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1.---- Hi, Tom, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon? --- Sorry. it __________

(repair) .

Would you please keep silent? The weather report____________ (broadcast广播) and I want to listen.

2.---Do you know what Lily is doing? --- She ____________(interview采访) in the office.

3.Since your bike _____________(repair), you can use mine.

4.I have to go to work by taxi because my car____________ (repair)at the garage.

To protect the environment, many trees________________ (plant) every spring.

5.The mother is glad to see that her son__________________ (take) good care of in the kindergarten.

6.The Milu deer ________________ (study) at the research center at present.

7.They are listening to the music that ______________ (broadcast) on the radio.

8.Mary is such a good student that she _____ always ______________ (praise) by her teachers.

9.It is said that pandas ________________(disappear) in our country year by year.

10.—I don’t suppose the police know who did it.

11.—Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and ______________(question) now.

12.A new cinema ________________ (build) here. They hope to finish it next month.

13.The serious expression on his face suggests that an important matter ________________ (consider)

by him.

14.C an’t you see your problem _________________(discuss) ? Have some patience, please.

15.While we __________ (wait) for the bus, a girl __________ (run) up to us.

16.I __________ (telephone) a friend when Bob __________ (come) in.

17.Jim __________ (jump) on the bus as it __________ (move) away.

18.We __________ (test) the new machine when the electricity ________(go) off.

19.She _____ (not want) to stay in bed while the others _____ (work) in the fields.

20.While mother ________ (put) Cathy to bed, the door bell ________ (ring).

21.As I __________ (walk) in the park, it __________ (begin) to rain.

22.It was quite late at night. George __________ (read) when they __________ (hear) a knock at the


23.I _____ (have) my breakfast at half past six yesterday morning.

24.Her lessons _____ (go) over from six to seven last night.

25.The manager was happy to learn that the tickets _______________ (book预定).

26.By the end of last year, another new gym ______________(build)in Beijing.

27.A model ship ____________(not make) by him when I saw him.

28.______ it ______(rain) when you __________ (leave) school?

29.One day, Edison _____ (wait) for a train to arrive, and suddenly a little boy_______ (run) to the

track(轨道) to play.

30.In a letter, john told us that he _____ (come) to china next month.

31.When the bell__________ (ring), jenny _____ (wait) in her seat.

32.While my father ____ (look) through the evening paper, he suddenly ____ a cry.

ter his parents found that he _____ (sit) on some eggs.

34.When he _____________ (knock) at the door, my aunt _____________ (cook)

35.The students ______ (sing) and ____ (dance) happily on the playground at that time.

36.A letter ____ (write) a letter by me when the door bell rang.

37.One or two man-made satellites _______-___(send up) in our country every year.

38.Our TV set ___________ (repair) yesterday.

39. A new building _____________ (build) in our school next year.

40.A wonderful English talk ________________ (give) by Mr Liu tomorrow.

41.How _____ the Great Pyramid (金字塔)________ (build) many years ago without modern


42.Food and clothes ______often ___________(talk about) by women.

43._____ the work _____ (finish) yet ?

44.Such films may not _________________ (see) by children like you.

45.Trees can not _________________(plant) in winter but in spring.

46.This kind of cars can only ________________ (make) in Japan ten years ago.

47.Jack often does things foolishly, so he ____ sometimes ____________ (laugh)by others.

48.The bear _________________ (send) to the zoo tomorrow morning.

49.In the past ten year, a lot of new buildings _______________ (put up) in our city. .

50.Some top students ________________(send) to study in foreign countries once a year.

51.More and more schools ___________________(build) here in the future.

52.Where are the apples? I think they ________________(eat) by those boys.

53.Many new things ___________________(invent) in the last ten years.

54.All the shoes _________________(sell) out last week.

55.How long _______ the book _________(can keep)?

56.The babies here _________(take) good care of every day.

57.We ______(open) the box and two new coats _____________(see) in it.

58.His new novel ______________ (finish) next week.

59.A meeting _________________ (hold) when I was there.
