


孙 玉真 苟志平 徐 涛
[ 摘要 ] 目的 探 讨 冠状 动 脉粥 样 硬化 性 心脏 病 ( 简 称冠 心 病 , C HD) 患者 冠状 动 脉病 变 S Y N T A X评 分与高敏 C反应蛋 白( h s — C R P ) 、 基质金属蛋 白酶_ 9 ( MMP 一 9 ) 的关 系。方法 选 择经冠 状 动脉 造影证实 的冠心病患者 7 6例和同期住 院的非 冠心病 患者 3 2例 ( 对照组 ) , 通过 L o g i s t i c回
a 1 . Me d i c a l C o l l e g e o f S h i h e z U n i v e r s i t y. S h i h e z i 8 3 2 0 0 0. C h i n a 『 Ab s t r a c t ] oh i e c t i v e T o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t we e n S YN T AX s c o r e a n d t h e l e v e l s o f h i g h s e n s i t i v e C— r e a c t i v e p r o t e i n( h s — C RP) a n d ma t r i x me t a U o p r o t e i n a s e_ 9( MMP一 9) i n c o r o n a r y h e a r t
S Y N T A X 评分
Th e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t we e n S YNT AX s c o r e a n d t h e l e v e l s o f h i g h s e si n t i v e C. r e a c t i v e p r o t e i n a n d ma t r i x me t a l l o p r o t e i n a s e - 9 i n c o r o n a r y h e a r t d i s e a s e S Y u z h e n , G 0U Z h i p i n g。 XU T a o, e t



第一章测试1.Which is NOT the main part of computer ( )A:I/O equipmentB:CacheC:CPUD:memory答案:B2.Which symbol can be used for comments in Python ( )A:#B:“C://D:!答案:AB3.The integrated development tool built into Python is ( ).A:JupyterB:PycharmC:IDLED:Vs code答案:C4.Which is the correct operator for power(Xy)? ( )A:X^yB:None of the mentionedC:X yD:X^^y答案:C**5.Which of the following is incorrect? ( )A:float(“3+5”)B:float(“3”)C:float(4.2)D:float(3)答案:A第二章测试1.Which of the following is an invalid variable? ( )A:1st_stringB:my_string_1C:_D:foo答案:A2.What will be the output of the following Python code ? not(10<20) andnot(10>30) ( )A:ErrorB:TrueD:No output答案:C3.Which one will return error when accessing the list ‘l’ with 10 elements. ( )A:l[0]B:l[-10]C:l[10]D:l[-1]答案:C4.What will be the output of the following Python code?lst=[3,4,6,1,2]lst[1:2]=[7,8]print(lst) ( )A:Syntax errorB:[3,4,6,7,8]C:[3, 7, 8, 6, 1, 2]D:[3,[7,8],6,1,2]答案:C5.Which of the following operations will rightly modify the value of theelement? ( )答案:D6.The following program input data: 95, the output result is? ( )A:none of the mentionedB:Please enter your score: 95Your ability exceeds 85% of people!C:Please enter your score: 95Awesome!D:Please enter your score: 95Awesome!Your ability exceeds 85% of people!答案:D第三章测试1.Which one description of condition in the followings is correct? ( )A:The condition 24<=28<25 is legal, and the output is FalseB:The condition 35<=45<75 is legal, and the output is FalseC:The condition 24<=28<25 is illegalD:The condition 24<=28<25 is legal, and the output is True答案:A2.The output of the following program is? ( )A:PythonB:NoneC:pythonD:t答案:B3. for var in ___: ( )A:range(0,10)B:13.5C:[1,2,3]答案:B4.After the following program is executed, the value of s is?( )A:19B:47C:46D:9答案:D5.Which is the output of the following code?a = 30b = 1if a >=10:a = 20elif a>=20:a = 30elif a>=30:b = aelse:b = 0print(“a=”,a,“b=”,b) ()A:a=20, b=20B:a=30, b=30C:a=20, b=1D:a=30, b=1答案:C第四章测试1.Which keyword is used to define a function in Python? ( )A:funB:defineC:defD:function答案:C2.What will be the output of the following Python code? ( )A: x is 50Changed local x to 2x is now 50B:x is 50Changed local x to 2x is now 100C:None of the mentionedD:x is 50Changed local x to 2x is now 2答案:A3.Which are the advantages of functions in Python? ( )A:Improving clarity of the codeB:Reducing duplication of codeC:Easier to manage the codeD:Decomposing complex problems into simpler pieces答案:ABCD4.How does the variable length argument specified in the function heading? ( )A:one star followed by a valid identifierB:two stars followed by a valid identifierC:one underscore followed by a valid identifierD:two underscores followed by a valid identifier答案:A5.What will be the output of the following Python code? list(map((lambdax:x2), filter((lambda x:x%2==0), range(10)))) ( )A:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]C:[0, 4, 16, 36, 64]D:No output答案:C**第五章测试1.Which of the following statements cannot create a demo.txt file? ( )A:f = open(“demo.txt”, “w”)B:f = open(“demo.txt”, “r”)C:f = open(“demo.txt”, “x”)D:f = open(“demo.txt”, “a”)答案:B2.After executing the following procedure, what content will be saved in thefile?file=open(‘test.txt’, ‘wt+’)file.write(‘helloSCUT’)file.close()file=open(‘test.txt’, ‘at+’)file.write(‘hello world’)file.close() ( )A:hello SCUThello worldB:hello SCUT hello worldC:hello SCUT worldD:hello world答案:A3.Which function is not the way Python reads files. ( )A:readlines()B:readline()C:read()D:readtext()答案:D4.How to rename a file in Python? ( )A:os.rename(fp, new_name)B:os.set_name(existing_name, new_name)C:os.rename(existing_name, new_name)D: = ‘new_name.txt’答案:C5.What is the usage of tell() function in Python? ( )A:tells you the current position within the fileB:tells you the end position within the fileC:none of the mentionedD:tells you the file is opened or not答案:A第六章测试1.What will be the output of the following Python code? ( )A:Reports error as one argument is required while creating the objectB:Runs normally, doesn’t display anythingC:Reports error as display function requires additional argumentD:Displays 0, which is the automatic default value答案:A2.What will be the output of the following Python code? ( )A:ErrorB:‘Old’C:Nothing is printedD:‘New’答案:B3.What will be the output of the following Python code? ( )A:mainB:Exception is thrownC:DemoD:test答案:A4.Which one of the followings is not correct about Class hierarchy? ( )A:Subclass can not add more behavior/methodsB:Subclass can override the methods inherited from superclassC:Subclass can have methods with same name as superclassD:Subclass can inherit all attributes from superclass答案:A5.What will be the output of the following Python code? ( )A:Error because class B inherits A but variable x isn’t inheritedB:0 1C:0 0D:Error, the syntax of the invoking method is wrong答案:B第七章测试1.Numpy is a third party package for ____ in Python? ( )A:Lambda functionB:ArrayC:FunctionD:Type casting答案:B2.How to convert a Numpy array to a list in Python? ( )A:array.listB:list.arrayC:list(array)D:list.append(array)答案:C3.Which keyword is used to access the Numpy package in Python? ( )A:loadB:importC:fromD:fetch答案:B4.Which one is correct syntax for the ‘reshape()’ function in Numpy? ( )A:array.reshape(shape)B:reshape(shape,array)C:reshape(shape)D:reshape(array,shape)答案:D5.What will be the output for the following code? import numpy as np a =np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype = complex) print(a) ( )A:[[ 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j, 3.+0.j]]B:[ 1.+0.j]C:ErrorD:[ 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j, 3.+0.j]答案:D第八章测试1.Which one isn’t the method of Image.transpose? ( )A:TRANSPOSEB:FLIP_LEFT_RIGHTC:ROTATE_90D:STRETCH答案:D2.Which one isn’t the method of ImageFilter? ( )A:ImageFilter.DETAILB:ImageFilter.BLURC:ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCED:ImageFilter.SHARP答案:D3.Which one is attribute of image? ( )A:modeB:sizeC:colorD:format答案:ABD4.Which operation can be used to set the picture to a given size? ( )A:resize()B:crop()C:thumbnail()D:transpose()答案:A5.What is the effect of ImageFilter. CONTOUR? ( )A:Blur the pictureB:Sharp the imageC:Smooth the pictureD:Extract lines in the picture 答案:D。

自考英语语言学Chapter 9 Psycholinguistics

自考英语语言学Chapter 9 Psycholinguistics

Chapter 9 Psycholinguistics心理语言学一、本章纲要二、本章重点(2005,单选;2007,名词解释) Psycholinguistics is the study of language in relation to the mind. As the term suggests, it is viewed as the intersection of psychology and linguistics, drawing equally upon the language we acquire, produce and comprehend, and the mind or brain in which our linguistic and cognitive faculties are localized and organized, and interact with each other in particular ways. Our linguistic capability depends largely on the structure and dynamics of the human brain. 心理语言学主要从心理的角度对语言进行研究,目的在于揭示人类是如何掌握语言,说出语言和理解语的,语言与思维的关系等一系列问题。

1.The biological foundations of language语言的生理基础(2005,判断)Our linguistic ability is a biological gift of the species’ gene program. 人类不需要课堂教学就可以自然习得自己的母语。






Emeditor正则表达式语法Emeditor正则表达式语法(Regular expression, 简写Regexes 或Regex)1 普通字符普通字符是指除了 ".", "*", "?", "+", "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", "^", "$" 和 "\" 这些特殊字符之外的所有其他字符。


比如, 搜索"CCF"即为在文本中匹配所有的"CCF"字符串, 搜索"\[CCF\]"则是在文本中匹配所有的"[CCF]"字符串,简而言之, 普通字符即为只匹配自身的字符。

2 元字符2.1 特殊字符. 匹配除换行符 \n 之外的任何单个字符。

( ) 分组捕获(子表达式)的开始和结束。


[ ] 中括号表达式的开始。



除了转义字符''\'', (要包含''\'', 需要使用''\\'') 如: 正则表达式 No [1234] 匹配 No 1, No 2, No 3 和 No 4。

如果想在中括号中使用一个范围作为列表来匹配字符,可以用连字符 ''-'' 将范围中的开始字徒崾址挚ジ鲎址淖址等范ǚ段诘南喽运承颉H? 正则表达式 No [1-4] = No [1234]。

Chapter 4 Syntax

Chapter 4 Syntax
you eat bananas Ultimate constituents you eat banana -s
The segmentation of the sentence up into its immediate constituents by using binary cuttings until its ultimate constituents are obtained is an important approach to the realization of the nature of language, called Immediate Constituent Analysis (IC analysis).
The word “syntax” came originally from Greek and literally meant “a setting out together” or “arrangement”.
Most languages have a finite number of basic words, but those words can be put together to make an infinite number of sentences.
Formal accounts of syntax are based on establishing the basic constituents, namely, categories, from which word strings are formed. Sentences are regarded as hierarchies of interlocking smaller units, or constituents.





1)忘记在if,elif,else,for,while,class,def声明末尾添加:(导致“SyntaxError:invalid syntax”)该错误将发生在类似如下代码中:2)使用=而不是==(导致“SyntaxError:invalid syntax”)=是赋值操作符而==是等于比较操作。


(导致“IndentationError:unexpected indent”、“IndentationError:unindent does not match any outer indetation level”以及“IndentationError:expected an indented block”)记住缩进增加只用在以:结束的语句之后,而之后必须恢复到之前的缩进格式。

该错误发生在如下代码中:4)在for循环语句中忘记调用len()(导致“TypeError:'list'object cannot be interpreted as an integer”)通常你想要通过索引来迭代一个list或者string的元素,这需要调用range()函数。


该错误发生在如下代码中:5)尝试修改string 的值(导致“TypeError:'str'object does not support item assignment”)string 是一种不可变的数据类型,该错误发生在如下代码中:而你实际想要这样做:6)尝试连接非字符串值与字符串(导致“TypeError:Can't convert 'int'object to str implicitly ”)该错误发生在如下代码中:而你实际想要这样做:7)在字符串首尾忘记加引号(导致“SyntaxError:EOL while scanning string literal ”)该错误发生在如下代码中:1234print (Hello!')或者:8)变量或者函数名拼写错误(导致“NameError:name 'fooba'is not defined ”)该错误发生在如下代码中:9)方法名拼写错误(导致“AttributeError:'str'object has no attribute 'lowerr '”)该错误发生在如下代码中:10)引用超过list 最大索引(导致“IndexError:listindex out of range ”)该错误发生在如下代码中:11)使用不存在的字典键值(导致“KeyError :‘spam’”)该错误发生在如下代码中:12)尝试使用Python 关键字作为变量名(导致“SyntaxError :invalid syntax ”)Python 关键不能用作变量名,该错误发生在如下代码中:Python3的关键字有:and,as,assert,break,class,continue,def,del,elif,else,except,False,finally,for,from,global,if,import,in,is,lambda,None,nonlocal,not,or,pass,raise,return,True,try,while,with,yield13)在一个定义新变量中使用增值操作符(导致“NameError:name 'foobar'is not defined ”)不要在声明变量时使用0或者空字符串作为初始值,这样使用自增操作符的一句spam +=1等于spam =spam +1,这意味着spam 需要指定一个有效的初始值。

syntax的词根 -回复

syntax的词根 -回复























冠状动脉病变SYNTAX 评分体系(附图)一、冠状动脉树注:1. 右冠状动脉近段11. 回旋支近段2. 右冠状动脉中段12. 中间支3. 右冠状动脉远段12a. 第一钝缘支4. 右冠-后降支12b. 第二钝缘支16. 右冠-后侧支13. 回旋支远段16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支14. 左后侧支16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支14a. 左后侧支a16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支14b. 左后侧支b5. 左主干15. 回旋支-后降支6. 前降支近段7. 前降支中段8. 前降支心尖段9. 第一对角支9a. 第一对角支a10. 第二对角支10a. 第二对角支a二、各节段的权重因数冠脉节段右优势型冠脉左优势型冠脉1. 右冠状动脉近段 1 02. 右冠状动脉中段 1 03. 右冠状动脉远段 1 04. 右冠-后降支 1 /16. 右冠-后侧支0.5 /16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支0.5 /16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支0.5 /16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支0.5 /5. 左主干 5 66. 前降支近段 3.5 3.57. 前降支中段 2.5 2.58. 前降支心尖段 1 19. 第一对角支 1 19a. 第一对角支a 1 110. 第二对角支0.5 0.510a. 第二对角支a 0.5 0.511. 回旋支近段 1.5 2.512. 中间支 1 112a. 第一钝缘支 1 112b. 第二钝缘支 1 113. 回旋支远段0.5 1.514. 左后侧支0.5 114a. 左后侧支a 0.5 114b. 左后侧支b 0.5 115. 回旋支-后降支/ 1三、病变不良特征评分血管狭窄-完全闭塞×5-50-99%狭窄×2完全闭塞-大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥+1-钝型残端+1-桥侧枝+1-闭塞后的第一可见节段+1/每一不可见节段-边支-边支小于1.5mm +1三叉病变-1个病变节段+3-2个病变节段+4-3个病变节段+5-4个病变节段+6分叉病变-A、B、C型病变+1-E、D、F、G型病变+2-角度小于70°+1开口病变+1严重扭曲+2长度大于20mm +1严重钙化+2血栓+1弥漫病变/小血管病变+1/每一节段四、SYNTAX评分系统SYNTAX积分通过计算机程序计算得出。



英语语法常用词汇一般语法1. 语法 grammar2. 句法 syntax3. 词法 morphology4. 结构 structure5. 层次 rank6. 句子 sentence7. 从句 clause8. 词组 phrase9. 词类 part of speech10. 单词 word语法时态1. 时态 tense2. 过去将来时 past future tense3. 过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense4. 过去将来完成时 past future perfect tense5. 一般现在时 present simple tense6. 一般过去时 past simple tense7. 一般将来时 future simple tense8. 现在完成时present perfect tense9. 过去完成时past perfect tense10. 将来完成时 future perfect tense11. 现在进行时 present continuous tense12. 过去进行时 past continuous tense13. 将来进行时 future continuous tense14. 过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense15. 现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous tense16. 过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous tense词性1. 实词 notional word2. 虚词 structrural word3. 名词 noun4. 专有名词 proper noun5. 普通名词 common noun6. 可数名词 countable noun7. 不可数名词 uncountable noun8. 抽象名词 abstract noun9. 具体名词 concret moun10. 物质名词 material noun11. 集体名词 collective noun12. 个体名词 individual noun13. 介词 preposition14. 连词 conjunction15. 动词 verb16. 主动词 main verb17. 及物动词 transitive verb18. 不及物动词 intransitive verb19. 系动词 link verb20. 助动词 auxiliary verb21. 情态动词 modal verb22. 规则动词 regular verb23. 不规则动词 irregular verb24. 短语动词 phrasal verb25. 限定动词 finite verb26. 非限定动词 infinite verb27. 使役动词 causative verb28. 感官动词 verb of senses29. 动态动词 event verb30. 静态动词 state verb31. 感叹词 exclamation32. 形容词 adjective33. 副词 adverb34. 方式副词 adverb of manner35. 程度副词 adverb of degree36. 时间副词 adverb of time37. 地点副词 adverb of place38. 修饰性副词 adjunct39. 连接性副词 conjunct40. 疑问副词 interogative adverb41. 关系副词 relative adverb42.43. 代词 pronoun44. 人称代词 personal pronoun45. 物主代词 possesive pronoun46. 反身代词 reflexive pronoun47. 相互代词 reciprocal pronoun48. 指示代词 demonstrative pronoun49. 疑问代词 interrogative pronoun50. 关系代词 relative pronoun51. 不定代词 indefinite pronoun52. 物主代词 possecive pronoun53. 名词性物主代词 nominal possesive prnoun54. 形容词性物主代词 adjectival possesive pronoun55.56. 冠词 article57. 定冠词 definite article58. 不定冠词 indefinite article59.60. 数词 numeral61. 基数词 cardinal numeral62. 序数词 ordinal numeral63. 分数词 fractional numeral形式形式 form单数形式 singular form复数形式 plural form限定动词 finite verb form非限定动词 non-finite verb form原形 base form从句1. 从句 clause2. 从属句 subordinate clause3. 并列句 coordinate clause4. 名词从句 nominal clause5. 定语从句 attributive clause6. 状语从句 adverbial clause7. 宾语从句 object clause8. 主语从句 subject clause9. 同位语从句 appositive clause10. 时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time11. 地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place12. 方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner13. 让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession14. 原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause15. 结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result16. 目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose17. 条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition18. 真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of real condition19. 非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal condition20. 含蓄条件句 adverbial clause of implied condition21. 错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition句子1. 句子 sentence2. 简单句 simple sentence3. 并列句 compound sentence4. 复合句 complex sentence5. 并列复合句 compound complex sentence6. 陈述句 declarative sentence7. 疑问句 interrogative sentence8.9. 一般疑问句 general question10. 特殊疑问句 special question11. 选择疑问句 alternative question12. 附加疑问句 tag question13. 反义疑问句 disjunctive question14. 修辞疑问句 rhetorical question15. 感叹疑问句 exclamatory question16.17. 存在句 existential sentence18. 肯定句 positive sentwence19. 否定句 negative sentence20. 祈使句 imperative sentence21. 省略句 elliptical sentence22. 感叹句 exclamatory sentence23. 基本句型 basic sentence patern 句子成分1. 句子成分 members of sentences2. 主语 subject3. 谓语 predicate4. 宾语 object5. 双宾语 dual object6. 直接宾语 direct object7. 间接宾语 indirect object8. 复合宾语 complex object9. 同源宾语 cognate object10. 补语 complement11. 主补 subject complement12. 宾补 object complement13. 表语 predicative14. 定语 attribute15. 同位语 appositive16. 状语 adverbial句法关系1. 句法关系 syntatic relationship2. 并列 coordinate3. 从属 subordination4. 修饰 modification5. 前置修饰 pre-modification6. 后置修饰 post-modification7. 限制 restriction8. 双重限制 double-restriction9. 非限制 non-restriction数/格/性/人称1. 数 number2. 单数形式 singular form3. 复数形式 plural form4. 规则形式 regular form5. 不规则形式 irregular form6.7. 格 case8. 普通格 common case9. 所有格 possessive case10. 主格 nominative case11. 宾格 objective case12.13. 性 gender14. 阳性 masculine15. 阴性 feminine16. 通性 common17. 中性 neuter18.19. 人称 person20. 第一人称 first person21. 第二人称 second person22. 第三人称 third person语态/语气/否定/语序/引语/一致1. 语态 voice2. 主动语态 active voice3. 被动语态 passive voice4.5. 语气 mood6. 陈述语气 indicative mood7. 祈使语气 imperative mood8. 虚拟语气 subjunctive mood9.10. 否定 negation11. 否定范围 scope of negation12. 全部否定 full negation13. 局部否定 partial negation14. 转移否定 shift of negation15.16. 语序 order17. 自然语序 natural order18. 倒装语序 inversion19. 全部倒装 full inversion20. 部分倒装 partial inversion21.22. 直接引语 direct speech23. 间接引语 indirect speech24. 自由直接引语 free direct speech25. 自由间接引语 free indirect speech26.27. 一致 agreement28. 主谓一致 subject-predicate agreement29. 语法一致 grammatical agreement30. 概念一致 notional agreement31. 就近原则 principle of proximity 语调/文体/感情色彩1. 强调 emphasis2. 重复 repetition3. 语音 pronunciation4. 语调 tone5. 升调 rising tone6. 降调 falling tone7. 降升调 falling-rising tone8.9. 文体 style10. 正式文体 formal11. 非正式文体 informal12. 口语 spoken/oral English13. 套语 formulistic expression14. 英国英语 British English15. 美国英语 American English16. 用法 usage17.18. 感情色彩 emotional coloring19. 褒义 commendatory20. 贬义 derogatory21. 幽默 humorous22. 讽刺 sarcastic23. 挖苦 ironic。



syntaxSyntaxIntroduction:Syntax refers to the set of rules that govern the structure and arrangement of words and phrases to form meaningful sentences in a language. It plays a crucial role in communication and helps us understand and convey information accurately. This document aims to provide an overview of syntax and its importance across various languages.1. Basic Syntax Rules:1.1 Word Order:Word order refers to the arrangement of words in a sentence. Different languages have different word orders, such as subject-verb-object (SVO) in English or subject-object-verb (SOV) in Japanese. Understanding the correct word order is essential for conveying the intended meaning in a sentence.1.2 Sentence Structure:A sentence typically consists of a subject and a predicate. The subject refers to the noun or pronoun that performs the action, and the predicate includes the verb and other elements that provide information about the subject. The structure and arrangement of these elements may vary depending on the language.1.3 Parts of Speech:Words in a sentence can be classified into different parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Each part of speech functions differently and has its own syntactic characteristics.2. Syntax in Different Languages:2.1 English Syntax:English syntax follows a subject-verb-object (SVO) word order. However, there are exceptions and variations to this rule, such as questions (where subject and verb order is inverted) or imperatives (where the subject is often omitted).2.2 Chinese Syntax:Chinese syntax follows a subject-predicate-object (SPO) or subject-object-verb (SOV) word order. The use of particles,measure words, and the absence of tense markers are some unique syntactic features of the Chinese language.2.3 German Syntax:German syntax follows a subject-verb-object (SVO) word order like English. However, the position of the verb in a sentence can change depending on various factors such as tense, mood, and sentence structure.3. Importance of Syntax:3.1 Clarity and Understanding:Syntax ensures that sentences are structured in a way that allows for clear and unambiguous communication. By following the syntax rules of a language, we can effectively convey our thoughts and ideas.3.2 Grammatical Correctness:Syntax helps us maintain grammatical correctness in our language usage. Adhering to the correct word order and sentence structure ensures that our communication is not only clear but also grammatically accurate.3.3 Stylistic Considerations:Different sentence structures and word arrangements can give a certain flow and rhythm to our writing or speech. Following the syntax rules allows us to create stylistically pleasing and impactful sentences.4. Common Syntax Errors:4.1 Incorrect Word Order:In languages with fixed word orders, placing words in the wrong position can change the meaning of a sentence or render it grammatically incorrect.4.2 Sentence Fragments:A sentence fragment occurs when a group of words is punctuated as a sentence but lacks a subject or a verb. This error can be fixed by revising the sentence to include all necessary components.4.3 Run-on Sentences:A run-on sentence occurs when two independent clauses are joined together without proper punctuation. This error can be corrected by using appropriate punctuation or breaking the sentence into multiple shorter sentences.5. Conclusion:Syntax is an essential aspect of language that helps us understand and communicate effectively. By following the rules of syntax, we can ensure clarity, grammatical correctness, and stylistic excellence in our writing and speech. Understanding the syntax of different languages allows us to appreciate the diversity and richness of human communication.。

SYNTAX 评分 计算方法(1)

SYNTAX 评分 计算方法(1)

SYNTAX 评分体系一、冠状动脉树注:1. 右冠状动脉近段11. 回旋支近段2. 右冠状动脉中段12. 中间支3. 右冠状动脉远段12a. 第一钝缘支4. 右冠-后降支12b. 第二钝缘支16. 右冠-后侧支13. 回旋支远段16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支14. 左后侧支16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支14a. 左后侧支a 16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支14b. 左后侧支b5. 左主干15. 回旋支-后降支6. 前降支近段7. 前降支中段8. 前降支心尖段9. 第一对角支9a. 第一对角支a10. 第二对角支10a. 第二对角支a二、各节段的权重因数冠脉节段右优势型冠脉左优势型冠脉1. 右冠状动脉近段 1 02. 右冠状动脉中段 1 03. 右冠状动脉远段 1 04. 右冠-后降支 1 /16. 右冠-后侧支0.5 /16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支0.5 /16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支0.5 /16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支0.5 /5. 左主干 5 66. 前降支近段 3.5 3.57. 前降支中段 2.5 2.58. 前降支心尖段 1 19. 第一对角支 1 19a. 第一对角支a 1 110. 第二对角支0.5 0.510a. 第二对角支a 0.5 0.511. 回旋支近段 1.5 2.512. 中间支 1 112a. 第一钝缘支 1 112b. 第二钝缘支 1 113. 回旋支远段0.5 1.514. 左后侧支0.5 114a. 左后侧支a 0.5 114b. 左后侧支b 0.5 115. 回旋支-后降支/ 1三、病变不良特征评分血管狭窄-完全闭塞×5-50-99%狭窄×2完全闭塞-大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥+1-钝型残端+1-桥侧枝+1-闭塞后的第一可见节段+1/每一不可见节段-边支-边支小于1.5mm +1三叉病变-1个病变节段+3-2个病变节段+4-3个病变节段+5-4个病变节段+6分叉病变-A、B、C型病变+1-E、D、F、G型病变+2-角度小于70°+1开口病变+1严重扭曲+2长度大于20mm +1严重钙化+2血栓+1弥漫病变/小血管病变+1/每一节段四、SYNTAX评分系统SYNTAX积分通过计算机程序计算得出。



ExercisesI.Multiple Choice1. __________ studies language change over time in contrast to looking at language as it is used at a given moment.A. Diachronic linguisticsB. Synchronic linguisticsC. Prescriptive linguisticsD. Comparative linguistics2. Of all the speech organs, the ______ is/are the most flexible.A. mouthB. lipsC. tongueD. vocal cords3. In terms of place of articulation, the following sounds [p], [b], [m] and [w]share the feature of ______.A. palatalB. alveolarC. bilabialD. dental4. A(n) ______ is a unit that is of distinctive value. It is an abstract unit, a collection of distinctive phonetic features.A. phoneB. soundC. allophoneD. phoneme5. Which of the following sound description is for [d]?A. voiced labiodental fricativeB. voiced alveolar stopC. voiceless labiodental fricativeD. voiceless alveolar stop6. What is the phonetic feature of the sound [u]?A. close back shortB. semi-close front shortC. semi-open central shortD. open front short7. Which of the following sentences contain a derivational affix?A. The cows escaped.B. It was raining.C. Those socks are inexpensive.D. She closed the book.8. The morp heme “ed” in the word “worked” is known as a(n) ______.A. derivational morphemeB. lexical morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. functional morpheme9. “en-” in “enlarge” is a(n) ______.A. derivational affixB. inflectional affixC. free rootD. bound root10. ______ is the smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or function.A. SyntaxB. GrammarC. MorphologyD. Morpheme11. Which of the following forms is possible word of English?A. sprokeB. bsarnC. mboodD. coofp12. Which pair of words below shows the relation of antonymy. ______A. flourish—thriveB. intelligent—stupidC. casual—informalD. flog—whip13. We call the relation between “furniture” and “wardr obe” as ______.A. hyponymyB. meronymyC. homophonyD. homonymy14. Most of the violations of the maxims of the CP give rise to ______.A. breakdown of conversationB. confusion of one’s intentionC. hostility between speakers and the listenersD. conversational implicatures15. In the phrase structure rule “S——>NP VP”, the arrow can be read equal toB.consists ofC.hasD.generates16. The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is ______.A. lexicalB. morphemeC. grammaticalD. semantic17. The pair of words “hot” and “cold” are ______.A. gradable antonymsB. relational antonymsC. complementary antonymsD. co-hyponyms18. Which pair of the following are complementary antonyms?A. alive / deadB. above / belowC. poor / richD. doctor / patient19. What is the relation between the pair of sentences:He likes seafood.He likes crabsA. synonymyB. inconsistencyC. entailmentD. presupposition20. Which pair of the following are homographs?A. piece n. / peace n.B. tear v. / tear n.C. fast adj. / fast v.D. flower n. / rose n.21. Which pair of the following are dialectal synonyms?A. lorry, truckB. kid, childC. collaborator, accompliceD. amaze, astound22. “Lift” and “elevator” form a pair of ______ synonyms.A. stylisticB. dialecticalC. collocationalD. connotative15. All syllables must have a ______.A. onsetB. codaC. nucleusD. consonant23. ______ studies language and speech as they are used at a given moment and not in terms of how they have evolved over time.A. Diachronic linguisticsB. Synchronic linguisticsC. Prescriptive linguisticsD. Comparative linguistics24. ______ deals with language application to other fields, particularly education.A. PsycholinguisticsB. SociolinguisticsC. Applied linguisticsD. Comparative linguistics25. Of the following sound combination, only ______ is permissible in English.A. iblkB. ilbkC. ilkbD. blik26. Which pair of words below shows the relation of synonymy. ______A. drunk—soberB. uncle—auntC. young—oldD. casual—informal27. The sense relationship between “He has been to France” and “He h as been to Europe” is ______.A. hyponymyB. antonymyC. presuppositionD. entailment28. In the phrase structure rule “NP—>(Det) N (PP)…”, the arrow can be readas______.A. is equal toB. branches intoC. transformsD. generates29. In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t][r][s][l][z][n] share the feature of ______.A. palatalB. alveolarC. bilabialD. dental30. Y’s utterance in the following conversa tion violates the maxim of ______.X: When is Su san’s farewell party?Y: Sometime next month.A.qualityB.quantityC.relationD.manner31. Of the three speech acts, linguists are most interested in the ______because this kind of speech act is identical with the speaker’s intention.A. locutionary actB. constative actC. perlocutionary actD. illocutionary act32. We call the relation between “vehicle” and “car” as ______.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. polysemyD. homonymy33. Which of the following pairs differs from the others in the sense relation? ______A. good, badB. long, shortC. big, smallD. innocent, guilty34. As far as manners of articulation are concerned, which of the followingdiffers from the others? ______A.[p]B. [b]C. [t]D. [f]35. Which pair of the following belong to meronymy?A. animal, tigerB. hand, fingerC. livestock, dogD. furniture, dresser36. “-En” in “blacken” is a(n) ______.A. derivational affixB. inflectional affixC. free rootD. bound root37. Transformational rules do not change the basic ______ of sentences.A. formB. structureC. meaningD. sound pattern38. According to Searle, those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called____.missivesB. directivesB.expressivesD. declaratives39. The illocutionary point of the____ is to express the psychological state specified in the utterance.A. declarationsB. expressivesmissivesD. directives40. Y’s utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of______.X: Who was that you were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. mannerII. Blank filling1.Productivityor___ refers to man’s linguistic ability which enables him to produceand understand an infinitely large number of sentences in our native language, including the sentences which were never heard before.2.Some antonyms are g radable_ because there are often intermediate forms betweenthe two members of a pair.3.Duality is the way meaningless elements of language at one level (sounds andletters) combine to form meaningful units (words) at another level.4.According to its position in the new word, affixes are divided into two kinds:prefixes and suffixes.5.Phonological rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular languageare called sequential rules.6.Root_ constitutes the core of the word and carries the major component of itsmeaning.7.A suffix is added to the end of stems to modify the meaning of the original wordand it may change its part of speech.8.In terms of morphemic analysis, derivation can be viewed as the addition ofaffixes to stems to form new words.9.Some morphemes cannot normally stand alone, but function only as parts ofwords, e.g. –s, -er, -ed and –ing, which are called bound______ morphemes. 10.When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the wordin isolation, they are collectively known as intonation.nuguge _is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for humancommunication.12.Saussure put forward two important concepts. Langue_ refers to the abstractlinguistic system shared by all members of a speech community.13.Broad transcription is normally used in dictionary and teachingtextbooks for general purposes.14.The root _ constitutes the core of the word and carries the majorcomponent of its meaning.15.Prefixes modify the meaning of the stem, but usually do not change thepart of speech of the original word.16. Displacement is a design feature of human language that enables speakersto talk about a wide range of things, free from barriers caused by separation in time and space.17. An independent unit of meaning that can be used freely by itself is calleda free _ morpheme.18.Clear [l] and dark [l] are allophones of the same one phoneme /l/. They nevertake the same position in sound combinations; thus they are said to be incomplementary distribution.19.Stem is the base to which one or more affixes are attached to create amore complex form that may be another stem or a word.20.Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language.21.The two sounds [p] and [p h] are in complementary distribution, and they areknown as allophones of the phoneme /p/.22. _Syntax_______ is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combinedto form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences.23. Cooperative Principle (CP) is proposed by Paul Grice .24. “Words are names or labels for things.” This view is called naming theory insemantic studies.25. The sentence “My unmarried sister is married to a bachelor” is a contradition.III. True or false questions.( T ) 1. “Where did he buy the beer” presupposes “He bought the beer”.( F) 2. Sense and reference are the same aspects of meaning.( F ) 3. A wor d’s category can be told straightforward from its meaning.( T ) 4. The smallest meaningful units that can be used freely all by themselves are free morphemes.(T ) 5. The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is grammatical.( T ) 6. “The student’’ in the sentence ‘The student liked the linguistic lecture” and “The linguistic lecture” in the sentence “The linguistic lecture liked thestudent” belong to the same syntactic category.( F ) 7. Compounds with a preposition are in the category of the prepositional part of the compound.(T ) 8. Like other phrases, Infl takes an NP as its specifier and a VP category as its complement.( T ) 9. Linguistic context is concerned with the probability of words or expressions co-occurring or collocating with each other.( T ) 10. When the two words are in the same grammatical category, the compound will be in this category.( F ) 11. Linguistics is the course of language.( F ) 12.In the history of any language the writing system always came into beingbefore the spoken form.( T ) 13. Articulatory phonetics is concerned about how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds.( F ) 14. Language system is genetically transmitted.( T) 15. Phonology is the study of the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables.(T) 16. Sentences are not formed by randomly combining lexical items, but by following a set of syntactic rules that arrange linguistic elements in aparticular order.( T) 17. Stress has two main semantic functions: distinguish between two words and emphasize the syllable or word.( T) 18. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are closed class words.( T) 19. Linguistic forms with the same reference might differ in sense.(T) 20. The more commonly used a word is, the more likely it has acquired more than one meaning.( T ) 21. Utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the Abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication or simply incontext.( F ) 22.Inviting, suggesting, warning, ordering are instances of commissives.( T ) 23. When performing an illocutionary act of representative, the speaker is making a statement or giving a description which he himself believes to betrue.(T) 24. Coordination refers top the process or result of linking linguistic units so that they have different syntactic status, one being dependent upon the other, and usually a constituent of the other.(T ) 25. Traditionally,sentence is the minimum part of language that express meaning.。



syntax组句一、“syntax”的中文翻译及英语解释1. 中文翻译- “syntax”的中文是“句法;语法结构;语句结构”。

2. 英语解释- Syntax refers to the rules and principles that govern the structure of sentences in a language. It determines how words are combined to form phrases, clauses, and ultimately complete sentences. For example, in English, the basic word order in a simple declarative sentence is usually subject - verb - object (SVO). So, a correct sentence like “I love apples” follows this syntax, where “I” is the subject, “love” is the verb, and “apples” is the object.二、运用“syntax”组句的情况及10个例子1. 描写客观事实或陈述观点时- Example 1: She reads books every day. (Subject - Verb - Object structure. Here “She” is the subject who performs the action of “reads”, and “books” is the object of the action. This simple sentence structure is used to state a habitual action.)- Example 2: They like music. (Subject - Verb - Object. “They” is the subject, “like” is the verb expressing preference, and “music” is the object of that preference.)2. 描述动作的发生顺序时- Example 3: First, he wakes up, then he brushes his teeth. (Here, we use a sequence of simple sentences following the subject - verb - object syntax. “He” is the subject in both sentences, and “wakes up” and “brushes” are the verbs respectively. This shows the order of actions.) - Example 4: After she finishes her work, she goes home. (The main clauses “she goes home” follows the SVO syntax. The sub - clause “After she finishes her work” also has a proper syntax with “she” as the subject, “finishes” as the verb, and “her work” as the ob ject. This is used to show the time sequence of events.)3. 进行人物或事物的特征描述时- Example 5: The dog is big and friendly. (Subject - Verb - Complement. “The dog” is the subject, “is” is the verb, and “big and friendly” is the complement, which describes the c haracteristics of the dog. This syntax is used to give details about the subject.)- Example 6: My sister is smart. (Subject - Verb - Complement. “My sister” is the subject, “is” is the linking verb, and “smart” is the complement that describes the quality of the sister.)4. 表达存在关系时- Example 7: There are many flowers in the garden. (The “there be” structure is a special syntax in English to express existence. “There” is the dummy subject, “are” is the verb, and “many flowers” is the real subject. “In the garden” is the prepositional phrase indicating the location.)- Example 8: There is a book on the table. (Similar to the above, “There” is the dummy subject, “is” is the verb, “a book” is the real subject, and “on the table” is the prepositional phrase showing the loc ation.)5. 构建复合句时(以状语从句为例)- Example 9: When it rains, the ground gets wet. (The “When it rains” is an adverbial clause of time, following the subject - verb syntax with “it” as the subject and “rains” as the verb. The main clause “the ground gets wet” also fol lows the subject - verb - complement syntax. This is used to show the causal relationship between the two events.)- Example 10: Because he is ill, he doesn't go to school. (The “Because he is ill” is an adverbial clause of reason, with “he” as the subj ect, “is” as the verb, and “ill” as the complement. The main clause “he doesn't go to school” follows the subject - verb - object - adverbial structure. This is used to explain the reason for the action in the main clause.)三、个人观点Syntax is of fundamental importance in language learning and communication. A correct understanding and application of syntax rules allow us to form clear, accurate, and effective sentences. It serves as the backbone of language construction, enabling speakers and writers to convey their intended meanings precisely. Moreover, different languages may have different syntactic structures, and learning the syntax of a foreign language can help us gain deeper insights into the way that languagefunctions and the cultural background it reflects. However, while syntax provides the framework, it should not be overly rigidly adhered to in creative writing or in some forms of informal communication, where a certain degree of flexibility can add expressiveness and uniqueness to the language use.。



specifier + head + complement
标志语 中心语 补足语
specifiers 4.4.2. complements 4.4.3. modifiers

1. Semantically, specifiers make more precise the meaning of the head; syntactically, they typically mark a phrase boundary.

The most central categories to the syntactic study are the word-level categories. (traditionally, parts of speech)
1. How many word classes do you know about? ① traditional categories: n., v., adj., adv., prep., conj., aux., pronoun…. ② non-traditional categories: determiner (Det限定词),
XP rule
X head XP → (specifier) X (complement) a. XP (specifier) X b. X X (complement) XP phrase level X X (head)
X theory
intermediate level
phrase structure rule: the grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase.



英语语法术语中英文对照词性partofspeech1.名词noun1)专有名词propernoun2)普通名词commonnoun3)可数名词countablenoun4)不可数名词uncountablenoun5)抽象名词abstractnoun6)具体名词concretenoun7)物质名词materialnoun8)集体名词collectivenoun9)个体名词individualnoun2.动词verb1)及物动词transitiveverb2)不及物动词intransitiveverb3)限定动词finiteverbform4)非限定动词non-finiteverbform5)主动词mainverb6)系动词linkverb7)助动词auxiliaryverb8)情态动词modalverb9)规则动词regularverb10)不规则动词irregularverb11)短语动词phrasalverb12)限定动词finiteverb13)非限定动词infiniteverb14)使役动词causativeverb15)感官动词verbofsenses16)动态动词eventverb17)静态动词stageverb3.形容词adjective4.副词adverb1)方式副词adverbofmanner2)程度副词adverbofdegree3)时间副词adverboftime4)地点副词adverbofplace5)修饰性副词adjunct6)连接性副词conjunct7)疑问副词interrogativeadverb8)关系副词relativeadverb5.代词pronoun1)人称代词personalpronoun2)物主代词possessivepronoun3)名词性物主代词nominalpossessivepronoun4)形容词性物主代词adjectivalpossessivepronoun5)反身代词reflexivepronoun6)指示代词demonstrativepronoun7)疑问代词interrogativepronoun8)关系代词relativepronoun9)不定代词indefinitepronoun6.冠词article1)定冠词definitearticle2)不定冠词indefinitearticle7.数词numeral1)基数词cardinalnumeral2)序数词ordinalnumeral8.介词preposition9.连词conjunction10.感叹词exclamation 一、数/格/性number/case/gender1.数number1)单数形式singularform2)复数形式pluralform3)规则形式regularform4)不规则形式irregularform2.格case1)普通格moncase2)所有格possessivecase3)主格nominativecase4)宾格objectivecase3.性gender1)阴性feminine2)阳性masculine3)中性neuter4)通性mon4.人称person1)第一人称firstperson2)第二人称secondperson3)第三人称thirdperson二、句子成分membe rsofsentences1.主语subject2.谓语predicate3.表语predicative4.宾语object1)双宾语dualobject2)直接宾语dir ectobject3)间接宾语indirectobject4)复合宾语complexobject5)同源宾语cognateobject5.定语attribute6.状语adverbial7.同位语appositive8.补语complement1)主语补足语subjectcomplement2)宾语补足语objectplement三、句子sentence(基本句型basicsentencepattern)1.简单句simplesentence2.并列句compoundsentence3.复合句plexsentence4.并列复合句compoundcomplexsentence5.陈述句declarativesentence6.存在句existentialsentence7.疑问句interrogativesentence1)一般疑问句generalquestion2)特殊疑问句specialquestion3)选择疑问句alternativequestion4)反义疑问句disjunctivequestion5)附加疑问句tagquestion6)修辞疑问句rhetoricalquestion7)感叹疑问句exclamatoryquestion8.肯定句positivesent ence9.否定句negativesentence10.祈使句imperativesentence11.省略句ellipticalsentence12.感叹句exclamatorysentence四、语气/语态/语序mood/voice/order1.语气mood1)陈述语气indicativem ood2)祈使语气imperativemood3)虚拟语气subjunctivemood2.语态v oice1)主动语态activevoice2)被动语态passivevoice3.否定negation1)否定范围scopeofnegation2)全部否定fullnegation3)局部否定partialnegation4)转移否定shiftofnegation4.语序order1)自然语序naturalorder2)倒装语序inversioni.全部倒装fullinvers ionii.部分倒装partialinversion3)直接引语directspeech4)间接引语indirectspeech5)自由直接引语freedirectspeech6)自由间接引语freeindirectspeech5.一致agreement1)主谓一致subject-predicateagreement2)语法一致grammaticalagreement3)概念一致notionalagreement4)就近原则principleofproximity5)强调emphasis6)重复repetition6.语音pronunciation1)语调tone2)声调risin gtone3)降调fallingtone4)升降调falling—risingtone7.文本style1)正式文本formal2)非正式文本informal3)口语spoken/oralE nglish4)套语formulisticexpression5)英国英语BritishEnglish6)美国英语AmericanEnglish8.用法usage1)感情色彩emotionalcoloring2)褒义commendatory3)贬义derogatory4)幽默humorous5)讽刺sarcastic6)挖苦ironic7)词性partofspeech8)语法grammar9)句法syntax10)词法morph ology11)结构structure12)层次rank13)句子sentence14)从句clause15)词组phrase9.词类partofspeech1)单词word2)实词notionalword3)虚词structuralword4)单纯词simpleword5)派生词derivativ e6)复合词pound10.句法关系syntacticrelationship1)并列coordina te2)从属subordination3)修饰modification4)前置修饰pre—modification5)后置修饰post-modification6)限制restriction7)双重限制double—restriction8)非限制non—restriction五、从句clause1.从属句subordinateclause2.并列句coordinateclause3.名词性从句nominalclause1)主语从句subjectclause2)表语从句predicativeclause3)宾语从句objectclause4)同位语从句appositiveclause4.定语从句attributiveclause5.宾语从句objectclause6.主语从句subjectclause7.同位语从句appositiveclause8.状语从句adverbialclause1)时间状语从句adverbialclauseoftime2)地点状语从句adverbialclauseofplace3)方式状语从句adverbialclauseofmanner4)让步状语从句adverbialclauseofconcession5)原因状语从句adverbialclauseofcause6)结果状语从句adverbialclauseofresult7)目得状语从句adverbialclauseofpurpose8)条件状语从句adverbialclauseofconditioni.真实条件状语从句adverbialclauseofrealconditionii.非真实条件状语从句adverbialclauseofunrealconditioniii.含蓄条件句adverbialclauseofimpliedconditioniv.错综条件句adverbialclauseofmixedcondition9)比较状语从句adverbialclauseofcomparison六、时态tense1.现在时presenttense1)一般现在时presentsimpletense2)现在进行时presentcontinuoustense3)现在完成时presentperfecttense4)现在完成进行时presentperfectcontinuoustense2.过去时pasttense1)一般过去时pastsimpletense2)过去进行时pastcontinuoustense3)过去完成时pastperfecttense4)过去完成进行时pastperfectcontinuoustense3.将来时futureten se1)一般将来时futuresimpletense2)将来进行时futurecontinuoustense3)将来完成时futureperfecttense4)将来完成进行时futureperfectcontinuoustense4.其她1)一般过去将来时pastfuturetense2)过去将来进行时pastfuturecontinuoustense3)过去将来完成时pastf utureperfecttense4)过去将来完成进行时pastfutureperfectcontinuoustense。



词性part of speech1.名词noun1)专有名词proper noun2)普通名词common noun3)可数名词countable noun4)不可数名词uncountable noun5)抽象名词abstract noun6)具体名词concrete noun7)物质名词material noun8)集体名词collective noun9)个体名词individual noun2.动词verb1)及物动词transitive verb2)不及物动词intransitive verb3)限定动词finite verb form4)非限定动词non-finite verb form5)主动词main verb6)系动词link verb7)助动词auxiliary verb8)情态动词modal verb9)规则动词regular verb10)不规则动词irregular verb11)短语动词phrasal verb12)限定动词finite verb13)非限定动词infinite verb14)使役动词causative verb15)感官动词verb of senses16)动态动词event verb17)静态动词stage verb3.形容词adjective4.副词adverb1)方式副词adverb of manner2)程度副词adverb of degree3)时间副词adverb of time4)地点副词adverb of place5)修饰性副词adjunct6)连接性副词conjunct7)疑问副词interrogative adverb8)关系副词relative adverb5.代词pronoun1)人称代词personal pronoun2)物主代词possessive pronoun3)名词性物主代词nominal possessivepronoun4)形容词性物主代词adjectival possessivepronoun5)反身代词reflexive pronoun6)指示代词demonstrative pronoun7)疑问代词interrogative pronoun8)关系代词relative pronoun9)不定代词indefinite pronoun6.冠词article1)定冠词definite article2)不定冠词indefinite article7.数词numeral1)基数词cardinal numeral2)序数词ordinal numeral8.介词preposition9.连词conjunction10.感叹词exclamation一、数/格/性number/case/gender1.数number1)单数形式singular form2)复数形式plural form3)规则形式regular form4)不规则形式irregular form 2.格case1)普通格common case2)所有格possessive case3)主格nominative case4)宾格objective case 3.性gender1)阴性feminine2)阳性masculine3)中性neuter4)通性common4.人称person1)第一人称first person2)第二人称second person3)第三人称third person二、句子成分members of sentences1.主语subject2.谓语predicate3.表语predicative4.宾语object1)双宾语dual object2)直接宾语direct object3)间接宾语indirect object4)复合宾语complex object5)同源宾语cognate object 5.定语attribute6.状语adverbial7.同位语appositive8.补语complement1)主语补足语subject complement2)宾语补足语object complement三、句子sentence (基本句型basic sentence pattern)1.简单句simple sentence2.并列句compound sentence3.复合句complex sentence4.并列复合句compound complexsentence5.陈述句declarative sentence6.存在句existential sentence7.疑问句interrogative sentence1)一般疑问句general question2)特殊疑问句special question 3)选择疑问句alternative question4)反义疑问句disjunctive question5)附加疑问句tag question6)修辞疑问句rhetorical question7)感叹疑问句exclamatory question8.肯定句positive sentence9.否定句negative sentence10.祈使句imperative sentence11.省略句elliptical sentence12.感叹句exclamatory sentence四、语气/语态/语序mood/voice/order1.语气mood1)陈述语气indicative mood2)祈使语气imperative mood3)虚拟语气subjunctive mood2.语态voice1)主动语态active voice2)被动语态passive voice3.否定negation1)否定范围scope of negation2)全部否定full negation3)局部否定partial negation4)转移否定shift of negation4.语序order1)自然语序natural order2)倒装语序inversioni.全部倒装full inversionii.部分倒装partial inversion3)直接引语direct speech4)间接引语indirect speech5)自由直接引语free direct speech6)自由间接引语free indirect speech 5.一致agreement1)主谓一致subject-predicate agreement 2)语法一致grammatical agreement3)概念一致notional agreement4)就近原则principle of proximity5)强调emphasis6)重复repetition6.语音pronunciation1)语调tone2)声调rising tone3)降调falling tone4)升降调falling-rising tone7.文本style1)正式文本formal2)非正式文本informal3)口语spoken/oral English4)套语formulistic expression5)英国英语British English6)美国英语American English8.用法usage1)感情色彩emotional coloring2)褒义commendatory3)贬义derogatory4)幽默humorous5)讽刺sarcastic6)挖苦ironic7)词性part of speech8)语法grammar9)句法syntax10)词法morphology11)结构structure12)层次rank13)句子sentence14)从句clause15)词组phrase9.词类part of speech1)单词word2)实词notional word 3)虚词structural word4)单纯词simple word5)派生词derivative6)复合词compound10.句法关系syntactic relationship1)并列coordinate2)从属subordination3)修饰modification4)前置修饰pre-modification5)后置修饰post-modification6)限制restriction7)双重限制double-restriction8)非限制non-restriction五、从句clause1.从属句subordinate clause2.并列句coordinate clause3.名词性从句nominal clause1)主语从句subject clause2)表语从句predicative clause3)宾语从句object clause4)同位语从句appositive clause4.定语从句attributive clause5.宾语从句object clause6.主语从句subject clause7.同位语从句appositive clause8.状语从句adverbial clause1)时间状语从句adverbial clause of time2)地点状语从句adverbial clause of place3)方式状语从句adverbial clause ofmanner4)让步状语从句adverbial clause ofconcession5)原因状语从句adverbial clause of cause6)结果状语从句adverbial clause of result7)目的状语从句adverbial clause ofpurpose8)条件状语从句adverbial clause ofconditioni.真实条件状语从句adverbialclause of real conditionii.非真实条件状语从句adverbialclause of unreal conditioniii.含蓄条件句adverbial clause ofimplied conditioniv.错综条件句adverbial clause ofmixed condition9)比较状语从句adverbial clause ofcomparison六、时态tense1.现在时present tense1)一般现在时present simple tense2)现在进行时present continuous tense3)现在完成时present perfect tense4)现在完成进行时present perfectcontinuous tense2.过去时past tense1)一般过去时past simple tense2)过去进行时past continuous tense3)过去完成时past perfect tense 4)过去完成进行时past perfect continuoustense3.将来时future tense1)一般将来时future simple tense2)将来进行时future continuous tense3)将来完成时future perfect tense4)将来完成进行时future perfectcontinuous tense4.其他1)一般过去将来时past future tense2)过去将来进行时past future continuoustense3)过去将来完成时past future perfecttense4)过去将来完成进行时past future perfectcontinuous tense。



• Finite T can assign case • Infinite T can’t assign case.
Байду номын сангаас
• (13) She was kissed. • (14)*She was kissed him. • (15)* it was kissed her.
• • • • • • • Checking Theory: All features must be checked he is [masculine] [present] [3rd person] [3rd person] [sigular] [sigular] [nominative] [nominative]
• (3) [John seems [to leave]]. • (4) It seems that John will leave. • (5) seem
proposition j
• (6) [__seems [John to leave]] • (7) [John seems [t to leave]]
NP/DP Movement
Locality Condition(区域性条件)
• (1) John left. • John left his wife. • (2) * I want John that left. • * John thinks that left.
• The Locality condition on the theta role assignment: “Theta roles must be assigned within the same clause as the predicate that assigns them.”
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• Must be in same clause
• *[I want Bradleyi [that left]] • *Johni thinks [that left]
Locality Condition on Theta Roles
• Theta roles must be assigned within the clause same clause as the predicate that assigns them.
• John is eager [PRO to leave]
Summary of Raising
• Some NPs appear to be displaced from their theta assigners.
• This is caused by raising. • Motivated by Case
is A’
Finite: so can assign nominative case to John
likea case assigner
John T’
to VP
can’t get case here
Raising vs. PRO
• non-finite Infl can’t assign case • NP moves to specifier of finite INFL
• Not all NP V [ ___ to leave] constructions are raising. Some involve PRO. it depends upon the theta properties of the main verb.
Proposition j
it is likely [CP that john will leave ]
No theta role on the subject of ‘is likely’
In the wrong place!
• John is likely to leave
• John is theta marked by leave, but appears in the subject position of is likely, in violation of the locality constraint.
NP Movement
Passives, Raising: When NPs are not in their theta positions.
Locality restriction on theta roles
• Leave
agent i • Adrian left • Jo left her pencil • *it left (where it is an expletive)
A Problem
• [Johni is likely [ to leave]]. • John is the subject of is likely. • Is it theta marked by is likely????
– NO! (cf. it is like that John left)
likely C’
Ø John T’ to VP
This is called Raising
• Well one thing we can observe, is the EPP holds. (the requirement that every sentence have a subject). The NP John moves to satisfy this requirement.
• It is theta marked by leave!!! • But it isn’t in the same clause! Yikes!
is likely
– [[That John will leave]j is likely ] – It is likely [that John will leave]j
– Nominative case is assigned in the specifier of finite TP (note: FINITE)
– Accusative case is assigned as the sister to the verb.
• These are the only two places you can get case
• John is likely to leave • John is eager to leave
– John gets a theta role from leave – John also gets a theta role from is eager!
(agent) – Violation of Theta Criterion???
• The NP [John] is displaced from its theta position.
is A’
John gets its theta role in the specifier of the lower TP, but moves to the specifier of the higher TP.
• This doesn’t account for examples like
– *John is likely [that left].
Case Theory
• Case is a licenser. In order for the sentence to be grammatical, an NP must get case
The Case Filter
• The case filter (a constraint that filters trees)
– All NPs must be in case positions (spec,TP or sister to V)
moves to get case in this position