted with, hasC. Crippling defect, disease d. Afflicted with, condition13. What are the four standard components in a memo heading?A. To, from, enclosed, subjectB. To, from, date, subjectC. To, from, subject, enclosed, signatureD. To, from, enclosed, signature14. We intend to keep the _____.A. Status quoB. Status quoteC. Standard quoD. Status question15. Memos are messages that supervisors and peers will use to judge your ______.A. DutyB. Job performanceC. On-the-jobC. On-the-job-performance16. Memos are less expensive, _____ and complex than conference calls or meetings.A. Time savingB. Time usingC. Time consumingD. Time honored17. What are the two most common internal documents with an organization?A. Memos and messagesB. Memorandums and e-mail messageC. Letters and memosD. Letters and e-mails18. Memos can be sent via _____ or _____.A. Hard copy, easilyB. Soft copy, electronicallyC. Hard copy, electronicallyD. Soft copy, easily19. When to use memos?A. Provide a record, advise, direct, or state policy, promote goodwillB. Provide a record, inform, promote goodwillC. Provide a record, inform, advise, direct,D. Provide a record, advise, direct, or state policy, inform, promote goodwill20. in _____, all lines begin at the left margin.A. Block formatB. Modified block formatC. Simplified block formatD. Simplified format21. What are the proper ways to imply the bad news and to avoid using negative-toned words?A. Use an negative voiceB. Use clausesC. Use an passive voice and use clausesD. Use an passive voice and “if” clause22. Primary research involves _____.A. Gathering useful dataB. Locating data that has been gatheredC. Gathering fresh dataD. Gathering data that has been reported23. How many parts are included in an informal report and what are they?A. Three, opening, introduction, closingB. Three, opening, body, introductionC. Three, opening, body, closingD. Two, opening, body24. Too many ____ spoil the broth.A. PeopleB. CooksC. CookersD. Students25. What are external barriers to communication process?A. Lighting, heat, personalityB. Lighting, comfort, statusC. Lighting, noise, closed climateD. Closed climate, humidity, educational background26. What are the responsibilities of the sender?A. Audience analysis, study message environment, readingB. Audience analysis, study message environment, listen, solicit feedbackC. Audience analysis, solicit feed back, study message environmentD. Audience analysis, listen, read27. What are the components of the communication process?A. The sender, the message, the receiver, the channel, goodwillB. The sender, the receiver, the message, the feedback, informationC. The sender, the message, the receiver, the channel, the feedbackD. The sender, the receiver, information, goodwill28. What are the purposes of communication?A. Persuade, obtain information, establish personal effectiveness, build self-esteem, build goodwillB. Persuade, share information, build up self-esteem, obtain benefitC. Persuade, obtain benefit, build up self-esteemD. Persuade, share information, build self-esteem, share benefit29. Specific facts and details should appear in ______.A. Developmental paragraphsB. Closing paragraphC. Opening paragraphD. Topic sentence30. Sentences written with courteous words should be ____.A. Bias-freeB. NegativeC. ObjectiveD. Passive31. Most American prefer to stand ____ when talking to others.A. Less than 18 inchesB. More than 3 feetC. 18 inches to 3 feetD. Closer than a couple of feet32. ____ is the oral version of e-mail and replace answering machine.A. TeleconferenceB. VideoconferenceC. PagerD. V oice mail33. ____ are two types of routine letter.A. Order and friendship letterB. Claims and orderC. Claims and friendship letterD. Claims and routine requestsII True of False1.All business messages should promote goodwill.2.Generally, business communications that contain positive messages are organizedin direct-indirect order.3.The supporting information contains the closing.4.Once you run your word processor’s spell checker, your writing will be free ofspelling errors.ing only short, simple sentences is best for business messages.6. A paragraph must have at least three sentences to be complete.7.The population of the united states is becoming culturally diverse.8.Even a simple gesture such as a smile or ok sign can have different meanings indifferent cultures.9.It is best to avoid drawing pictures for people whose first language is not english;they will more than likely be insulted.10. A multinational company simply sells products or purchases goods from anothercountry.11.Members of effective work teams have a strong group identity and fosterimprovement by reviewing both successes and failures.12.Cultural differences can be communication barriers.13.Ok sign has different meanings in different cultures.14.Japanese and American prefer less eye contact in communication.15.In most situations, office party would be a good place to conduct office business.16.Introverts are apt to express ideas and appear to be active.17.Motivation or interests of the receiver can be internal barrier to communication.18.Chinese people take business cards very seriously and exchange them after ameeting.n coworkers offer you card at the beginning of the meeting.20.Most American prefer crowded elevators or center seats in buses or cars.21.When you plan a message, you should choose supporting information at first.22.Practice empathy means to put yourself in the place of the receiver when youadjust the content of a message to your receiver.23.Courteous words are passive, considerable and bias-free.24.“In all probability” is a concise phrase.25.Redundancies can add formality and meaning to sentences.26.Empty phrases clutter sentences without adding meaning.27.“In my opinion” is an example of empty phrase.munication overload is a physical condition that occurs when a personreceives so many messages and fails to read them.29.Minutes are the official record of the proceedings of a meeting.ually the minutes begin with the time, location and the names of peoplepresent and absent.31. A nod always means yes.32. A smile is universal and means the same in any culture.33.Standing committee means permanent group that meets regularly.34.Agendas and schedules are two internal documents used in meetings.35.An agenda is the order of business to be discussed during a particular meeting.36.In modified block format, all lines begin at the right margin except for thedateline, the signature block.37.The simplified block format omits the salutation and the complimentary close.38.The three basic letter formats are block, modified block and simplified block.munication is sender-oriented.40. A routine request is a request for an action that will be done reluctantly.III.Answer the following questions1.What are the four steps to planning a message?2.What are the four basic objectives of a business message?3.What is a receiver-oriented message?4.What are four types of biases to avoid in business communications?5.Why is it important for all business communications to promote goodwill?6.What are two basic questions to consider when selecting supporting information?7.What are the three ways to organize written communication?8.What are three ways to make a sentence concise?9.What is the purpose of a memo that tells an employee to make a specificpurchase?10.What is the purpose of an e-mail message in which a supervisor suggests anoption for handling a disciplinary problem?11.List six guidelines for writing effective memos and email messages.12.What are four common abuses of memos?13.What is cultural diversity?14.Why is the American workplace likely to become an increasingly multicultural?15.How will the continuing development of a global marketplace affect Americanworkers?16.How can cultural differences become communication barriers?IV. Translationmunication skills are especially important when you communicate withpeople of diverse backgrounds. In addition to just writing or speaking effectively, you need to add elements of sensitivity, understanding and tolerance in yourcommunication.2.Feedback is the response of a receiver to a message. Feedback may be nonverbalor it may be verbal. Any response – even no response – is feedback.3.Courteous words are positive, considerate, and bias-free. Courteous businesscommunications address receivers by their proper titles, capture the receiver s’attention, and encourage a positive response.4. Before writing a report, you must do some preliminary work. Even if you aresimply reporting facts, you must gather those facts and then arrange them in an easy-to-follow, logical sequence.5. The two most common internal document—those written for use with anorganization--- are memos and email messages. The memo is a business document that has traditionally been the most common communication inside a company’s walls. However, with the advent of internet technology, electronically sent email messages are quickly replacing the memo as the communication of choice.6. Memos are messages that supervisors and peers will use to judge your on-the-jobperformance; therefore, use them with care. Also, choose carefully the people to whom you send these internal documents. The content and tone of your memos must not be offensive to anyone. Knowing how and when to use memos is critical to success in your career.7. Business letters are used to communicate written messages to persons outside anorganization. Letters are also used to communicate formal written messages to employees within an organization. Business letters are considered to be more formal than memos.8. Communication is receiver-oriented, therefore, senders should view messagesfrom the receiver’s perspective. Perspective helps the sender obtain the desired response from the receiver. The four steps in planning letters that contain neutral or positive message are to identify the objective, identify the main idea, determine the supporting information, and adjust the content to the receiver.9. The tone of a letter that contains a negative message should reflect a sincereconcern for the receiver’s interests. Your aim is to present the un favorable news positively and in a manner the receiver will view as fair and, if possible, in the receiver’s best interests.10. Businesses and organizations need diverse sources of talent and information to besuccessful. Diverse groups are better at problem solving, decision making, and generating creative ideas.11. To cut down wordiness, use the active voice rather than the passive voice. Usingthe active voice helps you be direct and keeps your sentences from being too wordy.12.There are several advantages to sending email memos.Messages can be sent to several people simultaneouslyEmail can be sent readily to anyone listed in your address bookMessages are sent in real time--- information is exchanging instantaneously. 13. Communication skills are especially important when you communicate withpeople of diverse backgrounds. In addition to just writing or speaking effectively, you need to add elements of sensitivity, understanding and tolerance in your communication.14. Successful teams are made up of individuals who have different backgrounds. Inan organization, effective work teams have to be based on function, purpose, individual expertise rather than on personality.15. a virtual tem is one whose members don’t share a physical work space but worktogether on specific or long-term projects using communication technology.V. writing1. Write a letter to decline to supply the information requested.Situation: Andrew Ban has written to you, his supervisor---- the Vice President of Communication of Galson, and asked for names and addresses of 100 of your stockholders. Because of privacy laws and the lawsuits that followed, your company can’t do as he required. Write to him and deny his request. (his address: 567 North Road, Brand way Street, GD 51000)2. Write a memo to your supervisor, Mr. Bob Jill, managing director of informationsystems, using the following information.Subject: selection of Quick-Click Processing Software.As assistant manager of the word-processing department, you have to select new word-processing software. You choose a powerful, word-processing package. Although you have many reasons for choosing this kind, price and function are major factors in your decision. This software will cost just over $ 15,000 (the budget allocated $20,000). You will have to buy a site license for your company so that everyone in the company can legally use this package. A site license permits everyone in an organization to use the software. Consequently, an organization does not have to buy a copy of the software for each other.3. Edit the following message. Reformat the memo into a letter using the block format and open punctuation.From: Angela Gray, Purchasing Manager, Ile ManufacturingTo: Daniel Scott, Sales manager, Soon Company, 49 Palm Place, Jacksonville, FL 3401-6741Date: May 21st, ____ Typed by: V. CollinSubject: Laser Printer PaperOur company has purchased six Printfast laser printer which will be delivered next month. We now need printer paper for use with these laser printers.Please send me price quote’s for buying one case, two cases, and higher quantities. For your ease and convenience, I am enclosing our company’s standard quote form. In addition, it would be especially helpful to see samples of the paper you may recommend.If possible, I would like to receive these samples and quotes by Monday, thank you for your help.4.Rewrite the following paragraph so that it has sentence variety and effectivetransitions.Electronically prepared letters are becoming commonplace in today’s society. Electronically prepared communications are an expected part of today’s society. A major challenge for communicators will be to make these electronically prepared communications successful. They can make them effective by using the same skill as those needed for preparing communications in the traditional manner.。
