
初中英语语法句型第一组:句式1.我是学生.(简单句)I’m a student.2.他在做的与我无关.(复合句)What he does is none of my business.3.我来了,但他已经走了. (并列句)I came, but he has left.4.我不知道他已经走了,但是她知道. (并列复合句)I don’t know he has left, but she does.5.你能回答我的问题吗?(疑问句)Can you answer my question?6.我在写信. (陈述句)I’m writing a letter.7.请开门.(祈使句)Please open the door.8.他是一个多聪明的男孩啊!(感叹句)What a clever boy he is!9.我非常喜欢这本书.I like the book very much.10.他昨天去哪儿了?Where did he go yesterday?第二组:词类11.你应该用正确的方法做这件事.You should do it in the right way.12.最终, 他受到了惩罚.At last, he was punished.13.他在湖里游泳.He is swimming in the lake.14.至今,我已经读了100部小说.So far, I have read 100 novels.15.我不喜欢这乐曲.I don’t like the music.16.你喜欢音乐吗?Do you like music?17.如果我是你, 我会跟他在一起.If I were you, I would stay with him.18.面对困难,一定要保持冷静.When facing difficulty, you should keep calm.19.最终,他梦想成真.At last, his dream came true.20.你所说的听起来很有道理.What you says sounds reasonable.第三组:词类21.我无法容忍你那样对母亲说话.I can’t have you speaking to mum that way.22.我看见他上学去了.I saw him going to school.23.他的演讲大大鼓舞了我们.His speech encouraged us greatly.24.使我们惊奇的是你不愿来.What surprised us was that you were unwilling to come.25.军人的天职是执行命令.It is a soldier’s duty to carry out orders.26.摇头意味着不同意. (v-ing作主语)Shaking heads means disagreement.27.将有一个更大的地震袭击这个国家.Another big earthquake will hit this country.28.我同意你所说的.(名词从句作宾语)I agreed with what you said.29. 我后悔告诉了你那件事.(双宾)I regret telling you that.30. 事实是他不相信我们. (名词从句作表语)The fact is that he doesn’t believe us.第四组:句子成分31. 楼上的那家人很外向.(adv 作定语)The family upstairs are outgoing.32. 我认识一个加TOM 的男孩 (过去分词作定语)I know a boy named Tom.33. 在有问题的地方做记号.(从句作状语)Make marks where you have questions.34. 我发现他仰卧在地上(v-ing 作宾补)I found him lying on his back on the ground.35. 他敞着窗睡觉, 醒着. ( adj.作状语)He slept with the window open, awake.36. 我发现他不在家. (adv.作宾补)I found him out.37. 这就是我过去工作过的那家工厂.This is the factory where I used to work.38. 他是一个学生, 一个受学生们欢迎的学生.(同位语—代词)He is a student, one who is popular with the students.39. 我的工作是教英语.(V-ing作表语)My job is teaching English.40. 我去看他却发现他不在家.(不定式作结果状语)I went to see him only to find him out.第五组:句子结构41. 他进来了. (主---谓)He came in.42. 我喜欢英语. (主---谓---宾)I like English.43. 他解决了这道难题.He worked out the difficult problem.44. 我给了他一本书.I gave him a book.45. 我把这些钱借给了他.I lent the money to him.46. 我们选他当班长.We made him our monitor.47. 什么让你那样想?What makes you think that way?48. 我们抓住他偷窃.We caught him stealing.49. 你穿这件外套很好看.You look nice in this coat.50. 这菜味道不错.The dish tastes great.第六组:冠词51. 这只马是动物.The horse is an animal.52. 一只马是动物.A horse is an animal.53. 马都是动物.Horses are animals.54. 我喜欢音乐.I like music.55. 我喜欢这曲音乐.I like the music.56. 请开门.Please open the door.57. 在这里演讲是一种荣幸.It’s an honor to give a speech here.58. 他历史知识丰富.He had a good knowledge of history.59. 在夏天跳进河里游泳是多么有趣啊!What fun it is to jump into the river and swim in summer.60. 汽车正以60公里的速度行使.The car is going at a speed of 60 kilometers an hour. 第七组:名词61. 他做了个竹窗帘. (名词作定语)He made a bamboo curtain.62. 我从学校走回家要10 分钟. (名词所有格)It’s ten minutes’ walk for me to come home from school.63. 这一次他真的犯了错. (固定)He really made a mistake this time.64. 他给我们提供了一些信息.He offered us some information.65. 同学们正在纠正试卷.The students are correcting the papers.66. 是中国最先造纸的.It is China that first made paper.67. 我将去拜访Smith 的家人.I will call on the Smiths.68. 我将去Smith家看看.I will call at the Smith’s.69. 这地图对你很有价值.The map is of great value to you.70. 他英语知识丰富.He has a good knowledge of English.第八组:代词71. 让我们讲清楚, 迟到的人是要受罚的.Let’s make it clear that the one who is late should be punished.72. 是在我工作的那家工厂我遇上他的. (强调)It was in the factory where I worked that I met him. 73. 请大声说, 以便别人能听清楚你.Please speak aloud so that you can make yourself heard.74. 中国人口比日本多.The population of China is much larger than that of Japan.75. 一个石头房子比木头房子坚固.A house of stone is much stronger than one of wood.76. 我们每一个人都应该听老师的话.Every one of us should listen to the teacher.77. 在路大两旁有许多树.There are many trees on both sides of the road. 78. 许多工厂在污水排出之前几乎没有采取措施.Little has been done before polluted water goes into the river from many factories.79. 我有两个妹妹, 一个是老师,而另一个是护士.I have two sisters. One is a teacher while the other is a nurse.80. 她听到一声巨响,这使她震惊不以.She heard a loud noise, which made her frightened. 第九组:形容词,副词81. 我在街上偶然遇到了一个三岁的小孩. (复合adj.)I came across a three-year-old child on the street.82. 这老人独居却不孤独.The old man lives alone but he is not lonely.83. 他进来了, 看起来精神抖擞. (系表)He came in, looking energetic.84. 费了很大力, 他推开了门.He pushed the door open with great strength.85. 他下到深深的井里救我,这使我深为感动.He went deep into the well to save me, which moved me deeply.86. 你这样做太蠢了.It’s so foolish of you to do so.87. 对于我们学英语是必要的.It’s necessary for us to learn English.88. 这个包背起来太重.The bag is too heavy to carry.89. 这个剧院大得可以容纳1000人.The theatre is big enough to seat 1000.90. 他匆匆赶回家,内心充满恐惧.He hurried home, full of fear.第十组:比较级句式91. 这个题太难,我解不出(too … to ).The problem is too difficult for me to work out. 92. 他是这们一位好老师,以致我们都喜欢他(so that ). So good a teacher is he that all of us like him. 93. 在他俩中, Tom 较高.Of the two, Tom is the taller.94. 莎士比亚比任何一个英国其他作家更有名. Shakespeare is more famous than any other writer in the UK.95. 这间房是那间三倍大( as … as ).This house is three times as big as that one.96. 这间房比那间大三倍( than ).This house is three times bigger than that one. 97. 这间房比那间大三倍( the size of )This house is three times the size of that one . 98. 冬眠不只是睡觉( more than ).Hibernation is more than sleep.99. 你跑得不如他快.(not … more than)You are not faster than him.100. 你和他都跑得不快(no … more than)You are no faster than him.第十一组:数词101. 今天他是第十三个到校的(序数词).He was the 13th to come to school today.102. 请把作业送到302房间.Please send the housework to room 302.103. 他毕业于1987年7月7日.He graduated on July 7th in 1989.104. 除了英语和日语,他又学了一门语言,法语.Besides English and Japanese he has learned a third language – French.105. 成千上万的人在地震后无家可归.Thousands of people became homeless after the earthquake.106. 据说他在20世纪晚期在美国读过书.It’s said that he studied in America in the late 20th century.107. 经理将于一.两天后回来.The manager will be back in one or two days.108. 你完成了那篇2000词的文章吧?(复合adj)Have you finished the 2000 – word article?109. 我想买那些黑色鞋中的一双.I want to buy one pair of those black shoes.110. 他50岁时去了北京.He went to Bejing in his fifties.第十二组:主谓一致111. 这些都是目前最畅销的书.(从句主谓一致).These are the books that sell well at present. 112. 中国人口众多,其中80%是农民..China has a large population, of which 80% are peasants.113. 不仅我而且他去过北京。

标题:英语最常用的60个句型及例句一、主语+谓语1. I love you.我爱你。
2. He sings well.他唱歌很好。
3. We play football every Sunday. 我们每个星期天踢足球。
4. They go to school by bus.他们乘公交车去学校。
二、主语+谓语+宾语5. She reads a book.她在读一本书。
6. We eat apples.我们吃苹果。
7. He speaks English.他讲英语。
8. They watch TV.他们看电视。
三、主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语9. She paints the wall red.她把墙刷成了红色。
10. We call him a hero.我们称他为英雄。
11. He considers the plan unfeasible. 他认为这个计划不可行。
12. They make their father proud.他们让父亲感到自豪。
四、主语+系动词+表语13. I am a teacher.我是一名老师。
14. She was happy.她很快乐。
15. He is my friend.他是我的朋友。
16. They are students.他们是学生。
五、主语+谓语+间宾+直宾17. She teaches us English. 她教我们英语。
18. He bought her a gift. 他给她买了一份礼物。
19. We tell him a story.我们给他讲故事。
20. They show us the way.他们给我们指路。
六、主语+谓语+宾补+宾语21. She made her sister cry.她让她妹妹哭了。
22. They found the problem solved. 他们发现问题已经解决了。
23. He heard the news spread.他听说了消息已经传开了。

中考英语常考固定短语句型1.much,a little, even, still等表示程度的副词可用来修饰比较级;而very, too, so, quite(表示身体健康的quiter除外)习惯上不用来修饰比较级。
2.arrive in +大地点/ arrive at +小地点= get to … = reach +…(到达…)We have arrived at the railway station.3.Let's +动词原形4.长,宽,高的表达法:数字+量词+形容词。
如:20 metres wide二十米宽Well 30 meters deepThis is a two-meter-high tree5.stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情Hearing the knock at the door, Dad stopped his work.6.stop to do sth停下(正在做的事情)来做另一件事Xiao Ming is tired. He stops to have a restWhen the teacher came in, the students stopped talking7.stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事We should prevent/stop people from damaging the ecological environment.Dad always prevents/stops me from swimming in the river8.can't stop doing sth 情不自禁干某事Hearing this sad story, we can't help cryingHearing this joke, everyone couldn't help laughing9.There is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语.10.How many+复数名词+are there+介词短语?How many students are there in your class?11.remember to do sth记得将要干某事(事没做)Remember to lock the door when you leave.12.remember doing sth .记得曾经做过某事(事已做)I remember locking the door when I left.13.在季节、月份、星期、节日、球类运动、棋类游戏的名词之前不用冠词。

初中英语学习的60个必备句型!句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/时间状语There's a book on the desk.桌上有本书。
句型2:What’s wrong with+sb. / sth. ?What's wrong with you?你怎么了?句型3:How do you like...?How do you like Nanjing?你觉得南京怎么样?句型4:What do you like about...?What do you like about Nanjing?你喜欢南京什么?句型5:had better(not)+动词原形You'd better have a rest.你最好休息一下。
句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语! ;What a/an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语!How beautiful the girl is !这个姑娘真漂亮!What an interesting book it is!多有趣的一本书呀!句型7:Thank+sb. +for (doing) sth.Thank you for helping me.感谢你帮我。
句型8:So+be/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语He is a doctor. So am I.他是一个医生,我也是。
句型9:... not ... until ...He didn't do his homework until his mother came back.直到他的父母回来他才写作业。
句型10:比较级+and+比较级It rained harder and harder.雨越下越大。
句型11:the +比较级,the +比较级The more careful you are ,the fewer mistake you will make.越仔细,越少犯错。

句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/时间状语 There’s a boat in the river. 河里有条船。
句型2:What’s wrong with+sb./sth.? What’s wrong with your watch? 你的手表有什么毛病? 句型3:How do you like...? How do you like China? 你觉得中国怎么样? 句型4:What do you like about...? What do you like about China?你喜欢中国的什么? 句型5:had better(not)+动词原形 You’d better ask that policeman over there. 你最好去问问那边的那个警察。
句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语! What a/an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语! How cold it is today ! 今天多冷啊! What a fine picture it is! 多美的一幅图画呀! 句型7:Thank+sb. +for (doing) sth.Thank you for coming to see me. 感谢你来看我。
句型8:So+be/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语 He is a student. So am I. 他是一个学生,我也是。
句型9:... not ... until ... He didn’t have supper until his parents came back. 直到他的父母回来他才吃饭。
句型10:比较级+and+比较级 The baby cried harder and harder. 那孩子哭得越来越厉害。
句型11:the +比较级,the +比较级 The more one has,the more one wants. 越有越贪。

78be 两者之间
84care 赶上某人某人闲谈
145if: whether 146if:
什么在(north west西
rself .

第一组1. Come on, children. It's time to have lunch.2.They were late for the meeting because of the heavy traffic yesterday.3.She is now in great trouble. Let's / Let us help her.4.Will you please call me as soon as you get to / arrive in / reach Shanghai?5.The seven –year –old girl likes playing the piano so much that she has kept practicing for two years.6. Y ou’d better go home7. What/How about tomorrow8. too old to use9. is as famous/popular as10. it’s not possible to make her rest in bed11. It’s time for/ to have12. Why not go (there)13. There is something wrong with14. to keep you waiting15. He spent so much time(in)playing computer games that第二组1. he enjoys / likes doing2. Why not / Why don’t you eat more3. be late for school4. is too young to /so young that she can’t go to school5. is important for us to learn English, one of the most popular languages6. Let’s go to school7. didn’t go home until8. sending me the CD / sending the CD to me9. China is famous for the Great Wall.10. not only studies well, but (also) likes helping others / is not only good at lessons / studies / study, but also readyto help others11、What’s wrong with you/ What’s the matter with you12、is only/just four years old13、getting hotter and hotter14、makes us read aloud/ keeps us reading aloud15、so much that he spends hundreds of dollars on/buying books / so much that he pays hundreds of dollars forbooks/ so he spends hundreds of dollars on/buying books第三组1.How/ What about going for a picnic2.we’d better ask the teacher for help/ ask the teacher to help us3.either surf the Internet or watch TV4.hasn’t stopped/ doesn’t stop many young people from buying their own cars5.are afraid that they can’t finish reading this book until next weekend.6.Would you like/Do you want to go to a movie/ a cinema theater7.there is something wrong/ something is wrong8.is very glad that I’m already as tall as her/she9.Both my son and I/ My son and I both, are busy getting ready for/preparing for10.tell me how long it will take the workers to build this new schooled to be afraid of12.doesn’t want to give up our hope at all./wouldn’t like to give up our hope in the slightest13.has stopped raining14.he called me up as soon as he came back/returned to Beijing15.not only help us with study, but also often tell us how to get along/on well with others16.It’s time for homework/ It’s time to do homework17.neither too early nor too late18.take an umbrella with you19.very important/crucial for every student to keep their own classrooms clean and tidy20.it’s good for health to eat too much sugar21.Why not tell us your story/ Why don’t you tell us your story22.going on helping me23.never too young to start our business24.the friendlier/more friendly they will be to us25.are busy cleaning up the rooms, (and )others are getting ready to act for them.。

以下是一些常见的陈述句型:1. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语例如:I like pizza.(我喜欢比萨。
)2. 主语 + be动词 + 表语例如:She is a teacher.(她是一名教师。
)3. 主语 + do/does + 动词原形例如:They do their homework every day.(他们每天做作业。
)4. 主语 + have/has + 过去分词例如:He has finished his homework.(他已经完成了作业。
以下是一些常见的疑问句型:1. 疑问词 + 助动词 + 主语 + 动词?例如:What do you like?(你喜欢什么?)2. 助动词 + 主语 + 动词?例如:Do you play basketball?(你打篮球吗?)3. 特殊疑问句例如:Where did you go yesterday?(你昨天去哪里了?)三、祈使句祈使句用于表达请求、命令或建议。
以下是一些常见的祈使句型:1. 动词原形 + 其他成分例如:Open the window, please.(请打开窗户。
)2. 动词原形 + 不定代词/名词例如:Eat some fruit.(吃些水果。
以下是一些常见的感叹句型:1. How + 形容词/副词 + 主语 + 动词!例如:How beautiful the flowers are!(花儿多美啊!)2. What + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + be动词!例如:What a lovely dog he has!(他有一只多可爱的狗啊!)五、条件句条件句用于表达假设、条件和结果之间的关系。

中考英语常考句型及例句一、请求类1.Could you please…(你能不能请...)Could you please send me the latest report?(你能不能请发给我最新的报告?)2.I would be grateful if you could…(如果你能...我将不胜感激)I would be grateful if you could give me some advice on this matter.(如果你能就这件事给我一些建议, 我将不胜感激。
)3.Would you mind…(你介意...)Would you mind sending me the document again?(你介意再把文件发给我一遍吗?)4.Can/Could you do me a favor?(你能否帮我一个忙?)Could you do me a favor and take care of my pet while I am on vacation?(你能否帮我一个忙,照顾一下我的宠物,我要去度假。
)5.I am writing to reque st…(我写信是为了请求...)I am writing to request a refund for the defective product I received.(我写信是为了请求退款,因为我收到的产品有缺陷。
)二、建议类6.I suggest that…(我建议...)I suggest that we should hold a meeting to discuss the issue.(我建议我们应该开一个会议来讨论这个问题。
)7.It might be a good i dea to…(做...可能是个不错的主意)It might be a good idea to hire an intern to help with the workload.(请一个实习生来帮忙可能是个不错的主意。

初中英语基本句型大全1. 主语 + be动词- I am a student.- She is my sister.2. 主语 + 动词- They play soccer.- He sings well.3. 主语 + 动词 + 直接宾语- We eat apples.- Mary likes ice cream.4. 主语 + 动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语- Mike gave me a present.- My parents bought me a new bike.5. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语- I find the book interesting.- We consider him our best friend.6. 主语 + 助动词 + 动词- They can swim.- He should study harder.7. 主语 + be动词 + 形容词- The weather is beautiful.- My dog is cute.8. 主语 + be动词 + 名词- She is a teacher.- They are students.9. 主语 + be动词 + 不定式- I am happy to see you.- He is ready to go.10. 主语 + be动词 + 现在分词- The children are playing in the park.- The flowers are blooming beautifully.11. 主语 + be动词 + 过去分词- The house was built last year.- The cake was eaten by the children.12. 主语 + have/has + 过去分词- I have finished my homework.- She has written a letter.13. 主语 + have/has + been + 现在分词- We have been waiting for an hour.- He has been studying all day.14. 主语 + have/has + been + 过去分词- They have been invited to the party.- She has been praised for her hard work.15. 主语 + was/were + 动词的-ing形式- I was reading a book when he called.- They were playing basketball at that time.16. 主语 + 动词不定式- You should listen carefully.- We need to study for the test.17. 主语 + 即将/打算 + 动词原形- I am going to visit my grandparents next week.- They are planning to go on a trip.18. 主语 + can/could + 动词原形- She can swim.- They could speak Chinese when they were young.19. 主语 + must/mustn't + 动词原形- You must finish your homework before you go out.- They mustn't smoke in the building.20. 主语 + may/might + 动词原形- He may come to the party tonight.- It might rain tomorrow.21. 主语 + should + 动词原形- We should help people in need.- You should apologize for your mistake.22. 主语 + would like + to + 动词原形- I would like to go shopping with you.- They would like to eat dinner at the restaurant.23. 介词短语作状语- She went to school by bus.- We played soccer in the park.24. 介词短语作定语- The book on the table is mine.- The girl with long hair is my sister.25. 定语从句- The woman who is wearing a red dress is my mother.- The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.26. 状语从句- I will go swimming if it is sunny tomorrow.- She cried because she failed the exam.27. 名词性从句- What he said is true.- I don't know where she lives.28. 并列句- He likes apples, but he doesn't like oranges.- I want to go to the movies, and she wants to stay home.29. 条件句- If it rains, we won't go to the park.- She will buy a new dress if she has enough money.30. 倒装句- Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.- Not only did he study English, but he also learned French.以上是初中英语基本句型大全,包括了主谓结构、宾语结构、状语结构、从句等等。

初中英语常见60个句型1.as …as^............ 一样中间必须用形容词或副词原级。
例如:This classroom is as big as that one.这间教室和那间一样大。
He runs as fast as Tom. 他和汤姆跑的一样快。
否定结构:not as/so …而如••土。
上面的两个句子可分别改为:This classroom is not as/so large as that one.这间教室不如那间大。
He doesn ' t run as/so fasas Tom.他跑得不如汤姆快。
2.as soon as 一.... 就.....用来引导时间状语从句。
例如:I ' ll tell him the plan as soon as I see him.我一看到他就告诉他这个计划。
He' ll go home as soon as he finishes his work.他一完成工作就回家。
3.be busy/enjoy/hate/go on/finish doing sth. 忙于 /喜欢 /讨厌 /继续 /完成做某事在enjoy, finish, hate, go on, be busy 等词语后,一般用动词-ing形式作宾语。
例如: Lin Tao is busy making a model plane.林涛正忙着做飞机模型。
My mother enjoys taking a walk after supper.我妈妈喜欢晚饭后散步。
I hate watching Channel Five.我讨厌看五频道。
When someone asked him to have a rest, he just went on working.当有人让他休息一会儿时,他仍继续工作。
I have finished writing the story.我已经写完了故事。

初中英语句型结构大全一、名词句型1. 主语 + 系动词 + 表语- My brother is a teacher.- The movie was interesting.2. 主语 + 动词 + 名词- They bought a new car.- I cook dinner every day.3. 主语 + 动词 + 名词 + 介词短语- She plays the guitar in her free time.- We visited the museum on Saturday.4. 主语 + 动词 + 双宾语- He gave me a present.- They showed us their new house.5. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语- We elected him class monitor.- She made her mother proud.6. 主语 + 动词 + 不定式- I want to learn how to swim.- He needs to finish his homework.7. 主语 + 动词 + 动名词- They enjoy swimming in the lake.- She loves reading books.8. 主语 + 动词 + 不定式/动名词 + 宾语- I heard him sing a song.- I watched her play basketball.9. there be 句型- There is a cat on the tree.- There are some apples in the basket.二、形容词句型1. 主语 + be + 形容词- She is beautiful.- It is cold today.2. 主语 + be + 名词 + 形容词- He is a hardworking student.- They are happy children.3. 主语 + be + 形容词 + 不定式/动名词- The book is interesting to read. - The movie is exciting to watch.4. 主语 + 动词 + 形容词- I find the story very interesting. - We consider it important to study.5. 主语 + 动词 + 名词 + 形容词- They made me feel proud of myself. - She found the movie boring.6. 主语 + 动词 + 形容词 + 宾语- We keep our classroom clean.- He made his sister happy.三、副词句型1. 主语 + 动词 + 副词- He runs fast.- She speaks English fluently.2. 主语 + be + 副词- The weather is really nice.- The food smells delicious.3. 主语 + 动词 + 形容词 + 副词- They sing beautifully.- He plays tennis well.4. 主语 + 动词 + 副词 + 宾语- I eat breakfast early in the morning.- They finished their work quickly.四、介词句型1. 动词 + 介词 + 宾语- She looks at herself in the mirror.- He listens to music every evening.2. 形容词/副词 + 介词 + 宾语- She is afraid of spiders.- The cat jumps onto the table.3. 名词/代词 + 介词 + 名词/代词- I gave the book to him.- She borrowed a pen from me.五、连接词句型1. 并列连词- She is smart and beautiful.- He likes playing basketball but hates swimming.2. 结果连词- She studied hard, so she passed the exam.- He didn't study, therefore he failed the test.3. 条件连词- If it rains tomorrow, we will stay indoors.- Unless you finish your homework, you can't play video games.4. 原因连词- He is tired because he stayed up late last night.- We missed the bus as we woke up late.5. 转折连词- He is nice, but sometimes he can be mean.- I love ice cream; however, I am lactose intolerant.6. 让步连词- Although it was raining, they went hiking.- Despite feeling tired, she continued to work.六、从句句型1. 名词性从句- What she said is true.- Whether he will come or not is uncertain.2. 定语从句- The book that she lent me is very interesting.- The girl who won the race is my friend.3. 状语从句- I will go to the party if I have time.- She cried because she failed the test.以上是初中英语常用的句型结构,包括名词句型、形容词句型、副词句型、介词句型、连接词句型和从句句型。
初中英语早读材料 60个中考必备句型

60个中考必备句型1.What about/How about +sth./doing sth.?某物/做某事怎么样?How about this book?这本书怎么样?What about going to the zoo?去动物园怎么样?2.What does sb. look like?某人长什么样?What does your mother look like?你妈妈长什么样?3.It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花费了某人多长时间It took me one hour to finish the task.完成这项任务花费了我一个小时的时间。
4.It's time to do sth./ It's time for sth. 到了该做某事的时候了It's time for me to go home.我该回家了。
It's time for lunch. 吃午餐的时间到了。
5.Would you like to do sth.?你愿意做……吗?Would you like to see a film with me tonight?今晚你愿意和我去看电影吗?6.Would you mind doing sth.?你介意……吗?Would you mind opening the window?你介意打开窗户吗?7.Would (Could) you please...?请你……好吗?Would (Could) you please help me with the housework?请你帮我做家务好吗?8.That's why...那就是……的原因That's why I like reading novels.那就是我喜欢读小说的原因。
9.It's one's duty to do sth.做某事是某人的职责It's our duty to protect the environment.保护环境是我们的职责。

初中英语作文常用句型、连词常用句型1、be worth doing 值得做……2、be busy doing 忙着做……3、too…to do 太……而不能做……4、so+adj./adv. as to do 如……以致于做5、It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花某人……时间做某事6、sb.spends some time doing sth. 某人花……时间做某事7、It is+adj.+for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是……8、It's up to sb. to do sth. 应由某人做某事9、sb. have some difficulty/ trouble in doing sth. 某人做某事很费劲I have some difficulties in finishing this project.12、sb.can do nothing but do sth.=have no choice but to do 别无他法,只能做某事17、It is said that… 据说……18、not…until/till… 直到……才I didn’t go to sleep until my parents came in.20、主语+find/consider/think+it+形容词或名词+不定式I find it interesting to see this film.21、so+adj./adv.+that 如此……以致于such+n.+that…The lady is so happy that she can’t say a word.It is such a wonderful day that we’re going out for picnic.22、why not do sth 为什么不做……呢?Why not proctect the world together?24、It's time to do sth. 到做某事的时间了25、sb. devote oneself/one's life to sth./doing. 致力于做某事27、It is/ was+被强调部分+that/who…28、I don't think/believee/suppose/expect+that 从句否定前移I don’t think he will win the game.29、would like to do 愿做某事feel like doing 想做某事had better (not) do sth 最好(不)做某事would rather do 宁愿做……30、There is no doing sth. 没必要做……31、主语+have no idea+从句不知道……33、no matter when/where/what/who/whether/how+从句+主句无论……35、used to do 过去常做某事be used to doing 习惯于做某事as soon as…从句+主句I will call you as soon as he comes back.38、It is possible/probable/likely that… 可能……39、Do you mind if I do?/Would you mind if I did? 我做某事你介意吗?40、wish sb.+n./abj 祝愿某人…… I wish you good luck.I wish you success.I hope + that I hope you can succeed.(三)注意以下过渡词的用法1、表示时间的af first 起初next接下来then 然后after that 那以后later 后来soon 不久soon/shortly after ……之后不久finally 最后in the end 最后eventually 最终at last 终于lately 近来recently 最近since then 自从那时起after that 那以后in no time 不一会儿after a while 一会儿afterward 后来to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点immediately 立即、马上until now 直到现在meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时suddenly=all of a sudden 突然as a young man 当…… 是个年轻人的时候at the age of… 在……岁的时候as early as 早……的时候as soon as 一……就…… before, the other day 几天前early in the morning 大清早after/before dark 天黑后/前one day 有一天one afternoon 一天下午one morning 一天早晨3、表示列举和时序first, second, third…finally firstly, secondly, thirdly…finally first of all, next then, lastly for one thing…for another…at the same time at first at last4、表示列举for example+ that 例如:…… for instance+that 例如:……such as+短语如…… such as playing football5、表示比较或对比like 像unlike 不像similarly 同样地in the same way 以相同的方式compared to 与……相比while 而I like coffee while he likes tea.still=nevertheless 然而on the contrary 正相反be different from 与……不同on (the) one hand…on the other hand 一方面……另一方面6、表示增补and 而且此外、而且in addition 并且apart from 除了……之外what's more 而且、更重要的including 包括worse still=what's worse=to make matter worse 更糟糕的是7、表示因果because 因为since 既然as 由于now that 既然therefore 因此thus 这样so 所以as a result (of) 结果because of=on account of 因为thanks to 多亏、由于for this reason 由于这个原因if so 如果这样 if not 如果不是这样8、表示目的9、表示让步though/although 虽然、尽管even if/ even though 尽管in spite of whatever/however/whoever 无论/不管…….10、表示递进或强调besides 况且what's more 更重要地是above all 首先particularly 特别地in other words 换句话说in that case 那样的话11、表示转折but 但是still 然而however 然而while 而12、表示总结that is (to say) 也就是说in a/one word 简言之、一句话、总之generally speaking 一般说来in short=in a few words 简言之in conclusion=lastly 最后地so 所以therefore 因此thus 这样as has been mentioned 正如所提到的it is quite clear that 很显然there is no doubt that 毫无疑问it is well-known that 大家都知道as we all know=as is known as/so far as I know 据我所知to sum up=to summarize=in summary 总之13、表示转折话题by the way 顺便说I am afraid 我恐怕in my opinion 依我看来to tell the truth 说实话to be honest 诚实地说in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上。

初中英语重点句型归纳一、陈述句型1. 主语 + be动词 + 表语例句:I am a student.2. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语例句:Tom likes playing basketball.3. 主语 + 动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语例句:My mother bought me a new book.4. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语例句:We elected him monitor.5. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 + 宾语补足语例句:They made him chairman.6. 主语 + do/does + not + 动词原形例句:She does not like swimming.7. Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形例句:Do you like English?8. 主语 + have/has + 过去分词例句:He has finished his homework.9. 主语 + have/has + not + 过去分词例句:They haven't seen the film yet.10. Have/Has + 主语 + 过去分词例句:Have you ever visited Beijing?11. There be句型例句:There is a book on the desk.12. It be + adj. + 不定式例句:It is important to learn English well.13. It is + adj. + for + 人 + to + 不定式例句:It is difficult for me to solve the math problem.二、疑问句型1. Yes/No问句:句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形?例句:Do you like English?2. 特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词(what, where, when, why, who, how等)开头。

与期中考试英语满分的距离,是这60个重要的句型!之邯郸勺丸创作初中60个重要的句型,希望对大家有帮忙!1.as…as和……一样中间必须用形容词或副词原级.例如:Thisclassroom is as big as that one.这间教室和那间一样大.Heruns as fast as Tom.他和汤姆跑的一样快.否认结构:not as/so…as,“不如……”.上面的两个句子可辨别改成:Thisclassroom is not as/so large as that one.这间教室不如那间大.Hedoesn’t run as/so fast as Tom.他跑得不如汤姆快.2.as soon as一……就……用来引导时间状语从句.若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时.例如:I’lltell him the plan as soon as I see him.我一看到他就告知他这个计划.He’llgo home as soon as he finishes his work.他一完成任务就回家.3.be busy/enjoy/hate/go on/finish doing sth.忙于/喜欢/讨厌/继续/完成做某事在enjoy,finish,hate,go on,be busy等词语后,一般用动词-ing形式作宾语.例如:LinTao is busy making a model plane.林涛正忙着做飞机模型.Mymother enjoys taking a walk after supper.我妈妈喜欢晚饭后散步.I hatewatching Channel Five.我讨厌看五频道.Whensomeone asked him to have a rest,he just went onworking.当有人让他休息一会儿时,他仍继续任务.I havefinished writing the story.我已经写完了故事.4.fill…with用……装满......;be filled with 充满了……;be full of充满了......①be filled with说明由外界事物造成的此种状态,暗示主动.例如:Thebox is filled with food.盒子里装满了食物.②be full of说明主语处于的状态.此外,还可暗示程度,意为“很是”.例如:Thepatient’s room is full of flowers.那个病人的房间摆满了花.Theyoung man is full of pride.那个年轻人很是骄傲.③这两种结构还可以相互改写.例如:I fillthe box with food.The box is full of food.5.be good/bad for有利于/有害于……此句型是:be+adj.+for+n.结构.例如:Doingmorning exercises is good for your health.做早操对你的健康有益.Alwaysplaying computer games is bad for your study.总玩电脑游戏对你的学习晦气.6.be used to(doing)sth.习惯于……后必须接名词或动名词,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态.be可用get,become来代替.例如:He isused to life in the country.(He is used to living inthe country.)他习惯于乡村生活.Hewill get used to getting up early.他将会习惯于早起.注意:be used to do的意思是“被用来做……”.例如:Woodis used to make paper.木材被用来造纸.7.both…and…两者都……用来连接两个并列成分;当连接两个并列主语时,其后谓语动词用单数.例如:Boththe students and the teachers will go to the HistoryMuseumtomorrow.不管老师还是学生明天都会去历史博物馆.8.can’t help doing sth.禁不住做某事help在此的意思是“抑制,忍住”,其后接动词-ing形式.例如:Hisjoke is too funny.We can’t help laughing.他的笑话太有趣了,我们禁不止笑了起来.9.sth.costs sb.some money某物花费某人多少钱此句型的主语是物.cost一词带的是双宾语,它的过去式、过去分词和原型一样.Thisbook cost me five yuan.这本书花了我五元钱.10.either…or…不是……就是……,或者……或者……用来连接两个并列成分,当连接并列主语时,谓语动词与邻近的主语坚持一致.Youmay either stay here or go home.你可以呆在这儿,也可以回家.Eithershe or I am right.=Either I or she is right.不是她对就是我对.11.enough(for sb.)to do sth.足够……做……在此结构中,for用来引出不定式的逻辑主语.例如:Theice isn’t thick enough for you to walk on.这冰还没有厚到你可以在上面走的程度.12.feel like doing sth.想要做……此处like 为介词,后面跟动词-ing形式.此句型与would like to dosth.同义.例如:I feellike drinking a cup of milk.我想喝一杯牛奶.13.feel/find/think it adj./n.to do sth.认为某事……在此结构中it为形式宾语,不定式短语作真正的宾语.例如:I findit very interesting to play football.我发明踢足球很有趣.Shethinks it her duty to help us.她认为帮忙我们是她的职责.14.get ready for sth./to do sth.Getready for sth.意为“为某事做准备”;getready to dosth.意为“准备做某事”例如:We aregetting ready for the meeting.我们正在为会议做准备.Theywere getting ready to have a sports meet at that moment.他们那时正准备开运动会.15.get/receive/have a letter from收到……的来信,相当于hear fromDidyou receive a letter from John?你收到约翰的来信了吗?I gota letter from my brother yesterday.我昨天收到了我弟弟的一封来信.16.hadbetter(not)do sth.最好(别)做某事hadbetter为情态动词,其后需用动词原形.had better经常使用缩写,酿成’d better,其否认形式是在其后直接加not.例如:We hadbetter go no w.=We’d better go now.我们最好现在走吧.You’dbetter not go out because it is windy.今天起风,你最好别出去了.17.havesth.done使(某事)完成(动作由他人完成)sth.为宾语,done为过去分词作补语.例如:We hadthe machine repaired.我们请人把机器修好了.注意区分:We haverepaired the machine.我们(自己)已经修好了机器.18.help sb.(to)do sth./with sth.帮忙某人(做)某事,其中的to可以省略.例如:Ioften help my mother with housework.我经常帮忙妈妈做家务.Wouldyou please help me(to)look up these words?请你帮忙我查查这些词好吗?19.How do you like……?你认为……怎么样?与what do you think of…?同义.例如:How doyou like the weather in Beijing?你认为北京的天气怎么样?你觉得这部新电影如何?20.I don’t think/believethat…我认我/相信……不……其中的not是对宾语从句进行否认而不是对主句否认(否认前移).that可省略.例如:Idon’t think it will rain.我认为天不会下雨.Idon’t believe the girl will come.我相信那女孩不会来了.21.It happens that…碰巧……相当于happen to do例如:Ithappened that I heard their secret.可改写为:I happened tohear their secret.我碰巧听到了他们的秘密.22.It’s/has been+一段时间+since从句自从某时起做某件事情已经一段时间了该句型中since引导的时间状语从句经常使用一般过去时.例如:It’s twentyyears since he came here.他来这里已经20年了.It hasbeen six years since he married Mary.他和玛丽结婚已经六年了.23.It is+adj./n.+for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人来说……It是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式todo sth.例如:It’snot easy for us to study English well.对我们来说学好英语其实不容易.It’s agood idea for us to travel to the south.去南方旅行对我们来说是个好主意.24.It’s+adj.+of sb.to do sth.It是形式主语,to dosth.是真正的主语,当表语(即形容词)能对逻辑主语描述时,经常使用介词of,而不必for.例如:It’svery polit e of you to give your seat to old people.你给老人让座,很是有礼貌.25.Itseems/appears(to sb)that…(在某人看来)好像……此句中的it是主语,that引导的是表语从句.例如:Itseems that he islying.看样子他好像是在撒谎.Itappears to me that he never smiles.在我看来,他从来没有笑过.26.It is+数词+metres/kilometerslong/wide………是多少米(千米)长(宽)用来暗示物体的长(宽,高),如数词大于一,名词要用单数.例如:Itis20 metres long from this end to that end.从这端到那端有二十米长.27.It’s time for sb.to do sth.是某人干某事的时候了it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to do sth.例如:It’stime for the child to go to bed.孩子该睡觉了.比较下面两种结构:①It’s time for+n.例如:It’stime forschoo l.②It’s time to dosth.例如:It’stime to go to school.28.It takes sb.some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to do sth.例如:Ittakes her fifteen minutes to walk to the bus stop fromhere.从这儿走着到公交车站将花费她15分钟.Ittook the old man three days to finish the work.那个老人花了三天时间完成这项任务.29.keep(on)doing sth.一直坚持做某事keepdoing sth.一般用于静态动词.keep on doingsth.意为“继续不断地做某事”,一般用于动态动词,但两者的区别其实不是很严格,有时可以互换.例如:Don’tkeep on doing such foolish things.不要再做这样的傻事了.Hekept sitting there all day.他整天坐在那里.30.keep…from doing sth.阻止......做某事相当于stop…from doingsth.,prevent…from doing sth.在主动句中,stop和prevent后面的from可以省略,但在主动结构中,from 不成以省略.例如:Pleasekeep the children from swimming in the sea.请别让孩子到海里游泳.Thebig noise outside my room stopped me from doing myhomework.屋外巨大的噪音使我不克不及做作业.31.keep sb.doing sth.让某人一直做某事不成和keep sb.fromdoing sth.结构混淆.例如:Why doyou keep me waiting for a long time?你为什么让我等了很长时间?32.make sb.do sth.使某人干某事make意为“使”时,其后要有不带to的动词不定式.例如:Hemade me work ten hours a day.他让我每天任务10小时.注意:上句如改成主动语态,则work前的to不克不及省略.例如:I wasmade to work ten hours a day.33.neither…nor…既不……也不……当连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与邻近的主语取得一致(就进一致原则).例如:Neitherwe nor Jack knows him.我们和杰克都不认识他.Heneither knows nor cares what happened.他对产生的事情不理不睬.34.not…until…直到……才......until后可跟名词或从句,暗示时间.例如:Hedidn’t come until late in the evening.他直到晚上很迟才来.Hedidn’t arrive until the game began.直到角逐开始他才来.35.sb.pays money for sth.某人花钱买某物此句型主语是人.例如:I’vealready paid 2,000 yuan for the motor bike.我已经花了2000元买这辆摩托车.36.spend time/money on sth./(in)doing sth.花费(时间、钱)在某事上/做某事其中in可以省略,通常主语为“人”.例如:Ispent five yuan on this book.我在这本书上花了五元钱.Ispent two hours(in)doing my homework yesterday.昨晚我花了两个小时做作业.37.so…that…太……以至于……用于复合句,that引导的是结果状语从句.so是副词,后面应接形容词或副词,如果接名词,应用such.例如:Theice is so thin that you can’t walk on it.冰太薄了,你不克不及在上面走.He issuch a kind man that we all like him.他是一个很是好的人,我们都很喜欢他.38.stop to do sth.,stop doing sth.Stopto do sth.意为“停下来去做另一件事”,stopdoing sth.意为“停止正在做的事”例如:You’retoo tired.You’d better stop to have a rest.你们太累了,最好停下来休息一会儿.Theteacher is coming.Let’s stop talking.老师来了,咱们别说话了.39.Thank you for doing sth.感谢你做了……for之后除了加动名词doing外,还可以加名词.例如:Thankyou for giving me the present.谢谢你给我的礼物.Thankyou for your help.=Thank you for helping me.谢谢你的帮忙.40.thanks to多亏……,由于……thanks后的s不克不及省略,to是介词.例如:Thanksto my friend Jim,I’ve worked out thisproblem.多亏了我朋友吉姆的帮忙,我已经解决了这个问题.41.There be句型①在此结构中,there是引导词,在句中不克不及充当任何成分,也不必翻译出来.句中的主语是某人或某物,谓语动词be要与主语的数坚持一致.例如:Thereis a man at the door.门口有一团体.当主语是由两个或者两者以上的名词充当时,谓语动词be要跟它邻近的那个名词的数一致(就近一致).例如:Thereare two dogs and a cat under the table.桌下有两只狗和一只猫.比较:There is a catand two dogs under thetable.②T here be句型中的be不克不及用have来代替,但可以用lie(位于,躺),stand(矗立),exist(生存),live(生活)等词来替换.例如:Therestand a lot of tall buildings on both sides of thestreet.街道两旁矗立着许多高楼.Therelies lake in front of our school.我们学校前面有一个湖.Oncethere lived a king here.这儿曾有一个国王.Thereis going to be a sports meeting next week.下周准备开一个运动会.Therebe的拓展结构:thereseem(s)/happen(s)to be…Thereseems to be one mistake in spelling.似乎有一处拼写错误.Therehappened to be a ruler here.这儿碰巧有把尺子.Thereseemed to be a lot of people there.那儿似乎有很多人.42.The+adj.比较级,the+adj.比较级越……,越……此句型暗示一方随另一方的变更而变更.例如:Theharder he works,the happier he feels.他任务越努力,就感应越幸福.Themore,the better.多多益善.43.too+adj./adv.+to do sth.太……以至于不克不及…….此句型为简单句,后面的to暗示否认含义.例如:Theice is too thin for you to walk on.这冰太薄,你不克不及在上面走.Thebag is too heavy to carry.这个袋子太重搬不动ed to do sth.过去经常做某事usedto是情态动词,暗示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在已不存在,因此只用于过去时态.例如:Heused to get up early.他过去总早起.When Iwas young,I used to play tennis very often.我年轻时经常打网球.否认形式有两种:didn’t useto;used not to,例如:Hedidn’t use to come.=He usedn’t to come.他过去不常来.45.what about…?……怎么样?后面可接名词、代词、动名词等.与“how about…?”同义.例如:Wehave been to Hainan.What about you?我们去过海南,你呢?Whatabout going to the park on Sunday?星期天去公园怎么样?46.What day/date is it today?今天星期几(几月几日)?—Whatday is it today?—Sunday.—Whatdate is it today?—June24th.47.What’s wrong(the matter)with…?……怎么了?What’swrong with you,Madam?夫人,您怎么了?Youlook worried.What’s wrong with you?你看上去很焦急,出什么事了?48.Why not do…?为什么不做……?谓语动词用原形.与Why don’t youdo…?同义.例如:Whynot go to see the film with us?=Why don’t you go tosee the film withus?为什么和睦我们一起去看电影呢?49.would like to do sth.想做……后用动词不定式作宾语.例如:Iwould like to drink a cup of tea.我想喝一杯茶.疑问句式:Would you like(to drink)a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶吗?50.adj./adv.比较级+and adj./adv.比较级越来越......若形容词/副词为双音节词及多音节词,则这一结构变成“more and more+形容词/副词”.例如:It’sgetting warmer and warmer.天气变得越来越暖和了.Thelittle girl becomes more andmore beautiful.小女孩变得越来越漂亮了.51.adj.比较级+thanthan引导的是典型的比较级句型,暗示“一者比另一者……”,其前用形容词或副词的比较级,than从句可以用省略形式.例如:I knowyou better than she does.我比她更了解你.Thishouse is bigger than that one.这所屋子比那所屋子大.52.though-从句though引导的是让步状语从句,意思是“虽然……但是……”.但不克不及和but连用,英语中表达“虽然……,但是……”时,though和but只能用一个.例如:Thoughit was snowing,it was not very cold.虽然下着雪,可其实不太冷.I waslate for the last bus though I hurried.虽然我拼命赶路,还是没搭上最后一班公交车.Wedidn’t feel tired though we walked a long way.虽然我们走了很长的路程,但是并没有感应累.53.if-从句If引导的是条件状语从句,“如果;假如“.如主句用一般将来时,if从句要用一般现在时(主将从现).例如:If Igo to the Great Wall tomorrow,would you like to comealong?如果明天我去长城,你会和我一起去吗?If itrains tomorrow,I won’t go.如果明天下雨,我就不去了.54.because-从句引导原因状语从句,“因为”.例如:Hedidn’t hear the knocking at the door because he waslistening to theradio.他没有听见敲门声,因为他正在听收音机.55.so+do/be+主语“So+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”暗示前面所述内容也适用于另一人或物.be、助动词或情态动词的选择视前面陈述句中谓语动词的时态形式而定.例如:Helikesfootball and so do I.他喜欢足球,我也如此.Jimwas playing football just now and so was Tom.方才吉姆在踢足球,汤姆也在踢足球.比较:“So+主语+be/助动词/情态动词.”结构,是用来证实前一句所表达的内容(起强调作用).be、助动词或情态动词的选择视前面陈述句中谓语动词的时态形式而定.A:Itis very hot today.今天天气很热.B:Soit is.确实如此.56.not only…but also…不单……并且……经常使用来连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子.连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和紧靠它的主语在人称和数上坚持一致.例如:Shelikes not only singing but also dancing.她不单喜欢唱歌,并且喜欢跳舞.He isnot only a good doctor but also a good father.他不单是个好医生并且是个好爸爸.Notonly I but also he is hoping to go there.不单我并且他也想去那儿.57.prefer…to…喜欢……胜过…...prefer(doing)sth.to(doing)sth.意为“两者相比更喜欢(做)其中之一”.在此结构中,to是介词,接名词或动名词,结构中前后所跟成分一样.例如:Heprefers tea to coffee.茶与咖啡相比,他更喜欢茶.Heprefers doing shopping to going fishing.购物与钓鱼相比,他更喜欢购物.58.感慨句型:What(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语!How+adj./adv.++主语+谓语!What aclever boy(he is)!=How clever the boy is!这个男孩儿多聪明啊!What awonderful film we saw last night!昨天晚上我们看的电影多精彩啊!Howlovely the weather is!天气多好。

…not as(so)+adj./adv.+as…
Last Sunday the weather was not so wet as it is today.
句型13:more/less +adj.+than…
You must keep your classroom clean.
Sorry to have kept you waiting.
He finds it very hard to travel around the big city.他发现要环游这个大城市是很难的。
We're going to have fun learning English this term.
句型25:…because…/…, so..…
I don't know all your names because this is our first lesson.
句型18:…as soon as…
As soon as I see him, I'll give him the message.
I was so tired that I didn't want to speak.

初中英语最重要的60个句型在这里!初中生必须掌握!句型1:Therebe 主语地点状语/时间状语There’ a boat in the river河里有条船。
句型2:What’wrong withb / thWhat’ wrong with our watch你的手表有什么毛病句型3:How do ou ieHow do ou ie China 你觉得中国怎么样句型4:What do ou ie aboutWhat do ou ie about China 你喜欢中国的什么句型5:had betternot动词原形You’d better a that ing to ee me感谢你来看我句型8:Sobe/ 情态动词/ 助动词主语He i a tudent So am I 他是一个学生,我也是。
句型9:not untiHe didn’t have u ebac toWecome bac to choo! 欢迎回到学校!句型24:have fun doingWe’re going to have fun earning and e to ch oo a itte earier 为什么不早点到校呢句型27:mae itLet’ mae it haf e,ou are wecomed 无论你们什么时候来,都受欢迎。
句型44:be afraid of / to do / thatI’m afraid not恐怕不能。
Don’t be afraid of maing mitae when e to America to tud further 在汤姆的帮助下,我来美国深造。
句型54:I don’t thinI don’t thin an of them i intereting 我认为他们中任何一个都无趣。
句型55:What’the an 德国的人口有多少?句型56:ember of their famiie 他们把宠物视为家庭成员。

- 主语 + be动词 + 表语
- 主语 + be动词 + 状语
- There be句型:There + be动词 + 宾语
- 主语 + do/does/did + not + 动词原形
- 主语 + be动词 + not + 表语/状语
- 动词/助动词 + or + 动词/助动词 + 主语 + 其他?
- How + 形容词/副词 + 主语 + 谓语动词!
- 句子与句子之间通过连词(and, but, or, so等)连接

初中英语语法句型一、基本句型1. 主语 + 谓语- She walks to school every day.- They play basketball in the park.2. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语- He likes playing the piano.- We buy fruits at the supermarket.3. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语- We elected him monitor of our class.- They painted their house white.4. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 + 定语- My father made me a beautiful toy.- The teacher found the book very interesting.5. 主语 + 系动词 + 表语- She is a kind girl.- The weather has become colder.6. 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 + 定语- The movie was very exciting.- His room is always tidy and clean.7. There be 句型- There is a big tree in front of our school.- There are many books on the shelf.8. 主语 + 不及物动词- The bird flies in the sky.- The children laughed happily.二、特殊句型- Open the window, please.- Don't forget to turn off the lights.2. 虚拟语气句型- If it were sunny, we would go hiking.- I wish I could speak fluent English.3. If 引导的条件状语从句- If it rains tomorrow, we won't go to the park.- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.4. When/While 引导的时间状语从句- We watched a movie while we were waiting for the bus.- I woke up when the alarm clock rang.5. 不定式作目的状语- We study hard to get good grades.- She practices playing the piano every day to improveher skills.6. 以动名词作主语- Swimming is my favorite sport.- Reading books is a good way to gain knowledge.7. 以动词不定式作宾语- I want to be a doctor when I grow up.- They decided to go on a trip during the summer vacation.8. 以名词或代词作宾语补足语- I find English easy to learn.- They made him the captain of the team.三、句型转换1. 主动语态变被动语态- The students are cleaning the classroom.(主动)The classroom is being cleaned by the students.(被动)2. 被动语态变主动语态- The book was written by Mark Twain.(被动)Mark Twain wrote the book.(主动)3. 直接引语变间接引语- He said, "I will come tomorrow."(直接引语)He said that he would come the next day.(间接引语)4. 陈述句变疑问句- You are a student.(陈述句)Are you a student?(疑问句)5. 否定句变肯定句- She doesn't like apples.(否定句)She likes apples.(肯定句)这是初中英语语法句型的基本内容,希望对你的学习有所帮助。
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初中英语常见60个句型1. as…as 和……一样中间必须用形容词或副词原级。
例如:This classroom is as big as that one.这间教室和那间一样大。
He runs as fast as Tom. 他和汤姆跑的一样快。
否定结构:not as/so…as,“不如……”。
上面的两个句子可分别改为:This classroom is not as/so large as that one.这间教室不如那间大。
He doesn’t run as/so fast as Tom.他跑得不如汤姆快。
2. as soon as 一……就……用来引导时间状语从句。
例如:I’ll tell him the plan as soon as I see him.我一看到他就告诉他这个计划。
He’ll go home as soon as he finishes his work.他一完成工作就回家。
3. be busy/enjoy/hate/go on/finish doing sth. 忙于/喜欢/讨厌/继续/完成做某事在enjoy, finish, hate, go on, be busy等词语后,一般用动词-ing形式作宾语。
例如:Lin Tao is busy making a model plane.林涛正忙着做飞机模型。
My mother enjoys taking a walk after supper.我妈妈喜欢晚饭后散步。
I hate watching Channel Five.我讨厌看五频道。
When someone asked him to have a rest, he just went on working.当有人让他休息一会儿时,他仍继续工作。
I have finished writing the story.我已经写完了故事。
4. fill…with 用……装满......;be filled with 充满了……;be full of 充满了......①be filled with 说明由外界事物造成的此种状态,表示被动。
例如:The box is filled with food.盒子里装满了食物。
②be full of说明主语处于的状态。
例如:The patient’s room is full of flowers.那个病人的房间摆满了花。
The young man is full of pride.那个年轻人非常骄傲。
例如:I fill the box with food. The box is full of food.5. be good/bad for 有利于/有害于……此句型是:be+adj.+for+n.结构。
例如:Doing morning exercises is good for your health.做早操对你的健康有益。
Always playing computer games is bad for your study.总玩电脑游戏对你的学习不利。
6. be used to(doing) sth. 习惯于……后必须接名词或动名词,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态。
be 可用get,become来代替。
例如:He is used to life in the country.(He is used to living in the country.)他习惯于乡村生活。
He will get used to getting up early.他将会习惯于早起。
注意:be used to do 的意思是“被用来做……”。
例如:Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。
7. both…and…两者都……用来连接两个并列成分;当连接两个并列主语时,其后谓语动词用复数。
例如:Both the students and the teachers will go to the History Museum tomorrow.不论老师还是学生明天都会去历史博物馆。
8. can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事help在此的意思是“抑制,忍住”,其后接动词-ing形式。
例如:His joke is too funny. We can’t help laughing.他的笑话太有趣了,我们禁不止笑了起来。
9. sth. costs sb. some money 某物花费某人多少钱此句型的主语是物。
This book cost me five yuan.这本书花了我五元钱。
10. either…or…不是……就是……,或者……或者……用来连接两个并列成分,当连接并列主语时,谓语动词与邻近的主语保持一致。
You may either stay here or go home.你可以呆在这儿,也可以回家。
Either she or I am right. = Either I or she is right.不是她对就是我对。
11. enough (for sb.) to do sth. 足够……做……在此结构中,for用来引出不定式的逻辑主语。
例如:The ice isn’t thick enough for you to walk on.这冰还没有厚到你可以在上面走的程度。
12. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事此处like为介词,后面跟动词-ing形式。
此句型与would like to do sth.同义。
例如:I feel like drinking a cup of milk.我想喝一杯牛奶。
13. feel/find/think it adj./n. to do sth. 认为某事……在此结构中it为形式宾语,不定式短语作真正的宾语。
例如:I find it very interesting to play football.我发现踢足球很有趣。
She thinks it her duty to help us.她认为帮助我们是她的职责。
14. get ready for sth./to do sth.get ready for sth.意为“为某事做准备”;get ready to do sth.意为“准备做某事”例如:We are getting ready for the meeting.我们正在为会议做准备。
They were getting ready to have a sports meet at that moment.他们那时正准备开运动会。
15. get/receive/ a letter from 收到……的来信相当于hear from 例如:Did you receive a letter from John?你收到约翰的来信了吗?I got a letter from my brother yesterday.我昨天收到了我弟弟的一封来信。
16. had better (not) do sth. 最好(别)做某事had better为情态动词,其后需用动词原形。
had better常用缩写,变成’d better,其否定形式是在其后直接加not。
例如:We had better go now. = We’d better go now.我们最好现在走吧。
You’d better not go out because it is windy.今天刮风,你最好别出去了。
17. have sth. done 使(某事)完成(动作由别人完成)sth.为宾语,done为过去分词作补语。
例如:We had the machine repaired.我们请人把机器修好了。
注意区分:We have repaired the machine. 我们(自己)已经修好了机器。
18. help sb. (to) do sth./with sth. 帮助某人(做)某事其中的to可以省略。
例如:I often help my mother with housework.我常常帮助妈妈做家务。
Would you please help me (to) look up these words?请你帮助我查查这些词好吗?19. How do you like…? 你认为……怎么样?与what do you think of …?同义。
例如:How do you like the weather in Beijing?你认为北京的天气怎么样? 你觉得这部新电影如何?20. I don’t think/believe that…我认我/相信……不……其中的not是对宾语从句进行否定而不是对主句否定(否定前移)。
例如:I don’t think it will rain.我认为天不会下雨。
I don’t believe the girl will come.我相信那女孩不会来了。
21. It happens that…碰巧……相当于happen to do。
例如:It happened that I heard their secret.可改写为:I happened to hear their secret.我碰巧听到了他们的秘密。
22. It’s/has been +一段时间+since从句自从某时起做某件事情已经一段时间了该句型中since引导的时间状语从句常用一般过去时。
例如:It’s twenty years since he came here.他来这里已经20年了。
It has been six years since he married Mary.他和玛丽结婚已经六年了。
23. It is +adj./n. + for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说……It是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to do sth。
例如:It’s not easy for us to study English well.对我们来说学好英语并不容易。
It’s a good idea for us to travel to the south.去南方旅行对我们来说是个好主意。
24. It’s + adj. + of sb. to do sth.It是形式主语,to do sth.是真正的主语, 当表语(即形容词)能对逻辑主语描述时,常用介词of,而不用for。