


露西:Look,I probably shouldn’t be saying this,but…your work as a vill ain, was kind of ,amazing.So if you want to go back to doing something awesome…Give us call 格鲁:Hey, I told you guys to go to bed.


伊迪丝:So,when are you going on your date?


伊迪丝:Remember? Ms. Jillian said that she was arranging a date for you?

格鲁Yeah, w ell she’s a nutjo b and I’m not going any date.

伊迪丝:Why not?Are you scared?

Lisa:Hey, Did you guys see the moon landing onTV?

路人甲:Can you believe it? It’s so coo l !

Lisa:You know what.?( 格鲁:Excuse me, Lisa…)I’m t alked to allenthe other day.

路人甲:No way

Lisa: He is so cute.

格鲁:Hey, Lisa,I was wondering…

路人乙:Phew,Gru touched Lisa! Gru touched Lisa!(众人:Phew!)Lisa’s got “Gru ties”!

格鲁:Scared? Of what?Women?No!That’s bonkers! I just, I’ve no interest in going on a date,that’s all! Case closed! I’m not scared of women or dates.L et’s go to bed.Good night Edith.Good night Margo.Whoa,wow wow wow…Hold your horses.Who are you texting?

玛戈:No one, just my friend Avery.

格鲁:Avery,Er,Avery?Is that a girl’ name or a boy’s name?

玛戈:Dose it matter?

格鲁:No! No, ,it doesn’t matter.Unless it’s a boy!

艾格尼丝:I know what makes you a boy.

格鲁:Uhh,you do?

艾格尼丝:Your bald head.


艾格尼丝:It’s really smooth.Sometimes I stared at it and imagine a little chick popping out.

格鲁:Good ninghtAgnes.Never get older.

格鲁:Hey, Tim,nice haircut!Tommy, hang in there ,baby!It is almost Friday!So,h ow’s today’s batch, Dr. Nefario?

纳法里奥博士:I developed a new formula, which allowed me to get every own kind of berry into one flavor of jelly.

格鲁:Oh,oh That is good.Love the favor of…Er,Er…

纳法里奥博士:It’s awful it?

格鲁:No, No. Oh,we are making great process!Here , try some .

Ok,just because everybody hates it, doesn’t mean it’s not good.

纳法里奥博士:Listen, Gru. There’s something I ‘ve been mea ning to talk to you about for some time.

格鲁:What? What’s wrong?

纳法里奥博士:I miss being evil. Sinning against God,large scale crimes is what I live for. Imean, don’t you think there’s more around you than jelly?

格鲁:Well, I’m also considering a line of jams.

纳法里奥博士:Em, the thing is ,Gru, I’venow been recruited elsewhere.

格鲁:Dr.Navario! Come on,you are kidding, right?

纳法里奥博士:It ie a great opportunity for me. Vacant Lab, more evil, more censor.

格鲁:Very well. Let us give you, the proper set-off. Minions!

The highest honor awarded, to Doctor Navario, for your yearsof service, the 21 Fart Gun Salute!

纳法里奥博士:I counted 22.

Farewell, my friends!

This thing take a while. Go back your business. I miss you already.

艾格尼丝:Are you sure we should be doing this ?

玛戈:Yes, it’s for his own good. Okay, we need to choose a picture.

艾格尼丝:No. Scary, Weird.(众人:啊)What is that?

格鲁:Good moring , girls , I have an announcement to make

玛戈:Hey ,What celebrity do you look like?

格鲁:Yeah ,Bruce Willis.

玛戈:Hmmm ,No.

艾格尼丝:Humpty Dumpty!

伊迪丝:Oooh, Gollum!(众人笑)

格鲁:Okay , what are you dong ?

艾格尼丝:We’re setting you offfor online dating .

格鲁:Oh, Okay…What ?! No,no,no,no, no,no

伊迪丝:Oh, Come on ! It’s fun !

玛戈:And it’s your time for you to get out there.

格鲁:No, stop.No one’s ever getting out there!E ver ! Okay… Now, for the announcement. I have accepted a new job!

玛戈:Wow, really?

格鲁:Yes, I have beenrecruited by a top secret agency to go undercover and save the world !

伊迪丝:You ‘regonna be a spy?

格鲁:That’s right, babies !Gru’s back in the game with gadgets ,and weapons and cool car! Oh !dear !

伊迪丝:Awesome !

艾格尼丝:Are you really gonna save the world ?

格鲁:Yes, Yes , I am.

格鲁:”Bake My Day”?Alright! Here is the cupcake recipe I got off the tinternet.

And don’t go n uts with the sprinkles!

露西:W asn’t expecting that !Or was I ?Oh, you,you got , you got Umm…Umm…a little…Here , I’ll get it . Uhmm, i t’s just spreading .

格鲁:Alright , alright. I got this , just...Stop it !

露西:Oh , I’ll let you get it .

格鲁:W hat you just saw there was a little something new . I’ve been working on. It’s a combination of Jujitsu, Krav maga, Aztec warfare, and Krumping.

格鲁:Okay, that’s weird. Why are you here ?

露西:On assignment for Silas. I’m your new partner ! yeah !

格鲁:What ? No ! no” YEAH “!Ramsbottom didn’t say anything about a partner.

露西:Well , seems that because of your checkered past, everyone else refused to work with you . But not me ! I stepped up . And I’m new ,so I gonna have to do whatthey tell me anyway .

You know this guy ?

格鲁:Yes , he’s one of my minions .

露西:Ohh…I’m sorry, I should have known . You’re free to go .

格鲁:Earth to Dave .

You can leave now .

So, What do we got ? Who’s on the list ? Fire them at me.

露西:First suspect, The of Bloom and Top .Proprietor of Mum’s the World floral shop.

格鲁:No , not her

露西:Okay. moving on . Chuck Kenney , owner of “Stuff A Bear” .

格鲁:I don’t think so

对面餐厅店主:Hello ,Buenos Dias, my friends . I’m Eduardo Perez , I own a Mexican restaurant , across the road . Now , open for breakfast .And you are ?

格鲁:Gru! A nd this is Lucy and we’re closed .

对面餐厅店主:This is just gonna take a moment . I’m joining a big secret for my party . And I’m going to leave 200 of the your best cupcakes . And they gonna be ready with the Mexican flag . It looks something like this . What do you think?

格鲁:Look away !(露西:wu,wu)

对面餐厅店主:Anyway , I got to go . It’s all setted . I’m gonna pick them up next week . Have a god day and come by if you get a chance ,

Ok? And Welcome to the Mall’s fa mily .

格鲁:El Macho!


格鲁:This couldn’t be!

露西:What…what couldn’t be?

格鲁:That guy, looks exactly like a villain named “El Macho”,from about 20 years ago. He was ruthless .He was dangerous. And as the name implies, Xery macho! He had a reputation of pulling a heist, using only his bare hands! Ah, but sadly, like all the

greats, El Macho was gone , too soon. He died in the most macho way possible. Riding a shark, with 250 poudsbynamites strapped to his chest, into the mouth, of an active volcano! It was glorious!

露西:Yeah, ounds like El Macho’s pretty dead?

格鲁:They never found the body.Oh, no.All that was ever retrieved, was a pile, of singed chest hair. That face! It has got to be El Macho.

露西:So what do you say, you and I break into his restaurant. Tonight.

格鲁:Yes ,that’s good.Because I’m telling you if any body in this place has the PX-41 serum,It’s him!

格鲁:Alright, alright,Homework done, pyjamason ,teeth brushed, time for bed.

玛戈:What’s the big hurry?

格鲁:I just, Ihave a lot of work to do

伊迪丝:Work? What kind of work?

格鲁:Very important business. So hugs, kisses. Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed hug…Blah, blah,blah,blah,blah…

艾格尼丝:But you said you’d help me practice my part for the mother’s day show.

格鲁:Fine, fine. Let me hear it, quickly.

艾格尼丝:”She kisses my boo-boos”She braids my hair. My mother is bryond compare. We love you , mothers everywhere.”

格鲁:Wow, that was ,something else! I really like the way you smiled at the end. Let’try this one more time,but a tinsy-bit less like a zombie.Okay?

艾格尼丝:Okay,”She kisses my boo-boos”She braids my hair…”

格鲁:Perfect! Time to go.

艾格尼丝:I don’t think I should do this.

格鲁:Wha…what do you mean? Why not?

艾格尼丝:I don’t even have a mom.

格鲁:Well, you don’t need one to do the show. I mean, you did the Veterans Day pageant. You haven’t been in combat.

艾格尼丝:This is different.

格鲁:Okay,well,then, maybe you can just use your imagination

艾格尼丝:You mean, I pretend Ihave a mom?

格鲁:Yes.Right? You can do that , can’t you?

艾格尼丝:Yaeh! I do that all the time.Thanks, Gru!

格鲁:Okay, No, hey…Please…Kevin, Jerry, watch the girls for me,ok? Dave ,Stewart, come this way, with me , Come on!Come on!
