



MSP430混合信号微控制器数据手册产品特性●低电压范围:2.5V~5.5V 超低功耗●超低功耗——活动模式:330μA at 1MHz, 3V——待机模式:0.8μA——掉电模式(RAM数据保持):0.1μA ●从待机模式唤醒响应时间不超过6μs ●16位精简指令系统,指令周期200ns ●基本时钟模块配置基本时钟模块配置——多种内部电阻——多种内部电阻——单个外部电阻——单个外部电阻——32kHz晶振晶振——高频晶体——高频晶体——谐振器——谐振器——外部时钟源——外部时钟源●带有三个捕获/比较寄存器的16位定时器(Timer_A)串行在线可编程●串行在线可编程●采用保险熔丝的程序代码保护措施采用保险熔丝的程序代码保护措施该系列产品包括●该系列产品包括——MSP430C111:2K字节ROM,128字节RAM ——MSP430C112:4K字节ROM,256字节RAM ——MSP430P112:4K字节OTP,256字节RAM 原型●EPROM原型——PMS430E112:4KB EPROM, 256B RAM ●20引脚塑料小外形宽体(SOWB)封装,20引脚陶瓷双列直插式(CDIP)封装(仅EPROM)●如需完整的模块说明,请查阅MSP430x1xx系列用户指南(文献编号:SLAU049 产品说明TI公司的MSP43O系列超低功耗微控制器由一些基本功能模块按照不同的应用目标组合而成。



MSP430MSP430系列的CPU 采用16位精简指令系统,集成有16位寄存器和常数发生器,发挥了最高的代码效率。

它采用数字控制振荡器(DCO DCO)),使得从低功耗模式到唤醒模式的转换时间小于6μs.MSP430x11x 系列是一种超低功耗的混合信号微控制器,系列是一种超低功耗的混合信号微控制器,它拥有一个内置的它拥有一个内置的16位计数器和14个I/0引脚。



微控网为你准备的 MSP430F 单片机入门必修课
MSP430F1XX 系列时钟模块图 时基模块结构如上图 : MSP430 系列单片机基础时钟主要是由低频晶体振荡器,高频晶体振荡器,数字控制 振荡器(DCO),锁频环(FLL)及 FLL+等模块构成。由于 430 系列单片机中的型号不同, 而时钟模块也将有所不同。虽然不同型号的单片机的时基模块有所不同,但这些模块产 生出来的结果是相同的.在 MSP430F13、 14 中是有 TX2 振荡器的, 而 MSP430F11X,F11X1 中是用 LFXT1CLK 来代替 XT2CLK 时钟信号的.在时钟模块中有 3 个(对于 F13,F14)时钟 信号源(或 2 个时钟信号源,对于 F11X、F11X1): 1-LFXT1CLK: 低频 /高频时钟源.由外接晶体振荡器,而无需外接两个振荡电容器.较 常使用的晶体振荡器是 32768HZ。 2-XT2CLK: 高频时钟源.由外接晶体振荡器。需要外接两个振荡电容器,较常用 的晶体振荡器是 8MHZ。 3-DCOCLK: 数字可控制的 RC 振荡器。
微控网为你准备的 MSP430F 单片机入门必修课
MSP430 单片机系统复位电路 从上 MSP430 系统复位电路功能模块图中可以看到了两个复位信号,一个是上电复位信 号 POR(Power On Reset)和上电清除信号 PUC(Power Up Clear)。 POR 信号是器件的复位信号,此信号只有在以下的事件发生时才会产生: □器件上电时。 □RST/NMI 引脚配置为复位模式,当 RST/NMI 引脚生产低电平时。 当 POR 信号产生时, 必然会产生 PUC 信号; 而 PUC 信号的产生时不会产生 POR 信号。 会引起产生 PUC 信号的事件: □POR 信号发生时。 □ 启动看门狗时,看门狗定时器计满时。 □ 向看门狗写入错误的安全参数值时。 □向片内 FLASH 写入错误的安全参数值时。 MSP430 单片机系统复位后器件的初始 当 POR 信号或 PUC 信号发生时引起器件复位后,器件的初始化状态为: □RST/NMI 引脚配置为复位模式。 □ I/O 引脚为输入模式。

MSP430 单片机基础知识说明书

MSP430 单片机基础知识说明书

MSP430Microcontroller BasicsMSP430Microcontroller Basics John H.DaviesAMSTERDAM•BOSTON•HEIDELBERG•LONDONNEW YORK•OXFORD•PARIS•SAN DIEGOSAN FRANCISCO•SINGAPORE•SYDNEY•TOKYONewnes is an imprint of ElsevierNewnes is an imprint of Elsevier30Corporate Drive,Suite400,Burlington,MA01803,USALinacre House,Jordan Hill,Oxford OX28DP,UKCopyright©2008,Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any formor by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science&Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK:phone:(+44)1865843830,fax:(+44)1865853333,E-mail:************************.You may also complete your request online via the Elsevier homepage()by selecting “Support&Contact”then“Copyright and Permission”and then“Obtaining Permissions.”Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written,Elsevier prints itsbooks on acid-free paper whenever possible.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataApplication submittedBritish Library Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.ISBN:978-0-7506-8276-3For information on all Newnes publications,visit our Web site at:08091011121310987654321Printed in the United States of America“To Elizabeth.”ContentsPreface (xi)Chapter1:Embedded Electronic Systems and Microcontrollers (1)1.1What(and Where)Are Embedded Systems? (1)1.2Approaches to Embedded Systems (2)1.3Small Microcontrollers (5)1.4Anatomy of a Typical Small Microcontroller (8)1.5Memory (11)1.6Software (15)1.7Where Does the MSP430Fit? (16)Chapter2:The Texas Instruments MSP430 (21)2.1The Outside View—Pin-Out (21)2.2The Inside View—Functional Block Diagram (24)2.3Memory (25)2.4Central Processing Unit (30)2.5Memory-Mapped Input and Output (32)2.6Clock Generator (33)2.7Exceptions:Interrupts and Resets (36)2.8Where to Find Further Information (37)Chapter3:Development (43)3.1Development Environment (44)3.2The C Programming Language (46)3.3Assembly Language (55)3.4Access to the Microcontroller for Programming and Debugging (57)3.5Demonstration Boards (59)3.6Hardware (64)3.7Equipment (65)viii ContentsChapter4:A Simple Tour of the MSP430 (67)4.1First Program on a Conventional Desktop Computer (68)4.2Light LEDs in C (70)4.3Light LEDs in Assembly Language (72)4.4Read Input from a Switch (80)4.5Automatic Control:Flashing Light by Software Delay (91)4.6Automatic Control:Use of Subroutines (99)4.7Automatic Control:Flashing Light by Polling Timer_A (105)4.8Header Files and Issues Brushed under the Carpet (114)Chapter5:Architecture of the MSP430Processor (119)5.1Central Processing Unit (119)5.2Addressing Modes (125)5.3Constant Generator and Emulated Instructions (131)5.4Instruction Set (132)5.5Examples (146)5.6Reflections on the CPU and Instruction Set (153)5.7Resets (157)5.8Clock System (163)Chapter6:Functions,Interrupts,and Low-Power Modes (177)6.1Functions and Subroutines (178)6.2What Happens when a Subroutine Is Called? (178)6.3Storage for Local Variables (179)6.4Passing Parameters to a Subroutine and Returning a Result (183)6.5Mixing C and Assembly Language (185)6.6Interrupts (186)6.7What Happens when an Interrupt Is Requested? (188)6.8Interrupt Service Routines (190)6.9Issues Associated with Interrupts (196)6.10Low-Power Modes of Operation (198)Chapter7:Digital Input,Output,and Displays (207)7.1Digital Input and Output:Parallel Ports (208)7.2Digital Inputs (216)7.3Switch Debounce (225)7.4Digital Outputs (238)7.5Interface between3V and5V Systems (243)7.6Driving Heavier Loads (247)7.7Liquid Crystal Displays (252)7.8Driving an LCD from an MSP430x4xx (256)7.9Simple Applications of the LCD (264)Contents ix Chapter8:Timers (275)8.1Watchdog Timer (276)8.2Basic Timer1 (281)8.3Timer_A (287)8.4Measurement in the Capture Mode (300)8.5Output in the Continuous Mode (318)8.6Output in the Up Mode:Edge-Aligned Pulse-Width Modulation (330)8.7Output in the Up/Down Mode:Centered Pulse-Width Modulation (349)8.8Operation of Timer_A in the Sampling Mode (352)8.9Timer_B (353)8.10What Timer Where? (356)8.11Setting the Real-Time Clock:State Machines (357)Chapter9:Mixed-Signal Systems:Analog Input and Output (369)9.1Comparator_A (371)9.2Analog-to-Digital Conversion:General Issues (393)9.3Analog-to-Digital Conversion:Successive Approximation (402)9.4The ADC10Successive-Approximation ADC (407)9.5Basic Operation of the ADC10 (412)9.6More Advanced Operation of the ADC10 (424)9.7The ADC12Successive-Approximation ADC (432)9.8Analog-to-Digital Conversion:Sigma–Delta (438)9.9The SD16_A Sigma–Delta ADC (446)9.10Operation of SD16_A (459)9.11Signal Conditioning and Operational Amplifiers (475)9.12Digital-to-Analog Conversion (485)Chapter10:Communication (493)10.1Communication Peripherals in the MSP430 (495)10.2Serial Peripheral Interface (497)10.3SPI with the USI (504)10.4SPI with the USCI (513)10.5A Thermometer Using SPI in Mode3with the F2013as Master (520)10.6A Thermometer Using SPI in Mode0with the FG4618as Master (526)10.7Inter-integrated Circuit Bus (534)10.8A Simple I²C Master with the USCI_B0on a FG4618 (542)10.9A Simple I²C Slave with the USI on a F2013 (549)10.10State Machines for I²C Communication (559)10.11A Thermometer Using I²C with the F2013as Master (567)10.12Asynchronous Serial Communication (574)10.13Asynchronous Communication with the USCI_A (581)x Contents10.14A Software UART Using Timer_A (590)10.15Other Types of Communication (599)Chapter11:The Future:MSP430X (601)11.1Architecture of the MSP430X (601)11.2Instruction Set of the MSP430X (607)11.3Where Next? (614)11.4Conclusion (617)Appendix A:Kickstarting the MSP430 (619)A.1Introduction to EW430 (619)A.2Developing a Project in C (621)A.3Debugging with the Simulator (627)A.4Debugging with the Emulator (630)A.5Developing a Project in Assembly Language (633)A.6Tips for Using EW430 (636)A.7Tips for Specific Development Kits (640)Appendix B:Further Reading (645)Books and Articles (645)Newsletters,Magazines,and Journals (651)Index (655)Preface About a decade ago,I took over the teaching of afirst-year,second-semester course on digital electronics.It coveredflip-flops,counters,and state machines,all built fromsmall-scale integrated circuits.One of the projects at the end was to build a digital die.In many ways it was an excellent exercise because there were so many feasible ways in which it could be approached—simple counters,Johnson counters,or state machines.My concern was that it was very close to the project that I had experienced in myfirst course on digital electronics,which was back in the mid-1970s.The technology was close to the state of the art then,but was it still appropriate after so many years?Another feature of our course is that it is taken not only by electronic engineers but also by students from the science faculty,mostly computer scientists.I wanted these students to leave with a feeling for what can readily be done with modern programmable electronics insmaller-scale systems.I therefore replaced the material in the second half of the course with microcontrollers.(Do not worry,state machines were not abandoned—they are taught with hardware description languages in the context of programmable logic devices.) More recently,I thought that the time had come to review the choice of microcontroller. We traditionally used8-bit processors because modern devices have versatile peripherals and sophisticated embedded emulation and are quite powerful enough for most applications.Then the Texas Instruments MSP430caught my eye.A problem with8-bit microcontrollers is that8bits are too few for addresses,which are typically16bits long, and this means that data and addresses cannot be treated on an equal footing.In contrast, the MSP430has a uniform,16-bit architecture throughout:The address bus,data bus,and registers in the CPU are all16bits wide.The CPU has a modern design with plenty of registers,most of which can be used equally for data or addresses.It has a small instruction set with orthogonal addressing and an ingenious constant generator,which is used to emulate many operations that would otherwise need their own,distinct instructions.In many ways these features make the16-bit MSP430simpler than a typical8-bit processor.xii PrefaceOf course an elegant architecture does not generate many sales in the real world.More important are the range of peripherals and development tools.The MSP430offers the usual selection of peripherals plus some less common modules,including sigma–delta analog-to-digital converters and operational amplifiers.Some devices include hardware multipliers and digital-to-analog converters,which provide a complete signal chain(although,of course,Texas Instruments also offers an enormous range of digital signal processors).There is a choice of two free development environments(always an important considerationin education).One is IAR Embedded Workbench,which is available for a wide range of microcontrollers.Another,Code Composer Essentials,is produced by Texas Instruments itself.A third option is the GCC toolchain for MSP430at .I have not yet mentioned the major selling point of the MSP430,which is its low power consumption.Many microcontrollers are based on long-established designs withlow-power modes grafted onto them.This means that returning to full power from alow-power mode is often awkward and in some cases is virtually a reset operation.The MSP430is refreshingly different because it was designed from the outset for low-power operation.Entry to low-power modes and exit from them is straightforward,supported by a versatile clock system.For example,the clock module includes a digitally controlled oscillator that restarts at full speed from a low-power mode in less than1␮s in newer devices.In many applications the MSP430is put into a low-power mode,from which it is awakened by interrupts.These automatically restore full power for the interrupt service routine and return the processor to low power when it hasfinished.No extra code is needed for this:It is an intrinsic part of the interrupt mechanism.Most peripherals are designed for low power,although this can sometimes make them a little more complicated than would otherwise be necessary.The main point is that low-power modes are easy to use.The quality of the data sheets and user’s guides is another issue in education and those for the MSP430arefine.Unfortunately one item was missing in the area of documentation:a suitable textbook in English.I wrote this book tofill the gap.OutlineMost textbooks on microcontrollers follow one of two approaches.Thefirst is to present a sequence of projects to explore successive aspects of the device.I think that this works well for simpler architectures,notably the8-bit PICs,because it enables the reader to write functioning programs rapidly.This always feels good.Unfortunately I am not sure that it works as well for more advanced peripherals,which need considerable explanation before the reader can learn to use them fully.Preface xiii The alternative approach is to describe each module in the microcontroller fully and in turn,starting with the CPU and instruction set and working out to the peripherals.This makes for a well-organized reference book but can be tedious as a textbook.I tried to steer a course between these two.My inspiration is Kernighan and Ritchie’s The C Programming Language,which starts with a“Tutorial Introduction”before exploring the language systematically in subsequent chapters.I think that it takes rather more introduction to a microcontroller so the“simple tour,”which is my equivalent to the tutorial,does not start until Chapter4.Before that,thefirst chapter contains a general introduction to embedded systems and microcontrollers.This sets the scene for Chapter2, which focuses on the MSP430and gives a broad view of its features.I include a chapter on hardware and software for developing applications,which I hope will be particularly useful for readers who are new to microcontrollers.It also contains some reminders of features of the C language that are more prominent in programs for microcontrollers than desktop computers—bitfields for instance.This leads into the tour,which runs through some simple programs to illustrate input and output,the inevitableflashing LEDs,and an introduction to one of the timers(the MSP430has several).The remainder of the book provides a more systematic description of the MSP430.I start with the CPU and instruction set,and show how the constant generator is used to provide further“emulated”instructions.The clock system is also described in this chapter.It is followed by Chapter6on subroutines,interrupts,and low-power modes.I already mentioned that a major feature of the MSP430is the way in which low-power modes are handled automatically when interrupts are serviced.Subsequent chapters are concerned with the most widely used peripherals.Chapter7on digital input and output starts with the usual parallel ports and goes on to describe liquid crystal displays,which many MSP430s can drive directly.There is a wide selection of timers in the MSP430,which are covered in the next chapter.This is followed by a lengthy chapter on analog input and output.The MSP430offers many peripherals for analog-to-digital conversion,ranging from a simple comparator to a16-bit sigma–delta module.I do not think that you can use any of these without some understanding of their characteristics,which explains the length of this chapter.Some MSP430s include operational amplifiers and digital-to-analog converters,which I described briefly.Thefinal long chapter is on communication.I cover only three types of communication—serial peripheral interface,inter-integrated circuit bus,and asynchronous—but there are several peripherals for these in different variants of the MSP430,so there is a lot to explain.xiv PrefaceThe very last chapter provides an introduction to the MSP430X,an extended architecture with a20-bit address bus that can handle1MB of memory.There is also an appendix to take the reader through the steps of editing,building,and debugging thefirst project, which can sometimes be a frustrating experience.Ifind it annoying when books contain large chunks copied directly from data sheets and have tried to avoid this.You cannot hope to program a microcontroller without the data sheet at your side.Having said that,I start by going through each bit of the registers that control the peripherals used for the early programs.The idea is to explain how a typical peripheral is configured.After that I become more selective and concentrate on the overall function of the peripheral ually I pick out a few details that I think need extra explanation but skip the more mundane aspects.They are in the example programs inany case.I include links to many of Texas Instruments’application notes because I can see no point in repeating material that has been thoroughly explained already.Ifind that many students are strangely reluctant to use this valuable resource.There are a few reminders about code examples for the same reason.C or Assembly Language?Most small microcontrollers are now programmed using the C language so the question might seem redundant.In fact often columns in newletters on embedded systems often carry articles with titles such as“Is Assembly Language Dead?”However,the answer seems to be clearly that assembly language is not dead for small microcontrollers,such as the MSP430.Most code is written in C but you may occasionally need to write a subroutine in assembly language to perform an operation that cannot be written out directly in C.Two examples are operations that require bitwise rotations rather than shifts and calculations that can be done more efficiently by exploiting special instructions of the CPU,such as binary-coded decimal arithmetic.Intrinsic functions often avoid the need for assembly language but not always.More important,assembly language is often needed for debugging and this is the most compelling reason for describing it in a textbook.Small microcontrollers typically spend much of their time interacting with hardware by manipulating the registers that control the peripherals.Debugging may require stepping through lines of assembly language to check each step.You have to look at the manual to check the details of each instruction,but it helps to have a general idea of how the assembly language works.Preface xv From a pedagogical point of view,assembly language is useful to illustrate the architecture of the processor.In fact the MSP430is simple enough that you can explore the thinking behind the design of the instruction set.Besides,assembly language can be fun(in small doses).My approach is to develop thefirst,simple programs in Chapter4using both C and assembly language to show the relation between them.However,C dominates by the end of the chapter.Assembly language makes a strong showing in the next two chapters,which cover architecture,subroutines,and interrupts,including a section on mixing C and assembly language.Almost all remaining programs are in C,with assembly language reappearing only briefly for a function to convert numbers to binary-coded decimal.The listings in the text are read directly from the programs that I tested.Companion Web SitePlease visit the companion Web site for this book at/companions/9780750682763and download the programs used as examples in the book.These programs were read into the text of the book from the workspaces that I used for testing,which means that the downloadedfiles should match the book perfectly.Links are also provided for data sheets,user’s guides,and development tools.Solutions to the odd-numbered examples are freely available on the companion Web site but the remaining solutions are offered only to instructors. AcknowledgmentsIt is a pleasure to thank numerous people who have helped me in various ways to write this book.Many are from Texas Instruments:Bonnie Baker,Jacob Borgeson,Andreas Dannenberg,Colin Garlick,Thomas Mitnacht,and Robert Owen.I am particularly grateful to Adrian Valenzuela for his comments on thefinal draft.Several engineers from other companies were kind enough to provide advice and assistance:Edward Gibbins and Steve Duckworth from IAR,Tom Baugh of SoftBaugh,Paul Curtis of Rowley Associates,David Dyer of Ericsson and Fernando Rodriguez while he was at Texas Instruments.Finally,I am grateful to colleagues and students at Glasgow University,from whom I have learnt an enormous amount over the years.I’d like to thank Fernando Rodriguez(not the same person who was at Texas Instruments)and David Muir in particular,with both of whom I have run a wide range of projects on embedded systems and microcontrollers—from tutor boxes withflip-flops to the electronic systems of a Formula Student racing car.John Davies,Milngavie。



T EXAS I NSTRUMENTSMPS430系列混合信号微控制器结构及模块用户指南目录1MSP430系列1.1特性与功能1.2系统关键性能1.3MSP430系列的各型号2结构概述2.1CPU2.2代码存储器2.3数据存储器(RAM)2.4运行控制2.5外围模块2.6振荡器、倍频器和时钟发生器3系统复位、中断和运行模式3.1系统复位和初始化3.2中断系统结构3.3中断处理3.3.1SFR中的中断控制位3.3.2外部中断3.4运行模式3.5低功耗模式3.5.1 低功耗模式0与模式1,LPM0和LPM1 3.5.2 低功耗模式2与模式3,LPM2和LPM3 3.5.3 低功耗模式4,LPM43.6 低功耗应用要点4 存储器组织4.1 存储器中的数据4.2 片内ROM组织4.2.1 ROM表的处理4.2.2 计算分支跳转和子程序调用4.3 RAM与外围模块组织4.3.1 RAM4.3.2 外围模块—地址定位4.3.3 外围模块--SFR5 16位CPU5.1 CPU寄存器5.1.1 程序计数器PC5.1.2 系统堆栈指针SP5.1.3 状态寄存器SR5.1.4 常数发生寄存器CG1与CG25.2 寻址模式5.2.1 寄存器模式5.2.2 变址模式5.2.3 符号模式5.2.4 绝对模式5.2.5 间接模式5.2.6 间接增量模式5.2.7 立即模式5.2.8 指令的时钟周期与长度5.3 指令组概述5.3.1 双操作数指令5.3.2 单操作数指令5.3.3 条件跳转5.3.4 模拟指令的短格式5.3.5 其它指令5.4 指令分布6 硬件乘法器6.1 硬件乘法器的操作6.2 硬件乘法器的寄存器6.3 硬件乘法器的SFR位6.4 硬件乘法器的软件限制6.4.1 硬件乘法器软件限制--寻址模式6.4.2 硬件乘法器软件限制--中断程序7 振荡器与系统时钟发生器7.1 晶体振荡器7.2 处理机时钟发生器7.3 系统时钟运行模式7.4 系统时钟控制寄存器7.4.1 模块寄存器7.4.2 与系统时钟发生器相关的SFR位7.5 DCO典型特性8 数字I/O配置8.1 通用端口P08.1.1 P0控制寄存器8.1.2 P0原理图8.1.3 P0中断控制功能8.2 通用端口P1、P28.2.1 P1、P2控制寄存器8.2.2 P1、P2原理图8.2.3 P1、P2中断控制功能8.3 通用端口P3、P48.3.1 P3、P4控制寄存器8.3.2 P3、P4原理图8.4 LCD端口8.5 LCD端口--定时器/端口比较器9 通用定时器/端口模块9.1 定时器/端口模块操作9.1.1 定时器/端口计数器TPCNT1,8位操作9.1.2 定时器/端口计数器TPCNT2,8位操作9.1.3 定时器/端口计数器,16位操作9.2 定时器/端口寄存器9.3 定时器/端口SFR位9.4 定时器/端口在A/D中的应用9.4.1 R/D转换原理9.4.2 分辨率高于8位的转换10 定时器10.1 Basic Timer110.1.1 BasicTimer1寄存器10.1.2 SFR位10.1.3 BasicTimer1操作10.1.4 BasicTimer1操作:LCD时钟信号f LCD 10.2 8位间隔(Interval)定时器/计数器10.2.1 8位定时器/计数器的操作10.2.2 8位定时器/计数器的寄存器10.2.3 与8位定时器/计数器有关的SFR 10.2.4 8位定时器/计数器在UART中的应用10.3 看门狗定时器10.3.1 看门狗定时器寄存器10.3.2 看门狗定时器中断控制功能10.3.3 看门狗定时器操作10.4 8位PWM定时器10.4.1 操作10.4.2 PWM寄存器11 Timer_A11.1 Timer_A的操作11.1.1 定时器操作11.1.2 捕获模式11.1.3 比较器模式11.1.4 输出单元11.2 Timer_A的寄存器11.2.1 Timer_A控制寄存器TACTL11.2.2 捕获/比较控制寄存器CCTL11.2.3 Timer_A中断向量寄存器11.3 Timer_A的应用11.3.1 Timer_A增计数模式应用11.3.2 Timer_A连续模式应用11.3.3 Timer_A增/减计数模式应用11.3.4 Timer_A软件捕获应用11.3.5 Timer_A处理异步串行通信协议11.4 Timer_A的特殊情况11.4.1 CCR0用作周期寄存器11.4.2 定时器寄存器的启/停11.4.3 输出单元Unit012 USART外围接口,UART模式12.1 异步操作12.1.1 异步帧格式12.1.2 异步通信的波特率发生器12.1.3 异步通信格式12.1.4 线路空闲多处理机模式12.1.5 地址位格式12.2 中断与控制功能12.2.1 USART接收允许12.2.2 USART发送允许12.2.3 USART接收中断操作12.2.4 USART发送中断操作12.3 控制与状态寄存器12.3.1 USART控制寄存器UCTL12.3.2 发送控制寄存器UTCTL12.3.3 接收控制寄存器URCTL12.3.4 波特率选择和调制控制寄存器12.3.5 USART接收数据缓存URXBUF12.3.6 USART发送数据缓存UTXBUF12.4 UART模式,低功耗模式应用特性12.4.1 由UART帧启动接收操作12.4.2 UART模式波特率与时钟频率12.4.3 节约MSP430资源的多处理机模式12.5 波特率的计算13 USART外围接口,SPI模式13.1 USART的同步操作13.1.1 SPI模式中的主模式,MM=1、SYNC=1 13.1.2 SPI模式中的从模式,MM=0、SYNC=1 13.2 中断与控制功能13.2.1 USART接收允许13.2.2 USART发送允许13.2.3 USART接收中断操作13.2.4 USART发送中断操作13.3 控制与状态寄存器13.3.1 USART控制寄存器13.3.2 发送控制寄存器UTCTL13.3.3 接收控制寄存器URCTL13.3.4 波特率选择和调制控制寄存器13.3.5 USART接收数据缓存URXBUF 13.3.6 USART发送数据缓存UTXBUF14 液晶显示驱动14.1 LCD驱动基本原理14.2 LCD控制器/驱动器14.2.1 LCD控制器/驱动器功能14.2.2 LCD控制及模式寄存器14.2.3 LCD显示存储器14.2.4 LCD操作软件例程14.3 LCD端口功能14.4 LCD与端口模式混合应用实例15 A/D转换器15.1 概述15.2 A/D转换操作15.2.1 A/D转换15.2.2 A/D中断15.2.3 A/D量程15.2.4 A/D电流源15.2.5 A/D输入端与多路切换15.2.6 A/D接地与降噪15.2.7 A/D输入与输出引脚15.3 A/D控制寄存器16 其它模块16.1 晶体振荡器16.2 上电电路16.3 晶振缓冲输出附录A 外围模块分布附录B 指令组说明附录C EPROM编程本书用途及表述约定MSP430用户指南以方便工程师及程序员使用的方式提供软件和硬件资料,以帮助开发应用MSP430系列的产品。



MSP430系列MCU选型手册msp430芯片选型中文手册指南F1XX系列Vcc1.8V-3.6V型号MSP430F1101A参数说明1KBflash,128BRam;slopeA/D;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器),比较器_A;20DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1111A参数说明2KBflash,128BRam;slopeA/D;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器),比较器_A;20DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1121A参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器),比较器_A;20DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1122参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;5通道10bitA/D;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器),温度传感器;20DW、PW封型号MSP430F1132参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;5通道10bitAD;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);温度传感器;20DW、PW封型号MSP430F122参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;22个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口,比较器A;28DW、PW封装型号MSP430F123参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;22个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口,比较器A;28DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1222参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;8通道10bitA/D;22个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;28DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1232参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;8通道10bitA/D;22个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;28DW、PW封装型号MSP430F133参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F135参数说明16KBflash,512BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F147参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1471参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F148参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1481参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F149参数说明60KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1491参数说明60kflash,2048BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F155参数说明16KBflash,512BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;I2C;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F156参数说明24KBflash,512BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;I2C;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F157参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;I2C;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM 封装型号MSP430F167参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F168参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F169参数说明60KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1610参数说明32KBflash,5120BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1611参数说明48KBflash,10240BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B (7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1612参数说明55kBflash,5120BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装F21X1系列Vcc1.8V-3.6V型号MSP430F2101参数说明1KBflash,128BRam;slopeA/D;16个I/O口;15/16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;BrownoutProtection;20DW、PW、DGV封装型号MSP430F2111参数说明2KBflash,128BRam;slopeA/D;16个I/O口;15/16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;BrownoutProtection;20DW、PW、DGV封装型号MSP430F2121参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;16个I/O口;15/16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;BrownoutProtection;20DW、PW、DGV封装型号MSP430F2131参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;16个I/O口;15/16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;BrownoutProtection;20DW、PW、DGV封装F4XX系列Vcc1.8V-3.6VWithLCD驱动型号MSP430F412参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F413参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F415参数说明16kBflash,512BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O 口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A (3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM 封装型号MSP430F417参数说明32kBflash,1024BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM 封装型号MSP430FE423参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;SD16A/D;Emeter计量模块;14个I/O口;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART 接口;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430FE425参数说明16KBflash,512BRam;SD16A/D;Emeter计量模块;14个I/O口;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART 接口;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430FE427参数说明32KBflash,1KBRam;SD16A/D;Emeter计量模块;14个I/O口;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART 接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F4250参数说明16KBflash,256BRam;32个I/O 口;56段LCD;SD16位ADC (具有内部参考电压);12位DAC,1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);温度传感器模块;电源检测功能;48DL封装型号MSP430F4260参数说明24KBflash,256BRam;32个I/O 口;56段LCD;SD16位ADC (具有内部参考电压);12位DAC,1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);温度传感器模块;电源检测功能;48DL封装型号MSP430F4270参数说明32KBflash,256BRam;32个I/O 口;56段LCD;SD16位ADC (具有内部参考电压);12位DAC,1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);温度传感器模块;电源检测功能;48DL封装型号MSP430FG437参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;12通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;48个I/O口;DMA;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;80PN 封装型号MSP430FG438参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;12通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;48个I/O口;DMA;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;80PN 封装型号MSP430FG439参数说明60KBflash,2048BRam;12通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;48个I/O口;DMA;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;80PN 封装型号MSP430FW423参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;流量测量ScanIF模块;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit 基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430FW425参数说明16KBflash,512BRam;slopeA/D;流量测量ScanIF模块;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit 基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430FW427参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;slopeA/D;流量测量ScanIF模块;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F435参数说明16KBFlash,512BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;128/160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_B;1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;80PN/100PZ封装型号MSP430F436参数说明24KBFlash,1024KRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;128/160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_B;1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;80PN/100PZ封装型号MSP430F437参数说明32KBFlash,1024KRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;128/160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_B;1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;80PN/100PZ封装型号MSP430F447参数说明32KBFlash,1024KRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B (7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;100PZ 封装型号MSP430F448参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B (7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;100PZ 封装型号MSP430F449参数说明60KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B (7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;100PZ 封装型号TSS721AD参数说明M-BUS总线型号TRF6901PT参数说明无线射频率收发芯片。

















以下是一个简单的示例代码,演示了如何使用ADC12模块进行模拟电压转换:```c#include <msp430.h>void init_ADC12//设置参考电压为内部2.5V参考源REFCTL0=REFMSTR,REFVSEL_2,REFON;//设置为单通道模式,使用A0通道ADC12CTL0=ADC12ON,ADC12SHT0_8,ADC12MSC;ADC12CTL1=ADC12SHP;//使用采样保持模式ADC12MCTL0=ADC12INCH_0,ADC12VRSEL_1;//设置输入通道为A0,使用2.5V参考电压//选择转换触发源为软件触发ADC12CTL0,=ADC12ENC,ADC12SC;void main(void)WDTCTL=WDTPW,WDTHOLD;//停用看门狗定时器while (1)while (ADC12CTL1 & ADC12BUSY);//等待转换完成unsigned int result = ADC12MEM0; // 获取转换结果//进一步处理转换结果,如计算实际电压值float voltage = (result / 4096.0) * 2.5;//处理完成后进行下一次转换ADC12CTL0,=ADC12SC;}```以上代码中,首先调用`init_ADC12(`函数进行ADC12模块的初始化配置,然后在主循环中进行转换和结果处理。


• Can be disabled in some versions
ROM BSL- 1xx-2xx-4xxCommon issues/questions
• Entry sequence is different between devices with dedicated vs shared JTAG:
• Handshake is performed by an acknowledge character:
– A DATA_ACK (0x90) is sent back to confirm successful reception and execution – DATA_NACK (0xA0) indicates an error
• BSL access is not impacted by the JTAG Fuse status
– To render a device inaccessible, disable the BSL and blow the JTAG Fuse
ROM BSL- 1xx-2xx-4xx
MSP430 Bootloaders
Flash BSL
MSP430 Bootloaders
Flash BSL
1xx 2xx 4xx FRxxx 5xx 6xx Available from factory
Any MSP430
Any MSP430
Implemented by user
Flash BSL
Factory BSL
The Factory MSP430 BSL is:












由于石英晶体的损耗非常小,即Q 值非常高,做振荡器用时,可以产生非常稳定的振荡,作滤波器用,可以获得非常稳定和陡削的带通或带阻曲线。

晶振模块一般需要电源电流为10mA ~60mA。








通用数字I/O引脚 / USART0/SPI模式的从输出或主输入
通用数字I/O引脚 / 外部时钟输入--USART0/UART或SPI模式,时钟输出--USART0/SPI模式
通用数字I/O引脚 / 发送数据输出--USART0/UART模式
通用数字I/O引脚 / 发送数据输入--USART0/UART模式
通用数字I/O引脚 / 发送数据输出--USART1/UART模式
通用数字I/O引脚 / 发送数据输入--USART1/UART模式
通用数字I/O引脚 / 12位A/D转换器模拟输入通道5
通用数字I/O引脚 / 12位A/D转换器模拟输入通道6
通用数字I/O引脚 / 12位A/D转换器模拟输入通道7
通用数字I/O引脚 / 子系统时钟SMCLK输出
通用数字I/O引脚 / 辅助时钟ACLK输出
通用数字I/O引脚 / 切换所有的PWM数字输出口为高阻抗--定时器B_3 TB0__TB2



MSP430 Product Selection ToolP430 Product Selection ToolDescription16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 8KB Flash, 2KB RAM, CC1101 Radio, AES-128, 12Bit ADC, USCI16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 16KB Flash, 2KB RAM, CC1101 Radio, AES-128, 12Bit ADC, USCI16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32KB Flash, 4KB RAM, CC1101 Radio, AES-128, 12Bit ADC, USCI16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 16KB Flash, 2KB RAM, CC1101 Radio, AES-128, USCI, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM, CC1101 Radio, AES-128, USCI, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32KB Flash, 4KB RAM, CC1101 Radio, AES-128, USCI, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 16KB Flash, 2KB RAM, CC1101 Radio, AES-128, 12Bit ADC, USCI, LCD driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32KB Flash, 4KB RAM, CC1101 Radio, AES-128, 12Bit ADC, USCI, LCD driver16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4KB Flash, 256B RAM, 1x SD2416-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4KB Flash, 256B RAM, 2x SD2416-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4KB Flash, 256B RAM, 3x SD2416-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 512B RAM, 1x SD2416-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 512B RAM, 2x SD2416-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 512B RAM, 3x SD2416-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM, 1x SD2416-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM, 2x SD2416-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM, 3x SD24MSP430BQ1010 - Pre-programmed, fixed-function device for wireless power control and communications16-bit Microcontroller designed for use with CC2560 TI Bluetooth® Based SolutionsMSP430L092 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430L092 Mixed Signal Microcontroller16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2kB OTP, 128B RAM, 64 segment LCD, 48 pin SSOP16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB ROM, 256B RAM, 92 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB ROM, 256B RAM, 92 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 12kB ROM, 512B RAM, 92 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16kB ROM, 512B RAM, 92 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller,8kB ROM, 256B RAM, 14 bit ADC, 84 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller,16kB ROM, 512B RAM, 14 bit ADC, 84 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 24kB ROM, 1KB RAM, USART, HW multiplier, 120 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32kB ROM, 1KB RAM, USART, HW multiplier, 120 segment LCD16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB ROM, 256B RAM, 96 segment LCD16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB ROM, 256B RAM, 96 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 1kB of ROM, 128B RAM, Comparator16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2kB ROM, 128B RAM, Comparator16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB ROM, 256B RAM, Comparator16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB ROM, 256B RAM, USART, Comparator16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16kB ROM, 512B RAM, USART, Comparator16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB ROM, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB ROM, 8KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 116KB ROM, 8KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 120KB ROM, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 1kB Flash, 128B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB Flash, 256B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB Flash, 256B RAM, USART, Comparator16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB Flash, 256B RAM, USART, Comparator16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB Flash, 256B RAM, 12 bit ADC, USART16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16kB Flash, 512B RAM, 12 bit ADC, USART16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32 kB Flash, 1KB RAM, 12 bit ADC, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 48 kB Flash, 2KB RAM, 12 bit ADC, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60 kB Flash, 2KB RAM, 12 bit ADC, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier16-bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 16kB Flash, 512B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual 12-Bit DAC, USART, I2C, DMA16-bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 24kB Flash, 1024B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual 12-Bit DAC, USART, I2C, DMA16-bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32kB Flash, 1024B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual 12-Bit DAC, USART, I2C, DMA16-bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32kB Flash, 1024B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USART, I2C, HW Mult, DMA 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 48kB Flash, 2048B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USART, I2C, HW Mult, DMA 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 60kB Flash, 2048B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USART, I2C, HW Mult, DMA 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 1KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, USCI, HW Multiplier16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, USCI, HW Multiplier16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 48KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB Flash, 256B RAM, Comparator, 96 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB Flash, 256B RAM, Comparator, 96 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16kB Flash, 512B RAM, Comparator, 96 Segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32kB Flash, 1kB RAM, Comparator, 96 Segment LCD16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller , 8KB Flash, 256B RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 256B RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1KB RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1KB RAM, Sigma-Delta ADC, 128 Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16kB Flash, 512B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, USART, 160 Segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 24kB Flash, 1024B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, USART, 160 Segment LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32kB Flash, 1024B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, USART, 160 Segment LCD MSP430F43x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F43x Mixed Signal Microcontroller16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32kB Flash, 1024B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, 2 USARTs, HW Multiplier, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 48kB Flash, 2048B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, 2 USARTs, HW Multiplier, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 60kB Flash, 2048B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, 2 USARTs HW Multiplier, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 16bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12bit D/A, 128Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 48KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 16bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12bit D/A, 128Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 16bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12bit D/A, 128Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 1kB Flash, 128B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 1kB Flash, 128B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2kB Flash, 128B RAM, Comparator16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB Flash, 256B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB Flash, 256B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB Flash, 256B RAM, 10 bit ADC16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB Flash, 256B RAM, 10 bit ADC16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB Flash, 256B RAM, 10 bit ADC, 1 USART16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB Flash, 256B RAM, 10 bit ADC, 1 USART16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32 kB Flash, 1KB RAM, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 48 kB Flash, 2KB RAM, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60 kB Flash, 2KB RAM, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier16-bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32kB Flash, 5124B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USART, I2C, HW Mult, DMA 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 48kB Flash, 10240B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USART, I2C, HW Mult, DMA 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 55kB Flash, 5120B RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USART, I2C, HW Mult, DMA 16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 1kB Flash, 128B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 1kB Flash, 128B RAM, 10-Bit SAR A/D, USI for SPI/I2C16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 1kB Flash, 128B RAM, 16-Bit Sigma-Delta A/D, USI for SPI/I2C16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2kB Flash, 128B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2kB Flash, 128B RAM, 10-Bit SAR A/D, USI for SPI/I2C16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2kB Flash, 128B RAM, 16-Bit Sigma-Delta A/D, USI for SPI/I2C16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2kB Flash, 128B RAM, 16-Bit Sigma-Delta A/D, USI for SPI/I2C16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 1kB Flash, 128B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2kB Flash, 128B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2kB Flash, 256B RAM, 10 bit ADC, 1 USCI16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB Flash, 256B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB Flash, 512B RAM, 10 bit ADC, 1 USCI16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB Flash, 256B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB Flash, 512B RAM, 10 bit ADC, 1 USCI16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB Flash, 512B RAM16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8kB Flash, 512B RAM16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16kB Flash, 512B RAM16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16kB Flash, 512B RAM16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32kB Flash, 1K RAM16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32kB Flash, 1K RAM16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 1024B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16KB Flash, 2048B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 2048B RAM, Comparator16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 56KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 48KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 2 USCIs, HW Multiplier16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USCI, HW Mult, DMA16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USCI, HW Mult, DMA16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 116kB Flash, 8KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USCI, HW Mult, DMA16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, 2 USCI, HW Mult, DMA16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM, 10-bit ADC, USCI, Analog Comp, 56 I/Os, LCD Driver 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM, 10-bit ADC, USCI, Analog Comp, 56 I/Os, LCD Driver 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 16kB Flash, 256B RAM, 16-bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12-bit D/A, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 24kB Flash, 256B RAM, 16-bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12-bit D/A, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32kB Flash, 256B RAM, 16-bit sigma Delta A/D, 12-bit D/A, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 16kB Flash, 512B RAM, USART, 160 Segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 24kB Flash, 1024B RAM, USART, 160 Segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32kB Flash, 1024B RAM, USART, 160 Segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 48kB Flash, 2048B RAM, Comparator, 2 USARTs, HW Multiplier, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 60kB Flash, 2048B RAM, Comparator, 2 USARTs, HW Multiplier, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, DMA, 160 Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, DMA, 160 Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, DMA, 160 Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, DMA, 160 Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 48KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 48KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 4 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60KB Flash, 2.5KB RAM, 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 4 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD DriverMSP430F51x2 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F51x2 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F51x2 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F51x2 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F51x2 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F51x2 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F530x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F530x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F530x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F530x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F532x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F532x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F532x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F532x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F532x Mixed Signal Microcontroller16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 4 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 192KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 256KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 256KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 4 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 256KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 256KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 256KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 4 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F551x, MSP430F552x Mixed Signal Microcontroller16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, USB, 64KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, USB, 64KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPYMSP430F551x, MSP430F552x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F551x, MSP430F552x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F551x, MSP430F552x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F551x, MSP430F552x Mixed Signal Microcontroller16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, USB, 64KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, USB, 64KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 96KB Flash, 6KB RAM, USB, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 96KB Flash, 6KB RAM, USB, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM, USB, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM, USB, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY MSP430F563x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F563x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F563x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F563x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F663x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F663x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430F6638 Mixed Signal Microcontroller16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM, Comparator, DMA, 160 Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM, Comparator, DMA, 160 Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM, Comparator, DMA, 160 Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM, Comparator, DMA, 160 Seg LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 56KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 6 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 56KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 7 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 6 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 7 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 6 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 7 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 6 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 7 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 6 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 7 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 8KB Flash, 256B RAM16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 8KB Flash, 256B RAM16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 32KB Flash, 1024B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 32KB Flash, 1024B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 8KB Flash, 256B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 12KB Flash, 512B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Energy Meters, 32KB Flash, 1024B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32KB Flash, 1KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 128 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 48KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 128 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 60KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 128 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 16bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12bit D/A, OpAmp, 128Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 48KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 16bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12bit D/A, OpAmp, 128Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 60KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 16bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12bit D/A, OpAmp, 128Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 16kB Flash, 256B RAM, 16-bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12-bit D/A, 2 OPAMP, LCD D 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 24kB Flash, 256B RAM, 16-bit Sigma-Delta A/D, 12-bit D/A, 2 OPAMP, LCD D 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 32kB Flash, 256B RAM, 16-bit sigma Delta A/D, 12-bit D/A, 2 OPAMP, LCD D 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 160 Seg LCD 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12-Bit ADC, Dual DAC, DMA, 3 OPAMP, 160 Seg LCD MSP430FR573x,MSP430FR572x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430FR573x,MSP430FR572x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430FR573x,MSP430FR572x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430FR573x,MSP430FR572x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430FR573x,MSP430FR572x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430FR573x,MSP430FR572x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430FR573x,MSP430FR572x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430FR573x,MSP430FR572x Mixed Signal Microcontroller16-bit RISC Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Electronic Flow Meters16-bit RISC Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Electronic Flow Meters16-bit RISC Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller for Electronic Flow MetersMSP430FW42x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430FW42x Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x01, MSP430G2x11 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x01, MSP430G2x11 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x32, MSP430G2x02 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x01, MSP430G2x11 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x52, MSP430G2x12 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x21, MSP430G2x31 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x21, MSP430G2x31 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x32, MSP430G2x02 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x52, MSP430G2x12 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x13 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x01, MSP430G2x11 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x32, MSP430G2x02 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x33, MSP430G2x03 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x01, MSP430G2x11 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x52, MSP430G2x12 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x13 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x21, MSP430G2x31 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x21, MSP430G2x31 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x32, MSP430G2x02 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x33, MSP430G2x03 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x52, MSP430G2x12 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x13 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x32, MSP430G2x02 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x33, MSP430G2x03 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x52, MSP430G2x12 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x13 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x32, MSP430G2x02 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x33, MSP430G2x03 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x52, MSP430G2x12 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x13 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x32, MSP430G2x02 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x33, MSP430G2x03 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x52, MSP430G2x12 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x13 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x32, MSP430G2x02 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x33, MSP430G2x03 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x52, MSP430G2x12 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x13 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x13 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x33, MSP430G2x03 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x13 Mixed Signal MicrocontrollerMSP430L092 Mixed Signal Microcontroller16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4kB OTP, 256B RAM16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller,16kB EPROM, 512B RAM, 14 bit ADC, 84 segment LCD16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32kB EPROM, 1KB RAM, USART, HW multiplier, 120 segment LCDStatus SubFamily Frequency(M Hz)Cap touch I/O FRAM(KB)Flash(KB)ACTIVE CC430 RF SoC Series208 ACTIVE CC430 RF SoC Series2016 ACTIVE CC430 RF SoC Series2032 ACTIVE CC430 RF SoC Series2016 ACTIVE CC430 RF SoC Series2032 ACTIVE CC430 RF SoC Series2032 ACTIVE CC430 RF SoC Series2016 ACTIVE CC430 RF SoC Series2032 ACTIVE2xx 16MHz Series124 ACTIVE2xx 16MHz Series124 ACTIVE2xx 16MHz Series124 ACTIVE2xx 16MHz Series128 ACTIVE2xx 16MHz Series128 ACTIVE2xx 16MHz Series128 ACTIVE2xx 16MHz Series1216 ACTIVE2xx 16MHz Series1216 ACTIVE2xx 16MHz Series1216 ACTIVE Application Specific DevicesACTIVE5xx/6xx 20/25Mhz Series25256 PREVIEW Low Voltage Series4PREVIEW Low Voltage Series4ACTIVE3xx Legacy 8MHz Series8ACTIVE3xx Legacy 8MHz Series8ACTIVE3xx Legacy 8MHz Series8ACTIVE3xx Legacy 8MHz Series8ACTIVE3xx Legacy 8MHz Series8ACTIVE3xx Legacy 8MHz Series8ACTIVE3xx Legacy 8MHz Series8ACTIVE3xx Legacy 8MHz Series8ACTIVE3xx Legacy 8MHz Series8ACTIVE4xx 8/16MHz LCD Series8ACTIVE4xx 8/16MHz LCD Series8ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series8ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series8ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series8ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series8ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series8ACTIVE4xx 8/16MHz LCD Series8ACTIVE4xx 8/16MHz LCD Series8ACTIVE4xx 8/16MHz LCD Series8ACTIVE4xx 8/16MHz LCD Series8ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series81 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series84 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series84 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series88 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series88 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series816 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series832 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series848 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series860 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series816 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series824 ACTIVE1xx 8MHz Series832 ACTIVE1xx 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16位微控制器MSP430说明书目录一基本原理及基础实验1.1 MSP430单片机结构和特点1.1.1 单片机的结构1.1.2 单片机的特点1.2 MSP430 单片机程序设计基础1.2.1 C语言设计基础1.2.2 开发环境1.3 MSP430单片机外围模块1.3.1 端口输入输出实验1.3.2 端口中断与输出实验1.3.3 端口趣味实验――音频1.3.4 通用独立按键式键盘设计1.3.5 液晶显示原理与应用1.3.6 使用74HC373扩展数码管显示1.3.7 MSP430 定时器的使用二故障分析及处理三课程设计总结正文内容1.1基本原理及基础实验单片机是单片微型计算机的简称,也就是把微处理器(CPU)、一定容量的程序存储器(ROM)和数据存储器(RAM)、输入/输出接口(I/O)、时钟及其他一些计算机外围电路,通过总线连接在一起并集成在一个芯片上,构成的微型计算机系统。

MSP430单片机是TI公司1996年开始推向市场的超低功耗微处理器,另外他还集成了很多模块功能,从而使得用一片MSP430 芯片可以完成多片芯片才能完成的功能,大大缩小了产品的体积与成本。











IAR Embedded Workbench™Version3+ for MSP430™User's GuideLiterature Number:SLAU138AFJune2004–Revised June2014Contents Preface (6)1Get Started Now! (8)1.1Software Installation (9)1.2Flashing the LED (9)1.3Important MSP430Documents on the CD-ROM and Web (10)2Development Flow (11)2.1Overview (12)2.2Using KickStart (12)2.2.1Project Settings (13)2.2.2Using Math Library for MSP430(MSPMathlib)in IAR EW4305.60.1and Newer (14)2.2.3Additional Project Settings for MSP430L092and MSP430C092 (14)2.2.4Creating a Project From Scratch (16)2.2.5Additional Project Settings for Ultra-Low-Power Mode(LPMx.5)Debugging (17)2.2.6Password Protection for MSP430Devices (18)2.2.7Using an Existing IAR V1.x,V2.x,or V3.x Project (18)2.2.8Stack Management and.xcl Files (19)2.2.9How to Generate Texas Instruments.TXT(and Other Format)Files (19)2.2.10Overview of Example Programs (19)2.3Using C-SPY (19)2.3.1Breakpoint Types (19)2.3.2Using Breakpoints (22)2.3.3Using Single Step (22)2.3.4Using Watch Windows (23)3EnergyTrace™Technology (24)3.1Introduction (24)3.2Energy Measurement (24)3.3IAR Embedded Workbench®for MSP430Integration (24)3.3.1Debugging Devices With EnergyTrace++Technology Support (24)3.3.2Debugging Devices Without EnergyTrace++Technology Support (31)3.4Measuring Low-Power Currents (34)3.5EnergyTrace Technology FAQs (35)4Memory Protection Unit(MPU)and Intellectual Property Encapsulation(IPE) (37)A Frequently Asked Questions (38)A.1Hardware (39)A.2Program Development(Assembler,C-Compiler,Linker) (39)A.3Debugging(C-SPY) (41)B FET-Specific Menus (45)B.1Menus (46)B.1.1Emulator→Device Information (46)B.1.2Emulator→Release JTAG on Go (46)B.1.3Emulator→Resynchronize JTAG (46)B.1.4Emulator→Init New Device (46)B.1.5Emulator→Secure-Blow JTAG Fuse (46)B.1.6Emulator→Breakpoint Usage (46)2Contents SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedB.1.7Emulator→Advanced→Clock Control (46)B.1.8Emulator→Advanced→Emulation Mode (46)B.1.9Emulator→Advanced→Memory Dump (47)B.1.10Emulator→Advanced→Breakpoint Combiner (47)B.1.11Emulator→State Storage Control (47)B.1.12Emulator→State Storage Window (47)B.1.13Emulator→Sequencer Control (47)B.1.14Emulator→"Power on"Reset (47)B.1.15Emulator→GIE on/off (47)B.1.16Emulator→Leave Target Running (47)B.1.17Emulator→Force Single Stepping (47)Revision History (48)3 SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Contents Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedList of Figures1-1.Activate Project (9)1-2.Activate Project in Workspace Overview (10)2-1.L092Mode (14)2-2.C092Emulation Mode (15)2-3.C092Password (15)2-4.Enable Ultra-Low-Power Debug Mode (17)2-5.LPMx.5Notifications (18)2-6.JTAG Password (18)3-1.Pulse Density and Current Flow (24)3-2.Debug Session With EnergyTrace++Windows (25)3-3.Debug Options (26)3-4.Emulator Pulldown Menu With EnergyTrace++-Related Functions (27)3-5.Enabling the State Log Window (27)3-6.State Log Window With EnergyTrace++Data (28)3-7.State Log Summary With EnergyTrace++Data (28)3-8.Power Log Setup Window (28)3-9.Power Log Window With EnergyTrace++Data (29)3-10.Timeline With Power Log and State Graphs Disabled (29)3-11.Timeline With EnergyTrace++Data (30)3-12.Function Profiler With EnergyTrace++Data (30)3-13.Debug Session With EnergyTrace Windows (31)3-14.Emulator Pulldown Menu With EnergyTrace-Related Functions (32)3-15.Power Log Setup Window (32)3-16.Power Log Window With EnergyTrace Data (33)3-17.Timeline With Power Log Graph Disabled (33)3-18.Timeline With EnergyTrace Data (34)3-19.LPM3Current When Executing Under Debug Control (34)3-20.Release JTAG on Go Option in Emulator Pulldown Menu (35)3-21.LPM3Current When Executing with JTAG Signals Released (35)4-1.MPU Configuration Dialog (37)4List of Figures SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedList of Tables2-1.Device Architecture,Breakpoints,and Other Emulation Features (20)5 SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014List of Tables Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedPrefaceSLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Read This FirstAbout This ManualThis manual describes the use of IAR Embedded Workbench®(EW430)with the MSP430™ultra-low-power microcontrollers.How to Use This ManualRead and follow the instructions in the Get Started Now!chapter.This chapter provides instructions on installing the software,and describes how to run the demonstration programs.After you see how quick and easy it is to use the development tools,TI recommends that you read all of this manual.This manual describes only the setup and basic operation of the software development environment,but it does not fully describe the MSP430microcontrollers or the complete development software and hardware systems.For details of these items,see the appropriate TI and IAR™documents listed in RelatedDocumentation From Texas Instruments,Important MSP430Documents on the CD-ROM and Web.This manual applies to the use with Texas Instruments'MSP-FET430UIF,MSP-FET430PIF,and eZ430 development tools series.These tools contain the most up-to-date materials available at the time of packaging.For the latestmaterials(including data sheets,user's guides,software,and application information),visit the TI MSP430 web site at /msp430or contact your local TI sales office.Information About Cautions and WarningsThis book may contain cautions and warnings.CAUTIONThis is an example of a caution statement.A caution statement describes a situation that could potentially damage yoursoftware or equipment.The information in a caution or a warning is provided for your protection.Read each caution and warning carefully.MSP430,EnergyTrace are trademarks of Texas Instruments.6Read This First SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014 IAR Embedded Workbench is a registered trademark of IAR Systems AB.Submit Documentation Feedback All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Copyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments Incorporated Related Documentation From Texas Instruments Related Documentation From Texas InstrumentsMSP430development tools documentationMSP430Hardware Tools User's Guide,literature number SLAU278eZ430-F2013Development Tool User's Guide,literature number SLAU176eZ430-RF2480User's Guide,literature number SWRA176eZ430-RF2500Development Tool User's Guide,literature number SLAU227eZ430-RF2500-SEH Development Tool User's Guide,literature number SLAU273eZ430-Chronos Development Tool User's Guide,literature number SLAU292MSP430device data sheetsMSP430x1xx Family User's Guide,literature number SLAU049MSP430x2xx Family User's Guide,literature number SLAU144MSP430x3xx Family User's Guide,literature number SLAU012MSP430x4xx Family User's Guide,literature number SLAU056MSP430x5xx and MSP430x6xx Family User's Guide,literature number SLAU208MSP430FR57xx Family User's Guide,literature number SLAU272MSP430FR58xx,MSP430FR59xx,MSP430FR68xx,and MSP430FR69xx Family User's Guide,literature number SLAU367CC430device data sheetsCC430Family User's Guide,literature number SLAU259If You Need AssistanceSupport for the MSP430devices and the FET development tools is provided by the Texas Instruments Product Information Center(PIC).Contact information for the PIC can be found on the TI web site at/support.The Texas Instruments E2E Community support forums for the MSP430is available to provide open interaction with peer engineers,TI engineers,and other experts.Additional device-specific information can be found on the MSP430web site.NOTE:The KickStart kit is supported by Texas Instruments.Although the KickStart kit is a product of IAR,Texas Instruments provides the support for it.Therefore,please do not request support for KickStart from IAR.Consult the extensivedocumentation provided with KickStart before requesting assistance.7 SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Read This First Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedChapter1SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Get Started Now!This chapter provides instruction on installing the software,and shows how to run the demonstration programs.Topic Page1.1Software Installation (9)1.2Flashing the LED (9)1.3Important MSP430Documents on the CD-ROM and Web (10)8Get Started Now!SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments Incorporated Software Installation 1.1Software InstallationFollow the instructions on the supplied READ ME FIRST document to install the IAR EmbeddedWorkbench™KickStart kit.Read the file<Installation Root>\Embedded Workbenchx.x\430\doc\readme.htm from IAR for the latest information about the Workbench.The term KickStartrefers to the function-limited version of Embedded Workbench(including C-SPY™debugger).KickStart is supplied on the CD-ROM included with each FET,and the latest version is available from the MSP430 web site.The documents mentioned in the previous paragraph(and this document)can be accessed using:Start→Programs→IAR Systems→IAR Embedded Workbench KickStart for MSP430V3.KickStart is compatible with Windows2000(SP4),Windows XP(32bit and64bit),Windows Vista(32bit and64bit),and Windows7(32bit and64bit).However,the USB FET interface works with only Windows XP(32bit and64bit),Windows Vista(32bit and64bit),and Windows7(32bit and64bit).1.2Flashing the LEDThis section demonstrates on the FET the equivalent of the C-language"Hello World!"introductoryprogram.An application that flashes the LED is developed and downloaded to the FET,and then run.1.Start the Workbench(Start→Programs→IAR Systems→IAR Embedded Workbench KickStart forMSP430V3→IAR Embedded Workbench).2.Click File→Open Workspace to open the file at:<Installation Root>\Embedded Workbench x.x\430\FET_examples\Flashing the LED.eww.The workspace window opens.3.Click on the tab at the bottom of the workspace window that corresponds to the MSP430device(MSP430xxxx)and desired language(assembler or C)to set a project active(see Figure1-1).Figure1-1.Activate Project9 SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Get Started Now! Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedImportant MSP430Documents on the CD-ROM and Web Alternatively,right click to activate a project in the Workspace Overview tab(see Figure1-2).Figure1-2.Activate Project in Workspace Overview4.Click Project→Options→FET Debugger→Setup→Connection to select the appropriate port:Texas Instruments LPT-IF for the parallel FET Interface(MSP-FET430PIF)or Texas Instruments USB-IF for the USB Interface(MSP-FET430UIF)or for the eZ430.5.Click Project→Rebuild All to build and link the source code.You can view the source code by double-clicking on the project,and then double-clicking on the displayed source file.6.Click Project→Debug to start the C-SPY debugger.C-SPY erases the device flash and thendownloads the application object file to the device flash.See FAQ Debugging#1if C-SPY is unable to communicate with the device.7.Click Debug→Go to start the application.The LED should flash.8.Click Debug→Stop Debugging to stop debugging,to exit C-SPY,and to return to the Workbench.9.Click File→Exit to exit the Workbench.Congratulations,you have just built and tested an MSP430application!1.3Important MSP430Documents on the CD-ROM and WebThe primary sources of MSP430information are the device-specific data sheet and user's guide.The most up-to-date versions of these documents that are available at the time of production are provided on the CD-ROM included with this tool.The MSP430web site(/msp430)contains the most recent version of these documents.PDF documents describing the IAR tools(Workbench and C-SPY,the assembler,the C compiler,thelinker,and the librarian)are in the common\doc and430\doc folders.Supplements to the documents(that is,the latest information)are available in HTML format in the same directories.430\doc\readme_start.htm provides a convenient starting point for navigating the IAR documentation.10Get Started Now!SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedChapter2SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Development Flow This chapter describes how to use KickStart to develop application software and how to use C-SPY to debug it.Topic Page2.1Overview (12)2.2Using KickStart (12)2.3Using C-SPY (19)11 SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Development Flow Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedOverview 2.1OverviewApplications are developed in assembler or C using the Workbench,and they are debugged using C-SPY.C-SPY is seamlessly integrated into the Workbench.However,it is more convenient to make thedistinction between the code development environment(Workbench)and the debugger(C-SPY).C-SPY can be configured to operate with the FET(that is,an actual MSP430device)or with a software simulator of the device.KickStart refers to the Workbench and C-SPY collectively.The KickStart software tools area product of IAR.Documentation for the MSP430family and KickStart is extensive.The CD-ROM supplied with this toolcontains a large amount of documentation describing the MSP430.The MSP430home page(/msp430)is another source of MSP430information.The components of KickStart(workbench and debugger,assembler,compiler,linker)are fully documented in<Installation Root>\EmbeddedWorkbench x.x\common\doc and<Installation Root>\Embedded Workbench\430\doc..htm files located throughout the KickStart directory tree contain the most up-to-date information and supplement the PDF files.In addition,KickStart documentation is available online via Help.Read Me First files from IAR and TI and this document can be accessed using Start→Programs→IAR Systems→IAR Embedded Workbench KickStart for MSP430V3.Tool User's Guide Most Up-To-Date Information Workbench,C-SPY EW430_UsersGuide.pdf readme.htm,ew430.htm,cs430.htm,cs430f.htmAssembler EW430_AssemblerReference.pdf a430.htm,a430_msg.htmCompiler EW430_CompilerReference.pdf icc430.htm,icc430_msg.htmC library CLibrary.htmLinker and Librarian xlink.pdf xlink.htm,xman.htm,xar.htm2.2Using KickStartThe KickStart edition is a special starter kit or evaluation version of IAR Embedded Workbench withlimitations both in code size and in the service and support that is provided.Limitations:•The C compiler does not generate an assembly code list file.•The code size limit of the MSP430IAR KickStart C/C++Compiler is set to4Kbytes for traditional MSP430devices and8Kbytes for MSP430X devices(see Table2-1for detailed information aboutwhich MSP430device is based on which architecture).•The IAR Assembler delivered is the full version without any restrictions.•The IAR XLINK Linker links a maximum of4Kbytes originating from C source code for traditional MSP430devices and8Kbytes for MSP430X devices(see Table2-1for detailed information aboutwhich MSP430device is based on which architecture),but an unlimited amount of code originatingfrom assembly code.•The IAR KickStart C-SPY Simulator reads a maximum of4Kbytes originating from C code for traditional MSP430devices and8Kbytes for MSP430X devices but is unlimited in the amount ofassembly code read(see Table2-1for detailed information about which MSP430device is based onwhich architecture).•MISRA C is not available.•The runtime library source code is not included.A full(that is,unrestricted)version of the software tools can be purchased from IAR.A mid-featured toolset–called Baseline,with a12Kbyte C-code size limitation and basic floating-point operations–is also available from IAR.See the IAR web site(www.iar.se)for more information.12Development Flow SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments Incorporated Using KickStart 2.2.1Project SettingsThe settings required to configure the Workbench and C-SPY are numerous and detailed.Read andthoroughly understand the documentation supplied by IAR when dealing with project settings.Review the project settings of the supplied assembler and C examples(the project settings are accessed usingProject→Options with the project name selected).Use these project settings as templates whendeveloping your own projects.Note that if the project name is not selected when settings are made,the settings are applied to the selected file(not to the project).The following project settings are recommended or required:•Specify the target device(General Options→Target→Device).•Enable an assembler project or a C or assembler project(General Options→Target→Assembler-only project).•Enable the generation of an executable output file(General Options→Output→Output file→Executable).•To most easily debug a C project,disable optimization[C/C++Compiler→Optimizations→Size→None(Best debug support)].•Enable the generation of debug information in the compiler output(C/C++Compiler→Output→Generate debug information).•Specify the search path for the C preprocessor(C/C++Compiler→Preprocessor→Include Paths).•Enable the generation of debug information in the assembler output(Assembler→Output→Generate Debug Info).•Specify the search path for the assembler preprocessor(Assembler→Preprocessor→Include Paths).•To debug the project using C-SPY,specify a compatible format[Linker→Output→Format→Debug information for C-SPY(with runtime control modules or with I/O emulation modules)].•Specify the search path for any used libraries(Linker→Config→Search paths).•Specify the C-SPY driver.Select Project→Options→Debugger→Setup→Driver→FET Debugger to debug on the FET(that is,MSP430device).Select Simulator to debug on the simulator.If FETDebugger is selected,use Project→Options→FET Debugger→Setup→Connection to select theappropriate port:Texas Instruments LPT-IF for the parallel FET Interface(MSP-FET430PIF)or TexasInstruments USB-IF for the USB Interface(MSP-FET430UIF)or for the eZ430.•Enable the Device Description file.This file makes C-SPY"aware"of the specifics of the device it is debugging.This file corresponds to the specified target device(Debugger→Setup→Devicedescription file→Override default).•Enable the erasure of the Main and Information memories before object code download(FET Debugger→Download→Erase main and Information memory).•To maximize system performance during debug,disable Virtual Breakpoints(FET Debugger→Breakpoints→Use virtual breakpoints)and disable all System Breakpoints(FET Debugger→Breakpoints→System breakpoints on).NOTE:Use Factory Settings to quickly configure a project.Use the Factory Settings button to quickly configure a project to a usable state.The following steps can be used to quickly configure a project.Note that the General Options tab does not have a Factory Settings button.1.Specify the target device(General Options→Target→Device).2.Enable an assembler project or a C or assembler project(General Options→Target→Assembler-only project).3.Enable the generation of an executable output file(General Options→Output→Output file→Executable).4.Accept the factory settings for the compiler(C/C++Compiler→Factory Settings).5.Accept the factory settings for the assembler(Assembler→Factory Settings).13 SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Development Flow Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedUsing KickStart 6.Accept the factory settings for the linker(Linker→Factory Settings).7.Accept the factory settings for C-SPY(Debugger→Factory Settings).8.Debug on the hardware(Debugger→Setup→Driver→FET Debugger).9.Specify the active parallel port used to interface to the FET if not LPT1(FET Debugger→Setup→Connection→Texas Instruments LPT-IF)or specify the USB port(FET Debugger→Setup→Connection→Texas Instruments USB-IF).NOTE:Avoid the use of absolute path names when referencing files.Instead,use the relative pathname keywords$TOOLKIT_DIR$and$PROJ_DIR$.See theIAR documentation for a description of these keywords.The use of relative path namespermits projects to be moved easily,and projects do not require modification when IARsystems are upgraded(for example,from KickStart or Baseline to Full).2.2.2Using Math Library for MSP430(MSPMathlib)in IAR EW4305.60.1and NewerTI's MSPMathlib is part of EW4305.60.1and newer releases.This optimized library provides up to26x better performance in applications that use floating point scalar math.For details,see the MSPMathlibweb page(/tool/mspmathlib).MSPMathlib may be enabled for new and existing projects on all supported devices.Enable or disable MSPMathlib in the project options(General Options→Library Configuration→MathLib).2.2.3Additional Project Settings for MSP430L092and MSP430C092The MSP430L092can operate in two different modes:L092mode and C092emulation mode.Thepurpose of the C092emulation mode is to behave like a C092with up to1920bytes of code at its final destination for mask generation.The operation mode is determined by EW430before starting the debugger.Two radio buttons areavailable for the mode selection.By default the L092mode is selected(see Figure2-1and Figure2-2).Figure2-1.L092Mode14Development Flow SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments Incorporated Using KickStartFigure2-2.C092Emulation Mode2.2.3.1MSP430L092Loader CodeThe Loader Code in the MSP430L092is a ROM-code from TI that provides a series of services.It enables customers to build autonomous applications without needing to develop a ROM mask.Such an application consists of an MSP430device containing the loader(for example,MSP430L092)and an SPI memorydevice(for example,'95512or'25AA40);these and similar devices are available from variousmanufacturers.The majority of use cases for an application with a loader device and external SPI memory for native0.9-V supply voltage are late development,prototyping,and small series production.Figure2-1shows the selection for loading the application into the external SPI memory. Protection of MSP430C092The MSP430C092is a customer-specific ROM device that is protected by a password.To start a debug session,the password must be provided to EW430.Figure2-3shows how to provide a HEX password in EW430.Figure2-3.C092Password15 SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Development Flow Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments IncorporatedUsing KickStart 2.2.4Creating a Project From ScratchThis section presents step-by-step instructions to create an assembler or C project from scratch,and to download and run the application on the MSP430(see also Section2.2.1,Project Settings).The MSP430 IAR Embedded Workbench IDE User's Guide presents a more comprehensive overview of the process.1.Start the Workbench(Start→Programs→IAR Systems→IAR Embedded Workbench KickStart forMSP430V3→IAR Embedded Workbench).2.Create a new text file(File→New→File).3.Enter the program text into the file.NOTE:Use.h files to simplify your code development.KickStart is supplied with files that define the device registers and the bit names for eachdevice.These files can greatly simplify the task of developing your program.The files arelocated in<Installation Root>\Embedded Workbench x.x\430\inc.Include the.h filecorresponding to your target device in your text file(#include"msp430xyyy.h").Additionally,files io430xxxx.h are provided and are optimized to be included by C source files.4.Save the program text file(File→Save).It is recommended that assembler text files be saved with a file-type suffix of".s43"and that C text files be saved with a file-type suffix of".c".5.Create a new workspace(File→New→Workspace).6.Create a new project(Project→Create New Project).Select Tool chain:MSP430,Project Templates:Empty project and click OK.Specify a project name and click Save.7.Add the program text file to the project(Project→Add Files).Select the program text file and clickOpen.Alternatively,double-click on the file to add it to the project.NOTE:How to add assembler source files to your projectThe default file type presented in the Add Files window is"C/C++Files".To view assemblerfiles(.s43),select"Assembler Files"in the"Files of type"drop-down menu.8.Save the workspace(File→Save Workspace).Specify a workspace name and click Save.9.Configure the project options(Project→Options).For each of the subcategories(General Options,C/C++Compiler,Assembler,Linker,Debugger),accept the default Factory Settings with the followingexceptions:•Specify the target device(General Options→Target→Device).•Enable an assembler project or a C or assembler project(General Options→Target→Assembler-only project).•Enable the generation of an executable output file(General Options→Output→Output file→Executable).•To debug on the FET(that is,the MSP430),click Debugger→Setup→Driver→FET Debugger.•Specify the active port used to interface to the FET(FET Debugger→Setup→Connection).10.Build the project(Project→Rebuild All).11.Debug the application using C-SPY(Project→Debug).This starts C-SPY,and C-SPY takes control ofthe target,erases the target memory,programs the target memory with the application,and resets thetarget.See FAQ Debugging#1if C-SPY is unable to communicate with the device.12.Click Debug→Go to start the application.13.Click Debug→Stop Debugging to stop the application,to exit C-SPY,and to return to the Workbench.14.Click File→Exit to exit the Workbench.16Development Flow SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments Incorporated Using KickStart 2.2.5Additional Project Settings for Ultra-Low-Power Mode(LPMx.5)Debugging2.2.5.1What is LPMx.5LPMx.5is an ultra-low-power mode in which the entry and exit is handled differently than the other low-power modes.LPMx.5gives the lowest power consumption available on a device.To achieve this,entry to LPMx.5disables the LDO of the PMM module,which removes the supply voltage from the core and the JTAGmodule of the device.Because the supply voltage is removed from the core,all register contents andSRAM contents are lost.Exit from LPMx.5causes a BOR event,which forces a complete reset of thesystem.NOTE:The option"RELEASE JTAG ON GO"is currently not supported in the EmbeddedWorkbench when LPMx.5debugging is active.See the MSP430device family user's guidefor additional LPMx.5and ultra-low-power debug mode details. Ultra-Low-Power Debug ModeTo enable the ultra-low power debug mode feature the“Enable ULP/LPMx.5debug”checkbox must be enabled by clicking FET Debugger->Setup->Enable ULP/LPMx.5debug(see Figure2-4).When the ultra-low power debug mode is enabled a notification is displayed in the Debugger log every time thetarget device enters and leaves LPMx.5mode(see Figure2-5).Press the Halt or Reset button in Embedded Workbench to wake up the target device from LPMx.5.Execution of the code is halted at the start of the program.All breakpoints that had been active beforeLPMx.5are restored and reactivated automatically.Figure2-4.Enable Ultra-Low-Power Debug Mode17 SLAU138AF–June2004–Revised June2014Development Flow Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2004–2014,Texas Instruments Incorporated。



MSP430x13x , MSP430x14x , MSP430x14x1混合信号微控制器低电源电压范围:1.8~3.6V超低功耗:待机模式:1.6uA关闭模式 (RAM保持 :0.1uA活动模式:280uA at 1MHz, 2.2V5种省电模式6us 内从待机模式唤醒16位 RISC 结构, 125ns 指令周期带内部参考,采样保持和自动扫描特性的 12位 A/D转换器有 7个捕获 /比较寄存器的 16位定时器 Timer_B有 3个捕获 /比较寄存器的 16位定时器 Timer_A片内集成比较器串行在线编程,无需外部编程电压,安全熔丝可编程代码保护 .器件系列包括:–MSP430F133:8KB+256B闪速存储器, 256B 的 RAM–MSP430F135:16KB+256B闪速存储器, 512B 的 RAM–MSP430F147, MSP430F1471:32KB+256B闪速存储器, 1KB 的 RAM –MSP430F148, MSP430F1481:48KB+256B闪速存储器, 2KB 的 RAM–MSP430F149, MSP430F1491:60KB+256B闪速存储器, 2KB 的 RAM可用封装:64脚方形扁平封装 (QFP.描述德州仪器的 MSP430系列是一种超低功耗微控制器系列,由针对各种不同应用模块组合特性的多种型号组成.微控制器可设计成使用电池长时间工作.由于其 16位的体系结构, 16位的 CPU 集成寄存器和常数发生器, 可使 MSP430实现了最大化的代码效率。

数字控制振荡器使所有低功率模式唤醒到运行模式小于 6us 的唤醒时间。

MSP430x13x 和 MSP430x14x 系列是有两个内置 16位定时器,一个快速 12位 A/D转换器,一或两个通用串行同步 /异步通信接口 (USART和 48个 I/O引脚构造的微控制器。




msp430芯片选型中文手册指南F1XX系列Vcc1.8V-3.6V型号MSP430F1101A参数说明1KBflash,128BRam;slopeA/D;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器),比较器_A;20DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1111A参数说明2KBflash,128BRam;slopeA/D;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器),比较器_A;20DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1121A参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器),比较器_A;20DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1122参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;5通道10bitA/D;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器),温度传感器;20DW、PW封型号MSP430F1132参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;5通道10bitAD;14个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);温度传感器;20DW、PW封型号MSP430F122参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;22个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口,比较器A;28DW、PW封装型号MSP430F123参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;22个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口,比较器A;28DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1222参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;8通道10bitA/D;22个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;28DW、PW封装型号MSP430F1232参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;8通道10bitA/D;22个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;28DW、PW封装型号MSP430F133参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F135参数说明16KBflash,512BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F147参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1471参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F148参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1481参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F149参数说明60KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1491参数说明60kflash,2048BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F155参数说明16KBflash,512BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;I2C;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F156参数说明24KBflash,512BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;I2C;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F157参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;I2C;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F167参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F168参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F169参数说明60KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1610参数说明32KBflash,5120BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1611参数说明48KBflash,10240BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B (7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F1612参数说明55kBflash,5120BRam;8通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;DMA;48个I/O口;16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;I2C;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装F21X1系列Vcc1.8V-3.6V型号MSP430F2101参数说明1KBflash,128BRam;slopeA/D;16个I/O口;15/16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;BrownoutProtection;20DW、PW、DGV封装型号MSP430F2111参数说明2KBflash,128BRam;slopeA/D;16个I/O口;15/16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;BrownoutProtection;20DW、PW、DGV封装型号MSP430F2121参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;16个I/O口;15/16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;BrownoutProtection;20DW、PW、DGV封装型号MSP430F2131参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;16个I/O口;15/16位WDT;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;BrownoutProtection;20DW、PW、DGV封装F4XX系列Vcc1.8V-3.6VWithLCD驱动型号MSP430F412参数说明4KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F413参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F415参数说明16kBflash,512BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM 封装型号MSP430F417参数说明32kBflash,1024BRam;slopeA/D;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM 封装型号MSP430FE423参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;SD16A/D;Emeter计量模块;14个I/O口;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430FE425参数说明16KBflash,512BRam;SD16A/D;Emeter计量模块;14个I/O口;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430FE427参数说明32KBflash,1KBRam;SD16A/D;Emeter计量模块;14个I/O口;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;64PM封装型号MSP430F4250参数说明16KBflash,256BRam;32个I/O口;56段LCD;SD16位ADC (具有内部参考电压);12位DAC,1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);温度传感器模块;电源检测功能;48DL封装型号MSP430F4260参数说明24KBflash,256BRam;32个I/O口;56段LCD;SD16位ADC (具有内部参考电压);12位DAC,1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);温度传感器模块;电源检测功能;48DL封装型号MSP430F4270参数说明32KBflash,256BRam;32个I/O口;56段LCD;SD16位ADC (具有内部参考电压);12位DAC,1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);温度传感器模块;电源检测功能;48DL封装型号MSP430FG437参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;12通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;48个I/O口;DMA;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;80PN 封装型号MSP430FG438参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;12通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;48个I/O口;DMA;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;80PN 封装型号MSP430FG439参数说明60KBflash,2048BRam;12通道12bitA/D;双12bitD/A;48个I/O口;DMA;128段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个USART接口;温度传感器;80PN 封装型号MSP430FW423参数说明8KBflash,256BRam;slopeA/D;流量测量ScanIF模块;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430FW425参数说明16KBflash,512BRam;slopeA/D;流量测量ScanIF模块;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430FW427参数说明32KBflash,1024BRam;slopeA/D;流量测量ScanIF模块;48个I/O口;96段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3或5个捕获/比较寄存器);比较器_A;64PM封装型号MSP430F435参数说明16KBFlash,512BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;128/160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_B;1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;80PN/100PZ封装型号MSP430F436参数说明24KBFlash,1024KRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;128/160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_B;1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;80PN/100PZ封装型号MSP430F437参数说明32KBFlash,1024KRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;128/160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_A;1个16位Timer_B(3个捕获/比较寄存器)_B;1个USART接口;比较器_A;温度传感器;80PN/100PZ封装型号MSP430F447参数说明32KBFlash,1024KRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;100PZ 封装型号MSP430F448参数说明48KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;100PZ 封装型号MSP430F449参数说明60KBflash,2048BRam;8通道12bitA/D;48个I/O口;160段LCD;16位WDT;8bit基本定时器;1个16位Timer_A(3个捕获/比较寄存器);1个16位Timer_B(7个捕获/比较寄存器);2个USART接口;MPY;比较器_A;温度传感器;100PZ 封装型号TSS721AD参数说明M-BUS总线型号TRF6901PT参数说明无线射频率收发芯片。



MSP430_JTAG[用户手册]MSP430 JTAG用户手册V1.48本MSP430 JTAG仿真器采用了兼容TI原装JTAG的电路,在接口方面稍有改动,以下为本JTAG的10芯排针定义:图1、10芯定义可以发现与官方的14芯引脚虽然针数和顺序不同,但是与JTAG 功能相关的引脚还是完全相同的,其中XOUT在应用中几乎不使用,Vcc需要外接或者直接从目标板取电。




进入如下图所示:图3、New Project选择放置目录,输入文件名,点击“Create”,即出现如下页面,表示工程文件已经建立,接下来可以进行添加文件或者新建文件并编辑。

本例程为在工程建立后添加文件,添加步骤如下图所示:点击“Files”出现如下对话框:图6、添加文件本例程添加了一个TI提供的一个“FET_examples”的点亮LED 的例子,具体路径可以参考上图。

找好路径后在“文件类型”下拉框内选择汇编文件,即“Assembler Files(*.s*;*.msa;*.asm)”,如下图7所示,在找到“fet120_1.s43”后点击“Add”,然后点击“Done”,如图8所示。

图7、文件类型图8、Add File,Done文件添加完成后出现如下页面,左侧为项目管理器,右侧为添加的源文件。


首先在项目管理器里面单击选中“Debug”文件夹图标,如下图所示:图10、选中“Debug”文件夹图标选中“Debug”文件夹后点击“Project”菜单下的“Option”子菜单进行设置,如图:图11、请点击“Option”子菜单点击“Option”子菜单后出现如下设置页面,从左侧可以看到有5个项目可供设置,如下图:图12、Option页面在左侧的5个项目中,XLINK和C-SPY由于和目标芯片密切相关,故必须设置,先设置XLINK,点击左侧的“XLINK”,然后点击右侧的“Include”,如上图所示,在“XCL file name”项选择XCL文件,点击右侧的框,按如下提示路径进行XCL文件选择:图13、XCL文件路径提示由于目标芯片为F1232,且采用汇编文件格式,故XCL文件应选择“msp430f1232.a”,如下图所示:图14、选择XCL文件XCL文件选好后点击“C-SPY”,进行C-SPY的设置。



MSP430超低功耗微处理器无所不在的 MCU总有一款 430 适合您2009年第三季度免费的代码限制版 Code Composer Essentials (16 kB ) 与 IAR (4/8/16 kB ) 软件。

支持器件价格1All$ 99All (8 devices at one time)$ 199All$ 49目标板与编程器目标板(无编程器)MSP-FET430U14 MSP-FET430U28 MSP-FET430U23x0 MSP-FET430U38 MSP-FET430U48MSP-FET430U64 MSP-TS430PM64MSP-FET430U64A MSP-TS430PM64A MSP-FET430U80 MSP-FET430U80USB MSP-TS430PN80USBeZ430-RF2500价格1 Complete development system with detachable target board and USB emulator. Ideal for new users. $20 Wireless development system including two detachable 2.4GHz wireless target boards and USB emulator. $49ZigBee development system including three detachable ZigBee target boards and USB emulator. $99 Solar Energy Harvesting development system. A battery-less wireless sensor network. $149$10 2.4GHz wireless target board for expanding your wireless network (emulator required). $20红色粗体标注的为新产品。



















Flash存储器用于存储程序代码,RAM 存储器用于存储数据。










msp430x14x mixed signal(数据手册)

msp430x14x mixed signal(数据手册)

† The MSP430F14x1 devices are identical to the MSP430F14x devices with the exception that the ADC12 module is not implemented.
The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultralow-power microcontrollers consist of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low power modes is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that attribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 6 µs. The MSP430x13x and the MSP430x14x(1) series are microcontroller configurations with two built-in 16-bit timers, a fast 12-bit A/D converter (not implemented on the MSP430F14x1 devices), one or two universal serial synchronous/asynchronous communication interfaces (USART), and 48 I/O pins. Typical applications include sensor systems that capture analog signals, convert them to digital values, and process and transmit the data to a host system. The timers make the configurations ideal for industrial control applications such as ripple counters, digital motor control, EE-meters, hand-held meters, etc. The hardware multiplier enhances the performance and offers a broad code and hardware-compatible family solution.



MSP430单片机选型指南概述:1xx:8MIPS,1-60KB2xx:16MIPS,1-120KB,500nA Stand By(待机电流为1xx的1/2)4xx:8/16MIPS,4-120KB,LCD Driver5xx:25MIPS,32-256KB,USB,RF,500nA Stand By(未上市)命名规则:1. x1为不带“1”的型号的外设精简版,一般去掉ADC122. 1x为不带“1”的型号的存储器增强版,加入更多的Flash或是RAM,增加Flash的型号采用了MSP430X构架。

3. 型号中带“F”表示该型号的程序存储器为Flash,不采用Flash的信号有:C11x1,C13x1,C41x,CG461x(新型号,MSP430CG4619(120k)与MSP430FG4619的差价约为$2)4. 型号中带“E”表示该型号为电测做了优化,一般有LCD驱动器,3路独立AD,硬件乘法器,嵌入式信号处理器(ESP430)5. 型号中带“W”表示该型号为流体测量做了优化6. 型号中带“G”表示该型号为医疗仪器做了优化,一般有LCD,ADC,DAC,OPAMP13x(1),14x(1),15x,16x系列基本配置:48个I/O,TA,TB,Watchdog,UART/SPI,I2C,DMA,MPY,Comp_A,ADC12相同1.全系列Flash程序存储器2.64引脚PM, PAG, RTD封装3.48个I/O4.TA(TA3),TB(13x,15x为TB3;14x,16x为TB7)5.Comp_A不同1.15x,16x:支持BOR,SVS,I2C,DMA,DAC2.14x,16x:MPY(硬件乘法器),2个UART/SPI3.13x1,14x1不含ADC12;其它器件含8通道ADC124.MSP430F161x最大支持10k的RAM说明:不特别指明的话13x包含13x1,14x包含14x1,16x包含161x41x,42x系列基本配置:LCD,TA3,Watchdog and Basic Timer,BOR,SVS,UART/SPI,SD16/slop41x,42x不同点比较:价格LCD ADC I/O USART MPY41x 约$2-3 96段slop 48 无无42x 约$5 128段3个SD16 14 有有特殊型号:MSP430FW42x:适用于Flow-meter(流体表),特点(与普通42x比较):ADC采用slop(因为流体传感器的准确度不高),LCD为96段,不带MPY和USART。



MSP430g2553实用手册一.芯片引脚图说明:1.单片机工作电源:DVCC:电源3.3V2.P1.0/TA0CLK/ACLK/A0/CA0:通用IO、TimeA0时钟信号、ACLK时钟信号输出、模拟信号输入A0、比较器输入03.P1.1/TA0.0/UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI/A1/CA1:通用IO、TimeA0_0捕捉输入和比较输出、UART的接受输入、SPI的从器件发送/主器件接收、模拟信号输入A1、比较器输入14.P1.2/TA0.1/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO/A2/CA2:通用IO、TimeA0_1捕捉输入和比较输出、UART的发送输出、SPI的从器件接收/主器件发送、模拟信号输入A2、比较器输入25.P1.3/ADC10CLK/CA0OUT/VREF-/VEREF-/A3/CA3:通用IO、ADC10时钟信号、比较器输出、ADC负基准参考电压、负参考电压、模拟信号输入A3、比较器输入36.P1.4/SMCLK/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK/VREF+/VEREF+/A4/CA4/TCK: 通用IO、SMCLK时钟信号输出、USCI_B0从器件发送使能、USCI_A0时钟输入/输出、ADC正基准参考电压、正参考电压、模拟信号输入A4、比较器输入4,JTAG测试时钟7.P1.5/TA0.0/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE/A5/CA5/TMS: 通用IO、TIMEA0_0捕捉输入和比较输出、USCI_B0时钟输入或输出、USCI_A0从器件使能、模拟信号输入A5、比较器输入5、JTAG测试模式选择8.P2.0/TA1.0: 通用IO、TIMEA1_0捕捉输入或比较输出9.P2.1/TA1.1: 通用IO、TIMEA1_1捕捉输入或比较输出10.P2.2/TA1.1: 通用IO、TIMEA1_1捕捉输入或比较输出11.P2.3/TA1.0:通用IO、TIMEA1_0捕捉输入或比较输出12.P2.4/TA1.2:通用IO、TIMEA1_2捕捉输入或比较输出13.P2.5/TA1.2:通用IO、TIMEA1_2捕捉输入或比较输出14.P1.6/TA0.1/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL/A6/ CA6/TDI/TCLK: 通用IO、TIMEA0_1捕捉输入或比较输出、SPI从器件输出/主器件输入、I2C时钟、模拟信号输入A6、比较器输入6、JTAG测试信号输入、JTAG时钟输入15.P1.7/CAOUT/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA//A7/CA7/TDO/TDI: 通用IO、比较器输出、SPI从器件输入/主器件输出、I2C数据线、模拟信号输入A7、比较器输入7、JTAG测试信号输出、JTAG测试信号输入16.RST/NMI/SBWTDIO: 复位、不可屏蔽中断输入、编程及测试期间的两线制(Spy-Bi-Wire) 测试数据输入/输出17.TEST/SBWTCK: JTAG 引脚选择测试模式、编程及测试期间的Spy-Bi-Wire测试时钟输入18.XOUT/P2.7: 晶振输出、通用IO19.XIN/P2.6/TA0.1: 晶振输入、通用IO20.DVSS: 地二芯片电路图:三.MSP430程序设计:(1)PWM波测试程序:/**************************************步进电机驱动控制频率0-10KHZ可调**************************************//*-----------------------------------频率低时,定时器的计数值不够,所以采用分次计数的方式。

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超低功耗性能 —— 模拟集成 —— 轻松启动设计工作
MSP430™ 16 位 RISC CPU
BOR $0.25
速度:8 MHz
ADC10,12 速度:16 MHz
速度:8/16 MHz
速度:25 MHz
• 16 位定时器
闪存:1-60KB Comp_A 闪存:0.5-8KB Comp A 闪存:4-120KB ADC10,12 闪存:8-256KB
参阅第 8 页和第 9 页,了解完整描述
轻松开展设计工作 MSP430 MCU 采用现代 16 位 RISC 架构以及简单的开发生态 系统,因而拥有极佳的易用性。
16 位正交架构 MSP430 MCU 采用的 16 位架构可提供 16 个高度灵活的、可 完全寻址的单周期操作 16 位 CPU 寄存器,以及 RISC 性能。 该 CPU 的现代设计不仅简洁,而且功能十分丰富,仅采用 了 27 条简单易懂的指令与 7 种统一寻址模式。
灵活的时钟系统 —— MSP430 MCU 时钟系统能启用和禁用 各种不同的时钟和振荡器,从而使器件能够进入不同的低 功耗模式 (LPM)。这种高度灵活的时钟系统可确保仅在适当 的时候启用所需时钟,从而能够显著优化总体能耗。
子系统时钟 (SMCLK) —— 用于各个较快速外设模块的源, 可由内部 DCO 驱动(频率最高达 25 MHz),也可采用外部 晶振驱动。
CPU 关闭,仅外设时钟可用。禁用 DC 生成 器。
无 RAM 保持,启用 RTC。(仅 MSP430F5xx 系列)
LPM4 关闭 CPU 且禁用所有时钟。
无 RAM 保持,禁用 RTC。(仅 MSP430F5xx 系列)
定时器、ADC、DMA、USART、WDT、I/0、比较器、 USI、扩展中断、USCI、RTC、其它外设 定时器、ADC、DMA、USART、WDT、I/0、比较器、 USI、扩展中断、USCI、RTC、其它中断 定时器、ADC、DMA、USART、WDT、I/0、比较器、 USI、扩展中断、USCI、RTC、其它中断 定时器、ADC、DMA、USART、WDT、I/0、比较器、 USI、扩展中断、USCI、RTC、其它中断 定时器、ADC、DMA、USART、WDT、I/0、比较器、 USI、扩展中断、USCI、RTC、其它中断
SVS 速度:20 MHz
SVM 闪存:8-32KB LDO RAM:高达 4KB
Sub 1 GHz RF
ADC12 (A)
• 完整的产业开发环境,全套工具售价低至 20 美元。
200 多种超低功耗器件
8MHz 到 25MHz 的 CPU 速度
0.5KB 到 256KB 闪存
128B 到 16KB RAM
0.25 美元!
引脚数从 14 到 113 不等;采用 22 种封装
MSP430 微处理器 DNA
超低功耗 MSP430 MCU 专为超低功耗应用而精心设计。其高度灵活的 时钟系统、多种低功耗模式、即时唤醒以及智能的全自动 外设 (intelligent autonomous peripheral) 不仅可实现真正的超低 功耗优化,同时还能显著延长电池使用寿命。
• 低于 50 nA 的引脚 漏电流
Cap sense IOs
• 低于 6µs 的唤醒时间
USART 速度:16 MHz ADC10,12
闪存:1-120kB SD16_A
RAM:高达 8kB GPIO:10-64 Comp_A-
工作状态 CPU、所有时钟与外设均可用。
LPM0 CPU 关闭,外设时钟可用。
CPU 关闭,外设时钟可用。禁用 DCO,可 以禁用 DC 生成器。
CPU 关闭,仅外设时钟可用。启用 DC 生成 器。
MSP430™ 超低功耗 微处理器
超低功耗是 我们的原生优势
轻松启动 设计工作
无所不在的 MCU 总有一款 430 适合您 2011 年上半年
2 超低功耗 MSP430™ 微处理器
MSP430™ 微处理器
德州仪器 (TI) 推出的 MSP430™ 微处理器 (MCU) 是一种基于 RISC 的 16 位混合信号处理器,专为满足超低功耗 (ULP) 需求 而精心设计。MSP430 MCU 将智能外设、易用性、低成本以 及业界最低功耗等优异特性完美结合在一起,能满足数以千 计应用的要求,也必然能满足您的需求。TI 可为 MSP430 MCU 平台提供强大的设计支持且配套提供技术文档、培训、工具 以及软件等,有助于设计人员大幅加速产品的开发与上市进 程。更多详情,敬请访问:/msp430。
RAM:高达 10KB DAC12 RAM:高达 256B Temp RAM:高达 8KB SD16(_A) RAM:高达 16KB
• 内部数字控制振荡器 GPIO:14-48
• 外部 32 kHz 晶振支持
持续创新 TI 致力于在 ULP 的集成度和易用性 方面不断推进微处理器技术的创 新。通过铁电 RAM (FRAM) 和通用存 储器等特性,MSP430 系列实现了 独特的性价比优势,不仅能简化设 计工作,而且还能实现无电池的智 能无线产品等极富吸引力的应用。
多个封装版本 MSP430 系 列 拥 有 超 过 22 种 封 装 选 项,能够最全面地满足终端设备以及 制造工作的要求。对于当前不断提高 的微型化需求而言,MSP430 支持的 众多器件还采用裸片以及裸片大小的 BGA (DSBGA) 微小型封装,尺寸仅 3x3 毫米。
低成本选择 全新的 MSP430 Value Line 系列产品 可针对低成本的低端应用提供 ULP 及 16 位性能。这些价格低至 25 美 分的 MCU 理想适用于高销量的低 成 本 设 计 方 案。 您 仅 需 4.3 美 元 即可使用 LaunchPad 开发套件启动 MSP430 Value Line 的开发工作。
详情访问 /msp430 超低功耗是我们的原生优势
业界最低功耗的微处理器 3
MSP430™ 微处理器 DNA
高集成度 MSP430 MCU 拥有卓越的高集成度,能够提供各种高性能 模拟及数字外设。
智能外设 MSP430 MCU 的外设旨在确保实现最强大的功能性,并以 业界最低功耗提供系统级中断、复位和总线判优。许多 外设都能自动工作,因而最大限度减少了 CPU 处于工作模 式的时间。
主系统时钟 (MCLK) —— CPU 源,可由内部数控振荡器 (DCO) 驱动(频率最高达 25 MHz),也可采用外部晶振驱动。
辅助时钟 (ACLK) —— 用于各个外设模块的源,可由内部低 功耗振荡器或外部晶振驱动。
超快速的 1µs DCO 启动使基于 MSP430 的系统能够尽量长时间地保持低功 耗模式,从而延长电池使用寿命。DCO 可全面实现用户编程。
无线应用 MSP430 系列可提供范围广泛的 ULP 解决方案,非常适用于设备跟踪、 家庭 / 工业自动化、个人健康和健 身产品以及远程传感器监控等众多 无线应用。当前提供的产品选项包 括 1GHz 以下的 SoC 实施方案(CC430 系 列), 以 及 适 用 于 1GHz 以 下 和 2.4GHz 实施方案的配套微处理器等。
ADC10,12 (A)
Multiple-Oscillator Clock System
32.768 kHz
Very Low-Power Oscillator (VLO)
up to 20 kHz
Control Digitally Controlled Oscillator
ACLK-32 kHz Lower-Power Peripherals
总有一款 430 适合您·加入我们的在线社区,网址:/cn/forums/41.aspx
4 超低功耗 MSP430™ 微处理器
为什么选择 MSP430™ 微处理器?
MSP430F5xx 架构 TI 目前能够在其最新的 MSP430F5xx 平 台基础上推出广泛的通用器件供用户 选 择。 除 已 具 备 众 多 新 特 性 之 外, F5xx 系列还提供能够通过可调内核电 压实现电源优化的创新型电源管理模 块 (PMM)。这些器件可提供 8 到 256KB 的闪存存储器容量选项、高达 16KB 的 RAM 以及丰富的外设。
Clock System
Analog Peripheral